#love the 'like usual'. as if keiji has done this before
dailykeiji · 7 months
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today's keiji is: arms for protecting
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ququb444hm · 7 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 31 / old man ☆
important note!! there is the implication of a panic attack in this part so if that makes u uncomfortable, please do not continue reading! i am sorry in advance if i offend anyone by the way i write out the panic attack. i have not experienced one before and am basing the information solely on research i have done beforehand as well as the experiences of my friends. and for anyone who has experienced a panic attack, U R ONE OF THE STRONGEST PEOPLE EVER!
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“geez, the school needs to start providing free umbrellas or something!” coach ukai exclaimed. he stared at his two players and team manager– tetsu, kozume, and yn were all dripping wet and shivering from the intense weather. “we’re ending practice a bit early so just grab a towel and dry yourselves up a bit or go take a quick shower in the locker room so you at least don’t catch a cold before the game next week.”
“yes, coach.” the three nodded, quickly making their way to the showers.
“yn!” mori called out, running up to his friend with a hoodie in hand. “change into this after so you’re not cold.”
yn eyed the material, smirking once she realized who it belonged to. “did rinnie give this to you?” she mused, “ohoho, so are you guys talking or what?”
“oh shut up, go take a shower. you smell like wet dog.” mori grumbled, shoving the hoodie into yn’s arms. yn giggled, thanking mori before heading into the girls locker room.
(note: guys.. i don’t actually ship mori n rin LOL js a disclaimer bc ik (or im pretty sure) they like haven’t met in the actual series…? they’re more of a sub-plot like cece n tetsu bc i love side character lore! anyways back to the storyyy)
once yn was done freshening up, she joined coach ukai and mr. takeda on the bleachers to talk about the game. "the team is looking good," coach examined. he watched as the players went up against each other in a quick match. "i just don't know what to do about kozume and keiji." he rubbed the back of his neck, deep in thought as he analyzed the papers yn gave him last practice.
"what do you mean?" yn asked. she didn't recall writing anything weird about the two.
coach ukai shrugged. "maybe it's because i've known these kids since they were freshmen, but something just feels off between the two. i compared your notes from the beginning of the semester to last week, and there's a slight decline in their abilities."
yn furrowed her brows, taking the papers from coach ukai to see the difference herself. "a decline?" her eyes scanned the data and much to her surprise, he was right. kozume's agility went down by 2.5% and keiji's been struggling to successfully set the ball up for kou which puts the team at a big disadvantage since kou is normally always on the court and has the most trust in keiji to send him the ball.
(note again: idk what i js pulled out of my ass w this one >o< i don’t play volley but wtvr! :3)
"speaking of kozume and keiji, where are they?" mr. takeda piped up. tetsurou finished showering at the same time as yn and was currently talking to a few members, assumingly giving them tips for next week, but kozume was still nowhere to be seen. there couldn’t have been only one working shower right? 
"bokuto!" coach ukai called out, "where's your setter?"
"uhh-" kou looked around, "not on the court, coach!"
keishin groaned. "well, obviously.."
"keiji is in the locker room, pretty sure.” kei answered instead. he heard the setter excuse himself to grab something in the locker room, but what would he need in there when they usually dropped their things off on the bleachers? the middle blocker shrugged it off, not caring too much about his upperclassman.
“uhm i think kozume is also still in there.” shoyou added. his eyes met yn’s, both of them starting to feel a bit uneasy after talking about the two last night. “do you want me to go grab them?” keishin sighed, motioning for shoyou to retrieve the two missing players.
as shoyou neared the red-painted metal doors, his ears picked up keiji’s voice. he sounded annoyed. really annoyed. “you can’t be seriously telling me you won’t leave yn alone, right? right? kozume c’mon,” keiji laughed in mockery, his voice was getting a bit louder, but not loud enough to reach the ears of the other people on the other side of the gym. “you’re just going to keep hurting her. she doesn’t deserve that. you don’t deserve her.”
“like you have any place to talk,” kozume barked back. though not as aggravated as keiji, kozume was firm with his words. “you made yn feel unimportant the whole time the two of you were in a relationship. you were the one who had an interest in her first, yet you barely took the time to show any effort. you couldn’t even go to one of the most important events in her life! she worked so hard, she always does, for the annual art exhibition, but you forgot about it.”
“i had an important meeting that day-” keiji tried to reason.
kozume only scoffed. “oh please.”
“okay. fine.” shoyou could hear heavy footsteps. keiji was corning kozume into the lockers. he pressed an accusing finger against his chest. “missing the art exhibition was a dick move, but am i the one who’s going for their friend’s ex? am i the one who would publicly reject yn, yet give her mixed signals behind closed doors, continuously confusing her and manipulating her feelings? am i the one who can’t make up his mind, slowly declining yn’s mental and emotional well-being? no, kozume, i’m not. you are. know your place. yn doesn’t need you.”
it was quiet for a few seconds before shoyou could hear keiji’s footsteps walking toward the door he was pressing his ear against. in a quick panic, the ginger hid behind a nearby scoreboard until he saw keiji far enough to where he wouldn’t see the worried sophomore slip into the locker room.
“kozume!” shoyou cried out. the blond was in a fetal position on the floor against the lockers. he rocked back and forth, the frantic movement almost causing him to hit his head against the hard metal. his breathing was short and unstable, almost like he was choking. it was even more difficult to breathe due to his strained cries. the state of his close friend made shoyou sick to his stomach, his body trembled, not knowing what to do. “what- whats happening?!” he tried to prevent kozume from accidentally injuring himself, but once his hand made contact with kozume’s shoulder, the blond slapped his hand away.
“don’t touch me!” he cried out. his eyes grew in panic, everything around him was overwhelming him past his limit.
shoyou fell back at the sudden impact, “kozume-”
“i’m sorry,” kozume dug his head back into his arms. “i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry-” he repeated the same words over and over again, each apology more desperate than the last. ‘i hit shoyou? why did i hit shoyou?’ “i didn’t mean it- i didn’t i-” his voice was restless, saying the same thing over and over as his mind grew louder by the second. ‘i hurt shoyou. i hurt yn. i can’t stop. i don’t know what to do. i can’t stop. it hurts. everything hurts. i hurt yn. my heart wont shut up. it’s so loud. everything is so loud. please shut up. please shut up. shut up. shut up. shut up-’
“kozume i don’t know what to do!” shoyou sobbed. the situation was getting to much for him, he needed to call someone for help. “i’m going to get yn, she’ll know what to do-”
“SHUT UP.” shoyou stopped in his tracks, body cold at the sudden yell. kozume’s head jerked up at his own words, disbelief written across his face. was he the one who yelled that? “please don’t get yn. please- shoyou please.” he was tirelessly begging. tears constructing his vision enough to not even know if shoyou was opening the door or not. “please. please don’t call yn. i don’t- she can’t know. please. i’m sorry i yelled. i’m sorry- just. just- don’t move.”
shoyou slowly removed his hand from the door handle. his movements were slow, scared that he might suddenly alarm kozume again. he squeezed his eyes shut, breathing long and slow to calm his nerves so that he could at least provide some sort of ease to kozume. “okay…” he whispered, slowly opening his eyes. shoyou bent down to kozume’s level, leaving a foot of space between them as he tried to calm the blond’s nerves as he just did his own. “it’s okay koz. it’s okay.” continuing the breathing exercise he was previously doing, shoyou used his hands to motion each inhale, each hold of breath, and each exhale. 
“i’m sorry.” kozume murmured, unable to meet shoyou’s gaze. he was slowly regaining stable breathing, the pain in his chest diminishing. 
“don’t apologize!” shoyou scolded. “i’m the one who should say sorry, kozume.” the ginger choked back his tears, refraining from overwhelming his friend. “i didn’t know what to do and i couldn’t help you..”
kozume shook his head, “you did help, sho. thank you.” a small smile graced his features, reassuring his friend.
the two sat in silence for a few minutes until shoyou decided to let his curiosity flow free. “kozume, can i ask you something?” the blonde nodded. “what's happening between you and keiji? and why can’t yn know about this? why are you hiding it from her?”
kozume let out a weak laugh. “that’s more than just a something.” 
“sorry, i just don’t get it!” shoyou whined. “yn likes you, a lot, and i thought you really like yn too. so why are u letting keiji get in the way and talk you down like that? why are you so afraid of letting yourself be happy?”
the familiar question rang through kozume’s mind. a previous conversation from tetsurou suddenly resurfacing.
“are you afraid of letting yourself be happy or something? look, i’m not saying you should’ve prevented keiji from asking yn out, but you’ve liked my sister since what? the second grade? and you just let some new guy sweep her off her feet? that’s just crazy, man! i know for a fact that he could never have the same connection you and her have, trust me, i’m like psychic or something. i know you’re the better person–- the only person, actually, for yn.” 
“it’s not that…” kozume groaned. “i’m afraid that…if yn and i do become something more than what we are now, i’ll disappoint her more than i already do. what if, once we start dating, she realizes she doesn’t actually like me?”
shoyou frowned. keiji’s words were dug deep into kozume’s heart. nothing he could say, no amount of reassurance could ever directly change kozume’s mindset. it needed to come from her–
knock. knock. knock. 
“sho? kozume? are you guys okay? i- uhm we’re getting worried…you two have been in there for a long time, is everything okay?”
there she was. the only person who could dissolve all of keiji’s cruel words from kozume’s distraught soul. 
“sorry, we’ll be out in a sec, nn!” shoyou called out. he reached a hand out for kozume to take. “are you okay to go outside?”
the blonde took a deep breath. “we have a game next week, don’t we?” he placed his hand on shoyou’s, pulling himself up.
the two opened the door to reveal yn’s big doe eyes brimming with concern. “what happened? did you lose your towel? was the water too cold?” she enveloped kozume’s hands into her own, feeling the difference in temperature. “if you didn’t have any warm water, you should’ve told us! taking a cold shower after being soaked in the rain isn’t good for you!” 
“hey!” coach ukai irked, already frustrated that kozume would only have less than an hour to practice. “stop feeling the boy up and let him get his ass to work!”
yn’s eye twitched at the suggestive assumption. she quipped her head at keishin and flipped him off. “shut up, old man!”
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part 30 sassy man apocalypse <- | masterlist | -> part 32 nipples in a twist
note(s): hnnghghghgrfijwfmgh next part is a text msg part
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @dani-shitting-around @whokillednyx @vernon-dursley @limaswife @sugawara-levi @sixxze @ryoiii @literally-a-ferret @444sunarin @llearlert @lloyd4x @usermins @2baddies-1porsche @vernon-dursley @lyzisbitchingagain @h3xi2g0n3 @l0v3do11 lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ
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aaesuki · 2 years
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you’re the best part
characters: hinata shoyo, bokuto koutaro, miya osamu, akaashi keiji, oikawa tooru
genre: headcanons, fluff, american high school au
cw/tw: none
summary: you transfer to a new school, thinking you’d continue your average life until your local high school heartthrobs take an interest in you.
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Y/N: Loser
Now, you’re not actually a loser
You’re a new student so you’re automatically placed into the loser category until further notice
However, at your previous school, you were categorized as a nerd because you joined the mathletes
You don’t think it’ll be any different at your new school, but several boys take interest in you
Hinata Shoyo: Loser
When you first met him, he definitely looked like a jock
He was bouncing off the walls just waiting to see the gym the volleyball team played in
He asked to exchange numbers when he realized you were a fellow new student at the principal’s office
He would occasionally check up on you through text
Unsurprisingly, his enthusiastic personality endears him to many people and before you know it, he looks like he’s been going to this school for years
Still, he doesn’t forget what you’ve done for him and always includes you in school festivals or parties
At the beginning of the school year, he would beg you to tutor him (not that your grades were particularly great)
Because you’ve been his house so many times through your study sessions, his sister has gotten familiar with you
He asked you to help him practice volleyball before the auditions
Still, you knew that he had friends that are much more athletic than you are
“Why do I ask you to practice with me? Because I like to spend time with you!”
Bokuto Koutaro: Jock
Unlike how jocks are usually portrayed in media, Bokuto is incredibly nice and caring
You accidentally bumped into him on your first day, but he just laughed it off
Upon noticing you looked a little lost, he led you to the principal’s office
Also exchanged numbers with you so you could text him when you had questions
However, when you did ask him something, he would always reply with “I don’t know” or “I’ll ask my friend”
He would ask you to go see his volleyball games and though you would always have a lot of homework, you would go anyways because you couldn’t stand his puppy eyes
He walks you home afterwards and consequently meets your parents
Needless to say, they love him
Definitely calls you pet names
Just like Hinata, everyone loves him because of his bright personality so he has a lot of connections
Though he doesn’t know much about classes and teachers, he does know where the best place to get food is
He’s the type of person that has a good future ahead of him
Falls in love with you at first sight and tells you so after five weeks of knowing him
Though you would like to stick around, your people and his people just don’t mix
When you tell him that, he shakes his head resolutely
“No matter what you say, nothing will change the fact that I like you.”
Miya Osamu: Jock, Nerd
Sure, he’s a nerd but not in the traditional sense
He’s the president, founder, and one of two members of the cooking club
Therefore, when he begs you to join the club (or else it’ll be shut down) you have to agree
Plus, he’s been bribing you with onigiri
Though you certainly weren’t bad at cooking, you weren’t exactly a master chef either
So, Osamu had to teach you the basics of cooking
On a Wednesday afternoon, the club (or it’s only three members) were making spam musubi
Seeing that you were struggling with cutting up the spam, Osamu wrapped his arms around you to lead you through it
However, with his well-toned body pressing up your back and his warm hands caressing your own, you couldn’t focus on anything else
And as such, you need help every time when handling a knife which also results in him helping you and the cycle repeats
Even though you’d expect to have his fill of cooking during club meetings, he still makes little treats at home and always somehow ends up with extras
He would give them to you and soon enough, would invite you to each lunch with him and his friends
Embarrassingly, he feeds you with his own chopsticks and his friends tease the two of you for looking like a pair of newlyweds
“Oh, these? Yeah, I made extra. You can have some if you want it. Here, let me feed you.”
Akaashi Keiji: Nerd, Jock
He works in the library during his free period
The friend that Bokuto always asks when he doesn’t know the answer to your question
The first time you saw him was when you were trying to find a book for your class
After ten minutes of failing, you approached him at the counter
He smiled up at you and you swore your heart skipped a beat
He’s the quiet type of beauty – the type that doesn’t stand out initially but once you spend more time with him, you’re sure to fall in love with him
He noticed the book you wanted to borrow was the same one that he had on him at the time and offered to lend it to you or read it with you
So thus began your weekly trips to the library where you spent two hours reading with an incredibly handsome guy
When you don’t understand a part of the book, he explains it nicely and patiently
When you were drifting off, he could only gaze at you, admiring your sleepy face
After the two of you finished the book required for class, he recommends shoujo manga to you and subtly but not-so-subtly points out the romantic parts
When you found out he played volleyball, you were incredibly surprised
He looks so soft and smart that he didn’t look like the type to take an interest in sports
Out of courtesy (and as thanks for lending you the book), you go to visit him at one of his games
However, since you know every other guy on the volleyball team, they think you’re here for them until Akaashi speaks up
“You’re here for me, right? Thanks for putting up with me and my manga. If you don’t mind, could we meet more often?”
Oikawa Tooru: Jock, Prep, Not-so-nerdy Nerd
Ah yes, everyone’s campus crush
Everyone loves him and that includes teachers and the parents of the students
He’s athletic, beautiful, and smart so naturally everyone wants him
Well, ever since you became aware of his existence, you’ve avoided him and all the drama that came with knowing him to continue your very average and peaceful life
One day when you were cleaning up the volleyballs after practicing with Hinata, he spotted you outside of the gym
He assumed you were one of his fans and gave you an air kiss
When you crossed your arms in an X to tell him that you weren’t a fan, he was extremely confused
After all, what else would a person hanging outside of the gym want if not to watch their most popular member?
Then, he suddenly remembers that the volleyball club had recently put up posters looking for manager
However, most applicants had been rejected since they only joined to get closer to the boys
Mistakenly assuming you wanted to become a manager, he introduced you to his coach and his coach agreed without even looking at you
And because you became the manager of the popular volleyball team, you became the enemy of envious fans
Oikawa started following you everywhere and asked for backrubs, massages, and whatnot (to his fans’ jealously)
Traditionally on Valentine’s Day, Oikawa accepts all his fans’ chocolates out of politeness and fanservice
However, this Valentine’s Day, a rumor started circulating
Oikawa hasn’t accepted anyone’s chocolates and is supposedly waiting for a special person’s chocolates
Is extremely disappointed when you tell him you weren’t planning on giving anyone chocolates
He then tells you that you can make up for it by treating him to the café near the park (but he makes it sound like you owe him)
“Why would I want other people’s chocolates? The only ones I want are yours. You’re special to me, y’know?”
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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nsfw akaashi keiji headcannons
what's it? smut allergen warning/s? fem!reader [no pronouns mentioned], [only brief because these are just headcannons]: hints to masturbation, teasing, oral, hair pulling, body worship sugar level? 0.6k regulars? @hanayanetwork​
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♧ he's not the most experienced person out there. it comes as no surprise that the only people he sleeps with are his long-term partners. he just isn't comfortable being that intimate with a stranger. but that being said, he's still one of the most skilled because he's so interested in what makes people tick. he can observe his partner and figure out what they like pretty easily, he doesn't even have to consciously think about it, really.
♧ has a hidden box full of polaroid pictures of his partner nude which he uses when he's horny and they're not around. he took those photos and stores them under his bed with their consent, of course.
♧ quite iffy about doing more kinky things at first, but after a discussion with his partner and doing research into it that's just as thorough, he starts to like it.
♧ the one to bring condoms whenever he's with his partner. he's very responsible and reliable in all aspects of the word.
♧ a switch, but usually prefers being a bottom. if he's being the dom, he's a power bottom or a pleasure dom.
♧ very subtle when trying to tell his partner he wants to fuck whenever they're in public. he lets his hand linger on their thigh and whispers sweetheart, lets go home into their ear. normally, most people would not think anything of this, but there's a neediness in his eye that lets his partner know of what he wants.
♧ always cleans his partner up after and reminds them to go pee to reduce the likelihood of getting a urinary tract infection.
♧ always makes sure his partner cums. and on that topic, always makes sure his partner cums before him, whether that be with his mouth & tongue or with his dick. to him, it just feels weird when they don't.
♧ there are times when he read erotica before bed like it's a damn bedtime story.
♧ just like with everybody else, it took him a long time to find his groove during his first few times because knowing what his partner likes is an entirely different thing than being able to actually do it. however, he was a natural with his fingers and his mouth. can easily make his partner cum with it in less than fifteen minutes if he wanted to. likes prolonging the pleasure most of the time though.
♧ look, his partner could be sobbing and babbling incoherent things because of his mouth, rubbing themselves on his thigh, but unless they outright say they want him to fuck them, it is not happening. it doesn't matter that he can feel how wet they are, that there's a wet spot in their underwear that's starting to seep through his trousers as we speak. he still needs to hear those words.
♧ one time, his partner volunteered to give him head from under the table while he did his latest work and he said yes. he ended up getting nothing done aha. did get laid that night though so it's still a win for him.
♧ please do not pull on his hair in public. he Will moan.
♧ body worship! he loves it, either giving or receiving, preferably both. he loves kissing at every inch of his partner, especially at the part they're most insecure about and he loves being on the receiving end of all that loving too.
♧ hates quickies. he likes taking his time to savor the feeling of him and his partner at such an intimate state. he likes taking his time touching them, praising them, and making them feel good.
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fixa-ryeter · 1 year
you know what. thank you to @rovercat ‘s post (sorry for the ping, but i would like to express gratitude) for reminding me of the Mogami Arc essay (slightly loose term) i had written (turns out it was fully written already LMAO) and abandoned because i forgot about it
so here’s the thing in full. apologies for the lack of pictures and the over-abundance of words ,,,
okay.. i know i always throw around the fact that i love the Mogami arc so much and when people ask usually i’m like LMAO BECAUSE ANGST but genuinely? there’s another reason.
there’s just something about being pushed down to rock bottom and being on the brink of becoming what you think is the lowest of the low… and having your perception of morality altered from there.
like listen. Shigeo’s rule of Never Use Powers Against Others is set in soft stone by none other than Arataka Reigen, and it’s reinforced by the alleyway incident with ??? emerging and hurting Ritsu in the process. up until this point his entire theory of how to be a good person like Reigen told him to a few years ago is… do not use your powers. the only exception he’s made is for his brother and it was a pretty reasonable,,, yk,,, his brother got beat up and kidnapped,,, like i would excuse myself for that too.
but enter Keiji Mogami who Challenges that rule. Shigeo has been able to adhere to that rule in his reality because he’s surrounded by good people who will support and defend him, so he has no reason to do it himself with his powers… now Mogami’s world treats him to a whole 180° where he doesn’t have powers, but practically every single person there is such a goddamn piece of fucking shit toward him that he starts wishing he had the power to defend himself. to fight back. to teach them a lesson, even. and when Mogami grants him that power after 6 months of hell… like come on. he’s fourteen. of course he’s going to get influenced. and he did—he had already made the decision to hurt Asagiri. 
“What have I ever done to you? I don’t understand at all. But it’s okay if I don’t understand. It doesn’t matter…”
yeah i don’t know about you but to me that definitely sounds like a kid ready to succumb to using power 
but then comes Dimple, who snaps him out of it, and he never truly lays a finger on Asagiri… but he’d already made the decision that it would be okay to do that, before Dimple stepped in. Shigeo has already lost to Mogami…
not really.
Mogami thinks the world is abhorrent. he’s had his own spoonfuls of poison that give him this view: the world is full of malicious humans who do bad and get away with it, so why not punish them? they are the people who should suffer the negative consequences, and it’s not wrong to wield your power to give them those consequences. they deserve it. it’s necessary, essential to punish wrongdoers. he wants Shigeo, one of the most powerful espers in the series, to empathise with his view. and he does. Mogami influences Shigeo to hurt someone. But it’s Dimple that influences him not to carry through with it, and here’s what i really want to expand upon.
influence is a powerful thing, but it’s not about winning or losing to influence; to me, this arc is (at least partially) about what influences you. what shapes you to be the person you are? what experiences lead you to bad deeds? what events lead you to good actions?
Mogami and Shigeo have both touched on this; it’s partially up to luck to decide whether you’re surrounded with good or bad people, and whether you grow up with good or bad influences… and those will shape you as a person. you don’t put all the blame on a person for their actions, because there’s another question to ask after ‘are their actions good or bad?’—‘why do they do this?’
reality is chock full of these examples, big or small. as a child who had great expectations (Dickens!) put on him, i grew up to be a person conscious of my achievements and how others perceive me; many of my actions have the purpose of keeping up an impression i want to withhold of myself.
but let’s shrink back from reality to anime—Teruki Hanazawa, a boy unlucky enough to have absent parents who don’t give him the love he needs, abusing his powers for a perfect world where he is acknowledged, praised, worshipped. Katsuya Serizawa, a man unlucky enough to be given powers he doesn’t know how to control, shutting himself in his room until he is manipulated by Toichirou Suzuki and dragged out of his room to become a terrorist. Fuck it—Yusuke Sakurai, who never experienced the good of society as a young child, feeling the need to put himself in an organisation who claims to be above society, to take over the world because to absolute hell with a society who’s never treated him well. They’ve all got their backstories, the things that shaped them into what they became in their futures. And each of them were also influenced by others to become better versions of themselves: Teruki and Serizawa by Shigeo, and Sakurai by Reigen.
it’s easy to put the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ labels on people, but i think that the Mogami Arc is against doing this so simply. the ability to empathise with one’s environment and experiences is the most important thing here. it’s what Shigeo learns from how he has been influenced by the people around him, but ultimately, Mogami, someone who had managed to make him a ‘bad person’ who was willing to hurt, even if only for a short while. it’s also why i think that the Mogami Arc is integral to how the World Domination Arc played out—Shigeo empathises with Toichirou. he offers to be someone to talk to, and up until 100% Resignation, attempts again and again to make Toichirou see that there is a way out of the lonely world both of them have seen and lived in, to make Toichirou willing to turn over a new leaf. and even after that, how he tries to absorb Toichirou’s energy to let him have a chance at apologising to his family, to become a better person by righting his wrongs… how to use his empathy is something that Shigeo learns from this arc, i think.
the Mogami Arc is also a testimony to Shigeo’s kindness. 
“I’ve yet to save that horrible Asagiri-san.” 
she’s been a horrendous character to him. Shigeo knows this full well, and yet he still tries his fucking hardest to save her. when he’s met with a vile personality like Toichirou’s, he displays remarkable insistence of trying to talk to him, to empathise with the world he lives in, no matter how much Toichirou hurts him in spite of his kind intentions. (if only he could grant himself this kindness earlier.) 
like, shit. the world sure can be horrible. but the bitterness that Mogami carries doesn’t fix shit; it’s Shigeo’s faith in the power of influence and relationships between people that does. by being a kind person, he’s able to influence others to change, at least a little, for the better. Asagiri and Toichirou are good examples of this. it’s also neat fucking proof that people rely on each other, because influence comes from each other!!
so in short: i fucking adore the Mogami arc because of how it explores empathy and kindness, and ties them together. how Shigeo can change others with his kindness, and how we learn that we’re capable of changing others for the better, so why not try do to that? 
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syneilesis · 1 year
🎧Ikemen Series R18 Seiyuu Masterlist🎧
As I have said before, I am listing Cybird Ikemen Series characters and their voice actors, indicating whether they've done R18 otome drama CDs and how I find their performances. I'm mostly familiar with Ikemen Sengoku, Revolution, Vampire, and Prince, but I'll include some Genjiden, Live, and Villains when applicable.
Since I've outed myself as an R18 drama cd enthusiast (connoisseur lmao), might as well lean into it completely 👀 This is going to be long, and nsfw language abound; MINORS DNI!!!! Please don't let this destroy your image of me lmao 😂🥹
Note on the distinction: R18 in this case is when you can hear the characters climax (voice actors use pseudonyms for these); some drama CDs are nsfw, but they cut off before the climax, so R15? R16? (voice actors use their real names here); sfw are just kissing, nothing spicy (VA real names).
Without further ado, onward!
Ikemen Sengoku
5 out of 17. Small number.
Oda Nobunaga (VA: Sugita Tomokazu): None, sfw only. I don't know if I'd listen if he'd ever have one; he'll always be Gintoki and Kagerou to me.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (VA: Toriumi Kousuke): None, also sfw only.
Akechi Mitsuhide (VA: Takeuchi Shunsuke): None, he's too young let him live purely a little longer lmao
Date Masamune (VA: Katou Kazuki): None, but I'm curious. He could do a Taniyama Kishou and dabble here and there 👀
Tokugawa Ieyasu (VA: Masuda Toshiki): Yes. Listen, I like his voice, I like to listen to his slightly raspy and husky voice. It's soothing to my ears. I like his sfw drama cds, the ones I've listened to. But his nsfw ones? He needs his kisses and sucking noises wetter. He needs to practice more *hinthint*
Ishida Mitsunari (VA: Yamaya Yoshitaka): HE HAS ONE OMG I listened to his samples once, I don't know if I'd listen to it again OMG MUKU MITSUNARI MY ANGELS i can't wrap my head around soft-voiced Muku committing sins
Maeda Keiji (VA: Sawashiro Chiharu): None. From what I gather of his personality from event clips, I think I'd like to shield him from sinning a little longer too lol
Takeda Shingen (VA: Umehara Yuichiro): None. I'd like to hear him though.
Sanada Yukimura (VA: Ono Kensho): None, sfw only.
Imagawa Yoshimoto (VA: Yashiro Taku): MY BOI. It's funny how he voices angsty and sad characters in ikeseries but HE'S SO CUTE AND WHOLESOME IN DRAMA CDS. I love him in Switching best.
Uesugi Kenshin (VA: Miura Hiroaki): I am averse to yandere characters, but in this one he did, he's a tsundere. NOW I LIKE KENSHIN BY ASSOCIATION. Miura's drama cd is one of my favorites, sad but romantic.
Sarutobi Sasuke (VA: Akabane Kenji): None, iirc.
Naoe Kanetsugu (VA: Nakagawa Akinori): None. I don't know if he's done sfw ones, but I'd be willing to listen to them, just so I can add more Kanetsugu voice reference lol
Kennyo (VA: Shingaki Tarusuke): Hehe. Hehehehe. Heh. It's been a while, I want to hear him again. Especially when he whispers against my ear amidst a packed train. I also liked his cute and flustered daycare employee cd. HA. SE. BAE.
Mori Ranmaru (VA: Aoi Shouta): None, as far as I know. I think he'd get a kick out of it, though.
Mouri Motonari (VA: Konishi Katsuyuki): None. He does sfw ones? How sfw are Cybird CDs?
Kicho (VA: Kaji Yuuki): None, but I remember he did a mature one where's he's like a yandere and a do-S and just whips you while laughing maniacally. I don't know, that was a long time ago. I didn't even remember if there were ever spicy scenes; I just remember the whipping lol
Ikemen Revolution
This game is, like, the treasure trove of R18 voice actors. 13 out of 17 have done at least one R18 drama cd. Well done, IkeRev!
Lancelot Kingsley (VA: Okamoto Nobuhiko): None, sfw only. He usually uses his cute voice for these CDs.
Jonah Clemence (VA: Hanae Natsuki): Yes, early on. I think he stopped after he married. Listened to two of his CDs, his voice is too soft for my tastes. He does good moaning and whining.
Edgar Bright (VA: Yashiro Taku): see Imagawa Yoshimoto
Zero (VA: Kumagai Kentarou): MY LOVE, MY CURRENT OBSESSION. He does desperate, drugged out, and angry-at-life so well. His moans and kisses are 💯 I prefer his boyishly youthful voice than his deeper one. When he hits that high-pitched whine *chef's kiss* He comes so prettily *dreamy sigh*
Kyle Ash (VA: Furukawa Makoto): What a man, what a voice. Personally I liked his earlier works because there were more variety in the plots and characters, but I think he works best with plotty CDs and/or emotional drama. Rouge et Noir comes to mind; REUNION for the drama. I enjoy the CDs where his voice is cooler, not too high-pitched, not too deep. He sighs when he kisses, and it sounds divine.
Ray Blackwell (VA: Shimono Hiro): He did a few early in the r18 drama cd years. I remember the one where he was a yandere butler. It was also a mobile game, but I didn't know which came first (I think the game). There was also that teacher x student cd. He also did Wasurenagusa as Todo Heisuke iirc.
Sirius Oswald (VA: Suwabe Junichi): None. This man was born with a velvet voice bUT FOR WHAT
Luka Clemence (VA: Enoki Junya): He has a recognizable voice (makes me think of aluminium idkw). He did an angsty incest one and a servant to a lady one. They're okay. His orgasms need more work, though.
Fenrir Godspeed (VA: Kakihara Tetsuya): Semi-active. My fave is the one where he's childhood friends with the MC and has a badboy/playboy rep but he's actually a virgin I think, or at least acts like a blushing maiden when he did it with the MC (who takes control of the sex). He's vocal in this one; he cried at one point because he came prematurely. It's funny and I love it.
Harr Silver (VA: Terashima Junta): I'll buy any r18 cd this man makes, period.
Loki Genetta (VA: Murase Ayumu): He did one. Like Hanae, his voice is too soft for my taste. He did, however, once choked on a candy trying to emulate blowjob noises for a BLCD, I don't know what else to tell you.
Blanc Lapin (VA: Shirai Yusuke): CHAOTIC KING. A couple of times, he tried to insert objects up his ass, just to know what it feels like lmao. What dedication. I liked his first R18 otome drama cd where he's a submissive and breedable pirate subordinate (MC is the pirate captain).
Oliver Knight (VA: Hamano Daiki): He did some. Haven't listened to any of them though.
Mousse Atlas (VA: Toki Shunichi): He did one! Around the same time with Yamaya. At the time I was liking him for voicing Ginji in Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. Haven't listened to it though. Also did a few more.
Dean Tweedle (VA: Wada Masanari): I don't think so.
Dalim Tweedle (VA: Asato Yuya): Ditto.
Ikemen Vampire
5 out of 17. Funny how this is the game where sucking and sexytiems are advertised and yet!
Napoleon Bonaparte (VA: Shimazaki Nobunaga): Not R18 ones, but he did some for Rejet? I don't know.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (VA: Toyonaga Toshiyuki): Sfw only, I think.
Leonardo Da Vinci (VA: Tsuda Kenjiro): None as far as I know.
Arthur Conan Doyle (VA: Kimura Ryohei): None. He does some for Rejet. Wasurenagusa. I love him as Utashiro in Yuugen Romantica!
Vincent van Gogh (VA: Aramaki Yoshihiko): None. I want to listen to his Vincent voice more though. Very soothing, perfect for falling asleep.
Theodorus van Gogh (VA: Sato Hisanori): None. As Theo he should be braver in making sucking noises lmao
Osamu Dazai (VA: Yashiro Taku): see Imagawa Yoshimoto
Isaac Newton (VA: Aoi Shouta): see Mori Ranmaru
Jean d'Arc (VA: Someya Toshiyuki): None. I like the quality of his deep voice though.
William Shakespeare (VA: Hirakawa Daisuke): Yes, plenty, but not as active as before.
Comte de Saint-Germain (VA: Horie Kazuma): Yes, way back when, which explains why he's so good at ear-whispering. I only know he worked for one series (and sequels) where he's a tsundere student council vice president (?). A CONFESSION: I listened to his drama cds when I was writing That Comte Fic in order to capture the mood of the sexual tension.
Sebastian (VA: Morishima Shuta): None. After watching him in Cybird events, I'd probably laugh at him or pity him. I can no longer imagine him doing R18 based on his Cybird hyper host image.
Vlad (VA: Saito Soma): None. Shame. I really want to hear more of Vlad 😏
Johann Georg Faust (VA: Kamio Shinichiro): None. With his voice, I'd rather he read erotica to me.
Charles-Henri Sanson (VA: Kijima Ryuichi): He has one; listened to the samples, his voice here is same as Charles's. Actually, even the character looks like Charles lol. There seems to be a bathtub sex scene there. Or hot spring, I dunno.
Galileo Galilei (VA: Furukawa Makoto): see Kyle Ash
Francis Drake (VA: Hatanaka Tasuku): None, far as I know.
Ikemen Prince
4 out of 13. lol
Leon Dompteur (VA: Katou Kazuki): see Date Masamune
Chevalier Michel (VA: Ono Yuuki): I'm trying to look for any of his works that has Chevalier's timbre but he does more lighter voices! Sad. He did a couple of hardcore ones, but I liked the one where he's a tsundere magician.
Yves Kloss (VA: Uchida Yuuma): None?
Nokto Klein (VA: Eguchi Takuya): He did one a long time ago. It was a hentai game I think, the Queen Bee one? There's a drama cd for that. The characters are all insane if I'm not mistaken.
Licht Klein (VA: Oomi Shoichiro): None.
Clavis Lelouch (VA: Nojima Kenji): It's funny, because his brother had done R18 drama cd BUT HE HASN'T D: EDIT: WAIT WAIT WAIT I THINK HE DID R18 LET ME CONFIRM OH MY GOD EDIT EDIT: I listened to it but – the name credit gave it away – it's not R18 😞 It is, however, a yandere vampire cd so there's ear licking, biting, and blood drinking. But that's it. Sad. He would've been good with r18 >.>
Jin Grandet (VA: Yasumoto Hiroki): He did some, and he's coming back in the bdsm game What in Hell is Bad? !!!!! Haven't listened to any of his CDs though.
Luke Randolph (VA: Yoshitaka Sion): None.
Sariel Noir (VA: Hayami Show): None. I don't know if he does sfw CDs.
Rio Ortiz (VA: Mineta Hiromu): None. He, Oomi, and Yoshitaka are the hosts of IkePri Cybird events; I still see them as kids, I'm leaving them alone.
Silvio Ricci (VA: Satou Takuya): I AM A SHRINE MAIDEN AND HE IS THE GOD I WORSHIP. My all-time fave. I'm willing to make a recommendation list if you ask 😂 He's prolific (!!!!!), I think he's done every character tropes – tsundere, yandere, ore-sama, senpai, kouhai, osananajimi, CEO, do-S, do-M, dom, sub, oniisan, and so on. He's so good and dedicated at capturing character tics?? He slurs his words when he's lust-drunk oh my god. He needs to do more do-M and/or submissive characters pLEASE I NEED IT
Keith Howell (VA: Hatano Wataru): None, sfw only I believe. EDIT: I was told he did R18 games hehehurrr 😏 (thank you for that info!)
Gilbert von Obsidian (VA: Asanuma Shintarou): None.
For the games below I'll just list those who have done R18 drama CDs.
Ikemen Genjiden
Tamamo (VA: Tamaru Atsushi): I got used to his cutesy voice that I forget he's good at deep voices too! My fave of his is Nochikare where he's a wanko-type kouhai, he's so cute there I'd smash a table from so much cute aggression.
Nasu no Yoichi (VA: Suzuki Ryouta): I know he did some before, heard a couple of his. Could've been better. (Tbf, this was during the time when R18 drama CDs were just starting out. So I think many key players were new to it, compared with BLCD.)
Kurama (VA: Morikawa Toshiyuki): I can't have Sephiroth whispering in my ear lol. That aside, I really couldn't imagine him doing R18 because he's known to voice iconic characters. And yet here we are. His Yamazaki Susumu in Wasurenagusa took me out because of his drunk line, "Nyaruhodo." I will never look at Sephiroth the same way again lmao. But yeah, I haven't listened to his works properly because they were made years ago.
Kitsuji Sueharu (VA: Komatsu Shohei): MY NEW FAVE, MY NEW LOVE, MY NEW OBSESSION OH MY GOD?! I haven't bought any of his works (WHICH I SHOULD REMEDY IN THE FUTURE) but from the sample of this one CD I – I JUST. H-He's good. I love the sound of his panting 😭
Ikemen Live
I'd like to mention here that I love KENN's character in Yuugen Romantica. It's not R18, but that is one of the few sfw drama CD series that I listen to and enjoy.
Chigusa Kyouichirou (VA: Itou Kento): Deep voice, cute high-pitched moans! Love him.
Fujishiro Meguru (VA: Kuroda Takaya): Haven't listened to his works yet.
Mashiro Kanade (VA: Fukamachi Toshinari): Only found one, and wow. Gosh. What an aggressive CD 😂
Shinonomi Eisuke (VA: Taniyama Kishou): Len Tsukimori 😭 It's been a while since I listened to him. All I remember is that he also did a vampire drama CD (LOL HE SHOULD'VE BEEN IN IKEVAMP) but I can no longer recall the details.
Tsubaki Makoto (VA: Ono Yuuki): see Chevalier Michel
Ikemen Villains
William Rex (VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke): I AM SO FOND OF HIS VOICE. What's funny is that my favorite works of his are not R18. Wasurenagusa is probably my ultimate fave out of his CDs. Primarily because he used his ax crazy voice there. I AM LIVING FOR HIS AX CRAZY, MANIACAL VOICE. It's *chef's kiss* perfection. He also did one in Midnight Jiang Shis. But for R18 I like his Otona no Meruhen best. He often portrays do-S characters, but I want him to do more do-M.
Harrison Gray (VA: Sugiyama Noriaki): I know a couple! Girl's Therapist where he's a beautician and Otona no Meruhen where he's a tsundere wolfboy. He puts the uke in Sasuke huh lol Recently listened again to his wolfboy cd. It's entertaining enough (the story was more entertaining than the sex scenes lmao [but that's a given in Otona no Meruhen series]).
Roger Barel (VA: Eguchi Takuya): see Nokto Klein
Victor (VA: Takahashi Hiroki): I'm surprised he has one; haven't listened to it though.
So that's it! If you've reached this part, wow congrats I salute you, please don't think of me differently now lmao.
I'm sure more of them have done BLCD, but I'm only familiar with otome drama CDs. Cybird drama CDs may have spicy moments, but since they're using the voice actors' names, I'm pretty sure that they don't include R18 scenes; hence, this list. If you know a voice actor who did an R18 otome drama cd but is listed here as not having one, tell me!
I can't be the only one listening to drama CDs in this fandom, right? Please say hi? 🥹
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ravenwolfie97 · 2 years
2022 Art Summary
it is that time of the year again, folks. this year has felt like forever and so short simultaneously. it’s felt like nothing and everything was happening. it was a weird year for me, probably because for the most part it was rather monotonous. but there were some good things to look back on, and as per usual i’m here to round it up here for you all to look at and enjoy :3
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i’ll be honest. i was really worried about the art summary this year at first because these first few months were so sparse. i even considered just condensing the whole thing into quarters since this one was so lacking. but as the year went on, the more things i had to share, so for sake of brevity i will be putting the first three months up all at once
included in this quarter are assorted Cosmic Legacy character sketches, a Genshin Impact sona to continue the trend i had wanted to set at the end of 2021 (which i did not continue afterward), a lil valentine’s day present to my girlfriend, and a shiny form for my sona that was just part of a inside bandwagon. not much to say otherwise :/
the one major thing that happened in the first few months of 2022 was that i FINALLY. GOT MY HANDS. ON A NINTENDO SWITCH. I CAN NO LONGER MEME ABOUT BEING SWITCHLESS
so that was pretty exciting :>
the release of Pokemon Legends: Arceus is what broke me, but before i played that i started off with a blind nuzlocke of Pokemon Shield, which is what the lil digital doodle in March is about; i had just caught a Stunky i named Wasabi and i was indifferent to Stunky up until catching him where i just fell in love with it
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so, AI art, huh? this was when it was burgeoning, and still fun and popular to make. so when i saw some people using a 3d pokemon generator i made a whole bunch and gave it a go. i generated about 30 of them and hadn’t quite gotten to around a third of that, but the few i did were really fun to draw!
(the lil gremlin one at the top corner is uncolored here bc when i did try to color it my brain fully glitched and screwed up royally so i opted out of showing my failure here lol)
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so my friend Cake started streaming a game called Your Turn to Die with me and our partner Stacey during the spring starting in late March, and it was such an incredible time that i miss being a part of (if you wanna watch our full playthrough, the vods are saved on her channel here)
so towards the end of our playthrough i decided to try my hand at drawing some stuff because my brain could not simply hold all of my feelings for them
i am definitely not biased because i played both Keiji and Rio Ranger in the stream, but i sure did like them a lot, and it was really fun to draw them :>
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had a lot of cosmic drawings this month, most likely due to celebrating the One Year Anniversary of the concept at the beginning of the month! we celebrated with a cute little collab. i happened to continue the cosmic train on my end by coming up with a funny meme video idea (that we will get back to multiple times later on) and i also worked on a couple pieces in preparation for an upcoming event in the next month...
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it was a really fun event but i did not anticipate how late i would start my entries and how much time it would take to do them well, so i only got a few out, but i’m really proud of them! it was awesome to see all these brain children of random people from all around, and to get a couple responses back of my own as well! i’m excited to give it another go next year :3
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i did not get a whole lot of art things done this month because MY GIRLFRIEND (and her roommate) CAME FROM OVERSEAS TO VISIT!!
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it was such a great time being with them, and we had so much going on i didn’t get much opportunity to do much, but that was fine. one thing, related to my partner actually, is my pokemon gym trainer sona here! Stacey had been thinking about a fakemon region and wanted her friends as gym leaders, so i offered myself as a ground-type trainer, since it’s one of my favorite types and is rather underrated
a little more work got done on the cosmic meme video, and a couple other lil doodles. not much else artwise, but an awesome month regardless :3
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idk why this month was so lacking, cuz this is pretty much all i had lol
the one decent sketch of my sona being angy was inspired by a post i found on here that was like... if you were a villain in a movie, what song would be playing at the point you would snap
and the choice i made was Faint by Linkin Park cuz it seemed applicable. and then my brain decided to listen to it on repeat and i ended up drawing that sketch. so that was cool :0
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as per usual i do at least attempt to do an october art challenge, and this time i wanted to try this year’s annual list from Thomas Sanders, and it was pretty fun! i was really into it the first week, but then i got behind and after that point many of the prompts didn’t hold my attention, so... i trailed off. again
but! i do really like these ones in particular. didn’t really have much else after that so i’m glad i had fun with those
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again this is p much all i had - november was a pretty nice time actually, with lots of gaming stuff going on with me n friends, but not so much art stuff was going on then
after having completed playing pkmn shield back in june, i tried my hand at pkmn legends pretty much right after that... and it didn’t quite click with me, though i did really like it. and then over the next few months i got back into pkmn go and that’s when i realized That’s more like what legends is about - it just screwed me up coming from a regular pkmn game. so, this month, i picked it up again and i’ve gotten much farther and much more attached!
in addition, later in the month my friends and i got back into playing stardew valley after nearly a year’s hiatus, and we made our characters based on the main trio in Cosmic Legacy, and so i drew Lalun with a parsnip. it was funny
and speaking of cosmic and video game things, Sonic Frontiers came out and i... did not get that one (though i will one day cuz it looks rad) BUT one of my friends got super into it and got me hooked on one of the songs, and then the part of my brain that associates fandom stuff with songs (a rarely triggered part of my brain) started to tie that to [REDACTED] here, as inspiration for their character. maybe. idk but the song gave me vibes that they could definitely have and i thought it was cool and i made a cool art with it too so yay
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and here we are, at the end of the year! the sonic hype train was still rolling so i thought about giving them another go and they turned out pretty good! and i pumped out some more pokemon content at the very end to inflate this month’s art stuff a lil bit more
OH YEAH and that cosmic meme got finished just in time for crimmis! here is the link to that since i would not post it here
all in all it’s been. a year, to say the least. i am definitely looking forward to new things in the new year, but this one had been pretty alright. lots of fun and memorable things that hopefully i can continue doing similarly in the future :3
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rossalotus · 2 years
The Owl chef and his Christmas recipes - #2 Ham!
The next video loads after a random ad and Keiji smiles when he sees Koutarou’s bright smile shining at the camera. The kitchen is clean once again and Koutarou is wearing the same apron and Santa Claus hat
He looks too cute
“Hey Hey Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Owl Chef! I’m Koutarou Bokuto and today we’ll be making one of my Keiji’s favorite Christmas dishes: Apple and miso glazed ham! It’s absolutely delicious but honestly this one is a little above my level and, since I wanted it to come out perfect for the love of my life, I called a dear friend, who’s a professional chef, to help me out today. Please welcome the owner of the famous and delicious onigiri restaurant Onigiri Miya, Osamu Miya!”
Osamu comes into scene from behind the camera, wearing his usual Onigiri Miya apron and hat and giving Koutarou a hug before turning to the camera. He smiles a little but soon it becomes clear that Osamu is not used to being filmed. His gaze goes from the camera to Koutarou and then to someplace behind the camera - where Keiji imagines Kenma probably is. He stands still and his voice breaks a little as he speaks.
“Hello. My name is Osamu Miya, it’s a pleasure to be here and I hope I can help Bokuto today, though I’m not sure why ya called me here, this is an easy recipe”
It’s weird for Keiji to see him like this. After many years with Rintarou, who films every single moment of their lives, it would be expected that Osamu would have better resourcefulness in front of the camera but it is the other way around.
Maybe having Rin by his side makes it all different, Keiji thinks
“For you it is, Miya-sam, but we are only mortals here and I can never get the ham right. It’s always too dry…”
Osamu smiles
“Oh, if that’s the case, then I’m sure I can help. There are a few tricks that will make yer ham juicy every single time!”
“Hey Osamu, watch your words! There’s kids watching!” Rintarou’s voice came from somewhere behind the camera and as soon as Osamu heard it, his whole expression and body language changed. He was now back to his usual self, throwing his best /I’m done/ face at his husband, he rolled his eyes and continued
“The secret is making sure to have enough glaze and cooking it slowly. This one is going to take around three hours to be ready.”
“Well, no time to lose then!” Koutarou replied with a happy smile, listing the ingredients as Kuroo brought them
Keiji couldn’t hold back his surprise at the gigantic ham leg they were cooking but this was Osamu after all, his big family always cooked for a whole battalion
As they work, Keiji realizes that the recipe is, indeed, easy. The glaze is done soon and now it’s time to bring it to the oven. Osamu arranges the leg on the tray and Koutarou takes it to the oven
It’s a three step walk and Koutarou is a professional athlete. He can handle this
Or so Keiji thought
The video starts to move in slow motion again as Koutarou stumbles and the scene unfolds magically: Carmina Burana plays as both Koutarou and Osamu scream inaudibly in horror and their efforts are shown useless as the ham hits the ground. There’s glaze all over the kitchen and Rintarou enters the frame by rolling on the floor, laughing his heart out
Kenma turns the camera to him and the music stops. On the background, screams and laughter can be heard and Kenma just says an unbothered “We’ll be back”, before everything turns black
Though Keiji did laugh at the edition, he gets worried. The look on Osamu’s face has murder intention and Keiji knew exactly how mad he got when people wasted food and messed the kitchen up
A moment later, black and white images of the kitchen are shown in a fast forwarded video of Koutarou cleaning up the kitchen as Osamu cooks a new glaze and then Koutarou washing the ham leg with a sad face as Osamu visibly lectures him even though nothing can be heard
The audio and color return when Koutarou is walking to the oven once again, this time with Osamu by his side to ensure everything goes smoothly 
“So now we’ll wait for it to be done!” Koutarou announces happily and Osamu smiles at him, a sign that they are ok again. Keiji exhales in relief, his husband is not getting murdered today
When they take the ham out of the oven, it looks absolutely delicious. Rintarou, Kuroo and Kenma come into the scene to taste it and everyone seems happy.
“And you know what the best part of this is, my friends? You can definitely use the leftovers to fill Keiji’s onigiri on the next day!” Koutarou says and Osamu nods in agreement
“Thank you, Miya-sam, for being here today and in the next video we’ll have a visitor directly from France! See you in the next video!”
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junkobears · 2 years
So I’m finally getting around to play Your Turn to Die/Kimi ga Shine years after everyone else played it already and recommended it, as usual for me! Just finished Chapter One Part One so here’s my thoughts on the game so far, for the three or so ol’ death game / DanRon fans still hanging around on here and following me who might be interested, haha. I’ll try to put up a liveblog post for the end of every part I finish playing through, I’m going into this, say, 99.9% blind for reference:
Surprise, surprise, so far I’m enjoying the game! The premise is intriguing so far and the low-res fan-inspired Danganronpa art style obviously is appealing to me, haha. I’m eagerly awaiting a moment where we will become the swing vote between one character being horribly executed or another one being horribly executed. Aside from that, I’m not sure I have any general theories on the nature of the death game itself at the moment...
Non-character related points that stuck out to me:
-The list of names in the bar that had all these other unknown names alongside the group we have met so far... hoping we will start meeting these people in the next chapters? We desperately need more female characters in this game for one!
-Three arms were visible in the scene when Sara investigates her room and gets kidnapped, so I think her stalker is actually multiple characters, theories on who exactly below. Comedy option is that her passed out featureless mother is actually involved in the stalking/kidnapping/murderin’ group behind the death game. She didn’t look THAT injured to me.
-I wonder if alternate routes depending on characters alive, considering the dummy bullets game, I wonder if it’s actually possible to kill anyone there and the game actually continues on? Or do you just get a game over ya fucked it moron the pattern to the bullets is bleeding obvious how the hell was that possible joke ending. But also I wonder if there are actual divergences based on who you agree with or refute often in the discussion segments. Might be a lot of extra work for a free fangame, though. On that note Joe was so cool with Sara handling the gun I almost was tempted to shoot him point blank as a warning to not be so trusting of me, haha. Sadly he was just too cutely simple to actually pull the trigger on in the end.
-The cupboard in the bar could’ve done with being more visually distinctive because that tripped me up for no joke nearly an hour before I realized it was a thing that could be interacted with. Failing this early at the basics of a point-and-click adventure game, truly shameful.
And because it’s me and I love a ranking, here’s my first character opinions from top to bottom with extended thoughts on each of them!
SARA: It's fun to have a female protagonist who gets to be both the 'everyday normal person thrown into death game' & 'group leader everyone trusts' archetypes at the same time! Let's hope she doesn't get Kaede'd... eternally live in fear of this happening! The title of this game however does not imply good things eventually for Sara. I enjoy that even with random men bizarrely trusting her Sara is still like WTF about it at the same time, so she has a lil' personality despite being the POV. But gurl her fringe with braid AND side ponytail hairstyle is not it. Hoping for symbolic haircut when she also actually gets more scenarios to start reacting too now that the actual death part of the death game has started.
KEIJI: He's wildly, unbelievably suspicious with being a policeman but refusing to use the gun in the dummy challenge (then again Japanese police are like UK police where they don't actively use guns right?), and in general just being shifty about how the group was kidnapped (yeah it HAS to be that Weird Cult I Won’t Go Into Any Specifics About Trust Me Guys!) but I’m still actually charmed by his tired & easygoing demeanour? Just like yup let’s just get on with this death game nonsense, haha. But also I definitely feel like there’s going to be more to him immediately trusting Sara and putting her in the group leader spot than “you’re cute” as well. More likely for bad reasons I feel at this point!
JOE: The spunky and goofy best bro type... who I actually really like!? At first I rolled my eyes when he popped up from behind that hedge supposedly creeping but as the chapter went on I changed my tune, Joe’s a Good Boi. I have my fears that they’ll try to set up him and Sara’s friendship as romantic later on but I also don’t get that vibe really, I like how banter-y but genuinely loyal their dynamic is at the moment. Actually feels like a proper high school friendship. Apart from that I’m not sure entirely where his character is going so I’m interested to see what he gets up too next.
REKO: She’s this high up because I absolutely adore the punk rock bitch aesthetic she is rocking 🎸 but so far she hasn’t really gotten to do much at all aside from worry about Kanna, which is pretty lame so hopefully future chapters will give her something. I have high hopes you can remain a favourite Reko!
SOU: He’s the 0.1% of this game I’m kiiiiinda spoiled on, but only in a “I know this character was popular with people who were massive Komaeda/Ouma fans back in 2017/2018″ way, lmfao. Which implies to me he’ll turn out to be a lil’ shit of some sort. The vibes couldn’t be any stronger after that opening scene with him SDR2 style as well... dunno perhaps he’s Sara’s actual stalker? He does seem strangely drawn to her so far... also the fact he conveniently got locked out of the gun game? I’m enjoying him though because I can relate to the pain of people constantly telling you to just get a job when you just wanna sleep. And honestly his design is pretty, even sometimes I can be into the problematic anime boys... don’t tell anyone 😷
SUE MILEY: Death Game Mascot Host character we always appreciate one of those, love her Madoka-esque design, and her open glee and bloodthirst for democracy. Kind of interesting she didn’t immediately punish Kai for outright attacking her and just ran away however. The fact when collecting her limbs to assemble her every character kept commenting on how ‘lifelike’ she seems also stood out to me, maybe she’s not actually a literal doll/puppet and is human? Then again they did literally build her and she talks about a master so... hmm. Curious to see where the game goes with her. Would like her to actually be the main villain in the long run despite her master.
NAO: Gives me extremely Tsumiki vibes but without the fanservice so that can only be good things to come. Love how frantically panicking she is in general and her messy artist design (though initially I was thinking florist) is SUPER cute. Also enjoy how immediately she was like “I hate Keiji but Sara you’re pretty cool please love me!” which is fun shipbait I can get behind perhaps. Otherwise she didn’t do much this chapter either, but with her mentor figure now headmelted I’m hoping for more of a focus in Part Two from Nao.
KAI: Stay at home dads are pretty progressive I suppose. I don’t really believe he’s Sara’s stalker at all like this chapter is implying but I don’t really have a particular reason why I feel this way. I guess it just feels too obvious/soon for this reveal, it’s really more a meta thought. I enjoy his dedication to his cooking utensils and refusing to let anyone wield the frying pan, the man is a Peach main in Smash Bros clearly so I can respect that.
MISHIMA: rest in pieces old man, he wasn’t particularly interesting to me but I did appreciate his scene when they’re all trying to comfort Kanna over her sister’s death and he lies pretty easily to convince her she couldn’t have done anything to save her sister, added a bit more character to his older prof shtick. But his default creep hands pose whilst being the crime of old didn’t do him any favours at all so the three votes for his death ain’t surprising. I wonder if we’ll ever get a breakdown of who voted for him later on? It’d make no sense but if nao was one of them that’d be really intriguing actually.
GIN: I apologize, small otaku child who would probably hate me for being another annoying adult who likes alcohol! No one on this cast tell him about the irony of his name. His costume design and cat plushie is super cute anyways. That’s pretty much the extent of my thoughts so far!
Q-TARO: Honestly this guy just exists and not much else... I laughed at him being the only character not immediately cool with the idea of handing a random teenager a gun and trusting her to not fuck it up and kill him at least? otherwise fast food burger man is certainly a Design Choice???
KANNA: ehhhhhhhhhh the innocent child character who the protagonist wants to protect has never been my favourite archetype on it’s own. Apart from her dunce bucket hat that reminds me of Greg from OTGW, nothing about her is really standing out to me so far. So presumably she’ll be one of the main characters to the end of the game, haha. Not sure if the shot of her wetting herself was entirely necessary also. Hoping there’s a bit more to Sue Miley’s angry retort that she was a willing sister killer, otherwise Kanna will be languishing at the bottom of the ranking for a while.
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frostfall-matches · 1 month
[ matchmaking... ]
@rindousbbg : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Akaashi Keiji
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-> [ Akaashi is someone similar to you, but different enough that the relationship stays interesting. ] He’s not the most social or talkative, but most people wouldn’t consider him to be shy or socially anxious. A bit cold initially, perhaps, but not totally unresponsive. He’s more than willing to have a conversation with you if you seem interested. It would take quite some time for you two to be comfortable enough with each other to have regular, engaging conversations… but it would happen eventually. Akaashi also ticks off several boxes of traits that you prefer in partners - calm, level-headed, and intelligent. He’s good at reading people, so even if you tend to be a little closed off, it doesn’t take him long to learn the subtleties of your behaviors.
-> [ He appreciates how calm and open-minded you are. ] Akaashi is used to dealing with Bokuto; and even though he considers Bokuto a very dear friend and gets along with him, he can be a little… much. Loud, energetic, emotional, and even childish. So being around you - mature and calm and empathetic - it’s absolutely a breath of fresh air! You’re the type of person that he’d be able to easily get along with, and finds your relationship to be low stress. Akaashi can be a little stubborn at times, so your open-mindedness and patience is incredibly helpful and allows the relationship to remain largely smooth sailing. It’s good that you can read him well, too, considering how he isn’t often very expressive.
-> [ With your penchant for teasing, you play off of Akaashi’s cheeky side very well. ] Everyone has their “fun” side - and you and Akkashi tend to both keep it pretty well hidden unless you’re around good friends. But that makes it all the more entertaining when you each start to loosen up and show your respective senses of humor a little more. He kind of loves the teasing, honestly. You guys are often on the same page, and it’s nice to have a bit of banter with someone whose energy matches yours. The two of you will often lightheartedly bicker with each other when spending time together, whether it be at home or out on a date.
-> [ Akaashi is definitely a person whose actions speak louder than words. ] He isn’t the most expressive, and he’s well aware of this. His words are also very direct, almost always straight to the point. While he has no qualms about straight-up telling you that he loves you, there’s not usually much embellishment to his words. However, there are a lot of little things he’ll do to show his affection. Very much the type to quietly take care of your chores or errands along with his own when you’re feeling burnt out, the type to make sure you’re stocked up on supplies (and your favorite snacks) when you’re not feeling well.
-> [ He finds your interest in multiple hobbies quite charming. ] Really, it all boils down to the fact that he likes when people have a passion (or several) - after all, he was quite taken by Bokuto’s passion for volleyball. He values the fact that there are numerous things you enjoy doing - and finds your tendency to follow your whims to be quite cute. Your relaxed way of approaching your hobbies and free time shows a relaxed way of life - and Akaashi does feel like he could possibly benefit from loosening up a bit himself. He’s not really the type to participate in your hobbies with you, simply because he has his own, but enjoys being in the same space as you while you two engage in your own individual activities.
-> [ That said - when you’re burnt out and insisting on lounging in bed, he’ll sometimes join you. ] Sometimes. Akaashi won’t laze around if there are things he needs to do (he’s very much a person who wants to get all of his tasks done for the day before allowing himself to relax the rest of the day), but there are times where he’s happy to join you - if you allow him, that is. Funnily enough, after a bit of cuddling, he’s likely to just start dozing off. He’s comfy, the room is quiet and dark, and there’s nothing that he really needs to do for the rest of the day… it’s practically inevitable that he ends up taking a nap (and sometimes, he needs it!).
-> [ Given that he becomes an editor at a shonen manga company (and wished he could have worked in the literature department), it’s obvious that he likes writing. ] Writing and reading are interests that you two can really bond over. Since you two are both quite private people, neither of you may share your writing very often with each other… But you each are supportive of the other nonetheless. Unlike more judgemental types, Akaashi wouldn’t think much about your love for fanfiction - in fact, he’s probably written some himself (it’s like a stepping stool to coming up with his own original stories). As for reading in general, he has recommendations for various genres if you ever wanted something new to read, and he’ll give serious consideration to any recommendations you might give him.
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ughgojo · 3 years
ft: sugawara kōshi, aone takenobu, kita shinsuke, kenma kozume, ushijima wakatoshi, miya osamu , & akaashi keiji.
synopsis: things that some of the haikyuu boys do because they love you.
content warnings: none.
notes from the author: this is a repost from my old blog lol i’m not stealing! likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
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memorizes every single one of your orders from each place you get things from. so it’s less of a hassle when you two go out, he orders for you as well. finds it a gentleman-like thing to do but he always asks first just in case you’d like to speak for yourself one time. whenever you thank him for memorizing something so minuscule, he’ll just brush it off and say it’s only because he loves you.
always manages to pick you up flowers no matter the occasion. usually it’s from when he’s just walking and he sees them in his path. he’ll make sure not to crush it in his hands, since he’s done plenty of times before. both if the occasion is special, he goes to an actual flower shop to get you a bouquet. always manages to tuck a flower behind your ear and kisses your forehead with a small adorning his lips.
gives coaching praise. his mindset as a captain may carry over into your relationship sometimes. so if you’re struggling with something he likes to give you those small words of encouragement that gives you a boost in confidence and motivation. even if you aren’t doing anything. he’ll just randomly tell you that he’s proud of you. the words fall from his lips so sweetly that you have no choice but to keep going forward.
will share everything with you. you don’t even have to ask sometimes. if you two are in the middle of lunch and you forgot to bring yours that day, he’ll share some of whatever he’s having. he always lets you have the bigger portion of it as well and even though you continuously scold him for it, he knows you silently ask for it so he’s just being genuine.
let’s his hands rest on your shoulder or waist in crowded public settings to ‘guide you’. even if you don’t to be guided he still leaves it there so he can show he daily dose of physical affection without being too obvious. he also does it while you two are in private. if he’s trying to get by it’s always followed with a “excuse me sweetheart” and a brief smile.
brushes his hand against your cheeks before he’s about to kiss you. looks at you as if you have the stars in your eyes before he gives you a small peck or a longing, passionate kiss as if he’s going to lose you in the next minute. also likes to jump up to give you a kiss (or vice versa). finds it so cute and will do it in when he’s in need of you.
has extras of things you need or want in his car + his place. if you’re prone to losing things and being forgetful, then he’s perfect for this. always keeps extra chapsticks in the glove compartment of his car if you forget yours. has the same exact products of your skin care in his medicine cabinet, and has your favourite flavour of ice cream in his freezer ready to be eaten after a bad day.
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augustinewrites · 3 years
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akaashi’s stirred from his slumber by the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, the scent of pancakes wafting through the air, and the notable absence of you in his arms. he’s a little disappointed, but only because the best part about you staying the night was that he could hold you a little longer before starting his day.
when he glances at his alarm, he’s surprised to see that it’s not even nine yet. he’s always considered himself an early riser, but on a sunday morning, even he’d be inclined to lay around a bit more.
but you’re not in bed anymore, so akaashi gets up anyway. he pulls on a clean pair of sweats from his closet and slides his glasses on before heading towards the kitchen (sans shirt, because it’s usually a foolproof way to lure you back into bed).
you’re standing at the stove, sipping coffee and humming quietly to yourself as you pour batter into a pan, seemingly unaware of his presence. he likes seeing you so comfortable in his space, wearing nothing but an old sweatshirt of his you’d stolen, all bare-legged, and fresh faced.
you momentarily abandon your pancakes, bending down to open the oven and reveal a tray of bacon. akaashi likes to think himself a gentleman, but he can’t help when his eyes wander, smiling when he sees your cute, cotton underwear (‘lounge around underwear,’ you called them once. ‘for your eyes only, keiji’).
the two of you are at the stage in your relationship where familiarity has eroded the pretences of vanity, and it makes him love you even more.
he sauntered over to you then, feeling the rush of air as you closed the oven, returning your attention to the pancakes.
“good morning,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple.
you sigh a little, leaning into him and turning your head to let him press his lips to yours in a kiss that tastes like fresh coffee.
“good morning to—” you gasp when he uses the grip on your waist to turn you around, fingers tangling in your hair as he cradles the back of your head, kissing you deeper.
when he finally lets you pull away, you glance up at him through your lashes, a smile tugging on the corner of your mouth. “what was that for?”
akaashi gently places a hand on your waist to move you aside, grabbing the spatula and flipping the pancakes. “am i not allowed to kiss you good morning?”
you hum, and he watches you pour an extra mug of coffee, stirring in a spoonful of sugar before sliding it across the counter to him. “you only kiss me like that when you want something.”
ever the observant one, you. he takes a sip of his coffee to avoid answering, hoping the mug hides his fond smile.
the best part about sunday is that neither of you have work. it’s a lazy day, a day for you and him to reconnect after a busy week of work.
after indulging in some take out for lunch, the two of you move into the living room. there’s a pot of tea on the coffee table, and after two cups have been poured, you pluck the novel from akaashi’s hands, crawling into his lap before opening it to the bookmarked page.
he remembers the first time you’d done this, and thinks back to that moment often. it’d been early into your relationship, maybe the first or second time you’d stayed the night, and you’d woken to find him reading on the couch.
you’d plucked the book from his hands then too, smiling as you’d settled into his lap saying, “you read all week for work. let me read for you.”
and akaashi always lets you, his hand tracing idle patterns on your hip as he listens. maybe it’s just him, but your voice is soothing, and each sentence is read in perfect cadence.
his phone buzzes on the table, and you pause to let him get it. it’s bokuto, of course, sending him the latest meme that’s caught his eye, along with a message saying to show it to you too (it must be urgent, considering it’s typed in all caps and punctuated with half a dozen exclamation marks).
he chuckles lightly, turning the screen towards you. he doesn’t understand why you laugh as hard as you do, but he lets you take his phone and type a message back.
the two of you are close enough now that you have inside jokes akaashi doesn’t get, but he doesn’t mind. he just loves that you get along.
but he does start getting a little restless (a little whiny, you would tease) when you take too long, eager to get back to the novel. so he buries his face in your neck, huffing a little petulantly until you set his phone down and flick his forehead.
“alright, you big baby,” you laugh, re opening the book and skimming your finger down the page until you find your place.
sunday dinners with you are special, and akaashi goes out of his way to show you. he lights candles and brings out his best bottles of wine, queuing a playlist of soft music for the speaker.
he’s not sure why you like to be the one to rinse the dishes after dinner when he offers, but he lets you. he stands by your side, armed with a towel to dry them.
maybe it’s the bottle of wine you’d shared over dinner, or maybe it’s the way you look, softened under the dim candlelight, that prompts him to pull you away from the sink.
he pulls your gloves off, tossing them onto the counter. then he lifts your hand so it rests lightly on his shoulder, and sets his own on the curve of your waist, pulling you flush against him.
it’s not really dancing, god knows he can’t do that, but it’s gentle swaying, moving in a slow circle. it makes you laugh, but you cling to him tight, and it makes his heart flutter with affection so deep he feels it resonate through his entire body.
“move in with me,” he says, a little nervous, a touch shy. it’s a big step, he knows, but it feels like the right one.
you don’t skip a beat, simply pressing a light kiss to his jaw and murmuring, “okay.”
plans are made in bed that night. you’ll move in when your lease expires, a month from now. you’ll take the right side of his closet and top two drawers of his dresser. he’ll start making room in the bathroom for your products, and yes, the two of you can get a wine fridge.
“do you need anything before we turn out the lights?” you ask, when the rest of the negotiations are tabled for tomorrow and you’re already snuggling into his chest.
“no,” akaashi hums, because he has you. someone who cooks him breakfast in the morning and reads to him in the afternoon. someone who washes dishes while he dries and thinks his best friend’s stupid jokes are funny.
so he switches off the lamp and wraps an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “i’ve already got it all.”
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21u004 · 3 years
things they do that others usually don't / headcanons (?) / february 27th, 2021
includes: inarizaki: miya osamu, miya atsumu, suna rintaro; seijoh: iwaizumi hajime, oikawa toru; nekoma: kuroo tetsuro, kozume kenma; shiratorizawa: ushijima wakatoshi, semi eita; others: akaashi keiji, sakusa kiyoomi, tsukishima kei
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miya osamu. listens and always lets you be included. osamu doesn’t quite know the pain of being ignored, though he was sure that it was painful. lovingly and surprisingly, he’s willing to listen to every bit of your story.
miya atsumu. waits for you while you tie your shoe laces. sometimes even ties them for you. as much as atsumu didn’t like waiting, it was worth it when it came to you.
suna rintaro. carries a spare hair tie. he might even tie your hair for you. rintaro’s lost many things, and he might as well help someone out who goes through the same.
iwaizumi hajime. not thinking you’re stupid for not knowing how to do something. not everyone’s the same, and hajime’s grown into that. he’ll understand, and he’s glad to help you.
oikawa toru. honest with the things he says without making you feel bad. honesty is nice, but there are times when you’d rather hear a lie. toru tells you he won’t break your heart, and he really doesn’t.
kuroo tetsuro. doesn’t mind if you did something bad before that you regret. everybody grows, and at some point of their life everyone’s done something stupid. tetsuro still sees you the same. you’re still a wonderful and lovable person to tetsuro.
kozume kenma. pauses something he’s doing for you. kenma needs a breather sometimes, even from games. hearing your voice asking for help or getting a text from you is enough for him to recharge.
ushijima wakatoshi. learns something like cooking for you. although wakatoshi’s content with what he has and knows, he doesn’t mind trying new things. if he gets a warm “thank you” and a smile at the end, he’s happier than ever.
semi eita. actually listens to the playlists you send him, regardless of how long. you’re never going to get back all the time you’ve spent making them. he doesn’t mind hearing the same songs or new ones. eita will always make your time and effort worth it.
akaashi keiji. reads books out loud to you, even if you fall sleepy. nobody’s too old to listen to someone tell stories. keiji’s willing to read them even until his voice runs out if it means seeing you at peace.
sakusa kiyoomi. opens a door for you. kiyoomi’s often misunderstood as someone rude, but if anything, he’s grew up getting taught proper manners. says he does it just so he won’t have to wait another second long for you, but he just wants to see the small curl of your lips for a minute longer.
tsukishima kei. leaves you something to eat. kei doesn’t eat a lot, so everytime you come home, there’s always food. little do you know he leaves it because of you, not because he’s full.
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@neoheros lovely boys
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kairakeiji · 3 years
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keiji akaashi spent much more time in the library than he’d like to admit.
from studying to researching to just wandering through the bookshelves for new reads, akaashi always found himself in the library. at this point, he was certain that the librarian knew him by name. at this point, he was certain that the table in the back near the encyclopedias and bay window was reserved just for him. the library was a perfect place for him after all, it was a place where he could study, get work done, and get lost in the literature surrounding him.
akaashi's certain he's combed through all the sections of the library, having read most of the books that piqued his interest. he for sure knew the location of his favorite books on the library shelves, in case he ever wanted to come back and reread them. yet despite his interest in mysteries and fiction stories, there's always been one section he's always tended to avoid.
the romance section.
he didn't know why he tended to avoid that section. maybe because of that one sappy, shitty novel he read years back, or maybe because he wasn't too interested in reading a love story. it seemed as if he neglected the section, opting to run back to his comfort zones of crime and mystery. but when akaashi made his way to the library that day, something tugged at him to check the section, to finally give the books there a chance. so he took a right at nonfiction instead of his usual left as he reached the one part of the library that was unfamiliar to him.
and in the section stood you, eyes glossing over the many book titles as your fingers ran over the spines.
and suddenly akaashi wishes he visited the romance section sooner.
you met his gaze with a kind smile, "it's you!"
it makes akaashi blink, "it's me?"
"yeah the boy who always takes the good desk near the window," you replied. "it's like the best table in the library."
but he pauses once more, "you know me?"
"well," you start with a shrug, "kind of? sort of? i just see you here all the time."
"so then i take it you're here as often as me?"
and you smile, pulling a book off the shelves, "i suppose so, i'm here a lot to study like you are. but you're never in the romance section though."
"and how do you know that?"
"if you were i would've definitely started a conversation."
"just like you are now?" he asks with a smile.
and you point towards him mirroring his grin, "exactly."
akaashi's eyes follow yours as you look over the cover of a book, not able to catch sight of the cover before your attention goes back to him.
"so bay window boy," you start, closing the book you planned on checking out. "why are you in the romance section?"
and akaashi only shrugs, a small smile on his lips at the nickname, "not too sure, i just thought i'd give it a try today."
"romance isn't your genre i take it?" you ask.
"i mean i'm never in the section here am i?"
"fair point," your eyes light up, "well that's exciting, do you want recommendations or anything? i can help you find a good book."
"that sounds nice," he sighs.
"perfect, i think i have just the book," you reply, eyes going back towards the shelves as your fingers run back over the spines, "where is it, where is it," you mumble.
and akaashi can only watch, drawn in by the fact that someone else seemed to know this library like the back of their hand. he isn't sure how he hasn't noticed you before, considering how you're in here just as often as he is.
he wishes he met you sooner.
"here it is!" you smile, standing up straight as you hand him a book.
"the hidden meanings," he mumbles reading off the cover.
"it's a story about this flower shop owner who sees this pretty girl come in and ask for flower recommendations."
"i didn't think flower shops gave recommendations."
"well i mean if you want certain flowers for certain situations i guess," you laugh. "it's really cute and has a whole lot of symbolism in it, it's a good starter."
"interesting," he mumbled, flipping through the short book. "i'll give it a try then."
and you can only smile, "i'm so glad! you have to let me know how it goes."
"and how am i supposed to do that?" akaashi smiles.
"i mean i am in the library 24/7," you laugh. "just like you are."
"but what if i finish it and i'm not in the library?"
"then," you extend your hand. "i can put my number in your phone."
his heart skips a beat, "sure." and you type your digits into his phone.
"there we go," you smile. "make sure to update me, okay?"
and akaashi nods, looking up at you on seeing your contact name.
the pretty romance connoisseur it read, and akaashi couldn't help the small laugh that left his lips.
"so i don't get your real name then?" he asks watching as you turn to leave the romance section.
"you gotta text me to find out," you smile. "i don't know yours either."
"akaashi," he offers instantly. "my name's akaashi."
you pause as you reach the end of the shelf "i think i like bay window boy better," you laugh.
and before akaashi could protest you were gone.
how odd of an interaction was that, he thought to himself. akaashi didn't even get your name, all he got was a nickname, a phone number, and a book that he now had to read. he flipped through the pages of the book again, now pushing his agenda to the side as he went to check it out.
because if finishing the book would lead to him seeing you again, akaashi didn't want to waste a single second.
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happy birthday to my darling keiji <33
thanks for reading!! reblogs are so so appreciated. 
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akaashisbabygirl · 3 years
calling them by their name prank
characters involved: suna, bokuto, oikawa, akaashi, yamaguchi, hinata, kenma, kuroo, daichi, atsumu, iwaizumi, kita, osamu, sugawara, nishinoya, sakusa, tendou, ushijima, aran, matsukawa, kageyama, tsukishima
warnings: none
suna rintarō
“okay thank you suna” this man is gonna be all shocked. he’s gonna tell you straight then and there “my names not suna...” i highkey think he doesn’t like to be called suna by you, he prefers being called babe, baby or love, so when you’re not using those nicknames suna begins to act like a child and call you out for it. he will joke back when you say it was a joke and be like “i’m not going to sleep in the same bed as you tonight!!!”
bokuto kōtarō
“thank you bokuto” he starts to pout and fiddle with his fingers before he asks you if he’s done anything wrong. he looks to the floor too because he’s really scared that he’s upset you in some sort of way and doesn’t want you to be upset with him. he begins apologising saying he’s sorry for what he’s done. when you tell him that it’s just a prank, he’s relieved as he really did think that you were mad at him. the baby owl got a little sad
oikawa tōru
“okay oikawa” when he hears that name “oikawa” fall from your lips, his jaw drops from shock because he didn’t expect it at all. he asks you if you’re okay, a little pout on his face saying “you didn’t call me baby” when he’s talking to you. immediately, from his baby face, you tell him that it was just a prank and that you’re not mad at him. he feels glad that you’re not mad, but tells you to call him baby right now otherwise he will continue pouting
akaashi keiji
“thank you akaashi.” akaashi pouts. he literally fucking pouts. and then he’s like, “my names not akaashi!” and acts like a five year old, folding his arms, pouting because he likes it when you call him “baby” not by his name. akaashi will also ask if you’re okay, because it’s not usual for you to call him by his last name. he pouts when he finds out it’s a prank. he thought he did something wrong and started to panic a little :(
yamaguchi tadashi 
“will do yamaguchi” he starts to freak out a lot because he doesn’t know why you’re not calling him baby or beautiful or any of the other names you like to call him. he starts fiddling with his fingers as he looks up at you and asks if he’s done something wrong. you have to shake your head and tell him that it’s just a prank because if you don’t, the boy is going to honestly freak out because he doesn’t know how to react to you calling him by his name
hinata shōyō
“okay hinata” the poor baby is freaking out. LIKE FREAKING OUT because you never really call him by his last name. he starts to panic, has he done something wrong?? he’s literally panicking, but he won’t say anything to you because he thinks you’re mad at him. you have to be the one to speak up first and tell him that it was just a prank and you’re not mad at him. he tells you not to do that because he swears he could’ve passed out
kenma kozume
“thank you kenma” the second he hears “kenma” come from your lips, he’s pausing his game and going all quiet because he feels as if he’s done something wrong which is why you are calling him something else instead of those nicknames you always give him. he goes all quiet as he’s playing his games, and you pick up on it. hearing kenma be all silent makes you tell him it’s a prank, because you can tell he’s overthinking and upset :((
kuroo tetsurō
“thank you so much kuroo, i’ll do it soon” he doesn’t really mind if you’re calling him kuroo or whatever, you can call him whatever you wanna call him, he doesn’t really mind at all. but if he thinks you’re looking really upset that’s when kuroo is going to ask you if you’re okay. i feel like he already suspects that maybe there’s a possible chance that it’s a prank. but when you tell him that it’s a prank he’s like I FUCKING KNEW IT
daichi sawamura
“okay daichi” he will ask you and just check up on you to see if everything is okay. he doesn’t really mind if you want to call him daichi because he is fine with you calling him whatever. yes, he does think it’s a little weird that you’re calling him something that isn’t a cute nickname you’ve made up, but he doesn’t really mind. he also doesn’t mind that it’s a prank, he’s cool with it all. he doesn’t mind and he’s not mad either
atsumu miya
“thanks atsumu!” hes like okay atsumu?? but he doesn’t mind it at all because it’s his first name. yet, he starts to get slightly annoyed because he doesn’t like it when you don’t call him by his nicknames that you give him. the next time you call him atsumu he says to you, “please y/n, just call me baby or something, no atsumu” and that’s when you tell him that it’s a prank. he’s like OHHH I KNEW THAT!! he didn’t know that
iwaizumi hajime
“okay iwaizumi.” the second you say that he’s like “what the fuck iwaizumi??” and will say out loud “who is iwaizumi” just because he wants you to call him by the nicknames you like to give him. when you tell him that it was a prank, he just sighs and tells you not to do that. i feel like he would be kinda anxious that he had done something wrong, and just begin to overthink the situation. he’s glad that he didn’t do anything wrong :)
kita shinsuke
“thank you so much kita” the second he hears the name kita fall from your lips, he’s asking you if you’re okay. when you say you’re alright he asks if you’re sure and explains because you’ve called him “kita” and you rarely call him by that name. when you end up telling him that it’s a prank, he’s like “oh” and understands that you were just playing around with him. he’s a gentleman, a sweetheart, he totally understands that you play around at times
osamu miya
“okay osamu” he doesn’t really think much about it as the two of you are working at his onirigi store while it’s busy, so maybe you had just forgotten, easy mistake. but after a while, when you call him “osamu” a lot more times, that’s when he’s going to start telling you that you should call him baby and tell you to stop calling him osamu. he’s like OH :o when you tell him that it was just a prank, he was honestly clueless
sugawara kōshi
“thank you sugawara” suga doesn’t mind, he’s not against you calling him sugawara or anything, but the fact that only a few minutes ago you were calling him “love” and now you’re not makes him kinda pouty. so, suga is going to tell you that you should be calling him baby not suga :(( he has a little pout on his face too but he totally understands if you don’t feel like calling him by a nickname at the moment. understands when you say it’s a prank
nishinoya yū
“okay nishinoya” i hate to say it but he’s lowkey clueless at the very beginning the first time you say it, but when you start calling him by his last name a few more times that’s when he’s starting to pick up on it and when he starts to feel like something different is happening. nishinoya kinda gets all quiet and all because of it. he doesn’t know if he’s done something wrong. however, he’s so thankful when you tell him that it’s just a prank
sakusa kiyoomi
“i’ll start working on it now sakusa” when you say that to him, he’s like sakusa??? he’s confused but he’s not going to call you out on it. he just thinks that you’re maybe having an off day. he won’t get angry at you for it. he doesn’t mind. yet, i feel like secretly he’s not going to tell you that he doesn’t like it when you don’t call him by his nicknames. when you tell him it’s a prank, he’s understanding about it and doesn’t say anything rude back :)
tendou satori
“thanks tendou, i’ll do it soon” he’s honestly like tendou?? i feel like he would pick up on it straight away because he just never really hears you say his name, you usually call him something else. he won’t really say anything unless he thinks something is really wrong, he just stays quiet until he keeps hearing you call him tendou more. when you end up telling him that it’s a prank, then he’s like OHHHHHHH and is all cool
ushijima wakatoshi
“okay ushijima” he goes quiet but doesn’t think much about it. yet, he starts to feel as if something is wrong because you aren’t calling him by nicknames such as baby or ushi or whatever you feel like calling him. “y/n, have i done something wrong?” he will ask you straight out because he wants to sort it out instead of letting you sit there upset at him. he’s all confused and all when you tell him it’s just a prank
aran ojirō
“thank you aran” he straight up asks you if you’re okay, and when you say you are he’s like okay. however, you continue to keep calling him aran instead of the nicknames you choose to give him. that’s when he starts to get a little worried about you because he doesn’t think you’re okay. he asks you again if you’re okay, and that’s when you tell him it’s a prank. he’s like “ohhh that makes so much sense now” and understands
matsukawa issei
“i’ll work on it now matsukawa” he’s gonna straight up ask you “not even calling me issei?? why are you calling me by my last name?” he doesn’t like the fact that you’re calling him by his last name. and when you keep calling him by his last name, he starts to get fed up. it is at that point where you have to tell him that it’s a joke otherwise he’s going to end up really mad. he tells you not to call him by his last name ever again!!
kageyama tobio
“thank you kageyama.” he starts to honestly freak the fuck out because you haven’t called him “kageyama” in months. he begins to overthink and the man starts to become kinda anxious because he doesn’t know what to do. he won’t really end up getting enough confidence to ask you himself, so he waits for you to say anything. please tell him that it’s a prank before he stresses out too much and gets really sad :((
tsukishima kei
“okay tsukishima” the man becomes all shocked and all but he’s not going to confront you about it. he thinks you just forgot about it, he doesn’t mind. but you continue to call him tsukishima and that’s when he starts to get a little worried because he doesn’t know if you’re mad at him or not. he’ll ask you, “why do you keep calling me by my last name??” when you tell him that it was a prank, he was relieved and told you never to do that again
© all content belongs to akaashisbabygirl 2021, do not repost or change
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tommybaholland · 3 years
when they’re grumpy but their s/o wants attention [1.5k follower special]
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featuring: kuroo, kenma, akaashi, nishinoya, and kageyama
thank you for sharing this fun celebration with me! can’t wait to host more :) enjoy! x 
he’s not super temperamental but he can develop a short fuse when he’s stressed or overwhelmed 
you’ll try to get him to take a break but he gets stern really quick 
when he doesn’t give in like usual, you take defeat and leave the room
he immediately feels bad that he snapped at you 
he will hug and kiss you until you accept his ample apology 
“oh. hey, beautiful,” your boyfriend greeted after you wrapped your arms around his shoulders from behind.
“what are you doing?” you asked, leaning down to look at the screen. 
“just work again.”
“do you wanna take a break and come cuddle with me?” 
“i wish i could, babe, but i need to get this done.”
“but you’ve been working forever. please, tetsu?” you give him your best pouty, puppy dog eyes that he always falls for. 
“not right now,” he replies shortly. 
you start playing with his hair, something you know he can’t resist. 
“babe, seriously. i’ll come cuddle with you later. now, please, i need to finish this. can you just leave me alone for another half hour?”
“no, baby. wait--” the door slammed behind you before he could finish his sentence. he swears under his breath, knowing that he hurt your feelings. he quickly exits his work and gets up to go find you. 
you’re sitting on the couch, looking at something on your phone. he saunters over and immediately puts his head in your lap. 
“i’m sorry, kitten. i shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. i’ve been stressed with everything lately but that’s no excuse because you don’t deserve that. i’m sorry.”
you sigh and try to get up but he stops you by wrapping his arms around your hips, pressing his face into your midsection. 
“no, baby, please don’t go. i need you and your cuddles. pleeeeaaasssseee,” he pleads, hugging you tighter. he feels your stomach vibrate against his face and he looks up to see you laughing lightly. 
“what’s so funny?” he chuckles with you. 
“nothing,” you reply, putting a hand in his hair. “you’re just so cute.”
“does this mean you forgive me?” he asks, sitting up. 
“i suppose you can be forgiven.”
“i’ll take it. now, c’mere.” he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him to accept the many kisses he places on your cheek. 
he gets frustrated or irritated kinda easily 
mostly when he can’t complete a stage in one of his games 
he can displace his anger onto you when you want to snuggle up to him 
he doesn’t realize what he did until later when he finds you sitting by yourself
he has a simple apology but he makes up for the lack of attention he’s given you 
you always knew where to find kenma. in his room, playing a game. if it’s new, you probably won’t see him for a while as he tries to spend all his free time trying to complete it so visits to his house were frequent. 
even if you had an outing planned, he would try to get in some gameplay beforehand. 
“hey, ken,” you greeted as you entered his room.
he doesn’t respond for a few seconds as he vigorously mashes buttons to defeat the battle he was on. he lets out a frustrated grunt as the ‘lose’ screen taunts him before turning to you. 
“oh, hey.” 
“are you ready to go?” 
“yeah. um, let me just try one more time to beat this,” he negotiates. 
“okay,” you reply as you sit close next to him. he restarts the stage and you watch him play until you yawn and start to lean your head on his shoulder. 
“y/n, i can’t do this while you’re-- oh, god. no!” 
he loses again, causing him to harshly nudge you off his shoulder. 
“ugh, i was so close just then. why do you have to lean on me like that?”
“i’m sorry. i was just kinda tired.”
“well, maybe you should get more sleep so you don’t make me lose again,” he snaps. he mutters under his breath before picking the controller back up and starting again. 
he barely even notices you’re gone until he completes the stage on the next round. he gets up and goes to look for you. he finds you sitting outside his house, presumably waiting for him. he frowns, feeling guilty about what he said to you and continued playing instead of apologizing to you. you could’ve been sitting out here forever. 
“y/n?” he says softly, getting your attention. “i’m sorry. i was mad at the game, not you. i didn’t mean it like that. i’m ready to go now if you want.” 
you’re not totally convinced which prompts him to sit down next to you. he leans his head on your shoulder just like you had to him earlier. he slowly reaches his hand over to yours, interlocking your fingers. 
“i really like when you lean on me. please don’t listen to anything i say when i’m playing games.”
you sigh. “it’s okay. i forgive you. let’s go.” 
he nods, standing up with his hand still in yours. 
“can i have a hug?” he asks cutely, his other hand reaching for your elbow. 
you grin and nod, letting him pull you into him. he hugs you tightly, his fingers tickling your back as they brush across. he pulls away, his hands moving to hold either side of your head to kiss the tip of your nose. 
“okay, let’s go.” 
he holds your hand the whole way there. 
he’s pretty calm and not quick to yell like kuroo but he can let stress take over easily
he’ll try to take a nap to relieve it but you come over as a surprise 
he doesn’t take it too well and ‘snaps’ at you 
you end up leaving his house completely and now he feels like he can’t just nap this one away
hugs and cuddles you as he apologizes 
he had finally felt the sweet embrace of his bed after the longest day ever. he just wanted to sleep it all away, easing his aching muscles. what felt like seconds later, he heard your voice. 
“keiji,” you roused, rubbing a hand over his back. “are you sleepy, babe?”
he groaned, shifting over to face away from you. 
“i’m trying to nap, baby. what are you doing here?”
“i just wanted to surprise you. you seemed like you were having a bad day,” you explained.
“yeah. i was. and you just woke me up.”
“oh, i’m sorry. i can rub your back if you want.”
“i want to take a nap. alone.”
“oh. i, um-- okay,” you stuttered, getting up quickly and leaving the room without another word. 
he couldn’t go back to sleep after that. you wanted to make him feel better and he only pushed you away. he quickly got out of bed, hoping he could catch up with you. you weren’t very far from his house as he rushed down the street. 
“y/n? please, wait!” 
you stop in your tracks but don’t turn around. his heart is hammering against his chest as he stops behind you, trying to catch his breath.
“why are you apologizing? i’m the one who ruined your nap,” you reminded him. 
he walks around to stand in front of you, pretty eyes looking down at your wilted figure.
“no, you didn’t, baby. you didn’t do anything wrong. i was being a jerk and didn’t need to say that to you. i think i need you more than i need a nap. although, you and a nap would be nice, too.” 
your lips perked up slightly in a smile, making him lean down to get a better look at your face.
“is that a smile i see? no, don’t hide it. c’mere, beautiful.”
he takes you in his arms, hugging you tightly. he rocks you from side to side as he leans his head on top of yours. 
“i would love for you to join me for some cuddles. but i’ll probably fall asleep.”
you agree, smiling at him before he gives you a sweet kiss. he leads you back to his house where you go back into his room. you get all comfy under the covers with him lying on top of you, his head on your chest. 
he kisses your cheek a few times before laying down. “thank you, baby.” 
he’s usually a very bright and happy-go-lucky boy but he can get irritated 
he’ll get way too amped up about something and then get frustrated when it doesn’t play out how he thinks 
he does get loud when he lets it all out on you as you’re trying to comfort him 
you try to hide your tears and leave him alone but he cannot believe he just yelled at you 
he will literally get on his hands and knees as he apologizes 
you liked to meet up with him after his practice so that you could walk home together. seeing him in the gym, you decided to surprise him by placing your hands on his shoulder and using him to brace yourself as you jumped into the air, which is something he would often do to you and his teammates. 
“hey, sweetie,” he greeted after turning around, looking kinda solemn.
“you ready to go?”
“yeah. let’s go.”
you followed him out but he didn’t take your hand like he would whenever you walked home. he could never hide his feelings though.
“ugh, i missed almost every dig today. every one! i’m so pissed, i’m going to do so many push-ups-- what are you doing!?”
he snatched his hand away from you when you tried to hold it. you winced at his sudden outburst. 
“um, i just wanted to hold your hand.”
“are you even listening to me? i’m really pissed off right now, babe.”
“i- i’m sorry,” you apologized. his heart broke when he heard the break in your voice and seeing your eyes become glossy. what was worse, he was the cause of it. 
you tried to push the tears back into your eyes. “i’ll walk by myself.” 
he grabbed your wrist quickly to stop you. “no, wait.”
you couldn’t hold it in and started sobbing. your hands coming up to cover your face. 
“don’t cry, beautiful,” he consoled, wrapping his arms around you. “that was stupid of me to yell at you. i love when you want to hold my hand. my emotions just got the best of me.”
“it’s, it’s okay,” you sobbed, wiping your eyes. 
“no, it’s not!” he declares. “what do i have to do to make it okay? please tell me, sweetheart.”
“oh, i know--”
“that’s okay, noya. you don’t have to--”
he was literally on his hands and knees in the middle of the road asking for your forgiveness. 
“oh, my sweet, beautiful, gorgeous, smart, strong s/o! will you please forgive me and my idiot self for being a bad boyfriend?”
“noya, you’re not a bad boyfriend. please get off the ground.”
“not until you forgive me!” he wraps his arms around your middle, pressing his face into your tummy. 
“okay, okay. i forgive you,” you laughed. 
“yay!” he jumps up and into your arms, kissing you many times on the head. “you are my favorite person and i can’t stand to see you cry.” 
“now will you hold my hand?”
“of course. can i kiss you too?” 
he’s known to be habitually grumpy 
he enjoys your presence the most so if he starts getting short with you, you know something’s bothering him 
yells like noya but you’ve heard it before so you’re able to leave him to cool off 
he’ll eventually realize he was being dumb and didn’t need to yell at you
but he’s not the smoothest at apologizing  
kageyama did not like school. he’d rather play volleyball for the rest of his life. he was good at it, he memorized all the plays, and he could understand it. but when he actually does study and still gets a bad grade, you’ll never hear the end of it.
“ugh, this is so stupid. i thought i studied enough!” he vented as you two sat in his room together. 
“it’s alright, tobi. we’ll just try something different next time, that’s all,” you consoled, patting him on the shoulder 
“pft. easy for you to say,” he grumbled.
“excuse me?”
“you get good grades all the time without any effort. it doesn’t make sense.”
“i actually try very hard and i want to help you--”
“well, i don’t need your help!” he blurts out, shifting away from your touch.
your lips draw into a hard line “that’s fine. i just don’t want you to get discouraged about school, that’s all. you know i care about you,” you reasoned. you could tell he was already on a short fuse and were currently trying to defuse him. 
“i just think that you should--”
“look, you’re not my mom! can you just shut up about this now? i’m done talking about it.”
you nod quietly before packing up your things and leaving. it was obvious he needed some time to himself and you weren’t about to be on the receiving end of his aggressions. 
later that night, there was a knock on your door. it was none other than your grumpy boyfriend who looked rather remorseful. 
“uh, hi.”
“what’s up?”
“i, i know you probably don’t want me here right now but i just wanted to say that i’m sorry.”
you simply nodded, the silence allowing him to keep talking. 
“i was being a dumb jerk. i know you care about me and i really, really care about you. i feel like i don’t appreciate you enough for everything that you do for me.” he looks down, ashamed of how unfulfilling his love seems compared to yours. 
“that’s not true, tobi,” you negate, reaching to him. “i know you care about me. you just have a different way of showing it. like coming here late at night with a-- is that a bento box?” 
“it’s some snacks my mom helped me make. she said this is good brain food. i was hoping you could help me with some homework.  also,” he looks away from you once more.
“i can’t go to the tournament if i don’t pass japanese lit. could you please help me?”
you look him up and down for a few moments before grinning. “of course i can.”
you let him into the house. you feel a tugging on your shirt and turn around to see him standing there awkwardly. 
“would you-- can you hug me, please?”
you don’t respond except with a smile and simply wrap your arms around his waist. he hugs you tightly, burying his face in your neck. 
“thank you. love you so much.” 
he has lots to learn, but he’ll get there and one day, it’ll be as easy as volleyball. 
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the event is over but more coming soon! send a request in the meantime..
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