#love that they were a crack ship at first but like hey its my lore i do what i want they are canon now
pickled-flowers · 10 months
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Some cold times softness
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the-holy-ghosted · 11 months
*holding out my hands completely unbidden and unprompted*
Hey I heard y’all got ocs in here? Ocs hello?? Hot ocs in my area????
hi im gonna pretend i didnt get this asked to me by somebody else before i clicked a wrong button and tumblr erased the whole post. taking this unbiased opportunity to jump into these characters.
i have had these ocs for upwards of 7 or 8 years, who went untouched for a VERY long time before getting picked back up and refurbished as of about 2 years ago. it is with MUCH pride i tell you that they intertwine very deeply with a friend's own ocs (YOU!! WHO SENT THIS!!) and they've helped me build up these characters into something i'm incredibly proud of and ought to share by now
without further adieu: some pirates, some 19th century fantasy (a LOT of fucking fantasy), and like 8 years worth of worldbuilding that i am STILL not done with. enjoy
FIRST of all let me show you who we're working with:
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Who the hell is that?
Leo Blackwater (he/him) - 56 yrs, 5'6'', 152 lbs
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Captain of the ship The Eclipse.
Widower of 19 years. only recently decided to open his heart back up; she wanted him to be happy, after all. She's a sensitive topic, even now. so any prodding or teasing on the matter of moving on will be met violently.
Bounty hunter. Smuggler. Doing pirate things, you see. Polite old dad, a warm personality to lure you into a false sense of security and turn you in for a pretty penny.
Disabled after a beam cracked and landed on his knee, breaking it. It never healed right, and hes slower for it, especially in old age. Despite this handicap making him more vulnerable, he does not carry much in the way of weapons.
Eldest of 6 siblings. Son of a humble small town fisherman; perhaps not all that glad for his son's criminality, but the money he sends home makes it forgiven.
Father of one, a daughter, captain of her own ship.
Formed his love for the sea at 18 on his father's fishing boat. Never much respect for the Navy proper. But, after being in the right place at the right time and earning the reward money for a highly wanted pirate, he started to get ideas...
Percius (Percy) Blackwater (they/them) - 48 yrs, 5'10'', 150 lbs
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Younger sibling of Leo. 3rd child of 6.
Takes up a number of jobs on Eclipse. Took up the role of second in command after the passing of Mrs. Blackwater.
Respects and trusts their brother's choice in livelihood. Begged since they were young to let them sail with him. Didn't realize what it entailed until they were already aboard.
Unmarried. They're a bit busy right now.
Willing to be called uncle by their beloved niece, for lack of a better word.
Betelgeuse Blackwater (she/her) - 30 yrs, 6'5'', 240 lbs
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Captain of The Starlight, all-female crew.
Bounty hunter. Smuggler. Learned her way of living from her parents.
Inherited her face and density from her father, nothing else. Prone to brute force rather than wit and cunning. This works for her just fine.
Quite awkward, if she likes you.
Eldest (and favorite) grandchild, an only child, a totally different woman if you see her around family. Towers over father, but makes herself small for a kiss hello.
Was only about 7 or 8 when her mother passed. She remembers what little she has of her fondly, and greets her kindly when she looks in a mirror.
So whats going on?
What a funny question!!! I got no clue. But I'll start by explaining a little worldbuilding lore (cringe explination incoming):
There is magic in this universe. Not one that's denied or marveled at, but exists as much as everything else you dont pay attention to around you. Its as real as gravity. It's a honed skill in some, frowned upon by others, used unwisely by a small (but not unheard of) few. Magic makes itself present in a number of ways; it's hard to find written rules of these things unless you know precisely what you want and what you believe in. In many areas, some small towns appear to be protected by nameless elements and energies. It's more often that you find individuals who put in the work to harness their beliefs into something tangible, all calling their faiths and abilities something different from each other. Again, its not unheard of for individuals to use these abilities for their own poor intentions. If someone like Leo is lucky, bagging a Magic user is worth every ounce of hassle it takes. He seems to get away with feats like this often, though port authority fears him enough not to ask how. The Blackwaters won't admit foul play, though, if you're in the right town listening to the right gossip, you might hear a rumor or two about Betelgeuse's warm touch and a spitfire attitude when shes angry.
So whats up with Leo?
As aforementioned, Leo has recently made himself a bachelor. He has no shortage of acquaintances and colleagues in his line of business. His demeanor, if you trust it, is very welcoming to new colleagues. He's not looking for something to jump too quickly into, he's happy to take things slow as he navigates romance again after so long.
And then he captures Roark.
Roark Renshaw (he/him) - 68 yrs, 6'6'', 250 lbs (CREATION OF @skelelephant)
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World's worst man.
Captain of The Red Hound, took this position by force at the age of 21. The crew that remained after his mutiny had naught the will to defy him, choosing to follow out of curiosity more than anything else afterward.
Professional menace. High-seas whore. Good old fashioned murderer, committer of pirate crimes as you'd imagine. Terribly smug about it.
Unknown origin, unknown motive. He cropped up out of thin air and has made himself a name to be feared ever since, doing a service to the red flag The Hound flies.
For all his force, he is not one easily captured. For all his reputation, he is reckless. He caught Leo at a bad time, unfortunately.
Roark is a household name among most port towns, wanted dead or alive for the better half of his life by the Navy. His nature is not unlike that of a rabid dog, compared often to his ship's namesake. It is a state of being that none have been able to tame him out of, not by any rotating carousel of lovers he finds among port towns or the enemies he finds in equal amount, and one that gives the bounty over his head a lot of zeros. One that Leo, for all his skill, saw as a pipe dream. Leo knew of him, certainly. Roark has been on his radar since before his wife's passing- they'd spoken of capturing him fondly, joked about like some impossible fantasy. But for all his reputation comes bad habits that lower his guard when he needs it most. Stumbling drunkenly out of a tavern one evening, docked unknowingly at the same port as The Eclipse, he is disarmed and captured before he knows it.
This is a victory unheard of. It seems only fitting that Leo Blackwater would bag him, Roark having not expected to meet his match in such a mild man. Before the crew of The Hound have enough notice, Eclipse sails off to deposit the dog that is Roark Renshaw to the navy for a glorious execution, and an even more glorious reward. Leo has the gall to boast this to his prisoner, who seems almost humored. Hes quite charming when hes disarmed, a feature of his that seeps into the cracks of Leo's resolve and that itch the loneliness that he had yet to satisfy. Hes dangerous even with his hands tied.
This is what solidifies Leo's decision to turn him in. A man who so loved to be chased and so loved the rotten attention he recieved, who needed to be put down. It was a thrill, though, to capture the hound himself and be one of few to ever do so. To be revered as Roarks captor would make one want to do it all over again.
By luck or by the hunger for chase that gnawed on Roark and Leo's ribs, Roark finds the moment to escape as hes being escorted off the ship. Leo, notably, makes a piss poor attempt at catching him.
Seen as a dire fluke from the outside, the captains know it was on purpose. They've found themselves amidst a game of cat and mouse, that gives them a small purpose for at least a little while. You bond very closely when trying to kill each other, you know!
So what's their deal?
Well, their deal is that they *make* a deal.
Though Roark might be a big fish in their career pond, he is not the only one. Eventually, always eventually, there is another to challenge Roark's reputation. He wants the pirate out of his way, and Leo could always use another bounty. But hes slippery... moreso than Roark, who lets himself into Leo's jaws on purpose.
So... an alliance is formed. Temporary, of course, they split this bounty and part ways. So they say. But Roark is a charming man, and fulfills the loneliness and search for companionship that Leo wanted... and Leo is collected and steady, more than the majority of Roark's colleagues. They stand out to each other. They're comfortable. Attached.
So... after the bounty is collected they choose not to end their truce. Spend more time together. Work together exceptionally well. Balance each other out, in a way.
So they're together?
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probably the only existing drawing of them Together despite how much we both draw them seperately.
Their alliance spills over into something... fond. Affectionate, even. A few meetups at a port town turn into a lot more working together peacefully. This leads to some... interesting wires to cross between their own respective enemies, interesting wires between one another. They get to know each other very personally in some strenuous circumstances.
Anyways! Now that they're on the table, I feel a little more comfortable to talk about them more. Draw them more. Answer some questions, if anybody has any. I did leave a lot open-ended...
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half-dead-ham · 2 years
First 10 lines of FF leggo!
Rules: share the first line of the last ten fics you wrote and tag some people :)
So I was tagged by my lovely (platonic) spouse @gremlin-bot for this challenge and I am more than happy to oblige! Who knows, maybe this'll light a fire under my butt to start writing some more on these.
For you cannot take my heart, might I lend you my ear? (DP x DC)[out!] Ft. vampire!Dick
"Where is he?"
2. Soulmate, shift, send (DP x DC) A continuation to my TargetPractice(RoyxDanny) Soulmate AU
Danny: Hey Roy , Its me Danny
3. Chapter 14 of Tim Drake's I.E.F (DP x DC)
It was a few hours before patrol when the two unconscious agents finally came to.
4. The way to get lost in you (DP x DC) A fic where Danny possesses Jayson accidentally
It was a cold night in Ancients know where and Danny was tired, hurt, and running low on ectoplasm.
5. With chaos brings justice (DP x DC) [out!] enemies to lovers with ChaoticSpirits (KlarionxDanny)
John Constantine was a man of few pleasures.
6. The good, the bad, & the dead (DP x DC x AF) A crack ship me and @bewitched-forest collabed on for the lore
Danny was trying to get a few more minutes of shut eye, mentally blocking out the noises of the people chatting and moving around him.
7. Chapter 2 of Circus of the dead (DP x DC)
The sound of his motorcycle engine echoed around the entrance tunnel as Dick drove in for some rest after patrol.
8. What a shocker! (Final name TBD)(DP x DC) A halfa Damian AU
The news of a new hero joining the Justice League didn't bother Damian at this point.
9. On the rise (DP x DC) [out!] A wings AU featuring Over 9000 (Kon-el x Danny)
“Heads up!”
10. I've waited this long (DP x DC) [out!] My TargetPractice (RoyxDanny) soulmate AU
Despite how much Danny’s parents invest in the scientific method, they were never one’s to believe in things like ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’.
I hope the WIPs you see will one day com out, but I tend to get plot bunnies a lot and they always tend to muck up my focus. I don't have anyone I want to tag besides @halfblackwolfdemon (if ya want to hun, no pressure) and anyone who wants to do this you can say I tagged you too! Its ok, I won't tell./j
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laurawritesandgames · 4 years
For Beetlelands Week 2020
Title: Write Like the Wind
Fandom: Beetlejuice (Musical)
Rating: T
Ships: Beetlejuice/Adam/Barbara
Prompt: One Bed
Summary: Adam wants to do something for nerd-kind now that he has ghostly powers. Beetlejuice and Barbara help out. Spoilers for The Winds of Winter.
When Beetlejuice returned from the Netherworld, he came back powerful. Barbara wasn’t exactly sure how—the story changed with each telling. 
But he returned with enough power to teleport her and Adam pretty much anywhere he could visualize. Thanks to Google Street View, he could visualize quite a few things.
Being able to teleport was very helpful when Adam had a specific request.
The ghosts and demon appeared inside a very fancy home, with sunlight streaming in the windows. Beetlejuice was hovering between Barbara and Adam, holding their hands. Barbara suspected this wasn’t strictly part of his teleportation ability, but it was a nice excuse to hold hands.
The demon shimmered in and out briefly, wincing.
“Everything okay?” Barbara asked.
“Teleporting all the way to New Mexico is a lot. We’re definitely gonna need to stop by a bolt-hole on the way back.” According to Beetlejuice, undead travellers could recharge in places with a lot of “death energy”—graveyards, usually, or famous battlefields.
The clicking of a keyboard drew the three of them to an office where a large, grey-haired man sat in front of his computer.
Adam sucked in a breath. “There he is,” he whispered.
Beetlejuice rolled his eyes. “Sexy, you’re dead. He can’t hear you.” Sure enough, the writer hadn’t turned around at the sound of Beetlejuice’s voice.
“Oh.” Adam looked a bit disappointed. “I guess I just assumed that he’d be attuned to the supernatural. He’s a master of the sci-fi/fantasy genre! Anyway, let’s go see what he’s working on.” He crossed his fingers as the three of them huddled around the author’s computer screen.
Barbara felt a bit awkward reading over someone’s shoulder, and looked politely aside. She’d never gotten into sci-fi and fantasy the way Adam had; he’d know better than she would what they were looking at.
Her husband’s face fell. “Wild Cards?!” he spluttered. “Wild freaking Cards! I know he only edits the anthologies, but they’re a distraction!” He ran his hands through his hair. “Just write the books, George!”
“I can take over his computer and threaten to start deleting files until the books are done!” Beetlejuice crowed. “Make it seem like he’s got a computer virus!”
Adam’s gaze flicked between Beetlejuice and the author’s computer a few times.
Barbara cleared her throat.
“No, of course not,” Adam said quickly. “Thanks for saving me from myself, sweetie.” He kissed her cheek. He focused on the author, holding out his hand. “Sorry about this.”
The author stopped what he was doing. He saved then exited out of the document. Adam searched through the computer files for a moment then made the author open up a document titled The Winds of Winter.
The document opened after a few moments. ‘Want to pick up where you left off?’ Word asked helpfully, and the author clicked on it. There were a bunch of unfamiliar words and names on the page that showed up.
No sense in me reading this. Barbara decided to look around a famous author’s office. She’d expected him to have a bunch of memorabilia from the TV show, but the furnishings were really quite ordinary. Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of bookshelves filled with books.
There was silence from the author, whose fingers were poised over the keyboard.
“C’mon, Sexy, get writing.” Beetlejuice hovered in mid-air, bobbing slightly. He was also eyeing the author’s office, but he was probably wondering where to put spiders.
“Er, there’s no way I can give him partial control, can I? I can’t write the next book!”
“Not how it works, newb.”
Adam sighed. “Okay. Um, my thoughts definitely won’t be his, but maybe I can make a start. Barbara, you took that course in creative writing in college, right? Do you have any tips?” Adam was an amazing man with many good qualities, but pure creativity wasn’t one of them.
“I can try, but I wasn’t writing award-winning fantasy novels back in college.” Barbara dredged up some memories of the TV show. “Maybe you should make the White Walkers show up! You know, inject some tension.”
“It’s an Arianne Martel chapter.”
Barbara had no idea what that meant. “Um…have a dragon show up?”
“I appreciate the thought, but Arianne is going to treat with Young Griff, and the entire point is that he’s a supposed Targaryen that doesn’t have dragons.”
Beetlejuice spoke up. “Have some brothers and sisters bone. Shove a little smut in there.”
“Not only does that not work in this chapter, I’m also not comfortable with that.”
“Or skip to a Dany chapter,” Barbara suggested. “I just want good things for her. How’s she doing, anyway?”
“Not well.” Adam made the author pull up a Dany chapter. He watched the blinking cursor for a few moments, frowning in thought.
Beetlejuice added, “You could write a bunch of dialogue in what’s basically a white room and see where it takes you. That’s an A-plus writing strategy, right there.”
Adam sighed, rubbing his forehead. After a few more moments of intense concentration, he looked away from the computer screen.
The author shook his head, blinking a few times.
“Maybe just having the document open will prompt him to write?” Adam asked hopefully.
The author closed out of The Winds of Winter and went back to a document called Wild Cards_edits.
Adam’s shoulders slumped.
Beetlejuice hovered closer. “Just casually mentioning that we can take out the phone, snap some pics of these new chapters, and threaten to leak them if he doesn’t write the books.”
“Photos of chapters over his shoulder?” Barbara said. “That’s pretty terrifying.”
The demon chuckled darkly.
“Ah. And that was exactly the point.” Beetlejuice might have changed a lot since his return from the Netherworld, but his love of fear and chaos that wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“No, Beetlejuice,” Adam said. “It wouldn’t work anyway. What kind of writing would you get if someone was bullied into it?”
“Bleh, you’re no fun. Where to next, Sexy? That Rothfuss guy?”
“Let’s just go home.”
“Have to make a quick stop first, but okay.” Beetlejuice grabbed their hands and teleported them away.
They landed in someplace pitch black. Beetlejuice lit a match of neon green fire, revealing a small underground crypt barely large enough for the three of them. Every surface was draped with dust and cobwebs. A half-open coffin showed patchy, stained velvet. If there was a door to this crypt, the match didn’t reveal it.
Beetlejuice tilted his head. “Ahhh, that’s better.” He frowned slightly, as if listening to something. Barbara couldn’t hear anything. “Yep, think it’s still sandworm free! Lemme just recharge for a while.”
“You’ve been here before?” she asked.
“Nah, but I saw drawings from some ghost hunters back in the Netherworld. Ghost hunters can go topside to bring ghosts back, and they need places to rest, too.”
“So, ghost hunters are ghosts who hunt other ghosts?”
“Yeah, and they’re the worst. The Bureau of the Dead won’t let anyone go topside unless they’re a boot-licker. But it was good to know a few of their tricks when I got banished up here.”
Barbara glanced at Adam, who normally would’ve loved Netherworld lore. It wasn’t every day that Beetlejuice opened up about a place that was, in his words, “total Meh-ville.” But Adam wasn’t even listening. The gloomy atmosphere of the crypt fit his gloomy expression perfectly.
“Hey,” Barbara said softly. When Adam turned her way, she squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to.”
“I guess art just has to happen at its own pace. You can’t force it. I just feel bad for all the other dead readers who’ll never get to read the end of the series. All they’ll have is the TV show’s ending.” He snorted in disgust.
“Maybe you planted a seed. Who knows? Inspiration is a funny thing.”
“And there’s always fanfic,” Beetlejuice added.
“It’s not the same,” Adam said with a sigh.
“Heh, speaking of fanfic….” Beetlejuice hopped into the coffin. “Oh noooo. There’s only one bed!”
Barbara and Adam stared at him. She had no idea what he was talking about.
Beetlejuice huffed. “Oh, come on. None of you ever read a romance fic? Hell, a romance novel?”
“No,” Adam said.
“Not really my thing,” Barbara added. She was a fan of biographies and autobiographies of famous people, personally. “And, also? Not a bed. It’s a coffin. And sleeping in a coffin is also not my thing.”
“Jesus, so picky.” Beetlejuice snapped his fingers, and the coffin became their bed at home. “Get over here.” He hesitated then said, “Please.” Barbara and Adam had had conversations with him about asking instead of demanding; happily, it looked like those conversations were sticking.
Beetlejuice had just done them a huge favour, and a little cuddling might cheer Adam up. Barbara went to join Beetlejuice, shooting a questioning glance at Adam. He followed them, though he was still brooding.
She and Beetlejuice let Adam slide between them as the three sorted themselves out. (Sometimes, Beetlejuice would throw in extra limbs or a few clones just for the added challenge.) After some scooching and wriggling, Barbara’s cheek rested on Adam’s shoulder as she stroked his chest gently and held his left hand. Beetlejuice had one arm over the two of them and was, for some reason, nibbling on Adam’s hair, which sometimes became kissing the top of his head. After a while, you got used to a certain amount of weirdness.
Gradually, Adam began to relax. First, the tension left his shoulders. Then, he cracked his neck and his jaw untightened. (He’d needed to wear a mouthguard when he slept when he was alive. He was always grinding his teeth.)
“Maybe…” he murmured. “Maybe I could write the ending to the books. It’ll be fanfic, but it’ll be something, at least. I can work on that project while the Deetzes are asleep. I’ve never written fic before, but I could try. It’s not like I need to eat or sleep. And I’ve been looking for a new project ever since I finished the model.” His model of the town had a place of pride in the attic, which the Maitlands had cleaned out and repurposed into an arts and crafts room. They still kept up with their hobbies, but they had fewer now that they were busy rehabilitating Beetlejuice and parenting Lydia.
“I’m sure it’ll be great, hon.” Barbara kissed his cheek. “I’ll help however I can.”
“And I can tell you all about what fic tropes you can put in!” Beetlejuice said. “Or what fic tropes we can do ourselves.” He must’ve been thinking about some sexual ones, for he chortled and squeezed Adam’s butt. “Gotta keep the rating PG-13 for Beetlelands Week, but…you know which ones.” He winked at no one in particular, it seemed. Sometimes, he pretended he had an audience; Barbara and Adam just ignored it.
Beetlejuice moved to nuzzling Adam’s throat. After a few moments, he began patting Barbara’s hair.
Barbara giggled. “Aren’t you supposed to be recharging?”
“It’s called multitasking, baby.” Idly, he commented, “Shit, fluff is hard to end. How do you even end something that by its nature has low stakes and minimal conflict?”
What was he talking about? Barbara shrugged.
Adam thoughtfully said, “Maybe with a kiss?”
“Hah!” Barbara couldn’t help but grin when Beetlejuice laughed like that. This wasn’t an evil cackle or a dark chuckle, but an open, cheerful sound that she’d been hearing more and more since they’d started dating. “Perfect! You’re so ready to be a fic writer, Sexy!”
Beetlejuice kissed Adam on the lips, and the cuddling in a false bed in an underground crypt continued.
Not for the first time, Barbara reflected, My afterlife is so weird.
But it did have its perks.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
How was your element of harmony fic gonna end?
Context for those unaware: EoH was one of my many attempts at a multicrossover. A predecessor to TBTC. It was my goal at being an EVERYTHING CROSSOVER and taking forever to highlight every little thing that could be explored in the canon of each work used. And I was in a difficult relationship with KH at the time, even though it was obviously a KH derivative, so I didn't want to actually use Sora and co. as the main cast. MLPFIM was a comfort show for me, and I was already used to the br0n135 using the Mane Six in crossovers with everything you could imagine, so I was like, hey, let's do this, Mane Six are now multi-world travelers and Discord is assembling every villain ever to stand in their way. (KH then ended up in the mythos anyway!) This is also where I was playing the infamous Twilight Sparkle/Mozenrath ship that is now very very dead.
To explain exactly what all was going on with the lore and politics of it to make this last bit make sense would take too long, so from there, please just...roll with it. I'm about to detail you THE FINALE ARC
The original idea was actually, at some point, to begin work on the Finale Arc when most of the main players were introduced. Then go back in time and keep editing the middle of the story to go on indefinitely. A bad business plan for many reasons, first of all being that I didn't even get to introduce the players that would've made it possible to begin the arc. That's how long I took to explore EVERY FRICKIN THING.
Over the course of the story, Discord has been interfering on every crossover world you can imagine, to the point of sometimes altering their canons into "fix fic." The story is aware of this. It's kinda like in the Loki series (of which I've only watched episode 1) where there's a "sacred timeline" and Discord's crossover actions are deliberate attempts by him to break it. We learn at some point that paradoxes and timeline changes are what broke the Age of Fairy Tales into the KH worlds we know today. So Discord rounds up his Old Ones (the Lovecraftian monstrosities that are more powerful than gods) and they all band together to strike at all the cracks he's put in the structure of the multiverse, and it all just falls APART. Worlds are destroyed, time has no meaning, suddenly everything is shards floating in void. The main players survive, mostly. Countless civilians die. Some named characters are given tragic deaths.
I've actually written one little snippet from this arc because I wanted to. It details two particular characters, who at the time were side villains I enjoyed and was just digging the vibe of, going down defending a stronghold from the creatures of Darkness (oni, yokai, Heartless, Grimm) that emerged from the void when everything broke. By the way do you want to take a guess who these characters IT WAS ARCHIBALD SNATCHER AND ROMAN TORCHWICK. GOD, THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN THE SIGN RIGHT THEN AND THERE THAT THEY WERE WHO I WANTED TO BE WRITING ABOUT FULL-TIME
But! I had a friend who'd lent me the book "Haroun and the Sea of Stories," and I was REALLY into that book's whole concept of "all stories in existence are threatened to end." So I lifted Khattam-Shud, a personification of The End (and I have since heard is also a political caricature), as the ACTUAL final boss. Discord wanted to blow up the multiverse because of the CHAOS that would ensue! KS, however, wanted to end EVERYTHING. (If I were doing this today, he'd just flat-out be Ansem, Seeker of Darkness instead.) Discord would realize he'd been played as KS makes a bid to line up one more cataclysm that will reduce everything to dust.
Heroes and villains alike, Discord included, find each other across the wastelands and amass into one last survivors' army led by the Mane Six. They approach the final field standing between them and KS and they charge. KS unleashes Dark creatures (Echthroi, as I had it) to gun them down. Pretty much everyone dies in this battle except the Mane Six themselves. (Which should give you a hint as to how this REALLY ends, but let's keep going.) The Mane Six fight their way to KS (and I'm REALLY gonna date myself here - the final line of defense before him was gonna be Paige the freaking Notebook from DHMIS as a personification of creative control). He shatters the Elements and then un-exists the Mane Six, but they don't die.
Instead, they end up in a sort of...white realm, inspired by the development rooms in The Stanley Parable (I was into even weirder fandoms back then than I am now apparently?). At one point it was gonna be "inside the author's laptop" and they could see doors to other timelines (i.e. crossover fanfics my friends were doing). They can also see all the files here for all the worlds they visited on their way and all the friends they made. Y'know, everything that's now DEAD.
The memories of everyone and everything they loved, however, allows them to forge one (1) new Element stone. This is...wait for it...THE ELEMENT OF HARMONY. Its surface shimmers with a rainbow of all colors! But wait! When it's flipped over, there's another side to the same gem, with colors dissonantly swirled around in an ugly way. Our heroines realize that the Element of Harmony also serves a dual purpose as the Element of Chaos, since you can't have one without the other!
The Mane Six find a way back to KS' battlefield, where he's about to finally UN-EXIST EVERYTHING. Twilight gets to say the one and only "FUCK" she's allowed to say in the whole story (I really...want to use this same joke on Mozenrath in TBTC...I know I've said he curses inaudibly to keep him IC but just imagine in the finale arc he gets the one and only FUCK he's ever allowed in his life). The six huddle around their Element of Harmony and activate its magic, casting a rainbow aura that begins to heal the broken multiverse. KS then tells them there's no way that will ever work because he and the other Old Ones caused so many paradoxes that it'll fall back apart again. To build a multiverse that's stable under these conditions would make no sense. And Twilight goes "WHAT FUN IS THERE IN MAKING SENSE" and flips the Element over to the Chaos side! Now the Chaos energy basically...fixes all the plot holes and physical impossibilities of the multiverse, allowing it to rebuild everything that had broken without a single issue!
Discord petrifies Khattam-Shud and it was fairly badass but I can't remember exactly what one-liner I gave him to end it.
Lights up on a rebuilt multiverse. Everyone's alive again and nothing's broken! YAY! And everyone in the survivor army (though they're not "survivors" anymore since EVERYONE is alive again) has come to Equestria to give the Mane Six a celebration for saving literally everything! AND THEY'RE ALL PONIES OR OTHERWISE MAGICAL CREATURES BECAUSE OF MY RULES OF FORM CHANGING IN THAT FIC. HAHAHAHAHA IT WAS A VERY COMICAL MENTAL IMAGE AND STILL IS.
The Six get their ships (Twilight/Mozenrath, Pinkie Pie/Megavolt, Fluttershy/Sakuya from Okami, Rarity/Stork, Rainbow Dash/I would really rather not say this one because it was taboo in a way I don't wanna touch again, Applejack/I don't even know anymore because it was gonna be Emma Swan and then it wasn't and then I just got confused). And everyone just has a good time.
Also I heard the song "We Come Running" by Youngblood Hawke on the radio once and I was like "This would go great over a credits sequence" so I used it for a while as my inspo for a KH-style "credits montage" where you see each of the most major worlds and the factions that live on them, and an early concept for the WHAM ARMY was one of these factions and this cracks me up so much because they graduated from a shot in the KH montage to WE ARE THE PROTAGS OF THE NEXT FIC
And that's pretty much it!
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frogsandbeesyay · 3 years
Sbi oneshots:
lol hi ig here are some sbi oneshots
Things I will do:
Mild gore
Potentially triggering subjects
Anything that isn’t on the won’t list
Things I won’t do:
Shipping of any sort (they’re family fuck off)
Heavy gore
R@pe/sexu@l assault
Also most of these are set in a Kindof half Minecraft half real world type of thing. Like it’s their Minecraft personas but mostly un lore related.
I do accept requests but I’ll finish most of my ideas first probably unless I see one I really like :D
K let’s get started
Oneshot #1: accident
No trigger warning for this one, but there is mild crying involved and mention of a bruise, so I just thought I should mention that but I don’t think it’s considered a tw.
I’m a sucker for techno and Tommy fluff :p
Techno- 17
Wilbur- 17
Phil is old
Techno and Tommy were really close, everyone in sbi knew that techno had a soft spot for Tommy and Tommy opened up easily to techno. Who knew that a monotone pig hybrid and a slightly annoying angst child would get along so well? Techno never admitted to having a soft spot for Tommy, but everyone could tell. It was the little things, like overprotective stances and putting extra marshmallows in Tommy’s chocolate milk. They probably bonded because of their equally traumatic pasts that no one liked to mention. But still, techno was Tommy’s big brother which meant he had to tease Tommy and annoy Tommy and vise versa. He was always careful not to overstep though.
One day, Wilbur and Phil headed off to the village for a few hours to trade with the villagers, so it was just techno and Tommy. Tommy was being extra annoying and stole the t.v remote while techno was flipping through channels.
“Hey give that back nerd” techno said trying to grab the remote out of Tommy’s grip.
“Make me pigman” Tommy giggles.
They began playfully wrestling for the remote. Techno easily pinned Tommy down onto the couch, being much stronger than him. Tommy wriggled out of techno’s grasp and held the remote higher in the air. Tommy giggled and playfully held it higher. Techno jabbed his fingers into Tommy ribs, which distracted Tommy enough to be pinned down again by his brother. Techno held him down roughly, and then for a second something flashed in Tommy’s eyes. Techno, surprised, let go quickly, and Tommy wriggled onto the other side of the couch.
“Hey nerd you good?” Techno said concerned he actually hurt his little brother.
“Yeah I’m Fine, Heres your remote,” he handed techno the remote, “bye” and rushed up to his room.
That was weird, thought techno. His brow furrowed. What if he messed something up? Did he do something wrong? He quickly walked over to Tommy’s room and stood by the door. He stopped dead when he heard tiny sniffles coming from inside the room.
“Hey Tommy, can I come in?” He asked through the door.
Tommy cleared his throat and wiped his face. “Y-yeah sure come on in!” He tried to make his voice sound normal, but winced at his stutter.
Techno walked in and saw Tommy sitting by his bed, tear lines on his face. He immediately rushed over and wrapped Tommy into a hug.
“Toms? What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
He felt Tommy shaking in his hug.
“I-I..” Tommy began
“Hey, hey it’s ok.” Techno tried to be comforting, he really wasn’t good at making people feel better.
“I’m sorry I’m being such a crybaby. It didn’t even hurt that bad, I-I was just so scared that you w-were gonna-” Tommy mumbled into techno’s chest.
“No! Toms it’s fine to cry, it’s my fault I wasn’t being careful. Please never be afraid to tell me I’ve crossed the line, ok?”
“Mmk” Tommy whispered. Techno slowly unraveled from the embrace and looked at Tommy.
“Hey toms can I see your side?” Tommy nodded. Techno lifted up his shirt (PLEASE DONT MAKE THIS WEIRDDDD) and looked at his ribs. There was a small bruise from where techno had jabbed.
“Oh my god Tommy, I’m so truly sorry I didn’t mean to. And I didn’t mean to scare you either..” Techno said, guilt washing over him.
“It’s ok techie I know you didn’t.” Tommy replied, smiling.
Time skippppppppp
Phil and Wilbur came home that evening to see techno and Tommy cuddling on the couch. Techno’s arms wrapped protectively around Tommy’s small frame.
“Awww” phil cooed. Wilbur snapped a photo on his phone. Phil raised an eyebrow and Wilbur mouthed blackmail, to which Phil nodded knowingly. He loved his sons and he was glad they got along so well.
A/n: I actually kinda liked this :) it’s really cute lol k bai
Oneshot #2: Claustrophobia
A/n: so Ik this has been done a few times but I really like this idea so here’s my take. Also this is more lore-based. like it isn’t actual lore but it happened on the dsmp so there’s that. Also Wilbur is Tommy’s only brother in this story, techno and tubbo aren’t related to them.
Tw ⚠️ : Claustrophobia, panic attack, Hyperventilating, crying, scratching, mention of blood
I think that’s it lmk if you find anymore
Techno- 21
Phil isn’t in this one bc I’m lazy
Tommy POV:
I had been working on decorating my room in Pogtopia. I was decorating it with red stone blocks and pistons because I think they look cool together. I felt safe and content knowing that my friends were right out there and would protect me. I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic, but I was fine since there was still a space open for me to see.
Suddenly the red stone block sets off the pistons witch pin me up against the wall, making me immobile. I start to panic but remain calm when I remember there are people here to help me.
“Hey Wilbur?” I call out, my voice trying to maintain its signature annoying tommyinnit tone even though I’m scared out of my mind.
Wilbur POV:
I hear my name being called from the other side of the cave. Oh my god it’s Tommy again what does he want? He’s been so annoying all day. He’s my brother and I care about him a lot but he can be a little much sometimes.
“WILBURRRR” I hear again. I try to ignore him but I hear footsteps behind me.
“Can you deal with him I’m trying to farm potatoes here.” A monotone voice says.
“Yeah, fine” I say annoyed. I walk over to Tommy’s room and all I can see is one side of a piston sticking out from behind the door.
“Wil? I’m stuck can you help me please?” He says. I let out a hearty laugh. What a Tommy thing to do.
Tommy POV:
I was expecting Wilbur to help me out, not to laugh. Surely he’d let me out soon, right?
“Hey techno, tubbo look at this, Tommy got himself stuck between pistons,” he says giggling. My heart sunk. I could feel myself getting more and more panicked, help help help.
I hear footsteps signifying that the other people had arrived.
“H-hey guys can you please help me, I have really bad claustrophobia” I say, trying to keep my voice strong. I’m met with laughter. I can barely see through my door, it’s my only source of light and I’m grateful.
“Tommy, you’re such an idiot.” A monotone voice said. My eyes start to sting let me out let me out let me out.
“What if we blocked off the door that would be funny” I hear tubbo say. No, tubbo knows about my claustrophobia, he wouldn’t, no.
“Good idea haha” I hear Wilbur say, still laughing. My stomach sinks to the ground as my only light source is cut off.
I feel myself slipping, beginning to panic but trying to muffle my sobs.
Technoblade POV:
I’m laughing along with the others at Tommy’s stupidity when I hear a sniffle come from inside the room.
“Is he crying?” I ask quietly. I’d never seen Tommy cry before. Wilburs eyes widen.
“Oh shit. I thought it was a bit.” Tubbo says his voice cracking. “He really is claustrophobic.” Wilbur hurries to open the blockade. It opens and we see Tommy curled up onto himself between the pistons, sobbing quietly and covered in blood. Wait- blood? No one moves a muscle out of shock. I break out of it and swiftly pick up the sobbing boy my arms and hold him close. I’m horrible and physical contact but he really needs help.
Tubbo and Wilbur follow me out of the room, both of their eyes already shining with unshed tears. I gently set Tommy down on the ground and he immediately curls up on himself in a protective position.
“L-let me out” he mutters. My heart breaks. Tommy and I weren’t close but he was just a kid and I did care about him. Tubbo starts to cry. Wilbur rubs tubbo’s back while I clean Tommy’s wounds. He has gashes on his arms and hands that looked like they were scratched in. I realize he must have scratched himself during his panic attack. A silent tear flows down wil’s face. I can see the guilt in his eyes. I clean his wounds and bandage them up. Then he sits up, having calmed down.
“Hey toms, you good?” I ask quietly. He slowly nods. Then he looks around the room and his eyes widen when he sees Wilbur and tubbo crying.
“G-guys it’s fine I-I’m ok!” He tells them.
“No, it’s not fine,” Wilbur says, “we should have listened to you and realized you needed our help. I’m a horrible big brother.” Tommy leans in a hugs Wilbur and tubbo.
“It’s ok, I forgive you guys, just- never again, ok?” We all nod quickly.
“I’m sorry too.” I add in. “For laughing at you when you needed us.” I finish, my cheeks red, I didn’t like apologizing, but I knew I need to. Tommy nods in forgiveness. He’s truly like a brother to me.
A/n: I don’t like this one as much and i kinda lost motivation towards the end but I think it turned out fine :p this one took really long lol
Oneshot #3: Family movie night
A/n: Ik this has also been done before buts it’s adorable so I’m doing it
Techno- 18
Phil is old
No trigger warnings, just fluff :D lots of platonic cuddling though so beware
Techno, Wilbur and Tommy all got home from school at the same time. They all immediately dumped their bags down by the door. Techno and Tommy stomped up the stairs to their rooms and Wilbur slumped down onto the couch.
“Jeez what’s with you guys today” phil said confused at his children’s behavior. Usually they come in and greet him at least.
“I’ve had a really long day, techno too, I don’t know what’s wrong with Tommy though, he was like this on the bus, too.” Wilbur says from the couch. Phil nods his head and goes upstairs to check on his Children and make sure they’re ok.
He knocks quietly on Techno’s door. He hears a grunt of approval so he opens the door. The pinkette is sitting on his bed with a math book on his lap.
“Hey Phil” he says looking up.
“Hey Techno, what’s up?” He asks, taking a seat by the pig hybrid.
“Nothing much, Im a little stressed out about schoolwork though.” He says, eyes returning to the book. Phil nods in understanding. He was in high school once, he remembers how stressful it can be.
“Maybe we could have a movie night tonight, once everyone finishes. You guys have been working really hard, you deserve some time off.” Phil says.
“That sounds nice.”
Phil nods and leaves techno to study, going left to Tommy’s room. He knocks on Tommy’s door.
“Come in.” Tommy says, in a rather weak tone. I walk in, slightly concerned. I see Tommy sitting on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees, staring angrily at the wall.
“Toms? What’s wrong?” I ask, kneeling down to look at him. His brow furrowes.
“Am I a bad friend?” He asks, still not making eye contact.
“No toms, of course not. What make you think that?” I ask.
“Then why does tubbo like ranboo so much more than me?” He says, “I thought I was supposed to be his best friend”, he finishes, his voice cracking.
“Toms look at me,” I say and he turns to face me. “If tubbo is making you feel left out then tubbo is the one not being a good friend. Just because he’s excited about his new mate, doesn’t mean it’s gonna be this way forever, ok?” Tommy thinks for a second then nods.
“We were think about having a movie night tonight just like we used to.” I say. Tommy’s eyes light up in excitement.
~time skip lmao~
“Will can you pass the ketchup?” Tommy asks. Ever since he was little he liked to dip his popcorn in ketchup. Will also liked this, but techno and Phil found it absolutely disgusting. They were all sitting together on the couch, Tommy resting in wills arms and Phil’s wings wrapped around everyone lovingly.
“So what movie are we watching?”
A/n: super lame ending Ik but I liked the rest ig. Stay safe stay hydrated Luv u
Oneshot #4: My son
A/n: Here’s some actual Angst. This is very lore based. I know that there’s one of these in literally every oneshot book but here’s my take bc I want to.
Wilbur- 19
Phil is old
Tw⚠️: insanity, death, sword
Phil’s POV:
I look into the pleasing eyes of my son, begging me to end his misery. I think about not doing it, I really do, but I can’t look past the begging in his eyes.
My hands tighten around the grip of my sword. I watch as my son’s eyes change from begging to excitement for blissful relief. The fresh smell of gunpowder lingers in the air as I raise my sword in preparation.
A small part of me says that I won’t actually go through with it, but I will. I raise my sword higher and get it positioned to kill.
“Dad?” He says. Just that word, that heart wrenching word makes me hesitate. Is this really what he wants? To be mercy killed by his own father?
“I’m sorry.” He finishes. Every fragment in my body tells me not to kill him, but his eyes are so compelling. I have to. The message is sent, he’s ready.
My sword plunges through my son’s heart.
A/n: Woahhhhh ok so that was intense. But anyway I hope you enjoyed :))) I promise I will make up with it with some tommy/techno fluff in the next chapter. Stay safe and drink water <3
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O episodes 31 & 32 - AGITO TIME
Okay, I want to know how long this actually takes me this time around, so… I’m starting playback at about a quarter past midnight. (I got distracted earlier, when I told myself I was going to start. I’m not good at timekeeping.)
((also, as I mentioned in the previous liveblog, if you comment on any of the sections in here, I’d really appreciate it if you specify which statements you’re talking about. These recaps get really long, so… y’know, it’ll make it a little easier for a conversation.))
~cut goes here~
Bullet casings? In MY Kamen Rider? It’s more likely than you think!
(I haven’t seen Agito, but as with Ryuki and Blade, I’ve seen the History Of’s that Marcosatsu did. So, I… should be okay? Ish.)
But why do they want G3 units nationwide? Are they finally sick of all the yearly monster attacks, and doing something about it? … Okay, yeah, I don’t believe it either, but hey, we can speculate!
Ouch, rest in piece G3 user number 2. He got thrown so hard he’s stuck in the viewing window.
Another!Another Agito’s got some muscle on him.
aaaand this is the tribute arc where the Another Rider name scheme is going to be incredibly problematic, like people worried.
I get that there are six watches left to acquire – notably including Drive, since the one they currently have was brought back by Geiz. But would it have killed Toei to let the W and Kuuga watches be in-show? Would it? They had to make them appear in the movie? Specifically, the movie that the producer has said is only psuedo-canon?! 
Six left, and Sougo doesn’t want them to become Oma Zi-O. He wants them so he can stop Oma Zi-O, so that he can match his power. But, you know, the team kind of lucked into finding them, what with the Another Riders being created… or… hm. They get the Ride Watches because of the Another Riders. The Time Jackers are the ones creating the Another Riders, and they’re from the future, and know full well how Zi-O acquires his watches. The thing is, they initially said it was to ‘find a new candidate for king.’ We know that that’s not nearly so true as Heure and Hora were led to believe, since Swartz already had his candidate chosen. And we were led to believe that said candidate was Hiryuu, Another Zi-O. Except! “I’ll see you on the Day of Oma” wasn’t… exactly said to Hiryuu, was it? And then, we saw that an earlier version of Swartz was responsible for the bus crash, as he was looking for A Boy Who Would Be King. He found Sougo.
Sougo has been his choice all along. 
(un-Pause to hear Woz talk!)
“No, no, we just need to continue as we’ve been doing. The watches will show up.” … Well, you’re not wrong.
Junichiro rushes in, asking if they were watching. And, I mean, I don’t know Japanese, but I am pretty sure that under normal circumstances, people don’t usually use the English verb ‘to watch’ when referring to a news broadcast.
Come on, man, you just won me over in the last few arcs, don’t blow this.
Wait, the public knows about the G3 units?! Were they common knowledge in Agito? Or, at least, publicly available knowledge?
HAHAHA I didn’t even NOTICE that Woz hadn’t done his Recap yet! Oh man, I’m slipping! But no, now he does it, by Pausing the show, and incidentally casting everyone else in the room in shadow. … Wait, has he been actually doing that the entire time? Just? Pausing time for a moment to talk at us? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past him, the drama hog that he is. Also, where did you get the confetti, sir? And is that going to be in the actual room when time resumes?
Meanwhile, in… France, I think. “I must go. My planet city needs me.”
It takes four minutes into the episode to reach the Opening. It took me almost 20 to reach that.
Also, the shot of Zi-O II has been replaced by Trinity. I like how the pose they chose is basically a combination of all three of their styles. As a small note, it flashes over the faces in the order of Zi-O, Geiz, and Woz, before moving into a full-body shot. Also, I can’t remember if this change had been made last episode or not, but there’s no sign of the Future Note in the Kamen Rider Woz segment anymore. (I think it would have been a nice touch to have the Twilight Chronicle replace it in the background, but oh well.)
… and I just remembered that with Agito’s lore, that ‘my planet needs me’ quote isn’t nearly as out of left field as I intended when I made it a few minutes ago.
Okay, I know that we have the incredibly ominous “We really don’t know what Swartz is up to” discussion with Heure and Hora, and him interrupting as he is prone to do, and him being all “No, I’ve already got a plan going, as I am prone to do.” But what I’m stuck on is just how many sugar cubes he’s adding to his… well, I don’t know if it’s tea or coffee, but it’s far too many.
(Swartz has just joined Haruto and Kiriya in the ‘that can no longer be called coffee’ club.)
Damnit, Geiz, I wanted to make a crack about how ‘it’s less that the police are tracking the target, and more that the target is tracking the police’! It does make sense that this particular division would be fighting Another Riders, though, especially since they look even more like MOTWs than Kino did. Zi-O!Another Agito kind of has a toothy grin, too. I remember being weirded out by Kino!Another Agito’s design when I watched Gorider, but this is just. Eesh. Creepy.
Ohhh dear. If Tsukuyomi’s an amnesiac, that would explain her lack of last name. And since this is a time travel show, we’re all screwed! She could have been anyone! ...That sequence in the opening, with Tsukuyomi and the Time Jackers on the stairs, before they disappear and she’s alone is feeling really ominous right about now.
And this is a good arc for this reveal – since Agito’s Shoichi was an amnesiac protagonist. … hang on, wasn’t there a sibling confusion then, too, like in W? With… Philip… oh dear.
I have avoided shipping in this season at all costs, for precisely this type of reason. And because it’s time travel, to avoid whatever it was that happened in Den-O. (I haven’t seen past the first two episodes of Den-O. I’m working on it!)
OKAY! That aside! I’ve noticed that even though Tsukuyomi has the tablet, and pulls up all sorts of information on it, Geiz is usually the one to bring up who the past Riders were. He knew about Wizard, I’m dead certain there were other instances that I can’t recall off the top of my head, and he knows who the G3 unit is.
Okay, I love that we finally have officials trying to keep untransformed riders out of the battle field. It’s about time, and not just for Zi-O, it’s been lacking in the genre as a whole. I also like that the people in G3 armor don’t seem to trust the three Riders.
HEY! HOLD UP! SOUGO HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE OMEGA SYMBOL IS?! I thought you were terrible at math and science! Those are pretty much the only place you’d see that, these days – wait. Sougo’s a history buff; or, at least, that’s his only good subject. Or, was his only good subject, because he’s graduated. (Good for him!!!) Omega is Greek, maybe he actually could have picked it up in a history class!
Also, is this confirmation that Agito is supposed to be written using omega, like it its logo?
Mind you, it’s not as though anyone is going to be actually doing that, but still.
JESUS FUCK WHAT THE HELL DID FAKE!ANOTHER AGITO JUST DO? He tore off the chest armor, and ugghgh that sounded like he was trying to eat the poor man, but now said man is getting up, what the hell-
Agito powers as zombie plague.
Kino was Another Agito because Agito is more of a powerset than a name.
It is now 1:10. I am ten minutes into ep 31.
This explains the excessively toothy mouth, at least.
Tsukuyomi used a Time Stop. With the same effects and sounds as the Time Jackers. And it was super targeted, too – it only hit the Another Agito that was attacking her and the officer. She didn’t know she could do that. Woz didn’t know she could do that.
It looks like Swartz didn’t know she could do that.
It looks like the time stop is an innate power.
Okay, okay, back to 9-to-5.
So, yeah, everyone thinks the Another Agitos are really weird. Sougo wants to try and find Kamen Rider Agito. Absolutely nobody is surprised that he has no idea how to follow through on that idea. “What if we try the internet?” Sougo, he was active in 2001, internet archives are terrible for going back to 2011, to say nothing of – Sougo.
Sougo. Kid. Why do you know how to get auto-correct to make the omega symbol? Did you actually learn that for a history class? I mean, good catch on the spelling of the name, and it worked, so. Points? I guess?
Okay, why is Woz’s voice echoing so much today?! I thought the first time I noticed it was because they were outside, but it’s happening inside, too. What gives?
Heure, no. No ‘proving you’re still useful’ to Swartz. Get OUT of there! Just go! It’s not safe for you! You just keep raising death flags!
But what Swartz is most interested in right now… is testing Tsukuyomi’s new power.
Sougo immediately asks if Kamen Rider Agito is in. Like the blunt little fool he is. His second try isn’t much better. Being Geiz is suffering.
But when the woman – Mana, right? When Mana recognizes the name Agito as a person, Geiz takes notice. Remember, boys, everyone else still remembers now, too.
Haha, see, Shoichi has the right reaction to the ‘he wants to be a king’ speech! Dumbfounded shock.
GEIZ! Why are you suggesting heading ‘overseas’ with the Time Mazine to find Shoichi? That’s! That’s Sougo logic! Noooo don’t let that be what rubs off on you!
Case in point, Sougo thinks it’s a good idea!
UGH Both Swartz AND Woz have had that stupid echo all episode, it’s driving me up a wall. It makes it feel like the audio’s balance is off or something.
So, creeper mc-purple-coat wants to… ‘test out’ Tsukuyomi’s power. Fair. She says that it’s none of his business, and that she doesn’t have any power, which is also fair. But I’d say that siccing one of the Another Agitos on her is overkill. And terrifying.
...wait, could Shoichi tell when enemies were appearing in his season? I legitimately don’t know.
(16 minutes in and 1 hour fifteen minutes later)
Okay, so, your choices here, boys.
Zi-O II. Good call, powerful, can read movements ahead of time.
Quiz. VERY good call. His powerset ‘asks’ the opponent to answer questions, or get electrocuted. Normally, I’m decidedly not okay with that, but from a tactical point, right now it makes sense. The rampaging Another Agitos are like, well, they’re Fast Zombies. They can’t answer questions.
BUT STOP USING REVIVE. I get why Typhoon is a good choice tactically. Like I said, FAST Zombies. Being even faster is a good survival strategy. But using REVIVE is a very BAD survival strategy.
Kudos for the touch of Sougo telling the cops to help their wounded – which they notably weren’t doing before he said that.
Like Geiz says, you need NUMBERS.
Running Decade and Ex-aid would be a better choice right about now! That would give you two Zi-Os! ...and if Geiz gets Ghost, he can summon some of the parka ghosts to help, because they let THAT be a thing for the Ghost watch!
WOZ NO. You don’t need to IWAE this! This is now a no REJOICE zone! Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Although, now the cops are evacuating the heck out of there while Woz distracts the Agitos with his absurdity.
Unfortunately, he’s also distracting Sougo and Geiz with said absurdity.
Quick! Back to sanity! Tsukuyomi! We need you to be the impulse control for all three of the boys now! I’m so sorry, we kept Woz contained as long as possible, but this much proximity to Sougo at one clip has spread the cloud cuckoo lander traits.
“Oh, you don’t remember anything? Well, you’re probably better off not knowing, I suppose.” (F you too, Swartz.)
“Do… you know something?”
~The sound of a Legend Rider’s belt approaches from the shadows~
Kamen Rider Agito is on the scene.
And Swartz is smiling at that.
THAT! Is NOT how Bike Fu works!
OH LORDY the Power Knuckle buzzsaw and the spear’s… well, spear projections can combine into a massive, even pointier circular saw blade! Trinity really IS a fusion form, isn’t it?
“...wait, where’d the others go?”
It was! A distraction! And a very good one!
It is now 1:50. I’ve been at this for… one hour, 35 minutes. I’ve watched one episode.
Oh boy.
Time for ep 32!
Yooooo! Okay! So! Heure and Hora are stepping in because Swartz was ‘dragging his feet’, they weren’t invited, because he’s an ass. But Heure! Just! Pulled the Another Watch out of one of the transformed Agitos – not the main one, mind you, he’s ticked off now – and! He! Pushed it to Rider Agito, drained his power, and turned! The Another Watch! Into a real Ride Watch!
Tsukuyomi stopped time to save Shoichi from Another!Another Agito… which is great! Good work! Except that it’s SUPER POWERFUL. She can move, but everyone else is completely frozen. COMPLETELY. ...Everyone but Swartz, who’s eyes are moving.
(GDI Woz)
(and with a SPOTLIGHT, too!)
(Theatre kid Woz confirmed)
Woz, you’re incredibly proud of Sougo for graduating, aren’t you? You mentioned that last Recap, too!
(insert 20 minute gap to take care of the dishes here, resuming at 2:20)
Huh! The title card came in from the opposite side of the screen this time! Interesting!
Heure, you can’t just put a regular Ride Watch into an Another Rider, That can’t be good for the poor host. And, oh, no, look at that, he’s just turned into a duplicate of Kamen Rider Agito. An exact duplicate. Appearance-wise, anyway.
Okay, I rag on him, but Junichiro’s reaction to Professional Chef Shoichi complementing his cooking is great.
And then right back to serious, as soon as he leaves the room.
“I’m sorry… they took my Rider powers from me.”
“Which is really weird, since those are literally part of me. Trust me, things were weird in the early ‘00’s, kid. A whole bunch of us wound up being not entirely human.”
Hora? Hang on, can you clarify that? “Does that mean she’s a Time Jacker too?”
Are. Are you saying that being a ‘Time Jacker’ isn’t a group affiliation? That it’s the name of a powerset?!
… Just like how ‘Agito’ is?
Okay, so the current active party layout is:
Team One: Sougo and Geiz, dealing with a swarm of Another Agitos, while Heure and Another Agito Prime watch.
‘Team’ Two: Woz confronting Swartz about Tsukuyomi’s powers. Apparently Swartz is ‘the only one’ who can grant powers over time, which implies that he gave them to Heure and Hora. But he didn’t give them to Tsukuyomi, and he implies himself that the two of them are ‘cut from the same cloth’. Woz knows what that means.
Team Three: Shoichi goes to talk to Tsukuyomi. He’s the resident voice of experience on finding out you’re not who you thought you were, after all.
Well, him, Philip, and Sento, but the other two aren’t exactly here at the moment.
So, yes, as I thought he’d do, after bringing Tsukuyomi to the restaurant, he tells her about his past. About how Shoichi Tsugami isn’t technically his name. About how he tried to live his life the best he could, after losing who he was, and finding out he had powers. It worked out for him. And after all, hasn’t she already been doing that? The power is just a little more than she knew about.
And right after he says “Haven’t you already been doing that”, guess what starts playing?
The instrumental version of ‘King of Time.’
...Huh. It’s more noticeable with Geiz, who’s usually either frowning or exasperated. But… we never see Tsukuyomi smile, either, do we?
And then, with Sougo…
“I’m fighting to make the world better, and that’s what you’re doing too, right? So, does it really matter who you used to be?”
She responds with a smile. It’s a good look for her.
And of course, Woz shows up with bad news.
“So, fighting Agito’s a BAD idea, because once there’s one Agito, there can be countless Another Agitos. We are going to be overwhelmed. This is literally straight from Swartz. We’re screwed.”
“You better not be playing double agent agai-”
“Well, I mean, I already saw that was going to happen, so…. Besides, we don’t really have a choice in the matter, since we need to get that watch.”
((It’s about 2:50 now, so I’m at… a little over two hours.))
Stop! Using! Revive! Unless you guys worked out how to keep it’s time compression from literally killing you a little more with each use, you! Need! To! Not! Use! That!
Unfortunately, Fury and Kikai make perfect sense here – the brute strength should help keep you two from getting too injured.
AAAND then they go for Typhoon and Shinobi for a speed-off. BOYS! Stop it! Although, I will admit, the flight and teleport spamming is pretty cool when you’re not using it on each other.
AHAHAH! Shoichi’s playing distraction in a G3 suit! That makes a LOT of sense! He can’t fight in his usual manner right now – on account of his powers being otherwise occupied. But the G3 suits were meant for humans to fight monsters on a more level playing field. AND the Another Agitos had been going after police facilities… which they haven’t mentioned again, but it sure seems to be drawing attention to him.
Tsukuyomi’s already got really good control, hasn’t she? The first time, she froze only the one Another Agito, and nothing else in the area. The second, she panicked, and was able to stop literally everything. Well, again, Swartz was slightly moving. Slightly. This time, it’s four Another Agitos, but Shoichi, who was right in the middle of them, is unaffected.
One direct hit from Zi-O II was able to knock the Ride Watch out of Another Agito Prime, and it rolled right to it’s proper owner. And for the first time, we get to see a Rider regaining their powers – the Ride Watch fades from existence, and Shoichi’s belt reappears on his waist.
And then a (largely reluctant) transformation into Trinity. Geiz has had it up to here with Woz’s Announcements. You don’t have to do them every time, you know. You used to only make those when a new power was achieved. You guys have done this twice already.
(Tsukuyomi is in hell. That’s the only explanation she can think of.)
I like that ripple effect they used for Agito’s own Trinity transformation. I don’t know what sort of effects they used in 2001/2002, but it’s nice to see a nod to older FX in this incredibly flashy show.
(Tsukuyomi is definitely in hell. That’s the only explanation she can think of.)
Woz just has to do a proclamation. I don’t think it’s even part of his contract, I think he’s just THAT into this sort of thing. He was BORN to be a herald. Problem for HIM is, even Sougo’s had enough.
He thinks this might work.
~Old catchphrases reappearing is actually my jam!~
~Who knew?~
...okay, everyone who’s been following me through this liveblog for the past… six months that I’ve been doing liveblogs for. Oh. Huh. I. Genuinely hadn’t realized it had been that long. I started doing these full reactions with the Gaim arc in November. Hm.
Over-Time included LYRIC SUBTITLES!
Zi-O! Why! Why can’t you put the song credits in the credits!
I mean, that would have been an INCREDIBLE spoiler in this case! But! Holy shit!
It would be a huge spoiler because this isn’t one of Zi-O’s songs.
This is from Agito. It’s titled BELIEVE YOURSELF.
This is appropriate.
The Zi-O team hasn’t had a real chance to fight alongside their predecessors. Not really. Zi-O and Geiz fought ‘with’ Build and Cross-Z, but they had to bow out shortly through the fight. Same with Ex-Aid. Ghost and Specter only fought together, not with the boys. Quiz and Kikai don’t count – they debuted in Zi-O. They fought AGAINST Decade and DiEnd. The next people to transform… were Blade and Chalice, and they weren’t working together. Their powers were taken before they could have fought as a team.
This? A fight with the Kamen Rider having his powers intact? Not just intact, actually, but returned? And not rapidly disappearing?
This is what we WANTED. I mean, hell, this is what the SHT movies SHOULD have been.
And the choice of song is incredibly fitting, too. I mean, here. Here’s the page on the KR Wiki. Go check it out, and you just try to tell me that’s not appropriate for Zi-O as a whole, but especially for the events lately, and of this arc.
Okay, okay, back to the battle. Which is glorious.
For one, Zi-O using one of the Agito Drones to hold part of his sword while he removes the mask element from it, so he can attach said mask to the other sword, and combining the two while the drone is still slightly impaled? That’s CLEVER. And I’m pretty sure that’s Sougo at work, too – he’s done similar before, getting others to turn his belt and complete his transformation. And the Kings Slash grows and impales several more drones before he swings.
And, interestingly, when Trinity and Agito prepare their finishers? Another Agito Prime forces his way through the drones to be the one to take the hit – to the point of standing directly in front of the two Rider Kicks, and putting his chest out there. Asking to be hit.
And that Dual Kick is SOMETHING ELSE! Driving him all the way across the plaza, knocking over any drones they encounter in the line of ‘fire’, and digging a trench into the ground! THIS is a fight scene!
Yet another entrusting of the watch.
Tsukuyomi has found her resolve.
Woz has found a secret.
And next episode –
Wait a minute.
(checks the calendar)
VERY nice.
Sougo’s birthday episode? Airs on his birthday. Nice planning, Toei! And you checked a calendar correctly this time!
(But you couldn’t be bothered to check the year when you set Kazumin’s phone, could you?)
Also, it looks like they might be aiming a little closer to the first part of Hibiki for the tribute arc, with the kanji appearing on screen in the preview.
((so, it’s now… 3:45, so I wound up taking… let’s see. Started at 12:15, so a complete time would be three and a half hours, but there was that twenty minute gap when I went from 31 to 32, so… about three hours and ten minutes to watch 40 minutes of a children’s Sunday morning superhero show.))
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munroe-foster · 7 years
Salty Ask List
@policeofficerdean requested I answer all of this I regret nothing. I won’t make you all suffer so more is under the cut.
(All of these answers are going to be for Supernatural unless I say otherwise.)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Oh, I’m worried about this answer but pretty much Dean x Sam and Dean x Castiel. Incest fictional or not kind of creeps me out a lot, and I just don’t see what people see in Dean and Castiel. Honestly, I think Destiel is cute in moderation, but not a realistic. I don’t see it.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Honest, it would have to be Dean x Castiel. I really think Dean see Cass as a best friend,  one of those best friend that you don't need enemies.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Ummm, no I don’t think so, but I have stopped following people who post a ton of Wincest/Destiel. I just rather not see it, I have stopped following folk who wrote A/B/O.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* Um, the only one that comes to mind is Destiel.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* Cassie x Dean, fandom has a really annoying habit of putting Destiel stuff in their tags. I go searching for them and find Castiel x Dean stuff, one time I saw a story where Cassie was a Vessel for Castiel and I was so fucking pissed. Or they will say Cassie was a precursor to Castiel and I’m just like NO.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* I don’t hate a pair at all but fandom has totally made me LOVE Donna x Dean. They are so freaking cute and adorable.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* Nope, after finding out about Destiel (I started to dislike Cas and Dean and frankly NO) I’ve stopped following a lot of stuff. I don’t pay any attention to a lot of fan discussions.
   Have you received anon hate? What about?* Nope, I hide from the fandom and stay on the outskirts of it I literally avoid all the big blogs and refrain from tagging in general tags. I keep my head low and stay to myself.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Sam. I hate Sam. I’ve hated him since S1S2 Wendigo. I can not stand him he drives me crazy. Mary is another one, when they brought her back I was like okay and then the episodes and now I’m like REALLY???
Most disliked arc? Why? The Angel's arch, I feel like they lost a great opportunity there, they made them way too human. They are parentless brats who need to get their shit together. Plus I HATE what they did with the freaking lore of the angels. MoC!Dean/Demon!Dean, he could have been a bad ass but no he was just a more moody alcoholic. Oh and BMoL like why are they villains? Why? Oh and the Styne’s Really that could have been epic but nope killed them all off. 
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? For some reason, I freaking love Dick he was just so good.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I don’t know I’m not really a part of the fandom and I came in late sooo...I don’t know what they like so yeah.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I think Sam is a giant brat and frankly, he has never redeemed himself and I feel like fandom overlooks the pretty shity shit he has done.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? They seem pretty cool, if you find the right people, some of them hold their opinions as truth and they are simply opinions that they hold. Chill.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? I think that after season five the series still remained good. When I head dived into the fandom and people were splitting season 5 into “Classic Supernatural” from the rest I was like wow really?
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Nothing with all its flaws it’s perfect. WAIT I would have not let them kill Billie.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Nothing all that I am not that creative no idea.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? I never deny I have bias and does my bias play a part in my like or dislike of things yeah. I have a bias I believe that men can have a complex relationship, that is loving, and fulfilling and not have to be romantic or sexual. I don’t think it’s denial to not ship something if let’s say Dean and Cas were together. What then? Does it change the story not really it still about Sam and Dean and them hunting things. Adding a relationship doesn't do anything for me if anything it would annoy me because Cas does some pretty shity things that if he loved Dean he shows it in strange ass ways. Hell if Dean and Cassie were together what would it add? Nothing. Romantic “ships” in the show only sent Dean and Sam down some pretty dark roads or were used as an escape from their lives. It never really furthers the plot in my opinion. Ship are for fan fiction. 
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? How quick people are to throw around the term homophobic if you don’t ship something. My FIRST experience with the fandom people were calling Jensen homophobic/biphobic because he said Dean was straight. COMPLETELY ignoring the fact EVERYONE who is a part of the show (creatively) have said the same or similar things. Misha may play at it but I think Misha is kind of accepting of people interpretations because hey why not? I don’t think he really cares. However, people were saying that Jensen didn't’ know who Dean was and he had played him for 10+ years. As an actress I was flabbergasted, when actors take a character from page to stage/screen they know that character more intimately that any viewer can. Your interpretation and his are two different things his truth is real and valid and for you to call him homophobic because he doesn’t agree with you is trash. Have your ships but remember the cannon is legit and so is his interpretation of it.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Meg 2.0 x Castiel I think it was kind of cute in a painful kind of way.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? I think they are cute sometimes.
Popular character you hate? SAM WINCHESTER!
Unpopular character you love? Dick.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? I would never recommend this show to any of my friends, most of them are super religious.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I would have Sam and Dean retired, married and happy with families that don’t have to worry about what goes bump in the night.
Most shippable character? Dean, he goes with anyone really because he’s perfect.
Least shippable character? Lucifer.
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Why PharMercy is a valid ship
Brace yourselves folks, this is a long one. 
I’ve seen a lot of posts speaking about “crack ships” that supposedly make no sense, one of which I hear a lot about is PharMercy. This ship often is pitted against the ship of Genji and Mercy, with many noting that the former derives solely from “aesthetic”, while the latter derives from lore and in-game interactions. I want to put out there that hating “PharMercy” does not inherently make someone homophobic, and conversely, hating “Gency” does not inherently make someone heterophobic. Personally, I subscribe to the notion that as long as the characters being shipped are consenting adults, antagonizing the person supporting that ship is not warranted.
Let me first get the short version of my opinion out of the way before I go into strenuous detail. When I say that I believe that PharMercy is a viable ship, I mean it in the sense that it’s just as based in pure fact as every other Overwatch ship, which is very little to not at all.
In my eyes, this is a good thing. One of the great things about Overwatch is its diverse cast of characters brimming with unique personality, but the full details of their relationships with other characters is never fully shown to us outright. The game is, after all, a FPS in which characters from all kinds of backgrounds come together under one organization. (except for a choice few) 
So naturally, absolute sluts for writing character interactions and roleplaying like myself could not be more content with this, since it’s essentially up to the players to fill in the blanks left to us and even form our own headcanons, since no two characters in the game have ever been confirmed to be a couple. 
If Jeff Kaplan himself said in a dev update: “Hey guys, this is Jeff from the Overwatch team, we’re excited to announce that Pharah and Mercy are, in fact, a canon couple, also we are nerfing McCree haha”, I would actually be pretty disappointed (and not just about the McCree nerf), despite adoring the idea of these two characters being together. 
Because from that point forward, a lot of wonderfully written fanfics would be rendered null and void, or at least met with inherent contention. If Jack and Ana were confirmed a couple for example, someone would then have grounds to say: 
“Um uh well, actually, according to the Overwatch canon, Jack and Ana are dating and so your Jack x Gabe fanfic is now automatically wrong.”
Does that sound fun to anyone? Probably not. All the fun of speculation and fan theories = gone. I love the fact that people are able to speculate and write fanfics of their favourite characters in Overwatch, without a fact-checker crying non-canonical.
Now, as for addressing PharMercy and Gency. I personally am fine with both, especially since these 3 characters are actually some of my favourites in the game. 
Let’s first start with PharMercy, and the notion that this ship is based purely on aesthetic and no chemistry between the two characters. At first, I actually thought this too, and was annoyed by the insistence of the two being item simply because they are a good combo in-game and they both fly. But upon further inspection and learning more about the two characters, it began to make more sense to me.
As shown in the official Overwatch Pharah comic: “Mission Statement”, for a long time Pharah has been dedicated to ruthless efficiency, often prioritizing the “mission” over the “man” as she puts it. Essentially meaning that individual deaths should not hinder the overall big picture of the mission, since trying to save an individual may jeopardize its success, and thus potentially ending many more lives. However, Pharah struggles with the moral implications of this and ultimately ends up going against that ideal to save a teammates life. She comes to a conclusion that her role, as her mother’s was, is to be a protector to those around her. 
Which leads us to Mercy, who also has the same incredible dedication to protecting others, but has almost a reverse mantra to what Pharah had. Mercy is more of an advocate for peace through pacifism, joining Overwatch when learning of the opportunity to heal people on a global scale, but being against its militarized approach. Despite this, she involved herself in an organization that did things she disagreed with, likely because of the war-driven times the world was in. In other words, from the get go she advocated for the “man” over “the mission”, dedicating herself to healing those affected by the war even after the disbanding of Overwatch.
Naturally, these two meeting and interacting makes for such amazing potential because of this. Two people who can learn from each others’ opposing struggles and talk about them while still having the same base goal, fighting side by side. I don’t see this connection as mere coincidence. The fact that they have a voice interaction in-game implying they often fly together on missions means that it’s more than merely an in-game action. It’s pretty safe to assume that if they are on good speaking terms, and flying together every chance they have that some sort of connection would be made. 
Of course, I’m not saying that this means they are a couple. Their relationship could very well be 100% platonic, just like any other ship in Overwatch it could really go either way. But given what I’ve discussed I don’t think the complete dismissal of PharMercy is very warranted.
Next up is Gency, a ship that has gained a LOT of traction recently due to voice lines being discovered relating to Genji and Mercy exchanging chocolates.
As we know now, these lines are not part of a Valentines Day event nor a White Day event since those have already passed. Whether or not this took place on one of those days is up to speculation at this point.
Something I will say though is that just like the PharMercy interactions, these kinds of interactions could be romantically charged, but could also be platonic. Let’s not forget that Mercy saved this man’s life and helped give him purpose in it. I don’t know about you, but if someone I knew personally and spoke with fairly often literally saved my life, you bet your ass they are getting Valentines’ Day chocolates from me. I think most people would share that sentiment. Genji has been shown through interactions to be a now open-minded, kind-hearted man who appreciates the opportunities given to him to reshape his life. 
I would also assume that Mercy is personally very close with most everyone in Overwatch, considering she’d be patching them up most every day. She is generally an incredibly selfless person, and so getting Swiss chocolates for Genji, a person she evidently respects, isn’t too surprising. As I said, the gesture could be romantic or could not be. It all depends on context, context that we do not have. Which is good, because more context could outright confirm a ship, and while that ship is perfectly valid, I honestly don’t want any ships confirmed in Overwatch since it would ruin the fun of speculation.
So essentially, the TL;DR version is: Both ships are valid, as are all ships in Overwatch between two consenting adults. One is really no better than the other and people should not bash others for thinking that two fictional characters in a video game should date. 
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