#love spell caster pay after results
lovespellstip · 2 years
Spell Casters Free of Charge For Wicca Ritual Guidance Step By Step
What Are Spell Casters Free of Charge?
Spell casters free of charge is the place where everyone's problems end. This is a type of group where the world's most famous and powerful Free spell casters gather through the Internet. All of them are always present at your service online or offline.
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What Are Spell Casters Free of Charge For?
Any person who are facing trouble in their life, they can WhatsApp or Call them from anywhere at any time. The only goal of their life is to solve the problems happening in the lives of people, which they do through their powerful spell rituals.
If there is any sorrow in your life, like Love Problem, Money problem, Family problem, Marriage problem, Voodoo problem, Divorce problem or Dark spells problem etc. So you must contact Free spell casters online once. Their mantras are so powerful that you will start feeling the difference as soon as you use them.
How Do Spell Casters Free of Charge Fix Love Problems Permanently?
Free love spell casters online have very powerful spells through which they can solve any of your problems in just a few minutes. If you are facing any kind of love problem in life. Whether there is lack of love between husband wife or boyfriend girlfriend or there is no lover in your life and you want to attract your crush. So you contact Spell casters free of charge. They give you some love rituals and also a step by step guide on how you can get the most out of it.
Are Spells Can Control Mind of Someone?
Yes definitely, spells have enough power to control mind or body of any person. You can control any person for a short time or for a long time and make that person do the work you want.
Spell that control the mind and body are used when you want to make your desired person fall in love with you or marry with them. Apart from this, you can also use it when you want to make someone your slave. Another use of this can also be used by anyone to get rid of their enemies.
Voodoo Spell Casters Free of Charge
If you feel that someone has cast a spell on you or a member of your household, you can end that spell with the help of a Free of charge spell caster. You just need to WhatsApp or Call from your phone and Free spell caster will tell you the solution, so you can get free consultation now for Hoodoo and Voodoo rituals which gives you result within 48 hours.
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xer-melody · 2 years
A Worshiper of Magic (For a Date) Part 1
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Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Wednesday Addams x Male!Witch!reader
Warnings: Descriptions of injury, blood, passing out, stitches, and murder.
Words: 1603
Summary: There were many kinds of people at Nevermore academy, to Wednesday you were just another purple clad body in the school's supernatural crowd. You have never interacted with each other in your time there, so why did you show up at her door, covered in your own blood after a spell goes wrong?
(A/n: my very first fic on this blog, and it's a two-parter (maybe) hope you enjoy)
One thing you hated about being a sorcerer was the sheer amount of pain you had to endure. Magic hurts, every spell burns your veins, every incantation gives you a headache, and every hex makes you bleed. And yet you still practiced it, day in and day out. Because despite your hate for the pain, you loved the result.
After a small ceremony with a few other sorcerers, you were on your way back to your dorm, feeling a sense of pride, for yourself and your fellow sorcerers. There was just something so powerful in successfully casting a spell of that size. You'd essentially created a sort of security system for the school. Anything that crosses the barrier of the spell can be recorded and therefore replayed. A sort of camera that cannot be disabled by anyone but you or one of your fellow spell casters.
There was a burning in your chest from the spell, but it wasn't as bad, considering the backlash of the spell was spread amongst seven people.
You’ve taken this route dozens of times, you were more familiar with it than you were with any other part of the school.
Mindlessly, you climbed the stairs, more so looking at the moon, and the clouds that covered it, than paying attention to your path. The corridor was nearly pitch black as a particularly heavy cloud passed over the full moon, but just as quickly as it covered the moon, it passed it again.
‘It might rain.’ you thought, ‘I should put out a bucket,’
Then, as though it happened only to interrupt your peace, you got a headache, painful and pulsing on your forehead. You groaned in a mix of pain and annoyance. Just another side effect of magic. You need to get home, make a nice healing tea and hope it works in time for you to get some sleep. Pushing forward, you felt something warm and wet drip down your face and then onto your shoulders. Just rain, you assumed.
It slid down your face and into your eye, and, for a moment, half of your vision was entirely red.
You paused, lifting your hand to your face, only to pull it back and see that, no, it wasn’t rain, it was blood. Coming from a large, painful gash on your forehead.
You groaned as you ran your fingers over the open wound again. Taking a deep breath, you pushed forward. Despite having to wipe the blood out of your eyes every few seconds, you're sure you're going the right way.
Then, just as your headache started, the mild burn in your chest flared and in a moment of visual clarity you could see your purple uniform began to stain red.
You felt light, clinging onto the railings as you walked, barely able to see as blood blurred and discolored your vision.
The world around you darkened for a moment as another heavy cloud passed over the moon.
You moved forward anyways, taking turns you didn’t mean to, and missing the ones you did. Holding onto the rail until there was no more rail to hang on to. Holding yourself up against the wall, trying to find somebody, anybody to help you.
You felt a sudden dip in the wall and leaned against it, banging against it a few times with your open palm, which decided now would be the perfect time to open more wounds. Your head was spinning and you were losing a lot of blood, but you tried to keep yourself conscious and grounded.
Then, the dip, which you correctly assumed was a door, opened behind you, you didn’t even realize it until you hit the floor.
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You were cold when you woke up. Yawning, you pushed yourself up, the blanket falling off your shoulder only to reveal that you were mostly undressed, and covered in bandages. You ran your hand over the neat wrappings, sighing as you remembered the night before. The sun was shining through the half-colored window, you made it through the night without dying, so this was a success in your book.
“Enid wouldn’t let me leave you outside.” A voice said from across the room.
Looking up you saw a girl, dressed in a monochrome version of your school's uniform, with a long braid laying on each shoulder. She looked more annoyed by you than anything else. You must be on her side of the room, considering the dark decor and utter lack of color on this side.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your voice slightly hoarse. “I was actually trying to get to Stocker hall.”
“Then you made a few wrong turns, you're in Ophelia hall.”
You tried to remember the school map for a moment, then cringed at how badly you missed your mark.
Pushing yourself up and out of the bed, your feet landing on the cold, wooden floor, you said, “Well, thank you, for cleaning me up and letting me borrow your bed, but I should really be going.”
Just as you stood she walked over quickly and pushed you back down.
“Actually, I have a few questions.” She said in her completely monotone voice.
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Despite her tough demeanor, the questions were pretty easy, and it was over quickly.
You got yourself dressed, luckily she’d washed your clothes for you, and you, of course, thanked her again. Then you were on your way back to your dorm, running into the girl- Wednesday's roommate who had a million questions but ended up leaving before you could answer any of them.
Your roommate had his own questions as well when you arrived, I mean, look at you! You were gone all night then walked in looking like a mummy and thought you’d get away with it.
You didn’t, and half an hour of explaining the situation later he finally let you make your healing tea.
Luckily, your first period was canceled so you got to rest for the next hour.
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Classes went by painfully slow, both literally and metaphorically. But you were healing, the gashes that opened on your head, and hands had healed and the utter abomination that was your stomach gash was slowly closing itself back up. Again, you were thankful for Wednesday. After taking a break during lunch to change your bandages you saw just how much work she’d done for you. Sewing up a giant circle-shaped wound could not have been easy.
You were in your bed, having just finished your sixth cup of healing tea for the day (which you were really getting tired of) when you heard a knock on the door. Your roommate was out at some party you were in far too much pain to care about, and it was far too early for him to be back.
With a sigh, you pushed yourself up and to the door. You unlocked the door with a quick little click, then pulled it open.
She stood in front of you, a piece of fabric clutched in her hand.
“Y/n,” was all she said before she moved past you and into your room. “You seem to be doing much better.”
Closing the door you turned to see her examining your side of the room. Then she turned back to you, sticking her hand out and subsequently the bloodied fabric in her hand.
“You left this,” she said as you took it.
Unraveling it to reveal your tie, which you hadn't ever realized was missing before now.
“Oh, thank you,” you said, looking up from the tie.
She stood at your desk, flipping through the pages of an open spell book, touching all of the little trinkets, then she picked up a bag and shook it. A low clinking came from inside. She turned to look at you, a questioning look on her face.
“Teeth,” you said, without her even having to ask.
That only made her more interested in the little bag, pulling it open and sticking her fingers in, pulling out a fully intact canine.
She hummed in approval before putting the bag back on your desk with a clicking thud.
“I never asked,” she said, “what kind of spell were you attempting to cast last night?”
As though the very mention of the spell had suddenly made the wound on your stomach flare up in pain. With a small groan, you moved past her, to the portable kettle on your desk (definitely not the best place to keep it considering it's been boiling tea all day and is still very, very hot.). Grabbing your mug and pouring yet another cup of healing tea.
“Multiple people have been killed on campus.” you started, “So I called a few friend to help put up a surveillance system.”
“But it failed?”
“No, we just underestimated the backlash of the spell, it's still up, I can feel it.” you paused, taking a sip of your tea, “Literally, I can feel everyone on campus right now. It's… discomforting, but for the safety of everyone here I can handle it.”
She didn't say anything for a moment.
“Did Weems approve of this?” her voice was just as calm and even as ever.
You almost laughed at the question, “She did not. She was actually against it, something about it being an invasion of privacy, whatever..”
Wednesday’s face quickly turned to one of confusion.
“I have to go,” she said.
Turning to leave the room, she'd barely laid a hand on the doorknob before she was suddenly taken over by a vision. Her head flew back, her eyes strained open, and a moment later, Wednesday collapsed.
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igglemouse · 3 months
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I'm really not sure what I would have said to my parents if they were still around today. Maybe, no? Yeah, I think that is it. Just no. I wonder if they ever took a moment to think about what their actions might mean for me, their little girl and my future?
I guess I could ask? There are many spells that might allow one to speak to the dead but...
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But I should not dwell too much on what could be and what could have been since it no longer matters today. From all that I know, they did love me, very much, but they loved their ambition a little more I suppose.
Either way, the result is the same. Me being here having a lame salad for breakfast and wishing I could be more accepted amongst the magical community.
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Normally a spell caster would make simoleons through magic. Nothing crazy you know, we'd get licensed by groups to do this or that, within the realms of our needs of course, and then we split the income with the realm...but that isn't me. I'll have to come out here every day and collect things to try to make a simoleon or two. Perhaps one day I'll strike gold? Yeah, not likely with my luck.
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I could get into more reliable jobs, quick tasks that pay out immediately like paper delivery or food delivery or, yeah, not where I thought my life would be. "Hey little Grace, what would you like to be when you grow up?" a paper delivery girl! Heh.
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This is why it's important for me to sell my jewelry. It's not going for much because there isn't much of a brand behind it but it's good enough for right now. It's good enough to push me into the next day and the one after that and the one after that.
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But despite not having no tutor or structured setting in which to learn magic I've decided that it won't stop me at all from trying it. As you might be able to tell, I'm not getting very far. Just more sparkly sparks.
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With little motivation to do much else I find myself back outside and collecting rocks. Look, I'm young and able and so I may as well make the most of it and besides, I always need as many shiny rocks as possible for my jewelry.
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And the day goes on with more collecting...
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Before I knew it night had arrived. The moon showing half of its face and letting me know that it was probably time for me to head home.
Too bad I'm usually not one to listen to rules.
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And so, with no lessons learned and with little to lose I head back into the castle. The doors were still unlocked and the lights were still lit but most importantly...
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Tonight I would learn who was occupying this castle...
Episode List - Next Episode
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Ooh, you already talked about the price of magic, and if you precised somewhere it's my bad, but what it is exactly ? And who are the trespassers ?
(don't mind me just trying to discover the lore I love lore)
I love talking about Lore too, questions like this give me food for thought and sometimes affirm ideas I wasn't sure about. So, yes, I've already talked about the price of magic. Lot mentions it in the Prologue, and it's a principle that stipulates that for any use of magic, a price must be paid. Once a spell has been cast, there's no going back, the request will be fulfilled, even if the caster realizes they've overestimated their strength. Merlin being a half-demon, they have an easier time dealing with this counter-blow, especially with Cael's help. Albion's elementalists, sorcerers, and shamans come from a land impregnated with magic, so they also counterbalance using the magical energy flowing across the continent, just as Uther can tap into his dragon's reserves and vice versa.
But as far as Mc and the Bearers are concerned, they come from our world, where magical energy is very tenuous, if not practically non-existent, except in the lands of the Key family. That's why, when they cross the barrier, Mc and Percival are immediately relieved, as their bodies can once again store magical energy via the family's lands. In contrast, in London, they were drawing on their vital reserves.
Even so, the price Key family members have to pay is higher than that of Albion's inhabitants, often resulting in blindness. Loss of vision for Blind Mc, loss of use of lower limbs for Lady Blanchefleur. What's more, the backlash isn't always physical: the pain of using magic has also driven some family members mad.
Now, regarding the Trepassers, this is the name that members of the Key family have chosen for the beings and entities that hunt the Swordbearers. They use the gaps that form between each of the Swordbearers' journeys to Albion to arrive in our world and go on the hunt to find the current Swordbearer, who is considered an anomaly and a danger. (Those pesky Swordbearers have a nasty tendency to shape a world that isn't their own, after all). However, since Percival's trip to Albion, the intrusions have become more frequent, which is of great concern to Grandfather Gareth.
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
2, 7 and 29 for rose :0
Hi lovely, thank you for the ask!
2 and 7 were replied to in a previous post, apologies to the scrollers for the copy and paste, just for the ease of the person asking!
2. What relationship did your Tav have with their family/guardian(s) growing up? Has that changed with age?
So Rosalie is your stereotypical filthy only child lmao. She had a very good relationship with her parents (and also her aunt/aunt's children, as they all live on the same road in the same town!), although she is closer with her mother than her father because it's a pretty matriarchal family (it's the mother's line that's all based in the same place!). They paid to help her study magic in after school lessons the same way a middle class parent might pay for violin, etc.
This has changed with age - as of the game timeline she had not been home in two years due to the agoraphobia she is hiding from her family. She tends to write home regularly (lol she hasn't written yet in the adventure so that's a concern) but when her parents try to organise dates to come visit or for her to come home she invents extensive excuses to do with work, and then sometimes literally books extra work when her parents push her on it. As a result, they have grown increasingly distant.
7. What circumstances led to your Tav becoming their class/subclass?
Divination wizard - honestly, Rosalie isn't a Gale, she isn't a child prodigy or anything. I imagine her as a very intelligent girl who's parents decided to keep in school when she was shown to be good at it in the hope of bettering her. She was essentially put into a 'gifted and talented' programme, and I imagine that in the D&D world a 'gifted and talented' programme probably involves some taster lessons/aptitude tests in magic. Rosalie enjoyed learning magic so it became her hobby, and it opened up opportunities for her to study a 'mundane' subject but at a magical university - she essentially did a History and Classical Languages programme, which is how she got into translation, but at a magical university like Blackstaff so there was a lot of minors in magic she could take and her classes in non-magical subjects were still considered magic specialisms: essentially doing history of magic rather than just straight history.
Not to build my OC's CV (lol) but it was only in her master's that Rose probably started thinking of her self as a 'wizard' rather than 'a scholar who does magic', as her translations became about very high level spells - even though she couldn't cast them herself, she understood them on a level that a hobbyist wouldn't. This is when she became a wizard, and joined the Watchful Order with the plan to become a wizard (kind of like a graduate programme or law conversion lmfao). But she starts the game at level 1 bc her agoraphobia prevented her pursuing that at all, and she became a scribe and studier of spells rather than a caster of spells.
29. What advice would you give your Tav?
LMFAO. What advice *wouldn't* I give this woman???
I guess, after hitting her over the head repeatedly being like "communicate! your! feelings! to! the! people! that! matter! to! you!" you! dumb! fucking! wizard!"...
...I would sit her down and say: "Depression lies to you. It twists your view of the world to suit the narrative that allows it to survive and live on in your forever, like a parasite. Depression looks for any evidence to sustain itself because it doesn't care about your survival, only its own. Don't trust anything it tells you: don't think the bad things about you are intrinsic but the good things are fleeting, don't hate yourself just for the sake of hating yourself, and know that even the most inescapable moment will eventually pass."
(and then I'd be like, "also, tell the vampire man you like him, in literally every timeline this is your fucking downfall, i stg.")
30 questions for your Tav!
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etsy001 · 10 months
Welcome, my friends! I am Blondey, a natural-born Psychic and Mystic. Even as a child I was gifted with this very rare power, and have lived my entire life giving readings and studying to master the art of casting effective and successful rituals for people worldwide. Many of these people you may know of, as they are celebrities, political figures, moguls, and other world influencers. I am not like other spell casters. I am a descendant of the famous Sleeping Mystic, Edgar Cayce, and I go into a deep trance to see your situation and focus on your particular needs and desires.  After I get your answers, I prepare a document for you letting you know what I saw.  My readings are real, not created from software programs or other artificial means. In-person clients pay $150 30 minute reading, but now you can have the same high quality reading online for an extremely affordable rate. My readings are very personal & revealing, and if you wish to UPGRADE I will include REMOTE MIND reading and IMPLANT THOUGHTS of INFLUENCE into the mind of whomever you wish. This unique service has changed lives and is used by thousands of loyal clients.
About Company :-
Professional Psychic, MYSTIC, yielding amazingly accurate results and Spell Successes, even in cases there was thought to be no hope. I can help in all situations, marriage, romance, partner, money, life decisions, purchases, career etc.
My spells may be cast anytime without any interference from or by other spells or rituals of any sort. Mine are pure, 100% positive energy and light based on the most powerful force known, the Laws of Attraction, so they are completely safe and extremely effective.
For psychic readings, you will give me your questions in writing. I then go into a deep meditative trance to answer your questions.
Click Here for More Info:- https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticBlondey
Location:- Washington, United States
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sangomanana · 4 years
Traditional Healer Win Tenders & Job Attraction, Magic Rings. Gay Love Spells. Attract a New Lover All By Mama Nana Mama Nana +27672073600. 100% Results Guaranteed. Home Cleansing, Effective | Bring Back Lost Lover Spells‎. Bring Back Lost Lover Magic Rings for Love Testimonies Save My Marriage Now Call Mama Nana +27672073600.
I specialize in love spells and moon magic spells if you are looking for positive change Mama Nana +27672073600. Finding your true soul-mate, Career, and any other personal problems and or blockages. Gay & Lesbian Spells. Stop Cheating Spells. Love Chants. Marriage & Divorce Spells. Has someone placed a curse on you or your love spells today Mama Nana +27672073600? You may want your lover to return home to you or come back into your life now. lost lover spells. Services: lost lover spells, real love spells, marriage spells. Love spells that work marriage proposal spells Curse removal spells protection spells Mama Nana +27672073600
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Trusted Spells That Work | Call/Whatsapp Your Trusted Relationship spells voodoo spells Remove bad luck spells Stop Cheating Spells. Powerful Honest and simple trusted African traditional healer spell caster Mama Nana +27672073600. African Traditional Spell. Stop Divorce Spells. Job Promotion Spells. Bring Back Lost Lover.
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Rituals can help bring back lost love, allowing you to create the conditions. How To Get Ur Lover Back Mama Nana +27672073600 | FIX Broken Relationships‎ Relationship Problems Spell Caster For Lost Lover Marriage and Divorce find your answers. Want To Get Rid Of Your All Life Problems, Just Contact Bring Back Your Love. Satisfaction guaranteed. CALL OR WHATSAPP  Mama Nana +27672073600. Privacy guaranteed. Same day services.
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melodiouscharmxx · 3 years
How will I feel after paying for a lilith spell (say, how will I feel about the result of the spell etc)? Me: MVSNN. Cap sun. Tysm. 🙏
How I phrased your question: How will MVSNN feel about the result of the Lilith spell?
9 of swords reversed clarified by the Wheel of fortune in reverse. You’ll come to a realization through some type of cycle. You may feel momentarily hopeful in this situation despite not being in complete control. There could also be false hope or doubt here in a bad situation. The words avoidance and alternative pop in my head. Trying to keep peace in the conflict and control what you can.
7 of pentacles reversed clarified by Page of Swords in reverse. The result of the spell might be lacking. You may have doubts about the spell working. Or doubting the caster or the effectiveness. I feel a sense of disappointment and or the spell isn’t showing the results you desired. You might be too fixed on the results that you’re missing out the little details that are happening. I’m getting the sense of be careful of who you work with? Something here is a bit unfulfilling.
9 of Wands reversed clarified by Page of Cups in reverse. There’s a lack of realistic desires here or some type of negative response that are emotionally charged. A conflict of interests or uncertainty. You might be feeling impatient about the timing of the result. This or you’re not seizing the opportunities to see them? Like I’m not sure if the spell requires you to do something in return but I get a sense of giving up or you don’t know where/how the spell is working/affecting the individual?
Here are your charms:
Virgo, pride flag, Cowgirl, 2 tea set pieces, feather, book, letters: M, L
My interpretations:
The Virgo charm could be in correlation to your earth sun sign or the overall energy. I get the feeling of retreat and onlooking change from a safe distance. A reflective period might be on the ways. For the pride flag, in this reading I interpreted in a few ways. Pride in spell work, you turning to magic related means. You’re practicing or should focus on self love/worth? You or the other party could be in the lgbtq+ community or there’s curiosity here. The cowgirl indicates a self journey or leaving behind something to venture out to start anew. The 2 tea sets could mean there’s something going on in a close circle/social circle. You or someone is choosing how much they serve out but in truth, their containing a whole lot of knowledge/emotion. The feather remains me of a fountain pen. This paired with the book charm, the spell or events are currently ongoing. There is no absolute answer as of right now. Feelings, emotions, and reactions can change. I also get the sense of writing the next chapter to the story? The pen is in your hands, notice what you can and cannot control. The words that popped into my head for the letters are: Miracles, Later, Liar, Misfortune and/vs Luck
Overall, I see you watching for the spell to come into fruition but I’m not sure the results will fully please you or the timing won’t be as quick as you want. That or you’ll feel disconnected/apathy towards to who ever is afflicted by the spell. I get a strong sense of leaving something? An ending of some sort.
🙏🏼Thank you for your question.
Please let me know if this resonates💚
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greyvestboy · 5 years
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Fate Grand Order - Medea (Master Magecraft)
Class : Caster (Chaotic Evil)
Caster’s true name is Medea. She was a princess of Colchis who loved and betrayed by Jason.
After her last encounter with Jason(The whole killing everyone except Jason at Jason’s own wedding), She found out that she is pregnant with Jason’s child. She gives birth to non identical twin baby boy, At first she wanted to killed the babies because of her rage to Jason. But she was not willing to do so, for they should not be pay for the sins of their father. She settle on a small island around the Aegean sea, There she raise her sons and works as a healer for the village. When they discover her true identity, having heard story of her wickedness the citizens rallied to killed her, for her sons own safety, Medea willing to turn herself in, But Her sons defended their mother and was killed by the citizens.This enrage Medea, causing her to killed every citizen of the island and potentially destroys the island as well. She then roam the Greek island, Seeking power and enhancing her magecraft and soon learn magic from the Goddess of Magic herself, Hecate.
This version Medea, is the result of the enhancement of her magecraft and Tutelage of Hecate. Her Magecraft has become on par with the likes of Merlin and Solomon. All of her stats has been greatly increase. With a wave of her hand, she can instantly obliterate a mountain, Changing an entire area’s climate, Enhance the atmosphere to be more lethal.
In Addition,Her main offensive spell Rain of Light has been exponentially enhance. She can conjure hundreds of magic circle in a matter of seconds and rapid shoot them. Each of the beams of light is EX rank power attack, Any servants without magic resistance or magic resistance lower than A can be instantly killed, while with Magic Resistance A can be severely wounded or Mortally wounded. On human the beams will instantly killed them. Furthermore, All her spells have been greatly Increase with all attack Rank EX.
She also have the Authority of Sun. As the Granddaughter of Helios, The Personification Of Sun. She can summoned her own chariot pulled by two Sun Dragons (Though this Noble Phantasm can be used mainly in her Rider form). In Addition, From her Grandfather she learn to harness her own pseudo Omniscient eye, a skill allowing her to see everything in a large area. On the other hand, she also gains the ability of Clairvoyance A.
Basically, She is very OP that she is a candidate for Grand Caster.
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breakupspells18 · 3 years
5 easy Real spells that works fast instantly
Real spells that work
At the point when you talk about joy, when you need accomplishment in your life, when you need to improve your adoration life, when you need to settle your vocation or whatever you may want, you can get that without any problem. Once in a while with every one of your endeavors, you can't get what you need, then the only route for this is to project genuine spells. Spells are a method when every one of the heavenly powers meet up to complete all your work. They are simple and could be projected in the event that you perform with every one of your endeavors. At the point when you have full confidence then it is done without any problem. 
Genuine spell as an assistance is something which you can get from a specialist. There are various specialists in this field who can control you for the equivalent. You can perceive what sort of spell you need to perform and as indicated by it select the master. The choice of master can be based on the spell, insight, audits by individuals, etc. When you select the master, have full confidence around there and play out the spell with an entire heart so you get the greatest impact. At times the spell could be reciting a mantra or playing out a deed. Do it the manner in which the master has asked you and afterward you can see the outcome. Doing magic isn't extreme yet you should know the correct significance of the spell and how to perform it. Once in a while there is a particular date and time to play out a spell so be cautious around there and take direction from somebody and afterward do it. At the point when you do the spell wrong the outcomes could be awful. So be cautious around there and afterward just perform so you get the ideal outcomes for which you have hung tight for a significant stretch of time. 
genuine sorcery spells 
There are various genuine sorcery spells. You can project them as per your desire. On the off chance that you are searching for a sweetheart or you need to make two individuals separated so you can be together or you need accomplishment in your life, or you need to deliver retribution from somebody, or you need to improve your sexual coexistence at that point don't stress for every one of your issues from somewhat one to a major one you can get the arrangement by projecting the genuine sorcery spell. For instance, on the off chance that you need to do magic for the sexual coexistence, here is it. So for this, you don't need some other fixing, leaving hair all things considered. All you need is hair and the photography of your sweetheart. Presently what you ought to do is put the hair close to your darling's photograph. Presently discuss the mantra Photo with hair Lover come here. Simply rehash this mantra multiple times and afterward you are finished. You will see the wizardry. The darling will really come to you and you would set up a wonderful climate improving your relationship. So for individuals who need simple sex spell that too something with fast outcome takes the plunge and afterward see the wizardry. Have full confidence when you do this. Try not to censure about it later as results will not be powerful at that point. So have full confidence and do with everything that is in you 
Genuine voodoo spells that work 
There are different voodoo spells. From getting adoration to separate or sexual coexistence, various themes are available. So here is one for sex spell. All you need is two red candles and a photograph or an individual thing of the individual whom you need to have intercourse with. This specific voodoo sex spell is to be done when it is the period of waxing moon going on particularly on a Friday. Ensure you utilize the correct energy and you are quiet. Take one delightful red candle and spot it definitely before the image. Ensure that in the image he is the final straggler as then it will bring more sure outcomes. Presently require the subsequent red candle and the individual thing of that individual and do exactly the same thing. Presently serenade his name or the readied stanza various occasions until the flame consumes off completely. This voodoo spell can have an outcome on an ideal outsider, and his draw for you will become as if he cherishes you from years. So for the ones who need to get an extraordinary sexual coexistence with somebody you have been wanting for, this is the most ideal way. 
spells that work, all things considered 
There are various spells for you to perform contingent upon the activity you need. Here is a retribution spell which works incredibly. For this, all you require is sure fixings like a dark candle, a paper, a pen and an ashtray. Right off the bat light the candle. Keep it lit and on the opposite side take up the paper and compose the name of the individual (Full name ought to be composed). When you do this currently focus on your sentiments, dissatisfaction, tension, the agony and enduring which you have in light of that specific individual. Presently tear the paper into pieces whenever you have focused on your affliction. Presently copy these tore papers and put them in the ashtray. Presently say the serenade " I render retribution on the individual for all the agony they caused me. For every one of the unhealed injuries and the torture that stays in my heart. I Settle scores with you. I cause you to sympathize with my torment so you can directly encounter the thing I am feeling. So bit it be! Toss the remains in the dustbin. Presently the spell is done and your retribution will be taken. 
genuine dark wizardry spells 
There are many dark sorcery love spells which you can perform to get your sweetheart or possibly to improve your bond. So in that setting here is a simple and compelling one which will work rapidly. To perform it all you require is coconut water, dark salt, vinegar. For that you need to do is take some coconut water and afterward add dark salt to it. Subsequent to mixing add vinegar to it. When the combination is done, take his name threefold with everything that is in you. Do it while picturing him/her. After that simply take the blend and proceed to empty it into the moving water. The spell is projected. He will yearn for you now and day and night will ponder you and inside the following three days, he will be with you. While playing out this spell you should be wary that the entire blend is appropriately blended and the coconut water is new. It ought not be an old one as then impact would decrease. So be cautious and don't be negative in the wake of doing this as now and again due to it the impact gets decreased. Be unadulterated and continue to ache for a positive outcome. 
free voodoo genuine love spells 
There are different voodoo love spells. This is best for you. To project a voodoo love spell all you need is a photograph of the individual, sandalwood powder, some milk, part of the pomegranate tree, one leaf of a banana tree, red material and red string. First thing you need to do is blend sandalwood powder with milk. Presently wash the banana leaf. Presently compose your petitions on the banana leaf with sandalwood and milk blend. To do this take the part of the pomegranate tree as it will fill the need of the pen. Presently place the photograph of the individual. Presently read resoundingly your petition for multiple times. Presently move alongside the photograph with the leaf. Enclose it by the red material. Presently tie a string on it and leave it in the burial ground. Your adoration spell is finished. While doing this remember it you perform it on Monday and when you drop it in the burial ground you don't think back. While playing out this you need to wear white garments and yes don't rehash a similar supplication for a similar individual 
Much of the time posed inquiries about adoration spells 
The most effective method to project genuine love spells 
To project a genuine love spell, you need to counsel a specialist who can investigate your stars and mention to you which spell you ought to perform. They will control you on the best way to perform and in which way to perform alongside explicit time and date with the goal that things work adequately. 
The most effective method to project genuine spells 
To project genuine spell, all you need is confidence, trust and inspiration. At the point when you play out the spell according to the guide and do it with all the center the spell will work genuine speedy. The entire universe will get together to complete your work. 
Where to discover genuine spell casters 
At the point when you need to pay special mind to a genuine spell caster, you can look for it web based on the spell you need to project. You can see the ability and afterward pick the spell caster. You need to see that spell caster is a confirmed one. 
Step by step instructions to track down a genuine love spell caster 
To track down a genuine spell caster, search for it around. You can look on the web and ask your companions. You can check the confirmation by understanding audits and appraisals given by individuals. Don't simply pick somebody as he is charging less cash, check the experience. 
In this way genuine spells could be projected effectively by the manner in which it is asked by the master. You can complete genuine articles just by doing a spell with little endeavors and having full confidence. In the event that you are searching for a cheerful life and burnt out on attempting every one of the methods then the genuine spell can assist you with getting what you have wanted for. Be cautious that you cast it immediately in the ideal strategy asked by the master. Do it on the time and date at whatever point it is normal and afterward let the universe furnish you with the outcome.
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etsy001 · 10 months
Love Spells
Welcome, my friends! I am Blondey, a natural-born Psychic and Mystic. Even as a child I was gifted with this very rare power, and have lived my entire life giving readings and studying to master the art of casting effective and successful rituals for people worldwide. Many of these people you may know of, as they are celebrities, political figures, moguls, and other world influencers. I am not like other spell casters. I am a descendant of the famous Sleeping Mystic, Edgar Cayce, and I go into a deep trance to see your situation and focus on your particular needs and desires.  After I get your answers, I prepare a document for you letting you know what I saw.  My readings are real, not created from software programs or other artificial means. In-person clients pay $150 30 minute reading, but now you can have the same high quality reading online for an extremely affordable rate. My readings are very personal & revealing, and if you wish to UPGRADE I will include REMOTE MIND reading and IMPLANT THOUGHTS of INFLUENCE into the mind of whomever you wish. This unique service has changed lives and is used by thousands of loyal clients.
Love Spells
About Company :-
Professional Psychic, MYSTIC, yielding amazingly accurate results and Spell Successes, even in cases there was thought to be no hope. I can help in all situations, marriage, romance, partner, money, life decisions, purchases, career etc.
My spells may be cast anytime without any interference from or by other spells or rituals of any sort. Mine are pure, 100% positive energy and light based on the most powerful force known, the Laws of Attraction, so they are completely safe and extremely effective.
For psychic readings, you will give me your questions in writing. I then go into a deep meditative trance to answer your questions.
Click Here for More Info:- https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticBlondey
Location:- Washington, United States
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indianspellcaster · 1 year
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Pay After Results Spell Caster
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just-jammin · 4 years
Pridedraft’s Journal: Hallar’s Entry
Word Count: 1126
Summary: Mardiane Pridedraft, a Half-Elf Sorcerer & owner of the Bamboo Observatory & Inn, is also part of the somewhat known group of the Nice Cloaks.
The problem is, she doesn’t feel like she belongs to this party of chaotic misfits.
(Or: The author is projecting their problems to their Dungeons & Dragons persona, as a hope to vent in this piece of writing.)
22 Hallar
Alrighty then.
As usual, The Nice Ship’s been out to sea for months now. Training with the Crew has been going pretty well. Valakhad, however, got shoved off from his position of Captain, with Tyfl himself usurping to the position. I’m not sure what Val does now, unfortunately.
(note to self: please pay attention to Crew meetings more; take note of important things & tasks in journal.)
Since the last time I wrote in here (‘cause let’s face it: writing everyday for a few months ain’t practical), a few crewmates have been killed as a result of an encounter with... a few vampires, for some reason. Most notably Damien, our former... who even cares. Anyway, he got his organs sucked out by one of them, which, well, sucked. But even then, he was the laughing stock of the Crew, so at least the Gods gave him mercy from his peers, I think.
Another event that has happened is that Nisha, our Tiefling Illusionist, left the Nice Cloaks. You see, we’re heading towards the Desert from the city of Elveros, which happens to be her hometown. There was some conflict happening over there, with a new guy ruling with a bunch of cult members at his side, & buildings getting burnt down. That included the library that Nisha co-owned with some friends, much to her dismay.
And the guy who has the whole city in his hand? Apparently it was Errian Winmert (the Dickhead), someone who she didn’t like, at all. Basically, he was a not-so-little shithead who wanted to bend reality with this stick he got from the cult members.
Thankfully, with the help of a rebellion just outside of town, we defeated all of them & destroyed the stick. It was after that when Nisha Mooncrown decided to stay in the city, helping with the repairs first.
She was replaced (I think) with another Tiefling, Levantra Greybolt. She was hired to train the crewmates to fight with swords, right after the enforcement of an Anti-Rapier Policy.
So yeah, that happened.
Now we’re going where we’re going because there’s a known portal to the Fire Plane, where Val was originally from. Not sure why we’re going there though. Stupid memory...
Ok, part of the reason why I didn’t write in this journal for months is because no one wants to see me gushing out my feelings about... this. I get it. It’s my fucking journal. I know I can write about it here, but what’s the point? The Nice Cloaks has basically made it known that I’m the crazy person of the group. I kill children, I burn shit down, and I’m at the brink of insanity.
But here’s the thing: no one cares about why this is said.
Nobody wants the full details to set their minds to a certain behavior. I’m trying to defend myself with no one to back me up with, which is useless compared to how many people who agrees with them.
Look, I did accidentally drop Tyfl, a teenager, off a building in an attempt to get down from it. And he died. His death, for some reason, traumatized me enough that I went bonkers at the slightest mention of it, due to an overwhelming guilt that pooled inside of me. And what do you know, that was the reason why I burnt the shit out of another teenager. Who was associated with the place where Tyfl died.
What a fucking idiot I am.
And when Tyfl was resurrected, I, being the dumbass that I am, tried to attack him, making him unconscious in the process. Val knocked me out after that. All of that was because I wanted to take research on a bunch of feral gnomes in the Feywild.
Now hear me out, I like adventuring. I loved the idea of it, hoping that I would go out in the world someday to see whatever sights that I might confront. For the past few years, the closest thing to that was whatever happened at my stay in Tumblerun Tavern. The Chaos Party was very welcoming, teaching me the ropes of self-defense & others like that. I stuck with them for a while until Mme. Inkstain took me in.
But even then, both the Chaos Party & Mme. seemed kinda... boring. A bit too boring, in fact. Even though we had really memorable moments in time, we didn’t get around more. We all just stayed in one place, compared to who I’m with now.
The Nice Cloaks, however, are quite the opposite, in a way that I didn’t even expect that was possible. I mean, Tyfl became a powerful god-like being while being an old fucking woman named Barbara. How can anything else top that?!?
What I mean is that we went to a bunch of places (including the Feywild), but I couldn’t seem to... fit in.
Val’s a very cool caster from the Fire Plane of all places.
Nisha was a great asset to our group, being brave enough to balance our chaos with her sensibility.
Heck, Tyfl’s the guy who’s carrying the group, taking the most kills & making up plans that are crazy enough to just work.
And Lev, she’s pretty badass, to be honest. Casting with instruments is a very interesting concept, and I just like being intrigued with it.
Then there’s me.
Mardiane fucking Pridedraft.
I know I’m not the only normal person in this group, but I’m certainly feeling like I am. And at the same time, I feel like I am the worst person possible to be in this group. I don’t use my knowledge that I have gathered throughout the years. I’m never sure when to jump in, either with my spells or in melee. And I don’t even focus on important things whenever I need to.
Is it because I’m, y’know, stupid? Am I going to blame it on some shit that happened to me?
I mean, I did get really scared at one point of my stay in the Tavern. I remember that I didn’t go out for days, and when I did, I always avoided any contact with people. Well, I... wanted to stay with my closest friends (which they agreed to, yeah).
Ah, fuck. I’m too dependent on my own friends, am I?
Gee, no wonder why I feel so alone.
I’m useless.
No, I feel useless.
Even though I know I have power, of a Phoenix nonetheless, but I don’t seem to do anything outside of combat.
I just... want to go back to the Chaos that I’m used to. Go back home. But at the same time, I still want to roam around & explore the world.
Oh Gods, how do I do this?
- mardi
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animebw · 4 years
Binge-Reading: Fate/Stay Night VN, UBW Route Day 10
In which things get really bad for everyone, and Shirou takes his most radical step yet: learning self-care.
Stopping Point: Dawn of Day 12
All is Lost
Let’s be real, Unlimited Blade Works has not been an easy ride for Shirou. Ever since things started diverging from the Fate route, he’s been subject to one close encounter after another, constantly on the verge of being executed by some of the strongest fighters in the game. But things have never seemed quite so hopeless as they do when he returns from his date with Rin and finds Caster waiting in his living room, threating to kill Fuji-nee with her own hands. Jesus Christ, as if Caster wasn’t already the most intimidating enemy he’s faced yet, she just broke into his safe haven like it was nothing. Shirou and his friends are helpless before her. They’re so outmatched that Shirou’s brain almost short-circuits from helpless rage: ”I never knew you could calm down if you were angry past a certain level.” It’s always terrifying when this kid loses his cool; Shirou puts up with a lot of shit, but when he gets pissed, he gets pissed. He gets the kind of blood-runs-cold pissed where all rationality vanishes and he’s filled with the singular, overriding need to make someone pay. And when that happens, one of two things happens: either Shirou’s anger powers him through an impossible situation and forces victory from the jaws of defeat, or it leaves him so helpless in the face of a superior opponent that he completely and utterly loses.
Sadly, Caster was never going to go down as easily as Shinji. And Shinji’s wrath in the face of her overwhelming power only drives him and his friends to their lowest point yet. Shirou sacrifices his last command spell to save Fuji-nee, and Caster steals Saber away, putting the warrior under her control. Shriou takes a massive injury and no longer has his connection to Saber to heal it quickly. He and Rin are forced to flee and leave Saber behind, and then Rin is forced to leave him behind to press the attack against Caster. Shirou is left powerless and alone, with no servant, no powers, and no way of continuing to fight in this war. He’s no longer a master, and he was barely ever a mage in the first place. He doesn’t even have any reason to pursue the grail in the first place. Continuing to fight now would only result in him getting slaughtered for a prize he never wanted in the first place. He has every excuse to say “fuck it,” accept defeat, seek shelter with Kirei, and wait out the dwindling days of this struggle secure in the knowledge that there’s nothing more he could do.
But we all know Shirou well enough at this point to know that was never going to be an option.
The Saved and the Savior
Because as if his previous determination wasn’t enough, Shirou’s now found out one critical piece of information: Rin was his savior that night. She was the person who healed his wounds when Lancer stabbed his heart out of his chest. This incredible girl he’s fallen in love with has been keeping him safe all this time. So no matter how many times she tells him he doesn’t have to fight anymore, no matter how many times she covers for him in hopes that he’ll finally lay low, he can’t stop now. No matter how many times Rin says she owes him, this is a debt he can never hope to pay back. But god dammit, he’s going to try. Not because he desires the grail, not because he wants to take its prize as spite for what it’s taken from him as Caster suggests, and not even because it’s the path he’s always taken following Kiritsugu’s footsteps. This time, Emiya Shirou will fight for the sake of the people he cares for. After all, he didn’t start this war in the first place just because he was dragged into being a master. He chose to fight on his own terms, because it was something he believed was worth doing. Even if Kiritsugu’s legacy was influincing him, the ultimate decision was his and his alone. And now, faced with another fork in the road, he makes that same decision once again, not because it’s what he must do, but because it’s what he wants to do. For Rin’s sake, for Saber’s sake, for the sake of the people who’ve helped him stand and (literally) shouldered his pain, there’s no way in hell he’s giving up now.
Because despite all the terrifying, unbeatable foes he has to face, there’s one enemy he can conquer: himself. He can’t beat Caster in a fight, he can’t survive an attack by Berserker, he can’t match Assassin in a swordfight, and he certainly isn’t a powerful enough mage to stand on Tohsaka’s level. But Emiya Shirou is an obstacle he can overcome. Emiya Shirou is a foe he can clear from the playing field, upping his and Rin’s chances of making it to the end by that much. He can better himself until he’s no longer a burden dragging them down, but a tool that can fight for all their sakes. And that seemingly impossible journey starts with one simple step: getting some good night’s goddamn sleep so his wound heals and he can operate at full capacity. Only once Shirou’s able to take care of himself, in every sense of that word, can he start fighting for his friends’ sake as well. Because the best way to conquer yourself is to learn how to be better to yourself.
And just like that, Shirou’s learned to do the one thing he’s never been able to crack before: treat himself with kindness instead of endlessly sacrificing himself for everyone else.
I don’t know about you, but that simple act of self-care seems to make all the difference in the world.
Odds and Ends
-”A deep darkness that will freeze the algae in my skull and make me start dancing.” Well, that’s poetically morbid.
-”I’ll end this bad dream for you, Shirou.” This is the most heartbreaking bad end yet and it’s not even close.
-”This Tiger Dojo has been cancelled because the instructor has been kidnapped.” sdkfhskjdfhsdf
-”If I can save Fuji-nee at the cost of just one arm, I don’t even need to think about it.” Yeah, no surprises there.
-”Your previous action was so wonderful it made me angry.” She’s a piece of work, alright.
-Saber fighting back against the brainwashing and crying as she tells Shirou to run was evil.
-”Speaking cynically is like telling others to fix that part of them.” Like I said myself.
-”I am weak against unexpected things, like you are.” pfft
-”I think you’re really clumsy when it comes to anything that concerns you.” GEE, ALMOST LIKE SHIROU, HUH?
-”Look, Emiya. People normally die when they’re killed.” She’s not wrong.
-”You are getting worse every day, Caster.” Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you regularly got your chest exploded by your ribs, fucking hell dude.
-”I cannot attack you, so let me joke around like that.” Assassin’s a sassy bitch, isn’t he?
-”I can’t let it become just a scar.” Oh, ow.
Things are really picking up now. See you next time!
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Discussion over Tea
After Angus McFife XIII told Ralathor about the dragon he met that helped him find his hammer, the hermit thought to pay this dragon a visit himself.
On Ao3!
Disclaimer: This is not a full sequal to Magic Dragon of Storms. It has a similar plot and elements to it though.
Ralathor was bored. Bored enough to be staring at the wall contemplating the answer to life, the universe and everything. So far he got forty-two and he figured that if he stared for longer, he’d get the question.
Suddenly something exploded in one of the rooms of his cave which sent him across the hall to go check on it. When he entered his alchemy room, he was a bit surprised to find the walls, table and a small part of the floor charred, bits of glass scattered about the room from many jars that were caught in the blast radius from whatever exploded. He stepped over the larger bits of glass, his cloak brushing over the remains with an audible noise of glass moving over stone. He paid it no mind as he walked to the charred table, looking for the offender of the explosion.
He looked around on the table and found the source of the explosion. It was the golden scale of a thunder dragon. A thunder dragon that Angus had befriended when he lost his hammer a week ago and brought back a ‘small’ scale that fell off the dragon for Ralathor. The hermit picked up the scale - about the size of his hand - and ended up giving himself a bit of a shock as the scale turned out to still have a strong charge.
After the shock went down his spine with a shudder, the hermit reflexively shivered after the electricity passed. “Ah… That wasn’t pleasant,” he mused nonchalantly as he inspected the magical golden scale. How intriguing, unlike the lost scales of the native dragons here, this species’s scales keep their magical properties. He looked at the mess again, no doubt the scale had a build-up of energy from being put in the jar so discharged it.
Ralathor found a shed sky dragon scale amidst the destruction and compared it against the golden one, the differences were apparent, apparent enough that even a peasant would tell the difference between if they were laid out in front of them. The sky dragon scale was like an arrowhead, and there was an outgrowth on the scale that would stick into the skin, much like the feather of a bird. On the underside of the scale was a thin fluff that when the dragon ‘raised’ its scales, it’d cause the fluff to fill in the gaps and make the dragon warmer. The colouration of the scale was also a dull blue with a small light spot on the tip. The golden scale, on the other hand, was not only an iridescent gold that caught the light from the torches on his walls and made a bright point on the opposite wall, but it was also exactly like a fish’s scale: crescent-shaped almost and sits a bit on the form of the skin rather than in it. The entire scale also felt strangely velvety to the touch and it was definitely still seeped in magic from the dragon, unlike the sky dragon scale which lost its more obvious magical potency a long time ago.
The hermit pursed his lips under his hood with a clear idea to test something. He touched the golden scale to the sky dragon scale to see if it might ‘charge’ the dead scale.
Ralathor had to quickly dip his head down far enough so that he didn’t lose an eye from the sky dragon scale exploding upon being touched with the other scale. “This is new,” he mused to himself lowly as he looked in his left hand where the other scale was before it got vaporized. “So that didn’t have the results that I was expecting, but I got results,” he further said to himself, looking at the scale.
He set the scale down in a rubber-lined container he found after a small moment of searching, then waved a hand to clean up the mess, the minor time spell reverted the mess in the room, putting the jars and their contents back on the table and the charr from the wall and ceiling was removed. With the spell, everything was as it was before, except that the golden scale was no longer in the repaired jar were it once was. 
The hermit made a noise in the back of his throat as he walked out of the room. “And Proletius says magic isn’t useful.” He walked down the corridor silently and habitually turned left into another room.
This room - or well, another part of the caves he lives in that he converted into a room - had a bunch of shelves that were acquired from the Citadel of Dundee (they were getting thrown out anyway, he simply gave them a new home), which had a bunch of books in them and around them in stacks. 
“Hm, I really need to organise this room,” Ralathor muttered to himself as he stepped over a book. He then looked at the tomes that were stacked orderly on one of the bookshelves. “Now...where did I put that book?” The hermit reached up and grabbed a book titled Scottish Dragon Breeds and Species by Ernest Drake, took one glance at the title and put it back. He reached up a shelf higher and grabbed the next book and reading it. “Dragons & Drakes of Europe: A Dragonhunter’s guide by Beowolf, nope, that’s not it either.” He puts that one back too.
Ralathor then starts to look at the stacks of books on the floor, seeing if he had it and muttering to himself again, “I know have it, so where did I put the blasted thing? I really need to organise this room sometime.” He reads the spines of each book he came across, searching for the book he came here for. After not finding what he was looking for in that stack he looks through the next one, then the next one, then the next one.
He was on the last stack when he finally found what he was looking for and pulled it out from the stack, causing the book tower to fall. “Ha, knew I had it, Dragons of the East by an unknown author. Now, time to find out what species this mystery dragon is, and judging from Angus’s description, they are clearly a serpent, just need to find out what kind,” he continued to mutter to himself, not thinking fully on the words he was saying before he said them. Ralathor opened the book and began to leaf through the book, muttering what Angus told him as he looked for the right dragon. “Iridescent golden scales, spines, a single set of whiskers, curved deer-like horns, slender face, thick mane, three toes on each foot, the hands had a thumb. I must say I'm impressed with how preceptive the Prince is getting in taking in the looks of potential enemies, very impressed,” he continued to speak to himself in a low voice.
The hermit flicked through the pages, skimming over the description of the dragons as he did so until he landed on a promising page. “Cloudwalker...Hmm, let’s see, ‘this species of wyrm has fish-like scales, thick mane, fur on the tail which can often grow on other parts of the body, another breed of this species can grow fur all over their body that comes off the fish-like scales.’ Fascinating… And it says here that Cloudwalkers have three toes on all four feet like Ryus but the third toe on the front legs is a thumb. Seems the Prince’s new friend is a Cloudwalker,” he said, slightly louder to himself as he read the passages. 
He scanned the page further and stopped at a passage, reading it aloud to himself, “‘Clouwalkers love knowledge like most other eastern wyrms, but they particularly enjoy stories: fact or fiction, and they often don’t care if the story has a lesson or not, they just enjoy listening to stories and sharing their own.’ How fascinating, hmmm, I should have some books I’m willing to part with, ones that are still in print that is. Hm? Cloudwalkers also have a bit more obvious difference in the sexes: males have beards and straighter horns, females don’t have beards and curved horns. Well...if you know what those differences are.” He shut the book and put it on the shelf next to the other dragon books.
Ralathor then looked around the room. “Well, suppose I should clean up while looking for books I can part with before I go pay this dragon a visit myself,” he said to himself again and got to work organizing his shelves. (Which may or may not have involved doing magic to make it faster.) While he cleaned up, he found five books that he could easily source copies of (plus one he wrote himself.) After he packed them up into a bag, he teleported himself to the bottom of the same peak Angus found the golden serpent of storms.
When he appeared on the rocky path (or rather, lack there-of) he looked around until he saw a way up and began to make his way upwards. Ralathor walked and climbed up the rocks, using a few spells to stay climbing and not fall to his death. 
Angus said that he had climbed until his vision of the horizon was blocked by clouds that had suddenly rolled in. Ralathor paused and looked around, no clouds yet so he’s not far enough for the dragon to consider showing themself. He grunts and continues climbing over rocks and trying not to slip on loose pebbles.
After several minutes with no change in the cloud cover, he had gotten to the top of the peek. There was also no dragon either. Ralathor looked around but still found no trace of them. He huffed in annoyance, “No dragon, that doesn’t surprise me, cloudwalkers fly by magic rather than wings, they’re probably long gone by now.” He mused to himself. The hermit looked around one last time - even looking up this time - and after confirming that there is no giant golden serpent he faced the way he came and began to climb back down.
“You know, it’s very amusing watching a spell-caster climb up a mountain, nearly fall off thrice on the way up, get to their destination and upon realising that the creature they were looking for wasn’t there, promptly give up and go home,” an amused voice said above him suddenly, causing him to slip and fall while he was on a precarious ledge.
Once he got secured back on the ledge he was standing on, he looked at the long golden face of the dragon in annoyance. “Could have chosen a better time to reveal yourself? Like, when I was on a more secure area?” he asked calmly while he looked over their - her - face which lacked a beard and had curved horns. 
She grinned at him. “You were fine. I had watched you use some spells to prevent you from falling earlier,” she said, angling her head more forward a bit to look at him easier, centring him in between her eyes, in front of her long nose.
“Well, yes, I was. Doesn’t make it any less irritating,” he said. “Didn’t know that we had a Cloudwalker here,” he commented as he ducked under her massive head to climb back up to the peak so that he isn’t hanging on for dear life on a cat-walk.
“It only took ten centuries for you to realise that I was here and that was because Angus the thirteenth was missing his hammer and I decided to help,” she replied as she followed Ralathor and settled on the small ledge above where he sat and set up a tea tray that he teleported to the ledge from his home.
Ralathor looked at her from underneath his hood. “You’ve been here for ten centuries? Why did you come here in the first place? It’s a bit far from your home,” he commented while he poured the tea for both him and the dragon.
“My home always felt less my home, so I left it. After of course I avenged my dead mate and took my eggs back from the bastards that took them, and flew until I came across this island and settled here. After the sealing of Zargothraz mind you,” she answered, looking at the tea being poured. She set a forepaw down gently in front of the table and focused, the next thing was the dragon turning into an adult female woman of eastern origin who sat down opposite to Ralathor.
Ralathor blinked as he watched her transform into the rather perfect form of a human. “I see. And your whelps? Where are they?” he asked while he offered her the cup of tea he poured.
She took it from him. “Where I came from originally. Once a year they come to visit me,” she answered with a sip from her cup.
Ralathor sipped his tea then prepared to ask another question, “How -”
“I will ask you a question myself before you ask another of me,” she interrupted. “Who are you to come up here in search of me and ask these questions?” she asked while she held Ralathor in a steady glare.
“Ralathor, hermit of Cowdenbeath, ally and friend to Angus McFife the thirteenth. He was the one to tell Proletius and me who helped him find the hammer of Glory,” Ralathor answered.
She took a sip from her cup. “And what made you come up to me?”
“I had not realised that we had a dragon that is from a generally much friendlier species on our land until the prince ran into you,” he answered.
The dragon disguised as a human takes a pause to pour herself more tea. “So besides coming up to this peak, interrupting my sunbathing and asking me questions without even introducing yourself first, what are you doing here?” she asked, then, with an amused look commented, “I dare say that the prince had better manners.”
Ralathor ignored the comment as he took out the books he had packed. “I had read that you guys like knowledge - and even simple stories - so I scoured these books out from my personal library for you as sort of a welcome to Fife,” he said. The hermit then smiled under his hood. “Though I appear to be ten centuries late.”
She gave a laugh at the joke as she picked up one of the books and read the title, “‘Tales From the Kingdom of Fife’?” She looked up at him.
The hermit nods and opened his mouth, speaking softly, “What happened during Angus McFife the first’s reign ten centuries ago, the other books are different stories.”
The dragon looked through the offered books and set them down next to her. “Thank you. I had heard bits and pieces of the Zargothrax story, but having the full story at hand is great,” she commented.
Ralathor nodded and sipped his tea, falling into silence. The silence only passed for a minute before the hermit spoke up. “So who are you?” he asked, looking at the dragon in human form.
She leans back slightly, tilting her head up at the sky. “Hmm, I am Xiongwei Huoyan… But if that’s too hard for you to say, I currently go by as ‘Astrid’,” she said and her form shifted to that of a local and she looks at Ralathor.
Now that caught the hermit by surprise and he widened his eyes in shock, almost dropping his tea. “So that’s how you stayed hidden for ten centuries!” he exclaimed, only slightly louder than how he usually talked. “Your name is not hard for me to say, different, but not hard, Xiongwei Huoyan,” he added.
“Please, call me Xiongwei to at least make it easier on yourself if you wish to call me by name,” Xiongwei said, still remaining in the form as one of the locals of Fife.
“Impressive forms by the way, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were a human,” Ralathor commented.
Xiongwei gave Ralthor what could be described as a ‘shit-eating grin’. “I’ve practised my polymorphing quite avidly over the years. I’m adept at transforming into many forms,” she answered, taking a sip of her tea.
The hermit gave a small nod. “It paid off,” he commented, finishing off his tea he got up. “Well, I should go, let the other two know you’re not a threat. I hold no responsibility if Hootsman and Ser Proletius come up to say hi,” he said calmly and quietly.
“Farewell, Ralathor, hermit of Cowdenbeath and tell Angus that I said hello,” she said, setting her own empty cup down. She grabbed the books and transformed back into her dragon form, settling back down on the rocks.
Ralathor teleported the tea set away and faced the way down, he paused, looking up at the large golden dragon, already reading one of the books. He looks back at the path down - and teleports to the bottom of the bottom. When his bearings took in the sudden change of scenery, he swore he heard laughing on the wind that floated down from the peaks. He looked up and glared, he then focused again and teleported away again.
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c-atm · 5 years
connverse crossover
  A comedic collaboration of Misadventures
Staring Mister(Steven) and Heart Berry(Connie) of Fighting flirty and Witchy (Witch Connie) and Demon (demon Steven) of Witchanddemon verse By @meku95
a fun comedy Misadventures series..with romance, drama and action tossed in, Inspired by Anime like isekai quartet and Carnival Phantasm.
In a restaurant in the city two very similar boys was sitting in a booth. Food in drink in front  of them. they shared the same skin, hair even the same name..The only difference one was older by four years sporting a bit of a whiskered chin, and the other was demon.  Didn't take away from the fact that they saw each other as brothers. 
The older one, 'Mister' place his drink down with a sigh as he looked at his brother, 'Demon'; Who looked arched an eyebrow. 
"I don't get it. Why'd you want me to teach you love magic?"
Mister smirked as he took a bit of his food. "To make Heart Berry surrender her heart to me."
 "But you two are already together?
Demon left eye twitched in annoyance. "You're her man".
Mister Sipped his drink in satisfaction.  'Yuuup".
Demon roared in confusion. "THEN WHY DO YOU NEED A LOVE SPELL!!?"
Mister was undisturbed by the outburst. "Because  I want her to ask me to go steady."
His statement leaves Demon stunned and slightly twitching a bit before he sighs and smirks
'That just how Bro and Sis are, I guess…'
Demon looks toward his brother shaking his head.
"I really don't see the problem Bro. If you just tell her you're live happily..Just ask Big sis to go steady.
Mister banged his hand on table fire in his eye.
"But you're already together! Saying that you want to be exclusive should be easy."
Mister sighs "You would think that, but we're actually quite stubborn."  He begins to smirk amorous. "Besides I like watching her squirm.. 
Demon rolled his eyes, smirking. "Obliviously.."
Mister eyes gains a teasing glint as he wiggled his eyebrows.  "I like when she makes me squirm."
"Stop that ...Right now!"
His brother slightly embarrassed tone cause Mister to chuckle.
" Hehe..Ok.." Mister spread his hands to the side looking straight at Demon. "Serious..Love spell? Can we get one?
Demon Sipped his tea, dijon before answering. "love spells don't exist…"
Demon held up his hand before continuing. "but...but..there's suggestion spells and emotion  manipulation spells. Depending on the intention and the will of the caster and target, the results can be very potent. Nearly unbreakable."
Mister watched as his brother disposition changed from relaxed to tense, as Demon looked out the window with a snare
" Hmm..seems like you had to face one."
"Aye... It happens at times...Recently me and my lady had to deal with one called Pale moonlight; a  particularly nasty spell…"
"Wanna vent bro?"
Demon looked over to Mister and sighed before he his tale of the dance in the pale moonlight..The more he spoke. the more Mister anger rises..Before the end Mister saw not only pink but 'flaring' as well.. Spikes grew from his back and head, his fingers became claws and voice became gravelly
"So where this guy live at. We should pay him a visit.."
Just as Mister begin to stand up Demon grabs his arm.
 "Tut tut tut.. Let me finish first.."
Mister breathed deeply before returning  to his seat as Demon continued his tale.. by the time he was completely done Mister was back to normal..Smirking at his little bro with his arms folded.
"Huh..So how was it, Having Witchy dance with you."
Demon blushed as he rubbed  the back of his neck.
 "Umm..I feel like I fell for her, all over again."
Mister smirk with a chuckle, his Heart Berry on his mind. "Yeah. I know the feeling very well."  
He then kissed his teeth as he looked at his bro. "So where  that guy live again.. His manor. Still wanna pay him a..What is it?"
Demon looked worried. "A visit.?"
Mister scoffed playfully as hit tap his cheek. "Naw naw..not a visit." He Snaps finger and points at Demon with a smile. "A beating..I wanna pay him a beating."
Demon wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, but he did promise his lady to leave them alone. 
" I...hmm? The girls won't like that.."
Mister smile was strained, his voice cold .
"Well I'm no fan of anyone mind whamming Witchy..or any Connie for that matter. Besides we're just 'demon hunting'. Let's  go."
"But he's human though and aren't you a lover?!"
"I'm a fighter too!" 
Demon could only watch as Mister rosed  from his seat with a deadly smile. Demon chuckled in defeat as a half smirk came to his mouth and found himself following after him. He doubt they'd do more than scare the rich brat anyway.
  Next chapter: Connie Combat Collab
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