#love my new oc or youll hurt my feelings
harshing-your-buzz · 2 years
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yall evver see your friends art and realize howw much quicker they draww and howw much better they are than you and howw much attention their art gets in a servver and it makes you feel super demotivvated so you just stop drawwin for a long time cuz evverythin you draww makes you wwanna cry and noww you feel like an asshole for bein so jelious
howwevver makin mary sue ocs defenently puts the fun back into art
anywways neww oc
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thana-topsy · 5 years
#1 for Fluff Prompts 2019, your choice of ship “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
Since this particular prompt was a little off for the Skyrim universe, I took the opportunity to play around in this Modern AU that @mimosasupernova, @raunchyandpaunchy, @spine-y, and myself have been working on with all of our various OCs. They’re all disaster queers just trying to live their best post-college life. (Nadine is Paunchy’s and Rhiannon is Mim’s).
The apartment was flooded with the smells of Nadine’s cooking when Aerik got home from work. He dropped his satchel near the coat rack and kicked off his shoes, sauntering into the kitchen. His eyes fluttered closed as he inhaled deeply. 
“Nadine!” he proclaimed loudly, causing her to jump slightly. “You’re not a mortal from this plane!” 
“Aerik! I barely heard you come in.” 
“You’re a goddess,” he continued. “Transcendent! An alchemist of citrus and salts, oils and brines!”
Nadine laughed breathily, planting a hand on her hip. “I intended to share. You don’t have to flatter me.” 
“I’m not flattering you!” Aerik countered, sliding across the kitchen and planting a kiss on her cheek. “I’m just telling the truth.” He grinned. 
“Nice shirt,” she pointed out, motioning with her spatula to the black button-up that Aerik wore over his worn, Scissor Sisters t-shirt. “Where’d it come from.”
Aerik did a dramatic spin. “It’s Teldryn’s…” 
“Ahh.” She turned back to the stove. “Wearing each other’s clothes already?”
“You didn’t steal it did you?”
“Of course not!” Aerik looked scandalized. “He just… left it. Intentionally, I think.” 
“Sure, sure…” Nadine laughed, returning her attention to the stove, tossing the contents of the pan with finesse. 
Aerik balled the ends of the shirt into his hands, bringing it up to his nose and sniffing loudly. He exhaled with an excessive amount of drama. 
“It still smells like him.” 
“Hullo Aerik,” Rhiannon said as she rounded the corner into the kitchen, phone in hand and mid text. “Nice shirt.”
“It’s Teldryn’s,” Nadine supplied in a sing-song voice. 
“Damn right,” Aerik grinned. 
“Wasn’t that supposed to be a one-night stand?” Rhiannon asked, brow creased as she looked up from her phone. “Isn’t he a bit… old for you?”
“Rhi…” Aerik sighed, rubbing his hands across his eyes. “Are you talking to my fucking dad?” 
“I don’t see what that has to do with anything, I’m just asking as your… hey!” She yelped as Aerik strode over to grab the phone out of her hand, beginning to type. 
“Dear Nilandur, don’t throw stones from glass houses. Love - your son.” He pressed send aggressively, handing the phone back to a miffed Rhiannon who swiped it from him with a huff. 
“He’s just concerned.”
“Yeah, well if he wasn’t so secretive about his new relationship maybe I’d be more open about mine.”
“So it’s a relationship then?” Nadine asked, turning around again with a goofy smile. Aerik suddenly felt self-conscious, tugging at the sleeve of Teldryn’s shirt. It was just slightly too tight on him. 
“I mean, I’d like it to be. But he’s just so…” He waved his hands in the air. “He’s just so cool. I don’t know how to keep him interested.” 
“Just be yourself!” Nadine offered unhelpfully.
“Thanks,” Aerik all but growled, stalking out of the kitchen and towards his room. He didn’t bother shutting the door behind him, choosing instead to collapse heavily onto his bed with a sigh. He stilled for a moment before rolling onto his back, pulling his phone out of his pocket. 
[how’s it going?]
He sent the text before he was able to think about it too hard. He stared at his screen for a full minute before adding: 
[you left your shirt… i may or may not have worn it today]
He waited another beat. 
[it smells like you]
Aerik threw his phone against his pillow, burying his face in the crook of his arm, half laughing, half groaning at how pathetic he felt. He’d only been seeing Teldryn for a few weeks, but the damn Dunmer was all he could think about. He’d been in love before, sure. He was twenty-five. But he’d never felt this smitten before. It was a helpless kind of feeling, one that left him breathless and anxious, constantly wondering if he was doing or saying the right thing. His phone buzzed next to him and he scrambled to pick it up. 
[I was wondering where that shirt went.] 
Aerik was grinning so hard his cheeks were beginning to hurt. 
[you can come get it back but youll have to stay for dinner]
There was a long pause during which Aerik scrolled nervously through social media and regretted every decision he’d ever made in life leading up to this point. Finally, Teldryn’s response dropped down from the top of the screen. 
[Sure. When’s best?] 
Aerik bit his lip, trying not to read too much into the flat tone. 
[friday night? 530?]
Teldryn’s response was a bit faster. 
[Sounds good. x]
“Oh gods, guys, he put a little ‘x’ at the end of his text!” Aerik yelled. He heard Nadine’s distant laugh from the kitchen. Sighing, he slid off his bed and onto the floor, trying and failing to contain the rampant butterflies in his stomach.
[see you then!]    
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valiantsilver · 5 years
got no notes on my post asking if you wanted to see my shitty ocs but FUCK YOU I’m making this post anyway because I’m a desperate child lol
gonna keep some things... mysterious? Like I’m planning on writing some fics based around them and it kinda will have to be in an au verse
I only have very vague memories of the show past episodes that I rewatch from time to time so yeah
Anyways, let’s get started!
The Premise
Basically, these people called ‘Riftmakers’ exist
They can open rifts between the Sixteen Realms and some of the more powerful ones can basically fuck up reality
They have a council that dictates what Riftmakers can and can’t do so that Ordinary People aren’t hurt
It’s,,, pretty corrupt but it’s also the only thing stopping all Sixteen Realms from crumbling into anarchy so it’s very important that it isn’t destroyed
Not many people know of the Riftmakers existence, those that do are sworn to secrecy
OC 1: Magnus
He’s a 22 yr old stinky bastard man + the main villain
You know how I said it’s Very Important that the council isn’t destroyed?
He wants to destroy it.
Also he hates all non-Riftmakers, he sees them as a lower class (like the prejudice towards muggles in Harry Potter lol)
Like,,,, 6’ 6”,,, he’s a giant
Pale skin, black hair, grey eyes (all Riftmakers have grey eyes)
Literally dresses so formally he constantly looks like he’s going to a funeral
Was living with his family in a different dimension until 3 years ago when he just,,, left
His family is important don’t worry
Yeah that’s pretty much all I got ok let’s move on to:
OC 2: Sophie
Ladies and gentlemen and non-binary dudes, we have our protagonist
She’s 16 and she’s terrible
Falls to pieces in the precense of a pretty girl but then again who wouldn’t
I mean my dude I am a self-proclaimed asexual aromantic but I still panic when a pretty girl appears
And I mean all girls are pretty so
she’s Magnus’ younger sister I told you the family would be important
She and her family have been hunting Magnus ever since he left to become the Biggest Dickhead To Have Ever Dickheaded (those are literally her words)
Her family consists of her mother Jordana, her step-father Chris, her sister Anna (15) and her brother Kato (12)
“who’s her dad”
jk you will know just not yet
He’s Important
Also he’s the Riftmaker that Magnus and Anna inherited their powers from
Sophie is pretty chill externally
Internally she’s constantly screaming and internalising harmful thoughts and feelings but what else is new with Ninjago characters
Hates Magnus with a passion (she doesn’t she just really misses him and wants him to be good again)
Really into body mods she has so many ear piercings it’s unreal
Dark skin, long wavy black hair, very dark green eyes
6’4” she’s a tol
Wears black
Everything is black
Also: leather
Also: skinny jeans
Also: band t-shirts
Also: I love her
OC 3: Tristen Joseph
“hey where’s the rest of Magnus’ family”
answer: I’m lazy and I want to talk about my son
I’ll make a post about them later I promise
Tristen is the best boy
Cinnamon roll but can be a snarky bastard when he wants
Very passionate about his hobbies!!!
He’s 5’4”
He is.... smol
He’s got pale skin and messy blonde hair and really bright blue eyes
Also I headcanon him as being Japanese in ethnicity
Wears flannels and beanies
He’s an asexual biromantic
Tristen Joseph isn’t his birth name btw we’re gonna keep his birth name a secret
Has a prosthetic right arm he built himself because fuck you
He’s an inventor
You know Cryptor?
He found his head in a scrapyard and rebuilt his body for him in return for convincing him to not be evil
Now they’re bros
“I’m not friends with this idiot”
“Shut up Tor you love me”
He is,,,, a trans Boi
Also adopted
“who by”
An entire fucking village
Yeah that’s it for my son he’s 16 so he’s two years older than me
Now for the last one
OC 4: Cam
Haven’t managed to think of a last name for them rip
A non binary pal
They have light brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes
16 and 5’9” (finally a normal height)
Also they have of those Cheetah prosthetic legs because... accident
They’re anxious and kinda nervy
But very sweethearted
I haven’t seen much of Voltron but you know Hunk?
They’re like Hunk
Yeah this one’s very new so this is all I’ve got
K that’s pretty much it for now
Please message me or reblog or something if you want to learn more about my children!!!!
They’re super under-developed and shitty but I’m working on them I promise
I will make another post about my other ocs and I’ll make some posts about how their journeys tie into the ninja’s
(hint: Magnus tries to destroy Ninjago)
alright bye
also sorry
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sci-the-superb · 6 years
should you fight my ocs (in alphabetical order)
adrienne neumerana (dragon age): shes a dragon hunter!!! she can shoot u dead very quickly!!! fight her at close range but if ur at a distance watch out!
august (technologist): why would you want to fight her she just wants to fix robots and help people. please dont fight august
cider (spidersona): shes spidergirl. fight her if you dont mind getting your ass kicked
cheryl martin (fallout 3): she’ll try and talk her way out of it but if that fails she can hold her own. fight her at your own risk
eleniel valymaya (dnd/dragon age): shes just a fuckign cleric why would u hurt her. why. granted shes also a necromancer and did some shady stuff when she was younger but shes trying to repent for that. fight her but be prepared to feel bad about it
io west (monster prom): why would you wanna fight this sweet moth girl she just wants to eat socks and bump into lamps sometimes. please god dont fight io
jasmine (borderlands): shes a fuckign siren why would you fight jasmine she can fuse you to the ground or a building or another person please god dont fight jasmine you will not win
keegan trail (fallout new vegas): keegan will kick your ass across the hoover dam and in the event that she loses the fight she will track you down and fuckign slaughter you. fight her at your own risk but be prepared to lose
limbo-13 (destiny 2): you can fight her if you want but she can be healed extremely quickly and also come back from the dead. you might win tho and honestly she’ll congratulate u and be on her way. fight limbo but watch out
max del toro (cyberpunk 2020): max loves violence and honestly? fight her. if you win she’ll call you a punk and punch you in congratulations. if you lose youll probably be dead. fight at your own risk
minara calidus (skyrim): minara is the dragonborn and also a fucking wall of metal and blades. do not fight her. you will lose
nickie paxton (technologist): theyre just a nervous gay scientist why would you fight them. please dont fight nickie
peura starsong (ESO): peura just wants to study dwemer technology and chill in the clockwork city with her giant god bf. you can fight her but be prepared for many fabricants to come to her defense
stella blaiser (fallout 4): you can fight her but she wont like it!! plus she has a bunch of huge robots thatll come to her defense. fight her if you wanna feel bad about yourself
tulip (misc monster oc): shes just a fucking jelly girl why would you fight her you animal
taquis rubyrune (dnd): please kick taquis’s ass she deserves it
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tayegi · 7 years
Usually in these sort of fuckboy/college!AU fics, a large part of the driving force of the plot are the boys and their actions, sometimes to the point where the OCs end up becoming caricatures that just kinda flap into the breeze until they're needed for dialogue. That's why I enjoy New Rules so much. Most of this story comes from the OCs own thoughts and actions, and she is not too particularly interested in either one of her (love interests?). +++
Anonymous said:+++ Instead, she's a normal college student trying to get by, who has feelings and insecurities like a lot of other people. That's why I love this fic so much, it is the most real interpretation of a real world AU that I've seen in a while. What the OC feels I feel, and it hurts, but it makes the plot points so much more satisfying to digest. I adore the OC more than I should (I wanna shake her for being so easily blown over by Mijoo's actions). +++
Anonymous said:+++ I also love the characterizations of the boys! You seem to like to paint Jimin as the cute, sweet, and angelic guy who everyone and their mother has a crush on. To see his character sort of twisted for us, because for me I've see him differently ever since we found out about the OCs feelings, is really interesting. Jungkook's character is also really cool because I'm torn between wanting to pat him on the head and give him a cookie. +++
Anonymous said:+++ It's obvious that he's confused about a lot of things, and I kinda feel bad seeing him yanked in every single direction, but I like seeing the OC as the plot driver. She dresses up as a CEO, fucks around but still believes in real and pure love, and had insecurities that cause her to act in ways she maybe shouldn't. Thank you for making such a realistic character, and I wish her and you all the best. (I saw how you said she's sort of based on you and want you to know I love you. 💖)
What a lovely message! This is so amazing and detailed, and you dont even know how much i appreciate this. I srsly write for wonderful messages like this and i love you too
im glad that you think that it’s realistic! i know that it’s super crack-y at places, but that’s just my weird sense of humor trying to make it more interesting. but what the OC goes through is what I have personally gone through too and what I think many of us can relate to.
and yesss! that’s a great interpretation of Jimin and Jungkook. Maybe Jimin seems so perfect and angelic because that’s how the OC sees him? Whereas Jk is just this annoying brat haha. And yessssss. in so many of these fuckboi aus, it’s the guy initiating and calling the shots. I wnted something a bit different where the girl gets the say as well! and youll see more of this dynamic later bc i think it’s quite obvious that jk wont allow himself to be tugged around like a doll for much longer :) 
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transphormers · 7 years
please tell us about your ocs! i love hearing about others ocs!
Ok so under readmore cause its....quite long fdasdasf: 
Nightflare:Not a noble/towers mech but almost tbh. Has a fancy car-like alt. Very educatedand cultured and very interested in justice but he used to saw things in a veryblack&white way. Wanted to become the Cybertronian equivalent of a lawyer/judgeif such thing existed (which? Im pretty sure it did but anyway) Never reallygot around to do it for various reasons (mostly peer pressure cause most of hisfriends where the kind of rich asshole who thinks working is below ‘people likethem’ but also cause he’s a very one-track mind kind of person and he just? Alwaysfound other things he felt he needed to focus on :/) 
He met his(future) conjux, Sonicboom, when one of his friends began to act as a patronfor him and started bringing him over to their apartment complex for musiclessons and the like. He began to learn about the terrible living conditions ofother Cybertronians by listening to Sonicboom talk about his life andexperiences as well as those of people he knew. He was deeply disgusted withwhat he learnt and became quickly involved with the Decepticon movement once itbegan.
Heconsidered becoming a neutral and leaving the planet with Sonicboom once thewar started but he was way too committed to the original ideals of themovement. As the war progressed and things got more crude he began to regrethis choice but it was too late to try to become a neutral so instead he did hisbest to keep both Sonicboom and himself alive.
Once thewar ended and they returned to Cybertron he kind of wanted to try to be alawyer or a judge for real this time but at the same time he’s not sure if hestill wants that and just feels like its no longer his thing so he’s just kindof working on w/e he can find both to be able to live + also to feel usefulwhile he sorts out his own head.
 Sonicboom: Idkwhat alt I want him to have but I can imagine him as a radio tbh. Has a veryactive mind but tends to get lost in his own head (this got worse during andafter the war) Also very interested in culture both Cybertronian and alien,especially the arts (and especially among the arts: music) He’s Nightflare’sconjux. A really good singer and composer.
He wasquite poor in the earlier years of his life but things changed when ahigh-class mech heard him singing and decided to sponsor him and help himbecome a singer and composer (its around this time when he met Nightflare thothey took a long time to become conjux). He hates talking about that part ofhis past and he has opened to very little people about it. He became quitefamous in pre-war Cybertron but that obviously didn’t matter when the warstarted.
He wantedto stay a neutral but ended up joining the Decepticons to keep an eye onNightflare when he refused to become a neutral too. Managed to survive the warand now that there’s peace again he wants to go back to being a musician butall he has been able to compose lately are either very melancholic & pessimisticsongs about a time and dreams long gone or upbeat but actually quite depressingsongs about the war and he’s pretty sure people wouldn’t like those, so he’smostly letting time go by like and avoiding all conversations about his future andmusic like ‘haha yeah. Im working on my music. Happy music. Youll hear it soon.Haha. Yeah :) but lets now talk about me what are You doing?’.
 Mishmash:  (I came up with this Oc after having spentthe whole night reading fics so that should give you an idea of how terrible he’sgonna be. Anyway)
Some ‘backstory’ofhis creation: idk if you know but there’s this idea in fandom that bots can mergetheir sparks and that’s seen as smth very intimate to do with yourconjux/bestest of friends and its like?? The Ultimate Form of Connection™between 2 mechs and while they are at it they can like? Share memories &feelings & communicate without barriers or w/e and idk ive always liked theidea tbh and I wanted to use it somewhere in a fic but since im an awful littlegoblin who loves angst too much for her own good I had to make it sad.
Problem is,I couldn’t think of any Canon characters I could fit in the already very clearand sad scenario I had in mind so I decided to just use two nameless ocs (All Iknow of them:One was a flyer the other a grounder. They were amica. Almostbecame conjux but someone else came along. Never really regretted not becomingconjux tbh). 
Anyway, the scene I had in mind was, in a few words:
These 2 robots are fucking around investigatingsome place far from the city when smth goes awfully wrong and they both getreally hurt. One of them takes the worst damage on their frames and the otheron their sparks and knowing that they are most likely end up dead they decideto merge sparks one last time, to both comfort the other and themselves inthose final moments u kno?. (And here’s where things get weird(er)) While beingmerged and as their sparks die smth happens and?? Somehow?? Both sparks fullymerge creating a ‘new’ one, which gets into the frame that’s less damaged one(the flier) managing to survive. A while later some other bots find these 2bots and quickly take them back to the city where they focus on fixing the onethat still has a spark.
And oncethey are done said bot wakes up, problem is: he desnt?? recognize the name he’sbeing called? Or rather he recognizes it but he doesn’t feel like its his? Andhis head is a mess cause he is remembering some events from two different povs?+ there’s smth wrong with his frame cause he?? Doesn’t feel like it’s the rightframe but it isn’t the right one either? Basically everything is very confusingand the poor bot ends up running away from the medical bay he’s in causeeverything is too much. Everyone else is quite freaked out too cause they knowthis bot and its obvious that smth isn’t right with him??cause not even hisvoice sounds the same???
And to make things even more complicated one ofthe original bots conjux comes to see wtf has happened with his conjux and hisconjuxs amica only to find this one bot who looks like one of them but…. Isn’t oneof them? Not really? It’s such a capital M Messy situation. 
So, inshort: Mishmash is a very confused and stressed pretty much new-builtcybertronian who’s just trying to find his place in the universe and, mostimportantly, find out who he is which, it’s quite hard because sometimes hefeels like himself but other times he feels more like one of the bots whosesparks made his and sometimes he feels like they are with him? Or he suddenly remembersthings from their lives and so on. + lots of bots who knew those other two botsare?? Quite pushy with him, trying to get him to be more like one of the botsthey knew and its……….. awful.
(surprisinglyenough the most accepting and helpful person is The Conjux??? Like, sure, thereare moments where he also fucks up but he’s the only one who apologizes for nottreating Mishmash like his own person and who tries to help him organize hisnew/old memories and navigate his new life the most)  
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