aletheia90 · 5 years
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mulder & scully + losing it when the other is in danger
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aletheia90 · 5 years
Bi culture is…
Crushing on these two at exactly the same time 🥰
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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50 Favs in 50 Days [TV Characters]: Day 45
↳ Dana Scully
“Time passes in moments… moments which, rushing past define the path of a life just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen, to consider whether the path we take in life is our own making or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed. But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes? Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life? And, seeing those choices, choose another path?” - All Things, 7x17
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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aletheia90 · 5 years
You realize how boring your life is when you close an app then open it again without realizing
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aletheia90 · 5 years
Basically how I am with all my OTPS
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aletheia90 · 5 years
A friendly reminder that this guy
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and this guy
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were born only one year apart
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aletheia90 · 5 years
*watching episode for SDM*
*they investigate a library*
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Me: “Wait… are they going to…?”
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Me: “…they’re totally going to.”
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Dean: “Check out that book.”
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Fred: “There are a *lot* of books in here, Dean!”
Me: “Cartoon logic still applies! That’s magnificent!”
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Dean: “No, *that* one. The one that isn’t painted into the background.”
Me: “Ahh… well, as fun as that is, it’s too bad real Scooby-Doo is riffing the things *I* normally find–”
*show cuts to wide shot*
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Me: “…wait…”
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Me: “…did they truly get the thickness of the book wrong, or are they changing it just to mess with me?!”
i don’t know what to trust anymore
scooby-doo is becoming scoobydoomistakes
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aletheia90 · 5 years
...this is groundbreaking.
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Opening sequence. Driving test.
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As they talk, we discover…
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…not only does Shaggy have a license…
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…Scooby has one, too.
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Let that sink in.
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For an unknown number of past episodes and movies…
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…for years, or even decades…
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…Scooby could have been driving the Mystery Machine if he wanted to.
This is a magnificent development.
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aletheia90 · 5 years
This is Scooby-Doo in a nutshell right here, folks.
So, these three are investigating an abandoned sawmill, because of course they are.
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Shaggy stands in his designated Totally Unsuspicious Floor Square that’s utterly indistinguishable from the rest of the floor.
Trust me. It just is.
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They talk for a bit… Scooby makes this face…
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…and Velma is inevitably grabbed by a ghost yeti.
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…additionally, I should note that being grabbed by a ghost yeti makes her hat change colors.
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Next, Shaggy falls through the floor, because OMIGOSH IT WAS ACTUALLY A TRAPDOOR CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?
…though, to be fair, I guess anything is possible in Scooby-Doo…
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 …after all, an entire new wall snuck up behind them between shots.
I freakin’ love this show.
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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Gillian Anderson attends the 69th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards at Microsoft Theater on September 17, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. (x)
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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Paper Hearts | 4x10
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aletheia90 · 5 years
so my mom bought me new shower gel and i use caress so they have weird names and this one is called ‘tempting whisper’
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so i was like what?
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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msr in a nutshell 💕
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aletheia90 · 5 years
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He does look cool. Doesn’t he.
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