#love madoka magica tho how can I top that I cant
glitzybunny · 2 months
Tempted to do redesigns for fun, but for what im not explaining NSNANXN
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bismuthwisdom · 6 years
Since im in a good mood today,why not tag some people. I decided to categorize them in two groups: the ones I talked to personally and the ones with cool art. Under the cut youll be able to see the list.
Talked to before:
@thisisareallymeaningfulurl / @magica-witch-project
We didnt talk for that long but it sure was a cool time. I remember how I followed your side blog about Madoka Magica characters and the concept really got me interested in. Im still working on my own ask but Ill send it in when youll be feeling better. Also,I really liked that dress you were working on!
@pierulestheworld / @ask-the-yugoslavbunch
Another peep I sadly stopped talking to. But the time we spent together really blessed me. Especially talking about your top notch OCs and simple yet fluffy heart. I hope over time you gain even more of a following cause your ideas and art really deserve it.
@pinauniverse / @pinamoto 
Ahh yes, the meme factory. We are still talking tho and you cant believe how hilarious you are. I think we should gang up and bring happiness to the world and defeat all the asshole friends. What do you say?
The new addition to the friend list. You could have only been on the art part but I think you deserve more of the friend part now. You are like an inspiration to me,not only in the jokes sense. I adore your chibi drawings and the coloured ones as well. And I think I never saw somebody use those coloured stripes before either so its an interesting touch. I hope over time we can indulge into more otp madness.
@artmedo / @askcroatiaaa
AHhhhhh, I cant thank you enough for all the encouraging words I got from you. And talking to new people is really refreshing as well. As stated above,you could have also just ended up in the art part but as a friend I appriciate every little bit of ,you deserve both spots. Idk how to describe your art but its just so cool, especially the colouring parts.
AHHHHHHHHH. Another greatly appriciated peep Ive known for a year now. I think over this time I spent the most chatting with you. Not only it made me happy,but it made me laugh,cry,be sad and all the other emotions you could feel and I still didnt think leaving. I think one of the best parts was creating the OCs together,making them interact and just fantasize about them. 
Friend made in another fandom. Those are probably the best ones. And especially when you cant get enough of their art. I love how small the heads look but still how much detail it has for a simple pencil drawing. And as a friend you really helped me out in the dire situation and I couldnt be grateful enough.
Amazing art: 
I wont adding any special words to these artists as you might have seen,Im bad at describing their art. You have to see it for yourself.
@elija1996 , @rainbow-taishi , @ask-the-anglosphere , @kiwioverlord , @almost-magical , @masterof-pizza 
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