#love letters from : chuudollzai
amores-percussit · 3 months
can you really blame doll for thinking her feelings were unrequited though have you seen chuuya and dazai
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amores-percussit · 3 months
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
🦀: How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
- tired
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
DAZAI ended up falling first (we’ve all seen the 15 arc) , but DOLL was the first one to realize she actually fell in love while CHUUYA was second. 
🦀: How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
DOLL did not handle it with grace at all, she completely freaked out, laying down with eyes wide staring at the ceiling kind of moment. They were all still teenagers when they figured out they liked each other so yk, not really great at processing emotions. He was completely in denial, trying to come up with any other possible explanation about what her feelings were. She was embarrassed, nervous, AND mad. Completely convinced it was unrequited so she tried her very very hardest to distance herself from the two, but they were like magnets so it didn’t work 😭
CHUUYA was probably the only person out of three who handled his feelings more rationally, but still we’re talking about when Chuuya was a teenager so. He was definitely mad and annoyed, very nervous too. He was quick to get irritated at Dazai and Doll more often, and tried to distance himself from Doll because she isn’t in the PM, meaning it must be more easy to avoid him right? WRONG. He just gave up on distancing himself the second he realized Doll was trying to as well. He couldn’t stay mad at them for long
DAZAI being the last of them to realize his feelings doesn’t mean that he hasn’t had those feelings before he realized what they were. The way he handled coping with that feeling was just initially just to piss both Chuuya and Doll off, poke at them, bully them and cling onto them. When he ACTUALLY realized he was in love? Yeah amp those actions up to a 10 please, emphasis on the clingy. He was ALL up in their personal space always, but he was embarrassed and nervous internally. Upset and annoyed at his feelings, he was definitely in denial.
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
DOLL. is what I would’ve said if DAZAI wasn’t an idiot 😋 A lot of people seem to think Dazai would have a lot of control when it comes to his feelings and relationships, but really he becomes a loserboy when it comes to genuine relationships. Dazai definitely stumbled with his feelings the most around Chuuya and Doll, which they both noticed that he was acting weird but they just figured he was in a weird mood whenever it happened. DOLL though is definitely close second, she tried her hardest to make her stumbling not obvious but it was clear to anyone who watched the three of them. 
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amores-percussit · 1 month
dazai who proudly proclaims him and doll are dating to chuuya to rub it in his face but doll doesn’t even know dazai likes him and chuuya isn’t convinced so chuuya spends more time with doll to see if dazai is being for real but dazai doesn’t like being left out so he crashes every hangout ever
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amores-percussit · 1 month
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
What was their "flirting stage" like?
Who gets jealous easier?
Do they hide anything from each other, big or small?
Who hogs the blankets or takes up more than their fair share of the bed? Who puts their cold feet on the other? Who are the big and little spoons?
Who would drive, and who would give directions?
- tired
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
oh my god this is hard to imagine. especially for chuuya and dazai. I think DAZAI’s personality wouldn’t be the same, I think he’d be a lot more serious and a lot more PM like if he hadn’t met Chuuya and Doll. CHUUYA would still have a similar personality but he would definitely stick with the Sheep. DOLL would still be the next Father of the organization, but I’d imagine she’d be a lot more closed off
What was their "flirting stage" like?
jesus. can you just like picture three teenagers bullying each other but they can’t stop hanging out with each other and clinging onto the other. yeah that’s them. DAZAI’s flirting stage never stopped though, he’s just less. intense than he was when he was in the PM 😭 and by less intense i mean he stopped like. borderline stalking CHUUYA and DOLL and getting all pouty when they didn’t give him attention 😰 
Who gets jealous easier?
It’s DAZAI. Dazai gets jealous easier but he doesn’t like to admit it or show it, he just gets more pouty and clingy 😭 you can’t tell me he wasn’t especially freaky toxic during PM times
Do they hide anything from each other, big or small?
Not really, it’s more so they can’t. They’re all on the same level with each other and they all have a good understanding of each other. But even if someone, (most likely DAZAI), were to hide something, they wouldn’t press on the other person to tell. They know they’ll tell when they’re ready to
Who hogs the blankets or takes up more than their fair share of the bed? Who puts their cold feet on the other? Who are the big and little spoons?
DAZAI and his tall ass hogs the bed AND blanket 😒 he also has cold feet along with DOLL since they both run cold so CHUUYA complains whenever they all cuddle 😋 Dazai is usually little spoon while Chuuya and Doll are like. on both sides of him to cuddle 
Who would drive, and who would give directions?
CHUUYA would drive, DOLL would give directions, DAZAI is in charge of the aux but it’s chaos because doll isn’t great with navigating and dazai’s music is 😰
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amores-percussit · 2 months
- tired
VAMPIRE AU for CHUUDOLLZAI like I’ve said before is most likely BEAST CHUUDOLLZAI but. Vampires. But methinks we can have a different vampire AU too 😋 In this specific AU I think DOLL would be the vampire while DAZAI and CHUUYA are like paranormal investigators for funsies… Like Dazai just messes around with paranormal stuff and Chuuya tags along begrudgingly till they cross Doll who almost lunges at them because he’s been hunting for food. Meet cute of the century ikr 🥰 Dazai likes trying to get bitten on purpose because he’s a freak and Doll gets weirded out by it
ROYALTY AU for CHUUDOLLZAI 🤩 I have so many thoughts as to how this would go and like who would be what role… I think DOLL definitely would be the heir to some royal family (mostly likely the previous Father) and next to the throne while CHUUYA and DAZAI are from an allied nation. Maybe Chuuya would be considered a knight while Dazai is the prince. Doll probably witnessed Chuuya fighting or competing in a game that nations host where they send their best knights/fighters in while Dazai was sitting beside her and got intrigued 
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amores-percussit · 2 months
i think chuudollzai in BEAST AU is like. peak toxic doomed yaoi.
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amores-percussit · 2 months
i think it’s really funny whenever i think about if my s/i was canon in bsd specifically for dollzai/chuudollzai i know there would be ppl who wld be like "THAT’S A HORRIBLE SHIP THEY ARE LITERALLY SO TOXIC FOR EACH OTHER !1!!1!!1!!"
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amores-percussit · 2 months
🤫 – did you ever keep your relationship secret from anyone?
😵‍💫 – something you do that drives them crazy (in a good way)
😍 – something they do that drives you crazy (in a good way)
🐠 – aquarium dates or museum dates?
CHUUDOLLZAI ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
- tired
🤫 – did you ever keep your relationship secret from anyone? 
“Ooh, a secret relationship? Now that’s something out of a drama.” DAZAI chuckles, shooting the other unamused two a silly look. “But you’re wrong, I would die if I dated Chuuya.”
“What? But you already wanna die?” DOLL turns to Dazai, her arms already crossed over her chest as she leaned back on the couch. CHUUYA lets out a scoff and delivers a sharp glare.
“He’d die because I’d be the one killing him. Not that I don’t already plan on doing that anyways. I’d wanna die if I dated you too you bastard.” He snaps back, leaving Doll with her eyes rolled. 
“Okay so what I’m hearing is that you guys are already dating.” She laughs, only receiving a offended reaction from the two but they all knew better. “Yeah you’re grossed out right now but you guys always eye each other during fights, you’re not slick.”
“Dolly dear are you jealous? You know I always have eyes on you whenever you’re around.” Dazai pouts, leaning closer to her.
“As if, don’t get me involved in your shit. The both of you. Keep me out of it, I don’t want any part in that. That’s your lover’s quarrel, not mine.” She dismissed, but the brunette is already clinging onto her with his arm wrapped around her bicep. 
“Do not insult my taste like that.” Chuuya retorts, shaking his head. 
“Yeah I’d rather date her over you any day.” Dazai sighs.
“As if she’d wanna date you!” 
“Can you two stop yelling in my ear, I’m right here.”
😵‍💫 – something you do that drives them crazy (in a good way) 
“I like it when he acts all tough and serious because the second I show up, she gets embarrassed. Sure she wears a mask most of the time but I know him.” DAZAI snickers, poking at DOLL’s cheek. Doll lets out a loud ‘hey!’ before turning his head away from him, her cheeks quick to turn red. 
“Who wouldn’t be fucking embarrassed when you’re around? God, you greet me like you’re some sort of middle schooler seeing his crush.” Doll muttered, but didn’t push Dazai away.
“I agree with the first part. I like it when you’re confident and stand your ground.” CHUUYA says more casually, like it was the easiest thing to answer. Doll purses her lips in silence, unsure of how to respond.
“He’s embarrassed right now.” Dazai whispers, looking at Chuuya.
“Oh my god, shut up this is embarrassing.”
😍 – something they do that drives you crazy (in a good way)
DOLL blinks at the question, seeming at a loss for words. There were a lot of things that drove her crazy. A lot.
“Oh wow, that many things huh? You have to think about it.” DAZAI teases lightly, batting his eyelashes at her.
“I have to think for you because there’s not really many.” Doll retorts.
“Oh but there’s a lot for me?” CHUUYA asks, he gives her a small grin.
Doll snorts, “Talk like that and they’ll disappear from my head.” But she continues to think, what could she say that wouldn’t be weird or make things awkward. “I guess Dazai when gets all deep into thought. It shows he’s actually using his brain.”
“Most are attracted to my intelligence, I can’t blame you.” The brunette winks at her, which goes ignored.
“I think it’s nice seeing you fight.” Doll turns to Chuuya, answering like it’s a given. “You zone into it and that’s something I admire.”
Chuuya gives her a look of slight surprise, “Yeah?”
Dazai lets out a grunt of overdramatic disgust, “Stop giving eyes to each other, it’s gross.” 
“You are literally all over him all the time, you’re gross.” Chuuya says, jabbing a finger at his forehead.
“Says the two guys who eye each other all the time.”
🐠 – aquarium dates or museum dates?
“Aquarium date.” DOLL answers with a grin, his feet start to swing and forth. The other two let out a small laugh at how fast her response was. 
“I don’t have a preference.” DAZAI shrugs. “But probably aquarium, it’s the opposite of what Chuuya says.”
“How the hell did you know I was going to say museum?” CHUUYA raises a brow, squinting at Dazai. 
“You’re so predictable, of course you’d be into that stuff.” 
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amores-percussit · 2 months
t4t4t chuudollzai can i get a round of applause
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amores-percussit · 2 months
doll walking into the room with her lipstick smudged with chuuya trailing behind her covered in lipstick kiss marks, saying “you should see the other guy” and its dazai giggling while he also has lipstick marks all over his face
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amores-percussit · 2 months
🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
🧾 What’s your favorite headcanon someone else has made about your F/O?
🎡 What’s your dream date to go on with your F/O?
for chuudollzai 😋
- tired
🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
Dreamer — Laufey
Tongues & Teeth — The Crane Wives
Lovesick — Laufey
🧾 What’s your favorite headcanon someone else has made about your F/O?
🎡 What’s your dream date to go on with your F/O?
Dream date for DOLL to go on with CHUUYA and DAZAI would probably have to be a sleepover in a stargazing room. She likes the comfort of seeing the stars with her favorite people but also not have to deal with being outside in the cold
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amores-percussit · 2 months
When in canon does your s/i come in? Do you have a scene in mind for their entrance?
Would your s/i be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
How does your s/i play a role in the plot of the story? Do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc?
Who are your s/i's closest friends?
Would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your s/i?
for bsd!doll / chuudollzai
- tired
When in canon does your s/i come in? Do you have a scene in mind for their entrance?
Technically, he would appear during the 15 arc but idk if that counts cause the 15 arc was put into the story later? If we’re talking like when DOLL gets involved when Atsushi joins, him and A&D make a very VAGUE appearance during the PM + ADA conflict arc at the beginning of the season. 
Her appearance wouldn’t really have much of him in it, maybe a close up of her mask while he’s sitting in her office as one of her assistants tells him there’s a call coming from the ADA asking for information. She would make more of an appearance during the fight against the Guild with Fitzgerald waltzing into her office demanding information with money. 
That would mainly result in him getting kicked out because she just did not like his attitude 😋 Then he drags A&D into the whole mess too which is when she would get involved like fully into the current story
Would your s/i be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
DOLL would be considered a side character I think, she wouldn’t be a part of the main cast aka the ADA because A&D tend to stay mysterious most of the time. You would hear his name pop up a lot but similar to Chuuya, only ever pop up occasionally 
How does your s/i play a role in the plot of the story? Do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc?
The thing with BSD is that it isn’t super black and white when it comes to like villains and heroes. A&D are like the middle ground when it comes to PM and ADA conflict, but generally when it comes to outside organizations messing with the city, they all tend to group together so I think DOLL would be supporting the protagonists for the most part? It’s like ‘we as organizations in the city are free to beef with each other because we know we have a common goal in the end, but if common goal gets a threat, we gang up on said threat’ yk
Who are your s/i's closest friends?
DOLL’s closest friends would be her work partner, Chuuya, and Dazai. Also probably the executives who survived the betrayal arc. They’ve been through too much together to become strangers now 😰 
Would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your s/i?
UMMM. I really had to think about this. I don’t think anyone would have a crush on DOLL really. Interested in his character and organization? Definitely, the DOA had been trying to ally with A&D. But crush? Erm no 👎 Maybe like. He has people who admire her a lot
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amores-percussit · 3 months
🐒 Who is the big spoon, middle spoon and little spoon?
🐈 Do you all share one big bed together or do you have different beds?
🦇 What are your favorite things to do together?
🦥 In a modern setting, what job would each of you have?
🦧 What's your current relationship statue (dating, married, etc)?
for chuudollzai 😋
- tired
🐒 Who is the big spoon, middle spoon and little spoon?
CHUUYA is big spoon, DOLL is middle spoon, DAZAI is little spoon 😋
🐈 Do you all share one big bed together or do you have different beds?
Well they all don’t live together so they all have different beds, but if they all wanna spend the night together, DAZAI and DOLL crash at CHUUYA’s place
🦇 What are your favorite things to do together?
Just exist around each other, they like it a lot whenever they’re just in each other’s presence alone. They like to just talk, eat, hangout, watch movies. Peace is a luxury for them
🦥 In a modern setting, what job would each of you have?
If we’re talking like a no ability AU, then I think everything would stay pretty much the same? Just minus the abilities? Idksies 😰
🦧 What's your current relationship statue (dating, married, etc)?
Unofficially divorced + remarried 😰
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amores-percussit · 3 months
all of the stardust asks for chuudollzai 😋
- tired
Love From The Other Side: What is the longest you and (F/O) have been apart?
The longest time DOLL has been apart from CHUUYA & DAZAI would have to be like. I think 2-3 years. Those were the years where Dark Era had happened so the whole thing with Dazai & Oda, and Dazai leaving the PM to go into hiding + the A&D conflict
Heartbreak Feels So Good: Do you have any exes in (F/O)’s universe? If so, how well do they get along with you and (F/O) currently?
DOLL has like one ex from A&D but um. They didn’t really interact much after the breakup and Doll didn’t really talk about it. But like one night where they were all playing truth or dare, Dazai asked if it’s true that she hasn’t had her first kiss and then she kind of spilled the beans there. Ermm let’s just say that ex got fired 👍
Hold Me Like a Grudge: Do you and your (F/O) hold grudges easily, or are you quick to forgive?
DOLL holds grudges easily, and it takes him a long while to let it go. CHUUYA and DAZAI are pretty much the same way except I don’t think they’re not as quick to hold grudges anymore as they did when they were younger 
Fake Out: Are you spontaneous or do you plan ahead? Is there a big difference between the two of you? Does this ever cause conflict between you?
DAZAI is more a spontaneous person but still, in the way he plans ahead prior. He’ll spring up plans if he knows CHUUYA and/or DOLL are available, so in that sense he’s seen as spontaneous. CHUUYA and DOLL tend to plan ahead. There’s not really a conflict because they all have a pretty good understanding of each other
Heaven, Iowa: Do you feel like there’s something keeping you two apart? Is there pushback from any of the people in your lives?
It’s definitely work between all three of them and the A&D conflict. DOLL still has somewhat forgiven DAZAI and CHUUYA, but there are times where she can’t help but feel like a guilt. Should she really forgive the people responsible for Father’s death? But Doll doesn’t like to think about that, if she wants something, then she’ll try to achieve it
So Good Right Now: Do you and your (F/O) frequently get into trouble? Is one of you a bad influence on the other?
Erm. Outside of work? No not really, all three of them need a break from how much chaos that their workplaces are. So they’ll annoy each other but not purposely get each other in trouble. One might say DAZAI is a bad influence but he’s just a little silly
The Pink Seashell: What are little things that you appreciate about each other?
They all tend to appreciate how they look out for each other, how well they collaborate together, and how lighthearted they can be around each other
I Am My Own Muse: Do either of you believe in luck?
All of them believe in luck to a certain extent, DAZAI and CHUUYA believe that it was lucky for DOLLto even talk to them still after the conflict or be around them
Flu Game: How clingy are the both of you?
DAZAI and DOLL are really clingy, CHUUYA deals with it most of the time 😋 They like to hold onto Chuuya whenever they all have alone time
Baby Annihilation: What bad habits do you two have? Does the other person help with them or reinforce them?
DAZAI has a lot of bad habits, I mean this guy isn’t mentally well this is BSD come on now. He’s gotten better since he’s joined the ADA but he’s not the greatest at communicating and having healthy habits like eating more often. DOLL is the same way too. CHUUYA communicates a lot more better than them but he’s got his habits too. They all can read each other pretty well and know when something’s up, but they all help each other out
The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years): How do you help each other through hard times?
CHUUYA is a good person to talk to, he’s a really good listener so if either of them need to talk he’s great to seek out. DAZAI tends to provide company when either CHUUYA or DOLL is having a hard time, or by leaving silly little notes for them. DOLL is also a good listener and provides company in hard times
What a Time To Be Alive: What are the biggest ways that your lives have changed since you got together?
Well they’re not together together, but they’ve changed a LOT. Like the 15 arc + A&D conflict, with everything going on between the ADA and PM.. it’s a lot
So Much (For) Stardust: How do you two deal with hard times in your own lives, and how willing are you to let the other help?
They all actually are similar in how they deal with hard times, they tend to just let it sit on their head and not speak on it. DOLL is more stubborn though when it comes to receiving help, he doesn’t like asking for help. CHUUYA would be the most open to receiving it out of the three of them
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amores-percussit · 3 months
chuudollzai moment where both chuuya and dazai ask doll which of their first date ideas is better and which one she would rather go on so she says "idk i’d have to go on the date to know" without really thinking so they both separately take her out on their own date ideas to see what she thinks only to realize she didn’t interpret it as a date at all
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amores-percussit · 3 months
mission where chuuya and dazai have to go undercover as girls but dazai refuses to have his makeup done by anyone else so doll does it for him (chuuya has his makeup done by kōyō but he’s still annoyed by dazai)
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