#love letters from : dollzai
amores-percussit · 2 months
what if doll was in mersault. like she was in the bubbles with fyodor and dazai bc one of the hunting dogs arrested her
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amores-percussit · 19 days
civilian dazai and doll wld be so cute
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amores-percussit · 21 days
wheres that one meme thats like. two people and theyre abt to kiss but one of them has never kissed anyone before and the other one is expecting tongue. thats dollzai
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amores-percussit · 1 month
u know i gotta ask the ship-board ask game thingy for dollzai
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amores-percussit · 2 months
pmzai who thought him and doll were actually in a relationship because he was so in denial that he liked her so in his head, he turned it to doll liked him and he was the one playing along with it but he played along a little too well
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amores-percussit · 2 months
i think it’s really funny whenever i think about if my s/i was canon in bsd specifically for dollzai/chuudollzai i know there would be ppl who wld be like "THAT’S A HORRIBLE SHIP THEY ARE LITERALLY SO TOXIC FOR EACH OTHER !1!!1!!1!!"
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amores-percussit · 2 months
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a little dollzai wip im working on
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amores-percussit · 2 months
guy who shuts up immediately and stares at the other guy who says hes really cute when he shuts up
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amores-percussit · 2 months
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with 'because I love you!' ?
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be 'protected*?
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
51. What's a non verbal way they say I love you?
For dollzai :3
- tired
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with 'because I love you!' ?
Oh dear, for this ship I think DOLL would do this 😰 it’s not often Dazai gets that heated up in an argument with her
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Initially, they both would attempt to calm the other down and ask them if they need space, distraction, or to talk about it/have company. Most of the time they distract each other or just have each other’s company though
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
DOLL likes wearing DAZAI’s clothes, more specifically his coat and his button ups 😋 DAZAI likes stealing her sweaters/coats
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be 'protected*?
You would think DOLL is more protective, but DAZAI is more so. He’s just more subtle about hiding it, he firmly feels the need to make sure she’s safe from any huge threats due to her past with him
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
In the current lore? Not right now no, before DOLL forgave him, they had a bunch of heated arguments that were mainly one sided. Idk how to describe how they smooth things out because it’s complicated 😰 they just know when the other is starting to calm down
51. What's a non verbal way they say I love you?
Both of them say “I miss you” as a way of saying I love you if that counts? But other ways usually consist of physical affection and acts of service
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amores-percussit · 2 months
God, what time was it? How long has it been? His stomach rumbled, eyes trying to force themselves open along with the harsh light coming from the window. Was he on a bed? He didn’t have a bed with soft sheets like this. What happened? Dazai sat up with a groan, rubbing his temple. There was a great ache in his head, it felt like his heart took place there instead and started to race.
“I fucking knew you drank too much, now look at your dumbass.”
His heart really did start racing. 
“Are you some kind of guardian angel?” Dazai chuckled dryly, his throat almost caught up with his words. Now he was fully awake. His eyes drift over to the standing figure next to his side. Doll stood there with a stern look in her eyes, but with a fondness even she couldn’t hide. And Dazai certainly never failed to miss it.
“Shut up.” She retorts quickly, pressing on his forehead to push his head back down onto the pillow. He followed through without complaint, a stupid smile on his face. It’s been too long since he’s seen her so casually. She hates how he looks at her like she hung the stars up in the sky for him.
“Sooo… why am I here? Was I just too irresistibly charming for you that you just had to take me back to your place? In your bed no less… what would the president think of me—”
“You called me while you were drunk you idiot!” She groaned, sitting down on the bed at his side. “Besides, I slept in a different room.”
Dazai blinked, once and twice again. He what? He drunk dialed her? He’s rarely drunk dialed anyone? “What? Me? Drunk dialing you? What am I? Some desperate ex?” He laughed a bit, sitting back up again, putting a pillow on his back to support him. Doll gave him a look. Yeah he kind of was a desperate ex.
“I’m not lying about this and you would know if I was. You called me and said you wanted me to pick you up.” She says, handing him the glass of water that was on the nightstand. He took the glass while she grabbed the pill bottle. “Take these, it’ll help with the headache.” She adds on, pouring two of them out onto her hand and offering it to him.
“Awh, my knight in shining armor. You listened to me?” Dazai cooed a bit, taking the pills and gulping the down with water. She rolled her eyes in response to his words. “I’m surprised, I wouldn’t expect you to actually answer my call, or pick me up. Wait let me guess, you wanna torture me?” 
Doll looks to the side, her lips pursed together slightly. She was silent for a couple moments. No, she didn’t want to threaten him. Not this time. Not a blade to his throat or a punch to the gut. Dazai took her silence as a hint there was more to the call. That scared him. “When you say something like that it makes me think you like it when I do that stuff. Freak.” She finally says.
“What did I say?” Dazai asks, placing the water down onto the nightstand. 
“It can’t be that bad right?” He tries to joke.
“You know what I heard when I picked up the call? I heard your dumbass, I think you were outside the bar on the bench because that’s where I found you. And I heard you say that you missed me, you said you wanted me to pick you up and take you home. You didn’t wanna go back to the agency.” She tells him, running her fingers through her hair. “You said you just wanted me near you and that you didn’t care if I was still angry at you, as long as I was just… with you. You were okay with that.”
“…..” Dazai could feel the embarrassment burning up in his body. Jesus Christ how drunk was he? He’s never even done that to Chuuya. “Oh wow I really did sound like a desperate ex.” He clears his throat, crossing his arms over his chest, suddenly self conscious about how he appears to her right now.
“You’re really stupid.” Doll sighs, looking at him once again. He looked uncharacteristically nervous, almost shy in a way. It was endearing. But his hair was a mess, so her lips couldn’t help but twitch into an amused smile. Her hand reached out to fix his hair. “And your hair looks stupid too.”
“I missed you.” He says softly, letting her fingers play with his hair to make it look more presentable. It was barely above whisper, but she could hear it. Her hand brushed his bangs out of the way, eventually going down to cup his cheek. He leaned into her touch almost instantly, eyes closing. 
“I’m sorry.” She replies, her lips ghosting over his forehead. But before she could pull back, his arms wrapped around her neck. A cheeky smile growing on his lips as he opened his eyes.
“Don’t be.” He reassured, she had nothing to apologize for. “Is this the part where you kiss me on the lips and then I wake up from this amazing dream? I don’t wanna wake up from this dream but if it means you kiss me then I have no other choice…”
“Oh my god Dazai, you ruined the moment.” Doll laughs, and Dazai’s aching heart starts to warm. Doll wanted to kiss him, to press her lips against his in a tender way, not out of frustration or anger like the last couple times. But a part of her was scared. What if he didn’t want to actually kiss? They both shared that same concern despite their intense yearning.
“Come on! The prince always wakes up the princess with a kiss, it’s a classic!” He whines.
“Oh are you a princess now?”
With a roll of his eyes and a smile, Dazai is quick to play back, “I’m a damsel in distress even.” She laughed again, it sounded like a sweet melody to his ears. They press their foreheads together. “Is it okay if I kiss you? The right way this time. Not like the other times.”
“It’s okay, kiss me.”
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amores-percussit · 3 months
oh yeah and if you guys have any questions about doll’s work partner and their relationship i can answer :yippie:
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amores-percussit · 3 months
omg wait did Doll meet chuuya and/or dazai prebetrayal or no? Cause if they did, how would she react to the two after the betrayal?
- tired
yes doll did meet those two prebetrayal, that’s how the bond between A&D + PM got built up but also doll is dazai’s childhood best friend pre-mafia 😋
okay this is gonna get a little deeper into the lore
Originally, since Dazai was leading the operation, he didn’t want Doll to necessarily be present when it was in action so he planned it for when Doll + her work partner would be out of the city. Now he did take into consideration the possibility of the mission getting cancelled, a ride getting delayed, Doll suddenly getting called to go back the second the ambush started, all of that but he was pressed on time and he couldn’t have any other way to avoid Doll from going back if something did happen to the original plan. If Doll did get called back or something happened, he would need a distraction to take place and that distraction in question would be Chuuya.
And Doll did end up getting called back, not because Father had called for him because he was already dead before he got the chance to, but because her work partner had forgotten the brief case needed for said mission. (It was on purpose because of your wifey) So he went back to go get it and realized that A&D was going to get ambushed so she called her partner to tell him to come back, and she basically ran her way into the entrance. Chuuya was at the worker’s entrance and when he realized that, he knew it was the PM ambushing them and she was enraged to say the least. They had a whole argument but Doll didn’t start a fight because she knows that he would end up losing to Chuuya, but at this point Chuuya was already feeling really guilty about everything so he just told her to go
Which logically was a bad idea because she tore through that entire building murdering any PM members she saw on sight and by the time she stumbled to Father’s office, he was already dead. Only a few from A&D survived, but Father was dead and at this time, a lot of the PM retreated and the building was set on fire. Doll at this point was already exhausted from excessive use of his ability, and her work partner was the one to catch her when he collapsed. Dazai had retreated from the scene as soon as he killed Father and he was the first one to die, so Doll wasn’t able to come across him
The next time Doll saw Dazai was a week after the betrayal, it was on SIGHT. I’m talking full on bloody ass fight, nose broken and everything. Hirotsu had shot her in the leg though and knocked her unconscious to bring back to PM quarters though because the next phase of plan was to get Doll/remainder of A&D to join the PM. Yeah it did not work :smiley~1: 
Doll’s relationship with Chuuya and Dazai were completely ruined at the time and far from recovery. Doll was well aware that Chuuya sacrificed a lot though letting him rip through the entire building so he was less angry at him, more disappointed. The worst Chuuya’s ever gotten was some very snarky back talk and the cold shoulder, maybe a knife to the throat? Dazai is a completely different story
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amores-percussit · 3 months
doll definitely went batshit after she found out the PM’s betrayal, he left a dent in their numbers that made it hard to recover
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amores-percussit · 3 months
for dollzai!!
🌦️🎞️🤪 (im on mobile so i cant copy paste the questions;-;)
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
DOLLZAI would mainly have a lot of angst fics, because they just have a lot of angst potential 😭 the whole betrayal led by Dazai from the PM left a huge rift in their friendship permanently, and it ultimately was the cause of Doll’s fall temporarily
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
THERE’S A COUPLE, I’LL NAME ONE THOUGH 😋 DOLL made dinner for DAZAI and let him stay at her place one night. And the next morning he hadn’t left an empty space next to her
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
Probably DOLL’s awkwardness/tendency to joke around and habit to turn red easily 😭 he’s so bad at staying serious for a long amount of time if it’s not actually something she cares about
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amores-percussit · 3 months
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22 years old
she / he
ABILITY : SHE-DEVIL — This ability allows the user to gain demonic strength and abilities, but the cost would be giving up their humanity for a short period. Only is activated when a deep injury is inflicted upon the user. ( Kanagaki Robun )
She knows how to control her ability due to training when he was younger ; was born into the organization 
Title : " FATHER "
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 & 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 : an organization with people that are separated into two sections. devils (SECTION D) are workers that handle communications, recovery missions, take care of health, all for a reasonable price. angels (SECTION A) are workers who handle the more difficult missions, they carry out the dirty work for the organization. the boss is referred to as “Father” while executives are referred to as either princes or seraphims. — This organization was nearly eradicated due to betrayal from the Port Mafia.
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amores-percussit · 3 months
💘 heart with arrow — what's the closest you've ever gotten to confessing?
💓 beating heart — how would you react if they confessed to you? how do you think they'd confess?
🌱 sprout — what's your relationship with them right now? acquaintances, friends? rivals, enemies? strangers?
this is my first attempt in sending this ask just trust me
- tired
okay if you say so 😰😰😰
💘 heart with arrow — what's the closest you've ever gotten to confessing?
The closest DOLL and DAZAI have ever gotten to confessing is both of them admitting that they miss each other
💓 beating heart — how would you react if they confessed to you? how do you think they'd confess?
DOLL would nervously laugh and play it off like it’s a joke, like “haha. oh you. 😋 (😨😰)” She would stare at him, trying to see if he’s joking or not and get really awkward when he realizes he’s not. He’s in shock, he’s malfunctioning give her a moment. I think the way DAZAI would confess is late at night when they both are in the comfort of each other’s arms, with Doll barely awake. He mutters it like an oath, with a bittersweet look in his eyes and he holds him a little tighter
🌱 sprout — what's your relationship with them right now? acquaintances, friends? rivals, enemies? strangers?
DOLLZAI’s relationship is friends now, close companions one might say, but they poke at each other like they’re rivals
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