#wowie i actually rlly like talking abt chuudollzai a lot
amores-percussit · 3 months
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
🦀: How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
- tired
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
DAZAI ended up falling first (we’ve all seen the 15 arc) , but DOLL was the first one to realize she actually fell in love while CHUUYA was second. 
🦀: How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
DOLL did not handle it with grace at all, she completely freaked out, laying down with eyes wide staring at the ceiling kind of moment. They were all still teenagers when they figured out they liked each other so yk, not really great at processing emotions. He was completely in denial, trying to come up with any other possible explanation about what her feelings were. She was embarrassed, nervous, AND mad. Completely convinced it was unrequited so she tried her very very hardest to distance herself from the two, but they were like magnets so it didn’t work 😭
CHUUYA was probably the only person out of three who handled his feelings more rationally, but still we’re talking about when Chuuya was a teenager so. He was definitely mad and annoyed, very nervous too. He was quick to get irritated at Dazai and Doll more often, and tried to distance himself from Doll because she isn’t in the PM, meaning it must be more easy to avoid him right? WRONG. He just gave up on distancing himself the second he realized Doll was trying to as well. He couldn’t stay mad at them for long
DAZAI being the last of them to realize his feelings doesn’t mean that he hasn’t had those feelings before he realized what they were. The way he handled coping with that feeling was just initially just to piss both Chuuya and Doll off, poke at them, bully them and cling onto them. When he ACTUALLY realized he was in love? Yeah amp those actions up to a 10 please, emphasis on the clingy. He was ALL up in their personal space always, but he was embarrassed and nervous internally. Upset and annoyed at his feelings, he was definitely in denial.
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
DOLL. is what I would’ve said if DAZAI wasn’t an idiot 😋 A lot of people seem to think Dazai would have a lot of control when it comes to his feelings and relationships, but really he becomes a loserboy when it comes to genuine relationships. Dazai definitely stumbled with his feelings the most around Chuuya and Doll, which they both noticed that he was acting weird but they just figured he was in a weird mood whenever it happened. DOLL though is definitely close second, she tried her hardest to make her stumbling not obvious but it was clear to anyone who watched the three of them. 
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