#love how the clinic asked me how i feel about lemon and i was like
sleep-nurse · 7 months
i just got the medicine and. my entire brain has been drenched
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(i fucking hate lemon flavour)
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storytowrite · 4 months
|The FINE Art ~ Hwang Hyunjin|
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Theme: Art Student! Hyunjin x Y/N
Warnings: mention of nudity, smut, 18+, unprotected sex, the age gap Y/N is 15 years older than Hyunjin.
Word Count: 5257
Summary: Life wasn’t easy for you. You lost your job, lost your husband who remarried and took everything away leaving you only with an old, sick cat. You desperately needed money. Thankfully, your friend is an art teacher and your body is quite tempting. Especially for the young, talented student.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but the cat needs surgery if you want it to live longer. We cannot wait long.” The vet said his verdict. Your old cat, Lemon, was ill, and you knew that. The thing was that you didn’t have enough money and you were in a really bad situation. 
“How much is for the surgery?” You asked. 
“It will cost about $3000 in total with all the care.” The vet answered your question and you sighed heavily. Why on Earth does it cost so much?! And more importantly - how will you gather all the money needed? 
“All right… If that’ll help him, please do everything you can. I can’t lose him too.” You said tiredly. 
“We’ll do everything we can to save this little boy.” The vet smiled at you honestly. 
You nodded and left your cat at the vet’s clinic. It wasn’t a good timing for such expenses, but you had to do everything you could to just save your animal. You sighed heavily once again. The previous week was hard and now this. Your life was a mess. You lost the job, since your boss decided to hire “some younger girls” and you were simply too old in his eyes. 
The divorce process was finally over. But unfortunately your ex-husband took everything he could, including your apartment. Because of this, you had to move in with your friend, at least until you get back on your feet again. Fortunately, Lina was happy to help you. 
You returned home wasted and without your cat, which you left at the veterinary clinic. You wanted to cry. Earning $3,000 in a short time seemed unrealistic. Well, because how to do it? 
"Oh Y/N are you back already?" Asked Lina peering at you from above another artwork she was working on. "Everything ok baby?" 
"No, nothing is ok. Lemon needs surgery and I don't have that much money to pay for it. And I still can't find a job. Everything is falling apart for me." You sat down heavily on the couch. "And I also need to find an apartment and..." 
"Woah, slow down honey. I don't mind your company. You and Lemon can stay with me as long as you need, after all, you know that.... And as for work, I think I have an idea." She smiled slightly at you. You knew that kind of smile from Lina's genre of brilliant ideas. 
"Oh no, why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" You asked, looking at your friend. 
"Don't exaggerate, it's nothing like that.... Besides, we'll both benefit from it." 
"Fine, what's the idea?" You asked, slightly curious. 
"Great... you'll love it!" She clapped her hands. 
After an hour of talking to your friend and her persuading you, you finally agreed to help her with her little project. Lina was a drawing teacher in the art department, and her students were just starting to learn how to sketch real people. They needed a model for this, since the topic was THE FEMALE BODY. 
At first you had a lot of concerns. Lina wanted you to pose nude in front of a group of some of her top students. You had huge objections to this. You didn't feel like showing your body to strangers in their twenties. But you had no choice. The deal was simple, 10 sessions at $300 each, for a maximum of five hours per class. That is, two weeks of work. You were able to do it, right? 
"I don't know Lina, I have to think about it..." You said, glancing at her. 
"Just don't make me wait too long for your answer.... Besides, you have a beautiful body for our age, so what's the problem?" She asked lightly. 
"What do you mean what's the problem? I'm supposed to show off to a group of 20-year-olds? After all, they are children!" 
"Honey, these are young adults. Besides, they are just a few people. I'd rather pay you than some strangers. Think of Lemon. He needs this operation.... And if you prove yourself, who knows? Maybe I'll hire you permanently?" She persuaded you further. 
" Oh, hell no... I'll find a job, eventually." You replied quickly. "But fine. I'll take part in it..." You agreed, sighing heavily. "Just so I don't regret it..." 
"Believe me, you won't and you'll even like it!" She replied excitedly. "We'll start first thing tomorrow morning! Prepare yourself properly, you know, shave and.... " 
"Okay, I'll prepare properly.... Anything else?" You asked in a tired voice, interrupting her sentence. 
"Hm... take some clothes to change into.... And well, put on some nice underwear. Tomorrow we start with the upper body. The students will sketch your torso and breasts above all. Well, and tie your hair in a ponytail, it will be easier to see your collarbones.... But that's at ease, I'll tell you everything exactly tomorrow." She grinned. "Go rest, I still have to finish here." 
You sighed heavily and went straight to the bathroom, following your friend's directions. You still weren't convinced about the idea, but the situation forced you to do so. You felt stress above all. You may have had a nice, fit body, but you certainly weren't used to showing it to strangers. 
After a long and warm shower, you headed to your bedroom, where you fell asleep rather quickly. The next day would be a very long one... 
The next day you got up early, got dressed and did light makeup. You left your hair loose, for now at least. Later you'll tie it up in a ponytail. Your friend had already been bustling around in the kitchen since morning. 
"Good morning! Ready for today's challenges?" Asked a delighted Lina. 
"Mhm, I won't be any more than I am." You muttered uneasily. 
"Oh grumpy... Come on, or we'll be late." Lina didn't seem to mind your dissatisfaction. 
"And breakfast?" You asked. 
"We don't have time... you'll get something on the spot." Your friend waved her hand and pulled you with her to the exit. You left her apartment and headed for the car. The trip to the university didn't take long, but you were getting more and more stressed with each passing moment. No wonder, after all, you will be posing naked.... 
You entered the university and headed straight to the room where the classes would be held. Lina showed you everything inside and once again reminded you what to do and how to do it. Your task was quite simple. All you had to do was show some breasts and sit still on a stool for a good couple of hours. 
The students began to fill the room, and you heard Lina greeting them cheerfully. You sighed quietly. It's going to be a long couple of hours. 
"Dear students, I have a little surprise for you today." You heard your friend's words. "A good friend of mine has agreed to get herself acquainted with us. As I said, you will learn sketching on a living organism.... Y/N come join us and show yourself to our students." 
You took a deeper breath and stepped out from behind the screen. You stressed all over. You stood in the middle, right next to your friend, trying not to catch eye contact with any of the students in the room. 
You quickly swept your eyes around the room. There were eight students in the classroom, three girls and five boys. They looked rather uninterested. You glanced out of the corner of your eye at Lina, who continued her argument. 
"Y/N will be our model today. Please be nice to her, she has never done this before. Today we'll take care of the upper body. Your task is to reproduce Y/N's torso and breasts. We sketch from the neck until we reach this point." Lina showed them exactly how much to sketch. "Y/N honey, take off your top and bra and sit on the stool. Do any of you have any questions?" 
The students did not answer Lina's question. You, on the other hand, with slightly trembling hands, undressed from the waist up and sat on the stool. Your friend even gave you a pillow to make you more comfortable. 
"Great, push your breasts out a little more and..." Lina began to correct your positioning. "Perfect! Okay darlings, you can begin." 
The group of students got down to sketching. You swept your eyes around the room. Everyone was focused to make the best possible representation of your body. Lina walked among the students and glanced at their progress. 
Time passed quickly. The students worked in silence. None of them had spoken a word since they entered the room. They were focused on the task at hand. 
One of the men present in the room caught your attention. You had never seen such a handsome man before. He had noble features, his hair was slightly longer and black. He had an earring under his eyebrow, and a black leather jacket perfectly framed his body. 
You swallowed your saliva. The man looked like a prince, and there was plenty of finesse and elegance in his movements. You honestly couldn't take your eyes off him. There was something about him that attracted you to him, something magnetic that you could not describe in words. 
The man in question noticed your gaze. It was as if he sensed that you were looking at him. He raised his gaze slightly, looking deeply into your eyes, and gently raised his eyebrow. You felt a blush appear on your face and your throat suddenly became dry. A strange feeling welled up in your lower abdomen as he smiled slightly and winked at you. 
"All right my dears. Let's take a break for a while." Lina suddenly announced, breaking the silence that had prevailed. "Let's let Y/N stretch her legs.... Come back here in 15 minutes and we'll continue." 
The students put down their sketches and began to leave the room for the break, and Lina handed you a sweatshirt to cover yourself. She smiled warmly at you in the process. 
"Well? Not so bad, huh?" She asked. 
"It's fine... Although I was stressed." You replied and took a sip of water. "Your students aren't very talkative, are they?" 
"As artists are." 
"I thought there would be more students in the room." You said, sipping water again. 
"Nah, I have a small group. But they are the best of the best.... You could say it's such a VIP class." Lina laughed. "You know, it's an extra class for the more ambitious ones." 
"Oh, now I understand..." You nodded, and your thoughts fled to the mysterious boy with an earring under his eyebrow. 
"Would you like to take a peek at the sketches? The students really sketched your body very well..." Lina took one sketchbook in her hand, belonging to the boy you were looking at. "Oh look, Hyunjin did it the best. That boy can perfectly render every detail.... He's my top-of-the-class student." She smiled proudly. So the boy's name was Hyunjin. 
"Wow... This is amazing." You said, sincerely impressed by the way Hyunjin rendered all the details. He even sketched the delicate birthmark you had under your breast. 
"Right?" Lina asked. "If you ask Hyunjin nicely, he might give you his sketch..." She winked. "He has a real talent, and by the way he looks like Aphrodite herself conceived him. He could be a model, but there's a rule at the university that students can't pose, which is a shame..." She sighed quietly. "I myself sometimes wish I could see..." 
"Lina! This is your student..." reprimanded your friend. 
"I know, that's why I leave some things only in dreams." She laughed quietly. "Hungry? I'll get you something to eat." As she said, so she did, quickly leaving the room.
You sighed softly and your stomach growled. Not eating breakfast before leaving was a mistake. You glanced at your watch. The break was slowly coming to an end and your friend had not yet returned with the promised food. In turn, students slowly began to return to the room.
"Hungry?" You suddenly heard a voice behind you. You turned to look at the owner. In front of you stood Hyunjin, who was a head taller than you. He smiled slightly and handed you a banana. "Eat... you've got another 2.5 hours of sitting ahead of you."
“T-Thank you…” You said, taking the banana from him and peeling it right away.
"You welcome... I wanted to say that you have really beautiful breasts." He said, looking you straight in the eye. "I can't wait for the next few days to see the rest."
"Oh thank you?" You replied slightly confused and blushed slightly.
"Nothing." Hyunjin winked at you. 
"Okay, guys! We can get back to work!" Lina called as she entered the room. "Y/N, please sit down the same way you sat before. Perfect! Remember, there are 2.5 hours left until the end of time. At the end of the day, you should have at least five sketches."
Everyone went back to work. The banana Hyunjin gave you, calmed your stomach for a while. You sighed quietly, sitting half-naked on the stool. Honestly, you were counting down the minutes until the end. 
Every now and then you found yourself staring at Hyunjin, who was working intently on the sketches of your body. You couldn't take your eyes off him. He was too handsome to resist. You didn't even feel that time had passed quickly. 
Lina announced the end of class and let you get dressed. Students slowly began to file out of the room. You watched them leave, saying a quiet 'goodbye'. Your friend approached you after everyone else had left the room."You were great today." She grinned. 
"I'm taking you to dinner, come on! And mentally prepare for tomorrow. We'll show them a little more... Can you handle it?"
"Yes, I think I can... Although I don't know if I want to show them everything." You started.
"Well, tomorrow's plan is legs... you can have a thong, we'll move on to the private parts at the end of the week, and next week we'll have poses... Well, I think you should be able to handle everything easily." Lina continued.
“Mhm, if you say so…” You muttered. The prospect of showing your private parts to students didn't make you feel optimistic, but when you thought about Hyunjin, it didn't sound so bad either...
The week flew by very quickly. The students tried to accurately portray all the details of your body on paper. On Friday, the last day of the first week, there was a class on sketching 'private body parts', as Lina called it. And that meant you had to show your vagina. 
The thought of this did not fill you with any optimism at all. You didn't want to expose yourself so much in front of the students, but Lina forced it on you. To be fair, she did suggest that she would pay you more for the day, so with a slight hesitation you agreed. 
You sat in the room wrapped only in a silk dressing gown and waited for the class to start. Your friend went to talk to the dean, leaving you alone. You sighed quietly and stuck your gaze into your phone, trying to calm your thoughts. 
Hyunjin entered the room, but you were so busy with your social media that you didn't notice his presence. The boy walked over to his stand and unpacked all the necessary items before turning towards you. 
"Hi pretty." He said in a velvety voice, snapping you out of your activity. "What are you going to show us today?" He asked and winked slightly. 
"Ekhm... Private parts." You replied feeling a little intimidated, looking up at him. 
"And you're convinced about that?" He asked. "You look confused and scared." 
"Well, it's certainly quite a step out of my comfort zone.... But I can't back down now." You answered honestly. 
"I understand... If it's any comfort to you, I'll try to replicate everything very accurately." He smiled.
"Thanks I guess..." She grunted. "I've seen your work before. You have great talent," he said. 
"Thank you, beautiful." He smiled warmly at you. "But the credit goes to the model I sketch." He winked, and a blush appeared on your cheeks. "It suits you this colour, you know? I wish I could paint a picture of you. In a red see-through nightgown.... What do you think?" 
"A painting?" You blinked, not expecting such a proposal. "I don't know..." 
"I have to create a portfolio for the final exam.... I've already painted three paintings of my friends, but I still have one left. And you are beautiful. I'll pay." He replied, watching your reaction. 
"I have to think about it..." You replied, but didn't finish the sentence because he walked in on you in mid-word. 
"I understand." He replied and wrote something down on a piece of paper. " Here, this is my phone number, if you make a decision, just text me..." He handed you a small piece of paper with the number on it. "Just don't make me wait too long for an answer, lovely." 
"R-right." You replied and hid his number in a safe place. 
The rest of the students entered the room, along with your friend, who smiled broadly at you. She welcomed the students and gave them the guidelines for the assignment. 
"Well Y/N. Sit with your hands behind your back and push your chest forward a little too. And spread your legs..." She said to you and helped you adjust your position. "My dears, you may begin. "
Sitting apart in front of a group of people has not been one of the most comfortable activities in your life. However, you didn't pay much attention to it yourself. Your thoughts were consumed with Hyunjin's proposal. Should you accept it? He said he would pay, and so far there was no indication that you would find a job.... 
You decided to give it a chance and agree to his proposal. After all, it's just another day's work as a "model." You survived a whole week in front of students, you'll survive being alone with Hyunjin too. 
Before you knew it, the class was over and the students had left the room, and you were free to get dressed. Lina was still talking to individuals while you typed Hyunjin's number into your phone. You made up your mind and as soon as he left the room, you texted him. 
Ok. I agree.... When do you want to do it? ~ Y/N
Wonderful news sweetheart! Let's meet tomorrow evening at my place. Remember, red nightgown 😘
 He wrote back almost immediately. You swallowed your saliva. What are you actually doing? 
The next day you went to the address Hyunjin sent you in a text message. You were stressed. You didn't know what it should look like or how long it would take. Your body trembled and your mind wandered into dangerous territory. You felt both apprehension and excitement about the whole situation. 
You stood in front of the door of his apartment. You took a few deep breaths and knocked gently. You waited, listening for the sound of footsteps. After a while, the young man opened the door for you and let you in with a smile. 
"I'm glad you agreed." He said, taking over your coat from you. "Make yourself comfortable... Would you like something to drink before we start? Coffee? Tea? Water? Maybe wine?" 
"Water is enough... Although I won't actually despise wine either." You replied and timidly entered his living room. 
The room was large, definitely bigger than your friend's entire apartment. Not surprising, after all, Hyunjin lived in one of the more expensive neighbourhoods in your city. The white leather furniture, laced with gold accessories, perfectly matched the aura that this man was producing. Everything seemed truly royal. 
"Wow." You gasped in awe. 
"Do you like it? My parents made sure I was comfortable in the city.... Would you like a tour of the apartment?" He asked, handing you a glass of red wine. 
"I'd love to... If I can, of course." You accepted the drink from him and took a sip. 
The boy showed you his entire apartment. He had three bedrooms, but he had transformed one into a studio, and the other was used as a dressing room. 
"Okay, ready for us to start?" He asked as you walked through the apartment.
"I think so." You replied hesitantly.
"Great!" He smiled broadly. "Come on, I'll paint you in the studio... I'll get everything ready and you can go and change in the bathroom. Leave when you're ready. It'll take me a while to paint though... It'll take all weekend, actually. But like I said, I'll pay. $1000 is enough?"
"H-how much?" You were stunned when you heard the amount he gave.
“If it's not enough, just tell me…” He replied, watching you.
"Not enough? I didn't expect it to be so much..." You started. "It's too much…"
"Hmm... I don't think so." He shrugged. "We'll talk about it later... You can go change in the bathroom now and I'll set everything ready here." He said, unimpressed.
“Sure…” You replied and headed to the bathroom.  $1000 to pose? You were shocked. How much money does this young man actually have? 
After a few minutes you were ready. You looked at your reflection in the mirror. You were wearing a slightly see-through red nightgown that hugged your body perfectly and highlighted all your curves. You decided to leave your hair down, but you put a small decoration in it. You fixed your delicate makeup and went out to Hyunjin.
"Wow, you look amazing." He said as soon as he noticed you. "Like I said, this colour suits you very well."
"Thank you." You replied, slightly embarrassed.
"Okay, you can lie down." He pointed to a small sofa in the center of the room. "I would like you to lie down comfortably, and if you want to sleep, just close your eyes. The only thing that matters is that you stay in the position I put you in."
“Sure, I can do it…” You replied and followed his directions. You settled into a comfortable position on the sofa and Hyunjin stood over you. He leaned down gently and positioned your body. His touch was pleasant. You felt the nice warmth radiating from his body.
"Perfect." He said and smiled contentedly. "Okay, let's get started. If you want a break then say so." 
Hyunjin began to paint. You lay there without moving, watching his every move. You began to wonder how it was that your life had brought you to the point where you were. 
Hyunjin painted in concentration, and there was silence between the two of you. You didn't seem to mind. You felt your eyelids become heavy and you didn't even know when you fell asleep. 
You woke up after some time and stretched slightly. It was already twilight outside. You looked around the room you were in. Hyunjin was nowhere to be found. You stood up and stretched your stagnant body again. You were curious to see how Hyunjin's progress was going, but before you could get closer to the painting, the door of the room opened. 
"Oh, you're awake already." Hyunjin smiled slightly. "Hungry? Come, I've prepared dinner." 
Only when the boy mentioned food did you feel that you were actually hungry. You followed him into the kitchen, where delicious smells were coming from. 
"You are handsome, you paint and you cook. Is there anything you can't do?" You asked, sitting down at the table. Hyunjin glanced at you laughing. 
"Thank you for the compliment, beautiful." He winked, at which you blushed. He served you dinner and you began to eat. 
"Enough with the painting for today, it's late." Hyunjin said. "If you want, you can stay the night.... We'll start again first thing tomorrow morning anyway." 
"I don't want to get..." You started. 
"But that's not up for discussion." He interrupted you in mid-sentence. "It's late, I don't want you to go home when it's dark outside.... I'll prepare a bed for you." 
"Hyunjin, but really..." You started again but his one look left you unsure what to say next. "Okay. I'll stay the night." 
"Great." He smiled at you. "Come on, I'll give you something to sleep on..." 
" You know, after all, I can sleep in what I'm wearing." You replied while watching him. 
"Believe me, if you stay in this red nightgown, I won't hold back."  He replied with full seriousness. 
"Oh..." You made a sound. " All right..." 
You followed him to his dressing room, which occupied the other room. Hyunjin walked over to a cabinet and pulled out an oversized hoodie and handed it to you. "It should fit." He smiled slightly. 
"Thank you." You replied with a slight smile. "I'll take a shower." 
Hyunjin nodded and you parted the rooms. You went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, and a pleasant feeling once again settled in your lower abdomen. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was in the bedroom preparing a place for you to sleep. 
After some time, you came out of the bathroom in his hoodie. You could smell his perfume lingering on his clothes. You smiled slightly, to yourself. His scent was so soothing. 
"Do you like the smell?" You suddenly heard his voice behind you, at which you jumped slightly. 
"Y-yes." You stuttered, at which the boy smiled. 
"I have to say, no matter what you're wearing, you're every bit as beautiful." He said, walking closer to you. "I like you Y/N." 
"Thank you, I guess..." You took a gentle step back unsure of where this conversation was leading. 
"When I say I like you, I really mean it." Hyunjin leaned slightly over you and brushed lightly against your waist. You swallowed your saliva as you looked straight into his eyes, your back resting against the wall. Hyunjin was leaning with his hand right next to your head and his body was leaning against yours. You bit your lip slightly and gently moved your legs, feeling yourself slowly getting wet. The situation you found yourself in was definitely not on your bingo card. 
"Hyunjin, we don't..." You began, trying to keep up any semblance of a smile yet. However, his closeness and magnetic scent were too tempting to resist. 
"Shhhsh." The boy moved his thumb over your swollen lips. "You don't even realise how sexy you look right now." He whispered in your ear while biting your earlobe, which was met with a quiet sigh that left your lips. You felt his gentle smile as he moved closer to your neck and gently moved his velvety lips across it. "You like it." He stated, observing your reaction to his touch. "I wonder if you'll like this too." He added and moved his hands a little lower, slipping them under the hoodie. 
"Hyunjin, it's not..." You started, but feeling his long fingers glide across your skin, leaving goosebumps on it, you were unable to control your senses. Hyunjin's lips attacked your neck more boldly, and you tilted your head further back so he could have better access. 
Hyunjin glided his lips along your neck looking for weak spots, and once he found them, he immediately started leaving red hickeys in those spots, which was met with your moans of approval. 
You rested your hands on his torso, and the young man delicately lifted you up, grabbing your buttocks. You put your legs around his waist as his lips found their way right to yours. 
"I want you." He whispered, brushing his lips lightly against yours. "And I know you want me too. Say it." 
"Please." You said quietly. 
"You're asking? For what?" He asked backing away slightly which was met with your disapproval. 
"Kiss me, please." You moaned pleadingly. Hyunjin smiled at you and pressed his lips into yours. His kiss was firm and forceful, but that's what you liked best. You moaned blissfully into his mouth as he grabbed your buttocks tighter. Hyunjin took this as a sign of approval and carried you to his bedroom. 
Hyunjin put you on the bed immediately, finding himself above you. His knee came between your legs pressing lightly on your spot. He leaned over a little more and cupped your hoodie with his hands. 
"You are phenomenal." He said, watching you. His hands moved over every bare patch of your body, exploring every inch of it. Following his hands, Hyunjin placed you on the bed immediately finding himself over you. His knee came between your legs pressing lightly on your spot. He leaned over a little more and cupped your hoodie with his hands. His hands moved over every bare patch of your body, exploring every inch of it. His hands were followed by his lips, which also explored your body. He left wet footprints in his path, interspersed with huge hickeys. 
You moaned blissfully when his lips found their way to your lower abdomen. You felt his smile against your skin. Hyunjin gently spread your legs and moved his hand over your core. Your reaction encouraged him to continue. 
He bit lightly on the inside of your thighs, which was met with your slight jump. His strong hands, however, held your body as his mouth took up your pussy, embracing it completely. 
You moaned loudly and slid your hand into his hair. You pulled his hair gently as his tongue penetrated your insides, melting with pleasure. 
Hyunjin drove you to pleasure, and your body arched in an accompaniment of moans. The young man licked and returned his lips to your mouth, kissing you. You immediately responded to his kiss, hungry for his velvety lips. 
Your hands moved over his body. You wanted to get rid of his clothes as quickly as possible. Hyunjin laughed quietly. 
"So eager, huh? Patience darling, be good and you'll get what you deserve." He said amused and helped you undress himself. Once he was standing naked, you moved your hands over his penis, which was already ready for use. "I don't have condoms..." The boy began. 
" Doesn't matter, I want to feel you, now, right now, please!" You moaned needily. 
"I like the way you are asking." He snarled quietly and slid his full length into you. 
"Oh yes!" You whined loudly and moved your hands down his back as he began to move. 
His movements became faster and less precise. He went deep, perfectly attacking your g-spot. Your and his moans filled the entire room.
"Hyunjin! I…" You started digging your nails into his soft skin.
"Come on baby, cum for me." He groaned loudly. "Fuck!"
"I'm cumming!" You moaned loudly, clenching around him. 
A few seconds later, you felt warmth spreading through your insides. Hyunjin collapsed on top of you after a moment, his head resting between your full breasts. You were both breathing heavily.
“You are my muse." He murmured after a while. "Be my muse forever?"
"With pure pleasure." You replied quietly, gently stroking his back, making him smile.
"You know what? You are the FINE art." He said. "My muse."
And After an eventful night, you both fell asleep cuddling together.
-> Masterlist
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dpr-stay · 2 months
Mandated Reporter Pt.1 | Y.T
All Might | Yagi Toshinori X Reader
Heyyy, guys remember me...? It's not like I haven't posted a fic since *checks history* January or anythign haha lol right? Anyways this was kinda a distraction from my magnum opus but it started getting too long to publish as a one-shot in good faith. So parts LOL. already on ao3, so yeh. sorry if you followed me for F1
WC: ~2700
Warnings: Swears probs, just fluff, soulmate au hehehheheh, idiots in love *sighs dreamily*
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Charles Darwin, way back in the year 1859, published his book On the Origin of Species. He was laughed and jeered at when he presented his book, as the theory he had written on the pages differed significantly from the common ideas at the time. No one really wanted to look at the apes that they kept in zoos and find themselves reflected in their eyes. 
He presented many ideas in his writing, natural selection being one you may have heard. However, one you may not be so familiar with if you didn’t take biology in highschool would be the idea of variation (or speciation for you nerds) when faced with an extinction event. 
The two main types of variation that occurred in human beings as we know them in the modern day are the development of quirks and the recognition of soulmates. The extinction events that preceded these variations are still not known, perhaps Mr Darwin was wrong in these specific cases, but the reaches of these variations stretched across the world and revamped the meaning of normal.
In modern Japan, soulmates were almost a taboo topic. Not only did some people not have soulmate’s but the way that people found their soulmates varied, from timers to marks, or even visions. Asking a person how they would meet their soulmate, soon came to be seen as a flirting tactic instead of just genuine curiosity. Because asking if someone has a destined partner can easily be interpreted as wishing that the partner was yourself.
You, personally, had never asked anyone how they were going to meet their soulmate. You found no need to. You would 100% know who they were when you would meet your soulmate. You didn’t mean to sound egotistical or presumptuous, but you would definitely know.Your soulmate ‘marker’ came in the form of words inscribed upon your wrist, written out in mildly scratchy handwriting which was thankfully legible. 
And if you see this criminal or know anything about him, call 1800-XXX-XXX-XXX to give information into the anonymous tipline!
At first, when you read it, you were a bit confused. You knew to some degree it was your soulmate marking, but you didn’t know how it applied to a real life situation. Was it the first thing they heard on the radio? Would it be in the background the first time you’d meet?
Your parents were also confused. They first tried the number, but it hadn’t been registered to any tipline at the time they tried. So they took little 5-year-old you to a so-called ‘Soulmate Specialist.’
At first you had thought it would be like a stereotypical curtained tent, with a lady perched over a crystal ball. But when you arrived, it just looked like a normal hospital clinic. Your mother held your hand as you trailed behind her. 
In a small room down a hallway, you sat on a cushioned bench as a nice-looking lady walked in, exchanged a few words with your mother, and then touched your knee. You watched as she leaned back, her facial expression only able to be described as puzzled, before saying,
“First Words.” You had immediately looked at your wrist. You had read the words again and a slight feeling of disappointment panged in your heart. 
Later, sitting at a table in a small ice-cream store, licking lemon sorbet till you got a brain freeze, your parents tried to come up with scenarios where you would meet your soulmate. Your dad suggested you would meet him during a town meeting (which caused both you and your mum to look at him funny, because who went to town meetings?), whilst your mum suggested that maybe he would be a police officer on the street chasing down a baddie and yelling it out as he went (You giggled at that).
As you grew up, everyone else who you showed it to grew confused as well. It wasn’t exactly something that you’d expect to be the thing bonding two soulmates together. It wasn’t romantic, it didn’t imply any sort of attraction, and you began to get disheartened as you saw the ways your friends met their soulmates.
It seemed each time your friend group got together, another friend would bring in their soulmate, talking about shared marks, oh so lovingly placing the marks against each other right in your eye-line, or finally seeing colour, saying while staring directly at their pair. It started to get at you, the instant connection the pairs would feel, while you were left with a phone number, which only started to work when you turned 18.
(When you first rang the number and it went through, elation took over your body. You stood up and did a little dance as you immediately started speaking into the phone, hoping to find anybody that could help you in your search for your soulmate. You only stopped talking, and dancing, when you noticed that the call was automatic and that you were talking to a robot. The call ended when you realised that they had also recorded it.)
Whenever you felt yourself feeling particularly down, you’d look back to your arm, and see the words engraved. At least you did have a soulmate, you consoled yourself, and at least the words seemed neutral instead of belligerent.
One thing, though, your friends all seemed to agree on was that your mum was right: your soulmate was a police officer. Why else would the number send you to a police tip-line, and why else would he be promoting a tip-line. It made the most sense to you as well. When this solidified properly in your mind, you decided to do everything you possibly could to meet your soulmate. 
It seemed as though they were speaking out as a plea, perhaps outside a police station or on the news to spread awareness of whatever crime this criminal had perpetrated. And so, you began to become a news fanatic.
You’d always tune into the six o’clock news, holding out hope that maybe some sort of crime had been committed that warranted some sort of appeal to the public. It wasn’t that you wanted someone to suffer, you had to reason with yourself, it was just that you wanted to know who your pair was. 
Whenever a crime was committed, you always kept your eyes peeled to the news report, hoping for some sort of plea to the public. Alas, the words were always similar but never quite right. News anchors and police officers always recited from a consistent script about each different offender, never varying no matter how much you wanted to.
Soon, whenever you had a free day, sometimes you’d head to police press conferences. You had a nice camera, that your mum had given you under the pretense of photography and wanting you to expand on hobbies, that you used to justify being a member of the press in order to sneak into the conferences. You’d occasionally take photos while waiting for the police to discuss the details of whatever case they were dealing with, and you always looked right at the speaker whenever they’d come close to saying the lines, before leaving disappointed.
After asserting that your soulmate was most likely a police officer, you also took to walking past the station on your way back home from work every night. Not only was it safer, but it also gave you a chance to listen to the officers standing outside of the station, chatting amongst themselves. You’d often overhear some of their discussions about criminals, but there was never anyone out the front advocating for people to ring their tipline.
Tonight was almost the same as every other night. You’d gotten off work particularly late, rushing from the elevator of your office to the entrance. You pushed through the glass doors, turning to wave to the receptionist. The night air was chilly, but the streets were alive with office workers such as yourself. 
You eyed the takoyaki stall across the street, and reasoned that you were already late to go home, but you then saw the line of half-dead employees stretching from the stall down the corner of the block and quickly shrugged the notion off. You still wanted to try and catch the 9 o’clock news after all.
You weren’t allowed to check any sort of non-work related device or website during the day, so you had no way to see if any criminals were being searched for or if any press conferences were being held. As such you always tried to catch some iteration of the news on the TV at home, if only to remain informed. 
As soon as you turned, you started speed walking home. Living only a couple minutes from your job sometimes had its advantages, as it meant you didn’t have to walk a long way in the dark, only like a kilometer. If you kept up with your fast pace, you’d pass the police station in two minutes and reach your home in five.
You reached the station and slowed down a little, trying to peak inside. The place seemed relatively dead when you glanced at it, only seeing the glowing reflections of the lights within. Only a couple officers were in and you breathed in sympathy as you saw the stacks of paperwork they had before turning and continuing on.
In five minutes (you were right), you arrived at your apartment building. You quickly scampered up the stairs, taking almost three at a time, before jetting to your door and unlocking it. You had the TV on in twenty seconds, just in time for the evening reporter to begin rambling on about the events of the day.
As she spoke, you began to unwind. You changed into pyjamas from your business attire as she told a story about a bank robbery, you were cooking instant ramen as she recounted an announcement the governmental opposition made, and you had just sat down on the couch as she began a report about the newest criminal who was taken down by a team of pro-heros and All Might.
You slurped your noodles as you watched intently. Despite being quirkless yourself, you were not immune to the charms and draws of the luxurious pro-hero life. You weren’t stupid, you knew it wasn’t all glitz and glam, you’d seen plenty of videos surrounding the harsh conditions that heroes had to go through and the mental tax that it took on them. Even now, watching All Might beat the shit out of a guy while yelling “SMASH” and random US state names, you cringed whenever the other guy got a punch in. But still, the galas and large amounts of money coming in sure sweetened the deal a fair lot.
You looked around your meager apartment and snorted. If only you had a quirk as flashy as All Might’s, that way you might’ve been able to live a life that wasn’t just above the Japanese poverty line.
The TV flashed pictures of the guy the heroes had fought and you whistled under your breath. He looked tough, almost like a shark with the way his teeth were pointed but scarier with the way his hands were literal chainsaws. As you listened more, you realised that they hadn’t actually ‘taken him down’, they’d just secured the people he was holding hostage and All Might had beaten him so badly he wasn’t able to walk (yeesh). But apparently they’d put the cuffs on him but then he just faded away, which definitely didn’t seem like something a guy with chainsaws for hands could have attributed to his own quirk.
That was definitely something you’d be thinking about tomorrow as you walked home from work, the fact that chainsaw hands could pop out and saw any of your limbs off and then be teleported away before you could even see him. You shuddered at the thought.
The TV quickly changed to show a live news conference and you perked up in your seat, leaning forward to see who was in the line-up of speakers and see if you could identify any of them. The news channel had joined in towards the end of the conference, one police officer speaking about the dangers of the man and the crimes he had committed. 
He went on for a while, so you sort of zoned out, but your attention was quickly caught again when All Might stepped up to the podium to speak into the microphone, which was strange as you’d never seen him stick around for a conference.
In your attempts to be up-to-date and to make sure that you’d never miss a call-to-action anywhere, you’d encountered plenty of news stories about All Might. He was the symbol of peace, so it was only normal that he often was the one to round up the villains that the numerous press conferences were about.
You’d always admired him, it was hard not to, but you never really thought all too much about him. I mean yeah, he was always there to save the day, but you’d never been in a spot where you’d needed him. You knew he was exceptionally popular amongst, well, everyone, but honestly he was kind of just another hero to you. 
One thing that did make him stand out, and justified to you the cult-following he had, was his attitude. He took the symbol of peace schtick seriously, and was always smiling and ready to help people no matter the personal sacrifice he endured. He earned your respect through that. 
He was also kind of hot. He was definitely conventionally attractive, but you’d always kind of thought he was hot in the way that he was always someone to rely on. You don’t know, you’d always kind of liked the scrawny boys better, blame it on your issues.
When All Might finally spoke into the microphone, he essentially repeated what the police officer before him had. You sort of rolled your eyes in a ‘get on with it’ way. You could tell the news was about to cut back to their broadcasting from the live conference so you waited for him to finish his statement while mentally scrolling through your shopping list.
Leaning back into your sofa, you watched as he paused for a second before shooting his eyes up to the camera and lifting one commanding finger to point at the lens before speaking.
“And if you see this criminal or know anything about him, call 1800-XXX-XXX-XXX to give information into the anonymous tipline!”
You blinked. Then you promptly spilled your boiling ramen over your lap as you dropped the bowl. Pain immediately shot through your senses, causing you to curse and look down to your lap.
All Might released some sort of pained noise, causing you to look up and see him grab his wrist on the TV. Your jaw dropped. A female anchor’s face appeared on the screen and you cursed again, quickly looking back to the inflamed skin on your lap. You rushed to the shower, turning the tap onto cold water and sitting down as it rained onto your pyjama bottoms.
You titled your head back before it banged against the glass of your shower door. Had you just hallucinated that? No fucking way right? There was no literal way your soulmate was All Might? Like the actual All Might. Like always smiling, strong as fuck, number one hero All Might.
What the fuck. You had to have been wrong.
You looked down to your wrist, raising your sleeve up to read the words again. Something had changed. Instead of the words being outlined in a sort of dark purple that complimented your skin tone, they had changed to a light lilac. Your jaw dropped again.
What the hell? One of your fingers traced the writing as you groaned. There was no literal way your soulmate was All Might. It was impossible.
You opened your eyes to look up at the shower head, watching as the water poured down.
There was no literal way that he could be your soulmate because All Might, even since the early days of his career before he was known for being the number one hero, had been known to be one of the few public figures who was incredibly vocal about being soulmate-less. 
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so how'd we feel? I do like a bit of crack, if you hadn't picked it up yet.
also she's unedited, but it's me, so it's no surprise.
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Restless (snippetfic)
"Hello, Dean," Cas had said, in a nearly fancy-meeting-you-here tone of voice, though Dean heard the shakiness beneath it that made something in his chest crackle brittle and cold.
Restless prompt courtesy of @winchester-reload, additional prompts courtesy of @clenster (many thanks to both!)
deancas, human au, besties to first kiss pipeline ✌️
"What's up?" Charlie asked.
Dean watched her take a big slurp of Skeleton Theory before answering, "Nothing." He went back to looking at his phone screen, willing a text bubble to appear. 
"He's probably stuck in traffic." Charlie grimaced at the beer bottle in her hand. "I wish I were stuck in traffic."
"I'm gonna stop stocking all these fancy craft beers you claim to enjoy, since actually you always hate them." Dean sighed and put his phone down on the bar. "But yeah. Rush hour and all that."
Lebanon was the kind of place where rush hour lasted from 5 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. But still. The sour taste in his mouth was at odds with the amount of high fructose corn syrup he'd personally imbibed in the last hour. He took another sip of soda and drummed his fingers on the neck of the nearest tap and gave a shuffle of his feet and scratched an itch on his eyebrow. Dean ignored the look Charlie gave him and Dean's phone ignored Dean.
Charlie cleared her throat. "I said, the docs gave Cas the okay on driving?"
Dean startled back to real time. "Yeah, yesterday." He rubbed his eye. "They ruled out a concussion, and apparently him landing on grass cushioned him from the crash." He nodded at the buggy expression Charlie was making. "His bike and helmet took the worst of the damage."
"And what's your assessment?" Charlie put her elbows on the bar and leaned forward intently.
Dean flashed back to skidding into the local immediate care center to find his best friend sitting in the waiting room, drying blood streaked dark red down his jawline and a rip in his jeans that showed off a glistening crimson gorge in his left shin. 
"Hello, Dean," Cas had said, in a nearly fancy-meeting-you-here tone of voice, though Dean heard the shakiness beneath it that made something in his chest crackle brittle and cold.
"He could've easily been killed," Dean told Charlie. "Fucking drivers in this town," he muttered. "We've got two main drags and a couple of round-abouts. People could share what few roads we have more charitably." 
This was an understatement. Bicyclists frequently complained of unsafe road conditions. Dean hadn't ridden a non-motorized bicycle in approximately 20 years, and his own vintage Impala was by no means a dainty vehicle, but he'd still sympathized with the bicyclists' plight, or at least Cas's. Now there was a hit-and-runner out there somewhere who'd almost killed someone Dean loved–
Dean's brain stuttered on that thought, not for the first time. He resumed not making eye contact with Charlie and drained his soda. "Jo and Max cleaned him up well at the clinic. He insisted he didn't need me hangin' 'round last night takin' up space." Dean coughed into his shoulder. 
Cas hadn't exactly said it like that – he'd been kinder – but close enough. Leaving Cas on Cas's own front porch had been one of the harder things Dean had done lately. He was trying not to be mad at himself for spending the night in his own bed, alone as ever, and it wasn't quite working.
"Hey, so," Charlie started. She pushed her half-finished beer far down the bar, like it might bite. "You never told me you gave Cas a mixtape."
Dean hiccuped and lemon-lime sugar seemed to fizz into his ear canals, deeply unpleasantly. "What?"
"Heard it in Cas's hooptie last week." Charlie grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Terrific collection of Zepp. And nicely ordered – I'm always saying a mixtape needs to have a sense of rhythm, a reason for one song to follow another, y'know?" Her face went all innocent. "If you're thinking about sending someone a message, telling someone how you feel, a project needs to hit all the right notes, doesn't it. Get it? Notes?" Her eyebrows clowned around.
"I… Didn't know he'd been listening to it." Dean shifted from one foot to another and rubbed his hands together as though he was freezing. "He, uh. Hasn't said anything."
He and Cas didn't spend much time going places in Cas's crabby old Lincoln, since being the driver on a road trip was much more Dean's speed. (Or mandate, the Sam in Dean's head said. Dean stuck out his tongue at him and made a mental note to text him later.) And it wasn't like Cas needed to say something about the mixtape; it wasn't like, when Dean had handed it to him a month ago, he'd included instructions for proper consumption conditions (sunny day, windows down; cool evening, and a shot of bourbon) and a deadline for a comprehensive review, 500-words minimum. It wasn't like Dean had sweated for days over which songs to include, having slaved to cull an initial list of forty-some songs to a tidy thirteen with a level of laser focused intensity he hadn't managed since first opening the taphouse a few years ago.
(Was the inclusion of both "Trampled Underfoot" and "Rain Song" too on the nose? Apparently not.)
"Anyway, pretty sure he's been enjoying it," Charlie said with a blythe flourish, and before Dean could respond, her outflung hand seemed to conjure up Cas, who walked in through the door with only a bit of a limp. "Speak of the angel."
She flew off her barstool and grabbed Cas up in a hug. Dean saw Cas give an "Oof!" on impact. As Cas hugged her back, Dean hoped Charlie hadn't just dislocated some bones in Cas's body that had only barely survived yesterday's boxing match with gravity.
"Go on, say hi," Pamela said, bumping Dean's hip with her own. "Take a beat." 
"Where did you come from?" Dean asked his wayward employee. 
"None of your business," Pamela sing-songed, tying an apron around her waist and sporting a hickey the size of a silver dollar. She looked over, pointedly, at a new guy near the end of the bar who had a thousand dollars' worth of tattoos running down his bare arms and up his throat. He tipped his leather cap at her and she blew him a kiss. "I'll handle the rabble for a bit."
Monday before 7 p.m. was hardly the taphouse's busiest shift, but Dean took the point. 
He wandered out from behind the bar and sat on Charlie's abandoned stool as she and Cas walked over. "Hey, Cas." Dean was relieved to see no major, lingering signs of trauma; the blood had washed away without stain, and the bruise on the side of Cas's face mostly blended in with his perpetual five o'clock shadow.
Charlie squeezed Cas's hand and let go. "Just saw Rowena come in, gonna go say hi."
"Is that wise?" Dean emphasized the sarcasm.
"Doubtful," Charlie replied, all cheer. "Super glad you're okay, Cas." 
"Thank you," Cas said, ducking his head.
She veered back towards the door. Dean took a moment to be equal parts grateful Sam's dalliance with Rowena had run its course and horrified that Sam's experience had in no way deterred Charlie from finding her, quote, "an interesting challenge."
"She'll be fine," Cas told him. 
"Yeah?" Dean leaned closer, realized it, and settled back.
Cas perhaps hid a smile. "I don't know." He looked over at the two women chatting with expressive hand gestures and big laughs. "Rowena has grown on me."
"I think she's just cruising by on the sheer charismatic power of her hair." Dean heard the cattiness in his voice and chose to accept it.  
"A good haircut can be very influential," Cas intoned solemnly. 
"Oh," Dean said, ducking his own head. "I told you that once, huh."
Cas shrugged and a smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth. "I grew up in a cult, and you were just being helpful."
Dean nodded, still looking at his boots. 
"You did help," Cas continued. "And you've continued to be helpful, immensely, for which I am immensely grateful. In case I haven't mentioned it in the last 24 hours."
Dean looked up into Cas's soft blue eyes and smiled, powerless against the warmth there. "Good." He scratched his chin. "You feeling all right today?"
"Somewhat achy. Otherwise, no complaints." Cas lifted up his left foot for a second. "Changing the bandage on my leg wasn't as disgusting as I'd been led to believe it would be."
"Well, that's good news, isn't it." Dean cocked his head. "New shirt?"
"It's the one Sam gave me at Christmas." Cas looked down at the green plaid. "I like it. It's comfortable."
"I hear you like the mixtape I made you," Dean blurted out. If he was turning a mortifying shade of pink, well, that wasn't any of his business.
"I do, very much," Cas agreed. Puzzlement flitted across his face. "I can return it whenever you want."
"No, no. It's a gift; you keep those." Before Dean could stop himself, he reached out and snagged Cas's hand. 
Cas let him tug him forward and waited. Dean unbuttoned Cas's shirt at the wrist and began rolling up that sleeve, stopping at Cas's elbow. He repeated the process with the right sleeve. When his fingertips grazed the underside of Cas's wrist, Cas shivered, and said nothing, watching Dean's face as he worked. Dean slid his hands down Cas's arms and gently let go, and only then looked up again.
Cas's eyes had gone dark, to compliment the flush at the tops of his cheeks and the way his mouth was parted just a little, like it wanted to be kissed.
Dean obliged: his hands rose as if of their own volition to cup Cas's head and bring it down to his, his mouth seeking the heat of Cas's as though this could be accomplished without either of them noticing. Cas crowded between Dean's legs and brought his own hands to Dean's face, and Dean was suddenly pushed back against the bar he'd personally paid a goddamn fortune for and was being kissed like… Like…. 
Like Cas wanted him as much as he wanted Cas.
A sharp two-finger whistle brought the exploration to a halt. Cas rested his forehead against Dean's collarbone and breathed heavily – oh, Dean thought, that was a lovely sound, and made himself stop panting. He blinked at Charlie across the room giving him a thumbs up.
"You could just take a vacation day already," Pamela said, flicking him in the ear and simultaneously patting Cas on the back. "Unless you wanna continue giving the patrons a show?" She pivoted away.
Dean glared at her for a split second before resting his hands at Cas's waist. The middling crowd appeared to have already gone back to their beverages and gossip. 
Cas's expression was halfway between wild-eyed and sweet-shy. "Would you like to come home with me?" he asked quietly.
Dean answered with another kiss. It turned out to be most of what he said for the next several hours, and he was very persuasive in his arguments; and so was Cas.
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jomiddlemarch · 2 years
christmas prompt #6, anne/gilbert!
“I’m sorry, Anne, truly,” Gilbert said, his arm warm around her waist, the words dropping as softly as the snow that had begun to fall. 
“I’m not,” Anne replied. She didn’t dare glance up at him. He was tall and sturdily built and it was taking a great deal of determination to serve as his crutch, which she could hardly let him see. He’d be sure to insist she go to fetch someone to help him back, as if she’d leave him sitting beside the frozen pond with only his great-coat and scarlet muffler to keep him from becoming a block of ice. She could also feel her nose turning an unbecoming red in the cold and was vain enough not to want Gilbert to notice.
“You ought to be,” he said, wincing as he made an entirely unsuccessful attempt to bear some of his own weight. Like every doctor she’d ever heard of, he made a poor patient, a fact she intended to share with him just as soon as they were settled safely back at Ingleside, Susan whipping up a delicious pot of her famous vegetable soup, “known to keep body and soul together, Mrs. Doctor, a tonic far tastier than anything the Doctor ever prescribed.”
“Let’s not have any oughts or shoulds,” Anne said. “It was a wonderful idea, an afternoon of skating, just you and I, the way we never did back in Avonlea. I had a lovely time, you thought of everything, the flask of hot tea and those lemon biscuits—”
“And then I nearly crushed you, falling like the greatest oaf, as if I’d never worn a pair of skates before,” Gilbert interrupted. “If you weren’t so quick and graceful, I’d have hurt you badly.”
“That’s quite enough,” Anne said, letting her voice hold the faintest hint of Marilla’s regular asperity. “You didn’t come close to toppling me and the only consequence is your poor sprained ankle. If you’re quite sure it isn’t broken, you’re limping terribly.”
“I’m sure I can diagnose a broken ankle, whether I’m the patient or yet another one of the infinite McPherson clan,” Gilbert said. “It’s just a sprain—”
“A bad one,” Anne said. “I saw how you looked when you tried to stand up, don’t try to convince me otherwise. You shan’t and it will be a waste of your strength.”
“You’re not wrong,” Gilbert said, which she knew was as far as he would go in allowing he was in pain. She made a quick mental inventory of the pillows in the sitting room and decided which ones she’d use to prop up his foot. The squashy green velvet one she sewed just before Walter was born, the one he said made her look like a most industrious nymph, would at the top of the pile. “Why aren’t you sorry, though, Anne-girl? If you’re not sorry the skating ended early, it sounds rather heartless and that’s the last word I’d use to describe you.”
“I’m not sorry because I loved skating with you, Gil,” she said. “It felt like heaven, flying about the ice, and though I’d never want you to be injured, now you’ll have to rest for a few days. You can’t drive the carriage with your bad ankle. I’ll have you all to myself at Ingleside, Dr. Blythe unable to attend clinic or conduct any house-calls. I can’t think of the last time you had to stay at home and let yourself be tended to. You’ll have to let me be the one who takes care of you.”
“It sounds like work,” Gilbert said. “Me, a useless lump stuck on the sofa, Jem and Walter running you ragged—"
“I shan’t tell Susan you said that,” Anne replied. “She’ll reproach you so long and thoroughly you’ll wish you’d sprained both ankles or knocked yourself insensible. The boys will be delighted that Papa is home and happy to read them stories and Susan will be overjoyed to make us all twice as many of her little snacks as usual and when Jem and Walter are napping and Susan is in the kitchen, I’ll have you all to myself—”
“And what will you do with me?” Gilbert asked, his voice low, a little husky, startling to hear outside of their moonlit bedroom.
“That’s quite a good question,” Anne said. She risked a look at his face, the gleam in his hazel eyes obscuring any distress from his ankle or the growing cold. “You’ll be at my mercy, won’t you?”
“I will indeed,” he said. “I’m curious to see what form it will take.”
Nine months later, the form was apparent: twins, Di her mother’s image and Nan just as fair, with his own dark curls and eyes. He’d laughingly suggested they name Diana Mercy, but Anne, tired but indomitable, had only shaken her head and cuddled the swaddled babies a little closer.
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titanicsimp · 4 years
Been too long
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Pairing: Reiner Braun x Female!reader
Genres: Smut/lemon, fluff
Warnings: Sexual content including; vaginal sex, creampie, oral, general foreplay. Brief mentions of injury and trauma
Summary: You have known Reiner since you were both kids, and though life has separated you, a second chance might be in sight.
A/N: I finally wrote a story about my n1 love 🥺
It’s been over a decade since you’ve last seen Reiner, not counting the little glimpses at parades. It’s odd, the two of you had been so close when you were kids. You had known Reiner since he was 6 years old, and you had stuck to him like glue till the very last day before he went on his mission.
When you had finally pushed yourself to the front of the crowd the day Reiner had returned from paradise island, you looked straight at him, and he had looked back, but his gaze had been vacant. You had been too taken aback to wave or say anything. He had looked straight through you.
From your glimpses and the rumors you had overheard, it was clear that Reiner had changed. You refused to hear the whispers in the alleys about him having lost his mind. He might be not be the same anymore, but you knew that he would never give up. He was strong, not only a warrior by rank. Yet you would be lying if you said you weren’t worried.
Now Reiner had returned from war once again, you were determined to at least speak to him this time. You followed the parade all the way up to the hall where the Warriors gathered and situated yourself outside the building. The guards made you anxious, but the fact that you’re an honorary Marleyan kept you relatively safe. It was okay for you to be there, unless it started taking too long.
When Reiner finally exited the building, you said a quick prayer to the gods and stepped out of the shadows.
He kept walking, seemingly so lost in thought he didn’t hear you.
“Reiner!” You tried again, quickly walking after him.
Reiner turned around suddenly, a warning look on his face. You gulped and instinctively took a step back.
When he realized it was you, his expression softened and then turned to confusion as he mumbled your name. “It is you, right?”
You smiled at him shyly. “Yes, it’s me.”
Now you got a good look at his appearance, your heart skipped a beat. His haircut had changed, and he had grown a beard, but the most striking was the way he had aged. Sure, he seemed older than he was, but he looked incredibly handsome.
“Sorry to hunt you down like this, but I really had to talk to you.” You told Reiner and nervously rubbed at your arm.
Your rubbing turned his attention to your arm, making him notice the red band around it. The sight of it made his expression turn cold.
“You.. got married?” He questioned.
You frowned, confused at the sudden question. When you noticed what he was glancing at, you realized why he thought so.
“Oh! No, I’m not married. I’m a doctor, actually.” You told him and couldn’t help but sound a bit proud. The work you had to put in for that band had been exhausting and neverending, but you made it.
Reiner scratched the back of his head and looked away from you. “I see, my apologies.”
Disappointment settled over you at his standoffish attitude. Was he not even slightly excited to see you?
You tried to shake off the feeling and gave him a smile. “It’s alright, we haven’t seen each other for a while... Perhaps we can catch up?”
The glint in his eyes gave you hope, but that quickly faded as he shook his head and sighed. “I don’t have time.”
No, you wouldn’t cry, no matter how much that stung. Looking into his eyes like this and still feeling alone was the worst.
“Ah, of course.”
Reiner turned his back to you and you watched him walk off, your heart feeling like a brick inside your chest.
Another month passed and you heard nothing from Reiner, so you told yourself you were over it. If he thought you would first wait 9 years and then some more he was sorely mistaken!
You angrily pursed your lips at your thoughts as you picked out tomatoes at the market. Forget about him already.
You had filled your bag with the needed tomatoes and had paid the salesman when you turned to be on your merry way, but instead stepped right into someone’s chest.
“Gods! Ever heard of personal space?!” You grumbled as you backed off.
Your face paled when you recognized who you had bumped into. Reiner was peering down at you with that serious face of his.
“Sorry about that.”
You casted your eyes down, heaving your bag over your shoulder. “I-it’s fine, I didn’t realize it was you.”
He simply nodded at your words. You were uncertain as to what he wanted as he stared at you in silence. He didn’t even seem sure himself as to what he was doing.
You cleared your throat. “So, what is a warrior doing at the market?”
Reiner raised the basket in his left hand. “I’m getting vegetables for mother.”
A smile clawed it’s way onto your face. You guessed he was still a mommas boy. “That’s very nice of you, Reiner.”
More silence and staring followed before he finally decided on something to say.
“What clinic do you work at?” He asked.
You chuckled at the question. “How many do we Eldians have?”
The corners of Reiner’s mouth quirked up slightly. “Right.”
It made you feel nervous when you made eye contact with him, like you were a teenager again. “Well, if you ever get injured, you are free to visit.”
As soon as you said it you felt like hitting yourself. “But Warriors regenerate... oops.”
You waved off your own comments. “Injured or not, you are more than welcome.”
Reiner seemed amused, and you were unsure if it was because you were making a fool out of yourself or not, but it made you happy to see him warm up slightly.
“See you.. soon.” He said and waved you off, leaving you with a flushed face to match your tomatoes.
A week later, you just got done with a long shift at the hospital and were getting ready to leave. Even though the soldiers had been back for some time, more and more kept showing up. Some that weren’t healing, some that were traumatized beyond believe, and some that had never come to get treatment and now their wounds were festering. It was exhausting, and terrible to witness, but you were happy you could at least do something to help them.
Darkness had already settled over the town when you exited the hospital grounds. When you turned the corner next to the gate you felt your heart jump in your throat at the sight of a silhouette.
The figure stepped out of the darkness after you called out to it. You sighed with relief when you saw it was Reiner. “Gods Reiner, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” He said and stook his hands into his pockets.
“It’s alright.” You looked around the area. “Were you waiting for me?”
His lips quirked into a tiny smile. “I told you I would visit.”
That he actually did made you so happy. Perhaps he hasn’t grown as cold towards you as you first thought.
“Yeah, you did. You could’ve just come in though, it’s pretty cold out here.”
Reiner shrugged. “I’m fine. Join me on a walk?”
You nodded and gave him a warm smile. “Of course.”
He lead you through the dim alleyways and you wondered what he was planning. You were expecting him to say something, but he seemed to be mauling over every word again.
When you entered the plaza you knew why he took you here instantly. It was quiet, the cobbling of fountain in the middle of the square the only sound. It was peaceful like this, not crowded like during the day.
Reiner turned to face you, looking slightly nervous. “This is where-“
“I remember.”
The day before he had left for paradise island the two of you had snuck out and met up here. You could still remember how thrilling it had been.
You shook your head and looked down at the uneven street. “Why did you take me here?”
“I... I remembered you liked the fountain.” He responded, a slight shake noticibale in his voice.
“Reiner...” You looked at the small fountain. “If you remember, then you know why I’m not happy.”
His face, so young and hopeful, was still clear in your memories. He had been overjoyed he was now a warrior, finally having reached what he felt he needed to. It had given him the courage to tell you he liked you, and he had promised you he would return so you had to...
“Wait for me.”
You turned back to face Reiner. “That’s what you told me.”
He made a face like you just struck him, distress in his eyes. “I-I know. That wasn’t fair of me.”
You shook your head and laughed sadly. “It wouldn’t have been unfair if you had actually come for me when you returned.”
“I wanted to...” He gripped his forehead with his hand. “But the Reiner I had promised you died long ago.”
“It was too late.”
You took a step closer and felt tears sting at your eyes. “You’re right, it was too late.”
Reiner’s fingers clenched at your confirmation.
“It was too late for those kids, but not for us as we are now, Reiner.” You told him.
You chuckled. “I mean, I’m sure as hell not the same as I was 9 years ago, why would I expect you to be?!”
Silence fell as Reiner let your words sink in, dropping his hand from his face in shock. You could sense his doubt, and you felt it too. There were zero guarantees that you would fall for each other again, but you felt it in your heart that you had to give it a chance.
“I’m not asking you to feel the same way you did all those years ago. I just want you in my life, friend or lover.”
He remained silent for another minute before he spoke up. “Are you sure?”
You smiled and blinked away the tears that had built up. “I am.”
Reiner stepped closer to you hesitantly. “I don’t want to burden you. I’m not-“
You took one of his hands into yours. “I don’t care what you’re not! I want the Reiner that you are, nothing more and nothing less.”
He looked both terrified and happy with you’re declaration. You were scared he would pull his hand back, but he let you hold it. When he looked down at your joined hands, he seemed to relax slightly.
No more words were exchanged, there was no need to. His eyes spoke volumes, and you had said all you wanted to. In silence the two of you reunited, and a new promise was formed.
The tavern is crowded tonight, the people of Marley having been in a surprisingly joyous mood lately. Pints are spread over the table in front of you and your group excitedly chats away with each other, some blaring instead of talking after having a few too many beers.
You had felt so nervous to join the Warriors tonight. Sure, in the last few months you had seen them around and had brief conversations with them, but sharing a whole evening with them was new.
In the end you had been worried about nothing. Zeke, Porco and Pieck had been more than welcoming, and not a single thing regarding their statuses had been brought up. Tonight they had just been people, and you were happy to see this side of them.
You lean back into Reiner’s arm, peaking up at your boyfriend. He raises his eyebrows and glances between you and Porco who is drunkenly arguing with Zeke about what beer brew is the best. You chuckle and roll your eyes at Reiner.
Your heart had been right. It had been a rocky road, and you both still had a lot to figure out, but after years of pining and separation you could finally call him yours.
“My, my, seems like those two had a bit too much.” Pieck notes with a laugh.
Zeke and Porco have quickly moved on from arguing and are now half sleeping on each other.
You laugh as well. “You think so?”
Pieck shakes her head disapprovingly, but her smile stays. She pushes at the men’s shoulders, but besides mumbles she gets no response. “I’ll have to carry them back home. What a pain.”
You sit up. “We’ll help you get them back.”
No way you’re letting poor Pieck drag them back all by herself, walking alone is already enough of a hassle for her.
You look at Reiner, who gives you a hesitant nod.
“Thank you!” Pieck says happily and sighs in relief.
The three of you stand up, rounding the table to haul the drunkards up. You and Pieck carry Porco while Reiner takes care of Zeke. You are happy you have experience with dragging men around in the hospital, otherwise this would be even harder.
“Come to think of it, you haven’t visited our place before have you?” Pieck asks you as the two of you carry Porco through the streets.
You shake your head. “No, I haven’t.”
She glances over at Reiner, who is walking a bit ahead. “I suppose it’s not much to show off.”
You all walk on in silence as you ponder if there’s a reason he hasn’t taken you there.
You meet up with Reiner in the hallway after everyone has been brought to bed and you have said your goodbyes to Pieck.
“I can bring you home.” He tells you.
You frown and shake your head. “I’d rather go to your room, unless you mind?”
He regards you for a moment before he gestures you to follow him. “I don’t.”
When you see his room, you get an idea as to why he didn’t want you to see it. There’s a one person bed, a chair, a desk, and a gun. The walls are painted grey, not decorated in any way.
“It’s... cozy.” You struggle to say.
Reiner sighs behind you as he closes the door. “It’s nothing.”
You turn around and throw your arms around his neck. “Should I be offended you don’t have any pictures of me?”
He quirks his eyebrows. “I don’t remember you giving me any.”
You laugh at his seriousness. “I suppose I’ll have to chance that then.”
You lean in to kiss him, but he frees himself from your grip and takes a step back.
It hurts to see him shrink away from you like this.
“Did I do something wrong? We’ve kissed before.” You ask him.
Reiner shakes his head and walks towards his bed, sitting down on it with a troubled look. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“What’s wrong then?” You question, your confusion resonating in your voice.
“I should just bring you home.” He says and stands up.
Before he can take a step towards the door, you stop him, putting your hands against his chest. “No! If I’m going too fast or if you don’t want me, just tell me, please.”
“What? Of course I want you! But I can’t-“
You feel frustration starting to bubble inside of you. “Why can’t you?!”
“Right now you can leave!” He shouts out. “If we... I don’t want you to feel tied to me.”
His pained expression absolutely breaks your heart. Gods, you would do anything to bring the peace his mind needs.
You cup his face in your hands. “Reiner, I’m here because I want to be here. I don’t want to leave, I want to be with you.”
“In every way I can be.”
“I think-“ Reiner starts but you give him a quick kiss.
“Stop thinking.”
You stroke his hair out of his face. “If you want me, then please, take me.”
Convinced, he grabs your hands in his and kisses you. His lips move against yours roughly, his kiss desperate.
His hands let go off yours and instead start exploring your body through your clothes. You gasp into the kiss as he cups your breasts, allowing him the opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips.
Your tongue tangles with Reiner’s, your body heating up from his touches. You rest one of your hands onto his shoulder as you grab the back of his neck with the other.
Gods, how long have you wanted this? The fact that it’s finally happening is dizzying.
Not breaking the kiss, he picks you up and carries you to the bed. You mewl as he presses his body to yours. You can feel the heat radiating from his skin even through the layers of clothing.
You are left panting when Reiner breaks the kiss, needing more. It feels like a dream when he starts unbuttoning your blouse and you shiver when the air hits your exposed skin.
He drinks in the sight of you, gaze gliding over you chest slowly.
“Worth the wait?” You tease but blush regardless.
Reiner gives you a smile, and it’s bigger than usual. You melt at the sight. How hard you have fallen for this man yet again.
“Ten times over.” He mumbles as he moves to take off your skirt.
You feel yourself growing slick with excitement as your left only in your underwear underneath him. He hooks his fingers into your panties, but your stop him.
“You first.” You say and tug at his button up.
Complying, Reiner sits up slightly between your legs and takes off his button up and undershirt.
You smile and run your hands over his now exposed chest. His muscles feel so good under your hands that it makes you regret not taking him to bed sooner.
He chuckles at your fascinated expression. Even though he’s glad that you ogle him just as much as he does you, he’s impatient to finally have you fully.
Reiner swiftly takes off his pants, giving you another smile when he’s left in his underwear. “Seems it’s your turn again.”
You giggle and shake off your blouse completely. You unclasp your bra and slowly take it off to tease Reiner. He groans when your breasts are finally exposed, his hands coming up to squeeze them immediately.
He leans his broad form over you, capturing your mouth in a kiss as he fondles your breasts. You wrap your arms around his neck and moan into his mouth.
When he gently squeezes and rubs your nipples, you arch up into his touch. He breaks off the kiss, dragging his tongue over your bottom lip before he moves down. He kisses a trail down from your neck to your breasts before licking over your nipple.
“Reiner!” You moan out encouragingly.
He flicks your nipple with his tongue and sucks softly before he moves on to do the same to the other.
After giving your breasts several more kisses, he moves down again. Your breath hitches when he reaches the hem of your panties.
Reiner looks up at you, and you can easily read his expression, ‘Is this is okay?’, and you mumble a quick yes under your breath. He slides your panties down your legs and throws them to the side.
He lovingly kisses the top of your mount before he lets his tongue slide against the sensitive skin next to your folds. He teasingly continues licking around it before he finally dips into your core.
You thrash your legs at the feeling of his tongue lapping at your slit, and in response he grabs you by your thighs to keep you still.
Moans leave your lips when Reiner pushes his tongue past your entrance. He groans lustfully when he tastes you, making you blush.
He moves his tongue in and out of you eagerly till you feel like you are drenching his face.
When he feels your thigh muscles clench under his grip, he knows you’re close. He takes his tongue of you and you whine in protest.
Your protests are quickly silenced when Reiner’s tongue starts playing with your clit. He slides two of his thick fingers into you while he licks and suck at your clit. You see stars as his finges inside you curl to hit your sweet spot while his tongue drags circles over your sensitive nub.
“Yes! Yes!” You scream out as you cum.
Your walls quiver around his fingers as he continues moving them to ride out your orgasm.
When Reiner removes his mouth and fingers from your cunt, you give him a satisfied smile, telling him without words that he did well.
His hands stroke over your thighs. “I’ve dreamed of this so many times, but this is better anything I could’ve imagined.”
You sit up, which seems to surprise him. You quickly erase the fear of you stopping this from his mind by stroking your hand over the bulge in his underwear.
Fuck he’s big. His cock is straining against the fabric, his precum staining it already.
“I need to know what you taste like as well.” You whisper seductively and take off his underwear.
You do your best to hide your gulp when you see for yourself how big Reiner is. That thing is going to fill you the brim, but that’s exactly what you want.
You bend over, arching your back in the hope your ass looks good as you take his cock into your hand. He groans breathily when you stroke him, and you feel him tense up and stutter when you wrap your lips around the head. His reactions sound like music to your ears and make you eager to for more.
Deciding to focus on the head of his cock first, you drag your tongue flat over it and then circle it. Reiner’s hand goes to the back of your head, lightly gripping your hair as you start sucking.
When his cock twitches in your mouth, you hollow your cheeks and sink the first few inches into it. You don’t take him into your throat yet, first working your way up and down so you can get used to it.
His groans and pants start increasing and you can tell he’s getting close. Mustering your courage, you breath in through your nose and slide the rest of his inches into throat.
“Shit!” He curses and the hand in your hair tightens.
You keep still like that for a second, savoring the sounds he’s making. When you start taking his cock in and out of your throat, it’s Reiner’s turn to see stars.
Surprisingly, you are doing better than you expected. You are convinced that only he can make a cock down your throat feel good.
“Fuck, you need to stop or I’ll cum.” He chokes out.
You look up at him, and he can tell you have no intend of doing so. Instead you slightly speed up your motions, and it doesn’t take long before Reiner forces you to still on his cock.
He shudders as he cums into your mouth, keeping your face snugly against his pelvis as he does so. You wanted to taste him, and now you are. He doesn’t disappoint either and you happily swallow the ropes of cum he spurts down your throat.
After he lets you pull away, you swallow the remaining cum in your mouth and give him a smile.
Reiner’s face is just as flushed as yours now. “Gods that felt good, but you didn’t have to.” He pants.
You giggle as you wipe off your mouth. “I know, but I wanted to.” You grab onto his shoulders and guide him to lay back down with you. “And I’ll do it again.”
Your words make him grunt in anticipation. His cock is still hard, and as he retakes his place between your legs you feel it poke at your cunt.
You wrap your arms and legs around him and take in his face. You note his stern eyebrows and the little frown creases between them, the slight bump on the bridge of his nose, his sharp jaw and so many more little things. You want to remember them all, so even if he goes away again, you’ll carry them with you.
“Are you ready?” He asks you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You nod and give him a smile which he returns. After your confirmation, he positions his cock at your entrance and slowly starts pressing in.
The old bed creaks underneath your combined weight as he presses closer to your body, his cock sliding in and stretching your walls.
“Reiner!” You squeal in pleasure when he bottoms out in you. You feel so full of him.
One of Reiner’s hands strokes your hair out off your face and you can tell it feels so good for him as well.
He gently starts sliding his cock in and out of you, letting you adjust to his size before he goes harder.
You moan and writhe underneath him, experimentally bucking your hips to meet his thrusts now and then. The dull throb of pain that was present at first quickly having faded into intense pleasure.
Reiner groans your name over and over when he starts going faster. You’re so soaked from you earlier activities that your cunt makes a lewd sound every time he thrusts in, filling the room with even more noise. Neither of you care about whether or not someone hears, too lost in each other.
One of his hands moves to stroke your clit while fucking you. Your eyes roll back as your walls twitch around his cock in reaction to the extra stimulation.
“Yes! Don’t stop!” You cry out, feeling your orgasm approach you overwhelmingly fast.
Reiner continues rubbing circles over your clit, giving it gentle pinches now and then and making sure he keeps fucking you at this fast pace.
You grab onto the hair at his neck as you cum, too overtaken by pleasure to notice. He curses but doesn’t mind it, continuing to slip in and out of you. Your cunt feels so good, tightly wrapped around his cock as you cum, that you could do anything to him right now and he wouldn’t care.
Your breathing is ragged and your legs shake as your second orgasm fades away. Even through your foggy mind you realize Reiner hasn’t cum yet, so you start moving back against him.
“You feel so good! I want you to cum inside me!” You tell him boldly.
His eyes widen in surprise but you feel his cock jerk inside of you. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, gods yes!” You cry out.
He smiles and chuckles at your enthusiasm. If only you knew how happy he is that you want him to.
Reiner stills and grabs onto your legs, making you yelp as he unwinds them from his waist and instead pushes them closer to your chest. When he sinks back into you in this position, he feels unbelievable deep inside you.
You scream his name as rams his cock in and out of you hard. Clearly you telling him to cum inside spurred him on.
His face is closer to yours now and you can hear every groan and ragged breath that leaves his mouth, causing your cunt clench around him.
Reiner’s pace becomes erratic as he approaches his orgasm. He presses your legs down further unconsciously, but you don’t mind at all as his cock is the only thing you are focusing on.
With a sharp finally thrust, he grunts your name and empties himself inside you. He kisses you as his hot cum fills you, his tongue quickly finding yours. You continue making out till his cock stops twitching, completely spend.
He gives you gentle kisses after he’s done filling you up. You giggle at him and return his affections by planting a kiss on his nose. Seemingly satisfied and assured that you are happy and okay, Reiner frees himself from your arms.
He seems hesitant to pull out, and when he does he watches his cum drip out of you. The sight almost gets him hard again, but he knows you need rest.
You scoot over to the edge of the bed so he can lay down, nestling yourself on top of his chest and against his side after he does so.
His fingers run through your hair, and as you lay basking in the after glow, you wonder if you should tell him again how you feel. When you look up at him though, you know it isn’t needed. He looks at peace, fully happy and relaxed for once. And those hazel eyes of his which you love so dearly, finally shine again.
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miss-morrigan · 3 years
Since you guys liked the first one so much, ill do some more!
Wamuu: Joseph, my old friend!
Joseph: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Wamuu: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Caesar: So did my dad, but hey, my mom knew it all and even sorted out their wedding, so what’s the problem?
Esidisi: I… can confirm that that actually happened.
Joseph: …What.
Kars: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Santana: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time!
Esidisi: Don't go to the kitchen.
Joseph: Why?
Esidisi: I saw a spider.
Joseph: Well, did you kill it?
Esidisi: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...
Santana: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something.
Santana: I need my socks.
Santana: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
Santana: *writing a letter*
Santana: Dear Santa,
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
Wamuu: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
Esidisi, fighting Joseph: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
Kars: I am literally evil incarnate.
Kars: I’m not actually, I just enjoy being evil.
Kars: Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I’m making a conscious effort.
Joseph, looking at their watch: It has been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since I’ve been insulted.
Joseph, looking at Kars: It’s been about 5 seconds since I’ve been assaulted, but let’s not talk about that.
Esidisi: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Esidisi: *upends the bottle*
Kars: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Santana: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Joseph: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Kars: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
Caesar, about Joseph: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.
Kars: I'm allergic to death.
Wamuu: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon.
Wamuu: It's me.
Wamuu: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth.
Joseph: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Wamuu: My favorite outdoor activity is going back inside.
Santana: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Kars: When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Kars lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the person who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
Wamuu: Not to be nsfw but I want someone to hold me while I sleep.
(( I'll hold you Wamuu! ☺ If you want to see more of these or personal HCs for the Pillar Men, feel free to ask me! ))
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hamsterclaw · 3 years
Never Mind (Part 2)
You and Jimin analyse risk for clinical trials. Namjoon? He's just there for the ride.
Pairing: Jimin x F!reader, Namjoon x F!reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Non-idol AU, smut, fluff
Word count: 9.6k total
Warnings: Sexually explicit scenes, explicit language
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Part 1
Part 2
Cari and Hoseok are arguing over cake layers. You’ve never seen Hoseok get this riled up before, but apparently he feels very passionately about lemon drizzle.
Jimin forks a piece of red velvet into his mouth and chews slowly.
You tilt your head at him, trying to telepathically communicate that this is exactly why you invited him along.
Jimin swallows, and you say tentatively, ‘The fruit cake is classic.’
‘No one likes fruitcake,’ Cari and Hoseok snap at you in perfect unison.
Jimin sighs. ‘A five layer cake is classic,’ he says. ‘I’d get alternating layers of lemon drizzle and red velvet, and top it with a fruit cake for the traditionalists.’
You choke on your fruitcake, which, truthfully, is kind of dry.
Jimin hands you a water bottle whilst nodding graciously at Cari and Hoseok, who are now looking at Jimin like he’s a wedding messiah.
After the bakery you and Jimin walk home.
‘How do you come about all your wedding knowledge? I swear, Cari is angry with me for not introducing you into the mix sooner.’
Jimin side-eyes you. ‘Like I said, I’ve been to a lot of weddings. I pay attention to detail. I love cake.’
He comes to a complete stop. ‘I’m going this way, I live down here. Want to come in for a drink?’
‘Sure,’ you say, easy. You’re pretty curious to see how Jimin lives.
Jimin leads you to a tiny residential pocket set between a shopping mall and a police station. He unlocks a black door and gestures you into his little maisonette. Inside, it’s a mix of modern and cosy, the stone floors of his entryway giving way to a tiny open plan kitchen and living room.
‘Cute,’ you say appreciatively, looking around. He seems to favour greys, apart from splashes of colour like the rust-coloured rug on his living room floor.
Jimin puts the kettle on to boil and turns on some music.
You sit on one of his overstuffed armchairs and accept the tea he makes you.
‘Shall I order in some food for us?’ Jimin asks.
You sip your tea. ‘Sure, sounds good,’ you say.
Over dinner, Jimin tells you about the person he was partnered with before you. The conversation flows easily, you feel you’ve really got to know Jimin better in the last few weeks.
Jimin rolls his eyes. ‘At least Seokjin has settled down over the last few months. It was so tricky getting him to listen before.’
‘He’s energetic,’ you agree. ‘So what’s the deal with the company dinner he wants us to go to?’
‘Usually there are some high-up executives at these dinners, there’s not usually much business chat but occasionally there’s someone who wants more detail on a project. Seokjin’s not much on detail so I guess that’s why he wants us around.’
‘It’s why he wants you around,’ you say. ‘I’m not much on detail either.’
Jimin pauses, and looks at you. You realise that you are sitting quite close together. You look at your arms braced next to each other on Jimin’s coffee table.
‘You are pretty detail oriented,’ Jimin says, contradicting you. ‘You have a way of zooming out though. I like that about you.’
‘Wait. Did you just give me a work-related compliment?’ you ask.
Jimin rolls his eyes again. ‘Don’t get used to it.’
You lay your head back on Jimin’s sofa, closing your eyes. ‘Wait, just give me a moment to savour it.’
Jimin shoves a pillow in your face.
Namjoon yawns and stretches as the end credits of the film run.
‘Hey, can we talk?’ he asks.
You look at him, smiling. ‘Want me to listen to a track and give you my opinion on whether it’s misogynistic?’ you tease.
Namjoon laughs. ‘Always. But I wanted to talk to you about something else.’
You look at him expectantly.
‘I’ve been invited to work with a new artist, help them produce their debut album,’ Namjoon tells you.
‘Wow! That’s amazing,’ you say, delighted for him. ‘Sounds like a great opportunity.’
Namjoon looks at you, something you can’t quite understand in his eyes.
‘Yeah,’ he says. ‘I think it’ll be great.’
‘When do you start?’ you ask.
‘Next week,’ he tells you. He rubs the back of his neck, and something about his body language makes you pause.
He turns to you again then. ‘It’s in Japan.’
‘Oh,’ you say.
‘Yeah. It’s for a few months, possibly a year, and then depending on how it goes, it could be longer.’
You look at your hands briefly, then turn to him. ‘Sounds like a great opportunity,’ you say. You grin at him. ‘You’ll be amazing.’
Namjoon gives you a crooked smile. ‘I’m guessing you can’t move to Japan in a week.’
‘No, but you can, babe,’ you say. You reach out and give him a big hug. ‘I’m so fucking proud of you, Joonie.’
Namjoon kisses you, sweetly, lingeringly. ‘I’m going to miss you.’
‘I’ll miss you, Joonie.’
‘Maybe you can come and visit me sometime,’ he tells you.
‘Yeah, I’d love that,’ you say.
You exchange a smile.
‘One last fuck for the road?’ Namjoon suggests.
You burst out laughing. ‘God, Joonie, you’re a menace.’
He laughs with you, and his expression is so fond as he strokes your hair that before you know it you are falling into his strong arms again.
Namjoon kisses you, his lips warm and sweet. His tongue slips between your lips, and you moan as his hands come up to cup your face.
‘God, I’m going to miss you,’ he murmurs to you. He pulls you closer to him, pressing his warm hard body against yours. You love the weight of him. You part your legs, and he settles his hips between them.
You run your hands up his muscular arms, revelling in the feel of his arms flexing as he grinds his hips against your pelvis.
‘So fucking strong, Joonie,’ you say, gasping as he enters you. His big cock stretches you, and as you wiggle your hips to get more comfortable he groans.
‘You like my fat cock, baby?’ he asks.
You know he’s not really asking. He knows you love his cock.
‘Yeah, Joon. I love it,’ you affirm.
‘Ready for some more, baby?’ he asks.
Again you don’t think he’s really asking, but you lift your legs, wrapping them around his hips.
‘Yeah, fuck me, Joon,’ you say breathlessly.
‘Stop wriggling like that,’ he tells you. ‘I’m two seconds away from ---’
‘From what, Joonie?’ you taunt. You wriggle again.
Namjoon laughs darkly and pulls out of you.
You cry out in dismay, and he laughs again.
He turns you over and his large palm lands on your ass in a hard smack.
You squeal, and it turns into a moan as he spanks you again.
His fingers press into you in between spanks.
‘God, you’re so fucking wet,’ he mutters. ‘More, baby?’
Your eyes flash to his, and you’re torn between arousal and defiance.
‘I’m going to fuck that look off your face,’ he says, his voice deeper than you’ve ever heard it.
‘What look?’ you ask.
‘That look,’ he says, calmly, casually. ‘That look where you think you’re in control.’
Namjoon fucks you until you’re crying out, senseless, on his cock.
It’s a fitting goodbye.
Seokjin glances at you and smiles. ‘You look very pretty, Y/N.’
You smile back at him. ‘As do you, Seokjin.’
In reality, he does. He has swapped his usual workwear for a gorgeous sky-blue shirt, open at the collar to reveal collarbones that could cut glass and black slacks.
You’re wearing a silky blue dress and heels and have added gold link earrings to your outfit.
Jimin rounds the corner from the coffee room, and you and Seokjin pause.
Jimin is always beautifully dressed, but the maroon suit he has on now is a step up from his usual workwear. Paired with a silky cream shirt, he looks almost intimidatingly good looking. A lock of blond hair is curled over his forehead, and the placement of it is too perfect to be accidental.
‘Looking good, Park,’ you say casually.
Jimin raises an eyebrow at you. ‘Back at you, Y/L/N.’
Seokjin holds out his arm. ‘Let’s go. At least it’s a decent restaurant today.’
You eat too quickly, and are stuck with an empty plate whilst you wait for everyone else to catch up.
Jimin glances at you. ‘Want some of mine?’ he asks in a none-too-subtle stage whisper, pushing his plate at you.
You sip your white wine. ‘No thanks, Jimin.’
The man sitting on your other side smiles at you politely. ‘Seokjin says you and Jimin are an excellent team,’ he says. ‘I’m Jungho, part of the regional team.’
‘Pleasure to meet you,’ you say, nodding politely. ‘Are you overseeing the follow on to Bexsero as well?’
He looks interested. ‘Actually, I am. It’s fortuitous that we’re sitting together. I’ve got a concern about the follow on. I believe you’re in phase 3?’
‘We’ve just started,’ you affirm. Jimin leans a little closer to be able to hear.
Jungho asks you about the drug you’ve chosen to compare the new drug you are developing against. It’s the market leader, you really had no other option. His concern is about the randomisation of the pilot trial you are currently running.
‘It’s not blinded, of course,’ Jungho says, like this should be obvious to you.
You look at Jimin uneasily. He had been in charge of liaising with the clinicians running the trial, and you haven’t really be involved, but you could have sworn the trial was blinded.
To your surprise, Jimin looks blindsided by this.
It’s not really the kind of detail he usually misses.
Quickly, you say, ‘Oh, no, it’s impossible to blind.’
Jungho nods. ‘It’s just that in the trial protocol – ‘
‘Oh does it say that? My bad,’ you say, giving Jungho what you hope is a charmingly scatty smile. ‘I’ll get that changed. Don’t worry, the premise doesn’t depend on it being blinded.’
You kick Jimin under the table when you see him open his mouth.
Jungho seems satisfied by your quick reaction – you can only hope it comes across as efficient rather than panicked.
You change the subject.
After dinner, you have barely left the restaurant when Jimin starts talking.
‘It’s my fault,’ he says. ‘The clinician team didn’t mention blinding, and I forgot to follow it up.’
You shrug. ‘Don’t worry about it. Jungho’s convinced.’
‘You didn’t have to take the fall for it,’ Jimin says.
‘There’s no fall to take,’ you reply. ‘I’m pretty sure we can just fix it tomorrow and send out an amendment.’
Jimin runs a hand through his hair. ‘Shit. I’m not going to be able to sleep. I need to fix this tonight.’
You raise an eyebrow. ‘Tonight, really?’ You’ve only had a glass of wine, but you definitely don’t feel like you can take on the fine print in a trial protocol right now.
Jimin shakes his head. ‘I’ll go in now and sort it. Can I get you a taxi home?’
‘We’re a team,’ you say. ‘I can go with.’
Jimin looks dubiously at you, but you end up going back to the office together.
Jimin pulls up the trial protocol, searching for the clause and rapidly correcting it.
You idly check your emails. Your phone pings. It’s Cari, reminding you about the rehearsal dinner in a week.
You try to send her a selfie of you at your desk captioned ‘some of us actually have work to do.’ At the last minute your thumb slips and you actually click on Namjoon’s dick pic from the other day.
‘Shit,’ you say. If you weren’t tipsy you might be upset, but at this point it strikes you as funny.
Your phone pings again, and it’s Hoseok.
Hoseok: Can you please not send your boyfriend’s dick pics to your sister? She hasn’t stopped staring at the screen for at least a minute.
Y/N: Sorry. Thumb slipped. I’m actually at work.
Hoseok: LOL. Work. Yeah sure.
Y/N: No, genuinely.
You send Hoseok the actual selfie you meant to send, and realise Jimin is now standing by your desk.
‘Fixed it?’ you ask.
Jimin nods. ‘Yeah. Let’s get out of here.’
Chatting to Hoseok reminds you that you now don’t have a date to Cari’s wedding.
‘Hey, Jimin, are you free on the 25th? I’d love for you to come to Cari’s and Hoseok’s wedding with me,’ you say, before you lose your nerve.
Jimin just says, simply, ‘I’d love to.’
He walks you back to your apartment, pausing by the door as you fumble with your key fob.
Jimin reaches out and plucks the fob out of your hand. He places his other hand on the small of your back, and walks you to your door. He unlocks it, then pushes the door to your apartment open.
‘This is you,’ he says. His lips quirk with amusement at you.
He is standing so close, much closer than you remember him ever standing.
He’s taller than you, but not by much.
Your eyes are level with his plush lips.
‘Thanks, Jimin,’ you say.
He leans closer, and your heart stutters in your chest.
How have you missed until now that Park Jimin is sexy?
His lips brush your forehead in a chaste kiss.
‘Thank you,’ he replies. ‘For saving my ass at dinner.’
You scoff quietly, but he is so close he can’t miss it.
You tilt your face up at him. ‘I didn’t save anyone. It’s not a big deal,’ you say.
Jimin just smiles. ‘I’ll see you at work tomorrow.’
His hand brushes your back again, and he turns you in the direction of your open door.
His eyes meet yours, and you close the door quickly before you do something silly like throw yourself at him.
Seokjin’s face is turned towards you, but you are struggling to read him because of the big-ass blackout sunglasses he has planted on his face.
‘Drank too much,’ is all he said when you asked him about it. Which seems unfair because his skin is as glowy as ever and his hair looks immaculate. You are about to ask him about his self-care routines when you remember he is meant to be telling you and Jimin off.
Jimin mumbles something at Seokjin.
You raise an eyebrow. It sounds like Jimin just told Seokjin he can’t take him seriously with those glasses on his face, which you can’t imagine Seokjin will take well.
You hastily say, ‘Oh yes, sorry Seokjin, we missed the bit about the blinding. We’ve corrected it and emailed the clinician team to confirm.’
‘No actually, I missed it. Y/N had nothing to do with it,’ Jimin says, staring you down.
You have no idea if Seokjin is even listening. He purses his lips and drums his fingers on the table.
‘It won’t happen again,’ you add for good measure.
‘You know Jungho is a hardass about these things. The least we can do is not to give him any more ammunition at the next executive meeting,’ Seokjin grumbles.
You apologise again.
Seokjin turns his face to you, then Jimin. ‘See that it doesn’t,’ he says.
You don’t think comical is the look he’s going for.
You bite your lip to suppress a laugh.
Seokjin sighs, then gets up to leave.
‘Kombucha?’ you offer, pulling a cold bottle out of your mini-fridge.
Seokjin accepts, and you let out a sigh of relief as he leaves the office.
‘You should check my work. Two sets of eyes are better than one,’ Jimin says, going back to his desk.
You yawn. ‘Sure.’ It turns out Namjoon is still capable of messing with your sleep cycles from Japan. He sent you another quite beautiful dick pic in the early hours, which you swiftly forwarded to Cari, resulting in an irate phone call from Hoseok at 6am.
Jimin tosses you his multivitamins, and you grab the bottle out of the air, surprising you both. You swallow one and toss the bottle back. It hits Jimin in the centre of his forehead, and he tips back, falling off his chair.
‘Shit!’ you say. You get up and hurry over to him. He is flat on his back on the floor, staring at the ceiling.
‘Jimin, I’m so sorry,’ you say, surveying him for injuries. Apart from a tiny red mark in the middle of his forehead, he looks unharmed.
He fixes you with a look, and you lean over him. You rub your thumb gently over the mark. ‘Are you ok?’
He reaches up and catches your hand in his. He pulls you forward suddenly, and you tip over. You brace for the impact but all you feel is Jimin’s other hand gently cupping the back of your head.
You open your eyes just in time to catch the look in his eyes as he tilts his head and kisses you.
Your eyes close again, and you hold your breath. You don’t want him to stop. Jimin’s soft lips press against yours. He nips at your bottom lip, and you sigh.
Jimin’s hand that is holding yours squeezes gently. ‘Breathe,’ he says, softly.
You suck in a breath, and Jimin deepens the kiss.
‘Breathe, baby,’ he says again. His breath is warm on your cheek, his body solid and strong against yours.
You suck in another breath, and Jimin rewards you by kissing you again, tongue gliding into your mouth.
You realise two things as Park Jimin kisses you. One, how much you’ve wanted him to, and two that he’s really rather good at kissing.
He pulls back and your eyes pop open in disappointment. Jimin laughs softly.
‘Can I take you out to dinner?” he asks.
‘I’d love that,’ you say. He helps you up and a little awkwardly, you head back to your desk.
Your phone lights up. It’s Cari. She wants you to meet her at the banquet hall tonight before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow.
You say you’ll be there, then turn to Jimin. ‘Hey, Cari wants to meet at the banquet hall tonight for some final checks before the rehearsal dinner. Shall we go together then go to dinner after?’
Jimin smiles at you. ‘Sounds like a date.’
Cari stops you at the banquet hall entrance.
‘Does it look ok?’ you ask, worried.
Cari nods, pressing a hand to her mouth. ‘It’s perfect.’ The expression on her face almost makes up for all the times she’s made you come around at short notice over the last few months.
She hugs you, and greets Jimin fondly.
Hoseok steps out, and he glowers at you.
To your surprise, Jimin steps closer to you, almost protectively.
‘Sorry about all the dick pics,’ you say swiftly.
Cari sighs, and Hoseok glares at her, then you.
‘No one’s got any business being that hung,’ he mutters.
You swallow a giggle. Namjoon is a lot of things, and well-endowed is definitely one of them.
Jimin raises an eyebrow at you.
You smooth your face into a neutral expression.
‘I won’t send Cari any more,’ you say.
Cari winks at you, none too subtly. Hoseok rolls his eyes.
You miss what he says next, as Cari pushes the double doors open, and you see the banquet hall.
It was beautiful before, but now it looks phenomenal. Twinkling lights are strung around the high beams, and there is a wall of lights behind the top table. You can only imagine how stunning it’ll look in pictures.
Jimin’s hand presses against the small of your back.
‘Beautiful,’ he says.
You turn to him, and realise he isn’t looking at the lights. He is looking straight at you.
You smile at him, and he leans forward, inviting you in.
You kiss. The second his lips brush yours your heartbeat accelerates. He slips a hand around the back of your neck, and you suck in a breath. He tastes like mint and honey.
You suddenly remember where you are.
You pull away, and Jimin smiles at you. ‘I can’t wait to take you to dinner,’ he tells you, rather sweetly.
You smile back at him, and Hoseok’s voice pulls you out of your reverie.
‘Oh, sorry, is our wedding interrupting your make-out session?’ he asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
‘No, we were planning to have dinner first, too,’ you reply evenly.
You pass Hoseok the box you have brought with you. You’d stopped at a bakery on the way to get him a slice of lemon drizzle as an apology for sharing Namjoon’s attributes with your sister.
‘It’s lemon drizzle,’ you tell him.
Hoseok accepts the cake, leaning forward to give you a hug. ‘I’m sorry I was so pissy with you,’ he says.
You shrug. ‘I’m sorry for accidentally sending Namjoon’s dick pics to Cari,’ you reply.
Jimin smiles charmingly at Hoseok, and Cari. ‘Do you mind if I take Y/N to dinner now? The venue looks perfect.’
Cari laughs as she embraces you. ‘I knew Jimin and you would date!’ she says quietly in your ear.
‘Because I’m irresistible?’ you ask, jokingly.
‘Yes. Also because he clearly has the biggest crush on you,’ she replies. She brushes your hair off your face fondly.
You laugh, surprised. ‘Of course he doesn’t.’
Cari rolls her eyes. ‘Called it when he came here with you that first time.’
At dinner, Jimin is distractingly flirtatious. It’s as though you kissing has let down his boundaries, and you’re seeing a side to him you haven’t seen before.
‘How’s your steak?’ he asks.
You chew and swallow. ‘Great. Want to try some?’ you ask, pushing your plate towards him.
‘Sure,’ Jimin says. He just looks at you, waiting, and you laugh.
‘Waiting for me to feed you?’ you ask.
Jimin just cocks an eyebrow at you, and you hold out a speared piece of steak on your fork.
Jimin’s plush lips close around your fork, and the tip of his tongue slips out, swiping at his bottom lip.
You raise an eyebrow at him.
Jimin chews slowly and swallows. You try not to watch how his throat moves.
‘Delicious,’ Jimin says, voice low, suggestive.
After dinner Jimin walks you home. You unlock your door and turn to him. He saves you any awkward small talk, and kisses you the instant you are facing him.
Jimin smells as pretty as he looks, and his woody musky scent fills your nostrils as his lips press against yours. He’s warm, and the gentle but firm pressure on your lips has you parting yours. He licks into your mouth and you realise his hands are around your waist.
‘Are we doing this, Jimin?’ you murmur to him, pulling him into your apartment.
Jimin’s lips curve in a smile. ‘Do you want to?’
You look up at him, and smile back. ‘Yeah. Do you?’
‘More than anything,’ he tells you.
Jimin has always appreciated symmetry, and the fact that your apartment is a mess is a stark contrast to how perfectly put together you are. He’s spent all day with you, and he hasn’t seen you touch your hair once, yet it falls in a riot of waves around your face, framing it like it’s a work of art.
Your eyes are wide, and the look in them as he pulls away from kissing you is making him feel a little crazy. Why do you look at him like that?
He doesn’t realise he’s asked the question out loud until you quirk your lips at him.
‘Like what, Park Jimin?’ you ask.
Jimin is distracted by the flash of your teeth, the curve of your cheeks. ‘Like you’re waiting for me to kiss you,’ he replies.
You giggle. ‘But I am.’
Jimin laughs and pulls you closer. He kisses your jaw, breathing in the scent of you. You smell bright, fresh, just like your personality. The sigh you make encourages him, and Jimin slides a hand over your collarbones, tugging at the top button on your shirt.
To his delight, you start unbuttoning your shirt, exposing an expanse of warm skin and an edge of lace.
‘Beautiful,’ Jimin says encouragingly. You’re starting to make more noises now, your hands tangling in his hair as he kisses down your chest.
Jimin takes a moment to appreciate the curve of your breasts in your black lacy bra before looking up at you for permission.
‘Can I?’
You are watching him, lips parted.
‘You have too many clothes on,’ you tell him.
Jimin thinks you have a point. He slips his jacket off, then his belt.
‘Dammit Jimin, you’re making a mess,’ you complain, nodding to the pile of clothes he is making on the floor, and the mischievous smile you give him makes his cock twitch in his trousers.
‘I get the sense you like mess,’ Jimin remarks. He undoes his trousers, and is gratified by the way your eyes fall to his cock, clearly outlined in his black boxer briefs.
You bite your lip. ‘Yeah, Jimin,’ you say, and you sound meeker than he’s ever heard you.
You grab Jimin’s hand, and he follows you to your bedroom. For all of his attention to detail, he doesn’t think he could name a single thing in it, because somehow, you’ve managed to shed all your clothes on the way, and damn you look great in black lingerie.
His cock surges in his briefs when your warm hand closes over it.
‘You want it?’ he asks, voice husky.
You look up at him. ‘Yes, Jimin,’ you say.
Jimin slips your panties down your sleek thighs and the sight of you makes him suck in a breath.
‘I think you’ll look really pretty around my cock,’ he tells you.
You grin at him. ‘Yeah?’
He leans over you, entering you, and your grin turns into a moan. You tighten around him, and Jimin kisses your neck as you arch back.
‘So good,’ you breathe, and Jimin hums approvingly.
Jimin lifts one of your legs to his hip, circling his hips as he thrusts into you. He fucks with the same precision he brings to his work, and like always, it’s you who gives first, spiralling into your pleasure, curving yourself around him, breathing his name.
Jimin bites you as he cums, teeth closing over the meat of your shoulder. He lays there on you for a minute, trying to catch his breath.
You hold him to you, and when he pushes up, propping himself up on his forearms, you smile.
‘Yes, Jimin?’ you say.
Jimin laughs. ‘You’re so annoying.’
You laugh. ‘But you like me anyway.’
‘That’s true,’ Jimin muses. He rolls over, away from you. ‘Did you know I’m getting promoted?’
‘Yeah?’ you ask, curious.
‘Jungho is moving me to lead his sub-team. I’ll be in the building, but we won’t be sharing an office anymore.’
You mull that over. ‘Can we still hang out?’
‘Yeah. You can still make me coffee.’
You shove a pillow over his head, and Jimin grabs your wrists. He pins them above your head, and you wriggle, intrigued.
‘Don’t stop liking me just because technically now I’m your superior,’ he says to you, giving you a smug little smile.
You raise an eyebrow. ‘Yes, Jimin,’ you say, half mocking, and you feel his cock twitch between your legs. ‘Oh,’ you say, intrigued. ‘You like that?’
‘God, so much, say it again,’ he says, all signs of his earlier smugness gone.
‘Yes, Jimin,’ you say, looking up at him through your eyelashes, and he is now hard enough to slip into you again.
You both sigh as he pushes in to the hilt.
‘God, you’re so messy,’ he says, but the look in his eyes tells you how much he loves it.
You want to reply but Jimin is now fucking into you again, and you moan instead.
You look up as the door to your office slams open.
The man standing in your doorway looks at you, eyes wide, lips slightly parted.
You smile. ‘Hi, I’m Y/N. Are you my new teammate?’
He steps forward, and leans over your desk to shake your hand. ‘I’m Jungkook.’
‘Welcome,’ you say, gesturing to your old desk. ‘That’s your space.’
Jungkook drops the cardboard box he’s holding onto the desk, and you both wince at the unmistakeable sound of something snapping.
‘Coffee?’ you offer, getting up to make some.
‘Sure,’ Jungkook says. He starts unpacking, and you shudder inwardly as you glimpse the jumble of crap he has in his box.
When you get back, coffees in hand, Jungkook is trying to log in to the desktop.
You hand him his mug and walk back to your desk. Your phone rings. It’s Jimin.
‘Lunch later?’ he asks.
‘Sure,’ you agree, eyes flicking to the messy pile of papers Jungkook has unceremoniously dumped on his desk. ‘How’s your new place?’
‘I’m on the thirtieth floor,’ Jimin says. ‘My office has floor to ceiling windows and an amazing view. Perfect for you to enjoy whilst I’m fucking you.’
His words pull a surprised laugh from you.
‘Better watch it, Park. Soon you’ll be sending me dick pics,’ you tease.
Jungkook’s head swivels around to look at you, and the tips of his ears turn pink.
Jimin laughs. ‘You seem to enjoy that, though.’
‘I gotta go,’ you say. ‘See you at lunch.’
You hang up and look at the spreadsheets you’ve just been sent from the Bexsero follow up.
Jungkook clears his throat. ‘Thanks for the coffee.’
‘No worries. Want me to catch you up on where we’re at with the Bexsero follow up?’ you ask.
You both look up as Seokjin pushes the door open. He gazes at you, and Jungkook.
‘I want an update on phase 4 tomorrow morning,’ he says, looking at you meaningfully.
‘We’ll be ready,’ you say smoothly. Jungkook coughs. Seokjin looks at you both a moment longer, nods then closes the door.
‘Don’t worry,’ you say reassuringly to Jungkook. ‘We’ll be ready.’
You smile, and Jungkook is so busy watching you he almost slops warm coffee over the front of his shirt. You both pretend not to notice and you get back to work.
You hurry up the last few steps, Jimin’s arm supporting you as you balance awkwardly on the cream silk heels your sister has chosen for her bridesmaids.
Jimin glances at you. ‘If I don’t remember to tell you later when I’m peeling you out of this dress, you look stunning.’ He smiles at you, his familiar flirty grin making you feel warm inside.
‘Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself,’ you say, nodding at his beautifully fitted rust-coloured suit.
You pause by the double doors of the wedding hall.
‘Ready?’ Jimin asks.
You nod. ‘Yes, Jimin,’ you say, throwing him a look.
Jimin’s silvery laughter rings in your ears as you head in to your sister’s wedding.
©hamsterclaw 2021
63 notes · View notes
Boundary (Ethan x MC x Tobias?)
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Elle Valentine) x (hints of) Tobias Carrick
Description: Tobias and Elle get to know each other while working on a case. Tobias pushes some boundaries.
Warnings: A few curse words, underlying health problems. Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
Word Count: 5.9k
Notes: Something a bit different, but I very much enjoyed writing this. There’s no overt Tobias x MC, so this is hopefully something Ethan stans can enjoy reading too. If PB won’t give me what I want, I guess write it myself lol 
It’s early Fall, yet despite this fact and the hospital’s ‘Bloom-and-improved’ ventilation systems, the diagnostics office feels uncomfortably hot. Elle feels a prickling heat across her back, one that she has become accustomed to of late. The façade she’s wearing is beginning to feel like an actual mask, all clinical-scented and restrictive and artificial.
And yet, this is not a mask she’s wearing on a crowded, sweltering T carriage. Her discomfort is unwarranted; there are, after all, only three of them in the room.
Oblivious, Ethan and Harper continue their conversation. She’s tuned out long ago, but she catches the premise- something that Dr Yannick once said at a conference in New York several years ago.
If she really tried, Elle knows she could search for a moment to join in the discussion. But if she’s being honest with herself, she’s tired of searching for sidegates to enter their house of conversation, instead of ever being invited through the front door.
She tries her hardest to appear relaxed, unbothered, indifferent. But her uneasiness spills into her mannerisms, like water through a cracked pot. Manicured nails drum erratically on the top of her thigh. Her top teeth tug, over and over again, at her lips. The apex of her stiletto heel taps the diagnostic office floor like a furious knife.
She likes and respects Harper very much, and her feelings for Ethan, both as a diagnostician and as her romantic partner are unfathomable. But as juvenile as it sounds, she’s so tired of being shut out.
A whooshing of the sliding doors breaks her out of her reverie, and she and the two other occupants of the room look up. Tobias Carrick strides in, all beams and bravado.
Her own notion takes her by surprise, but somehow, she thinks, his arrival is the breath of fresh air she so desperately needs.
“Goooood morning team!” he chimes brightly. Once again, his arms are laden with a trayful of drinks.
“Morning,” Elle offers him a warm smile, Harper echoing her words.
Ethan nods towards the drinks.
“Another round on you?”
“Sure is, but this isn’t just any old round, Ethan,” Tobias replies. “Now I’ve spent a week on the team, I take great pride in this being the first drinks order that’s just right, for all of you.”
Ethan quirks an eyebrow.
Tobias grins, and plucks the first drink off the tray.
“Harper,” he presents her with an extravagant looking drink. “Chocolate frappucino. Double the sugar, double the caffeine. The Friday OR schedule is always jam packed, so I reckon you’ll need it.”
“You got that right, I’ve got two laminectomies today,” she sighs, although the passion for her job shines through her eyes. She takes a sip from her drink. “No complaints from me!”
“Excellent,” Tobias grins. “Ethan- a Vienna for you. Classic, refined, and,” he winks, “only a little pretentious.”
Ethan accepts the drink with a roll of his eyes, as Tobias moves around the desk to Elle.
“And now, for you Elle,” he hands her the third cup. “I must admit, for you I went out on a whim. I just hope my guess is a lucky one.”
Curiosity piqued, Elle presses the rim to her lips. She is aware of the eyes of both Tobias and Ethan following her action with interest. Mild, pleasant citrus swims onto her palate.
“Lemon balm?” she asks Tobias. He nods. “You going to elaborate?”
He shrugs.
“Well, I’ve noticed that I’ve never seen you with a coffee before 4pm, so I figured you like to limit caffeine earlier in the day. And I’ve seen you make up a couple of herbal teas before. I took a gamble and figured you’d like this one.”
“Impressive guess, Carrick,” Elle nods, amused. She takes a sip. “It’s good, thank you.”
“Those are some very…astute observations” says Ethan stiffly, as Tobias takes a seat beside Elle. “Maybe you can put your perceptiveness to better use for our next case.”
He slides three manila envelopes across the table, and the team begin to peruse.
“Jake Adams. 17-year-old male admitted last night, with multiple cardiac arrests,” Ethan begins. “He collapsed at school, was unresponsive, no signs of life, but luckily a fellow student was able to perform high-quality CPR until the paramedics arrived. Heart rhythm on their defibrillator was ventricular fibrillation, he was shocked, back to normal sinus rhythm. Between the scene, being loaded onto the stretcher, in the ambulance and arriving here, he arrested and was shocked again 5 more times.”
“Jesus, poor boy,” murmurs Elle, a crease forming between her brows.
“Cardiology have asked us if we can determine the cause of the arrest, which will of course determine the treatment,” Ethan explains.
“This case only came in last night and since he’s now on life support, we’re able to bypass Bloom’s absurd judicial performance and get straight into it,” Harper adds. “Actually, Ethan and I discussed it at length before you both arrived, and we have some solid ideas.”
Elle looks up from the file, quirking an eyebrow.
“So I’m thinking Long QT syndrome, or maybe Brugada,” says Harper.
“They would definitely explain the spontaneous cardiac arrest,” Ethan adds, “Harper and I have ordered genetic testing for both on immediate family members already.”
“Any family history of sudden cardiac death?” Tobias asks.
“Not that we know of,” says Ethan. “But that wouldn’t rule it out.”
Elle frowns slightly as she browses the file. The tests ordered so far are scant, and in her mind, there are several pieces of the diagnostic puzzle missing. But this didn’t seem to stop Harper and Ethan steamrollering ahead, and seemingly settling on a diagnosis before the case had even been presented.
“Does Jake have a-”
“Do you remember that patient with Brugada syndrome who came in for a study a few years ago, Ethan?” Harper turns to Ethan suddenly.
“Ah yes, Paul?” Ethan chuckles, “he was quite a character.”
As Harper and Ethan drift off once again, Elle glances up to see Tobias looking at her quizzically. She lets out a heavy sigh.
Tobias clears his throat.
“Hate to interrupt your…uh…stroll down memory lane,” he begins. “But Elle was about to ask a question about the case, and you both spoke over her.”
The three other diagnosticians turn to Tobias, and a tense silence hangs in the air. After a beat, Harper speaks up.
“I’m sorry Elle,” she says, sincerely. “That was out of line, please continue.”
Tobias turns to Ethan expectantly, who meets Elle’s eye.
Something flickers across his face for a moment, a mixture of shame, guilt, embarrassment, perhaps? It’s a look that Elle can’t quite place. Then, his eyes skim to Tobias and he coughs awkwardly.
“Yes…thank you Tobias. We did speak over you, Elle, I apologise. What were you saying?”
“I was asking if he had a 15-Lead ECG.”
“Not yet,” Harper replies.
“Then until he has one, I don’t think you can consider Brugada syndrome,” says Elle. “We’d need to do an ajmaline challenge too. I can see from the echocardiogram reports in here that he has a structurally normal heart, so we can definitely exclude congenital heart disease as the cause. But for me personally,” she gestures to the file, “there’s a lot missing in here. About what actually happened.”
“How do you mean?” Ethan asks.
“About the context of the cardiac arrest. All we know is that he was at school, but what was he doing? Was he doing anything strenuous, did it happen at rest? There’s a lot more I’d like to know.”
The rest of the team nod thoughtfully.
“I agree…if it happened during exertion, there’s a few other things we could rule out,” says Tobias.
“Exactly,” says Elle. “I think we should consider catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.”
“You’re thinking CPVT?” asks Ethan, interested. “It’s a possibility.”
“Yes, and it’s one I’d like to investigate more by visiting the school, and finding out more about what happened” says Elle.
“I think that’s a good idea,” Harper responds, twirling her fountain pen between her fingers. “But unfortunately, I won’t be able to join you on your expedition. Like Tobias said, I’ve got a full day in the OR.”
The rest of the team turn to Ethan, who hesitates.
“I…have a meeting with Naveen and the board until lunch,” he says. “Which-”
“-means it’s just you and me, Valentine!” exclaims Tobias, clapping his hands together. “Oh boy, I’ve been looking forward to my first house call with the diagnostics team. We’re going to be on some scooby doo shit, Elle!”
“I beg your pardon?” says Ethan, scowling. Elle can’t help but burst out laughing.
“That settles it then, me and Elle will go to the school,” says Tobias, standing up from his chair. At the same time, Harper gets a page that her surgery is starting and bids them a hurried farewell.
“I was going to say, which means the three of us can go this afternoon once I’m finished,” Ethan says stiffly, as Harper heads out. Tobias shoots him a bemused look.
“I’d rather not wait,” says Elle flatly.
Ethan has wasted enough time in their meetings by bringing up pointless anecdotes with Harper, and she’s very keen to revert her focus to the patients, to diagnostics- the things she loves.
“Me and Valentine will be just fine, E. After all, I’m sure what happened with Jake is still pretty raw to the kids and staff, we’ll need to handle it delicately. Two’s company, three’s a crowd, right?” Tobias flashes Elle a smile.
The same look as before flashes across Ethan’s face, although this time, Elle thinks, it has less of the awkwardness and embarrassment and more of the…something else. His bright blue eyes seem to narrow a fraction, as he looks between Tobias and the woman of his affections.
“Alright,” he sighs finally. “We’ll reconvene when you’re back.”
“Let’s get this show on the road!” says Tobias happily. “To the mystery machine!”
He crosses the room to retrieve his car keys from his bag, while Ethan turns to Elle, and this time, the look of concern is undeniable.
“If you need anything,” he closes some of the distance between them and lowers his voice just a little, “just call me.”
“I think we can handle it,” says Elle, not unkindly. “Enjoy your meeting. And tell Naveen I said hello.”
And with that, she and Tobias leave the office.
A short while later, Elle and Tobias are riding in his blue Mercedes S-Class on the way to Jake’s school, a short drive away in South Quincy.
“Not exactly the mystery machine, huh?” says Elle, glancing around at the plush interior.
Tobias shrugs.
“The same colour, at least.”
Boston blurs by as Tobias pulls into a main road, and Elle turns to look at him. His side profile is unmistakably handsome. He drives one handed, the other resting on his thigh.
“So, how’s June?”
He gives a wry half smile, and glances at her.
“Is that your way of asking if we’re still sleeping together?”
“No!” says Elle, honestly. “I’m just wondering how she’s fitting in at Mass Ken. I mean, she left Edenbrook when she thought the ship was going to sink. I got the impression she was pretty keen to be working on your team, now I can’t help but think now you’ve come here, Aurora too…don’t you think she’s been left kinda high and dry?”
“In all honesty, I haven’t seen her for a while, and don’t expect to again anytime soon,” Tobias admits. “But trust me, Hirata will be just fine. She’s head of the team there now.”
Elle raises her eyebrows, impressed.
“I’d say she moves fast, but actually, that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.”
“She was pissed as hell when I said I was leaving, don’t get me wrong,” says Tobias. “But she’s the strongest diagnostician on that team, and the strongest player too.”
“She knows how to play the game. She’ll have no trouble asserting herself as the new leader, running the show the way she wants to.”
Elle thinks back to her time working with June. The way she changed her personality to gain patients’ trust…and Elle’s. Distant anger simmers at the back of her mind, as she remembers how June stole her employee file.
“I agree…office politics was always child’s play for June.”
“Speaking of,” says Tobias as they stop at a red light. He turns to look at her. “The meeting this morning seemed very…uh…political.”
Elle pauses as feels the uncomfortable tingling rise in her chest. She could ask “what are you talking about?”, but she knows exactly what he’s talking about. And there’s something about Carrick that makes her want to cut the crap, to be upfront. So she is.
“You mean Harper and Ethan…”
“Yeah, that. Whatever the hell that was.”
Elle is silent.
“Does that…happen a lot?”
“More often than I’d like.”
“Well, good job I’m here then,” he grins.
Elle’s head whips around.
“Excuse me?”
“C’mon, you can’t tell me you didn’t appreciate the out.”
She rounds on him.
“Ok, let’s make one thing clear, I don’t need you to fight my battles” says Elle angrily. “Since Harper joined, every time the two of them have gone off track, I’ve steered them back on. I’m here for the patient, to solve the case, and nothing is going to detract my focus from that. That’s the way it’s going to stay, with or without your “outs”, Tobias.”
Tobias chuckles.
“You’re feisty Elle, I like it.” His eyes sweep over her from head to toe, which makes Elle feel more angry, but also, inexplicably, makes her stomach flutter a little.
“What I mean is,” Tobias speaks more seriously; sensing her anger, but mercifully oblivious to the other sensation, “I hope you know you’ve got someone else in your corner Elle. I know how much you care about your patients, and I know Bloom’s going to make life for the team difficult, and try and undermine our every move. That’s not helped when it feels like you’re not listened to by the actual people in it. You’re an excellent doctor Elle, and I value your input. The others should too.”
Elle is dumbstruck. She still doesn’t know what to make of Tobias Carrick; she had picked up pieces and hints from the scattered stories she’d heard from Ethan, most recently in their walk through the rose garden. But while considering the perspective and feelings of the man she so deeply cares for, she acknowledges it is biased. Elle knows that she has good reason to be wary of Tobias; it was not just Ethan he had toyed with, after all- Aurora had been burned by him too.
But, Tobias had helped to save her life. And the genuine smile that he gave her through the contamination screens of that cursed room, on the worst day of her life, had always stayed with her.
So, with a pinch of salt ready between her fingers, Elle decided from the moment he joined the team, that she would form her own opinion of him.
It occurs to her then, just how much Ethan sees the world in black and white. But Tobias Carrick is very much a shade of grey.
Before she can respond to him, the GPS on Tobias’ dash declares that they are arriving at their destination, and sure enough, Elle sees the school up ahead on the right.
“Here we are,” murmurs Tobias as he pulls in through the school gates. “Looks like we’re expected.”
They park up and head over to the school steps, surrounded by blossom trees, where a middle aged woman offers them a watery smile and extends a hand.
“Ah, hello…the doctors from Edenbrook, I presume?” she asks. “I’m Helena Brady, the principal of Greenview High.”
“Yes, we spoke earlier on the phone,” says Elle. “I’m Dr Eleanor Valentine, and this is Dr Tobias Carrick. We’re here to speak to the people that were with Jake when he collapsed?”
“I’m afraid it’s just the one person,” says Helena gravely, leading them through the school. “His friend Charlie was the only one who saw it, and then ran for help. How is Jake doing?”
“He’s still in a coma, but stable,” says Tobias. “The most important thing for us to help him, is find out from Charlie some more about the collapse, and go from there.”
Helena nods, as they come to a stop outside a small office.
“We’ve all been praying for him, it’s so tragically sad…nothing like this has ever happened to a student before,” she sniffs stoically. “Thank you for your work doctors, but please, be gentle with the boy. He’s still very shaken.”
Elle smiles at her reassuringly.
“We will be, don’t worry.”
As Tobias and Elle knock and enter the room, the boy springs to his feet, eyes wild.
“You’re the doctors…how’s Jake, is he-oh god is he-is he dead?” he cries.
“No, Jake is ok. He’s been through a lot, but he’s recovering,” says Elle gently. Charlie sinks back into his chair, though his knees are still quaking.
“It’s Charlie right?” Tobias asks, pulling up a chair. “I’m Tobias and this is Elle. We’re Jake’s doctors. Do you know why we’re here today?”
“Y-yes, that’s me,” Charlie sniffs. “Principal Brady said you were here to talk to me about Jake…I was so scared, I thought, I thought that meant he had died.”
Elle kneels in front of him, laying a gentle hand on his knee.
“I’m really sorry that us coming made you think that, Charlie,” she says. “It must have been really tough watching Jake collapse like that, I’m not surprised you’re thinking the worst. But we think we can help Jake get better, we just need your help.”
Some of the tension seems to leave Charlie’s body upon hearing this; his shudders subside. He pulls anxiously at the strings of his hoodie, unruly teenage bangs falling over his forehead.
“So, Charlie,” Tobias asks as Elle pulls up a chair beside him, “do you think you could tell us a bit more about what Jake was doing when you saw him collapse? Had he been running, exercising, working out?”
“No,” Charlie says quietly. “He wasn’t doing anything like that.”
“That’s really helpful Charlie, thank you,” says Elle. “Can you tell us if he standing up or sitting down? Did he lose his balance or seem dizzy? Did he complain of feeling ill, or funny in any sort of way before it happened?”
Charlie stiffens.
“No. He was-we were-we were arguing.”
Tobias and Elle exchange a quick look.
“Is Jake your friend, Charlie?” Tobias asks.
“No! No he’s not, and I’m so sick of pretending he is!” Charlie shouts. “Jake’s my boyfriend!” Tears begin to roll down his cheeks.
“Oh Charlie, I’m so sorry,” says Elle. “You said you were pretending…does anyone else know that?”
Charlie shakes his head.
“No. That’s what we were arguing about,” he accepts a tissue that Elle offers, blowing his nose.
“Take your time, Charlie,” says Tobias, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms. “It’s ok.”
After a few deep breaths, Charlie steels himself.
“We’ve been dating for three years, kind of in secret, kind of not,” he explains. “My parents know I’m gay, and they’re fine with it. They’ve met Jake before and they love him, they know we’re together. But he’s not even out to his parents, they just think we’re friends.”
He sniffs.
“Now we’re in senior year, we’re both looking at colleges, and we want to go to different ones. We’d be living five hours apart. I don’t know if we can make the long-distance work, especially if his parents don’t know about us. In the times we’d both be back home, they wouldn’t understand why he’d want to spend a lot of that time with me. But the one thing I just really, really wanted, was for us to go to senior prom together. As a couple, you know? To just dress up together, get photos together, dance together, one last time before we leave.”
“And Jake…wasn’t on board with that?” asks Elle.
“He was,” says Charlie. “He said he really wanted to. He just…wasn’t on board with the part of that which meant he’d have to come out to his parents.”
“I see,” says Tobias.
Charlie’s eyes begin to fill with tears again.
“I was saying, before he collapsed, that he didn’t love me,” he cries. “That he must not love me if he’s not prepared to come out. He was getting so upset, begging me, telling me of course he loved me, he was just scared, and then-” he sobs. “Then he was on the floor.”
Elle kneels beside him again, taking both his hands in her own.
“I’ve been googling stuff that could have caused it,” Charlie sniffles. “I saw there’s this condition, some long one beginning with, a C, I think, that means people’s hearts can give out when they’re stressed.”
Tobias raises an eyebrow, somewhat impressed at the boy’s diagnostic skills.
“What if-what if I could’ve killed him, because of the argument? And I told him he must not love me, I didn’t even mean it, I know how hard it is to come out, I didn’t mean to-” he buries his head in his hands.
“Charlie- Charlie listen to me,” says Elle. “It’s true, that we think Jake might have a condition called CPVT. It means that certain situations, like exercise, or stress, can cause the heart to go into an abnormal rhythm. But that does not mean, whatsoever, that any of this is your fault. We all say things we don’t mean in the heat of the moment, when we’re angry. If Jake does have this condition, and we’ll have to run a couple more tests to know that for sure, then it means that we can treat it, and stop it from happening again. It could have happened to him at anytime, anywhere, but he was lucky enough to be with you. You’ve helped him have a lucky escape.”
“R-really?” asks Charlie.
“Really,” says Tobias, who is on his feet. He lays a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.  “Your principal was telling us earlier that you did CPR on Jake while you got others to run for help?”
“Yes,” Charlie mutters, looking up at Tobias.
“Well Charlie, I think you saved his life.”
Charlie’s eyes gleam with hope.
“What are you applying for at college?” Tobias asks.
“Um..cardiac nursing,” he says.
“Very fitting. You’ll always be welcome at Edenbrook for some work experience.” Tobias smiles, genuinely. It’s the same smile Elle remembers from after the attack.
“Do you think, then, that he’ll be ok?” Charlie asks tentatively.
“Yes, I do,” smiles Elle. “And I think that you and Jake will be ok too.”
Some time later, Elle steps out of the school. After speaking at length with the school counsellor, she had made sure that Charlie had some extensive therapy sessions in place. Tobias is waiting for her at the foot of the steps, beneath the blossom trees, and she is surprised to see he has a cigarette in hand.
“You smoke?” she raises an eyebrow at him as she approaches. “I thought you’d know better, Tobias.”
He takes a drag.
“Vices, Valentine,” he quips. “We all have them.”
Elle vaguely remembers Ethan had once said the same thing about butter.
“Carcinogens, though. Really?”
Tobias chuckles.
“I’m dirty, what can I say?”
He dutifully puts out the cigarette, as Elle gives him a reproachful look, and turns to her.
“You were good in there, with him,” says Tobias.
“Thanks…so were you.”
“We make a good team,” he smiles, and his expression softens a little. “That was kinda heavy though. You bearing up ok?” he asks.
Elle nods.
“I’m fine. I just hope Charlie will be ok, I really want to make sure he starts therapy as soon as possible.  I know how much of a difference it made for me, after the attack.”
She trails off, and Tobias seems to sense the darkness clouding over her eyes. The mild September breeze sifts through the blossom trees above them with a gentle sigh.
“I don’t think I ever actually said this to you,” says Elle quietly, “but thank you. For helping to save me and Raf, that day.”
“No thanks needed,” he responds. “I wanted to do everything I could to help.”
He pauses only briefly before continuing.
“You know, out of everything that happened that day, all the work we did in the lab trying to find an antidote…the one thing I remember most is how Ethan was in that room. In all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him like that before. About anyone, or anything.”
A sudden chill trickles down her neck, goosebumps erupt on her forearms; a million tiny foothills.
Since their conversation in the car after Danny and Bobby’s funeral, Ethan had never really spoken in depth about his own feelings during the attack. Sometimes, in early hours when they laid in bed together, with the rain hammering against his window, she would mention it.
And every time, she would see his eyes darken with so many unsaid words. He would fix his gaze desperately on her like she was evaporating steam, set to vanish from existence in a matter of moments. His hold on her waist would tighten, fingertips tracing her soft skin as if to remind himself she wasn’t a ghost.
There had been whispers in his bed in the stillness of the night, when they were both half asleep. He had uttered sleepy confessions and declarations to her; some so heartfelt and moving, she still questioned whether they were real or if she had dreamt them.
More often straight after the attack, but still now sometimes, she would wake in his arms to find him already looking at her, his eyes filled with wonder, pain, and something else that she was starting to place.
‘Why are you awake?’ she would gently murmur.
‘I couldn’t sleep. I-had a nightmare.’
She would press herself closer to his chest, feel his strong arms encircling her as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
‘I’m here, Ethan.’
‘I know. I’m…so glad you are.’
She is jolted to the present with Tobias’ voice.
“Even if he didn’t show it this morning…Ethan’s got it bad for you, you know.”
Elle cranes her neck to look up at him- at the man who shares so much history with Ethan. He’s almost as tall as her lover, but slightly less built, shoulders not quite as broad. Alike in many ways, but different in so many others.
“Why are you here, Tobias?” she asks, without breaking eye contact. “You had it all at Mass Kenmore. You’re an excellent diagnostician, you could have gone anywhere. Why, of all people, would you want to come and work for Ethan, someone you have such a complicated past with?”
Tobias’ hazel eyes, a contrast to Ethan’s azure blue’s, look into hers deeply. She knows that there’s something hiding beneath their golden depths; either earnestness, an ulterior motive, or perhaps something more complicated- a mixture of both.
He takes a step towards her, raising his hand towards her face. Her breath hitches, then climaxes in a soft exhale, when he simply removes a lone blossom petal that has settled on the lapel of her white coat. She wonders what exactly she had been expecting him to do.
Tobias twists his tongue between his teeth, a half-smile playing on his lips. Once again, his eyes roam over her from head to toe. This close, Elle can smell his cologne. It’s good; notes of leather and pine and exotism drift to her olfactory nerve. It’s a contrast to her favourite aftershave of Ethan’s, which smelled like bergamot, cedar, and home.
Tobias drops the petal to the floor, his eyes never leaving hers.
“I’m here Elle,” he murmurs, “because I want to push boundaries.”
Ethan leans against his desk, fingertips drumming impatiently. His meeting had been finished for a while now, but he was still waiting for Elle and Tobias to return.
His old rival’s keenness to go on an outreach call with Elle had stirred something within him. Something in his head had switched on. A distant alarm bell that had been silent for some time, had started to ring.
Lost in thought, he mulls over the events of the morning.
He’d done it again.
He, and Harper, had spoken over Elle when she was trying to talk about the patient. Not only that, he recognises now, but before Tobias had entered the room, the two of them had been reminiscing about something that didn’t involve Elle in the slightest.
He doesn’t know why he keeps slipping up. He harbours no romantic feelings for Harper whatsoever, but he’s been enjoying the chance to work more closely with her, the friendly conversations, to share stories and experiences.
But they haven’t just been work related, he thinks. Did I really need to bring up the flamenco lessons? Or Gaston’s? He recalls the look on her face when he’d told Elle he planned to take her there because of its intimacy, immediately after discussing it with Harper. Before Elle’s forced smile and her gracious reply of “I’d like that,” he’d always thought he had caught a flicker of dismay, of hurt, on her features.
Now he’s certain it was more than a flicker.
I don’t deserve her, he thought.
With a swoosh, the doors of the diagnostics office open. He sees the familiar head of immaculately coiffed blonde locks, and as his eyes travel down to Elle’s beautiful face, his heart soars, and he can’t help but break into a wide smile.
“Elle!” he says happily, pushing himself up of the desk.
I missed you, he foolishly finds himself wanting to say, despite the fact that like most days at work, it’s only been a few hours since he’s seen her. But as his eyes travel to Tobias following her in, he keeps the admission to himself.
“We have an answer,” says Elle triumphantly. “We’ve listed Jake for an ICD insertion tomorrow morning.”
“It was CPVT?” Ethan asks.
“Yep,” says Tobias. “Elle’s hunch was right. Turns out it was an argument with his boyfriend that brought on the cardiac arrest. We ran a test for CPVT as soon as we got back, while you were still in the meeting, and it’s positive.”
Elle smiles brightly.
“Jake’s going to be okay.”
Ethan beams. He’s exceptionally proud of her.
“Excellent work Elle,” he leans forward to squeeze her arm, as bold a gesture as he dares while they have company. “And thanks Tobias, for helping out.”
“The pleasure’s all mine,” says Tobias. He looks pointedly at Elle, then adds, “believe me.”
An unpleasant sensation coils in the pit of Ethan’s stomach. He tries to push it down.
As Tobias crosses the room to take a phone call, he steps closer to Elle, lowering his voice.
“Listen Elle, about earlier. I’m sorry,” he says sincerely, tentatively taking her hand in his own. He caresses her tiny fingers with his thumb. “It’s unacceptable for me to talk over you in meetings, and I…know that this isn’t the first time it’s happened, and that there are, uh, other things. I’m sorry if my actions have ever made you feel excluded.”
Elle’s bright green eyes look into his thoughtfully, though she says nothing; silently willing him to continue.
“I’d like to make it up to you. I think a date night between us is long overdue. Can I take you for dinner tonight?” he asks. A flash of hope, along with the tinge of dismay he remembers from before, travels across her face. “Not Gaston’s,” he adds quickly. “I want to find somewhere new with you. For us.”
Her face floods with warmth, eyes gazing into his searchingly. He desperately scans her beautiful face, seeking some inkling of her true feelings; the ones he knows she’s bottling up.
“You’re right, it is long overdue,” she says finally, her gaze steady. “And I’d really like that, to find somewhere new to go to dinner with you. But I can’t do tonight.”
His heart sinks a little, and as if sensing this, like she always seems to, she squeezes his hand reassuringly.
“I’m out for drinks with Si, Aurora and Jackie tonight. But we’ll go soon.”
She offers him a soft smile, which he returns.
It doesn’t quite quell the slight but unmistakable feeling of anxiety in his stomach. It’s guilt, it’s the gnawing thought that he will never be good enough for her, the idea that he’s taken her for granted.
Worst of all, there is the completely irrational, but terrible notion that he could lose her.
And somehow, the thought that he could lose her in living rather than in death, as he had once feared, is almost more terrible.
She gently lets go of his hand. On the other side of the room, Tobias hangs up the phone.
“I’m going to go and speak to Jake’s parents,” says Elle, slipping off and readjusting her white coat.
Ethan’s eyes travel over her form-fitting pencil skirt, clinging to her delicate body in all the right places.
He doesn’t miss the way Tobias’ do the same. Then, as if knowing he’s being watched, he looks up at Ethan. His eyes narrow, and the corners of his lips twitch.
Ethan wants nothing more than to sock him in the jaw.
“We’ll check in later, once Harper’s finished surgery?” she asks, breaking the two men out of their reverie.
Ethan nods, and Elle bids them goodbye. The click of her heels on the linoleum echoes into the tense silence. Then, he can’t hold it in any longer.
“Could you be,” Ethan begins through gritted teeth, “a little more fucking subtle, Carrick?”
Tobias chuckles.
“I can’t help it, Ethan, and clearly neither can you. A woman like that, body like that…we’re just as powerless as any other red-blooded male.”
Ethan curls his fists in the pockets of his coat.
“Don’t talk about Elle like that. I won’t have you disrespecting her in that way,” he spits, taking a step towards him.
“You want to talk about disrespecting her?” counters Tobias, unflinching. “Because I think taking a stroll down memory lane with your ex, every five minutes, is pretty disrespectful to the woman you’re currently fucking.”
Ethan is stunned. Had she told Tobias that it had happened before? Did she tell him they were seeing eachother, or had Tobias clocked it himself? What exactly had they talked about while they were away?
“Elle is- she’s off limits,” he snaps, the only response his seething mind is able to come up with.
Tobias smiles, satisfied at seeing the other man riled up. Then, infuriatingly, he turns away.
“Who decided that, Ethan?” he says quietly over his shoulder “Her or you?”
And with that, Tobias turns and leaves.
Author’s Note: Thanks for reading this far! I wanted to explore the dynamic between Elle and Tobias, and the way I wrote him in this fic reflects my own thoughts about him; I think he’s a good guy, as demonstrated by him helping to save her life and his thoughtfulness, but I’m definitely suspicious of his ulterior motives and his past actions. I also wanted the sexual tension between Ethan, Elle and Tobias, and was hoping that PB would make Tobias call out Ethan shutting her out of meetings. They didn’t deliver so I did it myself lol Also wanted Ethan to start feeling insecure about the way he’s been treating Elle since his behaviour has been trash thanks to the OOC writing, but I still love him
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ladyspaceradio · 3 years
Population: Me + You
Summary: The last thing on Ryders mind was having kids. She didn’t even have a significant other, let alone a romantic interest. However when Tann proposes something to help the colonist with repopulation efforts, asking Ryder to be the forerunner of it, she wasn’t sure how to take it. But now she's got a missing Sage, a grumpy baby daddy, a convention that might change everything, oh and she has to figure out how to tell Evfra he's going to be a father!
Warning: NSFW SMUT
                                                 Chapter One
“I’m-I’m sorry can you repeat that?” Ryder sat there stunned, eyes unable to focus on the Asari doctor whose name she couldn’t remember. 
Stepping closer, the doctor placed their hand on Ryder's shoulder. “You’re pregnant, congratulations.” 
Ryder’s head tilted to the side, glazed eyes stared at the asari though she wasn’t exactly seeing her. “I’m...what?” She breathed, mind swirling in chaos not really able to grab on coherent thought. “Pregnant.” The asari spoke slower, softer, there was a frown marring her expression. She probably wondered why the human pathfinder wasn’t jumping for joy. 
She’s gotten it wrong. Ryder clings to that thought. Because she couldn’t be pregnant. Not her. Because if she was-
Not possible. 
“That's not possible.” Ryder sinks deeper into the bed, the white paper sheet crinkles under her. She takes note that the asari is young, not even having her matriarch marks yet.
“You would think,” The asari beamed.  “Andromeda is full of surprises. We’re still looking into what exactly dissolved the blockers. Some think it's a bacteria, but I’ve been looking into those vaults. If they can make planets viable, just imagine what else they can make fertile!” Her excitement starts to dwindle as she studies Ryder’s pale face. “Erm, I’ll go get you a cup of water.”
“I can’t be pregnant.” Ryder slid off the table. Her feet feel light, and head lighter. Something turns in her stomach. “It’s not possible.” “Pathfinder,-” “Your tests are wrong.” She waved a hand. “I can’t be….” She shakes her head. The asari studies her. “If you need proof.” She opens the door to the hallway. “Follow me.”
Ryder stands in the mouth of the doorway, swaying. Her stomach twisted into knots. Lexi would probably say she’s in denial, some psychological trauma from her childhood. But then Lexi wouldn’t be lying to her. 
“Come on.” The asari smiles, it seems false, twisted in Ryders opinion. Perhaps this was just another one of Tann’s tricks. He was the reason she was here to begin with. 
He had contacted her, pestered and nagged her into this. Coming into the clinic to remove her blockers, to be a leading light for colonists to follow. 
“They need comfort to know that it's safe.” Tann folded his spindly fingers, a smile stretched across his leathery skin. “It is your job to lead them down the path of the future.”
The future.
Her eyes dropped to the trashcan by the door, she just might vomit into the bag there. 
“Pathfinder?” The asari dipped her head catching Ryders eye.
Lifting her chin she stepped forward into the dim hallways. 
                                     ----3 weeks earlier-----
The humidity on Aya was a hell of a thing. Paradise that came with a price, already she could feel the droplets of water clinging to her skin. It wasn’t that it was hot, but rather misty. Sighing Ryder ran a hand over her deflated curls and eyed the surrounding Angara celebrating with pride. Their joy, while delightful  to watch, gave her a splitting headache and rattled the teeth in her jaw from the burst of concentrated bioelectricity. This was the reason she chose to sit at the bar. 
And because Evfra was currently nursing another cup of Taavum looking spiteful.
“Aren’t you supposed to be celebrating?” Ryder leans against the bar, her tall cup of Taavum, a lovely smelling angara beverage, cupped between her hands. She knows how potent this stuff can be and has no desire to get drunk tonight. 
So she tilted her head down, letting the red curls cover her face as she studied the obviously displeased angara general who was hunched over his third glass of Taavum dissuading any of his soldiers from coming up and speaking with him. 
“I am.” Short and concise, but his sour face made him look as if he’d been sucking on lemons and not being adored by his people over what they thought was the last Kett ground base on Voeld being defeated. 
“Truly?” Ryder slides into the seat beside him, giving Roaan a small wave across the bar. “And is that true joy I hear ringing in your voice?” She puts her elbows on the counter, angling her body to look at him.
“It is...” He pauses looking at her, the dark blue of his iris look darker against the contrast of the white rofjinn wrapped and his broad shoulders. A gift from the initiative, one Evfra hadn’t enjoyed considering the small initiative logo stitched into the corner. He was likely to wear it tonight only for political gain, and destroy the offending material later. 
A pity considering how handsome he looked in it. 
She blinks looking into his eyes and away from his physique. More than once Evfra had been a star player in some fantasies she had brewing in her subconscious. “What is hard?” Her voice is low and husky, she does not think he gets the innuendo.
“To believe this war is almost over.” 
It’s been three years since she killed the Archon. In that time they’ve worked together to build alliance between their people, cultivate a culture of respect and peace, and fuck the kett up so hard they wouldn’t even think of coming back for fear of getting their asses kicked again. 
“Hard to believe I slept over 600 years just to hear you bellyache about my cooking.” She tossed out, feeling a high as the slow releasing alcohol ran through her veins. 
His face contorted in disgust. “Your food is bland, tasteless, and should have been used against the kett.”
“Hey now! I’ll have you know Prime Rib is a delicacy, you should be thanking me for sharing.” She huffed out a small laugh and nudged his foot beneath the counter. “Your people have a future Evfra, and it’s thanks to you.” 
“Our people Ryder.” Evfra reaches over and touches her bare shoulder. She shivers at the power in the one hand that spans over half her back. “This is all possible because of you.”
She licks her lip, tapping the countertop. “And to think, in the beginning you stole all my credit-I’m kidding wipe that look off your face.” He’s not looking at her but rather something behind her. 
Turning her head she surveyed the crowd of angara when her eyes landed on the odd couple drawing everyone attention.  
Tilting her head to the side she watched Evfra observe the woman, who held the hand of a human male. It wouldn’t be such an odd sight except she was heavily pregnant. It seemed all the angara had taken notice. This was a rare sight considering there were delays on the repopulation efforts. Most to do with the fact that colonists wanted safety and security before starting a new family. Another part that so many families had been ripped apart by the war before. 
The woman stopped and smiled at the man who touched his hand to her expansive stomach. 
Ryder hummed softly and peered at Evfra’s face, noticing his eyes were slitted. He looked ready to shoot something. “Something wrong?” There was a noise of disgust that left his lips as he spoke. “Your people do not recluse during late stages of pregnancy?” He turned looking at Ryder, dragging his gaze down her face then form, settling on her stomach. Something fluttered inside her womb at the gaze. 
Or it was the alcohol. 
“Nah, we’re social butterflies.” She picked up her drink, sipping it, taking any excuse to not look at his face. “Not the same for your people, I’m guessing.” Now that she thinks about it she definitely never saw a pregnant angara. 
At least she didn’t think so. She knew that the angara had pouches, and that pups were small. 
“No.” He snarled, lips peeled back, his scar wrinkling under the expression. He turned back to the bar and downed the cup in front of him. 
She waited to see if he said more he just stared at his hands. Silently brooding. 
“I can’t imagine being cooped up.” Ryder swiveled in her chair grinning at the obviously happy pair making their way through the market. “I’d probably put a knife if anyone tried to cage me.”
Evfra snorted. “Like you did the Primus?” He offered. 
She pursed her lips. “Wish I did more to her.” She muttered, taking a gulp of the drink. It had a heady salty taste that ended in a sweet tang. 
Primus had been a Devil, far worse than the Archon since she had not desire to waste time gawking at the Remnant. She was pure evil, seeping a dark claws into Heleus seeking to erase everything but the Kett. 
In the end it had been her pride that led to her demise. She had wanted to see Ryder die by her own hands, for the ‘glory of the Empire.’ 
But there had been no glory in her death as she choked on her own blood watching Ryder stand over her. 
Taking another gulp of the drink, Abigail shook away the memory. Smacking her lips she looked at Evfra. “You ever just think about how you're getting older?” Eyes crinkle in the corner when his face delved into a sour expression.
“L-I-A-R,” She sang angling her body towards him. “You think about it. I think about, we all think about it. Its like waking up one day going, huh my life's half over and what do I have to show for it? A whole lotta nuthin’” She slapped her palm on the table. “Sure I’m the savior of the galaxy but that jazz is worth what?” “Millions of lives.” Evfra offered, looking almost amused as she swayed in her chair.
“Exactly! And do you know how many of those lives I’ve had in my bed?” She threw her hands in the air, nearly knocking over her drink, if Evfra hadn’t grabbed it. “Not a one!” She sinks into the counter, both arms stretched out in front of her.
“Why would you want that many in your bed?” Evfra moves her cup to the other side of the bar. 
“I don’t want a million dicks.” Ryder grumbled, lifting her head to glare at him. “I want one. One glorious dick to be my dick forever.” 
“Perhaps you should speak with your doctor about this obsession-” He grunted and caught Ryders flailing hand as it smacked him in the chest.
She stares at her tiny hand in his massive one. Completely swallowed. She shivers at the heat radiating even through the glove. 
“No one needs a Pathfinder anymore.” She murmurs looking up at him. “And what will I do then?”
They’re both silent for a moment before he sighs. “You find something else to occupy your time. Your nose is large enough to be in everyone's business.” He’d seen how she sought out even the little task to perform. Just the other day she stopped to show a recruit how to take apart a milky way gun. 
“I have a beautiful nose.” She grunted looking at him, said nose wrinkled. Much to Evfra’s annoyance however her eyes began to mist over. “Why can’t anyone recognize that?” Her bottom lip jutted out starting to quiver. 
Evfra cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with this situation. “Your nose is the right fit for your face.” He offered.
“Really?” Ryder squeaked looking up at him. “I thought it was too big.” She touched her face and sagged. 
His hand touched her jaw, turning her to look at him. “You are perfect.”
Three words. Three simple words that came from the most unlikeliest of people. 
Ryder stared at him even after he pulled his hand back and looked away. He shifted in his chair, uncomfortable from her silence or her staring. 
“You're handsome.” She blurts as he starts to speak, her declaration silencing him. He turns to look at her, eyes roaming over her flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. “You are drunk.” He decides with a sigh. “I will call the tempest and have Jaal fetch you.”
“I’m not drunk.” Ryder pushed her thick hair back. “I’m high on liquid courage.” She smiles at him, though she is inclined to think she might be drunk when her mouth continues to spew thoughts from her brain. “I always thought you were handsome. Scar really adds to the good looks.” She nibbles her lips looking at him now, eyes tracing along the scar.
How many times had she fantasized kissing those twin lines that defined his features. Oh how she pictured nibbling them down to his lips that looked so plump that she knew they would cradle her own against them. 
Ryder shuddered leaning forward. He’s studying her expression when she reaches over, laying a hand on his muscular thigh.
“If you weren’t so walled off, Evfra, I’d almost suggest we hook up.” Ryder wiggles her brows.
He lets out a soft snorting chuff, his hand grabs hers and pulls it away before it could wander up to the crux of his thighs. “I think you’ve had enough.” He rasps in a husky tone, one that makes her thighs clench together as heat floods her core. “I will walk you back to your ship.” He slides out of the seat in a smooth motion that makes her head a bit dizzy.
“No thanks,” She jerks her arm out of his grip. “I don’t….I don’t want to go back there.” She curled an arm around her waist. “It’s lonely.”
They had come to Aya for more than this celebration, she’d come to say goodbye to Jaal as he and Avale were uniting their families and starting a life together. Just a few months prior Drack had left as well to be with Kesh and her second clutch of baby Krogan. Peebee had one foot out the door, Ryder could feel everyday she was itching for more than what the Tempest was doing. She knew that their time together wasn’t forever, but watching her family drift apart little by little was harder than she expected. 
Evfra was silent as she slumped down in her seat, bottom lip jutting out in a pout. “Let me crash at the resistance.” She grumbled.
“That isn’t something I can do.” He took hold of her arm again, and she allowed herself to be tugged out of the chair, though she misjudged the distance from her seat to the ground and landed directly into his chest with a soft  ‘oomf.’
His hand settled on the back of her neck, the other holding her arm ran down to cup her hip. She looked up at him, breath caught in the back of her throat. She was pressed tightly to his chest, breast molding to the hard plains of his, nipples stiffening as she felt a knot of arousal bubbling in her stomach. 
Gasping she watched his nose wiggle, eyes slitting as he bent his head. “You’re…”
She doesn’t think about it, in the future she’ll blame the alcohol running through her system, and the mix of Evfra’s heady scent, but she lunges, cutting off his words, smashing her mouth against his in a teeth clicking kiss that is more pain then pleasure. 
Evfra hisses, hand on her neck tangles with her hair, pulling her head back. Her lip is busted and bleeding, eyes glazed. Ryder sucked in a breath, her last bit of dignity began to shrivel as her hazy mind grasped at the lingering sanity pointing out she just kissed Evfra De Tershaav and likely ruined any type of friendship they have built over the past 4 years. 
“Evfra,” She twisted in his hold, hands pushing on his chest. “I’m-“
Her wobbly tone cut off as he bend his head, brushing his mouth against her nose, down her cheek, and ghosted over her lips. “You are too impatient, Ryder.” His husky tone sent a thrill down her spine that settled in her stomach. 
She tilted her head back trying to catch his mouth. She mewled softly when he pulled away.
“Not here.” He tugged her into his side tucking her against him, chuffing softly.
He doesn’t seem to mind her wandering hands this time. In fact she can hear the faintest sound of a purr thrumming deep in his chest. She almost calls him a pussy she’s willing to stroke when he suddenly tugs her off the main road and presses her up against the wall. 
Massive hands span over her hips as he dips his head towards hers. Letting out a sigh as their lips touch, he takes control keeping her head tilted with a fist in her fiery hair. He laps at the seam of her lips, but doesn’t go deeper despite her wiggling and whimpers of protest. 
“I’m starting to think you enjoy torturing me.” She gasp fingers curling around the straps laying against his chest. Her body’s pressed against his, hips grinding into his front. She makes needy keens in the back of her throat.
“Are you always this impatient Ryder?” He chuckles against her skin, lips igniting a fire beneath them.
“Call me Abigail, Evfra.” She panted against his mouth. She hadn’t the will power to extract herself from those delectable lips. Oh how she pictured kissing him! The reality blew all those lusty fantasies away. She made a wanton noise in the back of her throat as he nibbled her bottom lip. 
“Ahbee-gal” He purrs against her ear. The reverberating sound of his voice sends twings of pleasure down her spine, settling at her contracting core. He inhales deeply, chuckling at her reaction. “I’m going to ravish you.”
“Oh god yes!” She mewls  digging her fingers into his rofjinn, tugging to bring him back to her. 
He laughs, a deep throat thrum that she’s never heard before. If she had been more clear headed and less horny she would try desprately to remember the sound. Though that isn’t what is keeping her focus at the moment while ehr hands trail southward. Not that they get very far when the wall behind her suddenly disappears. 
Letting out a small wail, she nearly tumbles down to her ass if Evfra hadn’t snatched her waist. 
“Rude!” She huffed, craning her neck back to stare at the room behind her. Not that she can see much through the dim interior lighting. What she can see is a spare room filled with only the essentials. 
Of course her mind isn’t on the surrounding area long when a hot mouth presses to her shoulder sucking the the flesh there. 
“Clothing off.” She mewls hands tugging at his shirt trying to magic it off him with each tug. Why did angara clothing have so many buckles! Ryder begins to pout at the sight, muttering dark words about forbidden treasures being locked away. 
Chuffing in amusement he gently extracts her hands. “Let me.” His fingers make dizzly fast work of all the buckles and clasps. 
Hands free she starts work on her own clothing, while following Evfra as he tugs off his Rofjinn. Of course wanting to be naked soon as possible she attempts to take the shirt off without properly unbuttoning it first. 
Ryder stumbled into the bedroom door, her arms caught up in the sleeves as she tried to rip off the blouse she wore. She could hear Evfra huffing at her. Grinning she shimmied out of her shirt and tossed it onto the floor and wiggled a brow at him. 
“I would say your seduction talents needs some work.” He stated dryly folding the rofjinn and setting it aside. 
Licking her bottom lip she greedily drank in the sight of him shirtless, taking in his broad chest to his tampered waist. She especially appreciated the hard muscles that moved beneath his deep blue skin. Letting out a groan she moved toward him, hands out stretched to touch his skin. 
Catching her small hand by the wrist, Evfra let out a soft chuffing sound. “What happed to undressing?” He lifted her wrist and kissed the racing pulse beating beneath the skin. 
“I got caught up wanting to touch this perfection.” She whispered, swallowing back the saliva that built in her mouth. 
“Mmm.” He nips her skin before letting her go. “Are all humans so easily distracted or is it just you?” 
She let out an indignant huff. “Oh no it’s just me when there’s a particularly inviting male….” She steps closer, hands on his stomach stroking up and down grinning as his muscles contracted at the touch. “Needing to be stroked.”
He had scars across his skin, faded blue colors, almost white. She couldn’t resist leaning in and licking the one across his ribs. He let out a shuddering purr and yanked her into his chest. 
“Abigail.” Her name is a deep groan that leaves his mouth. 
And then he was kissing her again. Tongue sliding against her own, tangling together as his palmed her heavy breast. The skin of his palm sends electrical current through her breast, making her nipples stiffen and pleasure rock down to the clenching of her core.
Abigail moans against his mouth, enjoying the feeling of his touch too much to even notice when it became skin to skin contact. Until he breaks their kiss to pull away the tattered remains of her bra off her body. 
“Did you just he-man my bra off?” She spread her fingers against his chest, using his imposing unmoving form to steady herself. She thinks the alcohol has hit her system. She feels all warm and tingling. There’s a heat that starts in her stomach and pulses down. 
“I am unsure of your word,” He presses his mouth to her throat sucking on the skin there. “But yes, I did just rip that flimsy fabric.” He licked at the hollow of her throat, paying special attention to her jumping pulse. “I will buy you another, better, one.” 
“Mmm.” She tilted her head back, fuzzy brain can’t really focus on his words only on the sensation of his mouth making a path up her throat to her jaw, then his breath ghosted against her ear.
“Hold onto me.” He lifted her hands to his shoulders. And before her bogged mind could grasp his order he hefted her up, with one arm, wrapped around her ass. 
Squealing she hooked her thighs around those slim hips, pressing her heated core against his side. Her eyes rolled back at the sensation of his hip brushing against the wet crux between her thighs. 
Silencing her soft mewling noises he dropped her to the bed suddenly making a shriek leave her lips as she bounced against the mattress. Propping herself up on her elbows Abigail huffed at him, glaring up at his smirk. “Evf-”
Suddenly bending he grabbed the legs of her pants and yanked. Dragging them off her hips, along with her underwear. Which was left dangling of her ankle as he tossed her pants aside. They were less than flattering being the initiative issued clothing. A bland cotton cloth that  as Liam described  it, were ‘whitie tighties.’ 
If she had known the night would have gone differently she would have gotten her her red thong-
These thoughts abruptly disintegrated as Evfra lifts her ankle, looping a finger through one of the leg holes and holds the pair of plain undies up.
He drank in her scent with huffing breathes, large hands gripping the thin strip of clothing covering her soaked core. He growled as she let out a soft noise of disapproval. 
With a fangy smirk he lifted the soaked cloth to his nose. “Sweeter than pairpo.” Evfra purred, licking the panties then dropping them to finish ridding himself of his own pants. 
Abigail's eyes were glued to the movements, watching the fabric slide down his hips, lower and lower until Evfra was completely revealed to her. 
Lips parted in surprise, she stared at his cock. It was a darker blue and violet color, speckled with white across the underside of the shaft. He was thick and similar to a human male: if you didn’t count the fluttering ridges, the tapered head and bulbous base. The thing that shocked her and had her inching up the bed was that is was writhing against his stomach as if it had a mind of its own. 
Abigail didn't get to study him much before he grabbed her ankles and pulled her forward to the edge of the bed. 
Kissing each ankle Evfra placed the on his elbow, spreading her wide open for him like a flower blooming in spring. His eyes glued to her flushed skin. Pupils dilated, lips curled upward, he made a low snarling sound. 
Abigail flushed shifted against the bed feeling utterly vulnerable being spread before him like a feast. Which is how he was looking at her. She could even see him drag his tongue across his lower lip. 
“I must look alien to you.” She whispered self-conscious of her nudity. She curled an arm over her breast and sucked on her bottom lip. 
“You are….” He swallowed audibly, drawing his gaze from her pink cunt to her eyes. “Beautiful.” He purred, kneeling between her thighs. “I have never seen anything close to you.” 
“I’ve been curious,” his tone has taken a raspier note. The ‘r’s of his words dragged out in a sound that makes her shiver.  Warm hands drag along her thighs. Her muscles quiver in anticipation as he settled between her parted legs and inhales. 
Mewling she arches into him, head tossing back and forth in frustration. She wants him to touch her-why wasn’t he touching her. 
“Your kinds coupling is violent,” He strokes a hand down her skin. Petting her with the lightest touches on her stomach, hips, arms. But no where she WANTS him to touch. 
There is a tiny thought that wonders at what he’s seen to make such a judgement but it’s swept away in the tidal wave of arousal beneath his gentle touches. 
“Please!” Ryder keens softly her own hands trail up her body cupping the gentle slopes of her breast. 
He watches her but does nothing to end her torment as he speaks with slow decisive touch’s over her skin. “Your softer than any Angara I’ve been with.” As if to emphasize this point he groped the fat of her hips. She sighs as the touch, undulating beneath him. “I will not take you as your people do.” He bends tongue drags across the divot of her hip bone up the planes of her stomach. 
“Don’t care!” She cries out pinching her nipple watching him taste her skin with small licks traveling up her body. Everything throbs at the sight. She can feel herself spasm with need, a yearning to feel him slip between her thighs, to fill her to the edge of pain. To fuck her into this mattress till she can no longer move. 
He smirks leaning over her. “Responsive.” He stops her hands gathering both wrist. “Much better then the vids.” He murmurs softly against the swell of her breast. She’s holding her breath, nearly vibrating with wanton need.
A small thought bubbles in the back of her mind, that she’s edging the point of no return. That this was going to be a bad idea that spirals into a pit of despair if she didn’t stop. But that little bubble popped the moment his tongue sweeps out against her pert nipple. 
Crying out she arches into him, hands twist in the hold that has them. “Sensitive.” He growled lapping at the pink nub, circling it with the tip of his blunt tongue. Her toes curl at the feeling, his tongue had a texture to them and seemed to vibrate against the peak of her breast. 
He nibbled down the slope of her puffy breast, switching to lavish the other with attention. 
“I like how soft you are.” He growls squeezing and molding the breast to the palm of his hand. “How incredibly soft.” His mouth seals of the taunt peak, making her arch up into the sucking of his hot mouth.
He’s making a wet slurping sound while he suckles the peak of her nipple. His hand spanning her ribs moves down her side, cupping her rear that is pressed against his clavicle bone, which she’s been rutting unconsciously again.
She let out a moan as his finger slid along her cunt. He let out a rumble, seemingly surprised at how wet she was. Abandoning her breast with gentle kisses he travels down her stomach. Stopping to lavish attention to each of her small scars, freckles, and stretch marks. He grins at her as he nibbles her hip bone.
“Your scent is driving me wild.” He noses her red curls purring when she jerks against his hold. “It always drives me wild.” He lets out huffs parting her lips and stares at the pink clutch dripping with arousal. “I have longed to taste.”
“E-evfra.” Abigail wiggles in his hold, mind hazy with arousal. She mewls, trembling in anticipation. He seems to be taking his time savoring her scent that has her flushing with embarrassment. That doesn’t last long when he opens his mouth and licks along her slit with a decisive stroke. 
She mewls softly, hips jerking against his mouth. His spans a hand against her stomach, keeping her in place while his tongue makes feather soft touches across her cunt. It was light and gentle touches that were driving her wildly mad.
Thighs kept spread with his shoulders, he had full control of her body. She let out a deep cry, body shuddering. “Evfra!” She grabs his sheets jerking up into his mouth, trying to grind into him. 
He lets out a purr, vibrating that tongue against her clit that sends her spiralling down. Eyes rolling back as a slow building orgasm trickles into her system. Every muscle in her body quivers beneath the slow lazy licks of his tongue. Gasping, her knees fall open, hips ground up into his mouth. Rocking in time with his broad strokes. 
“Evfra, Evfra evfra.” She chants feeling the burn of overstimulation but she can’t stop rocking into him, can’t stop the second orgasm building as he audibly gulps at her cream. She lets out a sharp yelp when he presses a thick, blunt, finger into her weeping entrance. 
“Look at how you grasp me.” He purrs. “Greedy.” He sinks his finger deeper into her swollen, pink, clutch. Cooing at the way she grips his digit. Like a hungry mouth suckling him back in. 
Moaning, her head tossed side to side as he filled her up, opening her wide with slick wet noises as he moved his finger inside of her. It had been a long dry season since she last been with a man. At the moment she couldn’t even remember it, only what Evfra was doing to her body as he shifted pulling her hips higher. 
Nibbling her outer lip he thrust his finger deeper, both groaning as he did. “So soft.” He rasped. “How can any male leave this body.” His eyes met hers. “I’m going to make you sing for me.” 
Singing wasn’t what she felt her throat was doing. Opera more like it as she shrieked at the powerful orgasm that made her body arch and clench. She practically bowed off the bed while her vision went dark. All the while she could feel him still working his finger deeper into her cunt while loudly licking up the cum dripping out of her. 
“Stars.” He rasped  looking at her flushed body and shaking limbs. 
Abigail certainly felt like she saw stars as she went limp against the mattress. Her body jerked against him as he withdrew his finger. Drowsiness edged into her consciousness as she stretched languid. 
Of course two orgasms later and Evfra was nowhere near done with her. He chuckled as he kissed up her body, saying hello to the girls before he was fully looming over Ryder. 
“I hope you aren’t about to fall asleep.” He nudged his nose against her chin, urging her thighs to wrap around his waist. 
“Mmm.” Ryder cracked an eye open suddenly far more awake as something rolled against her sensitive lips. Breath hitched when he nudged her entrance with the head of his cock. 
“Oh!” SHe gasped as the odd sensation of being filled by something that wasn’t entirely human. 
Thighs quivering against his hips, she attempted to roll away from the burrowing entity that was Evfra’s cock, only to feel the first set of ridges slip into her and go completely still. She was instantly melting into a puddle of pleasure as they rowed against the walls of her. Especially tickling her g-spot. Making her clench around him with a groan. 
Scar wrinkled he closed his eyes holding her hips, soft a mewling noise left his throat. “Stars.” He looked down at her then, eyes slitted. “The way you grip me…” He rubbed the mark he left on her skin, breathing hard. 
Drool was dribbling out of her mouth while she gazed up at Evfra, hips rolling against the thick cock. Toes curling, heels digging into his back to spur him on. But Evfra seemed determined to drive her mad. He moved in a slow pace, until he was completely sheathed within her warmth. 
“Tight.” He growled against her skin, he was making many marks against her collarbone, sinking his fangs into the yielding skin. Ryders own nails were clawing at his back as she felt the bulbous base popping into her cunt. 
“Evfra!” She cried so sweetly, tears leaking out of her eyes as he began to pull out of her at the same slow pace. He could feel her climax as he pushed in, feeling the way her walls clenched and pulsed, beckoning him to seed her. 
How he thought of her swollen with his child, like the human he saw before. His lips peeled back in the though as he pulled her hips flush against his, sinking into her depths. A hand span up between the valley of her bouncing breast and lay over her vunerable throat. 
She gasped, tilting her head back giving his hand more room as he cupped her throat, thumb stroking over her racing pulse. She murmured how she couldn’t give him another one. But she would-oh she would cum again on his cock, and he would fill her womb with his seed. And once she was limp beneath him he would slide down her body to taste their coupling, coax yet another orgasm from her. 
Maybe then he would let her rest, but he would spend the night between her thighs.
“You’re a treasure.” He bent over her, hips gliding along her thighs, sticking to the steady pace. Those ridges rubbed against her walls. He can feel the tells of his own climax coming as the ridges began to row, seeking to interlock with a female angara’s grooves. They would become thicker as he climaxed, ensure that none of his seed escaped. 
He watched as Abigail’s green eyes widen at the feeling, her wet lips parting with a soft ‘Oh!’ as a shudder rocks her body. She orgam’s against him, he can feel her soak him as a wordless cry escapes her. He growls bending down to capture her lips, sinking deep into her cunt as spurts of his seed coat her womb.
She chewed on her nail, biting into the skin but not breaking it. 
How did one tell the grumpy resistance leader that his one night stand led to a new life? 
She hadn’t even seen Evfra since then. Much less spoke to him. Her hands threaded together behind her head as she let out a low sigh staring at the screen of the empty email. Twice she started typing, both started with an apology neither made past the second sentence. She wanted to be a coward, send him an email, throw the proverbial ball at him and wait. 
Turning in her chair she pulled out the glossy black and white photo. Though it was hard to discern what exactly the picture was, she could make out the small pea like blobs in the photo as her children. 
She shuddered, a sour taste filled her mouth, her stomach rolled. Taking gulping breathes she warded off the nausea. Apparently the Doctor, Y’lusia, Sara remembered her name after leaving, said she was in 10  weeks along. Funny considering she’d slept with Evfra 3 weeks ago. But Ryder hadn’t said a word, just numbly taken the photo. 
Y’lusia informed her that she would be sending the file over to Lexi, who was her main doctor, but thought it best for her to set up another appointment at the clinic to see a specialist. She wouldn’t be returning to that clinic, Ryder thinks with a bitter expression. 
It was a shame Lexi was attending the Nexus seminars at the moment, and Harry was acting at the Tempest replacement. 
Gave her plenty of time to avoid, ignore, this predicament a little longer.
::Ryder, Director Tann wishes to speak with you.:: SAM popped up at his router, to the left of her elbow. She let out a low noise of discomfort thinking about talking to him.
“Any way I can put him off?” She leaned back into the chair, putting the ultrasound photo into a draw where it was to be forgotten for a time. ::I can tell him you are occupied with personal matters.:: SAM offered. 
“Uuuugh no,” She stood and pulled her hair back into a bun. “It will only make matters worse.” She stood and looked at the Orb. “How do I look?” ::Like Abigail Ryder.::
She snorted softly. “Remind me to have Jaal teach you some sauve lessons SAM.’ She took a few breaths shaking her hands out. “Maybe I should change.” She glanced down at her sweat stained sleepshirt. She hadn’t bothered dressing, as there was no one needing her attention. They’d just gone to Eos, dropping Peebee off. 
It had been a sad, and regretfully sober, party for Ryder. While Peebee bounced around the remaining tempest crew wishing them good tidings, Abigail had been preoccupied with thoughts of what her future was now going to look like. 
Groaning she tugged her shirt off and ambled over to her messy wardrobe. She shifts and sniffs each article till she finds a decent one and tugs it on. It's here she glances at the mirror and frowns as the material stretches thin across her abdomen. A hand settles across the swelling between her hips. 
Letting out a slow sigh she turns away from the mirror quickly and heads to the door. 
She is lucky that she can play it all off on the removal of the blockers for the time being.  
“Ryder,” Tann’s eyes blinked one just slower than the other. Abigail tilted her head to the side, was it old age? Perhaps he was having a silent seizure. She almost wanted to call a doctor just to end this meeting.
“Tann.” She says his name in a slow draw, blinking her eyes one just slower than the other. 
“I see you have gone into the clinic, I will be setting up a meeting for you on Nexus, we’ll get this ball rolling. Addison will be in touch shortly, she’s eager to begin this campaign. The colonist need something to look towards.” His babbling seemed to cause the spiking ache behind her eyes. One that had her stomach turning. “Mmm.” Ryder replied, rubbing her temple. “I’ll be stopping at Aya first.” She had to speak with baby-babies-daddy about something. 
Like the very impeding existence of being a baby daddy.
“That’s perfect! I’ll send the reporters there,” Her stomach drops as she tries to speak but Tann prattles on regardless of her protest.  “Good scenery, the angara are good place to start. Being all about family as they are. It will be a good start, very good Ryder,” She wonders if good was the only vocabulary he knew when he waves his hand in a wide arch.  “I will let Addison know. Tann out.” 
Then he was gone, and she was left there, feeling bamboozled. 
How did my life become this?
She sucked in a sharp breath a gurgle logged in the back of her throat and she stumbled away from the vid coms racing to the crosswalk where she jumped down and shoved Liam out of the way. 
“Hey!” He hollered. “I have to piss.” 
Ryder didn’t answer as she bent over the sink and vomited.
“Never mind.” He backed out of the bathroom and turned away.
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foreficfandom · 4 years
Mystic Messenger - First Time With MC (Lemon)
(Author’s notes: These scenarios do NOT assume a gender for MC, but do write the boys penetrating the reader.)
– Zen –
This isn’t his first rodeo, but he’s not exactly experienced; he’s had, like, one-and-a-half relationships before you. It’s been years since he’s had partnered sex.
And he’s never had sex-ed, either, so his knowledge of the Nasty is kinda lacking. He thinks he can re-use condoms as long as he keeps it on, he believes coconut oil can be used with latex, he thinks birth control pills act as a spermicide, and so on.
You and him initiate sex pretty early on in the relationship, perhaps merely a few days after the RFA party. He’s very romantic about it, too, planning a whole day in advance with rose petals on the bed and scented candles dotting his room. But in the middle of making out, you ask if he’s clean, and he pulls back, confused. “... I think? I mean, I haven’t been with anybody in years, so ...”
Turns out he’s never been tested for STDs. He’s almost offended when you bring it up, like you’re insinuating he’s been cheating on you. You have to explain that getting tested is just what everyone does before having sex with someone for the first time. 
So ... he’s not tested. “Can we ... still do it?” He’s blushing like crazy now, embarrassed he’s so behind on the know-how when he’s the one who wanted this in the first place. 
Partnered sex can still be relatively safe even when an individual’s not been tested, so long as you use lots of protection. But depending on who you are, you might say no, just to be 100% safe. Either way, Zen’s disappointed - not in you, no way, but in himself. God, he’s been looking forward to this night for so long, and he fucked it up by being stupid. He stews in his thoughts silently for a while, and you can tell he’s feeling down so you cuddle him close to have a good long chat about sex, relationships, and communication. Afterwards, he feels much less insecure. The two of you take the rose petals and candles to the bathroom to enjoy your first romantic bath together, instead.
Two days later, he bounces back from the clinic with a negative on every test imaginable. It’s finally time to dig in, and go ham he does, passionately wrapping you into his arms while thrusting deep and slow, trying to have as much skin contact at all times. Oh, god, he loves you, and he’ll spend the whole night proving it.
(Except he definitely couldn’t last the whole night. Your first time having sex was a mere two turns before he clonked out. He’s still embarrassed about that.)
– Yoosung –
It’s his first time having sex, and he’s really nervous. He wants it, wants you badly, but oh my god what if he messes up? What if he farts? Or scratches you in the face? Or he thrusts weird and hurts you and you start bleeding or something?? Dear lord help him
He considers proposing sex like, eight different times. He’s always chickened out, just kissing you on the doorstep before saying goodbye, or letting you leave his dorm without offering to stay the night. It doesn’t help that his dorm is tiny, he’s got a twin bed barely big enough for him. And anybody passing by the door would hear what’s going on inside clear as day. Take his word on that.
He had spent several hours worth on his laptop, doing research on ‘how to have sex for the first time’. He’s got his list of positions to try, how to minimize pain and discomfort, etc, all memorized.. He eventually goes out to get condoms and lube, making sure to use the self-checkout. 
You and him are hanging out in his dorm after a date, and he wasn’t even planning to suck it up and ask you, but you saw the condoms in the shopping bag he forgot to stow away, and you asked him gently, “do you want to be intimate with me, Yoosung?”
He blushes like crazy, you could swear you saw steam lines radiating from his face. But you take his hand in encouragement and he nods eagerly, looking anywhere else but your eyes. “I - I really want this, MC. I’ve been thinking about this for so long ...”
You can tell he’s nervous. The two of you sit on his bed and talk explicitly about what he wants, how you should proceed, what lines to avoid, and lots of other important details. A safeword is confirmed; ‘server maintenance’. He feels much more confident. 
The two of you begin by just kissing on his bed, he slowly dares to feel up your shirt and eventually the clothes come off bit by bit. His body is lean and soft, and he’s loud, too. Just nipping at his pillowy tummy makes him cry out. 
You give him oral, and he’s twisting around, grabbing at pillows and sheets like he’s tumbling down a cliff. He comes without warning and collapses, wrung out and overwhelmed with pleasure. 
Some cuddling afterwards, and then he’s hard again and kissing at your neck. He asks you to ride him, and when you do, he’s sobbing without shame and grabbing hard at your hips.
Some time afterwards, when you and Yoosung are trying to cuddle on his bed without either of you toppling off, he remembers just how loud he’s been and dreads facing anybody in the building tomorrow. You just laugh and tuck him into the bedsheets.
– Jaehee –
She shyly shows off a beautiful new set of lingerie as her way of asking to ‘take the relationship to the next level’. And she’s a real bombshell in it. It’s sometimes easy to forget that Jaehee’s got a bod underneath her suit/cafe uniform.
Unlike certain younger boys, Jaehee didn’t feel the need to agonize over this night over a period of several months. This is a natural progression for her. Once things feel ready between the two of you, it’s natural that the question eventually comes up.
She first shows you her new lingerie in its original packaging, and waits to hear your ‘yes’. Then, it’s time to hop into the bathtub for a long soak and thorough wash before putting it on.
She also gets new toys. Entire shopping bags and shipping boxes filled with insertables, vibrators, pumps, impacts, (and also the supplies needed to maintain them). She didn’t come out and show you these all at once, she’d probably die of embarrassment if she did. But she had them all unwrapped, clean, tested, and ready to use in a discreet box.
You and she actually end up making out on the couch rather than the bedroom. She’s sitting in your lap dressed in her lingerie, you’re fully clothed, and things get so heated the two of you decide to go at it right there.
She’s surprisingly wild. She keeps as much of her lingerie on as possible, even while you’re knuckle deep or pelvis-to-pelvis. The floor is eventually lined with toys as one is used after the other. And she loves taking the initiative with a gentle but firm hand, directing the positions one after the other, or deciding what toy to be used where, and for how long.
A round on the couch, and Jaehee cools down long enough to freak out about staining the upholstery, so she ushers you into the bedroom while she busts out the Lysol. 
After she cleans up, she joins you on the bed for some belated cuddling, and perhaps a second round. Or three.
And it’s actually in the middle of the day, not during the night, so the two of you are completely worn out by dinnertime. Food is takeout, and there’s a lot of it because you need to replenish all that energy.  
Jaehee doesn’t get blushy until you feed her a bite of dessert. It’s cute how confident she is when it comes to sex, but shy about small acts of intimacy. 
– Jumin –
He’s not a virgin, (not that it’s any of your business, Luciel), he had sex with a random girl back in college just to see what the fuss was about, and nothing else since then.
Jumin’s a conservative guy. “Liberalism can only flourish with a good foundation of conservatism.” He believes unmarried couples shouldn’t live together. Of course he’s not gonna be fond of having sex before tying the knot.
It’s not like he rushed the engagement for that reason, but if he was perfectly honest, he did wake up in a cold sweat at 3am when he remembered that this meant the two of you would be intimate very soon. 
Jumin’s got that reputation for being some d/s sex-mad sadist daddy, but that’s not the full picture. You might be able to get him into that specific mood after the two of you establish your relationship more. But for the first few times, it’s all vanilla.
It takes a long while before the wedding actually happens. And, no, Jumin’s not gonna really want to have sex for that entire period. Sure, he’s excited about it, but it’s not a driving, burning need. You, on the other hand, might say differently. 
So if you don’t want to wait four to five months, you’re gonna have to breach the topic yourself. And he’ll be torn - on one hand, he rationally realizes that it’s completely harmless to have consensual sex without martial ties. But he also believes in that supposed virtue of being abstinent until marriage. He also liked the romance of waiting. It’d make the moment more special for him.
Either way, he’s excited. The bed’s furnished with fresh sheets, the lights are dimmed, and there’s five dozen roses in crystal vases throughout the bedroom. 
It’ll start with wine while sitting on the bed - if you don’t drink, you have a glass of something you prefer while he’s sipping on some $12,000 vintage - and he drills a hole in your face with his loving gaze while singing your virtues. He wants you naked before he is, so after some kissing you’ll be nude on the sheets while he finally takes his clothes off.
Jumin has no idea what sex is ‘supposed’ to look like, which is both good and bad - you can tell him to do anything, and he’s not gonna worry about feeling awkward or stupid. But he also needs to be told to do anything. 
If you want him to go faster, or use more tongue, you have to tell him. He’s not gonna take the initiative. If you want him to switch positions, you need to describe exactly how you want to position yourselves. It’s a mixed blessing.
The first round goes quite a while because Jumin was taking it slow. There’s a second round where he gets more adventurous, and maybe a third round depending on how you feel. 
The next morning, the chef’s been hired to prepare a special breakfast, and you can tell that they know. Jumin doesn’t care. He just smiles all day.
– Saeyoung –
He actually was a virgin, which was kinda a surprise. His agent job never require any sort of sex-related work, thank god, and it’s not like he ever earned the attention of anybody else before this point. 
If an agency job had enough time to have sex while in the field, then that meant the job was going down the dumps fast. And whenever Agent 707 was involved, a job never nosedived that far.
It’s (semi) canon that Saeyoung asked to be intimate during the after-ending, while on the search for his brother. It was the night before all your plans would come to fruition, and he didn’t know he would come back alive. “I want to leave evidence on you that I existed.”
But it’s ALSO canon that in Saeyoung’s ‘dark chocolate’ Valentine’s Day ending, he asks to ‘take the relationship to the next level’. Which implies that the two of you haven’t had sex yet. 
So what’s the dealio? Basically, Saeyoung wanted to have sex with you that night in the cabin, and after some kissing, you realized that you (1) didn’t have protection, (2) neither of you have been tested recently, and (3) your current emotional states weren’t ideal for sex, especially since Saeyoung was a virgin. He left a lot of hickies on your neck instead, and the two of you held each other close the whole night. 
By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, it had been two months since Saeran was rescued and Saeyoung was feeling a lot happier. You made it to the end of the scavenger hunt to find an amorous redhead that was ~prepared~ this time. An entire shopping bag full of prophylactics, lube, band-aids, water bottles, and everything. 
He managed to fake a confident persona up until he undressed you fully, then he found himself blushing like crazy when you undressed him in turn. Damn, he really was hiding muscles underneath that hoodie. His arms were woven cable, and underneath his pudge you could feel shapely abs. 
He asked to be on top, you complied, rolling over and allowing him to explore your body with his hands and mouth. It took three tries to enter you, because without his glasses, you were a bit of a blurry blob. But once he was in, he went at it. Maybe even a bit too enthusiastic for the first few thrusts, he was just running on some animalistic instinct he didn’t know he had. 
Two minutes later, he was blindsided by a surprise orgasm. Embarrassed, he rolled off of you and buried his face into the sheets. You had to stroke his hair soothingly for ten minutes before he would look you in the face. 
Saeyoung’s first evening of sex had one ‘disastrous’ first try, then a much better second run, and then after dinner there was a third ... and also .5 a prance while in the shower.  
– Saeran –
You’re his first sexual partner, but more than that, today also marks a big step in his self-confidence. He’s cashing in his newfound tolerance for his body and constitution. Saeran spent most of his life hating his ‘weak’ health and thinking anybody’d be repulsed by him. He wouldn’t have sex if he didn’t believe differently. 
So it’s probably several months - perhaps years - into your relationship that he even brings up having sex. Even though he may be ready, he’s still nervous and shy and unsure about how to proceed. 
Before the big night, he spends several minutes in front of the mirror, looking at his body. He’s gained weight and a new color to his skin thanks to his healthier lifestyle, and there’s this confidence to his posture that wasn’t there before. A sparkle in his eye. It’s incredible how far he’s come from hating every inch of himself. He smiles.
He prepares one of his Patented Saeran’s Romantic Dinners, complete with candlelight and ambient music. The two of you have done this several times before, but this time there’s an electricity in the air ‘cause of what’s to come. You notice that the food has no garlic, or other strong smells. Saeran’s more cunning than he looks. 
As dessert finishes up, he gets more quiet, until the conversation dies down and there’s nothing for it; he takes a deep breath and says, “....Sh-shall we go to bed?” Like this hasn’t been planned weeks in advance. The two of you walk hand-in-hand to the bedroom, where there’s even more candles and another stereo playing soft music, and you picture Saeran putting together a ‘having sex for the first time’ playlist.
You begin by kissing Saeran lying beneath you, but he stops you with a hand on your shoulder and asks to switch positions, because he doesn’t like the feeling of you hovering over him. It’s another mark of his progress that he asks for adjustments. 
Things progress slowly. Saeran feels out what makes him feel anxious, and what makes him feel good. The two of you end up side-by-side as he takes you, facing each other with your legs wrapped around his waist. Very intimate. Very sweet. He loves threading his fingers through your hair, and he mewls every time you fondle his ears. 
His health is still shaky, so he only has the stamina for one round before he needs to rest. He all but demands you inch as close as possible so he falls asleep holding you tight. When he wakes up the next morning, he’s got a 1000-watt smile. 
– Jihyun –
Out of the entire wacky cast of Mystic Messenger boys, Jihyun’s the only actual experienced one. You don’t have to tell him that a single pack of five condoms is waaayy too little, you don’t have to explain what dental dams are, or worry about him using oil-based lube on accident, and he’s the only one who actually showers thoroughly beforehand. 
It begins with your typical night of cuddling-and-kissing, then Jihyun says he’s clean and he’s got a bedside cabinet full of supplies. He gently holds your hand and asks, ‘”if you’d like …? We could … if you’re comfortable. If you’d have me.” He’s blushing, but he’s confident. 
Of course, even if you’re experienced, the first time with anybody is gonna be awkward. And Jihyun’s a surprisingly big guy to maneuver. There’s a lot of accidental elbowing, bonking of the heads, kneeling on sensitive bits, and little scrapes. His long limbs seemingly end up everywhere on the bed, and it’s like you’re playing twister. 
Mistakes just make him laugh. You trip over his outstretched forearm and face plant into his shoulder, and he just chuckles and pulls you into another kiss. 
He’s just so soft and loving. ‘Cause to Jihyun, it’s about ~making love~. He wants to go slow, looking into your eyes, cradling your head and burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
Tries to get you off first, either through oral or otherwise. He’s not a big fan of any positions that turn you away from him, it’s just too rough and aggressive. He’d rather carry you on his shoulders before he prefers doggy style. 
Checks in with you constantly, asks what you like and where you like to be touched. Tries to get you to literally guide his hands. In turn, he asks you to please, touch his legs, his thighs ... yes, kiss me there - 
For your first time, he’d rather have a one-two long sessions than multiple quick ones. He believes sex is one of the most intimate methods of non-verbal communication, and the longer you go in one sitting, the more is passed between the two of you. 
He’s never used toys in his life. If you decide to pull one out for your first time, he’s gonna blush like crazy and actually decline. He wants the first night to be 'organic’. And he’s so driven towards that romantic face-to-face lovemaking, he won’t go too hard or fast, even if you’re begging him. 
After the sex, he wraps you up in a cozy blanket before fetching some hot tea and fresh fruit. Then there’s several minutes spent reviewing how things went, what things worked well, or how they can improved. He catalogues it all for later. 
He rarely wants to fall asleep right after sex, so you might pass out peacefully, but he’s gonna stay awake, just gazing at you for a while. 
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sw124 · 3 years
MLC: Josie and Viper
[Symbiote Boyfriend]
She hadn’t moved all day, she barely ate anything all week, she didn’t speak to anyone for almost a month; her phone muted. She tossed and turned on her couch from time to time but mostly to keep a cramp in her leg at bay. The only time she moved from the couch was to use the restroom, if it wasn’t for Viper she probably would have trouble even moving a single finger.
“Babe, honey you need to eat.”
Josie tilted her head towards the voice, no one was in the room. Her stomach complied with the tone, it growled like a ticked off bear. With a heavy sigh she walked into the kitchen, she went to the fridge and pulled out a gallon of milk. From her back a large ocean-black tendril extended and pulled out a box of cereal and a large bowl. Josie picked up two spoons and went back to the couch, once the cereal was made the tendril picked up the remote and turned on the TV; from her shoulder a larger mass formed a head and turned to her. Large milky eyes curved upwards before leaning and gently placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
“….Thanks sweetie…….sorry about all this-“ she was silenced with a smaller tendril touching her lips.
“Babe you got nothing to be sorry about, come on lets watch some dumbass commercials and classic cartoons. We’ll deal with what happened later…ok?”
Viper nearly melted seeing her smile, he could feel that little spark of joy in her…but then get smothered by guilt again…he had to help her but problem was how.
After the seventh spoonful of chocolate cereal came a rather interesting commercial. It was an ad for the Meta Clinic and…Monster/Human couples therapy? This made the couple pause, this was…well this was new! Sure there were dating sites, clubs, cafes and speed dating for people looking for monster boy/girlfriends but now offering couples therapy?
Viper wanted so badly to grab the phone and call for an appointment but…he didn’t wanna force Josie into something like that. He’d be doing more damage then good…he’d start by talking about it.
[Two weeks later]
“Viper and Josie?” The secretary called out. Josie looked up from her phone and stood up.
“Thats us…” Viper extended his head from her back giving a nod.
“Dr. Fortune will see you now, please head back down the hall to room 7 please.”
With a nervous smile she proceeded down the hall, Vipers head gently tucked beside her..whispering soothing nonsense. This was enough to at least quell the rising panic in her chest, finally they came to a door with the number 7 on it. With a hard gulp Josie pushed opened the door…
The room was massive! It almost looked like the lobby of a hotel, hell it even had a pool in the corner of the room and a tank! The room was painted in shades of two-toned moss, the air smelled of perpetual rainfall…and lemon. It was there but didn’t overpower…the temperature was perfect.
In the center of the room were two chairs, a large love-seat sofa and a dark grey armchair. Between them was a white round table with a pitcher of water and three glasses. In the grey armchair….was the doctor they came to see.
“Ah, you must be Josie and Viper. Please come in, have a seat.”
She hesitated but…Josie complied, the love-seat felt like if jelly and clouds got married and had a baby. It was so soft and cool to the touch, best part she didn’t sink it like some other chairs. Viper loved the feeling, hell he could just imagine cuddling up with his girl on this couch watching old sci-fi movies.
“Lets get started, first can you tell me how you met an how long have you two been together?”
Josie paused…then spoke. “Well…Viper an I met via collage..we had the same class, we got paired up and it sorta started from there. We’ve been together for about…two years now.”
“What kind of class were you in?”
“It was a philosophy class, I took it cause I was curious on what made philosophy so damn interesting.” Said Viper.
“I personally took it cause I’ve loved things that sorta question the norm of society. Our project was to listen to one of the stories of Plato, we got ‘The allegory of the cave’ and write our thoughts on the meaning and reasons behind it….those were some of the best nights I ever had.”
Josie never noticed the subtle blush on her cheeks, but that smile she had told the Doctor everything they needed to know, even Viper couldn’t hide his smile.
“You and Viper have a very close relationship I can tell…however the reason why you’re here is not really about the two of you. Its the people around you, mainly family.”
You could almost make out Josie’s heart in her throat, Viper; if he had one, would have been in his as well. Dr.Fortune took a sip of water and…with a sniper-gaze they fixed on Josies eyes.
“I’m going to take a guess, stop me at any time. The problem isn’t with either of you two but from Josie’s family.”
Josie began to chew on her thumbnail, Viper was quick to pull it away as the Doctor continued.
“Your parents I will take are very strict people, perhaps even falling in line with deep religious practices but yet despite saying their ‘devout’ they continue to say and do things that go against the basic principles of their religion. Growing up they saw you as either property or a tool to get what they wanted. If you ever raised your voice in defense of yourself…you were either met with Verbal or Physical violence…”
The Doctor paused, fat tears were cascading down Josie’s face. Her breathing was labor, almost choking on some of her deeper breaths. Viper already had his tendrils wrapping around her in a tight embrace, gently whispering into her ear.
Josie jumped, looking down she found one of the glasses had been filled with water…with a lemon slice in it. She looked up at the Doctor who was pouring a glass for themself.
“Take a sip, it’ll help.”
She…did feel a little parched, Viper handed her the glass, she took a few small gulps. Blinking she looked into the glass…the water tasted sweet, with the lemon slice it almost had the taste of lemonade but without the sharp zing. She noted how the water almost was coating her throat, soothing the burn forming.
“Like it? Its something I made myself for my patients, I boil distilled water and honey together an let it sit overnight in the fridge then add lemon slices to it. The honey and lemon help soothe your throat while the cold water rehydrates you.”
“Its…really good.” Josie smiled taking another sip. “Everything you said…was right, even the religion part. My parents always treated me like I was some show pony at every gathering, they never listened to me an always thought my problems were just…not worth their time.” Josie rubbed a tear away.
Viper remained quiet but nodded when she was done speaking, Dr. Fortune turned to Viper then.
“An the first meeting with her parents they referred to you as a ‘parasite’ and even went so far as to disown Josie from her own family if she didn’t breakup with you.”
Vipers eyes went wide for a moment before slowly closing…his lips curling back, showing off his razor teeth.
He hissed. “Yes, the moment she finished telling them they started calling her all sorts of nasty things and…even went so far as to say they picked out a husband for her to marry. To be honest I actually knew the guy and he…he’s rich but also a huge dick, he was the biggest bully at my high-school back in the day. When Josie refused…they disowned her and kicked us out on the streets…this was around a month ago…”
Dr.Fortune set their glass down, leaned back in the gray chair with their elbows resting on the armrests…fingers pushed together in a pyramid fashion.
“An since then Josie has received texts and phone calls demanding she breakup with you and marry this ‘dick’ all for the sake of money. I’ve seen this before and its a classic case of narcissism but also a show of parental neglect and abuse.” Doctor Fortuned leaned forward, their gaze turning sharp.
“Josie….for starters you are not the problem, your parents are stuck in a mindset that is outdated and unacceptable. You are not to blame for their disappointment, no you never were. Your parents refused to change their ways and therefore are stuck in the past. However that doesn’t mean you have to, in order to help yourself you need to first cut ties with the ‘parasite’ that is your family. Go completely no contact with them, then once thats done I want you to focus on your relationship with Viper.”
Josie blinked, eyes widening. Cut ties with her family?! How could she do that, this was her family!
“Yes I’m aware your not keen on the idea but…let me ask you something. When has your family ever done anything for ‘you’ out of love an ask for nothing in return?” Josie opened her mouth but….nothing came out…she looked through all her memories…but couldn’t find anything.
“Now…I want you to think about what Viper has done for you, who do you think is more deserving of your time an energy? A family that wants you to marry a jerk for money or the symbiote who from the moment he met you has treated you like the human you are?”
Josie sniffled….they were right, ever since they met; Viper had shown her nothing but compassion, patients and love. Sometimes she felt so guilty about putting him through her crap but…he never complained about it. She rubbed her eyes again, it was time to stop waistline her hard earned time and effort on people who didn’t love her! It was time she spent her energy on Viper and school!
Doctor Fortune smiled, the match was struck and the fire was starting to burn. Now it was time to slowly stoke the coals and make sure they never went cold.
“Your right Doctor….I need to stop waiting my time with those people…I’m thankful they gave birth to me but thats no reason to hold it over my head. I’m…I’m done with them!” Josie slapped her knee, it…it felt really good to say that.
Viper could feel the adrenaline pumping in her, yes there it was, the spunky spitfire he fell for was back an with a vengeance!
“Thats good to hear, but thats just the first step in your road to recovery. I want you to take this a step at a time, in time you may learn to ‘forgive’ your family but don’t you ever, EVER forget what they’ve done to you. If you forget then your just gonna end up falling into their grasp again. On another note as a way to help you cope and give you a extra bit of therapy I suggest taking up a type of hobby. Hobbies can help you gain a sense of control over your life.”
The Doctor paused and looked down at their watch. “Oh, it seems we’re just about done with our session. If you’d like to set up another appointment please see the secretary up at the front desk, before you go is there anything you’d like to ask me?”
Viper looked at Josie, she looked right back at him before turning to the Doctor.
“What kind of hobby should I get?”
Doctor Fortune handed them a small brochure. “Try flipping through this and see if any catch your fancy, my suggestion is find a hobby you two can do together or by yourself; its really all up to you an there are no wrong choices.”
An with that…Josie and Viper left, scheduling another appointment two weeks in advance. As they walk outside Josie looked through the brochure, there were so many hobbies to choose from..
At least she and Viper can choose together.
[I plan to do more couples, I did a Symbiote/human couple to start cause everyone is familiar on what they look like thanks to Venom. I’ll be working on more monster like boyfriends in the future. I hope you like this, I’ll be doing more of this in the future including Yandere couples. This was inspired by @semisolidmind artwork, I also wanna thank @sarabat85 for helping me out as well. My next couple will hopefully be posted very soon and was put together by my closest and dearest friend @eomlotanis who has always helped me with story ideas and character development.]
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise, Chapter 10 (Multi) - Joley
Chapter Summary: Lemon continues and completes the rehabilitation process with the support of her family and friends. Nicky starts to reevaluate her relationship with Jan after meeting her family.
ao3 link
“So, how’s the new temp working out?” Rosé asked, leaning against the counter as she watched Denali make breakfast. “You know, I didn’t think they had that in this industry,” she mused offhandedly. She had gotten to the point where humor was the only way she could cope with everything that had happened.
And Denali was sympathetic towards it. Lord knows she’d relied on far worse coping mechanisms in her past. “Symone’s cool, great dancer, charming, gets along with everyone. And it’s kinda nice to not be the newbie anymore.” There was a hesitant beat before she followed up with, “everyone misses Lemon, though.”
She nodded as she poured herself a mug of coffee. “She misses you guys too, said as much when Jan and I went to visit her. It’s only been a week, but I think this program has been good for her. I’m glad we intervened when we did… I don’t even want to think about where she might’ve ended up a year from now if we just let her sort things out on her own,” she couldn’t help but wince at the thought.
There was another silent pause. Denali found herself treading lightly on the subject, unsure of how far she should pry into Rosé’s family drama (drama didn’t even feel like the right word at this point), even if she was tangentially affected. While they’d been intimately involved for months, they’d only been girlfriends for a couple of weeks – it was a fine line to tow. “Did she ask about Priyanka?” she decided to question.
Rosé cleared her throat. “Yeah… She asked how she was doing, if her family was mad at her,” she answered, taking a sip from the cup. “We told her the truth, that things are uncertain, but she’s doing better. I think she handled it well, all things considered.”
Once they were both sitting and eating at the table, Denali risked asking another question. “Do you think Priyanka’s gonna visit her? Or wait until she’s out?”
Rosé strummed her fingers against the table. “Jackie said she wants to, but I think they’d be better off waiting until she’s done, to make sure she’s really ready to face her again. Though I dunno if there’s ever gonna be a way for them to truly be ready.” She sighed, taking small bites of her food, then looking up at Denali. “I’d like you to come with me next time.”
Denali blinked in surprise, though she did her best to not appear caught off guard. “You do? I mean, of course I will, but you’re sure I wouldn’t be intruding?”
She smiled softly, reaching her hand out and waiting for her girlfriend to take it, then gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’re sweet,” she murmured warmly, “I’m sure. I could use the moral support.”
The rehab center was about an hour outside of the city, though it took Rosé, Denali, Jan, and Nicky longer, as they went out to New Jersey first to borrow one of Jan’s parent’s cars. Like last time, they’d decided they would spend the night at her family home after the visit with Lemon. As happy as they were to see her, it didn’t lessen the emotional toll of the experience.
It was a nice facility – clean, spacious, though perhaps a bit clinical. But there was a nice yard, a tennis court, and a gym. Denali had joked that it was nicer than many of the hotels she’d stayed at. It was also a women-only facility, a request Rosé had made to Widow ahead of time, knowing that being around men who weren’t on staff would only hinder her recovery.
The four of them sat down in the cafeteria, watching as different families reunited with their recovering loved ones. It was only a few moments before Lemon joined them, looking noticeably calm and well-rested. “I’ll admit,” she said after they’d exchanged greetings, “it is nice to wake up without a hangover.”
“Your nurse says you’ve been doing really well,” Rosé recalled with a proud grin, “says you’ve been participating in group, too.”
Lemon smiled with a shyness that was often foreign to her. “It hasn’t been easy but, y’know, I had to face my demons eventually. Denial’s what landed me here in the first place.”
They all looked at each other, then back at the blonde. It was no secret, the demon in question, but none of them wanted to be the one to address it, until finally Jan cleared her throat. “So… what have you been coming to terms with?”
“Really?” Lemon asked with a humorless laugh. Then she sighed, knowing a non-answer wouldn’t be acceptable. “I know what’s been… the big trigger in all of this,” she gestured vaguely, only to cringe when it was clear that they were waiting for her to continue. “I know I’m in love with Priyanka, okay?”
It wasn’t a surprise, but to hear her admit it brought on an overwhelming sense of relief. A painful chapter in their lives could finally close. “Doesn’t it feel better now?” Denali asked.
“No,” she answered with a dry laugh, “but it will.”
“Just make yourselves at home, ladies. You want anything to eat or drink?” Jan’s mother asked, fixing a snack tray regardless. “Oh, Jan’s father has some work friends coming around too, but don’t worry ‘bout them,” she added as she set the tray on the coffee table, continuing to go on until she went off on a tangent, no longer talking to them, but talking for the sake of it.
Nicky blinked as she took everything in. They had been there for no more than fifteen minutes, but it felt like she had gone through a family gathering speed-run. “Your mother is very nice, if not a bit…”
“Chatty?” Jan finished. “She’s American-Italian gorge, this is par for the course,” she assured, nudging her affectionately and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Nicky hadn’t gone to visit with Jan and Rosé the first time, but upon hearing that Denali was joining, Jan realized the moral support would make everything much easier to process. She hadn’t even thought about how doing so would result in Nicky meeting her family for the first time until her mother asked ‘who her friend was’. But fortunately, the introduction had gone without a hitch.
“Hey Jan,” her father entered the living room from the garage with another man – one of the work friends – in tow, “do you remember my buddy, Vinny? Musta been like eight the last time you saw him.”
Jan noticed the man leering at her, but didn’t react – it was something that had long since stopped phasing her. “I don’t, sorry. Nice to see you, though,” she replied politely, albeit a bit curt.
“Sure is,” he said as he continued looking her over. “So, does this mean I get a friends and family discount now?”
Jan’s body tensed up, barely even relaxing when Nicky’s hand protectively gripped her thigh. Her stomach twisted into a violently tight knot and she could feel her heart lodge itself in her throat. “Excuse me?”
“What? Daddy doesn’t know you’re a stripper?” he laughed.
She had only a split-second to plan the reaction that could affect her relationship with her parents for the rest of her life, and all she wanted to do in that moment was fade into oblivion. But, by nothing short of divine intervention, in that split second, she recognized him. “As much as he knows that you threatened me and threw a temper tantrum when you couldn’t pay me for sex,” she answered, managing to keep her voice from faltering.
And with that, Jan’s father couldn’t have cared less about her career. He grabbed Vinny by the throat and slammed him against the nearest wall, shouting, “you tried to pay my daughter to fuck you?!”
Jan’s mother quickly ushered the girls downstairs, insisting they distract themselves with TV or video games. “You guys don’t wanna be witnesses to this,” she added before returning upstairs, her indistinguishable screaming joining the noise.
“We should be fine as long as we don’t hear gunshots,” Jan shrugged as she flopped down onto the couch with a jarring amount of nonchalance.
The other three looked at her as if she’d sprouted a second head. “You’re incredibly calm considering you just got outed as a stripper,” Denali pointed out.
“Yeah, and we’ll worry about that later. Thank god Vinny happened to be such a creep,” she brushed it off and turned on the TV.
Rosé and Denali seemed to accept that, but Nicky wasn’t deterred and sat by her girlfriend’s side. “My love, this is a big deal. We may have gotten lucky just now, but they will want to talk to you, and you need to know what you want to say. And I’ll be there for you throughout it, okay?”
Jan sighed and slowly turned to face her. “I know you’re right,” she conceded. “And I do plan on telling them the truth – that I don’t plan on leaving, I’m there because I enjoy it, and my finances are taken care of because my wonderful, amazing girlfriend supports me no matter what,” she explained, smiling softly by the time she finished.
It was enough to quell Nicky’s anxiety, even if only temporarily. “I trust your judgement, then.”
“I just hope they do too.”
Even though the TV drowned out some of the shouting, they were able to tell when things had actually died down. There was a solid couple hours of silence from upstairs, and for a while, everything was calm.
“Jan? Can you come upstairs?”
Jan’s chest tightened at the sound of her mother’s voice. “Coming!” she called up, taking Nicky with her as she joined her parents in the kitchen.
“We meant by yourself,” her mother started, but decided to drop it and let Nicky stay without further argument. “Jan, how long have you been a stripper?”
“‘Bout… guess it’s been almost four years. Three and a half really,” she murmured, then launched right into her prepared speech. “I’m happy there. Everyone I work with is part of my family and we take care of each other. I’m not there because I have to be, Nicky’s got an eight-figure net worth. I don’t need help and I don’t need pity,” she took a deep breath and allowed herself to properly look at her parents, “but I’d like acceptance.”
Her parents looked at her, then at each other. There was silence, tension mounting, Jan’s heart racing a mile a minute while she had a crushingly strong grasp on Nicky’s hand. “Are you sure this is safe for you?” her mother asked.
“Nothing is guaranteed to be perfectly safe, but our security guard is amazing and it’s run by an owner who cares so much about us,” she answered. “I’m happy, Mom. This is the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Another beat of silence, but this time the tension eased. “I suppose as parents, that’s all we can ever really hope for our children. We’re always gonna worry about you, but you got a good head on your shoulders,” she said, then looked at Nicky, “seems like you got a good woman too.”
“Your daughter is the kindest, most loving person I have ever met,” Nicky chimed in, then smiled fondly at the shorter woman, “she is the love of my life, I would do anything for her.”
Her parents nodded, both of them getting up and the four of them hugging. “I guess that’s all we needed to hear,” her father concluded.
“What’s up with you?” Brooke Lynn asked, looking at Nicky curiously. “Ever since you went to visit Lemon, you’ve seemed kind of… off. Did something happen?”
Nicky pursed her lips together as she tried to figure out an answer. Her nails strummed against the table and she let out a deep sigh. “No… Well, yes, I suppose. We were staying with Jan’s parents and her dad’s pervert friend outed Jan as a stripper.”
Brooke’s eyes widened in concern. “Oh my god, is she okay? Did her parents, like, disown her or something?”
She shook her head. “They handled it shockingly well. I do not think I’ve seen such a healthy relationship, it was kind of jarring, actually,” she explained. “But I digress. Being with Jan and her family, I feel like I know her deeper, and she’s already met my mother, and that’s the most important family I’ve got.”
“Where are you going with this, Nicky?” she asked, narrowing her eyes. Her suspicions were developing, but she needed her confirmation.
Nicky hemmed and hawed for a moment, considering changing the subject all together for a moment. “I want to ask Jan to marry me,” she finally confessed.
“You’re a crazy person,” she replied flatly. “How long have you two been together again?”
She winced, knowing the answer only hurt her case. “About four months… It’ll be four just before Lemon comes home.”
Brooke took a slow sip of coffee, wanting to choose her words carefully. Nicky has been her friend for years, but she still wanted to tow the line between brutal honesty and gentle guidance. “Listen, you know I only want you guys to be happy, right? That just isn’t a lot of time together to make that sort of move. It takes a while to truly learn who your partner is in their entirety.”
“Maybe,” she conceded. “But I think you can agree that she and I have been through more in these few months than the average couple in a year… or maybe I am just trying to find justification, I don’t know. What I do know is that I don’t have the capacity to ever love anyone like I love her, it just could not be.”
She nodded, smiling softly. “I know what you mean. When you fall in love, it feels like the most amazing thing in the world, like a high you never want to wear off. I never thought I’d find the one… and I guess I didn’t, since there’s two of them.”
Nicky looked down, wishing there was a way she could articulate how she felt. But she couldn’t, not in English, not in French. When she thought too much about her feelings, she would become overwhelmed, something entirely unfamiliar to her. “I know you are right, and I do worry I may still be looking through rose-colored glasses. But I just cannot imagine a future without her.”
“So what’s the rush?” Brooke asked. “If you know you want to be together forever, why do you need to sprint down the aisle?” When that didn’t seem to be a complete solution, she added, “maybe you should talk to Jan about it. You guys seem to communicate pretty well, I’m sure you guys can figure out what page you’re on.”
“Well then… what you are saying is I should stop looking at rings for now?”
“Hi, we’re here to pick up Lena McCorkell for discharge,” Rosé said to the woman at the front desk. “Are there any forms we need to fill out?”
“No, we have all of her paperwork on file, you’re good to go,” the woman assured with a polite smile, then pressed an intercom button to relay the message. “She’ll be right out.”
Jan and Rosé watched a nurse enter the office area and pull Lemon’s files, then left just as quickly. They then looked at each other in anticipation. This was it, Lemon was getting released from rehab. As excited as they were, they were nervous about her leaving a controlled environment and jumping back into reality. They had faith in her, everyone that worked with her had glowing reviews. But they didn’t want to hope for too much and be let down, though when it came down to it, they just wanted Lemon to be happy and healthy.
“Lem!” Jan spotted the blonde first and threw her arms around her. “We’re so proud of you for getting through this. Are you ready to go home?”
Lemon nodded with a soft smile and deep breath as she threw her bag over her shoulder. “As I’ll ever be.”
The two of them let Lemon walk out first, only to stop short in confusion when she stopped in her tracks and dropped her bag on the ground, but when they looked forward, they understood and quickly made themselves scarce, mumbling about waiting in the parking lot.
Priyanka cleared her throat and shoved her hands into her pockets. “Hey.”
Lemon looked down, then tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked back up. It didn’t feel real, standing in front of her with everything calm and peaceful around them, but the way her heart raced reminded her that it wasn’t a dream. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, huh?”
“It’s been too quiet without you.”
It wasn’t the dramatic, emotional reunion one might expect for two people in their positions, but that had never been who they were. Instead, they hugged, Lemon resting her head in the crook of Priyanka’s neck. She was afraid her touch would feel unfamiliar, that going so long without each other would have erased the memory of Priyanka’s body against hers. But it felt like they had never been apart. “I missed you.”
Priyanka gently rubbed her back and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I missed you too. I’m happy you’re coming home.”
Lemon picked her head up, warmth taking over her when she looked into her eyes. “I feel like I’m home already.”
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Julian x mc (no pronouns used!) -- set in universe -- after upright endish
Word count: 4.5k
TW: none!
Tags: hurt comfort, fluff, angst, loneliness, Julian works too much, a little spicy at the end but nothing nsfw
Some days it was hard for me to fall asleep. Some days it was even harder to wake up. Julian was always out or working, leaving me with the small ache in my chest as I thought about him. 
He was working when I fell asleep at night and was gone when I woke in the morning. 
Some days I’d wait up for him, reading and practicing spells. He’d come through the door, smelling sweet like mint and cinnamon and bitter like medicine. His hair would be a ruffled mess, eyes tired and sagging. Purple bags made permanent residence under his eyes and his lashes would brush his cheeks lazily as he blinked. 
Tonight I pretended to be asleep when he came in. Just to see what he’d do.
His voice was thick with exhaustion as he watched me pretending to sleep. “Ah asleep again,” he whispered, peeling off his gloves and boots. Off came the shirt and pants and then his sleepwear.
He never wore anything much during the summer. Just some low hanging pants a friend made for him. Venezuela was always sticky and too hot during the summer months making wearing anything else a chore. 
The bed sighed under his weight as he sat down, running a hand through his hair. There was a small chuckle from him, it rumbled from his chest and sent a spike of warmth threading through my stomach.
“Hey there sweetheart,” he said, scooting closer to me. He brushed my hair out of my face. I struggled to keep the peaceful look on. He planted a gentle kiss against my forehead, combing my hair away from my face and across my pillow. “I love you, you know. Even if I can’t be around as much...work is picking up now that the clinic is being talked about. More and more housecalls and people getting sick.”
There was a sigh as he settled into bed, arms wrapping around me. His legs tangled into mine, his nose buried into the back of my neck. His breath was warm against my skin. I let out a small sigh myself, sinking into his touch.
“I promise I’ll take a day off soon. I just need some time...to get back into things,” he murmured, lips ghosting my neck. “Thank you darling. Thank you.” A whisper. A breath. 
And he was out. 
I let out a small gasp of breath, feeling warm tears slide down my cheeks. 
I missed him.
I missed him so much it hurt.
He was gone when I woke up. The only sign he was really there was the small cooling dent in the bed and the feeling of breath on my neck.
I got to my feet, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. It smelled like him. Like leather, cinnamon and coffee. Something bitter lay under all of it. Something bitter coated my tongue and heart. 
As I moved to the kitchen I noticed that the apartment smelled nice. Like honey and coffee beans. 
I shuffled into the kitchen, tears springing to my eyes when I saw he made coffee and breakfast. The source of the good smell. By my plate of pancakes was a little note. His handwriting was messy as ever but over time I learned to read it. 
Hello my love,
Sorry I had to go so early. I swear I’ll be home earlier tonight. Things are getting very busy and I might need to hire new help soon. Which is both exciting and scary I’ll admit. 
I hope you like this peace offering of mine. Pasha taught me how to make these. It was a lot of trial and error. 
I love you more than the sun in the sky darling dear of mine. One of these days I’ll prove it to you. 
See you tonight. 
I held the note to my face, tears stinging my eyes. Weeks. It had been weeks since we really talked. Talked without one of us sleeping or pretending to sleep. 
I kissed the note softly, bringing it down to hug while I sat down. 
The coffee was sweeter today. He knew how I liked it. The pancakes were perfect if a bit toasty. I smiled a little. He wouldn’t stop until they were absolutely perfect. Even if I was happy with how they were now. 
My smile faded at the edges as I looked out the window at the rising sun. The day was already warm and sticky. It always was like this in the summer. Couldn’t catch a break. 
I knew Julian was right next door. Easy enough distance to go. 
But he was probably busy. He always was. 
I finished my breakfast, getting up to wash the dishes and think for a moment. Spotting the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink I knew I had a few good hours of washing with my thoughts.
As I scrapped off the plates I thought about what I could do. I could try making him lunch and bringing it over. 
My heart fluttered at the thought. 
Yes. That’s what I’d do. Make him something too. 
I quickly finished up the dishes in the sink. Forks and spoons went into their drawers and I set a few pans on a towel to air dry. 
Tucking the dish I held into a towel I set to work. 
I knew he liked warmer lunches and soups. Even in the summer. But there was something said about eating something that left a trail of warmth as you ate it. 
I was no Mazelinka but I knew he’d appreciate the sentiment. 
I got to work on a sweet potato mushroom soup. We had extra potatoes that I didn’t know what to do with. So what better way to use them than for lunch?
I peeled and mashed the potatoes, slicing up the mushrooms with care and a small hum. I grabbed a clean pot, setting it to simmer over the stove. In went the potatoes then spices. It made the house smell like butter, cumin and sweet potatoes. While I waited for that, I sliced up some plain bread with sharp cheddar. 
I made lemonade and tucked it into a cooling glass. I had extra, maybe I’ll freeze it and make lemon popsicles to share later today.
I quickly made my own lunch, standing back to admire my hard work. Breathing in I coughed a little. The air was stifling already and it wasn’t even noon yet. 
But soon his lunch was ready. I packed it into a paper bag, hoping he’d be there so I could give it to him myself. I quickly got dressed and tugged my shoes on. It was a quick trip next door, then I’d go to the market to get things for dinner. 
He...he probably wasn’t going to be back in time for dinner anyways. 
I bit my cheek as I pushed my way inside the clinic. Inside was the same as always. Large bookshelves filled with different books ranging from research to adventure novels. Kids lay on the ground with little toys and colouring books as they waited for their checkups. 
The secretary brightened when he saw me walk in. “Ah! Dr. Devorak is in his office around back, you made it just in time he just finished up with his last patient before housecalls!”
I blinked, and then smiled. “O-Oh thank you! I brought lunch for him.”
The secretary’s eyes sparkled with mischief as they took in my barely thrown together appearance. “I’ll keep people away for as long as I can,” he said with a wink making me blush. 
“No need we won’t be doing much! I’m just bringing him lunch.” Another smile. “Just lunch.”
“Whatever you say. He’s back in his office, last door down the hall.”
Face red and heart racing I whisper another thank you and move down the clinic quickly. There voices from some of the other doors, but I ignored them, knocking gently on the door labeled ‘Devorak’.
“Ah yes? Come in! I was just heading out to lunch!” Julian’s voice. 
My heart skipped a beat at it. We were both awake this time. 
I pushed the door open a bit more with a smile. “Hey darling,” I said. His eyes went wide, and he broke out in a grin. 
“Sweetheart! Y-You came to see me!” I closed the door with a small click, making his eyes jump to the sound. His cheeks warmed but he still smiled. “Mmm and what’s that smell?”
“Lunch. I made you something. And of course I came to see you, you silly duck. The shop is closed today for restocking. Asra was going to drop by later to help out so I’m free.”
“And you made me something to eat?” His eyes welled up. “Darling you didn’t have to do that!”
“I did. And I won’t be taking no for an answer.”
“At least eat with me!”
My eyes widened a fraction. I did bring my own lunch, I was going to see if Portia wanted to eat with me and then go around the market. 
But now that this opportunity appeared…
“Are you sure? Don’t you have work to do?”
His face was ashen pale. He really needed sunlight. “No no I’m on my lunch break now! Besides, I’d like to spend this time with you. I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
I bit my cheek from snarking at him. It wasn’t his fault, but it still hurt. 
Even so, I smiled softly. “Yeah. I’d love that.”
He grinned, patting the chair next to him. I sat down, handing him the paper bag. “Mmmm sweet potato soup?”
“I warn you I’m no Mazelinka-”
“Darling, you made this, making it even more special to me.”
I turned away with a smile, my cheeks warming. “It’s nothing special.”
“It is for me. And it smells so good, darling you are a wonder.”
I giggled. “Well you already made breakfast for me so I thought I’d return the favour.”
He kissed my cheek, digging in. 
I ate as well, slowly to savour these stolen moments with him. We talked about this and that. The leech dealer and her wife. About the different kids that would come in. How excited he was to get his day off and spend it with me.
“Where would we go?” I asked at that question.
He stopped talking, his hands dropping what they were doing. “Huh?”
I tucked my legs up into the chair under me, scooting closer to him. His eye twinkled. “Where would we go?”
“Well...I was thinking we could go for a boat ride in the fixing up flooded district.” He was leaning in closer to me. 
“And then?”
“After rocking the boat with some fun activities…” I let myself smile. I had an idea what activities he’d do in that poor little boat with me. “We’d go for a walk up in the meadows right outside town. Into the fields and by that great big willow tree by the stream.”
“We’d have a picnic! We’d fool around in the wheat, maybe play hide and seek.” I giggled. That sounded lovely. “And once it gets dark I’ll take you down the stream and up this little rock formation I found. There we’ll stargaze together before you fall asleep and I have to carry you home.”
“And when I wake up at home all cozy in our bed…?”
He kissed my forehead, then moved to kiss my cheeks. “I’ll hold you. Cuddle and talk together. Run my hands through your hair, press your body against mine. Never let you go. We’ll fall asleep like that together and in the morning wake like that together.”
“Then I’ll get up first and make breakfast.”
“I’ll come down tired and grumpy that you left me.”
“I’ll kiss you as an apology and give you your coffee and we’ll talk some more.”
He kissed my nose, my browbones. “After breakfast we’ll call on some friends and go out together and maybe stay the night with them.”
“Going to the Rowdy Raven for a pint first.”
“Of course.”
I laughed, throwing my mouth open and my head back. He grinned at the sound, kissing my chin and the skin just below. “I love you,” he murmured. 
I let out a small hum, brushing my hands up his arms. He shivered at the small caress. I opened my mouth to respond. “I-”
“DOCTOR!” The secretary burst in. He caught my eye, and winced with apology seeing where we were positioned. I didn’t feel embarrassed. 
“Ah! What’s wrong?” Julian snapped back, getting to his feet. I watched it all unfold, hurt snapping through my bones. 
“House call. Broken leg. Fell off a horse. Bone is sticking out. Mother is frantic with worry. Kid is fifteen.”
Julian winced, quickly packing his bag. “Tell her to wait a moment and I will be right there.”
He turned to look at me. I must’ve not been hiding my hurt very well because he frowned. “I’m so sorry darling I’ll make it up to you-”
I waved him off, forcing a smile. “No no! I can’t ask you to pull away from a kid in need. Go on and help him. I’ll be here.”
His eye swam with worry and concern. “I’m still sorry, my love. I’ll be home tonight. Early. I promise.” He kissed my forehead, and hurried out the door. 
I knew that was a lie. Things always got bad after dark. The night got sticky and warm. Heat strokes, bar fights, sneaking out. He wouldn’t be back until late.
I looked down at my lap, at the empty dishes on his desk. At the mess of paper and messy handwriting. My picture was at one end of the desk, another frame of us together next to it. Our friends all smiling at the ocean. 
I curled my knees to my chin, looking at the door he left from. 
“I love you,” I whispered to nothing but air.
Dinner went cold two hours ago. I put away the leftovers an hour after waiting. I fell asleep soon after that, angry and bitter at the world for taking him from me like this. 
I missed him so much that it was clear on my face. 
I startled awake at three in the morning from a dream. A good dream or bad dream I didn’t know. I just knew I trembled alone in the dark, my skin clammy with the summer heat and my own sweat. 
My cheeks were stiff with the salt of unshed tears as I got to my feet. I pulled socks on over my toes, trying to keep as quiet as possible when I snuck down into the kitchen to get some water. 
Julian was fast asleep on his side of the bed, legs sprawled out like a starfish. He looked peaceful and I didn’t want to disturb that. 
It was a nightmare I decided. I had a bad dream. My stomach was tied in knots and my hands still trembled as I got water from the sink. My tongue was coated in something bitter and I just felt...empty. 
The bad dream aches would go away soon, only to be replaced with the almost homesick feeling.
I loved him. Don’t get me wrong I loved him so much. 
But I didn’t know how much longer I could keep going without hearing his voice in the morning, eating with him just...being with him. 
I stood by the counter, swaying my hips a little as I drank water. The water washed away the stale taste in my mouth but did nothing to help the bitter feeling. My hands slowly stopped shaking and my body stopped aching as I moved. 
“What’re you doing up so early?” I stopped what I was doing, turning to see Julian running a hand through his hair. His pants hung very low on his hips, his feet bare. The moonlight seemed to make him glow. His eyes softened as he looked at me. “Bad dreams?”
Wordlessly I nodded. 
He crossed the distance between us, wrapping me up in a hug. “I know I’m late to comfort you. I know I haven’t been the best in these last few days. These last few weeks,” he whispered to my hair. 
I didn’t say a word, not wanting to interrupt this moment. I just closed my eyes, breathing him in. We swayed a little, rocking from foot to foot. 
Then he pulled away from the hug, letting my hands slide down his arms into his waiting palms. He held my hands gently, slowly drawing me into a slow dance. 
Letting one hand go he spun me. The movement was slow, his other hand brushed my hip. A whisper of a question. 
When I stopped spinning I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Almost immediately his arms went around my waist, his face buried in my neck and mine in his. 
His hands shifted my nightshirt up, his fingers cold as ice against my sticky warm skin. I let out a small gasp, making him smile. 
Squeezing my eyes shut, I leaned into the touch. His fingers danced up and down my sides, running down my ribs and resting on my hip bone. I pressed a soft kiss into his neck making him let out a small gasping breath. 
“I want you,” he whispered. 
“I want you,” I responded. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long. Here. In my arms. With me. Alone,” he said, kissing the side of my neck and my jaw. “Soft touches and kisses. Just you and me. I want...I want to touch you.”
“Touch me then,” I breathed, my voice seeming to come out in a gasp. 
He smiled, kissing my cheek. “As you wish.”
His hands moved from my sides to my face. Down my shoulders and arms. His fingers were so cold, but they felt nice against my clammy skin. His brows were pinched in worry, love and guilt shining in that eye he always kept covered. 
“It must’ve been one hell of a nightmare,” he said, brushing at my cheeks with his thumbs. 
I nuzzled into the touch making his breath hitch. “It must’ve been but I don’t remember it now.”
He brushed a kiss at the spots he touched. I wanted to huff in annoyance. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to spin me out of control until all I could see and touch and taste and feel was him. 
We danced around the kitchen in slow swaying movements. He was humming a slow bittersweet tune. One that made me feel as he did. 
He was guilty. He hated leaving me alone. Leaving me missing him as he missed me. 
He pulled out of my touch, bringing my hands down to his face. He planted small kisses on my palms and fingertips. Then following the trail he lay with his fingers he kissed up my left arm. My skin tingled with goosebumps at the touch of his lips. 
He pressed soft kisses on the inside of my wrists, tongue flicking over the veins and skin. He was gentle with me. Oh so heartbreakingly gentle. 
He moved up my arm. To my forearm and then my elbow. His lips were a ghost over my skin, making me arch my head back as he moved. 
Farther up my arm now, kissing my biceps and the soft skin right before my underarms. Then he planted kisses on my shoulders, nipping at the skin there. The muscle where my shoulder met my neck. When he bit down softly I let out a gasp, my hands tightening against his arms. 
He smiled, tongue flicking over the spot as he resumed kissing up my neck. When he reached my face he planted one final kiss on my jaw and left me craving his warmth once again. 
Holding his hands I swung our arms up and down a bit as I planned my move. He was here with me. I had him all to myself in these quiet moments in the morning. The moon was our only witness, the only light to see him by. 
He was strong, my Julian. Broad shoulders and strong arms. Broad chest leading into a small waist that I could wrap my arms around so easily. A face with strong lips always with a smile on them. Grey eyes. Grey eyes filled with so much adoration for me it hurt. Messy auburn hair falling around his face in soft waves. 
I haven’t gotten to look at him, truly look at him in a while. 
I repeated what he did to me moments prior. I kissed his hands. His large calloused hands that had seen so much blood. Helped so many. Let go of more. His breathing hitched as I kissed each of his fingertips. 
I kissed his wrists, biting softly at the skin there, just kneading it between my teeth for a heartbeat. His heart thudded softly. Soft feathery kisses up his forearm and against his elbow. Up his biceps, pausing at each scar to give it it’s own kiss. 
“Oh darling,” he breathed. 
I said nothing, just kissed his shoulders. “You have very cold hands,” he whispered as I ran my hands up his chest. 
I kissed the skin of shoulder meeting neck, raising my eyes to meet his. “I should say the same about you.”
He chuckled, the sound cutting out as I took the skin between my teeth. “Oh,” he said, his voice turning into a soft moan that warmed my stomach. 
I let it go too soon, and I knew it was too soon when he let out a small huff. Hiding my smile with more kisses I moved on. 
Up his neck, biting softly and kissing as I went. He squirmed a bit, hands moving down to my waist. Fingers drummed along my hips, drumming to the tune of his choked hum. 
I came to the spot I knew he liked biting best. The muscle behind his ear, meeting his jaw. I kissed it softly, before biting down. 
The noise he made sent sparks through my veins. A breathy mix between a sigh, moan and groan. 
He made it again when I flicked my tongue over the spot I bit. 
“Careful now darling,” he breathed, chest heaving against my fingers. His heart thudded so quickly against my touch. “I might just need to have you noooooooo-” he let out another moan, cutting himself off as I bit down on the spot again. 
“Hush now my love,” I whispered, moving on to kiss where his jaw met his ear. He let out another hum of pleasure. 
“Mmm I love you,” he whispered. 
I planted a kiss on his jaw, his cheeks, the tip of his nose. The bridge of his nose. I had to stand on my toes to kiss his forehead, him bending down to the touch. 
“I love you too,” I whispered as I kissed his temple. 
“Mmm kiss me,” he murmured. 
I let out a small giggle. “I am kissing you.”
His eyes snapped up to meet mine. “No I want a real kiss.”
“What’s the magic word?”
The pleading tone of his voice made me pause. I grinned, making him wilt a little bit, the two of us still swaying and shifting our weight from foot to foot. 
“Say it again.”
I held his face in my hands. “One more time?”
“Only if you say it back.”
I giggled. “Please?”
He didn’t respond, just kissed me. I didn’t care that he didn’t say it again. I didn’t care that I felt sticky and warm. 
I just cared that he was here with me. 
I moved my hands from his face, wrapping my arms around his neck again. He leaned into me, making me hold onto him for balance as he pressed me against the counter. 
His lips were needy. Begging mine. Pleading with me. They whispered things we left unsaid. They whispered apologizes and littles pleas. 
I only hoped mine held the answers. 
“Darling,” he said, lips brushing against mine with the word. 
I slowly opened my eyes, he was so close. So close. So heartbreakingly close. Illuminated by moonlight he seemed like some ethereal being. 
“I’m sorry.”
I blinked. “Julian...you don’t have anything to be sorry for. You got caught up in work that’s f-fine.” My voice caught on fine. It cracked. 
He knew it wasn’t fine. 
“You stuttered,” he said, nuzzling my face. “That means you’re lying. It’s not fine. I know it’s not fine.”
“Let me finish. I got caught up because everyone is getting hurt all the time. There aren’t many doctors or help in my clinic. I really do need to hire.” I let out a breathy laugh. “I’ll set that up tomorrow. I swear it.”
“You haven’t come through with your promises as of late.”
He kissed my cheek. “I know and I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. For not...trying.”
“Darling you of all people have nothing to be sorry for!” He sounded offended. 
I offered him a small smile. “But I do. I didn’t try. This is a two way street. If I want something I need to give something in return. I love you Julian, and I’m sorry for not trying. Not trying to see you. Not trying to see if you can take a break.”
“Sweetheart. Love of mine. My darling. Dearest. You understand how important work is to me, and that’s why you stayed away.”
I looked away. “I do. But I still care about your wellbeing and I should have said something.”
There was a small rumble from him. A chuckle. “We both should have to be honest.”
I laughed. “Yeah, we should’ve.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
He took his face out of my cheek, kissing me softly. “For loving me. The mess that I am.”
I didn’t argue with it. He was a mess.
And so was I.
“Thank you for loving me. All my broken pieces,” I said, pulling him closer. “And for helping me find my pieces still missing.”
He kissed me again. And again. 
“Broken is not the same as unfixable my dear. And you are wonderful and perfect no matter how many pieces seem to be broken or missing.”
I sealed my mouth over his, breaking away after a few moments of just enjoying how he tasted. Smelled.
“Well Dr. Devorak. I’m here now. With you.”
His eyes lit up with mischief and something more. “Alone…” he said.
I kissed his cheek. “So what are you going to do about it?”
He picked me up, making me let out a small squeal. I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him like ivy. His arms fell back around my waist, squeezing my butt making me laugh. 
With another sweet kiss to my lips he whispered, “I guess we’ll have to see.”
The door to our bedroom clicked as it closed. 
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You Chapter 2 ~It’s Her Cue~
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Previously in Sparks Will Fly ...
A slap on his back tore his gaze away from Claire. "Easy now lad," Willie said in a low, amused voice. "Ye look like ye could use the same drink as her."
Jamie glanced back at the subject of their conversation. "Aye, but make mine a double," he whispered.
"On it," Willie replied, laughing as he walked off.
What the bloody hell?  He should be withdrawing himself away from this attraction because this mad instant bond between them was like an overloaded electrical fuse, capable of incinerating him alive. He'd already learnt his lesson from his last relationship. He'd been there and done that, but yet he didn't have the will to stop himself from finding out how their connection would play out.
Oh, Christ, this is bad. So, so bad, I'm in so much big trouble.  Taking a huge sigh, he found himself a stool nearest to the pool table and watched Claire steal the show from the best snooker player in Broch Mordha.
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
If you wish to read this from the beginning:
AO3 link
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"Just polishing my balls for the lovely lass, here." 
The people around her howled with good-natured laughter.
Claire kept her head down as she sat on the edge of the stool, chalking her stick, waiting for Hugh to stop showing off and blathering with his mates, and to finally break. She felt eyes on her, and when she looked up, she met Jamie's gaze where he sat with his brother at the high table. 
Annalise leaned in from behind her and whispered, "Ginger can't stop looking at you."
Claire drew in substantial deep breaths. She'd watched Jamie play shinty earlier, and she thought he looked impressive then. Tall, strong, lithe, covered in mud and the epitome of a Highland warrior. Not that she had any idea what a Highland warrior would have looked like. After all, she only had the movie, Braveheart to go by. But who would have thought he'd show any interest in her. Perhaps, because she'd probably looked like she was about to climb him. Who could blame her, though? The moment he'd looked into her eyes, he stirred something inside her, which no man had ever done before him. And by some feat of willpower, she wondered how she'd succeeded not breaking into song right then and there. Up close earlier and now, sat only a few feet away, Jamie looked even better. Wavy auburn hair touched the collar of his plaid flannel shirt and the way his jeans hung low on hips, it shouldn't be even allowed. 
"He probably thinks I'm easy. You know how some rural folks think city people like us have loose morals."
Annalise gasped. "Why do you think he would think that?"
"I think I came on too strong and flirty," she confided in a low voice. "He's a man, so of course, he'd respond, and it probably works a treat for him too since I'm only here for a holiday. But my God, he's one fine specimen of a man, isn't he? I'm even getting butterflies, and the last time I had them ...goodness, I can't even remember." 
"Don't be daft ...you don't even know what he's thinking. Besides, you're single, and you're allowed to show interest if you fancy someone." The ice in Annalise's vodka and tonic clinked behind her. "This is the twenty-first century, and you're welcome to it. Flirt away and get butterflies. Let yourself go a little. I don't know if it applies here, but I'll say it anyway ...what goes on in the Highlands, stay in the Highlands." 
Aww, bless her.
Claire was grateful for her friend's presence in her life. If Annalise hadn't been there to constantly coax her out of her self-consciousness and to confide in to, she'd probably still be living a secluded life, and London would have eventually eaten her whole. Now here she was, openly flirting with a handsome stranger and she'd agreed to let him take her out.
Claire smiled. "How about you? What's happening with you and Willie?"
Annalise made an exaggerated sighing sound behind her, making her laugh. What a tart! 
"Hey, by the way, Jamie asked me out. So I guess, after this game and a round of drink, we're going to split. He wants to take me on a Christmas night tour. Will you be alright with Willie?" Claire asked. She had to make sure as this was their holiday together and she didn't want Annalise feeling abandoned.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. The boys seem like decent blokes, but as a precaution, I took photos of their driving licences and sent them to Geillis. She'll have them thoroughly checked out. Really handy to know someone whose boyfriend works with the police."
Claire's eyes widened, and she turned around to face her friend. "You didn't! I told Jamie I trust him." Geillis Duncan was their mutual friend they'd met in London at a party. After hitting it off, they'd forged a tight friendship, and the three of them became close until Geillis had to move back to her home city of Glasgow when she met the love of her life. Claire and Annalise were going to visit her before flying back to London.
"Of course, I did, silly. We're both on our own. Just because we're on our holidays and having fun doesn't mean we have to be lax when it comes to precaution. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Annalise reassuringly squeezed her arm. "Speaking of protection ...do you have condoms?"
What!?!  Sex was the furthest thing from her mind. But she didn't have time to reply as she saw at the corner of her eye, Hugh finally, leaned across the pool table and broke. As Claire stood up to take her turn, their audience cheered and whooped. 
Ignoring the hoots and whistles, she watched in concentration as the colourful balls rolled, not one of them dropping into a pocket. She began to walk around the pool table, taking in each position of the balls as she tapped her chin. Alrighty Beauchamp, let's have a look, shall we? This should be easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. We'll go for stripes. 
"Ye ken how to play, hen?" Hugh teased, extracting laughter from his friends. "If not, I promise to go easy with my shaft." Another round of loud laughter ensued.
Claire ignored the innuendo, and the sally going on and focused.
First, I'll down that nine-ball hanging over the pocket and use the rail to tap out the eleven, crammed against the twelve. That'll leave open the six, thirteen, and fifteen. Once I drop the fifteen, using a little side spin, that should bring me to the other end of the table. Then I'll sink the eleven and the fourteen into the same corner pocket, gently hitting the ten off the rail in the process, so I don't get stuck later having to bank shot it. Knock in the eight, then I'm clear to finish it off. Good God, Beauchamp, you're so good.
Satisfied with her strategy, Claire leaned over the green felt and positioned herself. Although Hugh's loud wisecrack didn't rattle her, the intensity of Jamie's stare was another matter. Taking a deep breath, she redirected her concentration on her game plan and took her first shot and then another, working clinically and accurately. Unfortunately, their encounter earlier kept creeping back into her consciousness and playing in loops in her head. It didn't help that his scent stuck on to her when he'd caught her after the fall. He smelled of forest and fresh laundry. None of that heavy musky expensive perfumes London yuppies liked to bathe in. It made her want to lean in, bury her face in the crook of his neck and take a deep breath.
Bent at the waist, Claire stretched over the edge of the table and focused on the fifteen-ball and tried not to wince at the memory of openly flirting with Jamie. In her defence, it wasn't every day she was rescued by a very manly bloke who stared at her like he didn't want to let her out of his sight. She wondered if she'd appeared too eager and was totally misunderstanding the look he was giving her. There had been a hint of wariness lurking behind those beautiful translucent blue eyes when she'd agreed to go out with him. Had she said something to cause him to throw up his guard?  
Having gone to a Catholic, all-girls, boarding school, her experience with the opposite sex was limited to the ones she read in romance novels. Orphaned at a young age, her guardian uncle Lamb didn't believe, dragging her across the globe with him was an ideal way to raise a girl, especially when he worked mostly with men in archaeological sites. So he'd decided the best place for her upbringing was with the nuns, right through college.
So when it finally came for her to start adulting and dating in a big, bad city like London, she'd been like a deer caught in the headlights. But she quickly found her feet with the help of her friend and flatmate, Annalise, a Parisienne by birth and a Londoner at heart. The French girl had been a mentor to her, initiating her to the trappings of singlehood and city life. Though the dating and getting-to-know-a-guy part was also an exciting discovery, she quickly realised every date she'd been to, after having gone through a handful of them, was a recycled version of the last. Same lines, same latest fashion, exaggerated backstories and trying too hard to impress instead of being themselves. So at the ripe age of twenty-five, she still had to experience what it was like to have a boyfriend. Annalise accused her of being too picky, but Claire always reasoned she just hadn't met the right one. She'd envisioned her first boyfriend to be someone endearingly awkward, not too loud and maybe a little shy. But Jamie was the least awkward man she'd ever met. He was easy on the eyes, and he lived inside his skin like a well-worn pair of jeans. He was far from a starter boyfriend she'd envision - definitely, not a boy anything.
"Go, Claire! You can do it!" Annalise shouted at the sidelines.
As she marked her shot on the eight-ball, she glanced up at Jamie and felt her focus wobble a bit. When one of the lads emitted a low whistle as she moved her hips to settle herself at a conducive angle, he didn't have a smidgen of amusement on his face. More than anything, he looked liked he was about to knock the front teeth off of the offender.
She didn't want a pub brawl to start in her honour, even if it sounded romantic in movies or books.
Straightening up from her position, she gave Jamie what she thought was a sexy smile. "Hey, Jamie," she called to him. "You got that single malt ready for me? This shouldn't take long." She tried not to blanch for sounding overconfident and cocky. It seemed cheeky for presuming she'd finished this game in a jiffy, but the pleasure of seeing his piercing blue eyes creased at the corners was definitely worth the minor discomfort her behaviour had caused her. Oh, Lordy! There were hushed oohs, followed by a round of testosterone-laced jests, making Jamie shake his head in amusement. At least, to her relief, he stopped looking like he's about to wallop anyone. Trouble averted in the knick of time!
As Jamie turned to get the attention of the bartender, she quickly lowered herself back over the table in the same position and sunk in the remaining balls. When she finished, her opponent, Hugh looked, well …not the least bit pleased about it. It probably didn't help she'd earlier acted cocksure about winning the game and might have dented his macho ego in front of his mates. 
Claire watched Hugh purposely marched towards her as their audience clapped, cheered and teased him for losing to a lassie.
"Ye got me at a disadvantage. I must admit I went easy on you since ye're new around here," he said loud enough for everyone near the pool table to hear. 
Claire gave him a charming smile, even though she felt like throttling him for not being man enough to congratulate her. "I know. Too bad, you assumed I couldn't play because I have a pair of boobs."
Hugh's eyes dropped down to her breast, and his cheek twitched, as he openly leered at her. "I must admit, ye have a lovely pair, and it might have distracted me from playing a good game, now that I come to think about it. Ye ken what ye need? Ye need a good ..."
"Stiff drink?" Jamie interrupted as he handed Claire a glass of single malt. "That's what ye were about to say, aye?"
Jamie's words were mildly pleasant, but she detected the underlying warning in his tone. Hugh didn't look like one to back-off, but when Jamie took a small step forward, he eyed the height and breadth before him and thought better of it. Splitting a forced smile between her and Jamie, Hugh raised both his hands as a sign of truce and slowly walked back to his mates.
With a sigh, she placed her cue stick on the pool table and faced Jamie. "This is fast becoming a habit of yours, isn't it?"
"What?" he asked, taking a step inside her personal space. It was another one of his moves to add to that growing habit list of his. Her old fashion side, the side influenced by her upbringing in the boarding school, wanted her to take a step back. But the side, that suspiciously sounded like Annalise, was shouting at her to hold her ground.
So she held her ground and arched an eyebrow at him. "You coming to my rescue. Again!"
When his mouth expanded into a smile, she couldn't help noticing his full, beautiful lips. With a cleanly shaven angular jaw, they made him looked like an angel who'd spent time in hell. Her breath caught in her throat, and she quickly looked back up, hoping he hadn't noticed her wandering eyes.
His amused expression told her he had. "Ye could say, rescuing ye is one past time that's beginning to grow on me." 
She laughed out loud. It was something she did whenever she was nervous or when shyness overtook, and the most annoying part of it, it was almost always accompanied by a snort. She quickly sobered up. Acting like a loon was definitely beginning to be her nervous signature move.
As if sensing her unease, Jamie quickly changed the subject. "By the way, that was some show ye put on. Ye'll be the topic of everyone's conversation for the next few days. And Hugh the butt of jokes."
"I didn't realise I was playing with a sore loser," she said, taking a sip of her whisky. When the heat slid down her throat, she tried not to flinch. Acting cool wasn't her forte, but she was determined to work on it. "If I'd known, I would have given up my slot."
"Dinnae fash. Hugh's all mouth and no trousers, but he's harmless. So where did ye learn to play like that?" His eyes scanned her face, and he cocked his head a little like he was committing each of her features to memory.
"My uncle taught me. We'd play for hours whenever we get time to spend together."
"Ye're close to yer uncle. That's nice. I hope I'd be that type of uncle one day."
She beamed. Jamie looked like the type of uncle who would have boundless of energy playing with children. "My uncle's for the most part, both a father and mother to me when I wasn't in the boarding school. My parents died when I was young."
His face turned serious. "Sorry to hear that. My parents have always been part of my life, so I can't begin to imagine what it was like for you growing up without them."
Claire gave him a grateful smile as she pulled a vibrating phone from her pocket. "Oh, bummer," she whispered, glancing down at the screen. "I have about fifteen missed text messages. I didn't feel it going off. I must have been caught up with all the excitement of the game." 
He ran a hand along his jaw. "Some lad missing ye back home?"
She hesitated, glancing up at him. "No." She shook her head, vigorously. "It's my friend, Geillis." She skimmed through the messages wondering why there were so many of them. Annalise had sent the photos of the brothers' driving licences to Geillis, and probably something had come up.
"Is everything alright?" he asked as she continued to read the messages.
"It's fine," she squeaked, looking for any incriminating data Geillis might have found. She found none. Instead, what she was reading was making her face heat up.
"Are ye sure? Ye have a troubling frown forming on yer face. Maybe I can help."
She sighed and rolled her head. "Annalise sent the photos of your driving licences to my friend Geillis. And a selfie she took with you and your brother earlier. You know ...to have you check out and see if you're legit. Geillis' boyfriend works with the police you see."
He arched an eyebrow. "And?"
Is he upset? "Don't look at me like that. I told you I trust you."
He laughed. "Like what? Ye're the one who's giving me an odd look. I told ye I was alright with it. So what did she say? Do I get her seal of approval?"
She winced. "Yeah, Geillis says it's all good."
He picked up his whisky from the nearby table. "Geillis sounds like a verra nice friend. I think I like her already. What else did she say?"
She felt the colour drain from her face. "I swear you wouldn't want to hear the rest of it. Geillis is raving mad."
"Try me."
"I think we should leave it ..."
"Come on, Sassenach. It cannae be that bad."
"I'd rather not."
"Go on, humour me." His blue eyes danced, and she marvelled for the umpteenth time at how handsome he was.
"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." She shut her eyes for a few heartbeats and puffed out a breath. "Well, she said if you're the same bloke who competed against her boyfriend at caber toss last spring and won ..." Oh dear, God. "...I ...um ...I should let you ground my corn."
He practically choked on his whisky.
She grimaced and wondered if she should thump him on the back. "I'm sorry. Geillis has an odd sense of humour. I'm afraid it's just her way of saying that her boyfriend thinks you're ace ...well, that's if you're really the bloke who he thinks you are."
He recovered quickly and grinned. "How about ye? What do ye think of me?"
She ignored the question. "You haven't confirmed anything to me yet," she said, speaking into her whisky glass. "Did you really win the caber toss competition?"
He looked smugly amused, and the smile that spread across his face already answered her question.
"So you're a tree surgeon who plays shinty and tosses poles in your spare time ...whatever next."
He nodded at her phone when it lit up again. "What else is your friend saying?"
She put her drink down and glanced at the screen. "'She said, the men who participated in this year's caber toss, including you, posed with nothing on but their kilt for a charity calendar."
He smiled. "Aye, that's right."
"And she asked me to ask you if you're wearing anything underneath the kilt because I'm getting the calendar as a stocking filler."
His booming laughter made a few heads turn their way.
"See I told you, she's raving mad." She took another sip from her glass and realised it was empty. Ah, fiddlesticks! "I thought her boyfriend would have mellowed her down a bit, but I have a feeling, she's worse than ever."
He eyed her glass and grinned. "I definitely have to meet this friend of yours."
She felt a twinge of ache in her heart, which took her by surprise. "Annalise and I are stopping at her place in Glasgow before we fly back to London on Three Kings. So you won't be seeing her."
He leaned in closer. "I ken we've only just met. Ye think ye're going to miss me when you go back?" His eyes twinkled mischievously.
Even though she was a right bumbling mess around him, she had to admit she was having too much fun in his company. So much so, she didn't really want to think about leaving yet. Her mind was already racing and wondering if Annalise would agree to celebrate Hogmanay here instead of in Edinburgh. "Well, that depends ..."
"Depends on what?"
Her curiosity to explore the dynamic between them made it difficult to keep her guard up. It was useless trying to fight whatever this was when she was so drawn to Jamie. Surely he must be feeling this too. She swallowed hard and decided to be brave. "If I'll have a reason to miss you," she blurted out before she could change her mind. 
A tiny fraction of the playfulness displayed on his face was replaced by uncertainty ...and Claire's stomach coiled at the proof he wasn't prepared to act on the attraction between them. Whatever his reason was, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know as her guard began to scramble back into place. Oh, God, how could I be so dim? Maybe he's got a girlfriend or a wife ...
"Arbroath Smokies."
Stunned, she looked at him. "Wot?"
"Have ye eaten?"
"Uh, um ...not since midday."
"Weel, hard to fall in love with ..." He took a huge deep breath. "...Broch Mordha on an empty stomach."
That playful smile was back on his face. "Have ye tried Arbroath Smokies?"
"No. I don't even know what that is."
"Ye have to try it. I know just the place." Jamie glanced over his shoulder. "Come on, let's have a quick drink with Willie and Annalise so we can get out of here." 
And then just like that, he wove his fingers through hers and tugged her towards the bar.
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durotoswrites · 3 years
For the writing meme thingy: 🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write? 🍑 do you/would you write smut? 📒 any fics planned?
🍄 How do you get yourself in the mood to write?
Getting in the mood to write and actually wanting to sit down and start writing are two very different things, but they're connected, so I'll explain both.
To set into “creative mode” it helps me to do these things:
Listen to music that makes me think of a character/situation in my story/stories. I've got playlists separated by character and pairing. Sometimes I also just work on curating those playlists for fun and get my brain going.
Bounce overall ideas off of my friends and husband/editor (but he's my best friend, too 💗)
Reread old chapters or recent ones and future snippets based on what I want to do.
Once I actually want to put words down, I get a little more strict with myself. I get distracted verrrry easily sometimes and I have to fight the urge to open a million more tabs when researching a small detail.
I move to instrumental music (I have playlists for different moods like “emotional”, “soft”, “sad”, etc. I usually listen to “soft” as a general soothing background sound, as I can get pretty dang emotional when I write, especially with the stuff I've been churning out lately.
So, yeah, I need tissues within reach if I get upset. (Wow, I'm not making this sound fun at all, lmao)
After sound has been established, I like to eat a snack (something with protein) because I can be under for hours, lol. Eat it and finish it. Otherwise, I get distracted.
I also like to have drinks available. I always have a bottle of water, but I also like having a hot cup of tea. I think it's the time of year for me to switch to cold barley tea.
I write while seated on a recliner with my feet up. I have my laptop on a lap desk and it's a pretty cozy setup.
I basically try to remove any excuse I have to get up once I start writing, because I am the worst procrastinator I know.
🍑Do you/would you write smut?
Heheh... heck yeah, I do. Waaaaay more than most people realize. Stuff I've actually posted? It's pretty limited. I posted a couple pieces (Let Me Love You and You're Like the Sunshine) a few years ago, but I've been practicing ever since. One of my planned stories literally has what I refer to as a “smut dump” in the draft where I've been experimenting with writing different moods. I like the intimate scenes to play a role in the overall plot or have it be a bonding experience.
Despite that, I do have a shameless Gray x Mary story I should just get out there that has zero plot, just two cuties in love. In my mind it's so naughty and kinky and I get flustered thinking about it (Mary is hot, okay?), but it's probably hella vanilla, lmao. I really am grateful that people have been really supportive about my writing smut despite what I usually write, and they've been so encouraging, too! I honestly feel like the smut I've posted is really stilted because I was so self-conscious about it. I don't feel like they are terrible for first attempts, but I have definitely grown more comfortable writing it.
Will The Shy Newcomer become explicit? I kinda really want it to, but I might separate the chapters for those who don't care for that content. Overall, I'd like to write more and post more, and I want to write more than just male x female smut as well. I have some of those in my planned pieces (more about them later).
📒 Any Fics Planned?
Firstly, I'm super tickled more than one person was interested in this. I copied the answer I wrote earlier.
Short answer: Yes. I also plan to bring more of my stories over from ffn to Ao3.
Long answer under the cut, heheh. I rambled quite a bit.
Ask me about my writing processes and stories!
I have so many WIPs that haven’t been touched in years that I’d like to finish, so new planned fics aren’t posted yet. Some of them have more adult themes than most of the stuff I’ve been writing, so I get flustered sharing them. I’ve been at a crossroads, as I feel that you can’t have growth without changing things up. On the other hand, I feel like a lot of my readers associate my works with a specific “wholesome” feel-good mood. It’s kinda nice to be known for something, although that might just be my ego talking, thinking that people recognize my work as a “type”.
Regardless, in the end, I feel growth is necessary.
I don’t want to leave a lot of unfinished WIPs waiting because they stress me out and I have too many of them already, so I’d like to have a bulk of my new stories with a good chunk written before I decide to post them.
Among those include:
A longfic featuring Pete’s farm in Forget-Me-Not Valley (A blend of HMDS with the FoMT plugin and AWL). It takes place in the same universe as The Shy Newcomer (Claire in Mineral Town) and there are a few overlapping moments, although Pete’s story starts first. Pete’s personality is verrry different from Claire’s, and his story was kind of supposed to be the yang to TSN’s yin. Pete’s best friends in his story are Ruby (not sure if I’m adding Tim yet), Nami, and Rock. Readers will be treated to a poorly-socialized pre-Mineral Town Cliff (if you think he was bad at the beginning of TSN, well… heh… he’s a wreck here).
Another planned unpublished story is a crossover of Harvest Moon and the movie “In This Corner of the World”, based on a manga of the same name by Fumiyo Kouno. It was written as a gift for a friend. I have the entire outline figured out and have slowly been filling it in. My friend asked for an AU where Claire and Cliff have an arranged marriage and live with his family in Akiyama, the hometown I had created for Cliff in The Shy Newcomer. I took the opportunity to expand the characters in his family. I have it written during the same time period and society as “In This Corner of the World”, but had decided to write a spreading disease as an allegory for war, but then COVID happened and some parts of it just got really hard to write. There are also a lot of sexually explicit content as Claire slowly grows and learns from her spouse that it’s okay to express what she wants despite sex being a taboo issue. If there’s enough interest in the story, I’ll post it, but I worry it’s a little too niche for there to be many people into it.
Pastor Carter and Doctor Trent are one of my favorite rare pair ships. I’ve had a partial draft for a story about them for a few years now, especially focusing on Trent growing up and acknowledging that he has an unhealthy addiction for things that he knows he can’t have. There are some more adult/sexual themes in this piece, too, including the main character lusting after a married woman (who also happens to be his patient) and some lemons. (Does anyone call it that anymore or is it just referred to as “smut” nowadays? Haha) I always feel so bad for neglecting the folks at the clinic in-game and wanted to write a piece that focused more on them, Trent specifically. It’s a multi-chap fic, but I don’t think I’m going to let it get as long as some of my other pieces.
I also really want to write a short romantic oneshot for every marriage candidate in Mineral Town, around 1,000 words each. So far, I have one for Cliff and one for Gray. I want to write Claire with everyone, because I think it would be fun to explore all the different personalities.
I have more installments planned for A Single Day, including a day in the life of the following characters, all with drafts in varying degrees of progress:
Nora (yes, I’m writing from the point of view of the cat living at the inn)
More to come – I think Lillia and Thomas would be especially interesting to explore
I do still have that Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask piece I’ve been pondering where Link befriends the soul of the deku scrub child while possessed by the mask. I don’t have much written about it, but I really love the world of Majora’s Mask. Such a fun game.
I also think about the lead carpenter’s son in Ocarina of Time and that weird side quest involving the blue chicken and the son being lost to the forest. Then that unique-looking kokiri girl explaining that all who get taken in the lost woods become stalfos. Like, did the guy die? Was he sick? Did he want to die? There’s just so much going on there that would be fun to explore.
I also have played OMORI recently and have like… A LOT of feelings about it. I don’t know what I’d write, but I’m still damn impressed at how well the characters are developed in such a short game.
Other games I’ve had vague ideas about writing for include the following:
The Flame in the Flood: I’m thinking a survivalist/action story fleshing out Scout’s backstory a bit more and her thoughts as she’s traveling. I feel like she’s a very lonely person, but isn’t given the chance to really dwell on it.
Night In the Woods: I’d love to write more about Mae’s dreams and what they mean to her. She doesn’t really talk to anyone about them openly, so it’s really hard to tell her feelings about them in some regards. We know that she’s distressed about them, but I’d like to dive a little deeper. Do the nightmares end after the games does? What about Bea’s new nightmares?
Hades (Supergiant Games): I think it would be fun to write more about the events that take place before the game starts, like Zagreus’s duties in the house of Hades, and expand on the strained relationship with his father.
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