#love for trans lesbians
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Happy Pride Month
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catchymemes · 30 days
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queerism1969 · 5 months
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hazellush · 5 months
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Always ready you know.!!
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strap-me-down-please · 5 months
i think it's fundamental to ruin your sleep schedule for the woman you're in love with. Yep. You agree.
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wis-art · 7 months
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lesbian, trans and proud
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t4transsexual · 1 year
trans people who are anti t4t make me so sad. because beyond just not knowing what being t4t means, the fact that they believe that t4t is just being a chaser is indicative of a deeper issue, being that cis people have ingrained the idea that we are unfuckable and unloveable, disgusting by nature, and that anybody who would voice attraction to us, a step further, ONLY CHOOSE TO DATE TRANS PEOPLE, would be a pervert with a disgusting fetish who wont see them as equal.
thats not what t4t is.
t4t is the rejection of the idea that we are inherently disgusting, just because we are in the eyes of a cisnormative society.
t4t is the understanding that we are safer and stronger together as a community than apart.
t4t is seeing your trans boyfriend try on clothes from your old boy wardrobe that you hated growing up but now your least favorite shirt is your favorite because its the perfect shade of red that brings out his eyes.
t4t is teaching your trans girlfriend that has been scared to do her own makeup how youve learned from other trans women, who learned from other trans women, who learned from other trans women.
t4t is doing your testosterone shots together and kissing each others sticks after you put the bandaid on.
t4t is holding the door for your trans girlfriend and showing her the chivalry she didn't get from her dad growing up, but its ok because you can show her now.
t4t is being on the phone with your partner who just came out as trans/nonbinary after seeing you, YOU, live your truth, and them asking you to help them find a new name, the perfect name for them, and you hope theyll carry that part of you forever.
you are trans and that is beautiful. your transness is beautiful. trans love is beautiful. dont let ANYBODY make you feel unworthy of sex or love. THATS what being t4t means.
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intoxicating-goddess · 4 months
I want to dominate you, but in the sweetest, most loving way possible. I want to shower you with praise and attention. I want to play with you in front of a mirror so you can see all the cute faces you make while I compliment your body. I want to tease you and make you feel so good that you are begging me to fuck you. I want to hear your sweet voice call out for me as I slowly push my strap inside you. I want to call you sweet names and praise you for how well you're taking me. And when you cum, I want you to cum for me and only me 💋
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dickandballsdotgov · 11 months
I love you he/him lesbians
I love you she/her gays
I love you "weird kids" with split dyed black and pink hair and they/it/bun in their bio
I love you boys in skirts and dresses and corsets who are still cis
I love you trans girls who love their masculine features and don't change how masculine or feminine they present
I love you trans boys who still love being feminine and hope you land the best suckerpunch on anyone who says "but isn't that just being a girl"
I love you gays who kiss their boyfriends and girlfriends and partners and joyfriends and all kinds of significant others in the hallways to flaunt that they're not straight
I love you people who wear flags and rainbows to shove your gayness or transness in people's faces
I love you straight guys who love makeup but can't wear it around your friends
I love you people who coin obscure genders and use only neo/xenopronouns(seriously y'all are so cool and I wish i could design flags half as cool as yours)
I love you all aromantic/asexual people
I love you all the people that the lgbtq+ community chooses to outcast to appease the world which would destroy us all
I hate you lgbtq+ community members who choose to attack those who are on your team in an effort to seem "normal"
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animentality · 4 months
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queerism1969 · 10 months
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53v3nfrn5 · 1 month
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New York City Pride (1973)
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sapphoislanddiscord · 1 month
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wis-art · 2 months
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I was busy doing commissions and dealing with chronic pain, but it's still lesbian visibility week so i hope you all feel seen :)
Both characters are trans women (she/her)
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d1rtdyk3 · 3 months
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„I'm a feminist and I'm a dyke and I fucking hate men and I'm a man. I identify as a dyke and as a guy. People are pissed off about that because they want you to pick a side. Really, my choice isn't about you. I don't tell you to lop your tits off, and you don't get to tell me that I can't be a dyke and a guy. That is just as repressive as any of the bullshit that we're rebelling against." -Lynn Breedlove (founding member of dyke punk band Tribe 8)
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