#love allah
basitj · 5 months
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ynx1 · 6 months
Love Allah everything else will fall into place, have tawakkul in Allah and everything else will fall into place. Your trust in Allah needs to be unshakable🤍. This is a reminder to myself because my lord can do the impossible. All praise and thanks belong to Allah Alone.
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geowell · 6 months
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Beautiful old church
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binteafaque8 · 1 year
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You asked me how much love I hold,
When I tell you, I don’t know,
I cannot know, can never know,
Forgive me.
The only measure of love I can carry for a human,
For my love for Allah is insurmountable,
Without limits and still
Forever insufficient. Yes,
That measure is only what I can express for you,
Infinitely less than its reality,
No number of lifetimes will guarantee I can expel it all,
This rolling tumbling feeling of goodness and light 
That enters the rooms of this castle and
Removes the weight of mountains from my shoulders, 
When the air I breathe is blessed with your presence,
Time cannot bear its heaviness,
This vessel can never understand it.
This love that stems beyond mere mortal life,
Extends to a past where memory is immaterial,
Not birthed into existence to hold
Account of what has been, 
The only truth is that ancient reality is realised
When our souls touch,
Perhaps consume the other in the process.
May it transcend the boundaries of time,
May you know the limits of my love,
May you know it always begins and ends
With you.
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spirituality786 · 15 days
Discover the Truth: Why Thousands are Embracing Islam Every Year
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adorner061-blog · 5 months
Alcohol / Al-Ghoul (Demon) - The Gateway Drug
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subhanallahtoday · 11 months
I can’t stop myself from crying when I think of the last post
Especially knowing that if we are to ever die as a martyr we feel nothing but a pinch of pain
And the only wish is to come back and keep fighting for the sake of Allāh…over and over and over
That is pure love…the best love
I’m falling DEEPER in love with my Creator
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majestyinfo · 1 year
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“Whoever Allah likes, you also like him. And awaken the love of Allah in the depths of your heart.” -Hazrat Muhammad SAWAW [Nehjul Fasahat]
For more beautiful quotes please visit:
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shehzadi · 5 months
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tonight we die as a family, mohammed el-kurd
[english on the left as published in the poetry review & translated into urdu on the right by @/smuntahaali on instagram]
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basitj · 5 months
I never had traditional role models growing up. Instead, I had these vivid personalities in my mind that I never wanted to resemble. These are the people who try to bring others down, whether it's in school, at work, or even within families. But here's the secret: we don't have to let their negativity define us. Instead, we can rise above it and choose to be the ones who uplift and support each other. Let's be the light that shines bright and spreads positivity in a world that sometimes feels dark. Together, we can make a difference!
This can shape us in a unique way.
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altrvisticsoul · 28 days
I've left it all in the hands of Allah.
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suhyla · 5 months
The same pen that wrote for Yusuf to be sent to prison, deprived of his rights and denied justice, was the pen that wrote for him to become a minister, reigning over the treasury of Egypt.
The same pen that wrote for Yusuf’s brothers to dominate over him and throw him in the well
is the pen that brought them to Egypt, standing before Yusuf in need and at his mercy.
The same pen that took Yusuf from the arms of Yaqoub, returned him to his father years later as a Prophet and minister.
I do not know what may be written in my story next. But I know who holds the pen.
Shall I not trust the One who wrote the best of stories to write my story too?
— @suhylawrites on instagram
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bvrakah · 3 months
«continue what you love»
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Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal said:
"If you want Allāh to make something that you love continue, then continue doing what Allāh loves."
Al-Bidaya Wa'l Nihaya | 10/330
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atiredmuslimah · 6 months
Yahya ibn Mu’ādh, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said:
“According to how much you fear Allāh the people will respect you, and according to how much you love Allāh the people will love you, and according to how much you busy yourself with Allāh [with worship] the people will become busy in your affairs [i.e. in your service].
[Sifatu As-Safwa: 3/343]
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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