#love a man who can hold their entire butt with one hand
seeminglydark · 10 months
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I’ve been waiting,
All my life just waiting for you to shine your light on me. SNDTRK: Nova by VNV Nation
Johnny and Caro are original characters from my comics Seemingly Dark and Mil-Liminal
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Miguel O’Hara x reader - Come to bed
Warnings: fem reader, smut, nsfw, AFAB language, piv sex, overstimulation, and a slightly annoyed Miguel. You and Miguel are also married btw.
Basically, sleepy Miguel fucks you because you wouldn’t come to bed and let him sleep. Fluffy at first, then turns smutty.
Miguel walked into the kitchen, immediately squinting his eyes and bringing his hand up to block the glaring lights of the kitchen as he grumbled. “¿Amor? Dios mios…”
Your husband was always a sight to behold, in all of his forms- but the sweet domesticity of this one must be one of the best. The way he stood before you in nothing but his boxers- how his voice was still deep and gravely from waking up- the way he rubbed the sleep from his bleary eyes- it was perfect.
Miguel shuffled his feet, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest and resting his chin on top of your head as he mumbled his complaints. “What are you doing up? Love, It’s 2 AM. Why are all the lights on?”
“I was hungry…” You murmur, looking down at the plate of mix-matched leftovers you had scrounged from the fridge.
“Yes, pretty. I can see, but why does warming up leftovers require you to turn on every light in the house.” Miguel said, poking fun at you as his fingers crept under the hem of your shirt, caressing the soft skin of your stomach as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face at Miguel’s teasing. “Go back to bed, Miguel. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Miguel, however, did not go back to bed. He instead followed you around, sitting down with you on the couch and holding you tightly against him
“You’re like a lost puppy, Miguel. Can you not sleep without me there?” You tease, looking back and smirking at Miguel.
Miguel, for his part, looks practically asleep behind you- his eyes half closed as he rests his head on your shoulder, mumbling barely intelligible words into the crook of your neck. “‘m not a puppy. ‘m a wolf… a big, bad, scary, and protective wolf.”
The (frankly, adorable) sight is enough to send a pang of guilt through your chest from keeping your poor, exhausted husband awake- so you do your best to quickly eat the food you’ve made for yourself.
Once you’ve finished, you had to wake Miguel up, but once he was awake, he was immediately herding you back towards the bedroom. With one hand on your back, gently pushing you forward through the hall, and the other rubbing at his tired eyes.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his incessant nudges. “Hey! Miguel! I gotta go pee first!”
“Nu-uh. Nothing else. Back to bed.”
“Miguel!!” You laughed, ducking under his arm and running into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
You went to the bathroom as fast as you could, but not fast enough for Miguel, who stood outside the door whining the entire time.
“¡Por favor! ¡Date prisa, amor!”
When you finished and unlocked the door, you found a rather pitiful looking Miguel on the other side- who immediately scooped you up in his arms and carried you to your bedroom despite the light hearted protest you mounted against him.
“Miguel!! I gotta brush my teeth before I go back to bed! I just ate!!” You say, grinning as you squirmed in his arms and managed to slip away. Only for a strong arm to wrap around your waist and pull you back, hoisting you up in the air and over Miguel’s shoulder.
“That’s it. You’re coming to bed right now. No ifs, ands, or buts. Except your butt, in bed.”
You couldn’t deny the shiver Miguel’s words sent through you. This poor man- your dear husband- who was so clearly exhausted and wanted nothing more than to lay down with his wife and go back to sleep. However... there was a threat in those words. One that you were itching to press him on.
“But- Miguel!” You whined, only to be cut off by a harsh slap to your ass and a startled yelp escaping you.
“I said, no buts.” Miguel growled, tossing you onto the bed and climbing on top of you.
You couldn’t help the burning need quickly growing inside of you, because Miguel looked practically primal above you. With his messy, sleep-tousled hair- the way his voice was still just as deep and scratchy as when he first got up- how perfect he looked above you, in nothing but his boxers as he pinned you down on the bed.
Miguel yanked down your pajama bottoms and underwear, eliciting a surprised yelp from you at the sudden rush of cold air. “You always decide to be a brat at the worst times. You couldn’t just listen tonight and come to bed one of the five times I told you. No, you had to keep running around and doing whatever the hell else you felt like doing. And now, you're going to stay in this bed, whether you like it or not.”
The sudden press of Miguel’s large, warm, and calloused thumb against your hole was enough to make you clench around nothing , pressing your hips down to try and get some of that thumb inside of you. Only for Miguel yo scoff and pull his hand away.
“No. Don’t move. You’re going to be a good girl and sit there and take it. I stayed up with you for the past half hour, waiting patiently for you. So now, it’s your turn. You're gonna lay right here and take exactly what I give you, got it?”
You quickly nodded your head, desperate enough for his touch that you’d probably agree to just about anything.
Miguel growled, pressing the tip of his cock against your hole and just barely pressing it in- rubbing it against your lips as he spoke to you. “You’re so wet for me already, you don’t even need any prep, do you?”
Your cunt tensed around nothing as his cock slid over your hole, nearly making you start to beg for him to just put it in already- only for him to push his entire length in as soon as you opened your mouth to speak- resulting in a loud moan falling from your lips as he bottomed out.
Miguel smiled to himself, looking at you with a clear air of pride at how loud he just made you moan for him. “You seem much more docile now that I have you all stretched out on my cock, pretty lady.” He comments, pulling out slowly, only to thrust back in and begin to fuck into you, quickly establishing a brutal pace.
“Is this the only way I can get some sleep around here? Do I have to fuck all the energy out of you? Hm?” Miguel asks as yet another embarrassing moan falls from your lips at his words.
Moans fell freely from your mouth as the lewd sounds of sex filled the room. With Miguel’s pace, it wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm start to build.
You cry out, reaching a hand down to hold Miguel’s. “Miguel! Miggy! Miggy I’m close! ’m gonna cum!”
“Good.” Miguel growls, intertwining your’s and his fingers and pressing your hand against the pillow. “Cum for me, love.”
all you can do is nod dumbly as your orgasm washes over you- Miguel reaching down to play with your clit as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
As you came down from your high, you realized Miguel was still fucking into you- the pleasure from just seconds ago quickly turning into painful overstimulation.
“I-it’s too much!! T-too much!” You whined, desperately trying to squirm off of Miguel’s cock, only for him to smile and take your other hand, intertwining your fingers and pinning both hands down- holding you in place as he fucked you harder on his cock.
“Remember what I said? Take what I give you?” Miguel said, smirking and fucking into you with new intensity as he held you in place. “Well it’s a two way street. You always have to take what I give you. Whether it’s not enough, or too much. I don’t care. You’re. Going. To. Take it.” Miguel punctuated each of his final words with deep, powerful thrusts. Leaving you nothing but an overstimulated mess beneath him, whining as his hips stuttered and you felt his cum fill you up.
Miguel didn’t pull out, still hovering over you as he panted and caught his breath.
After a moment, he scooped you up in his arms and rolled both of you onto your sides, holding you tightly against his chest and kissing your forehead as he murmured sweet praises into your ear.
“You’re so pretty for me. So good to me too. You feel so good, you know that? You’re so warm- so soft and perfect for me. You’re always perfect for me, love.”
You nodded sleepily, happily curled up in Miguel’s strong arms- his cock and cum warming you from the inside out, and the thick comforter that Miguel pulls up encasing you and him in a warm cocoon of shared body heat. You couldn’t help but press closer to Miguel’s chest, your eyes slipping shut as you relaxed in his embrace.
In the end, Miguel finally got what he wanted- laying in bed, warm and cozy under the covers, holding his wife against his chest as he fell asleep. Although, there would be a bit of a mess in the morning to deal with.
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evilminji · 8 months
I've seen references to it in other Prompts?
But unironically? Paulina should Heckle superheroes more.
Like? Look at her AS A CHARACTER. You think she respects Authority? In their Tacky suits and with their weak ass boundaries she's been stomping over her ENTIRE LIFE, largely unpunished? Because she's Pretty and gifted in the Social Grace's department?
Granted, rarely USES them on most of these needs. But she HAS them and CAN. Why do you thinks she THE popular girl? Looks? Please. There are plenty of pretty girls out there. SHE can make you feel like you're the most important person in the whole world. Her BEST friend.
SHE put in the work to have flawless skin and a complexe social network based on future networth and political significance. A cute butt. Socials beyond reproach.
And SHE? Is so, SO fuckin PISSED.
Her Boo (don't judge her, it's a cute pun) is being SHOT at! Is run in to the ground EXHAUSTED. Doing jobs that CERTAIN people should be getting off their asses to do. CERTAIN people keep making pretty little speechs and getting good PR, while out here HER BOO is getting LAZER HOLES punched through him!
He should be of DATES. Laughing and going for flights. Sitting in the bleachers of cheer practice, safe and silly and shouting tips even though he doesn't know the first thing about Cheer. Getting to be YOUNG. In love!
And Paulina? Always on her phone. Their socials are just... RIGHT THERE. Oooh, Mr. "We protect everybody, aren't we such GOOD GUYS~☆" Her favorite flats! And, maybe, yeah, it's the pain from getting THROWN from the top of the pyramid they were practicing by that fucking GIW explosion.
Maybe it's the fact that Phantom hand to shield her with his BODY and those bastards SHOT at them. Could be the squad egging her on, furious and phones out. But how the weather in Metropolis, Supes? Enjoying up in your little ivory tower? Guess only city kids matter, huh?
Fastest man alive to ignore a genocide, HUH, Flash?
Nice Speech, Wonder Hypocrite. Guess "all woman are Amazons" until they're DEAD. Then you can do what you want to them?
Just. These Pretty, Bland, Offend No One, We're Aiming For Good Sport Colleges And Know They Check These accounts? Going NUCLEAR. All pretty, made for TV faces too. The sort of thing that makes for GREAT news segments and terrible PR.
Because? If Paulina is doing it? Well, A Lister solidarity. Jocks gotta have their back. They've been holding back some Opinions(tm). Time to throw um to the web.
And the blockades? Doesn't do SHIT. Because the GIW forgot one simple factor(well, MANY factors).
Cheerleaders have Away Games.
Paulina and Company? If they can't text INSIDE Amity? Fine. They'll cue them up. Release them at Amity VS. Whatever loser they're crushing next. Rah, rah, go teeeeam! Guess who has internet nooooooow!
GIW may have access to high tech devices and authoritarian control... but they're IDIOTS prone to easily avoidable human errors.
Meanwhile? Most of the JLA is metaphorically ON FIRE.
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muntitled · 6 months
Can I request babysitter Seunghan who’s also a plug ( you don’t have to add the plug part if you don’t want to) hired to watch you because you’re a troublemaker
A/n: I love this man and this request... as always, I kinda just wrote and allowed whatever extra stuff to spring up but I hope you like it
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𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐁𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐲 | 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧
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Babysitter!Seunghan x fem!Reader
Warnings: Language, Forbidden Romance, Brothers Best Friend au!, Brief!Mentions of Suicide, Angst, Recreational Drug Use, Enemies to Lovers, Smut (+18), Dom!Seunghan, Sub!Reader, Choking, Rough Sex, Marking, Innocence Kink, Masturbation (fem!rec), Praise Kink, Massive Degradation Kink, Breeding Kink, Dry Humping
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The coldness of the heavily chlorinated water hits you first and you distinctly remember thinking: You really should not have finished an entire bowl of pasta before going for a late night dive.
But here you are, and there the ledge is… far from your grasp.
The panic sets in causing a gust of bubbles to rush up from your nose while you cradle the cramp stopping you from swimming all too well. You're trapped in the aquatic abyss, flailing your arms while bouts of water make it inside your system. You're drowning.
Your lungs are thinning.
You need to swim to the ledge but it's too far.
You're getting weaker and weaker.
Your brain has rung the alarm and your mouth opens, subconsciously gulping in a generous bout of pool water. Before you can swallow, however, there's a pair of hands under your armpits dragging you to the ledge.
While you gasp in air, your arms shakily hold onto the concrete.
His voice is far too mellow over the sound of your raucous, sickly sputtering as you fight to find your footing in the shallow end of the pool.
"I don’t know what's worse.” The voice says, breathing heavily, “You trying to kill yourself, or you trying to kill yourself on my watch."
There is nothing but vexation and discontent laced in his baritone.
It looks far too natural on Seunghan's face. It is a look of contempt usually aimed at Sungchan who deserved it, and Eunseok who reciprocated it.
He lifts himself effortlessly out of the pool but not without shooting you an icy, unimpressed glare.
While you were not very often on the receiving end of his disapproval, his glare is nothing new to you. In fact, you're more focused on regaining your breathing pattern.
This glare is nothing new at all.
"You must be evil to kill yourself on my watch," he laughs humorlessly to himself (That earth shattering, blood-rushing row of perfect teeth) as he walks over to the deck chair adjacent to the neon-lit swimming pool.
"Couldn't you have found some other night to do it?” He asks as he angrily pats down at his drenched shorts with a towel. Seunghan mindlessly hooks his fingers into the hem of his soaked shirt, and you fight the urge to look away as he peels the material off of him.
Your weak arms finally garner enough strength to push yourself out of the pool. Thousands of beads of water that could have been the weapon of your destruction eases down your soft body, before sinking into the generic one piece swimming costume you had slipped into.
You're not sure why you feel self conscious right now but you do. How dare your self consciousness decide to rear its ugly, insecure head in the presence of your adversary?
"Who the fuck let in?" You ask in a dangerous octave, despite already knowing the answer. "I thought I told Sungchan to stop letting his strange boyfriends into our crib."
Once you've recovered from the overall shock of nearly dying (at perhaps the sight of a shirtless Seunghan) you manage to glare perfect daggers up at him.
Seunghan releases a humourless chuckle as he plants his butt onto the deck chair, “Down tiger,” he teases before rolling his dark eyes into the back of his head. His earrings glint under the moonlight as he pushes a hand through his jet black hair.
"Of course your brain can't comprehend this as a moment for you to be grateful." He looks up at the night sky, releasing a sigh to the constellations before patting his hand down on the towel in search of his prized tiny metal container.
"You really do stress me out," he whispers in complete awe.
“You can't smoke here,” You try helplessly.
“We're outside.” He says, before sighing heavily with his eyelids heavy, “You don't own the outside.”
You pad over the other presiding deck chair, in quick succession. Hoping you aren't in his presence for any longer than you have to be.
He curses under his breath as he bends over his open metal tin, gliding his fingers over what you knew was a significant amount of weed.
Another byproduct of Sungchan and Seunghan's friendship.
You feel zero empathy for his complaints, choosing instead to roll your eyes to the back of your head as he continues, "Now it's gonna make for a sucky roll. Thanks."
"Your suicide water got all over the paper." He says monotonously.
You're quick to wrap the towel around your front, terrified of the very real possibility that any other one of Sungchan's raucous frat boyfriends might pop up around your parents' villa.
If Sungchan was asking for the family villa, then he had nothing but partying on his mind.
You knew absolutely nothing good could come from your adoptive brother proposing a 'relaxing weekend getaway' to your parents before the academic year began. You saw past the doe eyes and over the exaggerated poutiness.
Your parents, however, were not completely unaware of Sungchan's intentions.
“That's fine,” your mother had said. "But take your sister with you," Ignoring your fierce protests, your mom looked squarely into Sungchan's pleading eyes, challenging him to talk back to her.
"Those bags under your eyes are only going to grow darker, honey" Your mother had chided you, "You're going."
Something that perhaps doubled your complaints was when your mother suddenly exclaimed, “I'd feel better if you take that Hong Seunghan with you as well,” she shook her head before smiling dreamily, “He has been such a good influence on you, Sungchan.” And you had resumed your dinner in a troubled silence while your mom piloted the conversations.
She should've just left you at the damn orphanage…
You understood the trip for what it really was. A chance for Sungchan and his close-knit group of degenerates to get high or drunk or both.
"I'm so very sorry that my drowning killed your vibe." You shoot at Seunghan before gathering up your belongings up from the deck chair. Instead of turning back to catch a glimpse of Seunghan swiping his tongue over the rolling paper, you evade all eye contact.
You sigh as you walk past him, hell bent on making your way inside the villa and locking yourself in your bedroom for all time. Never turning around, you firmly say, "I definitely don't have time for this-"
"I appreciate the apology." He says, nodding in gross sincerity, "I'd just prefer it if you don't let this suicide shit happen again? You fucked with my ritual." He looks up at your retreating frame, smiling boyishly before lighting the end of his blunt.
You bristle in the knowledge that Seunghan was once again put on babysitting duty.
While Seunghan blows out wispy clouds of smoke, he interrupts, "-Is what I said when I found out I'm stuck here while your brother bones one of the other island girls."
"I don't need a babysitter." You hiss while your fingers curl around the thin glass panels of the sliding door. "I haven't needed one for 15 fucking years-"
"-She says, after having just attempted to drown herself." He snorts and he pulls back and concludes with, "Evidently, Princess, you kinda do." You hated the satisfaction in his tone. You abhorred how absolutely satiated he appeared when your blood ran hot and your limbs shook with ferocity.
You wished he died...
You knew your aberration extended to your brother as well, for sinking his claws into your crush before you could ever work up the courage to talk to him. 10 years in and that big brained, sensitive tree of a boy you jad initially fallen in love with is gone.
Or perhaps you wished he had never met Sungchan.
Lost in a vague reanimation of your brother.
You wished to hurt him as much as he hurt you everyday he spent at your brother's side and so, without breaking eye contact, you quietly and succinctly said, "Yeah well, you're just his lap dog that he sends to babysit his little sister-"
Seunghan only laughs unperturbed, "Sick burn from the basket case-" and you quickly shoot back.
There is complete silence between the two of you. A silence that hangs like wet washing.
"You're not even really a part of them," you snicker, "Where do you think they all are right now? Probably at a party by the beach, doing lines of coke down a model's sternum." The worse flow from your lips in quick succession. "All of them just fucking relieved to get rid of overbearing, burden Seunghan." You say, "Seunghan the prude. How utterly sad."
"I'm not a prude." He says quietly, hands stilling on his lap. You're utterly, mystified to find that you've struck some sort of nerve.
"It's the 21st century, Seunghan. It's okay to be a virgin," you nod condescendingly. "It may not be cool but it's definitely okay!" You exclaim before turning on your heels, letting the big open mansion swallow you whole, while you hum in utter glee.
Before you're out of earshot, his voice reaches your ears. They perk when you hear a very low, very deep
"Fucking bitch,"
-which not only has you smiling wider... but it has a deep warmth running hot in your core.
You plop yourself down on your bed, before staring up at the beams in complete and utter silence. Almost instinctively, as if you had no say in the matter at all, your short manicured nails trail down your belly before stopping right above your pubic bone.
You're peeling your clothes off of you the very second you make it back into your room, having climbed the elaborate wooden staircase two at a time. His words seem to have rocked you to your very being and your stomach does fiery somersaults as his words replay like a broken record within the confines of your brain. For 3 whole years since you've pledged to forgo this childish crush on him and it's as though your feelings have only doubled in magnitude.
A thick wad of saliva fights to make its way down your throat as your eyes finally give in to the darkness by fluttering shut.
Who does he think he is, your mind echoes wildly.
Who is he to think he can talk to you however he pleases?
It enrages you to imagine Sungchan has given him this right, and it enrages you further to imagine yourself growing impossibly hotter at his tense and crude tone of degradation. It was a feat to get Seunghan to swear, the boy was something akin to a turtle. Never without its shell. Never without the threat of sinking back into himself when things got uncomfortable.
‘Fucking bitch’
You finally accepted the knots in your stomach for what it was before plunging your hands in between your open legs.
You'd always prized yourself on your self control but that is a fickle thing as you press your palm to your slick and sticky cunt. You spread your arousal all over your inner thighs as your back arches off the mattress.
“Fuck-” you hiss into the quiet night air, as you picture a very distinct smile from a very distinct ravenlike boy, hovering above you. You imagine him watching you try helplessly to please yourself by withholding his own ministrations as some sort of punishment. You swear you can feel his lips brush against your ear and you can hear the soft tinbre of his deep voice as he whispers, “You're such a fucking slut, you know that?”
Your desperation tumbles out of your mouth, and you vaguely are aware that you're too far gone, trapped in the web of the fantasies that you've woven.
“F-Fuck, Seunghan- I'm close- ” And the embarrassment of crying out into an empty room, about a boy who could not give less of a fuck whether you live or died, is suddenly, made very fucking real, very fucking quickly when you hear-
“Hey… So, I just wanted to apologise-”
Your thighs clamp shut around the hand that was coaxing you to orgasm, while your knees simultaneously lock around you.
Seunghan stands there in your open doorway, sans blunt or shirt, with his plump pink lips hanging open in stark shock.
How enamoured by your own fantasy you had been, to not realise that you had left the door to your room wide open. How deep had you sunken into your own lust not to have noticed the boy standing at the door?
“Oh my fucking God-” your heart sinks into the very pits of your stomach as you rush to pull your pillow over your naked frame. Every nauseating emotion: fear, pity, acrimony, embarrassment, antipathy and worry, wash over you like a volcanic wave of molten lava. There are tears stinging your eyes as you move to rush over to the door. Before you're able to move however, Seunghan's voice is very stern and very quiet when he says, “Lay back down,”
There is a ringing in your ear that is spurred on by your erratic heartbeat and the wave of emotions running through your mind…
“W-What?” You truly felt as though you're unable to talk, unable to form any coherent response that might do this moment justice.
Here he is, the boy you have quite literally been pining over since your brother had been parading him around you.
Here he is, stepping over the threshold of your bedroom, but not before sending one gaze behind his back.
“You heard me,” Seunghan says before swinging your door shut using his back, so as never to remove his eyes from you. “You better make it quick.” He warns, “I don't know how long that party might keep your brother entertained.”
A billion questions stream through your consciousness but they all fail to reap even a single explanation and soon, you're idly complying. Pushing your head back slowly, until your braids are buried in the Egyptian linen. Your heart races when you hear his footsteps close the distance between the two of you and somehow you're still fighting to convince yourself that this is real. That Seunghan, and his dangerously sweet smile and inky black hair, is standing above you right now.
While you are here… naked.
That is enough to want to illicit a wave of nausea because no way, on God's green earth, were you going to let him see you naked.
“This is fucking insane-”
“Sit the fuck back down.” He does not shout, but still relays a level of conviction that has you propping yourself up by your elbows as you gaze up at the man in front of you.
“So she listens to orders,” he notes quietly, “Interesting…” Seunghan immediately lowers himself on the edge of your bed, careful not to let your skin touch as he flutters his eyes closed, seemingly thinking something through before nodding with finality.
“Make your fingers wet for me,”
“Is that a no?”
You couldn't very well tell him how desperate you are. You couldn't tell him that his presence and his voice alone has your legs tense and trembling under the pillow. Instead, all you do is hesitantly bring your index and middle finger up to your lips. You suck on them without ever bringing eye contact and once again, Seunghan shuts his eyes in an almost pained expression.
“Fuck, we should not be doing this-”
He says to himself, completely eliminating you as an entity of reason in the space around him, which was fine by you because you can feel yourself slipping deeper and deeper into subspace.
“I shouldn't be doing this,” He says, despite having the bed dip as she shifts closer towards you.
“Sungchan is gonna fucking freak,” he says before finally laying his palm against your steepled knee.
“I don't care,” it's the first words you've said since the severity of the situation sunk in and your voice is hoarse.
Seunghan's earings glint under the warm lights of your bedroom lamp and you never break eye contact once.
“Lay back down and open your legs for me.” He commands oh so quietly until yojre automatically complying; removing the pillow from your front until you were naked in front of him.
Every bad feeling is overridden by lust as you watch Seunghan's heavy eyes skate over your body. “I really wanna watch you fuck yourself with your fingers,” he admits gravely.
Almost instinctively, your hands begin to move in between your parted thighs but he stops you- “Next time.” He promises, and it sends a wave of goosebumps over your skin along with harsh shivers.
“Right now though,” Seunghan gingerly grabs at your waist, until soon, he's manoeuvring you on top of him. You're straddling his hips as he lowers his back onto the bed and Seunghan immediately presses your hips flush against his clothed cock.
“F-Fuck-” both your hips stutter against each other. Yours and Seunghan's lips are hanging open, seemingly surprised by how much you've actually needed each other until now. He cranes his neck back as he rocks you back and forth against him. Yous eize the opportunity to latch your lips onto his skin, eliciting a long and pained groan from him.
“I need to fuck you,” he admits, pawing at your breasts desperately. You whine against him, mind still fuzzy from Seunghan's hard-on rubbing against your soaked cunt.
You're a whimpering moaning mess when he latches his other hand against your throat, pulling you up until his lips were crashing onto yours.
He wastes no time, kissing you hard and rough with his velvety tongue pushing inside your mouth.
“If we carry on like this I'm gonna cum,” he says before pulling his hand away from your boobs and down to his cock in between you both. “Can't have that,” he whispers.
“I'm close too,” you whisper back, “It's fine-”
���You're so fucking desperate. Just be patient.” Despite the iciness in his tone, Seunghan is shocked to find your hips stuttering against him at the words.
“You like that?” He asks breathlessly as he pulls his cock out of his shorts. “You like being my desperate little slut-”
“F-Fuck Seunghan, you need to fuck me p-lease-” before the words even leave yoir mouth, he's sinking into you with an acute roughness that has you screaming in your room.
“Oh my fucking- fuck-” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your hips almost instinctively begin to ride him, your body now hellbent on chasing it's own orgasm.
You prop yourself up by your arm, leaving Seunghan to stare up at you and clamp his hand around your tits once more.
“Such a good girl,” he whispers, never once taking his eyes off your completely fucked out expression. “You're being such a good fucking girl.”
The depth in his voice, the aching expression in his face and his cock fucking into you at such a rabid pace has your inhibitions melting into incoherence. You were completely and utterly cock drunk. You would do anything he asked you to. Anything he wanted you to do.
“Fuck- You're fucking filth, y'know that?” Seunghan whispers, unable to stop his hips from fucking up into you, “But you're so fucking pretty too?” He says, “M-My pretty girl- FUCK-”
And somehow, those exact words have you both cumming with your moans swimming in the open air. He clutches you tightly as he emptied himself inside of you and you let him, with your eyes rolled back and your tits pressed firmly,against his chest. He claws at your back while you both fight to keep your eyes from slipping shut.
After what feels like ages, you're both breathing heavily and the weight of it all comes crashing down.
“You're so fucking hot." Seunghan's fingers draw lazy shapes against your back as he looks up at the ceiling. “I've always thought that.”
“Well why didn't you say anything?”
“I'm saying something right now.”
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Apologies for grammatical or spelling errors, it's 1am
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ddejavvu · 1 year
rugby!james when you come to his game all dolled up and in his team colours and the entire team is drooling over you. so he picks you up and gets your legs around his waist and kisses you with tongue in front of all of them (he probably puts his big hands on your butt too. just to be safe)
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
"Well you're a fan!" You hear an amused voice to your left, and you glance up from where you'd been texting with James about your post-game meetup. It's another one of his teammates, Prewett by the looks of it, but there's two of them on the team and you're not sure which one you're talking to.
"Ah," You glance sheepishly down at your jersey and colored socks, matching face paint striped over your cheeks, "Yes, I am. I was-"
"Who's jersey you got on you, love?" He elbows the man next to him, Longbottom, "Betcha it's mine, right?"
"No way," Frank grins lazily, sweat beading at his hairline, "Mine, for sure. Y'see me make that pass earlier? Bet you want an autograph."
"Uh," You flounder, fingers tightening around your phone as you feel it buzzing with new responses. You don't want to be rude and ignore James's teammates, but you don't want to ignore him, either. "Actually," You whip your head around, looking for the familiar mop of curls that you tangle your fingers in, "I was looking for-"
"Me," Sirius drawls, amusement flickering in his eyes, "Right Y/N?"
You laugh lightly at your boyfriend's best friend's antics, nodding and playing along, "Oh, yeah. I've been looking for you all over, darling."
"Oh, my love," Sirius gushes, holding the back of his hand to your cheek and swooning, "My heart ached for you through the whole match. It was like I lost a part of my soul for every second I labored on the field without you."
Prewett and Longbottom are rightly confused now. Sirius is gay. And hooking up with Remus. Loudly. In the locker rooms.
Thankfully, Sirius's dramatics have given James enough time to run from the locker rooms, hellbent on finding you in case you'd come into trouble. His last six messages have gone unanswered, but the knot of panic in his chest loosens when he sees Sirius clutching at your arms.
He jogs over, hair bouncing with every step, "Oi! Black! Get off m'girlfriend!"
"She's all yours," Sirius scoffs at his best friend's protectiveness, dropping his grip on your biceps and glancing at his fellow platers, "C'mon mates. Y'don't wanna see what he's like when he gets his hands on her."
"So she's-?" Prewett makes the mistake of watching James hug you, the man's large hands flying straight to your ass, "They're together?"
"Aggressively so," Sirius drawls, nose wrinkling as he watches James kiss you far more boldly than is polite in public, tongue visibly lapping into your mouth, "Oh god, alright, let's go. Christ, at least I close the shower curtain when Remus and I fuck."
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
It's Been a Long Time
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❀ WandaNat x Reader (f)
❀ Warnings: SMUT, desperate sex, separation, cannon typical violence, oral (r receiving and w receiving), shmexy toys, use of a strap-on, poly!relationship, pet names (baby, honey, sweetheart), tattooed reader (just a small one on her chest), nats and Wanda's mommy milkers, overstimulation, body worship, lots of orgasms, this is just super smutty and I hope you like it lol, sadness, tears, angst, captivity (not of reader), mommy kink (not MDLG), use of a butt plug and lube, female masturbation, voyeurism(?), threesome, lots of aftercare, kisses, fluff, and goodness!
❀ Request: SMUT! smexy, depraved smut with lots of overstimulation, body worship, oral, orgasms, and toys, just allll the slutty and smutty goodness 🤤 
❀ A/N: I really hope you like this one! I set it after Captain America: Civil War when Nat exposes everything about the accords and herself, and Wanda goes to the prison on the ocean thingy. So they both go home to their girlfriend who just misses them like crazy:( 
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When you heard the news of the Avengers getting caught, your heart broke. The two women you loved were a part of the team, and their getting caught was the first thing on your list you were worried about, besides them getting killed, of course. Natasha and Wanda had fallen for you when you approached them while they were having coffee one morning. You had noticed that Wanda had dropped her wallet, so you quickly went to return it to her. 
Unbeknownst to you, that day would change the trajectory of your entire life. The two women would smother you with their eternal love for you, take care of you when you were sad, love you when you had a hard time loving yourself, and leave you alone when you wished. They understood you, knew you, and just loved you. They showed their love in different ways;
Wanda showed it through words. Telling you how beautiful you are, saying she loves you, holding your hand in public, kissing your head when you woke up every morning. Natasha, she was a little different. Being more conservative and hidden, she showed her love in smaller ways. Protective looks at someone who is looking at you, gifting you flowers she picks from the compound garden, and tickling your back during movie nights. 
Unfortunately, both women knew what they signed up for when they decided to join the Avengers. They put the people of their city before themselves. It was heroic, and you loved that about them. They were admirable and inspiring. Even when Wanda made a mistake with her powers, you still loved her. Even when Natasha turned her back on you and Wanda, you still loved her the same as well. 
As you were watching TV, an emergency broadcast sounded, and you watched in horror as the Avengers were seen being escorted onto a large plane, going only god knows where. Clutching the shirt-sewn pillow, you hold it close to your heart, silent tears falling down your cheeks. Wanda looked heartbroken at what was unraveling, and Natasha looked defeated as she was escorted into a police car. 
You glared red-fiery bullets at Tony Stark, who stands with Vision, Spider-Man, and other people you thought were your friends. They were watching their team get captured, rendering the city in danger as the most powerful of people were locked away. Reaching for your phone, the first person you call is Wanda. No answer. Next, you call Natasha. No answer. In a fit of desperation, you call Tony. 
"What the fuck did you do?? Why are you doing this??" You scream into the phone as you hear Tony's smug voice on the other side. He sighs and lets you scream at him. 
"Y/n, listen to me. They are a danger to-" You didn't let him finish.
"They are your fucking team, Stark. You are more dangerous than all of them combined! They have friendships that can never be undone, promises that can't be broken, lovers-" your voice cracks and you whimper. "Fuck you, Stark. Fuck you, and fuck your so-called morals." Before he got a chance to respond, you hung up the phone. 
The channel changes on its own, and you see Natasha's picture on the screen. A headline below her says, "Natalia Alianovna Romanova, the assailant behind the escape of Captain America." You shook your head, knowing they wouldn't arrest her if it was on her watch. She would be on the run, and with everyone knowing who she is, she won't be coming home to you. 
Wanda, you didn't know where she went or what happened to her. You prayed and begged someone, anyone, to bring them back to you. But nothing, no matter how hard you tried, they were nowhere to be found. 
It would be weeks before you showered again. You were staying up late every single night worrying, researching, and calling people, trying to find where your lovers were. You tried looking for the sightings of Natasha, but no luck. You tried finding out where Wanda was by tracking the plane number you saw on the TV. But no luck either; it was military-protected. But one day, an unknown number called you. Immediately you picked up, not caring who it was. 
"Y/n? This is Rogers. I can't talk long, but Wanda and Natasha are coming home. I have them located, and they are both safe. Give them time, but soon." 
You sighed in relief and responded, "Where are they? Please, I need to know; I need to know where they are!" 
Steve was quiet for a second, "I'm sorry, I can't disclose that information right now. Give them a week, and they'll be home, ok?" He waited for a response, but you hung up and threw your phone to the other side of the room. 
You were angry and worried about your girlfriends. Steve was a little help with the burner phone call, but it still made you infuriated that he didn't tell you where they were. You knew that he couldn't be tracked fully with a burner phone, but you didn't know what technology Stark would use to capture him again. 
Just like Steve said, it would be another week before you would see them. So you cleaned yourself up a little bit. You showered, tidied your room and the rest of the apartment, and decided to cook an actual meal—a simple [enter your favorite easy meal here] dinner for you and your lovers. 
That is, whenever they came back to you. 
You had got through the week Steve said they would be here, but they still did not show. Maybe they forgot about you? Maybe they didn't love you anymore. Those were the thoughts coming through your head 24/7. After the phone call with Steve, you felt something. You felt a spark of hope and were confident they were going to come home, yet they didn't.
But the day came when they finally did—the day started as every other one, in bed, unmotivated to do anything. You had gotten in the habit of staring at the picture of you, Natasha, and Wanda in central park. You were squished in between the two of them, their lips connecting to both of your cheeks as you smiled in the middle of them. It was your favorite picture of you three, as it brought back memories from the "good ole' days."
You had found that showering washed the pain away for a temporary time. The water flowed down your skin with ease and, in turn, felt like you were a new woman. Today was no different. You got in the shower, and like every other day, you continued to pray and beg anything for your lovers to come home. With every bubble that fell through the drain, you counted your wishes. It felt useless trying to hope for them to come home anymore. But you knew you had to keep trying. 
After you got dressed, you went to the kitchen for some breakfast. [Enter your favorite breakfast food here] sounded amazing, and once you made it, it hit the spot. You were in your thoughts for a long time before you noticed a small knock at the door. You figured it was a package you ordered, so you answered it. 
To your utter surprise, Wanda and Natasha stood right in front of you. In the flesh, alive and breathing. Wanda was in a musty blue jumpsuit, and Natasha looked like she was in hiding, her red hair growing long over her shoulders. You stared in disbelief at the two women in front of you. Not sure if they were real or not. 
"I-is it you?" You whisper, tears prickling in your eyes. Wanda smiled, lifting her hand to cradle your cheek. 
"It is, sweetheart. We're home." Wanda responded, a sad smile painted on her lips. 
You let out a sob and wrapped your arms around the two of them. You hid your face in Natashas' chest as you pulled Wanda closer to you. "Wh-why did you leave? Why didn't y-you come home?" You whimpered, your voice muffled by the soft material of Nats' maroon shirt. 
The two women looked at each other, and Natasha took the lead. 
"We were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time милая (honey), and we had to go away for a little bit." She said, giving your head a soft kiss as she ran her fingers through your wet hair. You sigh in relief as you feel Wanda give you a reassuring squeeze, and you look up at her as well. 
"Are you both ok? Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" You ask quickly, pulling away and scanning the two of them, running your eyes over their body and looking at their faces to see if they wince in pain anywhere. You feel lighter as you see them shake their heads, and you grab their hands and pull them inside. Inside their home, where they belong with you. 
"I saw it all happen, o-on the news… I wish I could have been there t-to help you somehow. I just f-feel like I sh-should hav-have done something." You cry, sitting down on the kitchen chair you pull from the table. 
"Baby, please don't feel that way. You didn't have to do a thing. We made a sacrifice so that you would be safe. So don't you dare take the blame for any of this, do you understand?" Wanda says, kneeling in front of you and taking your hands. Her thumb rubs tender circles on the backs of your hands. 
You nod in understanding and look down at your hands in sadness. "I just missed you both so much. I thought you were never coming home." 
Your small voice breaks their hearts, and Wanda cups your cheeks, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. Gratefully and happily, you return the kiss, wrapping your arms around her neck to bring her closer to you. Natasha kneels next to Wanda, and after pulling away from Wanda, you lean over to the redhead, kissing her lips with just as much passion. "My god, I missed you both so much. I was going insane without you two here."
They both smile from below you, and each takes your hand in theirs. "We've missed our baby, and I think we all need a bit of relief from our time away…." Natasha smirks at you and Wanda, and in sync, you both nod. Understanding what she is saying in an instant. 
They pulled you to the bedroom, their eyes never leaving yours. They tenderly laid you down on the bed, placing your head gently on a pillow. Both pairs of hands explore your body as if it is a newfound land that no one has laid eyes on before. Your shirt comes off, and you are left bare for them. They both pause as they look at you from above. 
Wanda speaks first, "Did you get this while we were gone, baby?" Her soft fingers trace the fine line of a tattoo in the valley of your breasts. The lines connect to make three naked women intertwined together, all holding each other tightly. A heart at the crown of each woman's head and you right in the middle. 
"It's beautiful, honey. Gorgeous." Natasha says, leaning down to kiss along the ink lining your skin. "I've missed this body, your scent, just everything about you милая (honey)." She talks, her lips kissing down your belly to the waistband of your silk shorts. 
Wanda sits at your side, smiling as she kisses your lips, holding onto your hand as she moves down your neck to your chest as well. She takes one of your perked nipples into her mouth, smiling as a moan escapes your throat. You haven't been intimate in so long, and it felt so good to feel this close to your lover again. "O-oh.." You let out a small gasp as Natasha gently pull your shorts down your legs, a hum coming from above you as Nat looks hungrily at your soaking wet pussy. 
"So wet, baby. Is this all for us?" Nat asks, softly raking her fingers over your inner thighs, coaxing your legs open even more. You nod in response, your cheeks heating up at how exposed you are. "I need a taste…." She whispers, and Wanda nods at her. 
Natasha lays on her belly, spreading your petals wide open. Slick strings from her fingers as she prods at your hole, and you moan softly. She licks a long stripe from the bottom of your cunt and circles around your clit, making you squeeze Wanda's hand tighter. 
Her mouth feels so fucking good on your pussy, and you arch your back, pushing your breast further into Wandas' mouth. She rubs your other hardened nipple in her fingers; like a bud of clay, she's rolling into a perfect ball, and pleasure courses through your body. Your wiggling body makes it hard for Natasha to focus, and Wanda takes note of this, so she moves to straddle your lap, keeping your lower body still. 
Your eyes close as both women dominate you, Wanda pleasuring your breasts as Natasha eats you out like she's never before. You grasp the sheets in your hands, your orgasm coming closer and closer until it hits you. As you cum with a shout, Natasha enters two fingers inside of your clenching cunt, smirking as you squeeze her fingers extra tight from not cumming in so long. "So delicious, милая (honey), so fucking good." She whispers from in between your legs, your juices covering her lips. 
"Have a taste, my love," Nat says, sitting up and removing her fingers from your pussy, moving them up to Wandas' lips. She closes her mouth around Nats' fingers and moans softly. 
"Mmmm, baby, you taste like strawberries and cream…" Wanda says, smiling down at your fucked out face. A thin sheet of sweat covers your forehead, and you return a smile. 
"J-just for you, Mommy…" you whisper, your breath coming in small pants. Nat chuckles lightly and crawls to your side. "And you too, m-mommy…." you add, making sure Nat feels just as much love. 
"Oh, baby, did you think we were done? No, no, no, we have so much to catch up on." Wanda smiles and kisses your lips in a sloppy, desperate kiss. While she is devouring your lips, Natasha makes her way to the closet. She reaches for the box marked "toys" and smiles at your messy handwriting. As she opens the box, she takes out your favorite [enter favorite color and desired size] strap, a powerful vibrating wand, and her favorite toy to torture you with; the ruby-like jeweled butt plug that fits your ass like a glove. 
She turns around with the supplies in her hands, and to no one's surprise, you had managed to get Wanda down to her bra and panties. Her jumpsuit was discarded on the floor by the bed. With her lips glued to yours, Wanda takes your hands and pins them above your head, wanting all of you under her control. You smile as your noses nudge against each other as she pulls away for a second. You look up at her, and your eyes flick from hers to her lips. "You always take my breath away." Nat smiles at your moment with her and sets the supplies at the end of the bed. 
"Alright, it's time for the real fun," Nat says, smiling as she removes her shirt and jeans. You sit up with Wanda sitting next to you, but you are quickly stopped in your tracks as Nat gives you a look that immediately pushes you into submission. As you lay back down, Wanda runs her fingers through your hair, and Nat climbs between your legs once again. 
You watch in anticipation as Nat buckles the harness to her hips, the false cock bobbing in front of her. She rubs her hand over your pussy lips again and gently enters your hole with her finger. Stretching you out to make sure that her cock fits perfectly inside of you. As Wanda sits above you, she continues to brush through your hair with her fingers, something she does as a gesture of love while Natasha takes charge of both of you. 
Nat smiles and seductively holds up the bejeweled butt plug, and you whimper softly, knowing how much you love it yet loathes it at the same time. Natasha would completely understand if you said no to something and would respect it. But this time, you would allow her to do anything to you. 
She gently holds your legs open and puts your ass on her lap, your legs up by her shoulders. She opens the small bottle of lube and puts a small amount on the metal plug as well as your puckering hole. You jump at the slight coolness of the liquid but relax as her warm fingers rub it in, pushing her finger into your ass with ease. You groan softly, turning your head and hiding your face in Wandas' leg. 
She smiles at your shyness and tickles your arm to soothe you as Nat works your ass open for her.  
"Come on, baby, loosen up for me; you used to take me like a champ," Nat says, pushing her fingers in a little deeper. You moan in response, feeling like you haven't been stretched out like this in ages. Well, you haven't, but it still felt like the first time all over again. "I know you can do it, honey, come on, let me in…" she whispers, gently moving her other hand to the top of your cunt, rubbing small circles on your sensitive button to help you relax. 
With a whimper coming from your lips, you relax your lower body in hopes of assisting Nat. With luck, she pushes her fingers to her knuckles and smirks. "Good girl, that's our good girl," She coos and smiles as she pushes her fingers in and out of your tight back hole. "She's so good, isn't she, Wands?"
Wanda hums in agreement, her fingers teasing your nipples once again. "So so good, the best girl." She smiles down at you, chuckling softly as your face contorts into a face of pleasure. You bite your lip and whine at the sudden empty feeling of Nats' fingers leaving you. But you are quickly full again when Nat pushes the plug into your ass, the jewel nestling right between your ass cheeks. 
Nat smiles at her work and rubs your skin softly. "It fits perfectly… red suits you милая (honey). My god, you are so beautiful." She looks over you adoringly and leans down to press a kiss to your bent knee. As she kisses closer to your cunt, Wanda slowly straddles your chest and looks down at you with a smirk. "Do you wanna taste baby?" You nod eagerly, and you link your arms around her legs to pull her closer to your mouth. 
Her pussy drips right over your mouth, and you can hardly contain your excitement. You pull her down to your and suck hard on her clit, making her moan and grip the bed frame in front of her. She arches her back, grinding down on your mouth with pleasure filling her veins. Lust fills her system, and she reaches back to pull on your nipples again, smiling at the vibration of your moans against her clit. 
Natasha leans back as she watches you devour Wanda and smiles as she plays with herself in return. She rubs her clit with her fingers, but it just isn't enough, so she reaches for the vibrator that sits next to her. She turns it on and sighs in relief as she presses the bulb to her aching clit. Throwing her head back in pleasure, she watches the two of you through hooded eyelids, smirking as she matches the movements of Wandas' hips, circling the vibrator one way and then the other. 
Once you sense Wandas' orgasm starts to form, you smile as her moans fill your ears like music, and you gently push your fingers in to help her with that final push of pleasure. She gasps, as does Natasha at the end of the bed, both women coming to their high at the same time. The two of them moan loudly as they both cum, and Wandas' hips come to a stop as she takes in a deep breath. "Oh, baby, you were hungry, weren't ya?" She chuckles and scoots down, leaning over your chest to kiss your lips, tasting herself on her tongue at the same time. 
"Mmm, you taste so good, Wands." You whisper against her lips, and you smile as you take in her soft kisses in return. As Natasha finishes, she hands the vibe to Wanda, who turns around on your belly, so now she is facing Natasha, who has spread your legs wide so they both have unlimited access to your most intimate parts.
Wanda spreads your pussy lips apart and licks small circles on your clit while Natasha pushes the tip of her cock into your hole. Already being stretched out, Nat knows you can take all of her. She places her hands on your thighs and pushes further inside your wet hole, slowly filling you up to the brim. You moan loudly, and you squeeze Wandas' hips as she straddles you. 
You hear the click of the vibrator switch, and you jump as you feel the vibrating against your puffy clit. A loud moan escapes your lips, your legs shaking in response as Wanda circles the vibe in all the right ways. Natasha moves her hips in a smooth rhythm, pulling endless pleasure from your cunt with each thrust. With Wandas' skilled hands with the vibrator and Natashas' cock stretching you out perfectly, you are in a state of euphoria for the first time in a long, long time. 
Your first orgasm hits you like a semi-truck, and you see white. Your pussy walls clench around Natasha's cock like a vice, and your clit pulses against the vibrating head held in Wandas' soft hands. And they are far from done, you know that; Wanda knows that, as does Natasha. They continue to push you to your limits, torturing your cunt in the most loving way possible. 
Your second orgasm hits just minutes later, and your juices squirt from your pussy and onto the sheets just under you. You let out a loud moan and squirm underneath Wanda. "One more, baby, one more just for us." She encourages and turns the vibrator up to its highest setting. You whimper in response, your red puffy cunt getting its last bit of pleasure. Natasha thrusts in and out of your pussy faster, and you are pushed to your third and final orgasm. 
As you are cumming beneath your two lovers, they share their love with a long and loving kiss. Their tongues fight for dominance in the other's mouth. Finally, with gentle care, they move their focus to you. Wanda removes the vibe from your quivering clit, and Natasha slowly removes her cock from your soaking wet hole and gently pulls the plug from your ass. She teases you by pulling it out just a little bit, then pushing it back into its spot again. But finally, she pulls it out and leaves your ass a gaping hole. 
Once Wanda moves from your belly, she begins cleaning everything up, the toys, the pillows, blankets, and other things while Nat helps you. 
Nat smiles and sighs as she massages the skin of your ass and guides you to calm down. She puts her hand gently on your heaving chest, and you follow her breaths as she silently tells you to copy her. You breathe with her, your senses calming down at the moment until you are fully at peace. 
As you lay fucked out, Wanda lifts you into her strong arms, carrying you to the bathroom to clean you up. While Wanda sits you on a towel on the counter, you lay on her chest as Nat fills the tub up with warm, soapy water. Wanda chuckles at your tired look, your slouching body, and your droopy eyes. "We missed you so much, baby. I couldn't stand another day in that stupid prison without you." She says in a soft voice as she wipes your face with a warm washcloth.
You lean into her gentle touches and hum lightly in response, too tired to form complete sentences. Nat chuckles and lifts you into the tub with her, Wanda getting in on the other end and the two women caging you between their entangled legs. "It is so good to be home… to be home with our girl," She says as she holds out her hand for Wanda. 
Wanda solemnly agrees and squeezes Nats' hand, and as your head rests against her breasts, she kisses your forehead. "We won't ever leave you again, honey. Never, ever again. We promise." Wanda nods and softly rubs her hand over your leg, soothing you as you hide your face in Nats' chest. 
You knew that was a promise your two lovers would keep. It was a promise that would never be broken, despite the challenges that were faced in their everyday lives. They loved you far too much to see you heartbroken, and they swore never to leave you broken again.
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romanarose · 1 month
To Have and to Hold
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Marc Spector x fem!reader
Masterlist : Moon Knight Masterlist : Marc Spector Masterlist
Read on AO3
Summary: You and Marc just get married and he can't wait to get his dick inside you.
Warnings: Blowjob, butt stuff, anal play, cumming untouched, make-up smearing. I tried my best with some spanish and hebrew.
Immersivity: Reader is fem but no gentitle mentions for reader. Wears make up and a dress but I tried to write thing in a way that would make sense for a wedding in most cultures. Header is just for aesthetics, not mention of skin, dress, any of that. reader had grabable hair (theres a line about getting semi undressed so if you wear veils or hair covers that is you guys taking it off to smash.) Reader wears heavier make up and Marc can pick her up. Marc says the traditional chritian wedding vows (that doesnt mention anything religous) but thats not neccecarily the vows the said at the actual wedding. I know marc is jewish and the reader can be christian or not I knooooooooow
A/n: Jewish Marc <3 I tried to get pics of weddings from different cultures, the bottom one is from Guatemala is pintrest is to be believed! Add this to the list of fics i've written for @whatthefishh
1K Words
Married. Finally married. Marc Spector was your husband, and absolutely no one was going to take him away from you.
After the ceremony, you and Marc run off to the nearest side room you could find, dodging all your family and friends in order to consummate your marriage right away. Giggling and laughing like children, Marc pulled you by your hand, dress flouncing around and his Kippah secure on his head. All alone finally after days of family surrounding you, the two of you quickly get into just enough state of undress for what you need. His dick in your mouth.
“My beautiful wife…” Marc grunts, thrusting into your mouth and stretching your lips around his considerable length. “My perfect girl…” Your mouth was so wet and warm. So soft around him, accommodating his hardness and beautiful eyes gazing up adoringly through your wet lashes. Marc placed his large, rough hand on your cheek, pulling his cock out just enough to turn and press it into your cheeks. He loved to feel himself inside you. 
You, in turn, love feeling him. It didn’t matter if he was stuffing himself inside your cunt, if you were feeling the vein of his cock along your tongue, his finger in your asshole with his sweet lips locked in on your tender flesh, or simply lying together watching TV with your fingers entangled in his deep brown curls. You were his and he was yours, and now it was sealed forever.
Marc’s dick slid down your throat, making you gag a little but Marc knew what you could handle. He didn’t want to hurt you, especially not today of all days, but he also knew what you liked. He also knew how to fix your make up, which you knew he was going to need to do as the tears began to blur in your eyes. 
You’re dripping wet, absolutely incomprehensibly turned on by the simple fact you are married, married to the most amazing man in the entire world. Oh, and an amazing ass. That was an aside. A side that your fingernails were digging into right now, anyway. He was built like a fucking PEACH.
Marc murmured, growing breathless. He was so fucking easy to get off with blowjobs, it made you laugh. “I love you so goddamn much…”
You relinquish his right buttcheek, but you don’t leave his cute little booty be. No, your hands stay busy, reaching under him to play with his balls, but that wasn’t their final destination, merely a pitstop to sliding a finger up his butt. One time you did that and he came on the spot, which embarrassed him but you thought incredibly hot.
Marc moans loud enough you swear you were going to get caught. He’s so fucking easy. Marc likes to act like a tough guy, but really he’s just a whimpering mess who likes his butt played with, and you were happy to oblige. When he’s particularly a mess, Marc-y Marc rambles, and today was no exception as you slobber all over his length.
“Perfect fucking wife, ahuvati, can’t believe I actually got you to marry me.” he chuckles a bit in disbelief. “How’d that happen, huh?”
You mumble around his dick. You’re a bit preoccupied to answer.
He laughs again. “Oh, right.” He shakes his head, cradling yours in his hands before sighing contently, balls beginning to draw up. “My wife, my wife, eeshtee, mi esposa… my fucking wife.” Marc thrusts in deep at that, and you know he’s about ready to cum because he’s losing control. What he doesn’t know is under your dress your thighs are rubbing together, as turned on as he was and you haven't even been touched yet. You just needed him to keep talking… Luckily, Marc always knew what you needed. Marc was strangely much more talkative during sex than he was outside of it.
“To have and to hold, from this day forward.” Wet thrust into your drooling mouth, mascara running down your cheeks and neck.
“For better or for worse.” Fuck, you were getting as close as he was, the heavy smell of sex heating up the small room. Everything felt erotic and warm, your dress suddenly getting sweaty.
“For richer or for poorer” His face was getting sloppy, but no less strong. You remove your hands from his sweet cheeks to play with his balls.
“In sickness and in health.” You scrape your nails across his left asscheek, no doubt taking some skin with you. You’re whimpering at this point, slit throbbing to be touched but you wanted to cum from his voice alone.
“Forsaking all others.” It was dizzying, the tone of his voice strong and sure and just so certain in his words. He was so certain this was forever and ever, and so were you.
“To love and- and to ch-cherish, shitshitshitshit!” He grips your hair and you grip his thighs, both of you cumming in time as he says his last words.
“UntilDeathDoUsPart” Marc spills out the final phrase in a hurry fucking his cum down your throat as he cries out your name, your own toes attempting to curl up in the wedding shoes.
Sliding his softening cock out your mouth, you see the remnants of your lipstick on him. Yeah, you were going to need him to fix your face. For now though, Marc puts his dick in his pants and drops to his knees, looking you in the eye with a shit eating grin on his face. “Did you just cum untouched, baby?”
Playful, you smack his face knee. “Shut up!”
Full of joyous laughter, Marc picks you up and spins you around, making you squeal in delight. “Ani ohev otah! So fucking much!”
Nothing in the world felt better than being in Marc Spector's arms.
This goes out to my beleoved Mona who alway shared ehr thirst idea with me lolololol this is something we were workshopping together while I was in line for Bleacher lol (fun fact I stopped a fight there.)
For now, Im going to be focusing on my work for the ZIne, my pride event, and trying to finish either awakening or blessed be the fruit. thats my goal this month. Maybe more if you wanna be wild if were luky, but that series means so much to me I don't wanna half ass it. It needs to be perfect bc were about to deal with Santi's trauma.
Want to see more? Want to keep up? I dont have a tag list for follow @romana-updates and turn on noifications!
Thank you all so much for your support! Im considering doing something MK for the pride event (see my pinned post) but Im unsure yet. I know I'll have lots of joel and a Santi.
love yall lots!
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sethsclearwater · 3 months
Hi again!! Loved the Paul head-canon it was EXACTLY how I imagined ittt.
I have a head canon for Seth! If reader was in a pouty/stubborn mood he would definitely be doing anything and everything to make her laugh or even just a tiny smile. 100%!
Like say they’re at a campfire and she’s in a pouty mood and everyone around her obviously notices, he’d be bringing marshmallows to toast and everything (since he’s such a sweetheart) and eventually she’d crack. I meannn who could resist Seth??
this man has my whole heart😭
by now the entire pack was well aware that you were not to be fucked with. on the way to the pack's near weekly bonfire at first beach, you and kim had managed to be the butt end of one of jared's never-ending pranks which led to you both getting absolutely soaked by emily's garden hose.
while kim went off on jared for fucking up her hair, seth had quickly found you and pulled you aside so he could swap clothes with you. you weren't entirely sure what made him make that decision but now he was wearing your sweatshorts that were definitely too short for him while you wore his t-shirt and sweatpants that were definitely too big for you.
in your grumpiness, you had plopped down in the sand next to emily and sam who were lost in their own world with each other. you leaned back against one of the many pieces of driftwood while you pouted over your undergarments and hair still being soaked. seth couldn't have minded though, not wasting anytime before he was striding over to you, a golden smile on his face and what looked like all the ingredients to make s'mores in his hands.
you were pretty close to breaking but held up a strong front, arms crossed over your chest with a pout on your face as he came and sat down on the log behind you so he could sit with you between his legs.
he didn't say anything, just sliding one hand over your shoulder to gently massage at the muscle there while he figured out how to get a marshmallow impaled on a stick with his other hand. seth knew how to read you by now and was well aware that asking you what was wrong would only add fuel to the fire so he remained quiet as he successfully impaled the marshmallow and handed the stick to you.
"can you hold this for a sec?" he asked, giving your shoulder another gentle squeeze when you hummed and nodded, still not too interested in talking.
while you held the marshmallow over the fire, seth snapped the graham cracker and chocolate in half with his free hand, the other one still dutifully massaging your shoulder. after a few moments, you allowed your shoulders to drop, letting out a soft sigh as you let yourself lean back into him, resting your head against his thigh.
seth slid his hand up to your hair, gently scratching your scalp and stroking his fingers through your hair while you two silently waited for the marshmallow to toast.
once you both decided it was brown enough, seth slid his free hand over yours, taking the stick from you so he could assemble your s'more for you. you weren't entirely sure how he managed to do it all with one hand but you weren't too concerned, instead basking in the warmth of the fire while seth's fingers continued to work wonders on your scalp.
"for my pretty girl," seth mused after a moment, beaming as he handed you his perfected s'more. you couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of your lips.
you took the s'more from him, sitting up so you could peek over your shoulder and look up at him. he was sporting a soft smile despite the fact that you knew he definitely had to be uncomfortable with the way your soaked shorts were clinging to him, "thank you," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the wet fabric which had seth letting out a breathy laugh.
"anything to make my pretty girl feel better," he mused, leaning down to press a kiss to your hair, "now can we get outta here? i'm pretty sure i ripped these when i sat down," he said, both of you laughing when you realized how uncomfortable he definitely was.
"yes please," you laughed, allowing him to take your free hand and help you up while you held the s'more with the other, more than happy to snack on it on the short drive back to your apartment.
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charlottecutepie · 6 months
୨୧ nsfw alphabet (william afton x fem!reader)
author notes: i felt too shy to post something here but I really want to share my writing with you, so I’ll be very glad if you like it <3 ty
cw: p in v, oral (m and f receiving), fear play, knife kink, daddy kink, choking, older man/younger woman, degrading, praising.
minors dni
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art by melokoii and imsanlee
A — Aftercare
William is quite rough during sex, but he gets softer after. He can quickly kiss you on forehead or gently stroke your hair, telling you what a good and obedient girl you were for him.
He can feel detached if he's in a bad mood and doesnt have strength to hide it. In this case, he doesn't show much emotion or interest. Doesn't bother to make sure you're okay.
B — Body part
William pays a lot of attention to your neck, sometimes leaving little hickeys on it. Sometimes passionate kisses. Sometimes worse things, like marks from his hands that squeeze your neck hard enough that you turn blue.
William likes your eyes because they speak much louder than your words.
William likes the fear he sees in them. It's like a drug to him, fueling his desire even more. He gets turned on by the fact that you're afraid and can't push him away. He likes the way you involuntarily flinch when he's too close, the way you catch your breath. It's just another reminder that he has control over you.
This isn't just an expression of fear or despair. It's a reflection of your true feelings for him. You're scared, but at the same time you feel a sick attraction to him.
A delightful mixture of emotions that he considers beautiful — fear.
He likes the way you try to hide your true feelings behind the mask of a brave girl. He knows that deep down you belong to him, your body and soul. And he'll make you really sure of that.
Your eyes are a reflection of your soul, revealing your sick and perverted thoughts and desires. A scared look serves as a reminder of how much power he has over you and how much you need him.
So yes, William loves your eyes. Not because they are beautiful and captivating, but because they show him how much you depend on him. And what are your real feelings.
Neither breasts, nor butt, nor any other part of the body that is considered attractive in a woman. William isn't kind of man who cums in his pants at the sight of bare breasts and nipples.
C — Cum
He prefers to cum inside, first of all, to show his superiority over you. Although you can imagine fairy tales that it's because he wants a baby, that's not really true. Afton already has three offsprings, and he doesn't seem to be taking good care of them.
One day, man leaned closer and whispered in your ear: "Will you let me cum inside, bunny?"
You turned your head to him, but he just grinned when he saw how cock drunk you were, pussy clenching on his shaft. You looked so dumb and all what came out of your parted lips were moans of his name as he thrusted inside of you. But for one second, he saw the fear in your eyes when you realized his his question. The fear of getting pregnant. The fear that he's holding you tight and you won't break free even if you want to. He shuddered. A second later, you felt his seed pouring inside. You immediately gasped in shock.
"Oh, baby," a hoarse whisper behind you, William catching his breath. "Damn, did I cum inside? Sorry, I must have gotten too carried away."
D — Dirty secret
William himself is a big fucking secret that no one would want to solve. No one has a simple idea of what is on this person's mind. Because sane people just can't think of such things.
You were aware that William has strange scars. But it was a big surprise to find out that they covered his entire body, every part: neck, arms, legs, pelvis, back, torso. They seemed painful, born a lot of questions, but they were wildly intriguing. The scars were perfectly symmetrical and fresh.
At some point, you found yourself going crazy, thinking they were attractive. But William turned out to be even more insane when he asked you to stick your nails in them.
William's completely naked body against yours was a surprise. He always left clothes on during sex, whether it was a shirt or trousers, but now hes not wearing anything. He was on top, his silvery eyes boring into yours. You didn't dare turn away, intrigued by what would happen next. William gritted his teeth, how charmed you were by him. This undoubtedly reinforced his narcissistic ego.
William's finger runs over your lower lip, pressing on it to open your mouth a little. William behaves differently, very differently. In any other case, this man would have already ruined you, fucked you hard and rough. But right now there's no hint of it.
"You like them," William says quietly, and grins when he meets your questioning gaze. "my scars."
"They are perfectly symmetrical..." your eyes run over his body.
He doesn't answer, instead he presses his nose against your neck and you feel his smile on your skin. You're confused, you don't know how to react to his touches and actions. How to behave in such a situation. Everything that is happening is new. William doesn't usually behave like that.
"Touch them." Afton suddenly says, looking up at you again.
You don't understand where the situation is heading, but you obey. The pads of your fingers lightly, almost weightlessly touch his scars on his shoulders. William nods for you to continue, and you run your fingers down his back, sensing his scars. William sighs, closing his eyes, his body tense, the veins on his forehead and arms popping out.
"Harder, y/n, harder." William's breathing harder. You can hear his heartbeat quicken. "fuck, do it with your nails, damn it." you shake your head, already scared of what this is all going to lead to.
"William, no, I won't do that!" you reject, but William doesn't care. In his eyes, you're acting like a brat, well, okay. His hands grab you by wrists and he literally forces you to follow his command. Against your will, your nails dig into his scars.
"That's it, that's it, y/n, yes."
"William..." you dive deeper into William's scars, peeling off the barely healed skin. Blood begins to flow down his arm. William's eyes are closed, and the only thing that can be heard is his loud breathing along with hoarse moans.
It's crazy, you don't know if it's a dream or not. It's wrong to hurt a person. Even if himself asked for it. But you can't stop, you keep tearing at his scars with your nails.
William leans closer to you, placing his palm on your cheek. You're afraid to even look at his face, but you don't have a choice. Although William's eyes are looking somewhere through you, his gaze is empty, mentally he's not here. A small wound on his dry lips bursts with a wide smile.
This is crazy, you think. I'm crazy, you tell yourself, because it turns me on. And William's voice, with sighs and groans, sounds more beautiful than ever.
A disgusting metallic smell filled your nostrils. The sheets under you are soaked in William's blood, you continue to roughly pick at his scars, also staining yourself with a dark red liquid. William's body is shaking. Open scars begin to burn. This pain is everywhere, and William feels it far from on a physical level, no. At some higher one.
And the next moment, Afton covers your lips with his own, pressing his already bloody body against you. He groans into your mouth and pushes his tongue inside, running it over your teeth. He kisses you roughly, continuing to rub his body against yours, which causes pleasant stimulation for both of you. You grab his brown hair, pulling his head back. You can taste awful taste of William's blood mixed with your saliva.
The kiss is sloppy, dirty, disgusting and aggressive. Just like William himself.
William is a disgusting and perverted man whose moral principles are far from normal. A very dark thought is wandering in his sick brain, which has been visiting him too often lately, even in his sleep. To share you with his business partner, Henry, fucking Emily. The sight of you trying to take two cocks at once stuck in William's head for a long time.
E — Experience
He has three children, so yes. Even before he got married, he had... one-night stands, but rarely. He usually studied hard, sometimes staying at the university until late at night.
Although you asked him to tell you more about his past relationship, before he met Clara, William refused, with a shadow of a smile. You're walking on very thin ice. It's a secret you shouldn't know yet.
F — Favorite position
His favorite poses involve dominance and control. He likes it when he can fuck you deeply without breaking eye contact. This is usually a classic old missionary.
He also likes it when you wrap your legs around him if he fucks you against wall. This allows him to enter you rougher and much deeper.
As a punishment, its usually poses where you can't see his face. William knows your weak spot, he noticed not so long ago how you always try to keep your eyes on him, peering and studying.
Also doesn't mind bending you over his desk in his own office. And the cherry on top is an unlocked door, so that sex turns into real torture while you try to restrain your moans. Either it's Henry, who can show up, as always, without knocking, or the staff, who can hear the sounds of bodies slapping and your moans, he doesn't care.
G — Goofy
William isnt a piece of ice that always walks around with a stone face. He has a sense of humor, even if you don't understand it. His humor is witty, dry, sometimes even rude, sarcastic, gloomy, caustic. He can make fun of your behavior in bed, of your inexperience, of things you don't know.
H — Hair
William is well-groomed, he shaves, not everything, but keeps clean. Being a perfectionist isnt easy, but he takes care of himself down there too. He expects the same from you.
I — Intimacy
William may be quite romantic in the early stages of a relationship. Gifts, romantic dates and compliments. All of this to create a feeling of affection.
But he's head and shoulders above such simple and tedious things, in his eyes it's all pretty boring.
William can be gentle and caring if necessary. And here, as in many other things, he hides his true self, his sick and animal sadistic nature.
William is a man with three children. Being a single father isn't easy, but he managed to learn how to wake up before sunrise and cook lunch boxes for them to school. William paid more attention to Elizabeth. All the drawings of his daughter were pasted on the walls of the Afton house. There were always about ten packages of ice cream of different flavors in the fridge, and girl's closet was bursting with a lot of dresses.
William paid a lot of attention to you, too. Whenever children were visiting Henry, William invited you to a romantic dinner at home. His culinary skills were amazing, all his dishes were delicious in appearance and taste.
The way his long fingers squeeze a lemon, the juice of which covers the phalanges, and then drips onto the meat. Your cheeks turn pink, you can't contain the association this sight causes. But it's just William, who does the usual household chores. Such thoughts shouldn't enter your head.
"Do you like the way I cook? I guess i pay a lot of attention to details, don't you think?"
The way his hands are covered in animal blood up to the wrist when he cuts up meat. You shouldn't fucking find it sexy. It's just fucking William, who's just cooking. You need to cool down.
His hand holding a butcher knife evokes another wave of memories. How he held a knife to your neck while ruining your pussy. You... you shouldn't like these kind of things…
It's first signs that you're drowning in this shit, first alarm bells that you're going crazy. And William is more than happy to see what he's turning you into.
He has one of his favorite things in his house — a vinyl record player from the UK, a family treasure inherited from his dead grandfather. It often plays old songs from the 40s and 50s. William is beckoning you with his finger. You feel pretty awkward not knowing anything about the hits of these years and dances thanks to big age difference with William. And when he asks you to dance a little to these songs, you act a little awkward, stepping on his oxfords.
William chuckles, watching your clumsy movements. He puts his arm around your waist, guiding your steps to the beat of the music. His fingers intertwine with yours, and you slowly spin around the room. His hand slides down your back, pressing against your curves.
William always prefers the old-fashioned style of clothing, he always wore white socks with black shoes, brown or black trousers, shirts, vests, sometimes suspenders. He looked damn handsome, perfectly matching the old hits that were sounding on the old record player.
J — Jack off
Only if he really needs to and you're not around. William rarely masturbates, he doesn't have time for this, always busy with paperwork, repairing animatronics and settling conflicts at work. But if you aren't there to calm his arousal, then his hand reaches for the zipper of his pants. Then William takes polaroid photos of you out of his desk. Or maybe of someone else
K — Kink
Dirty talk + humiliation: William has a sharp tongue and it plays a terrible role in sex. He doesn't mind praising you, knowing that you melt when he call you a good girl, but he loves to humiliate you. In all ways. Makes you rub on his expensive oxfords, covering them with your slick. He looks down at you, literally spitting out "Dirty whore."
Or when he pushes inside of you, takes you by the hair and whispers into your lips: "Is that how you like to be fucked, like little stupid whore? I didn't even prepare you but your cunt sucking my cock in so deep. A pathetic little fuck toy. Do you know what i think about when I fuck you? No? About how i slit your throat and break your little bones. Oh, what was that? Are you fucking moaning? Whore, you're even worse than me." There's a distinct mix of disgust in his voice.
Asphyxia/choking: The thought that you are literally in his hands and he can strangle you excites him. He completely controls your life, right up to your very last breath. You think it's just such a fetish, because he likes rough sex. But William looks at it from a different angle. When his hands squeeze you so hard, far from sexually, but like a predator, like a killer, not giving you a breath of air, and your eyes are already rolling back as connection with the world is lost, when his face becomes blurred. That's what William thinks is sexy — the fact that he controls your fate, whether you die or not, depends on him.
Bloodplay: William likes the look of blood, that red disgusting liquid. He hates mess, but whenever the floor of a pizzeria gets dirty with someone's blood, the remains of a brain or even some organs, he is overjoyed. It's probably the only mess he doesn't hate to clean up.
Whenever his hands are covered in blood, Afton without doubt will touch you. He will share this blood with you, leaving it on your clothes or body. William can be so disgusting that he uses a blood liquid as a lube. It's usually your blood, rarely his.
Knife play: William's murder weapon was and always will be a knife. No matter how good others are, the knife will always be special to him. After all, it allows him to approach the victim physically, to see their face distorted by pain. To look into their pitiful eyes, to peer into that very last look when life leaves their body.
Afton loves using a knife when he takes not only someone's life, but also your clothes, especially underwear. He quickly cuts your bra and panties if he needs quick access to your body. Before you can even blink, he's already running the blade over your ribs, stomach, down to your pubic. At this point, fear already appears. William is full of surprises and you will never be able to predict his next move. This creates a sense of power and control. The way a knife can cut through your flesh or clothes, the way a knife creates a sense of vulnerability in you, allowing William to maintain superiority.
If you've been good, he'll put the knife away, beside your underwear or what's left of it.
But if you've been a bad girl, William will definitely hurt you, not deadly, but a cut or scar will remain, on the inside of your thigh or under your breasts, wherever he pleases. This is your punishment, one of his favorites.
If he's in a bad mood or fucking you roughly, he can press the blade against your neck, right against the carotid artery. "Don't squirm or my hand will shake and I might accidentally kill you. You don't want that to happen, right?"
Daddy kink: William never thought about it. He discovered this kink some time ago, when you were so blissful from his cock that you accidentally moaned "daddy!", which immediately turned your cheeks and even your ears red. You immediately shut your mouth, looking ashamed, and hid your face on his shoulder. The level of embarrassment was too great.
"What was that?" William stopped thrusting, which made you almost whine. He pulled back a little to get a good look at your flushed face. "What did you call me? Repeat." because of your shyness, you were speechless. How could you blurt that out? He must have gotten angry. "I won't continue until i hear that word from you again, dear." His fingers lift your chin, forcing you to look at him.
Daddy kink suggests that he takes the role of a dominant and caring figure during sex. It includes William calling you "babygirl" or "princess" and saying how proud he is of you. He likes to control the situation and also show care, even if it is fake.
L — Location
Wherever he wants.
William's sex drive is far from low, he's already fucked you enough in the bedroom, living room and shower, so he's moved on to the next level.
His office, the basement (did it always smell so horrible here?), his car, the park (it was supposed to be just a cute date). And his most favourite is Henry's desk.
M — Motivation
When William plays psychologist with you. When he listens to you pouring out your soul to him and telling him about your problems. Whether it's the little things or something worse: problems with parents or self-esteem.
William enjoys seeing your shoulders droop, your voice tremble and your eyes turn red from crying. At such moments, William opens his arms to you, pressing your face swollen from crying to his chest. His hands are running through strands of your hair as he soothingly rocks you from side to side, sweetly whispering: "My girl, cry, cry as loudly as you can. I'm here." You weaken in his arms, immediately turning into a small child who needs only support and words of comfort.
William knows this and he has no problem being a shoulder to cry on. In his eyes, you are vulnerable, weak and fragile, practically begging him to destroy you, not only physically. Break your psyche, destroy your idea of what a healthy relationship is, make you fall in love with him completely. And he's damn good at it.
N — No
William doesn't like the idea of you dominating him. It just doesn't excite him. Most likely, he will let you try, but only for the first ten minutes, then he'll push you away and pin you against wall or bed. "You done? Now it's time for daddy to show you where you belong."
O — Oral
William is a selfish man, but that doesn't mean he won't please you. Not only his cock, but also his tongue make you arch and moan. Afton knows how to touch a woman, and he is very well versed in female anatomy. He slowly circles your clit with his tongue, while his two fingers are already inside your pussy, moving at a smooth pace.
Then he pulls away, his chin wet with your juices. His fingers are still thrusting. You lift your hips, clutching the sheets.
"Naughty girl, did you think i'd let you cum?"
And while you are trying your best not to reach orgasm, William first gently kisses your clit, and then begins to suck on it, making your toes curl.
William likes it when you give him a blowjob, there's something special about the way you look at him, trying to take all his length in your mouth, but he doesn't always show it. He can be quite restrained and detached, focusing on his own pleasure rather than on your condition.
Sometimes he loses control if you stimulate him not only with your tongue, but also with your hands, caressing his heavy balls. He catches his breath as you push his cock deeper into your throat, his fingers grabbing your hair, pulling you roughly to guide you. His hips involuntarily jerk forward, setting a fast rhythm.
P — Pace
Depends on his mood.
William knows perfectly how to move in a way that will bring you to ecstasy, make you moan and cum in seconds. However, he doesn't always keep the perfect pace. Sometimes he behaves like an asshole, roughly fucking you, moving jerkily, no stimulating you and no allowing you to cum after. And it really hurts, it feels like you've been stabbed right in the most sensitive part of your body. William usually uses this pace in punishments.
In general, his pace is rough and assertive, which reflects his aggressive nature not only in sex.
But there is another side of fucking with him, when your whole body is pierced with an electric current, adding colors to pleasure. The combination of this creates a beautiful picture of agony and dizzying orgasm.
William rarely moves slowly and gently, only at the beginning of your relationship, when he still didn't want to reveal his true side.
Q — Quickie
He's not really a fan of quickies. William likes to do everything slowly, enjoying the moment. To slowly chew the pieces. But there are some circumstances and situations that just force him to fuck you right here and now.
High on adrenaline, sweat broke out on his forehead as his pupils dilated. William throws the bloody knife on the floor, right next to the dead body. The impulses of the sick arousal send signals directly to his twisted brain. William lifts Spring Bonnie's head, revealing his face, a wry insane smile on his lips.
A dead child can wait. William's hands wrap around your throat, forcibly pinning you against the wall. You don't even have a chance to take your last breath, all you can do is grab his wrist, face is distorted with fear. William is more dangerous than ever now. He's already taller than you and now he's wearing an animatronic costume, which has only made him even taller, bigger, scarier. The blood on his hands and the remains of human organs on Spring Bonnie's fur. You're terrified.
"No, I'm not going to kill you. Something much-much worse." he says, as his hands begin to explore your body.
It also happens when William is sitting in his office, busy with work and you're on his lap. You can do what you want, but the clear rule is not to disturb him. And you're trying, really trying to be good girl, but you're fucking sitting on his lap. It turns you on. And you start moving, slowly and carefully fidgeting so Afton wouldn't notice. But you're getting awfully wet and you're not good at hiding your sighs.
"What are you doing, y/n?" he notices your movements. "What a fucking pervert, can't even sit still for ten fucking minutes?"
"I'm sorry," you sob, making a guilty face. "i'm sorry, I just…"
"Just a whore who can't sit still for a minute without my cock inside?" he throws the pen away and then grabs your hips, pushing you onto the table, right on top of his blueprints. "look at you, all soaking just from sitting on my lap." he hisses as his hands work on his belt.
And you're not sure how he's going to use that belt: tie your hands or spank you.
R — Risk
Having sex in his office with the door open is already a damn risk for you. But not for William Afton.
"Stupid lamb," he thinks, seeing how scared you are every time Henry's voice is heard outside the door.
William will put you in more frightening and risky situations than this. It's a dust compared to what he has planned for you.
Afton is always open to trying new things, especially in sex. Usually the offers come from him, not from you. Your brain just doesn't work in that way, yet. William often encourages you to experiment, enjoying your nervousness and inexperience.
This person prefers to risk your health by not using condoms, instead putting you on oral contraceptives.
S — Stamina
He has a lot of stamina, which was useful not only in chasing that boy who tried in vain to escape, but also in sex. Usually William lasts about 20 minutes.
There will be as many rounds as William wants. And, of course you, being his obedient girl, will accept them.
T — Toys
William doesn't use them very often, but he does have some.
Blindfold, handcuffs and vibrator. These three things can be used on you simultaneously or separately. It all depends on what kind of mood he is in.
If he blindfolds you, then he comments his every move. He runs his hands over your breasts, at first just gently touching, squeezing a little, making your nipples harden. And then he pulls them, causing pain, watching your skin turn red.
If he handcuffs you, it's either because you asked him to try or because it's your punishment. Anyway, eventually your hands are handcuffed tightly and painfully behind your back while you kneel in front of him with his cock in your mouth. The view is amazing, William thinks, moving his hips and going deeper, making you wanna vomit. And the thing is, you can't even tap on his leg to tell him to slow down. But that's the point of these handcuffs, that they immobilize you.
"Why all those tears?" he smirks. "didn't you ask for it yourself?"
If William uses a vibrator on you, he holds your hips, pressing the vibrating toy directly against your clit. You're crying not only from pleasure, but also from the growing pain of overstimulation, since you have already cum twice.
U — Unfair
William is an unfair man, in everything. And when it comes to sex, he's doubly unfair. He doesn't know which he likes more: to mock morally or physically, so he chooses both.
He spends eternity with you, stretching you to take his cock, making you so wet that three of his fingers easily enter you. And at the end... a sudden call to work. And the worst part is, he leaves a ghostly kiss on your lips with a whisper: "don't play with yourself while I'm gone, honey. You don't want to be punished, do you?"
William brings you to the meetings that his old friend Henry holds at the end of the work week to see how many dollars they earned. Henry likes to bring his favorite beer, snacks, and he's usually the only one who talks a lot.
You are sitting at the table, discussing something and eating, when suddenly you feel William's hand creeping under your skirt.
And then he pushes your panties to the side, his long fingers touching your clit, what makes you flinch slightly.
"Y/n, is everything okay?" Henry asks.
Meanwhile, you feel William's damn fingers spreading your wet folds, and he inserts one finger. You're choking on your food.
"Yes," Henry needs to be distracted urgently. "c-can you open the window? It's so stuffy in here."
Henry narrows eyes, but gets up from the table and walks over to the window. William starts to run his finger faster over your clit, and you make a moan, which you quickly hide with a cough.
Loud moans from him are rare. William takes deep breaths that ends in growls. Sometimes he makes little moans, murmuring how tight your cunt feels.
If he degrades you, he will mock you by imitating your whines and moans.
William's voice is attractive, and the british accent makes it even better.
The way he pronounces the letter "r" and stretches words, goosebumps run down your spine. When he whispers praises as "my good girl" or "my little rabbit." Or when he growls while fucking you, its both scary and exciting. His voice is enveloping.
His british accent is like velvet, soft and sophisticated. When he speaks, it seems that every word is covered with honey, slowly dripping from his tongue. It's like he's casting a spell on you, and you're succumbing to his charm.
W — Wildcard
Chica wasnt working properly. William needed to see what was wrong with her beak, but he needed someone to hold tools and napkins for him. This job won't take long, he promised you. But you've been here for hours. Turns out that something was wrong with the robot's voice box, Chica couldn't pronounce her lines correctly.
He explained something to you about robotics and how all these mechanics work, but every word he said passed you by. You couldn't concentrate. Although his request was quite simple, it was a real torture for you. The air in the room became heavier and thicker, you felt the warmth spreading throughout your body, passing through all organs and sinking to the bottom of your belly. You didn't know why. Or didn't want to know.
William was half-naked. His white shirt and purple vest were hanging on a chair. You're used to seeing a man like this, he often took off his outer clothes so as not to stain them. After all, work with animatronics has always been very very dirty.
You saw the proves of these words on William's fingers. It's always those damn fingers, you think. William's are long, thin and insanely beautiful. They're calloused, with small wounds. And now they were even more beautiful, stained with animatronic oil.
You tried to focus on something else, but William wiped his hand on his pants, leaving a dark oil stain on them. It only made everything worse. You urgently needed a fresh breath of air, not only because of this sight, but also because of the terrible smell that quickly spread as William began to pick at Chica's beak with a screwdriver.
"What is that smell?" you asked, wrinkling your nose.
"Chica has leftover pizza in her mouth and beak, probably expired. The smell is terrible, i agree." William muttered back. How did pizza ended up there...?
The smell was almost unbearable and your nostrils burned from irritation.
Expired pizza doesn't smell like that.
You turned your head to the yellow animatronic and leaned a little closer, getting under William's arm. Chica looked a little scary without a beak, her mouth turned into a dark hole with a lot of wires sticking out of it. The smell intensified, and you winced again, trying not to breathe through your nose. How could William even breathe so normally? You began to look closely at Chica's face, her design and a cute bib covered with a few drops of blood. Wait, what?
"Why is there blood on it?" you asked again, not taking your eyes off the animatronic.
"One boy got hurt. You know, it happens, the movements of animatronics are not always smooth. He must have tried to hit her." there's a slight pause, and he grins. "Children can be cruel."
You narrowed your eyes as you considered Afton's words. Before you reached the logical conclusion in your mind, William's voice sounded right in your ear, which made you flinch.
"Hand me the soldering iron." he asked, and you nodded, handing him the instrument. When his dirty fingers touched yours, you tensed up.
"This smell... " you couldn't ignore the strange topic. "it doesn't smell like an expired pizza at all."
"Did you know that curiosity killed the cat?" it sounded rather threatening. William stopped picking at robot's beak, making a serious face. You instantly froze, regretting the question you asked. "Haha, what happened?" he laughed. "That's just a warning for the future."
You didn't know what to say. You bit the inside of your cheek in worry, sighing. Although the smell was all over the place.
"Now my turn to ask." he put Chica's beak on the floor along with the tools, his hands reached for a napkin, wiping away the dirt. You were waiting for a question, worried. William was dangerously close to you, the terrible stench from Chica mixed with the smell of his cigarettes. Disgusting, but intriguing. "Do you like me?"
"No." you answer categorically. He looks at you in fake surprise, knowing full well that you're lying. "I mean, yes, a little bit, but-"
He rubbed between his eyebrows, smearing oil there as well. "Actually, i asked to listen to your stupid excuses once again." he paused before grinning. Your flushed face looked ridiculous, but it was pretty cute. "do you really think I don't notice the way you look at me? You think i dont know you're checking me out?"
Your stomach just did a somersault. Your throat got dry. But the last question fucked everything up.
"Do you think I don't know that you touched yourself in the toilet of my pizzeria?" William asked tartly, speaking the question emphatically loudly. You felt sick.
"How did you...?" you stammered, not even denying his words, you were so shocked.
"Cameras, Y/n. You're lucky I saw and not Henry." William continued to mock, slowly crawling up to you. His hand was on your leg. You couldn't take your eyes off his hands, now the oil has stained your clothes too. A chill ran down your spine, you lost all thoughts in a second. Even the disgusting smell seemed to have disappeared.
You automatically moved back and immediately squeaked softly in pain when you hit the back of your head against the wall. William's lips parted in a crooked grin.
"Stop acting like that." he commanded as if to a dog. William moved closer, getting between your legs. He was crawling towards you like a predator to a frightened prey, ready to attack and sink his fangs into its throat.
The dirty oil from his fingers burned your skin. His gaze stared into you, and the oil on his fingers left a stain on your shirt. You couldn't fight it anymore, your body succumbed to his touch, his hands slid over your hips.
"Come on, honey, take the initiative. Kiss me. You wanted this so badly, why don't you take the chance if I'm right in front of you?" you remained motionless, your body tensed. It was unclear if this was another mockery.
His words hung in the air, remaining as a tempting offer. You couldn't hold back the blush that spread across your cheeks, your pulse quickened and your heart seemed to jump out of your chest.
Your lips touched his in a feather-light kiss. William let out a malicious laugh into your mouth, his palms cupped your face, forcibly pulling you closer, now staining your cheeks with oil. His tongue ran teasingly over your lips before sliding inside, brazenly exploring every corner of your mouth. You gave yourself to him completely, wrapping your arms around his neck. William pulled away, your eyes met as you both needed to catch breath.
Before you could say anything, his hands began to unbutton your shirt, exposing your bra underneath. William's fingers traced the contours of your nipples through the fabric, making them harden. William smiled slyly, leaning in for another kiss before whispering, "good girl." He grinned when he heard you moan.
His hands quickly got to your pants and he pulled them down to your knees.
William fucked your mouth with aggressive kisses, not allowing you to pull away.
"Little pervert. Fucked herself with her fingers in the toilet of a children's fucking diner." William growled. "You couldn't even cum. Your little fingers aren't enough to satisfy your cunt, are they?"
You closed your eyes, nodding obediently. Again... again these mocking that make you want to howl plaintively.
You were humiliated by agreeing with every word he said. It was arousing as hell, your needy eyes screamed: "fuck me, right now and right here." Everything in your body burned and ached, begging him for more.
"Buddy, are you done with Chica?" Henry's voice rang out in the hallway of the pizzeria. William pulled back, his lips curling. Your face is pale from the fear of being caught. You immediately began buttoning your shirt with shaking hands.
"We'll continue this a little later, honey." William cooed, looking at your neck contentedly.
X – X-ray
18-19 cm.
Y — Yearning
You turned out to be his little stress reliever. And stress is a very common in William's life, being a single father and a workaholic, he's always busy at work, projecting future animatronics, designing and much more.
But is that all he's doing?
William is often tired at work, under intense stress because of the eternally screaming children and their moms. Also, Henry is always running around the place, either Charlotte is lost or something else. A lot of paperwork is also tiring. In this case, stressed William is more gentle and tender with you, allowing you to sit on his lap while you whimper and rub against him, trying to achieve orgasm. "Good girl. Helping daddy relieve stress after a hard day, that's right. I'm too tired to fuck you properly." he kisses you on the neck and then on the cheek. “Can you cum without my cock? Do it, show daddy that you're a big girl.”
Z — Zzz...
William is a light sleeper, he can wake up from any movement or rustle. If the sex took place in the bedroom, he will only be happy to rest after. Sometimes all William craves is just silence. And you're indeed silent, lying next to him, trying to catch your breat, because you're too tired to talk, even move. After all, sex with him is usually intense and exhausting.
Sometimes William gets so tired after spending the whole day fixing animatronics that he falls asleep first. It gives you an amazing opportunity to glance at him better, to look at his features without his always mocks and teasings about it.
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F1 Drivers that I think would date some plus sized queens and how I think it would go
Carlos Sainz
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- I can't explain why, but I feel like Carlos is already an ass man and with his personality he seems like the guy to love when his girl was squishy. Maybe like a fit plus size queen like they go to the gym together and stuff, but she's still thicker than a Snicker like Ashley Graham without the boobs (TBH that's specifically my body type and all the plus size queens with the boobs get love, but were is the love our itty bitty bitty plus size babes?) if you have the boobs sis he would love it too; just wanted to give some representation for my body type cause I know I can't be the only one out here like this! - Would constantly come up to you saying "I shall call her squishy and she shall be my squishy" before wrapping you in such a great hug and peppering you with kisses (come guys I can so see this like AAGHH) - If you're tall and a plus queen I think he would also be totally down for that too! We need some tall plus size love too man :) - He knows that you probably can't wear his clothes or that if you can that they don't fit oversized like he knows you would find cute so he orders some hoodies a size or two too large and keeps "accidentally" leaving them around you. - Krispy Kreme has nothing on this man, he is hot and ready for you all the time - Summer is his favorite time because seeing you prance around in those shorts that ride up your ass have this man so distracted that he is a danger to himself and humanity - Hand on the ass ALL the time (y'all can't argue with me on this one okay) - He loves to lay on you whenever possible - You are his human pillow now - Carlos Sainz is a cuddle bug and no one can tell me other wise!
Mick Schumacher
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- If I were to picture our precious Mick with anyone else other than a beautiful tall plus size sweetheart it just wouldn't fit in my mind - He is such a boob guy like there's literally even no denying it (~starts crying in itty bitty titty committee~), but if you were less blessed in the chest I think Mick would still love it cause he is an angel - Mick is a sweetheart who has been through a lot, you provide him a sense of comfort and love when you pull him for one of your ever constant and always soft hugs (you never let go before he does because sometimes he just needs to hold you and that's okay) - You're like the Anna to his Kristoff (Frozen anyone?!) sweet, fun, adventurous, with a little side of chaos - He will kiss every single freckle, scar, and stretch mark on your entire body, in fact he makes it his life mission to do so - Sometimes he steals your sweatpants cause y'all are pretty much the same height and he loves having the extra room from the size difference - One time he stole a pair of your Juicy sweatpants to wear around the house and didn't realize the butt had JUICY bedazzled on it until his mom pointed out when she came over to visit for dinner - Mick loves to snuggle with you while you sleep, but he always falls asleep with his hand on your boob - You make him smile so much the boys started teasing him telling him he should try to get Crest toothpaste as a sponsor - Mick is major on cockwarming and if he had it your way he would never leave the warmth of your walls
Daniel Riccardo
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- I feel it in my bones that Danny is an ass man - He is constantly sending up little prayers of thank you to whoever invented leggings and compression shorts - Daniel loves when you steal his button ups to wear around the house with nothing else because even though they aren't quite oversized it's the fact that seeing you wear his clothes and seeing your ass at the same time as poor Danny boy wound up tighter than a Jack in the box - You know they do say that cowboys tend to like their women like molasses, sweet and thick and well as bad as Danny wishes he was cowboy he makes sure to follow that rule -Save a horse ride a cowboy anyone? - He swears he's died and gone to heaven when he looks down into your innocent doe eyes every time you suck him off - You guys have matching sweatsuits for movie nights (secretly he loves it) - Danny just gives off the vibe of loving if you were tall too like it's giving off power couple vibes - He actually steals your hoodies because they're so soft and smell like your perfume - He loves when you rest your head on his shoulder like he actually smiles a kid getting to meet Santa for the first time - Is constantly giving you forehead kisses because he doesn't have to bend down and he loves seeing your eyes light up like a Christmas tree when he does
Jack Doohan
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- first off there's not enough Jake Doohan love on this platform and I am determined to fix that sweethearts - Okay IDK if it's just my experience, but it's always the skinny, tall white boys getting with these plus size queens and Jack is no exception - I'm not really sure if Jack is a thigh or an ass man more, but I'm totally getting those vibes you know - He already loves surfing and spending anytime in water that he can and now he gets the added bonus of seeing your beautiful figure in his second favorite amount of clothes for you (the first is when you're butt ass naked) - I can't explain it, but I am very much going with the theory that these Australian boys love themselves some tall plus babes (if you're short I'm sure they would like you too baby it's just the vibe I'm getting okay) - He always holds the door for you because he's a gentleman duh, but he also gets to look at that world shattering ass and those beautiful thighs of yours - This man loves you more than a southern granny loves her biscuits and gravy - Jack loves not having to look too far down to see, if he even has to look down at all TBH because let's be real here couples with a height difference especially a big height difference one of the poor love bugs always ends up with back problems - No lie he reminds me of Johnny from Hotel Transylvania like he'll try to be smooth with you, but you keep this man so flustered that sometimes he doesn't know what to do with hisself - Jack 100% loves to snuggle with you on the beach; He's sitting between your legs leaned up against you while you read your book - He loves to take you doggy style (he has Pierre to thank for the idea after that interview) - Always is pulling you into his lap during movies, make-out sessions because he loves having you straddle him
I have no true evidence to back up these theories, but going strictly off of vibes. I am convinced our bros would be down to date some plus size queens, especially some tall ones ;) Please feel free to leave feedback below!
All photos are from Pinterest!
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leeknow-thoughts · 10 months
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𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐌 (𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞) !
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 : 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ! 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧 !𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 !
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 (𝐦𝐝𝐧𝐢)!, 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡!𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧, 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐜.), 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞, (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞) 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥, 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭),𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚, 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐭𝐨𝐲𝐬 ,𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭, 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐋𝐌𝐊 𝐢𝐟 𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 !!!
I have so many thoughts y'all don't even know fr
He'll be saying shit like "Aww does that feel good, mhm I know it does my love, taking me so well"
victim of saying "aww I know" when you tell him you're about to cum :(
I mean how can he resist when you are whining so cutely for him :(
that being said this man always finds you so fucking sexy, you could have just rolled out of bed and you'd still get him hard :(
he's just so head over heels in love with you it makes him crazy for you no matter what!
that being said....
he's so rough but so loving <3
and he'll fill you up with his cum and leave it as a reminder for you <3
he's just the sweetest
he will be between your plush thighs, generously eating your pussy while you intertwine your fingers with his
he doesn't know whether he should be touched or flip you over and fuck you into the mattress ?!?!?
he just *sighs* loves you so much <3
he loves you so much he won't get mad when you ask him if you could have a threesome with him and his friend Seungmin. He just smiles warmly and gives you a kiss telling you he'll ask Seungmin in the morning <3
which will in turn lead to Seungmin fucking you doggy style while Jeongin abuses your poor throat <3333
he just wants to help you live out all your fantasies, even the ones he hasn't tried before <3
you wanna tie him up? sure why not! :)
you wanna take control that night? ofc he'll sub !
you had a rough day and want him to just give you a nice good fuck? he'll fuck all your stress away! <3
you want to try out somnophilia? ok! he'll want to have a sit down conversation beforehand, but ofc!
you want to call up Seungmin for a threeway? sure! let him know the date and time!
you want a new vibrator? he'll take you to the sex store or order it with you online !
his favorite position is probably missionary or whatever position brings you the most pleasure !
he actually loves using toys on you, like LOVES that shit !!
from vibrators, to handcuffs, to butt plugs, to cockrings, to one of those dildos that lay 'eggs' in you! he LOVES using toys on himself and you alike!!
he def bought you one of those rose clit suckers after he heard about them online
and you bet he spend that ENTIRE night, after it came in the mail, overstimmulating you to the point of tears <3 :(
he has so many threeway fantasies about threesomes with him and you and his friends !
(with prior discussion) he will show Chan your nudes or videos you had filmed together!
which will lead to Jeongin asking you to come to the composing studio, where him and a VERY hard Chan await you <3
they'd absolutely manhandle your pretty body as soon as the studio door is locked <3
Chan would be holding your back against his chest and hold your legs apart for Jeongin who would be busy sucking on your swollen clit <3 :(
soft pleads and cries rolling from your tongue <3
god, jeongin's dick had never been harder than in that moment <3
and the way jeongin's dick would fill you deliciously while Chan rubbed your sensitive bud <3 :(
which caused tears to stream down your cheeks because it just felt so good :((((
which led to jeongin saying "aww my angel, you look so pretty like this"
as much as he loves it when you're his dumb little babydoll he LOVES when your dom side comes out ! :)
he'd def want to do more soft scenes when subbing, just wanting to be taken care of and take care of you <3
don't be mean or he'll cry in a bad way >:(
just ride him gently an allow him to take one of your boobs in his mouth <3
let him call you mommy !!
ask him if you need mommy to take care of him <3
please suck his pretty cock while he's subby ! <3
pay close attention to his tip if you want him to throw his head back and cry out with pleasure <3333
he may even cry if you make him feel good enough !
and just TIT SUCKING
bro jeongin is OBSESSED
he just wants you to run your fingers through his hair while he gently sucks on your boobs :((((
he so cute *cries*
anyways, jeongin best boy <3
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visist · 4 months
Can I get one of OverWatch where the reader is the S/O of Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Roadhog, and Junker Queen? Like, How would they react to a reader who has a sword that looks normal at first but when their S/O sees their partner in danger, the sword reveals itself as a cursed sword where the blade changes color and their S/O changes into a demon form (whenever the curse takes effect) to protect their partner and change back once they're safe.
Yes!! Love this! Makes me all giggly. Never written for the junkers before so I hope this is up to your standards!
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❦ He was so excited to be paired up with you for a mission, I mean who could blame him you were the highlight of his day. He couldn’t wait to impress you with his new explosive he whipped up the night before. Buddy was so set on impressing you he completely dismissed his surroundings.
❦ “Look look! Watch this!” He sent himself into a giggling fit, reaching for his prized creation. Poor guy is distraught when his hand comes in contact with nothing, didn’t help that he was slowly being surrounded.
❦ When I tell you this man let out the girliest fucking scream when you pushed your way to the front, eyes blown wide with your silly..bland sword held in front of you. He was hobbling back and forth, biting his already short nails.
❦ He was honestly a bit weirded out at the strange chant you muttered under your breath, didn’t wanna question it until your blade grew in length and shifted from a dull gray to this deep maroon.
❦ Sat there and watched your entire silhouette shift from human to this demonic creature, I mean you still looked the same just more…menacing and evil? Gawked as you rid of the threats in a quick brawl.
❦ Probably still distraught, hold him please. Definitely asks for you to go back to your demonic form. (Most likely just wants to touch your horns and inspect this new side of you.)
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❦ Who knows how you both ended up against Mason Howl, the ex king of Junker town, dethroned by none other than your lover, Odessa.
❦ God forbid you let anything happen to her, especially when Mason had brought along his newly acquired ‘henchmen’.
❦ Odessa is far from weak, very very far. When you see her toppled over, one of Howl’s goons looming over her, you know you had to do something.
❦ Odessa was taken back by your little stunt, quite amused when you full on tackled the man that towered over her.
❦ Genuinely baffled at this new appearance you took on, hellish. Your originally normal sword now a deep purple.
❦ Definitely your #1 hype gal. “Hell yeah! Get ‘em tiger!” Not ashamed at all, probably brags about it to everybody.
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❦ Didn’t expect for you to butt your way into his job. Protecting Jamison was always full of dangers, he never would want you to be caught in the cross fire.
❦ He’s too concerned for your safety when Jamison gets them into some reaaaallll bad shit. Definitely not good be distracted on the job.
❦ Gets himself into a bad situation from being so distracted. You definitely noticed this and jump in, knowing Jamison won’t be of much help if he’s dealing with his own fair share of punks.
❦ Didn’t expect for you to go from a normal person to this demented demon. Thinks your newly colored sword is pretty, he definitely likes the indigo better than the boring silver.
❦ He’s proud of you when you take on the guys with ease. He’s definitely bringing you again, he’ll be more careful next time though.
❦ Gives you an approving grunt after, he definitely tries to educate himself on everything. (He fails and ends up asking you about it.)
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❦ Oh silly Hanzo for thinking he could take on so many people at once, I mean he’s strong! Very skilled in close combat..but sometimes even the strongest can get overpowered.
❦ Thank goodness you were there though, he knows you’re strong, not hesitant to let you tag along with him on ‘solo’ missions. The help is appreciated, as well as the quality time.
❦ Like I said, he knows you’re strong but definitely didn’t expect you to stomp up to the enemies with this new look of yours.
❦ Definitely mesmerized by your illuminating horns and body markings, especially your gorgeous new forest green blade.
❦ He’s very curious about what went down after you made it back safely. Please answer his questions, he’s a sweetheart.
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❦ He’s very protective when it comes to you front lining. He knows what it’s like fighting with a sword, knows the blind spots and everything.
❦ So when you’re throwing yourself in front of your already injured teammate he’s definitely on high alert. Poor guy you’re gonna give him a heart attack.
❦ He’s forcing himself to stay calm, only when he notices someone creeping up where you can’t see then he panics. Literally throws himself in front of the attacker. (Human shield ❤️)
❦ The moment you heard everything going down behind you, you whipped around so fast you almost lost your balance.
❦ He’s fine don’t worry, just lost his footing from the force. He’s bleeding a little but the reassurance he gives you doesn’t stop you from stalking up to the person.
❦ He’s confused at first when your swords color is replaced by a dull, dusty, pink. He’s even more confused when your gaze darkens and your skin quite literally crumples off to reveal a more satanic look.
❦ Loves it though, thinks you look super cute! Even if the skin crumpling off is a little unsettling.
I had to rewrite this after 4 hours of work and it was literal hell🙁
-`♡´- Kisses -`♡´-
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ravensmadreads · 3 months
The Mess of Us
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A/N: i have no excuse honestly. I've imprinted on David York for reasons unfathomable to my own brain. This is my attempt at giving him a redemption arc? A softer backstory? My heart and soul? Who knows.
Warnings: uhhhh lots of angst (i mean i tried), almost entirely canon compliant, vague-ish attempt at smut, mild cursing, insane use of italics. (Also: english is not my first language and im faking being a writer but i think this came out okay??? Pls be kind he's my lil babie!!)
Summary: I gave david york my heart and then proceeded to bash it with a sledgehammer - forgive me :p this is the same universe as What Love Means
Taglist: @fuckyeahdindjarin cause i wouldn't be writing without you; @chronically-ghosted thank u to listening to me cry about Dave, and my writing, and myself - i owe u my life; @wannab-urs you absolute maniac i adore u; @timelordfreya u were so kind on the accompanying piece for this i hope you like this too <3
David York
You've known that name for a long time. Stayed with the man that inhabits it even longer. He goes by Dave now. Lives in a suburban home. Has two daughters. An "office job". A respectable man. A good man. A little misguided perhaps. A little bit more jaded than he used to be. More broken than you remember. The light in his eyes all but snuffed out. But a good man.
He was always a good man.
Even when he was no longer yours.
Even when he was no longer David.
David York and his sunshine. Neighbours. Best friends. Light of each others lives.
You're two halves of one whole in a way that makes no sense from the outside, but when you tread close enough you can pinpoint the exact strands that join your soul to his. The way his heart is an exact mirror to yours. The way your smile reflects the sun in his eyes and his warmth leaves you feeling more loved than any being in the entire universe. You'd stumbled across him, buried between the pages of a book twice the size of his head, and you thought: Oh God. It's you. It's going to be you. And you decided you'd never let him go.
Until he decided to leave.
He's so excited when he gets the call. When he makes his plans and packs his bags. When he tells you all about the good he's going to do, the hero he's going to become.
"I'll be back soon sunshine. You won't even know I'm gone."
You try to convince him to stay. With everything you've got in you. All your jokes, all your warmth, all your schemes. When that fails you give him your heart. Your tears. Explain that you can't live without him. That he can't expect you to live without him and not fall apart at the seams because he's the thread that holds you together. And when you see the anguish on his face at your confession, you revel a little because you think you've won. He's going to stay for you because of course he is. He's your David. He cups your cheeks in his hands. Lips meet your forehead as his words break your heart:
"I'm sorry sunshine. You know I have to go. I have to do this. You know."
So you wipe off your tears and you smile. Because that's what you're supposed to do for a friend and that's what you do for him. Give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Tell him to be safe.
"Don't get your butt kicked too much David. I need you back in one piece."
And that's the first time David York turns his back on your smile.
You wait for him. Like the inexplicable fool you are. Wander aimlessly in the streets around your childhood home like a spirit too tired to haunt anyone but itself. Waiting for him to come back and spark you alive again. Awakening for the few weeks of leave he has before reverting to your state of nothingness the minute the door closes behind him. Flitting like a ghost of yourself, nothing tethering you to this place, but still incapable of moving on without him.
Because he was David York. Your best friend.
Your good man. Your solid rock.
Until he wasn't.
Until he left.
You learn to make your way without him. Stumble, fall and scrape your knees more than once, without him by your side clucking and fussing like the mother hen he was. Without him to hold you up and bring you close:
"You’ve got to be careful honey. I can't be losing my sunshine."
You find a purpose and make your stand into the big bad world but all of it feels hollow without him by your side. You learn to stitch people up, bandage their wounds, hold bleeding skin in place and snap broken bones back together again. He laughs when he finds out, equal parts amused and proud.
"Looks like you became the anti-Dave sunshine."
And you smile for him, because of course you do. You don't tell him that everything you're learning, you're learning because of him. Because of the sheer wall of terror that's settled in your spine since the moment he walked away. Because of the David that comes to you in your dreams. The one that crumbles in front of you; broken and damaged and begging for help. The one you're trying so hard to save.
You may be his sunshine, but he was always your sun, and you'll protect him, even if he doesn't want you to.
The David that comes to you now is not yours. He's an off brand version of himself. A cheap copy. An imposter that calls himself Dave and smirks in a way that makes your skin crawl. He wears Davids skin but has none of his warmth. The sunshine in his smile is replaced by an ice cold sharpness and you hate that shivers it sends down your spine. His eyes have lost most of the humour they used to have, and when he hugs you he lets go a little too soon. A little too fractured, a little too cold. You hold on; assessing, caring, and wondering. Go to ask but he shakes his head; the look in his eyes silencing your questions before the words can form on your lips. The worry in your heart worsens.
When he walks you home you try again but he anticipates it. Like the predator he is now, he sees your strike coming, and retaliates in the one way he knows will force your silence. He kisses you. Hot and deep. Steals the air from your lungs and the words from your brain. Renders you shocked. When you open your eyes it's your David staring back again and your relieved smile has him pushing into you again. He kisses you until you're breathless. Again, and again, and again, until all your worries are dripping unvoiced at your feet and all your questions have been sucked into the air in his lungs.
You don't fall into each other as much as you attack. The culmination of years of circling each other and it all comes down to this. Mouths open, teeth clashing like you're trying to make your way into each others souls. His hands grab you so desperately, so fervently, that you wonder how he hasn't moulded you into his own chest yet. Your nails scratching at him like you're trying to carve a home in his bones. You’re trying to tear pieces of each other apart. Him, so he may take you with him and you, so you never have to watch him leave again. You devour every inch of him so reverently that the taste of him may remain embedded in your tongue forever. And he carves his way into you, soothing an emptiness that only ever craved him. Pounding in like he's trying to break you open and consume the light within. You cling to each other in the aftermath, breathless, sated and smiling, and you remember placing a kiss on his heart right before you drift off in his embrace.
You should've known, in retrospect, that that was as good as it was ever going to get.
He leaves you in an empty bed. Runs away before the dawn breaks like the consequences of what you both did are too ugly to be faced in the light of day. You turn the apartment upside down looking for one note, one glimpse, one hint of him that's not mottled on your skin and going to be torn away by the cruel hands of time.
You take the dismissal for what it is when you don't find one.
He comes back broken. Purple shadows under his eyes, a split lip and a wince that breaks you when you go to hug him. The storm breaks and you lunge. Too strung out to keep going like this any longer and too frazzled by thoughts of "what if it was worse" to think about the consequences of breaking your silence.
Your fists pound against the rock hard of his chest. The place that used to be your solace, your comfort, your home. Where you'd set your head too many times to count and where all your dreams ever went to rest. And they've turned it to stone, moulded him into a machine, changed him into something he's not.
"You're not a fucking hero David. You're not. And I'm asking you to stop trying to be one. I'm asking you to stop this self sacrificial bullshit and come back. Come home. You don't need to be a hero. You just need to be alive. I need you alive dammit! Why can't you see how much I need you?"
Your voice falters and cracks. It's out there now, the pieces of your heart; ugly, tattered and split open in front of him. Waiting for his judgement, for his grace. His face twists into a grimace, and you turn your head before he can see the tears fall. You don't need his apologies. His empty words and false promises of how nothing will ever happen to him, because it will, you know it will. So you hold up a hand before he can begin.
"It's okay. I get it. This is your life now, right? So will you forgive me then, if I can't stand around watching you try to kill yourself and wait for the day you inevitably succeed?"
Something in his eyes breaks at your words, and something in your heart does when he gathers you in his arms. The kiss on your temple feels like a goodbye. To your one solace, your one crutch and the only friend you ever had. And you know this goodbye will haunt you forever.
That's the one time you turn your back on David York.
He comes back with an extra sparkle in his eyes. Pleads and begs his way into your good graces and you indulge him because that's what you do for David. His smile has never been brighter. He may call you sunshine but he has always been your shining light, your beacon, the lighthouse you turn to.
But then he turns away. And in a split second, your world tilts on it's axis.
Her name is Carol. Perfectly normal. Perfectly sweet. Perfectly perfect. He's got his hand in her hand and you don't understand. You can't. You refuse. Except.... David. He looks so happy. So content. Looks at her with all the devotion you've only ever given him, and all the love you wish he could've given you.
"What do think sunshine? I think she may be the one."
You smile. Because that's what you always do for David. You smile. It's an ugly thing. Fractured. Broken. He notices because of course he does. You've never been able to hide from him, ingrained as he is into your very soul. His smile falters and his eyes fill with sorrow and regret. Apologies for all he could never be and all the regret he has about it.
"You did good York. You'll be great together."
He flinches. He has only ever been David to you. He knows he has broken something irreparable. Opens his mouth to fix it. To swallow something back, say something else instead. Change the words, the letters, the combinations of decisions that led you both to this very moment. Something to keep you whole but the parts he shattered, however unwittingly, are already crumbling to dust in front of him. He closes his mouth. Swallows whatever lingered at the back of his throat. You smile at each other as you walk away. Him with her hand in his. You with the cloud of pain that comes from finally accepting the bitter truth for what it is.
He's not yours. Not anymore. Never will be again.
You never call him David again.
You miss him. Of course you do. Running from him was like running from a part of yourself; impossible, regretful and pointless. You were intwined into each other too thoroughly for there to ever be a clean cut through. You couldn't really walk away from him completely no matter what the distance on a map points out.
You know he'll call when he comes back again. He does. Shows up at the threshold of your sanity and the hardest thing you've ever done is ignore his voice when it calls to you. Voicemail, after voicemail, after voicemail. You listen to every single one but you can't call him back. His voice is your kryptonite. You'd walk back the distance if only you could but some tattered remnants of your self esteem hold you back. The last one comes with a letter in the mail. The glossy embellished card reminds you of the reason you walked away. The reason you could never go back. He pleads over static and tinny phone lines:
"Come on sunshine. I need you there. I'm sorry. I'm so s-. Please. I- "
Silence for a few minutes before the line cuts off. Typical of you both. To never say what you want and yet be assured the other knows exactly what you mean. He probably knows too. That you can't bear to see someone else's name next to his. The thought makes you nauseous; angry in a way that scares you, an evil coiling restless being inside of you, threatening to do as he asks. Go over there and scream in his face. The audactiy of this man to say he needs you when all you ever wanted was for him to pick you. Over the chip on his shoulder, the gun in his hand, the name on that card. Choose you. Love you. But you can't do any of that. You can't stand by his side and smile as he walks away with another either.
His only mercy is that he doesn't show up at your doorstep when you both know he could and you wouldn't be able to close the door in his face. Not him. Never him.
You throw the card away without opening it.
He forgives you.
But he never calls again.
Months turn to years and David York turns from a stabbing ache into a memory and then a ghost. He haunts you initially, at every turn, but slowly, over the years, the voice in your head softens down. He vanishes into the fog that lingers at the back of your mind and you stop looking over your shoulder for him to come back. You left him so suddenly, so abruptly, that you'd torn off pieces of yourself too. But time heals those wounds and you gradually learn to carry on as half of your bleeding heart slowly scabs and scars over.
You carve out a content little place for yourself, in a tiny corner of the world as you finally learn to love the reflection in your mirror. There's grey in your hair now. Wrinkles in your skin and hands hardened over from a life lived serving others. Saving who you can, when you can. A melody on your lips as you collect the parcels from your mailbox. Cocoa and bitter coffee long since mask the taste of his name on your breath.
There's a knock at your door and you flit to open it. Your smile, a pale imitation of what it used to be, plastered on, as you brace yourself to greet a well meaning neighbour or two. It falls quicker than lightning at the sight that greets you instead.
A man wavers at your doorstep. Unfamiliar in his familiarity. The ghost of a memory of a love never forgotten. Dripping crimson over the smiley face on your welcome mat. A haphazard bandage concealing half his face. One hand clearly broken. Arm bent at an angle too sharp to be natural. Angry streaks of purple and blue dancing around all visible patches of skin and he's trying to be nonchalant about the way he's favouring his right leg but failing miserably. Wheezing a breath that you know speaks of atleast one, if not several, broken ribs. And yet, despite all the damage and destruction and sheer agonizing pain he's no doubt in, the man smiles. Full and bright and warm.
"Hey sunshine."
And you reply.
A gasp. A plea. A promise.
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katyawriteswhump · 22 days
dragon's hoard excerpt...
My first ever WIP Wednesday!
This is part of a prequel to ‘Dragon’s Treasure’ (E-rated and churned out for monster-f**cker May so dead dove warning for monster sex etc!) Absolute zero pressure tags for @medusapelagia and @sidekick-hero, who asked about this one weeks ago… before it got totally postponed by monster may and the more-E-rated-than-originally planned sequel! ETA: fic now posted here
Steve really wished Eddie would stop disappearing into dark corners of the cave, so he could at least enjoy looking at that skin-tight-PVC-clad butt. “Look, man, I think you’ve got a problem with the hoarding. We’ve all been a little tense since we, uh, saved the world, and—”
“I’m not tense. You need to relax, Honey. You’re gonna love it here, as much as I do.”
“Whatever.” Steve was relieved that Eddie was finally throwing attention onto him, stalking over. “Can we make out already?”
“Sure thing.” Eddie slid a hand to the small of Steve’s back. Steve looped his arms around Eddie, and their mouths clashed in a kiss.
Soon, Steve twisted his fists in Eddie’s hair, mashing them ever closer. Meanwhile, Eddie shoved his hand down the back of Steve’s pants, grabbed the meat of his ass, and squeezed till the flesh sang.
Yeah, Steve was loving it. He worked the kiss till his jaw ached. Christ, Eddie made him feel… Okay, totally turned on, but also softer somehow, more relaxed, even as other parts of him grew rock-hard. And that feeling, which rushed upon him, was as weird and alien as this crazy place. Eddie was right. Steve had been wired and edgy for so damn long…
…and then Steve stopped thinking, because the kiss was mind-blowing. Eddie backed him up against the bars that stretched across the entire width of the cave. He thrust a knee up between Steve’s leg, scrubbing roughly.
Jesus… Yes… There… Oh God! 
Steve was totally losing it. He scarcely noticed that a door in the bars had swung open, and that Eddie backed him through. When they finally broke apart, Steve was breathless, dizzy. He tasted copper, realized his lip bled. He still couldn’t rip his eyes from Eddie, who licked a smudge of Steve’s blood from his own mouth.
That should not be this hot.
“Didn’t mean to hurt you, Babe,” said Eddie. “You okay there?”
“Never better.” Steve shrugged. Meanwhile, Eddie unwound his arms from Steve, took a step back. Cool as ice, he shut the barred door between them, and snapped a padlock closed. 
“What the...?” 
The reality of the situation splashed into Steve, like a bucket of water waking him from a freaky—okay, also smokin’ hot—dream. He shoved his fist through the bars, grabbed the front of Eddie’s t-shirt: “What the hell you playing at, Munson?”
“Just wanted to see how you look. In my lil’ den. With the rest of my pretty stash.”
“Open the goddamn door.” Steve’s voice sounded strange, small. “This real t-twisted shit.” Why was he stammering? He gritted his teeth. “I’ll punch you so hard! This is beyond a joke, man.”
Eddie reached through the bars, grazed his knuckles down the shallow stubble on Steve’s cheek. “Shhhhhssssss.”
The sound trailed off into a hiss, and Steve was… Shit, he didn’t want to fight. He’d still gotten a hold of Eddie’s t-shirt and his fist trembled.
“You’re safe here,” murmured Eddie. “You’ll be safe here at last. I promise you, Steve. I promise.”
Steve’s grip on Eddie loosened and his arm fell away. He should be punching Eddie, grabbing the key, running from this place like he’d got a demogorgon was on his tail. 
He wasn’t.
ETA: fic now posted here
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
things bts would love & do with their curvy s.o.
a little long author’s note - fluff and suggestive and a little smutty / ot7 scenarios / a bit of a drabble, because i didn't say everything i wanted to and i don't think i said it as well. but i had this in the drafts for a while & i was feeling a bit self-conscious about my curves recently & had to remind myself of my own words and scenarios. here’s to self-love in 2023, everyone! and just because this fits with what i’m saying and the post - don’t wait for someone else or a man to love every single thing about you! you deserve all the love on your own and everyone reading this is a lovable beauty <3 this goes for your inner and outer selves - even this post is mainly focused on outer (& isn’t meant to stereotype at all! this post also has no mentions of food - unfortunately, many authors only associate curviness to food and include stuff like "cooking together" all the time.). i made it more nsfw than it was at the last minute because i really realized we don't have enough curvy girl content here! on that note if anyone has any curvy girl scenarios with bts or an ot7 members lis like this they want to see me write about lmk - requests are open in general but i love writing about & for my fellow curvy/chubby girls 💕 lots of love - pen ✎
this is gonna sound a bit weird but I think namjoon would go crazy for
1. your silhouette - the CURVES WILL DRIVE HIM INSANE - he would literally write an entire song about being mesermized by your curves 
2. your boobs - sskskssk sorry nothing will convince me namjoon is not a boob man. i know curvy doesn’t always = big boobs but it’s the combination of BOOBS and curves that’ll drive him nuts, no matter their size. having his hand roam your body while his head is stuffed between your boobs? his idea of heaven.
sorry, i think i had just read a namjoon smut when i wrote that
anyways, he’s obsessed
and namjoon being namjoon, he’ll be obsessed with unique features that come with being curvy
which are, again, curves, but also: stretch marks, cellulite, love handles, a muffin top, etc - he’ll be fascinated and guess what? he will find beautiful ways to describe them, and he’ll make you see them in a new light as well
this would be his response if you complained about “imperfections” and called them as such, for example: “you know what type of art I find the most beautiful? the ones with quote unquote imperfections. those imperfections - or the unique details, i should say, showed an artist, a human was behind the painting. how boring would it be if all art was the same? if all bodies were the same? our ‘details’ and differences make us who we are, make us different.  ‘imperfection’ is perfection, honey. you, your body…. you’re a work of art.” (gonna end up writing a mini namjoon drabble with some of that)
seokjin would love every. single. thing. about you. 
like it or not i genuinely believe he’s the most likely out of bts to love a curvy girl and that they’re actually his type
you know how most guys see chubby girls as cute rather than hot? fuck that, to seokjin you’re incredibly hot AND incredibly cute. 
he’d be utterly obsessed with every inch of your body… i’m serious. 
butt? yes. waist? yes. hips? yes. thighs? yes. arms? yes. tummy? YES. cheeks? YES!
& a thing about seokjin is that he’s not just in love with you and your body, he’s clever. he knows that chubby girls can get a ton of shit. like he’ll be totally aware of that fact or it won’t take long for him to realize it. and it’ll make him mad
but mostly, he’ll keep his cool and be strategic about it
so something seokjin would love is hyping you up AND showing!! you!! OFF!!!!!!!!!!
though he’s not a fan of pda, when he’s out with you in public, he’ll show you off in his ways, like holding your hand, playing with your hands and hair... but he'll also have his arm around your waist, resting on your soft hips and he'll lovingly caress your cheek and pinch it and he’ll keep saying “my beautiful girlfriend / my fiancee / my wife” etc to literally anyone
someone's giving you weird looks? catch seokjin suddenly throw off the entire situation by yelling - just to no one - "MY GIRLFRIEND IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE HER" - the looks would frustrate him but he'll enjoy hyping you up and seeing you all flustered when he does that
he’d handle your insecure days and “low days” really well, but i honestly think that you spend enough time with seokjin and you’ll end up loving your body as much as he does.  he's without a doubt the type of boyfriend to make you feel as sexy as he sees you... well as sexy and beautiful as you actually are!!
anyways he’ll weirdly enjoy consoling you when you have those days though. he’ll be so so sensitive and understanding and clever as i said, but he’ll just love telling you how beautiful you are, he doesn’t tire of it nor does he get frustrated you do talk about your insecurities. like namjoon, he'll find some very unique way to see it
and he would LOVE tickling you and squishing all your soft bits <3  you can beg him to stop, but you will grow to love it…. he’ll make sure of it!
low-key the type to buy you lingerie and almost force you into it because he knows you'll look beautiful in it (it's not just for him, it's for you - he loves seeing you all shy when you get into it though.... but that shyness will wear off with time and your confidence will only drive seokjin madder)
on that note, he won't have that "i can't do this thing in bed because i'm chubby" attitude - he'll make sure he finds any way to ensure you do everything you want to....
and he will ask you to do things for him
would smother his face in every part soft and squishy part of you and will definitely definitely squeeze you during sex
and he will definitely ask you to sit on his face and suffocate him with your thighs... :)
coming up with an answer for yoongi was incredibly tough because
i think yoongi is so chill, something about yoongi screams “i really don’t care about what you look like, it’s the personality that makes a person attractive or not”
like no matter what, i think he’d love you for you.
love is love
no matter who the other person is or how they look like
BUT - he will fold and fall
and the intense physical attraction will follow once he gets to know you (again, this is not specific to curvy people, i think this is just how yoongi might be)
but this is about curvy people so let’s dive into that
if you wear something that shows a little more, perhaps lingerie or a form-fitting dress, and he’ll get so flustered and he will avoid eye-contact (especially if you don’t wear that style regularly)
like jin and jimin, yoongi would also be a person who knows that curvy/chubby women can go through so much shit just for the bodies being the way they are, and it’ll aggravate him just as much as it would jin… but it’s questionable whether yoongi would be able to keep his cool… because it’s you.
and low-key that energy could translate into his love for you too… in a very yoongi “harshly gentle” way. 
if you express any insecurity in regards to your body, he’d caress your face and stare deeply into your eyes & and just very seriously and quietly be like "??? so??? i love you more than anything in this world already, do you think i give a fuck that you have a lil belly??? hmm, why are you trying to hide it? i see you every day, do you think i don’t know what your body looks like? be fr, y/n. you’re beautiful (then he’ll poke your belly cutely, before the energy shifts and gets intense) don’t say that shit about yourself or about me. (then he’ll kiss you so softly)” <3 
hoseok would LOVE it when you show off your figure and your curves!!!
he's a hips and ass man, i'm sure of it.
he would AUDIBLY AND PROUDLY hype you tf up when you wear something a little more form-fitting!! 
and it’s something he always always encouraged, asking you to try bolder styles and colors
hobi simply will not take the “i can’t wear that because i’m chubby” saying
so when you as far as to dress in something a little risque? oof hobi will go crazy
do a lil dance for him? goodbye, hobi’s on the floor.
also we all know hoseok is a fashion expert, and chubby girls know it isn’t that easy to find clothes that fit our proportions/sizes/bodies…. but not if you’re with hoseok. this man will do whatever he can to make sure you can wear what you want, whether it's finding international brands that have your style+size or literally surprising you with a custom made outfit
"that brand doesn't carry your size? you like it but the proportions are just slightly off? don't worry about it baby i have your christmas gift sorted xx"
he won't be shy to hype you up just as loudly in public and on social media too
the type to encourage you to shake everything you've got in the club while grabbing onto you...
this is gonna sound cliched but bear with me
jimin will be incredibly attracted to your confidence and your energy
i think confidence is something jimin is attracted to no matter what, but if he sees the way you just radiate self-love and your confidence shining out of you through the way you dress, talk, carry yourself....
(i.e. “i can pull any man i want energy”, tight/skimpy dresses, STRUT instead of walking, good posture, etc while KNOWING the extra shit you could get for it & not giving a fuck??)
oh my god. oh my god.
to say jimin’s heart will flutter would be an understatement
you’d walk into the room, like you own it, and jimin would feel like he wants to do whatever he can to actually give it to you
and, similar to jin and yoongi, he knows curvy girls get a ton of shit just for existing - but it's almost double when they’re (loudly) confident, despite the fact that they should be that way!
so that respect and attraction he'll have for you will just be amplified and he’ll admire you even more (i hope this is coming off in a good way, the way I meant it - i can see this being misinterpreted but i can’t think of another way to word it - he’ll be like YES I’M SO GLAD YOU KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE AND YOU ALSO SAY FUCK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE!!! THAT’S SO HOT OF YOU!!!)
& if someone says something shitty about you in front of him… - he’ll pick up on even the slightest jabs or comments or looks - and there’s no way jimin would be able to keep this cool. good luck to whoever tried to insult you.  >.< jimin will make them regret their entire existence let alone their comment
jimin’s still jimin, so he’d try to flirt with you, and if you meet that with the same energy? OH MAN he’ll fold (maybe even a little more if you somehow reject him… and definitely a lot more if you bring that energy into the bedroom)
pls i can't shake the idea of jimin being so so so happily dominated by a plus size woman and dominatrix.... his idea of heaven, actually
and when you have an insecure day he’ll remind you of your beauty and your confidence in any and *every* way possible.
and even though it all started with the attraction to confidence, it’s not like the attraction will fade off if you have an insecure day!!! he won’t even be a little angry about it - i can especially imagine him being so gentle and understanding. in fact, he'll be all over you
i think taehyung would love your squishiness and your warmth <3 and more
i hope that doesn’t sound weird but let me explain the first bit
he would definitely squish your cheeks, in any scenario
like when you’re down and he’s reassuring you or taking care of you…
or even in a passionate kiss…. 
he will find any and every excuse to hug you, and his hugs are SQUISHYYY
it’s just so comforting to him
in taehyung’s eyes it’s all just warm and feel-good
he’ll love hugging you at the end of a long day - cuddles is just your default state together
but when he’s in ~the mood~ which I suspect is often, his hands will roam and he’ll go crazy…
especially for your hips!!!!
and your boobs, but mostly your hips
and when it comes down to ~ actually doing the dirty ~ oh he’ll think you’re BEAUTIFUL in the heat of the moment. he thinks you’re beautiful regardless, but ~during it~ he’ll  almost be in a high from just seeing you in that state…. he'll say that that's when you truly let go and feel like yourself and be yourself.
the type to swat your arm away if you tried using it to cover your tummy in photos
he’ll make you feel more loved than any other person, and he’d kiss and bite you everywhere…. especially your squishy bits. 
similar to jimin, he'd be incredibly attracted to your confidence
like if he just sees you shaking it at the club and calling yourself beautiful? loudly and proudly?
i honestly think taehyung would be so damn attracted to you that he'd be more clingy than he ever was
again, that energy and mindset of "the world gives me enough shit for existing so i might as well have fun and not give a damn" would be so refreshing to taehyung and he'll really respect and love you for it
this man will not leave you alone.
why? because he loves you, sure, but also because jungkook’s an ass man 
& he would be so obsessed with your butt
there’s!! just!! so!! much!! more!! to !! hold!! and !! slap!!!! and SQUISH!!!
and your THIGHS TOO?!?!??!? 
jungkook’s favorite places to let his hands rest while you’re making out.
i say “rest” loosely because guess what? he’s definitely squishing and feeling you up
he especially likes your thighs because they’re such a treat when he actually can squeeze them and hold them, whereas he has constant access to your butt, and your boobs, squeezing them on the regular. 
yeah, just accept that you're jungkook's sexy little stress ball
i mention squeezing and squishing a lot in this post but jungkook's the biggest criminal, he'll take any aNY opportunity to squish anything he can
which is why he'll have so much fun with you!! so much more to hold!! and squish!!
jungkook is a curious boy™️ so i think he’ll love tracing and feeling your stretch marks… he’ll be fascinated by them
something tells me jungkook won't easily pick up on slight jabs people make of you or even weird stares - but honestly it's just because he's too busy lovingly ogling you to notice.
but if you're ever insecure he’ll shower you with love… but if you ever doubt his love on any of your insecure days, he’ll be really hurt. 
also? I read this in a couple of pics but the idea never left my head:
jungkook would be determined to carry you. and like jin he will be determined to make sure you live out any sexual fantasy you had. he won’t take any shit about “I’m too heavy, etc etc” - he WILL carry you. first bridal style, then until he can lift you up during a kiss or during sex. then?…. he might just train to do the dirty dancing lift. this boy is determined.
he will simply refuse to let you miss out on anything just because you weigh a little more. so what? why shouldn’t he train a little more to carry you? especially considering putting on more muscle and making his girlfriend happy are two of his favorite things to do <3 
and if something in the world stops you from being able to experience a thing you want to, simply because you're chubby, he'll be so mad at the world that you'll have to end up consoling him.
he'll make sure you experience something even better though <3
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bellabean24 · 1 year
Hi, hope your day has been going well. I was wondering if I can request a head cannon for Eren, Jean, Connie, and Armin and how they are when they are drunk.🫶🏽
A/N: My days been going well. Hope all of yall lovely people are doing ok🖤
What Eren | Jean | Connie | Armin are like drunk
Word count: 1469
Prompt 2
Warnings: Fluff and tiny bit of NSFW on Connie's part, mention of alcohol obviously, Connie trying to get in your pants, Armin being a lightweight, Connie is crossfaded, pet names (Babe, baby,(Eren) sweetheart, pretty, sexy, (Jean) Love, beautiful,(Armin) stink, pookie, stinka butt(Connie) I cackled when making this
Head Cannon prompt list | Attack On Titan Masterlist
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When Eren wants to get drunk it's gonna take more than just a few shots
Eren is not a lightweight it takes Eren maybe 2 bottles of straight Hennessy or vodka
And knowing how much your lovely bf loves to party you tend to be the designated driver most times
But what you love the most is when Eren gets so drunk that he gets so clingy
Just picture this
You and Eren are in the car on the way home from one of Connie's many college parties. And Eren's little ass decides it would be a good night to get fucked up. So as of right now Eren's hand is on your thigh as you drive home, “Baby, please let me lay on your lap they're like my pillows” Eren whines and slurs as he keeps trying to put his head down and over the console. “Eren no, I’m driving and I’m not bout to crash this damn car because you wanna lay on my lap. So sit back and cut it out.” Eren then reaches for your hand to hold, “Eren you can’t just take my hand when I’m driving. Just 10 more minutes then we're gonna be home.”
Sure you had to drive for 10 more minutes with a whiny, drunk, and clingy Eren but you did it, you made it in one piece. Getting out of the car and helping Eren get out, “Babyyyy, give me your attention now” this 6-foot man leans his entire body on your back “You can wait until we get in the house…. Eren imma need you to get off of me.” Earning a groan from your drunk boyfriend as he stands up straight, unlocking the door, and taking your shoes off heading towards the kitchen to get him a glass of water. Eren follows close behind, complaining that you're not giving him the attention he deserves. “Eren if you drink this I’ll give you attention, ok?” He grabs the drink from your hand chugging it down “Slow down Eren” giggling as water runs down his neck getting his shirt wet.
Eren finishes his water, putting the cup in the sink, “Ok let's go.” He drags you to your shared room taking his clothes off and he lays in bed waiting for you. Getting yourself ready for bed, You lay down in your spot opening your arms for Eren. Eren cuddles into your neck “I love you Y/N” he mumbles before dozing off, “I love you too ‘Ren”
Jean is a flirty drunk
Throughout the whole night of him drinking and getting drunk, all he did was flirt with you
One time when he got so drunk and didn't know who you were he was flirting with you
He throws pickup lines at you more compliments at you and when you say you have a BF he just doesn’t care (even tho he’s the bf)
The time he did forget you were his partner, then you tell him to bring him home he got as red as a baboon’s ass
“Hi, sweetheart. You here by yourself?” Jean asks you, completely forgetting he came to this dumb party with you, and you wanting to have a little bit of fun, you're gonna feed into this bullshit. “No. I’m here with my boyfriend.” giving him a wink as you sip on your drink in the corner of the room. “Well that sure sucks doesn't it but I was thinkin’ you bring your sexy ass home with me and I can show you how a man can really treat his partner instead of leaving them in the corner of the room.” Oh, what a dumb bf you got yourself.
You've been talking to Jean for 10 minutes listening to him throw his really bad pickup lines, “So aside from being sexy what else do you do for living, sweetheart?” Giving him a chuckle in response “Jean, I think it's time we go home now” “Oh, you want to bring me home pretty thing? I didn’t even get your name” He straightens his back tilting his head at you waiting for you to reply, “My name is Y/N and I’m your partner lets go” que Jean getting red as a baboon’s ass cheeks. “YOU'RE MY PARTNER” kissing him on the cheek you drag his tall ass out of the party.
Lord, we gonna need to put this one on a leash
Connie gets insanely horny when he is drunk but not just drunk he is also high so this dumb boy is cross faded
Like Connie calls you dumb nicknames and gets really handsy
When you guys leave the party all he tries to do is get in your pants
He’s a horny bitch but once you get home and he hits the bed he’s sleep
It’s been exactly 5 minutes since you got Connie to put down the drink and walk with you to the car, “Soo stink, we gonna fuck in the car?” turning around to face this dumb boy, “No, we are going home.” He gives you a hum and a wink like there is some kinda dirty meaning behind going home. Opening the door for him and pushing him inside, Connie brings his hand down to slap you on the ass, “Damn Stink, you see that recoil. Just imagine what it would like when I hit it from behind” he gives you a smirk as he puts the rest of his body in the car. Oh, it's gonna be a long drive you thought as you walk over to the driver's side.
Once you’re in the car Connie puts his hand on your thigh too close to your pus pus, “What you say stinka butt wanna get it on in the back?” bringing your pointer finger and thumb across your eyes then resting them on the bridge of your nose, “Con, imma need you to calm down.”
After about 20 slow minutes you finally reach home. Getting out of the car and helping Connie get out as well, Connie’s hand moves its way down your back and into your back pocket. Turning your head to look at him as you walk up to your apartment, “just wanna feel it pookie, it’s fat and squishy” shaking your head you unlock the door to your shared home. “Connie imma need you to go to our room and wait.” Connie takes his hand out of your pocket, bringing both his hands to lay on your waist, “Let me get a kiss first” he puckers up his lips waiting for a kiss. Rolling your eyes you lean in for a quick peck, just as you're about to pull away Connie grabs the back of your head deepening the kiss god you might be shocked but you couldn’t just turn away cause he feels so good.
“Ok, Con. Connie that’s it” mumbling between kisses you pull back much to Connie’s denies, “Connie go lie down in bed please just wait for me I’ll be right there” you kiss his cheek before stepping into the kitchen. Connie listens to you walking into the bedroom getting butt ass naked and waiting in bed for you, but just as you're walking back to the room with a glass of water and two pills of Advil. You see Connie in bed looking like a dead body. Letting out a little chuckle you give him one last kiss on his forehead before getting ready for bed yourself.
IMO I think our boy Armin here is a shy and kinda crybaby drunk
Like Armin is the type to confess for you so many times
I also just know that he is a lightweight like he can not handle more than 7 shots
But you love when he’s drunk because he always tells you he loves you
He is also another clingy drunk like Eren
You just brought Armin to a little party so he can wind down from all the stress from school and as you notice he got drunker and drunker he became more and more clingy. It started off with a hand on your thigh then a hand on your waist then before you knew it his whole upper half was leaning on your side his head in the crook of your neck as he whisper sweet words into your ear “my love you are the love of my life I can’t live without you” he mumbles and slurs his whole sentence into your ear. Rubbing his head you decide it’s time to go home.
Now you and Armin have been home for 10 minutes and he won’t shut up about how he loves you. “God you are so beautiful I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you so damn much” he gives you little neck kisses in between each word
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