#love Annie and Abed forever
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microsuedemouse · 3 months ago
idea snagged from @gingerteaonthetardis - send me a 🔀 and a ship, and I’ll pop my spotify wrapped on shuffle and write a scene or a lil fic summary/outline/idea to go with the ship+song combo!
as ever, any ship you’ve ever seen me blog/write/talk about is 100% fair game. bonus points if it’s from a recent fandom hehehe
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litrallytyrus · 11 months ago
lowkey i could write pages about the way troy says “i love you” to abed in epidemiology. the shift in his tone. the pause before he says it. the way his eyes fucking soften. like omg this gay ass bitch was being serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sadquickchristmassnowman · 2 years ago
I really wish we got more of shirley and abed’s relationship. abed finally having a consistent mother-like figure in his life has so much storywriting and character building potential (and it’s also just really important to me lmao), plus shirley being able to connect with aspects of life she’s historically been pretty far removed from (other religions/cultural practices, pop culture, just general neurodivergency etc) is so good for her character, and it exposes sides of her we don’t see too often.
we get bits of their dynamic in basic genealogy, messianic myths and ancient peoples, and introduction to teaching, but that’s basically it I think. they’re just really important to me and I wish the writers had explored their relationship a bit more
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seizethedeansofproduction · 2 years ago
I just know that after Annie, Troy, and Abed watched Spiderverse, they all went as spiderman variants for halloween
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kayhi808 · 5 months ago
I know u had an ask about Bucky adopting Abby (Bucky asks to adopt Abby). How about Abby asks Bucky to adopt her? Like its Buckys birthday and Abby writes him his letters asking for him to adopt her? However, instead of asking her Mom to help her write her letter to Bucky she asks her uncle Steve for help. So they write the letter and Abby draws her pictures and only puts her best stickers on thr letter and then they frame the letter. Bucky reads it. Mama is shocked and so happy. There isn't a dry eye in the house.
I know I'm rambling. It just that I see so many tik toks like this and it made me think of bucky and Abby.
Hi my patient Nonnie! 🥰 I know it took me forever to get to but I didn't know how to work it in to their story, but it kind of coincides with the Proposal Ask. I hope you like it! And I'm sorry it took me so long to answer.
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Steve's on the couch watching a baseball game, "Uncle Steve?" Abby is with Steve while you and Bucky have date night.
"Bucky love Mama, rights?" She rests her elbows on his lap with her chin in her palms.
"Of course he loves your Mama! That's why he asked her to marry him. He loves her very much."
"Um...do you...uh. You know what's?"
Steve smiles & lifts her onto his lap, "No, tell me."
"I saws this movies. Um, the little girl has no families. Only a puppy and she live in an o'panage."
"It's what I says, o'panage." Steve nods.
"Did you watch Annie?"
Abby's eyes light up, "Yes! You sees it too?" Steve nods. "Do you tinks Bucky loves me big much or widdle much?"
"Definitely BIG much!" Abby sighs with relief. Her little hands are clenched in her lap. Steve takes her hands in his, rubbing them. Relaxing them out of little fists. "What's the matter Abs?"
She stands to whisper in Steve's ear, "I wants Bucky to 'dops me."
"Oh!" Abby's scared big eyes meets Steve's soft, kind blue ones.
"He loves Mama & he makes her family. Maybe...maybe if he loves me, he makes me, too?
Steve's throat tightens up, "C'mere." He hugs Abby tightly to him & Abby rests her head on his shoulder. He needed a second to gather is thoughts and composure. "I think that's an excellent idea."
"Yea?" Abby pulls away to look at him, "He's want a daughter likes me?"
Steve coughs to clear his throat, "I think he'd love it. You'd make him so happy." Abby covers her mouth and giggles.
"Cans you helps me draws him a letter?"
"Absolutely," he drops a kiss on the top of her head.
Steve and Abby work on her letter. She used all her best stickers. Steve convinced her to wait until Bucky's upcoming birthday. Steve said he'll get her letter framed so she can wrap it up and give it to him as a present.
Bucky didn't want a big birthday party or anything, but you insisted on celebrating, so gathered up the Avengers who were not on missions and went out for dinner. Steve, Sam, Natasha & Bruce. Bucky had to admit it was one of his best birthdays. Surrounded by friends, you & Abby. He really enjoyed his evening. They returned to The Tower for cake and ice cream & to open presents. You notice Abby and Steve whispering all evening & you know they are up to something.
"I'm scared-ed Uncle Steve."
"Why? You have nothing to be scared about."
"Um, what if he no wants me? And tells me no?" Abby's lip puffs out into a pout.
"How can he not want you, Abs?? You are smart, strong, so loving, so sweet, so kind."
"But I tricks him a lot. And maybe he don't wikes it."
You walk up to them, interrupting their deep discussion. "What's going on here?"
Abby stands up ram-rod straight, "Nuffing!" Not at all suspicious.
"Nothing huh?"
Steve picks Abby up, "We're going to get Buck's present, we'll be right back." He takes your baby and leaves the room.
Steve and Abby return with a wrapped gift, "We got one more present from Abs." Steve places her down and gives her the present. She walks towards Bucky but stops to look back at Steve. He can tell she's still afraid so he smiles and nods reassuringly.
"What's this?" Bucky opens his arms to Abby. She leans against him and hands him his present. In a soft voice, "I made it. Uncle Steve helps me."
"Oh, yea?" Bucky opens his gift and takes out the frame. It takes a second for him to realize what Abby is asking. CAN I BE YOUR DAUGHTER? Is printed on her drawing. He frowns trying to hold back his emotions. Bucky already embraced the role as Abby's father, excitedly so, and Abby wants to be his daughter. Abby drew a picture of them both with flowers and balloons. Steve wrote the words and drew a little scroll of paper that says adoption. And it's surrounded by Abby's stickers.
Abby sees his frown & her terrified gaze goes to Steve. "Oh nos! He no wants to 'dop me!"
Bucky quickly puts the frame aside and wraps Abby in a big hug. His voice is rough and gravelly as he whispers to her, "Nothing in the world would make me happier, baby. Yes, I want you for my daughter." Abby wraps her arms around Bucky's neck & he pulls her onto his lap.
You grab the frame to see what's in it & you gasp. Steve comes up and gives you a quick squeeze. You sit beside the 2 most important people in the world to you. Abby has tears running down her chubby cheeks, "Mama! Papa wants me to be his daughter! He 'dops me." Your close friends cheer & you'd swear that Bucky's eyes are glassy with tears. Abby claps for herself.
You wipe away her tears, "Of course he would. You're the best daughter ever!" You pepper her with kisses as Bucky grabs your hand in his and gives it a squeeze.
@waywardhunter95 @wintrsoldrluvr @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitosmmmm @julvrs @unaxv @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winterslove1917 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @purplecolordeer @samsgirl93 @buckitostan @littleredwolf @mcucatlady @silas-aeiou @hzdhrtss @florie1 @thecubanator2 @enchantedbarnes @jvanilly @selella @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @cjand10 @pancake-05 @ozwriterchick @crazyunsexycool @baw1066 @nommingonfood
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bingsucks · 2 years ago
thought I'd give a comprehensive list on why I personally dislike JeffAnnie because I got called idiotic for it and I see that as a top tier compliment. I go more in depth at the end, but if you just want the quick stuff (since I know y'all like the quotes!!) here you go, but please read the rest of it!! this is an open discussion.
also I get pretty gross in my descriptions of Annie, be warned
season 2 episode 1: "since you have clearly failed to grasp the central insipid metaphor of those twilight books you devour, let me explain it to you. men are monsters who crave young flesh, the end."
season 3 episode 1: "we can't keep doing this forever, kiddo." "Can't we?" "no, that's gross. I feel gross."
season 4 episode 3: "I was just daydreaming. I mean, I've married you at least a half a dozen times. and Troy. and Zac Efron. Mostly Zac Efron."
season 3 episode 16: "but, we love Jeff." "no, we don't. we're just in love with the idea of being loved. and if we can teach a guy like Jeff to do it, we'll never be unloved. so we keep running the same scenario over and over hoping for a different result."
season 6 episode 13: "are you okay?" "is this really what you want?" "of course. I mean, I'd be fine with a dog too, but whatever you want." "do you have any idea what I want?" "yes?"
season 2 episode 20: "the general atmosphere of 'would they?' 'might they?'" "Annie, I think you're reading into some things." "oh really?" "oh, give me a break. I mean, you could do the same thing with Pierce and Abed!" "yeah, let's be honest, there's more between you and Annie than between me and Pierce." "Abed, it's called chemistry, I have it with everybody."
season 5 episode 11: "I'm 40."
I'd like to actually argue with a personal opinion based on a fact, and some anecdotal hypotheticals
first of all, I'm 17, a year younger than Annie in season one. I know people who are 19, 20 even. the concept of them or myself dating someone who is (not only fully developed in the brain, but) at least ten years older than ourselves-
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-is gross, no? if Annie got held back at all, if she didn't drop out, if she and Jeff met in a different way, same age difference and her still in high school, one might say that is a little uncouth, one might even go so far as to say it's gross.
but, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; make them closer in age, say Jeff is in his 20s instead of his thirties, say 25 (the lowest we can go for him to still be a lawyer). still, Annie's brain wont fully develop until she is 25, meaning Jeff will already be in his thirties by that point, if he dates her any sooner he will be dating what is medically considered an adolescent (10-24) while himself above 30. "but chrissy, chimbo, my love, you're legally an adult at age 18!" if we start bringing the law into this, the post will double in size, to make it simple, just think for a moment why that makes you legally an adult. why is a legal adult not allowed to drink? why would the United States want people who are not fully developed making decisions, and how does that affect their country? food for thought.
another benefit of the doubt! take age out of the question, just look at them as people and their experiences, not by a number! age ain't nothing number, right? like Aaliyah, right? Yeah, did you know R Kelly, the convicted sex offender, wrote that song? Crazy, right? sorry, off topic. Silly me, silly little baby brain. haha. let's look at their dynamic:
Jeff is a man who values the women he dates - rather, sleeps with - very little. "I'm Jeff Winger, and I would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with!" he states, so confident and proud of himself. "I asked this woman out 30 seconds ago to prove a point!" he shouts. "I'll be back with booty!" he sneers. does this seem like the kind of person that would think of women in the long-term? that is Jeff.
Annie on the other hand, as the boy-crazy girlish urchin she is, sees every man that comes her way as Christ incarnate. Annie is obsessive, she enrolled in nearly all of Troy's classes to get some sense that someone, anyone, no matter how bad they treat her, has to rely on her for something she knows. Annie is fresh and inexperienced, she can't say the word 'penis' because it makes her uncomfortable and squirmy. pure, untouched porcelain. so impressionable, don't you think? so untainted, virginal. looking for a father.
describing her like that makes you a bit uncomfortable, doesn't it? feels a little yucky in your tum tum?
that's because if you take away their ages, their experiences speak for themselves. Annie is young, obsessive. Jeff has more experience than her and will discard her quickly in favor of someone younger or better looking. if you're into the 'born sexy yesterday' trope, go ahead. I'm not one to stop you from doing what makes you feel good! We all know what you really want, you don't have to hide it, Humbert- sorry, Jeff. slip of the tongue. scream it loud! scream it on the rooftops, or on the streets: "I want to fuck a teenager!!" see how people look at you!
Oh, they're not smiling, are they? yikes.
i'd just like to leave you with a personal opinion.
is the pairing of Jeff and Annie iffy and pretty gross? yes, scroll up, read this post again if you aren't convinced. at the same time, should it be removed from the show entirely because it's problematic and horrible and everyone who supports JeffAnnie is a meth-addicted pedophile who eats babies and fucks sticky flashlights with the mouthless faces of their classmates taped to the rim? while I would prefer that JeffAnnie didn't happen, yes, I just think those of you who are into this are just uneducated and stubborn. some of you, one of you in particular, i'm sure is a sweaty neckbeard with a fedora and a 4chan tripcode. but not all of you, and for that I have hope.
JeffAnnie is legal, yes. JeffAnnie is by far not the worst, too. and we, as mature half-adults, can admit that. I for one believe that you should be able to ship anything that is both legal and non-blood-related. that's the magic of fandom! enemies to lovers is one of the most popular genres! the toxicity of the relationship is not the problem, it is the predatory nature and unsavory implications that are the problem. I think the relationship as a whole is not something to be looked at with positive emotions, but I also don't believe that this type of screen representation is bad. just because something is put to screen does not mean it is acceptable. I think that's something we all learned in second grade, yes? good. glad we're all on the same page. you're looking wonderful. I hope you have a great day.
also, just to cover all my bases, it's just a matter of preference. it makes a lot of us uncomfortable to see relationships like that, especially those of us who are around Annie's age. like, imagine being her: you're fresh out of rehab and ready to start your life. this guy who is more than ten years older than you, who you think is kind of cute maybe, starts to look at you the same way. imagine having the knowledge that every time he looks at a woman he just sees a pair of tits and a vag on legs. imagine what he sees when he looks at you. imagine that guy having a conversation with your dad, they might even be closer in age than you and him. that's uncomfortable, to me at least.
plus, Britta and Jeff are a better couple.
and if anyone responds with that whole "Dan Harmon DVD season 6" copy paste I hope you all know it makes me kick my feet and giggle. papa needs an ego boost, go ahead *bats eyes* *gets hit by a car*
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nightcolorz · 6 months ago
Love ur blog :3
Troybed forever, but what r your thoughts on Annie and Abed?
OMG!! My first ask about community 😭🫶 tyyyy ur so nice
I assume ur asking how I feel about ppl shipping Annie and abed since u brought up trobed lol. I understand the appeal 🤷. I don’t ship them but I think their friendship is so cute. Virtual Systems Analysis is my favorite episode in the show lol, and that is entirely Annie and abed centric, so they’ve got a special place in my heart. Annie and abed remind me of me and my siste a lot. my sister has ocd and I have autism, and we tend to have a lot of conflict when we share a living space bcus our neurodivergent needs often conflict with each other in very specific ways 😭. the autism and the ocd brain in my experience tend to but heads, and that’s the vibe I get from Annie and abed. Neurodivergent in opposite ways and learning to understand and accommodate each other regardless. I love how their dynamic progresses after Troy leaves, how they r forced to lean on each other when it’s just the two of them and become closer bcus of it. Genuinely sweet stuff. Thanks for the ask!
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causetheturtle · 1 year ago
Archie Andrews and Jeff Winger are two sides of the same fucked up little coin and I know that sounds insane but hear me out!
They both start out falling, pretty much at first sight, for women who they know little to nothing about - they just think these girls are attractive and that’s about it.
However they both get to know these women and form a real bond and deep relationship with them over time
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But they eventually grow bored of these women and instead move their attentions towards the romanticised version of their female friend that lives in their heads. These friends for a long time pined after both of them and framed themselves as “the one who was right in front of you all along”.
However these women were more in love with the idea of them than actually being with them and to Archie and Jeff these women represent their fear of the future more than anything else.
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And in Archie and Jeff’s fantasy versions of their lives - which we see for Archie in S6 Ep19 and for Jeff in S6 Ep13 - they’re with their romanticised versions of these women, living out a white-picket-fence lifestyle.
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However this life isn’t something either of these women want. Maybe they did once but they don’t anymore, they’ve grown and changed and they want more from their lives, and they haven’t shown any actual wish to live this life for a long time.
But it isn’t just their relationships with their love interests that make these characters similar - it’s their relationships to their friends in general.
What’s probably a more important part of both of their fantasies is the fact that they’re with their friends, forever - in Archie’s we know that Veronica and Reggie (and we can guess the rest of his friends) all live on the same street as him. In Jeff’s we see him and all of his friends as teachers at Greendale, no matter if that’s what their friends want that or not. Veronica and Reggie don’t want to be in Riverdale forever, they can’t wait to get out. Annie and Abed don’t want to stay at Greendale anymore, they’ve grown and are ready to move away and get on with their own lives.
But they have different reasons for the ways they act and why they want these things - it’s Jeff’s brains that leads to him being manipulative and careless whereas with Archie it’s…look I love the guy but he’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the box. Archie is inherently a selfless and giving person but his naivety is his downfall in so many situations.
However Archie is still a likeable character, much more traditionally likeable than Jeff, because when he does something stupid you can’t stay mad at him for too long cause you know he doesn’t really mean it - Archie is the “likeable leading man” that Abed talks about in S2 Ep1, which is something Jeff can’t ever be.
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aletterinthenameofsanity · 1 year ago
sister I'm trying to hold off the lightning (and help you escape from your head) (Jeffbritta finale fic)
Title is from "Deep End" by Holly Humberstone. Finale character study of Jeff Winger. Crossposted on ao3.
Jeff and Britta, at the end.
At the end of it all, as Season 7 dawns, there are only two souls left from the beginning to make their way to the study room table. The two who started it all, end it all, remain at all.
Two lonely souls, alone at last.
Annie and Abed have left. Shirley left for that detective that Jeff's pretty sure she ended up marrying- there's an opened and unanswered invitation sitting sadly on his kitchen counter. Troy abandoned them all for the high seas long ago. Pierce died.
Frankie and the Dean and Chang are all still here, and they matter, but they didn't sit here at the study table on that fateful night where the closest thing that Jeff has ever had to a family began.
Abed would love the symmetry. But Abed is gone. Someone more sentimental than Jeff might even say that Abed's heart left long ago, dying in the lava floes beneath the school. 
Jeff takes a gulp of his beer, his thumb smoothing over label of whatever discount brand the local gas station provided. He's years, lifetimes, away from the expensive bottles of brandy his old law firm provided.
It's been years, but the bitter taste of ambition still tastes stronger than the sour sting of the beer in his hands. He'd entered this school and this study group with two goals: get his bachelor's as quickly as possible, and fuck the blonde in his Spanish class. 
He's accomplished both, and look where it's landed him. As alcoholic as he once was, a teacher at a school that chewed him up and spat him out a better man with a far more broken heart than he entered with.
The door creaks open. A familiar face beneath darker hair enters. This season, this year, Britta's traded out her leather jackets for sweatshirts, her bleach-blonde curls for the natural darkening of the years. She's lost some of that natural intensity that once attracted her to him, more often to be found with eye crinkles than pouty lips.
She's grown up. Matured, but also softened. Let the years wear her away as firmly as they have him.
They have eroded, here. Weathered away into sand. Become older and more brittle and more nuanced.
"Last ones left," Britta says, as if she can read his mind. That's what intimacy is, Jeff supposes- years of close quarters and paintball fights and quick fucks and teasing and supporting and screaming boiled down to, at the end of the day, the kind of telepathy that aches because the person in front of you is more mirror than anything else.
Jeff tilts his bottle to her. She toasts him with her own glass of amber liquid as she sits down in her seat, forever next to him, forever around a corner from him. 
The table is empty around them. The seats hold ghosts, taken away by airplanes and boats and Buddhist funeral ceremonies and the sands of time.
Jeff's maudlin. He knows it. His Season 7 pitch was never what he truly wanted. Who needs a bunch of hot redheads when his family is gone?
He wants them back. He wants everything, their flaws, their strengths, their babbling voices, their annoying quirks. He wants their round pegs to fill the square hole in his heart.
But they've all grown up. They've all left. 
And he's been left behind.
Britta's hand settles on the table, palm up, an offering.
Jeff looks past her hand at the table. At the one they built together, when the old one was smashed to pieces. This one has no notches. They have not christened it with paint and dirty talk and sweat.
An old dilemma from Jeff's questionably-taught Philosophy 101 class filters back to him: the Ship of Theseus. If you replace every part of a ship, is still the same ship? Or is it something completely new?
The table is new. The study group is almost completely replaced.
But at the center of it all, Britta and Jeff remain. They are still here. 
Jeff looks back up at Britta. There is a kindness in Britta's eyes that has always been there, even beneath the snark and intensity that he first met her with. She's always wanted the best for others. It's why she paid for Abed's first film class with money she didn't quite have, why she pursued a psychology degree, why she has always been first unto the breach and the last one to retreat.
Britta Perry is is bitten-down finger nails and eye crinkles and snarky comments and bad analogies. She is stubborn and bright and flawed and passionate and a buzzkill and a failed therapist and a lapsed anarchist.
She is, at the end of it all, Jeff's best friend. Not by circumstance, not by artifice, but by choice.
She deserves to have someone choose her in return.
He hasn't been left behind. Not quite. The rest of the group left him, yes, but not because of him- because of themselves. Because of what they need for themselves. Self-discovery, their own lives, their own dreams.
Jeff wants to believe that someday, they'll be back. He'll get to see them all again, wrap his arms around them all, pull them into a group hug full of laughter and old jokes and new happiness.
But for now, he still has friends, both old and new. He has Frankie and the Dean and Chang, in all of their messy, crazy glory.
And he has Britta. He has Britta Perry, so different and so similar to the woman he started this study group with.
Jeff reaches out and takes Britta's hand, curling her familiar fingers between his own.
"Last ones out," he says, and it feels like a promise. An oath. A vow.
Jeff smiles, and Britta smiles right back.
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one-blaze-of--glory · 1 year ago
rate every single character from every single media you are currently hyperfixated on >:)
uhhh that would be quite impossible I'm just going to do main characters but thank you for the free autism infodumping opportunity. it took me several minutes to even know what the hell my hyperfixations are.
I'm gonna start with Caroline in the city because. I mean look at my blog.
i don't think Richard being number 1 is a surprise here. Caroline and Annie are actually more on the same level as are Del and Charlie this is just how I felt atm this ranking changes sometimes tbh.
merrily we roll along:
Mary is like the love of my life. I actually don't hate Frank but i do but I don't but i do.
& juliet:
this one i just did without thinking much about it, also subject to change
pierce doesn't even get a placement. die.
my one note about this is that i feel like some people could be surprised by me ranking Troy above Abed but honestly i love them kinda equally i just love Troy just a tiiiny bit more
hazbin hotel:
Angel Dust
not much to say about this one, it is what it is
I'm actually not going to do Harmony because i don't want to rank real people but just know that Erich is my favorite of the harmonists also i really love Ruth also if you count him as a seperate character older Rabbi is my favorite ever for biased reasons
aaand I don't think I'm hyperfixated on anything else atm. rip my howard the duck and my falsettos hyperfixations tbh. forever a part of me though.
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mothofcawdor · 2 months ago
Community 1x24
Oh this is another episode where the study group is threatened or something
The finals for Spanish class and they try to find another class to enjoy together
The subversion of the Goodwill Hunting reference was amazing. It also shows that people are intelligent in different ways.
Ohhh this is the one where someone replaces Chang
They have to write a final exam in 20 hours and they can't speak Spanish
Im glad this is still Chang heavy because I would've missed him
If troy left in the first season I'd stop watching. I actually did stop watching because someone told me Troy left
The guy is actually speaking facts because people assume plumbers are uneducated but actually they're not. They're very skilled
I love Annie so much. She's so like she's cute! She's a sweetie. She's really good natured.
What am I going to do in community college
Jeff is actually the meanest ever in this episode. Annie just wants them to stay friends and a lot of the group members are older except Troy and abed but let's be honest, they're gonna be friends forever. But like Annie is just as young and has never had friends like this.
Troy and Abed ❤
Awwwwww noooo Troy is too neurodivergent to see Abed's remark as a compliment.
NOOOOOO they're breaking up💔
This is the 2nd sitcom I've seen where someone confuses the name Annie with something else. The first was arrested development
Annie's actress is amazing too.
by Annie's actress is amazing I don't know shit about her, I just mean the way she plays Annie is great
Dawg!!! Pierce! Comes in clutch!
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Born This Way by Lady Gaga (an excellent choice if I do say so myself)
It's Greendale's first official Pride Event, and everything is going great!
Annie is planning everything, of course, but what she wasn't planning on was finding her own queer identity. She had been so busy (and kind of a loser) in high school and during rehab she had other more important problems. But now she was finding herself and growing into the person she felt she was meant to be, and when she saw the bi pride pins in one of the boxes she was unloading, she couldn't help but stare at them. Something about them just felt right, like it was her. She grabs one for herself but doesn't wear it. She's not quite ready to embrace it yet, but someday, she thinks she will be.
Troy loves Abed. He knows it, Abed knows it, everyone knows it. They're best friends. And that's why Troy doesn't want to say anything about being in love with him. It's not that Troy is ashamed of it. He'd embraced his bisexuality years ago, even if he'd didn't always tell people about it. No, he was more worried about ruining his friendship with Abed. They have something great, and friends to lovers never works in real life, only in the movies. So, he decides to stay quiet. At least, until he sees someone flirting with Abed at the Pride Event and realizes he'll regret it forever if he doesn't at least tell Abed about his feelings. What's the worst that could happen?
Abed knows Troy has feelings for him. Abed also has feelings for Troy. It's super obvious, but Abed can't figure out why Troy hasn't told him yet. There must be a reason, but Abed doesn't want to push Troy into saying anything before he's ready. As much as Abed would like to be with Troy, Abed is more than happy with their friendship. As much as Abed would appreciate being part of the friends to lovers trope, he knows life isn't the movies. Still, he wishes it could be.
Frankie hates pride events. Well, actually, that's not entirely true. She understands why they're necessary, but she hates the fact that they're needed. She resents that she can't just find a woman to date without it automatically being A Thing. She just wants to live her life, in private, without being bothered. Which makes her feelings for Britta inconvenient, in more ways than one. Frankie is pretty sure Britta is straight, and even if she weren't, Britta is loud and in everyone's business. Not hers though. For some reason, Britta has always respected her boundaries. As she watches Britta dance at the Pride Event the Dean required her to be at, her heart skips a beat. A "crush" is such a childish concept but unfortunately accurate in this situation. She has a crush on Britta, and she doesn't know what to do.
Britta is confused. She's not homophobic, actually, she's proud to be an ally, but she's straight. Right? If she weren't, kissing Paige would have been no big deal, right? So, she had to be straight and was fine with that. Until Frankie came along. Frankie was no-nonsense, all business, and never shared anything about her personal life, but Britta could not stop thinking about her. And maybe, if Britta was really honest with herself, she wanted to kiss her. And hold her hand. And be near her constantly. And of course Frankie is at this stupid Pride Dance the Dean has set up, looking incredible. Britta decides that instead of thinking about Frankie, she's going to drink and have fun with her friends as a distraction. And it works, until she sees that bitch Slater giggling with Frankie. First Jeff, and then Frankie? Sober Britta might have assumed it was just two colleagues talking, but drunk Britta took it as an intentional slight by Slater. So, she decides to go over there and give Slater a piece of her mind.
Aside from Britta cursing out Professor Slater (seriously, let the feud die already), the Dean considered the Pride Event to be a wild success! The Dean would take the secret to his grave, but he saw Annie sneak the pin. It had been nice to see Annie grow and accept herself over her time at Greendale, and this was another good step. Troy and Abed were official now, and they had recreated several romcom scenes across campus. Honestly, the Dean was surprised it had taken them this long. And even some good had come from Britta drunkenly yelling at Slater. Britta had, more or less, confessed she had feelings for Frankie, and while Frankie didn't confirm she felt the same, she did offer to take Britta home, which she wouldn't do for just anyone.
Even though pretty much everyone else mocked Greendale, the Dean was proud of his school. Tonight had truly shown no matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, or transgender life, everyone had a place at Greendale.
Send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you which song you get AND what fic I’d write based on its vibes
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thebatmqn · 3 years ago
community au where jeff and shirley start dating and one day the study group gifts jeff this hoodie
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rllymilerlly · 2 years ago
And if I made a copypasta to counter the jeffannie one-
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abednadirsgf · 2 years ago
midnight icecream together!!! they're all in their pjs (troy and abed got annie a set of pjs for their first christmas/notchristmas/notpresent/hanukkah/holidayday/gift not gift that matched theirs but in purple :)) they eat icecream with sprinkles, with chocolate syrup, with marshmallows, with chopped nuts on top, with multiple flakes, with m&ms - the whole shebang. they might have some inspector spacetime in the background whilst they talk and giggle and make funny faces at each other. they leave the dishes in the sink for later that morning and probably end up sleeping and cuddling together on cushions or on the sofa for the rest of the night.
annie has lots of pillows and bears and plushies etc, a whole collection. so, troy and abed decide to get her a new plush every birthday/not Christmas Christmas holiday day or just when they see one that looks cool and so her whole bed is just filled with different animals or weirdly shaped cushions they found in charity shops or drugstores or furniture stores or ebay or something lol (they make sure they clean them beforehand obviously so they smell of nice lavender fabric conditioner) and annie allows them to name some of them too ;)
Annie listens to Mitski, she a mitski gal like me, and she tends to listen to 'bury me at make out creek' or 'lush' albums when she's sad or feels overwhelmed with emotions or feeling insecure :// so when Troy hears the familiar sound of Francis Forever through her door when he goes to ask if she wants takeout tonight, he knocks on the door before entering and seeing her on her bed with a tear stricken face :( he gives her a big big hug, turns the music off and just holds her and tells her the things that happened in his day, like how he saw a cat with one eye outside the apartment building and tried to feed it the leftover chips he had at lunch but it might have scratched him and the cut on his hand don't look so good and then annie bursts into laughter and slaps troy's chest calling him an idiot and fixes up his hand so it doesn't get infected
abed and annie watch the xfiles together, they go through s1-s9 and even dress up as fox mulder and dana scully respectively for one Halloween!!! they watch the movies together and think up of their own conspiracies about the show or real life government. and it's partially what pushed Annie to pursue forensics and the fbi further and Abed 100% backed her and encouraged her (also got her to promise to give him a special fbi hq tour and may or may not write his own spin off special episode take on Annie working at the fbi hehe and also makes sure she reports back all the tales she has for script inspo) when the latter seasons of 10&11 come out whilst they're apart, they Skype each other and do watch parties and britta might pitch in too.
Abed loves his buttered noodles and Troy loves eating pizza all the time and as much as Annie loves takeout and easy eating, she knows its not healthy to have it all the time (and its expensive!!!) so they have a day of the week (I'm feeling Thursday) when they cook a proper homecooked meal together like lasagna or chili con carne and save leftovers for lunch the next day too. Annie also makes sure they eat some fruit so sometimes when they study she makes them all fruit cups and adds a little bit of sprinkled sugar ontop of strawberries ;)
Troy loves to bake. he loves it. he loves making a mess of flour and sugar and having his friends and family tasting his creations. he learnt a lot from Shirley and makes a realllll good pumpkin pie for thanksgiving every year. he loves making apple crumble bc of the texture and he loves decorating cakes and cupcakes (though he does like drawing dicks with icing and makes jokes whenever someone eats one lol) and although he doesn't celebrate birthdays, he still makes abed and annie a cake and he gets them to decorate it with him so it has a some of the flair of the not birthday person. I feel like baking is one of his love languages and he just loves to feed his family the delicious treats and gets super happy when they like them or bake with him :)))
obviously movie nights!! binging tv show nights!! movie marathons!! popcorn galore!! they all know each others comfort movie/show and just watch and cuddle on the sofa when they need it
pillow and blanket forts <33 they might have little studies sessions in them or troy and abed just go to Annie's room and sit in her bed on the many pillows she has hehe
they just love each other and are always there for each other <3 I love them and they're my fave trio <3
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violetmessages · 2 years ago
Every single community character is bi and I will prove it here:
Jeff: he’s desperate for some kind of emotional intimacy, it seems obvious that doing it with men means more of a chance of getting that connection - he never does, mainly because he doesn’t realize he’s using sex as a way to cope, but he does realize that men are just as hot as women and he’s great at sleeping with them
Britta: she’s spent her whole life being accepting, the biggest ally, the one who goes to all the marches and parades but she can’t possibly be gay, she’s attracted to men. It’s not until she realizes how much she actually enjoyed kissing Paige that the realization that, oh perhaps it’s not *just* men pops into her head.
Annie: she’s always been so close to her childhood friend, close enough that when they were 14 they promised each other that they were going to go to the same college and then the same grad school then work at the same job and live in the same house forever and always be together. It doesn’t end up working, her friend goes to a “real college” and they lose contact (truthfully they had been estranged ever since Annie got addicted to pills). Her friend is married now and she’s totally not jealous at all until Britta points out that it’s not exactly the norm to want the kind of relationship that she clearly expected would happen. It’s only then that Annie realizes she’s bi and was in love with her childhood best friend
Troy: He grew up in a household where they didn’t talk about it, being gay was a sin, and he was always great with women - it’s not until abed shows up that he realizes what it’s like to have the most important intimate connection of his life. And he knows, this feeling, this love, it can’t possibly be a sin because it feels so holy.
Abed: he’s always known, it’s something that he’s known ever since it was possible to have feelings for another person. Love isn’t hard for him, he doesn’t need to worry or discriminate based on gender, love is freeing. Love is a warm hug from Annie and a day spent in the dreamatorium with Troy. Love is six other people who care about him more than anyone else has. Love is a signed Batman movie with extra footage and buttered noodles and special drink. It’s easy.
Shirley: she doesn’t realize it. Not until the group points it out. She’s a godly woman, a woman who prides herself on being a Christian, but she looks at the group and sees how happy they are, knows in her heart that being bi doesn’t make them sinful, and being bi herself doesn’t mean she’s going against god
Pierce: you’d never know on the surface. He’s the first to make a gay joke, he’s the old man stereotype to a fault, he’s has 7 marriages and countless other relationships with women. But he’s defensive. Too defensive on one day and it’s something he’s hidden from everyone, even himself. His father wasn’t a tolerant man, not in the slightest, and he had to be the perfect son in this, especially because he failed in all the rest. So what if the man he secretly loved was dying of a disease that seemed incurable. So what if it was his first love? A man he hadn’t even confessed anything to, a man who saw right through him and never once pushed him to say a thing. All he had to do was nod his head and pretend to agree when his father called it a plague that was richly deserved, that AIDS was a punishment from god. He turned his head and he never looked back because he was too frightened to see what he had left behind.
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