#love & lore: Nanami
nayrring · 1 year
Nanami do not like this group chat
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angelaevangelion · 8 months
Hello lovelies! 💕
Here is my submission for @love-and-lore 's Winter Event!
I chose Nanami for this collab because he deserves all the happiness in the world. The theme is "hearth". The word symbolizes ones home and family evoking the feeling of warmth, love and security.
I hope I was able to capture that for Nanami.
Minors do not enter!!! Sfw/Fluff with just the right amount of sauciness ❤️‍🔥
Word Count : 900 words
Photos all sourced from pinterest
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● The colder season is extra special to Nanami as it was around this time that he first met you. The cold weather, snowy roads and holiday décor that decorates the towns and cities all reminds him of that day when you changed his life forever.
● He likes to take you back to the place you met. A Café. Where he first laid eyes on you through that frosted front window. The holiday lights decorating the shop covered you in a yellow glow, painting you like a goddess. His feet moving before he could even think as he made his way across that icy street and walked into that little Café. The bell announced his entrance to the patrons inside drawing your attention to look away from your book where you sat. Warm drink in your hand, eyes landing on his ocean blue ones. Holding your gaze as he made his way to the counter. You watched, practically enamored as he scratched the back of his head and gave the worker his unprepared order. You sneaked a glance, admiring his side profile. Eyes just barely visible, hiding behind your book when suddenly he’s making his way towards you. “May I join you?” he asked you. His voice was confident but inside he was nervous as all hell. His heart hammering as he watched you give him a silent nod, mouth slightly parted with crumbs from your scone on your lip. The cuteness eases his heart just a little as he takes the empty seat before you, never having done something like this before and the rest is history.
● Nanami secretly looks forward to the colder seasons as you tend to be much more cuddly than your usual amount of affection he’s used to throughout the year. But you just can’t help it. He’s so warm and never gets cold. Unlike you with your icy feet. Doesn’t mind one bit that you latch yourself to him on the couch or on the bed but he forces you to put some socks on.
● Likes to lay in bed with you for as long as possible in the mornings looking out the window with you as the sun rises.
● He spends this season spoiling you a little extra. Buys you an overly excessive amount of flowers and has the entire apartment filled like a garden. You can’t do anything about it so you accept them.
● The colder weather means you tend to stay home more. Choosing to pick up coffee or boba and takeout before watching a movie at home and also trying to get him hooked on that show you’re so obsessed with. He covers you both with a heavy blanket on the couch letting you wrap yourself around him like you’re a puzzle peace.
● He loves to cook breakfast for you as often as possible. He’s honestly very good at making all your favorites.
● Nanami is not the type to just break out into a dance however if you happen to put on the right song he will take your hand gently and ask you for a dance right then and there in your living room. Pulls you in close as he takes the lead. His nose ghosting along your neck. His hand lifting your thigh to rest over his hip. His moves are so energetic and dominating over your frame. You expect him to kiss you while he has you tipped back, faces so close together but then he raises you back up and twirls you around before suddenly your back collides close with his chest and his hands are carefully outlining your form as you move your hips along with his, swaying to the beat. You’re stunned, body tingling because you had no idea that he even knew how to dance the tango.
● If you have to go into town he prefers to drive you whenever you need to go anywhere as the roads are much more dangerous. Feels safer if he’s the one driving you around for your errands or holiday shopping. Will absolutely carry all of your bags as you go from store to store.
● Comes home from work one day and sees an unfamiliar wreath hanging on his front door. Instantly he feels a warmth spread in his chest. He never had one of those growing up. Never bothered to buy one when he was living on his own. “Did you see the wreath I made us?” You ask excitedly as you watch him drop his work bag on the floor with a heavy thud. Watching as he wordlessly loosens his tie and raises up the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows. He looks so stern and deep in thought, you think maybe he had a bad day at work but suddenly he’s walking towards you with purpose. His expression practically melting as he looks to you and slams his lips on yours catching you by surprise as his hands grip you underneath your thighs and lifts you. His kisses practically become desperate. Blindly leading you both to your shared bedroom.
● Nanami doesn’t think he can wait any longer for the next holiday in the spring. Before morning, he’s gonna be pulling out the black little ring box hidden in the back of his dresser and getting down on one knee.
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i love you expanding on the zenin’s & megumi’s dynamic because like — there had to be so much more than gojo just getting megumi. it had to involve more politics, more manipulation, etc & you added to that.
( i always like that detail about gojo teaching megumi everything from the gojo playbook. like it made me realize that megumi was more gojo than zenin, which probably pissed off the zenin )
what made you expand on the great custody battle between gojo & the zenins for megumi? like the visitation rights? did gojo know how badly megumi was going to be treated? also how would you describe megumi dynamic with each prominent zenin clan member (ex. naoya, mai, naobito, maki.)
I am sooo convinced there’s an entire child custody battle political drama lurking beneath canon but gege denies me
Visitation rights:
The decision that the Zenin clan briefly got visitation rights was a combination of where Gojo was at that point in life and what a sheer, unmitigated shitshow adopting Megumi must have caused.
The thing is that the Zenin and the Gojo clan are established in canon as rivals at best and enemies at worst. Gojo swanning in like "I have discovered the Magic of teenaged fatherhood and want to teach this spunky, angry little dude how to Throw A Baseball. Btw he's zenin and the clan already sort of “”””””purchased”””””” him, meaning they already consider him property even more than they usually do with their kids. i will be keeping him tho. xoxoxoxoxo" must have been insulting to the Zenin. It must have been even more insulting that he could legitmately do that and overpower their entire clan without having to even try. It's bad even if megumi is just like, the run of the mill sorcerer. But he had the most powerful techinque in their bloodline. I legitimately think that Gojo almost started a war when he decided that his boyfriend had dumped him and he needed to immediately adopt a child about it.
The thing is that I think gojo really must have been committing the ultimate taboo for a society he was raised within. Older, traditional mindsets tend to think of children as property, and the clans are established to be almost exclusively self governed. Gojo making a Zenin boy his business would stomp right over that standard. Add in the complication of inherited techniques being viewed as almost a highly treasured clan heirloom within the invidual families, and you have a perfect recipe for the entire world being very very angry at Gojo for doing this.
And the thing is that present-day Gojo would have absolutely told everyone to get fucked, he does what he wants.
But this isn't present-day Gojo. This is seventeen year old Gojo. And he's just coming off three of the biggest failures of his life: 1) Riko's death, 2) Haibara's death and 3) Geto's defection.
Gojo has always been extremely self-assured as a character, but teenagers tend to be a little bit more uncertain and vulnerable than their adult counterparts, and Gojo, again, had just been hit by failure after failure. If there was ever a time in his life where he would have been looking for outside guidance, it was this one.
And the number one most likely candidate to guide him in this was Yaga.
I've talked in other posts about how Principal Yaga's dynamic with Gojo suggests he's not in the inner circle of trust the way that Nanami, Shoko, or even Ijichi is. I've also discussed how I think he compromises too much with the higher ups, why that works with his character but ultimately comes to the detriment of the students, and how he ultimately fails to protect the students in his charge.
The thing is that if Yaga was making the decision, he absolutely would have compromised with the Zenin.
Yaga very consistently is shown to care about the students, but to not protect them. It's also established that the most likely cause of that is the fact that he panders to the higher ups, even if he is more progressively minded than someone like Gakuganji.
In the past arc, geto and gojo have a throwaway line in a conversation about how Yaga's busy campaigning to be principal with the higher ups. we also have him 1) excluded from the people who know about Yuuji's survival, which 2) he later punishes Gojo for, albeit partially because of the disrespect towards Gakuganji and for hiding his survival.
That being said, if I was the principal of a school where my sister school's principal set up my entire first year class to die, i would not be punishing a teacher for disrespecting that man. I would be too busy beating him to death with my bare hands. Good luck trying some shit with my fucking students again you dead fuck.
i would simply not make it as an educator in this world.
Gojo would have had the entire world up in arms at him when he took megumi and refused to give him back. The Zenin, for obvious reasons--but also the higher ups trying to preserve the status quo and the other clans, who want to maintain their ability to rear and keep their children without outside interference. He would have most likely said to give Megumi back entirely, but I don't think Gojo would go for that complete of a surrender of him, especially after Megumi asked him to keep him with Tsumiki and to keep them in a place she could be happy.
But very limited visitation would 1) at least somewhat soothe ruffled feathers, even if they are still furious, 2) give megumi access to information on his technique that he could not possibly get otherwise, and 3) supposedly cause minimal damage, since they only get him for a few days a month and are supposed to love him more than anyone. It's the sort of compromise I could see Yaga pitching in the best possible faith--and it's the sort of compromise that I see blowing up spectacularly, because the Zenin are fucking insane.
When I'm dealing with past versions of characters with very defined personalities, I sort of like to trace in the roots of their present-day selves in any backstory i make for them. Gojo of the present day is completely uncompromising when it comes to protecting his students and their youth. He is not afraid to butt heads with the higher ups and ruffle feathers to do it. So i decided to make that because he compromised when he was seventeen and doing his best, and Megumi paid the price, and he is so, so goddamn sorry for that. He doesn't let Yaga into the inner circle by the time we make it to canon because he was in the inner circle, and taking his advice directly resulted in Gojo's absolute biggest regret, which was letting the Zenin have unsupervised access to Megumi.
I think Gojo as a character is someone who refuses to repeat old mistakes, and what happened when Megumi was a child is something that he won't ever forgive or forget. A part of him still blames Yaga for convincing him to compromise with the Zenin and iced him out by the time we hit canon as a result.
Gojo and Megumi's treatment:
He had absolutely no idea how bad it would be for Megumi.
The thing is that Gojo approached it with the severely biased mindset of someone who thought he knew exactly how Megumi would be treated when he was with the clan, because it was supposed to be how he was treated growing up. The Six Eyes/Limitless user and the Ten Shadows were supposed to be corollaries. Megumi was meant to be to the Zenin what Gojo was to his clan, and if anything, the issue with his clan was that they treasured him too much. Gojo get up as this much beloved, much revered godling who was put on a pedestal and had all the distance of it.
In my mind, the issue with his childhood was that he was indulged to the point of being deprived of actual human connection or intimacy that he didn't truly get until Geto and Shoko.
In Gojo's mind, the biggest danger was that Megumi would be treated with too much reverence and distance, but he was spending the vast majority of the month with his big sister and the teen parenting trio. He would get plenty of normal interaction and intimacy from them. He thought that there would be no one in the Zenin clan who would dare raise a finger against him, because no one would have ever done that to him as a child. He never imagined that the Zenin would be legitimately dangerous to Megumi, and there were a lot of red flags he overlooked when the worst of it was going on because he assumed he already knew what was happening. When this was happening, he was completely burnt out, overwhelmed, mourning more than one friend, and struggling to meet the burden of being the strongest alone. He thought Megumi was acting out because 1) megumi already was getting in fights at school, and he made the mistake of thinking that Megumi was just a stubborn kid going through a sort of angry phase and 2) that Megumi hated them so much because visitation days meant he couldn’t stay with his sister. He didn’t realize that Megumi was fighting so hard to not go on visits because he was legitimately afraid of what the Zenin clan would do to him when he got there. For a lot of reasons that I won’t get into now, Megumi thought that putting up with the abuse was the cost of getting to keep his sister. He asked for help, told them that he didn’t like it at the Zenin compound and didn’t want to go, but he didn’t have the words to really explain what they were doing to him and gojo didn’t understand how bad it was. Megumi read this as “knowing and not caring” and thought the teen parenting trio knew how bad it was and that he just had to suffer through it or they’d take his sister away from him. By the time they realized what was really going on, it had escalated beyond the point of repair. Gojo has a lot of regrets.
Megumi's dynamic:
Naobito: Disturbed.
Naobito was the one who initially purchased Megumi from his father. And if Gojo hadn't had intervened, he would have personally taken Megumi into his household and raised him as the Zenin clan heir. He didn't really give a shit about Megumi until he realized he was the Ten Shadows, and after that, he felt completely entitled to him.
I think Naobito was always sort of insulted by Gojo's existence. He predated Gojo, is the thing, and he's the most powerful character that we know of in the pre-Gojo era other than Yuki Tsukomo, who wasn't an active fighter for the higher ups. As far as we know, he was the strongest until Gojo and Geto came along. Gojo potentially represented an immediate and violent shift of power from the Zenin clan to the Gojo, and it definitely would sting to be upstaged by a literal child.
The Ten Shadows returning to the clan represented a chance to correct that balance again.
If we accept that the Ten Shadows is a technique that can rival the Six Eyes/Limitless user, as well as the idea that the universe introduces “balances” to the birth of beings of power, then we at least have an environment where the Zenin may believe that whoever is next born with the Ten Shadows would be Gojo Satoru’s equal. Considering they value strength above all else, that gives them major incentive to desire the assimilation of whoever has the ten shadows technique into the clan.
But this was made a lot worse by the fact that the last ten shadows died.
The timeline in this is generally:
Second to last ten shadows: the one who got in the duel with the six eyes that gojo discussed in canon (~500 years ago)
Last ten shadows: child that was killed within months of discovering his technique (~200-300 years ago)
Current ten shadows: Megumi.
So they had just come off an overwhelmingly powerful Ten Shadows user, only to hurtle into the shame and humiliation of not being able to protect the next one. I like the idea that the six eyes and the ten shadows tend to pop up at the same time, so that means that the last six eyes got to grow and gain power while the Zenin were still licking their wounds from their heir being offed at a very young age. It’s insult to injury.
In the modern age, Naobito is coming off the humiliation of having been replaced by a literal child as the strongest sorcerer. He’s still harboring the ancestral humiliation of having lost the last ten shadows. And then gojo hits the humiliation of taking the new one right out from under his nose. Naobito bears that humiliation personally, because he’s the clan leader who should have brought Megumi into the fold and didn’t.
As a result, he’s just about obsessed with Megumi. He absolutely refuses to give up on bringing him back into the clan and grooming him to be the perfect, promised heir whose idea he’s been clinging to since before Megumi was even born.
There’s just something about how, in canon, Naobito had a clause in his will locked and loaded to make Megumi heir if anything happened to take gojo out of commission. I think that losing Megumi to gojo was personal to him, and that he’s almost fixated on Megumi as a result.
For his part, Megumi hates him and is a little afraid of him, though he’d never admit it. All of his interactions with the Zenin clan are skewed through the lens of “he was fucking six and just thought they were crazy motherfuckers who were weird about blood.” Megumi legitimately does not understand how important his technique is to them—he thinks they’d be possessive with any inherited technique, and he has sort of explained away any weirdness particular to him as it being because of what went down with gojo.
The Zenin view what they do to him as love. He’s the inheritor of their most treasured technique, and the only good thing toji did was name him blessing. It’s like Maki said—any resistance he has to them is attributed to Gojo’s influence, and they’re banking on overcoming it one day and returning him to the clan. Things like wearing the kimono and being called the ten shadows is a sign of genuine honor for them.
Megumi views it as a constant, persistent humiliation that’s probably just meant to spite gojo. They bought him because they’d buy any kid who inherited a technique, and then gojo saved him, which embarrassed the clan, so they’ve been getting back at him for it ever since. They can’t actually hurt gojo, so they hurt the kid he saved.
He’s dressed up like a doll in the kimono to mock him. Being called the ten shadows isn’t an honor to him—it’s dehumanizing. He has a name and they refuse to call him anything but his technique, which is why they bought him to begin with. From his perspective, it’d be like if you were hired for being Microsoft proficient and your boss refused to call you anything but “excel spreadsheet” because that’s all you were to them.
Naobito is the one who had “custody” of him as a kid in the clan, and he’s the one who called a lot of the shots with how he was treated. Megumi remembers him as the source of some of his most painful moments in childhood, and it’s undercut with this growing fear that Naobito won’t let him go. He’s sort of picked up on how obsessed Naobito is with him, and it scares him even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
Naoya: about as bad as can be.
Megumi really hits all of naoya’s inferiority/superiority complex hard. The thing is that Naoya kind of is sour he didn’t get the ten shadows. He was born right after gojo satoru, to the heir of the clan. He wants to be strong more than anything, and the ten shadows is supposed to be one of the strongest things in the world. Megumi is toji’s son, who he’s got that weird obsession with. And everyone sort of presumes Megumi would be heir if gojo hadn’t stolen him, which is a position Naoya would kill for.
In my mind, Naoya was one of megumis biggest abusers as a child. It made him feel strong to be able to hurt him. It made him feel strong to be able to make Megumi feel weak. His father was obsessed with Megumi, but Naoya was just cruel to him.
Megumi is legitimately terrified of Naoya. There was a time in his life where he genuinely thought Naoya would kill him one day.
Mai: A missed opportunity.
Megumi does remember Maki and Mai. Playing with them was the only good memory he has from that part of his life. He thinks of them as fondly as he can think of anything that happened in that place, and occasionally hopes they're okay, but he doesn’t really think of having a relationship with her ever. That would require going back to the Zenin, and he won’t ever willingly do that.
I’ve talked about how Mai thinks of Megumi in other posts, but he really does occupy a slightly less bitter version of the space Maki occupies in her mind. He was kind to her when no one else was, and it really was something that meant the world to her. There was a time in her life where she wished desperately he would come back and be her friend again. He was the ten shadows and the presumed heir to the clan, and he didn’t let anyone hurt her or Maki and agreed that they could all be friends. He sort of fueled her hope that things would get better one day, and when he went no contact, it sort of crashed her into a realization that it never would.
Maki: potential for growth
Maki turned her back on her entire family so she wouldn’t be crushed down, and that’s not something that didn’t hurt her. She convinced herself she would be absolutely alone for the rest of her life, but it would be fine because she would be strong enough to stand alone. It wouldn’t hurt.
(It did hurt.)
The other first years actually started to pull her back from that. It’s that moment after her talk with Yuuta, where she tells herself that she shouldn’t fall for it and go thinking she’s actually been accepted. She thought she would be alone and suddenly, for the first time, she’s not.
Megumi was a half remembered child she played with one time growing up. He didn’t mean the same to her that he did to Mai, because she didn't consider him a source of hope that things would get better the way that Mai did.
At the beginning of the fic, he was a bit of a sore spot, but not because of anything about him. I tried to very lightly hint that she had a bit of a sore spot around the Ten Shadows because there was a time in her life that people used to think that maybe she'd get it.
From birth, people knew Gojo would be the six eyes and limitless user. I like to think the Ten Shadows is the antithesis of the Six Eyes in almost every possible way, so in my mind, the ten shadows is notoriously hard to spot.
And i think that there is some canon to suggest this. Namely, the fact that they didn't know Megumi would have the ten shadows (or they wouldn't have been waiting to see what technique he had), the fact that megumi's cursed energy aura canonically changes with the shikigami summoned (re: his entire cursed energy output changing when he summoned mahoraga for the first time), and the fact that a huge part of his technique is stealth. With Gojo, you feel him from the other side of the block, but Megumi can be hiding in your own goddamn shadow and you don't know it.
I also like the idea that the Six Eyes and Ten Shadows tend to show up within the same lifetime. So from the second that Gojo Satoru was born, the zenin had an eye on the ten shadows finally returning to the clan once more.
Maki is from a branch of the clan that appears to be pretty high in the zenin clan hierarchy. By the time that she would have been developing a technique, if any, Naoya would have been confirmed as having not gotten it. Maki and Mai were the only other kids in that upper hierarchy that we know of. Canonically, it's implied you don't see curses from birth (if i have the right translation, Gojo at one point asks Megumi if he's started to see them, implying it doesn't happen right away, and when the Zenin buy megumi, they talk about how they think he has potential, implying there's an uncertain period where you don't know if a kid will be able to see curses). The clan probably had a lot of hope for them.
At one point, Kamo mentions that it would have been better if maki or mai had inherited Megumi's techinque, and I like to think that was a shared sentiment. Gojo was seventeen and had already usurped their clan as the strongest. They were getting desperate for the ten shadows to return, and a lot of people looked to maki and Mai for potentially inheriting it. And out of the two of them, Maki is the one that came off as having power (because she did--it was just a heavenly pact). Maki was certain, and confident, and moved like someone strong. People really, really wanted it to be her for a while. When she talks about how her dad used to take her to see the kimono a lot, it's because he was hoping she would wear it one day.
Maki was never jealous of Megumi. She's better off without her family anyway, and she's confident in who she is. But at the start, he was a little bit of a reminder of the sort of fall she had from the Zenin clan's greatest hope to their biggest disappointment. She never held any of it against him, but he reminded her of bad memories and set her on edge.
That turned on a dime while talking with Tsumiki in chapter 5, when she started piecing everything together. And megumi sort of became this chance to heal from old regrets.
Megumi will never be what Mai was to her, but a part of Maki still hasn't healed from leaving mai behind and losing her. Her sister hates her, and probably always will, and maki doesn't regret what she did but she does regret that it blew back on mai. She couldn't stay for mai, but she doesn't have to stay to help Megumi. She's sort of been ushered into a perfect opportunity to protect him from her family the way she could never protect mai, and he already means more to her than she really wants to admit out loud. She genuinely wants to protect him from her family, and a bit part of that is so that way she can finally protect someone from them, instead of just... failing and losing them.
For megumi's part, it's the same as mai--he barely remembers Maki, but he did think of her as the source of the only good memory he had in the clan.
He ran off with Mai, and Maki tracked them both down. He stomped his stupid clan clothes into the mud, and they didn't hurt him for it, not even a little bit. They played together, and playing is something he never had time to do anymore. Mai was the damsel, and Maki was the brave warrior coming to save her, and megumi's dogs played the part of the terrible monsters who had stolen mai away. Maki bullied Megumi into carrying her "swords" for her, and megumi honestly didn't mind, because all people did was make him fight at that stupid compound, and he just was relieved no one was hitting him for once. it was one of the greatest days he can remember from that phase of his life, and Maki has since been one of the only two zenin he missed. He hasn't thought of her in a while. He'd be glad to hear she got out.
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cyb3rtron · 1 month
i fear i have a type (pretty men who look mean but deep down are the biggest sweethearts in the world)
exhibit a: zayne
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exhibit b: nanami kento
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exhibit c: asahi azumane
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exhibit d: alucard
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
rewatching jjk to feel something again
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outofcontextfossil · 10 months
i have to make a presentation to teach my latin teacher something by the end of december and i have been thinking about what i will teach her since this summer. every single one of my ideas has been something im into like an insane amount and love a lot so i dont know if i would be able to compose myself and actually present and not dry heave when it comes time to actually
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lorelune · 1 year
I need you to know that your Nanami writing has my heart doing backflips oh my GOD. You have no idea how completely demolished my entire soul was when I finished reading what you’ve written it’s SO GOOD,,,, your Nanami is so sjdodndifndicsicjsicjsi I can’t even explain it
AHHH THANK YOU anon!!!!! im so glad you enjoyed it!!!!! and thank you for the kind words!!! nanami is truly like... my cancerian emotional sounding board. he has such care in him, and the way he expresses it is such a particular type of soft-- i've really enjoyed getting to write for him!!! thank you for enjoying it too!!!
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lore-smaus · 7 days
«I DON'T SPEAK TACO BELL» FT. Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Shoko, Choso, Toji, Sukuna.
Summary: You so casually yell at them in Spanish and they have no clue how to act.
Tags: crackhead energy, cursing duh, translation for the one who can't understand duh!, freaky characters, this one is slightly connected to some smau lore lmao
A/N: Im done here. I had too much fun making this @saintkaylaa
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Gojo Satoru:
“A ver, pendejito, tu te crees que soy una de tus amiguitas o que? A mi no me vengas con eso otra vez o te voy a dar un cantaso que vas a ver a Geto!" (lets see, dumbass. You think im one of your little friends? Dont come at me with that ever again or ill hit you so hard you'll see Geto!)
To say he was shocked was an understatement. He was beyond that point.
He knew you spoke Spanish, hell, he's seen you speak it. However, no matter how many times he listens to it, it will never not surprise him how fluently and easy you spoke it.
He apologized, even though he didn't understand anything, and made sure to not get on your nerves ever again. He was scared shitless.
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Geto Suguru
Logically, he wasn't afraid of anything! Truly. Well, that was until you heard the girls referring to your non sorcerer family as monkeys. You sat them down, belt in hand and started shouting at them.
"Es que como se te ocurre! Monos?! A MI familia?! No no, es que tu eres imbécil! Y enfrente de las nenas!?" (What were you thinking! Monkeys?! MY family?! No no, you're an asshole! In front of the girls too!?)
The girls looked sheepishly at Geto, however, Geto had his eyes closed, almost praying, barely making noises. It wasn't his first time being shouted at in Spanish, however, it was the first time actually looking at you grabbing a belt. And with the way you talked about how your parents hit you when you were young with it? Oh yeah, he didn't even wanna move. So the girls, following the example, stayed still.
Rest assured, that day, Geto discovered he had ONE fear: you.
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Nanami Kento
"Ruega a Dios que ese imbécil no se cruce en mi camino porque es que lo exorciso yo misma" (Pray to God so that imbecil don't cross paths with me because I'll exorcise him myself)
Truly, while Shoko attended Nanami, she could almost hear his heart palpitations because the way you fumed and complained, even pointing at him to reprimand him for his carelessness he was rather excited.
He knew you spoke and he tried his best to learn spanish however, he noticed that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to understand it. So he stayed silent during your 'lecture'. However, in his mind, he was trying to figure out what were you saying.
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Shoko Ieiri
“Me importa un carajo que te ayude a quitar estrés, o sueltas el jodio cigarrillo o yo te voy a dar una razón para estresarte." (I don't give a fuck if it helps you destress, you either let go of the god-damned cigarette or ill give you a reason to be stressed)
She didn't know if she should be turned on or scared. Maybe both.
"yo... Umm? No hablar?" She tried to speak the very little spanish she knew, however, that only helped to confuse you. When she finally let go (and stopped on the cigarette) you sighed heavily.
"Your spanish is shit"
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Choso Kamo
Poor guy. He doesn't even know what you're saying. You weren't mad, just... Disappointed.
"Es que como se te ocurre? Es que de verdad, amor, no puedes hacer eso!" (What were you thinking. Truly, love, you can't do that!)
Not long ago, he had learned he was lactose intolerant and you were behind the bathroom door lecturing him, plugging your nose while doing so. He was struggling, both physically and mentally. You sounded funny but the ache on his stomach didn't let him laugh.
"Y es que si hubiera sido un poco. Pero nooooo, tu jartaste un tazon mantecado entero!" (And if it was just a little bit. But nooooo, you ate a whole bowl of ice cream!)
Its alright tho, he learned his lesson:(
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Toji Fushiguro
"O te mueves o te muevo. Avanza y largate antes que yo misma decida romperte la cara" (move or ill move you. Hurry up and scatter before i break your face myself)
If you guys weren't bloody, sweaty and tired, he'd kiss you and fuck you full of his cock. But his tiredness told him he didn't have the strength to even get hard.
You'll just have to wait when he gets his rest and shower to show you how turn on he gets when you threaten him in a language he doesn't even understand.
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Sukuna Ryomen
"Si te lo tengo que decir una vez más te voy a cortar los huevos. Si dejas que otra zorra se te acerque quedas soltero" (if i need to repeat this again I'll cut your dick off. You let another whore get close to you you'll be single)
You ever seen a cat widening his eyes? Yep, that's him. Looking around with a scowl on his face and looking straight and Urame for a translation, quickly. Not getting any, since they didn't know either.
However, the fire in your tone, the sass on your movements and the way you sounded threatening and serious makes him think that you truly are fit to be the queen of curses.
425 notes · View notes
unstablebish · 2 months
Hello, I really love your smaus. Could you please do one like we have a lot of battle scars and are quite muscular and insecure about that because a lot of men prefer feminine petite women
As a certified muscle mommy (some lore drop for you guys) I approve this message. Also we're keeping it gender neutral because that's how I (try) to roll
You're worried you aren't the JJK Men's type (Established Relationship)
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Ft ~ Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, Toji Fushiguro, Ryoumen Sukuna, Choso, Takuma Ino, Shiu Kong
Synopsis ~ You're worried you aren't feminine or delicate enough for the JJK Men
Content Warning ~ 18+, Suggestive, Language, little bit angst, maybe a little fluff
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Gojo ~
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Geto ~
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Nanami ~
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Toji ~
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Sukuna ~
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Choso ~
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Ino ~
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Shiu ~
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468 notes · View notes
peachsayshi · 3 months
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₊ ⊹ . ݁ MILLION DOLLAR BABY  ₊ ⊹ .
(sex worker!suguru geto x rich girl!reader)
⊹ tags: suguru geto x female reader; nanami kento x satoru; sukuna is reader's ex; character mentions: yuki, mei mei, shoko, toji; alludes to dd/lg relationship (very very mildly) with sukuna; a mix of angst/smut/fluff; domestic; non curse au; reader was in a toxic relationship; reader has daddy issues a bit lol; mentions of troubled past; mentions of death (parental)
:about: you grew up in a supremely wealthy household, but that came with a price. you’ve never had control over your own life, and now your father is set to marry you off. luckily, there's someone else who captures your heart. what does it matter that you pay him for his company?
:note: hi, everyone! this story is finally here, and it's one that's taken me forever to work but I actually loved this piece. I haven't been excited about something I've written in a while. I hope it lives up to all your expectations. comments and reblogs are always appreciated <3 - this fic is one shot, and I am willing to explore stories with the side characters. I'll happily answer any lore questions regarding sex worker geto x rich girl reader, but there will not be a part two or more parts of their story. It is a standalone.
wc: 14K+
The ceiling is covered with hanging irises, each one carefully handcrafted in paper. Edison bulbs dip down from between in staggering heights, illuminating the bar around you in warm light. It’s crowded tonight, clinking glasses and roaring laugher bouncing off the walls and clashing against the bass coming through the speakers. You scan the crowd, anticipation making your stomach flutter, but it quickly eases when you spot a head of golden hair among the audience. 
Nanami is at the bar, looking dapper as usual in a chocolate brown suit offset by a cream colored shirt. He’s drinking a whiskey when you approach him, the amber liquid mirroring the touch of bronze on his cheekbones. You sling your designer purse off your shoulder (the latest splurge of the week) and slide into the seat right next to him. 
“And how was your vacation?” you ask, greeting him with a question and noticing his mouth draw into a firm line. 
“Let’s not talk about it,” he insists, his eyes a little sad which only makes your stomach ache at the sight. 
He’s your closest friend - the only real friend you have. Kento Nanami doesn’t carry two faces. He sticks to the one that he has.  As one of the top investors in the country, he made a name by keeping the rich wealthy. He loathes his job and the pressures surrounding it - a walking hypocrite for despising the life that lines his pockets. 
He can’t find an escape no matter how hard he tries. 
And that's why you’re both two peas in a pod. 
He does, however, like you - not because of your background, but because you don’t try to be something that you are not as well. In a world where you are surrounded by parasites, Kento proved to be a nearly extinct butterfly, quietly fluttering by your side as you both drift across the harsh jungle around you. 
You concede, knowing better than to push his buttons. “Okay, I guess we aren’t talking about it…” 
“Tell me something else. Do you ever know how to walk into the room and not be the center of attention?” 
You smirk as he calls the waiter over.  Your presence easing the twinge of disdain on his face.
“What are you trying to say, hmm?” 
“You look nice tonight. New dress?” 
“New dress, new bag, new nails...” you list off, showing off each expensive purchase as you check them off your list. 
Nanami shakes his head playfully before ordering your usual once the bartender approaches. He angles his body towards you and breathes out a heavy sigh. 
“How are you?” He asks, genuine concern masking his face. 
Your shoulders drop. “I don’t want to talk about it…” 
His expression softens, one hand moving to touch your thigh exposed by the slit of your dress. 
“When do you meet Naoya?” 
He’s the only other person who knows about the pending engagement. The only person who offered you a way out by proposing instead. Despite his stance within the social community, you know that it’s not an offer that you can easily accept. 
Kento wasn’t bred into this world, and that makes all the difference. 
Your father would never accept a man from such a humble background. Especially not one whose offer wouldn't benefit him by any means.
“A few weeks from now,” you reply, eyes shifting to the bartender who passes your drink towards you. “He’s given my father specifications on how I should be presented…” 
Your friend scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Pardon my vulgarity but he just sounds like the kind of guy who wants to swing his dick around. I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up tonight…” 
The opening of the Ayame Lounge & Bar was invite only, exclusive to socialites and the elite. You know that Naoya must have received an invitation, everyone from the Zen’in family was here in attendance including the infamous outcast Toji. 
“He wouldn’t be caught dead here,” you inform, picking up your beverage and taking a small sip. “Naoya likes to uphold “tradition” but we all know it’s just a facade.” 
Kento’s thumb strokes your skin tenderly, worry ingrained in his gentle eyes. 
The two of you spend the night talking, catching up on the little things since his return from a two week vacation in Malaysia. He keeps the conversation light, telling you about his fantastic accommodation and all the food that he ate while he was away. In between you find yourself glancing over his shoulder, your eye on the crowd taking in the people around you. 
That’s when you spot him, standing just a few feet away, looking like a demigod among mere aristocrats. His hair is pulled back into a neat bun, a layer of his bangs kissing his forehead. His face is serious, jaw tight and eyes sharp as he focuses on his white haired counterpart. The black tee hugs his torso, his neat slacks cinched by the waist with a leather belt. You can’t help but bite your bottom lip, your mind drifting away from the conversation at hand. 
Your friend notices, of course. Kento is so tuned in to everything around him that he almost can’t help himself. He glances over his shoulder to see what caught your attention, only to instantly turn back around and stare at the whiskey glass on the table. 
The tips of his ears burn red. 
You register the response, knowing exactly what struck him to react in that way. 
Satoru Gojo -  former porn star, turned model, turned mega influencer. With a follower count in the hundreds of millions, he is the world’s hottest it boy. Nobody can deny his sheer beauty - whenever he walks into a room, he manages to steal a glance from every single person within his vicinity. Due to a rare genetic condition, his sapphire blue eyes and frosty white hair earned him the title of “The Prince”, and the people were desperate to share a place by his side. 
Suguru and Satoru were also the best of friends, a fact that Suguru revealed to you one night in bed. The two of them met on set, back when Satoru was still doing adult films. At the time, Suguru was just a camera man and it was Satoru who told him he could increase his earnings if he just performed instead. 
You remember telling Suguru: “it’s crazy how quickly his life changed”
“Some people are just lucky,” he responded, though you easily picked up the bitterness laced in his words. 
What most people don’t know is that Satoru Gojo is also involved with the man seated right next to you. You stumbled upon Nanami’s secret affair by accident when the two of you attended a resort opening by hotel heiress, Yuki Tsukumo. Everyone was invited to stay overnight for the weekend, and the morning after your first night there, you walked over towards Nanami’s room to grab some breakfast. He greeted you in a grey robe with his hair tousled, with hickeys trailing the side of his neck. You quirked a brow in his direction, your mouth forming into a blatant circle when you found Satoru Gojo fast asleep on his bed right behind him. 
The man in question looks away from Suguru towards you and Kento. His brows lifting in surprise when he spots your golden haired friend, but your eyes rest on Suguru who gestures that he will catch Satoru around. 
They both walk in opposite directions. 
You take a sip of your drink, your eyes shifting to Nanami. 
“You’ve got about five seconds to figure out what you want to say because Satoru is walking over here as we speak,” you inform. 
He exhales and straightens his back, his guard entirely up. 
You smile at Satoru when he approaches you, his pearly whites radiant as always. 
“Hi!” He says casually, though you can hear a touch of apprehension in his voice. “Mind if I cut in?” 
“Not at all!” you respond, “Can I get you a refill?” 
His cheeks blush a subtle shade of pink, the tiny gesture making you understand how easily it is to fawn over such a beautiful face. “It’s just soda, but sure” 
“Not drinking tonight?” You continue, glancing between him and Nanami as you wait for your friend to interject. 
“Actually, I’m three years sober,” he explains. 
“Good for you!” You cheer honestly, before turning to the bartender and ordering him another soda. 
From your peripheral vision you see him inch closer towards your friend. 
“I haven’t heard from you in a while,” he states, though his voice comes across as a little small. 
“I’ve been busy,” Nanami curtly replies, and your brows furrow at his unusual tone. 
“Too busy to even say hi?” Satoru continues, his voice low enough that only the three of you can hear each other. 
“Aren’t you here with a date?” Nanami chides, glancing up at him with a mocking eye. 
“Utahime isn’t my date, we both got invited together by our agency…” Satoru answers through gritted teeth. “Besides, I was hoping to spend time with you. I haven’t heard from you since Kuantan…” 
Nanami’s face burns an even brighter shade of crimson, the intimacy of Satoru’s comment flaring his humiliation. 
“Come on,” the white haired prince teases, attempting to ease the discomfort. “Don’t be such a grump. Let’s go outside. Get a little fresh air.” 
You can see that people are starting to stare at the three of you. 
Wherever Satoru goes, eyes follow him. 
While he may be immune to the attention, you can clearly see that Nanami is not. 
“No, thank you.” 
“What? You going to make me beg?” Satoru presses cheekily, but there is a twinge of desperation in his voice. 
“Begging is not difficult for somebody like you,” Nanami bites, and you can’t help but glare at him in shock. 
“Kento!” you chastise, but the look on his face speaks volumes. 
Instantaneous Regret. 
In front of him is a visible hurt that breaks Satoru’s face, like paint slowly chipping away. His eyes gloss over, and he anxiously rubs his hand over the back of his undercut before excusing himself and turning on his heel. 
Nanami covers his face with his palm, while you can only stare at him in disbelief. 
“How can you say that to him? I thought you liked him!” You whisper. 
“I-I didn’t mean to-” 
“You act like you’re ashamed of him whenever he’s around you…” 
Nanami avoids your eye, “How do you think this makes me look? I can’t have people seeing us together. I don’t want the world to swallow me up just because he prefers being gawked at by everyone around him” 
“That’s his job - it’s how he earns a living. I can’t believe you would degrade him over it,” you shake your head, unaware of where your sudden defenses are coming from.
“I know that…” 
“Is that why you don’t want to talk about your trip? Did something happen?” 
The man grows quiet, a sigh escaping him. 
“I broke up with him” 
“You what?” You gasp. 
“It'll never work. Our lives are too different” 
“You didn’t even give him a chance, Ken. He likes you. He really, really likes you.” 
“What chance is there to give? My life would come apart because of him. He would never be truly mine. I would have to share him with the rest of the world day in and day out. And the worst part is that…what should be intimate between us will never be ours either. Do you know that he’s still the highest streamed porn star in the world-” 
“He’s just a person. A person like me and you. Neither one of us chose this life. I didn’t ask to be born into my family, and you weren’t asked to save yours from debt. Yet, here we are. Existing in a world that we had to carve out for ourselves. Don’t you think the same applies to him?” 
You take another sip of your drink, your cheeks warming with anger at your friend’s condescending tone towards Satoru. 
Although, you find your reasons for defending him to be far more self serving. 
“So what if he sells his body? That’s his choice to make. Does it change anything else about him? Does it change his feelings for you?” You lecture, “I can’t believe that you be this ungrateful over skewed morals. If you both care about each other, there is no reason why you can’t be together. Take it from somebody who’ll probably never get the chance. This isn’t something you want to simply let go of, Kento. You’ll regret this decision for the rest of your life.”
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Nanami downs his whiskey and excuses himself then, your words stinging the microscopic cuts on his heart. You find yourself a little flustered after watching him walk away, unsure of where that outburst even came from. 
The eyes surrounding you look away. 
You know you’ve given everyone within your peripheral area a story to gossip about. One that would be twisted and chewed until there is no morsel of truth left in it. 
Your drink gives you enough liquid courage to socialize and face the music instead. 
You steer your way through the crowd hoping to find one person in particular, but instead you are caught among the net of cliques, old faces, and fake friends. You manage to bypass any pointed questions, passing through each conversation with a forced grin and entertaining the discussions at hand with fluffy anecdotes and petty rumours. 
When you walk away, you know full well that there will be whispers behind your back.
That’s the give and take about this world. Everyone is a vulture secretly waiting to witness the rise and fall of those around them. It’s a vicious circle, which is why nobody ever reveals their true hand in the process.  
You glance around the room, honing in on the handsome dark haired boy you’ve grown entirely too attached too except you spot someone else in between who makes your spine seize.
Your toes curl in your pointed heels. 
Your heart stutters unsteadily. 
Blushed strands, a wolfish grin, and a broad build - Sukuna always takes up far more room than he needs. 
You personally believe it’s because his ego is so massive it requires that extra space. 
You haven’t seen the man in five years, not after the messy relationship that that followed your even messier break up. 
You should have known better than to get involved with him while still so young. 
You remember that version of you. When you first met Sukuna, you were a small rabbit who had accidentally hopped its way into a lone wolf’s den. Twenty one and just embracing the glitz and glamor of the world around you. The man was charming, flirtatious and most of all dangerous. You couldn’t help but return to his lair, especially when he would take the time and effort to approach you at every function, party and gathering that you attended. When you think about your relationship with Sukuna, it fills you with shame until you can only drown in it. There is a reason why you’ve kept it a secret for so long. Even staring at him right now, the dishonor hangs on your shoulder like a weighted sin that you’re burdened to carry for the rest of your life. Every time it hits, the memories play like a movie on hyper speed. 
How often you allowed him to spill his seed all over your body. How often he brought you to tears with his tongue between your legs. How often you would moan the words “daddy” over and over again while riding him. How often you let him manipulate your heart. How often you let him convince you that you were happy.  
That twisted relationship was testament to how broken you were. 
You didn’t even know about his wife who lived in Kyoto until it was far too late. 
Your instinct tells you to turn on your heel and walk in the other direction, but you catch Suguru just up ahead in the crowd and your courage outweighs your hesitation. 
You manage to stride past Sukuna,  a darting feline scurrying towards the safety of a shadow. Your hammering heart steadies itself when the trail of his strong cologne is a safe distance behind you. You nervously clutch onto the strap of your purse, exhaling a quick breath before marching up to Suguru. 
You tap his shoulder twice. 
He spins around, eyes lifting as a smile spreads across his handsome face. 
Like a full moon on a clear night sky. 
“Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise.” 
“I sure hope so,” you remark, biting your bottom lip playfully as you glance at your own feet. 
Suguru chuckles, taking a step closer. “It is.” 
You glance up at him from underneath your lashes, your heart vibrating with pure excitement. You think it’s silly to have such a schoolgirl infatuation over him, especially since you understood the terms that surrounding your relationship. 
You pay him for his company. 
You aren’t supposed to have a crush on man who you employ to have to sex with you. 
Yet, your gut tells you otherwise. Convinces you that the softness in which he speaks is reserved only for you. 
“Are you here with anyone?” You ask a little breathlessly, hoping that you weren’t interrupting him working. 
Suguru shakes his head. 
“Satoru invited me,” he clarifies, and it’s an answer that only makes you giddy. 
“Oh!” You squeak, “well that’s nice. It’s a really exclusive party, make sure you to take it in…” 
His eyes blatantly fall over you, cascading down your body like ink dripping over a canvas. 
Your cheeks warm. 
He’s not even hiding that he’s checking you out, and it triggers the wild desire within you. 
“Are you here alone?” He questions. 
You nod your head, knowing full well that Kento is probably in the midst of a heated conversation with his distraught lover and won’t be returning anytime soon. 
“Why don’t you join us then?” He adds, cocking his head to point at the table behind him. 
You glance over his shoulder, barely recognizing the crowd. 
A fact that seems ideal to you. 
“I’d love to,” you say with a pretty smile, all the while Suguru’s eyes continue sparkling. 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
The last time you saw Suguru was a few weeks ago, where your heavy heart spilled the news of your pending engagement. 
“An arranged marriage, huh?” he whispered in the dark, his sharp eyes dipping to your naked chest while his delicate fingers carefully pushed the bedsheet further down to your hips.
You inched a little closer into his frame, soaking in the outlines of his chiseled torso and bringing one finger to trace little shapes on his broad shoulder.
Your brows furrowed with annoyance, “yeah, ever heard of the Zen’in family?”
Suguru scoffed, breaking character for only a second but it’s something that you’ve caught him doing more recently. He doesn’t hold his reactions around you as tightly as he used to. The front of this alter ego that he created faltering, which is probably why you find yourself drawn to the person existing underneath the mask of the seducer.
You sigh before continuing your explanation, “my father thinks Naoya Zen’in is a perfect match for me.”
An uneasy expression flickered across Suguru’s face, but he suppresses it before allowing it to linger. 
You lifted yourself up onto your elbow and rest your cheek on your palm. “What is it?”
Suguru mirrors your position, his large hand gliding back and forth over the slope of your hips and waistline which sent goosebumps all over your body. “I’ve heard that Naoya…” Suguru stated, pinching the pads of his fingers lightly against your flesh before leaning forward to kiss the crease between your brows, “can be a handful to deal with…”
You thread your fingers around his neck, your lips finding his jaw where you return a kiss. “And who told you that?” you murmured as the weight of Suguru’s body rolls on top of yours.
You were staring at his devastatingly handsome face from below. The longer you spent time with him the more you began to wonder about his circumstances and a reoccurring thought crossed your mind once more.
Suguru could truly be anything he wanted, but instead he was here making a killing off of fucking lonely women and porn videos.
You don’t judge his choices, but you couldn't help but feel puzzled by the situation especially when you knew the trajectory of his best friend’s career path. 
One photo shoot at a mid-level fashion brand skyrocketed Satoru Gojo’s career and made him a household name. Yet, Suguru Geto was a taboo that was whispered behind closed doors. 
“I have a client who likes to gossip,” he admitted. 
That’s all you got because Suguru kept everything else about his clients confidential. You shivered when his mouth met your neck, his lips sucking along the tender skin that sent goosebumps all over your chest, but there’s an ache in your heart when you consider that if it wasn’t for the signed cheque in your purse, he wouldn’t even be here in the first place.
Not a single man you’ve met in the world compared to Suguru. You’ve never known how sweet lovemaking can be until he fucked you for the time. Not only was he beautiful beyond comprehension, but he was charming and extremely smart. You found yourself enjoying his company beyond physical purposes, and conversations with him turned out to be one of your favorite ways to pass time.
“Think we’ll still get together when you’re a missus?” he teased, his lips trailing lower to your collar bones and hovering just a above your breasts.
The thought of you getting married only made you sick.
“Do you peg me as a terrible wife? a woman who would happily cheat on her husband?” you questioned, your voice trembling when Suguru circled his lips around your hard nipple.
He hummed, drawing out a whimper when he nipped at the bud lightly, his tongue gliding over the hardened nub. 
“No,” he answered, his voice dropping an octave and your mind swirled when you contemplate if that strange tone is actually jealousy. He rested his chin on your chest, his inky hair framing his face in a waterfall of obsidian. “I do, however, peg Naoya as a terrible husband.”
You sank your fingers into his locks, “it doesn’t matter who my father chooses. All these men are the same. Naoya is no worse than the rest. I’m trapped regardless…”
It was the first time you allowed yourself to think about Sukuna when in bed with Suguru. The first time you thought about the last four years and the many men who tried to weasel their way into your heart just for the sake of obtaining status. The discomfort is written plainly on your face. Suguru doesn’t know that seeking him out was your way of taking matters into your own hands, even in just the smallest way. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he responded sincerely, the kindness in his voice the reason why your eyes prick with tears.
You sniffled, using your free hand to wipe away a rogue droplet that freely falls down your cheek. Suguru adjusted his position so he was lying by your side. He didn't say anything but draws you into his chest for a hug, enveloping you in his warmth. You tried hard not to consider the reality of the situation, and accept the gesture freely as you cuddle him.
But the moment of peace is interrupted by a loud vibration. You and Suguru both perked up to stare at his phone buzzing on the side table.
Your heart sank.
Another client.
Suguru reached his arm around to grab the phone, and you closed your eyes to inhale his natural scent, trying to soak him in for as long as you can before he leaves you like he’s done many times before.
To your surprise he simply switched it off, before proceeding to wrap his arm back around you to return to his position.
“You sure you don’t need to take that?” you mumbled, trying to play off your disappointment as casually as possible.
“I’m booked out for the rest of the evening,” he answered nonchalantly, “there’s no reason to respond.”
A tickle in your belly sent sparks all over your skin. “but your cheque only covers the hours we agreed on…”
Two fingers touched the underside of your chin, and Suguru tilted your head up so you were both face to face again. “Don’t worry about it,” he consoled, his thumb lightly outlining your bottom lip, “this is on the house.”
What bliss it was to fall asleep in his arms that night. You recall waking up right before dawn to find him in deep slumber, his strong arm draped protectively across your body with the heat cocooning you from the rest of the world. 
Disappointment shattered you the next morning, when you were greeted by the sun and an empty bed.
You’re not sure when Suguru had snuck out, but you were puzzled to find that your cheque was still tucked away safely in your purse. 
It was the first time he walked away without any payment. 
You still vividly remember his reaction when he met you just a little over a year ago. 
“You’re young,” he blurted, his eyes widening with confusion. 
“We’re around the same age,” you replied defensively, already feeling insecure for having hired him after spending weeks watching his videos. You didn’t even know about his house calls until you heard it from a source within your social circle. "Is this how you greet all your clients?”
Suguru raised his brow in contemplation, “my other clients don’t look like you…”
Over time you learned that he catered to a specific demographic: older divorcees and cheating housewives.
The person you might turn into years from now if this marriage goes through.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
After that night you told yourself that you would schedule another meeting with Suguru to compensate him for his last session.
Right now, all you can think about is your heart hammering when Suguru subtly interlaces his fingers with your own, and leads you through the crowd until you both find a safe spot on the corner of the lounge chair. His group is far too engrossed in their own conversations to notice you both, drunk on the buzzing night and enjoying the many amenities of this exclusive party. 
“You look nice,” you compliment, catching Suguru’s attention while trying to ignoring his knees bumping against yours.
“As do you,” he replies, his voice smoother than velvet. “But you don’t need me to tell you that you’re gorgeous.” 
Oh but I do, you think, masking your excitement with a giggle and casual roll of your eyes. I could hear you tell me that forever. 
Suguru shyly looks down at his lap, hiding his own smile. 
It’s strange, you think, how the two of you are talking. Like this man hasn’t been inside you multiple times and made you cum until you can’t think straight. Like he doesn’t know your body in the most intimate sense.
Like you don’t fund a decent chunk of his salary. 
“Are you enjoying the party?” 
Suguru shrugs, “It’s not too bad. Though, I’m not one for big crowds if I am being completely honest...” 
“Makes sense. I don’ get a kick out of it as much as I used to.”
Suguru angles his body to face you, giving you his full attention. “Why’s that?” 
You sigh, your hands suddenly feeling empty without a drink. You sling your purse off your shoulder and place it between you both, before proceeding to fiddle with the fabric of your dress instead. 
You can lie, but you don’t know how. 
Well, you don’t know how to lie with him. 
Something about starting this contract with Suguru unveiled a level of vulnerability in you that you can’t seem to hide. The first night you both spent together you were a nervous wreck, stumbling and bumbling over words trying to find excuse after excuse as to why a woman of your age would even hire him. By your third appointment, you asked if he could be slow and gentle with you, the emotional scars of your previous relationship a stinging wound. You were desperate for tenderness, and Suguru obliged with your request. By the end you found yourself reaching your climax with tears in your eyes. 
If you were to list out more moments like this, you would simply go on and on. 
You can’t hide your truth with Suguru when it was the first thing you’ve ever shown him. 
“Because it’s a constant reminder that I can be in a room full of people I know and still feel incredibly alone…” you mumble, your gaze catching his. 
His hand finds your thighs, the warmth of his large palm burning through the fabric of your dress. 
“You’re not alone tonight, sweetheart,” he reassures. 
“You don’t have to be so nice…” you insist, suddenly self conscious over his flattery. The same sweetness he bestows upon you when you’re both locked away in a hotel room somewhere, but you didn’t sign off on any bonus transactions tonight. 
He squeezes your thigh and tilts his head. “But I like being nice to you” 
He says it so matter of factly it almost makes you faint. 
Your brows upturn with confusion. “Why?” 
His touch expands upward, grazing over the curve of your thigh, bunching the material of your dress between his fingers. He leans closer, the scent of bergamot wafting up your nose and kissing your neck. 
“Look there,” he states, and you follow the line of his gaze. 
“That woman has been married for fifteen years and her husband never got her off once. And that woman…” he continues, shifting his eyes from body to body, “has a birth mark just above her hip bone. And at the table right behind us,” 
When you turn your face you accidentally bump into the tip of his nose. 
“...are two sisters who pretend they get along well but are currently in a massive fight over their inheritance” 
Your stomach coils with jealousy. “Acquaintances of yours?” 
 Suguru leans back slightly, giving you both room to breathe. 
“Yes, clients…” he confirms, “there’s a few of them here tonight, but you’re the only one who acknowledges me. I’m just a dirty little secret to the rest.” 
Your envy dwindles into sympathy, and you can’t help but let the question slip. 
“How does that make you feel?” 
There’s a twitch in Suguru’s jaw, a hint of scarred pride. You know he has plenty of it, he just hides it well.
The man shrugs, averting his sharp gaze as he downs the rest of his drink. “It is what it is” 
Oh, but that response doesn’t nothing to help your heart, the muscle practically screaming at your brain to do so something and make him feel better. 
Mindlessly, you loop both arms around his bicep, casually resting your chin on his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry if I ever made you feel that way...” 
You’re not sure why you’re apologizing, but you’re hoping it’ll mean something to him. He turns to face you, and if he inched a little closer he could probably kiss you. 
“You are an enigma to me” 
“In what way?” 
He brushes his lips past your own, making you catch your breath for a moment. His mouth trails its way up to your ear, and he whispers a sentence that sends goosebumps running all over your body. 
“In the way that how a woman like you can fit in a life like this” 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
The night carries on, the pulse of hedonism sending reverberations across the establishment. The crowd grows larger, the air a potion of liquor, expensive cologne, sweat and pleasure. The lights dim, inducing everyone into the trance of the ambience set around them, allowing them to indulge and consume. Your conversation with Suguru feels like minutes, but two whole hours pass with the both you concealed from the crowd. You’re almost mesmerized by him when he talks, cast under an entirely different spell that seems to effect nobody else. His touches turn more intimate the longer you speak, with Suguru securing his arm around your waist and leaning back against the chair as he keeps you tucked into his frame. 
That’s another thing you started noticing - how this man likes to hold you. 
He even did it when you were in bed together last. 
And the time before that. 
And the time before that. 
And the time before that-
If you weren’t surrounded by so many eyes you would simply curl into him, but you find yourself restraining while thinking of what excuse might work to get you both out of here because you just want to be alone with him. 
“Can I get you a drink?” Suguru offers, a wave of disappointment rolling into you as he untangles himself slowly. 
“Just some water...” 
Suguru kisses the inside of your wrist with the reassurance that he’ll be right back, but the public display only makes your cheeks bloom with endearment. 
“Got it” 
When he stands up and walks away is when you notice how the crowd around you has dispersed. Most of Suguru’s party were gone - standing either by the bar or caught in the middle of the dance floor. You can see that there were a few shifty eyes staring at you, and a lump forms in your throat when you realize that by allowing yourself to melt into Suguru it meant that you revealed your weakness to the rest of the wild. 
You take a second to readjust - fixing the hem of your dress before pulling out your pocket mirror and reapplying your lipstick. You fight off any anxious thoughts, sticking a big metaphorical middle finger to whoever was watching you with any hint of judgement. 
Your care for Suguru outweighed their own by tons. 
You just didn’t know how far you had let your guard down until a strange shadow veils over you. 
“Red still looks good on you.” 
Your heart doesn’t sink, it seizes, collapses into itself when you drop the mirror in your hand. His dark chuckle makes your spine tingle with unease. Sukuna kneels to pick up your mirror, his devilish smiling greeting you as you swallow the lump in your throat. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” He teases, huffing out another laugh when you snatch the pocket mirror from his hand and quickly throw your things back into your purse. 
“I have to go.” 
You bolt onto your feet, only to pause when his contact scorches your forearm. 
“What’s the rush? I’m just saying hi.” 
You shrug him off aggressively, eyes violent and full of fury. 
“I don’t want to say hi to you. As a matter of fact, I hope that we never have to speak again.”  
“C’mon doll, don’t be like that. It’s water under the bridge…” 
His nonchalance enrages in you ways that you can’t describe, but rather than make a scene you smoothly shove him aside before uttering “asshole” and storming off towards the bar. 
Your frantic eyes search for your solace, of the man who can suture any wound that’s in desperate need of healing. You spot him from behind, noticing that he is speaking to a friend, his shoulder leaning on the bar as he patiently waits to pick up the drinks like he promised. Refusing to look back because you know Sukuna is probably on your trail, you breathe out your apprehension to compose yourself and keep one hand securely on your purse before steadily making your way towards to Suguru. 
You hear the two of them as you draw closer,  unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation at hand. 
“Who’s the chick?” his friend asks. 
“A friend.” Suguru replies. 
“Which friend?” they press. 
“None of your business…” 
“Ah, one of your desperate clients I’m guessing?” 
You cease before making your presence known.
Stunned; your face boiling with embarrassment. 
“Shut up.” 
“It’s so obvious, Suguru-” his friend scoffs, “she’s practically crawling on your lap. It’s fucking pathetic, don’t you think?” 
The word splits you into half.
Is that how Suguru sees you? 
Is that how everyone else does to? 
Something clicks then, every memory and act of kindness tainted with the thought the man was simply pitying you. That the root of his good-hearted nature was merely sympathy towards a sad, broken little rich girl. 
Suguru picks up the drink, mumbling a “fuck off” before turning on his heel only to find you standing there stupefied by his friend’s demeaning commentary. Only an idiot would assume that you probably didn’t hear a thing, but Suguru is far smarter than that. Whatever trace of the mask he’s been wearing dissipates then, and you see the genuine concern on his face. He parts his lips but you’re too wounded for an explanation, and you instantly dash past both of them, excusing yourself politely before speed walking your way towards the exit. 
You can hear him call out your name, but there is no way you would let that man see you crying after what was just said. 
Of course he doesn’t like me, you self-consciously deliberate, I pay him to fuck me. 
I pay him to fucking like me. 
A sob leaves you, and you cover your mouth with the back of your hand as you rush past the bouncer and dart out the front door, leaving a crowd of people staring at you with confusion. All of them hoping to make their way inside.
“Must be drunk,” one person says, while another screams at the bouncer “hey, can you let us in?! Someone just left!” 
You strut down the street, desperately trying to maintain your balance as you dab your eyes lest your tears ruin your make up. You hear someone call out your name, half hopeful that it might Suguru but when you glance over your shoulder all you see is the dreadful sight of your ex-boyfriend. 
You keep walking.  “Don’t follow me.” 
Sukuna is quick to catch up, practically jogging down the street and you curse your choice in footwear for slowing you down. 
“Then don’t keep running away.” 
You halt, the man nearly colliding into you from behind. 
“What?!” you spit out as you glare up at him. “What do you want from me?” 
Sukuna arches his brow, the smell of whiskey sticking to him. “The fuck got you so worked up?” 
You wipe away any leftover tears, your indignation towards this man overriding all other emotions. 
“None of your fucking business…” 
Sukuna reaches for your elbow, “Let’s not be testy. My car is in front of the bar. Let me take you home.” 
You already caught that eye sore of a ridiculously expensive sports car when you stepped out of club. “I’d rather walk home barefoot on a bed of hot coals then go anywhere with you.” 
“Don’t be like that, kitten…”
“Don’t,” you snapped, “call me that.” 
“You know I still nothing but love for you, right?” He slurs mildly, “Let me take you back to my place and we can talk-”  
His thumb grazes your elbow gently. Once upon a time you actually believed that his affection was real, but you’re older and wiser to know the truth now. “You miss my pussy,” you crudely admonish, “you don’t give a fuck about me.” 
He pinches your elbow with mild irritation. “Why don’t you tuck those claws back. I’m trying to have a fucking conversation.” 
“If a conversation is what you want, then speak to your fucking wife-” you hiss, striking a cord that makes Sukuna furrow his brows which brings you an odd sense of satisfaction. 
His face falls. 
You huff with approval. 
“What?” your mock, “cat got your tongue?” 
“Is everything alright?” 
You and Sukuna both halt, your heads twisting to face whoever spoke with Sukuna letting go of you faster than you can even blink. You only catch a tiny glimpse of his fear, the terror that somebody caught him in the act. 
Thankfully, it was only Suguru. 
Your body hums with relief. 
One hand is in his pocket, the other keeping a helmet tucked under his wing. His stance is relaxed but his irises are piercing daggers sinking into Sukuna’s skull.
“Everything’s fine-” Sukuna insists. 
“Suguru,” you call out at the same time, instantly going to him and finding your place by his side.
The word pathetic hammers in the back of your mind but you need deal with one problem at a time, and right now you don’t care about looking desperate if it means escaping the shackles of Ryomen Sukuna. 
Suguru’s eyes don’t leave your ex-lover, but he inches closer towards you to assert his ground. 
Sukuna frowns, the expression on his face all too familiar. 
You clutch Suguru’s sleeve, “Nothing to fret over. Do you mind taking me home?” 
He turns to face you, a mixture of worry with a flare of anger on that handsome face.  
“Yeah, I’ll take you home.” 
“Tsk,” Sukuna grumbles with frustration, “Don’t cheapen yourself by fucking off with some whore…” 
A static shock trickles each point of the triangle where you all stand. The hair on the back of your neck stands upright, your attention moving to Suguru whose entire face darkens with a fury that you’ve never seen before. He steps forward, his helmet dropping to his hand like he’s ready to wield it as a weapon, and the target is the spot on Sukuna’s skull that he’s been carefully observing. Your vision goes white imagining the outcome of this blow out, and you can practically hear the crack of the impact if Suguru follows through. 
Despite how much he deserved it, you know just how powerful Sukuna is. 
He would ruin Suguru without any remorse. 
“Suguru,” you beg, stepping forward and clutching onto his shirt as you reel him away from the man before you. 
His nostrils flare, the intoxicating poison of wrath swirling in his irises which quickly diffuses upon finding you. 
“Take me home?” You softly repeat, earnest and sincere, all the while erasing Sukuna from your presence entirely. 
It only takes a few seconds for Suguru to register your request, but he complies by reaching for your hand and knotting his fingers between your own. He grips it protectively, eyes looking straight ahead as he leads you down the street and far away from the chaos behind you. 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
The patter of your feet colliding onto the concrete surface echoes around you. A part of you is embarrassed, the other ashamed, a third grateful while a fourth shivers anxiously. You’re thankful that Suguru is at least allowing the silence to linger because it’s giving you a chance to settle from the roller coaster of emotions you just experienced. You try not to think about the pressure of his grip, or how the length of his fingers are wrapped securely around yours and instead piece together some semblance of an explanation worthy for him to listen to. 
You eventually decide that you’ll just grab a cab back to your place. That you’ll thank Suguru for playing the role of rescuer, and hand off the cheque that you’ve been holding onto. You won’t be a burden, bother him any longer or a do anything else to force his empathy. 
Suguru pauses in front of a jet black motorbike. The color itself blending into the darkness around you. You clear your throat ready to make your declaration, but you’re silenced when you feel the weight of his helmet press against your palms. 
“Wear this,” he commands. “I’ll take you to my place.” 
Your mouth goes slack, your practiced words shrinking to the back of your throat. 
His place. 
“Your place?” You find yourself whispering your thoughts out loud. 
Suguru reaches for the handle of his bike, tapping his index finger against it, his back facing you. “If you want.” 
He hops on before searching you for an answer. The look animates you back to reality and you nod your head before swiftly putting on the helmet. You find your place behind him, taking a second longer to adjust in your dress. You knot your arms around his waist, your eyes noting his exposed head. 
“You don’t have a helmet.” You point out. 
“I don’t live that far,” he answers back, “besides, I didn’t think I’d be traveling with precious cargo.” 
He taps his palm over your clasped hands. “Hold tight for me, alright?” 
You nod your head, covering your face with the shield visor before resting your cheek against his back. 
Suguru takes off. 
The wind whips against your bare arms, the pressure sweeping between your legs as Suguru swerves between each lane. The city blurs into vivid colors, only resurfacing when you come to an immediate halt at the traffic light. The adrenaline courses through your veins, the exhilarating sensation a thrill that you’ve never experienced before. Unfortunately, the journey was short lived and within twenty minutes you find yourself coming to a halt in an underground parking lot. 
Suguru parks the bike, hopping off before reaching his hand out to assist you. 
Your legs felt like jelly when it hits the surface, and you tumble on your own footing as Suguru reaches his other hand out to steady you by holding your waist. 
“You okay? Was I going to fast?” 
You take off the helmet, attempting to make yourself look somewhat presentable. 
“No, no” you answer a little breathless, “that…that was actually kind of fun…” 
“First time?”
You nod your head. 
Suguru hums. 
He takes the helmet away from you and directs you straight to the entrance of his apartment building. He pulls out an electronic key, and presses it against the elevator door. The elevator pings, the panels sliding open as you both step inside. Suguru clicks the button to his floor and you both stand on opposite sides watching the numbers go up.
Suguru lived in a newer development, you could tell when you walked through the hallway as he stands in front of his apartment door, and uses the same key to grant you both entrance. 
As you enter the hallway, you’re greeted by a wall with mounted iron hooks. There’s five to be exact, each one holding a different helmet with one space empty. Suguru fits the helmet back onto the vacant spot, before glancing over his shoulder and finding you still by the door struggling to take off your heels. 
He returns and kneels before you. His hands carefully moving your fingers away. 
“Let me help with that” 
“You don’t have to-” but you’re interrupted with him patting his thigh in gesture. 
You bite your bottom lip and place one foot against him, careful not to dig your heel into him. 
He delicately unravels the straps around your ankle and slips of the heel with a brush to the back of your calf, making the muscle twitch. 
“Other foot,” he instructs, then repeats. 
After placing your shoes neatly by the door, he stands up and reaches for your hand once more. “This way” 
You take it warmly, and follow him while trying your best not to acknowledge the noticeable height difference with you two standing side by side.
You never paid much attention to it before, you didn't have too really considering you both spent most of your time together in parallel positions. 
Suguru leads you into the living room, and a small gasp escapes you when you are met with floor to ceiling windows. The horizon is of the city skyline, but it’s half blocked by a decent size balcony which is covered in greenery. The scene contrasts the inside of Suguru’s apartment, which is more minimal. To your right is a small dining nook, the light above an accent piece that added some detail to the decor. To your left is a small furniture set, the sage green fabric making you avert your gaze with shame because your recognized that very same couch in most of Suguru’s videos. 
You find yourself quickly staring at your feet. 
“Can I get you anything to drink? Water? Tea?” 
“Tea would be great,” you answer back, returning to look directly at him from underneath your lashes. “Do you have anything herbal?” 
You follow him into the kitchen and realize that the man keeps his place meticulously clean. The back counter is what catches your attention the most. Suguru has a full serviced at home barista station set up for his own convenience. You pick out the coffee grinder, espresso machine, assortment of tea pots, jars of fresh leaves and coffee bags all neatly organized. 
Suguru pulls out one jar with a hand written label that reads "lemon balm and chamomile". 
You slip off your purse and place it on the counter behind him. “Did you make all these yourself?” 
“My parents used to run a tea shop in Hokkaido,” he answers back. 
“A tea shop?” You squeak, a little too excited from the morsel of information about his personal life that he just bestowed. “That must have been lovely…” 
“It was,” he answers, his voice growing small. 
You watch him fill the kettle with water, before placing it on the electric stove to warm up. He opens the jar, closing the gap of space between you both and lifts it to your nose. 
“Take a deep breath in,”
You oblige, and inhale. 
“Oh my,” you sigh out loud, your fingers subconsciously clasping over his own as your eyes flutter from the aroma of citrus, ginger, flora and subtle spice. It calms every firing nerve in your body. “That smells wonderful” 
When you open them again, you see that Suguru is looking at you thoughtfully. 
“It tastes good too,” he says proudly, and your heart glows at the reaction. “I was a terrible night owl as a kid. Still am, I guess. My mom used to make this to help me go to sleep…” 
“That’s really sweet,” you admit, wondering how lovely it must be to be looked after with such care. 
He slips away again, taking a spoon and putting a generous amount of the blend into a ceramic tea pot. You hear the tea bubble lightly, but your head spins as Suguru cages you in place while you both wait for it to reach the right temperature. Your back is against the counter, his arms by your side. 
“That guy you were talking to. Who was that?” He questions, cutting right to the chase. 
“Nobody important,” you confess, “he’s an asshole.”
“Tell me about it.” 
“I’m sorry about what he said to you. What he called you…”  
Suguru’s fingers dig into the counter, making the muscles in his arms flex with irritation. 
“Don’t apologize for him. Don’t apologize for any of them.” He firmly maintains. “Their words are empty to me...” 
“You almost bashed his head in,” you point out, a tiny smile easing the tension binding around the man before you. 
“I almost bashed his head because of the way he spoke to you-” 
Your eyes widen. 
Was he being protective? You think, but shake your head when you think of what kind of pitiful state you must have been that would cause Suguru to react in such a way. 
Your shoulders dwindle slightly and you shake it off to gather yourself once more. 
“He was a terrible mistake. I was young, and stupid. I thought I knew better when I really had no fucking clue…” 
You didn’t realize how bitter you sounded until two fingers press underneath your jaw.
His thumb taps your chin in a featherlight touch. “Is it over? Whatever it was?” 
“Of course,” you answer, the truth acrid on your tongue. “I’m to marry Naoya Zen’in, remember?”
Suguru frowns. “He’s no better. I told you that myself.” 
You circle your hand around his wrist. “I’ll take anyone over Sukuna. Even if that person is Naoya…” 
“Why can’t you just choose?” 
You press your lips together and sigh. “Because it’s a transaction. I’m a token in my father’s universe. If he weds me off to the Zen’in’s then it’s profitable. Good for business…” 
“I’m sure if you speak with him, he’ll understand-” 
“Don’t be so naive,” you answer as you return to meet his gaze. “My father doesn’t love me. He just owns me. I spent most of my adolescence alone while he was busy working or galavanting off with his mistress.  I think he assumed that if he kept shoving money my way, I wouldn’t notice his absence…” 
The kettle sings, making you both jump in place as the water bubbles aggressively and a small spiral of steam releases from the lip. Suguru returns to making your beverage. Picking up the kettle and pouring the hot water into the pot. He places it on a tray, along with a beautiful cup. 
“The tea needs a couple of minutes to steep. In the meanwhile, I’m going to change into something more comfortable.” He announces, “You want some spare clothes?” 
You look down at your designer frock, the material snug on your body. 
“Yeah, I’d like that” 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Suguru’s white shirt falls to your mid thigh, the material a little see through and revealing the bra you had on underneath. You eye the pair of worn boxers he handed to you to wear as shorts, but slyly tuck your bottom lip between your teeth before leaving it behind and walking out with your bare legs on display. 
You’re not quite sure what the plan is here, but you don't see yourself leaving anytime soon.
You head back towards the kitchen where you pick up your purse, your dress folded between your hands carefully. Suguru is opening the door to the balcony, having changed into a cut sleeve shirt that exposes his arms and a hint of his ribs, as well as a pair of loose shorts. When he hears you enter, his attention instantly falls to your plush thighs, a hint of crimson blushing his cheek. 
“Where can I keep my stuff?” You ask innocently, pretending to ignore his reaction. 
“Anywhere is fine,” he answers back, his voice thick. 
He tells you that he’ll wait for you outside, and in the meantime you put down your stuff onto the coffee table in front of his sofa.
You unzip your purse, Suguru’s cheque staring you at you with wide, scolding eyes. 
You furrow your brows at the voice inside your head, and swipe the payment before folding it and tucking it securely against your hip underneath the waistband of your underwear. 
You head outside, sliding the window close behind you. 
Suguru is sitting on a deck chair, the two of you camouflaged by the array of his overgrown plants. He pours your cup of tea, the aroma twirling between the current of the wind as he offers it your way. You pick it up, bringing it to your lips and taking a sip. A heavy sigh escapes you, and you remain standing leaning back against the cool glass surface as you stare out into the distance. 
“Like it?” Suguru asks, and you only notice then that he has also brought out a second cup for himself and is pouring his own drink. 
“It’s divine,” you respond. 
“I’m glad” 
The two of you sit in silence once more, mindlessly sipping your tea while contemplating the other person. You’re both at a clear standstill, carefully tiptoeing over the boundary that has so been strictly set in place. 
A reminder of that is the folded cheque digging into your skin. 
“How did you find out about contacting me?” Suguru randomly wonders. 
You look towards him and he shrugs before adding on, “I never asked. I find myself curious.” 
You thrum your nails against the glass cup, taking another sip of your tea before replying, “I saw you at a party with Satoru. I was with a group of friends, and one of them noticed me recognizing you. She asked if I was…familiar with your work. And when I told her I was she informed me that you both were…intimate.” 
“Was it Mei?” 
Your face falls at the blatant disregard of confidentiality. 
“How-How did you know?” 
Suguru huffs, and sips his tea. 
“She’s the only other client I had close to our age. Wasn’t hard to make the connection…” 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
“Go for it,” he replies. 
“I’ve always been curious as to how you wound up doing what you do,” you bite your bottom lip nervously, your hands trembling slightly holding your glass and you hope that Suguru wouldn’t notice your sudden unease. 
“Ah,” he acknowledges, his free hand moving to rub the back of his neck and you can’t help but sneak a peak at his abdomen from the side. “Well, I told you how I wound up making the videos. For a long time I just did solo work, but I knew I could make more money if I had on-screen partners to film with. I had a few good connections with some actresses and hired a friend to make a video with me…” 
You knew exactly which one he was talking about. 
The actress in question was well known, and the video was an amateur clip that was filmed on the very same couch that you walked passed earlier. 
You clench your thighs together. 
You don’t even want to admit how many times you came to that particular video. 
“I didn’t know it would blow up in the way that it did. Shoko and I made a killing off it. We both saw the potential and we wound up doing six full episodes - trying out different techniques, roleplaying in a few…” 
“But you stopped posting after that…” 
Suguru pauses. “How would you know that?” 
You swallow a big gulp of tea. 
“I might have been a big fan of your work before we met.” 
“Really?” He answers with a slight tilt of his head, clearly very amused. 
“I wouldn’t have reached out to just anyone, you know. But I was really interested in...your work, and when I learned about your little side gig. I couldn’t resist…” 
“Well, color me flattered, sweetheart.” 
You swirl the last bits of tea in your cup. 
“So, why did you stop posting?” 
“I kept the videos up. They’re good and I still make revenue with every ad or view. Satoru’s career was picking up around that time, and he had just gotten clean. He needed somebody to hold him accountable so I started tagging along at his events. I didn’t realize how many people would recognizeme. My first client wasn’t even "a client", he gestures with air quotes, "she was just some woman I met and slept with. I woke up the next morning to an empty hotel room. All that she left behind was an envelope of cash…” 
He pauses. 
“I didn’t know what to feel. A part of me was insulted but another part had never seen that much money handed over so easily. The videos were great but what I earned in a day, is what I got in just a few hours. I was in my mid-twenties, just left the brink of making ends meet and desperate for security. I deposited the cash and kept going. Somehow it snowballed into…” he gestures his arms out, “this.” 
He pours himself another cup of tea. “At first I was a little reckless. Took on too many clients it damn near gave me a health scare. So, I started spacing them out. Keeping to a set number a month and maintaining a high price. I didn’t think that so many people would actually pay for my services, but they do...and I'm comfortable.” 
“Does it ever overwhelm you?” 
“Not anymore. Keeping my partners to a minimum helps. I’m safe and get tested regularly, as I mentioned when we first met,” He lifts the teapot your direction to offer you a second cup, and you accept it by approaching him and allowing him to fill your glass. 
“The thing is I went from never knowing when I was going to eat to having three meals a day. I don’t think I’d change that for the world…” 
“What about your family? Your friends?” You find yourself mindlessly asking. "How do they feel about this?"
“Satoru and Shoko are the only ones who know. Everyone else thinks it’s porn that funds my life. As for my family,” Suguru stops, his voice scratchy as he quickly clears his throat. “Well, they don’t have to worry about it. My parents passed away when I was fifteen. It's just been me ever since”  
The tea burns your lip  and your body trembles at the statement. 
“I’m so sorry…” 
He shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly. 
There’s a heaviness in the air, and despite how hard he’s trying to hide it you can see how the memory tears him apart. 
“My mom passed away giving birth to me,” you find yourself disclosing to even the scale, “I think that’s probably why my father resents me so much. He never got a son, and lost his wife in the process” 
“I’m sorry to hear that too…” 
You mirror his shrug. “It’s weird. I find myself curious about her - but there’s a detachment when I look at her. Sometimes I think about how different my life might be if she was still around. Or, if she was just like my father and everything would still be the same…” 
“Well, since we are speaking of hypotheticals,” Suguru moves on, shifting the topic as he angles his body more in your direction. “If you had the freedom to whatever you wanted, what would you do?” 
“Me?” You gasp, shocked by his pointed question. 
He smiles an easy smile, “I don’t see anybody else around.” 
You hum thoughtfully. “This might take a minute…” 
He places his cup of tea on the tray by his side and then pats his free hand on his thigh. 
“C’mere and think.” 
Your heart flies up your throat, pulsing just at the base. “You want me to sit on your lap?” 
Suguru nods his head. 
You gulp down the vessel, returning it back to its place. You glide your way towards him, placing the tea cup just next to his own, before settling down onto his lap. 
Suguru wraps his arm around your waist, securing you close into his frame. 
“Do you hold your other clients like this?” 
He shakes his head no. 
“So, you like holding me…” you bluntly point out, “why’s that?” 
Suguru’s face is directly in front of yours, so beautiful you can almost faint right here in his arms. He fingers dig into your waist, his other arm curving over your thigh and gently drawing circles on your hip. 
“Because you fit nicely against me” 
A swarm of butterflies take flight, making you feel lighter than air. You swear he might kiss you then but instead he returns to his question. “So, tell me what would you do?” 
The answer comes to you far easier than you think. From the moment you saw him tonight, you know the truth in the depths of your heart. “I’d like to run away with you,” you confess before stuttering out, “or-or at least somebody like you. Someone who is kind and sweet and thoughtful...”
Suguru leans back against the chair, lifting up one leg and adjusting your positions. He’s careful not to kick the tray with the tea. 
“And where would we go?” 
You sling your arms around his neck, “anywhere - anywhere but here.” 
Suguru slides his palm over the slop of your rear, slipping it underneath the fabric of his shirt and tracing a line over the dimples on your lower back.
“What would we do?” 
“We could lay outside just like this and watch the stars.” 
He hums, “we don’t get any stars out here in the city...”
“No, we don’t.” 
“What else would we do?” 
His other hand starts to unbutton the front of your shirt, revealing the details of the lace underneath. He cups your right breast, his lips shifting to find your neck. 
“We’d do this too,” you sing merrily. 
“Look at stars and fuck our brains out?” He teases, his teeth nipping at your skin. “Sounds like a dream to me…”
He gropes the fat of your breast, unknotting every single secret. “what else?” 
“We’ll sleep all day, and kiss until we’re bored of one another…” 
The hand on your breast moves to circle your neck, Suguru’s thumb massaging the column. 
“I’d never grow bored kissing you-” 
Your body renders against his touch. “Suguru,” you moan, your lips seeking his own. 
Before you can even meet for the kiss, he mumbles your name and follows up with the claim: “you should run away with me.” 
You giggle, still living in the proposed fantasy. “I’m trying to…” 
“I’m being serious” 
The tone of his voice is the reason why you stop to kiss him, pulling away to face the man before you. 
There's no denying the truth on his face - he is actually quite serious about the declaration. 
You hear the dreaded word once more: pathetic. Pathetic because this man is an expert at fulfilling fantasies, is a professional when it comes to healing the hearts of the lonely.
Pulling yourself out of this delusional imagination, you push off him before standing up straight. 
“That’s not funny, Suguru” 
“Who says I’m being funny?” He responds sincerely. 
“What is this? What are we doing? What am I doing? You can’t just-” you lament, pressing your forehead to hand in disbelief as you enter the confines of his apartment, taking a second to breathe. “You can’t just say things like that-” 
He calls out your name again, but the kraken has already been released. 
He follows, tracking into his abode right behind you, all the while watching you stand in the middle of his living room with your quivering hands reaching for the waistband of your underwear.  
“This was a terrible idea. I shouldn’t have-I shouldn’t have gone through with all of this,” you yank out the cheque, showing it to him. “You don’t have to take pity on me. I know I’m just another desperate, pathetic client, alright? I promise you don't have to keep putting up with me and my drama after this. And you sure as hell don't have to keep giving me these mixed messages which only confuse me. I can’t have things getting complicated right before this engagement is about to happen. So, here. Take this cheque and let’s just forget everything else about tonight.” 
Suguru stands there, pensive. His eyes look to the folded paper in your hand, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. Instead of reaching for the paper, he simply walks past you, making you spin on your heel as you follow his movements with sheer bewilderment. 
He heads towards the shelf behind you and pulls out a tiny box. He removes something from it, before walking back and facing you once more. 
“Shit got complicated about eight cheques ago, sweetheart,” he negates, holding the thin stack papers between his two fingers as he brings it to your face. His eyes fall to to the crumpled one you are currently holding, “Well, counting the one in your hand, I’d say nine...” 
You can’t believe it.
You pick up the wad and sift through each paper; each cheque one of yours, the date issued a reflection of your last nine meetings with Suguru. 
None of them cashed in. 
“Why do you still have these?” 
Two hands find your waist, your forearms fall into Suguru’s chest as you stare mindlessly at the cheques fanned out between your fingers. 
“I didn’t have it on my conscious to deposit them once I realized my feelings for you. I'm sorry about what you heard earlier, but what Mahito said doesn't apply to you at all,” he responds. “You stopped being a client to me for quite some time...” 
You look up at him. 
His touch tightens around your waist. “You can’t marry Naoya. Or, you shouldn’t. But if you do, I don’t want us to stop seeing one another. We can work something out…”
“Suguru,” you pine, dropping the papers in your hand, each one twirling onto the ground, thousands at your feet. 
His lips catch yours in a subtle peck, all before circling over your bottom lip and sucking on the plush base. He slides his tongue between your lips, feeling yourcrumple into him as the paper crinkles beneath your feet. You moan feeling the sensation of his tongue slide across yours - he tastes like running across a field of chamomile flowers, like you’re holding a basket of fresh, ripe lemons. 
Like you're savoring the most beautiful sunrise. 
His hands return to finish unbuttoning your shirt, shrugging the material off your shoulders and exposing your expensive lingerie set. He grips your hips, your ass - his touch hungry before pressing his pelvis closer to your frame so you can feel his aching member beneath his shorts. 
You squeak into another kiss when he swiftly picks you up from the back of your thighs and carries you across the living room. 
He places you onto his sofa like you’re made of porcelain, keeping you on the edge as he kneels to the ground, his knees sinking into the rug. Two hands find your inner thighs which he pushes apart to reveal the pretty triangle fabric covering your sweet cunt. He kisses your clit over the material. Once, twice, three times…until you’re sighing into the pillow behind you. His tongue drags up, pressing your clothing against your sex, one hand drawing upward to find yours which he holds lovingly. His index and middle finger hook underneath your underwear, and he tugs it aside to reveal your slick coated pussy. 
He kisses your clit again, leaving a path down your damp lips which only makes you moan angelically. 
“This is why I’d never get bored kissing you,” he coos, “You sound like heaven whenever I do...”
Your only response is a vowel, your hand holding onto Suguru’s for dear life as he returns to eat out with such devotion it almost brings tears to your eyes. You pant softly, his wet tongue making you weep between your legs and he gathers your essence and swallows it to parch his craving. You whine feeling the snap of your underwear pinch into your skin when Suguru lets go of the material to mold his palm over the slope of your pelvis. His thumb strokes the back of your hand, his tongue sinking between your wet folds, lips suckling on the petals of your cunt. 
Your hips arch off the sofa, desperate for friction, but Suguru pins you firmly back down. 
“Easy, easy…” he appeases, “don’t cum just yet. Hold off f’me, just for a little bit…” 
He’s never asked because there was never a reason to. For the most part, he was always there to service you. Allowed you to use his body to get you off as many times as you so desired. 
Your voice breaks, “okay,” you answer, drawing out a long exhale when he dives back in. 
The hand on your pelvis climbs up the steps of your ribs, reaching for band of your bra right at the middle. He curls his finger over the boning, and tugs the material allowing your breasts to spill free. He finds the bud of your nipple and tweaks it between his finger, pinching and pulling the aching nub until your writhing beneath him. 
He slurps and sucks, while you moan and whimper, forcing yourself to hold off for as much as your can but you find that it’s far harder to do when your lower belly quakes as it sits on the brink of release. 
“Suguru, Suguru…” you beg, reaching your free hand to your breast and clenching over his fingers. “Suguru, I can’t-m’gonna cum if you don’t stop…” 
He groans against your cunt, pulling away from your pulsing core and letting go of your hand to wipe the dampness off his chin. 
He licks his lips, drunk off lust and of how you taste. 
He keeps his body upright, drags your legs to secure them around his waist as he straightens your back. His hands unhook your bra from behind, the scent of you strong on his lips as he leans up for a kiss. Your hands fall to his shoulders, your belly fluttering as your sex begs for more stimulation. 
Suguru loosens the bra, allowing it to fall to your elbows before kneading your breasts - his thumb swipes back and forth over your nipples. He devours your cry, wolfs down every panting breath as he moans into the kiss. Your hands slip underneath his shirt, taking in the lines of strong abdomen.
“Take if off,” you plead between breaths, “Take it off, please…” 
Suguru listens, breaking apart from the kiss to toss his shirt to the side while you slip off your bra. Your lover’s hand finds your waist, his fingers pinching into the soft flesh. He leans forward to kiss the side of your neck, making a path down the curve and across the field of your décolletage. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he murmurs into your breast, his lips snagging your nipple as his tongue rolls over the bud.
Your fingers curl around the back of his head, loosening his bun as you untie the knot. His hair falls like waterfall, the strands tickling your bare skin. Suguru’s hand slips between your legs, his middle and forefinger meeting your clit. You hiss at the contact, sinking your teeth between your bottom lip when Suguru sucks on your breast while simultaneously drawing circles on the bundle of nerves between your legs. 
Your breath grows heavier, your hips bucking into him from the sensation of his touch. 
“Feels good,” you mumble, “feels so good with you…”   
He shivers, relieving your breast as his lips search for your own. 
He adds more pressure between your legs, increasing the speed while your tongues dance. When your thighs noticeably quiver he slows down, pinching your clit between his fingers as he softly pecks your cheek. 
“The condoms are in my room…” 
Your sharp nails scratch the back of his neck lightly, “I have one in my purse.” 
Suguru nods feverishly, reaching back to the coffee table and rummaging through your purse. He picks out the shiny wrapper, and stands up to take off his shorts. 
“Wait, can I?” You request, gazing up at him with glittering eyes. 
Suguru swallows hard, and nods his head. 
Your eyes dilate rolling his shorts down, focusing on the tent in the fabric and watching his cock spring free and lightly smack his lower belly. Suguru brings the condom to his lips and rips it open with his teeth, but his eyes flutter when your perfectly manicured hands glide up the length of his shaft. 
You trace the prominent vein, your thumb swiping over the pre-cum beading over  the angry tip. You lick your lips, leaning closer to kiss the base and listening to Suguru sigh. 
You’ve only given him a blow job once before, and that was because you asked if you could. Suguru sets no expectations for himself when it comes to work, but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t fantasized about giving him head countless times. 
You wrap your fingers around his length and stroke mildly, your lips fanning over  his cock before reaching the tip. 
“Sweetheart, don’t-” Suguru murmurs in an attempt to stop you, but you’re already enclosing your lips around the head and pressing your tongue over the slit. 
His head falls back as you suck, a curse leaving him. 
You move slowly at first, dragging your tongue back and forth as you stroke the base. Sukuna was far rougher with you when you went down on him, but Suguru is allowing you to take him at your own pace. Inch by inch, until you were bobbing your head back and forth, strings of saliva webbing off his cock and sticking your lips. 
He thrusts once, not rough enough to hurt but the jerk catches you by surprise. 
You carefully release him, mindlessly wiping your bottom lip and the sight makes his cock twitch. 
Suguru pulls the condom out, and rolls it over his shaft. 
He settles onto the empty seta by your side, and you crawl over the expanse of his gorgeous, chiseled body to kiss him once again. 
His circles his fingers around his cock, his other hand guiding your hip as he aligns the tip to your entrance. Your nail nicks his pec when he pushes against the hole, your mouth circling over his own as you lower down his shaft. 
He fills you up so, so good. Makes your body vibrate with unshakeable desire. 
He groans until he bottoms out , the hand on your hip dipping down from your pubis to your lower belly like he’s trying to outline how deep he actually is before returning it back in place and securing his other hand on the opposite hip. 
Your breasts flatten against his chest, your hands holding on to his strong shoulders for support as you roll our hips.
Suguru works in tandem with your rhythm to fuck you passionately. 
His lips find yours once again for a final kiss, before the two of you get caught up in the moment when he swiftly picks up the pace. 
His hips arch violently, while yours sink - your bodies moving silk. 
“Unghh, oh god, yes-yes-yes~” you moan. 
Suguru’s grip almost feels painful, you know for a fact that he’ll be marking your hips with a few bruises. “Gonna cum-” he rasps, “s-shit, I’m fucking close-fucking close-” 
Your pussy tightens, practically holds his dick in a death grip that makes release a broken moan. His cock contracts upon his release, the sensation bringing you to the edge of yours as the muscles in your lower belly and inner thighs spasm around him. You leave crescents on his skin, your bodies shaking as you both take a second to breathe coming down from your climax. 
You collapse into him, his arms circling behind you, with his racing heart pulsing into your own. He moves so you’re laying side by side, your body sandwiched between him and the couch since he takes up most of the room. You rest your cheek against his shoulder, feeling him grow soft inside you.
Your stuttering breath finally finds a resting poin when he brings your hand and holds it against his heart. 
“Where do we go from here?” You whisper with a kiss to his neck. 
“Whatever you decide, we’ll figure out.” Suguru answers sincerely. 
“I can’t marry Naoya,” you admit out loud, shocked for actually saying it for the very first time. “And I can't share you with anyone else - it already kills me having to do so.” 
Suguru looks down at you, a reassuring smile resting on his lips. “There won’t be anyone else.” 
“I can't just...leave. I can't just drop everything and walking away. It isn’t going to be easy-” you add on, “It’ll take me some time.” 
“I can wait” 
“It might get messy…” 
“When is it ever not?” 
“But we’ve never been in a relationship-” you insist, logic breaking through the barrier of your happiness. “How do we know if this will even work out properly? What if this thing between us fades?” 
“I guess we’re both taking a gamble here…” 
You both stare into the other’s eyes. 
“Do you think it’s worth the risk?” You ask. 
Suguru’s face softens but he leans forward to kiss your forehead. 
“I think it’s worth a try.” 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
“You running out on Naoya on your wedding night is still the hot topic.” Kento explains over the phone, “People kept bringing it up, and for whatever reason they just can't seem to get over it.” 
The guilt in your stomach twists into a very small knot, over time the size of it has shrunk to a point where you not longer carry any remorse regarding your scheming behavior. 
You had a plan, and the plan worked. 
"Let's not forget who was there to help..." you contend, disregarding the negativity surrounding your decision.
After you and Suguru spoke, you decided to carry on the facade, agreeing to the engagement and soon after the wedding with Naoya Zen'in. All the while you and Suguru were busy planning your way to cut and run. He cashed in your unsigned checks, and you pilfered a decent amount of the wedding budget which you kept into a seperate savings account.
You played the role as obedient daughter well, and no one was the wiser. 
“Besides, I maintain that it's still the best decision I ever made,” you reply, stepping out of your room and into the kitchen where you are greeted by the sound of clinking dishes.  
Your eyes shift to Suguru - his hair far longer now, flowing beautifully down his back, the front layers tied into a small bun. You smell dinner in the air, and your stomach grumbles with anticipation. 
Nanami doesn't reply, but you can hear that he's distracted from the television in the background. 
“What are you watching?” you ask your friend. 
The man simply sighs. 
“Doesn’t sound like nothing with that reaction. Is it Satoru’s new drama show?” 
At the mention of his best friend you notice your lover glance over his shoulder, quietly tilting his head to direct you towards him. You smile his way, your feet pattering against the hardwood floor as you move closer to him. He bundles one arm around your shoulder, keeping you close while continuing to sauté the vegetables in the pan. 
He kisses the top of your head. 
“It’s all the rage,” you add on to your phone call, “Suguru and I plan on watching the next episode tonight.” 
Kento remains quiet. 
You release yourself from Suguru’s grasp, and instead hop onto the kitchen counter right next to him.
He reduces the heat and picks up the lid before covering the pan. 
“I’m guessing you two haven’t-” 
“No,” Kento curtly replies. “Not since that night…” 
“I’m sorry” 
“Don’t be,” he responds with frustration. “I screwed it up” 
“You know I could just ask Sugu too reach out-” 
“ Don’t,” Kento sighs regrettably. “It doesn’t matter. I heard he’s moved on” 
You quirk your brow, your eyes shifting to Suguru who was back to chopping some fresh herbs. 
“It’s for the best I guess,” Kento reassures. “He should be happy with whoever-the-fuck he chooses.” 
“You deserve happiness too, Kento.” 
“You can be happy for the both of us,” he replies, gulping down a drink. “Anyway, I’ve got to go. I’m meeting my lawyer for dinner.” 
“When are you going to visit us next?” 
“Probably around November, December. I just need a few things to ease up on my end-” 
You bite your bottom lip, “I look forward to it.” 
“Take care, love” 
“You too, Ken.” 
You hang up the phone and lean your head against the cupboard as you watch Suguru rinse his hand, a trail of crimson spiraling down the faucet.  
“I cut my finger” 
You pick up a clean towel by your side, and gesture him towards you. 
Suguru extends his thumb out, and you curl the fabric over to keep pressure on the small cut. 
“You ought to be careful” 
“Your legs are a distraction,” 
You stare up at him playfully, and he leans down to kiss the corner of your lips. 
“How’s Nanami?” 
Your lover is indebted to your friend. If it wasn’t for Nanami, the two of you wouldn’t have been able to set up this comfortably. He’s the one who found you the humble two-story abode in Hokkaido, and was also the person who set up your personal bank accounts while ensuring that you would both have a safe and quick getaway on the night of your almost-wedding. 
“Fine, I think-” you reply, before removing the towel to check the damage. Thankfully, it wasn't anything serious. A little deeper than a paper cut.“Licking his wounds over a broken heart, but fine.” 
Suguru reaches for the drawer next to you, and pulls out the emergency band aids. You reach for the box in his hand, taking out one and removing the plaster from the back. You secure it around his cut, and Suguru holds your fingers between his. 
He arches down to kiss your brow. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
“You’re welcome, handsome” 
“Dinner will be ready in a few if you want to set the table” 
You nod your head in acknowledgement, and drop down onto the ground before proceeding with your task.
You set the place mats down, a bowl for the soup and another for the rice and cooked vegetables. Your finger traces the rim of the one in front of your seat, a tiny chip from when you accidentally dropped it in the sink while cleaning it a few weeks ago. 
Fragments of these blemishes are all around you - making you almost forget that you once lived in a perfect, curated bubble. But you would take these flaws over everything else. These markings may be worn, but they are a reminder of the home you've been building.
A home that is entirely yours. 
“Baby, you want a drink?” Suguru calls from the kitchen. 
“Melon soda, please” you reply, placing the bowl down. 
“We’re out, I’ve got to pick some up tomorrow.” 
“What are you having?” 
“A beer,” he chuckles, and it sends a tremor of joy between the valves of your heart. 
“I’ll share yours” 
Suguru pulls out the bottle, cracking the cap off as he pops it using the side of the kitchen counter to do so. 
You two meet each other halfway in the space that you've been nesting in. Suguru’s eyes never leave yours when he takes the first sip, and once done he passes the chilled bottle towards you.
“Am I ever going to have you back in the kitchen helping me with dinner?” 
You shake your head no, and bite at the lip of the bottle before taking a sip. “I thought we agreed I was a hazard after the raw chicken fiasco and the almost-fire debacle…” 
He laughs, “no, you agreed. I said it wasn’t a big deal” 
“You just said that because you love me,” you respond, pressing the bottle into his chest as he takes it from your hand. 
“That goes without saying…” he answers, slinging his arm around your waist and pulling you into his frame. 
You lift yourself up on your toes, and kiss his nose. 
“Do you think it’s worth the risk of me attempting to cook for you again?” You whisper against his lips. 
Suguru smiles, a hand cupping your cheek as he leans forward to seal his reply with a  kiss. 
“I think it’s worth the try” 
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
tag list: @rottiens @an-ever-angry-bi @mononijikayu @brownskinnedgirll
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obsesssedblerd · 2 days
heyyyy is there lore behind the nicknames in your smaus? 👀 love your work
kinda! they're mostly from drabbles that i'm thinking of starting or finishing up. however, you can interpret these any way you want to since you're technically the main character 🥰
here was what i had from the drabbles. [note: toji and choso mostly go by baby for now, but there will be special nicknames from them later once i figure something out.]
- when you were a transfer to jujutsu tech in tokyo as a teacher, satoru called you 'pretty girl' during arguments to fluster you. he loved your reaction, and never missed an opportunity to playfully tease you. he keeps the nickname when you two start dating, because duh, you're very pretty.
- suguru calls you 'angel' because you met him when he was at his lowest point mentally. he felt like he'd never win against the loud, horrible thoughts in his head. then you came along. you helped him with nanako and mimiko, and you listened to him when he finally, finally opened up to you. you saved him. you're his gift. his angel.
- nanami called you 'sweetheart' once to keep you awake after a mission had gone horribly wrong and you were moments away from passing out due to your injuries. a simple nickname, but you finally saw for yourself how much you meant to the serious, 7:3 sorcerer. each time he calls you it, you remember how soft his eyes were that day.
- shiu calls you 'princess' because of the way you always, always get what you want. it started as a small joke because he, your handler, takes you around so you can complete your jobs with toji. even before you two started dating, he was spoiling the hell out of you, lol. princesses get taken care of. he doesn't like you handling anything when he's around.
- sukuna calls you 'petal' after your first meeting, which was in battle. there was fire, destruction, blood, then you, standing out and looking so pretty. a strong, powerful fighter, yet so delicate, like a rare flower he just had to have. he couldn't just kill you, that would be a waste. nope, you're joining him.
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thoughtssvt · 5 months
my mind craves for more teen nanami lore. he was so much more expressive. the way his entire face scrunched up when haibara told him their seniors extended their trip. was it what he experienced or was it time and age that made it so his irritation came in the small twitches of his eyebrows furrowing and the corners of his mouth letting gravity tug them down?
did he also press a cold can of cola to itadori's cheek on a particularly hot summer day like he did with haibara? does he still engage in meaningless bets that ends up with him giving his seniors a shoulder massage?
god i love teen nanami so much i wish we could've seen more 😭
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ohmtoff · 7 months
you made me think ab nerd nick too damn much its concerning. imagine jerking him off while he yaps ab his geeky stuff, stuttering and his words slurring when you squeeze around his tip
ANON…. youre actually my soulmate how did we think of the same thing (nsfw)
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nerdy nick who’s far sighted so he regularly wears his glasses that make his eyes look bigger and just adorable. his wardrobe consists of graphic tees and hoodies that fit him awkwardly and his hair is most of the time disheveled.
nerdy nick whose budget goes to cosplay and comic con because those things are expensiveee and his brothers try their hardest to support him by helping him make the costumes (imagine nick unironically doing the anime hands thing around chris and matt and they try not to cringe LMFAOOOOO).
nerdy nick who yaps soooo much about his interests, from lord of the rings lore to his fav doctor from doctor who. i can just IMAGINE him making video essays complaining ab the new live action avatar series and how it doesnt hold up to the original series.
nerdy nick who’s the same sassy and witty guy as we know but he also puts that energy to defend his fav characters on the internet. best believe he has a stan account. many of his tattoos are dedicated to his comfort characters as well.
nerdy nick whose interests look innocent to others but behind closed doors he regularly reads and writes the most sheet gripping, back arching, toe curling smut about his fav fictional men. erwin from aot, thorin from the hobbit, ALL of jujutsu kaisen. he furiously stroked his dick to the thought of getting fucked dumb by nanami.
nerdy nick who acted normal and talks about regular stuff when he first met you but when he gets comfortable with you he immediately starts yapping. you think he’s just the most adorable thing when his eyes light up when talking about all his interests. you don’t even know what he’s talking about but your attention is hooked. nick, however, was used to people pretending to care about what he’s talking about so he stops himself.
“i’m sorry. ugh, i always talk too much, that was weird and boring”
“no, no, it’s fine. so… uruk-hais are bred between orcs and humans?”
nick wanted to suck your dick right then and there.
having sex with anime playing in the background was not rare between you two. one time, you both were watching an episode when you got distracted by how his tongue was peeking out with concentration. you noticed how fat his tongue was and how red his lips were. those same lips were wrapped around your cock not long after that. nick was gagging and moaning around it, his eyes bubbling up with tears streaming down his flushed cheeks as he jerked you off from the base. saliva would drip from his mouth, running down his chin as he struggled to take everything down. he was still wearing those same glasses, sliding down his nose from the sweat. he looks up at you with those big puppy eyes, tears running down his face. the sight makes you groan and shove your dick further into his throat. you thought he looked absolutely beautiful with cum streaks on his glasses.
nerdy nick who sometimes rambles too much and in these times you love teasing him. “come on, baby, tell me more,” you whispered to the back of his ear as he writhed and thrashed on your chest, pants gone and his swollen cock red and dripping as you squeezed the base. “time- time lords have two hearts, so,” he lets out a pathetic whine, “so the doctor never dies, he—mmnghh—they instead regenerate into a new body-AH-“ you squeeze and dug your thumb into his leaking tip. his chest heaves and he pants like a dog. “fu—uck, please, please, please. i wann- i wanna cum, oh please.” you think he deserves it so you quicken your strokes and let him cum. his mouth releasing unintelligible noises while those beautiful blue eyes go cross eyed.
nerdy nick who becomes your person and who you will go to endless comic cons with, watch a new series with, and who eventually will turn you into an even bigger nerd than he is😩🤞🏼
a/n: i wrote this without pause wtf
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erisweekofficial · 15 days
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Have you every had one of those days where you just need a good cry? Some catharsis to tie you over until the next delicious bite of pain? Then you have to check out @chunkypossum!
Her works deliver incredibly moving storylines that tug at every heartstring you knew you had, and even a few you didn't. You'll be crying in the rain from despair, and then relief within the same fic. Her ability to balance the delicate knifes edge of pleasure and pain is unmatched.
Plus, they are beacon of positivity in our community, always there with a reblog, a like, a comment, cheering on everyone around her. We're so happy to turn the tables and cheer you on. Thank you for being a part of the Eris and the Acotar community.
Check out her masterlist here! But if you want an idea on where to start, read Kerosene and Mother Save Us From Your Twisted Fate!
Read More to Learn what Chunky loves about Eris and which character from Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK) he'd like the most.
What do you enjoy most about creating content for Eris? 
He’s tragic. I’m into that. I also think that when canon gives you so little, but just enough to give you somewhere to start it’s addicting to just keep making lore for that one interaction that lives rent free in your mind. You get to shape him in so many ways.  
What do you think Eris's biggest fear is? 
Being known
What's your favorite piece you've created featuring Eris and why? 
This answer is TBD. I really enjoyed the character I created for him in Kerosene, it was interesting and fun to write. However, the fic I am hoping to finish for Eris week and companion art (if I pull off the writing that I have started and what is in my head that way I want) Might top all the rest. 
Do you have any advice for other creators wanting to make eris content?
Have fun. 
Please give us a name for one of Eris’s Brothers. 
Please give us a name for one of Eris's dogs.
Secretly I think they each have their own whistle and no actual names. Except for the extremely private pet names (that are more titles or their attributes than names) he mutters under his breath so he doesn’t have to acknowledge he actually cares about something. Names like Prim (because she somehow always looks like she is sticking her nose up at something) Stupid, long story short… Prim.
Which character from JJK would Eris like the most?
I honestly think he would find them all insufferable. HOWEVER, he would secretly get a kick out of Nobara’s tenacity and take no shit attitude. He would relate to Yuji’s drive to save the ones he cares about and respect Choso’s sole purpose of loving and protecting his brothers. Megumi probably wouldn't end up on his radar too much but he would appreciate that he is a serious boy of few words and he would try to stay as far away from Todo as possible (reminds him too much of Cassian). He would be able to tolerate Nanami the most but would be irritated because Nanami wouldn’t be able to tolerate him. He would DESPISE Gojo and not be able to respect Geto. I think, as at home as he looks in Spring in ACOSF, just at ease in nature and very Fae that he would gravitate toward Hanami even though it’s a cursed spirit and actually enjoy Hanami’s company.
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rewrite it: a chance
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-i love the group chat bc more than half the time it’s just shoko and geto bullying gojo tehe
-AHHHH Y/N AND GOJO LORE ALREADY? yes. we gotta get that out the way.
^lore kinda boring ngl but it works?
-papa gojo…..
-nanami set y/n up for failure
taglist!🫀 (ask 2 b added)
@kuroaka @yukichan67 @chilichopsticks @keigopika @woozzz @sassy-cat-in-town @rensolaeir @khonshusgf @shojislady @whats-humanity-lol @raysheil @ynverse @luckimoon
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storiesoflilies · 5 months
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school bus love (2)
synopsis: the familiar bubbling buzz of excitement was beginning to make her brain fuzzy, and it was all because of him.
pairing: teen!toji fushiguro x teen!f!reader
warnings: none.
a/n: wake up everyone!!! new lily lore just dropped hehe <3 please don’t think i was cringe! i was 17 and had a big fat crush on a handsome boy hehe. please reblog if you would like to continue to hear about this story xo
drabble series link // part 1 // part 3
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her dreams were filled with fluffy clouds painted pink and green, tangerine sunrises, twittering birdsong, and the tang of saltwater as she swam through an ocean of possibilities.
she’d wake up with her toes curling and a silly, giddy smile on her face, kicking her legs as she hugged her pillow, then immediately texting her friends back home that she’d had a dream about the boy again, convinced it was surely meant to be.
her gorgeous boy, whose name was toji fushiguro.
she’d found that by slyly asking well-placed questions to her friends and bus buddy, crossing her fingers behind her back, hoping it wasn’t too obvious what she was trying to do. being the new student was a good cover, feigning innocence, pretending that she only wanted to know who everyone was at school.
“ooh, fushiguro,” her bus buddy said, a finger on her cheek in thought. “yeah, he’s been getting this bus for years. his friend group are a bunch of idiots, but he’s nice. one of the good ones.”
she heard that quite often whenever she asked about toji, that he was one of the ‘good ones’.
“you mean toji? he’s a good one.”
“keeps to himself, but he’s a good guy. never involved in drama”
“yeah, i don’t know how he’s friends with those guys, but if i had to pick, then he’s the good one.”
toji and the rest of the boys continued to sit next to her and her bus buddy in the mornings. they all had their designated spots, which meant he was always sitting across from her. nanami and her knew to leave just a little bit of extra space between them for him to put his feet up, and her brain would go into overdrive every time the tip of his sneakers touched the outside of her thigh.
she’d preen herself extra meticulously in the mornings, overthinking every stray strand of frizz sticking out haphazardly, swiping a touch of mascara through her lashes, and rolling up her skirt just an inch higher up her thighs, hoping once again that her mother wouldn’t notice as she scurried out the door to walk to the bus stop.
“if that skirt gets any shorter, i’ll know it’s a boy you’re after!” her mom shouted out in mock warning, rolling her eyes knowingly.
“see you later!” she’d answered back sheepishly, her heart thumping with anticipation at the prospect of seeing him.
although, despite her best efforts, she had never once caught toji looking at her.
she didn’t exactly know what game she was trying to play. toji would pretty much put his headphones on as soon as he got on the bus, not speaking to anyone really. she couldn’t ask anybody if he had a girlfriend; her intentions would become blatantly obvious if she did. but she didn’t really see any other option. otherwise, her heart would end up crushed and compressed like a soda can.
so one day, after a night of scrolling through his Facebook profile and finding nothing, she sucked in a breath and blurted out, “does fushiguro have a girlfriend?”
her bus buddy stilled, fingers paused in the middle of typing something on her phone, and raised a brow. “ohh, so that’s what all this has been about.”
a flush of heat ran through her. “what do you mean?”
her buddy smirked, tucking her phone into her blazer pocket as her complete attention was captured. “you like him.”
deny, deny, deny.
“psh, do not. was just wondering.”
“sure, babe. that’s why you look all dolled up in the mornings now. thought it was because of gojo, to be honest, but i respect the choice.”
she pursed her lips and said nothing, completely regretting her decision to even ask the question. her bus buddy sighed and gripped both of her shoulders, intensely staring at her as whatever plot was forming in her head brewed.
“right, time to play wing-woman. i’ll get the conversation going and rope you into it when i get the chance, okay?”
“so, does this mean he doesn’t have a girlfriend?”
“not that i know of, unless she doesn’t go to our school.”
the bus pulled up to the stop, and she saw toji’s familar black mop a head above the other students, along with gojo’s hair of white starlight and namami’s signature blonde locks. she gulped nervously and slowly made her way to the back of the bus. her bus buddy was looking over her shoulder, grinning excitedly when the boys finally boarded.
“you ready?” her buddy squealed, bouncing her legs up and down.
she shushed her loudly, glancing warily at the boys approaching them. the younger kids in the middle of the pathway were like buzzy bees flitting about a field of flowers. gojo glanced uninterestedly at them all, patting geto on the back to usher him into his spot. toji huffed as he took his seat, reaching into his pocket and opening up a chocolate bar.
her buddy nudged him, a little roughly, the corner of her lip curling upwards. “sup, fushiguro?”
toji frowned, as if questioning why she was even speaking to him, halfway through biting into his chocolate bar. “what?”
“nothin’, was just wondering how you were. haven’t spoken to ya in ages,” she smiled lopsidedly, leaning her back against the window and facing him more directly.
“yeah, fine,” toji replied slowly, still chewing. “and yourself?”
she tried not to make it obvious that she was listening in to their exchange, so put on her headphones and played her music on a low volume. her buddy continued chattering away to toji, who still looked mildly confused, while nanami surprisingly chimed in every so often as well.
a light kick to her shin snapped her out of her thoughts, and she pulled on her headphone wires to remove them from her ears, looking at her friend expectantly, the tips of her ears warm as her heart pounded.
this could be it.
“hey, we were just talking about plans for the summer. what have you got planned?” she asked, both eyebrows raised.
“oh, i think I’ll be going back home for a while,” she answered, crossing her legs over.
“right, yeah, makes sense,” her friend mused, nodding her head. “i’m sure you miss it.”
it was silent for a beat, and then nanami piped up beside her, “it’s really warm where you’re from, right?”
she giggled softly. “yeah, you could say that. almost never rains.”
“fuck,” toji scoffed, shoving his empty wrapper into his pocket. “sign me up.”
the world stopped for just a second.
it was just him, with his green eyes focused on her, and she felt like the only girl in the world.
she grinned, flashing her teeth, and let out a genuine laugh.
she felt on top of the world.
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general taglist (open): @tadabzzzbee
school bus love taglist (open): @wannapizzamymindposts @badbyeyoongi @stromynight
©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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