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Estas cosas no se cuentan
Es terrible el silencio de las casas vacías.
Dicen que quienes escuchan estos ruidos permanecen ocultos debajo de las conchas hasta que todo empieza a romperse. Pero estas cosas no se cuentan.
Es terrible el silencio de las casas vacías.
Dicen que algunos se pintan el ojo izquierdo solo para que lo vea el ojo derecho, delante del espejo que compraron cuando aún existía la luz y las posibilidades eran una masa blandita de harina y agua dentro de un cuenco blanco.
Con todas las formas posibles.
Muchos gritan que no había que tener miedo.
Lo gritan al hombre que se cuela en el pasillo buscando un lugar donde estar a salvo. Porque eso nos enseñan en la escuela. Que hay que caminar rectos con las heridas en las rodillas y subrayar las faltas de ortografía con bolígrafo rojo. Y que estas cosas no se cuentan.
Es terrible el silencio de las casas vacías.
Y te llega como llega un rayo que parte el mundo. Con las arterias de los árboles dentro de los vientres y con un grito en la boca que no puede caer por la ventana.
Siempre hubo gritos cayendo por la ventana.
Cuando todavía había voces.
En las casas vacías.
La mujer extiende la sal sobre la mesa y suspira. Y por cada suspiro pierde una noche. Y por cada noche, se acerca más a la tierra,
que se presenta como un dios donde descansan los errores.
Dicen que ella se agarra a los objetos como la única esperanza.
El hombre es tranquilo y huele a manzanas. Tiene ojeras negras y nieve en la cabeza que se enreda cada mañana con el peine como buscando el pensamiento que no debería estar ahí.
Los dos fueron a la escuela y caminaron rectos con las heridas en las rodillas. Y los dos marcaban las faltas de ortografía con bolígrafo rojo.
Es terrible el silencio de las casas vacías.
La condena de los que todavía no han muerto.
El hombre vive en el lugar olvidado. Tuvo una vez un perro pequeñito que llevaba sobre el dedo como el que sostiene un cristal. Un perro en el jardín. Y el hombre descansando con ceniza en el pantalón y un barco en la montaña. Los planos de una casa brillante como una perla. Una oficina importante. Un doctorado en cosas complicadas que pendía de un clavo en la pared del pasillo.
La mujer se esconde tras una cortina. Es alta y sueña con caballos en el agua y con un pájaro que cubre el mundo con dos alas extendidas.
Es terrible el silencio de las casas vacías.
Aplasta como el pie que arrasa el reino de los insectos.
Dicen que la mujer nunca salió de la casa.
Dicen que el hombre entró en el jardín.
Y dicen los expertos que hay que evitar los pensamientos que no deben estar ahí. Como el que encuentra una bola de naftalina desintegrada en la caja de la ropa de invierno.
Dicen que la mujer era pequeña como un olivo que no crece.
Dicen que el hombre tenía agua en la boca.
Cada uno en cada punta del mundo. Con el mismo ruido en el estómago.
Con dos casas vacías.
Y todo el tiempo dentro de la noche.
Dicen que pensaban que allí no había nadie. Que el ruido de los pasos era el de un monstruo confinado a cumplir una pena. Que los niños pasaban de puntillas por la puerta de la casa del hombre. Que las madres corrían al cruzar la casa de la mujer.
Y cada uno en cada punta del mundo.
Con dos casas vacías.
La mujer observa la fina transparencia de su mano.
El hombre se pinta el ojo izquierdo.
Cada uno en cada punta del mundo.
Y cada uno en la casa vacía.
Dicen que todo vino como un espanto que es visto en la calle por los que no tienen miedo. Vino como el viento que promete calmar el picor del agua.
El hombre con puños en el vientre.
La mujer sin ojos en la cara.
Cuatro manos que se vuelven transparentes. Rodillas sucias. Heridas en los pies de trazar círculos desde la cocina hasta donde estaban las hojas de almendro que llegaban de fuera. Como el recuerdo de lo que no quiere verse.
Dicen que nunca hubo nadie. Y que esas cosas no se cuentan.
Dos casas vacías.
Ellos debajo de la tierra cuando llegaron los fantasmas pidiendo explicaciones.
Dicen que algunos no soportan el peso del mundo.
Pero esas cosas no se cuentan.
Es terrible el silencio de las casas vacías.
- Alicia Louzao, de Las niñas que no queríamos ir a la escuela. Ediciones Liliputienses
- Agnès Varda, Jeune fille à la tourterelle, 1954
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The hake population in the waters of Northwestern Europe has recovered spectacularly over the past 20 years. What's behind this remarkable rebound and how might this success story be repeated elsewhere?
You would be forgiven for assuming that the secluded fishing villages of Galicia in northern Spain are not a hive of activity at 02:00 am, but you would be wrong.
Boasting over 1,600 kilometres of coastline, this autonomous region is renowned for its fish dishes. Dock workers here at the Port of Celeiro work throughout the night, unloading shipments of fresh catch before transporting them to busting markets nearby.
Thanks to its privileged geographical position in the northwestern corner of Spain, Galicia provides unparalleled access to the Atlantic Ocean and is a seafood lover's paradise.
With its flakey texture, the mild-tasting hake is a staple in Galician cuisine and the backbone of the local economy.
"This fish is incredibly versatile - you can prepare it in almost any way you can think of," said Domingo Alló Puñal, a chef who prides himself on bringing the best of Celeiro's marketplace crustaceans and fish to the table at Boa Vista restaurant.
“If the hake fishery closed down, we would all be out of work. We all depend on hake,” confessed José Luis Fernández Louzao, a local chief mate.
However, Galicia has faced this problem before. Not so long ago, this all-important species almost disappeared from the Atlantic Ocean, only for stocks to rebound later, stronger than ever.
Marine scientist Javier López, who leads the sustainable fisheries campaign at the conservation advocacy organisation Oceana told Euronews about the detrimental effects overfishing in the 1980s and 90s had on the commercial market years later.
“Atlantic hake numbers dropped dramatically due to decades of overfishing. The population was so low that the species was on the brink of collapse. That was alarming not just for the environment, for the fish population, but also for the people concerned.
"Many fishermen and coastal communities relying on hake would have struggled to sustain their activity,” he explained.
Fast forward to the present day, North-East Atlantic hake has been recognised for its sustainability, quality and traceability. Thanks to selective fishing gear, damage to hake populations in these waters has been minimised which helps to keep stocks at a healthy level.
Have your hake and eat it too
So how do hake fisheries sustain stocks while keeping up with the local demand? The answer lies in timely conservation measures and a bit of luck.
European hake is widely distributed over the shelf of the North-East Atlantic Ocean, in the 1990s overfishing reduced numbers to well below sustainable levels. Scientists who observed the decline raised the alarm and warned that northern hake could vanish.
In response, the European Union took decisive steps in the early 2000s. They established strict catch limits based on scientific advice, increased the size of fishing net meshes to allow young hake to escape, and created two large protected areas for the little ones to grow. Fortunately, sea conditions were favourable, which also played a big role.
These efforts paid off: the northern hake population surged to unprecedented levels. This rebound allowed for a gradual increase in catch quotas so that hake could be fished sustainably.
The same method could be applied to other species in decline. López explained that the key is to set concrete long-term recovery goals, enforce measures and stick to them.
"Reaching this level of recovery and currently having an abundance of northern hake in the Atlantic isn't an accident. It's the result of careful management, control measures and favourable ocean conditions. But credit must also go to the fishing sector which has endured these measures," explained López.
Local fishermen face many challenges in the current climate - from low market prices to stiff competition from cheap imports. However, current stock numbers are helping the community reclaim Celeiro's reputation.
"There were a few years when fishing decreased quite a bit. Let me give you an example, before we used to catch 4,000 kilos a day, now we catch 1,000 kilos a day. Europe lowered the catches and then increased them. Now the fish population is good, we're fishing very well,” said José Novo Rodríguez, the CEO of Celeiro's port.
While Atlantic hake numbers have recovered, Mediterranean stocks are in a precarious state.
Mediterranean hake's slow recovery
A recent European Commission report showedthat Mediterranean hake numbers would need to increase more than tenfold to reach sustainability.
Beatriz Guijarro, who leads fishery stock assessments for COB-IEO CSIC, the Spanish Institute for Oceanography, said that hake populations have been "sustained unsustainably" off the coast of the Balearics because the underwater terrain has helped some hake evade trawlers, enabling their survival.
"Hake is overexploited, but according to our data, it's not at risk of collapse. A crucial part of the population, the large females, live in areas typically unreachable for trawlers. This helps maintain the population over the years, despite ongoing overexploitation," she told Euronews.
The Mediterranean is diverse and complex, making hake recovery a long-term challenge. Area closures, the use of more selective gear and efforts to regulate the number of fishing days were enforced here with a significant delay - 20 years after the measures in the Atlantic - so it's still too early to assess the outcomes.
Can these methods be used to replenish other marine species?
At the port of Alcúdia in northern Mallorca, Joan Jesús Vaquero Enseñat, the captain of a bottom trawler, told Euronews that the fishing sector resisted the restrictions at first but admitted the measures are justified today, even though he is limited to fishing just four days a week.
Most of us, the fishing captains, aren’t against the move, we support this approach. After all, these are our resources. We depend on the sea's bounty and we are committed to protecting and conserving it.
Joan Jesús Vaquero Enseñat
Captain of the Punta des Vent fishing boat
According to data released by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in 2023, the dangers of overfishing European hake in the Mediterranean have been reduced by 39 per cent under current management plans.
While Mediterranean hake numbers are now slowly rising, Javier López warned that the species remains vulnerable and numbers could still drop. But, with the right measures in place, there is a strong chance for recovery.
"The main lesson here is that we shouldn’t wait for a crisis before we act. Taking early action avoids more complex problems and socio-economic repercussions.
"The sea is generous; with the right measures in place, resources could be replenished. There are limits we must not cross, but if we act wisely, we can be confident that the fish will return," concluded López.
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Santiago di Compostela studia limiti ai turisti durante l'estate
L’amministrazione comunale di Santiago di Compostela studia la possibilità di introdurre limiti all’accesso dei turisti in alcune zone “saturate” della città: è quanto ha spiegato Míriam Louzao, assessora al Turismo in questa località spagnola, parlando ai microfoni della radio Cadena Ser. Louzao ha ammesso che “c’è certa preoccupazione” per gli “atteggiamenti” di alcuni visitatori,…
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‘La guerra de España’, de Simone Weil: el desconcierto ético de una pacifista radical
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Debido al interés suscitado la exposición de Lázaro Louzao se prorroga por una semana más, hasta el sábado 2 de abril, en el horario habitual.
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F Jav LM
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CUANDO SEA MÁS VIEJO/Alicia Louzao (poeta sugerido) http://www.donacianobueno.com/amor/cuando-sea-mas-viejo/
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