#lotto spell
curiosity-killed · 2 years
Rewatching early spn for unclear reasons but also judging their representation of Iowa in a “get our clown noises in the right spot dammit” kind of way
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babamarkdoctor · 2 months
LEOPARD Skin has a sàcred
LEOPARD Skin has a sàcred symbolism associated with divinity and authority.The leopard is second only to the lion in Africa when it comes to muscle and to the cheetah when it comes to speed.  However, both of them lack other skills that make the leopard more successful. A Leopard is gifted with ability to climb high trees at ease and to swim well, making it a superior hunter to all other wildcats…
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eightfoldblessings · 5 months
Actually its because you arent bond 15 yet and you are my favorite (ST buster) lancer.
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☀ : "You know better than to tell lies, Anon-kun! If I was your favorite lancer I should already be bond 15. Even less so if my skills aren't 10/10/10 which considering you're having me farm my own materials, is a no."
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greatpsychichealer · 11 months
How to Cast a Powerful Love Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You
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tbjspiritual · 2 years
STRONG LOVE SPELL +27635085723
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🎊 twst 4th year anni ABEMA stream 🎉
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***TWST JP news + anniversary spoilers below the cut!***
The stream starts with Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, and Sebek's VAs replying to a bunch of quiz questions. I think Ace or Deuce responds with "810" when asked how many items there are on the Heartslabyul lounge's coffee table. Sebek's VA also has a hilarious answer when asked how many Draconians (wakasama fans) there are, he pulls out some super absurdly high number with tons of zeros in it.
There is then a Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles-type section where the VAs decorate their own cake for TWST's anniversary. It’s a team effort! Ace and Deuce put on the cream, Sebek added cookies on top, and Jack and Ruggie did the final decorations. It ended up looking pretty cute ^^ (Ace's VA is the one that added all the whipped cream peaks; it was mostly thanks to Ruggie's VA that the cake still looked aesthetically pleasing at the end.)
Actual game-related news time!!! The SR Grim card for the 4th anniversary is... drumroll please...!! 🥁Apprentice Chef Grim!!! ABGKSKVUkvuDSQEVUOFDFIHAFVA HE'S SO CUTE, HE EVEN HAS A LIL TUNA CAN CAKE 😭
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For anniversary, there will be a series of free items given out if you log in during the event period (11th to 25th), which includes THREE 10-pull keys (released on the 11th, 15th, and 18th, respectively). You can receive up to 12 days' worth of freebies. There will be an anniversary banner as per usual; you can earn tokens by pulling on this and then trade them in for a SR magical key (50 tokens) and/or past event-limited SSRs (150 tokens), including past years' birthday cards (100 tokens). There will be a new "Event Recollection" feature which allows you to experience events that you may have missed getting the initial chance to play through yourself.
Mr. S's Mystery Shop will sell items from past events such as limited Groovy materials and spell upgrade materials. This is called the "Memory Shop".
You will be able to mark (multiple) parts of the story as your "favorite". This will be indicated with a pink heart icon.
Battles will have a new feature which allows you to save team compositions for them. Up to 25 compositions may be saved at a time. You can also pin your supports, so you no longer have to scroll to find a specific friend's character to borrow.
There will be 3 new item gachas added to the "Item Lotto" of the shop (for Crewel, Vargas, and Trein). Previously, there was only Sam's. You use a new type of medal (obtained by taking classes) to roll on the teachers' lottos, and can pull items related to what you'd typically earn in each of their classes.
Crewel's gacha may provide an herbal tea which can be used to boost Buddy Levels, including those for characters that are otherwise unable to take Alchemy classes. That means Crowley, Rollo, etc. are fair game. (Yes, you can force feed them tea to obtain FRIENDSHIP✨) The tea may also drop during Special Lessons or Alchemy class.
We finally get magical key conversion! On the summoning screen, you can turn 10 single pull keys into one 10-pull key (which guarantees at least 1 SR; single keys do not have this benefit).
The Guest Room will receive a second floor to decorate. This will be unlocked once you reach a Guest Room rank of 31.
The Guest Room rank cap will be increased from 30 to 40. Additionally, all properties of floor 1 appears to carry over to floor 2. This means the same comfort level and attributes will be present across both.
New BGMs will be added to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. There will also be new voice lines added to Alchemy, Flying, and the outfit selection screen. The official TWST soundtrack will be released on the 29th of May, though preorders are tentatively open now. It is 140+ tracks (149, to be exact!) across 4 discs and goes for 4620 yen (inclusive of tax; without tax the soundtrack is 4200 yen). Japanese retailers are offering different dorms' A5 sized holographic sticker sheets as bonuses for preordering.
That's it for now, mostly quality of life changes! There will most likely be a 4th year anniversary PV/animated short on the actual anniversary day (the 18th)!
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fredwkong · 1 year
Lotto Ticket Wish
You had been on a bit of a dry spell when I appeared before you. Your small town didn’t have a lot of dating options for a pretty average young gay guy like you—basic white boys are a dime a dozen. You had gone out with every guy you liked on Tinder, been catcalled more than you could count on Grindr, and Scruff wasn’t even in the cards as long as you couldn’t grow a beard. You were bumming around the bowling alley—it was the only place in town open after 8—when you spotted me.
For you, I took the form of an arcade lotto machine. Insert a coin, receive a random ticket with a prize printed on it. You were confused, since you’d never seen me before, but you were bored and horny and nothing interested was happening. You inserted your coin, and I printed out your prize:
You chuckled. Typical arcade shit, you thought. “I wish I was a hunk!” you said aloud, and laughed to yourself again. Well, maybe it was worth the coin for the laugh. You pocketed your ticket and headed home.
That night, while you slept, your wish came true. First, a dark spot appeared on your fingertip where you had held your wish ticket. The darkened skin raced over your hand, leaving your small pale hand larger, thicker, and dark, a rich brown shade. Thick, black hairs grew on the back of your hand and fingers. The change continued up your arm, which began to bulge with muscle and veins. You flexed your hand in your sleep, and new strong tendons shifted under brown, hairy skin as your bicep peaked into a mound like a baseball.
Your shoulder rounded out into a thick, capped delt, and a forest of thick hair grew in your armpit. You wrinkled your nose at the musky, spicy scent that started to emerge, but your sleep quickly calmed into a sexy dream of sniffing a musky, dark-skinned armpit. Meanwhile, your chest thickened into a set of huge, rounded pecs with dark, pert nipples. Dark, curly hairs grew in and immediately became soaked with sweat, adding to the spicy stench in the air. The transformation proceeded down your other arm, until it was the perfect match. You shifted in your sleep, sending your nose into your other rank armpit.
As the skin of your belly darkened, fat evaporated away and six thick abs swelled out of your midsection. Your whole torso thickened with sturdy back muscles. All this extra mass made you sweat even more in your sleep.
A thick treasure trail grew from your belly down to your pubes, which darkened and thickened, as the skin tautened and turned black. Your balls swelled, causing you to shift your legs in your sleep and let your new bulging sac rest lower. Your cock thickened and grew, quickly slipping out of your boxers to reach down toward your knee. As your cockflesh darkened, you grew a thick, well-stretched foreskin, which released a cheesy smell into the air as you dreamed of tongue-washing an Indian hunk’s balls.
Your ass grew as well, rounding out as a thick, muscular cushion rather than a flat pad. Your boxers became so tight they might as well be briefs, the fabric stretched thin enough that the thick hairs swirling over your ass became visible. As the transformation continued down your legs, quads, hamstrings and calves grew, darkened, and became covered in sweaty hair. Your feet stretched and the soles thickened.
Finally, the transformation proceeded up your neck. Your neck and Adam’s apple thickened, causing you to release a deep grunt in your sleep. Your hair darkened to shiny black and became wavy, falling perfectly into a slick, masculine style. Your skin cleared and became brown, and your brows thickened and lowered, giving your now dark eyes a hooded, mysterious look. Finally, your nose widened slightly as your jawline sharpened, becoming coated in dark stubble that would grow back in minutes if you ever shaved.
The musky smell of your new Indian body swirled around your bedroom, subtly changing the space. In place of your desk appeared a set of adjustable weights. Your bookshelf became a full length mirror. A Hindi self-help poster appeared over your now-simple, masculine bed. Your closet filled with gym gear, with some formal kurta for when you visited your family in Chandigarh.
You woke at sunrise and wrinkled your nose at the smell permeating your nose. “Bro, what the fuck,” you muttered, in a deep, Hindi-accented voice. You made to hop out of bed, but as soon as your thick legs moved apart, your overstretched boxers tore at the groin, letting your oversized cock and balls spill out.
For a moment, you gaped at your thick new uncut cock and swollen, churning balls, then you jumped to your feet. Using your new strong hands you ripped the tattered boxers off and caught a glimpse of your magnificent body in the mirror.
You had certainly become a hunk! The sight of your bulging muscles and Indian good looks brought your cock to full attention, and you instinctively started to jerk off. The smell of your unwashed, weeping cock mixed with the spicy musk your body gave off, and before long you were close. You watched in the mirror as you bounced your sweaty, hirsute muscles and licked your musky armpit. Finally, you exploded, coating the mirror with a huge load.
In an instant, you felt a burst of knowledge flood into your head. You suddenly began to think in Hindi, and translating your thoughts into English became more difficult. You realised that you were the hottest stud in town, especially with your hunky Indian looks and deep, Hindi-accented voice. You knew how to make a perfect homemade Indian meal, and also how to totally dominate any white boy you wanted. You were about to be king of the town.
You grabbed some of the clothes scattered on the floor. A jock, gym shorts, and yesterday’s tank top should be fine. You gave yourself a quick sniff test: the perfect level of unadulterated sweaty musk for a morning gym session. After all, there would probably be some jockboy there who couldn’t wait to get a taste of Raj, the musky Indian stud, and the hottest commodity in town.
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Just as you were about to leave your room, you noticed your wish ticket lying on the floor. You picked it up, and wondered if the wish-granting lotto machine was still at the bowling alley…
Idea with assistance from the genie-bot by @mystrangetfs.
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alohajun · 2 years
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boyfriend!mingyu x fem!reader | wc : 0.4k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, fluff, angst if you squint, alcohol consumption, gyu being drunk + a flirt (again!) | loki's lines : it's almost 1am again and here i am with my LAST AND FINAL ISTG mingyu work @ethereal-engene ash here's my public oath or whatever this is my goodbye to seventeen as a writer 😭✋
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“i’ve been contemplating for a while and i don’t know whether to feel bad for you or not.”
minghao chuckled, looking away you turned to him with a playful glare.
“well, hi there, pretty,” mingyu greeted, a drunken smile on his face. “do you have a band-aid? because i scraped my knee falling for you.”
you looked at minghao, furrowing your brows as he stifled a laugh. “hao, stop encouraging him!” you whined, covering your face as you saw mingyu open his mouth again to drop another cringy pickup line.
“they say kissing is a language of love,” mingyu paused, leaning his face closer to yours. “so, would you like to start a conversation with me?”
“wow, that’s actually a good one,” minghao commented, raising his hands in surrender upon making eye-contact with you. “look, i gotta give him credit for where he deserves it.”
“xu minghao, i will end you with my own hands. i swear, i–”
“don’t blame me! i’m just amused at how this idiot is flirting with his own girlfriend.”
it was true. you and mingyu were dating for a few years now, yet his drunken habit remained the same; flirting with you as he was seeing you for the first time.
a startled gasp pulled you out of your thoughts, turning towards a surprised mingyu. “girlfriend?! you are my girlfriend?!” he asked, getting a nod from you. “wow, i can’t believe you are dating me. i’ve hit the lotto,” he muttered, pleasantly surprised.
you shook your head, chuckling as you moved towards the bar, getting a drink to help you deal with your boyfriend.
drunk mingyu was never troublesome, but his pick-up lines sure took a toll on the remaining braincells you had.
your alone time was cut short as mingyu and minghao sat beside you, one of them mustering the best flirty smile he could offer.
you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the next line mingyu was about to hit you with.
“i just thought i should let you know that i’m usually on top of things; would you like to be one of them, perhaps?”
a quiet gasp left your lips at his suggestive line, wondering where in the world he had gotten that from. minghao seemed just as surprised, a tinge of amusement on his face as he looked impressed by his friend's pickup line.
"i really don't know if i should kick you off a bridge because you are annoying or kiss you because you are sickeningly adorable when drunk."
"why kick me when you can kiss me, pretty? you can't resist this. i’m too charming for my own good.”
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babamarkdoctor · 4 months
Dr Adam Paul Mark.
World’s Popular Powerful Astrologer, Traditional healer and Future Teller Build your Bridge to Love, Happiness, And Prosperity with a Psychic Reading Now!! (+27718073957) *If you are looking for true online psychic readings with an easy, Confidential, and Secure Consultation Environment you need to have faith and belief. Get the first 3 Minutes of Free Psychic Readings by one of the Best…
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m00nt4r0t · 1 year
✮ what are their TRUE intentions with you? ✮
pile one, two, three, four, five or six?
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think of a specific person as you choose your pile to see their true intentions towards you! also, these are short messages and very specific, so choose multiple piles if you feel called to do so!
top middle image created by myriadinart!
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ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ pile one!
song on shuffle: "lotto" by tiacorina
their true intentions are not good for you, pile one. this person wants to make you feel insecure and powerless when in comparison to them. this person is very sneaky with you, and they're also very selfish. they with-hold as much information and generosity as they can from you. i'm seeing that this person wishes to hold as much power over you as they possibly can. this is someone who is very materialistic and may spend the last of their bag just to buy something that they don't need in order to feel valuable to others. they are most likely the type of person to buy clothes rather than pay their bills on time (maybe not clothes specifically, but the point is they've very reckless when it comes to their finances.) this person has a lot of inner conflict and they really don't even know what they want nor who they truly are at their core. they're very jealous of you and your home; they see you as someone who is very angelic and easy on the eyes. this person feels a lot like an energy vampire.
confirmation for some of you: this person lying to you often, not telling you about an offer, gatekeeping their interests and belongings, your own belongings missing after they've been around you, this person not smiling at you when you're smiling at them, they seem to always question your abilities and/or downplay your accomplishments in some way, they're always watching but never liking
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ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ pile two!
song on shuffle: "melting" by kali uchis
this person wishes to grow with you, pile two. they want to learn how to love you the way you need to be loved, and they also want you to do the same for them. the person on your mind truly want to grow and heal together with you. they don't want to give you anything small; they want you two's foundation to be sturdy and unbreakable. their true intentions are to make and build a happy family with you - whether that be with kids, pets, plants, or just considering you their own family. they may also want you to meet their family, and for them to meet yours. not going to lie, this person could've manifested you, or maybe even do spell-work in order to attract your attention towards them. this could be someone you've walked away from in the past or very recently. this person is very addicted to you, pile two. without you, this person is very sad and tends to fall back into bad habits and mindsets. this person wishes for you to nurture them and take care of them, possibly because nobody else can do what you do for them.
confirmation for some of you: you suspected this person manifesting you (and/or doing magick on you), this person is a bit manipulative but doesn't intend to be, they're very clingy with you and may always be watching your story/liking your posts, they are judgmental of themselves and their appearance, they care a lot about their health (and yours) and may talk about exercising, dieting or other self-care things a lot, may have cooked for you or offered to.
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ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ pile three!
song on shuffle: "DOGTOOTH" by tyler, the creator
this person does not have long-term intentions with you, pile three. this is someone who is all for the chase, but once they've caught you, they're already looking for the next chase. they're only interested in having fun and satisfying their short-lived desires. this is a mindset this person has, this is an intention they have with everyone. this person wants what they want and if they get it, they're ready to part ways and move on to the next. this person is unhappy at their core, which is why they're unsatisfied with everyone they come across; they want other people to fill their cup, but there seems to a leak because of their own neglect of their emotions and true desires. this person seems to be depressed when they're alone and/or not doing anything for too long. this person craves freedom, but then make false promises to people who are looking for true love. they are very sneaky, pile three. one of their manipulation tactic is being very soft and romantic with someone, letting them in on their creations and dreams, and possibly taking them out and buying gifts; but if things get too serious or they get bored, they're gone.
confirmation for some of you: they agree with all of your opinions without saying their own opinion, they seem to be "dick-riding" you (especially after an argument or being exposed), they make a lot of false promises and almost never fulfill their promises, they don't respond to you for long periods of time but when they do they love-bomb, you've seen this person lie a lot to other people, this person makes it seem like you have to have some sort of social value in order to be seen with them, they lie about not knowing people when they clearly know them
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ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ pile four!
song on shuffle: "show me how" by men i trust
unfortunately, this person is not intending to balance anything out with you, pile four. the person on your mind is very adamant on doing whatever they want whether this hurts your feelings or not. they seem to enjoy being sneaky and conniving - they get a thrill out of it. justice in reverse twice, alongside the devil twice. this person may have some sort of addiction that they said they would try to get over, but in all honestly i feel that they're doing the exact opposite of that. this person is very prideful and makes a lot of false promises, similar to pile three. it seems as though this person is proud of themselves for getting away with as much as they did - but they always get exposed somehow, you just may not always notice is. pay closer attention, pile four. the universe is speaking to you. this person is very immature, foolish, and values all the useless things in life. you're better off without them, if i'm being honest with you. you may get addicted to this person's energy because you're a healer and you feel that they need healing, but they're only going to drain you for as long as you allow them to.
confirmation for some of you: you have dreams about this person doing wrong in secret, they may have an addiction to entertainers (if you know what i mean), they're heavy into politics and you may argue over politics often, they're very touchy when they want something from you, they brag to you and others a lot, they've made a lot of promises that they didn't even put effort into fulfilling, this person may even be honest about some of the things they do behind your back but only after they've already been exposed
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ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ pile five!
song on shuffle: "part iv" by $uicideboy$
this person wants to carry out your destiny with you - they want to see you shine, pile five. they see the light you have within and they ultimately want to break the shell you keep yourself in and push you into the spotlight, where they feel like you belong. this person has a lot of deep love and feelings for you; they do not want use you. they simply want to help you. this person wants to enhance your creativity and help you to show your creations and talents to more people. this person wants to make a lot of decisions for you, mostly because if you choose then you won't choose public recognition or anything that has to do with following your dreams. i also get the feeling that this person does have a developing crush on you. although i don't feel that this person has any ill intent towards you, i am seeing that they are very generous with you because they want something in return - such as your love, time, and energy (maybe even your ideas as well.) this person knows that you're very creative and emotionally mature, so they'd do almost anything to keep you in their life for the long run.
confirmation for some of you: this could be a cousin of yours (minus the developing crush part lol), if not your cousin then they could be someone you met through your cousin (or a mutual friend), they have freckles or draw them on, they have very taboo kinks and desires, they are a bit edgier or listen to edgier music, they may try to have subtle power over your opinions and decisions by asserting their own thoughts onto you, they may be a bit flirty with you as well (if this isn't a family member of yours), they're very interested in what you're creating
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ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ pile six!
song on shuffle: "summer bummer" by lana del rey & a$ap rocky
this person wants forgiveness in this situation, pile six. they want to heal something with you, maybe something you two have gone through together, or that has happened between the two of you that caused pain and distraught. they want to put the situation to rest and move forward together into true, blissful happiness and love with you. they want you to work together and figure out how to make things better. this person doesn't want the silence or the awkwardness to last between you two; they want to put in the work and see the growth. they are willing to be very patient, but it does seem like they're tired of waiting. they feel as though you're not willing to put any work with them, and that you may not be putting any effort to heal anything with them. this could be because they were the ones that messed up the most in the connection, so you might have a hard time trusting and letting this person in again. this person is trying their best to get over their shadow side and may act as if they've already taken care of their issues, but they still have a lot of work to do.
confirmation for some of you: this person downplays their mistakes, they may have gaslit you in the past (or currently gaslight you), they try to appear more structured and collected than they truly are, they keep a straight face during harsh conversations, they prefer to be alone than with a group of people, they forgive you extremely easily (so easy that it's kinda suspicious), they could've done a lot of things behind your back thinking you wouldn't find out
﹒ . ⊹ ♡ ⁺ ₊ ✮ ₊ ⁺ ⊹ ❀ . ﹒ ₊ ✮ ₊ ⁺ ⊹
thank you for reading & interacting! <3
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geonwooz · 1 year
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bf!woojin x fem!reader | wc : 0.4k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, fluff, angst if you squint, alcohol consumption, woojin being drunk + a flirt
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“i’ve been contemplating for a while, and i don’t know whether to feel bad for you or not.”
gunwoo chuckled, looking away as you turned to him with a playful glare.
“well, hi there, pretty,” woojin greeted, a drunken smile on his face. “do you have a band-aid? because i scraped my knee falling for you.”
you looked at gunwoo, furrowing your brows as he stifled a laugh. “gunwoo, stop encouraging him!” you whined, covering your face, as you saw woojin open his mouth again to drop another cringy pickup line.
“they say kissing is a language of love.” woojin paused, leaning his face closer to yours. “so, would you like to start a conversation with me?”
“wow, that’s actually a good one,” gunwoo commented, raising his hands in surrender upon making eye contact with you. “look, i gotta give him credit for where he deserves it.”
“kim gunwoo, i will end you with my own hands. i swear, i-”
“don’t blame me! i’m just amused at how woojin-hyung is flirting with his own girlfriend.”
it was true. you and woojin had been dating for a few years now, yet his drunken habit remained the same: flirting with you as he was seeing you for the first time.
a startled gasp pulled you out of your thoughts, turning towards a surprised woojin.
“girlfriend?! you are my girlfriend?!” he asked, getting a nod from you. “wow, i can’t believe you are dating me. i’ve hit the lotto,” he muttered, pleasantly surprised.
you shook your head, chuckling as you moved towards the bar, getting a drink to help you deal with your boyfriend.
drunk woojin was never troublesome, but his pickup lines sure took a toll on the remaining brain cells you had.
your alone time was cut short as woojin and gunwoo sat beside you, one of them mustering the best flirty smile he could offer, while the other just looked happy to be there.
you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the next line woojin was about to hit you with.
“i just thought i should let you know that i’m usually on top of things; would you like to be one of them, perhaps?”
a quiet gasp left your lips at his suggestive line, wondering where in the world he had gotten that from. and seeing gunwoo’s face, you could tell he was surprised by the suggestiveness too.
"i really don't know if i should kick you off a bridge because you are annoying or kiss you because you are sickeningly adorable when drunk."
"why kick me when you can kiss me, pretty? you can't resist this. i’m too charming for my own good.”
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astrologersandilya · 11 months
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Get Quick Solutions from Top United Kingdomn Astrologers, Tarot Readers, and Numerologists. Find Solutions for Your Workplace, Family, Health, and Relationship Issues. Schedule a consultation with United Kingdom's Best Astrologer Sandilya.
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hanluex · 2 years
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boyfriend!jason x fem!reader | wc : 0.4k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, fluff, angst if you squint, alcohol consumption, jace being drunk + a flirt
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“i’ve been contemplating for a while and i don’t know whether to feel bad for you or not.”
gar chuckled, looking away you turned to him with a playful glare.
“well, hi there, pretty,” jason greeted, a drunken smile on his face. “do you have a band-aid? because i scraped my knee falling for you.”
you looked at gar, furrowing your brows as he stifled a laugh. “gar, stop encouraging him!” you whined, covering your face as you saw jason open his mouth again to drop another cringy pickup line.
“they say kissing is a language of love,” jason paused, leaning his face closer to yours. “so, would you like to start a conversation with me?”
“wow, that’s actually a good one,” gar commented, raising his hands in surrender upon making eye-contact with you. “look, i gotta give him credit for where he deserves it.”
“garfield logan, i will end you with my own hands. i swear, i–”
“don’t blame me! i’m just amused at how this idiot is flirting with his own girlfriend.”
it was true. you and jason were dating for a few years now, yet his drunken habit remained the same; flirting with you as he was seeing you for the first time.
a startled gasp pulled you out of your thoughts, turning towards a surprised jason. “girlfriend?! you are my girlfriend?!” he asked, getting a nod from you. “wow, i can’t believe you are dating me. i’ve hit the lotto,” he muttered, pleasantly surprised.
you shook your head, chuckling as you moved towards the bar, getting a drink to help you deal with your boyfriend.
drunk jason was never troublesome, but his pick-up lines sure took a toll on the remaining braincells you had.
your alone time was cut short as jason and gar sat beside you, one of them mustering the best flirty smile he could offer while the other looked as tired as you.
you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the next line jason was about to hit you with.
“i just thought i should let you know that i’m usually on top of things; would you like to be one of them, perhaps?”
a quiet gasp left your lips at his suggestive line, wondering where in the world he had gotten that from. gar seemed just as surprised, a tinge of amusement on his face as he looked impressed by his friend's pickup line.
"i really don't know if i should kick you off a bridge because you are annoying or kiss you because you are sickeningly adorable when drunk."
"why kick me when you can kiss me, pretty? you can't resist this. i’m too charming for my own good.”
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therealmissmagoo2 · 9 months
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Helion - High Lord of the Day Court - Spell Cleaver - ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas
Tray Files Skin N20 Darker Colors Eyes/Mouth Preset N4/N22 Hair Teeth Vampire Eyes OddEye Eyebrows Lotto Crown
Look 1: Toga Sandals Look 2: Skirt & Accessory sandals - same as above Look 3: Armor
Optional: Fairies vs. Witches Mod for "Fae" powers
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tulpafcker · 3 months
the most insane thing that has EVER happened to me wrt soulbonding is like. i finally did it and got a komaeda and given a yearslong interest in danganronpa im surprised it took truly THIS long but. like.
for my followers who dont know: this guy has an INSANE luck cycle, for instance he was kidnapped by a serial killer but found a winning lotto ticket in the garbage bag he was being transported in
and. um. none of you are going to believe me but it has somehow been having a tangible effect on my actual life in the real world. i do not know how. i do not know why. all i know is after this mf showed up, more phenominally good AND BAD things have been happening to me. i am somehow on week 2 of my period. my fiance got a bonus on top of whats essentially paid vacation. inexplicably everything i wanted to eat at the buffet was fresh out the oven. i had the most violent vomiting spell in a while despite being careful. what the fuck is going on
obsessed w the theological implications of this im ngl
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tbjspiritual · 2 years
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