#lottie whispering to the lake and hearing nothing back
chappelroans · 1 year
just a friendly reminder that laura lee never had a funeral!
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
How about 40 …because the world is ending
for Laura Lee and Lottie …?
(and I apologise in advance but I saw it and I though HOW could I ask ANYTHING else???)
Lottielee + a kiss because the world is ending... (why did you hurt me like this??) Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
It was the apocalypse.
Technically, the rest of the world was probably fine but, to these twelve girls, for months and months, their entire world had been reduced to the space surrounding that little cabin in the woods. And their world was on fire.
They stayed and watched it burn for a little too long. The fire was mesmerizing, and they failed to recognize the full depths of the tragedy and the threat it was. It didn’t make much sense, and it shouldn’t have happened like that. Only a force more powerful and beyond human understanding could have been responsible for the fire spreading as fast as it did. The wilderness was killing itself, and it was taking them down with them. 
The first one to go missing was Travis. They were trying to move away from the cabin and the fire that was rapidly closing down on them. They were determined to survive, convinced that it wasn’t too bad, but at every turn, they were met with a new wall of fire. Soon, trees started falling all around them, blocking their path toward the frozen lake. Soon, Mari went missing, Melissa caught fire, and a tree fell on them, separating the group in half. Van was lost to the fire trying to reach Taissa. One by one, they were all separated, eaten by the fire, and lost to the darkness. Every path to the plane and the lake was blocked. More trees started to fall, and the ground started to shake. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t a coincidence. It was the will of the wilderness.
When it dawned on them that there was no way out, Lottie and Laura Lee realized they were all alone. Maybe Shauna went back to the cabin, maybe the scream they heard in the distance was Nat, maybe the shadow burning away was Coach Scotts. Either way, it was all going to end. Their world had given them all it had to give, and now it was crumbling all around them. 
The two girls were clutching each other impossibly tight. Laura Lee was hiding her face tucked in against Lottie’s neck. But, somehow, under the roaring of the fire and the thunder of the trees falling around them, Lottie felt peace. Suddenly, she couldn’t hear any of it except for Laura Lee’s rapid breathing and her even faster heart beat. 
“Laura Lee?” Lottie whispered her name, because she felt like her whole world had been cut down to just her and Laura Lee in that intimate and desperate embrace.
Against the odds, Laura Lee heard her loud and clear, as if finally, in the end, Lottie’s odd perception of the world was available to others too.
“Lottie? Laura Lee said as she pulled back just enough to look at her. “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be,” Lottie reassured her with a gentle hand cradling her cheek even if she could hardly shake off her own terror. “Don’t you see? The bad part is over. This is a new beginning.”
Laura Lee wore a sweet frown of light confusion. “Do you believe in heaven?” Laura Lee asked, because the last few months had messed more than a little bit with everyone’s perceptions of faith, but mostly with hers.
“I believe in you. I believe nothing can pull us apart,” Lottie said. It was a promise more than anything else. And she sealed that promise by slowly guiding Laura Lee into a perfect, final kiss.
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Big, Ugly SOB
Warning: typical Walking Dead themes, smut, probably other stuff, be advised.
SHANE BABIES! THIS ONE”S FOR YOU! Slow burn, angsty, love, smut, it’s all here gals! Please like, reblog, and comment! I’d love to hear from all of you! 
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Part One!
She grabs her pistol and heads out the door of the small shed and does a perimeter sweep before shutting the door. With a deep breath, she starts towards the high ridge. Heaving a sigh, she turns around and writes a note for anyone who may find her.
‘Headed to the ridge. Higher vantage point. Curious about Atlanta but not sure I’ll go.
If you need supplies there’s a day’s worth of jerky and some supplies in here.
Best of Luck’
She truly hoped that she’d find someone she knew. As a patrol officer of King County, she hadn’t run into a single other officer that she knew. Though, she didn’t take the main roads, as she knew the cost.
Hiking up the ridge through the woods, she hears soft talking and the voice strikes her deep in her soul. She knows that voice. The deep southern voice talking low just out of eyesight.
“Excuse me? I don’t mean to alarm you but I’m just looking to join a group--You are one big, ugly, dumb son-of-a-bitch.” There was the owner of the voice. Snorting, she quickly covers her mouth as she sinks to the ground cackling under her hands. Shane’s eyes glance to the old man next to him and back to her as she sits on the ground staring at him with a look of wonder as tears roll down her face.
“Officer Duke?” He hushes as a grin sweeps across his face. Pushing passed the old man, he grabs her hands and pulls her to her feet.
“It’s Lottie. C’mon Walsh.” She chuckles, reaching out and pulling him into a warm embrace.
“It’s Shane, silly gal. I can’t believe it. Look at you. Ugly and big, yes baby girl that’s me.” He croons, holding her arms out wide to look her over. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he turns to the old man and waves him over. “This is Lottie. She was one of the Sheriff’s Deputies like me. Lottie, this is Dale. Dale, Charlotte. C’mon Duke, this way.” He crows, hooking arms with her and dragging her along. As they break into a small clearing, she finds aa small group of people, including Lori and Carl.
“Hey, where’s Rick?” She asks, looking to Shane. His face sombers and he waves her to him.
“He’s gone.” He whispers, looking at Lori with a longing she could only describe as a silent plea of a lover. With a single blink the look is vanished from his face and he pats Lottie on the head. “Come say hi.”
“Lori, Carl, you two look so tired.” She coos as Lori’s face lights up. A blonde across the way eyes her with a disapproving look, but a younger blonde bounds up to Lottie with a grin and a hand shoved out to greet her.
“Hi, I’m Amy. The crabby one is my sister Andrea. That’s Carol and Sophia, Ed’s away in the tent. He’s not much fun. That one is Daryl, he’s a loner. And that’s T-Dog.” In order, Lottie’s eyes meet every face she’s introduced to, and most stick out a hand. Except for the crossbow weilding man, Daryl, she nods confidently to herself.
“I’m Lottie.” She waves, ducking over to Shane and hides behind him.
“Darlin’ I’m gonna head over here and get some water. Find yerself somethin’ to eat and get comfy. You can share my tent. Go get situated. Lori’ll get you acquainted around.” He waves Lori over and Lottie watches the exchange with wide eyes as Shane’s drink in Rick’s wife.
“Thanks Walsh.” She smiles awkwardly before disappearing into Shane’s tent. Spending her first day in the tent with Walsh, she puts her bags in the corner and rolls out her makeshift blanket, made of a couple sweatshirts and tee shirts she had found. Shane steps into the tent and sees her sitting in the corner and his eyes drift to the less than adequate bedding and he frowns.
“Hey, tell you what. I’ll take first shift on watch tonight and you can sleep in my sleeping bag, on the foam pad. It’s better than the rocky ground, Duke.” He holds up a hand to silence her and she feels her face heat up.
“Jesus Christ, I can’t do that--”
“I wasn’t asking. I’m telling you. I’m on watch first tonight, so you have to keep my sleeping bag warm. If not, I’ll--”
“Have Lori do it?” She whispers, and sees it strike a nerve on Shane’s face.
“You shut your mouth about that. Okay? Ain’t nothin’ goin’ on.” He barks, jamming a sturdy finger into her chest plate.
“Sure. I’d be that mad if there was nothing going on too. Rick’s dead, Walsh. Ain’t no shame in keepin’ his wife and son safe. You done good so far.” She assures, laying on her blanket and curling up against her bag.
“Hey baby girl. I said-” he leans down and hoists her up, putting her on his sleeping bag. “-to use this damn thing.” He croons, giving her head a soft pat before taking his gun and stepping out of the tent.
 Morning comes and she slips from Shane’s tent and out into the daylight. For only a second, it almost felt like the summer you went camping with the boys on the lake three years ago. Carl was too little so Lori had stayed home and it had just been Lottie, Rick, Shane, and Leon Basset, another man she hadn’t seen since the world ended.
“Mornin’ babygirl.” He croons, patting her shoulder as she walks up to the group of people sitting in chairs in a circle, finding a seat next to her and Lori.
“Mornin’ ugly.” She groans, pushing his hand up her shoulder to her neck where the kink is. Softly, he rubs the knot from her neck without a word.
“Darlin’ get you somethin’ to eat. Lori, can you grab her a plate?” He croons, patting Lori’s knee. She gives Lottie a half-assed mad look before rising and grabbing a plate with eggs and toast. Placing it into Lottie’s lap, cshe huffs under her breath, mumbling something.
“I’m sorry, what?” Lottie asks, looking at Lori.
“Not a damn thing.” She barks, giving Shane a dark look before heading into her own tent a little ways away.
“Yo, Duke. Over here. You take watch up top, I’ll be out and about. You see walkers, more than two, you give me or Daryl a heads up. Okay? And if you see more than that, give us more than a heads up. Okay?” He briefs her like they’re back on the force before leading her up to the look out atop the RV.
“Okay, I’ll holler if I see a bunch. Is someone supposed to take over for me later?” She asks as Shane hands over the binoculars.
“Yeah, couple hours Daryl will be up. Glenn and a few others went on a raid this morning, so when they get back they’ll do a round of watch. When your watch is over come find me.” He disappears down the ladder and she watches through Shane’s binoculars as Shane himself and Lori slip away into the woods out of the line of sight.
Once they reappear, Lori’s clothes are disheveled and Shane’s licking his lips with a prideful smirk on his full lips. Sucking in a breath, Lottie watches a moment longer as Shane takes a moment to tuck his shirt back in and lick his lips once more. Reaching up, his fingers sift through his jet black, fluffy curls and gives Lori--what he thought was-- a sneaky wink. Lottie watches the horizon and sees a white refrigerator truck barreling towards their camp and a red Charger wailing through the quarry, echoing off the walls. First the car comes to a stop and Shane charges them, yanking the relay out that belongs to the horn. Glenn steps out, jittery with excitement.
“You guys, this new guy absolutely saved our asses.”
“Glenn this group is big enough. Quit taking in strays.” Shane hushes.
“But your girlfriend isn’t one? Sorry, listen man. This guy was awesome, some kind of police uniform, not sure. One second,” the small Asian man sprints to the truck and when the binoculars land on the driver, she nearly falls off the RV.
“Holy shit.” She whispers, losing her footing a second time and tumbling over the edge. As she lands on the ground next to Dale, Shane’s eyes drop to her and he lands in the dirt next to her.
“Damn darlin’. New guy that hot?” He chuckles, helping her to her feet and dusting her off. With a quick once over, he finds nothing broken or busted, so he proceeds out to greet the new guy but stops dead in his tracks. Rick. Holy shit.
“Lori? Carl!” He shouts, falling to his knees as he hugs his family. Her eyes land on Shane in utter shock and he just releases the breath he’d been holding. “Duke. Shane.” He drags the two officers into a warm hug and she and Shane reciprocate.
  As night falls, she steps into the tent with Shane’s sleeping form and carefully steps over him. Laying down on her blanket, she hears some rustling around behind them, but she goes to sleep. Rolling over, she finds an empty space where Shane was. More rustling. A groan. In her groggy sleep, she ignores the sounds outside and grabs Shane’s pillow.
“Shane?” She asks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Standing and stepping out the tent, she stretches backwards and is grabbed from behind. “Walsh, knock it off-oh shit.” She gives a whine and tries to run away. The walker tries to bite at her ankles, grabbing her pant legs. “Shane! Shane!” She screams , grabbing for anything on the ground to stab the ugly monster, but she grabs for the only thing near her. A stick. Kicking with her foot and knocking the diseased thing off her, she stabs a stick through his leg. Skittering to her feet she backs into something behind her. Another walker grabs her and she shrieks, this time Shane twists around and fires a rifle into her shoulder, killing the walker. He grabs her up and hoists her over a shoulder.
“Did it bite you? Baby girl?” His shouts become foggy and distant as she floats into unconsciousness. “No! C’mon darlin’. Rick! Rick come over here! Someone please!” His desperate cries echo through the camp as Carol grabs Lottie and carries her to the RV.
“Check for bites first.” Dale barks, jabbing at Lottie with the barrel of his gun.
 Early morning rises and she whispers to Shane, who’s sitting next to her, his hand on her arm and head on his arms.
“Shane, Walsh.” He jerks awake and stands erect.
“Mornin’.” He whispers, starting for the door.
“Where you going?” She asks, giving him a soft smile.
“I was just checking on you. I gotta tell the others you’re awake.” He gruffs, heading back to the door.
“Shane.” He stops again, searching her face for something. He walks back to her and leans down, taking her hand into his. “I saw you sleeping.” She whispers, gripping his hand.
“Ya, so I fell asleep there. What of it?” He barks, shifting from foot to foot.
“You were worried, weren’t you?” She coos, smirking at him.
“No. I knew you’d be fine.” He assures, patting her hand.
“Really? That doesn’t really seem accurate, Walsh.”
“Leave it alone.” He grumbles, thumping lightly down the stairs and out the door.
 A few hours later, she hears a couple soft female voices talking about her. “…..she’s just lucky Shane’s got a raging hard on for her…”
“.….she hasn’t lifted a finger here yet…”
“.…got attacked and Walsh left the group to save her. Such bullshit…”
“Amy probably wouldn’t be dead if it weren’t for that girl..-”
She steps out of the RV, groaning in pain with every step. Shane rushes her, reaching out to take her elbow, only to be shoved away weakly.
“No Walsh. No more. I can’t deal with this. These bitches over here, whom I can hear claerly in there by the way! Won’t quit bitching about what I haven’t done. So I’ll just be over here.” She barks, pushing Shane away again. He huffs, watching from afar as she staggers over to the bench and grabs the legs of a walker. Grunting, tears running down her face, she sees Glenn grab the shoulders, but when his eyes meet hers he drops it immediately.
“Hey, maybe you should just sit down--”
“No. I’m gonna help. Grab the other goddamn end and lift. With your knees. Jesus christ.” She hoists the body up and carries it across the field. As they sit the body on the ground, her arms quaking, she drops the feet and crumbles to the dirt beneath her.
“Goddamn it.” Shane skids to her side, dust clouding around them as his hands grab her arms. “I just want you to relax. C’mon babygirl. Let me help you--”
“Get away! I can do it on my own!” She screams, shoving him away. “Just please, leave me here, Shane.” She shoves him once more and rises to his feet, heading over to Carol, Andrea, and the hispanic woman.
“You guys better keep your traps shut. She was shot and she was injured, and here you are, not doin’ a goddamn thing, bitchin’ about an injured officer who can’t lift anything. Kettle callin’ the pot black shit now, isn’t it? Leave her out of this shit.”
The next morning the group gets up and ready to leave, Shane leading her to his Jeep.
“Darlin’ get in.” He buckles her seat belt without a second thought.
“Quit treating me like your girlfriend, Walsh.” She mutters, pushing on his shoulder.
“I’m not.” He nips, grabbing her arm and throwing it away from him.
“Oh really? Were you gonna go around and buckle in every woman out there?” She barks back, raising a brow at him.
“Well no--I’m just--”
“You just suddenlt have this urge to keep me safe from harm? Like my goddamn boyfriend? You’re not Walsh, okay? So just quit. I can do for myself.” She drives, letting him head out behind everyone else.
“Okay, babygirl. I’m sorry. It’s just--when I thought Rick was dead, it hurt. Right? A-a-a-and when I saw you come through that brush like an angel, I just-hell, you almost had my ugly ass crying. I was just happy to see you.” He makes conversation while he’s driving. They get to the highway and slow to a crawl. The motorhome stops up ahead and all the others in the group get out to inspect.
As they ravage the hundreds of cars, like time stopped, they find lots of useful things.
“Bet ya’ll ain’t never wanted water so bad.” Shane chuckles, popping the cap on a waterjug and soaking himself. She watches on, laughing to herself as Shane bathes in it. His eyes land on her, grabbing her arms and pulling her to the truck, popping another cap and gently pulling the rag she’d tied up her hair with and shook her curls under the water. “Ooh! Babygirl, you look so good with those wet curly locks!” He cheers, giving her a sopping wet hug.
“Walkers!” The screech is enough to freeze her in her tracks.
“Everybody under the cars.” Rick’s gentle voice carries and Shane grabs her hand, pulling her under a box truck.
“Walsh, look. I can lead them away--”
“Ssh. Shut up. Do you remember that shoot out with me, Rick, and you? And you said that we wouldn’t make it out, and what did ol’ Shane do?” He asks, patting her arm. They lay on the hot concrete under a box truck, the various sharp stones digging into her knees and arm.
“You got us out.”
“And you didn’t think I could did ya? But I did, babygirl. So trust me again. C’mon, darlin’. You just roll your front against my back as tight as you can, okay? We’ll make it again. Trust me. Now ssh. I see a bunch a’ feet movin’. Don’t make a goddamn sound, babygirl.” He whispers, breathing out as he feels her huddle as tight as she can against his back. “I got ya baby. I got ya.” He coos almost as a breath, trying to be silent. “Lemme have your hand.” He whispers, her hand snaking over his ribs and grabs his open hand, squeezing. “Take a deep breath, let it out slow. Show time.” Her mouth bites into his shoulder, he shivers and squeezes her hand tighter. One of her legs slips over his and she’s almost melded into him as one person.
When the horde finally works through, Shane looks over his shoulder to find her asleep against him. Gently shaking her, as she awakes, and looks confused. For a moment, she looks like a glorious sunny day sitting by the lake under a shade tree after a long nap under the summer sun.
“You look like you had a good nap.” He chuckles, rolling to face her, still on the ground and their noses almost touch. “Wow, last time we were this close you remember what we were doing?”
“Yeah,” she laughs, pushing awkwardly at his shoulders. “I think it was some stupid party and we were playing seven minutes in heaven.”
“Yeah, and I got to second base with Haley Duvall that day. You were a prude though. You shut down so fast, even when I tried to score.” He chuckles, leaning dangerously close to press his dry lips gently to her cheek.
“I did, Walsh. Then we went from cops to surviving this ugly ass world now.” She crows, hearing a blood curdling scream. It draws them both from this happy cocoon they were in, and she scrambles from under the truck.
“Hey, also?” He leans so close his voice is but a whisper of hot air over her neck. “Don’t ever bite my shoulder like that again unless you plan to finish what you start.”
“Shane I--” He gives her a dark smirk and a wink, making her body tingle.
“What was that?” He asks as he gaits over to the group.
“It was Sophia. She ran off, Shane. Rick went after her.” He grumbles, grabbing Lottie’s hand and heads for the woods.
“We gotta find that kid.” He states as they slip into the woods.
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