#lotsa work I needa do
rubra-wav · 5 months
I'm back from the grave rahhhhh 🗣
Feeling a hell of a lot better and am ready to write again, my brain was not healthy before 💀 /lh
Requests will probably be opening soon, but rn my main priority is reordering this blog and remaking the aesthetics so it's not such a cluttered odd looking mess
Also, it's not my usual sort of post, but I have a radiosilence fic from what I hc as more Alastor's perspective in editing stages rn that'll probably be out soon 🙏
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Follow You Anywhere 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, controlling behavoiour, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’re online existence threatens to leak into your real life.
Characters: Captain Syverson
Note: back again.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting 'part 2?' is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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You sit at the dining table with your laptop, hiding behind the screen as you try to figure out what to do. How do you get this man to leave? Better, how do you do that without making him angry?
You stare at the unfinished project in front of you. You're not going to get paid for blurry pixels. Work is the least of your worries.
You peek over the top of the laptop and blanch as the subtle movement catches his eye. He grins and sits up, “need something, sweetie?”
“Uh, nope,” you put your eyes down and the screen goes fuzzy.
“Hm,” he hums into a grunt and heaves himself up, “you haven’t made any videos yet. What about your shopping trip huh? You gonna edit some of that.”
“Erm, maybe later, I have work stuff–”
“You know,” he nears and stands across the round table, looming menacingly with his hands on his hips, “you could probably quit all that if you committed to your streams. Lotsa people wanna watch a sweet girl like you.”
“That’s nice but I don’t even have ten followers,” you chuckle.
“Mm, maybe, but… I could help you,” he offers.
“Really, it’s fine,” your voice trembles, “it’s… it’s just a way to get my thoughts out, that's all.”
He clucks and clears his throat, looking around, “well, I guess I’ll go get my stuff.”
“Um, sure,” you look at him again then peek at the keys hung by the door.
He whistles, “Aika, come, you probably needa go.”
The dog rises from beside the couch and follows him to the door. You get up, heart flipping. You need to just lock the door. As long as he doesn’t–
He grabs the keys and shoves them deep in his pocket. He hooks the leash onto Aika’s collar as she stands obediently before him. He grins over at you, “don’t worry, sweetie, won’t be long at all.”
He turns and unlocks the door, swinging it inward as he lets the German shepherd lead the way. You deflate and fall back onto the chair. Holy shoot! What are you going to do? Nothing you can think of makes sense. He doesn’t make sense. It’s as if he really believes you know each other. That this is his home.
You bend over your lap and hold your head, rocking as you let out a drone. The panic is so bad you can’t hold it in. The noise escaping you is inhuman. You know you’re too weak, too afraid to do anything. So what? You’ll just let him take over your home?
You quiet and stay as you are, hunched over your legs. Are you going to let him do whatever he wants? To you?
Your blood runs cold and you sit up slowly. You’re dizzy as the silence rings in your ears. You stare across the room, only able to see a glimpse of the door frame.
You don’t know what you’re going to do.
You’re paralysed. You hardly believe it yourself, you don’t think anyone else will either. The thought of explaining it is embarrassing on its own.
You’re being stupid. You need to tell someone. Anyone.
You hear him before he enters. He opens the door, pausing as he lets Aika off the leash. She sniffs around as the door shuts heavily.
Sy appears, a large bag of kibble balanced on one shoulder as he carries a military duffle in his other hand. He drops the latter and brings the former into the kitchen. You stand, hollow as you make yourself move. You go to the doorway to the kitchen and watch him search your cupboards.
“Ladybird needs a bowl,” he says, “she’s hungry.”
“Oh,” you utter dumbly and blink. You’re stuck where you are.
His cheek dimples and he returns his attention to his search. He takes out the pink plastic bowl you use for salad and he uses a measuring cup to scoop out the kibble. You just watch as he puts it on the floor for Aika as she sits patiently.
He stands and she does too, eagerly scarfing down the food, flicking slobber all over your salad bowl. Sy faces you and you flinch as he comes near, reaching for you. You back away.
“Sweetie?” He says, “what’re you doing?”
“I… I…” you rub your arm, “how long are you planning on… staying?”
He scoffs, “what? Ah, come on, sweetie, you’re funny. “
“I’m… I’m serious,” you quaver, “I didn’t… we just met.”
His face falls and so does your heart. His expression turns dire and he crosses his arms. Aika seems to notice his shift and quits her loud chomping. She raises her nose, letting out a low growl. You gulp. He has that same glint in his eye as in the truck when he nearly rear-ended that other driver.
“Sweetie, I told you, I've been watching you all this time. You know, I was your first follower,” he takes a step closer and you take one back. “I know you.”
“Right, uh,” you push your hands together and bend your fingers back, “I understand, it’s just…” you can hardly breathe, “I guess I misunderstood. Of course you can stay, but… you know, I only bought enough groceries for me and… and it’s a small place.”
He considers you. He runs his hand over his beard and exhales loudly. He drops his other arm and tilts his head side to side, cracking the bones, “so we can get nice and snuggly, sweetheart.”
He nears you again, quickly, before you can elude him. He catches you around the back of the head and urges you close. He leans in and kisses your hairline. You freeze and let him. He purrs before he draws away.
“Right, I’ll get cleaned up,” he lets you go, “you can finish your work or… get cozy.”
You nod and stare past him. Aika once more chews loudly as your eyes settle on her straight back. You’re trapped. Your home is now a prison.
You stay like that until you hear the pipes whine and the shower buzzes to life. You glance over, the bathroom door slightly ajar. Mortified, you retreat to the table and sit behind the computer. You know the excuse won’t hold up much longer but you can at least pretend to be busy.
Aika’s claws tap on the tile as you hear her lay near the door. You can’t even run. His loyal guard dog isn’t just keeping people out, she’s keeping you in.
You put your hands on the laptop as you hear the faucet crank off. The scented steam seeps out and dampens the air with the scent of your strawberries and cream soap. You shudder and minimize and maximize the window.
You listen to him. He opens and closes the cabinet several times as he lingers in the bathroom. The door opens and your ears tinge as you focus on the laptop. He steps out as you swirl your fingers on the touch pad.
“I feel better,” he sighs, “how about you, sweetie? Maybe you should have a nice long bath?”
“I’m good,” you utter dully.
“Hope you don’t mind, I used your hairbrush,” he crosses the room.
“No, it’s f–” your eyes flick up on instinct. You swallow as your eyes round. He has only a towel around his waist, the rest of him brazenly bare. “Fine.”
You rip your gaze away and accidentally exit out of the editing software. You try to wipe the image of him from your mind. His thick muscles, the dark hair across his chest and stomach, and over his thick thighs. There’s little left to the imagination or doubt. The sight of him confirms his unbeatable strength.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“N-nothing,” you insist.
“You’re being all shy. What’s going on, huh?” You shake your head as he comes around the table. He presses the laptop shut until you retract your hands. You sit back and look at your hands. “You’ve been working long enough. Come on, sweetie.”
“I… I have a project to finish–”
“And that’s more important? How long have I waited to be with you? Over there in the sh– in the chaos?” He says, offering his large hand, “I got you something. I wanna show it to you.”
“I…” you rasp and peer up at his face, too afraid to look anywhere else. “Okay.”
You give in. Your surrender. He’s a soldier and he’s won the battle. You take his hand and stand up.
He takes you into the front room and leads you to the couch. He stops you in front of it and gestures you to wait. You do and he disappears around the other side of you.
He returns with his duffle bag and puts it in the chair. He keeps his back to you as he unzips it. You peek up and your eyes cling to the scars along his burly back. Just beneath his shoulder and another along his side. Through the fear, you feel a pang of sympathy for him. He must have been through a lot.
“I bought you something,” he says, “when I was driving up.”
He turns and shows you a dainty piece of fabric hanging from his index fingers. You gape at the pale pink bodysuit; flowers in a darker shade trim the corset and the tops of the cups are subtly scalloped. You love the colours but you would never dare to wear anything like that.
“Uh, wow,” is all you can get out.
“Just you know for a special occasion,” he smiles, “it’ll look real nice on you. It’s your colour.” He steps closer as he holds it out to you, “I showed the lady your picture and she said it would be nice on your skin tone.”
You feel like you’re going to faint. Is he really giving you a piece of lingerie? You take it and examine the thin material.
“Obviously, not tonight since we’re settling in and all that,” he chuckles, “but you know… if you wanted to…”
“I’m… I’m going to put this away,” you croak.
You move past him, slowly as if wading through water. You go to the bedroom and cross to the dresser. You stand before it as you stare at the fabric. Your chest aches as you hold a breath inside.
“Ah, still pretty tidy in here,” Sy comments from behind you.
You pull open the top drawer and hide the bodysuit. A shiver rolls through you as you shut it and turn to the intruder. You watch helplessly as he invades every inch of your life.
“You did such a good job, sweetie,” he praises as he nears the bed and plops his bag on it, “watching you clean… it’s admirable how determined you are.”
He reaches in his bag and takes out a stack of folded clothing. You blink as he strides over to the dresser and pulls open a drawer. You sway as you resist the urge to ask what the heck he’s doing. He makes room beside your clothes and shoves his inside.
As he stands, he adjusts the towel hanging lower on his waist than before. You turn away. As much as you don’t like him touching all your things, his nakedness is even more off putting. Most disturbing is his lack of self-awareness. Frankly, it’s frightening.
He unpacks, bit by bit, and rolls open the closet to put his empty bag inside. He goes back to the dresser to shut the top drawer he left open but his hand curls around the top. He dips inside and lifts out a pair of your panties; the ones speckled with printed on bows.
“I like these,” he says, “they’re cute, like you.”
“Thanks, I…” you murmur. “I…” Your mouth is dry and chalky, “I need some water.”
“Aw, sweetie, you look faint,” he drops the panties and approaches you. “Why don’t you sit down?”
He urges you onto the edge of the bed, his hands on your shoulders. He looks down on you as you tilt your head to peer back at him. He looks so big. He keeps his hands on you, gripping tighter, and for a moment, you’re not sure what he’s going to do and you think he is even less certain.
He pulls his hands away and shakes them out, “I’ll get you some water,” he says, “you had a long day, huh?”
“Mhm,” you hum and lower your chin, your hands shaking in your lap.
You did this. You welcomed this man in. More than letting him drive you home or cross the threshold of your apartment, you put yourself online, exposed yourself to the public. You heard the horror stories before, the true ones, but you just never thought it would happen to you.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
(Push Away the) Lonely Times
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
“Just this, please,” Steven says politely the next time he rolls through Melvald’s.
Jim stops, looks for a second, then sighs. “Y’know how Jim wann’ed me t’look after ya?”
“Yes, sir?”
“I’s a-thinkin’ there’s a conversation we best be havin’. Nuthin’ bad, not t’you, but we gotta get all the duckies in a row, huh?”
“Okay,” Steven agrees, slightly nervously. “Um. Now?”
Jim shrugs a shoulder. “Now. Or you’s could come over after work. Or I could come by yers.”
Steven considers it. “Now?”
“If you wanna,” Jim agrees. “‘Ere’s the whole of it. Yer folks ain’t lookin’ out for ya the way they’s supposed ta. Could mean lotsa trouble for ‘em. Could mean you get taken ‘way, put inna fos’er er summin’.”
“Oh,” Steven says quietly. He looks vaguely nauseous.
“Or you could stay wi’ me,” Jim continues. “No trouble. O’course, there might be when yer folks come back inna town, but Hop’s got ‘em.”
“Oh,” Steven says. “And… I can’t just keep living in my house?”
Jim shrugs. “Not the way we figure.”
“Oh.” He sighs. “I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”
“You ain’t,” Jim says, a tad harshly for the situation, but the kid needs to know. “I’unnow who tol’ you yer an inconvenience, kid, but it ain’t true. You needa place t’stay. I gotta empty house, jus’ me rattlin’ ‘round in there.”
“Just you?” Steven parrots, in awe, like he can’t believe someone else would befall the same fate he did. Jim wants to hug Steven, punch a wall about it. He does neither, takes a slow, deep breath. Lets it out.
“Yeah, kiddo. Y’wanna keep me comp’ny?”
Steven thinks about it. Fidgets with his fingers, looks down, back up. “Y-yeah. Um. When?”
“Soon ‘s yer ready. I c’n pick up you ‘n yer stuff after m’ shift.”
“Okay,” Steven agrees, then looks at the groceries between them. “Should I buy this?”
Jim leans down to smile at Steve. “Long as yer in m’ house, y’don’t gotta buy nuthin’ y’don’t wanna. I’ll get groceries. You be a kid.”
Steven blinks. “But I’m not, sir. I’m ten. Practically an adult.”
The way he says that is metered, stilted, and Jim grits his teeth. “Yer father tell y’that, boy?”
“Yes, sir, he did.”
“Yer father’s wrong. Yer a kid ‘till y’ c’n get a job. By my math, y’got six years still.”
“Oh,” Steven says, eyes wide. “Okay. Um. I’m gonna go pack.” He hesitates. “Should I put these back?” He motions to the groceries.
Jim laughs. “‘S m’ job, kiddo, not yers. Y’ go pack.”
“Okay,” Steven agrees, running out of the store after another small smile directed at Jim.
Jim sighs, rubs a hand over his face, and starts to put away the groceries Steven had brought up. He pauses mid-reach and considers the brownie mix in his hand before changing course, stashing it behind his register and resolving to get a tub of ice cream after his shift. He’s a kid, after all, and kids deserve brownies and ice cream.
So do adults, Jim reminds himself, smiling a little. Not without humor, thinks, especially adults who take in ten-year-olds who are too young to be living on their own.
Jim Bronsaw doesn’t pretend to be a saint, but he knows he’s a decent person. Maybe even more than decent, sometimes.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme
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krewssleuth · 1 year
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[ BYF ]
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click for FREE robux -> 1,000,000 Robux Generator!
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byf !! - i am a minor. so i won't willingly interact or get close with those above 18 & no nsfw, some slightly suggestive but very shallow. \\ i understand that the krew are real people and will take down anything that makes them uncomfortable in any way. \\ do not copy, repost, translate, plagiarise, my work(s) without permission, please ask. do not copy/ get "inspired" by my theme or style of my blog. \\ all my works are simply my headcanons, meaning that not everyone agrees on them. and should also not be taken seriously.
dni !! - rude & chaotic chaotic people. anti-krew. you know me irl 😰 people involved in controversy(ies) in any way. weird adults and bots will be blocked. users with blank accs, just at least have a pfp man cos i needa make sure that you aren't stealing my works/ writing. this is a safe space for everyone to chill so please respect everyone!
krewfam !! - a fan for about 6 years :) aka since mid 2018(i think) never interacted with any online kfs lol. not sure why i didn't let go of my childhood. someone pls be the funneh to my gold :U
personality !! - i steal personalities >:) yours is next.. use sideway emoticons too much. i tend to use mild insults for close friends so lemme know if you don't like that sorta stuff :]
writing !! - new to writing n publishing for an audience. more of a reader honestly. i'm learning as i go along so do lmk of any mistakes. i am more comfy with writing headcanons and drabbles compared to any other types/ styles. though, i'm rlly interested in starting series!
thank you for taking the time to read all this. it is extreeemely appreciated! have an amazing day ahead :) or sleep if soo <3
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checkpoint: nav. menu about me
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— tip: dyaa's fav tea is black tea (with lotsa sugar 🤫)
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0 notes
sinha-ri · 3 years
As someone who works at Wendy's, here's is some neat stuff that you prob didn't know
There's a Frosty Key Tag, and for only $2, you get a free mini frosty for the whole year!
When getting any combo, even the biggie bag, you can replace the fries for a baked potato *or* chili.
You can also replace any drink of a combo with a Frosty
You can add or take off ANYTHING from a burger. To sauces, what type of cheese, things seen as only exclusive to another burger (If you want say, a classic chicken sandwich with bourbon sauce from our Bourbon burger, you can just ask)
Our cookies ARE freshbaked. We make them the day of and lotsa batches throughout the day. They just won't be warm or right off the oven because then they needa cool down and can easily rip or get chocolate all over the bag and you
Yes we do lettuce wraps or literally just no bun. It would be put in a tray.
You can ask for only meat. Like literally just ask "Can I have a single patty" and it costs like 2 bucks or less
The only burger without cheese is our jr. Hamburger. You can ask without cheese for all others.
We have the Coca-Cola soda machine!! So essentially we have all coca cola products. From Powerade, Mellow Yellow, Hi-Ci, Ah-Ha, and some other wild shit
If you're looking for cheap, get a jr. Buger. It costs like $5 for two while it costs $7 or more for a single regular burger
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sugasugawarau · 4 years
Aye yo, good morning. Hope you had a good rest and didn’t stay up too late🥺💕 Zuko better watch out before I give him another scar😤🖐Saw the essay I gotta do n I’m trying so hard telling myself it ain’t hard. So far it’s working _(:3 」∠)_ it’s cold n windy where I live. I like the cold weather☺️but wind might be problem with the other fires going around👁👁I needa start dieting again cuz wrestling😀 Have a good breakfast (plz eat) and good luck with school🤩, tell me later about ya day💕-💠
PFFF you know what symmetry is in so I’m sure he’ll appreciate another scar <33 IM JK but you’re the only firebender I respect 😤
My day has been alright!! I stayed up until 3 but I was studying so it’s all good!!! Productivity is the one excuse for bad sleep patterns.. I think :DD DW I ATE SHFJKS you better have had your meals today too 😾💖 Lmk how your day has been since you sent this ask <3
I’m again very proud of you bb! 🥺 I know you’ll do great :’) Please stay safe tho omg I hope the fires don’t spread again, I’m sending you and your family well wishes.
Also wait omg you do wrestling wtf you’re so cool?? I wish you the best of luck for that, remember to drink lotsa water too!
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