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evanave · 3 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked ❝ I can’t stop myself from wanting you, no matter how much we both know we shouldn’t do this. ❞ from the big bad wolf to his precious wild flower (can’t do without the angst)
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“Then stop resisting.” The words sounded almost pleading. Contradicting what Peter had just said, because to Evan there was no reason why they shouldn't do this. The world had already ended, death was everywhere. There wasn't anything he had to lose. If it was Peter's distrust in himself, then Evan has enough trust in him for the both of them. So, what else made him hold back?
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snclrs · 18 days ago
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happy valentine's day from Zach @lostliketearsinrain to Thea! Yes, flowers. Yes, he is wise enough to keep his distance. (and yes, he's hiding his fangs and yes, he's sparkling in the sunlight^^)
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valentine's day 2k25
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She catches the flowers with ease and looks at them before shifting her gaze at him. "I know I can be intimidating, but I'm also a woman, so, thanks. They're beautiful."
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evanave · 23 days ago
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He couldn't even fight the grip on his chin if he had tried, so he didn't try in the first place. Let the other have it as he wanted in hopes it would calm him. "I won't..." He assured, yet didn't promise while unwillingly holding the other's piercing gaze, feeling a familiar burning within his eyes. Tears which dared welling up within his eyes, leaving them glazed over without shedding any. "Happy?" It was uncertain if he was referring to his reassurance of not attempting on touching him again or that he had successfully crushed the spark within him that it was visibly showing.
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closed for @evanave (I haven't moved the drafts here yet, but I need them here, okay)
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The large hand darted forward, gripping the boy’s chin and turning his face back, preventing him from averting the gaze. The man’s glaring eyes pierced right into cerulean hues. Fingers pressed into the delicate features, feeling fragile bones. The man’s jaws clenched. The words came out slowly, like a thunderous growl. “Don’t ever do that again.”
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klldare · 1 month ago
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So I've finally set up Trevor’s blog @eniqmvtic and a new multi muse blog for all things horror, (post-)apocalyptic, supernatural, mystery, etc @lostliketearsinrain yay! 🤗
There's just basics so far, and now I don't have any energy left to do anything else lol, but maybe you might want to check these out?
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neverfittedin · 2 days ago
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※ romantic gestures.
bold what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential (or if it depends). Cross out if it never applies.
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holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love.
long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · stargazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument while gently guiding their hands · compliments.
drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes
tucking a hair strand behind their ear · keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight · joint bubble baths · dropping the l-bomb / "i love you" · dedicating a song to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite.
tagged by: @mortemregiiae ♥
tagging: @cfthesoul, @rczepetalz, @r3dblccd, @entangledmuses, @lostliketearsinrain & you !!
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eniqmvtic · 2 months ago
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#eniqmvtic is an independent, slow & selective, role play blog for an original character inspired by drew starkey’s performance of his character trevor in hellraiser (2022). contains dark content and mature themes. is multiverse, multiship, canon, oc & crossover friendly. is strictly 21+. is penned by am (millennial. CET)
blog roll: @klldare (obx multi muse), @lostliketearsinrain (horror/supernatural multi muse – sideblog), @byronlc (canon multi muse / on hiatus)
⟡ about ⟡ rules ⟡ memes ⟡ open starters ⟡
graphics by the amazing @neverfittedin
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evanave · 10 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: ❛  you  don’t  have  to  be  so  gentle .  ❜ (would Evan say this to Peter?) + collapse .   to  break  a  bed  during  sex  with  my  muse . (very likely Peter/Evan)
As much as the blond was appreciating the gentleness, how it allowed him to adjust, get used to the other. It also drove him wild. He wanted to feel him, really feel him. Wanted him to make him forget his own name, therefore Peter had to stop holding himself back. Evan was certain he could take it. Could always tell him to slow down if not. Reason why he had found himself saying, “You don't have to be so gentle. I won't break.” 
As if it was the reassurance the man needed to hear Evan soon after got his wish. Literally felt how each thrust became rougher and the harbinger more and more lost himself in the moment while his back arched up. The noisily squeaking of the bed faintly noticed but mostly ignored, too occupied by the waves of pleasure rushing through him. The sudden snap of the wooden frame breaking however pulled him out of it the second the mattress gave in. An ungracefully squeal came from his end, hands clunging onto the man out of reflex as they fell to the floor with it. Blinking up at Peter laughter bubbled out of him. “See? I’m sturdier than this bed.”
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evanave · 11 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: [ TRAIN ]:     during a training session (for a fight) the sender ends up holding the receiver in their arms during their session together. (from Peter to Evan)
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Sweat was glistering on his face from the number of times Peter kept making him go through those fighting steps. Much needed self-defense practice or so he was told. Something that Evan should in fact take more seriously, instead of wanting to roll his eyes. It was something Thea had told him a number of times too. Those damn werewolves, always prepared for a fight. Evan however preferred to avoid confrontations of any kind. But the new world they lived in it was much harder, the blond had to admit that. Still Thea had at least let him off the hook at some point, Peter not so much. So when he ended up in a grip which under normal circumstances would be fatal for him, he just let himself tiredly hang in it. “Can we please stop for today?”
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evanave · 12 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: [ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room / from the big bad wolf to his precious wild flower (evan is smiling, of course)
word prompts compilation
It was around lunch when the golden soldiers had been called in for a meeting. So, Evan had found himself in Nick's company for the time Peter was away as Vic wasn't anywhere to be found either. Even though he has been within this base for some time now, he kinda admires how chill Nick seems to be about moving around the other soldiers compared to himself, despite both of them being captives. Evan could never fully shake the tension within him, not even with Peter around and especially not when Alan was somewhere near. That man scares the life out of him. Thankfully he was nowhere to be seen when the two got their lunch and sat together to eat. The blond had no clue how Nick did it, but the casual conversation he picked up with him distracted Evan enough to get some of the food down. 
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However, at some point he let his gaze wander around, possibly because his subconsciousness had sensed him without the blond realizing it as his eyes locked on Peter's familiar figure the moment he entered the dining area. Instantly more of the tension within him subsided and a smile spread across his features as their gazes locked. He resisted to lift his hand in greeting though, not only because Peter had already seen him, but also because it would draw too much attention to himself, which he preferred to avoid at all cost. 
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evanave · 12 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: [ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap (peter pulls evan onto his lap)
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Evan had just finished setting the table for the breakfast Peter had gotten for them, or just for him. He wasn't sure, he didn't always see the man eating. Then he suddenly found himself on the other's lap. “Uh, hey.” A little smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, uncertainty mixed into it. Despite the fact he spends practically every night in the man's arms the blond couldn't tell when the other was okay with his closeness and when he wasn't. It was confusing most times. Reason why he wondered what was going on in Peter's mind in this very moment. Any moment he decides he wants him close.
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evanave · 14 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: [CHECK]: after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer. (Peter & Evan again)
 Blue hues traveled along the furnishing of Victoria's office. He knew it by heart by now given how many times he came here whenever Peter had to be other places where he couldn't come along. Vic too had excused herself for a moment what usually wasn't a problem and it really wouldn't have been if it weren't from the muffled voices Evan noticed from the hallway. He wasn't supposed to leave the safety of the room, but the fact of it being a woman's voice aside the male ones had him stand up from the chair he had been sitting on and quietly opened the door. 
He listened. Brow furrowed when the woman's voice wasn't unfamiliar to him. Reason why he stepped out and followed the direction on quiet soles. From the repulsive tone that clearly was swinging in Nat’s voice Evan could've guessed the situation he was about to come face to face with. Yet he didn't expect it to be Alan, out of all people. He wasn't surprised by it though, he not only was a murderous psychopath, no, of course he was also one of those who didn't take no as an answer from a woman. As much as Evan feared this man, his worry for Nat’s well-being won. 
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“Let her go!” He demanded, but given how Alan kept Nat cornered, brushed him off with a mere comment of him sticking to his own fucking business, it was safe to say it wasn't said as firm has he had hoped it would be. Without any weapon on him and none in reach Evan had to rely on himself. 
“Let. Her. Go!” The harbinger had jumped on the redheaded’s back at the last word. Arm as tightly wrapped around Alan's neck as it was possible to him while his other hand had firmly grabbed the greasy hair, pulling it forcefully. Anything to shift his attention away from Nat, giving her an opportunity to get away. — And it worked. However, Evan didn't stand a chance against this bulky man from the get go and before he knew it was thrown off of him, air forced out of his lungs at the sudden impact as his back hit the ground. Barely he dodged the sole of Alan's military boot as the blond rolled over and scrambled to his feet. Yet the next moment he was slammed into the nearest wall. Large hands found his neck and shoved him up the wall. Only his tiptoes remained on the floor while hands cut off his air supply. Panic kicked in as he hit Alan's hands to no avail. Knowing this insane look on the other's face will forever be imprinted on his mind as it seemed to be the last he was going to see.
Suddenly the grip on him was gone and so was Alan as Evan slumped to the ground, coughing as needed air filled his lungs again and he registered slender hands trying to give him support. Upon glancing up he saw it was Nat and she seemed okay which was everything that mattered to him in that moment. 
He only registered Alan’s struggling noises seconds before an ice cold shiver shot up his spine as the voices informed him about the man’s fate. As compassionate as the harbinger usually chose to be, for this man, this monster, he didn't feel anything aside relief that he was finally gone. Finally got what he deserved. The next moment Peter's familiar face appeared in his view, felt the familiar roughness of his palms as he gently cupped his face. The tension and adrenaline instantly fell from him and briefly he closed his eyes as he mumbled, “I’m — I’m okay. Nat...How’s Nat?” Yet the moment the question left his lips he felt an aching at the side of his head. When he reached for it with his hand to check he found a bit of blood at his fingertips. Looks like he had hit his head when he had been slammed into the wall and didn't notice it due to the adrenaline. 
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evanave · 14 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: 🎲 kiss roulette (no platonic kiss please XD) / from the big bad wolf to his precious wild flower
30. A kiss to the palm of the hand
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Evan couldn't sleep, which wasn't anything new considering the circumstances. However with Peter having insisted on keeping him in an somewhat tight embrace from the start it had become a habit. Yet it also kept the blond trapped during nights like the current one, so all he could do was fiddle with one of Peter's hands which was the closest to his face. 
He felt the man's even breathing at the back of his head, but it was always hard to tell if he was awake too or not. At this point Evan didn't care though. He just let his thoughts wander while his own fingers traced along the other's, felt the rough palm beneath his fingertips, until a thought lingering.
Those hands can kill. Those hands have killed and they kept killing. Still or especially because of it he found himself leaning closer with his face and placed a kiss onto the palm, as if it could clean the taint from it.
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evanave · 15 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: “I don’t want you to see me like this…” from the big bad wolf to his precious wild flower (in his murderous frenzy maybe?)
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The man’s voice was lower than usual and Evan could sense the aura of death around him, around the beast inside him. He had come face to face with it once. Made him fear for his life. However, a lot has happened since then. A lot has changed and although the rise of death made it difficult for him to hear clearly through the spirits voices, Evan held his own, for now. “Peter,” he started in a soft tone. “It's not the first time, remember?” And it wouldn't make him see him as anything less than Peter, because the blond harbinger understood this was part of him. A darkness he couldn't escape from. Reason why Evan was willing to face it with him.
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evanave · 15 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain asked: ❝ you don’t understand. i need you safe. because i can’t focus on anything else if there’s even the smallest possibility you’re in danger. ❞ (Peter to Evan)
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“I do understand.” The blond countered while hands found the wrists of the other's hands, which were currently cupping his face. “Because I feel the same. — And don't start about you being able to handle it. You can get hurt too, Peter. And I really don't want that.”
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evanave · 23 days ago
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@lostliketearsinrain | gets a starter for Natalie
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It wasn't uncommon for him to find his spot on the windowsill with a sketchbook on his legs doodling away. It was calming and gave him something to do, therefore he had appreciated it a lot when Peter had fulfilled his request of getting him one should he ever come across one. 
Although he was focused on his doodling Evan did notice that Peter opened the door for someone and if Evan wasn't mistaken, it must be the laundry woman, at least that's how the blond called her as he didn't know her name, because she tended to come by at this time. However when he briefly looked over it wasn't the woman he was used to seeing, no. Evan had to look again, more obvious now and his eyebrows rose at the familiar face he thought of never seeing again. 
“Nat…” A number of emotions dared to well up inside of him as the sketchbook and pencil landed on the floor with a thud the second he got off the windowsill. With quick strides he walked over to her and was thankful she had already placed the basket aside, otherwise it would have landed on the floor as well the way Evan threw his arms around her, hugging her tightly. “You're alive… “ he breathed shakily.
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snclrs · 1 month ago
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He didn't move. Kept his position despite of the other stopping right in front of him. Merely his eyes moved to watch the hunter from the corners of his eyes, although all he saw was his hair, given how he had leaned towards his ear. "If you were looking for a chase, then I'll disappoint you." He started, then continued telepathically, 'I don't run.'
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"Oh, how I dare?" The hint of a smirk on his lips as he steps closer, stopping right in front of him. Leaning forward, his stubble brushes the other's cheek as he whispers into his ear, "Now when will you start running, Sinclair?"
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