brynnmclean · 25 days
I feel like I should apologize for the way I’ve been raiding your Halbrand tag but I finally started watching Rings of Power and my brain is like ‼️ about him (and Galadriel) and you have the GOOD STUFF!
Do NOT apologize!!!! 😂 The two of them make me absolutely unhinged so I am delighted that you are also enjoying them -- especially my grimy rat bastard (deeply affectionate) Halbrand. 💜 I finally started writing Silmarillion fic because of him!
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thereluctantbadger · 1 year
Here it is! The moment you've all been waiting for!
Gendrya Kinktober!
As in years past, the rules will be about the same.
Submissions will begin on Oct 1st and go through the 31st. If you begin a written piece, but if you can't finish it before the end of the month, then you can still continue it after October is over.
There are two prompts per day. If one doesn't suit you, then hopefully the other will! Try to use both of you want an extra challenge! And if neither spark any inspiration then feel free to borrow from another day!
Submissions can be written, drawn art, graphic art, AI art, gif sets, videos, and photo edits.
Gendrya MUST be the main pairing.
There is no word limit for written work! Make it as long or as short as you want!
ALWAYS REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE: Your kink is not my kink, and that's ok. Never bully or shame someone for something that they post. We're all here to have fun and inappropriate behavior will not be allowed.
That being said, submissions that include underage sex will not be allowed, and any submissions including rape or other non-consenual acts must be HEAVILY flagged and tagged.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask myself, @lostinmirkwood , or @welt-verbessererin ! We hope that everyone has fun, and we can't wait to see what's in store for Gendrya Kinktober 2023!
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sawthefaeriequeen · 2 years
Tagged by @queenofattolia, thank you!
8 shows to get to know me
1)      Encantadia 2005
2)      Yami no Matsuei
3)      Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
4)      Friends
5)      Looking for Alaska
6)      The Queen’s Gambit
7)      Skins S1-2, S5
8)      Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal
Tagging @dreamingthroughthenoise, @macchiatosdumptruck, @idontknowkaratebutiknowcrazy @msstarlight, @lostinmirkwood and anyone else who wants to do it.
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welt-verbessererin · 3 years
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Born in a Cross-Fire Hurricane by @lostinmirkwood for @gendryabigbang, beta'd by @mrbinglee
Summary: When Arya Stark, an anti-war photographer, joins a secretive expedition to a mysterious island she gets more than she bargained for. Gendry Waters, the handsome tracker trying to keep them alive, is only the start.
She stumbles to the ground at the base of a tree several feet away, trying to make sense of what just happened. Anguy and Clegane have each pulled their packs from the wreckage, along with guns and ammunition. Gendry has his pack on his back and is standing near Arya staring up through the trees at the brilliant blue sky. They can still hear the whirring of the chopper blades until the chaos in the sky goes eerily silent before the giant ape roars in victory. The forest stays quiet for several more minutes before the buzz of insects and sound of birds begin to make themselves heard over the buzzing in Arya’s head.
Read it here
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mrbinglee · 3 years
7 & 19!
7: would you rather read a plot-focused fic or pwp?
ooh...... maybe i'm boring but. plot i guess (with action at the end lol. best of both!)
19: undercover au or college au?
for gendrya, i think undercover AUs! they've got the potential for a lot of my favorite gendrya elements/tropes - competence couple, being a team, balancing each other, potential for danger/hurt/comfort, no one else knows what they've gone through, trusting only each other, fine line between justice and vengeance. listing these out made me think of mulder and scully from the x-files :( blueprint... anyway. i would actually love any recs for gendrya undercover AUs, since the two* that i can think of right now have only a few of these elements
*The Wolf's Vengeance series by Smediterranea on AO3 (arya is properly undercover, like she's investigating and sending tips to the gov and all that; gendry thinks he's in a different genre); and Hunting the Bull by nymja on AO3 (crack B99 AU, brief undercover stint)
thank you for the ask!
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yanak324 · 4 years
Movie Survey
Tagged by @lostinmirkwood, whose music tastes are next to none. 💖🎶
Rules: You can only use a movie once, no repeats.
Favorite movie: It’s a tie between Breakfast at Tiffany’s & Say Anything
Movie that makes you remember your childhood: Ever After
Favorite Tom Hanks movie: You’ve Got Mail
Movie that makes you cry: Moonlight (any movie about bullying breaks me)
Favorite 80’s movie: The Breakfast Club
Favorite comedy: The Heat (legendary female buddy cop movie)
Favorite sports movie: Jerry Maguire
Favorite courtroom movie: A Few Good Men
Favorite war movie: Does Atonement count? It should.
Favorite animated movie: It’s a tie between Mulan & Kung Fu Panda
Favorite horror movie: I am terrified of horror movies so I can’t say I have a favorite but a close one would be Silence of the Lambs.
Most overrated movie: The Hangover (*vom*)
Favorite gangster movie: Casino
Movie you can watch over and over: Definitely Maybe
Movie with the best soundtrack: Moulin Rouge
Movie you’re most embarrassed that you love: Pearl Harbor
Favorite Christmas movie: Love Actually (could also be the answer to the above question).
Favorite sequel: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (keeping this from @lostinmirkwood because it’s super on point).
Tagging @fineosaur @beautifulinsanesanity @kelleesioverhere @alltheworldsinmyhead & anyone else who loves movies!
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
lostinmirkwood replied to your post “MOTHERFUCKING AFTERSHOCKS”
I fee you on those! We had an earthquake in Salt Lake in March and my anxiety spikes any time a freight train goes by our apartment and rattles the glassware now.
wait wait wait...theres earthquakes in UTAH?????? D: oh my god. i mean now that i do think about it that does make sense because mountains but i would never have thought to worry about them there! wow!
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callioope · 5 years
lostinmirkwood replied to your post: i spent the last two and a half years shipping two...
You celebrate, and I’ll loving your posts. I don’t even watch GOT but ship Gendry x Arya and am LIVING tonight!
HA!!! You’re better off honestly for not watching GOT but i love that you ship Gendrya!!!! they’re great!!! And TBH with a battle next episode i think this is our last moment for celebration, it’s going to be all downhill from here
but anyways <3 <3 thanks for this comment :)
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spacepandar · 6 years
Tagged by @lostinmirkwood for the good old Tumblr Accent Challenge. Thank you! I think I’ve only done this sort of challenge once before and that was years ago???
I don’t know who else to tag, but should you come across this for the first time and you decide to participate... please tag me!
Your name and username.
Where you’re from.
Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope, GPOY.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Be a wizard or a vampire?
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?
End audio post by saying any THREE words you want
Shameless plug: a friend and I have been doing these monthly podcasts for an art collective we created Glitter & Neon. We try to center the conversation around the arts, and though we often digress it’s fun (even if I hate having to hear myself talk every other week during editing). Check it out - https://www.glitterandneon.com/podcast.html
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 7 years
I’m always so happy to get a notification from you because I seriously love your tumblr handle :)
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themonkeycabal · 7 years
lostinmirkwood replied to your post: Guys, I don’t mean to panic you or anything, but …...
Jealous! Death Valley is on my list! Hopefully I can hit it early this spring or next fall.
I hope you get to go!
I haven’t been out and about and gone exploring in ages. It’s been driving me nuts. So, I’m really looking forward to next week. And also partially waiting for something to happen -- like I’ll come down with the flu on Christmas or some junk. DON’T YOU DO IT, UNIVERSE! DON’T YOU DARE!
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brynnmclean · 6 years
lostinmirkwood replied to your post: a frightened rabbit lyric inspired list I’ve been...
#3 Brynn. Because like you said, it’s the most RebelCaptain line ever.
so many people have asked for that one and it breaks my damn heart
don’t worry though, I’ll get there with it <3
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thereluctantbadger · 1 year
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Yet again, we're fast approaching the glorious month of October! The leaves are changing, the air is cooling, hoodies come back into my daily wardrobe, and smut writers everywhere rejoice as Kinktober starts!
As always, we want this to be an event that everyone can be in on. So if you have any suggestions for prompts that you'd like to see, please send them to either myself, @lostinmirkwood , or @welt-verbessererin ! Whenever we sit down to map out Kinktober submitted prompts always take priority! So please send them in! Prompts can be for art, video edits, photo edits, or written works!
Submissions will stay open until September 23rd, and the prompt calendar will be posted that following Monday along with rules and guidelines!
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jeeno2 · 7 years
"Would you please give me back my shoes so I can get out of here?" for RebelCaptain! Please!
“Would you please give me back my shoes so I can get out of here?”
Cassian, wearing a smile so smug it’s all Jyn can do not to launch herself at him so she can smack it off his face, quirks his head to one side as if giving her question serious consideration.
“Well,” he begins, drawing out the word as he continues to hold her shoes just out of reach.  “I could give them back to you – but maybe I don’t want you to get out of here.”
Cassian’s smirk slips a little at his admission, his detached veneer cracking as she holds his gaze just a beat too long.  His guard down now, and with her heart pounding in her ears, Jyn slowly reaches across the bed to take her shoes – wondering exactly how, and when, this friends with benefits arrangement got so complicated. 
send me the first sentence of a fic and I will write the next five
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rxbxlcaptain · 7 years
@jenniferjuni-per replied to this post:  I'm new to this 4th of July thing, and I hadn't realized they started fireworks a few days early? I heard some last night, I was wondering why they were already going lol
In my area they normally set off fireworks the weekend closest to the 4th (though some places still set them off on the actual fourth as well)... I guess ti just all depends on where you are!!
@lostinmirkwood replied to this post: Where I live the 4th of July fireworks run from the 1st to the 6th. It's batten down the hatches for a week for the poor dogs. Because boom?
Oooohhh that’s gotta be rough on your dogs!! I’ve never lived anywhere with so many fireworks? I mean, maybe people personally setting them off (but that would just be a few rather than a full show) but not cities/organizations!
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gendryamas · 3 years
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artist: @lostinmirkwood
Arya’s never spoken to the cute guy on the train. She and Tall, Dark, and Handsome share a similar commute but the extent of their communication has been a series of eyebrow raises and eye-rolls at the antics of their fellow passengers, mostly because she’s barely awake before her coffee kicks in as she’s walking the final block to work and he always has earbuds in in the evenings.
Everything’s been going wrong today. She forgets her coffee when she leaves that morning and is running too late to go back for it, work is awful, she remembers at the last minute she has to stop at the craft store for ornament supplies for her nieces and nephews, and a sleeting blizzard starts while she is in the shop and she hasn’t worn her good coat, or her scarf, or her hat.
Cold, soaked, and grumpy she manages to catch her train home by a whisper. More crowded than usual, she’s left precariously balanced beside a sour-faced woman who refuses to budge an inch or give up the overhead strap even though she is next to a pole and Arya is not. Tall, Dark, and Handsome, earbud free for the moment, is two steps away, his bicep straining his woolen coat sleeve as he holds on to his own overhead strap when the train gives a sudden jerk that sends her stumbling straight into him. Her bag from the craft store swings up between them as she catches herself against his broad chest, sending a poorly sealed bag of glitter poofing out into a mushroom cloud around them.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome stands there stunned, shimmering in the fluorescent light of the train as Arya apologizes profusely, brushing the golden glitter from the front of his dark coat as best she can. His icy blue eyes catch hers as he grabs her wrist, stilling her now sparkling hands and sending a small zing of electricity through her. “S’fine,” he murmurs.
“It’s really not, I’m so sorry! I’ll pay to get cleaned, I swear!” Arya’s no longer red cheeked from the cold, it’s all embarrassment now. She’s going to be trending on Twitter soon if she keeps trying to brush him down after accidentally glitter-bombing him. @SEunderground #meetugly #craftherpes.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome just grunts slightly at her, shaking his head, “It’s not necessary.”
His warm hand is still wrapped around her wrist, now resting on his chest. “Look,” she says, “I live near the Cassana Plaza station. I can make you some coffee and vacuum off the worst of it. You can’t go around looking like a tree-topper.” No matter how much he looks like an angel, she thinks.
He raises a thick brow at her, sending a few flakes of glitter falling to their still clasped hands. She raises an eyebrow right back. Finally he gives a short nod, and, seeming to realize they’re still touching, releases her hand.
“I’m Gendry, by the way,” he says, quietly.
“Arya. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
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