#lost sister twice in supermarket
pulsar-1919 · 1 year
Best part of coming home from college every weekend is Bonding Time™️ with @monsieur-le-vagin
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postpartum journal #1
I don’t know if anyone wants to read this or maybe it’s also a lot of TMI but I want to write and I think it’s important to share? It feels a little odd because Tumblr still feels like a space for my teenager/young adult self and not a space for being a mother. But I don’t think I’ve read anyone that did really journal frankly about their experience (probably that Sarah Hawkinson video that I watched was the most frank I’ve seen someone talk about the motherhood experience)
So more under the cut. If you’re reading it/read it and am worried about me, I am doing okay and getting help in many different ways. My thoughts might be all over the place, please be gracious.
It’s been slightly more than a week since I gave birth. One more day to two weeks really. I’m still reeling from a lot of that has happened. I remembered being very worried the days prior to labour because Friday (28/6) I had an appointment for induction if labour still hasn’t decided to start . And as luck would have had it, I started feeling strong contractions 1am of 28/6. Around 17hours of struggle and labour, baby was born.
I didn’t know then but there was a few complications during the last stages of delivery. Episiotomy was performed. Vacuum extraction was used to get baby out too. Baby heartbeat was lost for a good 2-3mins. She turned out fine, pretty fine to say the least. Just perhaps a little stressed out. I didn’t know then, I only knew in depth what happened after reading the delivery report when I got discharged from the hospital.
Waves of emotions flooded me when they placed baby on my chest. I cried like a baby for a good five minutes or so, that my husband had tried to comfort me to get me to stop crying with all the bystanders around. It’s still hard to comprehend the fact that I’m a mother now. That this is what it took to be a mother.
I have to remind myself that as many days old my daughter is, I am as many days old as a mother. Today during the home visit by a midwife from the child health centre, she said to me “when a child is born, a parent is born too” I’m still trying to make sense of everything that has happened.
The birthing was a traumatic experience, the aftermath is still quite traumatic. My stitches needed restitching twice and still requiring follow ups to check if they will rupture again. On the day we were going to be discharged from the maternity ward, I woke up at 4am with my daughter on my chest (they encourage to maximise skin to skin contact while you’re still in ward) and I cried to myself silently. It finally hitting me that she’s going to be my responsibility now. That I am going to take her home. That she is mine. Sometimes I look at her and I have to remind myself that she’s my daughter. MY daughter. Not someone else’s. Not my sister. Not my husband’s sister. Or someone else’s baby. She is mine and she is made of me (and husband)
We went to the supermarket the first time today. It’s my first time after giving birth. The last time I was there, I was still pregnant. I also remember the first time I went on the bus again after giving birth. It is still hard to put together these experiences. The stark differences in myself, being pregnant and now after giving birth. People don’t treat me any different. But I feel so very different inside. I took myself out for walks everyday during the last week of pregnancy (it feels weird even writing this too) and I went to that supermarket almost every single day with my big pregnant belly. And today I was back there again, navigating through the aisles with husband, stroller and baby in tow. Nothing really changed except me. I walked past the cookies aisle, how many times I’ve stood there negotiating with my pregnant belly (my daughter then still inside of me) whether to get another box of chocolate cookies or not. I stopped there for a minute, baby is fast asleep in the stroller. She can’t have chocolate cookies now anyway too. The jarring effect of motherhood.
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furmity · 1 year
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For all I had to be at my most responsible, competent, and organised to help my brother, spending a lot of time calling mechanics and discussing autoelectrics- we had a blast. We're great friends and hadn't seen each other in years.
He is out of the pit, and in a month we rendezvous with our sister (us three in the same place for the first time in three years!). Much progress was made.
We ate the finest, cheapest tropical fruits and cackled at the shaming of the guilty. We worked a few days on an organic sweet potato farm, visited a coffee plantation, and drank a bottle of mango wine. I *shudder* became accustomed to XXXX because the interstate folk don't know what's up.
I saw animals I've waited my whole life to see, amd marvelled at how all of Australia was once rainforest. We picked up a stray dog at the crater lakes and surrendered them to a vet. Alas, it was dry season and I didn't have the QLD green- treefrog- in- shower moment.
We mountain- goated across boulders, and I fulfilled my lifelong ambition of swinging from a jungle vine in aid of the goating. We had a driftwood fire on the Kaba beach and camped in a very eccentric tent belonging to our sister. One night I led a lost drunk girl who didn't have a phone through the dark mangroves back to camp... and when I went back to smoke a joint in there, the board walk vibrated ominously.
We inspected the pools at the top of Davies Creek Falls in the dark, and only realised the next day that they're 70m tall. We screeched to a halt for a frog crossing the road, and saw a platypus with uncanny ease at the platypus- viewing hide in Yungaburra.
I stood leaning on the rail of the Fitzroy Flyer and let the Coral Sea wind blow through me, up my nose and into my soul. That attempt to see some of Nyurrbing was ultimately a very expensive day on the beach in the rain (a cheerful one, though). We had silly cocktails on a tropical island from Foxy's.
A lucky sea- step penny I've had since Orkney in (er..?) 2016 mysteriously vanished, replaced by a 5c piece from the great Biboohra River. My rosary blessed by its waters, and my "home" solstice hallowing water my best offering.
I met Daintree bogans and greened out on their medical weed in Cape Tribulation. My brother was with me, and those guys were great, but I felt how easily something terrible could have happened. I thought I'd broken my nose.
I was sensible and didn't try the Queensland psyllocibins available in the caravan park's drug shop. Open 7-9pm daily and run by a metal head Bush Doof Jesus, it is frequented by Lenny the bandicoot (who was stolen then returned, seen crash- bandicooting in a cage on a skateboard!). I got a blow- by- blow account when my caravan- mate had a chocolate full of "penis envy" mushrooms.
I marvelled at being in Hippy Land, the way it was reflected in supermarkets and pharmacies. The Kuranda markets were a lot of fun. I saw plenty of irresponsible van- life animal husbandry, and was disappointed how strong white dreadlocks still are. I became disgusted by their fire twirling antics (kerosene on the beach of the Great Barrier Reef?!), beautiful as it was. Someone stole a plastic spoon which was holding our caravan window open, and you couldn't trust them around your dish detergent!
I read a trippy N.E. QLD magazine called Connect (it was the LGBTQIA+ edition and friends, I don't know how offended to be). Full of ads for white plastic shamans and barramundi animal messages.
I twice glued the boots which had been re- heeled before the trip. Their soles peeled the minute we got to Kaba Kada. What was once dappled grey is now dyed by the red, red Yidinji soil of the farm. They're treasured now (and at the cobbler).
I stitched tourist patches into the duffel bag which is slowly catching up to my old sticker- covered case that perished coming back from Aotaeroa. I was that tourist who bought a crocodile tooth, and dreamt with it under my pillow.
For my last night I painted my nails pink to watch Barbie in Australia's oldest operative cinema. We spoilt our dinner with popcorn and snakes, and saw one last waterfall.
I came home to Tarndanya and saw it anew... a changed woman (not that Barbie had anything to do with it).
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quokkacore · 4 years
lost and found [bang chan]
summary: looking for your soulmate is difficult to do when you’re also looking after your daughter. but on a chance shopping trip, when you lose her, you end up finding her, and your soulmate, whose soft smile and cute dimples offer a lot of promise.
pairing: musician!chan x singlemom!reader
genre: soulmates au, slice of life, meet-cute, holiday special-ish?, fluff, minor angst towards the beginning.
warnings: brief mentions of kidnapping, language, eating 
song rec: exo - wait // chen - shall we?
word count: 2.1k
a/n: helena writing something that isnt angsty or smutty? apparently thats possible. december is gonna be pure winter fics says the girl who lives in a country where its SUMMER but go off and i’m posting a two part exo fic tht i’m rlly excited for on christmas eve and christmas day, so pls look forward to tht ^^
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It only took a minute. It felt like even less. You turned your head to look for a sales employee, and let go of your 4 year old daughter’s hand to grab the hand she was holding onto to look through the shirts you were going through. Your eyes and hands were off of Annie for the briefest of moments, and when you reached out again, when you turned your head to look downward… gone. Like the wind. 
That had been ten minutes ago. Now, you were wandering around the department store like you had gone crazy. To a certain degree, you had. Don’t panic if you lose sight of your kid, all the parenting articles had said. So naturally, you were doing exactly that. Once your mind got the gears turning, it was hard to get them to stop. Your inner pessimist was already whispering to you, what if she left the building? What if some creep snatched her up? What if she had gotten hurt? 
Why couldn’t you have just stayed home on your day off? Why did you have to decide to haul yourself and your daughter along to the mall to do your holiday shopping today? You were immediately beginning to regret every decision you’d made in the past few hours, tears prickling in your eyes and a lump beginning to grow in your throat. 
You wondered vaguely if she’d left the department store and was now wandering around the mall. That could be an entirely different possibility. You’d gone around the department store twice now, not seeing a single sight of her. Your grip tightened on her winter coat—which she had given to you when it got too warm for her from being inside—and started looking for a security guard instead. Maybe they could call out to the other security guards in the mall and keep a lookout.
Just as you spotted one, beginning to think of what you could say to give a physical description—her hair and eye color, which were both the same as your own, the red t-shirt she had on, the jeans, her height—a notification bell rang throughout the department store on the speaker system. 
“To Annie’s mom, Y/N,” The woman on the PA system said, “Your daughter is at the help desk at the north entrance of the building.” 
A swell of relief swept through you as she repeated the announcement one more time, and your feet, of their own volition, started towards the exit of the department store. What a fucking relief. You had entered toward that side of the building; meaning, yes, she’d left the store, but she hadn’t gone too far. Your heart was racing, sprinting towards the entrance. Your eyes darted back and forth, desperately waiting for the desk to come into sight as you rounded the corner. 
When you turned, your eyes caught sight of your little girl, Annie, standing in front of the desk, teary-eyed, next to a young man in a black hoodie, watching her quietly. Your feet sped up, and when you were about fifteen feet away from the desk, your daughter turned her head to the sound of quick feet making a mad dash across the floor. Her eyes widened, and her little feet shot in your direction. “Mommy!”
She ran up to you, and you crouched to grab her in your arms, engulfing her in a hug that felt like it was more for your sake than for hers. You could feel a giant weight falling off of your shoulders as he sniffled against your shoulder. You found yourself having to blink tears out of your eyes. Pulling away a few seconds later, you wiped away a stray tear trickling down your little girl’s cheek.
���Honey, you can’t just walk away from me like that,” You murmured shakily, “I was so worried.” 
“‘M sorry, mommy,” She sighed in a small voice, lower lip wobbling. Your heart clenched at how upset she was, and you put your hand on her cheek to calm her down. “Wanted t’go look at the toys. But I didn’t see you ‘nymore after.”
You sighed, pursing your lips. “I’m so glad you’re safe. How did you find your way to the desk?”
Annie turned her head, wide eyes fixing on the man in the oversized hoodie. Dark, frizzy curls paired with eyes of the same color, warm and welcoming, watching your interaction with his elbow propped up against the desk. “He helped me. Showed me where t’go.”
Your eyes met the man’s, and you stood slowly, holding onto Annie’s hand. You made your way over to him, flashing him a small friendly smile. “Annie says you helped her find her way here? I can’t thank you enough. I was this close to losing my mind.” 
He let out a quiet laugh, nodding sympathetically. “I can imagine,” He replied, revealing a deep Australian accent, “I remember when I was a kid, my little sister got lost at the supermarket. My mum just ‘bout went nuts looking for her, and she was only missing for like five minutes. When I saw your daughter all alone, I got this horrible feeling, and I remembered my mum… I couldn’t just leave her there, y’know?”
You laughed. “Kids,” You sighed warmly, “You can’t take your eyes off of them, not even for a second. But honestly, thank you, uh, Mr…?”
He smiled, and as your other turbulent emotions began to subside, you realized he was insanely cute, taking note of his rosy, heart-shaped lips and his dimple. “Bang Chan. Uh, but just Chan is fine! Really.”
“Chan,” you repeated, your smile growing. You turned your head to look down at Annie. “And, what do we say to Chan for helping you, Annie? Sweetie...?”
But she didn’t seem to be listening to you. She was too busy gawking at your hand, which was holding onto her little one. You furrowed your brows, eyes falling to where she was looking, before your mouth fell open. 
This was the last thing you were expecting, you thought, as your eyes fell upon the red string tied around your finger, eyes trailing forward, forward, until they made their way to Chan’s index finger, and then even further, meeting Chan’s eyes, which were wide as saucers. Evidently, he hadn’t been expecting this either.
 “Mommy,” Annie said, confused, “That string just showed up out of nowhere. Like magic!” 
It was your turn to not answer now, too in shock, blinking stupidly at Chan, who was doing the same. It felt like an out of body experience, unable to stop your mouth from gaping like a fish, while watching you and this ridiculously charming, handsome-for-absolutely-no-reason man come to the realization that the universe had tied you together, quite literally.
“I-I…” You choked out, unable to speak. Oh my god, you idiot, you thought, say something! Don’t just stare!
“Mommy.” Annie’s free hand was tugging on your long, brown winter coat now, which snapped you out of your idiotic gawking. You looked down at her, and her eyes were glittering with excitement. “The string! ‘S’the one you told me about last week! Th’one that shows up when you meet your… your… snow mate!”
That seemed to truly snap you out of it, for some reason, and you let out a sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh.
“Annie, I think you mean soulmate.”
“Yeah, that!” She started jumping up and down, and your face grew a crooked smile. You looked back at Chan, who was watching the interaction warmly. His eyes met yours when he realized you were looking at him, and he smiled at you in a way that made your heart do an anxious little tap dance, like he had known you for years and wanted to catch up.
In a way, it was true.
“So…” You said, “You said your name was Chan?”
He giggled a little at your breathless tone, and you grinned giddily. You felt like a teenager. It was honestly a bit embarrassing. 
“You wanna get some lunch? My treat.” He sounded insistent, but his eyes were still creased up with his welcoming smile. “I insist.”
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“What are the odds?” You asked with a smile, having finished your lunch—some pizza from the mall Chan had insisted on paying for—a few minutes ago, now watching Annie run around over on the indoor playground with some other kids there. Chan was sitting across from you at the table. “The last thing I was expecting was to find you, y’know?”
“I think there was a higher priority on your list of things you needed to find at the moment.”
“Ha, ha,” You deadpanned, “You’re hilarious. Tell another one.”
“Alright, what do you call a—”
“No!” You said with a giggle. “I heard enough earlier when you told me the one about the yakuza and the jacuzzi.”
Chan laughed gleefully, resting his chin on his hand. The string had since disappeared—they disappeared some ten minutes after meeting your soulmate. “But really, it is pretty crazy. I read a few weeks ago that only 3 out of every 10 people actually manage to find their soulmates.”
He didn’t respond but his eyes studied your face, gaze fixated on the bridge of your nose. “Call me biased,” He murmured, “But you’re very beautiful.”
You looked down, feeling your face heat up. “Thank you. You’re pretty handsome yourself.”
“Ah, thank you.” It was Chan’s turn to smile bashfully, the tips of his ears turning red. He looked down at his hands, which were on the table. A brief silence settled over the both of you, and you pondered over how he had been during lunch, gentle in his questioning but also incredibly sweet whenever Annie said something or asked a question, and how he always looked genuinely interested in what she had to say. 
As a single mom, you never really had time to date. But both times that you given it a try, they didn’t seem to care about Annie or what she had to say. But here, now, Chan had been so happy to explain how he made music when she asked, or let her have the last slice of pizza, and it didn’t come across as disingenuous. It didn’t have the slightly condescending lilt some people put on to talk to younger children. He didn’t speak slowly and loudly, but he was aware that he needed to simplify his language given that she was still a little kid. He took things at her pace, and you could see that Annie warmed up to him instantly. 
Still, you were a little wary.
“Look,” You said softly, eyes turning to the playground, looking for Annie. When you found her, chasing a little boy around, you smiled softly. “I’m really excited to have found you, Chan. It’s something I’ve always wanted but never expected. But… y’know, I’m a mom, above everything else. Ever since she was born, Annie’s been, and always will be my number one priority. I need you to understand that.”
You met his eyes again, and they had turned more serious, attentive to your words. “I totally understand that, Y/N. I wouldn’t want to come between you and her, and I don’t expect you to drop everything for me. Especially if it involves Annie.”
“Thank you,” You answered softly, nodding. “It’s hard for her. Her dad and I broke up a few months after she was born, and she sees him maybe once or twice a year. She’s in such an important age for her development, and needs me just as much as I need her, y’know?”
He nodded again, humming in accordance. “Of course. I’m totally willing to wait if you’re not ready yet, or if you want to set certain boundaries for her wellbeing... Whatever you feel is best for her.”
Slowly, his hand made its way to rest on top of yours. He was almost cautious about it, brushing his fingers gently against your knuckles. “You really made my day.” His voice was warm, eyes full of mirth. You smiled. “You made mine too. Because I found my soulmate and you stopped me from having a heart attack by saving the day and finding Annie. I’m never gonna thank you enough for that.”
He laughed. “I’m glad I was able to help. It led me to you.”
Lowering your head as your heart skipped a beat, you looked at his hand on yours, then at Annie, and finally back at him. A rosebud of hope began to bloom in your chest.
Seeing his dimples as his eyes shone, you had a solid feeling it wouldn’t ever wilt.
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taglist: @decembermoonskz​ 
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suunnysyde · 4 years
Haikyuu x reader headcannons
Guess what mamas 🙄
I died, decided to write Haikyuu headcannons for when they’re dating you, and voila! Bon appetite.
I made these for what?? Nothing, so I decided better get some use out of it.
* I tried to not make it too biased on anything, for example not many milk mentions for Kageyama or video games for Kenma. I slipped a few times oops.
Content under tag cause its a long one lmao
- You and Alisa dress each other up.
- Alisa would take you shopping for your dates with Lev ( or her )
- You hype Yachi up when she feels down.
- You play volleyball with Kiyoko sometimes, that’s partly why she got good.
- Yachi probably has a lower than normal immune system so you’re taking her of her a lot, think of it as a way of giving back to her.
- Kiyoko prepares the most extravagant dates for you, if you ask why she merely says “only the best for my lover.”
- Kageyama would file your nails while you talk if he sees you picking on them.
- Hinata would go to school with his nails painted because his sister painted them. On that note, Hinata would paint your nails if you needed help on your non-dominant hand.
- Tsukishima and Akaashi would grab your hand when they’re nervous and squeeze it gently.
- Asahi likes it when you play with his hair.
- Dates with Yamaguchi would either be ordering take-out and binging anime or just cuddling and sleeping.
- Nishinoya would teach you ‘Rolling Thunder’ if you asked.
- Nishinoya also really likes it when you play with his hair.
- You and Tsukishima have study dates at a cafe and eat strawberry shortcake.
- Sometimes Sugawara goes to your house to cook for you. Or you both cook together and then share it to the team as a treat.
- Daichi would take you out to a carnival and win whatever you want for you.
- Nishinoya’s grandfather adores you, and always asks how you are. And scolds Nishinoya in front of you sometimes, saying how he should treat you right.
- Tsukishima would make playlists with songs that remind him of you.
- You let Yamaguchi explain volleyball shenanigans so he remembers them.
- Kageyama *loves* getting hugs from you, but doesn’t start them in fear you don’t want to reciprocate the hug.
- If you play volleyball you practice spiking with Hinata so he can practice receiving.
- You and Asahi go to movie drive ins and cuddle in the backseat.
- If you do something to Asahi’s hair, like a hairstyle, he would wear it around without taking it off. Nishinoya comments on his hair saying how he’s lucky to have a girl like you.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- Daichi keeps a note on his phone on things you like and don’t like plus things you’ve said.
- Tsukishima let’s you wear his glasses when you two are alone, he enjoys seeing you happy. Even if he doesn’t admit it.
- If you have freckles Hinata would count them and draw constellations on your face. ( bonus: he kisses each individual freckle )
- Kageyama tries to braid your hair, he’ll probably just tangle it though.
- Kenma knows how to braid hair pretty well, so he would often practice on you, if you have short hair small braids.
- Kenma also likes to rest his head near your neck, it feels like you’re somehow protecting him from the outside world.
- Kuroo takes you on beach dates during summer vacation.
- You and Kuroo would throw insults at each other to see who gets mad first, loser normally buys food. On that note if you’re close to breaking and you’ve lost twice in a row he’ll call quits.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- Kenma would name his starter Pokémon after you, since he keeps his starter till the end. ( bonus: uses a lot of potions on you so you don’t faint )
- Kenma gets you stuffed animals when he goes to the arcade.
- Yaku treats your wounds if you trip and scrape your knee. ( carries first aid kit for his wounds )
- Alisa would take you shopping for your dates with Lev ( or her )
- Tsukishima and Akaashi would grab your hand when they’re nervous and squeeze it gently.
- Bokuto often calls you at 3am to ask you to go with him to a supermarket or to tell you he’s outside your house.
- Akaashi would help you study for your exams, he can quickly grasp any subject’s basics.
- Akaashi would read you what he’s reading at the moment, or a resumen of what’s happening.
- TW: SWEAR // Kenma is shit at 8ball so he tends so ignore your 8ball advances.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- You and Bokuto dance in the rain even if Akaashi advises against it because you two always get sick afterwards.
- Bokuto loves PDA and showing you off in general ( “HEY GUYS! LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL LOVER!” )
- Iwaizumi does work out dates ( pls his muscles )
- You and Oikawa would watch crappy movies and judge them. Especially sappy romance movies, though he jokes about going on cheesy dates with you.
- The pretty setter squad ( specifically Kageyama, Kenma, Akaashi and Oikawa ) are all really observant so if you have some random cut they’ll and you don’t notice they’ll put a bandaid on you.
- Oikawa would ask you to make him lunches as he adores your cooking.
- Iwaizumi makes you lunches, pretty good cook.
- If any of his fangirl do anything to you Oikawa will not hesitate to scold them, he won’t leave your side afterwards for a week.
- Tendo and Futakuchi would start prank wars with you.
- Tendo once joked about committing arson with you. ( once, for now )
- Tendo brought you to an abandoned building with pizza and you both ate pizza at the rooftop before stargazing.
- Tendo has joked frequently about stealing a stop sign though, it’s on his bucket list on things to do with you.
- //TIMESKIP Tendo makes you chocolate for when you’re on your period ( if you like chocolate )
- Ushijima *never* gets sick. Bacteria are scared of him.
- Tendō always talks to you about the latest manga and encourages you to read it with him.
- Terushima once brought you out to a laser tag date, it got intense. He lost. No mercy.
- Terushima’s music taste changes every month so every month he makes you a playlist of the songs he likes most.
- Sakusa likes it both when he plays with your hair and when you play with his, although he won’t admit the latter.
- Tendo and Futakuchi would start prank wars with you.
- You and Aone go to petting zoos as dates.
now, now, wait. Before you go. If you made it this far lmao, allow me to serenade you, with Haikyuu Chants
TW: all caps
( idk if I had to mark that but I know someone who hates all caps so ye )
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lgbtpopcult · 3 years
10 Lesbian Romance Audiobooks You Will Enjoy
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A Little Bit of Spice by Georgia Beers
Andrea Blake's life has order. Everything is meticulously laid out and planned, from her house in its quiet neighborhood to her career path at Hagan's, the largest supermarket chain in the Northeast. Andrea knows what she wants.
Enter Kendall Foster, the distractingly attractive woman in charge of sales for her family's local microbrewery and somebody who wants very much to get her beer onto Hagan's shelves. A decision that happens to be Andrea's. The physical attraction is immediate and hard to resist, but Andrea doesn't need a complication like Kendall in her life, not when she's rocketing toward predictable security.
But Kendall is fun. And smart. And oh, so sexy. Can she convince Andrea that her rather flat, flavorless life could be way better with just a little bit of spice?
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How Sweet it Is by Melissa Brayden
Some things are better than chocolate.... Molly O'Brien is a sweetheart. Her friends and neighbors all think so. While she enjoys her quiet life running the town bakeshop in Applewood, Illinois, she wonders if there could be more.
After losing the love of her life four years prior in a plane crash, Molly thinks she's ready to navigate the dicey dating waters once again. However, you can't always pick who your heart latches on to. When Jordan Tuscana, the beautiful younger sister of her lost love, returns to town, Molly finds her interest piqued in a manner for which she wasn't prepared. As secrets are uncovered, Molly and Jordan must figure out how to navigate the difficult terrain of their multifaceted relationship - especially when something much deeper seems to be bubbling between them.
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Ash by Malinda Lo
"Cinderella" retold.
In the wake of her father's death, Ash is left at the mercy of her cruel stepmother. Consumed with grief, her only joy comes by the light of the dying hearth fire, rereading the fairy tales her mother once told her. In her dreams, someday the fairies will steal her away, as they are said to do. When she meets the dark and dangerous fairy Sidhean, she believes that her wish may be granted.
The day that Ash meets Kaisa, the King's Huntress, her heart begins to change. Instead of chasing fairies, Ash learns to hunt with Kaisa. Though their friendship is as delicate as a new bloom, it reawakens Ash's capacity for love - and her desire to live. But Sidhean has already claimed Ash for his own, and she must make a choice between fairy tale dreams and true love.
Entrancing, empowering, and romantic, Ash is about the connection between life and love, and solitude and death, where transformation can come from even the deepest grief.
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Australian crime reporter Maddie Grey is out of her depth in New York, miserable, and secretly drawn to her powerful, twice-married media mogul boss, Elena Bartell, who eats failing newspapers for breakfast. As work takes them to Australia, Maddie is goaded into a brief, seemingly harmless bet with her enigmatic boss - where they have to tell the complete truth to each other. It backfires catastrophically.
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After a disastrous blind date, Darcy Lowell is desperate to stop her well-meaning brother from playing matchmaker ever again. Love - and the inevitable heartbreak - is the last thing she wants. So she fibs and says her latest set up was a success. Darcy doesn’t expect her lie to bite her in the ass.
Elle Jones, one of the astrologers behind the popular Twitter account Oh My Stars, dreams of finding her soul mate. But she knows it is most assuredly not Darcy...a no-nonsense stick-in-the-mud, who is way too analytical, punctual, and skeptical for someone as free-spirited as Elle. When Darcy’s brother - and Elle's new business partner - expresses how happy he is that they hit it off, Elle is baffled. Was Darcy on the same date? Because...awkward.
Darcy begs Elle to play along and she agrees to pretend they’re dating. But with a few conditions: Darcy must help Elle navigate her own overbearing family during the holidays and their arrangement expires on New Year’s Eve. The last thing they expect is to develop real feelings during a faux relationship. But maybe opposites can attract when true love is written in the stars?
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Coming out is easier when you've got someone by your side. At least that's how the hyper-private Quinn Kincaid sees it. When her publicist suggests a good old-fashioned sham of a Hollywood relationship, Quinn reluctantly agrees. And that's how the star of Jordan's Appeal, TV's highest rated legal drama, ends up with a fake girlfriend - the very real, very sexy, and very gay soap star Lacey Matthews.
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When the two meet on the set of Ninth Precinct, Caid is instantly infatuated but settles for friendship, positive that Robyn is both unavailable and uninterested. Soon Caid sees that all is not as it appears, but can she take a chance and risk her heart when the outcome is so uncertain?
The leading ladies and the supporting cast of this debut novel by newcomer K.E Lane will charm you, entertain you, and leave you with a smile on your face.
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Librarian Syd Murphy flees the carnage of a failed marriage by accepting an 18-month position in Jericho - a small town in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Her plans to hide out and heal her wounds fall by the wayside as she gets drawn into the daily lives of the quirky locals. She becomes fast friends with Maddie Stevenson, the enigmatic physician who has returned to the backcountry community to take over her late father's medical practice. Together they learn that life and love can have as many twists and turns as a country road.
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Natalie's life is on a precipice with too many failed career moves in the last year. Faced with the loss of everything she has ever worked for, Natalie looks for a way to get out of the city and realign her priorities.
When Jessica Morgan places an ad for a new farmhand, she doesn't expect to hear from an urbanite. And when the respondent turns out to be gorgeous Natalie Wells, she's really at a loss for words!
Natalie thinks taking a job in the country is a great plan, until she realizes she's attracted to her boss. When she learns her boss's bias against her is the result of issues with an ex-girlfriend, Natalie realizes she's not imagining the sparks between them - that Jess might just be open to a new relationship, if only Natalie can prove she belongs in Jess's life.
The last thing Jess needs is a new love interest, especially one who works for her! But she can't deny Natalie is pretty darn cute trying to learn her way around the farm and as she falls in love, Jess wonders if there's a chance for romance with the city girl....
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When uptight British bookshop owner Emily Bartlett goes to Las Vegas to get over a humiliating breakup, she's expecting to make a few mistakes. But when she meets Ruby Knight, a pessimistic American C-list TV actress with designs on a movie career, she makes a whopper. The pair get so incredibly drunk together that they end up getting accidentally married.
In the cold light of day, both women are shocked to find themselves wedded to a virtual stranger. But maybe it's not such a big mistake? Could Ruby's marriage to Emily help boost her profile and get her the biggest role of her life, earning Emily a big payday in the process? Only if they can make it seem like they're really in love. And only if they can navigate the treacherous LA movie scene without tripping themselves up and giving the game away. Or worse, getting carried away with their fake relationship...
But what if they do let themselves feel something? Could they fall in love? Or are they just married?
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I just read the Erwin date scenarios and it’s so hood AGH could you please do one for armin? Plz 😚
You read my mind👀 ngl I think about Armin each time I write something for Erwin, despite them being alike i like to compare the differences and think they have different tastes and love languages.
Erwin strikes me a more act of services and gift giving guy while Armin would definitely go for words of affirmation and quality time.
Type of dates with Armin PT.1 {pt.2 in masterlist}
{ Armin x reader | tw: none | fluff, romance | modern }
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{ "in bloom" by Abbott Fuller Graves 1859–1936 }
Ideal dates : these are dates he plans up ahead, makes sure they go smoothly and you're both are having fun. He really looks forward to these dates, they're like an event for him. He saves them up for important occasions like your anniversary, valentine's day, birthday, etc.
1. Spending a full day on the beach: when i say a full day I mean it, he's driving you there really early in the morning while you're struggling to stay awake in the passenger seat. He doesn't even need coffee he's running on 100% pure determination and will.
You'd arrive before anyone there, to get the best spot of course. It's close enough to the sea that you can feel the humidity of the water in the air, yet far enough from the rest of the beach that other people won't bother you.
He'd understand if you were too sleepy to help him set things up, he'd just kiss your forehead before letting you go back to sleep, promising he'll get you something to drink when the stores open.
You wake up to the smell of your favourite hot drink, just around 8am. The sun is up and the air is refreshing, you can hear the quiet chatter of people far away just arriving here. You sip your drink as Armin guides you to the small comfortable space he made, proudly showing off his work.
Please praise him and give him a kiss on the cheek, he will melt.
The rest of the day is spent with you two swimming lazily in the water, feeling the warm sunlight on your skin. Collecting whatever pretty seashell you see, using some to decorate the sandcastle Armin built with you. He takes a pictures of you at seemingly random moments, he promises to show you when he devolps them later.
You help him dry his hair afterwards, he take you to get ice cream. Despite getting you one too, he still ends up sharing his own with you, and if you're up for seconds he'd happily oblige.
When night falls and the people began leaving, the waves of the ocean get a little higher, wind turning colder. Don't worry, Armin thought about that, that's why he brought blankets.
He'd wrap you both in the same one, even holding you close to him, it's for warmth he says and yet he seems like he was looking forward for this. You help him in making a small bonfire, he brought marshmallows.
The rest of the night is spent with you laying against him while huddled in a blanket, looking at the heavens above and the constellation of the stars.
He takes your hand in his, guiding your finger to where polaris is. "It never changes" he says "no matter what" and from that star, he guides you through the formation of the little dipper.
Just right under it, directly under the polaris, begins the big dipper, a close replica to its little sister.
You spend hours like this, looking at the stars as new formations come and go with the time. You were early enough to catch Aries as it was leaving, pleiades, the seven sisters shining brightly next to it.
And just after midnight it was Sirius turn to say goodbye. That's when both of you decided to call it a night, he hugged you close to him, you could feel his heartbeat slowing down, he was oh so warm and tasted just like chocolate and marshmallows when you kissed goodnight.
2. Going on an adventure and trying new things: Armin has the need to try new things and gain new experiences, despite being someone who prefers small groups of friends and getting lost in a book than socialising. It's something that's been a part of him since he was a child, he wants to experience what the world has to offer and won't say no despite how utterly terrifying it can be to him.
And he wants to have those experiences with you, to share his love for the unknown with you, to see your reactions and share his own thoughts. The only thing that's better than going on adventures to him is going on adventures with you.
An adventure could be anything really, it could be going diving underwater or going to that creepy looking supermarket that never closes, you never know. An adventure is an adventure after all. The possibilities are endless.
So don't be surprised when he asks for you to go with him sky diving for his birthday despite knowing how terrfied he is of heights and how even a carnaval ride can make him sick.
Good or bad he doesn't care, he just wants to try and learn everything. He's full of curiosity and surprises that you'd never get bored, although a good thing about him is that he never is unprepared.
Yes he will take you on seemingly dangerous adventures but know that he really deeply thought about this before hand and is prepared for all the different scenarios that could happen, he likes the unknown but he's smart and cautious on how to approche it.
Not to mention that a single adventure can leave him satisfied for a long time before craving a new rush, probably once or twice a year. Just frequent enough to be something to look forward to but not too frequent that it becomes boring or too repetitive, he manages to keep that balance and walk on that thin line.
3. Hot air ballon ride: just imagine, it's early autumn, the weather is just right to wear those cozy yet good looking clothes, the earth seems like it's turning slower than usual as the trees change colours.
Around sunrise or sunset, both of you are high up in the air, the sun clearly in view with the golden clouds surrounding it. The world managing to look so small yet so vast at the same time.
Armin is wearing his favourite sweater and scarf combo, he's holding your hand in his pocket to keep it warm. It's just you and him isolated from the rest of the world like other people dont exist anymore, and strangely he's okay with that, at peace even.
He brings a camera and captures how the sun reflects in your eyes, how the chilly air makes you rub your hands together for warmth and how utterly breathtaking you look.
Beautiful, gorgeous even, these are the only thoughts in his mind at that moment.
And so Armin made a promise to himself that in the far future, when he wants to be even closer to you, to vow his life to yours, he'd propose on a hot air balloon.
But as much as he likes staying up in the air with you being his angel, the process of booking a ride is much more complicated and time consuming than he originally thought. Meaning he doesn't get to enjoy these rare heavenly moments as he wants to.
He needs to make reservations in advance, not to mention how important it is to choose a trustworthy company. Lastly how rides depend on the weather conditions, needing to reschedule if the weather takes a turn to the worse.
4. Visiting the aquarium or planetarium: he's just a boy with oceans for eyes and stars in his smile, can you really blame him for gravitating towards these places? Or for diving too deep in knowledge about the sky above and sea below?
Whenever the weather is too harsh for a beach trip or the sky is too cloudy for a stargazing night, these two places are his to go backups.
He's memorised the place like the back of his hand, no need for a map. Want to see the shark tanks and how they're doing? He'll take you there and introduce to them and the silly nicknames he gave them. Or how about saying hello to the dolphins who'll show off some moves just for your attention, or maybe you miss seeing the adorable penguins wobble around?
He knows endless facts about each fish kind, he makes it seem so fascinating and the way he phrases the information and coats them in milk and honey makes it impossible for you not to engage.
You both could have a slow with few words spoken walk and it still be as interesting, he'd even make special playlists to listen to while walking around and sharing his earphones.
Meanwhile at the planetarium, sometimes in the early mornings you'd run into kids just arriving for their school trip. Racing each other to the solar system panel and looking in amazement when the stars show begins. You and Armin have a nostalgic feeling when watching them, yet when you look at each other you remember how good it feels like to be grown and have someone special.
You never could get bored of seeing the stars, especially not with Armin.
5. Trying a new kind of art: one time you asked him what does he think the meaning of art is, what even is art?
"Art is communication" he said.
Armin has a deep love and appreciation for all kind of art, from classic oil canvas paintings to old greek sculptures. He doesn't pick a side, he likes both the modren and classic.
Music is art, writing is art and even making pottery is a form of art too. He wants to experience it, not for a need to acolmplish something or to rival Shakespeare, but for a need to communicate his emotions in a more subtle and personal way.
Like a secret language only he can decipher the meaning of, after all he was the one to create it.
Whenever he tries a new form of art, his usual fear of failure and absurdly high expectations actually go out the window. There isn't good and bad art, there's just different levels of communication and different styles.
So to him, the act of bringing you both some watercolours and cotton papers to paint on for a date is incredibly intimate, that's his true feelings and emotions he's showing you. But don't worry, he isn't here to take the whole thing seriously, he's actually playful and mellow most of the time.
Or maybe he'd like to make pottery with you, an excuse to put his hands around yours while sitting intimately close, maybe even give your shoulder a couple kisses while you shape the vase you agreed on making.
The next day, you find the finished vase near the window with a sunflower arrangements inside.
It also could be you two sitting next to each other, working together on a page of an adult colouring book or maybe to each one his own book. He'd hog the color blue most of the time so watch out, and don't lend him yours because he will hog it too.
Or maybe as a fun past time, you'd both attempt to make poetry, expect you're getting more and more drunk on the fruit flavoured beer he brought with him. You had fun laughing while reading what you came up with the next morning.
6. Going fruit picking in summer: it's his favourite way to celebrate the arrival of his favourite season, wear something light, pack some lemonade and go enjoy what mother nature has to offer.
You two would walk around in the fields, he's wearing a straw hat to block the sun, he thinks it looks better on you. Both of you looking at the fruits waiting to be picked, choosing the really unique shaped ones, the colourful ones and the especially delicious looking ones.
You might meet some small friends along the way, like a couple ladybugs that were crawling up Armin's arm. Two butterflies dancing in the air and even a frog that's taking a walk from its lake home nearby.
Going home that day with baskets full of different fruits waiting for your use, Armin and you discuss all the different ways you could use them for, like making delicious smoothies, or maybe saving them for baking a pie or cake. Maybe cutting them in small bites and covering them with different kinds of chocolate, maybe just making a fruits salad to enjoy while Armin reads you a book
Or maybe, maybe just washing them and eating them raw. Yeah that option sounds the most appealing after a day of walking through fields in the sun.
He'd feed you some, push them against your lips and smile when your eyes subtly light up at the sweet taste....maybe a kiss after so he could taste it too?
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catboymingi · 4 years
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always there
pairing: mingi x reader
genre: fluff it’s pure fluff; best friends to lovers
word count: 3.4k
warnings: nausea/throwing up mention briefly (it’s the paragraph after y/n’s first period, so you can just skip that one entirely!)
some things take a little longer, but that doesn’t make them any worse.
mingi had been there for you all your life, being your neighbour ever since you were a baby. he was there for you at age four when you picked a fight with the kindergarten bully (who was a head taller than you) because he said your braids were stupid, and he was there to finish it when your lack of physical size made it seem like you were losing. he was almost angrier than you, because he loved your braids, and he had secretly asked his mother to teach him how to braid hair so he could give you braids even when you came into kindergarten without them. the last time when he got a reward for good behaviour from his parents (which was needed because he could be a real pain sometimes and needed a motivation to act better) he’d asked for colourful hairbands, because he thought you looked cute with them, and he’d seen his older sister always have a few around her wrist in case she’d want to put her hair up randomly, so he picked that habit up as well, having a few brightly coloured hairbands around his wrist at all times.
he was there when you got the grade’s best test for the first time, and when you continued to be better than any other classmates in your tests from then on, fuelled by the sense of accomplishment you’d felt, and he was prouder than your parents because yes, that was his best friend, his smart best friend.
he was there at age seven when you made a memory box and buried it deep in your garden, and he was convinced he would keep what he wrote on his ‘wish for the future’ note, even though he refused to tell you what it was because you were first supposed to know when you were eighteen, because that’s when people graduate and you’d decided the two of you would dig it back out once you had your graduation reports, and you put a sign on the place which you sternly told your parents had to stay until that exact day or you would move out and find new parents to adopt you.
mingi was there when you learned to do the splits at age nine, and he was next to you when you succeeded the first time. and then he was there when you insisted on teaching him, showing him all your stretches and what he had to do to be able to do the splits, painfully unaware of the fact that he had a... complication between his legs that you lacked. but all the days of sore muscles were worth it when he succeeded after weeks of trying, because the proud smile you gave him when he finally did a full splits made him forget about all the pain he’d ever felt.
he was there when you joined a dance team at age eleven, and he was the first one you showed the full choreography you’d learned, not your parents, or your dance teacher, but him. you were the reason he started dancing as well, because when he saw you get so lost in the music and when he saw how passionate you were, he just wanted to share this experience with you. so again, you taught him, spending late night talks during your pyjama parties (at times where you’d promised your parents you would definitely be asleep already - they knew better, but they were happy you were so close) laughing about how you were his personal trainer, and how he had to pay you in cookies. and he did, once more insisting his mother taught him something - this time how to bake your favourite cookies, with rainbow sprinkles and lemon frosting - and surprising you greatly when he came over with a massive box filled with these cookies.
mingi was there when you got your first period at age thirteen, running around shirtless until your parents came to pick you up from school because he had sacrificed his shirt to spare you the embarrassment of your bloodied pants being out in the open for all to see. this time he asked his older sister, because she was the one he’d ask about ‘girl things’ rather than ‘mum things’, insisting she tell him exactly what a period is like and what he could do to make you feel better, and even though he was a little squeamish about knowing there was so much blood involved he ignored that because he wanted you to feel well. as soon as his sister had informed him that it hurts, a lot, and that in her case heat and pressure helped, along with not having to move, and that she was very moody and had a lot of different cravings, mingi went off to the supermarket with the pocket money he’d saved to get himself a new game for his playstation and bought all your favourite snacks (they totalled to like 10€, but he was in all honesty willing to spend all 40€ for you), ringing on your doorbell and telling your mother he was there to take care of you now, which earned him the sweetest smile from her. she adored him, as did everyone who saw how he was ready to do anything for you, who saw how close you were. so she let him in, and he took the route to your room which he knew as well as the route to his own, which he could walk even when he was very tired and it was very dark, and plopped himself on top of you, hugging you tightly and saying that he wasn’t going to let go of you until you felt better, blissfully unaware of the fact that your periods would last eight days, regularly, eight days of suffering, but also eight days of being babied by your best friend.
he was there when your pain got so bad that you had to throw up, following you to the bathroom even though it was really gross and holding back your hair (that he still loved to braid) and rubbing your back and doing all he could to make you feel better. he still had those hairbands around his wrist from when you were four and he’d asked his mother to teach him how to braid hair, and they came in handy now when he carefully tied your hair back so it wouldn’t get in the way in case you had to throw up again.
mingi was there to bail you out of detention at age fifteen, which you’d only gotten because you beat up a guy at least a head taller than you and twice your weight but surprised by your determination when said guy had said that your best friend was ugly and stupid and that he’d never get a girlfriend with that face of his.
“say something like that again and you’ll be lucky if you even still have a face people can recognise”, you threatened, and his nose had been bleeding a lot and he’d had several scratches from when you used your long girl nails to your advantage and as a weapon (you knew being scratched with them really hurt because mingi had informed you about that fact one time you accidentally scratched him bloody when trying to pry something from his hands). you were supposed to get a week’s worth of detention, but your best friend, who secretly would’ve done the same for you, convinced the teachers that you’d never do it again and convinced you to - insincerely, but you knew how to fake - apologise to the dude that had just gotten a thorough ass beating, and a few pleading puppy eyed looks later you were free to go home.
he was there on your eighteenth birthday when the two of you decided to go to a club because now you were both allowed to (he’d turned eighteen a few weeks ago, but had waited with this experience because it wouldn’t be as fun without you), and he was there to beat up some dude way older than you that in his drunk haze had tried to grope you, seeing red and resulting in the two of you getting kicked out but you didn’t want to stay there anymore anyway, you wanted to go home and watch a silly rom-com with him as you usually did, knowing that with him nothing bad would happen. he took you home, knuckles bruised but insisting it wasn’t a big deal and that that guy had it coming, and you spent the night cuddled into each other as he braided your hair again, something he’d gotten even better than his mother at during the years, knowing all kinds of fancy braids.
mingi was there on your prom, the day of your graduation, having asked you to be his friend-date because he knew he wouldn’t want to go with anyone else, even though there were certainly girls who hoped he’d finally get over his obsession with you. and you’d agreed because you felt the same way, and you didn’t regret it one bit when he came over to pick you up in a tux, looking fancier and more handsome than you’d ever seen him look even though he seemed so embarrassed. he treated you like a princess all night, dancing with you and swirling you around and running off briefly when you told him your feet hurt from your heels only to return with a pair of sneakers he’d put on the backseat of his father’s car because he had once again asked his sister about what to keep in mind, and she’d informed him that you’d wish you’d brought sneakers after latest two hours of prom in the murder machines called high heels. and of course he’d brought sneakers, then, thoughtful as he was, and he insisted on putting them on for you like the prince had done with cinderella, and after that you kept dancing with him, grinning widely and convinced that no one else at this prom had a better date than you because that simply wasn’t possible.
then, when you were tired from dancing, he french-braided your hair, and neither of you cared that he’d put in a neon pink hairband which didn’t at all match the formal attire you were wearing, because it was mingi and you’d have accepted whatever he put into your hair, you just loved him like that.
he was there that same night, four in the morning, when you’d returned from prom and changed into pyjamas and sneaked into the garden to dig out the memory box you buried when you were seven, and even though he was so embarrassed about what he’d written down back then he still wished for it, and he thought that maybe he could tell you, now, and make his wish become a reality. the sign you’d put was still where you’d put it, falling apart slowly due to the years, but you didn’t pay it much mind as you dug out the little metal box. you laughed when you saw the things you’d put in there, each of you having put a 2€ coin which back then felt like a huge amount of money because seven-year-olds don’t know how the adult world works yet, and which you’d put as “savings for your first home together”. most other items were equally silly, and it was first when it came to the little notes with your wishes that mingi started being quiet, and you noticed immediately, of course you did, worrying a little.
“are you okay?” he nodded, but you could tell he wasn’t.
“do you want me to just ignore these notes? we can do that, you know, it’s all fine.” but he didn’t want you to, part of him really wanted you to read seven-year-old mingi’s wish, because it was still just as true. he just wanted to read yours first.
you’d wished for mingi and you to be best friends forever and ever and ever, and he smiled. it wasn’t exactly like his wish, but at least you’d wished for him to be in your future as well.
“can i read yours now?”, you asked softly, still wanting to make sure that he absolutely didn’t mind and that it wouldn’t make him feel bad, caring for him as you always did.
“go ahead.” he was nervously fiddling with the hem of your shirt, a habit he’d had ever since you were young and you’d started stealing his clothes and wearing them better than him, and you took the flashlight from his hands to be able to see what he’d written.
“seven-year-old you had an awful handwriting”, you told him, “it’ll take me a while to decipher these hieroglyphics.” but you were smiling at him before your brows furrowed in concentration, trying really hard to see just what he had written, but it was impossible, single letters being the most you could make out.
“i’m sorry”, you told him, because now you wouldn’t even know his wish for the future and that kind of made you sad. you didn’t know if mingi still remembered it, either, so you feared it was lost, that seven-year-old mingi’s wish would remain nothing but a wish, unlike yours.
“i remember what i wrote”, he informed you quietly, and, when he saw your sad expression, told you: “i wrote that i want to marry you when we’re big.” you looked at him surprised, face half-lit by the flashlight which you were now pointing directly at him because you weren’t really paying attention to the item in your hand after what he’d said, and which you first thought to lower once he was covering his eyes to prevent being blinded.
“i’m sorry!”, you exclaimed before pointing it at his stomach, wanting to still be able to see his face but most definitely not wanting to blind him. then you looked at him, and he looked so vulnerable there that you just wanted to wrap your arms around him and hold him as you always did.
“i still kind of do.” his voice was even more quiet now, and you knew he wasn’t joking by his tone, because you knew the way his voice sounded with any feeling he felt, because you’d seen them all, been there with him through them all. and this was the voice he’d used that time he told you that he couldn’t come to your birthday party because he was sick, even though you’d planned a big exciting getaway with him, complete with going to the movies and the arcade and getting late-night ice cream and everything. you’d just come over to his place that time, spending the day in bed with him and he promised he’d make up for it later, but this voice was the ‘i’m scared i’m about to make you feel really really bad’ voice he used when he didn’t yet know things would be okay. like now.
“i know we’ve always just been best friends, but you’ve always been the only girl i could imagine myself growing old with. and the older i got, the more i realised that i just really want to grow old with you.” you nodded, showing him that you’d heard him while you thought of what to say. you had definitely thought of him similarly, and while you thought it was normal best friend behaviour to want to grow up with no one but your other half it occured to you now that you maybe just hadn’t noticed yourself falling for him, because it had happened so gradually. but he’d always been there, through everything, and you wanted him to always be there through the rest, too.
“i don’t think i want to marry you”, you told him slowly, and his face fell for a second before you continued, “yet. you’re just my best friend, and i think marrying you right away would be a little hasty. also our parents would kill us.” you managed to make him smile with that, the smile you loved so much, the smile that always managed to make you smile as well, no matter how bad you felt.
“maybe we should start with dating and see where that takes us?” you saw the surprise on his face, being able to tell from his expression that he hadn’t expected anything like this, and you knew he was going to double check. and he did, of course he did, because this was mingi and you knew him and knew how he acted, because you knew him better than anyone else.
“you really want to date me?”
you nodded. “there’s never really been anyone else, i guess. even though i didn’t realise. but you’ve always been so perfect and i knew no one would be able to reach your standards, so i didn’t even bother. really, who else would learn how to french-braid or do the splits for me?” you smiled at him, taking one of his hands into yours and squeezing it gently, softly.
“i think everyone’s been seeing us as a couple anyway”, you then added, laughing at how you literally went to prom with him as your date and still thought you were just doing normal best friend things. and he laughed as well, the anxiety that had built up in his chest slowly disappearing because you were right, because whenever you went to a restaurant or anything with him they’d address you as his girlfriend, and though you’d always laugh about it that’d secretly make his heart skip a few beats ever since it first happened.
“so are we?”, he checked again, but because it was late and your mind was clouded by happiness and sleepiness you didn’t immediately get what he meant.
“are we what?” your eyes were big and round and looking at him confused and he wanted to hold you, to protect you, to never let go of you ever again. and he wanted to kiss you, for the first time not scared about that thought and the implications it held for your friendship.
“a couple? now?” you could tell he was embarrassed, but he was so adorable, so beautiful and soft and he was the only boy you’d ever had eyes for, and you didn’t have to think twice about what to answer.
“if you want?” and you knew that he’d misinterpret this as you doing it for his sake only, so before he could reply to that you added: “i’d love it”, and you smiled at him with your eyes competing with the stars in how bright they were shining, and if mingi had to pick who was shining brighter and more beautifully his choice would be you, without a doubt.
“i want. and i want to kiss you, too.” but he didn’t do it, no matter how much he wanted to, not until you’d verbally confirmed that he could, because even though you were probably his girlfriend now he wasn’t going to assume that you’d want the same things he wanted, he was going to make sure that everything he did would always be okay with you, he was going to protect you from all the hurt in the world.
but as soon as you told him he could he pulled you in, not wasting a single second as he placed his lips on yours softly, still careful, still scared he might hurt you. but he didn’t have to worry, you only pulling away so you could move onto his lap because the sitting knee-to-knee opposite each other kind of position wasn’t the best for comfortably kissing and also because you wanted to be closer to him. the flashlight was rolling somewhere on the ground behind you two as you dropped it, because you’d much rather have mingi’s soft hair in your hands, and when the two of you felt like you’d kissed enough to make up for years of unspoken feelings you leaned your foreheads against each other, and you got the chance to look into his beautiful, beautiful brown eyes, the eyes that always made you feel so warm and safe.
“i’m your girlfriend”, you told him quietly, to confirm it to both him and yourself because it still felt so unreal.
he started smiling widely, and though you weren’t able to clearly see it due to the flashlight pointing anywhere but to the two of you you could hear it in his voice and feel it in the way his grip around you tightened ever so slightly.
“you’re my everything.”
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
supermarket flowers [jamie taylor]
Jamie Taylor x fem reader
Requested:  We all know flowers are one of Jamie’s love languages so she likes giving the reader flowers as gifts to tell her things and to mark points in their relationship (bonus if one time it’s the reader that gives jamie flowers)
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*not my gif*
Saying that Bly Manor is beautiful would be an understatement: the amazing architecture, the people, but especially the gardens. 
But you maybe a little bias on that front because of Jamie...the beautiful beautiful gardener and your beautiful wife. 
And it all started when your sister Dani got the au pair job. Obviously, you had to get a job there as well, you couldn’t live in Bly without having a job. So you took up an apprentice job with Owen as his little chef in training. That’s how you two met. 
“You see we don’t use a hand mixer in this house because of the glucose levels in the dough. They need to be in tip top shape or else they won’t taste as good.” Owen explains and you’re about to respond when a beautiful brunette walks into the room. 
Your eyes never left her figure as she walked into the kitchen, barely acknowledging your assistance, “What is that?” she asks. 
“We’re making dough for our pizza tonight!” Owen exclaims, “I was just giving Y/N here a quick lesson dough chemistry.” 
She finally locks eyes with yours and you’re drowning in them. Her beautiful brown eyes were captivating. And it was up to you if you decided you wanted to sink or swim. There was a spark there and she had to have felt it too. 
“Although, I’m sensing this dough is not the only thing that has chemistry.” Owen says with a little smirk on his face. 
You laugh nervously, speechless as what to say, “I’m Jamie,” the gardener says extending her hand out and you gratefully accept it.
There were sparks, electricity coursing through your body at this point and Jamie releases a deep breath, “Y/N Clayton, Dani’s little sister.” 
“Oh so you’re Little Poppins.” she says with a smirk and you chuckle at the nickname, “Or should I call you Chef Poppins?” she adds on.
“Either one is fine with me thank you.” you smile at her and she nods her head.
“Alright then, I have some more flowers and bushes to tend to.” Jamie says and leaves to go back to the garden.
You turn back to look at Owen and he’s smiling at you, “Awe you’re still blushing.” he says poking your cheek before getting back to kneading the dough. 
Flash forward to five years later and now you’re married as happier than you ever thought you could be despite everything that happened. 
Bly was an interesting case to say the least. The whole Lady in the Lake situation was quite a scary scene. We lost Hannah and day by day Dani is losing herself. But you still have her here, your sister is still here with you and that’s all the matters right now. 
You found yourself at the farmer’s market. Jamie was back at The Leafling helping everyone who wants flowers. You had big news for her and wanted to give her a flower to show your love. You just had to find the perfect one. 
All of your relationship Jamie has taught you so much about flowers. The most intriguing part of it to you was all of the various meanings. 
You stood in the kitchen as you began to cut the pizza you and Owen made for everyone into slices. Owen was tossing all of the salad together as Hannah was making the tea. 
Flora, Dani, and Miles were setting the table up. Jamie comes walking in with a handful of different colorful flowers. 
“Flowers for delivery!” Jamie announces and Flora squeals in excitement, “Here ya go Flora.” 
Jamie hands her Flora’s own flower before giving one to Miles. You though it was sweet that she was giving the children flowers. But your joy turned into a quick confusion when you realized that she was giving everyone one. 
“Is this still a gerbera daisy?” Flora asks putting her flower in a vase. 
You saw small little vases lined up along the window sill with everyone’s names on it. You didn’t notice until now that both you and Dani have your own little vase. A small smile started forming on your face. 
“Yes it is, do you remember what it means?” Jamie asks staring at Flora intently.
“Of course I do! It means innocence, cheerfulness and joy!” Flora exclaims and she smiles at the young girl before giving a nod.
“Nice job little rascal.” she says booping her nose before handing you your flower. 
You are presented with a beautiful flower they were pink and very swirly in the middle of it, “What kind of flower is this? And what does mine mean?” you ask realizing that everyone had different flowers probably all meaning different things. 
She smiles to herself before putting a bite of salad in her mouth and eating it. After she finished eating she clears her throat, “It is a ranunculus, also known as buttercups. It symbolizes charm, radiance, and attraction.” she whispers the last part, but everyone at the table heard.
You smile to yourself looking into those beautiful brown eyes before looking down to take a bite of pizza. Dani nudges you and mouths the words ‘Oh my god!’ as you smile at your sister. 
“Seems like Jamie pepper-only has eyes for Y/N.” Owen murmurs and the whole table groans in response, but as you catch Jamie’s eye she sends you a wink. 
You’ve searched this whole farmer’s market twice to try and find the flower you’re looking for. But none of them seemed to be the right match. How hard is it to find daisies? It’s not that hard they’re in season and they’re all over The Leafling, but I can’t take it from the store. 
However, you did come across pink carnations. A flower you know very well and is embedded deep into your heart.
You and Jamie have been dating for about six months now and each day your relationship is growing stronger and stronger.
“Someone looks excited for their date tonight!” Dani teases as she walks into your shared bedroom.
You look over yourself in the mirror and show her your outfit, “Yay or nay?” you ask as you do a little spin.
“You look beautiful Y/N!” she says as she embraces you in a hug, “Well you always look beautiful, but Jamie is gonna love it. If she breaks your heart, I’ll end her.”
You pat your sister on the shoulder, “Dani I love you, but we all know that she will beat the living shite out of you.” you say trying mimick Jamie’s British accent.
She laughs and nods, “Yeah you’re right! But still!”
There was a knock on the door and Dani let out a little squeal. She opened the door and revealed the beauty that is Ms. Jamie Taylor. 
“Hello Poppins, is Little Poppins here?” she asks and you smile at the nickname. 
“Yes she is right here.” Dani opens the door a little wider and Jamie steps in with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. 
She looks at you up and down before smiling at you, “You look absolutely beautiful. These are for you.” she says and you smile taking them from her.
“Thank you. What’s the story behind these?” you ask sniffing them before placing them in a vase that you always keep by your bedside now. 
“The story is for a later time, in more private.” Jamie says sneaking a glance at Dani who was still standing there with a big smile on her face. 
“Oh me! Right! I’ll see you when you get back!” Dani exclaims as she pushes you out of the door. 
You get into Jamie’s car as she drives you into the little village of Bly. She knows a nice little restaurant that she has grown to love. As she parked the car she leans over the middle console and places a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Wait here, I’m gonna grab our food.” Jamie says.
Before you can ask her what the plan was for tonight she left the car and went into the restaurant. Your head was spinning from the kiss. It may have been a short and sweet kiss, but it was still intoxicating. 
Every kiss with Jamie no matter how short or soft it was, it still had so much passion and love behind it. Every day you find yourself falling more and more in love with the gardener. You haven’t told her yet, but gosh you loved this girl more than life itself. 
Jamie came back into the car with a bag full of food. She placed it into the back seat and started the car back up again, “Where are we going love?” you ask her.
“Back to the manor of course. I know a little spot we can eat there.” she says before intertwining your fingers together. 
The two of you made it back to Bly and you went to the greenhouse. You meet there every morning and share a small coffee before you have to get to work. You placed yourself on the couch as she sat down next to you placing another kiss to your lips. 
The two of you started eating as you embarked on the most simple yet beautiful conversations. As you two finished eating you look at her with a smirk on your face.
“What?” she asks smiling back. 
“The story behind the flower you never told me.” you say sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch and turning to face her. 
She laughs nervously, probably the first time you’ve ever seen her nervous, “Carnations, a lot of people don’t like them and I don’t know why. In my opinion, they’re beautiful. But they mean fascination and new love. Which is what I feel about you. However, it’s not new love. It’s love that I’ve felt since the first time I laid eyes on you. I love you Y/N Clayton.” she says and you smile at her widely.
“I love you Jamie Taylor.” you whisper back.
You didn’t think her smile could widen even more, “Fuck yeah.” she whispers. 
She crashes her lips onto yours as you thread your fingers through her hair. You place your hand on the back of her neck pulling her as close to you as possible. Her body pressed against yours and you were drunk off of her love and kisses.
Your big brick of phone began to ring from your purse. You took it out and answered it already knowing it was one of two people, “Hello?” you ask as you pull out of your parking spot in the farmer’s market.
“Hi darling,” you hear Jamie’s voice fill the phone. 
“Hello my love, what’s up?” you ask as you begin your drive to your little apartment about The Leafling. 
“Are you still at the farmer’s market?” she asks.
“No why? Do you need something?” you answer. 
“Yes unless you got more cereal at the farmer’s market.” Jamie replies.
You chuckle slightly at the sarcasm, “I’ll stop at the supermarket and grab a couple boxes. How’s Dani?” you ask.
Dani has been living in your guest bedroom of the apartment. Jamie doesn’t mind knowing how much she means to you and how much Dani means to her. Whatever the hell went down at Bly was really taking a toll and you just want to be there to take care of her and keep an eye on her as much as you can. 
“She’s having a good day today. She has helped out with the shop, there was a little jump when she looked into the window, but I helped her out.” she explained and you nodded sighing a little bit, “She’s gonna be okay.” Jamie reassured you already reading your mind.
Your sister mentioned that something was gonna take over one day. And it already started back up again. She’s scared and so are you. She was the only family you have ever known and you don’t know what you’re gonna do if she goes. 
“I hope so. I’ll see you when I get home.” you say.
“Okay love, drive safe. I love you.” she says and you smile at those three little words.
“I love you more.” you respond before hanging up and making your way to the supermarket.
“Jamie, baby, where are we going?” you ask as her hands covers your eyes guiding you to a small little place in the gardens of Bly. 
“Shh-it’s a surprise love. You’re not supposed to know that’s the whole point of a surprise she expresses and you internally roll your eyes, “I can sense that eye roll.” she says and you giggle lightly. 
“How did you know?” you ask laughing.
“Y/N, we’ve been dating for three years now. Of course I know when you’re rolling your eyes.” she explains and you laugh even more.
She releases her hands from your eyes to see a beautiful secluded area with a beautiful flower growing on the bush. The moonlight hitting it just right causing to have this sort of glow effect. 
“That right there is a moonflower. It’s a lot of effort, but it’s worth it.” she explains from behind you as she’s sitting on a small bench. 
There’s a nice little picnic basket set on the ground in front of her. You go and sit down next to her, the cool air brushing against your skin causing goosebumps to form on your arm.
Jamie immediately notices your chilliness and wraps her arm around your waist. She pulls you deep into your side and you smile softly, resting your head on her shoulder. Jamie reaches down slowly to open the picnic basket revealing another bouquet of flowers.
“Hey I actually know these ones!” you exclaim as she pulls out the bouquet of tulips. 
She laughs before handing them to you, “Yeah a little too cheesy for my taste, but I thought it was fitting for this.” 
“For what?” you ask and she smiles shyly.
“This.” she says softly before getting on knee in front of you and pulling out a ring.
You release a small little gasp before a huge smile breaks out onto your face, “Tulips mean true love, never in a million years Y/N did I ever think I’d find someone like you. My life has been filled of exhaustive people, but you made all this effort and time worth it. And I want it to last longer. I want this feeling to last a lifetime and even after. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
Small tears were falling down both of your cheeks. Nothing sad, but everything happy. You cup her cheeks wiping away the falling tears and smile at her. 
“It would be my honor.” you whisper to her and she nods. 
“Yeah?” she asks smiling so wide and it’s so bright you think you might go blind.
“Yeah.” you let out and she immediately crashes her lips onto yours. 
When you pull apart she slides the ring onto your finger. The two of you rest your foreheads together, the smile never fading. 
You reach the supermarket and immediately go to the cereal aisle. You reach up getting Dani’s favorite cereal and Jamie’s favorite. When you’re about to check out your eyes are caught by a bouquet of flowers. 
The white little daisies that you have been looking for were right there. Jamie always rants about how much she hates supermarket flowers since they have loads of bad things, but you need these flowers to surprise her. You also see anemones, something that would be perfect for Dani. 
You grab both of those bouquets and place them in your basket. After you checkout you make the drive to The Leafling. Opening the door of The Leafling you see Dani standing there, sweeping up the floors. 
“Hi welcome to The Leafling!” Dani says with some enthusiasm and you laugh.
“It’s me Dani.” you say and she laughs.
“Oh hi Y/N!” she says embracing you in a hug. 
She takes some grocery bags from your hand and helps you bring them upstairs, “Where’s Jamie?” you ask.
“She went to go grab something from the hardware store. Something about not having the right screwdrivers.” she explains and you nod. 
The two of you proceed to put all the groceries away. Once you’re finished you grab the blue anemones from the bag you had and gave them to her.
“These are for you.” you whisper and she smiles widely.
“Thank you Y/N! They’re beautiful! What do these ones mean?” she asks and you chuckle. 
You take Dani’s hand in yours and give it a small squeeze, “I know you’re struggling Dani. Everything that happened at Bly, what happened to you. You’re my best friend even if Jamie is my wife you will always be my best friend. I don’t want to lose you Dan.” you whisper tears glistening in your eyes, “These mean protection against evil. I can’t lose you.” 
She takes you into a big tight hug. Dani holds you close as she rubs your back, “I’m gonna be okay Y/N/N. I promise.” 
“Good because you need to be here to meet your niece or nephew.” you whisper and she pulls back from the hug staring at you. Her eyes wide and her mouth agape in shock, “Jamie and I tried the IVF thing that came out. It was a lot of money, but it was worth a shot. I went to the doctor’s before the farmer’s market and it worked Dani.” 
Dani immediately hugs you again before letting out a squeal, “No way!” she exclaims, “I am so happy for you!” 
“Thank you!” you say smiling and letting out a small chuckle. 
The front door unlocks and you know that Jamie is home. She notices the two of you sitting on the couch as she proceeds to wave at the two of you. Jamie puts away her bag of department store gear into the respectable places before noticing the supermarket daisies on the counter.
“Love, how many times do I have to tell you about supermarket flowers?” she asks finally coming over to sit with you guys.
She gives you a chaste kiss and you smile into it. Then she makes her way to Dani before ruffling her hair, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t find them at the farmer’s market. Plus I couldn’t take them from the store. They are for you.” you mention and she smiles. 
“For me?” she asks intertwining your hands together and you nod, “What’s the story?” 
“Well I remember you telling me that daisies mean innocence, purity, new beginnings-” you begin before she cuts you off.
“And motherhood.” she whispers barely audible and you nod a huge smile on your face.
“I’m pregnant Jamie.” you say and she looks at you like her eyes are about to pop out of her head. 
“Baby really?” she asks her voice breaking a little and her lips quirk up into a smile.
“Yes really. You’re gonna be a mom Jamie.” you say nodding and she immediately kisses you deeply and passionately. 
She places her hand gently on your stomach before leaning down to talk to him or her, “Hey little fella. I’m your other mom. I can’t wait to meet you.” 
8 - m o n t h s - l a t e r
You found yourself at the farmer’s market yet again, your baby bump now visible and you were due any minute now. 
Your phone began to ring and you immediately answered, “Hello love?” you ask.
“Y/N...” you hear from the other line, Jamie’s voice was somber and you can tell that she has been crying. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” you ask. 
“I think we need to drive to Bly.” she whispers into the phone.
“What? Why? Jamie what’s going on?” you ask frantically making your way straight to the car, whatever you needed to buy was long forgotten. 
“It’s Dani.” she whispers on the other line and you felt your heart drop into your stomach. 
So the two of you found yourself at Bly once more. The lake looking more and more ominous as you stared at it. Jamie kicks off her shoes and starts making her way into the lake. 
Jamie shouldn’t have to do this. It’s you. You’re the one who needs to do this, but you can’t. The lake is far too cold and the weather outside wouldn’t help the baby’s health either. 
A few moments later Jamie resurfaces from the water. She finds herself on the shore as you immediately wrap a towel around her. Tears flowing down her eyes before she shakes her head. 
You let out a sob as she hold you tight. Your sister was gone. 
Two weeks later you found yourself at the cemetery in Bly. It was small, but the two of you thought it was fitting. Owen, Henry, Flora and Miles were all there with you. 
All six of you stared at the grave before placing flowers onto the tombstone. Jamie thought we should put crocuses onto the grave. It means hope after darkness. After struggling for so long, hopefully this allows her to find rest. 
She was buried right by Hannah. Two people you lost to weird place that is Bly Manor. 
1 - m o n t h - l a t e r
You sat on the hospital bed holding your newborn baby in your arms. Jamie is standing there smiling at you widely. 
After all the darkness and craziness that has been happening, this was the first time you felt hope in a long time. Even though your sister isn’t here physically, you know she’s always here. 
“Welcome to the world Danielle Hannah Clayton.” you and Jamie whisper. 
The name seemed fitting and you couldn’t help, but feel lighter. She leans over and gives you a small kiss to her forehead. 
White jasmine flowers in a vase by the window sill. It means unconditional and eternal love. Jamie picked out the flowers yet again.
It had to be your favorite of all.
The unconditional and eternal love that you and Jamie felt towards each other. The unconditional and eternal love you felt towards your newborn daughter. And the unconditional and eternal love that you, Jamie, and now your daughter Dani felt for the two people you lost. 
They aren’t here physically, but you know they’re always here besides you. 
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mysticpetals · 4 years
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No reposts or translation allowed without my explicit permission!
– when they start dating (Jake × mc)
– when Jake becomes protective
– when MC is on her period (Jake × mc)
– bold and confident Jake with shy MC
– soulmate au (Jake × mc)
– meeting the parents (jake × mc)
– insecure!mc (everyone × mc, can be read as platonic or romantic)
– daily life of an indie game developer (Jake × mc)
– mermaid au (Jake × mc)
Roses and thorns (Jake × MC)
Nora loves making Jake flustered but he isn’t exactly complaining when he gets to see that smile on her face.
When we were young (Jake × MC)
Jake and Syianne had known each other since their first year, but growing up has changed their relationship and not for the better. While one of them tries to save it, the other doesn't want anything to do with it. Whatever will they do?
Farewell, sunshine (Jake × MC)
All Jake ever wanted was to find his sister and protect the person who had helped him more than anyone. Only, he slowly began to realise that bringing Syianne into this had caused more harm than good.
Date night (Jake × MC)
A date with your boyfriend is all what you want but does it go according to plan?
A day to remember (Richy × MC)
Richy is panicking as to what to do for his first date with you when the perfect idea suddenly comes to his mind.
Guest (Jake × MC)
A surprise guest has you revisiting your old conversations.
Tempt me (man without a face × MC)
As a guardian angel, you've been working tirelessly for the humankind's sake. But their actions opposing yours have you doubting your worth.
I almost do (Jake × MC)
Based on the song 'I Almost Do' by Taylor Swift
Lovebug (Jake × MC, platonic others × MC)
Your college group might be extra but you love them to death. Now, only if the object of your affections also saw their kind heart behind all the craziness, your life would be complete.
Supermarket runs (Jake × MC)
Three times Jake ran into Syianne and one time he made plans
– Waving to you with Jake (mermaid!au)
– Slow tides with Dan and Jessy
– Hello detective with the gang (mostly Jake)
– Keep your enemies close with Jake
– Calling with the gang
– Entangled fates with Jake
– "I'm worried about you." with Hannah
– Tease with Phil
– I'm in with Phil × Cleo
– night sky with Phil
– Proposal for a lifetime with Jake
– cat cafe with Jake
– "I've missed you so much." with Jake
– "You're wrong and I'll prove it." with Jake
– "There's only one bed." And "What do you think? Is purple my color?" with Jake
– "Hold my hand until it's over?" with Jake
– "You're too damn cute." with Phil
– Shelter with Jake
– sneaking in with Jake
– "We bet and you lost, so you have to do it!" with Jake
– "I'm gonna need some context for whatever I just heard." with Jake
– "I didn't say 'sex party' as in orgy. I said 'hex party' as in witches." with Jake
– Hearing Jake's real voice for the first time
– Closer and closer with Richy
– slight nsfw with Jake
– Stay with Jake
– "What do you mean you're in love with me?" with Jake
– "This is.... exactly what it looks like." with Jake
– "Why are you lying to me?" with Thomas
– Afraid of spiders with Jake
– Sick with Jake
– "Shhh, they'll hear us." with Jake
– "You don't remember last night, do you?" And "I'd be heartbroken if a zombie bit you, but then I'd shoot you twice in the head." with Richy
– "Why are you awake right now?" And "Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?" with Jake
– "Don't ever do that again!", "I'm worried about you." And "I missed you so much." with Jake
– "Leave! Me! Alone!" with Jake
– "You said to be honest, stop hitting me!" with Jake
– "That makes sense but why are you wearing a carrot costume?" with Richy
– "Can I pet your dog?" "Do I know you?" with Phil
– Cuddle? Cuddle with Jake
– "Forget it, you're a fucking asshole." with Dan
– "Are you hurt?" "No." "Then why are there bruises all over your face?" with Jake
– Mornings like these with Jake
– Scared with Richy
– "I know." with Jake
– "You're lucky I love you." with Jake
– "Being this close to you gives me so much joy, it's terrifying." with Jake
Snippets from Jake and MC's life
– What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
– Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
– Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
– What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other? How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort? Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first? When did they realize they were in love?
– how do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals? who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public? how do they handle disasters and emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
– Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection? What does their home look like? Their room? How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families? How are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks, fetishes, turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
– Are they party goers? What are they like when they are drunk? Are they comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
– puppy love with jake
– new members with Jake
– group chat with the gang
– Jake × MC aesthetic
– What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness? with Jessy and Dan
– dress shopping with Cleo and Jessy
– Jessy aesthetic
– Dan aesthetic
– Richy aesthetic
– Jake aesthetic
– captured by the man without a face
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ptersparkers · 4 years
who is harley maybank?
summary: harley maybank, born harley summers, finds her quiet life in a small californian town turned upside down when she realizes she has two long lost older brothers. as told from the perspective of harley. 
warnings: typos, probably.
notes: this is a side project. i was messing around with ideas for season two and then thought....what if we got to know more about jj’s backstory and what if i wrote about it? this won’t necessarily follow the obx tmieline -- i’m borrowing characters but that’s pretty much it. jj’s 18 in this story. he will make an appearance. 
this is a limited series. 
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Harley Maybank never quite fit in just right.
Some might’ve said she was a carefree spirit who jumped from person to person, yearning to experience a life different than her own. Some might’ve said she was too reckless and wore her heart on her sleeve, ready for it to be broken over and over again before she learned how to rebuild herself.
It always caught her off guard to know that people her age wanted to settle down in the small town they grew up in, never having the desire to explore beyond the city lines. Harley always felt like she was living her life on the edge of her seat, constantly pulling herself back from the cliff’s edge before jumping too quickly. Perhaps that was what made people so drawn to Harley; her effervescent personality combined with the motivation to leave the quiet town that never satisfied her hunger for knowledge.
People were quick to make judgements about people who knew the future they wanted and Harley was no exception. She was young, perhaps too young, to know what she wanted out of life but the first step in discovering what that is was leaving the town of Mill Valley, California, and exploring different corners of the world before deciding which life for her. Harley was reckless with her feelings, pushing her heart to the limit and latching onto the feeling of the light on her face so she could taste the freedom of leaving.
The residents of Mill Valley would argue everyone who grew up there knew each other by first and last name, and knew everyone in town. From kindergarten to the local community college, the tight knit community prided themselves in being sheltered in their safe haven that never seemed to welcome nor encourage locals to leave. In summary, everybody knew each other.
But nobody, including Harley, really knew who she was.
Up until a month ago, Harley was born to a single mother and never knew who her biological father was. She could always tell she was the odd one out as it didn’t take her long to realize her friends had a matching set of parents and Harley could feel the distance between her life and everyone else’s when she’d come to arrive at sleepovers with only her mother in tow.
Marisol Summers was strong-willed, willing to sacrifice her livelihood for Harley without thinking twice. The woman raised Harley with nothing but her wits and morals, teaching the young girl about independence and that womanhood is whatever she wanted it to be. The small suburban town that never seemed to be home was home when Harley and Marisol were together, laughing at television ads and watching films late into the night.
From a young age, young Harley had a future brighter than anyone who grew up in Mill Valley. She was always eager to step off of the curb despite her mother’s warnings and color the white walls of her elementary school’s classroom, much to the dismay of her teachers. Marisol could recall all of the parent-teacher meetings but always stood by Harley’s eagerness to be challenged intellectually. 
The teenage girl never felt like she had a core group of friends she could rely on to embark on late night adventures of spontaneous trips to the beach. She was a free-floater, drifting between people, befriending anyone who’d befriend her. Harley wasn’t afraid to strike up a conversation with strangers in the supermarket checkout line or help lost tourists who were passing through. The girl was a light in the darkest tunnel and everyone could see it. Everyone except for Harley. 
The rambunctious teenager sought more from life than meek conversations with people she’d never dream of being around. Her passions and interests were vast and numerous, unlike her peers who seemed interested in marijuana and alcohol. Harley’s love for life exceeded her love for the town she grew up in, which would always be part of her, but not who she would grow to be.
But her world was turned upside down when her mother sat her down when she came home from school one afternoon. Marisol, with an expression Harley couldn’t quite make out, asked her to sit on the stool of the kitchen’s island and to not interrupt as she spoke.
“You have a brother,” Marisol spoke, finally. She fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist and avoided Harley’s gaze. “He called me about a month ago.”
“You have a son?” Harley asked in confusion. Marisol shook her head.
“No,” she said quickly. “Your biological father, Luke, and I met on that island in North Carolina about a year before I had you.” Harley nodded, already having known this about Marisol. “You know how I was back then. Young, careless, not ready to have a child.” Marisol cupped Harley’s cheek in her hand. “But happy you came nonetheless.
“What I didn’t know was he had a son when he was much younger,” she explained. “Seventeen, or so. The mother left him and took their son to Sweden where he was raised until moving to New York a while ago. She passed away recently and the details are hazy, but his name’s Jesse and he’d like to get to know you.”
Harley sat in silence for what seemed like a century, processing the influx of information that surprised her to no end. Her entire life was built around the closeness of family, despite having only her mother and a few aunts, uncles, and grandparents from her mother’s side she didn’t see very often. The prospect of getting to know a side of her family, her father’s side, after being in the dark for sixteen years was both exciting and horrifying.
Beads of sweat decorated her forehead and she wiped them away hastily. Her jacket felt too heavy and she took it off, setting it aside haphazardly on the counter. Marisol looked at her daughter with an unreadable expression, which made Harley uneasy.
“I’d never make you do anything you didn’t want to,” she said. “But from what I could tell, he sounds legitimate. Told me about the Outer Banks and everything I could remember seventeen years ago.”
“Do you know anything more about this ‘Jesse’ guy?” Harley asked.
“He was born in North Carolina before moving to Sweden when he was two years old,” she explained. “He lived there before moving to England for college, then New York for work. From what I can tell, he’s pretty established with his own venture capitalist firm in the States. I did some digging after he called me and he’s pretty legitimate.”
“Jeez,” Harley said. “How old is this guy?”
“In his thirties,” said Marisol. “The reason why he knows we exist is because of a friend of his mother’s who kept tabs on your father up until his mother’s death.”
“Sweden, huh?” Harley asked rhetorically. “He sounds like he lived a pretty good life.”
Marisol chuckled. “Yeah, but I can only imagine how hard it fell when he realized he had a younger sister.”
Harley was quiet. The sound of the clock ticking was apparent and signified how long she’d been thinking about her family, the side she never knew, and all the things she would’ve said to her father if she knew who he was. What would he be like? Was he still alive? Does he have his own family now, and if so, what were they like? Were they still living in the Outer Banks?
“It’s kind of scary, isn’t it?” Harley asked.
“A little,” Marisol confessed. “I was a bit skeptical at first but he explained his knowledge of the Outer Banks and, honey, he sounded desperate for him to believe me.”
“Do you?”
“I’m sure of it. I don’t think he’d oppose a DNA test either.”
“Do you think I should talk to him?”
“Only if you want,” Marisol said. She handed Harley a piece of scrap paper with a phone number on it. “That’s his number, Harls. Jesse said to give him a call, day or night, and to take your time.”
“But you admit that everything about this sounds weird, right?” Harley asked. Marisol nodded slowly. 
“Oh, definitely,” she said. “It’s weird if a random guy calls you and says he wants to get to know your sixteen-year-old daughter, but I did some digging on my own and was able to connect with Grace, someone who knows my family and Jesse’s.” 
“And what he said checked out,” she explained. “Apparently, Grace kept tabs on Luke after Jesse’s mother left him, and there are more details about financial compensation that I can’t wrap my head around, but she found out about you when you were young.”
“This Grace person isn’t messing around, is she?” 
“From what I know, Jesse comes from an important family in Sweden, the Nystroms. His mother was heir to a Swedish textiles company and it was scandalous news when she ran away to North Carolina to be with Luke.” Marisol stood momentarily to reach for a glass of water before sitting down once again.
“And Grace?” 
“I spoke with her too,” Marisol replied. “I got to know her because I wanted to know this wasn’t a scam.”
“Imagine that,” Harley mumbled, rolling her eyes.
“Grace is from another prominent family in Sweden and has been family-friends with the Nystroms since the dawn of their business partnership, I think,” said Marisol. “From what I understand, the Nystroms had asked Grace’s family to keep tabs on Luke as a favor, which is why Grace found out about you.”
“Why didn’t they want to reach out to us?” Harley asked, heart dropping. 
“You know how the rich are,” Marisol replied with a pitiful laugh. “It wouldn’t look good for their image if people knew the heir to a multibillion-dollar company eloped with a small town American to North Carolina. Truthfully, I don’t think there’s much either of them could’ve done.” Marisol paused to collect her thoughts before speaking. “I spent so much time looking for Luke and trying to put the pieces together with no luck and then Grace calls me to tell me Luke’s last name is Maybank.” 
For sixteen years, Harley had known the truth about her father and Marisol’s escapades that transitioned her from a careless post-undergraduate student to a responsible mother. Their bond was held together by the fundamental truth regarding the mystery about who her biological father was, and for the longest time, Harley felt incomplete not knowing her last name. As far as she knew, she was Harley Summers from California. But her biological name was Harley Maybank.
Her mind was racing and she couldn’t seem to focus on one thing or another. Her name, the only aspect about her that she knew was her identity, wasn’t what she thought it was. The surname carried a burden on her shoulders; she had longed to know her biological father’s side of the family and spent the majority of her life fantasizing about the first words she would hear him say. But Harley never seriously thought that she’d ever know who she was or where she came from and the notion that her mother spoke to Harley’s biological brother was making her mind race as if a speeding car couldn’t stop for a red light. 
“Maybank,” Harley muttered. “That’s a little weird.” 
“Isn’t it?” Marisol asked. Harley let out a confused laugh. 
“I mean, I’ve gone by Harley Summers my entire life and I didn’t think I’d ever learn my father’s last name. It’s a little comforting and horrifying at the same time.” 
“I bet,” Marisol replied. “I mean, I’ve had a month to think about this. I genuinely thought it was a scam or a prank call until Jesse was able to send documents about Luke’s whereabouts until the night I met him.” 
“Wow,” Harley said, widening her eyes. “Grace and her family kept that much information?” 
“I suppose it was important,” Marisol said with a shrug. “Grace didn’t say, but I’m almost positive the Nystroms paid Luke for his silence. Jesse’s mother spent two years in North Carolina and it’s hard to keep who you are a secret for that long.” 
“Still,” Harley said, sighing dramatically, “In my lifetime, I never thought I’d be wrapped up in a conspiracy.” 
“I’m pretty sure Grace was hinting at the fact that the Nystroms would’ve been scared if the public knew about your existence too,” Marisol added. “While you probably wouldn’t have inherited their fortune since you’re not technically related to the family, I can only imagine how Jesse would’ve behaved if he knew he had a sister. But what do I know, right?” 
“Mom,” Harley said, looking at the older woman. “You’ve always been perceptive and I learned a long time ago that you’re never wrong.” Marisol laughed. “I’m being totally serious. I can’t really wrap my head around this either.” 
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Marisol reassured. “Jesse’s an adult and has an established life already. You’re young and barely off to college. I wouldn’t want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or jeopardize your future. But if it makes you feel better, I trust Jesse. We’ve gotten to know each other through phone calls and emails for the past month.” 
“I’ll take that into consideration,” Harley said cautiously. Marisol's eyes softened and she reached out to cup Harley’s cheek. 
“My baby’s growing up,” she said lovingly. “It’s weird to think I was telling you bedtime stories not too long ago.” 
“Yeah,” Harley replied softly, “those days seem easier in hindsight, doesn’t it?” Marisol nodded and Harley stood from her seat. “Is it okay if I go to my room? I just want to digest this for a while.” 
“Of course,” said Marisol. She pointed at the slip of paper with Jesse’s phone number written on it. “Here’s Jesse’s number in case you feel like calling him but don’t feel like you have to if you don’t want to, okay?” 
“Okay,” Harley said, giving Marisol a quick hug before retreating to her bedroom. 
For three weeks, Harley debated on telling her closest friends about her dilemma and what to do next, but she knew none of them would offer valuable advice nor give her the courage to do what she thought was right. On the third Friday of the month of March, when the weather was warmer than the previous day, Harley took note of the colorful leaves on the trees surrounding her apartment complex and reflected on the idea that the seasons would always change and so would she, but not if she waited for something to happen. Wordlessly, she marched into her bedroom, noticing her mother had yet to come home, and dialed the phone number that sat on her desk untouched, hearing a deep voice answer the phone. 
i included my obx taglist because jj will make an appearance.
@jellyfishbeansontoast @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @simpingforrudypankowonly @hi-my-name-is-riley  @antoheartit @runway-to-my-aid @kayleypaige2233 @jroseron @mahleeyuh @decap-quadrant @deviouscharitos @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @wasabiwitteks @waywardbabie @parkerpetertingle @cheshirecat107 @ballerinafairyprincess @underratedmisfit @gardengirl-18 @letsgofullkook @thankfulfortimmy @voguesir @madzleigh01 @suhoey @yeslifeofateen @spn-marvel-nerd @outerbongs @cleverandwitty @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed @scottish-sim @lonely--witch @thin-spiration-for-me @britnicole11 @Jessica-1120 @ilovejjmaybank @goodgodimaweirdperson @beckester @louiesfineline @jamielinnsmith @asmallhobbitruinedmylife @whosxthat @ollyoxenfrees @thesadestsadperson @saphira1412 @leilanixx @serpent-baby @a-daydreamers-day @sofianunes10 @sleep-i-ness @shxwarmq @fandomngirl @nightxshadex201 @eternalqueensworld @shreckluver7 @fourfearsofdivergent @stfukie @lauren-sun13 @brithedemonspawn @pogue-h @mfmaddyperez @sspidermanss @outerbankslove @bxbyyyjocelyn @jjsbxtch @rudethchalamet @srirachibi @shawnssongs @shoppingcarthappiness @calumbroutledge @jayjaymaebank @goldenhanna @harrysbbby @copper-boom @void-maybank @rudys-pankow @x-lulu @serrendipiity @storiesbymads @danicarosaline @allie-mcginn @thistreasurehunter @k-k0129 @annedub @urlocalbrochure @freeshavocadoooo @Katiaw2 @ceestlaviemylove @wicked-laugh @kamcrazy123 @myrandom-fandomlife @clio-muse-of-histories @yeehaw87 @manip-maker-blog @rudypankow-whore @iichydobrik @jjtheangel @httpstarkey @peqchyharts @myhead-myuniverse @normatural @vindictive-hearts @Spycemilk @loveylangdon @mybrainiswhack @judayyyw @midnightmagicmusingsmain @jjsmaybitch @little-ms-awkward @obxmxybxnk @5am-cigarette @xinsonyax @gabbismith5 @heyitsmeimdead @fullpanicmode @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @o-b-x @iamaunicorn4704 @jj-maybabe @jjmaybangme @newhopenessie @the0uterbanks @llvinlavidaloca @ponyboys-sunsets @angvelics @lilpeekabooze @thatbloodymuggle @couldyouspeaklouder @apoguecalledjj @collectiveuniverses @starkeymarkey @goldenharryvol6 @teenwaywardasgardian @milamaybank @merchantjjreply @lustgardn @curlybrownhairedboys @booksandshish @ilymarkchan @ihatemyself21 @bailspogue @deathcompass @alternativehp @keepingupwiththepogues @kylosleftbuttcheek @stargazingstarkey @rafescameron @katrynec @ilovejjmaybank @teamnick @jjaybank @kiarascarreras @sunwardsss @fandomtravels @honeybunchcalum @ughitslizzy @sleepyhollands @adanielle8 @jeyramarie @paradigmax @whoseblogsthis @sweetlysilent @outerbanksbro @i-mmunity @extratragic @jjbaby @jj-bxby @jjmaybanksbaby @drewswannabegirl @letsgotothehop @sugarcoatedcalum @wiensrsoldier @serious-killer @karleeluv @jj-baebank @secretmoonphantom @outerbankslut @obxsummer @poguesrforlife @broken-jj @sortagaysortahigh @erraaxh @haharudy @kimxft @rubjeffo @hannahrisacher @family-buisnes @king-ronnoc @sexytholland @28cnn @maraseavey @jurassicjosie @bolaurel @perfektionsmakel @masintahin @everyonesababe @rudysmaybank @koufaxx @broken-jj @catieiscute2001 @blueflame2778 @rudths @reconcilereid @anonymous0writer @secretlyablueunicorn @outerbankspogue @starlightstarkey @bolditalicwriter @pcterparxer @olsenholic @rottencoregirl @writingwieny @psg-for-life @hollandlovely @poguesinablanket @figure-pogue @kiarasmaybank @xloue @bellaguarneri @localfangirlx @perfect-ginger-maniac @truulovee @just-a-bitchybisexual @littlelillylollipop @pankowrudeth @jjandreidsgirl @caringparker @obx-saltlife @eternalangst @poguelifesurfshop@poguestyleskye @haute-shawn @hmspxgue @molsypops @niccsal @curlypunk @sleeplessreader12 @itsmederyn @thecurlsofgod @allielozoya @b-groovyyy @blindedbyyourgrace17 @kt219567 @french-fries-bouquet @overly-b @hanistarsxx @thebookisbtr @wilddheartt @alytavzla @punkladymoes @hmspogueobx @brightcosmos @an-untamed-rose @addictofsupernatural @mediocrearistophanes @buckethatseason @laconic-eunoia @agentstarkid @sunflower-beauty @spideyvibez @meaganjm @yourstrulyzerotwo @r0s3mm @floretsoleil @flowersinvegas @unknown-user84 @jooorrdd @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @unfortunatekiwitrash @celestialmaybank @kayleea122 @mynmuses @trashmouthpogues @natalie-kate-98 @maraudersandco @millssssonline @vaswn @lindysti @casper17 @babyybesson @itsagurl @everyonesababe @kaitieskidmore1 @aesthetic-lyssa @crispywolftreeflower @yesp0ny @broken-jj @beth-winchester21 @diverdcwn @cozyshawn @pcterparxer @comphersjost @bbygrlsyd @lovelynerdytraveler @obbx-tings @m-a-d-e-l-i-n-e-e @curlybrownhairedboys @jjshands @rachelfizzyhizzy @outsider-at-hogwarts @Magcongirl52 @drewsstarkey @chocolaeth @damnobx @hoeforshows @lemur46 @honestlywtfisgoingon @beth-winchester21 @bruhjustdont @iknowwhatihavefound-blog @jillianwritesstories @sleepyhollands @etherealtony @sofianunes10 @slytherinquill @invocacao-dos-unicornios @coloradogirl07 @no-shxt-sherl @maybankobx @jjmaybankg @itsallblueblackwhereimfrom @hookedinto-fictionalworlds @jjbanks @that-one-weird-fangirl2020 @rewindlr @beautyandthebleh @kenziemcnicol @dirtyskittlewater @luvbabyjade @p0gues4l @sunfl0w3rvol6 @theloveofpeterparker @ebonyyyy-e @niagaratears @alilybush @julesclues​ @aleeciamackenzie @outrbanxs @trinnwazheree @fangirlika @hotel-colson​ @talksoprettyjjx @106sami @ohbabycal @takisss @spam-to-follow @toloveortobeinlove @alexis-marrt022 @lovingonshawn @drw0301bieber​ @diverrdown @finelinebitch @amortiff @velvetxvignette @emptycanvasposts​ @kcxxlove @its-fun-to-fantasize-4​ @thedemonsimpofcamphalfblood @Sugarglohss @strawberrydonkey @heavenlymama @cxrlyrxe​ @thotbutpurple​ @ibookofstars @kayladownunder @jjaybank @cyrrusmreadings @omigodbeckylookatherbutt @obx-imagines-07 @lussuria-zephyr @yeahilljustgo @morganoddwalker @junisfics @trash-can-kristin @hippyexplosions @June549.  
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twdeadfanfic · 4 years
Silence Pt.4
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: Request for a deaf reader. Between season 2 and 3. After getting captured trying to hunt the men that raided her camp and killed her people, reader is rescued by Daryl, Glenn and Maggie, who take her with them and to their camp, and soon, reader is going to be surprised to find that the man witht he crossbow, who at first she deemed someone dangerous to keep an eye on, is rather shy and awkward around her, but sweet in his way too, and she can’t help but want to get to know him more.
Chapters: 4/8
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You kept going to the woods with Daryl, he always went hunting alone, but you both took patrol once a day around the perimeter of the warehouse, and when you were sure everything was safe, Daryl would take you deeper into the woods to try to find a trail and write you things about tracking. And so, little by little, you began learning more about tracking, even though you were far away from being able to track something yourself.
Little by little, you began knowing more about Daryl too. Almost every day, you both shared your watch too, and after some days like that, you still wanted to know more about Daryl, and so you decided to act on it. You had written him a sentence about you, just the place where you had been born, and Daryl had seemed confused about what you were doing or what you wanted, until finally he got that you wanted him to write something about himself too. He’d seemed awkward and uncomfortable, to the point you had almost taken back the notebook to write that he didn’t need too, but finally he’d written you the place where he’d been born. 
And so each day you learned a new thing about him. He still seemed a bit awkward about it, always looking nervously at you when you read whatever it was, but now he didn’t hesitate to write something, and you felt that slowly, he was opening up, and you were glad to have his trust, which you felt was hard to win. Sometimes, when you felt like it, you wrote him more things about yourself than only a sentence, but never told him to write you more than he’d be comfortable with. 
By now, he knew that you’d worked as a social worker before the apocalypse, that your mother and sister had died during the first days, and that you had a cat who ran away when everything started, and you never knew where he went but how you daydreamed he was safe and sound, hiding somewhere. You told him about your father too, how he’d died when you and your sister were teens. You told him silly things too, like how much you missed your favourite snacks or shows. 
You loved to pass time with Daryl, to, little by little, learn things about him, and you loved that it really seemed that Daryl liked to spend time with you too. However, sometimes you caught yourself thinking a bit too much about Daryl, your mind wandering to him when you less expected it, a smile tugging at your lips when you thought about him, and you couldn’t help your smile every time you saw him.
You had even caught your belly doing some weird twirls once or twice, your heart fluttering in a certain way…you really didn’t need something like that, but you didn’t know how to stop it. You found yourself wondering what Daryl might think if he knew…he was kind to you, even if shy, he seemed to enjoy your company and friendship, but you couldn’t know if he might be interested in something else. He was so shy, though, you were afraid to ask. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself and him, and you certainly didn’t want to make things awkward between you two.
You were lost in thought once more, wondering about all that, when you felt Daryl elbowing you softly, and you realized he was handing you the notebook but you had zoned out a bit. You signed a sorry, blushing, but Daryl just seemed amused at you.
He had written a word, and you signed it to him, practicing. You both did that often too, Daryl was quite a quick learner. He didn’t join Maggie, Carol and you when you practice together, but you had seen him practicing alone. You hadn’t said anything, not wanting to embarrass him maybe, and also, it was sweet, and he seemed so cute…you really should stop thinking like that about him, but you couldn’t help it. You were grateful he was making an effort to learn, though, just like Maggie and Carol, and some other people in the group were slowly picking up things too. Daryl’d also practice alone with you, and you couldn’t lie, you loved those moments with him.
“You’re good,” you signed to Daryl, smiling when he caught the meaning, and he just shrugged shyly. You took the notebook and wrote, “you learn really fast,” grinning at Daryl when he read it, but it just seemed to make him shyer. “I appreciate the effort,” you wrote down, and Daryl just shrugged again but gave you that tiny smile that made you feel weird things.
A couple of months had passed since you found your new friends, the days were colder and colder, and you all had once again run out of supplies, so Daryl, Glenn, Maggie and you had gone on a run to a supermarket, the place was away from the warehouse, but you all hoped you could make it back before the sun went down.
You were rushing through the place, not far from Daryl, after putting down the few walkers there, taking anything that was left and that could be useful in any form, keeping an eye out for any movement that could mean a potential threat. You turned around and noticed Daryl pushing something into his bag, but when he noticed you looking, he acted like nothing.
You arched your eyebrows at him and Daryl did the same to you. “What?” you signed, pointing at the bag, but Daryl just signed you a “nothing,” shrugging. You snorted, approaching him as you took out your notebook.
“You found a snack you don’t want to share or what?” You wrote down, smiling teasingly at him. Daryl rolled his eyes, shaking his head before signing you a “come on,” and nudging your shoulder gently with his so you would walk with him.
Once the place was swiped up, you walked to Daryl’s bike, you enjoyed to ride with him, and he didn’t seem to mind. You got situated behind him, wrapping your arms around him, which you wouldn’t admit but was one of the reasons why you liked to ride with him…holding him felt just so comforting and so good.
You were watching how Maggie and Glenn loaded the stuff they had found in the car, and without thinking, you rested your chin on Daryl’s shoulder. You didn’t really realize, it just felt natural, until Daryl turned his head to look at you. You blushed, afraid of being pushing his boundaries, but he just gave you a tiny, shy and crooked smile, before turning on the bike.
You had come back home in time to dine on rabbit stew and now you were setting your things for bed, beat after the run, when you felt Daryl tugging at your sleeve. You looked at him questioningly and he nodded at you to follow him outside. It was late, it was dark and cold, you were tired, and so you frowned at him before raising a questioning eyebrow. Daryl chewed on his lip before nodding to the door again and so you decided to follow him and see what he wanted. You grabbed your blanket, though, wrapping it around you as you followed Daryl outside.
Rick was taking watch with Hershel, and they looked at you both, seeming confused to see you out too, but they let you be, going back to watch the treeline near the warehouse, and you sat down next to Daryl on the stairs of the warehouse.
“Cold?” You signed to Daryl, who was wearing his not so warm jacket and vest, but he shook his head. He was stubborn on not taking blankets or warm clothes that someone else might need, you knew, but still, it worried you that he’d get sick one day, the weather was getting colder and colder.
Daryl reached inside his bag, that he had taken out with him, and you found yourself wishing you’d actually been right and he had found a snack or something, because you’d die for some chocolate bar or a bag of chips. You knew he would share it with the others if he had, though, and so you waited expectantly to see what he took out. The first thing was his lantern, that he turned on and balanced on his knee, before taking out a small book.
He gave it to you and you realized it was a pocket-sized asl book. You looked at him surprised, amazed that he had managed to find one, and glad he had picked it up.
“It’s good?” Daryl signed to you, seeming a bit nervous, and you nodded before opening it, flipping through the pages. For its size, it had a lot of information, useful and quite nicely explained.
“Very good,” you signed to Daryl, and he smiled, shrugging when you signed him a thanks, before you picked up a random page and began practicing with Daryl the first sign you saw.
From that day, it was usual that you found Daryl studying with the book when he had a quiet moment, and you couldn’t help your silly smile every time you watched him practicing signs to himself.
He wasn’t the only one though, the book went from hand to hand within the group, everyone picking up signs here and there, and every passing day they were more able to communicate with you without you having to write down everything. And you were quite happy about it.
You were shivering hard, trying to dry your dripping hair with an old towel. Daryl and you had been patrolling when a storm had caught you both, and despite rushing back to the warehouse, you both had ended up soaking wet. Daryl was now leaving your soaked clothes near the fire that you had at the porch outside, protected from the rain. You wished you could sit down next to the fire, but the cold outside wasn’t tempting, and so you sat down on your bedroll, glad to have at least warm, dry clothes.
You felt something fell over you and you realized Daryl was wrapping a blanket around you, rubbing at your arms to try and warm you as you kept shaking, and you gave him a grateful smile, He sat down next to you, and you realized once again how cold the day must be when you saw that even Daryl had a blanket around his shoulders.
You were still fighting your shivers when you noticed Daryl squeezing your arm, and so you looked at him. “Cold?” he signed, and you nodded. You looked at him as he chewed on his lip, you knew well that habit of him now, and then he was averting his eyes and shyly reaching out his arm, as if inviting you to move closer to him. You were a bit surprised, and something twirled in your belly at the idea, and so at first you didn’t move, but when you saw Daryl looking back at you briefly, blushing red and pulling back, you kicked into action. You didn’t want him thinking that you didn’t want to sit closer to him, when it was actually the opposite.
You scooted closer and when, tentatively, Daryl wrapped his arm around you, you snuggled to his warmth, feeling much better already. You signed him a thanks, smiling to him, and Daryl shrugged, but he smiled softly at you. You bit your lip as you looked at him, wrapped in his in warmth…damn, you wanted to kiss him, you couldn’t help it, whether it was silly or not…
You wondered if it reflected in your face, because then Daryl was looking at you…you didn’t know how, but different. You wondered what would he think if he knew your feelings, what would he do, if you kissed him…You knew he liked to spend his time with you, he cared for you and took care of you, but then, he took care of everyone. Still, he’d gone out of his way quite a few times to make sure you were okay, and he was gentle and kind with you…but he’d never hinted at wanting anything else, neither you knew if you were his type…you weren’t sure if it was worth to risk it and ask him, and maybe end up making things between you two awkward, losing this beautiful thing you had.
You wondered about your feelings too. You didn’t want to be unfair to Daryl. Were those butterflies real? Or were you just lonely and grateful for Daryl? How could you be sure? You didn’t know…but you knew you cared deeply for him, you loved to spend your time with him, he gave you the butterflies more often than not…and at that moment, you knew that you wanted to kiss him.
Daryl was still looking at you with that expression you couldn’t read, but suddenly he looked up, and you noticed Lori walking close. Everyone was getting ready to sleep and Daryl pulled away from you, seeming a shy, though he smiled to you when you smiled at him, trying to mask your nerves at those weird feelings that still went through you.
That night, when you tried to sleep, you replayed your feelings, trying to make sense of it, trying to decide what to do…you had to make sure that what you felt was real, that you wanted more than a friendship, and if you did…then you had to go for it, right? At least try? Something like that wasn’t easy to find now at the end of the world, was it? And someone like Daryl…no, someone like him wasn’t easy to find, he was special, even in the world before…you got that silly smile and butterflies just thinking about him. But then, what if he didn’t want it? What if you asked and he stopped hanging out with you like he did…maybe you’d make him awkward around you…but if you didn’t ask, you’d never know…ugh, you really didn’t know what to do.
Then, you felt something over you, startling you until you made Daryl silhouette in the darkness, you recognized him well now, and you noticed he was  carefully placing your shawl over you, on top of your blanket, and he probably thought you were asleep as he tucked you in, making sure you were warm.
Your silly smile just grew wider, and the butterflies in your stomach danced faster…no, you really didn’t want to risk losing this…
You lost the warehouse in what you thought, hoped, was the last month of winter. A herd of walkers, bigger than you’d ever seen, had stumbled to the warehouse, and there was no way you could stop it. Neither of you wanted to leave, not wanting to give up your home, but soon you were overpowered and you knew there was nothing to do, and so you picked up as many of the stuff as you could, and you all left.
You were now sat down on the ground, shivering near the fire, clutching a blanket greedily when Maggie gave one to everyone. Daryl was taking patrol, but you were feeling too cold to go with him, even if you felt guilty about leaving him alone. Soon, though, Rick was taking his place and Daryl was walking to you.
You still hadn’t dared to share your feelings with Daryl, but you couldn’t help how you felt when he was close, or even just when you thought about him. You smiled to him when he sat down next to you, and he gave you that small smile that gave you butterflies.
“Okay?” He signed and you nodded. He reached out and you frowned, confused, when he touched your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You didn’t know what was going on, but your heart sped up at it. Daryl seemed to catch on your confusion, because he took his hand away, blushing, and he signed to you that you had a cut there. You hadn’t even realized it.
You looked around at the camp, letting out a sign. “Worried about Lori,” you signed to Daryl. “Pregnant…out here…”
Daryl nodded, seeming thoughtful, and then he took your notebook to write, “We’ll find something.” You had to hope so. Daryl gave you a tiny smile, nudging his shoulder with yours, making you smile gratefully.
He was looking at you in a way…maybe he wouldn’t freak out, if you asked him to have something more than only friendship? You still weren’t sure…But maybe it was worth to try? You had lost your home, you had to fight a big group of walkers, any of you could have died there…any moment could be your last, so maybe you should make the best out of every moment? But maybe that could mean losing Daryl? You didn’t think he’d stop caring for you, but you didn’t want to make things weird…
You didn’t realize you had groaned in frustration until Daryl tugged at your blanket, frowning at you and signing “what?” You blushed, embarrassed, shaking your head, but Daryl just nudged you and asked again. “Too much in my head”, you signed, and Daryl took your notebook again.
“We’ll manage,” he wrote down and you nodded, smiling but flustered…if only he knew what was on your mind… Daryl reached out his arm for you, shyly, and you scooted closer gratefully, closing your eyes and leaning against his shoulder while his arm wrapped around you tentatively, making you feel all sort of things…yeah, you really needed to do something about this…
A week later, you all finally found a cabin to stay, and you still hadn’t dared to say anything to Daryl, even though each day your feelings just grew. Now that you had finally woke up under a roof again, you had decided that today was the day, you would go for it…that was why, as you patrolled with Daryl, your stomach knotted with nerves and you found yourself distracted, wondering if you were about to make a mistake, when Daryl squeezed your shoulder and took you out of your thoughts.
“Something wrong?” Daryl signed and you shook your head, blushing. Come on…you could do it…if you didn’t, you would never do it, and you didn’t want to maybe regret it…come on, just go for it… You pointed at a log on the ground and went to sit down on it, Daryl sitting down next to you, still looking at you worriedly.
You didn’t know how to go about it, and you decided to take your notebook and just go for it, even if you were nervous and shy. “I like you,” you wrote down, and showed it to Daryl, who blinked at you when he read it, blushing and seeming as awkward as you had feared, so you rushed to sign a “sorry”, taking the notebook away and blushing yourself.
Daryl pocked you and although he seemed very, very shy, he took the notebook and pointed at the “I like you”, signaling from him to you. You thought you got it, he liked you too, but you weren’t sure he quite got what you meant. You almost bailed out, almost didn’t dare, but you forced yourself to be brave and took the notebook, writing down, “I mean not only as a friend.”
You couldn’t look while Daryl read, embarrassed. He didn’t say anything and so you forced yourself to look at him. He was staring at the notebook, and when you took it away, he still looked down without saying anything, without looking at you. You didn’t know what to do. You tugged at his sleeve and he finally looked at you, though he averted his eyes. “Sorry,” you signed and Daryl shook his head.
“You angry?” You signed and Daryl frowned, saying something that you were pretty sure was “what?” before shaking his head. You didn’t know what to think.
“Come on,” he signed, and you both walked back to the cabin.
You really didn’t know what to think…
We’re half way there and we got a reader catching feelings and a reader confesing them!
What did you think? If you liked it, please let me know your thoughts.
As always, excuse my english, is not my first language.
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calm-and-wine · 4 years
(I’ll give you) the best years
PART VI / EPILOGUE (masterlist)
here we are, the last part, more of an epilogue really. it’s quite short, but it also felt right, so hopefully you won’t be too disappointed.
as it is the end, i want to say the biggest thank you to everyone who has read and interacted with my little story. i’m so glad you loved and accepted Nulu, it truly means the world. also, if you’d ever wonder about anything or want to talk about this little family, please feel more than welcomed to pop into my inbox! i love you all, happy reading!
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September 2030
Lucy was tired, but content. She was probably supposed to be wiped out, sleeping for hours on end would be acceptable too. After spending over 8 hours yesterday in the car with children, a whining almost 4 years old and a fussy 6 months old, she had every reason to feel half dead. Even though Niall provided her a little break, sending her grocery shopping while he watched the kids, she was still half dead. She actually really liked going to the supermarket, might have even spent extra long roaming the aisles, just to get a bit more alone time. She loved her children, of course she did, but everyone needed a small break once in a while.
But none of that stopped her from getting up early, starting the preparations, then waking the kids before they started crying, and doing the rest of cooking with both her daughters in tow. She was in a great mood, any tiredness or lack of sleep forgotten. After all, it was Niall’s birthday. And her husband deserved all the good things, always.
“Mummy, can I decorate? I wanna make them all pretty.” Evelyn, her eldest asked, her big blue eyes pleading, just in case her mum declined. It was almost impossible to say no to her when she looked at someone like that, a power she was perfectly aware of. Sometimes Lucy could not believe she wasn’t even four yet, she was way too smart.
“Sure, Eve, but just a few, okay? We’ll put the fruits and everything else on the table, so everyone can make their own.” She put a few pancakes on a plate before placing it in front of her daughter. Evelyn was nothing if not helpful. Lucy looked to her other side, where Olivia was sitting in her high chair, playing with her teddy and a wooden spoon. Apparently there were no better toys than kitchen appliances or whatever else you could find lying around the house.
There was soft music playing in the background, the last of the pancakes sizzling in the pan, a bubble of excitement fluttering in Lucy’s stomach. Life was good, better than good. She had everything she could have ever wanted, more than she even dared to dream about. Sure, it wasn’t always perfect and it definitely wasn’t easy, but they were healthy, and most importantly, there was a lot of love to hold it all together. 
Evelyn was born on the 14th of December 2026 and neither Lucy nor Niall knew what to do with the happiness and love bursting through them for this perfect little bundle they created. In the following months, Lucy was very glad Niall was home, because no matter how peaceful she might have looked, Evelyn was no angel. And Lucy would probably lose her mind, if it weren’t for him. He worked in the studio with the boys, but it wasn’t any crazy schedule, just slowly putting songs together, always making sure not to put too much on his wife’s shoulder. She was also very glad he convinced her to go ahead with the training centre, which opened in February of 2027, because it became a source of normality for her, a reason to leave the house and clear her mind, usually for a few hours twice a week. 
One Direction released their second album since reactivating in September of 2028 and then embarked on a tour, Lucy and Evelyn joining them for most of it. It was crazy at times, but Niall said nothing would ever beat standing on stage in front of thousands of people and turning your head to see your wife and kid dancing hidden on the side stage. She found out she was pregnant again on that very tour. They weren’t really trying for another kid, but they also weren’t actively preventing anything, just letting the universe work however it wanted to. So, on the 14th of March this year, Olivia was born. She was much calmer than her sister, which Lucy took as a blessing, only hoping it wouldn’t come doubled as a toddler rebellion or something. And once again, Niall finished tour early December, spending the last couple of months of her pregnancy home, helping her and being her rock, then enjoying another newborn bliss together. The band came back to work since, once again popping into the studio every once in a while, but there was no rush. Harry welcomed his second child recently, joking that Niall should pick up his pace, because he had been married way shorter, yet they had the same number of offsprings, his kids only a year apart. 
But for Lucy and Niall, there was no rush. She loved what they had, had felt this way for years upon years, pure contentment. She couldn’t even pinpoint a moment when she wanted something more than she already had, since she started dating Niall, not really. 
She put the last pancakes on the plate, the ones Evelyn decorated were already placed at the table, so she picked Olivia up, settling her on her hip, grabbing Evie’s hand and going upstairs. Her eldest giggled excitedly, letting go of her mum’s hand as soon as she opened the door to the master bedroom and sprinting before jumping on the bed. Lucy only hoped she wouldn’t land on Niall or kick him in the ribs. There was no stopping her when she got like this, though.
“Dada! Wake up! It’s your birthday!” she screamed, jumping up and down on the bed. 
Niall hummed, scrunching his eyes for a second, which earned him a giggle from his daughter, before opening them and instantly grabbing her to bring her down on top of him, tickling her before blowing a raspberry on her stomach.
“Hello, pumpkin,” he said, planting a kiss on her cheek, her eyes glistening and a huge smile showing all of her teeth.
“We made breakfast, you have to hurry,” she said proudly, going to stand up on the bed, Niall’s hands instantly going up to secure her in case she lost balance. He sat up looking at his wife, who stood near the doorway, their other daughter tucked in her arms, hiding her face in her neck. Their daughters couldn’t have been more different, Evelyn was a natural firecracker, while Olivia seemed timid and shy, he couldn’t wait to see them grow into two amazing women. “Dada!” Evelyn pulled on his hand, rushing him. 
“Okay, okay, I’m getting up, Evie,” he laughed, standing up and helping her down from the bed. He grabbed a sweater to cover his bare chest, barely managing to pull it over his head, before Eve started pushing on his leg, trying to make him move. “Go ahead, I’m right behind you,” he said, which earned him a huff.
“Just not too fast, bub,” Lucy reminded, when Eve rushed out of the room.
Niall stopped in front of his wife, a huge smile on his face, his hair a complete mess and his eyes still sleepy. 
“Happy birthday, baby,” she said, when he wrapped an arm around her, planting a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Thank you,” Niall said, giving her another peck, before kissing the daughter in her arms on the head. “And you, what got you all shy, bug?” he asked, pinching her leg lightly. Olivia finally looked at her dad, twisting in Lucy’s arms and reaching for him. Niall laughed lightly, taking her from his wife and tickling her before she let out the most beautiful giggle and hid her face in his neck. She was too cute. Both their daughters were absolutely adorable and as much as he loved it and was a proud dad, it sometimes made it hard being a parent.
“Come on, or Evie will lose her mind and the pancakes will get cold,” Lucy said, intertwining her fingers with Niall’s free hand and leading them downstairs.
“I really don’t know where she gets her lack of patience from.”
“Oh, you don’t?” Lucy snickered, looking at him with a raised brow.
“Okay, so maybe I have a slight idea,” he chuckled, “but I’m not that bad.”
“Yeah, but you’re also not 4.”
He looked at his wife, both their eyes glistening with glee. “Point taken.”
They reached the kitchen and Niall stopped in the doorway surprised. It was more than he expected, the table was perfectly set, fresh fruit, chocolate and maple syrups, bacon and even whipped cream laid out, along with a stack of pancakes way too big for them. 
He looked at his wife incredulously. “You did all that? With two kids to look at?” he asked, forever in awe of his wife.
“They were on their best behaviour,” she assured.
“You’re an angel,” he whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek.
“Dada! I helped! And I have a present for you!” Evelyn said, practically jumping by the kitchen table.
Niall put Olivia in her high chair, while Lucy shook her head at their eldest’s antics. They were supposed to have cake and give him presents later, but at this point she wasn’t even surprised Evelyn couldn’t wait.
“Okay, come here then,” Niall said, sitting in a chair, grabbing Eve and sitting her on his lap. “Oooh you made me a card?” he asked, his voice excited, when his daughter handed him a colorful piece of paper.
“Mumma helped with spelling,” she noted, looking up at him with the biggest smile.
“It’s beautiful, I love it. We’re gonna hang it back home. Thank you, pumpkin.” His heart was so full, he couldn’t even comprehend it. He kissed her cheek, then the other, then the crown of her head, until she giggled.
“Can we hang it here until we leave?” Evelyn asked, looking at him with her usual big eyes. They came to their house in Ireland for a few days to change the scenery. And because Lucy always tried to get him here for his birthday, knowing how much he loved his home country. He appreciated the gesture a lot, even though now his home was wherever his family was, the place didn’t matter much.
“Of course,” he assured, placing the card on the edge of the table so it wouldn’t get dirty. “Let’s eat now, yeah?”
She nodded, her blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders. She was a perfect mix of Niall and Lucy, the hair was all her mother’s, but the eyes were just like her dad’s. She made a move to get off his lap, but he secured an arm around her waist to keep her with him. 
“Don’t leave me, it’s my birthday!” he said dramatically, earning himself another chuckle. It was his favourite thing to do, trying to make his girls laugh, all three of them. 
Lucy finally moved, going to make some coffee for him, taking a minute to watch her family, while it was brewing. They were all in pajamas, Evelyn wearing a blue robe with pink hearts on it, Niall in plaid bottoms and a sweater, she was wearing cotton pants as well, with Niall’s hoodie. He was feeding Olivia, her high chair turned towards him, while making sure Evie didn't fall off his lap, completely adored by his daughters, just as much as he adored them.
“Hey, come eat,” he said, looking at her, a lopsided smile on both their faces.
She nodded, pouring the coffee and bringing it over for him, before sitting herself on the other side, so she could admire her family. 
The house was filled with chatter and giggles, Lucy and Niall’s eyes shining with emotions, the smiles constant on their faces. When they ate over half of the pancakes and their bellies were full, cheeks hurting from laughing, she got up to clean up a bit, hanging Eve’s card up on the fridge. Niall got up too, placing Evie on his chair, and came up to do the washing, ignoring Lucy’s protest that he shouldn’t do any cleaning on his birthday, while she put the leftovers into the fridge. 
When they were both done, he pulled her into his body, before they joined their kids. They should get dressed and go out for a walk, but he wanted a minute with his wife. 
“I love you so much, Lulu,” he said softly, after kissing her, their first proper kiss of the day.
“Love you, baby,” she reciprocated, raking a hand through his hair.
He stood with his arms around his wife, planting soft kisses across her face and on her neck, while watching the kids over her shoulder, their eldest daughter gabbering on and on about something she was clearly very passionate about, while their 6 months old looked at her sister with big eyes, probably not understanding a word, but giving her her full attention. Niall’s heart was so full, he was sure it must burst one of those moments. He felt that way whenever he had his three girls right with him, just like this. Not even doing anything special, just being together, being a family. He truly did not know what the hell did he do to deserve it all, the most amazing wife and two beautiful daughters. 
He drew his eyes back to Lucy and just knew she was filling similar things, one of her hands clasped on the back of his neck, while the other was travelling up and down his side. 
The way they looked at each other and were together, made her feel like they were two teenagers in love. Crazy about each other, with heart eyes and butterflies in their stomachs. It didn’t mean their love wasn’t mature, their relationship stable. But in those moments, she felt incredibly lucky. That after all these years, the spark between them didn’t dim. That her body still felt warm whenever he was near, her heart skipping a beat whenever he looked at her. It was something she was incredibly appreciative of, their love evolving, growing to new heights, but never really changing. Deep down she not only hoped, but knew that it would be like that forever. That not only this was the man she’d grow old alongside and spend the rest of her life with, but that she’d be completely in love with him for every minute of every day. And for just as long, she’d be utterly, absolutely loved by him.
taglist: @stylishmuser​ @verorax​ @georgiahoranxx​ @exoticniall​ @awomanindeniall​ @soullikestyles​ @bopbopstyles​ @nannav47​
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Survey #375
“why do i see her, the never-ending night  /  why do i see her, wearing nothing but the dark?”
Who’s one person who changed how you viewed something? I hold Rhett & Link responsible for "curing" my homophobia. I went through a phase where I shipped them like CRAZY, and they're still my "OTP," and it really made me question why I had such a disgusting belief. The switch was officially flipped when listening to their podcast with Hannah Hart, who discussed growing up as a lesbian surrounded by homophobia. Let me tell you, it felt fucking good to let that repulsive belief go. It was my former religion that tied me to it, but it could no longer be an excuse to me, even when I stayed Christian a while longer. And here I am now as a bisexual woman who wants to deck younger me dead in the face. :') Were you ever scared of driving? What scared you about it? I am TERRIFIED of driving. I'm most scared of getting in a wreck and killing somebody, something I would never. Ever. Ever. Forgive myself for. I'm also petrified of, once again, getting in a wreck and I wind up paralyzed from the neck down. The most memorable time that you skipped school, what did you do? Nothing very exciting. What was the last topic you did thorough research on? Why? Toxic masculinity for an essay in college. What is a dish you absolutely love, but hate to prepare yourself? I don't cook, so. Of the many different American accents, which one is your favorite? New York. Is there anything hanging from the doorknob in your room? No. Why did you move to where you’re living now? Because we had to get out of our former house because the growing mold problem was a health hazard (especially for Mom, given her then-recent cancer diagnosis), and our family friend newly owned this house as a part of the former resident's will. Said resident knew Mom as well and the house problems, so she wanted Tobey to help us into this house anyway. What’s your opinion on wearing pajamas in public? Do you yourself do that? I literally couldn't care less. I do it a lot. Do you usually fill up at the same gas station? No; Mom just pays attention to the price. Are you currently looking for a new job? No. I don't plan to until I'm done with TMS therapy. Are any of your relatives musicians? No. Have you ever had an asthma attack? Thank goodness no. My mom has asthma and I have seen her have an attack, so I know they're terrifying. Have you ever been in a hospital and not felt safe? There was one occasion during a psych hospital stay that my roommate had WILD anger issues. She would explode out of seemingly NOWHERE, to the point once or twice she had to be put in solitary because she would literally scream and damage shit, like throwing tables and such. She scared the piss out of me to the point I finally plucked up the courage to tell the nurses that I needed a different room. What’s the highest fever you’ve ever had? I don't remember. Have you ever been hospitalized for a day or more? At psych hospitals. I think my shortest visit was just shy of a week. Have you ever had surgery? Two. Are you lonely? I'm admittedly very lonely. Are you mad at someone right now? No. Do you eat late at night? I sometimes need a small midnight or so snack because I cannoooooooot sleep when my stomach is growling. If I'm in basically any sort of discomfort, I have extreme trouble sleeping. Who do you miss? A lot of people. I miss Jason, Megan, Mini, Hannia, Emily, Journee... I don't feel like dwelling on those I've lost. Who do you admire most? Mark. If you could transform into any animal what would it be and why? Maybe a cat. Quick, agile, stealthy, majestic, well-equipped to defend itself... sounds pretty good. Are you more artistic or mathematical? Definitely more artistic. Which supermarket do you usually shop at? Wal-Mart. When was the last time you went to McDonald’s? I'm not sure, but it's been a while. Maybe around a month. What was the last chocolate bar you ate? I believe I had a 3 Musketeers because I was really craving one. Who was the last person you talked to on Skype/video chat? The woman who was doing my evaluation to determine if I was a good fit for TMS therapy. Can you remember the first time you ever talked to the person you love/like? Does he/she remember? I think I might have a vague idea, but I don't really remember. Would you be able to have a relationship with someone you didn’t find attractive, if they had a nice personality and treated you well? Yep. It sounds cheesy, but I do mean it when I say a beautiful inside blossoms into the body itself for me personally. Does the last person you kissed have brown eyes? Yes. Have you ever really liked someone to begin with, then changed your mind about them? I guess you could say Girt, because I had a pretty big crush on him when I started HS. We were just friends for way too long that when we finally dated years upon years later, it felt much too weird. He really was my "brother from another mother" by that point. Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you? Aaaaand he left. :^) If you decided to dye your hair, would you choose to go lighter or darker? Lighter. I want to dye my hair pastel colors so very badly. Do you know what the Enneagram is and if so, what’s your type? INFP. Do you listen to Mayday Parade? I only know "Terrible Things," which I positively adore. Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? I have an extremely hard time sleeping at night. It's honestly one reason I sometimes sleep so much during the day. Are you on a laptop, desktop or phone/iPod? A laptop. Have you ever been so angry that you screamed out of nowhere? I've screamed into a pillow. What’s the longest movie you’ve ever watched? I dunno, maybe over three hours? What was the last thing you watched on Netflix or Hulu? I have no clue. What do you think about your current relationship status? I mean I miss being in love and having someone who sees a future with me, but I know in the deepest part of me that it's wiser that I stay single until I figure some things out. Of most concern, I don't have a job or even a confident sign I'll have one soon, I'm not in school headed for a career, I don't drive, I don't cook... I'm a liability, financially and in other ways. It wouldn't be fair to my partner or even myself to go into a relationship with a heavy risk of heartbreak because I'm taking too long to get to where I want to be. I'm 25 now - if/when I get into a relationship, I want forever, and I'm not wasting time on anyone for almost inevitable failure as romantic partners. I want to AT LEAST have a steady job before I enter another relationship. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. Do you go out on dates? I have no one to go on a date with. Do you kiss on the first date? I never have and probably wouldn't, but I guess if things went very well and I was really into the person, maybe I would. What’s the farthest you’ve gone with someone? Doing to do. Would you rather receive a stuffed animal, flowers, or chocolate? I'd really appreciate any. I think flowers are sorta overrated though honestly, like someone ripped some healthy flowers from their roots and doomed them to a quickly-approaching death, but society still has a part of me thinking "oh that's sweet." I think more than anything, I'd be crazy over a meerkat plushy. Or would expensive jewelry just be fine? You really don't have to do that for me; I don't really wear much jewelry at all anyway. Odds are you'd be wasting your money. What’s the cheesiest romantic gift you’ve ever received? I don't know. Do you like romantic poetry? Yessssssssss. Have you ever been rickrolled? I'm unsure. Do you like bologna? Yeah. It was my favorite lunch meat as a kid. Have you ever had a nose bleed? Yes. Have you ever puked on a fair ride before? No, because I don't go on rides that generally induce that sort of risk. What animals have you ridden? Just ponies. What is your parents' idea of grounding you? Taking away my access to the computer. Dragons or unicorns? Dragons! Do you wish vampires existed? Uh, no. At the moment what is your favorite song? I'm going through another phase of really digging "Castle of Glass" by Linkin Park. Have you ever been pantsed? No. What is your favorite magazine? I don’t read any. Did you ever like Barbies? Do you currently like Barbies? I never really was, I just played with them when my little sister wanted to. I was more into playing with my dinosaurs and Pokemon and stuff. I'm not into them now, either. What’s your favorite hit song right now? I don't know what songs are "hits" right now. What’s your favorite element? (fire, water, air) Fire, aesthetically. Have you ever been to a wild party? Nah. Do you put on a robe when it’s cold? I don't own a robe. Is the last person you kissed gay? She's demisexual. What breed was the last dog you saw? She's some sort of hound mix. We think there might be dalmatian in her, too. What type of day are you having? It's been all right. I'm just REALLY not feeling this damn heat. Driving an hour and back to the TMS office in a car that has no A/C is agony. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It's been pierced multiple times, and I want to do it again, but this time with a nostril hoop versus a stud so the goddamn thing stays in. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? I have an incredibly strong preference for cold weather. Fuck the heat. Like just 70*F is "too hot" to me. Who was the last person you talked to in person? My mom. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? No. Do you like rain? Yes, but I don't like being caught out in it. I just like looking at and listening to it. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? Yep. Do you like to cuddle? If I really like you and it's not too hot, yeah. Are you shy? I'm excruciatingly shy. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? Hunny, I'd do that for free. Which do you like better- zebra print or leopard print? I'm not really a fan of either particular pattern on anything but the animal. Do you have any stickers on your car? I don't have my own car, but Mom has one that allows her to park in her old school's parking lot. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No. My sister Misty, tho
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desiraypark · 4 years
No More Secrets
Clyde x Sherri (Non-Linear Series) Almost there, y’all.  Part I | Part II | Part III Notes: I’ve shared this before, but for those unfamiliar with the timeline, I pushed the events of Logan Lucky back to 2015 to stretch the length of Clyde and Sherri’s relationship. So, in “Clyde x Sherri” world, they broke up the first week of April 2017. The following entry takes place early May 2017. Also, “Familiar” (The story of how these two met and began dating) takes place in late May 2017.
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“Afternoon Mr. Valdes,” Sherri said, walking straight to the back to start her second job—cashier at the Madison Supermarket. She didn’t hear the “question” in Mr. Valdes’ voice.
“Somebody came by to see you this morning,” he said. She stopped in her tracks and turned to one of her many managers. He handed her a small strip of paper.
“Please call me soon! 555-0529, Clyde’s brother (Jimmy)”
Sherri stared at the paper for a bit.
“Is everything alright?” Mr. Valdes asked. Sherri nodded and looked up at the clock on the wall: 2:47.
“Yes. Is it okay if I make this call?” she asked.
“Sure thing.” Mr. Valdes gave her an assuring smile and walked out onto the sales floor. Then, she stepped into the empty break room and dialed the number.
Sherri yawned and searched the parking lot for a man who may resemble Clyde. About three minutes later, a truck pulled in—driven by a brown-haired man. She couldn’t make out a resemblance, but when he hopped out the truck, she knew.
“My brother blew his knee out,” she remembered Clyde telling her. “He’s got a limp now.”
The man wobbled toward her, looking just as inquisitive as she was. She suddenly wanted to know how Clyde described her to others.
“Mhm. You’re...” she asked for certainty.
“Jimmy,” he said holding his hand out. Sherri shook it. Jimmy looked just as tall as Clyde, maybe an inch or so shorter. But he was just as thick and muscular as his little brother.
“I’m sorry to hold up your evenin’, but I needed to talk to you face to face. Look you right in the eye...”
Sherri folded her arms, patiently awaiting his purpose.
“What happened a couple of years ago, was my doin’. I convinced Clyde to do it,” he said.
“Clyde is still a grown man. He could have said no,” Sherri said. She shook her head. “But I’m not upset about what he did. I just could have gone my whole life not knowing. Now, if the police or the FBI or somebody come knockin’ on my door, I’d have to choose between lyin’ to the law, or snitchin’ on my man.”
Jimmy bit down on a smile. He’d never heard a girl call Clyde their “man”.
“If it’s any consolation, the FBI tried to investigate us twice and hit brick walls both times.”
It was some consolation, but Sherri wasn’t going to admit that. They silenced themselves as a small family walked out of the store. Everyone nodded silent goodnight’s, and Sherri shifted her weight on each foot, watching the family of four head to their SUV. Jimmy continued.
“The speedway got back what we took. Probably more than that. Once they got their money, they ain’t care about what happened. Ain’t nobody fooled with us since.”
Sherri chewed on the inside of her mouth. “How can you be so sure that they’re done with you?”
“Everybody that lost money done made it back by now. And you know that’s all that matters to the people on top.”
Sherri shrugged reluctant agreement.
“So, what do you expect to happen now? What’s your goal?” she asked.
“I don’t expect nothin’. But I wanted you to know that my brother is a good man and that he ain’t been right since y’all broke up. He’s been dodgin’ my calls, bein’ short wit’ me. I come on out here to visit and the first thing he tells me is that I done ruined his life.”
Sherri’s heart sank. Then, she smiled and rolled her eyes. “I can hear him sayin’ that. All pouty and dramatic.”
Jimmy laughed. “You know it! You know it!”
Sherri and Jimmy let their laughter ride out before silence befell them again.
“Has he apologized for saying that?” Sherri asked. “Naw. But he don’t have to.”
Sherri watched the man of the family roll the buggy to the cart corral.
“I can’t tell you what to do,” Jimmy continued. “But I don’t want you to end things because of something I created. And like I said, ain’t nobody checkin’ on us.”
Sherri sighed and nodded. “I appreciate you comin’ to talk to me.”
“I appreciate you givin’ me a chance to explain,” Jimmy responded. “And look, Clyde don’t know I did this. You think you can keep this as—”
“I ain’t keepin’ no more of y’all’s secrets,” Sherri cut across. She started walking to her car.
Jimmy laughed and nodded. “Fair enough.” 
He walked with her toward the parking lot. “I hope to see you again before I head back to Greenbrier.”
“When do you head back?” Sherri asked. “Tomorrow evening.” “Well...we’ll have to see about that...” ____________________ Tag List: Thanks to everyone who asked to be on a tag list! I’m considering working out various lists, but for now, if you’d like to be on a permanent/everything tag list, just leave a comment! Sorry if I overlooked anyone! Just let me know in the comments!
@aloneandsleepless​ @direnightshade​ @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @a-true-janian-reply​ @thegreenmatt​ @sister-winter73​ @loewsy55​​ @mariesackler​​ @clydes-hole​​ @sydneyssmut​​ @kirah36​
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avesagittarius · 5 years
lost mal-evolence // 8
WORD COUNT //  3010
an ! PLease forgive me for the ENORMOUS delay, I don’t even have an excuse but just starting back up this series. Send ask if you don’t wanna be on the taglist anymore, sorry everyone i know im a disappointment lol
summary ! The youngest of the Maximoff siblings had lived through heartbreak twice now. First her parent’s death and then her older sibling’s abandonment. She did not know what she had done wrong, only that she searched for them for 3 years before HYDRA recruited her. She joined them when she learnt Pietro and Wanda had came here after leaving her. Now 6 years after their departure, she was in the process of becoming HYDRA’s best asset ever.
part one    part dos      part tres      part quatro      part cinco     part seis    
part siete
At dawn, when the sun starts to rise in the sky, the various shades of orange, yellow and pink illuminating the sky, that’s when Pietro used to feel the most peaceful. Of course, that was before they went and discovered the rampage that fueled his baby sister on the run. Before he saw what years of abandonment had done to her.
A few months ago, Pietro would have loved getting up before everyone else and go on his morning run, running faster than the forever circulating cars of New York City, when the city was awakening. He’d sometimes even go as far as the Liberty Statue, so he could admire the lady in the morning light, without the sea of tourists.
But now everything had changed, and he felt that when he woke up and had to force himself out of bed. When he didn’t have the motivation to go around the city, when looking at the rising sun didn’t feel as tranquil as it did before.
He could only think about her, Amalya.
Wondering where she was at this second, what she could be doing, how she was feeling. The overwhelming feeling of helplessness enveloped him once again. Pietro felt useless.
What was he going to become if he couldn’t even look after his own little sister?
He didn’t feel deserving of the Avengers. He felt like all they had done since they rescued him and Wanda from HYDRA was helping them, and all he could do was joke around and make mistakes on missions.
He was startled when he heard the knock on his door. To his surprise his body got up and went to open the door, but it felt as if he was far away from it. Like he was watching his body move from the outside.
Outside the door stood a very concerned Wanda, immediately she entered the room taking Pietro into her arms.
“Piet’ why are you crying ?” her voice was soft and worried, as usual these days.
But Pietro pushed her away to feel his wet cheeks, he hadn’t even realized he was crying until his sister told him so.
He dried his tear-stained cheeks and smiled sadly at the witch. Then, proceeded to shrug, not knowing how to express his feelings out loud, not really wanting to share either.
“You know we’ve told you a thousand times that it is not your fault ! Why do you keep doing this to yourself Pietro it isn’t healthy for you to think all this” Wanda felt she had to check up on everyone’s state daily, at least it prevented her from letting her thoughts wander.
“I can’t help feeling this way you know!” The tears building up in his eyes made him hate himself even more, he wished he could just find his sister in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.
“Well it isn’t easy for any of us right now, but could you try at least? For her?”
“Don’t you think I know that it isn’t easy for you for me or for anyone in this fucking tower ? I know it okay? But none of you abandoned her like I did, so please please Wanda leave me the fuck alone and don’t tell me how to feel.”
The hurt in her brother’s voice wasn’t like any she had ever heard, she wasn’t used to seeing him so torn and hurt, she couldn’t even be mad at him feeling what he felt, she was left speechless.
“Stop getting into my head please Wanda” He had always been annoyed when she searched for something in his head and had somehow found a way to block her out, which he did right away.
He didn’t want her to find out yet, he knew she wasn’t ready.
Not that he was either.
∆ While the Avengers were slowly starting to awaken in the Tower, it was already mid-afternoon in far-east Europe.
On her 10th day of running, Mal woke up startled by a loud knocking on the door. Whoever was behind it did not seem friendly enough for her to open it. A man was bellowing in Russian on the other side, his energy felt angry and annoyed.
Even though the sixteen-year-old girl had nothing to be afraid of, considering the amount of chaos she could bring up in just about three seconds, she didn’t feel safe.
After all, she had broken into a small cottage on the outskirts of a city through the backdoor. She just needed to sleep for a while, rest and eat so she could go on. The adrenaline from the first few days following the escape was slowly starting to dissipate and the heaviness of her fatigued body slowed her down.
Her muscles were tired of all the running, the calves of her feet had started to harden, not used to so much exercise in so uncomfortable shoes. The young girl had had to change clothes often in order to hide her identity from the people on the streets, especially the agents that she could recognize easily and were dispatched in small groups all over the country.
Her disappearance from the facility had caused a real panic over at HYDRA headquarters. A real man-hunt had been put in place, so they could retrieve the girl as soon as possible. In fact, the government had even been informed -not to the extend as knowing that she was a mutant- of her escape.
Upon hearing the very disturbing and worrying news, the authorities had put word on the street of this girl who was wanted by the government. Her image could be seen everywhere, on all medias allowed in Russia they were displaying nearly 24/7 a picture of her face.
As she had no money, she couldn’t buy herself any food, any clothes, anything to allow her to survive.
All she could do was steal or mend, which was rendered difficult for the most part considering every corner she turned, the police was there looking for her.
She doubted most of them knew what she was wanted for. She knew the evil organization wouldn’t ever compromise their mission, their goal. They were a secret.
She was a secret.
But she had escaped, and they had been forced to reveal her identity to the world. Now she most definitely knew that she couldn’t ever return or be found. They would hurt her, for disobeying, for hurting their men, for exposing herself to the world.
As she was slipping out the backdoor once again, the front one flew open and she ran. Cursing herself for waking up so late. Now she was sure the man was going to report forced entry and the authorities could find any kind of stuff belonging to her. From hair to her socks, they would be able to retrace her steps.
Great, now she had to change plans entirely.
The city she had just entered was situated on the Russian border, she was so close but so far. Because a mistake like the one she had just made could cost her everything.
At least, if the man had seen her run he wouldn’t be able to give the same description of her as the one the photo showed. After the four first days, she had been lucky enough to find a DIY-hair dye lotion in a supermarket trash.
She was ashamed of having to search through the garbage to get what she needed, but at the end of the day she didn’t have a lot of options. So now she had somewhat icy blonde bleached hair which made her blend in more in the big crowds of Russian girls. The dye wasn’t all that great though, it had hurt her scalp and even though she had followed the instructions she knew the color wasn’t going to last very long.
The only option she felt like she had was to cross the border before the sun set, today. Because finding shelter for the night would be way harder than it had been, the borders being heavily controlled at all times.
Mal knew she was probably only two kilometers away from Ukraine, which was less than a 30 minutes’ walk. It seemed so easy, too easy. That is why she felt more comfortable waiting for the night to come and the sun to come down, it felt safer. Like the night would hide her away.
After a little time of walking by herself and looking over her shoulder from time to time she entered the space of a small coffeeshop not too far away from the border. She had found some change laying around in the house she had stayed in the previous morning and decided best to wait silently in an unknown shop.
Even with a full plan in head Mal never even thought that she would eventually have to leave the coffee shop. She had stayed there all day, reading magazines and ordering the cheapest thing on the menu with the little money she had found in the house’s cabinets in the morning.
It was now 8pm and she was outside, kicking herself for not thinking that guards would be covering the entire area for the night, being this close to the border had left her with too much hope it had clouded her judgment. She now had to find a way to reach it without bringing any suspicion upon herself.
At least she had managed to go through the whole day unnoticed.
She was glad for the combat boots on her feet, the cold wind harshly wiping her face wouldn’t have been so kind with her extremities. She kept walking, grateful for the busy city she had chosen as a last stop before freedom.
She wondered what that felt like, to truly be free. Not like that feeling she had in the train but truly being able to enjoy a moment, without having someone monitoring you or having to constantly look over your shoulder.
The experiment she had gone through with Hydra’s surgeons and scientists had sadly blurred some of her childhood memories. The face of her parents wasn’t clear enough for her to draw a perfect family picture, but surprisingly enough she could remember the exact conversation her brother and sister had had before abandoning her. Memories like these only fueled her rage to get back at them, her entire life had been about being good enough for them, and she now knew she had sacrificed so many things just to realize they had never cared.
Knowing she couldn’t stay in one place for more than a few minutes without a guard looking at her suspiciously, she decided to keep moving and chose the most direct way to the border, hoping her plan would work.
And so, she walked, her mind still trying to make out the color of her mother’s eyes, and her dad’s voice.
∆ The chaos that was taking place in the Tower was like no other. It didn’t resemble anything that any of them had encountered before. Nothing like one of Tony’s after parties or like a fight between Sam and Pietro. The tower was bustling, the Avengers hurriedly trying to get all of their stuff together so they could be flying as fast as possible.
Thanks to one of Fury’s sources, they had been informed about some of the young girl’s whereabouts. The conclusion made had been that she would try to cross the border tonight or during the following day. So, here they were, changing into gear and getting the jet ready.
“Is everyone ready?” Steve’s voice boomed out throughout the main room, making everyone still their actions and look at him, “We have to leave, now, or else we’ll be coming back empty-handed once more”.
People around him had concentrated faces, even if there wasn’t going to be a fight, nobody was taking this mission lightly. It was important for them to be concentrated, for once no one dared to try and lighten the oppressive and tensed atmosphere, all too preoccupied to try and make a joke.
The lack of response from his teammates would have troubled Steve if he, himself had not been worried about his best friend and the twins. He had tried to get them to stay at the Tower and not go on the mission, unfortunately, all his good intentions were not taken into account when the conservation exploded into an argument.
Of course, the twins had to come. If anyone was going to save their baby sister, it had to be them. Not only did they feel responsible for what had happened to her, but they couldn’t even bear the thought of staying one more day stuck in the Tower with nothing to do and no new information.
Steve had, in the end, stopped trying to persuade them, knowing the discussion would not lead anywhere near a sound decision. He knew they would do anything to get her back and know what happened, but what he feared most was Pietro’s need for revenge. He could see it in his eyes, and feel it in his attitude, Hydra’s touch on his sister was not something that he was willing to just let go. He was afraid that getting her back would never be enough for him.
Another thing on Steve’s mind was Bucky.
The winter soldier had been even more serious than usual. He was always either working out and destroying punching bags or in the lab uselessly trying to be of some help to locate the girl. Steve knew her situation bothered and angered his friend, but he was scared of the consequences participating in such a mission could have on him.
Bucky was a grown man, but another encounter with Hydra was never something he could truly be prepared for. The memories and experience he had with them were still there, and always would be. Steve wondered why his best friend, even with everything he had been through at Hydra’s hands, was still so committed in finding the girl.
Steve was now sitting on the quinjet, still drowning in worry when Natasha sat next to him, snapping him out of his trance like state.
“If you frown any more, even your super-soldier serum won’t be able to prevent the wrinkles you’ll have.” She lightly tapped his shoulders in way that wanted to be comforting.
Steve chuckled, the first time since the news had been delivered.
“I’m worried about them”
“Everyone is” She looked around at every single one of their teammates, “We can’t take another failing in this mission, we’ve worked too much, it’s taken a toll on everybody”
“I know, we’ll find her.”
The rest of the flight was spent in silence. The thick and tensed atmosphere felt almost suffocating but no one dared to talk.
∆ As Mal approached the border, she knew her plan was working when the guards around her were too preoccupied with the crowd forming on the square not too far. No one was looking at her, the distraction she had conceived working like a charm giving her the perfect opportunity to escape and slip through Hydra’s grip. Coming up to the last one of the guards who had stayed behind to keep watch, she extended her hand to give him her fake identity card.
He looked at it intently and asked her why she was going out of the country. She answered and when he looked back down, his eyes widened, and she knew her cover was blown. Panicked, she punched him violently in the throat, the man dropping unconscious on the floor.
Adrenaline pumping through her veins, she ran as fast as she could and when she stopped running, any notion of time she could have had before was lost. Trying to regain her breath she looked around her.
Kneeling in a clearing covered in snow, the only thing surrounding her were trees. Both a blessing and curse she thought, she could hide in the forest, but her footprints were the only ones here, she knew she had made a mistake by choosing to go off the roads. Because her prints would be easily recognizable and the clouds not presenting any sign of snow did nothing to reassure her.
Her head was spinning with the amount of blood rushing to her head because of the running, preventing her from thinking straight and establishing a plan. The exhaustion from the past few days was starting to show its face and she knew that if she didn’t keep moving, she would pass out in the middle of this beautiful clearing.
But before she could even try and define the first step of her plan, she heard the shouts of men behind her.
Head spinning around, she turned and could feel the earth trembling with each soldier’s footstep. Tears of frustration now spilling on her cheeks, she knew she didn’t have time to run, especially now that she had been discovered.
Concentrating, she mustered up all the energy she had left and prepared herself for the battle running towards her. Electricity buzzing through her system, just itching and begging to be let out, she breathed in.
But before she even had the time to exhale, the sound of an engine sounded all around her. The clearing before illuminated by the moon’s soft light was now pitch dark, the aircraft blocking out any of that light.
Mal didn’t panic, she didn’t faint like she thought she would.
She got angry.
Fury flooded her veins and raged through her being like a hurricane upon being surrounded. She was ready to fight, once again, she wouldn’t stop because she was so angry and tired of people trying to take her freedom away from her. She had enough.
She wasn’t going to go down without a fight. They would know just what she was truly made of.
They would understand just how much power she had, because no one would take her liberty again.
And when she the jet finally landed, Mal exhaled, her eyes turning the deepest shade of amethyst.
@susan-is-in-the-house @beforethebraces @mercutio-of-verona @vanessa-monique @tohollandback  @hallow-hazel @namastay-in-bed-2002 @nagynomi98  @scarletracoon @silent-feminist @leslie2898 @commonsongbird 
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