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coridallasmultipass · 2 months ago
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Christmas dinner for myself: Loroco tacos with homemade chili and homemade tortillas lol.
A big feat with my back pain. I haven't had the energy to home-make tortillas in a while (even though it's super easy, and I refuse to eat store-bought bc these are way better).
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borainier · 2 years ago
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sockiestupidity · 2 years ago
Papusa Making-Miguel O'hara x platonic teen reader
Description; Reader is the complete opposite of Miguel and does not easily trust, reader gets caught stress making papusas at ungodly hours by Miguel💀Alternatively:Miguel unexpectedly befriends the newest addition to spider society over food
no spanish bc im a no sabo kid🙈(sorry if he seems too white for y'all)
warnings- lowercase intentional, bad writing/bad grammar, fluff, angst??, implied abuse/neglect, ooc miguel(acts a lot like peter b.???), not proofread, idk what else, let me know if i forgot anything🤷‍♂️ the reader is gn!!! reader is also implied to be nonverbal bc i said so🥰
also the povs slightly change at some points (just ignore it🙏)
first time writing a fanfic pls be nice :))
it was dawning 4:00 am and y/n still had yet to fall asleep, their mind preoccupied with anxiety and paranoia, they took a deep heavy breath, and tried not to close their exhausted eyes. they squeezed their eyelids shut, feeling a headache approaching, and as soon as they did, images of their past events played. they quickly shook their head, trying to get those images out of their mind. as grateful as they were for having a place to stay at hq, they could not help but think about the comforts of their own home. despite the imposing threats of their home, there was almost something cathartic about sleeping on an old bed that was on the verge of falling apart. the young spider's new housing situation felt too safe, too quiet…to… comfortable. as a new spider, they did not know for how long these types of comforts would ve provided without a cost. they almost never slept, as they felt as if they did, these comforts would suddenly gone, as if it was all a sick joke, or a dream
suddenly y/n felt something wet drip down their cheek. "am i crying?" they thought to theirself.
they took another deep breath in, trying not to hyperventilate. in times like these, y/n would usually either bake or cook (only when their parents were not present) or they would just straight up bottle their emotions. y/n sighed as they weighed their options. despite their brains constant paranoia as to what might happen if they get caught baking, they decided to go against their paranoia for once.
as y/n quietly treaded towards the communal kitchen, making sure not to wake anyone up (AN: i imagine that hq house is just a rlly big ahh house so that why theres a communal kitchen). as they looked through the contents available, they remembered that a previous spider had make masa recently, and had leftover masa that desperately needed to be used. y/n also recalled how another spider had previously made pickled vegetables and cabbage and ended up not needing it. this gave the young spider an idea. they swiftly grabbed out the needed ingredients for papusa filling. which included beans, cheese, and loroco. y/n decided to make vegetarian papusas just incase other spiders were interested in eating them. since they basically acknowledged no one in spider society, y/n decided that this could at least be seen as a token appreciation for being taken into the society.
they happily began mixing, almost forgetting the previous events that were plaguing their mind, until a large, menacing figure was seen in their field of vision. y/n suddenly stopped mixing, their hands now trembling with fear, panic clouded their mind, and their eyes began to blur, as they began hyperventilating the figure got closer. in response, y/n decided to continue moving back until they were trapped in a corner of the room.
the figure suddenly came to a halt, y/n looked up to the figure, not being able to recognize the harsh features of the figure.
the figure held a hand up, as soon as the figure did, y/n flinched. the figure suddenly donned what looked like a frown. suddenly, the figure began to speak, "hey, its going to be alright kid, i need you to breathe with me okay?" y/n nodded, still trembling with fear.
the figure began to count with their fingers, "just follow my lead, alright? in for four seconds, hold for seven, and out for eight, alright?" the young spiderlings breathing soon began to calm down after the figure repeated the exercise. soon their vision began to clear, and as soon as it did, they realized that the figure was the stoic man who led the spider society.
he suddenly spoke again, "everything alright?" y/n nodded.
"what are you doing up so late?" he asked the young spider. y/n noted how it looked like he was attempting to soften his features for them.
y/n just simply gestured to the bowl of mix, as well as the pickled vegetables and bag of masa. miguel nodded.
"i have never made papusas before but i have made tamales, could i possibly help you out?" he questioned.
y/n pondered. could they really trust this man? miguel's stature was huge, and could easily take advantage of them. y/n looked down, trying to blink away tears.
miguel attempted a look of sympathy towards the newest spider. he had felt so bad for not monitoring your earth earlier than he decided to. he had seen what had happened after it was far too late. it frustrated him, those events weren't even canon, he could've done something if he had known, there was no need for you to go through that much pain. going through his loss of his daughter made him sympathize with you, not only did you remind him of gabriella, you also reminded him of himself. he felt obligated to take care of you because of your naivete not only that, but he also didn't want to see you go down the same path of destruction he went down.
he took a deep breath in and out, "i understand why you don't trust me, and i respect that alright? but i just want to make it clear that i would never do those things to you. i want you to be able to trust me" he explained to you.
y/n looked back up. he seemed to be trustworthy op enough. after all, he was a grieving father, and seemed as if he had really cared for his daughter.
y/n gestured towards miguel, then to the abandoned products, and then to themself.
"you want me to help you?" he asked, wanting to clarify that he interpreted your gestures right. you nodded in response. he responded with a rare smile.
the two of you got to work, mixing the filling and placing it into the masa. after all the papusas were finally finished with shaping, he finally spoke up.
"maybe next time i can show you how to make tamales, we can even incorporate the banana leaves as well" he suggested.
you pondered his suggestion and nodded with a smile. even though you often did not trust adults, miguel seemed like someone you could trust, and you found it admirable that he was willing to incorporate your culture.
"alright kid, lets cook these" the two of you began to cook the papusas. when the two of you were finally done with cooking the papusas, and cleaning the area, most of spiders in the hq housing were awake, as it was around 6:00 am (AN: realistically papusa making doesn't always take that long but just ignore it for the sake of the story🙏). some of the spiders heading towards the kitchen commented on how good the kitchen smelled.
one of the spiderpeople looked towards you, "did you do this?" they asked. you gestured towards yourself and miguel, miguel simply looked away, "the big bad boss helped you out?" they questioned in shock. the spiderpeople could not believe it. the cold, harsh man had helped you, the timid new kid make food? but it seems that the surprised chatter was soon silenced as people started to eat your papusas.
needless to say that they encouraged you and miguel to cook more often.
AN: if u got this far tysm for reading, i rlly do appreciate it-feel free to leave feed back, or interact in any way🥰 i was inspired to write this bc despite the amount of miguel x hispanic reader works there were, i felt like most of them were targeted towards mexican ppl (or like some of yall forget that other latin countries besides mexico exist) and i wanted to see some rep for salvadorans
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pixelated-schoolhouse · 8 months ago
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Baldi makes pupusas out of loroco....at least he thinks it was loroco....
(translation: Baldi: I made pupusas! Principal: They look good. What is the green stuff? Baldi: its loroco! (principal sees the others) Principal: oh…)
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self-loving-vampire · 1 month ago
The only Salvadoran food I genuinely liked was cheese pupusas made with maize instead of rice and without loroco, as prepared by one of the maids who had a lot of experience making them.
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endlessvoidsnkittens · 9 months ago
I love pupusas, frozen ones, anyway.
I'd love to try a fresh one someday.
From Wiki:
A pupusa is a thick griddle cake or flatbread from El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala[1][2][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] made with cornmeal or rice flour, similar to the Colombian and Venezuelan arepa. In El Salvador, it has been declared the national dish and has a specific day to celebrate it. It is usually stuffed with one or more ingredients, which may include cheese (such as quesillo or cheese with loroco buds), chicharrón, squash, or refried beans. It is typically accompanied by curtido (a spicy fermented cabbage slaw) and tomato salsa, and is traditionally eaten by hand.
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mxthbladed · 1 year ago
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"I wonder if I can get my hands on some loroco..."
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cafecitoeddie · 1 year ago
being salvadorian and going more than a few weeks without pupusas should be a fucking crime, gimme the curtido gimme the revueltas gimme the queso con loroco
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gabybabe2 · 2 years ago
Aún recuerdo cada detalle de ti… sé qué cosas no te gustan, y los alimentos que evitas comer por tus granitos en la cara, usas protector solar porque tu piel es muy sensible, sé que te gustan los alfajores, que solías cargar mentas en los bolsillos de tu pantalón, esa cicatriz que tienes en la mano y las cosas que te hacen sentir inseguro, como tus dientes, aunque a mi me parecían lindos, tus suaves y cálidas manos, recuerdo como te crecían las uñas y que te las recortabas por mi, para no lastimarme, que tú mano es más grande que la mía, ufff y que eres muy alto, tenía que pararme de puntitas o tú agacharte para darme besos, tus colores favoritos son el naranja y el azul, no te gusta el loroco, y amas el chile siempre le echabas a la comida, te gustan los juegos extremos, y en cuanto a películas, te aburren las románticas pero ahí estabas conmigo mirándolas, haciéndome compañía aunque te aburrieran jajajaja, te gustan los animes y él manga, tienes un humor bastante roto, amas a tus perritos, Polito y Canelo, en fin tantas cosas se de ti, te he visto desnudo, enojado, horny, feliz y triste hasta llorar, en fin, tantas cosas se de ti como tú de mí, y esto solo es una parte de ello, podría mencionar más, aún me sigue doliendo que ahora seamos unos completos desconocidos porque tú también sabes muchísimo de mí, no sé si algún día logre olvidarte pero lo único que puedo decir es que estoy comenzando a superarte, solamente espero que te encuentres bien, que encuentre esa paz y felicidad que no te di.
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pachamama-radio · 13 days ago
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Alerta máxima en Puno: Río Callacame amenaza con desbordarse
El río Callacame en la región Puno alcanzó el nivel rojo de alerta tras registrador 2.63 metros en la estación hidrológica Puente Loroco, situación que pone en riesgo a más de 30 centros poblados de la zona, según informó el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). La vigencia de esta alerta comenzó este lunes 17 de febrero a las 10:00 horas y se prevé que sea de muy corto plazo.
Las comunidades que podrían verse afectadas incluyen Nueva Cenepa, Lacalaque, Aurincota, Platería, Gentilmoco, entre otras localidades ubicadas en las proximidades del cauce del río. El Gobierno Regional de Puno activó los protocolos de emergencia ante el inminente riesgo de desborde.
El SENAMHI puso en marcha cuatro medidas preventivas fundamentales para la población: no transitar por las laderas del río, evitar detenerse para tomar fotografías, evacuar hacia zonas altas y seguras, y mantener distancia de las áreas cercanas al cauce. La situación requiere atención inmediata por parte de las autoridades y población.
Ante cualquier emergencia, las autoridades indicaron que los pobladores deben comunicarse con la Oficina de Defensa Civil de su municipalidad. El monitoreo del nivel del río continúa las 24 horas para prevenir posibles desastres en las zonas vulnerables.
via https://pachamamaradio.org/alerta-maxima-en-puno-rio-callacame-amenaza-con-desbordarse/
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jechristine · 3 months ago
So what are your favorite pupusas? I like loroco and ayote, but if I want something more substantial I go for the bean and cheese. Have you tried the ensalada drink? So refreshing during the summer
Revueltas hands down, and I also love the frijoles con queso
I haven’t tried the drink but I will keep an eye out. Wheee you do you, anon?
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miragexc · 5 months ago
Un 20 cosas sobre ti?
1 detesto el loroco o no se como lo llamen en tu país.
Soy bastante despistado
Muchas personas siempre me dicen que soy maduro emocionalmente
Tiendo a sobrepensar más que todo con mis seres queridos o amados
Trato de ser muy honesto en cuanto a todo aunque a veces mi misma capacidad para despistarme me hace olvidar cosas
Soy daltonico y me di cuenta porque me apalizaban
Aunque me cueste pero puedo cerrar y pasar pagina muy rápido
Mi color favorito es el azul 💙
He tomado cursos en linea de paleontologia, astronimia y biología porque son mis cosas favoritas
Soy pesimo en los videojuegos de plataformas
Odio el contacto físico
He sufrido depresión
Tengo 3 hermanos solo que solo vivo con 1 y los otros en otro pais
Me alejo cuando veo que alguien es falso, sin interés, me hace daño o que quiere minimizar mis cosas
Se escuchar
Ya saben pero hice boxeo 4 años
Solo he tenido una mascota en mi vida
Me encantan los detalles sorpresas
Actualmente estoy en una relación
A pesar de que puedo ser muy amoroso también puedo ser el contrario
Trato de ponerle toda mi pasión y amor a las personas que amo o las cosas que amo también
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ichaserabbits · 6 months ago
Pupusa de loroco con queso and Auga de jamaica my beloved
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jardineriaon · 11 months ago
Fernaldia pandurata, comúnmente conocida como loroco
La fernaldia pandurata es una de esas plantas que resultan muy exóticas fuera de su lugar de origen, porque no... http://dlvr.it/T4nDvj
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linksbysfg · 2 years ago
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reallykiwireally · 6 years ago
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Loroco vines
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