#lorne the forsaken
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munefille · 6 months ago
what abt reader creating a long cardigan for your angel-like oc, because they don't want him/them to be cold!! You can make this the same reader who baked for the oc
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i hope ur okay with a sketch I feel like this sums it up better than what I could write :')
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prokopetz · 7 months ago
Tumblr word of the day:
lasslorn (adjective; not comparable)
From lass +‎ lorn.
(obsolete) Forsaken by one's lass or mistress.
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dragonsoftheeast · 16 days ago
my Wheel of Time Season 3 Soundtrack Predictions
more like a wishlist but whatever.
Lorne Balfe has released a little clip of the soundtrack here, so we can speculate what that's for. Personally, I think this will be meant as a mirror to Ta'mara'ailen, which is about fate and the Wheel and used in a lot of ta'veren moments, and so be used for what could be, different futures, mirror worlds, and unreality like what we'll see in the rings. Would this include Tel'aran'rhiod? maybe. I flip-flop on this
theme for the Andoran royal family (i think we got hints of this in the Galad vs. Gawyn clip, but we'll get a more stately version when we meet Morgase). I also think we'd get an Elayne personal theme, but the two might be heavily related, like Aviendha's and the Aiel theme
Possibly an Elaida theme? I would love some intertwining between this one and Aes Sedai, Al'Naito, and Andoran themes- get some foreshadowing in there! And if it exists, it'll probably have a bombastic version on the themes version but played ominously in the show, like the Liandrin theme
A new Forsaken theme- currently the Forsaken have a warped version of the Wheel Intro theme/Moiraine Sedai as their theme, but I would love for them to get a new one, and I would love it to be the most modern sounding. We got maybe some hints with the Ishamael/Lanfear sealings/unsealings? Would love to hear that back again. If we get Asmodean I think a new Forsaken theme on the theramin would be kinda amazing. Also we need this for Nynaeve vs. Moghedien- because Nynaeve's theme deserves to shine, it's so built for a battle of wills with the loping chanting chorus
The Finns- listen, I believe they're gonna be there. and they deserve a weird theme, different scales, polyrhythms, something different. Maybe a Shepard tone, like in Dunkirk's soundtrack, to physically make you uncomfortable
I don't think the Aiel Wise Ones or the Sea Folk Windfinders should use the Aes Sedai theme, because that pretty heavily references Tar Valon. So I'm envisioning a new non-Tar Valon saidar theme, and the Wise Ones and Windfinder reveal to coincide with each other for a nice scene- really emphasizing that Tar Valon doesn't have a monopoly on the One Power
Also the Aiel theme (Desert Warriors) getting softer during Rhuidean flashbacks, maybe even a Tuatha'an spin-off version of the theme to really emphasize their shared origin
A Tanchico theme- preferably something that can be converted into a little riff to play over the Tanchico squad's more goofy moments. We need a fun theme. maybe to be played on a trombone
Perrin/Faile love theme- Lan and Nynaeve have Mashiara, Rand and Egwene have Mashithamel, Rand and Lanfear have The Dragon's Heart. The gentle giant and the pocket rocket deserve something for themselves. And I do think a love theme will also encourage people to think of them as a couple before they actually get together. I'd love this to have some lyrics, since Perrin's theme doesn't and Perrin and Faile's relationship deals a lot with communication
Perhaps a Lan theme on his own? He has Wab'shar most associated with him, and Mashiara of course, but with another Malkieri character coming up we may see more of his heritage and identity come more to the surface and new music to go with it
Some awesome returning themes! Caisenshar for the Two Rivers fighting back, Mordero'Sheen for some creepy Shadowspawn moments- we're supposed to get a new one this season and the track is basically a list of Shadowspawn so that's exciting- and Mashithamel for some Rand and Egwene last hurrah moments. And of course the Wheel theme/Moiraine Sedai coming in full blast with the strings
If anyone's got any suggestions, I'd love to hear them before the album drops!
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markantonys · 8 months ago
idk what it is but something about the particular Lanfear Resurrection Music that plays in the first and last scenes of 2x04 just sounds to me so much more like a sci-fi soundtrack than even the rest of the show's non-traditional-fantasy soundtrack, which is so fitting for the forsaken. lorne balfe's done it again!
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buglyknight · 5 months ago
1284) Sanguine suicide
Oppositional conscious
Uprooted tenderness
Boulder of acclivity
Gravitational incongruity
Consistently auxiliary
Articulated as
Perpetually intricate
A revolving cusp
Of the grim auspice
& sanguineous palms
A derisive blattodea
A calamitous culicidae
Waning lampyridae
Flickers unrequited
Abandon coevality
Forsaken & rancorous - the Cotinis nitida
Lorn is the photinus
For the lucid contaminant
Of the hypnotic photuris
Ensared - enchanted reverie
Sanguinely spellbound
Recreant re-emergence
Mournful subversions
Witless - glutted
Bewitching spotlight
Contemptible as an accessory
Repulsive vainglory
Inebriate malefactor
Futile confliction
Scornful elucidation
Orbit invocation
Perennial transience
Peripheral embrace
Avaricious apocalypse
Personify the carrion
Husk of cordyceps
Bloated blattodea
Suicide by exsanguination
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springyearning · 1 year ago
Prayer Whispered in a Burning Church
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[poem text: here's a thought: i don't think Isaac ever saw abraham the same when they came down from that mountain. not when that knife almost kissed his skin and he realized his father feared God more than he loved his son.
i think i understand, though, because despite these hands stained with ash and prayer, throat cracked raw with smoke and violent devotion, my Father never looked me in the eye either. & isn't that the real tragedy? breath full of holy light, maybe, but light like a forest fire.
i tell myself i'll make it to tomorrow, but that would take some life-lorn miracle; & i never stopped believing in God, but i think God stopped believing in me.
the walls creak with tears of wax and glass, crumbling under cross and confession. charred skin, forsaken thing; not even begging will save you now.
i hear my Father sing. i hear him pick up the knife.]
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bbael · 1 year ago
Thinking of lorn my lovely and forsaken werewolf oc :(🩷
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stargazer1682 · 1 year ago
Wesley's Price
Each of the members of Angel Investigations team got something out of their agreeing to take over Wolfram and Hart - Angel was able to give his son the life he deserved, Fred was given access to every cutting edge piece of science her enormous brain could think of. Lorne could rub elbows with the glitterati. Gunn was given the opportunity to be more than just the muscle. There was a time being the muscle was enough; when he was the leader of his own team, and his ingenuity and determination helped protect those who society had forsaken. But he had since move on from leader to follower and while he had lost track of all the good he had done as a result, he couldn't help feel like he had faulted; that he had lost the mission somehow. Or his role in it had become less clear. Because he didn't have a brain for monsters and spells or for science. Yet Wolfram and Hart offered him the chance to be something more, something important. Wolfram and Hart was a lot of things, but first and foremost, it was a law firm; and none of them were lawyers - but he could become one. At least, that's what the cat promised him; and for some reason he felt he could believe it.
And then there's Wesley. He was given a rather nice pen. Sterling silver, nice grip. They told him the ink would never run out, and he had no doubt about that. Sometimes though it came out red, which he found unsettling, because he knew what it was and where it must have come from. Though what probably unsettled him most, though he couldn't be sure it wasn't his imagination, there were times when this happened, when the ink was especially red, that he could have swore he felt a couple of pricks around his throat, just in the area of the scar. There were never any visible signs of irritation during or after, but still, it made him wonder. Of course, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce didn't sign on to work for Wolfram and Hart for a pen that wrote in his own arterial blood; no matter how nice it was or that it had his name etched in it. No, there was something else he had been offered; or rather, something he offered them. Once the stakes had been made clear, the rules of the game as it were, he didn't really have much of another choice; not after he'd gone to all that trouble to - how did she put it? "Die Hard" his way into the records of Wolfram and Hart. Wesley might have thought a Bond comparison would have been more flattering, but still, he appreciated the comparison to the dashing action protagonist.
She looked good, he thought, as he stood on the sidewalk, trying to look inconspicuous. The sunlight was streaming, almost starting to set just behind her as she was… doing what? Handing out orange slices, it appeared, to a team of hungry young soccer players. Wesley stifled a laugh. Lilah had never struck him as the domestic type, and yet, here she was. "One at a time," she told the children, in a tone of authority that Wesley associated more with the Lilah he knew.
Lilah looked up to see a man walking towards her, with a bemused look on his face. She'd never seen him before; was fairly certain he wasn't one of the kids parents - although a couple of the moms, and the dads for that matter were no strangers to the dating scene; and this could well be one of their latest flavor of the month. She could see the appeal, he had a subtle roguishness about him; like if Indiana Jones' day job was as a librarian or something. Still, for all she knew he could be a creep who had no legit reason for being there. She noticed he was getting closer and his grin seemed to be getting wider as he approached. "Can I help you?" She asked. "It was a wonderful game." He said. "With a baritone, English accent," Lilah thought, as she felt a smirk of her own cross her lips. She told herself, her wife would disapprove of her bringing him home. And she still didn't know what he wanted. "I'm afraid the oranges are just for the kids." she said, wryly. "Oh, no, I'm sorry, I've neglected to introduce myself," the man started; with, Lilah noted, a charming stuttering befuddlement. "I'm uh… I'm… from your team's sponsor." Lilah set down the knife she was using to cut oranges and was quick to shake his awkwardly extended hand. "Oh, of course. Um…Wolfram and… uh…" "Hart," the man finished with a large smile. "Right. But spelled like the deer?" "Yes, that's the one." "Well, in that case you definitely deserve an orange slice," Lilah told him, offering him a piece of fruit. "Oh, no, I couldn't; it's for the kids." "It's the least I can do after your generous donation. The kids love soccer. Or should I call it "football"?" The man laughed a half-hearted, awkward, yet charming laugh as he agreed with her. "No, no, our firm was… more than happy with the arrangement. It was… an equitable trade." Lilah noticed he seemed to have dropped the more lighthearted demeanor and had a more serious look about him as he looked at her before forming his next question. "Are you?" "Am I…. what?" Lilah asked, confused. "Happy? Are you… happy?" It was such a strange question, and coming from a stranger; yet the strangest thing Lilah found about the question was her desire to answer him. "Yes," she replied, wholeheartedly and honestly. "I think so. You know, for about a week in college I thought about becoming one of you." He seemed confused. "One of me?" "A lawyer? I thought about going to law school, but… I don't know. Plans change and here we are." "Yes… funny how things turn out." Just as the man appeared to be readying himself to say more, one of the girls from Lilah's team ran up to her; her arms stretched out for a hug. Lilah scooped her up and swung her around, as her daughter squeezed her tight. "Mom, are we going to go now? Mama says the rest of the kids have been picked up." "Soon, honey. First I have to pack up the oranges, then we can get going." "Okay," said the girl, who turned to Wesley and asked, "who are you?" He appeared stunned and stammered a bit, as Lilah chimed in. "This nice man was one of the people who helped buy your new uniforms. Can you say 'thank you'?" The girl rushed up to him and gave him a hug and squeaked, "Thank you," before running off in the direction of another woman." The man was smiling again. "That was your daughter?" "Yes, her name is Lesley." If Lilah didn't know better, she'd swear his smile got bigger. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name." "Uh… Pryce. Mr. Wyndham-Pryce." Lilah started packing everything up, so as not to keep the wife waiting. "Well, it's nice to meet you Mr. Wyndham-Pryce. I might have simplified it to Lesley, but you did so much more than just buy uniforms. As far as I'm concerned, you're an angel…" Lilah looked up from her packing, intending to look him in the eyes - those strangely familiar, dreamy eyes - but he was gone; without a sound and without a trace. She wondered if she she might seem him again.
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michaellornemiller · 2 years ago
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
the pain I feel
takes breath from me
future of darkness
is all I see
I am a zombie
I died years ago
what you see
is my tortured soul
there is no color
my eyes have been taken
all hope it's gone
my soul is forsaken
death would be a gift
I will never receive
among The Walking Dead
I will forever be
I am soulless
on my belly I crawl
I am the most deserving
Walking Dead of all
I hate life
hate myself as well
my sentence is
forever in hell
author Michael Lorne Miller
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blacksails2017 · 3 years ago
the wheel of time album that was just released did not have to go that hard but holy shit does it perfectly encapsulate sounding both futuristic and ancient !!! and the fact that all of the lyrics are in the old tongue 😮‍💨🤌
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mxmeiyun · 3 years ago
My take-home final exam was supposed to start today, but we got an email from the professor at 5 AM saying he'd need another day or two to finalize the exam, so he'd also be extending the deadline accordingly.
My, my. How the tables have turned.
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munefille · 5 months ago
imagine reader combing or braiding lorne's hair (//∇//)
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two hours of braiding later...
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105nt · 2 years ago
Ink Black Heart research dump
Chapter Six - Epigraph
Properzia Rossi by Felicia Hemans
Felicia Hemans is the author of the openings “The boy stood on the burning deck” (from Casabianca) and “The stately homes of England” (from The Homes of England) neither of which I like at all, but Properzia Rossi is a doozy. The thoughts of supposedly heart-broken sculptor Properzia de’ Rossi (1490-1530), a self-taught artist from Bologna, famous for carving fruit stones amongst other things, as she creates her last sculpture. It is possibly based on this painting by Louis Ducis (1775-1847) which “represents her showing her last work, a basso-relievo of Ariadne, to a Roman Knight, the object of her affection, who regards it with indifference”.
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She does seem a little scantily dressed for chisel work.
I have had a really good time finding all this out and I have learned two new words: ekphrasis =  a vivid, often dramatic, verbal description of a visual work of art, either real or imagined, and caesura =  a pause near the middle of a line of poetry.
 It’s long ...
Tell me no more, no more
Of my soul's lofty gifts! Are they not vain
To quench its haunting thirst for happiness?
Have I not lov'd, and striven, and fail'd to bind
One true heart unto me, whereon my own
Might find a resting-place, a home for all
Its burden of affections? I depart,
Unknown, tho' Fame goes with me; I must leave
The earth unknown. Yet it may be that death
Shall give my name a power to win such tears
As would have made life precious.
ONE dream of passion and of beauty more!
And in its bright fulfillment let me pour
My soul away! Let earth retain a trace
Of that which lit my being, tho' its race
Might have been loftier far.–Yet one more dream!
From my deep spirit one victorious gleam
Ere I depart! For thee alone, for thee!
May this last work, this farewell triumph be,–
Thou, lov'd so vainly! I would leave enshrined
Something immortal of my heart and mind,
That yet may speak to thee when I am gone,
Shaking thine inmost bosom with a tone
Of lost affection;–something that may prove
What she hath been, whose melancholy love
On thee was lavish'd; silent pang and tear,
And fervent song, that gush'd when none were near,
And dream by night, and weary thought by day,
Stealing the brightness from her life away,–
While thou–Awake! not yet within me die,
Under the burden and the agony
Of this vain tenderness–my spirit, wake!
Ev'n for thy sorrowful affection's sake,
Live! in thy work breathe out!–that he may yet
Feeling sad mastery there, perchance regret
Thine unrequited gift.
It comes,–the power
Within me born, flows back; my fruitless dower
That could not win me love. Yet once again
I greet it proudly, with its rushing train
Of glorious images:–they throng–they press–
A sudden joy lights up my loneliness,–
I shall not perish all! The bright work grows
Beneath my hand, unfolding, as a rose,
Leaf after leaf, to beauty; line by line,
I fix my thought, heart, soul, to burn, to shine,
Thro' the pale marble's veins. It grows–and now
I give my own life's history to thy brow,
Forsaken Ariadne! thou shalt wear
My form, my lineaments; but oh! more fair,
Touched into lovelier being by the glow
 Which in me dwells, as by the summer-light
All things are glorified. From thee my wo
 Shall yet look beautiful to meet his sight,
When I am pass'd away. Thou art the mould,
Wherein I pour the fervent thoughts, th' untold,
The self-consuming! Speak to him of me,
Thou, the deserted by the lonely sea,
With the soft sadness of thine earnest eye,
Speak to him, lorn one, deeply, mournfully,
Of all my love and grief! Oh! could I throw
Into thy frame a voice, a sweet, and low,
And thrilling voice of song!–when he came nigh,
To send the passion of its melody
Thro' his pierced bosom–on its tones to bear
My life's deep feeling as the southern air
Wafts the faint myrtle's breath,–to rise, to swell,
To sink away in accents of farewell,
Winning but one, one gush of tears, whose flow
Surely my parted spirit yet might know,
If love be strong as death!
Now fair thou art,
Thou form, whose life is of my burning heart!
Yet all the vision that within me wrought,
 I cannot make thee! Oh! I might have given
Birth to creations of far nobler thought,
 I might have kindled, with the fire of heaven,
Things not of such as die! But I have been
Too much alone; a heart, whereon to lean,
With all these deep affections that o'erflow
My aching soul, and find no shore below,
An eye to be my star; a voice to bring
Hope o'er my path like sounds that breathe of spring,
These are denied me–dreamt of still in vain,–
Therefore my brief aspirings from the chain,
Are ever but as some wild fitful song,
Rising triumphantly, to die ere long
In dirge-like echoes.
Yet the world will see
Little of this, my parting work, in thee,
 Thou shalt have fame! Oh, mockery! give the reed
From storms a shelter,–give the drooping vine
Something round which its tendrils may entwine,–
 Give the parch'd flower a rain-drop, and the meed
Of love's kind words to woman! Worthless fame!
That in his bosom wins not for my name
Th' abiding place it ask'd! Yet how my heart,
In its own fairy world of song and art,
Once beat for praise!–Are those high longings o'er?
That which I have been can I be no more?–
Never, oh! never more; tho' still thy sky
Be blue as then, my glorious Italy!
And tho' the music, whose rich breathings fill
Thine air with soul, be wandering past me still,
And tho' the mantle of thy sunlight streams
Unchang'd on forms instinct with poet-dreams;
Never, oh! never more! Where'er I move,
The shadow of this broken-hearted love
Is on me and around! Too well they know,
 Whose life is all within, too soon and well,
When there the blight hath settled;–but I go
 Under the silent wings of Peace to dwell;
From the slow wasting, from the lonely pain,
The inward burning of those words–"in vain,"
 Sear'd on the heart–I go. 'Twill soon be past,
Sunshine, and song, and bright Italian heaven,
 And thou, oh! thou, on whom my spirit cast
Unvalued wealth,–who know'st not what was given
In that devotedness,–the sad, and deep,
And unrepaid–farewell! If I could weep
Once, only once, belov'd one! on thy breast,
Pouring my heart forth ere I sink to rest!
But that were happiness, and unto me
Earth's gift is fame. Yet I was form'd to be
So richly bless'd! With thee to watch the sky,
Speaking not, feeling but that thou wert nigh:
With thee to listen, while the tones of song
Swept ev'n as part of our sweet air along,
To listen silently;–with thee to gaze
On forms, the deified of olden days,–
This had been joy enough;–and hour by hour,
From its glad well-springs drinking life and power,
How had my spirit soar'd, and made its fame
 A glory for thy brow!–Dreams, dreams!–the fire
Burns faint within me. Yet I leave my name–
 As a deep thrill may linger on the lyre
When its full chords are hush'd–awhile to live,
And one day haply in thy heart revive
Sad thoughts of me:–I leave it, with a sound,
A spell o'er memory, mournfully profound–
I leave it, on my country's air to dwell,–
Say proudly yet–"'Twas hers who lov'd me well! "
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viviennehare · 4 years ago
Eleventh Hour
Take this white flag down the street,
Tell the passersby about my defeat.
Show them how my wound lacerate,
That I have lost my bet to cruel fate.
Whisper them tale of a foolish clown,
Who ran after love and left drowned,
Broken and tormented within its soul,
Waited in agony as bane took its toll.
Once upon a time I was madly in love,
Lorn and forsaken by heavens above.
Now I am mere tattered flesh in a rag,
Wallow gracefully in every step I drag.
Don’t turn and wipe the tears I weep.
Go on and leave me alone as I sleep.
Can you hear the song of nightingale,
Gently caresses my demise as I wail?
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forsoothsayer · 5 years ago
December Matins by Alfred Austin
“Why, on this drear December morn, Dost thou, lone Misselthrush, rehearse thy chanting? The corals have been rifled from the thorn, The pastures lie undenizened and lorn, And everywhere around there seems a something wanting.'' Whereat, as tho' awondering at my wonder, And brooded somewhere nigh a love-mate nesting, He more loud and longer still 'Gan to tremble and to trill, Height after height of sound robustly breasting; As if o'erhead were Heaven of blue, and under, Fresh green leafage, and he would Cleave with shafts of hardihood The mists asunder. Only the singer it is foresees, Only the Poet has the voice foretelling. When the ways harden and the sedge-pools freeze, He hears light-hearted Spring upon the breeze, And feels the hawthorn buds mysteriously swelling. Though to the eaves the icicles are clinging, Or from the sunward gables dripping, dripping, He with inward gaze beholds Liberated flocks and folds, The runnels leaping, and the young lambs skipping, And dauntless daffodils anew upspringing, So throughout the wintry days Meditates prophetic lays, And keeps on singing. Not the full-volumed Springtime song, Not April's note with rapture overflowing, Melodious cadence, early, late, and long, Now low and suing, now serenely strong, But the heart's intimations musically showing That Love and Verse are never out of season. Though the winds bluster, and the branches splinter, He, through cold and dire distress, Companioned by cheerfulness, Descries young Mayday through the mask of Winter. Doubt and despair to him were veilëd treason, Fashioned never to despond, By Foreseeing far beyond The range of Reason. Therefore, brave bird, sing on, for some to hear If faintly, fitfully, and though to-morrow Will be the shortest day of all the year, Though fields be flowerless and fallows drear, And earth seems cherishing some secret sorrow, The dawn will come when it anew will glisten With tears of gladness, glen and dingle waken, Winter's tents be furled and routed, April notes be sung and shouted, Over the fleeing host and camp forsaken; The nightingale ne'er cease, the cuckoo christen Hedgerow posies with its call, And unto glee and madrigal The whole world listen.
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tmbacorbett · 3 years ago
Release Blitz: forbidden by Gina Detwiler
  Forlorn Series, Book Four
  YA Supernatural, YA Fantasy, YA Christian Fantasy
Release Date: March 29, 2022
After thousands of years imprisoned in the Abyss, the fallen angels known as the Watchers are on the loose. Jared Lorn and Grace Fortune have also escaped from prison, but all they want to do is get home to their family. Dark forces conspire against them, and soon they find themselves on a perilous journey to the Other Side, the spiritual realm.
  They must battle the Watcher Samyaza and his cohorts to escape, not knowing that the leader of the Watchers, Azazel, has taken control of the real world and subjugated all nations to his will. Soon they must join the few that are left standing against this worldwide evil, those that have not given in, known as the Forbidden.
Other Books in the Forlorn Series
Forlorn Series, Book One
Bad luck seems to follow Grace Fortune wherever she goes. She was orphaned at a young age, and her musical talent got her accepted to a prestigious school for the arts, where she was caught in the middle of horrific school shooting that nearly takes her life.
Forlorn Series, Book Two
He was forsaken but not forgotten.
Forlorn Series, Book Three
Jared Lorn’s secret is about to be unleashed.
Chapter One
Well, it’s been a day.
I woke up this morning a prisoner in a castle tower.
In Switzerland.
I managed to escape through a stone shaft that might have been a medieval toilet. I searched the whole castle until I found him, my husband Jared, chained up in an actual dungeon—seriously—dying from gunshot wounds that weren’t healing.
Darwin Speer did that. Inventor. Genius. Billionaire. Megalomaniac.
I thought Jared was going to die in my arms. But then I sang, and he started to heal.
God did that.
And then Rael, who’s a Nephilim and looks like a giant man-lizard, got loose and broke a hole in the castle wall, and we escaped, crossed a lake, in which I almost drowned, and ran up a mountain before the whole world blew up.
Well, that’s the gist of it. Am I going too fast?
At the moment, I am lying on the rocky patch of ground under a tree, trying to breathe through the gurgling in my lungs as the earth trembles violently under me. It’s louder than a crashing plane, louder than anything I can even imagine. Metaphors fail me. I’m pretty sure the world is about to end any second now.
Something blocks the sun shining in my eyes. Rael. All nine feet of reptilian humanoid. Despite the scaly, greenish skin and a skull sloped like the hood of a Volkswagen, he’s got a very beautiful, very human face which always freaks me out a little. His muscular shoulders and sides are covered in ugly stumps where Darwin Speer’s scientists did their grisly work, amputating the graceful tentacles that once adorned his body like angel wings. One of his hands is missing—he chewed it off to get free of his chains.
Rael saved my life, but right now I’m pretty sure he wants to end it. He leans over me, his mouth falling open to reveal sharp white teeth, electric blue eyes boring into mine, his breath heavy on my neck. I try to scramble away from him, but a stabbing pain catches me in my ribs. I cry out as he reaches toward me with his one good hand, and I notice the perfection of his long, elegant fingers—six of them—thin and pointed like talons. A low growl escapes his throat—he is more purely animal after the torture he has endured.
The finger is almost upon my cheek when it freezes in midair. Jared pushes the giant arm away, wet hair pale as snow falling into crystal blue eyes. In some bizarre way, they look alike, these two. The black hoodie of Jared’s captivity hangs off him in ragged strips, revealing the puckered skin of healing wounds on his stomach and shoulder.
“Back off.”
Rael, to my surprise, obeys. Jared kneels beside me. “You okay?”
“My ribs. I can hardly breathe. What’s happening? Was that an earthquake?”
“The collider blew.”
“What does that mean, blew?”
“You mean a…nuclear explosion?”
The line-height: line-height: 107%;”>“I line-height: line-height: line-height: 107%;”>“So line-height: 107%;”>“I pretty far away. But that doesn’t mean we’re out of danger. Can you walk?”
I try to move, but the pain takes my breath away. “Can you…do anything?”
He takes a slow breath and lays his hands gently against my ribcage. Lightning flickers under his skin. His hands grow very warm—I gasp at the burning sensation. He pulls away. I breathe deep.
I take another full breath for good measure. I nod. “Thanks.”
  About the Author
Gina Detwiler was going to be a teacher but then switched to writing so she didn’t have to get up so early in the morning. She is the author of the YA Supernatural series FORLORN as well as co-author with Priscilla Shirer of the bestselling middle-grade fantasy series THE PRINCE WARRIORS. She also wrote the ULTIMATE BIBLE CHARACTER GUIDE for Lifeway. She lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
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The post Release Blitz: forbidden by Gina Detwiler first appeared on TMBA Corbett Tries to Write.
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