#lorna shadow
flourmelon · 8 months
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A while ago I got a set of free Lorna Shadow books that I read to fall asleep to… isn’t this Draco Malfoy? Blond and posh 😆🥀
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s-e-c-t-i-o-n-8 · 8 months
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It was a good year for my taste in music
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excelsiorfics · 5 months
Little Did You Know That I Was Cut For It
Date: October 16, 2023 Author: thequiver Rating: Teen Word Count/Status: 15,613, complete Dynamic: Sean Cassidy & Theresa Cassidy, Theresa Cassidy & Lorna Dane, Theresa Cassidy & David Haller, Lorna Dane & David Haller, Lorna Dane & Pietro Maximoff, Lorna Dane & Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Rogue & Kurt Wagner, David Haller & Kurt Wagner, David Haller & Rogue, David Haller & Kevin MacTaggert, Kevin MacTaggert & Amahl Farouk | Shadow King, Lorna Dane & Kevin MacTaggert, Pietro Maximoff & David Haller, David Haller & Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane & Rogue, Lorna Dane & Kurt Wagner, Wanda Maximoff & Rogue, Wanda Maximoff & Theresa Cassidy, Kurt Wagner & Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff & Kurt Wagner, Theresa Cassidy & Pietro Maximoff Characters: Theresa Cassidy, Charles Xavier, Kurt Wagner, Lorna Dane, David Haller, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Rogue, Kevin MacTaggert, Amahl Farouk | Shadow King Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Referenced Suicidal Ideation, Mild Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, team building, found family
Summary: “Little Did You Know That I Was Cut for It” - Welcome to the Family Jewels, Marina
Hatred incarnate has come to Krakoa, but did it cause the issue or merely lay it bare for all to see? An unlikely team of mutants must come together to combat the new threat and to save an old enemy.
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deadpt2 · 1 year
my 04/12 The Pain Remains Tour, concert review
WOW! What a show! Last night I saw Brand of Sacrifice, Shadow of Intent, and Lorna Shore last night and holy shit, it was amazing! Opening acts included Bodysnatcher and Boundaries which unfortunately I came to the venue a little late so I didn’t get to properly enjoy them but from what I’ve heard from friends there, they were pretty kick ass. 
Even tho doors opened to the Cedar Rapids show at 6:30, I didn’t get there until 6:50 ish because parking downtown was HORRIBLE (obviously due to the show) but I was lucky enough to get street parking where the rest of my group had to park in a tower. When I arrived I waited for my group then we went right to the merch line due to the fact I knew that after the show I would just want to go home. I stood in line with friends for about 25/30 minutes (the Lorna Shore line was *that* long) and I got a hoodie and signed vinyl to add to my collection which I’m pretty stoked about. The merch wasn’t too expensive, shout out tho to Version for dropping my cell service in the venue so my apple pay couldn’t work but the real MVP is Ella for having a backup <3. Most of the hoodies and long sleeves seemed to be about between $40-65 and the signed vinyl was $75. 
After getting the desired merch we all went to our spots in the pit (side note, the upper half of the venue was cut off, and the “arena” had curtains pulled up to create a makeshift ceiling which helped control the lighting as the show used an impressive amount of smaller lights amongst a black lighted area), and I saw two of my tattoo artists which was super dope. Sandwiched in between a couple who seemed more interested in making out with each other than the show and a bald guy who smelled like rotten eggs, the show started. 
The only thing I can say after watching Brand of Sacrifice’s set is, holy shit I’m in love. The band was immediately successful in getting the crowd’s energy up to where everyone was ramming into each other, and the lead singer demanded a pit be opened and the crowd willingly obeyed the orders given. Right away my friends and I were moving aside to get away from the pit and I held on to my vinyl for dear life and kinda started to regret not waiting to get it til the end :/. The set was AMAZING and I kept making mental notes to myself, when I get home I need to check this song out, and this song and this song, and so forth. Also, the lead singer is hot lol and I was openly simping over him to my friends when I got a chance, which was kinda hard because we got separated pretty quickly due to the crowd's energy. There was a point where the singer demanded that the pit open up to be bigger, and even tho I’m not a mosh pit person, I was ready to swan dive in. The set was about an hour-ish and I now want to see them headline. Before leaving the stage the singer, Kyle Anderson was like “In 15 minutes I’ll be at our merch table in the back so come stop by” and I was gonna leave to get a photo or for him to sign my leg. But after realizing how far I was getting closer to the barricade I decided against it. 
10/10 gonna see it again
Shadow of Intent was really good. Already coming into a buzzing crowd the boys did a stellar job at keeping all the hype up. I felt like during SoI’s set the crowd moved much more than the previous set. We were all doing that thing where we shove up to one another and just move with the music which I LOVE. I love feeling the energy of the crowd and how the performers can pull us all other like worms on a string. I felt bad for the two smaller ladies in front of me who kept getting shoved into but the heard of people that I was near were all making sure we were at least doing ok and not being too suffocated. I was glued to this one man’s side, to the point where it was almost as if he had to keep throwing devil horns and fits up otherwise he would elbow my head (which I appreciated) and I held onto my vinyl for dear life because the last thing that would go down and get lost/stomped on was that vinyl (I seriously don't fuck around with vinyls, I would rather have lost my car keys and phone before I let something happen to that vinyl). 
This is going to be kinda nit-picky BUT there was this guy (who ended up near me at the end of the set as I was second to barricade halfway through Shadow of Intent’s set) who was very angrily pushing people back and throwing fists because people were pushing into him. He very aggressively shove me aside even though I was not one of the people who were pushing into him. *special mention to whoever quickly yanked me up*. Maybe this is just me and my thinking but if you go to a rock or metal concert except some pushing, expect to be nudged around. It’s a fucking concert, don’t punch people because they are reacting to the music. He kept doing it during the set and I thought he was gonna get pulled out by security because there were A LOT of people telling him to chill the fuck out. 
I got to the second row from the barricade which was AWSOME for Shadow’s set. The singer kept pouring water on his head and whipping the water from his hair into the crowd which was neat, *ok I know that he most likely poured water on his head to keep him cool. I was talking to one of my favorite baristas today about the concert because she too went, and she had mentioned it was kinda hard to hear the vocals and she wondered if there was a technical issue with the gear or maybe one of the sound guys had dropped the ball in regards but I feel quite differently. I feel that the vocals translated quite well due to the fact on the record and the type of music Shadow of Intent makes and a lot of death / black metal *, in my opinion,* doesn't normally have clear vocals and can come off as a type of white noise due to the different vocal style they use. During the set, which again lasted about an hour, it seemed that the band was also enjoying the set they were playing and was eating the energy back from the crowd that was wild. Even after the set was over the drummer had a smile as the staff was passing out Lorna Shore’s setlists and such. 
Lorna Shore was fucking CRAZY and deserves all the praise they get for the night. The atmosphere was out of your mind, the music, the flashing lights going so fast it could induce seizures, people pushing and ramming into each other left and right, the steam of crowd surfers seemed never-ending, the most pit never dying, HOLY SHIT! It was awesome being upfront and I was really glad I didn’t step out to get that photo because witnessing Lorna Shore that close was an experience in and of itself. I can not describe all of the headbanging and screaming that I did, I woke up in the middle of the night with my throat on fire and neck sore as a mfer’ but it was worth it! It was very indescribable and I’m gonna say it now, and probably again later, but if you have the chance to see Lorna Shore either as an opener or a headliner, TAKE IT! I felt like the set was WAY too short for the incredible (1hr 15 ish) performance they gave and it was to no one’s surprise that once they were finished, we were all screaming for one more song and for them to come back on, which they didn’t hesitate to give in. A for sure ten out of ten performance, and I was super lucky to see them as close as I did. The only *again nit-picky moment* thing that made me roll my eyes during the set, was the guy who was throwing punches at people from Shadow of Intent’s set, had made it behind me for Lorna Shore and kept complaining about *again* people pushing into him and also about the number of crowd surfers that kept coming. As I said before, it’s a concert, people push into each other, people crowd surf, we’re not all gonna stand there like sim characters and if you don’t want to push the surfers forward or mosh being upfront probably isn’t the best place for you. 
I stayed around the barricade for about five minutes after to see if I could be lucky enough to get a set list, which didn’t happen but the drummer from Shadow of Intent came out and was talking to the security and those he was near. The crowd disappeared fast to my surprise. BIG BONUS As I was leaving I looked over and saw the lead singer of Brand of Sacrifice’s singer taking photos with people and singing merch and I got a photo with him. *fangirling* He’s so soft-spoken I almost didn’t hear him and I got a fist bump which made my night. I was debating about if I wanted to buy some merch real quick and ask him to sign it but I felt too awkward doing that (based on my vibes nothing to do with him) and left very happy that I got a photo that I immediately sent out to my friends and personal social media’s. The whole night was so fucking awesome from start to finish (the first act was at like 7:35 and the Lorna Shore’s encore ended at 10:45ish so not bad time-wise, each set was like an hour and Lorna Shore had a little more time due to them being the actual headliner) and I am 100% going to raid the merch stores soon :) 
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melcatshenanigans · 1 year
Day 45/100.
The concert yesterday was quite possibly the best one I've ever attended. I'm so happy I got to have some brief moments of pure happiness.
Today I dragged myself out of bed and took baby to the park. She hunted down 15 snakes!
Got the girls dressed up in their sundresses.
Wrote an essay on the Blizzard sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits and did most of my web development work.
Time for a nap before work.
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recluseraven · 2 years
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d1stalker · 26 days
The Feeling's Mutual | Final Part
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Summary: With Logan heading toward the enemy's clutches, you're left alone, questioning if you'll be able to stop her and finally put an end to it all.
Warnings: canon-level violence, death, some logan POV, arguing, angst, fluff WC: 9.5k - MASTERLIST
Logan regrets his decision to leave you the moment the warehouse door slams shut behind him, cutting off the desperate cry that echoes from within. The sound of your voice, the look of fear and pleading in your eyes as you begged him not to do this, haunts him even as he forces himself to move forward.
Every instinct in him screams to turn back, to protect you, to face whatever comes together. But he knows he can’t. Not now. Not with what’s waiting for him outside.
The sight that greets him as he steps out into the open is nothing short of a nightmare. A horde of mutants, all gathered outside, bodies tense and mouths practically frothing at the mouth, ready to take a bite. The moment he appears, they spring into action, launching themselves at him with everything they’ve got.
He grunts as the first mutant crashes into him, small bursts of electric energy crackling all around. Still, he doesn’t hesitate. His claws flash out, cutting through the mutant’s flesh with ease. Blood splatters across his face, warm and sticky, but he barely registers it. Another mutant charges at him from the side, and he ducks under the swipe of its tail, driving his fist deep into its chest with a snarl.
They fall one by one, but there’s no satisfaction in it. These aren’t enemies; they’re victims, Shadowmind’s marionettes.
Another one slams into his side, driving him back a few steps, and Logan snarls as he jams his claws through its chest. Still, they keep coming. He’s fought worse than this—he’s fought against himself—but the sheer number of mutants bearing down on him begins to be overwhelming.
He can feel the weight of them pressing in on him, the force of their combined strength pushing him, inch by inch. He fights them off with everything he has, each slash of his claws sending one after another to the ground, but it’s just not enough.
A particularly large mutant grabs him from behind, its arms locking around his chest, effectively crushing him. Logan grits his teeth, muscles straining as he tries to break free, but he then something—or someone—slam into his legs, knocking him off balance. He stumbles, and before he can recover, more mutants pile on top of him, their weight dragging him down.
“Get off me!” he yells hoarsely with exertion as he thrashes around, but still, it’s no use. They are like a tide, and they’re dragging him toward the location of the underground tunnels, where he knows she is waiting.
It’s like he can feel the ground shifting beneath him as they drag him closer to the entrance of the tunnels, the air grows colder, darker, more unsettling. With each passing second, he’s pulled further from the warehouse, further from you.
When they reach that damn metal grate it’s quickly pushed to the side, and he's roughly shoved down into the hole, grubby hands forcing him into the depths. He lands hard on the damp, uneven ground of the tunnel system, the impact jarring his bones, but he doesn’t let the brief pain slow him down. He clambers to his feet, his eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of movement.
The remaining mutants surround him, forming a barrier between him and the way out, and Logan knows he’s trapped. He knows that there’s no way out except forward.
“Wolvie!” He hears, the voice a sing-song echo through the tunnel in false excitement. “Back so soon? You just couldn’t stay away, could you?
“What do you want, Lorna?” he growls, using her real name deliberately, trying to strip away the power she’s claimed for herself.
She steps out of the shadows, but she doesn’t answer his question right away. Instead, she lets the silence stretch, her predatory gaze fixed on him as if she’s savouring the moment.
“I want what’s mine,” she says finally, dangerously. “And you… you’re part of that.”
Logan’s claws twitch, but he doesn’t move, doesn’t take the bait. “You’re delusional,” he spits.
“Am I?” she replies, her tone laced with false innocence. She takes a step closer, her eyes never leaving his. “You and I… we were made by the same people. We’re two sides of the same coin, Wolvie. But there’s a difference between us.”
Nostrils flaring, he tries to keep his breath coming in controlled, measured beats as he fights to keep his mind clear, focused. “The difference is, you let them turn you into this, even after their downfall.”
Shadowmind’s laughter is sharp, biting, like the crack of a whip. “You think you’re better than me?” she hisses. “I fought back. I never let myself get corrupted by them. But you?” A laugh rips from her throat. “You were just waiting there, ready to be useful, weren’t you? Just a good little weapon, eager to please.”
Logan clenches his jaw. The words hit their target, but he forces himself not to react, not to let her see the impact. “You don’t know a damn thing about me.”
“Oh, I think I do,” she purrs, her voice softening with false sympathy. “You didn’t fight back. You let them break you, turn you into their perfect killing machine. You were more than willing to do their dirty work, weren’t you? All those years, all those lives… They didn’t mean anything to you.”
His breath hitches, just for a moment, but it’s enough. Shadowmind’s eyes glint with satisfaction, sensing the crack she’s been looking for. “You couldn’t wait to sink your claws into anyone they pointed you at. But the worst part? You’re still that same weapon. All your talk about being better, about being in control… It’s all a lie, isn’t it?”
“Shut up,” he growls.
“And what about that little sidekick of yours?” she continues, her tone shifting to one of mock pity. “Knifey, you called her? She’ll never see you the way you want her to. How could she? You’re nothing but a relic, Wolvie. Too much baggage, too old, too damaged. She’ll realize it soon enough—she’ll leave you behind, just like everyone else.”
Logan’s hands clench into fists, his nails digging into his palms as he fights to stay grounded. He knows what she’s doing—knows she’s trying to weaken him, to break him down until he’s vulnerable enough for her to control. But it’s working. He can feel the doubts creeping in, the old fears and insecurities clawing their way to the surface.
“You’re a failure, Logan,” She whispers, her voice slipping inside his head, bypassing the physical world entirely. “You’ve always been one, too. You can’t save anyone, and you won’t save her. All you do is destroy. That’s all you’re good for.”
“Stop it,” he snarls.
“You can’t escape your past. No matter how many times you try to change, no matter how hard you fight, you’re still the same broken weapon they made you. You’re nothing.”
His vision shakes, the darkness of the tunnel closing in around him as her words seep into his mind, pulling at the edges of his sanity. He can feel the walls he’s built around his mind starting to crack, the strain of keeping her out taking its toll. She’s pushing harder now, digging deeper, little by little, weakening his defences, until she can take control.
“You’re alone, Logan,” she pushes. “And you’ll always be alone. Because of who you are, what you are. You destroy everything you touch. You bring pain and suffering to everyone you care about. That’s why she’ll leave you.”
His heart pounds in his ears, the sound almost drowning out her voice, but not quite. He can feel the line between reality and nightmare beginning to blur, her words fading the edges of his perception, making it harder to distinguish between the two.
“You can’t break me,” Logan says, veins in his neck bulging at the amount of effort he's exerting, the fight inside him burning bright despite the wickedness closing in. “You’ll never break me.”
Lorna’s laughter echoes through the tunnel, haunting. “We’ll see about that, Wolverine,” she whispers, her voice dripping with malevolent glee.
The days after Logan sacrifices himself to the horde of mutants blur into one long stretch of despair and frantic thinking. You know he did it to protect you, to keep you safe, but the only thing it does is leave you feeling utterly alone and powerless. All you want to do is follow him, tear through those mutants and drag him back, but the door that closed so resolutely behind him now feels like an impenetrable barrier.
Self-sacrificing asshole.
You spend the first few hours pacing back and forth across the warehouse, your mind spinning with distressed ideas and plans that you know, deep down, are impossible. You think about sneaking back into the tunnels, maybe finding a back way in, using the element of surprise to take down Shadowmind before she can do any more damage. But the more you try to piece together a plan, the more you realize how futile it is. She could be hiding anywhere in the shadows of those damn tunnels, and if she has another group of mutants waiting for you... Every time you think you have a workable strategy, it falls apart under the weight of too many unknowns.
At one point, you even consider trying to bargain with her, offering yourself up in exchange for Logan’s freedom. But the idea of putting yourself at Shadowmind’s mercy again, knowing first-hand how she twists minds and breaks people, makes you regret contemplating it. And you know Logan would never forgive you if you did something so reckless, and let’s say if she agreed to the exchange, there’s no guarantee she wouldn’t just find a way to end you both.
So, you spend your days trapped in a cycle of despair and frustration, your mind constantly racing to find a way to get him back. Hardly sleeping, your nights are filled with restless tossing and turning, your thoughts consumed by images of what that wicked woman might be doing to him.
Is she torturing him, trying to break his spirit? Or is she forcing him to relive the horrors of his past, using his memories against him? Thinking of him suffering, of him being twisted and corrupted by her influence, leaves you feeling hollow and sick with worry.
You try to distract yourself, to keep busy in the warehouse, but everything reminds you of him. After all, it’s his place. The silence is deafening without the sound of his heavy footsteps, the gruffness of his voice cutting through the stillness. Even the small, mundane tasks feel impossible without him there. You find yourself flailing around in the kitchen, your attempts to cook a meal turning into a disaster. You can’t remember how he managed to make everything look so easy, his hands moving with ease as he salvaged your attempts at dinner. 
You stand there, staring at the mess you’ve made, feeling utterly useless. In the few short weeks you’ve known him, you always relied on him to help you with something, to have your back in a mutant-encounter, to steady you when you stumbled. Now, without him, you feel like you’re falling apart. 
At night, when you’re laying in bed—his bed—the thoughts never stop. Your thoughts wander, wondering how he’s holding up, whether he’s still fighting, still resisting. Or if he’s already succumbed to Shadowmind’s control. You absolutely despise the idea of him being forced to kill, to hurt others, knowing how much he loathes the things he’s been made to do in the past.
A small, treacherous part of you can’t help but hope that, if nothing else, Logan will find a way to end it. That he’ll kill her before she can break him, before she can twist him into something unrecognizable. You know it’s a dangerous thought, but you cling to it all the same.
She deserves to be punished.
If anyone can survive her, it’s Logan. If anyone can find a way to stop her, it’s him.
Yet, as the days drag on, that hope begins to fade. The longer he’s gone, the more your fears grow, until they consume you entirely. You imagine him locked in a battle of wills with her, his mind being torn apart, and it almost drives you to the brink of madness. You feel like you're unraveling, piece by piece, the threads of your sanity slipping through your fingers as you pace the warehouse, waiting for a sign, any sign, that he’s still out there.
The silence stretches on, building up to a crushing weight. Every time you hear a noise outside, every creak of the building, every gust of wind, you freeze, your heart leaping into your throat, hoping against hope that it’s him, that he’s somehow found his way back to you. But each time, you’re met with nothing but disappointment and the hollow emptiness that fills the space where he used to be.
You sit by the door for hours, just staring at it, willing it to open, willing Logan to walk through it and tell you that everything is going to be alright. That he’s beaten her, that he’s stronger than her. But the door remains closed, the warehouse eerily still, and your hope continues to wither away.
Just go. Help him. Do it yourself
These thoughts begin to swarm in your head. You realize that it’s been too long. If Logan were to do something, anything, he would have done it by now. For all you know, he could be chained up to those cold, damp walls, waiting for you to save him. 
Steeling yourself, you take a deep breath, gathering every ounce of courage you have left. You turn toward the door, ready to throw it open and march back into the madness, when suddenly, it swings open on its own.
And there he is. Logan stands in the doorway, his frame filling the entrance, the light from outside casting shadows across his face. For a moment, you’re frozen, disbelief warring with overwhelming relief.
He’s back. He’s here.
“Logan!” you gasp, rushing toward him, your feet barely touching the ground. “Oh my gosh, you’re back. Are you alr—”
But your words are cut off as his hand latches around your throat with a vice-like grip. Kicking the door shut behind him, the breath is driven from your lungs as he swiftly turns you around, slamming you roughly against it. Pain radiates through your back from the impact, your mind reeling, struggling to understand what’s happening.
“What—” you manage to choke out, but the words die in your throat as you feel the sharp edge of his claws pressing against your stomach.
Your eyes go wide, your mind a blur of shock and disbelief. This isn’t your Logan. It can’t be. Yet before you can process it, before you can even react, the claws extend with a sickening shink, and you feel them pierce through your flesh, cold steel sinking deep into your abdomen.
A strangled cry escapes your lips as the pain explodes through you, white-hot and searing, radiating out from where his claws are buried in your stomach. Your hands fly to grab his wrist, trying to push him away, but there’s no strength in your limbs, no fight in you. Your legs give out, and you slump against the door, held up only by the grip he has on your throat.
You try to speak, try to ask him why, but the words won’t come. All you can do is stare up at him as the reality of what’s happening sinks in.
There’s no recognition in his eyes, no hint of the man you’ve grown to care about. He looks at you as if you’re nothing, just another target, just another obstacle in his path.
“She… she got you?” you whisper, the question barely a breath, your voice breaking under the weight of your pain and confusion.
There’s no response. Hatred burns in his eyes as he pulls his claws free from your body with a slow, deliberate movement, the pain doubling as they slide out of your flesh. Blood pours from the wound, soaking through your clothes and pooling at your feet
You can feel your body beginning to mend itself together, until only a lingering ache remains, but the pain—oh, the pain—is still there, deep and throbbing, both physical and emotional.
Logan steps back, his claws dripping with your blood, his expression unchanged. The realization that you’re going to have to fight him slams into you like a fucking bus, and the thought of hurting him again makes you hesitate.
This is Logan. The man who’s fought beside you, who's trained you… But now, he’s under her control, and this version of him is not going to stop until one of you is down.
Trying to shake of the pain, you raise your hands in a defensive stance. “Logan, I don’t want to hurt you,” you plead, your voice trembling. But he doesn’t respond. He just charges at you.
You barely dodge the first strike, rolling to the side as his clawed fist collides with the metal door. Your mind is screaming at you to fight back, but your heart is in turmoil. Every move you make is half-assed, conflicted, as you struggle to reconcile the need to defend yourself with the deep, aching reluctance to harm him.
“Please!” you cry out, dodging another swipe that comes dangerously close to your throat. “You have to push against this!” 
This isn’t just a fight—it’s a mirror image of the horror you lived through not long ago. You know exactly what he’s feeling, the suffocating darkness that grips his mind, the tight grip of control that leaves him impotent to resist. Shadowmind’s influence is a force of sheer will, a crime against everything you are, twisting your thoughts, your actions, until there’s nothing left of you but a weapon in her hand.
You remember the way it felt, how every fibre of your being screamed to stop, to fight back, but your body moved on its own, driven by her malicious intent. The guilt, the helplessness—it had nearly broken you. And now, here you are, facing Logan, who’s trapped in the very same prison. 
The roles have been reversed, and the bitter irony of it a sick joke.
Hopelessness eats at your insides as you’re backed into a corner, your mind racing to find a way out of this without hurting him. He gives you no choice. He’s faster, stronger, and without the hesitation that’s holding you back, he’s going to overpower you if you don’t act.
He comes at you again, claws aimed straight for your heart, and you finally react on pure instinct. You grab his wrist just in time, using your strength to twist his arm away, the momentum sending him stumbling back for a brief moment. But it’s not enough to stop him.
“Come on, snap out of it!” you shout. You hate this—you hate every second of it. But you can’t let him kill you, and you can’t let Shadowmind win.
He doesn’t respond. All he does is attack, faster this time, his movements a blur. In a desperate move, you finally manage to knock him back, sending him crashing into a table. For a moment, he stays down, breathing hard, and you take the opportunity to plead with him one last time.
“Logan, I know you’re in there,” you say, eyes filled with tears. “You have to fight her. I don’t want to hurt you… I can’t.”
But when he rises again, there’s no sign that he heard you at all. He jumps in your direction once more, and your heart shatters as you realize that there’s no choice left. 
Lorna’s mental assault is relentless. 
“Just let go, Logan,” she hisses, a poisonous whisper that slithers into the cracks of his defences. “You can’t fight me forever. You’re not strong enough.”
Logan grits his teeth, nails digging into his palms as he struggles to keep her out, to hold on to the last shreds of his sanity. But it’s been days, and the gaps are widening, spreading like spiderwebs through his mind, and he can feel her starting to slip through, her presence growing stronger, more oppressive.
“You’re weak,” she continues. “You were always weak. That’s why they made you into what you are—a weapon. Because you were never good enough to be anything else.”
His vision blurs, the world around him fading as her voice fills every corner of his mind, pushing out his own thoughts, his own will. 
“Why keep fighting, Wolvie?” She ponders. “You’ve fought your whole life, and what has it gotten you? Pain. Loss. Loneliness. Just let go. Stop fighting. It’ll be easier that way. You’ll finally have peace.”
Her voice is all he can hear now, all he can feel.
“That’s it,” she whispers triumphantly. “Give in. You know you want to. You’ve always wanted to. Just let go. Let me take control.”
With one last, brutal push, she forces her way in, her power crashing through his mind. Logan gasps, his body going rigid as she seizes control, her will overriding his own, drowning out his thoughts, his memories, everything that makes him who he is.
He feels her in his mind, filling every nook and cranny. There’s no room left for him, no space to fight back.
“Good,” she purrs, “Now, do what you were made to do. Kill her.”
His body moves on its own, driven by her desires. He turns, face stoic, as he begins to move toward the warehouse, where you’re waiting, unaware of the danger that’s about to strike.  The chains around his mind tighten, pulling him along, guiding his every step.
Kill her, he hears again, and he obeys without hesitation. He’s powerless. And as he reaches the door, his hand reaches for the handle, the final barrier between him and his target, the woman he’s been ordered to kill. The woman he…
But the thought never completes itself. Lorna’s voice, dark and seductive, wraps around his mind once more, tightening the chains, binding him to her.
“Do it, Logan,” she whispers in anticipation. “Show her what you really are.”
The door swings open, and Logan steps inside, his eyes locking onto you. And as he closes the distance, there’s only one thought left in his mind, one command that drives him forward.
The clash of skin against skin fills the warehouse as you and Logan engage into heated combat. Every movement, every strike delivered, but there’s an anguised edge to your attacks—one that comes from knowing you’re fighting someone you care about, someone who, under different circumstances, would never lift a hand against you.
But these aren’t different circumstances. This isn’t the Logan you know. This is Shadowmind.
Your body moves with the skill Logan taught you, every nerve on high alert as you parry his strikes and counter with your own. It’s a brutal dance, each of you trying to find an opening, but despite everything, the fight is even. You’re giving as good as you get, but you know deep down that his experience, his brutal history, gives him the advantage.
He fights as if he’s been doing this his entire life—which, of course, he has. You can see it in the way he maneuvers, the way he anticipates your strikes, even under her influence, the muscle memory doesn’t lie. Still, you keep going, keep pushing yourself to maintain your ground. Each hit he lands, your body heals, the pain sharp but temporary. You use your strength to block some of his strikes, to push him back, but he’s insane, his jabs coming faster, harder, until you’re struggling just to keep up.
Somehow you manage to sweep his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. But before you can capitalize on the moment, he rolls forward, moving on all fours as he reaches out and grabs your ankle. Then, he yanks you to the ground with a force that knocks the breath from your lungs. The impact reverberates through your body, and for a moment, your vision blacks out.
You try to scramble to your feet, but he’s quicker. He’s on top of you immediately, his weight pinning you down, his hands wrapping around your throat. You gasp, your hands flying up to his wrists as you struggle to breathe, to fight against the crushing pressure.
“Logan, stop!” you choke out, clawing at his hands, your nails digging into his skin. You know he won't stop. Not when he's under her control.
The world around you begins to fade around the edges, your vision shrinking as the lack of oxygen sends you spiraling into darkness. You can feel your strength diminishing, your body growing weaker as your lungs burn, desperate for air. Your hands slip from his wrists, falling limply to your sides as your muscles give out, your last reserves of energy draining away.
You don't think your healing factor will allow you to survive this.
Just as your eyes begin to roll back into your head, just as you’re on the verge of passing out, something in him shifts. His grip loosens, the pressure on your throat easing slightly, and you see a flicker of something in his eyes—something human, something familiar.
In an instant, Logan’s hands release you entirely, his body going rigid as if struck by an unseen force. His wide eyes stare down at you, processing what just happened—what he just did. His breath comes in harsh, ragged gasps as he looks at his hands, the hands that were strangling the life out of you not even a minute ago, and then back at your face, colourless and gasping for breath. The horror spreads across his features like a slow, creeping shadow, and with a choked gasp, he falls to his knees beside you.
“Fuck,” he mutters frantically, running a shaky hand through his hair, his fingers trembling as if they’ve just been burned. He looks lost, terrified, as if the reality of what he’s capable of is crashing down on him all at once.
“You have to go,” he says in barely more than a hoarse whisper. “You need to get the hell away from me.”
You force yourself to sit up, ignoring the searing pain in your throat, the way each breath feels like it’s dragging over raw, jagged edges. Your vision is still hazy, the space around you spinning slightly, but you manage to shake your head, reaching out to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “No. I’m not leaving you.”
The moment your hand touches him, his body jumps. It's as if your touch is the last thing he expected, the last thing he deserves. He flinches away from you, his eyes wide, but then it changes.
His expression hardens, the panic in his eyes melting into anger. “I’m not givin’ you a choice,” he spits out. “Leave before I hurt you even more.”
Deep down, you know he’s saying this to protect you, to push you away before he loses control again. But it doesn’t make it hurt any less. The fact that he isn’t even considering your help, that he’s so determined to shut you out, feels like a betrayal.
“Hey, stop,” you begin. “Let me help you.”
He shakes his head violently, standing up abruptly, towering over you with a clenched jaw. “You don’t get it,” he snarls, the desperation in his voice now masked by a biting anger. “I almost killed you! I could have—”
“But you didn’t,” you interrupt, pushing yourself to your own feet, making him look you in the eye. “You stopped. You fought her off.”
“For how long?” he snaps back, frustrated. Not with you, but with himself. “How long before she gets back in? How long before I lose it completely and—”
“And what?” you challenge, “And kill me? Logan, if she’s in your head, you need me here. I’m not running away just because you’re scared.”
“Scared?” He practically growls the word, his fists clenching at his sides. “You think this is about being scared? This is about keepin’ you alive! You have no idea what it’s like, what she’s doing to me—”
“I know exactly what it’s like!” you shout, your frustration finally boiling over. “I was under her control too, remember?”
“It’s different with me!” Logan barks, his voice echoing in the small space. “I’m not like you! I’ve got too much shit in my head, too much darkness, and she’s feeding off it,” he takes in a heavy breath. 
You run your hands down your face, exasperated. “Why are you insisting on doing this alone? First you leave me to sacrifice yourself or whatever that was, and now you’re just gonna do the exact same thing again? It didn’t work the first time and it won’t work the second. We need to do this together!” 
“Remember when I told you this wasn’t a partnership?” he snaps as he struggles to keep his composure, the battle raging within him evident in every tense line of his body. “When I said I needed to figure out what was happening? Well, I did, and guess what? You’re not involved. This is my burden, and I’m telling you to go.”
“You’re being so fucking stubborn!” You yell, trying to break through the walls he’s building around himself. “You don’t need to push me away in order to protect me. That’s not how this works!”
His face twists in irritation. “I’m dangerous! I’m a goddamn ticking time bomb, and she knows how to set me off!”
“Then let me help you defuse it!”
You’re beginning to take a step toward when when you see it—the twitch of muscle below his right eye, then his left, and the scrunching of his brows. His face begins to contort in pain, and a cold dread settles in your chest as you begin to realize what is happening to him.
She’s not listening to you, Logan hears her voice return in the back of his head, a small whisper. 
She never will.
His hands fly up to his head, gripping it tightly as if he could physically tear her of his skull.
You’re useless, the words seep into his thoughts. 
You were always just a weapon. Nothing more. Nothing less. And now you’re nothing.
Each phrase pounds through his skull, each whisper amplifying in volume until they’re not whispers anymore but screams. His body begins to tense, muscles locking up.
She won’t want you. It’s a ceaseless litany designed to break him, to shatter the last of his resistance once more. His vision wanes, black edges creeping in as Shadowmind’s influence digs deeper, rooting itself back into the darkest corners of his mind.
“Run,” he chokes out, voice strained, barely recognizable as his own. The command is laced with urgency, with the knowledge that if you don’t, he won’t be able to stop what’s coming.
But you hesitate, unwilling to leave him like this. “Logan, I can’t—”
“RUN!” he roars, the sheer might of the word almost knocking you back.  Then, every emotion drains from his face, wiped out in an instant, leaving behind that same expressionless mask you saw when he first attacked you. The last shred of control he had is gone.
You don’t need to be told again. You turn and bolt for the door, and as you sprint out of the room, Logan’s world narrows to a single point of focus—the voice in his head, now no longer just whispers but a deafening roar. 
He’s coming for you, and there’s nothing left of him to stop it.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you run, the fear and adrenaline fueling your every step. You’re going as fast as you can, the world around you blurring into streaks of colour as you race down the street, but no matter how fast you go, you can hear him—hear Logan—right behind you. 
His footsteps are heavy, persistent. The sound of his grunting ricochets off the buildings and into your ears, and you don’t need to turn around to know he’s moving faster than you’ve ever seen before, Shadowmind unleashing some berserk mode within him, and you know this won't end until he's caught you
You dart around corners, leap over obstacles, trying to put as much distance between you and Logan as possible, but it’s no use. And when you do finally glance over your shoulder, he’s there, closing the gap with terrifying precision, his eyes fixed on you.
Your thoughts race as quickly as your feet, desperately searching for a solution, a way to escape. Where can I go? What can I do?
And then, like a bolt of lightning, an idea hits you.
With a sudden burst of determination, you swerve sharply, changing direction on a dime. The abrupt move nearly throws you off balance, but you recover quickly, setting your sights on the entrance to the underground tunnels—Shadowmind’s lair. You can feel Logan’s presence behind you, so close now that his breath is practically on the back of your neck, but you force yourself to ignore it.
Approaching the metal grate, you lift it up and throw it to the side as fast as possible, and leap down into the darkness. There’s no time to catch your breath. You sprint through the dark, winding passages of the tunnel, your feet pounding against the cold, uneven ground. 
Behind you, Logan’s pursuit is unending. The sound of his claws whipping through the air is horrifying, but you can’t afford to slow down, can’t afford to let fear overtake you. You have to keep moving, have to find Shadowmind before he gets you.
Her voice slithers through the tunnel with cruel amusement, a taunt that weaves itself out from the shadows. “Did you do it, Wolvie? Did you kill her?”
It sends a surge of anger through you, a hot, burning rage that fuels your steps. Your voice reverberates off the walls as your scream, “Shut the fuck up!”
You can feel her presence ahead, the oppressive weight of her mind starting to press down on you too, and the need to end this—to end her—drives you forward.
Finally, you see her. She’s standing at the end of the tunnel, her silhouette illuminated by a light that seems to radiate from the very walls. Her eyes gleam with malice, a psycho grin playing on her lips as she watches you approach. It’s as if she’s been expecting you, waiting for you to come to her.
Without hesitation, you lunge for her, but just as you’re about to reach her, Logan intercepts you, his body slamming into yours from the side with brutal force.
The impact sends you crashing into the opposite wall. Pain blooms along your shoulder, the breath knocked out of your lungs. The rough edges of the room scrape against your skin, and the dampness oozes into your bones as you struggle to regain your footing.
“Logan, I’m not fighting you!” you shout, exhaustion and frustration blending in your voice as you try to reason with the man you know is still in there, somewhere. “I’m going to kill that fucking bitch!” you finish, pointing at the woman standing behind him.
But her laughter fills the air. “Oh no, darling,” she sneers, “That won’t be happening. After all, I have a good guard dog, dont I?”
If looks could kill, she’d be dead tens times over. Your blood boils as you stare at her, the rage bubbling up inside you at the sight of her face. Somebody needs to put her in her place.
“Bet you feel real powerful, huh?” you jeer, voice laced with venom as you take a step closer, your eyes locked on hers. “Getting everyone to do your dirty work for you since you’re too fucking weak to do it yourself?”
Her smirk falters for just a moment, irritation crossing her features briefly, but she quickly regains her composure, her eyes narrowing in dangerously on you. 
“Because you wouldn’t survive if I punched you, right?” you continue. “All this power, all this control, and you’re still nothing without someone else’s strength. You’re a coward, Lorna. You haven’t done a single thing without hiding behind someone else!”
The words hang in the air, and you can see the fury building in her eyes, her cool demeanour cracking under your insults. Her fists clench at her sides, her lips pulling back in a snarl as the mask of control she’s been wearing begins to slip.
“Shut up,” she snaps.
“What’s the matter?” you mock. “Is the truth too much for you? Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, you cunt.”
“You know I’m right, don't you?” You press on. “Without someone to control, you’re nothing. You’re just a scared little girl playing with other people’s lives because you’re too weak to live your own.”
She’s seething. “Stop it!”
You grit your teeth, refusing to back down. “You want to get back Logan for hurting you all those years ago?” you shout at her. “When he was just a victim to the same mind control you’ve been inflicting on all those other mutants!”
“That’s not true!” she hisses, but the denial in her voice is thin, wavering. If Logan was himself, he’d think about how you’re getting to her the exact same way she got to him—and he’d be so proud.
“You’re no better than they were,” you carry on. “Making him hurt me won’t change anything. It won’t make you any better than they were!”
“Silence!” Lorna cries. “It’s not the same! He doesn't get to be happy! He deserves to suffer for what he did!
“What he did?” you retort incredulously. “What he did was survive. He was manipulated and controlled! Sound familiar? You’re no different from the people you claim to hate!”
“ENOUGH!” she screams in fury, the word bouncing off the walls. “I’m nothing like them!"
“Are you sure about that?” you ask, tilting your head to the side in faux confusion. "What are you doing right now then?"
The rage in her eyes flare, and her fists are clenched so tightly her knuckles turn white. You wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to attack you herself. But then her gaze shifts back to Logan, and a creepy smirk dances on her lips as she refocuses her control on him.
“Go get her, Wolvie,” she commands, like a queen ordering her knight to battle. His body tenses, and next thing you know, you've become his target once again.
You jump to the side, quickly evading the oncoming threat, your focus never leaving the woman. “This is between you and me, bitch!” you shout.
“Oh, it will be,” she replies, her voice dripping with malice. “If you can get to me.” 
You know she must have used her mind-control to speak to him again, because he moves mindlessly, his body blocking your path to her, working as a shield. All you can do is hold back the scream of frustration that’s building inside you as you take in the scene.
The Logan you know is trapped inside, buried under layers of Shadowmind’s control, and the sight of him standing there, ready to protect her, infuriated you.
A humourless laugh escapes your lips. “You think that’s going to stop me?” you mutter dangerously.
The rage, the pain, the fear—it all coalesces into a single point of concentration, you lunge forward, your fist glowing with that molten heat as you pour everything into this final act. As fast and hard as you can, you slam your first into his midsection, just like you had done once before. The sound of tearing flesh and the sickening squelch of your arm piercing through him reverberates through the room.
Grabbing his shoulder with your other hand, you shove him back harshly, using every ounce of strength to close the distance between him and his puppetmaster. The force of your push is enough to drive him backward, your arm still embedded in his torso as you reach toward her. Your eyes lock onto hers, and you see the shock at the realization that her plan is crumbling before her eyes.
Your fist makes contact with her chest, and you drive it in even further. Her mouth opens in a silent scream, eyes wide with terror. Logan’s body jerks violently, his muscles seizing as the control she had over him falters.
She gasps in agony, her power waning, her grip on his mind slipping away like sand through her fingers. It’s like you can feel it—the hold she had on him snapping, her influence retreating like a dying flame, flickering out.
But you can't celebrate yet. The job isn't finished. You yank your arm free from Logan’s body with a savage pull, and the force of your withdrawal sends him staggering to the side, body crumpling to the ground, finally free of her control but too weak to stand.
Lorna’s once smug expression disintegrates entirely, her eyes wide with unbridled fear once she senses her impending doom. 
“NO!” she screams in fright, but the sound is pitiful, and powerless. It’s too late. Far too late.
You grab her by the throat, her skin sizzling under your touch, the scent of burning flesh filling the room as she writhes in your grasp, her hands clawing desperately at yours, but you don’t let go. With a single, brutal twist, you snap her neck, ending her once and for all.
Her body falls to the ground, lifeless, and you stand there, breathing heavily, your chest heaving as the reality of what you’ve done slowly sinks in.
It’s done. She’s dead. 
As you turn your head to the side, your gaze falls on Logan. Your Logan. He's on his knees, blood pooling around him, his hands pressed tightly against the gaping wound in his midsection that’s slowly closing. His face is pale, drawn, and there’s a haunted look in his eyes, like he’s not entirely sure that he’s free, not entirely sure that he deserves to be.
He tries to speak, but the words seem to catch in his throat, his eyes glistening as he looks at you like he’s seeing a miracle. “Knifey,” he finally manages to say, his voice hoarse. 
You take a step toward him. “It’s over, Logan. We did it.”
Logan’s gaze drops to the ground, his shoulders slumping as he shakes his head, the weight of everything that’s happened pressing down on him. “You did it. I almost…” He trails off, his hands shaking as they drop to his sides, stained with his own blood. “I almost killed you.”
“But you didn’t.” You affirm, crouching in front of him. 
He doesn’t respond, his mind spiraling further into the abyss of self-loathing. “It’s my fault,” he mutters. “I let her do this to me.”
Shifting to your knees, you reach a hand out to rest on his arm. “It wasn’t you. Just like it wasn’t me when I was under her control. This was Shadowmind’s doing, not yours.”
He shakes his head, his hands coming up to tangle in his hair as if trying to tear away the thoughts that are consuming him. “It’s not the same,” he strains. “I was so close, if I just pushed against her harder…”
“No,” you say firmly, this time pulling him into a hug, your arms wrapping around him tightly. “You’re not to blame.”
“I hurt you,” he whispers, leaning into your touch. “I became the monster I’ve always been”
“You’re not a monster,” you murmur into his ear, “It’s over, she’s gone.” All you can do is try and erase whatever lies were put into his head. “I’m here, you’re not alone.”
Logan clings to you, the his actions pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket, but your words slowly start to filter through the haze that Shadowmind left behind. They’re so different—so completely opposite—from the venomous lies she used to break him down.
Where her voice was cruel and cutting, twisting the knife deeper into old wounds, your voice is gentle, comforting, like a balm to his battered soul.
You’re telling him that he’s not a monster, that he’s more than just a weapon. You’re telling him that you’re here with him, that he’s not alone. Your words wrap around him like a lifeline, pulling him back from the edge, anchoring him in a way that nothing else could.
A deep, overwhelming adoration blooms in Logan’s chest, spreading through him with a warmth that he hasn’t felt in what seems like forever. It’s counters the cold, empty feeling that he’s been always been carrying around with him, and that takes his breath away. He doesn’t deserve this—doesn’t deserve you—but here you are, holding him, comforting him, tugging him out of the void with nothing more than your presence.
He feels something shift inside him, breaking through the layers of self-loathing and hatred. It’s you—your words, your understanding—that does it, and it makes him realize just how much you mean to him, how much he needs you. For the first time in days, the fog in his mind starts to lift, and he begins to see things clearly again.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, Logan brings his arms up around you, returning your embrace. He presses his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in the scent of you, the heat radiating from your skin grounding him in the present, in the reality that he’s still here with you. He's not under control.
His heart is pounding in his chest, but it’s not from fear or anger—it’s from the overwhelming gratitude and feelings that are flooding his system.
Without thinking, he presses a soft, almost reverent kiss to your collarbone, the gesture filled with a quiet, aching affection. It’s a wordless way of telling you how much he cares, how much he’s grateful for you, for your strength, for the way you’ve saved him from himself. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. 
You hold him even tighter, your fingers gently tracing soothing patterns on his back. The connection between you feels stronger than ever, as if this moment has solidified those unspoken, brewing, emotions between you. You tilt your head slightly, brushing a soft kiss against his temple in return. It’s simple, but it sends a rush through Logan, making his heart lurch in his chest. The tenderness of it all is almost too much, but in the best way possible. 
For so long, he’s been scared to open up, to let anyone see the vulnerable parts of him that he’s kept hidden. He’s always been the one to bear the burden alone, to push people away before they could get too close. But here, in your arms, all those fears seem to fade into the background. 
You’ve seen him at his worst—manipulated into a weapon, mindless and violent—and still, you hold him like he’s worth something, like he’s more than just a mutant to exploit. And in this moment, he realizes he wants to open up to you. He wants to let you in.
He feels a sudden, fierce need to protect this—protect you. He wants to try this out with you, see it where it goes. The fear of opening up to someone, of being hurt or abandoned, still lingers in the back of his mind, but now, it’s different. Now, he feels like maybe, just maybe, he’s found something worth fighting for on his own accord. No external influence. Just you. 
“Let’s get out of here” you say gently. “We can go back to yours, or mine. I have a bed we can share.”
Logan pulls back slightly, eyes softening at your suggestion. He cups your cheek, his thumb brushing softly against your cheek as he looks into your eyes. “Yeah,” he says quietly, his voice filled with a depth of emotion that surprises even him. “Let’s get goin'.”
And that's exactly what you do. After the tender moment, you and Logan head back to his place, gathering what little you need and packing up the essentials. He doesn’t say much as he packs a small duffel bag with clothes, some weapons, and a few belongings. You can tell his mind is still elsewhere, likely replaying everything that’s happened, everything he was put through.
Once you’re both ready to go, you finally decide to ask the question that’s been nagging at you since he first came and attacked you. As you zip up your own bag, you glance over at him, who’s pulling on his jacket, and speak up, trying to keep your voice as gentle as possible. 
“How… how did she get into your head? How did she… take control?”
Logan pauses, his hand stilling on the zipper of his jacket as he looks at you. You can see shame cloud his vision, but he doesn’t shy away from the question. He lets out a slow breath, leaning back against the wall as he considers how to answer.
“She used my weaknesses,” he finally says. “Lorna knew what buttons to push, what wounds to press on… She knew how to get inside, to tear me down.”
You nod, trying to understand, but it’s hard to imagine Logan having any real weaknesses, at least in the way he’s describing. “What are they?” you ask quietly, stepping closer to him, wanting to offer whatever comfort you can. “What did she use against you?”
His eyes meet yours, and in it, there’s a vulnerability that you don’t think you’ve if ever seen. He hesitates, like he’s weighing whether or not to tell you, whether or not to let you in on the truth of what she did, or what you mean to him.
But then, his expression softens, and he simply says, “You.”
The word is spoken so tenderly, so earnestly, that it takes a second to fully sink in. When it does, your breath lodges itself in your throat, your heart giving a painful thud as you realize the full extent of what he’s saying. 
You are his weakness. You are the one thing Shadowmind can use to break him down, to get inside his head.
“Me?” you repeat, almost in disbelief.
“Yeah, you. You’re the only person who has made me feel like more than a damn killin’ machine, and I’m grateful for that. Grateful for you.”
His admission is raw and honest, a reflection of just how deeply you’ve impacted his life, even if it’s only been a few short weeks. You’ve seen the man behind the claws, the heart behind the hardened exterior, and even though you may not have started off on the right foot, being in each other’s presence constantly has allowed you to share sides of yourselves you otherwise wouldn’t have.
You step closer, your hand reaching out to gingerly cup his cheek, feeling the rough scratch of his facial hair beneath your fingers. “The feeling’s mutual,” you say teasingly, referring back to your first conversation together, but he knows you mean it, because it's true. You are just as grateful for Logan as he is for you. He came into your life amidst chaos, and helped you navigate through it. 
His support, albeit not always the most straightforward, has been the only thing keeping you sane.
He leans into your hand, a shy smile gracing his lips at the intimacy of it all, while reaching out and wrapping his arms around your waist, bringing you closer into his space. His warm breath fans across your skin, and for the first time in a long while, he feels something other than fear, self-hatred, or guilt.
He feels hope. Hope that he could move past this, live a normal life, one that's not shrouded in violence, manipulation.
“You’re too good for me,” he murmurs. 
You shake your head, a small, tender smile playing on your lips as you pull back just enough to look into his eyes. “Nothing is too good for you,” you say with conviction. “You deserve to be happy. No one, including you, can tell me otherwise.”
Logan huffs out a small, almost disbelieving laugh, his gaze dropping for a moment before returning to yours. “You’re stubborn as hell, you know that?”
“Yup,” you say, popping the “p” with a cheeky smile. “But you like it”
There’s a fleeting moment, where neither of you speak, where all you can do is stare at each other. Your surroundings seem to fade away, the previous events already pushed back into the farthest place in your mind. All you can—want—to focus on in the man in front of you.
You don’t know who moves first, but suddenly, you’re both surging forward, crashing into each other with a passion that takes your breath away. The kiss is fierce, all-consuming, a collision of the feelings between you that have been building since the moment he found you on the street, since he told you he liked your smile, since he helped you in the kitchen. His hands are moving instantly, one slipping around your waist, pulling you in even tighter, connecting your body with his, and the other cupping the back of your neck. Your own hands grip the front of his jacket, your fingers curling into the fabric as you kiss him back, pouring everything into it.
It’s not gentle—there’s nothing tentative or hesitant about it. It’s hungry, desperate. You can taste the longing in the way his lips move against yours. Time seems to stand still, and all that exists is this moment, the heat of his body, the pounding of your heart, the way his breath mingles with yours in the small space between you. Each second blends into the next as you lose yourself in him. 
Eventually, the kiss slows, becoming softer, more tender. Logan’s lips brush against yours in a series of light, almost teasing pecks, each one lingering just a moment longer than the last. “You’re right,” he murmurs against your lips. “I do like it.”
Your chest swells, and you move your arms so they rest around his shoulders. “I knew it.” 
He grins, eyes crinkling at the corners. “You’re trouble, Knifey."
“Damn right I am,” you beam, stealing another quick kiss, savouring the way his lips curve into a smile against yours. “Too bad you’re gonna be stuck with me for a while, huh?”
Logan lets out a chuckle, the sound vibrating through you as he leans in, fondly nudging his nose with yours. “Yeah, too bad.”
A/N: thank you all for reading this series!!
TFM Taglist
@wildefire @aliisa-jones @maximumchilddreamland @peony-always
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silverzoomies · 7 months
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peter maximoff x reader fluff
warnings: fluff, humor, first meetings, pining, female reader
word count: 3,461
a/n: just a drabble i spent way too long on. based on something i used to daydream about a lot. happy late valentine's day !!
tag list: @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @icannot3 @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @luttic @billielourdslays
Peter sits, slouched on the floor against the foot of a sofa. Glimmers of light flicker in his eyes, as he indulges in some mind numbing television. Reruns of Frasier play stereotypical laugh tracks, droning through the basement. He can’t help but follow suit. Chuckling along in quiet huffs, he shakes his head.
Upstairs, the house rests in silence. Dead quiet. Magda snores softly in her room. Lorna’s probably conked out too. And Wanda? She’s gone. Somewhere. He could never guess. She doesn’t tell anyone where she goes on weeknights. But hey, what’s it matter to him? So long as she’s playing it safe.
Peter snickers at another corny, sitcom joke. He guzzles down handfuls of Reese's pieces. The candies rustle in their small box. But with the rustle, his ears catch something else. Distant and faint. Outside the realm of television laugh tracks and candy clicks.
It’s a lyrical melody, playing with romantic cadence from outside the basement window. Peter tilts his head back, drinking a glass bottle Pepsi. Fizzy sweetness mildly irritates his throat. Raising a brow, he guides his gaze to the window. One more chug of his soda, and he snatches the remote.
The roar of sitcom television falls into stillness.
And sure enough, a tune whispers from beyond the window’s glass. Like the call of a sea siren through the neighborhood. But it’s 10pm on a Tuesday night. And the likelihood of a smokin’ hot siren crawling from the ocean - to a house in middle class suburbia - is beyond impossible. Unless Peter’s dreaming again.
In which case; wait for him, nautical dames. He'll grab his trunks and be out flash.
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won’t end though
Peter narrows his eyes at the window, scoffing to himself. Woah, now. Is he warped in the head? Or is the mantra of Heart crying out from beyond the shadows? Peter appears at the window in a zip. Raising himself on his toes, he launches his body upward. Through smudged glass, Peter’s black hues scan the world outside. A shadowy mass looms in the grass, imposing and somewhat terrifying.
Until he realizes, it’s someone holding a giant boombox over their head. Phew .
Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
Peter’s silver brows furrow again.
“What the hell?” He mutters under his breath.
He unlatches the window, pushing it open. Allowing that unmistakable tune to come through much clearer. Peter watches the mysterious, boombox stranger for a moment longer. A beat passes, and Peter sighs. He could just as easily zip out there, confront the culprit, and return to his basement lickety split. Instead, he opts for the casual approach.
Peter pushes himself through the window, his bare feet scuffing the basement wall. He accidentally kicks over a set of speakers. Some he stole five years ago and forgot about. They tumble off a wall shelf and crash hard onto the floor. Knocking down a bunch of stolen street signs in their wake. If Maximoffs weren’t such deep sleepers, he’d be in for it now. Big time.
As soon as Peter’s out, he stumbles in the grass. Mumbling a hushed - Shit.
You don’t know how long I have wanted
To touch your lips and hold you tight
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
Crawling through the dry, winter grass, Peter finally stands. With an exhale, he wipes dirt from his grey sweatpants. The rando in his yard doesn’t react, but they lower the boombox a little. Peter waits at a distance, cupping his hands around his mouth.
“Who are you? Whaddya wannnnnt?” He shouts.
Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone?
No response from the rando. With a simple gesture, they tap the speaker of the boombox. Whatever that means. Rolling his eyes, Peter strides across the cold grass. Shirtless in the brisk, February air. He raises a hand to scratch his messy, silver bedhead. As he moves in closer, the neighborhood street lights illuminate the figure’s features.
Up until now, he thought some weirdo guy snuck out to pine for Wanda’s attention. Peter’s ready to kick his ass if he needs to. Poor Wanda’s always got dudes falling to her feet on Valentine's day. But she usually does the ass kicking. More power to her.
Guess he won’t have to this time. Turns out, it’s just some weirdo girl.
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?
Peter puts a stop to the song before it reaches its end. Extending a hand in a quick blur, he abruptly clicks a button on the box. The neighborhood drowns itself in late night silence all over again. Interrupted only by the occasional car passing in the distance. Peter’s vascular arms cross over his chest. Lidded eyes leer straight at the mystery woman.
“Sooooooooo…” He tilts his head to the side, “Who are you? And why are you playing Heart outside my house at, like, ass-o-clock at night?” Peter pauses, eyes narrowing in suspicious slits, “Are you tryna pick up my sister? ‘Cuz you kinda look the type. And I know she’s been ‘tryin’ new things’ lately.” He gestures with air quotes, “If you catch my drift. Not that it’s any of my business. Point is , she’s not here.”
Boombox girl lowers said boombox down into the grass. She shakes her head, reaching into the pocket of her oversized cardigan.
“Pick up your sis- hah! ” She snickers with a snort, dawning a bashful smile. Boombox girl runs her other hand through her hair, “No! Noooo, it’s not like that! Uhm…I was actually playing Alone for you, silly.”
Peter drops his arms to his sides, and his heart skips a speedy beat. Scrunching his nose, he curls his lip.
“Youplayedwhatforwhonow?” He slides his hands into his sweatpants pockets, awkwardly rocking back and forth on his heels. The apples of his cheeks burn, and Peter clears his throat, “Uhhhh. Okay. Thanks? That’s…sweet, I guess. But, I-I’m sorry, do I know you?”
Her smile’s kind of adorable. Especially as she rubs her neck, displaying timid hesitance. Whatever confidence she had, she must’ve maxed out on 80’s romance cliches.
“Not really? I mean, I’ve seen you around. A lot. But you’ve never really noticed me, so…”
Alrighty then. That makes this interaction even weirder. But Peter’s pulled equally weird - if not more desperate stops to win some hearts in the past. And he may or may not be guilty of the same technique she’s using now.
Give him a break, okay? So what if he took a chance on it once? Back when he was eighteen and leagues more naive. It’s a little cheesy, sure. But it’s also the story of how he lost his v-card. And not the Valentine’s kind.
Case in point, it worked for him. So, he’ll bite.
“And you thought crashin’ outside my house, blastin’ some corny song while my family’s asleep - that’s a smoother move than…oh, I dunno…just talkin’ to me?”
She shrugs again, her guilty eyes looking down at the grass. Boombox girl raises a foot, tapping the ground with the tip of her boot. God, she’s obviously so nervous. And he's not gonna lie, it's a little charming. The corners of Peter’s lips turn up in a grin.
“I thought it might get your attention. You just…you move so fast all the time. And I’m really slow when it comes to these kinds of things. You were always gone before I ever got the chance.”
“How’d you know where I live?” Peter throws her a nod of his head, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek.
Pulling her hand from her pocket, she fixes her attention on the plastic case of a cassette tape.
“My uncle tried to arrest you once.” She grins, “He was out on patrol. Saw you steal a speed limit sign. Your mom paid him to let you off the hook.”
Peter’s brows fly up under his bangs. His cheeky smile spreads into his dimples.
“Your unc-...seriously? Whoa. No kiddin’?” He laughs, “Wish I could say I remember. But that sorta thing used to happen to me all the time.”
Not like he wasn’t asking for it back then. But to be fair, Peter’s made some drastic improvements. When it comes to his klepto compulsions, anyway. Excluding the influx of junk food and Garbage Pail Kid cards he snags on a daily basis. From nation-wide chain stores. Totally ethical.
“Yeah, I know.” She giggles, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. This way, he actually gets a good look at her. Soft lips. Pretty eyes, “You used to be the talk of the station, where he worked. Those guys never shut up about you.”
Reaching forward, she passes Peter the cassette in her hand.
“What’s this?” He gently takes it, inspecting the hand-made label inside the case. Decorated in little, lightning bolt doodles. Even some hearts. Aw. Cute. Scratched across it in messy handwriting, are the words - For the kleptomaniac. In exchange for my heart. You stole it forever ago.
Come on. Could she be any more corny?
“It’s a mixtape.” She bites her lip like she’s terrified to keep talking, “It’s cool if you don’t listen to it. I dunno if you’ll even like what’s on it. But I know you carry around that Walkman all the time.”
Uh huh. Did her uncle tell her that too? Get outta here.
“Does it have Heart on it?” Peter flips the case over in his hand, pursing his lips.
“Of course it has Heart on it.”
“Awww. Givin’ me Heart for your heart.” He snickers, turning pinker in his cheeks, “This is legit the cheesiest thing a girl’s ever done for me. I’m kinda buggin’ out right now.”
“Oh yeah? I mean, I can always take it back, if you-” She teases, like she thinks he’s being sarcastic.
She reaches for the tape. But as her fingers brush the case, Peter raises it above his head. The motion happens quickly, before she can even keep up. Boombox girl wasn’t foolin’. She is slow. Slower than a turtle on tranquilizers. As she makes another attempt, Peter drops his hand in a speedy blur.
“Hey, hey, hey. Nuh uh. No takesie-backsies.” He teases, waving a finger, “A trades a trade, babe.”
Her hands rest at her hips, and she flutters her long lashes. So shamelessly flirtatious, but still not enough to win him over. Not just yet. Even if her bedroom eyes offer a tempting invite. Like, seriously, so tempting.
Mama didn't raise him like that, though. Peter has somewhat of a delinquent track record, sure. But he's still a good hearted gentleman. He'll take her out on a few dates first. Treat her to a little arcade romance, before he tries some no pants dancing.
If she's not playing him for a complete jackass, that is. Really, it’s almost too good to be true.
No chick has ever pined for him this hard in his life. And Peter’s never had the chance to play hard to get. He bets dollars to donuts, boombox babe probably isn't a mutie either. Talk about some major role reversal. How often does a human girl beg and plead for mutant man's love? She knows he's a total shut in, right? Or did her uncle not fill her in on that?
“You still have my heart, though.” She coos, gazing at Peter with those eyes.
Those - embrace me, o’ speedster man of my dreams - eyes.
Yeah. Her uncle most definitely didn't break the news. Peter hisses, teasing her again with a click of his teeth.
“Ooooh. Yeah. Well, finders keepers. Good luck shakin’ that silver lovebug.”
He flirts back and forth with her naturally. Kinda like high school sweethearts. It goes on for a few more minutes. Until he's pestered her enough, she just up and quits. Her car's parked down the street. A Volkswagen bug. Hah. And there she goes. Peter's secret admirer stomps off. Boombox swinging at her side. A wave of guilt almost pulls him under, and Peter starts to regret teasing her so much.
She laughs as she walks away. And the call of her giggle brings him back to the surface, much like a song. Seems like the sirens really did come out tonight.
So, she likes playing games too, huh?
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
Peter’s not even that much of a Heart fan.
He looks down at the cassette case in his hands. Rolling a thumb over a scratch in the plastic. A beat passes. In a flash, he appears in front of her. Peter walks backwards, padding barefoot along the side of the road.
“So, are you gonna ask me out ‘er what? C'mon, don't be chicken shit. I know you got it in you!” He jokes.
Boombox girl giggles so hard, she breaks out in dorky snorts. Ah, the sexiest, siren song. Too bad that's not a track on the mixtape. He’s willing to slip her some loose change for a raw recording.
By happenstance, another car slows to a stop. Right in the middle of the empty neighborhood street. Colored a familiar shade of scarlet, the vehicle looms for a beat or two. Peter comes to halt, watching as the passenger side window rolls down. Boombox girl crashes right into him.
Shit. Peter just now realized, he doesn't know her name yet.
He grabs her hips on instinct, catching her in case she falls over or something. Her free hand clutches his arm, right over the ‘mom’ tattoo etched into his skin. Naturally, Peter radiates enough warmth to act as a heater. He’s a godsend on cold, lonesome nights. Boombox girl presses her body closer to his, seeking his heat.
Peter knows she does it without thinking, since she whimpers a soft, “ Oh god. I’m so sorry. ”
“It’s cool. You okay?” Peter’s hands linger on her hips.
“What’s going on over there?” Wanda grills playfully from her car. She flits her eyes between her doofus brother, and boombox girl. When Wanda purses her lips, she does so in a way identical to Peter, “Is he giving you any trouble?” She asks what's-her-name.
Peter zips to the passenger side door, crossing his arms over it. Leaning against Wanda’s car through the window, he makes a pfffbbbbtt noise.
“Hey, don’t sweat it, Wands. I’m just walkin’ my future wife to her car.” He raises one of his hands, waving the cassette case, “Check it out, ah? She made me a mixtape! Cute, right?”
Wanda’s knits her brows as she tilts her head. The long, scarlet locks of her hair bounce with the motion. At the side of the road, boombox girl makes an adorable squeal. She covers her blistering face with her hands, mewling silent pleas.
“Oh my god stop. I’m sorry I even said anything. Oh my god. ” What's-her-name whimpers.
Which really isn’t helping the whole suspicious sister situation. Wanda leans back in her seat, peering over Peter’s shoulder at boombox girl. Narrowing her eyes, Wanda looks back at him. And before she can call Peter out on his bullshit, he lowers his arms from the door. Peter drops his chin to it, his tapioca eyes gazing up at Wanda innocently.
He chews his lip. In that ‘ I’m obviously up to no good’ kind of way.
“Y’wanna know what that cutie over there told me?” He purrs, talking loud enough for what’s-her-name to hear, "She said I stole her-"
Boombox girl shrieks, “MAXIMOFF! Please! That was a secret! I’m serious! You’re killing me here, dude!”
Ohhhhh. She doesn’t actually know his name. Seriously? Didn’t what's-her-name say she’s pined after Peter for a while now? How long is a while? Long enough to know his address, apparently. And to know he likes listening to his tunes. And to know he’s a mutant with a rep for thieving. But not long enough for anyone to drop his name? Did the feds never bother learning it? Ouch. Figures.
“Piet.” Wanda leers at Peter, holding him at gunpoint with her eyes, “Leave that poor girl alone. Look at her! She’s had enough.”
Rolling his eyes, Peter stands up straight. Lazily, he smirks, waving a hand, signaling Wanda to drive off.
“Naaaah! You shoulda seen her back at the house. She’s hopelessly in love with me. Played songs outside my window. Y'know, like they do in the movies? I’m serious! You can ask her yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Once more, Wanda shifts her skeptical gaze to what’s-her-name. The mystery girl carries her boombox to her car. With her head dipped and a free hand over her face. She looks like she’s doing the walk of shame. As if Peter stole a little something else from her and-w hoops. That's also not helping his case at all. Wanda hums, doubtful of Peter’s unlikely story.
He cheeses a toothy grin, looking guilty.
“Really?” Wanda adjusts in her seat, reaching for the radio dial, “Well, you might wanna tell her goodnight. For a girl who’s totally in love with you , she seems in a heck of a hurry to leave.”
And with that, Wanda drives off. Peter stumbles back, his calloused heels scuffing concrete. Wanda’s car rolls all the way down the road and into the driveway. Whipping around, Peter catches what’s-her-name opening the trunk of her love bug. As she lifts the boombox into it, Peter zips up next to her. Latching his arms around the boombox, he gives her an aloof grin.
“Can I borrow this for a sec? Thanks, cutie.” He throws her a wink.
She doesn’t get the chance to ask why. Peter zips back to his spot on the side of the road, clicking a button on the boombox. He raises it over his head, letting Heart roar obnoxiously across the neighborhood. Disrupting the late night peace. Out the corner of his eye, Peter notices a few neighborhood lights come on. The song plays just as Wanda hops out of her car. She stops in the middle of her stride to the front door. Her bags hang from her arms and her keys dangle on her finger.
Wanda squints, eyebrows turned inward.
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?
A faint, red glow emanates from Wanda’s hand, as she delicately swipes it in the air. The boombox’s tape player pops open with an click, and Peter lowers the box down in front of him. He playfully pouts, muttering a soft booooooo to himself. Abrupt silence fills the entire neighborhood again, save for the local dogs barking in their yards.
“Say goodnight, Pietro.” Wanda’s voice calls from the driveway, before she disappears into the house.
Peter doesn’t even realize what’s-her-name is standing next to him, until she speaks.
“Pietro’s a beautiful name.”
Peter snickers, feeling heat rise in his cheeks again. Popping open the case she gave him, he swaps the tape for the one in the boombox. Rapidly clicking the volume button, Peter huffs a soft laugh, hooded eyes blinking.
"Thanks. I'd say the same about yours, but I don't even know it." He teases. A little shy, Peter keeps his eyes on the boombox, "I go by Peter, actually."
"Peter. Pietro. Whatever your name is, you embarrassed the shit outta me, man." What's-her-name scoffs. Peter kinda likes the sound of both names in her voice, "You're lucky you're gorgeous."
Gorgeous? Whoa. That's a helluva word. Shit, this really is too good to be true. Peter's heart skips another beat, and he shakes his head. "Y'know, if you still what your heart back, you're shit outta luck, babe." Peter clicks the play button on the boombox, only after some tension heavy beats pass, "Like I said, finders kee-"
An all too familiar melody pours from the boombox speakers, softer now.
I hear the ticking of the clock
I’m lying here the room’s pitch dark
“Seriously?” Peter laughs, slinging an arm over boombox girl's shoulders.
“Yeah, seriously. I told you it had Heart.” She blushes profusely, averting her innocent gaze.
Maybe there really is something to these 80's romance cliches. Peter's almost willing to give up his own heart. Just as compensation for hers.
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gerec · 1 month
Is there any fanfic where Nina survives? Or any dadneto AU where she is there as one of Magneto's children?
Here are some canon fics where Nina survives:
Snapshots by SlightWeasel
Everybody survives the woods confrontation. Past, present, and future ficlets about Erik and his family.
Changes by SlightWeasel
After the woods confrontation, Nina's parents take her to Charles' school.
There's a bit of an adjustment period.
Mansion by the Lake by flightinflame
When Nina manifests her abilities, Erik takes her and her mother to the one place he knows they will be safe. He finds himself once more thrown together with the man that he loves, and who he believed was forever lost to him.
For Charles, Erik's arrival brings challenges but also hope. And he could never turn away a child in need of help.
Morning by Yalu
AU: Nina lived. Magda didn't.
Four Funerals & A Wedding by midrashic
Four people who mourned Erik Lehnsherr, and one who didn't.
And here are some Dadneto aus that include Nina:
Talk, Baby, Talk by lyonet
“Enough,” Erik said furiously. “It’s over. Let it die.”
“Be fair, sugar,” Emma said. “We made good music. It was your choice to wear magenta armour and a cape.”
Good Together by friendlytikek (series)
In the seven months Charles has been dating Erik, he can’t recall a time when Lorna has been sick enough for Erik to use sad face emojis and to refuse to allow the babysitter to look after her. Like a good boyfriend, he decides to go over and help out.
Videos on the Internet by WaxRhapsodic (series)
“Papa! Charles makes videos on the internet!” Nina chimed excitedly.
Charles blushed a furious red at her innocent words as he tried to stammer out an explanation in the face of Erik’s newly intense, calculated perusal that took him in from head to toe.
He gave a nervous laugh, “I’ve never heard it put quite that way, Nina.”
A Matter of Convenience by flightinflame (series)
All Erik cares about is keeping Nina safe. It isn't always easy, not when his past stalks him and there are few options available to a single mutant omega, but he's determined to protect her at any cost.
Charles loves his sons, biological and fostered, more than anything. They are flourishing in his care, but the state doesn't think a single alpha can handle children.
A chance meeting gives both of them a solution to their problems. Marry, and no one will try and split up their families. Only what starts off as a simple contract soon becomes far more complicated.
MagicalMatchMaking by sebastian2017
Erik, frazzled single father on a trip to Disney World, meets Charles, equally frazzled single father.
Break the Mold by Baamon5evr
Charles always worried about Erik where their daughter, Nina, was concerned. It wasn’t the idea of fatherhood and Erik Lehnsherr that he thought could be a volatile mix, it was the idea of Erik and humans that got him worried. The moment each of their children was born, Charles knew without a shadow of a doubt that Lorna and David would be mutants and Nina would not.
To Love and Be Loved by librata
Erik wakes up on a Sunday morning to an empty bed and a house full of chaos.
Through the Barricades by starandrea (series)
Erik and Charles learned to live without each other once. It's harder the second time--so before they even discuss it, they've decided not to try. (Erik accidentally moves into the mansion without anyone but Charles noticing for days. He may be the first to return, but he won't be the last.)
home as a borderless metaphor by specficslut (homosociality)
Erik has been traded to a foreign king for a chest of gold and a hundred bushels of grain. In Westchester, he must learn to start a new life... and navigate the roles that have been thrust upon him, whether concubine or courtesan, consort or slave.
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s-e-c-t-i-o-n-8 · 8 months
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mylordshesacactus · 1 month
Tag Game - Writing Patterns
List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
1.Smoke and the sharp tang of blood drifted over Teldrassil. (Reunification, Warcraft)
2. It was a nameless backwater moon in a nameless backwater system, and Ahsoka had never wanted to be anywhere less in her life. (Riposte, Star Wars)
3. Padawan learner Barriss Offee scuffed her heel idly against the duracrete. (When These Moments Have Passed, Star Wars/Fox and the Hound fusion)
4. “Going somewhere, Lady Crowley?” (Shadows and Goldclover, Warcraft, E)
5. It’s a good place for an ambush. (some desperate small creature, Warcraft)
6. Sunrise on Rannoch was—Tali’s chest constricted painfully. (Housewarming, Mass Effect)
7. “Again,” the instructor ordered, voice crisp. (Quicksilver, BG3)
8. The world grows quiet. And their time grows short. (Truesilver, BG3)
9. A boy dreams of a wolf’s whelp. (an unkindness of ravens, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla)
10. FOREWORD (By Miranda Lawson) | In 2196, a young asari named Ashethe Matolis was granted asylum by the Alliance. (257 Years Of Unanswered Correspondence With An Ardat-Yakshi Monastery, Mass Effect)
I think the most prominent pattern here is that I definitely have a strong preference for opening "with two feet down", as my high school mentor and creative-writing teacher put it. Not necessarily in medias res, though I do love doing that--but immediately grounded, placing the reader IN the scene from the first sentence.
As such a lot of these involve sensory details, an immediate touchstone for the character's physical location or surroundings, or both. The worst thing you can do for immersion is have your reader spend several hundred words either unable to picture the characters in context, or THINKING they're picturing the context correctly and then out of the blue dropping that they're actually somewhere completely different.
(Unless you're deliberately misleading the reader in order to deliver a punchline, obviously, but I think that should go without saying.)
I also tend to make my opening lines direct and to the point, and rarely open a fic with a full paragraph. In order to give the reader that sense of standing on solid ground--essentially of "landing with two feet down," falling into the fic and looking around to see where they are--you gotta give that opening line a little room to breathe.
The only exceptions on this list are 4, 9, and 10, and honestly, only 9 really counts!
-> The structure of 257 Years is an epistolary fic, so it actually IS serving as that immediate sensory grounding--It's establishing from the very beginning the sense that you are, in-universe, picking up a book and opening it to the front page.
-> Shadows & Goldclover is my fun little Tess/Lorna porn, and the setup is in fact that Tess is startling her in the garden. So the initial brief disorientation (I do immediately give some setting details in the next paragraph) is exactly the sensory experience I want my readers to have, it puts them in the same headspace as Lorna
-> Unkindness Of Ravens is, genuinely, one of the best stories I've ever written and I hope people are willing to give it a chance even if they're not really asscreed people--it stands on its own just fine as an exploration of fictional Norse queerness. And in that case, the deliberate sense of....an unmoored, vague, disoriented lack of any solid physical setting, is exactly what I was going for! It's a prophetic vision; it should feel otherworldly. I deliberately avoid giving the reader ANY solid ground until after the scenebreak..at which point they are IMMEDIATELY given sensory details and a place name, because the whole thematic point of the fic is Valka being brought in from the cold and finding acceptance, security, and a place to belong.
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ghostsbimbo · 11 months
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the boys & hearing a song from your phone on shuffle a/n: nsfw songs ahead <3 ur welcome. tw: some songs contain heavy subjects such as rape.
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simon "ghost" riley - good lookin' by dixon dallas
He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking)
He has a thousand yard stare as you try to contain your laughter at the song. you love this song, and the artist in general. You originally found him when he was just doing rap, his name being iamjakehill. you completely embraced both the pop punk (ur pretty) project & the country project of his. and now, you're showing your lieutenant one of his very gay masterpieces, despite the artist being a very straight man.
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könig - dana dan by bloodywood
Not all men, yes, all men Need all men for what we're solvin' Can't be what it's been but we're evolvin' You see for yourself now get involved in Talking all in, do more, boy, it's a war Chainsaw to the dead weight, leave it raw Bloody galore as we clean out the core Yeah, we do it for her, so we kick in the door
he definitely looked up the lyrics, meaning behind the song, and translation as soon as it was over, and with that he found a new band to listen to. listen, the dude may basically be a war criminal [ they all fuckin are, lets admit it ] but he sure as hell would fucking destroy a rapist as soon as he had the opportunity. all of them would.
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john price - i threw glass at my friend's eyes and now I'm on probation by destroy boys
But fuck you! You're so old, dude! Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow! You know, I kinda wish I had let you do that one thing that one time But in retrospect, it would've been a bad idea 'cause You don't care about me like I care about you so I feel bad
man, this dude felt this song was a personal attack on him. yes, y'all had an age gap, but you needed to assure him he was perfectly fine, and you just liked the song because of trauma prior to meeting him. being a kid/teenager with unmonitered internet access really fucked you up, buddy.
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keegan p. russ - chokehold by sleep token [ cover by will ramos ]
So show me that which I cannot see Even if it hurts me Even if I can't sleep Oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake
to say he loved the dudes voice would be an understatement, and then to figure out it was a cover of a song and he heard the original? the man was offended you kept will ramos, his band lorna shore, and the band sleep token from him. his phone would end up being filled with both bands discography.
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kyle "gaz" garrick - to the hellfire by lorna shore
Accept this descent into the night Releasing your grasp to induce separation Plunged into the shadows Lost in sensation, we're free falling down into the everblack Can you feel it? These pins and needles
He got scared. He also wondered how you could understand what the guy was saying the whole time. He got VERY confused when the pig squeals started - confused enough to ask if they had a pig in studio. You laughed and explained that no, the vocalist that was screaming - Will - did it all himself. It then lead to you info dumping on the genre of music as a whole.
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johnny "soap" mactavish - pisces by JINJER
No promises I ever give Don't rely on me and I won't deceive The beginning or the end you can't tell When I wave my fin and shake my tail I grew in different normality With unblamable morality Hooks and nets are there for me But I'm skittish
The soft voice is what got to him, his eyes going wide when he heard the screaming. He didn't believe you at first when you told him the woman singing was also the one screaming, too. - "No fuckin' way is that a bonnie doin' that." - so you pulled up the song on youtube, and then also pulled up a few live videos of the band, too. He believed you after a few videos, and may have gotten a little jealous when you said she causes you to have a MAJOR gay panic. You also state you wish you had the same amount of talent as her, especially with the screaming.
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harveyguillensource · 8 months
Harvey and Shadows makeup artist Lorna Thibodeau dancing the night away on set.
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nekoannie-chan · 6 months
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Title: Cost.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America, The Gifted.
Ship: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends).
Word count: 556 words.
Square: B1 “Short term gains at a long term cost.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help.
Major Tags: Mention of betrayal.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @marvelrarepairbingo, @marvelrarepairs Marvel Rare Pair Round 3 2024. MRP-066.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Clarice looked strangely at the message that had just arrived on her mobile phone; it could only mean one thing, and perhaps all the peace of mind they had had so far could be interrupted.
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Clarice arrived at the place at the appointed time. She had not stopped having that strange feeling; she simply wanted to know what was going on. A few minutes later, out of the shadows, Steve came out.
“What's going on, Cap? “she asked, and she could immediately see the concern on his face.
“Clarice, I need your help, rather than that of the mutants in the underground," Steve said in a serious tone, sighing before continuing to speak. “The Sokovia Accords are affecting all superheroes, but especially the mutants; several are being locked up, and you know exactly what will follow."
Clarice frowned. This time the situation looked bleaker; they didn't want to be on the run again, being chased by the Sentinels again.
“I'm with you, Cap, but I'll need more detailed explanations. How can we help?"
“I need to get Bucky to safety, and then we can plan a good strategy to make it clear to Congress that Ross is completely wrong," Steve replied.
“Marcos and John can handle that; maybe they'll need Lorna's help. We could use Esme to convince them.
“No, no powers; it has to be with arguments," Steve asked, still hoping that he could convince them that Bucky wasn't the culprit.
“Cap, sometimes humans can be complicated. No offense."
“What I need is for Bucky to be safe; he's not."
“I know, Esme told us, but you should be careful with Stark; he won't hesitate for a second to betray them," Clarice warned.
“Could you also help me get the evidence?"
“We could try; I can't say for sure."
Clarice made some calls; they had to come up with a plan fast. For all they knew, everything was moving too fast in too short a time, and they were sure that in less than a week, they wouldn't be safe anymore.
“Cap, no matter what happens, just remember that the cost they will have to pay if they make the mistake of approving them will be very large in the future because they will never be able to call or assemble a team in time," Clarice said.
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Steve looked around, trying to understand what had just happened. He didn't understand how it was possible that they hadn't been able to stop Thanos; they just hadn't had enough time to put together an effective plan, but it really wasn't their fault.
He turned to look at the group of mutants. He could almost hear them repeating to him what Clarice had told him a few years earlier. He had no reason to feel guilty now.
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“How is it possible that they didn't stop him? How are we supposed to deal with this whole mess?“ Ross snapped.
“That's none of our business. A few years ago, someone told me that the cost you would have to pay in the future for approving the Accords would be very high, and so it is. Hold yourself and all those who approved them responsible; since you failed to detect a threat in time, find a solution," Steve said, then stood up and left the room.
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xovera-toz · 4 months
Six scenes from the everday life of this Lanternbearer Wirt.
"Give me back my lantern."
Wirt shot the grumpy shadow a jovial smile. "Hm. I don't think I will."
"You have no use of it," the Beast insisted. Its voice had, slowly, over the days, taken on a pleading edge.
"Really?" Wirt glanced left and right: still dark forest in every direction- except skywards, where the stars painted the night a faint yellow. The lantern was his only source of light. "I haven't noticed."
The Beast snarled in frustration. It had to bear with this insufferable, sarcastic, no good sadistic- "Find one... any other. Not mine."
"Words, my dear fellow, were made to be used and used well." Wirt huffed. "In sentences, you see. And I don't think I see any spare lanterns around here. Do you?"
The Beast left without another word. Boiling inside, surely. Wirt didn't bother to hide his laughter from the empty woods.
He made sure the Beast's diet was proper and varied, just as the lunch lady used to say: Birch, oak, the occasional fir or willow. Never edelwood; those he avoided with care.
The eldritch creature was not happy.
"Give me oil." It begged.
Wirt bet its hands were clasped in prayer under the dark shadowy layers. He felt delighted. "No can do. You need your nutrition." He wagged his index finger for good measure.
The Beast wailed.
"The forest feels... happier." Lorna told him one afternoon. They were making a small boat of sticks and moss, which they intented to place on the river and chase downstream. "Lighter. More welcoming."
Wirt nodded sagely, tried and failed to keep a serious face. "It's the diet, I tell you. As soon as the oil addiction washes out, it's going to get even better."
"I'll end you," the Beast threatened. Wirt got the distinct impression it was shaking its fist in his direction. "Suffocate you in a puddle, if I have to."
"You already kinda did." Wirt pointed out. "Not that it improved your situation, I suppose. Now, say- what do we think of wildflowers?"
The Beast fled in horror.
"It's blooming." Beatrice noted. Yes, she'd noticed- how could she not, when the cursed creature loitered around her house in its self-pity? She told her friend so.
She stabbed the needle into Wirt's torn cape again and again. It penetrated the material with ease, yet her smile seemed sharper than her tool could ever be. "The Beast is fucking blooming," she repeated.
For whatever ungodly reason, Wirt looked proud of himself.
"Make it stop!" Months ago, it would have been a demand. Now, it was a pathetic cry into Wirt's knees.
The boy stood awkwardly where the Beast had latched onto him. Not losing any of his hesitance, he gave the wooden figure a gentle pat on the head.
That just made the Beast's shoulders (Did it have shoulders? Shoulder-adjacent parts?) shake wilder in frustration.
Maybe he'd reward the lantern with some elderberry branches this time. It seemed to lighten up the creature's mood.
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