#lorn au arcos
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vices-aand-virtues · 2 years ago
Red Rising Characters + Reductress headlines
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Victra & Sevro
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Cassius & Darrow – Virginia & Victra
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Red Rising Characters + Reductress headlines (2/?)
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noelfieldingenthusiast · 4 months ago
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Another thing I like about this series is how good the character writing is. We don't get as much time with Lorn au Arcos as we do other characters but you can really tell how much he cares for Darrow. Pierce Brown is just such a strong writer and reading these books so far has been amazing
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puiubellona · 25 days ago
A young Lorn au Arcos as seen in my WIP fic The Disappearance 🤭
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boykingmaven · 1 year ago
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marauderjojo · 8 months ago
“Don’t worry. You’re not senile. They’re just odd.”
Pierce Brown- Golden Son
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helldiver-of-florida · 1 year ago
If anyone asks i still havent gotten over Lorn
HOWWW are you gonna be like CONSTANTLY CONSISTENTLY mention him with his grandkids and how much he loves them and is willing to lay down his life to protect them then be like oh yea we killed him
EVIL. EVILLLL. Also i loved him. I love grandpas.
Sobs. I misss him
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virginiaoflykos · 2 years ago
In another life, you would have been one of my sons, Darrow. I would have found you earlier, before whatever happened that filled you with this rage. I would not have raised you to be a great man. There is no peace for great men. I would have had you be a decent one. I would have given you the quiet strength to grow old with the woman you love. Now all I can give you is a chance.
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rhearedrising · 2 years ago
in this reread, now that I have space and time to actually evaluate stuff like this, it’s so fascinating to compare and contrast Darrow with different characters. Like recognizing that Adrius and Darrow are truly mirrors of each other-except one has the capacity for compassion and care for other people and the other does not. How does this impact their actions, their relationships, their timelines? Darrow and the ArchGovernor are very similar in many ways as well. Again, we see them differ in the conditionality of their care, where they draw the line, and what they value above all else. Looking at Lorn and Darrow is heartbreakingly interesting. All of them lend to so much speculation on where I think Darrow’s story will end up by the end of Red God. So bloodydamn fascinating!
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thehaemanthus · 2 years ago
“You’ve another grandson to raise. Maybe you can teach him the peace you couldn’t teach me.”
- Golden Son, Darrow to Lorn
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dangerandbeauty · 7 months ago
This parallel 🤌🏻
“I am Sera au Raa,” she says proudly. “Were you really a red? I heard my father speaking,” she explains.
“I still am a red,” I say. “It’s not something I stopped being.”
“Oh. You don’t look like one.”
She must not watch holos if she doesn’t know who I am. “Maybe it’s not about what I look like,” I suggest. “Maybe it’s about what I do.”
Minutes later…
“You whelp. I pity a world where you decide if a man like Lorn au Arcos lives or dies. Did your parents never teach you?”…”What is pride without honor? What is honor without truth? Honor is not what you say. It is not what you read.” Romulus thumps his chest. “Honor is what you do.”
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panzerkatzee · 1 year ago
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"When falls the Iron Rain, be brave. Be brave." - Lorn au Arcos
Darrow o' Lykos as The Emperor Card
A project I was toying with in my mind for a long time... a new set of Tarot Cards, inspired by Red Rising in the style of the Cyberpunk Tarot cards... for the second part of the series, bc @phantomrin already did an amazing series of tarot artworks for the first three books <3
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boneskullravenriver · 1 year ago
I know we all hate Lysander but finishing IG chap 41 right now, the bit where he finally reveals who he is to the Rim Golds is such a chilling, absolutely fantastic image. Like, it's something that I can imagine in a tv show and the reactions from the audience, you know? It's cinematic. The way he immediately switches back to his native accent and leaves everyone in the room gagged with this:
“I am the blood of Silenius the Lightbringer, son of Anastasia, son of Brutus, grandson of Lorn au Arcos the Stoneside and Octavia the Sovereign of Man. I was born upon the Palatine, west of Hyperion, at the heart of Luna and the City of Light. I may know little of the Rim, but even in the heart of the empire, they spoke of the honor of House Raa. Of the Moon Lords, chief among them the Ionian Golds. Where has it gone? Has it deserted you? Has it fled after the tremors of war? You may have lost it, forgotten it, but I have not forgotten mine. And my honor will not let me sit idly as this travesty unfolds.”
Like brooo what the fuuuuck. I would pay to see this in live action. I begggggg for a live action so badly. I need to see the Tiktok edits. I NEED to see the fights and *hear* with my own two ears all the quotes that leave me at the edge of my seat, you know??
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hyena-frog · 3 years ago
“I am the blood of Silenius the Lightbringer, son of Anastasia, son of Brutus, grandson of Lorn au Arcos the Stoneside, and Octavia the Sovereign of Man...”
— Lysander, Iron Gold, Chapter 41
“Lysander has been raised so long ago with poison in his ear that now it's in his blood. He is not my kin.”
— Lorn, Golden Son, Chapter 28
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evapunk333 · 4 years ago
Red Rising Thoughts: Golden Son
Continued from previous...
Starting with my boy Tactus again!
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You tell 'em baby!! ❤️❤️❤️
Also, @sushiwestern pointed out to me, because I forgot, that they were told to not drink and of course Tactus still gets drunk. And that's why we love this beautiful idiot 😂
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God, every time I read this I wanna vomit. Cassius, why do you have to be such an insufferable asshole sometimes??? This is just in such poor taste that I wanna slap Cassius upside his dumb, blonde head. I know he's better than this but...ugh...gross.
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This is such great fucking revenge that I get giddy reading it over and over again. I think the Hail Reaper podcast guys mentioned this was the equivalent of the changing of the sword hand by Westley in The Princess Bride and yeah...this is exactly what I was thinking!
For some reason though, I don't remember why Lorn ended up teaching Darrow...guess I will read it again later.
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I seriously hope I get to see this razor in a tv show one day because it sounds so friggin epic and gorgeous!
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All I can say here is...damn, poor Leto. He seemed like a really decent dude that really didn't deserve this. But, he made the mistake of getting involved with the wrong family. I almost wonder what Nero and Leto's relationship was like. Obviously, Nero seemed to treat Leto better than his own son Adrius...but, even if Nero is somewhat to blame for Adrius' behavior and eventual mental state, it's not like Nero didn't have his own trauma's that probably caused him to act the way he did. It's basically just a terrible cycle of trauma begetting more trauma in dysfunctional families. I feel like Mustang just barely was able to come out of it all mostly unscathed...but she obviously still had things she had to work through herself. I bet the Telemanus family was what helped her the most...
Also..I can really feel Nero's pain here as he calls out for Leto as he dies. Even if he was a dick, Nero still obviously cared for the boy and it's heartbreaking to see this happen.
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hoe-for-ares · 4 years ago
Lorn, seeing Darrow pick Nero over him: smh whatever... didnt even want you... *turns around, eyes filled with tears*
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Okay, so Darrow just abandoned Sevro and the surviving Howlers to go fight on his own and I need to take a quick break from Golden Son. Here’s what I did during that break.
Darrow: My crazy runs wide and it runs deep.
Sevro: Things just got super weird - it’s my time to shine.
Jackal/Adrain: I will sell you to Satan for one corn chip.
Cassius at the gala: He might have had a pleasant evening had shit not gotten real.
Tactus: He secretly longed for hugs at work.
Lorn loving Darrow like a son: I love you despite the warning signs.
Victra who deserves better than almost being kicked out of council meetings: I work hard at my job but suspect I’m purely decorative.
Fitchner earning the title of the next Rage Knight: I’m three ounces of whoop ass.
Octavia continuing to play truth or poison with Darrow after Mustang came into the room: The risk I took was calculated but man, am I bad at math.
Roque: I hope you’ll excuse my cheap wit, but the hour is late and it is all I have left.
Mustang/Virginia: Her withering side eye was always melting her mascara.
Also Darrow: As always, all I should have said was I love you.
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