#loretta's top surgery
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loretta-dont-you-oppress-me · 11 months ago
I can relate in so many ways ...
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when trans day of visibility overlaps with easter
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marley-manson · 1 year ago
In Love and War
-- Potter sucked lol, straight up says he didn't tell Hawkeye about Kyung Soon's circumstances and let him go off about rich people because as a colonel he doesn't need to explain orders. Then topped it off by being condescending while stating the 'love during a war sucks' theme. Oh ALSO not a fan of his explanation for transfering the nurse who Donald hit on comparing her and Margaret to a car and a horse respectively. Minor in the grand scheme of things, but like, it's very Potter.
-- Loretta Swit was so fucking funny in the shower scene
-- the Kyung Soon + BJ goodbye scene parallels are so strong lol, kudos for that
-- headcanon that Hawkeye is not a lit guy heavily reinforced \o/ I only remembered like one line, but his interactions with Kyung Soon were actually full of not getting her lit and poetry references, and he even made a self-depricating joke about quoting the Divine Comedy from a comic book version - a joke I think is exaggerated, I do assume he's probably at least read some of it for school, but it does tell us that Hawkeye doesn't see himself as a literature knower
-- Hawkeye trying and failing to hammer a board, Kyung Soon takes the hammer from him and tells him his hands are for surgery. that's my guy
-- love Hawk and Margaret commiserating together at the end, sans explanation. it's a little odd this early, but not so odd that it feels implausible, so it strikes a good balance evocative of a burgeoning friendship.
-- Kyung Soon was a pretty solid character for a single episode love interest. kudos for that.
-- I've seen posts that interpret this episode as a critique of American imperialism so I was watching the ep with an eye out for it, but I don't see it as an intended theme. I think you can pick it up essentially as a side effect of the show trying to realistically portray a downer romance between an American draftee and a Korean civilian, but the ep is very on the nose about its theme (romance and war don't mix) and everything that points in that more specific and political 'critique of imperialism' direction is either a) undermined shortly later (eg Hawkeye suggesting they eat dinner in a bombed out restaurant initially seemed potentially insensitive and out of touch, but Kyung Soon and the narrative finds it romantic), b) furthering the more general war sux theme (eg the bombed out restaurant, or Hawkeye's class A uniform at the funeral, as foreboding symbols of the war poised to separate them), and/or c) something I wouldn't expect a mainstream 70s audience to understand as a critique of imperialism without further explicit contextualization (eg Hawkeye's uniform again).
Plus, rather than being critiqued as an American, Hawkeye is pointedly portrayed as ~one of the good ones~ with the way Kyung Soon explicitly says she likes him because he "cares about [her] people," and his response to Charles' racism. Maybe a little naive in a way that can be taken politically, but not in a way I believe is intended to be a political statement - it's Hawkeye's idealistic romanticism imo, since it's contrasted to Potter's world-weary realism.
Basically I can see the anti-imperialism lens the way you can view most of Mash through it, but I'm not inclined to give the show credit for a thoughtful anti-imperialism sentiment here. They've done anti-imperialism episodes and they tend to be more clumsy lol and much more overt. Imo the tragedy in this episode is the war, not the American presence in the war.
-- That said, I think the lack of intentional messaging and the focus on sad realism works in this episode's favour, because it's overall pretty good. I mean it's still a rushed one-ep romance which never actually works, but within the bounds of its format, it's successful imo. And the realistic touches do add up to an implicit, if accidental, critique of imperialism if you're inclined to see it. It's a solid lens to view the episode through, just not one I'd praise the writers for.
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forever--darling · 5 years ago
not too far away - s.m. (part twelve)
a/n: where she goes and explains everything to everyone
warnings: 6.7k words of truth telling, text messages, and tears
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XII. heaven’s not too far away pt. 1
It was early in the morning, maybe around seven thirty or eight. Shawn wasn’t sure. He had gotten to the studio at six desperate to pull out his guitar and start putting together all of the loose lyrics that had been stuck in his head since he got to Canada then left again. Finally, he was able to let it all out. Everything he was feeling because of Y/N, finally he would be able to express it. 
Lounging in an office chair, back sinking into the cushions, he sat crossed leg with his guitar in his lap. He was plucking the strings, trying to find the right chord. His producers and other music writers were littered across the room, going through what they had gotten done already in the two-hour span that they had been at the studio. Finally, their attention was brought back to Shawn as his head fell back against the headrest of the chair and he let out a frustrated groan. His gaze moved from his guitar to each member of his staff.
“I think I’m going to take a break,” he announced, setting the guitar down next to the chair. He stood up shorts falling loosely around his hips. 
“That’s probably a good idea,” Teddy, one of Shawn’s music producers, replied standing up from where she was sat. 
Snatching his phone from a side table, Shawn bolted for the door to head into the hallway. He opened it up to his lock-screen and instantly smiled at the message that was displayed. “Hey superstar, don’t work yourself to death today. okay?” 
It was Y/N, because who else would it be. She was the first person, he called when his flight landed and then that night Facetimed her for three hours. He had been gone a whole twenty-four hours and was missing her like crazy. He was happy to be back in the studio and though trying to write hit singles was a long and frustrating process, he was relieved to be back to what he loved. That didn’t change though that the other part of him wanted to fly back to where his other love currently was. 
“No, promises, but I’ll try not too. What are you doing today?” he typed back. 
Dropping his arm, Shawn tapped his phone against his thigh impatiently and luckily within seconds his phone buzzed. There was an image and then a text. She had sent him a picture of her lounging on her couch, glasses on her nose, hair messy, and sat in one of his hoodies with a textbook in her hand. “This,” was the simple text. 
“All day?” he questioned. 
She was typing. The speech bubble was there and though they were only texting he still felt all giddy inside. “I don’t know, we’ll see what the day brings.” 
Quite the adventurer, Shawn thought to himself as his thumbs hovered over the keyboard. “Whatever, happens I hope today is great. Facetime you later?” 
Buzz. “It’s a date. ;)” 
Sighing happily, he hugged his phone to his chest. He really had fallen and it never had felt like this before. Was this real? He felt like he should ask someone to pinch him because he felt like he was dreaming. Who knows maybe in a week or two, Andrew would let him go up to Canada for a weekend. If he was doing well in the studio and everything was in order, maybe no one would mind. He knew though that if that was going to happen, he needed to really push himself during the sessions. Try not to get too distracted and just focus on what sounds the best and most importantly what sounded like him. And if all else fails, the love that filled his heart would do the work for him. 
You can’t believe you just did that. You lied, again. There was no way you were going to be able to talk to Shawn later unless it was before six and being in Canada meant you were three hours ahead in time. I am a horrible person, you thought to yourself. Running your hands through your hair, you glanced down to the time on your phone. It was now eight. You should really get up and get going.  You had asked your boss for the day off a week ago when you scheduled the surgery and without a second to hesitate he obliged. Now, it would be a long day of visiting people and telling them about your situation. You only had until four before Demi would be picking you up to take you to the hospital to meet your family. 
From there the next two hours would be used for prep, for the surgery, and to calm the nerves that were currently bubbling in your stomach. Like you had been saying for days, a week, pretty much since you found out the cancer was back… you had a horrible feeling about the whole thing. You had been so lucky the first time and since leaving the hospital that day where you had been “cancer free” you had gained so many blessings. Shawn being the main one. He had appeared out of nowhere like a knight on a horse and didn’t only rescue your friendship but he rescued you. He might end up being the love of your life and he would never know because though you had been one of the lucky ones, now you were afraid that your luck was about to run out. 
You were beginning to scare yourself, your thoughts were turning against you and at this point, you were no longer feeling sane. So, with no other option, it was time. Time to get off your ass and reveal the truth so if the worst ended up to happen, those you loved could start their healing process. If things were to not go your way, you needed the truth to be lifted off your chest. Not only for you but everyone you cared about. They had the rest of their lives to live, and they couldn’t waste it grieving over how yours was cut short. You would never forgive yourself if you went to the grave without telling the people how much you loved them in person before it was too late. You had already done that once but came out lucky and you couldn’t have it happen again. 
So, you stood up from your couch and made your way to your bathroom. You took a long warm shower, using your favorite body wash, and then pulled on a pair of white jeans and a dark grey tank top. You paired it with a pair of white slip-on shoes, and a jean jacket. Straightening the short hair that you had, you pulled the back bits into a bun, pulling out a few pieces to frame the face. You even put in the effort to do your makeup, bronzed cheeks, tan lids, and a little bit of mascara. It was out of the ordinary for you but the simple action made you smile . 
A quarter from twelve, you packed up your car with everything you needed for the day and climbed into the driver’s seat, a pair of sunglasses resting on your nose. With the necklace Shawn gave you lying against your chest, you started the car and began to make your way towards the best book shop in the whole city. 
It was early, and you knew that Loretta had opened it up not too long ago. You parked in your normal parking spot near the door that never seemed to be taken. A bag was being carried in your left hand, as your car keys clinked in the other on the key-ring that also happened to have the key to Shawn’s apartment on it. Opening the old wooden door, the bell jingled above the door. Then came the door creaking as it slid against the floor and then the sweet smell of pumpkins. You would never get tired of that smell and the sound of that door. It was a place you wished you could be more often.
At the sound of the door, Loretta whipped around from behind the desk eyes going wide as they landed on you. She quickly emerged out and away from her chair that sat behind the desk and made her way towards you. Though your hands were full, she still pulled you into a tight hug. “Y/N, darling, what a nice surprise.” 
“Morning, Loretta,” you replied as the lady released you from her sometimes suffocating arms, and stroked your cheek like she often did when she saw you. 
“How have you been, my sweets? I wanted to tell you about how lovely your party was but didn’t get the chance before I left.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. There were just some things I needed to deal with.” you explained, hand self consciously tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“It’s all good,” she sighed, hand rubbing your forearm gently, “I wanted to say that I’m proud of you and your father of course. What he did was in no way easy and I’m glad that you had told everyone what had happened.” 
You smiled, “Me too.” 
She smiled back as her eyes fell to the bag in your hand, obviously growing curious, “Oh, and what’s this?” 
“Well, I brought you something,” you said, moving over towards the desk to put the bag on top. 
Loretta still had a smile on her face but now was a little confused, “What for?” 
“I don’t know, just because,” you shrugged not finding it in yourself to admit it that second. 
Not able to take her curious eyes scanning you any longer, you turned and reached inside the bag pulling out the object which turned out to be a yellow hardcover book with some purple detailing on the front. Loretta’s eyes drew to it immediately. “Y/N, what is that?” 
A mischievous smile had formed on your lips as you handed her the book, “Well, it just so happens to be your favorite book but first edition.” 
At that, her mouth dropped and her eyes had widened. Tears were quickly forming as she glanced back and forth from the book in her hands to you. As she stared at you speechless, you could hear that familiar sound of four little feet bouncing off the floor. Looking towards where the sound was coming from, the first thing you noticed was the big floppy ears. Lou jumped towards you, the pads of his feet starting to paw at your legs. 
You chuckled as you bent down to the pet the mutt’s head, fingers then running over the soft fur that covered his ears. “Hi, Lou. Don’t you worry, buddy because I got you something too.” 
With that, you stood back up and reached into the bag again, pulling out a brown collar that had books printed on it. Loretta gasped again, this time louder as you handed her the collar. She had small tears falling down her round cheeks and she stared at you in disbelief and in happiness. “Y/N, where did you find this book?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” you responded hands reaching out to cradle hers that were shaking. 
“Yes it does.” 
“It really is nothing,” you assured her as the smile on your face dropped a little as you stared at this woman that you cared so much about. 
She was someone you looked up too and often was envious of all the kindness that filled her soul. Her life hadn’t been a walk in the park and she deserved way more than she had been given and you were so happy that she turned it around and now was where she was. She was truly an extraordinary woman who was making a change in the world one book at a time, as corny as that sounded. 
Another tear rolled down her face, “It really does. This means everything. What made you want to do this?” 
At that question, you grew silent and you smiled at her sadly as if you weren’t able to get the words out. She was the first person on your list to tell and you didn’t even have to guts to do that. But within an instance, it seemed like you wouldn’t have to. Her smile had quickly faded and her tears had stopped for a mere second but at the realization, they began to fall again, this time faster. 
“Oh, honey,” she cried, gripping your hand, “Please tell me it isn’t true.” 
You held back the tears gathering in your eyes because you knew if you were going to make it through going to see everyone else you couldn’t cry. “We both know I can’t do that.” 
“How bad is it?” she asked timidly. 
“Not bad enough that I need chemo but still just as bad that I need to have surgery,” you mumbled, eyes locked onto her chocolate ones that were swimming with tears. 
It became silent for a second. “When?” 
You sighed squeezing her hands, “Tonight, and if it’s not too much to ask I would like you and Demetrius to come to the hospital right before. In case it goes long, you don’t need to stay but-” 
She cut you off, “Baby, we’ll be there.” 
You smiled thankfully as Loretta began to wipe at the tears on her face, “Thank you. Now, is Demetrius around so I can tell him what’s going on.” 
Loretta gained back that smile. The one on her face that was small but filled with so much kindness it could lift anyone's spirits on a bad day. “Yeah. He’s back in the corner. In that green velvet chair, you love so much.” 
That smile on your face got twice as large at the new found fact and with one more squeeze to Loretta’s palms you bolted towards the back, bag in your hand, and Lou chasing after your feet. You ventured back into the deep depths of the shelves and as you turned the corner, you set your eyes on a Demetrius Xavier sat tucked in your chair with To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf in his hands, that coral shaded bookmark you had left still sat within the page you had been reading the last time you were in the shop. 
Demetrius had always thought it was your favorite but it wasn’t. Sure, you read it maybe a hundred times but that’s only because they managed to sell out of the book that was your favorite and you always forgot to bring yours from home. So every single time you would settle with Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.
“Well, look what we have here,” you joked as Demetrius’s head lifted at the sound of your voice, “You’re reading Virginia Woolf.” 
He smiled, it seemed different from when he usually smiled at you, but it was still a smile, “Yes, I am. I learned from one of the biggest book nerds that it’s a good read.” 
“Well, I would agree with that book nerd. She seems very smart,” you laughed, leaning against a nearby bookshelf as you all of a sudden could feel a small wet nose nudging at your ankle. 
It was Lou, not a surprise at all. 
“She is smart,” Demetrius replied, closing the book in his lap, thumb marking his page, “And beyond beautiful. All I can do is hope that she isn’t taken from us too soon.” 
Your smile dropped and all joking behavior was set aside. Biting onto your bottom lip, you began to fiddle with your fingers, nervousness showing in your actions. 
“I heard you,” he answered your unvoiced question, “It may be a long way back here but the shelves aren’t very thick and the voices carry through the long hallway.” 
“Oh,” it slipped. The very word that seemed to ruin every moment you had with someone. 
Demetrius frowned, “You're having surgery tonight and all you can say is ‘oh’?”
“Yes,” you admitted, gaze locking onto the books above his head not able to look at him, “There is no other way to deal with the fact that this might be the last time I see you.” 
He didn’t respond at first. Instead, the warmth of his hand slipping in yours was what caused your eyes to look back at him. He was standing in front of you, close, book forgotten on the chair. “It’s not going to be the last time.” 
His stare was intense like he was so sure that you would make it through to tomorrow. At first, you didn’t notice his eyes moving to your lips but once they did you knew that every gut feeling and everything Demi had said about Demetrius was true. He had some sort of feelings for you. Ones that you weren’t going to be able to give back to him. Glancing back to your eyes then down to your lips again, you knew that whatever he was about to do couldn’t happen. 
“I brought you something,” you exclaimed, suddenly, slipping out of where you were standing between him and the bookshelf. Grabbing the last item out of the bag, you looked back towards Demetrius with a smile gracing your lips, like you hadn’t noticed his lingering stare. “If you had to name my favorite book right now what would you say?” 
“Easy, To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf,” he said, sounding so sure of himself. 
That’s when he became confused, “What, that’s totally your favorite book.” 
“It’s actually not,” you chuckled. 
“Then what is it?” Demetrius asked, arms crossing over his chest. You then took the item that was behind your back and handed it over to him. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” 
“Yes,” you confirmed, “You see it’s such a popular book that Loretta never has it in stock so instead I just settle with Woolf because it’s not a problem. This though is my all time favorite book and I know that you have never read it. Any of them in fact, so I was hoping for me that you would.” 
A smile formed on his face, “For you, I would do anything.” 
It was sweet but it didn’t sound like something a friend would say to a friend. It felt like more and you needed to set the story straight. Eyes locking with your shoes on the floor, you asked before you changed your mind. “Demetrius, do you like me?” 
His face turned to one of confusion, “Of course I like you.” 
“You know that’s not what I meant,” you whispered, head lifting to meet his eyes. 
You were calling him out and he didn’t look terrified one bit because he was sure of his feelings and that was something you could see on his face. “I know and I do. I shouldn’t because of how you feel about Shawn but I can’t help it.”
You felt relief wash over you, he wasn’t trying to do anything to get with you. He knew of what you wanted and simply was a man who couldn’t help what he was feeling. You pulled him into a hug, arms wrapping around his torso. “Please, promise me that you’ll find someone and stop holding onto what you feel about me. Demetrius, you deserve so much more. You deserve someone who feels the same way and I just need you to promise that you’ll try and to find that person.” 
It was a simple answer and though you were breaking a small piece of his heart, he answered like he knew this was going to happen all along and he was okay with it. “For you, anything.” 
After you had spent more time with Loretta and Demetrius, just talking about the surgery, you had bid a goodbye. You had hugged them both and got into your car, not daring to glance through the front store window, too scared to see the looks still enveloped on their faces. 
The next person you went to see was Demi. Though you were going to see her late so she could drive you, you felt like you needed to see her. Besides Shawn, she was the best friend that had been with you through thick and thin. She was one of your favorite people in the world and there was no one else that you felt as sure about being your friend as Demi. She was a light and on days in the hospital where it seemed completely unbearable, she was there to lift your spirits with her unique sense of humor and love and care that she had as a best friend. You were internally grateful for her existence and knew without her you maybe wouldn’t be where you are now, both emotionally and mentally. 
She was a catch, a queen, and the most beautiful woman you knew and if there was one thing you were sure about it was that if you didn’t make it and James does not treat her right, you’re older brother would be the first person you were going to haunt. 
Parking the car, you could already see Demi through the front window. She was working at a fashion store at the moment as she finished up her last few years of college, and you wouldn’t deny that one of the reasons you came to see her on her lunch break so often was because she gave a discount on the clothes. Instead of a bag this time, you were carrying a wooden box. One that was filled with so many memories, all that could never go forgotten... by anyone. 
There Demi was, sat on top of the counter with the cash register, not caring about her bosses rules because there were no customers at all in the store. She had a can of Coca-Cola next to her as she talked, hands moving in the air to her co-worker. That was your best friend alright, you thought to yourself as you walked in causing her to leap from the counter obviously thinking you were a customer but felt relieved when she saw you. That calmness though only lasted for about ten seconds before she started to freak out. 
“What are you doing here? What the fuck is wrong?” she crossed the room to get to you and then began to scan your body, knowing that if there was something wrong with you cancer wise she wouldn’t be able to see it, but she still looked anyways. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” you said. laughing lightly. 
She sighed, hand reaching up to clutch her chest, “Don’t scare me like that. Now, what’s up. I thought I’m not supposed to come get you until four.” 
“You’re not but I needed to come see you and I was hoping you could take your lunch break.” 
She was cautious with your words but still accepted your offer, “Yeah, of course.” 
As soon as she agreed with you, you led her out of the store and about a block away to a nearby park you had only been to once in your whole time of living in the city, and the whole walk there Demi whined. Which you knew she would. You found a bench and sat down on it with Demi following. She looked around the park before her gaze moved back to you. 
“You couldn’t just talk to me at work but instead bring me a whole block away to a park?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yes, I did,” you said gripping the box in your hand. 
“Okay,” she shrugged, taking her lunch box that she had brought with and unzipped it pulling out what she had packed for lunch. 
“Do you have to eat right now?” you asked giving her an irritated look. 
“Well this is my lunch break and I am fucking starving,” she argued, beginning to eat her strawberries. 
You sighed, “Dem, this will only take a minute, I promise.” 
She could see how important this clearly was and put the food aside. With that, you handed her the wooden box that was plain out the outside, not giving a clue of what was inside. She stared at it for a second in her lap before she looked back at you, “What is this?” 
“Just open it,” you said, impatiently. 
And without another word spoken, she did. Under the top was a picture of you and her at your birthday party. You both had your bodies facing each other as you looked at the camera. Hands that were closest to the camera were intertwined with each other while your other arms were wrapped around the other. Your smiles were so bright and so happy like they always were when you were together, and it warmed your heart that you had had such a strong friendship with someone. 
Around the picture were golden stars that you had glued on along with little pieces of gold confetti. Within the box though was a bunch of different stuff. From your favorite pair of comfy socks that she always stole when you were over, to the one movie you watched over and over again since you heard you had cancer, The Fault in Our Stars. You also threw in Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds in case it was too depressing to keep watching The Fault in Our Stars over and over again. Scattered around the inside, there were multiple pictures of your friendship over the year, one from Prom that had your corsage taped to the bottom because that night Demi had treated you better than your own date. There was another of you and her at a fancy restaurant eating some kind of exotic cake for her birthday.
You also added in her favorite perfume and lastly a charm bracelet. There were multiple charms to represent the crazy adventures you had, like a boat, for the time you had let her drove one on the lake and almost crashed it. You also added a wand for both of your obsessions for Harry Potter. But though those all meant something none of them were like the plastic pink butterfly in the middle. 
The rest were silver and you had bought for the bracelet, but that butterfly you had added. Crazy enough it used to be on this thick plastic pink chain you had gotten for your sixth birthday from Demi. You had loved that necklace so much that you wore it every day for three whole years before you lost it. You eventually found it again and after that you swore you never would lose it again. 
 “Y/N/N,” she was speechless and the only thing that could come from her mouth was your name. 
You gave her the biggest smile you could muster because she was one of the only people that could make you smile that big, “Demi, I just wanted to say that I love you. A lot. You’re my best friend, and don’t say anything about Shawn, because though he has always had the title so do you. You have been by my side through everything and even when I had gotten sick you had made time for me. You brought a kind of support and friendship to my life that I could never repay you for. There’s a chance that things might not work out but this is how I want you to remember me,  always. You truly are one of the most important people in my life and I did this so you know how much I love you and how blessed I am to have you in my life.” 
There it was. The tears. Those Demi tears that didn’t make a showing for many people. She was sniffling too and you knew that she wasn’t going to be able to say anything back after the speech of gratitude you just pulled out. So, instead, she hugged you. Hugged you, the way a friend does. She poured all of her feelings out in the way she held you and you knew that you would never find a better partner in crime than here. 
“And there’s one more thing,” you mumbled, moving back to look at her tear stained cheeks, “I want you to know that you can date my brother. I’m giving you permission.” 
Her eyes moved away from your gaze like she was scared to admit that. Scared to tell you of her feelings for James but you both had an idea that you already knew because just like the back of your hand you knew Demi. 
“You don’t have to deny it because I see everything that’s been going on since the night of my birthday to the secret texts and the dates that you are going on but claim are with some guy who is into marketing. I just want you to know that though it’s a little weird, I don’t mind because I am not going to stand in the way of what makes you two happy.” 
More tears fell from her brown eyes and because you were sure her throat was closing up due to her trying to hold back more tears, she just grabbed you for another hug instead of struggling to find her words. This was fine with you because you knew what she was trying to say.
This was going to be the hardest. You knew that as you walked into that restaurant to see the three of them sat at that table. Happy and smiling. You knew you could turn around, not tell them, and pretend that everything was fine but then you thought about your parents, you thought about Shawn. It was the right thing to do. Which is why you sucked it up.There was no more time to be scared, so you walked over to the table and took a seat in that fourth chair. 
“Y/N, dear, how are you?” Karen asked, hand reaching out to touch your arm. 
You smiled, “I’m okay. And you?” 
“Lovely, thank you for asking,” she replied. 
“Nice to see you, kid,” Manny said from across the table to which you nodded in reply. 
Then there was Aaliyah. Sweet, funny Aaliyah. Fifteen years old, not much older than when you first found out about your sickness. She was going to take it the hardest you knew that. She was smiling at you and you couldn’t imagine the look that would be on her face after this lunch. 
“I know you’re probably all wondering why I made you drive all the way to the city,” you started, hands fiddling with the black frame in your lap. 
Karen could see the anxiety that was forming and grasped your hand in hers, “Whatever it is, just take a deep breath and tell us.” 
You did as she said, you took a deep breath, and handed them the frame. It was a picture, taken in the summer at a lake house your families had gotten together. Both your family and the Mendes family were stood on the dock in front of the sunset. You were standing in between Shawn and Aaliyah and next to her was James. Both sets of parents stood behind the four of you and nothing but smiles were present on everyone's faces. It was funny because right after that picture, Shawn tried to push you in the lake but the joke was on him because you ended up taking him with you. 
Karen, Manny, and Aaliyah stared at the picture then glanced at you. They were smiling at the fond memory but weren’t sure with what your point was with the picture. You took another deep breath, “As long as I can remember, your family has been there with mine. You all have done so much for me and James and my parents. I wanted to say thank you.”
“Y/N, we are happy that you feel this way but hun what else is going on to make you feel like you have to say this?” Karen asked, eyes locked onto you. 
You sighed, fingers tapping against the table, “At my birthday party, you all got to know the truth of what I had gone through and my dad had never been so relieved to announce that his daughter was cancer free which it turns out I’m not anymore. I went to the hospital a little bit ago and there are new Mets.” 
Their faces dropped and all traces of happiness from moments ago were gone because of you. You knew this would be the result of today, you were telling people something they feared for you but it was what you were supposed to do. You had to rip the band-aid off because the sooner you do that the sooner the pain will start to go away. It was a healing process. 
“To remove the cancer cells, I am having surgery tonight at around six o’clock and if you could, I would really like you to be there before I go. You all are so important to me and it would just mean a lot if you were there. I am sorry it’s so last minute.”
That’s when Manny nodded, “Yeah, of course, we’ll go.” 
It brought a smile to your face, “Thank you so much.” 
“Of course, we are going to be here for you every step of the way,” Karen spoke a sad smile on her face. 
The only one who hadn’t talked was Aaliyah. She was staring at with you such large, sad eyes while she bit on her lip to hold in her emotions. You looked towards her hoping she would say something and as her eyes locked with yours, her mouth opened but what came out was something you never expected. 
“Shawn?” she questioned, “What about Shawn?” 
That drew both Manny and Karen’s attention too because for a few minutes they forgot about their son who was in LA recording songs for his next album at the moment. “He doesn’t know,” you admitted. 
You had never seen Karen and Manny look so conflicted before. They probably wanted to tell him but also didn’t want to upset you. You knew that by the way, they were looking at you, they were a little lost with what do to. You had to say it, you needed to assure them of all of their doubts and worries. 
“I need you to know,” you paused, trying to catch your breath, “That I’m in love with your son, so completely. And it hurts me to not have him here, trust me it does but I think that it would break him if he had to watch me go through this. He needs to stay in LA and sing and just get back to being Shawn Mendes. It’s just something I had to say because I do, I love him.” 
“Thank you.” Karen replied tears in her eyes, “I know that he holds a special place in his heart for you.” 
“I’m going to tell him. I promise. He is going to know by tonight,” you confirmed, glancing back and forth between the three members of the Mendes family that stood in front of you. 
They didn’t say much else, you knew that they wanted to but held back for you. You were going through something that they couldn’t even imagine and though they may have not agreed with your decisions, they accepted them for the time being and that’s all anyone could ever ask for. 
You had one more place to stop at before you had to head back to your apartment and then leave with Demi for the hospital. It should be a quick spot because you knew that there was no possible way this person could stand having you around for more than a few minutes. That or they might not even see you at all which, either way, it didn’t matter because you had things to say and they were going to be heard. You parked the car a street down, away from the building. It was tall and made of windows. Expensive and chic. Everything that successful men and women got to see every day when they worked there. That was a life that you were maybe never going to see but that wasn’t such a bad thing. 
Going in through the revolving door, you asked around until you found which floor was the place you needed to go which took at least ten minutes to get the information. The floor was used for the higher staff who worked at the magazine company. There were writers, editors, assistants to the writers and editors. It was a place that was full of important people who probably wished to not spend their important time on you. You had taken the elevator and as soon as you walked off and onto the floor, you came face to face with a receptionist sitting at her desk. She had a headset on her head and was scribbling down notes like crazy. It took you almost two minutes to get her attention. 
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find a Lauren Arendse,” you politely asked which didn’t change the uptight face that was on the receptionist. 
“Do you have an appointment?” she asked, snobbishly. 
“Uh, no but I’m an old friend of hers from school and I really needed to see her,” you said pleadingly. 
She stared at you for around twenty seconds like she was trying to see if you were telling the truth. She blinked and just pulled her ponytail tighter on her head as she began to dial on a phone. “What’s your name?” 
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you replied watching as the receptionist leaned back in her chair as the phone rang before she finally began to talk into the phone, meaning someone had clearly picked it up. “Ms. Arendse, there is a Y/N Y/L/N here to see you, claims that she went to school with you. Do you want me to send her to your office.” 
There was a moment of silence, signaling that Lauren was talking on the other side of the phone and just as it was starting to feel like forever, the receptionist hung up and turned back towards you. “I’m sorry but Ms. Arendse is in a bit of a crisis right now.” 
“Oh, okay,” you said, voice sounding disappointment as you fiddled with a white envelope in your hand, “I understand. In that case, do you think you could give this to her, for me? It’s important.” 
The receptionist could see how desperate you looked and for those last few seconds didn’t seem like a total witch, “Sure.” 
She took the envelope from you and put it down on her desk just as you turned to make your way back into the elevator. You weren’t surprised at all, that Lauren didn’t want to see you. That was the whole point of the letter because you knew this was going to happen and she still needed to hear what you had to say; about your cancer, Shawn, and the old friendship you used to have with her.
You told her of the importance of what it was like to live in the moment and to forget about everything that had happened in the past. Because when you're constantly thinking about yesterday how can you ever plan for tomorrow? It was quite simple; laugh like it’s the only thing that can cure a broken heart and love like it will all be gone tomorrow. You only have so much time, before it runs out and there’s no point wasting it on someone and something that is no longer a part of your life, or matters to who you are. 
Everyone dies at one point and if they were right about anything it was that forgiveness sets you free. If there was a chance you were going to make it to whatever afterlife there was, you couldn’t have extra weight on your shoulders weighing you down. This was your life, the one you had to deal with, and now you had told everyone. They all knew and the truth was heartbreaking. It wasn’t hard a thing to do, just sad, but now… now, it was time to go and deal with the real hard stuff.
next part
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finkmakescharacters · 4 years ago
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changed his piercings up a bit, added a little detail to the tattoos and other little fixes
figured I'd show all his piercings lol
Name: Johnathan "Johnny" Ross
Alias: Rudie Rebelle(drag persona)
Gender: cis male
Age: 21
Birthday: October 4th, 1999
Nationality: British/American
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 162bs
Sexuality: straight
Partner: Loretta Sims(fiancée)
Build: lanky and underweight, visible ribs, hip bones and spine, wide shoulders and narrow hips
Hair Color: naturally dark brown, dyed black and white
Hair Style: thick deathhawk with short sides
Eye Color: deep blue
Skin Tone: pale caucasian
Piercings: a lot, only septum, tongue, lobes, nipples and belly button are non-optional
-Union Jack heart on left shoulder
-sleeve of red, black and white roses on right arm
-stitches around his belly
Hometown: London, UK
Current Residence: Halflight, AZ
Parents: Carolyn Maude(52) and Paul Ross, briefly married, Carolyn took her maiden name back after he abandoned her and Johnny
Other Relatives: Daniel Maude(uncle, 48), Liza Maude(aunt, 46), Juniper Maude(cousin, 22), Duncan O'Reilly(uncle, 40)
Friends: Loretta Sims, Jeremy Fox, Jodie Fox, Oswald Sharp, Venus Estelle, Myles Hawkins
Pet: Waddles(munchkin cat)
Affiliation: The Heart Electric(band, lead vocals and guitar)
Personality: alert, compassionate, empathetic, friendly, genuine, good natured, humble, open, romantic, sensitive, sweet, emotional, frugal, quiet, reserved, soft, anxious, cautious, cowardly, crafty, delicate, fearful, gullible, melancholic, neurotic, shy, timid
Likes: antiques, playing with his band, drag, makeup art, piercings and body modification, sweets, songwriting, sleeping late
Dislikes: amusement parks, alcohol, people raising their voice, scary movies, arguing, large dogs, driving, feeling like he has no choices, being told he's not a real man, comments about his weight
Fears: the open ocean, guns, clowns, bees, surgery, being alone, the dark, losing control
-very sensitive and emotional, cries really easily, sympathy crier, if you start crying so will he
-doesn't own a car but he has a used motorcycle, a 2007 Suzuki Boulevard C50 Black
-lives in a small apartment Loretta and their cat, has a lot of posters on the walls, both his punk band posters and Loretta's cryptid posters
-likes crop tops and tight jeans, also likes his studded leather jacket, mesh tops, leather pants and band tees, anything with spikes is also a hit
-absolute mama's boy ever since he was little, would do anything for his mom and wishes she could visit more
-doesn't know who his dad is, he left him and his mom when he was 10 months old, doesn't care to know
-wasn't a very good student in school, especially as a teenager, fell in with a bad crowd and they pressured him into smoking, drinking, vandalism and stealing, once drove his "friend's" car while drunk and nearly crashed, has sworn off alcohol since but has been smoking since he was 16
-performs with his band as his drag persona, Rudie Rebelle, plays small gigs at bars and parties every weekend, more outgoing and confident in drag
-drag is his secret, would be absolutely mortified if somebody outside his friend group found out he's been dressing as a woman to perform
-light smoker, usually just a cigarette after meals or sex but a stressful day can warrant a few more, nothing like a cigarette after crying in the Wal-Mart bathroom
-doesn't get along with his uncle, aunt and cousin, they're narrow minded and abrasive at best and emotionally/verbally abusive at worst
-loved piercings ever since he was a little kid, his mom has shark bites and an industrial in each ear and he was always fascinated by them, she taught him about piercing care from a young age, wouldn't let him get his ears pierced until he proved he could care for it properly
-speaks with a cockney accent, naturally soft spoken and isn't keen on raising his voice outside of a gig
-hates the smell of marijuana, his friends respect this and don't smoke around him
-learned to play guitar as a teenager, always admired the confidence in his favorite bands and wanted to be just like them
-if he has nothing to do that day, Johnny will go to bed at 6am and wake up around 2-3pm
-doesn't have much of an appetite and gets full quickly, tries to eat several small meals through the day
-very comfortable in piercing parlors, he's afraid of a lot of things but needles and metal in his skin isn't one
-had the worst separation anxiety as a toddler
-learning to become a professional piercer, currently an apprentice
-not huge on babies and small children, school age children are usually okay, all they wanna do is touch his spiky jacket and hair
-please don't stare at him, yes he has a lot of piercings no you don't need to gawk at him
-used to love Pokemon as a kid, Loretta has reintroduced him to it and Electabuzz is still his favorite, more into GO than the main series
-not really book smart but can fix things from his motorcycle to music boxes to the kitchen sink
-huge fucking dork that writes like a dozen mushy songs about his girlfriend
-mom is a witch, didn't inherit any of her magical powers
-very hairy chest and armpits
-favorite bands include The Ramones, Cockney Rejects, Subhumans, The Business and Stiff Little Fingers
-likes having the radio on more than the TV, can't help but sing along 
Voice(or as close as I can find lol): https://youtu.be/JE6btxPRPXg
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fink-le-freak · 5 years ago
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Name: Johnathan "Johnny" Ross
Alias: Rudie Rebelle(drag persona)
Gender: cis male
Age: 20
Birthday: October 4th, 1999
Nationality: British/American
Height: 6'7"
Weight: ~155lbs
Sexuality: straight
Partner: Loretta Sims(girlfriend)
Build: lanky and underweight, visible ribs, hip bones and spine
Hair Color: naturally dark brown, dyed black and white
Eye Color: deep blue
Skin Tone: pale caucasian
Piercings, jewelry worn can vary
-three helix piercings, two upper lobe piercings and a standard lobe in each ear
-a horizontal barbell in each eyebrow
-a small ring in his left eyebrow
-midline straight barbell in his tongue
-side labret
-angel bites
-a stud in his nose on the left side
-segment ring in his septum
-straight horizontal barbell in each nipple
-curved barbell in his belly button
-magic cross 
-Union Jack heart on left shoulder
-sleeve of red, black and white roses on right arm
-stitches around his belly
Hometown: London, UK
Current Residence: Halflight, AZ
Parents: Carolyn Maude(52) and Paul Ross, briefly married, Carolyn took her maiden name back after he abandoned her and Johnny
Other Relatives: Daniel Maude(uncle, 48), Liza Maude(aunt, 46), Juniper Maude(cousin, 22), Duncan O'Reilly(uncle, 40)
Friends: Loretta Sims, Jeremy Fox, Jodie Fox, Oswald Sharp, Venus Estelle, Myles Hawkins
Pet: Waddles(munchkin cat)
Affiliation: The Heart Electric(band, lead vocals and guitar)
Personality: alert, compassionate, empathetic, friendly, genuine, good natured, humble, open, romantic, sensitive, sweet, emotional, frugal, quiet, reserved, soft, anxious, cautious, cowardly, crafty, delicate, fearful, gullible, melancholic, neurotic, shy, timid
Likes: antiques, playing with his band, drag, makeup art, piercings and body modification, sweets, songwriting, sleeping late
Dislikes: amusement parks, alcohol, people raising their voice, scary movies, arguing, large dogs, driving, feeling like he has no choices, being told he's not a real man, comments about his weight
Fears: the open ocean, guns, clowns, bees, surgery, being alone, the dark
-very sensitive and emotional, cries really easily, sympathy crier, if you start crying so will he
-doesn't own a car but he has a used motorcycle, a 2007 Suzuki Boulevard C50 Black
-lives in a small apartment with his girlfriend and their cat, has a lot of posters on the walls, both his punk band posters and Loretta's cryptid posters
-likes crop tops and tight jeans, also likes his studded leather jacket, mesh tops, leather pants and band tees
-absolute mama's boy ever since he was little, would do anything for his mom and wishes she could visit more
-doesn't know who his dad is, he left him and his mom when he was 10 months old, doesn't care to know
-wasn't a very good student in school, especially as a teenager, fell in with a bad crowd and they pressured him into smoking, drinking, vandalism and stealing, once drove his "friend's" car while drunk and nearly crashed, has sworn off alcohol since but has been smoking since he was 16
-performs with his band as his drag persona, Rudie Rebelle, plays small gigs at bars and parties every weekend, more outgoing and confident in drag
-drag is his secret, would be absolutely mortified if somebody outside his friend group found out he's been dressing as a woman to perform
-light smoker, usually just a cigarette after meals or sex but a stressful day can warrant a few more, nothing like a cigarette after crying in the Wal-Mart bathroom
-doesn't get along with his uncle, aunt and cousin, they're narrow minded and abrasive at best and emotionally/verbally abusive at worst
-Dan berates him constantly for not being a hyper-macho meathead like him and for being so timid around customers
-loved piercings ever since he was a little kid, his mom has shark bites and an industrial in each ear and he was always fascinated by them, she taught him about piercing care from a young age, wouldn't let him get his ears pierced until he proved he could care for it properly
-speaks with a cockney accent, naturally soft spoken and isn't keen on raising his voice outside of a gig
-hates the smell of marijuana, his friends respect this and don't smoke around him
-works at his uncle's antique store, the stress of dealing with Dan every day can make him sick, prone to stomach upsets and headaches
-learned to play guitar as a teenager, always admired the confidence in his favorite bands and wanted to be just like them
-if he has nothing to do that day, Johnny will go to bed at 6am and wake up around 2-3pm
-doesn't have much of an appetite and gets full quickly, tries to eat several small meals through the day
-very comfortable in piercing parlors, he's afraid of a lot of things but needles and metal in his skin isn't one
-had the worst separation anxiety as a toddler
-learning to become a professional piercer, taking first aid classes first
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xxtorpedo · 5 years ago
A Christmas Story (drabble from Episkey Christmas prompt challenge 2019)
It was like something out of a dream, the Nimbus 1750. It was 1979, and she’d start Ilvermorny the next year. In 1980. Oh, how she liked how nice and even and round the numbers looked. F.J., as she demanded to be called by everyone who thought it was still cute to use Fancy, had poured over broomstick catalogs all year. This was the most exciting thing about starting school. She could throw out the old Oakshaft model she was using and could beg her parents for a new broomstick. So what if first graders weren’t allowed broomsticks? She could keep it at home, practice during breaks, and maybe land herself on the quadpot team by second grade.
That was the plan at least.
But first she needed the broomstick.
How could one convince one’s parents to buy something for them when they had three other loud mouth siblings? Her two older brothers were fighting daily about what kind of cool dueling gear they might get, and her older sister was busy stuffing her bra full of tissues and working her way around a mascara wand. F.J. slid around two wrestling boys into her parent’s room, where her mother was sat at her vanity, preening like the overgrown bird she was.
“Momma,” the redhead spoke up, holding her catalog to her chest.
“Yes?” Jolene replied, not looking away from her own reflection. Vain – vanity. Such a good play on words. F.J. narrowed her eyes and walked closer, dropping the catalog on top of her mother’s issues of No-Maj and Magical beauty publications alike. She made sure to make eye contact. “What do you want for Christmas?”
“A face lift,” her mother said with an airy sigh. F.J. faked a laugh and slammed her hand down on the catalog so hard that Jolene jumped and streaked lip liner across her face. “What is wrong with you?” the veela snapped at her daughter, prompting F.J. to feign innocence and shrug. “I just wanted to know what I could get you for Christmas. You don’t pay me enough allowance to buy cosmetic surgery.”
Jolene squinted at her. F.J. shrugged, brow furrowed. “You don’t!”
“I don’t need anything,” her mother droned, “I like it when you make me things? Something nice I can wear and say my youngest child created?”
F.J. gave her a dull look. “Momma I am a little old for macaroni necklaces.”
“Good, I don’t want a macaroni necklace. Go ask Loretta to take you shopping for beads or something, make me a bracelet! With beads!”
“Yes ma’am,” she replied, head tilting all the way back, eyes closing with regret at the notion of bringing anything up in the first place if it meant she had to go shopping with Loretta. Jolene was busy trying to get the lip liner off her cheek when F.J. turned back to her. “Doncha wanna know what I want?”
“A broomstick?” her mother suggested, brow inclining at her daughter in the mirror. F.J. looked hopeful, and maybe a little pink. “Yeah! I mean yes ma’am! I really like the Nimbus 1750, it’s here in this catalo—“
“You’re too young for a racing broom.”
The small veela squinted at her mother.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice,” Jolene snapped.
Five minutes later, F.J. was running to her father where he was outside, saddling up on one of his horses. The redhead rolled up the catalog and stuffed it into his back pocket with such force that he nearly lost his balance, and turned to give her a blink of surprise. “What in the hell are you doing?” he asked in similar fashion to her mother, taking the catalog out and looking at it.
Lowering it, he narrowed one eye at the determined face of his youngest. “What is this for?”
“Christmas,” F.J. said with newfound determination, her fists balled at her sides. Ronald Ashmark flipped through the pages after giving her one long look and hummed a few times. F.J. had no idea of the hums were approval, disapproval, or some Elvis tune she’d never heard. The veela abruptly threw her arms around her father and let out the most petulant whine she could muster.
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! What if the house catches fire? And we gotta escape and I’m stuck in my room and all I got is a broom to get outta the window? Or what if someone’s in trouble and I gotta go get help? Horses are slower than a broomstick!”
Ronald sighed, attempting to pry his youngest off of him. “Well, which one do you want?!”
“The Nimbus 1750,” she trilled, suddenly straightening, whininess gone and replaced by hopeful, dumb optimism.
The wizard narrowed his eyes again, speaking from under his mustache that F.J. often thought looked like a whole cat curled up on his upper lip. “Ask your mother.”
“She said I was too young for a racing broom!” F.J. nearly yelled, prompting the older man to shush her. She controlled her voice and gritted her teeth. “I am almost eleven, and I’ll be going off to school soon and I wanna practice so I can maybe play quodpot, Daddy, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll think about it!” he snapped back, mostly to shut her up. F.J. figured ‘I’ll think about it’ was better than ‘we’ll see’ and way better than ‘no’, so she gasped, puffed up, and snatched the catalog from his hands to show him exactly which broomstick she wanted – just in case he lost his mind and thought she was asking for a Cleansweep.
“This one,” she said sternly, “The Nimbus 1750. THIS. ONE.”
“I’m not hard of hearin’ yet, Fance,” he mumbled, taking the catalog from her and giving another sigh. “Alright, just, go away, would ya? I’m tryin’ to work and you’re hinderin’ the hell outta me.”
It was said mostly in jest, a little bit serious, and frankly, F.J. didn’t care. Annoying her parents til one of them broke was just one of her many talents of getting what she wanted. With a large grin, she nodded and went skipping back off into the house.
And you better believe on Christmas morning, the long, broomstick shaped package was the first thing she tore into.
The Nimbus 1750 was her first very own broomstick, and now it hangs on the wall in the living room of the house she has with her wife and kids, every magical protective charm in the book cast over it to keep it from rotting or catching fire.
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stephenmccull · 4 years ago
In Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, Millions Face Long Drives to Stroke Care
Debbie Cook was in her pajamas on a summer morning in 2019 when she got a call from her son: “Something bad is wrong with Granny.”
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This story also ran on Investigate TV. It can be republished for free.
The fear in his voice told Cook it was serious. She dialed 911 immediately, knowing it could take time for an ambulance to navigate the country roads in Fentress County, Tennessee.
She got dressed and made the short drive across the family farm, over two bridges and a creek, to her mother’s house. Cook prayed that one of the three ambulances covering their roughly 500-square mile county was near.
When Cook arrived, she found her mother, Lottie Crouch, in the bathroom, unable to stand or walk. Cook, a licensed practical nurse, quickly recognized the signs: lopsided face, one side of the mouth drooping.
Her mama was having a stroke.
“I was petrified,” Cook recalled. She started her career working with stroke rehab patients and knew that getting the right care fast could mean life or death. Or a big difference in her mother’s quality of life. Crouch was 75 and still energetic and loved doing things like firing up a kettle of soup for herself. To continue living the life Crouch knew, each step toward getting care in a rural area had to go right.
But when the paramedics arrived, one of the biggest questions was: Where would they take Crouch for care?
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Across the nation, nearly 800,000 people suffer strokes each year. The issue is particularly acute across the regions of Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, where more than 80% of counties have stroke death rates above the national average. Many of these counties also face high rates of poverty and are home to vulnerable elderly populations. They have a shortage of medical providers or have seen local hospitals shutter.
In Tennessee, 2 million people — nearly one-third of the state — are people like Crouch who live more than 45 minutes from a hospital that is stroke-certified and able to provide the most advanced care, according to a new analysis by KHN and InvestigateTV. And rates are even higher in Delta states such as Arkansas and Mississippi, where more than half of residents must drive longer than 45 minutes to those specialized stroke centers.
<![CDATA[ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (typeof event.data['datawrapper-height'] !== 'undefined') { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); for (var chartId in event.data['datawrapper-height']) { for (var i=0; i
The analysis is part of a yearlong project called Bridging the Great Health Divide, in which KHN and Gray Television’s national investigative team, InvestigateTV, are digging into health issues that have historically plagued these regions. Strokes are chief among them. Despite medical advancements in stroke care, routing patients from rural parts of Appalachia and the Delta to the appropriate facility is an intricate jigsaw puzzle.
“There’s not the same one correct answer for all patients,” said Dr. Raul Nogueira, an interventional neurologist at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. Where a patient should be taken for care “really depends on travel time,” he said. “It’s all about time.”
For years, the advice for stroke patients has been to get to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. A stroke cuts off blood flow to part of the brain, and the sooner that blood flow can be restored the better. So, the idea has been to get patients to a doctor — any doctor — quickly.
But that advice is now evolving. Research shows some stroke patients benefit more from advanced procedures typically done by specialists at large medical centers. The new goal is to get patients to the right doctor at the right hospital as soon as possible.
In some cases, that means skipping the closest facility. For patients with severe strokes, in which a clot is blocking one of the brain’s major arteries, the American Heart and Stroke associations recommend traveling up to an additional 30 minutes in urban areas and 60 minutes in rural areas to reach a hospital with more advanced stroke capabilities.
While that’s easy enough in a city where multiple hospitals are clustered together, in rural areas like Fentress County the question of where to take a patient has become increasingly fraught.
Big Decisions, Little Time
When Lottie Crouch had her stroke, what would have been the nearest hospital, less than 20 minutes away, had closed two months earlier. It’s one of 136 rural hospitals nationwide that have shuttered since 2010, including nearly three dozen across Appalachia and the Delta. That meant the closest in-state hospital for Crouch was nearly 45 minutes away by car, and medical centers with the most advanced care were more than an hour’s drive. That left EMS services stretched thin trying to transport patients farther away.
Each step in the process to get someone who’d had a stroke to the right care within the right amount of time had become more complex.
The decisions along the way are rarely clear-cut, Nogueira said. If a patient has a severe stroke, they might benefit from getting to a large medical center where they can undergo surgery right away, he said. Stopping at a smaller hospital that can’t perform that procedure might unnecessarily delay care.
But if the stroke is less severe, the person might benefit more from first going to a closer facility that can offer medications to break up the clot sooner, Nogueira said. Then the patient could avoid unnecessary medical bills from a long trip, anything from $500 for a ride in the back of a regular ambulance to $50,000 for a helicopter. And their family could save the time and money needed to visit them in a faraway hospital.
The problem is that first responders can’t necessarily tell how severe a stroke is just by looking at someone. So, they rely on an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms to make the best choice.
The gravity of these decisions weighs on Jamey Beaty, a paramedic in Fentress County, who responded to Lottie Crouch’s home.
“When you’re in the back of a truck and all alone and you have a patient actively dying on you, the only thing you can think about is: How can I keep this patient alive until I can get them somewhere?” Beaty said. “That’s all that crosses your mind.”
Anytime Beaty gets a call about a stroke, his first response is to look at the sky.
Since the local hospital closed, an air ambulance is how he quickly gets people to treatment. The day Lottie Crouch had her stroke, luckily the Tennessee sky was clear blue. Crouch was taken nearly 100 miles to a hospital in Knoxville with advanced stroke services.
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Long Journeys to Advanced Care
Over the past two decades, two main treatments have advanced care for strokes caused by a blockage — the most common type of stroke in America. The first is a medication delivered through an IV to break up clots in patients’ blood vessels. The medicine has to be given within 4½ hours of when symptoms start. The second is a procedure using a catheter to physically remove the clot from a patient’s vessels. This treatment can be done up to 24 hours after symptoms start but is generally used only for severe strokes.
Across the country, hospitals are certified by tiers, largely based on their ability to regularly provide these treatments. Some hospitals have no certification. Among stroke-certified hospitals, the first level is acute stroke-ready hospitals, which can assess stroke patients, keep them stable and provide clot-busting medications. At the other end of the spectrum are comprehensive stroke centers, which have specialized teams of neurologists and neurosurgeons. In addition to giving the clot-busting drugs, these centers can physically remove clots.
<![CDATA[ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (typeof event.data['datawrapper-height'] !== 'undefined') { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); for (var chartId in event.data['datawrapper-height']) { for (var i=0; i
The big question is: Which facility can and should stroke patients be taken to first to get the right care within the right time span?
In Appalachia, about 11% of residents must drive more than 45 minutes to reach any kind of stroke center, according to the KHN and InvestigateTV analysis. That proportion is even higher in the Delta, where nearly a third of residents have to drive more than 45 minutes to a stroke center. Another third of Delta residents have only basic-care stroke centers within that distance and would need to drive farther for advanced stroke surgeries.
And in the most rural parts of both these regions, people are less likely to be near an advanced-care stroke facility.
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Rural and Largely African American
While reaching appropriate stroke care in time is difficult for many rural Americans, such as Crouch, who is white, the concerns are compounded for places with a large Black population.
Black Americans have strokes more often and at younger ages than their white counterparts. They’re also less likely to receive clot-busting medications because they often arrive at the hospital outside the window of treatment.
In Sumter County, Alabama, several people interviewed — from a business owner to a college professor to the district judge — were able to name someone off the top of their heads who has had a stroke. The county is more than 70% Black, and it is one of the poorest areas of the state.
The only hospital within county lines has no stroke certification. Loretta Wilson, the CEO of Hill Hospital of Sumter County, wishes her facility could do more for stroke patients. But clot-busting medications can cost $8,000 per dose, and the hospital can’t always afford to keep them on hand, she said.
Most stroke patients are taken to larger hospitals at least 30 or 40 minutes away. That can be a long and expensive journey for many residents, Wilson said.
Understanding that, Wilson focuses largely on prevention efforts. She runs a nonprofit that tackles issues like high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, all of which increase a person’s risk of stroke. Her organization partners with churches to teach people about healthy eating and exercise, and passes around blood pressure monitors so congregants can screen themselves after services.
“We have a high African American population,” said Wilson, who is African American too, “and those are the ones who really need the services.”
Other organizations in the county also work to educate people about heart health and when to call 911. The local college’s nursing program has a scholarship aimed at bringing more medical providers to the area.
Using Telestroke to Boost Rural Care
In rural hospitals, even if doctors have access to clot-busting drugs, they may hesitate to administer them for fear of harming the patient. In rare instances — about 2% to 7% of cases — the drugs can cause bleeding in the brain.
But not using the drugs can also have consequences. A national study published in 2020 found stroke patients were less likely to receive those medications in rural hospitals than urban ones, and stroke patients were more likely to die in rural hospitals.
Telestroke programs can help bridge that gap, said Dr. Amelia Adcock, a neurologist at WVU Medicine in West Virginia and head of the system’s telestroke network.
By connecting doctors from smaller, often rural, hospitals with an on-call specialist at a large medical center, the programs allow people “to share the burden of decision-making,” Adcock said. And the liability.
Dr. Michael Gould is an emergency medicine doctor at the 25-bed Potomac Valley Hospital in rural northern West Virginia. His hospital is not stroke-certified and does not have a neurologist on staff. He said giving clot-busting drugs is “one of the decisions in medicine that makes me the most nervous.”
But consulting with neurologists at WVU Medicine’s hub about 80 miles away in Morgantown has given him more confidence, he said. Gould estimated he now administers the drugs once or twice a month.
A study of WVU Medicine’s telestroke network found the number of stroke patients receiving clot-busting medications nearly doubled over the first three years of the program.
Last fall, Christopher Green was picking up groceries when he suddenly developed a severe headache and lost his peripheral vision. Green, a longtime paramedic, immediately recognized what was happening. “Oh, my God, I’m having a stroke,” he remembers thinking. He was brought to Gould’s hospital, and the ER staff immediately fired up the telestroke program.
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Within 30 minutes, Green got drugs to break up the blockage in his vessels. "A textbook outcome," said Green, who has responded to many 911 calls for stroke.
Looking back, Green said he probably would have taken a patient in his situation to a farther hospital that was stroke-certified. But experiencing the telestroke program firsthand changed his outlook.
”Now I see that delaying that treatment 20 to 30 minutes makes a difference on whether you have a full resolution or some kind of residual effects,” he said.
‘What Could It Have Been?’
Back in Tennessee, Debbie Cook was grateful her mother was taken to the advanced-care stroke center in Knoxville. It allowed Lottie Crouch to get the treatment she needed so she can still lead a mostly independent life.
But there were trade-offs. The distance took a toll on the family. Cook, her sister and her daughter took turns driving nearly two hours each way to watch over Crouch in the hospital each night.
After 10 days, when Crouch was transferred to a rehab facility closer to home, the family felt a sense of relief. They could bring her meatloaf and wild blackberry dumplings for dinner. And “a lot of peppermint candy,” Crouch recalled — her favorite.
Although Crouch is now healthy and at home, her 27-year-old granddaughter, Haelee Stockton, is still haunted by the possibility of what could have happened that day. If the paramedics hadn’t made it in time or if bad weather had prevented the helicopter from flying, her granny might not be alive.
“What could it have been?” Stockton said. “How lucky was she? And how many people are going to get that lucky in the future?”
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Aneri Pattani led the reporting and writing for this story. Hannah Recht led the data analysis and graphics. InvestigateTV’s Daniela Molina contributed to this report.
Read the methodology to learn how we did this analysis and visit the Github repository to see the code.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
In Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, Millions Face Long Drives to Stroke Care published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years ago
In Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, Millions Face Long Drives to Stroke Care
Debbie Cook was in her pajamas on a summer morning in 2019 when she got a call from her son: “Something bad is wrong with Granny.”
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This story also ran on Investigate TV. It can be republished for free.
The fear in his voice told Cook it was serious. She dialed 911 immediately, knowing it could take time for an ambulance to navigate the country roads in Fentress County, Tennessee.
She got dressed and made the short drive across the family farm, over two bridges and a creek, to her mother’s house. Cook prayed that one of the three ambulances covering their roughly 500-square mile county was near.
When Cook arrived, she found her mother, Lottie Crouch, in the bathroom, unable to stand or walk. Cook, a licensed practical nurse, quickly recognized the signs: lopsided face, one side of the mouth drooping.
Her mama was having a stroke.
“I was petrified,” Cook recalled. She started her career working with stroke rehab patients and knew that getting the right care fast could mean life or death. Or a big difference in her mother’s quality of life. Crouch was 75 and still energetic and loved doing things like firing up a kettle of soup for herself. To continue living the life Crouch knew, each step toward getting care in a rural area had to go right.
But when the paramedics arrived, one of the biggest questions was: Where would they take Crouch for care?
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Across the nation, nearly 800,000 people suffer strokes each year. The issue is particularly acute across the regions of Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, where more than 80% of counties have stroke death rates above the national average. Many of these counties also face high rates of poverty and are home to vulnerable elderly populations. They have a shortage of medical providers or have seen local hospitals shutter.
In Tennessee, 2 million people — nearly one-third of the state — are people like Crouch who live more than 45 minutes from a hospital that is stroke-certified and able to provide the most advanced care, according to a new analysis by KHN and InvestigateTV. And rates are even higher in Delta states such as Arkansas and Mississippi, where more than half of residents must drive longer than 45 minutes to those specialized stroke centers.
<![CDATA[ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (typeof event.data['datawrapper-height'] !== 'undefined') { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); for (var chartId in event.data['datawrapper-height']) { for (var i=0; i
The analysis is part of a yearlong project called Bridging the Great Health Divide, in which KHN and Gray Television’s national investigative team, InvestigateTV, are digging into health issues that have historically plagued these regions. Strokes are chief among them. Despite medical advancements in stroke care, routing patients from rural parts of Appalachia and the Delta to the appropriate facility is an intricate jigsaw puzzle.
“There’s not the same one correct answer for all patients,” said Dr. Raul Nogueira, an interventional neurologist at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. Where a patient should be taken for care “really depends on travel time,” he said. “It’s all about time.”
For years, the advice for stroke patients has been to get to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. A stroke cuts off blood flow to part of the brain, and the sooner that blood flow can be restored the better. So, the idea has been to get patients to a doctor — any doctor — quickly.
But that advice is now evolving. Research shows some stroke patients benefit more from advanced procedures typically done by specialists at large medical centers. The new goal is to get patients to the right doctor at the right hospital as soon as possible.
In some cases, that means skipping the closest facility. For patients with severe strokes, in which a clot is blocking one of the brain’s major arteries, the American Heart and Stroke associations recommend traveling up to an additional 30 minutes in urban areas and 60 minutes in rural areas to reach a hospital with more advanced stroke capabilities.
While that’s easy enough in a city where multiple hospitals are clustered together, in rural areas like Fentress County the question of where to take a patient has become increasingly fraught.
Big Decisions, Little Time
When Lottie Crouch had her stroke, what would have been the nearest hospital, less than 20 minutes away, had closed two months earlier. It’s one of 136 rural hospitals nationwide that have shuttered since 2010, including nearly three dozen across Appalachia and the Delta. That meant the closest in-state hospital for Crouch was nearly 45 minutes away by car, and medical centers with the most advanced care were more than an hour’s drive. That left EMS services stretched thin trying to transport patients farther away.
Each step in the process to get someone who’d had a stroke to the right care within the right amount of time had become more complex.
The decisions along the way are rarely clear-cut, Nogueira said. If a patient has a severe stroke, they might benefit from getting to a large medical center where they can undergo surgery right away, he said. Stopping at a smaller hospital that can’t perform that procedure might unnecessarily delay care.
But if the stroke is less severe, the person might benefit more from first going to a closer facility that can offer medications to break up the clot sooner, Nogueira said. Then the patient could avoid unnecessary medical bills from a long trip, anything from $500 for a ride in the back of a regular ambulance to $50,000 for a helicopter. And their family could save the time and money needed to visit them in a faraway hospital.
The problem is that first responders can’t necessarily tell how severe a stroke is just by looking at someone. So, they rely on an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms to make the best choice.
The gravity of these decisions weighs on Jamey Beaty, a paramedic in Fentress County, who responded to Lottie Crouch’s home.
“When you’re in the back of a truck and all alone and you have a patient actively dying on you, the only thing you can think about is: How can I keep this patient alive until I can get them somewhere?” Beaty said. “That’s all that crosses your mind.”
Anytime Beaty gets a call about a stroke, his first response is to look at the sky.
Since the local hospital closed, an air ambulance is how he quickly gets people to treatment. The day Lottie Crouch had her stroke, luckily the Tennessee sky was clear blue. Crouch was taken nearly 100 miles to a hospital in Knoxville with advanced stroke services.
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Long Journeys to Advanced Care
Over the past two decades, two main treatments have advanced care for strokes caused by a blockage — the most common type of stroke in America. The first is a medication delivered through an IV to break up clots in patients’ blood vessels. The medicine has to be given within 4½ hours of when symptoms start. The second is a procedure using a catheter to physically remove the clot from a patient’s vessels. This treatment can be done up to 24 hours after symptoms start but is generally used only for severe strokes.
Across the country, hospitals are certified by tiers, largely based on their ability to regularly provide these treatments. Some hospitals have no certification. Among stroke-certified hospitals, the first level is acute stroke-ready hospitals, which can assess stroke patients, keep them stable and provide clot-busting medications. At the other end of the spectrum are comprehensive stroke centers, which have specialized teams of neurologists and neurosurgeons. In addition to giving the clot-busting drugs, these centers can physically remove clots.
<![CDATA[ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (typeof event.data['datawrapper-height'] !== 'undefined') { var iframes = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'); for (var chartId in event.data['datawrapper-height']) { for (var i=0; i
The big question is: Which facility can and should stroke patients be taken to first to get the right care within the right time span?
In Appalachia, about 11% of residents must drive more than 45 minutes to reach any kind of stroke center, according to the KHN and InvestigateTV analysis. That proportion is even higher in the Delta, where nearly a third of residents have to drive more than 45 minutes to a stroke center. Another third of Delta residents have only basic-care stroke centers within that distance and would need to drive farther for advanced stroke surgeries.
And in the most rural parts of both these regions, people are less likely to be near an advanced-care stroke facility.
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Rural and Largely African American
While reaching appropriate stroke care in time is difficult for many rural Americans, such as Crouch, who is white, the concerns are compounded for places with a large Black population.
Black Americans have strokes more often and at younger ages than their white counterparts. They’re also less likely to receive clot-busting medications because they often arrive at the hospital outside the window of treatment.
In Sumter County, Alabama, several people interviewed — from a business owner to a college professor to the district judge — were able to name someone off the top of their heads who has had a stroke. The county is more than 70% Black, and it is one of the poorest areas of the state.
The only hospital within county lines has no stroke certification. Loretta Wilson, the CEO of Hill Hospital of Sumter County, wishes her facility could do more for stroke patients. But clot-busting medications can cost $8,000 per dose, and the hospital can’t always afford to keep them on hand, she said.
Most stroke patients are taken to larger hospitals at least 30 or 40 minutes away. That can be a long and expensive journey for many residents, Wilson said.
Understanding that, Wilson focuses largely on prevention efforts. She runs a nonprofit that tackles issues like high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, all of which increase a person’s risk of stroke. Her organization partners with churches to teach people about healthy eating and exercise, and passes around blood pressure monitors so congregants can screen themselves after services.
“We have a high African American population,” said Wilson, who is African American too, “and those are the ones who really need the services.”
Other organizations in the county also work to educate people about heart health and when to call 911. The local college’s nursing program has a scholarship aimed at bringing more medical providers to the area.
Using Telestroke to Boost Rural Care
In rural hospitals, even if doctors have access to clot-busting drugs, they may hesitate to administer them for fear of harming the patient. In rare instances — about 2% to 7% of cases — the drugs can cause bleeding in the brain.
But not using the drugs can also have consequences. A national study published in 2020 found stroke patients were less likely to receive those medications in rural hospitals than urban ones, and stroke patients were more likely to die in rural hospitals.
Telestroke programs can help bridge that gap, said Dr. Amelia Adcock, a neurologist at WVU Medicine in West Virginia and head of the system’s telestroke network.
By connecting doctors from smaller, often rural, hospitals with an on-call specialist at a large medical center, the programs allow people “to share the burden of decision-making,” Adcock said. And the liability.
Dr. Michael Gould is an emergency medicine doctor at the 25-bed Potomac Valley Hospital in rural northern West Virginia. His hospital is not stroke-certified and does not have a neurologist on staff. He said giving clot-busting drugs is “one of the decisions in medicine that makes me the most nervous.”
But consulting with neurologists at WVU Medicine’s hub about 80 miles away in Morgantown has given him more confidence, he said. Gould estimated he now administers the drugs once or twice a month.
A study of WVU Medicine’s telestroke network found the number of stroke patients receiving clot-busting medications nearly doubled over the first three years of the program.
Last fall, Christopher Green was picking up groceries when he suddenly developed a severe headache and lost his peripheral vision. Green, a longtime paramedic, immediately recognized what was happening. “Oh, my God, I’m having a stroke,” he remembers thinking. He was brought to Gould’s hospital, and the ER staff immediately fired up the telestroke program.
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Within 30 minutes, Green got drugs to break up the blockage in his vessels. "A textbook outcome," said Green, who has responded to many 911 calls for stroke.
Looking back, Green said he probably would have taken a patient in his situation to a farther hospital that was stroke-certified. But experiencing the telestroke program firsthand changed his outlook.
”Now I see that delaying that treatment 20 to 30 minutes makes a difference on whether you have a full resolution or some kind of residual effects,” he said.
‘What Could It Have Been?’
Back in Tennessee, Debbie Cook was grateful her mother was taken to the advanced-care stroke center in Knoxville. It allowed Lottie Crouch to get the treatment she needed so she can still lead a mostly independent life.
But there were trade-offs. The distance took a toll on the family. Cook, her sister and her daughter took turns driving nearly two hours each way to watch over Crouch in the hospital each night.
After 10 days, when Crouch was transferred to a rehab facility closer to home, the family felt a sense of relief. They could bring her meatloaf and wild blackberry dumplings for dinner. And “a lot of peppermint candy,” Crouch recalled — her favorite.
Although Crouch is now healthy and at home, her 27-year-old granddaughter, Haelee Stockton, is still haunted by the possibility of what could have happened that day. If the paramedics hadn’t made it in time or if bad weather had prevented the helicopter from flying, her granny might not be alive.
“What could it have been?” Stockton said. “How lucky was she? And how many people are going to get that lucky in the future?”
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Aneri Pattani led the reporting and writing for this story. Hannah Recht led the data analysis and graphics. InvestigateTV’s Daniela Molina contributed to this report.
Read the methodology to learn how we did this analysis and visit the Github repository to see the code.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
In Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, Millions Face Long Drives to Stroke Care published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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savvylark · 7 years ago
Not Your Mama’s Hallmark Christmas part 6
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You can catch up with Part 1 here  Part 2 here  Part 3 here  Part 4 here  5 here or read it all on Ao3 here  
Katniss tends to be cynical about materialism, love, and marriage.  Katniss finds herself having a very different  Christmas this year with the Mellark family, posing as Peeta’s girlfriend. What will change when this starts to look like a strange Hallmark movie?
Thank you to the amazing @javistg​ being my beta and encouraging. Thank you @peetabreadgirl for your ideas and support. @everlarkingjoshifer made this banner for me. Isn’t it lovely?
The beauty that comes with the winter season brings with it new dangers.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that about 1 million Americans are injured, and 17,000 people die, as a result of slip-and-fall injuries every year. Studies show slip-and-fall injury rates increase significantly as temperatures decline, with most injuries resulting from contact with outside services.
Peeta and I rush through the hospital doors hand in hand.
“Which room is William Mellark in?” We find Rye asking at the front desk, his voice full of concern.
Loretta is seated in a chair outside Will’s hospital room. She’s trying to hold all her emotions in, but the fear is gripping her.
Dane is seated next to his mom. He offers his hand, which she clutches for dear life.
Peeta’s dad took a nasty fall when he slipped on ice. Will Mellark has a fractured knee that will require surgery. He has a sprained wrist, and they will be keeping him for a few days due to his head injury.
I heard Peeta talking to his mom about staying past the New Year to help with his dad. I wonder if I should stay with him?
Loretta keeps muttering how young her husband is, how fit and healthy. Before long, she’s blaming herself.
The brothers share a look and exchange a few whispered words, with a few head nods they set a plan in motion.
Peeta and I picked up dinner for the 5 of us while Rye and Dane stayed with mama Mellark.
After much convincing, Dane took his mom home to sleep while Peeta and I stayed at the hospital to ease Loretta’s fears of being away from her husband.
The nurses brought us a cot. Peeta and I found comfort snuggled into one another. I fell asleep to his heartbeat under my ear, his solid chest under my fingertips and his fingers in my hair.
My dreams were less than innocent, twice I woke up too warm and kissing Peeta. I had to calm my thoughts and still my actions. Take deep breaths. We were in a hospital, after all. It’s kind of embarrassing how much I want him. In my defense, he didn’t seem to mind.
In the morning, the sight of Peeta’s tousled hair and bright eyes make my heart flutter.
“Good morning, beautiful!” he greets me handing me a fresh cup of coffee. He must have risen hours ago.
“Thank you.” I smile and accept his gift of caffeine.
“No, thank you so much for being here with me!”
I shrug my shoulders.
“That’s just what we do, Peeta,” I state simply. His smiling reply makes something inside my chest grow so huge, almost 3 times in size.
I rub my chest unconsciously.
As we wait in Will’s hospital room, we’ve been told Peeta’s dad may wake up soon.
There’s a stirring as Peeta softly talks to his dad.
“I’m going to call mom. She’s going to want to be here once he wakes up,” Peeta tells me before he leaves the room.
I nod.
This might be a good time for me to call Johanna.
“Hey! It’s me! How’s the beach?” I ask my roommate.
“Amazing! It’s warm and beautiful, and so many guys and gals to take back to my hotel! How are Mellark’s cinnabuns for Christmas?” Jo teases.
“It’s been great, actually. Really great!” I answer her, vague but honestly.
“Mmmhmm,” I can almost hear the smirk on her face.
“Are you going to keep him?” she asks so simply, like it’s not complicated at all to start a relationship with one of my best friends who has been my pretend boyfriend for the last 5 days.
“That depends,” I answer just as simply.
“Let me guess, you’re doing that thing again where you just don’t talk. Have you learned nothing?
“When that picture in college surfaced, you both talked about anything and everything except your undying attraction. People only teased you because they figured that you would get together with Peeta-bread, –you two were so hot for each other– but it was only obvious to everyone else,” Johanna explains.
I take deep breaths and fight the feelings bubbling up inside me.
“Okay, I won’t let the opportunity pass this time. I think, I think he’s it for me, Johanna.”
“I think so too.” Her voice velvety with affection.
I swallow and explain, “Up until yesterday, everything had been perfect. But his dad had an accident, and we’re here at the hospital. If he needs me, I’m going to stay over New Year’s. I can’t tell him yet, it’s too selfish.”
I hear a door latch so I try wrap up my call.
“I have to be there for him as his FRIEND. That’s it. That’s all I am, Peeta’s friend.” I explain.
“Well, tell him you’re crazy about him the second you have the chance,” Johanna insists.
“I will. Thanks, Jo, bye.” I end the call.
It seems the odds are never in my favor, in life and in love. I thought this week may be the exception.
I turn to find Peeta looking down, closed off body language. Maybe he’s taking his dad’s accident harder than I thought?
“My mom is on her way over,” he tells me.
I step closer, hoping to calm his concerns, but his response is still closed off.
“Hey, Peeta, I was thinking, I want to stay in town with you as long as you’re here. If you need me?” I offer. Here it is, the precursor to bearing my soul.
I can’t meet his eyes yet, I feel too vulnerable.
“Why? Because I need a friend?” Peeta asks, with a biting tone.
“I-I just want to be here, for you, with you. I want to be with you, Peeta.” I try not to say it so monotone, but my fears get the best of me.
I don’t know why I imagined him wrapping me in an embrace at these words. When I find a pained expression on Peeta’s face I realize I was very wrong to force myself on him, in the hospital with his injured dad.
Peeta mutters, “Conceal, don’t feel, put on a show…”
“What?” I ask. He looks embarrassed, like he didn’t mean to say it out loud.
“Nothing, uh, something I learned from my… nieces.” He shrugs and rubs the back of his neck.
I step back and take deep breaths.
“You don’t want me? You don’t want me to stay with you?” I try to ask with the least amount of emotion possible.
“No.” Is his only answer. He looks angry.
Then we hear Will Mellark moan. Peeta rushes to his dad’s side.
Suddenly, I feel like I’m intruding. This is a family time. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t belong.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” I tell Peeta. He responds with a nod.
I wait outside the room for what feels like an eternity.
Peeta and his dad are still lost in their own little world as I peek through the windows of the hospital room.
If he doesn’t need me to stay over New Year, why wait?
I’ll just get a cab outside the hospital and disappear. There’s no way I’m going to stick around while my heart rips apart.
So THIS is what a broken heart feels like?
Peeta and I never talked about our feelings, but they became very real to me.
I did his favor, and even though we hadn’t planned on my leaving for a few more days, he doesn’t need me anymore, I don’t need to stay.
I should have known.
No. I knew.
I knew I could never deserve Peeta Mellark.
I packed up all my things and called a cab for the train station, then turned my phone off.
Waiting at the train station, I can’t help realizing how lonely I feel. How incredibly empty my heart feels without Peeta. I will myself not to cry, but I’m left with a burning lump in my throat for hours.
I think I was falling for him.
I didn’t even admit it to myself before I had lost him.
Why did I let him slip through my fingers? Everything hurts right now.
After failed attempts to compartmentalize my feelings for Peeta, and trying to convince myself that I’m strong enough to be alone, I doze off in the train.
The chill the wind gust brings only reminds me that being alone has never felt so bitterly cold.
I tighten my jacket, but it’s no use.
Instead of unpacking when I arrive home, I curled up on the couch with National Lampoon’s Christmas, a bottle of wine, and Ice Cream.
I decided to call Madge the next morning.
“Hey Madge, I’m back in town. Let’s talk New Year’s Eve. What’s the plan?”
Madge answers “New Year’s Gala for the Mayor at 7pm. It’s a masquerade, black tie. Gale will be relieved to have you as an ally.”
“Okay, I’ll call if I need help with what to wear, but I think my bridesmaid dress from Annie’s wedding could work.” I share my thoughts.
“Yes, you look so good in red! If Peeta saw you in it…” Madge pauses, “I thought you said you were staying after Uncle Will’s fall? Any reason in particular that you’re back early, Kat?”
“Peeta said he doesn’t need me, so I left.” I answer, refusing to elaborate.
“My cousin is so dense.” Madge huffs. “See you in a few days!!”
“See you then! Don’t blind anyone with that new ring of yours!” I tease.
Madge laughs. “I can’t help it if I do! See ya.”
I make plans with Rue and shut my phone off again.
Rue and I meet up at the indoor rock wall, we try to do this once a month. It’s a great work out and we both really like to climb, a hobby I haven’t been able to share with anyone else.
“Katniss, I’m just so surprised that you’ll fight for everyone else you love but, when it comes to your own desires, you give up so easily.”
“I don’t know, Rue. What do I know about what I want anyway?” I shrug and climb on.
“You know you want to make it up the top before I do!” Rue says playfully as she gains the lead up the rock wall.
We laugh and continue vertically. Rue makes it to the top with a grin.
“All right! Lunch is on me next month,” I tell Rue as we’re lowered to the ground by rope and harness.
After Rue and I have stretched out, rehydrated, talked and laughed, we part ways and I head back to my apartment. I find Annie and Joanna deep in conversation.
“Katniss, we need to talk about you and Peeta.” Annie says seriously.
I shrug and take a deeper breath. Then I find a spot in the chair facing two if my closest friends.
“I think I have an idea of what happened, but will you fill us in?” Joanna asks me.
I scowl and nod.
“I told him I wanted to stay with him, that I wanted to be with him.” I take another shaky breath, chew my lip.
I’m met with surprised and confused expressions on my friends’ faces.
“Wow, you did?” Jo asks.
I nod.
“I’m proud of you, for one, that must have been hard,” my roommate commends me.
“But then, why are you here?” Annie asks.
“It wasn’t real for him. He-he-he told me he didn’t want me to stay over New Year’s. That he didn’t want me.” It all tumbles out, the lump in my throat grows and I take deep breaths trying to keep my emotions inside.
“Katniss, he’s been talking to Finnick. He’s acting wounded, as if you two broke up. I don’t know why he pushed you away. You need to talk to Peeta,” Annie states.
I shake my head no. “He already made a choice, what good would it do?” I ask Annie.
“Maybe he didn’t hear right, Brainless. You said yourself that his emotions were high after his dad’s accident. I don’t blame you for bolting, but at least open the lines of communication?” Johanna points to my phone that remains shut off.
“Look, you may have been faking in the beginning, but what I saw at the Mellark party was very real, for both of you,” Annie insists.
There’s a knock on the door. I look at Jo, wondering if she’s invited anyone. She frowns and shrugs. Annie replies with a similar shrug.
I’m greeted at the door with deep blue eyes and a tousled mop of blonde hair.
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zeeimpozzible · 7 years ago
Two days before I went into surgery for spinal reconstruction, I wound up having to document my experience at #BassProShops in Bridgeport, Ct because they fucked up and tried to con me. They’ve gone as far as telling me that their employee didn’t lie to me! He only “exaggerated the truth”. Isn’t that a watered down version of lying?
Here’s what transpired:
So… here’s the scam they(Bass Pro Shop Garage) tried to pull. First, they never called me after they looked at the boat on Saturday. Made me think something was wrong…
So I go down there yesterday and talk to the guy (Leigh) in parts I set up the inspection with. 
First thing he tells me is that the technician fell through the floor in the boat and that there’s a hole there. I tell him I’ve been all over that boat and never felt unsafe. He sticks to his story.
Then he tells me they got the engine started. But… a huge black cloud came out and the technician said it smelled like electrical so he shut the engine off, not wanting to start a fire. I play along.
Then he tells me it could cost upwards to 6k to fix the engine, 15k got a new 150. BUT… he says the boat isn’t worthwhile fixing because it’s just going to be a can of worms and it would be better to…
Wait for it…
(Not done yet…)
I ask to see the boat. He says it’s in one of the yards and will take about 20 minutes to arrive. Fine. He then proceeds to change his story about the hole in the boat. He says that under the seat behind the driver at the rear of the boat is “soft”. Mainly because now he’s going to get caught in a lie. I already know how meticulous my brother is, so the condition of the engine was never in question. But I allow him to continue with his spiel. 
The boat arrives and he insists this huge black cloud was electrical in nature and I should just scrap the boat. Says he will give me $400 for the trailer and if I buy one of their boats, they’ll take care of getting rid of the boat. 
I tell him I’ll get back to him and drive home, forgetting to bring the boat home with me.
No sooner do I get in the house he calls me wondering when I’m coming back to take the boat. I guess he figured the jig was up. What he didn’t figure out was that I’m going to Corporate with this…
Which I did. The gentleman I spoke with was concerned and I was told it would be looked into. But I never received an apology or anything from the store.
Fast forward to Four Months later…
I’m feeling much better. Enough to bring the boat back down and give them another chance. I speak with the Boat Manager and we set a game plan. He tells me he’s going to order a part and to bring my boat in the next week and they’ll install it and do the maintenance they never got around to.
THREE WEEKS go by and I get a phone call saying there’s a problem with the boat. I tell them to fix it. They hang up the phone. ANOTHER MONTH goes by and I wind up calling THEM! I set up a meeting between the acting store manager, marine manager (who in turn gets the boat mechanic/technician manager) and they tell me my boat’s engine froze up at some point over the winter, damaging the head or possibly gaskets. They never went any deeper into it. But they’re not going to fix the boat. Instead, the Marine Manager, after bantering about with me, makes me an offer.
“I can’t give you a NEW boat,” he says, “but take a look in the corral and see if there’s anything there you like.”
No mention of cost, financing or anything. I figure he’s spoken with the head of sales in Springfield, Mo. since it has been a couple of days since the setting up the meeting. So, because he says he wants to make up for the problem and regain my trust, I take him at his word. He’s offering me a replacement because 1: I was taken advantage of the first time… and 2: I was made to wait TWO MONTHS on a job that should’ve taken two days. Now, eight weeks of waiting. Forty hours a work week x (conservatively) $25 a hour is $8000. I figure their integrity was at stake and they were going to make good on their offer. What a sham! They show me the perfect boat from up in Foxboro, Massachusetts. Price tag, used, is 24k. Nice. In my mind, a good neighbor policy plus great reviews and personal advertising for helping out a person out in my medical circumstances would do them far better than any Madison Avenue worker could. And at a better price, to boot.
So Wednesday night, my wife and I go down to discuss their offer. And that’s when I’m blindsided. 
Their “offer in good faith” turns out to be $4k for the trouble. I refresh his memory about the exact words he spoke to me. “Oh,” he says, “that’s not what I meant. Sorry.” And he tells me that, for the most part, I should be happy with that. He also questions my brother’s integrity as well as my own, tells me that I really don’t have that much influence because I’m “local”.
Integrity is being called into question here. He made me an offer to give me a used boat. He NEVER SAID “I can’t give you a boat.” He said “I can’t give you a NEW boat”. I have kept and maintained my calm throughout this entire event. I ask him to consult corporate and run the numbers. He tells me he’ll get back to me on Friday. Today. 
So I finally get to talk to Loretta, the Store Manager. I recorded the ENTIRE conversation. To make a long story short, they have given me a week to get my boat off their property(which I can’t do because the van is in the shop waiting on a steering column), they’ve contacted corporate and their legal department and no longer want to do ANY business with me! So much for integrity. So much for being taken at your word. I have NO USE for a company that shits on you, makes you a verbal offer of a used boat and then reneges on it and call both you and your brother incompetent. I won’t suggest what you can do to protest this slap in the face, but if you decide to act accordingly, make sure your ending statement is “I would’ve bought all this stuff from you but you screwed my friend and kicked him out of your store. Then leave it on the counter and never return again. Except to make your point again.
Now, the owner and CEO of the company, Johnny L. Morris, is a wonderfully, kind man. A great friend to fishermen. Honest. Has tons of integrity. I’m pretty sure he would be in disbelief of what these people did.
And, to top it off, they KNEW my tow vehicle was in the shop waiting on a steering column. So they tried to strongarm and intimidate me as well. Is this behavior proper OR acceptable?
No, on either count. But these days it seems Big Corporate feels it can get away with most anything because they have the Big Bucks and High Paid Attorneys and we’re just insignificant worms.
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whudunnit · 8 years ago
Two days before I went into surgery for spinal reconstruction, I wound up having to document my experience at #BassProShops in Bridgeport, Ct because they fucked up and tried to con me. They've gone as far as telling me that their employee didn't lie to me! He only "exaggerated the truth". Isn't that a watered down version of lying? Here's what transpired: So... here's the scam they(Bass Pro Shop Garage) tried to pull. First, they never called me after they looked at the boat on Saturday. Made me think something was wrong... So I go down there yesterday and talk to the guy (Leigh) in parts I set up the inspection with. First thing he tells me is that the technician fell through the floor in the boat and that there's a hole there. I tell him I've been all over that boat and never felt unsafe. He sticks to his story. Then he tells me they got the engine started. But... a huge black cloud came out and the technician said it smelled like electrical so he shut the engine off, not wanting to start a fire. I play along. Then he tells me it could cost upwards to 6k to fix the engine, 15k got a new 150. BUT... he says the boat isn't worthwhile fixing because it's just going to be a can of worms and it would be better to... Wait for it... BUY A NEW BOAT! (Not done yet...) I ask to see the boat. He says it's in one of the yards and will take about 20 minutes to arrive. Fine. He then proceeds to change his story about the hole in the boat. He says that under the seat behind the driver at the rear of the boat is "soft". Mainly because now he's going to get caught in a lie. I already know how meticulous my brother is, so the condition of the engine was never in question. But I allow him to continue with his spiel. The boat arrives and he insists this huge black cloud was electrical in nature and I should just scrap the boat. Says he will give me $400 for the trailer and if I buy one of their boats, they'll take care of getting rid of the boat. I tell him I'll get back to him and drive home, forgetting to bring the boat home with me. No sooner do I get in the house he calls me wondering when I'm coming back to take the boat. I guess he figured the jig was up. What he didn't figure out was that I'm going to Corporate with this... Which I did. The gentleman I spoke with was concerned and I was told it would be looked into. But I never received an apology or anything from the store. Fast forward to Four Months later... I'm feeling much better. Enough to bring the boat back down and give them another chance. I speak with the Boat Manager and we set a game plan. He tells me he's going to order a part and to bring my boat in the next week and they'll install it and do the maintenance they never got around to. THREE WEEKS go by and I get a phone call saying there's a problem with the boat. I tell them to fix it. They hang up the phone. ANOTHER MONTH goes by and I wind up calling THEM! I set up a meeting between the acting store manager, marine manager (who in turn gets the boat mechanic/technician manager) and they tell me my boat's engine froze up at some point over the winter, damaging the head or possibly gaskets. They never went any deeper into it. But they're not going to fix the boat. Instead, the Marine Manager, after bantering about with me, makes me an offer. "I can't give you a NEW boat," he says, "but take a look in the corral and see if there's anything there you like." No mention of cost, financing or anything. I figure he's spoken with the head of sales in Springfield, Mo. since it has been a couple of days since the setting up the meeting. So, because he says he wants to make up for the problem and regain my trust, I take him at his word. He's offering me a replacement because 1: I was taken advantage of the first time... and 2: I was made to wait TWO MONTHS on a job that should've taken two days. Now, eight weeks of waiting. Forty hours a work week x (conservatively) $25 a hour is $8000. I figure their integrity was at stake and they were going to make good on their offer. What a sham! They show me the perfect boat from up in Foxboro, Massachusetts. Price tag, used, is 24k. Nice. In my mind, a good neighbor policy plus great reviews and personal advertising for helping out a person out in my medical circumstances would do them far better than any Madison Avenue worker could. And at a better price, to boot. So Wednesday night, my wife and I go down to discuss their offer. And that's when I'm blindsided. Their "offer in good faith" turns out to be $4k for the trouble. I refresh his memory about the exact words he spoke to me. "Oh," he says, "that's not what I meant. Sorry." And he tells me that, for the most part, I should be happy with that. He also questions my brother's integrity as well as my own, tells me that I really don't have that much influence because I'm "local". Integrity is being called into question here. He made me an offer to give me a used boat. He NEVER SAID "I can't give you a boat." He said "I can't give you a NEW boat". I have kept and maintained my calm throughout this entire event. I ask him to consult corporate and run the numbers. He tells me he'll get back to me on Friday. Today. So I finally get to talk to Loretta, the Store Manager. I recorded the ENTIRE conversation. To make a long story short, they have given me a week to get my boat off their property(which I can't do because the van is in the shop waiting on a steering column), they've contacted corporate and their legal department and no longer want to do ANY business with me! So much for integrity. So much for being taken at your word. I have NO USE for a company that shits on you, makes you a verbal offer of a used boat and then reneges on it and call both you and your brother incompetent. I won't suggest what you can do to protest this slap in the face, but if you decide to act accordingly, make sure your ending statement is "I would've bought all this stuff from you but you screwed my friend and kicked him out of your store. Then leave it on the counter and never return again. Except to make your point again. Now, the owner and CEO of the company, Johnny L. Morris, is a wonderfully, kind man. A great friend to fishermen. Honest. Has tons of integrity. I'm pretty sure he would be in disbelief of what these people did. And, to top it off, they KNEW my tow vehicle was in the shop waiting on a steering column. So they tried to strongarm and intimidate me as well. Is this behavior proper OR acceptable? No, on either count. But these days it seems Big Corporate feels it can get away with most anything because they have the Big Bucks and High Paid Attorneys and we're just insignificant worms.
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traceyaudette · 8 years ago
The Chase-3
(1) (2)
Dwayne's arms wrapped around me as we swayed to the music. “I’ve enjoyed spending the day with you.” His green eyes staring down into (y/e/c).
“Remind me to thank Aunt Loretta for giving you my number. For possibly being responsible for one of my best days in a very long time.”  We stopped moving, he leaned in kissing me. 
He pulled back, smiling at me. “I’ll definitely be thanking her.” He caressed my face. “When can I see you again?”
“I’m meeting Loretta for brunch, then I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day. I’m on for twenty-four hours on Monday.”
“I’ll call you, we’ll make plans.” His lips grazed over mine.
“I’d like that.” I walked him to the door, he pulled me close, kissing me again.
“Lock the door, and set your alarm. I’d sleep better knowing your safe.” 
I cupped his face, kissing him. “I always do. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Good night, I’ll call you later.” He kissed me one last time, before leaving. I shut the door, locking it, and then set the alarm. Lowering the lights on the lower level, I climbed the stairs.
I walked into Loretta’s house, the next morning, in time for our weekly brunch (when I wasn’t working). I walked into her large, bright, and airy kitchen. “It smells wonderful in here Auntie!”
“Good morning!” She stopped what she was doing to hug and kiss me on the cheek. “Did Dwayne call you yesterday?”
I pouted at her. “No, he didn’t.” I heard her huff and mumble under her breath about knocking him in the back of the head. I let out a laugh, she looked up at me. “He came by the house with flowers, tool me to breakfast. We ended up spending the entire day together. He cooked me dinner.”
“Girl, don’t you mess with me like that. And....”
“And what Auntie? He’s going to call me, we’re going to make plans for later. Thank you by the way.”
“Giving him my number, I think yesterday was one of the best days in a very long time.”
“You deserve some happiness, I think Dwayne could provide it for you.”
I looked at her, a smile on my face. “I really like him.” 
She smiled at me. “Good. Maybe you can give me some great niece or nephews.”
“Put the brakes on, you’re starting to sound like mom. We’ve had one date!” She laughed looking at me, putting her arm around my shoulder.
“I think it’s serious, he called for your number, came by your house, brought you flowers...”
“Enough!” She laughed again as we sat down so we could eat.
I rolled my eyes as Dr. Mark Bosner came towards me, I really wish the guy would accept the word no. He’d been asking me out since I started working here. I turned him down, every time he asked.
He was a prissy, asshat, that was full of himself. He sent me flowers every week, trying to impress me. “(Y/F/N), let’s go out to dinner tonight.”
“Sorry Mark, I’m sort of seeing someone.”
“Since when? Is it Joseph in surgery?”
“No, it’s me.” I turned around to find Dwayne standing behind me. He sat a container down, on the nurses station. His hands cupped my face, pulling me to him, kissing me. He glared at Mark. “Agent Dwayne Pride, NCIS.”
Mark smirked at him. “Dr. Mark Bosner, Head of Cardiology.”
I was speechless as the two men glared at each other. “Do you have time to eat something (Y/N)? I brought you some lunch.” 
I smiled at Dwayne, biting my lip. “I just cleared my board, I have time.” He picked up the container off the nurses station. I let the nurse know that I’d be outside, eating lunch.
“Thank you for helping me, maybe he’ll take the hint now.”
His relaxed features tensed up. “Has he been harassing you?”
“He’s been asking me out, since I started working here, trying to woo me with flowers. The man can’t take no for an answer.” I saw him look at me with concern. “I don’t mean like that, he was just very persistent in the fact that he thought he was the best thing ever.”
“And you didn’t think so? I mean he’s the Head of Cardiology.”
“His a prissy, wuss! I prefer my men a little more rugged.”
“Is that so?” He leaned in to kiss me. “Do you have anyone in mind?”
“Maybe, I’ll get back to you.” I smiled up at him. He handed me a sandwich, I took a bite, closing my eyes in bliss. “If you keep cooking for me like this, I’ll move you right to the top list of my many suitors.”
“How many are there exactly?”
At least two, a prissy Head of Cardiology, maybe Joseph from surgery, but just between the two of us, he’s a bigger asshat then Mark. So I think you’re pretty much the top of the list, anyway.”
“That’s good to know darlin.” He pulled me close to him, kissing me. The door opened, and Hannah one of the nurses popped her head out.
“Hey doc, we’ve got a bird landing on a roof. Three year old in a car accident, your up.”
“I’ve got to go, thanks for lunch. I’ll call you later.” I kissed him, before running inside.
The test of my shift had been horrible, I never gotten a chance to call Dwayne, to eat much of anything, or to even rest. By the time my shift ended, at six am, I was just done.
I walked out of the doors, trudging across the parking lot, to my car. Seeing a figure leaning against a vehicle parked near mine, my guard went up. As I got closer I saw it was Dwayne.
I let out a little sob, He looked up, when he heard me. I walked towards him, throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around him.
“You okay darlin?”
“I am now!” His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to him.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s been a horrible night, but it just got better since you’re here.” I leaned in kissing him.
“You look exhausted, I was going to take you to breakfast, maybe I should take you home instead.”
“I didn’t get to rest last night, the last time I ate was lunch with you...”
“I’m not letting you drive, I’m taking you home, fixing you breakfast, and putting you to bed.”
“Don’t tell Loretta, but I think you’ve become my favorite person in New Orleans.”
Dwayne laughed helping me into his truck. “Your secret is safe with me.”
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elajyoti-blog · 6 years ago
Surrogacy in Delhi Ncr | Mothers Lap IVF Centre Pitampura | Elawoman
Surrogacy in Delhi Ncr
The developing surrogacy wonder in which ladies consent to have their bodies used to experience pregnancy and bring forth the subsequent baby is turning into a noteworthy issue of the 21st century. Surrogacy is regularly alluded to as "belly leasing" wherein a substantial administration has accommodated a charge. The training is laden with multifaceted nature and contention encompassing the suggestions for ladies' wellbeing and human rights by and large. Society is just starting to ponder the issues that it raises. Progressively, surrogates mother as gestational transporters, conveying a pregnancy to a conveyance in the wake of having been embedded with a developing life. Since the surrogate generally has no natural relationship to the tyke, she has no legitimate case and the surrogate's name does not show up on the birth testament. In the United States, there is no national guideline of surrogacy and its fifty states comprise an intricate interwoven pattern of strategies and laws, extending from inside and out bans to no guideline.
A couple of the numerous issues raised by Surrogacy Center in Delhi include: the privileges of the youngsters delivered; the moral and down to earth repercussions of the further commodification of ladies' bodies; without guideline, extortion submitted by surrogacy organizations can't be anticipated or indicted; the abuse of poor and low pay ladies urgent for cash; the good and moral outcomes of changing a typical natural capacity of a lady's body into a business exchange.
The absence of national laws or guideline of surrogacy in the United States is thrown against a background of rising utilization. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine revealed a 30% expansion in surrogate births somewhere in the range of 2004 and 2006, for an aggregate of 1,059 live births in 2006, the latest year for which it could give information. Industry specialists gauge that the real number is a lot higher since numerous surrogate births go unreported.
A fertility-modern complex has been made to oblige the 8 million barren ladies in the United States alone, who are spending around $3 billion per year to endeavor to enable themselves to consider. Despite the fact that the expense to the planned parent(s), including medicinal and lawful bills, keeps running from $40,000 to $120,000, the interest for qualified surrogates is well in front of supply. The surrogate herself ordinarily is paid $20,000 to $25,000 in the U.S., which midpoints around $3.00 every hour for every hour she is pregnant, in view of pregnancy of 266 days or 6,384 hours.
In surrogacy, the privileges of the kid are never considered. Exchanging the obligations of parenthood from the birthing mother to a contracting couple denies the tyke any case to its "gestational transporter" and to its organic guardians if the egg, as well as sperm, is/are not that of the contracting guardians. Likewise, the tyke has no option to data about any kin the individual may have in the last case.
Surrogacy is another type of commodification of ladies' bodies. Surrogate administrations are publicized, surrogates are selected, and working organizations make expansive benefits. The corporate greed of surrogacy raises fears of a bootleg market and baby selling, of reproducing ranches, transforming ruined ladies into baby makers and the likelihood of specific rearing at a cost. Surrogacy corrupts a pregnancy to an administration and a baby to an item.
The Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC) has been in the cutting edge of the development requesting ethically capable science for over 10 years. We require an end of this training misuses ladies' bodies and jeopardizes their wellbeing, dismisses the human privileges of the kids delivered, and commodifies human life, transforming the marvel of birth into simply one more business exchange and a business open door for unending benefit age.
Surrogacy is a type of assisted reproductive treatment (ART) in which a lady (the surrogate) consents to convey and bring forth a kid in the interest of someone else or couple, alluded to as the 'appointing parent(s)' or 'expected parent(s)'.
While thinking about a surrogacy game plan, it very well may be hard to realize how to start and what to foresee. VARTA offers data and a scope of assets - including webcasts, recordings, and composed material - to enable all gatherings to explore this perplexing procedure. This data is proposed just to give a rundown and general outline. It doesn't comprise legitimate counsel, nor does it consider your own conditions.
As the laws influencing surrogacy shift between states inside Australia and internationally, VARTA firmly encourages individuals to look for autonomous legitimate, restorative and advising counsel about surrogacy courses of action.
In this area, we give data and assets to surrogates mother and for dispatching guardians.
VARTA thanks the accompanying individuals for their commitment to this asset:
Nicolas Walker, Leonie Kelleher, and Loretta Houlahan, Kellehers Australia, Barristers and Solicitors
Hannah Court, Victoria Law Foundation Intern
Rita Alesi, Monash IVF
Catherine Nave, Melbourne IVF
Erin Keleher and Sharon Perera, Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages
The Surrogacy in Delhi NCR methodology in Delhi changes from Rs. 11,93,000 to Rs. 19,45,000. The best surrogacy focuses in Delhi are Mannat Fertility Clinic and Dr. Rama's Test Tube Baby Center. The focuses offer astounding surrogacy achievement rates for the patients visiting the focuses.
Mothers Lap IVF Centre Pitampura
Mothers Lap IVF Centre  Pitampura is a Surrogacy and IVF focus situated in Pitampura, Delhi. The administrations and offices given by this driving Surrogacy focus are In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), alongside the treatment for the issues like Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease (PCOS), Endometriosis, Polyps Removal (Polypectomy), Fibroids Removal, Ovarian Cysts, Ovarian Torsion, and Premature Ovarian Failure. It was built up in 2009. It is viewed as the best IVF facility in Delhi as the sole reason for the middle is to carry satisfaction and delight to the childless couple who can't bring forth another life. With the best extensive consideration, they give the total data and complete conclusion to every one of their patients. In the event that somebody experiences issues in imagining, at that point this is the opportune spot for them. The counseling specialist at Mothers Lap IVF Center is Dr. Shobha Gupta who is likewise the leader of the Gynecology and Obstetrics division there. Every one of the techniques of IVF and Surrogacy are finished by her.
Apollo Cradle Moti Nagar
Apollo Cradle Moti Nagar is the best maternity emergency clinic in Moti Nagar, Delhi. It brags of a propelled dimension III NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) explicitly intended for dealing with recently conceived infants. It is furnished with two activity theaters that have laminar stream and HEPA channels, viewed as of the most elevated measures for gynecological systems. The emergency clinic is visited by Dr. Roya Rozati, Dr. Hima Bindu Avatapalle, and Dr. Sumit Mahajan. Apollo Cradle has a proactive group of master specialists from all strengths, for example, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Pediatric Orthopedics, Pediatric Ophthalmologists, Nephrologists and ENT. The emergency clinic has the best skill of specialists to manage high-hazard pregnancies to give a fruitful and safe conveyance to the patients. The principle administrations offered by the emergency clinic are typical and high-chance pregnancy care, kid inoculation, Hysteroscopy, youngster conveyance, NICU/PICU, Pediatrics, menopause, Hysterectomy, infant hearing screening, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Infertility treatment, Antenatal checkup, and inherent issue assessment. The medical clinic contains the 50 top most looked for after experts of Bangalore, it has achieved unmatched magnificence in ladies and kid human services.
Dev IVF Center
Dev IVF Center And Research Center is a standout amongst the Best IVF and Infertility Center in Delhi. Ripe Solutions IVF And Research Center is situated in the city of Delhi and effectively available. Fruitful Solutions IVF And Research Center is known for its different administrations covering IVF Treatment, IUI Treatment, ICSI Treatment, TESA, MESA, Laparoscopic Surgery, Hysteroscopy Surgery and Male Infertility.
Dev IVF Center (FSIVF) and Research Center spends significant time in offering a wide scope of infertility treatments. The couples having issues in considering a kid can discover sheltered and successful answer for their issues at here in the most ideal manner. FSIVF is driven by a group of veteran IVF specialists and well-prepared staff individuals who together guarantee appropriate treatment just as complete fulfillment for the couples.
The distress of not having an infant can't be communicated in words. We totally get this and accordingly endeavor to give the best fertility answers for the couples coming to us. We pursue the way of thinking of cautious examination and precise proposal dependent on the conclusion. One visit to our IVF/Infertility medical clinic with your accomplice could change your life.
Sci Hospital Kailash Colony
Sci Hospital Kailash Colony is a Surrogacy and IVF focus situated in Kailash Colony, Delhi. Their claim to fame incorporates Ovarian Induction, Embryo Biopsy for PGS/PGD, Obstetrics/Antenatal Care, Surrogacy, Pre and Post Delivery Care, Blastocyst Culture, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Infertility Evaluation and Treatment, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Ovarian acceptance and Male Infertility. On the off chance that we take a gander at the surrogacy achievement rate, at that point they have conveyed in excess of 1200 children to fruitless guardians in India and Abroad. The staff supports and aides the patients at each progression and gives them the itemized clarification of the issue. Staff facilitates well with the patient and aides them at each progression. They make the fantasy of having an infant a reality by treating the patients who have Infertility and are unfit to progress toward becoming guardians. The facility is going by Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour.
Urogyn Clinic Rohini
Urogyn Clinic rohini is a standout amongst the best Fertility Clinic situated in Rohini, Delhi. It was set up in 1994 and has a background marked by quantities of effective surrogacies and IVF conveyances. From that point forward they have treated countless National and International patients. The facility gives the treatment to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), methods like Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, and Blastocyst Culture and Transfer. It is ensured by Indian Council of Medical Research, Directorate of Health Services and is certify under ISO: 9001-2008. The emergency clinic gives far reaching and propelled care to the patients who are experiencing infertility and are unfit to tolerate a tyke through the regular procedure. The clinic has a devoted group of specialists, attendants and medicinal experts. They utilize the most recent innovation and pursue the best strategies for the achievement of the treatments. Dr. Surbhi Gupta is the IVF and Infertility specialist at Urogyn IVF Center. She is a devoted specialist and has a rich involvement in this field. Urogyn IVF is interesting of its sort.
If you have any double about Surrogacy in Delhi Ncr. You can contact us  
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
Globe, September 16
Cover: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Andrew caught in $100M Jeffrey Epstein bribe scandal 
Tumblr media
Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- unflattering pictures of stars -- Diane Keaton, John McEnroe, Bobby Brown 
Page 3: Tea Leoni, Lea Michele 
Page 4: Kelly Clarkson’s behind-the-scenes boozing has friends and co-workers fearing it could develop into a serious health crisis 
Page 5: Tommy Lee popped his top over being asked to remove his hat at a ritzy New Orleans restaurant and was shown the door, Jennifer Lopez is an expert pole dancer 
Page 6: Larry King’s family and friends are ecstatic he is finally divorcing his wife Shawn after 22 turbulent years of marriage, jealous Amal Clooney goes nuts over George Clooney’s calls to old flame Lisa Snowdon 
Page 7: Still-married Miley Cyrus plans $1 million gay wedding to Kaitlynn Carter 
Page 8: Plunging back into her career after raising her kids Brooke Shields is looking fantastic and pals and nip/tuck experts insist she has undergone a series a fixes 
Page 9: Dr. Paul Nassif says big butts are out but selfie surgery is in, Sharon Osbourne received a shocking piece of family news while taping an episode of the British series Who Do You Think You Are?, Jason Momoa couldn’t muscle his way out of a stuck hotel elevator for two hours 
Page 10: Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel joins jet set after legal loophole tosses Martha Moxley murder rap 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Gayle King, Gary Busey split his skull in a 1988 motorcycle accident but he now says that the near-death experience helped him recall previous lifetimes, Angelina Jolie had a heartbreakingly hard time watching her eldest child Maddox go off to college, Kaley Cuoco is set to produce and star in the upcoming HBO dark comedy The Flight Attendant, Hugh Grant wants to do a war movie
Page 13: More unflattering pictures of Angela Lansbury, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and galpal Lori McCreary
Page 14: Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin adopted a new kitty named Sushi, Robert Downey Jr. confesses he got busted for smoking pot on his first visit to Disneyland, Fashion Verdict -- Monica, Erykah Badu, Cara Delevingne 
Page 16: TV chef Valerie Bertinelli packs on 25 pounds 
Page 17: Eddie Money battling killer cancer 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Tom Selleck, Jane Seymour posted a picture of her reunion with Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman love interest Joe Lando, Loretta Devine jokingly blames Debbie Allen for ending her Emmy-award winning stint on Grey’s Anatomy 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 22: Funny Photo Quiz -- Sarah Michelle Gellar 
Page 23: Chrissy Teigen hits back at trolls who condemn her for going without a bra, Willie Nelson is poised to make a bundle off his cannabis company but pals worry the country legend’s love of his own products may add to the breathing troubles that sidelined him over the summer 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Queen Elizabeth and son Prince Andrew tangled in Jeffrey Epstein bribe probe 
Page 26: Health Report 
Page 30: Amelia Earhart was eaten by gigantic land crabs after she survived a crash landing on Nikumaroro -- a remote island in the middle of the Pacific 
Page 31: Former Bachelorette hunk Robby Hayes has denied he made a sex tape with married reality TV princess Lindsie Chrisley -- saying the video was only some canoodling on a couch captured on a puppy cam, Mama June Shannon is once again getting slammed as trashy but this time it’s by neighbors who are furious over her garbage-strewn yard and a gigantic dumpster in the driveway, Nicole Kidman says her daughters can’t watch her movie Destroyer until they’re 21 
Page 45: Kylie Jenner has triggered a Tinseltown tizzy by toting a $30 purse that’s a copy of an $1,850 pocketbook by The Row -- the designer line of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Bethenny Frankel left RHONYC after Bravo bigwigs nixed her bid for a fatter paycheck
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- Russell Crowe in Gladiator
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years ago
Paula Abdul takes terrifying tumble off stage during show
Paula Abdul takes terrifying tumble off stage during show Paula Abdul takes terrifying tumble off stage during show https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
Paula Abdul is nursing a few bumps and a bruised ego after falling off the stage during a gig in Mississippi on Saturday night.
The Straight Up singer went straight down as she reached out to grab fans’ hands at the front of the stage at the Hard Rock Live venue in Biloxi and lost her balance.
Fans helped Paula get back onstage and she continued with the show, putting on a brave face and completing the third gig on her Straight Up Paula! 2018 Tour.
It’s not quite clear if the singer and dancer is more seriously injured than she let on, but she recently revealed she was taking care on tour after a horrific accident on a plane flight 25 years ago derailed her pop career.
The singer underwent 15 surgeries and was left partially paralyzed after the engine of the seven-seater plane, on which she was a passenger, blew up and Paula, who was not strapped in, found herself being tossed around the cabin like a rag doll.
“I hit my head on the top of the plane and after that I was sidelined for seven years,” she told U.S. talk show host Steve Harvey. “I had 15 spinal surgeries, I had partial paralysis.”
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She returned to the spotlight as a judge on U.S. talent show American Idol and now she’s back on her feet and touring again.
“I’m really excited that I get a chance to do this again,” she said.
The Straight Up Paula! tour began earlier this month, and she’s scheduled to perform at the Sands Bethlehem Event Center in Pennsylvania on Oct. 23.
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atakportal · 7 years ago
PA 17 clickbank | Josee Smith Holistic Health Coach
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PA 17 clickbank | Josee Smith Holistic Health Coach
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. PA 17 clickbank | Josee Smith Holistic Health Coach is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Are you looking for a natural alternative when it comes to your health and wellbeing?
Women all around the world are searching for natural alternatives that are better suited for their health, their family and the environment.
Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils is on the rise and here are reasons why:
Dealing with aches and pains can put a damper on your life.  Many aromatherapy essential oils have actual painrelieving qualities.
Some have actual anti-inflammatory qualities that make them excellent treatments for many common ailments. These can include headaches and muscle aches, digestion ailments, allergies and can even treat issues from hair and skin problems.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, professor of surgery at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City states thatvarious research studies support the use of aromatherapy for pain relief and, as opposed to other remedies,aromatherapy acts very fast as the brain interprets the scent quickly and feels it instantaneously.
The right aromatherapy can also help open up your sinuses and breathingpassages so you can breathe comfortably and easily. Some scents even haveimmune boosting and antiseptic qualities that could help with somebreathing ailments such as sinus problems or allergies.
With so many different scents, from relaxing to refreshing, you can enjoy each breath you take a little more too.
Starting with the ability to relax your mind and body, aromatherapy can vastly improve your sleep habits.
Getting to sleep, staying asleep, the quality of sleep you are getting, and the ability to wake up refreshed are allquality sleep habits that aromatherapy can help you with.
Aromatherapy can help you to recover from illness and also boost your immunity so you can avoid getting sick in the first place. You can help give yourself more energy simply by breathing in the energizing properties of scents like citrus or peppermint. Each and every one of these small benefits helps you to strengthen your immunity, one breath at a time.
Do you feel tired and lethargic? Aromatherapy can help keep you energized and perk yourself up during yourafternoon slump. It can wake you up and get your day started.  Many smells can help you feel more peppy, like citrus and mint.
Sometimes there is nothing worse than being in a plain bad mood. From the moody blues to true depression,aromatherapy can help to put a smile back on your face. Many aromatherapy scents have real mood boostingqualities.
Weight Loss and Appetite Control:
Essential oils can also help you to lose weight, burn fat, prevent bloating and suppress your appetite. Whether it’s constant cravings of fatty, sugary foods or you deal with mood swings and poor digestion, essential oils can play a key role.
Stress is Dangerous, it’s best to not underestimate the importance of stress relief. The ability to relax your mind and body can help with a huge variety of seemingly unrelated issues.
At the very least, you can prevent a number of different stress relatedproblems such as migraine headaches, neck and back pain simply byengaging in the right stress relieving practices.
Aromatherapy is among the top recommended stress relieving practices.
Aromatherapy helps you balance your life naturally.  The simple act of relaxing your mind, breathing the healing scents in and out in deep breaths, and allowingyourself to release the tension in your body is difficult for many people at first.Relaxing scents like lavender, vanilla, and eucalyptus help you to take your mind off your problems and let the tension melt away.
It’s truly amazing what a small drop of pure essential oil can do for your entire mind, body and spirit. Everything from alleviating pain so you can get back to your tasks, to helping you fight against illness and digestive problems and helping you to look and feel your best- all of these are just a few of the amazing benefits of aromatherapy.
Hi I’m Josée Smith, your No Excuse Health Coach and I’m on a mission to empower women to live vibrant healthy lives the natural way.  I’ve put this special programtogether so that you can get started with the many wonders that Aromatherapy can bring into your life.
With this ebook you’ll discover:
Stress kills! This is a fact, and we live in a fast paced, “go go go” world that is full of stress. While some suffer intermittent bouts of stress, others live in a chronic state of stress that can have a serious effect on their health.
When you breathe the scents of particular essential oils you can induce a certain mood to help you:
 You’ll discover the many great essential oil choices for mood enhancement.
Thank you for these wonderful gifts Josée, I was delighted once I had opened the  email and explored the enclosed gifts.  Particularly, the Aromatherapy  information and themeditations. The gifts will certainly help me to de-stress and  relax.  Many Thanks.              Loretta
Living with chronic pain can be quite difficult and may cause added stress, discomfort, and immense suffering to those who deal with it on a daily basis.
Acute or chronic pain can make life challenging, such that every dayactivities may become cumbersome, and pain can severely impact quality of life when it is highly uncomfortable or debilitating.
With this ebook you’ll discover the different essential oils which arewidely used for pain relief. Some soothe the mind and body to alleviate stress and tension that indirectly helps improves the pain sensations, while others have actual analgesic properties. Yet others possess anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-rheumatic properties, all of which serve to alleviate pain in various ways.
If you have ever been constipated, suffered from indigestion, anupset stomach or some other digestive problem, you know just how awful that can make you feel.  
You’ll find out the best essential oils you can use to ease pain from indigestion, bloating, cramps, gas, diarrhea, constipation, motion sickness and nausea.  
And how to get quick relief from multiple digestive issues.
Each kit includes ebook, infographic and video you can download immediately so you can begin to add aromatherapy in your life today. 
Aromatherapy has been used to support overall wellness and can be used for a variety of purposes. It harnesses the power of essential oils that have been extracted from nature (whether from flowers or roots, seeds or leaves, and even fruits and twigs) and these are then formulated to work with your body to promote well-being.
With this eBook, you’ll discover many ways to use essential oils for your health and wellbeing and how to get started with aromatherapy in your life today.
Here is everything you receive when buying the Power of Aromatherapy Program:
This program is truly an incredible value.  This offer is for those who are looking fornatural health solutions and want proven tools and strategies that work and wouldappreciate the support to include it into their own lives. The content inside thisprogram has worked for other women just like you and it comes risk free with a 60 day guarantee.  After you have gone through the program, if you are not happy withthe results, just send me an e-mail and I’ll send you a refund.
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Click here to get PA 17 clickbank | Josee Smith Holistic Health Coach at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. PA 17 clickbank | Josee Smith Holistic Health Coach is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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