#lord i will never recover
monstermonger · 2 years
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my wife @konkenorve made needle-felt fat cat and i'll never be the same
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cirrus-grey · 8 months
I'm realizing why I kind of prefer the Jonny-written episodes (and Alex too so far) to the guest-written episodes. Jonny horror? It's creepy. It's gross. It sends a shiver up your spine while you're listening and makes you go 'well that was fucked up' when it ends.
And it's fun. It makes me like being scared, and then I can put it aside and go to sleep afterward.
The guest writers have been going for the fucking throat. I'm scared to turn off my light after those episodes, let alone sleep. It's the kind of horror that makes me remember why I'm not, in general, a horror person.
And don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying those episodes. They're interesting stories and I like the way they've been written and told. But I'm scared of needles, and Mr. Needles himself was an absolute delight to meet. I've never been scared of violins before, but I couldn't close my eyes for three hours after that episode because every time I did adrenaline would shoot through me at the idea of what was lurking in the darkness.
This ramble is going nowhere but I've seen a few other people saying Protocol is scaring them more than Archives did so I thought folks might relate.
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nihilizzzm · 1 year
Yes yes life is sad but—
It makes me so sad omfg
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strugglingsapphic · 2 months
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watching Celine Dion unite the world by singing at the olympics opening ceremony after society believed she'd never sing again is equivalent to the avatar defeating the fire lord
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deadhawke · 2 months
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I am going to be unwell about this forever.
“You’re beautiful”
God Rogue is so explicitly deeply deeply in love in the book.
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brethilach · 3 months
I have a personal vendetta against that Gollum game because when it first came out my friend convinced me that there was a way to turn Gollum pink and I only believed it for a moment until they started talking about changing your character to "yellow Gollum" or "green Gollum" in multiplayer Gollum Battle Royale. But the split moment I believed it was enough for it to become an inside joke permanently ingrained into our circle. It's been nearly a year since then and they still bring up Pink Gollum whenever they have the chance. Pink Gollum is forever. I can never escape Pink Gollum
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favoritejohn · 1 year
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out there living his hot boy summer 🍒
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waitingtobreatheagain · 2 months
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LISTEN LISTEN, I know we’re all sad and disappointed at Mal’s reunion. BUT we need to talk about how this man did whatever he could to keep the memory of MC close to him when they were gone.
Lord Wesley of RIVERBEND????? Mal claiming to be from MC’s hometown?? People died, I am people.
Him telling stories about MC to his kids????????
Building the orphanage when MC disappeared because he needed a purpose?? And the one he picks is the one he wanted to achieve, WITH MC. (for my fellow Mal-romancers out there)
I know we were all expected a big, dramatic reunion, but I honestly think this one was pretty good too. I think the emotions we were hoping for was THERE, it was just subtler.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When byler is trekking the UD together in s5 and one of them brings up how they’re like Sam and Frodo 😳
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thevictoriousone · 4 months
I was so worried about Eliot’s dad rejecting him or being dead that I never even considered that no one would answer the door.
How the hell am I supposed to go to bed with Eliot’s tear-filled puppy-dog eyes haunting me???
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shroombies · 2 years
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tma and jonmartin have consumed the entirety of my brain I cannot escape anymore
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bisexualgregorsamsa · 8 months
did i finish 'in memoriam' or did 'in memoriam' finish me??
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just remembered that one of the reasons ive yet to read ftfo is because i KNOW its good and that if i read it im NEVER going to recover from it or find another fic like it
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flesh-n-brain-rot · 11 months
reading lotr. Watching the I've always wondered how come Faramir just happened to know about Boromirs death. Now I've found my answer and it is much more traumatizing than i have hped for.
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rabbithillsolos · 4 months
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so the new boot//hill trailer was okay i guess
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