#lorcan salveterre
the-regal-warrior · 3 years
Would anyone be interested in a return to The Firstborn Agreement? Like, learning more about the world of the Fae and Elide adjusting? (And probably some smut)
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And I shall bestow a kiss upon you
Summary: The cadre like to kiss each other. Aedion is a little confused
Part of my ToG Comfortember 2020. I know it’s 2021 now, but I’m determined to finish it. 
The Cadre liked to kiss each other.
It was an absurd thought, but Aedion knew what he was seeing.
He hadn't thought much of it at first. They were pretty drunk the first time it happened, and Fenrys had been the perpetrator. That part was self-explanatory, really.
After a night out that had left both he and Rowan tipsy, Fenrys drunk and Lorcan the only one sober, they had come back with Fenrys dangling between them.
"I'll take him to his room," said Lorcan
"Are You sure?" asked Rowan
"Yea, yea," said Lorcan, "I'm sure your wives are waiting to hit you over the heads for being this late,"
Aedion chuckled. They were late, an hour late, to be exact. Elide, of course, was still in Perranth, so Lorcan didn't need to worry about ruining anyone's schedule.
"Alright then,"
Lorcan started to lead Fenrys away when he suddenly flailed and tried to move back.
"Wait! Wait!" he cried, "I have to say bye,"
Lorcan rolled his eyes and sighed but let him go. Fenrys ambled over and gave Rowan a big hug and kiss on the cheek. He then turned to Aedion and kissed his hair.
"Timo to go now," said Lorcan
Fenrys grinned and waved, "Bye!"
Aedion smiled and shook his head as they watched the other two go.
"Wow, he's drunk,"
Rowan snorted his agreement.
And that was that.
Except that it wasn't.
The next time it happened, they were at a party hosted by the Queen of Terrasen. It was a holiday gala with plenty of wine and spirits making the rounds. This time both he and Fenrys were pretty drunk. As the night ended and the still sober ladies retired to one of the smaller sitting rooms, Rowan and Lorcan decided it was time for both he and Fenrys to be in bed.
Rowan grabbed him while Lorcan took the other wolf. However, before Fenrys could leave, he once again gave both of them a kiss on the cheek. Aedion let it go instantly but was forced to rethink it when Rowan was putting him in bed.
The silver-haired male helped him strip out of his outer layers and got him under the covers. Once Aedion was in, Rowan lowered his head and gently touched his lips to Aedion's forehead.
Now, Aedion was drunk and tired and didn't have the capacity to really think beyond his initial surprise. However, in the morning, his head was a little more clear, if throbbing, and he remembered what had happened the night before.
Even though it was a bit odd, he put it off to Rowan just acting like the big brother. Aedion himself had always kissed Aelin as a sign of affection. So what if they were two males? It was still a normal thing to do.
It happened again after a late-night dinner at the palace. This time no one was drunk, and no one kissed him.
However, as Fenrys got up to leave, everyone else got up say goodbye. Rowan was the last one, and as he leaned in for a hug, Fenrys gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, same as Aelin.
It was a little surprising since he had only seen Fenrys kiss one of the males when drunk, but he figured it was just something Fenrys did.
The next time the four of them were sitting at a campfire, and the oldest two males were regaling them with stories from their centuries together. Fenrys would chime in here and there, too, but it was mostly the other two talking.
Surprisingly, Fenrys was the first one to get up, citing an early morning for him. Before he left, he went to grasp Rowan's arm and then quickly kissed him on the cheek. Lorcan was given the same treatment.
Lorcan was given the same treatment. What the fuck?
The oldest male didn't push him away as Aedion had expected, merely sighed exasperatedly and rolled his eyes. As Fenrys passed him, he placed a kiss on his head too.
Aedion looked at the other males, but they had gone back to reminiscing about one battle or another.
Alright. So maybe Fenrys really just liked kissing his friends. It could be a thing.
The time after that, there was no Fenrys. It was actually Rowan that did it.
"Alright, time for me go," he said once the two of them were done pouring over reports. The man squeezed his shoulder and placed a kiss on his head. Aedion mumbled his own goodnight and wondered what the hell was going on.
He had almost given up on figuring it out and just accepted that Fenrys and Rowan were just like that. Except then he witnessed a small moment between Lorcan and Rowan that made him curious again.
They were going out to meet a radical pure-blood fae group, the kind that didn't believe any demi-fae should have been given freedom. The new laws put forward by the Sellene had brought them out of the woodwork. Aelin had agreed to go help settle things down.
Lorcan had been on edge ever since he heard of the group, more tense than normal, mood sourer than ever, and he barely said two words to anyone.
No one in the court blamed him, though. This group had been around for a long time, and if Rowan's impromptu history lesson was anything to go by, someone as old as Lorcan would have been brought a lot of pain due to their actions.
Just before they were about to leave, Aedion saw Rowan and Lorcan standing a little away from the rest of them. Rowan was saying something to Lorcan softly and when he finished talking, the dark made gently grasped his forearm. He then leaned in as if to hug the other male but turned his face to brush a small kiss at Rowan's temple.
It was a small moment and if Aedion had blinked, he would have missed it. Nobody else saw it and Aedion didn't have time to give it much thought.
After that incident, Aedion started to see it a lot more. Fenrys would kiss them when he was drunk or at the end of the day. Rowan would do it in a 'brotherly' way when one of them was upset or they were having a soft moment. They kissed each other more than they kissed him but still when they did, it seemed to come to them naturally. With Lorcan, the action wasn't natural. It was deliberate, usually comfort as the last resort. A kiss for Fenrys when his drink made him cry instead of making him laugh, one for Rowans when his eyes became glassy and always done in a fleeting moment. Aedion didn't think anyone else noticed it and the only reason he did was that he was looking for it.
Lorcan didn't kiss Aedion though. At least, he didn't use to.
Aedion and Lysandra had travelled to Perranth to check on Elide as she healed from her bones being realigned. The whole court had wanted to go together but as far as responsibilities go, it was just not feasible.
They promised to stay there three nights and on the second one, Aedion woke up in a sweat, his heart racing in his chest.
A nightmare. It had been a nightmare and a brutal one at that. One filled with too much blood and screaming, one that left him unable to go to sleep. Not wanting to wake his slumbering wife, Aedion carefully sipped out of bed.
Once he was in the hall, Aedion walked around the maze of a manor until he ended up on the city facing balcony. It was the same balcony Elide used at big functions to be seen and heard by her citizens. At night, it gave a beautiful and peaceful view of Perranth. It helped calm him.
The presence behind him seemed to materialize out of nowhere. He whipped around to find Lorcan already stepping back with his hands up and a sheepish look on his face.
"Apologies," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice, "I forget not everyone can feel me coming,"
"Right," muttered Aedion, "What are you doing up here?"
Lorcan hummed, "I usually only sleep four to six hours a night. This time it more towards the least amount. You?"
Aedion just shrugged and went back to looking at the city. Lorcan nodded as if he understood. Who knew, he probably did.
They stood there for a little while, silently watching the sleeping city together. Eventually, as Aedion's eyes started to droop, Lorcan turned towards him.
"We should get you back to bed, Ashryver," he said, "Unlike me, you do need more sleep,"
Aedion grunted but followed Lorcan without complaint. Lorcan was right, he was tired and he needed the sleep. Maybe this time his mind would actually let him rest.
When they got to the suite he was staying in, Lorcan was the one to open the door for him. Aedion nodded his thanks and said a quiet good night. As he passed Lorcan, the older male put a gentle hand on his shoulder and brushed a kiss to his temple.
"Good night," he murmured to Aedion, quickly closing the door after him.
It happened so fast, Aedion didn't have time to be surprised before the other male was gone.
He was, however, determined to get some answers.
The next time he saw Rowan, he plopped down beside him with intent.
"I have a question," he declared to his brother
Rowan raises an eyebrow at him, "Oh?"
"What's with the kissing?"
Rowan's other eyebrow joined its partner.
"You're going to need to be a little more specific, pup," said Rowan, "I'm assuming you're not asking about the normal kissing young men ask their older brothers about,"
Aedion snorted, "No. I'm talking about you and the rest of the Cadre,"
"Oh, that," said Rowan, "You noticed, hmm?"
"A bit hard not to," said Aedion, "Especially when Lorcan of all people gently bestowed one on me,"
"He did?" asked Rowan, disbelief clear on his face, "Wait. Is that what prompted this conversation?"
"Well, yes," answered Aedion, "Fenrys only does it when he's tired or drunk or both and you're to me what I am to Aelin so I didn't think much about it. I figured males that were close just did that,"
Rowan smiled, "And you would be right,"
Aedion gave him a blank look.
Rowan smiled and threw an arm around, gently tugging him into his side.
"It doesn't really mean anything. It's just something people in Doranelle grow up doing, like shaking hands and hugging each other. Of course, Lorcan didn't grow up with family and is a little more reserved. Fenrys and I, as nobles, were taught some etiquette along with it. Bow first, who should initiate, how close you have to be and such but otherwise it doesn't have a deep meaning behind it,"
"So Lorcan...?"
Rowan sighed.
"As I said about Lorcan," he said, "He grew up without a family. All those jokes we make of him, he doesn't mind them because frankly, he gives as much as he gets. If he minded, we wouldn't make the jokes but there is some truth to them,"
Aedion thought back to the comment he had heard in passing conversations. The more humorous and nonchalant ones like 'bastard from the slums' and 'street rat'. And the ones said in the heat of the moment, like the day Rowan had spat out 'fucked his way to the top' in anger, making even Lorcan go quiet for a second.
If one really looked at the implied stories behind them, they didn't paint a very nice picture of Lorcan's past.
"He cares about you," said Rowan, "In his own Lorcan way, as much as he is able. We care out you,"
"Oh," whispered Aedion, "Oh,"
Rowan chuckled and placed a kiss against his temple. Aedion could feel his smile against his skin.
"Come on, pup," said Rowan, still smiling, "I think it's time for lunch,"
"Okay," he murmured, still a bit dazed.
After his conversation with Rowan, Aedion stopped keeping track, letting the older males show their affection. Lorcan's displays were still few and far between but Aedion knew that was just another part of him.
Eventually, he found himself reciprocating and even initiating the small show of affection. He learnt to turn his head and kiss Fenrys at the same time. He learnt to plant a kiss on Rowan's cheek as they hugged in greeting. He learnt that Fenrys like his hair to be kissed when he was tired. He found that when his brother was drunk he let out an adorable little giggle at having his forehead kissed.
He, however, refrained from doing any such thing with Lorcan. It just didn't seem right. Lorcan himself rarely initiated and to Aedion it felt as if he would be crossing some invisible line.
However, one night, on the anniversary of the court's victory, the four of them were sitting outside bathed in moonlight. The party had gone one for some time and as it had come to an end, the four of them had slipped away for a breath of air before they had to go back in and help the ladies. They were a little tipsy, red-cheeked and warm, their conversations soft and nonsensical.
Aedion didn't want to leave but he knew he had to be the first one to get up. Nobody expected Lorcan to be in there, they all understood his need for a break and Elide was the only one expected by the people. Rowan could also get away from disappearing for a bit. However, Aedion would be missed by some of the guests that were still milling about.
With great pain, he got himself to stand up.
"Alright gentlemen, I should go inside," he told the others.
They were a few murmurs of assent as he bent down to place a kiss on Fenrys's head. He then moved to Rowan and gave his forehead a gentle kiss. Then unthinkingly, he bent down and placed a kiss on Lorcan's forehead too.
The older male looked at him with surprise all over his face. Aedion froze, thinking that he might have just made a huge mistake.
However, Lorcan just silently raised his glass back to his lips to hide his smile, small and a little shy.
And yes, Elide had been right. Lorcan definitely looked much younger and brighter with a smile on his face.
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When Borte meets the Cadre™️
Borte: Hey. I’m Borte, probably heard all of these stories about me. I’m kinda a big deal, not as big of a deal as you guys. I’ve read so much about you. The stories don’t do you justice, you’re all beautiful. *runs her fingers through Fenrys’ how do you get it this soft? I suppose it just comes naturally with those fae genes of yours. Have you ever tried dyeing it? You have to tell me everything.
Fenrys: Well this is going to take a while to explain, let’s arrange a time shall we?
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fireheartblackthorn · 6 years
Incorrect ToG #14
Lorcan, hesitating: I have no feelings and I do not love Elide Lochan
aelin, from the sidelines: fewwwwwwppp
Lorcan, growling: why are you making those terrible noises?
Aelin: oh don’t mind me, that’s just the sound of your nose growing, Pinocchio
Lysandra, scolding: will you ever become a real man and fess up to your feelings?
Aelin: man?? He’s not even a real boy yet.
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maastrash · 3 years
Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout of some kind and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed. umm elorcan, obvi, because i am nothing if not predictable 🤪
isa... babe... i swear i actually did start writing this around Valentine's day... but... i am CLEARLY a mess.... please accept my VERY late elorcan present 😳
Valentine's Day Confessions
a/n: surprise i am alive ;)
Elide cursed as she grabbed the steaming hot popcorn bag from the microwave. The decadent buttery scent filled her cozy apartment as she poured it into her favorite mixing bowl. She was about to pour in the m&m’s when she remembered who exactly was joining her tonight - Lorcan. And her friend was not a fan of chocolate. If you asked her, the man simply had no taste.
It was Valentine’s Day and the pair had decided to have a singles awareness celebration. Since their entire friend group was filled with couples they were each other’s only source of company on this dreaded day. Truthfully, Elide despised Valentine’s day. Seeing countless couple posts on Instagram and stupid lovey-dovey shit everywhere only made her more bitter. She hadn’t had a boyfriend in a long time - too long. If she was being honest, she had always thought Lorcan would make a move on her one day. Though at this point, it had been years of banter and flirting with absolutely nothing else, so she had pretty much lost all hope. She would just have to accept that she would forever be in the friend zone, but of course, that was easier said than done.
She settled into the couch with her favorite stuffed animal when the doorbell rang. Lorcan, she assumed.
“It’s open,” she called.
“Elide, I could have been a killer,” Lorcan chastised as he took off his leather jacket and shoes at the front.”
“What killer rings the doorbell?” she shot back.
“Ok fair point,” he said, quickly settling down next to her.
“What do you wanna watch?” she asked, turning to Netflix.
Lorcan shrugged, “Your house your rules El.”
“Lorcan,” she grumbled. “You know I’m too indecisive for this.”
He had the audacity to laugh at her misery, “I know, but it’s funny watching you struggle.”
“I already know no romance movies. I’ve already seen enough lovey Snapchat stories to last a lifetime.”
“Agreed. Did you see all the shit Rowan and Aelin have been posting?” Lorcan asked with a laugh.
Elide laughed too. “Can’t be worse than Lysandra and Aedion.”
Maybe they were just cynical because they were both single, but at the moment Elide didn’t care. It was fun to joke around with Lorcan.
“Let’s watch an action movie then,” Lorcan suggested.
“John wick?” Elide asked, already clicking play.
Lorcan smiled, “Sounds like a plan.”
The movie had barely begun before Lorcan was shifting his massive frame to lay down, placing his head on Elide’s lap.
"Lorcan," she groaned. “You’re heavy as fuck.”
He mockingly gasped, “I’ll have you know I’m on a diet Elide Lochan.”
“It’s your absurd height, stupid,” she whacked him, but he was laughing the whole time.
“You’re warm,” Lorcan whined, sounding much like the five-year-olds that Elide taught every day.
“I have blankets right over there,” she said, gesturing to the basket overflowing with various throws.
Lorcan only stretched his legs out and adjusted himself on her lap. “If you don’t get up I’m gonna sit over there,” she said motioning to the new armchair she recently bought.
“When did you get that?” he asked, finally speaking.
“A few days ago because you literally take up the whole couch when we hang out.” She actually got it for decoration, but bantering with Lorcan was entertaining.
“You’re dramatic Lochan.”
“I’m dramatic?” Elide asked, as she stood. “I’ll show you dramatic.”
She walked to the armchair and plopped down crossing her arms and legs.
She was about to add another dramatic remark, but before she could she felt the chair give way. Suddenly, she was on the floor.
“Ouch,” she mumbled, once she registered the pain she felt on her ass.
“Elide, are you okay?” Lorcan asked, making his way over.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she muttered. “But I am never buying Ikea furniture again.”
In all honesty, it was probably her faulty building skills, but she was not going to admit that at the moment.
She tried to stand but pain shot up her ankle. She had landed on it weirdly, due to her dramatic crossed leg position.
“Wait for me Lochan,” Lorcan said as he carefully picked her up bridal style from the ruins of what once was her armchair.
“I could’ve walked,” she said softly against his chest.
That made Lorcan chuckle. “You were barely standing, El. You would have hobbled at best,” he said gently, placing her on the couch. "Let me get some ice. Your ankle already looks pretty swollen."
“I think it's just aggravated. Old wound,” she tried to say it with a smile, but it probably looked more like a grimace.
Lorcan’s eyes softened in understanding. “Ice won’t hurt though.”
Elide nodded and Lorcan took to the kitchen freezer in search of ice. He returned moments later with a bag of frozen peas wrapped haphazardly in a paper towel. He helped situate her ankle on a pillow so it was elevated and gingerly placed the bag on top.
“Shit that’s cold,” Elide couldn’t help but hiss.
Lorcan laughed softly and Elide smiled. Lorcan’s laugh was one of her favorite sounds. It was rare to see him smile and laugh openly when they were with their other friends, but when it was just them she saw it more often. She liked to think that it was because he was comfortable enough with her to show the real Lorcan.
“That’s the point, Lochan.”
“Get us some drinks, Salveterre,” she chuckled. “There is no better medicine than alcohol.”
“Whatever you say, boss,”
“I have a bottle of wine on the top shelf,” Elide called when she heard Lorcan rustling around.
“Got it,” Lorcan said, returning with a cup of wine. A cup.
“I was too lazy to find the glass,” he said in response to the look she gave him.
Elide stuck her tongue out at him before accepting the cup. “Let’s drink every time Keanu Reeves shoots someone,” she suggested.
“Elide, I think you would throw up if we did that.”
Elide rolled her eyes, “I’m not as much of a lightweight as I was in college, Lorcan.”
He raised a brow at her statement. “We’ll see about that."
As he expected, it had barely been 20 minutes, and Elide was already a giggling mess.
It only took 10 more for her head to fall on Lorcan’s shoulder.
And after another 10 minutes, Elide was onto the honesty.
She had hung out with Lorcan one on one many times, but nothing as intimate as a movie night on Valentine’s day where they were practically cuddling.
“Ok Salveterre truth or dare,” Elide slurred, turning to look at him.
“Elide the movie isn’t over yet,” he said pointing to the screen.
Elide gave him a look and paused the movie, “I’m too drunk to pay attention, plus we’ve watched this movie like five times,”
“Fine,” He laughed, giving in, “I say dare.”
“I dare you,” she said, poking him in the chest, “To kiss me.”
Lorcan almost spit out his wine. “Elide, you are way too drunk to be saying things like that.”
“I’m serious,” she said, setting her wine cup down for emphasis.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I met you, but you clearly only want to be friends.”
“Elide -”
“I know I’m not your type,” she said, her eyes dropping to the floor. “It’s fine, we can forget about this and blame it on the alcohol. It doesn’t have to be weird between us.”
She felt his hands on her chin, tilting it so they made eye contact.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I met you too. Elide Lochan, you are smart, kind, and pretty much out of my league in every single way. ”
She felt her cheeks flush at his admission. “Please just kiss me already, Salvettere.”
Without another word, his lips were on hers. Soft and sweet, a perfect first kiss, but she wanted more. She kissed him harder and opened her mouth. He took the hint, his tongue sweeping into her mouth. He pulled her closer, her heart was beating wildly against his.
Elide shifted so she was straddling his lap. She grinded against him and let herself get lost in the way he felt. The way he made her feel.
Lorcan shifted slightly as if he was going to lay her down. It would have been perfect, but Elide’s ankle turned too quick and she grimaced, breaking the kiss for a moment, but that’s all it took for Lorcan to pull back.
“Shit. Sorry, Lochan. I forgot about your ankle.”
“No I’m fine,” she panted breathlessly, trying to pull him back in.
“Maybe we should stop for tonight,” he said, brushing the hair from her eyes.
Elide grumbled, “stupid cock blocking ankle.”
Lorcan laughed again. “I can get you set up in your bed before I head out.”
Elide couldn’t help the pout, “Stay please?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his chest.
He smiled softly. “Anything for you, El.”
They readjusted on the couch so they were facing each other, this time cautious of Elide’s ankle. Lorcan pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and Elide tucked herself closer to his side. It wasn’t long before both of them became drowsy thanks to the alcohol and their heartfelt confessions.
And as Elide began drifting off to sleep in Lorcan’s arms, she knew this is how she wanted to spend every night for the rest of her life.
Tags:   @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict-blog  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova // @elriel4life // 
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shroomzoom · 4 years
lorcan salveterre is a thicc himbo. i will not elaborate.
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human-trash-fire · 5 years
Shot Through The Heart CH6:
Alright beautiful humans this is the last set up before the smutfest coming up. I hope y’all enjoy! Thank you to everyone for reading/sharing/commenting I can’t tell you how much I love you <3 Shoutout to @nalgenewhore​ @highqueenofelfhame​ @starseternalnighttriumphant​ for always letting me throw ideas at them!
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Two months passed slowly for everyone, all struggling in their own ways...
For Fenrys it was filled with excitement. Each day brought him closer to *finally* being able to touch the girl who had been his every thought. Their conversations were so easy it was as if he’d found his best friend in a woman he’d yet to meet officially. They Skyped when they could, Snapchatted daily, and shared nearly every part of themselves. It was wonderful, and yet… 
For Rowan it was agony. He was, on the outside, the same as he’d always been. Indifferent, ruthless, focused; Inside he was burning. Every time he saw Aelin on their now regular group-Skype chats, when he saw a new picture of her effortless form on Instagram, when Fenrys went on and on about her… He felt like he couldn’t breath. He had no right to feel anything but happy for his friends, and yet… 
For Aelin it was pure confusion. She loved her growing relationship with Fenrys, he was someone rare. A bright light in the darkness of her heart, a smile on a bad day, a joke at an inopportune moment, a shoulder to lean on. He had, by some miracle, become someone she could trust completely. He filled a hole in her heart that yearned for an easy friendship. Fenrys was undoubtedly the most simple part of her life, or he should have been. They flirted constantly, that was their way, and she knew he had gone into this arrangement harboring feelings. It was that knowledge that twisted in her gut in the early hours of the morning when she found herself staring at a picture of green eyes, imagining what it would be like to know the man behind him. She adored Fen, and yet…
The ball wasn’t for another few days. The Cadre, Fen had informed her, had to debrief first (checking in equipment, finalizing reports, etc.) before they’d sign out for leave. Knowing their list of post-deployment requirements didn’t stop the girls from demanding to know when it was the boy’s plane landed. And so she found herself wearing a simple outfit, high-waisted skinny jeans, white KEDS, and a white crop top, standing alongside Lys and Elide in the airport. They held a giant sign, complete with glitter and lights, that read “We finally met, the wait’s been crazy, get your asses over here & hug us maybe?” It was so stupid they were still laughing, and yet it felt like the only way to welcome them home. 
“Their plane just landed!” Aelin squealed while reading the arrivals board for the hundredth time. “How’s my hair?”
“Flawless,” Elide responded before adjusting her bra. “Do these look perky enough to you?”
“You could see them from space El,” Lys laughed and threw her a knowing look. 
“It’s not too much is it? I want him thirsty. I brought a jacket if you think it’s too much?”
“Babe, he is going to fall to his knees and worship at your feet the moment he sees you, regardless of how much breast is showing,” Lysandra assured her.
“No jacket,” Aelin added.
A new wave of people were shuffling through through the entryway to baggage claim. A number of them began pulling out their phones upon seeing the 3 famous women and their adorably large sign. This whole endeavour, like much of their lives, was popular knowledge in Orynth and the crowd gathered to watch. Aelin was bouncing on her toes, eyes scanning for a glimpse of, THERE-
The crowd before them parted and 6 gloriously tall men in uniform, duffle bags slung over their shoulders, looked up at the same time the gathered crowd began to clap. Smiles danced across their tired faces, that was all it took. Aelin took off running, her long golden hair streaming behind her as she made a b-line for Fenrys. With a screech, she jumped onto him, legs locked behind his back and arms thrown over his shoulders. He had dropped his bag just in time to catch her lithe form, and he spun her around laughing. Aelin pulled back from his shoulder and smiled brightly, “Hey you.”
“Ace,” Fen shook his head. “This is- Gods, this is amazing!” Aelin threw her head back and laughed. As she righted herself her eyes drifted just over his shoulder and found Rowan’s, his jaw was clenched. For a moment she thought she saw a flash of something flit across his face before he wiped it clean with an easy smile. She slid out of Fenrys’ grasp. And looked over in time to see Elide walk right up to Lorcan and smile in an almost lethal way.
“Salveterre,” she purred.
“Lochan,” he grinned back, his eyes sliding to her chest and back up to her lips in a way that made Aelin wish she could have a shower.
A small and slightly awkward silence followed the exchange as the remaining members of the group seemed to realize they were still in the center of a crowd of onlookers. Aelin tossed her hair over her shoulder and turned from Fenrys.
“Let me grab your bags, we have our cars out front. I know you’ll have to go back to base soon but would you care to have a beer first?” She asked reaching for Fenrys’ duffle, which he promptly tore from her hands and swung over his shoulder.
“Boys?” he asked behind him, and was met with a chorus of “Gods yes”
They made their way towards the doors, the crowd parted with cameras flashing and the girls smiled demurely. The Cadre, unaccustomed to such publicity waved and smiled, though the Moonbeam twins and Vaughn seemed to be the most at ease. Aelin, her left arm linked with Fenrys, chanced a look over her shoulder and found Rowan already staring at her. She smiled and jerked her head, Rowan made his way to her other side. Her stomach dropped.
“ Welcome home Buzzard,” her voice coming out slightly breathless, her eyes were still lost in his. Rowan smirked, a slow and sensual thing, and leaned down towards her. 
“ Thanks princess,” his voice was smooth like aged whiskey, and his breath was hot on the shell of her ear. Fire shot straight from her flushed cheeks to her core. She looked down at her feet before she turned back, only to realize he’d fallen back in line with the others behind her. Breathe. Fenrys was telling Lysandra a funny story involving a port-o-potty and a helicopter when she tuned back into the conversation. Aelin laughed, and led the boys to the cars, all the while she felt Rowan’s gaze searing through her back. 
They helped the Cadre load their bags into the back of the SUV’s and found seats. Elide was driving Lorcan, Connall, Vaughn and Lysandra to the bar, the others found themselves with her. Fenrys in her passenger seat, and Gavriel behind him, which meant that Rowan with his unending gaze was directly behind her. Aelin took a steadying breath as she moved the car into reverse, using the camera in the dash to avoid her rearview mirror. 
“Where too?” Fenrys asked when they’d finally pulled onto the main drive from the airport.
“Mistward okay with you? We haven’t eaten yet and I need fries,” Aelin laughed looking to Fenrys for approval.
“Gods yes, you know it’s our spot,” he winked.
She turned her eyes back to the road for a moment, then to her rearview mirror. Rowan was already staring. Shit.  Eyes locked on her, his thumb tracing slow lines along his bottom lip, he quirked an eyebrow in question, and Aelin looked back to the road, heart racing. 
Be. Fucking. Casual. Gods. she silently reprimanded herself, even though she thought she may be burning out of her own skin.
“Fen, find some music yeah?” she asked, reaching up to adjust her mirror as nonchalantly as possible. A chuckle rumbled just behind her head. Apparently not as casual as I thought. 
I need a drink.
Fingers white-knuckling her steering wheel, Aelin drove on to Mistward…
The military trains special forces in the art of withstanding torture. Rowan had been waterboarded, put in stress positions, kept awake for days at a time, and starved. He passed every test of will doled out by his trainers with top marks, never once did he break, remembering only to state his name, branch, and ID number like a mantra: 1SGT Rowan Whitethorn. Terrasen Army. ID #8675309.…. But this? This was something new.
They had all met at Fenry’s place to await the limo the women had sent to fetch them for the ball.In typically dramatic fashion, the girls informed them that they’d meet them there. Apparently they wished to “make an entrance.” When the limo rolled up the Cadre piled inside, a chorus of “fuck yes” coming as they saw bottles of expensive champagne waiting on ice inside the stretch SUV. Dressed to the nines in their uniforms (white pants with a green stripe down the leg, a black coat featuring their medals, white dress shirt and black bow-tie, a “Cadre Cord” of braided green rope adorning their right shoulders) the men turned up the 80’s rock and binged on champagne. 
Rowan had 2 glasses before they even pulled up to the event center, he knew he was going to need it. The building was tall, glass covering the entire side the vehicle pulled up too. Inside they could see hundreds of their fellow men and women in uniform bustling with their dates through the reception line and standing at the windows to watch the scene before them. Because it was a fucking scene. 50 paparazzi, cameras flashing, greeted the Cadre as they made their way outside to await the girls. Rowan felt positively overwhelmed by the number of questions being thrown their way and found himself praying to the Gods that the women would show soon, I just need to get the fuck inside and get a drink, he thought. With a flurry of movement the cameras spun from the Cadre as a black stretch SUV the same as the one in which they arrived pulled up to the curb. Rowan could feel hundreds of eyes on them inside the building, the knowledge made him uncomfortable. His entire job was based on stealth.
His heart already beating out of his chest, Rowan fixed his eyes on the door the driver opened and as if in slow motion the girls made their way out. Lysandra was first, her stunning curves were painted in a deep green velvet. The sweat-heart neckline fitting perfectly around her breasts, a luscious diamond and emerald necklace at her neck. The color made her eyes so bright, Rown found himself nodding appreciatively. 
“I’ve got this one, boys” Gavriel’s said as he adjusted his tie and made his way to link arms with Lysandra. She smiled, and thanked him as they stopped to pose with Connall and Vaughn for the photographers. 
The next out of the limo was Elide. Swathed in a positively sinful black lace gown with a slit high on her thigh, she tossed her long dark hair over her shoulder and held out her hand. Rowan choked on a laugh as Lorcan nearly fell over himself trying to reach her, and as she wrapped her arm in his she winked, that blush Rowan had seen only once in his life making a second appearance. Oh, he is so fucked. 
Rowan held his breath as a long tan leg emerged from the vehicle, Fenrys waiting at the ready. Rowan stood back, not allowing himself close, and doing his best to look nonchalant as Aelin stepped out. His stomach hit the floor nearly as fast as his jaw. She was a fucking vision, bathed in gold sequins. Her wavy golden hair falling loosely around her shoulder, dripping diamond earrings hanging from her ears. The camera flashes playing off the dress seemed to make her catch fire. Rowan didn’t think he could breathe. A red lipped smile stretched wide across her face as Fenrys hugged her. Rowan’s jaw clenched at the contact, that lucky fucking bastard.
The couple turned away from him to pose for the cameras, and that’s when Rowan died. Where’s the fucking rest of it? He thought. How the fuck am I going to do this. The gold clinging to her body like liquid metal stopped at her sides, coming to a point so low he could see the dimples above her perfectly shaped ass. Breathe. Rowan told himself as his eyes traveled the expanse of bronze skin. He wanted to taste her. He wanted suck bruises into the skin as he bent her over the table in the middle of the ba- Not. Your. Date. Think of anything else. Naked old ladies. Dead bodies. Water boarding. FUCK.
“Buzzard!” He was pulled from his thoughts by the voice that haunted his every waking moment. He lifted his gaze to find Aelin smirking, one eyebrow hitched in challenge. He’’d been caught staring at her ass. Fuck. “Get your ass over here.”
He slowly walked up to Aelin’s other-side, and did his best to calm his nerves as the cameras continued photographing the group. I forgot about the fucking cameras, he thought just as Aelin slid her arm slowly into the crook of his elbow. He felt his breath catch and his skin burn through the jacket he had on. 
“And who’s this?” a voice yelled behind the wall of flash.
“Oh just some old man Fen here found in the desert. The stairs going into the event looked a little steep I didn’t want him to break a hip, so I figured I’d offer him my hand. It’s my patriotic duty.” Aelin laughed, Fenrys snorted, and Rowan sapped his head to look at her. She was already staring back at him, teeth biting her bottom lip, she winked. Menace…
The party eventually made their way inside, the women signing autographs and posing for pictures alongside other guests. They ate a lovely dinner at their table and listened to numerous speeches. They stood to toast the country, each other, their fucking ancestors, the sun, the Gods and like 12 other things, before finally the night began. Music picked up, lights dropped lower, and the Cadre found their way to the dance floor. Rowan sat at their table on the edge, whiskey in hand, content to sit until they made their way to the after party. Try as he might, he couldn’t help staring at Aelin as she moved her body against Fenrys. Rowan had never been so jealous in his entire life, Fen’s hands low on her hips as her ass was grinding into him. Lysandra and Elide performing nearly the same risque ritual with Gavriel and Lorcan, Rowan shook his head watching the men’s wet dreams come true. As one the three girls facing each other slid down to the floor, laughing as they slowly dragged their way back up their dates; hands on the men’s legs. Fucking tease…
As if she’d heard his thoughts Aelin’s eyes caught his own. He knew what she saw. His tie was loose around his neck, nearly full drink in hand and legs crossed. He looked like an asshole, watching his freinds have the night of their life. She smiled, a small thing just for him and extended her hand finger curling in a “come hither” motion. He shook his head. This was Fen’s date, and the way she was dancing wouldn’t help the growing itch he felt below the belt. 1SGT Rowan Whitethorn. Terrasen Army. ID #8675309.  1SGT Rowan Whitethorn. Terrasen Army. ID #8675309. 1st- fuck it.. he finished his drink in one gulp, fire burning his throat.
He stood up and stalked directly to the woman made of wildfire and clothed in gold. With Fenrys still at her back, he met his brother’s eyes. You good with this bro? He asked in that way men do, Fen mouthed back a “Fuck yeah.” Rowan nodded. The hand she had extended to call him to her grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged. He looked down at her grinding, her head leaned back against Fenrys’ shoulder, as her arms snaked around his neck. Fenrys moved his hands slowly up her sides and around her stomach making room for him to place his hands on her swaying hips. 
The three of them were lost in their own world. Aelin writhing tightly between the two brothers, her eyes locked on his, tongue grazing her lip like a porn star. Keep it up princess, and I’ll take you on this fucking floor in front of the whole world. I don’t give a shit whose date you are. His lust addled brain was fighting for control. She was extraordinary. She was trouble..
...1SGT Rowan Whitethorn. Terrasen Army. ID #8675309…
Her nails digging into his neck and shoulders.
...1SGT Rowan Whitethorn. Terrasen Army. ID #8675309…
Biting her bottom lip.
...1SGT Rowan Whitethorn. Terrasen Army. ID #8675309…
Rubbing against his groin, in smooth practiced movements. 
Rowan was in heaven. 
Rowan was in hell. 
Rowan Whitethorn, was fucked.
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Summary: Rowan gets rescued from his captors and Lorcan, despite being Lorcan, can be a reassuring presence. 
Part of my Tog Comfortember 2020
Rowan focused on the sound of the dripping water, in tandem with his throbbing body, so he wouldn't fall asleep
He had lost track of the amount of time he had spent in the small room, shackled and screwed into the ground by iron. His captors would come in sporadically, either to shove some food down his throat or to beat him vigorously. At first, he had been able to keep track of their coming and going, of the time he was spending in the room but the fever and the eventual infection from his wounds had won out. His healing could no longer keep up and he was having a hard time staying awake.
But as long as he focused- as long as he focused on the dripping sound near his ear, on the pain in his body, he wouldn't fall asleep.
How long can you stay awake? How long before you succumb?
Rowan shook his head to dispel the thought. He was tired and feverish, if he fell asleep now, he would not wake up. He just had to- he just had to-
He had to stay awake and hope to god someone came for him, hope that one of his males would find him.
Just stay awake. He had to stay awake.
His eyes were starting to close again when he heard the door open. He waited for someone to slap him awake or dump cold water on him, for the taunting and the kicking. None of that came.
Instead, there was a gentle hand on his cheek and someone was speaking to him softly.
"Rowan. Stay awake. We will get you out of here,"
The voice sounded familiar to him but his head hurt so badly that Rowan could not think enough to place it.
Another hand shook him a little harder, accompanied by a harsher voice.
"Rowan. Open your goddamn eyes,"
Rowan forced open his eyes and saw two heads over him. One fair and the other darker.
Gavriel. Lorcan.
They had come for him.
The relief that flowed through his body was so great that his body sagged down in their arms and his eyes started to close again. He could hear them trying to keep him awake but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Rowan could finally sleep
Awareness came to Rowan slowly, soft light flitting into his eyes. Soft breathing and gentle snoring were the first things that reached his ears and eventually so did ht heartbeats of his companions.
He opened his eyes and tried to move through doing so sent a wave of pain through him. Looking down he could see that most of his body was in a cast, his left arm unmovable.
It was sunset time and bathed in the light from the window, were his fellow commanders. Vaughan and Gavriel were asleep on the couch opposite his bed. The twin wolves were curled on the right of his bed and at the left of his bed was Lorcan, sitting up and reading reports. Keeping guard as he always did, the paranoid bastard.
"Hey," murmured Rowan, voice coming out dry and rough.
Lorcan nodded and picked up the jug of water on his nightstand, filling up a glass for him. He then carefully helped him up to drink, holding his head with one hand and the glass with the other.
"There you go," said Lorcan, putting away the glass, "Do you want the report now or later?"
Rowan snorted. This was one good thing about Lorcan being the only one awake. Vaughan would silently watch over him, Gavriel would play mother hen and the twins would annoy him into a reaction, all of which was fine if he was in any other situation. However, stuck in a cast and unable to move, Rowan would have gone mad. Lorcan's noticble presence, quiet but firm tone and to the point conversation was what he needed.
"Lay it on me, Commander,"
Lorcan chuckled quietly but went on with his report.
"We got you out of the Eastern Kingdom and left behind many bodies. There are some more forts left and we have been talking about a plan to go back and finish what we started there,"
He then briefly explained what they knew but then moved on to his injuries and recovery period. According to him, there were many breaks that healed badly and would need time to be healed properly. Maybe two to three weeks.
"You fever and infection has gone away though since we brought you back two days ago with no lasting issues, so that's good news,"
Rowan sighed which then turned into a yawn, "I'm going to be stuck here for a while aren't I?"
"Hmm," said Lorcan, "Don't worry, I'm sure Fenrys will keep you entertained,"
"Right," muttered Rowan, letting out another yawn
"Lay back down, Whitethorn," said Lorcan, "You need the rest,"
Rowan nodded allowing Lorcan to help into a laying position, holding his hand as he got comfortable. Once that was done and Lorcan went to pull away, Rowan found himself unable to let go for some unfathomable reason.
Well, this was embarrassing.
Lorcan, for his credit, only grinned and shook his head, "Don't worry Prince, we'll watch over you,"
Just then, Vaughan let out a loud snore, making Gavriel also make a breathy sound in his sleep.
"Well," said Lorcan, "I'll watch over you all of you. Go to sleep now, asshole,"
Lorcan Speak for: I won't let anyone hurt you. You're safe here.
Rowan nodded and closed his eyes, sleep finding him more quickly than he had expected.
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
I just had like....a really fucking shitty day, and I really need something to take my mind off of it, so if you could write like a really quick Rowaelin drabble of literally anything or if you have like a snippet of a WIP or something that would be really awesome
Here’s a snippet. I hope this is able to bring a little joy to your day. I’m sorry it was a rough one but we will get through it. I love you.
““Are you listening?” Lorcan asked from the end of the table, throwing a crumpled ball of paper at Rowan that whacked him in the temple before tumbling to the floor. Rowan didn’t so much as look up from the palm of his hand.
“Not at all,” he answered honestly, albeit flatly, after running his tongue over his teeth. It had been like that in every meeting so far this week, Rowan squinting at the back of his hand like the numbers might reappear despite his shower, despite having had washed his hands twice more since this morning. The only number he could vaguely make out anymore was a six, followed by a smudge.
Rowan had spent the last several days retracing the steps he’d made with the beautiful young woman. Every stop they had made, he went back to in hopes that someone would know the elusive golden blonde that hadn’t given him so much as a name. All of his thoughts were occupied by her: her beauty, her free-spirit, her laughter among many other sounds he’d drawn out of her all night.
The faded phone number on the palm of his hand.
“I said we have a new client coming any minute now; she’s an actress on a new TV show that’ll start airing soon. Obviously she wants a good attorney in her pocket.
“What’s her name?” Rowan asked, sighing as he sat up a little, his thumb subconsciously brushing over where the faded ink remained on his palm.
“Diana -”
“Brackyn,” a female voice finished for Lorcan, a voice that Rowan recognized and whipped his head around to look at. It was her, by some Gods blessed coincidence. The girl he had been searching for. The girl that had scribbled on his hand while he slept and slipped out the door without another word.
“Diana.” He turned her name over in her mouth, cherishing the way it sounded rolling off his tongue. By the way her lips twitched up at the corners, it seemed she quite liked the way it sounded dripping off his lips.
“Rowan,” she greeted, taking the seat next to him at the long boardroom table. Behind her, a blonde man that looked eerily like Diana edged into the room and took the seat on her opposite side, and Fenrys sat across from Rowan. He should have been more professional, he knew, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her face.
She was just as beautiful today as she had been over the weekend, her lashes long and thick with mascara and hardly a stitch of makeup elsewhere. Her freckles shone through, and when she wrinkled her nose the silver hoop caught the light.
When his eyes dipped to her mouth, she licked her lips slowly and said: “You didn’t call.” Sheepishly, Rowan held up his hand, showing her the smudged ink, only for her to let out a soft laugh that filled his lungs with the air he needed to breathe.
“You know each other?” Lorcan asked, shuffling a few papers in a file around on the table.
“I’d say so,” she drawled, sitting back in her chair and folding her arms over her chest. In the navy blue three-piece suit that she wore, she looked more in charge of the firm than any of the men at the table despite the lack of shirt beneath her vest. Rowan was fairly sure that every man’s eyes had followed the opening down to where it came to a point between her breasts, the pocket chain catching their eyes one button below. The white patent shoes she wore only brought out the pinstripes in the suit, and when she crossed her legs Rowan, Fenrys, and Connall all found themselves watching the movements closely. A soft smile played on her lips as she finally leaned forward and rested her chin in her hand.
“Miss. Brackyn, we are more than willing to give you all of our best assets, and —“
“And who is your best asset? My research pointed to Whitethorn, Salveterre, and F. Moonbeam, but Whitethorn is out,” she held a hand out to her side, only for Aedion to sidle up to her and drop a folder into her hand. Rowan frowned, shifting in his chair to look at her face.
“I’m out?”
“I can’t date my attorney, can I?” She said flatly, an arched brow shooting in his direction. It took everything in him to not start where he sat, but he couldn’t hide the way his brows rose sharply. “So Salvaterre and F. Moonbeam. Who is who?”
“I’m Lorcan Salvaterre, this is Fenrys —“
“I want him.” A long, black fingernail pointed across the table to the golden-haired man. “He’s pretty to look at.” Lorcan looked irritated at the head of the table, and it amused Rowan to no end. It wasn’t often that Lorcan met his match in attitude and sass; most people being too scared of him to interrupt him once — much less twice in sixty seconds.”
all I ask of you:
Their fingers were laced as they walked back to the tavern hotel under the soft and silvery glow of the moon. They were quiet, both of them still reeling from the several times they had made love on the beach and in the ocean, the sex much slower and sweeter than anything they had done lately. It was an exploration of each other’s minds, bodies, and souls until they were so entwined there was no separating one from the other.
It was bliss.
Upon arriving back at the room, Aelin sat on the edge of the bed and eyed the man that she was positive, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was her soulmate. Rowan took the few steps to stand in front of her, his fingers grazing her jaw as he tilted her chin back to press soft kisses to her lips. Aelin smiled against his mouth, her fingers moving to the button on his fatigues. When it popped open, Rowan let out a low laugh.
“You haven’t had enough?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever have enough,” she whispered, groaning when he swept his tongue into her mouth and claimed her the way she wanted. When his hands moved to take off his tactical belt, she shook her head. “Leave it. You look… so fucking sexy.” She bit her lip then, pulling back to look at him in his uniform.
The short sleeves had been rolled twice, fitting just above the bulge of his bicep and emphasizing just how muscular he really was. It was tight across his chest, one of the buttons even pulling slightly like the shirt was almost too tight and gods above did it send a shock of electricity down between her legs
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creampuffqueen · 5 years
1 for elorcan pleaseeee. the throwback feels is too unreal
Hi Anon! Thanks for the request! I got your other message, and so this little one shot is now
#5 “Take my bed for tonight” (Elorcan)
Lorcan collapsed onto his bed with a groan, feeling aching in every one of his ancient bones.
By the gods, who knew taking care of children by yourself was so hard?
When Elide was around, it was like all the parenting came naturally to him. He soothed bad dreams, kissed skinned knees, fixed dinner and baths, and fell into bed feeling moderately tired. 
But his wife was away on an important trip; a possible trade alliance with Fenharrow. Children were not welcome, and Elide would never subject a nanny to all of their children for days at a time. 
So that was how Lorcan found himself at home, parenting five little boys all on his own.
The sun had long set, despite the fact it was summertime. Sabron, his six year old son, had refused to go to bed. It had taken three bedtime stories, a tall glass of warm milk, and what felt like a million promises that his mother would be home soon. 
Sighing, Lorcan pulled himself off the bed and made his way to the bathing room for a quick bath. Dalias had had an unfortunate diaper accident earlier, and with all the other kids, Lorcan hadn’t had the time to change shirts.
He soaked in the bath much longer than he’d intended to, and dragged himself out only when the water grew cold and his fingers started to prune. 
He let out a small chuckle. Sometimes thoughts came to him, of what his former self would have thought of this. A wife, five kids, being soft enough to stay in the bath until his fingers wrinkled. Lorcan Salveterre would have laughed.
Lorcan Lochan wasn’t laughing now. Instead he was yawning, hardly bothering to pull on more than a shirt and a pair of boxers before he fell into bed again, and into blissful sleep.
However, the peace didn’t last long.
Barely five minutes after he extinguished the candles and pulled the curtains closed, a tentative knock sounded from the bedroom door. Lorcan reeled in his groan as he moved to answer it.
He’d expected a servant, possibly one bearing a letter. What he was not expecting was a little boy with messy dark hair and a stuffed wolf to be standing outside.
“Sabron? Buddy, what are you doing up?” His son’s face turned in a frown, his dark eyes filled with emotion.
“I can’t sleep. I want Mommy.” Sabron scrubbed at his eyes, betraying just how exhausted he really was. 
“Mommy’s away, Sabie. She’ll be back soon. I promise.” Lorcan bent down to his son’s level, taking one of his little hands and holding it with his own massive ones. 
“But I want Mommy now,” He whined. “I want her to read me a story and tuck me in, like she always does.”
Lorcan let out a small sigh. Of all his children, Sabron was definitely a mommy’s boy. Folas had outgrown Elide’s hugs by the time he was a toddler, but six-year-old Sabron still begged for her to cuddle with him.
“How about this,” Lorcan suggested evenly. “You sleep in me and Mommy’s bed for tonight, and I’ll tell you a story. Will that help you sleep?”
Sabron nodded, rubbing at his face again. His stuffed wolf was held loosely in his hand, like he’d drop it and go to sleep at any moment.
So Lorcan picked up his son, marveling at how right it felt, having his child in his arms, and carried him over to the king sized bed.
Once laid down, Sabron wasted no time in squirming under the blankets, his dark little eyes drooping more and more with every passing minute. Lorcan sat down gently on the bed so as not to jostle him, and laid down as well. 
“Tell me a story, Daddy.” Sabron murmured sleepily. 
Lorcan was quiet for a moment, thinking of what to say. Sabron’s eyes closed, and he hugged his plush wolf closer. 
He thought his son had fallen asleep, but after a minute of silence, Sabron’s quiet voice sounded in the dark again. 
“Tell me a story.”
Lorcan pulled his son closer, gently stroking his back as he thought. Finally, he pulled the first story he could think of to the front of his mind. 
He knew Sabron wouldn’t remember it in the morning, but he couldn’t stop himself as the words fell from his lips.
“Once upon a time, there was a half-witch in the forest. And once upon a time, there was a dark warrior, too.”
Here you go! I really like this one, so I hope you do as well, Anon!
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ao3feed-acotar · 6 years
Burning Shadows (Tog Acotar Crossover)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SWIZGq
by Manon_TheWitchQueen_Blackbeak
Set after Empire of Storms and A Court of Mist and Fury
What has Aelin been through in Maeves dungeons? How has she been broken? Aelin flee’s from Maeves dungeon through a Wyrdgaye to find herself trapped away from her people in a strange land full of strange people’s. Who can she trust?
Feyre has been in the Spring Court for a month now, she has sent reports back to the night court through the bond but has no real way to destroy them yet, she’s struggling when a strange unexpected visitor arrives. Can Feyre use this Stranger to save Prythian and the world?
This is a really bad summary but still.
Words: 982, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J. Maas
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Mor - Character, Morrigan, Celaena Sardothien | Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Rowan Whitethorn, Feyre Acheron, Nesta Acheron, Elain Acheron, Cassian, Azriel, Rhysand, Lucien Vanserra, Tamlin, Amren, Aedion Ashryver, Lysandra, Lysandra Ashryver, fenrys moonbeam, lorcan salveterre, Lorcan Lochan, Elide Lochan, Manon Blackbeak, Kaya Blackbeak, Thea Blackbeak, Ghislaine Blackbeak, Falon Blackbeak, Faline Blackbeak, Asterin Blackbeak, Sorrel Blackbeak, I Can’t Remember The Rest Of The Thirteens Names
Relationships: Celaena Sardothien | Aelin Ashryver Galathynius/Rowan Whitethorn, Feyre Archeron/Rhysand, Nesta Archeron/Cassian, Manon Blackbeak/Morrigan, Elide Lochan/Lorcan Salvaterre
Additional Tags: The Inner Circle - Freeform, Mentions of the Inner Circle (ACoTaR), ACOTAR - Freeform, tog - Freeform, Sarah J Maas, Velaris, Orynth, The Night Court, Terresen
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SWIZGq
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fireheartblackthorn · 6 years
No one will ever be able to fuck a guy up like Elide Lochan fuCKS LORCAN SALVETERRE UP YESSSSSS KWEEN 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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maastrash · 4 years
Making it Official
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I am still not satisfied with this but oh well hope you enjoy anyways! based on the song boyfriend by ariana grande!
thanks to @verryberriess for help as usual hehe
“Another tequila please,” Elide drawled as she placed her elbows onto the bar, resting her pounding head on the cool surface.
The night had just begun and the dingy bar was already spinning thanks to her 5 other shots. It was Aelin’s 25th birthday and the whole group had come out to celebrate despite their busy work schedules. Elide barely had time to let loose, but when she could, she took full advantage of the situation. 
Lysandra was happily perched on Aedion’s lap sipping a neon green margarita and Aelin was already dragging a reluctant Rowan to the dimly lit dance floor. Fenrys and Connall even seemed to be having a good time flirting with 2 girls in the back corner. 
But that wasn’t really what Elide was focused on. No, all her attention was on Lorcan Salveterre, especially since a a tall blond -- who was practically Victoria Secret model material  -- flirtatiously placed a hand on his chest. 
She knew she had absolutely no right to be jealous. She wasn’t his girlfriend and he certainly wasn’t her boyfriend. 
But, it was complicated, to say the least.
A couple months ago at Lysandra’s birthday, Elide had gotten shitfaced. Lorcan, being the chivalrous guy he was, had walked her home. They’d been friends for years, but if Elide was being honest, she had always had a little crush on the broody man. 
That night the alcohol finally gave her the courage to make a move. And luckily, Lorcan being tipsy himself and had easily reciprocated. Reciprocated all night in fact.
After that, they had become friends with benefits of sorts. Nobody in the group knew about them. It was casual. 
Casual meant they were not exclusive in any way, but she still couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy when she saw Lorcan brush a stray hair behind the stranger’s ear. 
Gods above she truly was an absolute trainwreck. Elide quickly took her shot, embracing the burn of the tequila as it cascaded down her throat and warmed her stomach. She didn’t want to think about Lorcan since he clearly wasn’t thinking about her. 
It sucked being halfway with him, but she did it to herself. Now she wanted to be more than friends with someone who only saw her as an occasional fuck buddy. And there was no way she would ruin their friendship over her stupid feelings. Pathetic pining would have to do. 
Elide thought the alcohol take her mind off of everything, but instead, she was drowning herself in self pity. Seeing the girl brush a kiss to Lorcan’s cheek was just the icing on her miserable cake. It was too much. Before she knew what she was doing she was stumbling off the barstool and walking out into the cool night. 
She soon found herself sitting on the sidewalk, too unsteady to stand for long. She watched the city lights twinkle before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Gods knew she needed it. 
It had barely been 5 minutes before a familiar voice rang out. 
“Getting some fresh air?” Lorcan asked. 
“Something like that,” she answered, her eyes still closed. 
She felt Lorcan drape his warm leather jacket over her bare shoulders and slowly sit down beside her. 
When she turned to look at him he just shrugged. “You looked cold,” he said as if it was obvious. 
Him being such a good friend only made this harder for her. 
“Go inside,” she tried to say it firmly, but her voice was too quiet. 
Instead of listening, his 6’4 self, scooted, actually scooted to be closer to her. 
She might’ve laughed if she wasn’t so upset. “Damn it, Lorcan. I don’t want you here.”
She almost felt bad that the hurt flashing across his face brought her satisfaction. Almost. Maybe he deserved to feel the pain she constantly felt for once. 
“Elide did I do something?” He looked concerned and she absolutely hated it. He had no right. 
“No,” she said, crossing her arms and turning away from him. 
“Well you know you can tell me anything right.”
“No. I actually can’t.”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “Why not?”
Elide rolled her eyes. This man was so dense. “Because I am too drunk for this and I’ll definitely regret it.”
“That’s also what you said that night at your place,” he laughed softly, as he nudged her elbow, clearly trying to lighten the mood. 
Elide forced her cheeks not to flush at his suggestive words and instead made her voice ice cold as she said, “Well, maybe that was a mistake too.”
Lorcan’s smile quickly faded. “Seriously, Elide, what’s going on?”
Elide’s face heated. Whether it was from the alcohol or the frustration she couldn’t tell. All she knew was she couldn’t keep it in any longer. She had to tell him. “Fine,” she said, her voice deadly calm despite her thundering heart. “I thought I could be casual with you, Lorcan, but I can’t. It literally kills me seeing you with other girls. It is so unbearably hard being just your friend.”
Shock flashed across his face, but he quickly regained his composure. “Are you joking?”
Elide stood abruptly, his jacket falling from her shoulders and onto the sidewalk. “Seriously? I confess my feelings and you think I’m joking? Real nice of you,” she snapped before turning on her heel and walking away from him. 
She didn’t get far before Lorcan grabbed her hand. 
“Elide no that’s not what I meant.”
The desperation in his voice made her stop. 
“What the hell is ‘are you joking’ supposed to mean then?” 
“I was just surprised because,” he paused. “Because I love you Elide. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.” At her doubtful expression he added, “I literally lose my mind thinking about you. I really didn’t know you felt the same way. Trust me, if I had, I would’ve made a move a long time ago.”
Her gaze dropped to the floor as she shook her head in disbelief. “You’re just saying that.” 
He tilted her face gently so their eyes met. “I smile randomly thinking about you Elide. I’m never happier than when I’m with you and I can say with 100% confidence that I am in love with you.” 
She was unable to fight her smile. Lorcan loved her. He really loved her. 
“I know we’re not official and I’m not your boyfriend but - “
“But you could be,” she finished for him. “If you’d like that I mean,” she quickly corrected.
He smiled softly before pressing a soft kiss to her lips and pulling her closer. 
“I’d like that very much.” 
sorry i only have one tag list so feel free to ignore this
tags:  @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @acourtofmarauders // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen​ // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova //
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nightcourtling-blog · 8 years
spoiler alert for those who haven't read eos
so my friend and i had, i kid you not, predicted what would happen in eos. like... i'm not shitting anyone right now. a couple, if not million posts back, i wrote an "empire of storms expectations" and in it was something along the lines of wanting elide to meet lorcan. we shipped elorcan even before eos came out, and the fact that it became REAL is just fucking astonishing because hOlY fuCk i ship it so hard.
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the-regal-warrior · 5 years
Olympic Dreams Chapter Two
Okay, so here’s second chapter! Sorry this took so long, but I’m incredibly awful at sticking to any sort of writing schedule.
Just as a note: Sartaq and Fenrys absolutely refused to listen to me when I was writing this, and Dorian and Elide listened far too well, which is why their sections are longer.
Summary: Join all of our favorite characters from Throne of Glass as they take on the Olympics. And by everyone, I mean everyone. I literally have 14 main characters to work with. I might be in a little over my head. Watch as our characters experience life and relationships with the Olympic Games as their stage.
Warnings: Nothing is NSFW this time, but there’s a bit of minor groping and making out. Also, language.
Sartaq huffed a breath, feeling his stress all but fading away as his stride lengthened and his jog turned into more of a run. He’d always been able to think more clearly when he was running, and even though this was his second Olympic Games, he could already feel the pressure piling up on his shoulders. He’d done fairly well in his first Games - after all, a bronze at his very first Olympic Games was no small feat - but he was favored to win the gold this year. 
Shaking his head as the pressure threatened to invade the clarity running always provided, he turned his gaze to the sky, taking in the puffy white clouds on the bright blue background. Distracted by the view, he rounded a corner and felt, rather than saw, as he went crashing to the ground as he collided with something that felt suspiciously like another person.
Groaning as his back hit the pavement, Sartaq was just drawing in a deep breath when the person he’d crashed into toppled down on top of him. Glancing down at his chest, all he could see was a head of straight dark hair sprawled across his chest.
“Shit, are you okay?” a female voice questioned, the irritation in it clear despite the fact that it was muffled by his chest. “Although, if you’d been paying attention, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“I’m so sorry. But I don’t know why you’re complaining - you landed on me. I had nothing to cushion my fall.”
“Well, you can be glad you didn’t land on me,” the girl all but spat, pushing herself to her feet and holding out a hand to help Sartaq up. “I’ve got ranking in an hour and I would’ve kicked your ass if I couldn’t compete.”
Accepting the hand she held out to him, Sartaq hauled himself off the ground, his mind whirling as he tried to remember the schedule of events for the day. “Ranking?” he questioned. “Wait, you’re an archer?”
“Yeah,” she responded, shooting him a look from the corner of her eye. “Is that so hard to believe?”
“I just wasn’t expecting an archer to be running, that’s all.”
“Yeah, well,” she started, finally turning to face him. “I ran track all through school, and if archery hadn’t worked out I probably would’ve continued running in college.”
He finally recognized her as he took in her face. “The famous Nesryn Faliq, as I live and breathe. I have to say, your performance as a runner is quite inspiring to the team.”
“The team?” Nesryn questioned, a smirk lighting up her face.
“Oh, yeah, I’m Sartaq -”
“Sartaq Khagan, best steeplechase runner the Erilean team has ever seen.” At the shocked look he gave her, she added “I might not be on the track team anymore, but that doesn’t mean I don’t pay attention. I know who you are.”
“Aw, well, I’m flattered.”
“Don’t be,” Nesryn quipped. “I know every member of the team - like I said, I pay attention. Although -” she paused to give him a quick once-over, her eyes widening as she took in the defined muscles of his chest and his strong legs - “that pretty face makes you hard to ignore.”
Sartaq just winked at her, a lazy grin spreading over his face. “Okay, now I know you’re just trying to flatter me.”
“Maybe a little,” she grinned. “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I do have somewhere I need to be.” Brushing a hand against his arm as she jogged around him, she added, “maybe I’ll see you around, Sartaq.”
“You can count on it,” he replied, turning around to watch her run off. Consulting his watch, Sartaq decided to finish his run earlier than planned and head over to the archery rankings instead - he wanted to see what Nesryn could do.
When his phone had started ringing at 3:37 in the morning, Dorian didn’t even need to look at the screen to see who was calling. He just picked it up, muttered a quick “I’ll be right there,” and pulled a t-shirt over his bare chest. 
Five minutes later he was letting himself into Manon’s room, his eyes quickly finding her despite the darkness of the room as he kicked off his shoes. She was sprawled on top of the covers in her underwear and one of Dorian’s volleyball hoodies. Her long hair had been pulled into a bun on the top of her head, though some pieces had escaped during the night and were hanging around her face.
“Hey,” she whispered, sliding over to make room for Dorian in the bed. 
“Hey.” He just pulled his t-shirt over his head and climbed under the covers next to her, pulling Manon underneath with him. 
Manon didn’t say anything else, just curled up against his side and pressed a open-mouthed kiss to his chest. He pressed his lips to the top of her head and listened to her breathing even out. 
She was asleep within in a matter of minutes.
It was that exact situation that Dorian was mulling over as he reclined against the headboard while Manon got ready for practice in the bathroom. Her alarm had gone off about fifteen minutes ago, the shrill sound of it completely shattering the silence of the room. 
The two of them hadn’t always been this close - in fact, for a while their personalities had kept them at odds. But, after they spent some time together, they realized they had more in common than they thought, and they quickly became friends. 
Dorian had soon learned that she often had trouble sleeping through the night - all due to some prior trauma that Manon wasn’t ready to share with him yet - and would usually call him whenever this happened. She’d always said his voice soothed her, helped calm her down.
Recently, however, her late night calls had turned into requests for him to come spend the night with her. It had started out innocently enough, just holding her like he had this time, but things were slowly changing. They hadn’t had sex - Dorian didn’t even want to think about what crossing that line would mean - and by no means had they even come close, but heavy make-out sessions were becoming really common. 
It was just as he was replaying their last little escapade that Manon came out of the bathroom, clad in only a black sports bra, a pair of black spandex, and black crew socks. Dorian couldn’t take his eyes from her as she stalked across the room, her white-blonde hair whipping around her as she flopped down on the bed, a groan rumbling into the pillow where she’d buried her face.
Chuckling, Dorian asked, “everything okay there?”
Huffing and lifting her head enough to talk, she growled, “no, no it’s not. I know it’s the Olympics and I should be grateful, and I am, but I hate early practices.”
Shaking his head at her, Dorian simply reached over, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her on top of him, her legs falling open around his as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re a big girl, I’m sure you can handle it.”
Manon just whined, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I know, but I’m tired. And a later practice would mean we could hang out - you know, before your schedule gets all crazy.”
“No can do, witchling.” Dorian watched as Manon’s eyes lit up at the nickname. Many people had referred to her as a demon on the rugby pitch, but Dorian had decided she had to be a witch, because the way she took control of every situation was like magic. “Much as I’d love to, Nesryn’s got ranking today and I promised I’d go.”
“Well then,” Manon drawled, her fingers playing with his hair. “I guess you’d better make it up to me now, princeling.” A play on his nickname for her, Manon had decided that it was an apt name for him, given that everyone always spoke of him like he was royalty.
Smirking up at her, Dorian just tilted his face toward hers, allowing Manon to set the pace as her lips descended on his. It only took one sweep of her tongue for Dorian to open up to her, his tongue tangling with hers as she wove her fingers deeper into his hair. 
As their tongues moved together, Dorian slid one of his hands up her back and into her hair, pulling on the strands just enough for Manon to feel it. She groaned into his mouth, her nails scratching against his scalp as she kissed him harder. 
Slowly, almost like she didn’t realize she was doing it, Manon began rocking her hips into his, little gasps echoing from her throat as she felt him hardening beneath her. Dorian’s hands slid down to her ass, and he began helping her move against him.
True to form, they carried on like this for several more minutes, never going any further. This is how things had been going for a couple months now. They found themselves tangled up in one another, and they would stay that way until one of them remembered themselves enough to keep it from going any further. 
Manon finally pulled away with a groan, dropping her forehead against his. It took her a couple moments to get her breathing under control, but she finally managed to mutter “I have to go to practice.”
Dorian tightened his arms around her waist, his lips brushing hers as he replied. “You really do.”
She chuckled, swatting him in the back of the head as she climbed off his lap. “And don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“I suppose. Individual ranking doesn’t start until this afternoon, but team ranking is going on right now. I suppose I should go be a good friend.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Manon had managed to pull a t-shirt over her head, sliding her feet into her sneakers as she did. “Oh, and Dorian?”
“Yeah?” he questioned, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. 
“Lock the door on your way out.” With one final smirk over her shoulder, Manon was out the door, Dorian’s laughter ringing through the room.
Fenrys grumbled his displeasure as the frisbee soared by his arm yet again. “You know,” he called as he turned to go located the disc, “I finally know why you took up soccer, Salvaterre - you can’t aim with your hands for shit!”
From his right, Aelin nearly choked as she tried to contain her laughter. “Is that the only appendage he can’t aim with?”
That had Rowan and Aedion doubled over with laughter, Lysandra doing her best to keep her glee from her face beside them. Fenrys nearly dropped the recently retrieved frisbee as he barked out a laugh, turning to face Lorcan to gauge his reaction. 
In what was known to be standard fashion for him, Lorcan was scowling, and, as was to be expected, Aelin was on the receiving end of that glare. The two of them had a fairly turbulent relationship - the only reason they really hung out at all was because of Rowan. Despite how Lorcan was a self-proclaimed loner, the guys on the team still considered him a friend. 
Fenrys just smirked at Lorcan’s expression, glad that he, for once, wasn’t on the other side of it. He and Lorcan, along with Rowan, Connall, Vaughan, and Gavriel, had been playing on the same team (The Cadre) for years, and no one else seemed to get under Lorcan’s skin quite like Fenrys and Aelin. 
“That was beautiful, Aelin,” Fen chuckled, tossing the frisbee to Lysandra. She caught it and flicked it over to Aelin, who was busy laughing at the displeasure still clear on Lorcan’s face. 
That laughter, however, quickly turned into a string of curses as the disc sailed right by her, landing five feet in front of Rowan. As he bent to pick it up, Aelin took off at a sprint toward him, determined to retrieve it before he did.
She crashed into him just as he stood up with it, the force with which she hit him knocking them both to the ground. They rolled for a minute before Rowan had her pinned, a smirk on his face as he stared down at her. 
Before they could do more than just stare at one another, Lorcan grabbed Rowan by the back of his shirt and hauled him off Aelin, the scowl still on his face. “That’s enough of that shit.”
“Yeah,” Aedion chimed in, “no one wants to see that.”
Lysandra smacked his arm. “Leave them be. They’re young and in love.”
Fenrys gave Lorcan and Aedion a shit-eating grin. “Yeah, Lys is right. They’re adorable.”
“Okay, spending time with Asterin has clearly made you soft,” Lorcan muttered, shaking his head at Fenrys.
“Agreed. As much as I love the support, that is definitely not the reaction I was expecting.” Aelin took the hand Rowan extended and stood, giving Fen a stare that clearly showed her confusion. 
“First of all, can’t I be happy that my friends are happy?” Fenrys fixed Aelin with a questioning look before turning to Lorcan with a hardened gaze. “And second, Asterin made me soft? Really? She’s more of a swaggering pain in the ass than I am.”
“Speaking of the pain in the ass, where is she?” Rowan slung an arm around Aelin’s shoulders, gently steering her in the direction of their dinner destination for the night. “I thought she was coming to dinner with us?”
“She was going to, but her coach made her stay after practice to condition her shoulder again.”
“That’s a shame,” Lysandra replied, linking her arm with Aedion’s and following Rowan toward the restaurant. “Is she still planning on coming tonight?”
“Yeah, hopefully she’ll be done by then.” Fenrys had started following the others, Lorcan close behind him. All this talk of his best friend had made him curious about how her day was going, so he pulled out this phone, only to see he had a missed text from her. 
Sorry I’m missing dinner, but I’m looking forward to tonight. See? Attached was a picture of Asterin - a typical gym mirror selfie. Except, in the photo, she had pulled her cutoff sleeveless t-shirt open enough to show that she had her swimsuit on underneath it. 
Chuckling, Fenrys just sent her a quick thumbs up before heading to dinner with his friends.
“That was good, Lys!” Elide called across the pool, watching as Lysandra pulled herself up the ladder. “The entrance was great, but you need to tuck yourself tighter during the dive - it’ll look cleaner.”
“Yeah, I know. My prep was all weird.” Lysandra headed back to the ladder to the diving board, already knowing Elide’s next words before they were out of her mouth.
“Alright, well, let’s do it again.” 
“You got it, coach.” Lysandra grinned at her as she began climbing.
Elide just chuckled and waved her off, used to her friend’s antics. At twenty years old, Elide didn’t always feel like much of a coach - especially not to the twenty-one year old Lysandra - but it was the best way for her to still be involved in the sport.
At only fifteen years old, Elide had been one of the best divers in the world. She’d won back to back world championships, and was expected to win the next one, too. In fact, she’d been favored to win gold at the Olympics the following year.
Everything changed, however, when she had a bad training accident. She hadn’t gotten her jump right, and had been unable to tuck in her right leg in time. Her ankle had cracked against the platform diving board, and the resulting break was awful. If it had been treated in time, she most likely would’ve made a full recovery.
But her uncle, the man charged with raising her after her parents had been killed in a car accident, always claimed she was overreacting whenever she was injured, and had refused to take her to the doctor until she couldn’t put any weight on her leg at all, which had been several days later.
Unfortunately, some of the bones had already started to set in their broken positions, so the doctor had to re-break them to be able to fix them. Afters months of recovery and therapy, Elide was ready to get back on the board. She could handle the springboard just fine, since it was only three meters and it had some give when she jumped off, but the platform was a different story. She couldn’t put enough pressure on her ankle to jump, and since it was ten meters in the air, any wrong entry into the water caused even more pain.
As she had specialized in platform dives, Elide decided to retire from the sport she loved, before she had even been able to compete at the Olympics. 
She and Lysandra had been on the same diving team, and the girls had become good friends. When Elide announced her retirement, Lys immediately asked her to stay and help her train, which is how Elide had managed to become a coach at such a young age. 
Lysandra jumped off the board, her body twisting through the air in a complicated dive that was sure to score well come competition day before she entered the water cleanly. When she resurfaced, Elide brought her hands together in a slow clap. “That,” she called, “was phenomenal. Dive like that when you compete, and you’re sure to place.”
“Thanks,” Lysandra replied, brushing her hair back off her face. “So, does this mean I’m done for the day?”
Elide grinned and was about to reply when the doors burst open behind her, the sound of laughter echoing off the walls. Looking over her shoulder, she was met with the sight of Fenrys and Asterin jumping into the pool, having already stripped down to their swimsuits. Aedion, Rowan, Aelin, and Lorcan were right behind them, and the latter just shook his head when the resulting splash drenched his t-shirt. 
“Since there seems to be an overabundance of people in the pool all of a sudden - “ Elide cut a look at Lysandra, who had the decency to look slightly ashamed, although the smirk basically cancelled it out - “I guess you’re done for the night.”
“Wait!” Aelin, who’d stripped down to a strappy green bikini, was standing at the side of the pool. “One more dive, Lys?”
Her pleas were quickly joined by the rest of the gang, and Lysandra rolled her eyes at them. “Fine. But on one condition only.”
Elide, who had started tossing her stuff into her bag, froze when she heard Lysandra’s next words.
“I’ll dive if Elide will.”
Over the years, Elide had gained enough strength back in her ankle that she could handle one, sometimes two platform dives before her ankle started to hurt. Lys knew this, and she would often ask Elide to demonstrate particularly difficult dives for her. As such, Elide had started wearing her suit under her clothes to Lysandra’s practices, just in case she asked.
Which basically meant that she’d be going off the diving board tonight - Lys could be very persuasive. 
Not even bothering to argue, Elide just pulled her shirt off and shimmied out of her shorts, muttering “fine, but your ass can go first!” to Lysandra as they headed for the diving board. 
By the time Lys had reached the top of the ladder, everyone had found their way into the pool. She took her spot at the end of the platform to much cheering, and within seconds she was jumping off and twisting through the air, her dive somehow even better now that she had an audience.
Lysandra surfaced as Elide was beginning to climb, and everyone clapped as she swam toward them. By the time Elide had reached the edge of the platform, every eye was on her.
Taking several steadying breaths, Elide closed her eyes to calm herself. Deciding on which dive she wanted to do, she opened her eyes and flexed her ankle, making sure she would be okay to jump.
Deciding she was, Elide took one more breath before pushing herself off the board, her muscle memory kicking in as her body flipped and twisted through the air before straightening out right before she hit the water. 
Resurfacing long enough to catch her breath, Elide dove back under the water and began swimming toward her friends, trying to calm her racing heart as she did. While most of them had seen her dive before the accident, none of them, aside from Lysandra, had seen her dive since. 
Finally pulling herself from under the water, she was greeted with the sound of her friends cheering for her, Aelin immediately pulling her into a hug. The two had been friends for a long time, since Elide and Lys trained in the same gym as her. 
“That was amazing,” Aelin whispered in her ear, finally letting her go so Lys could pull her into a hug as well. 
She was passed around like that for a while, until finally she found herself next to Lorcan. The two of them had met a couple times before, but they weren’t exactly friends. As she settled herself against the wall next to him, he nodded at her and seemed to turn away, only for his gaze to land on her again.
To avoid meeting his stare for a moment, Elide took in her friends. Aelin was clinging to Rowan’s back like a koala, his arms wrapped tightly around her legs. Lys was trying and failing to wrestle Aedion under the water - his main goal was to keep his hair from getting wet. Fenrys was lounging against the wall, Asterin’s legs wrapped around his waist as she floated on her back in front of him.
Finally meeting Lorcan’s eyes, Elide raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.
He flushed ever so slightly under her gaze. “That dive was impressive for someone who, as I’ve been told, can’t dive anymore.”
“Thanks,” she answered, her cheeks also heating. “I’ve found that I’m usually okay with one dive before my ankle acts up.”
“Well, you’re quite the impressive athlete. You hardly made a splash as you entered the water, and you’ve got a great form.” Elide started giggling just as Lorcan seemed to realize what he’d said and tried to correct himself. “I meant your diving form is great, not that your body’s great. Not that your body isn’t great! I mean - uh - you’re beautiful but - I’ll just stop talking.”
Laying a hand on his arm, Elide tried to control her laughter. “It’s okay, Lorcan. I knew what you meant. But thank you.”
He shrugged, his usual indifferent expression slowly shifting back over his face.
“Hey,” Elide continued, turning to face him, “do you follow diving? You really seemed to know what you were talking about.”
Lorcan shifted until his side was resting against the wall of the pool, and Elide realized how tall he actually was as he shifted closer so she could hear him over the sound of their friends - apparently Lys had managed to wrestle Aedion under the water, with Aelin’s help, and he had splashed them in retaliation. “I wouldn’t say that I follow it, but spend enough time with Aelin and you start to learn what a decent technique looks like. Plus I’ve been to diving events at the Olympics before, so I’ve been around.”
Elide nodded, the two of them falling into a comfortable silence.
Twenty minutes later, everyone had collectively decided to head out, knowing that they had to be in bed at a reasonable hour to accommodate their busy schedules. As Elide was climbing out of the pool, her foot got hung up on the last step, and she tripped, pain flaring in her ankle as she felt it begin to roll.
Before she could collapse completely, a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist, and she twisted just enough to see who had caught her.
“Thanks,” she whispered, gingerly putting weight on her ankle to see if it was okay. Determining that it was, she started walking toward her bag, and she felt Lorcan slide his arm around her shoulders as he guided her over the slick floor to keep her from slipping again. 
Once she’d reached her stuff, Lorcan nodded at her and turned to find his shirt, leaving Elide to throw her clothes over her suit. 
As she was slipping her bag over her shoulder, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning, she saw Lorcan standing behind her, a small grin on his face. He held a piece of paper out to her, and, taking it, Elide realized he’d quickly scribbled his number across it.
“Just, uh, just text me some time, and maybe we can do something?” His grin turned a little sheepish and a little unsure.
“Lorcan,” Elide replied, a grin spreading over her face. “I’d really like that.”
As always, I hope you all liked it, and I would love to know what y’all think! If you would like to be added to my taglist (either for just this story or my permanent taglist), just let me know!.
Tags: @highqueenofelfhame @city-of-fae @musicmaam @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty @tacmc @tangledraysofsunshine @for3v3r-a-day @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @photofeesh @nish247 @lordof-bloodshed
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the-regal-warrior · 5 years
Manic Pixie - An Elorcan Headcanon
You guys can all go thank @musicmaam​ for this one - she said the phrase “manic pixie dream girl” and I was inspired. So, Becca, this one’s for you!
Also, this is the first headcanon I’ve ever done, so let me know what you think.
Summary: Elide is Lorcan’s manic pixie dream girl. That’s it really.
Warnings: This gets a little NSFW for at the end, because it’s Elorcan and I had to. Also, be on the lookout for the occasional language.
The Cadre is a rock band made up of local college students
Rowan - lead singer/guitarist if he feels like playing 
Fenrys - guitarist 
Connall - bassist
Lorcan - drummer (he can play guitar - he does this when they’re writing songs and trying to figure stuff out)
Vaughan - guitarist
Gavriel - guitarist/pianist when they do ballads
Aelin and Rowan are already dating 
The band is having like a practice session, and Aelin brings friends - specifically Elide
Aedion and Lysandra are there, and probably Dorian, Manon, and Asterin
Lorcan’s seen Elide around campus (the band are seniors, along with Aedion and Dorian;  Aelin, Manon, Asterin, and Lys are juniors; and Elide’s a sophomore) and they’re sort of friends, as in they talk when the whole crew is hanging out, and Fenrys swears he even saw Lorcan laugh with her once, but everyone else thinks he was seeing things, because Lorcan doesn’t laugh
She’s always wearing an oversized tee and jeans when he sees her, or shorts if it’s warm, with Converse
And that’s what she’s wearing at their practice session - a black tee, faded skinny jeans, and black high top Converse
But her hair, which is usually just down, is pulled back by a maroon bandana, and it’s up in a ponytail, and Lorcan is just enraptured by her face
And the fact that they’re playing classic rock and she’s like jamming out to every song
And then they’re hanging after the jam session, and Elide is super sarcastic, and she calls Vaughan on his playboy bullshit ways, and she definitely steals one of Lorcan’s drumsticks from where he stashed them in his back pocket and chucks one at Fenrys and Asterin when their makeout session turns into more of a gropefest, and she doesn’t hesitate to refer to Lorcan as a “grumpy old man” when he tries to kick them out (she definitely starts on the whole “get off my property you young whippersnappers” spiel as she messes up his hair)
And she might be teasing him but holy shit this girl is amazing, can I make her mine?
But the real shock for him comes when they have a show, and Aelin brings Elide along again
Because this time - she dressed up
We’re talking black skinny jeans so tight they look painted on, a white crop top that’s all lace, and a black leather jacket
The outfit is completed with clunky black combat boots and a bright red bandana in dark hair that’s been curled into 50s movie star waves 
His jaw literally drops when he sees her - he can’t believe that this is the same Elide
But there she is, dressed like a girl straight out of his dreams and singing along to every one of their songs - covers and originals
Once The Cadre is done playing, the club switches over to house music, and everyone starts dancing
Lorcan - who never dances, just sits at the bar with his whiskey - goes right to Elide and asks her to dance
And there they are, right in the middle of the dance floor, dancing so close to one another it’s like they’re one person
At some point Elide took off her jacket - Lorcan about dies when he realizes her shirt is strapless - and his hands are holding her tight against him, his hands splayed over her bare stomach, her back against his chest
Eventually she turns to face him, her arms coming around his neck as she pulls herself closer
The music has gotten quieter at this point, so they start talking
And Elide is witty and sarcastic and basically Lorcan is actually dying because this girl is perfect 
Everyone else is just in shock, because usually Lorcan is the first one to want to leave the club - and he’s the last one on the dance floor that night
And Elide has always been so quiet and reserved in crowds - but not tonight
She’s dancing with Lorcan like she’s wishing they were naked and alone
At the end of the night, Lorcan offers to take Elide home, so she grabs her bag from Aelin’s car and off they go
Everyone is in a state of shock as they drive away, but Lorcan and Elide are sort of friends, so it’s not that weird
They end up back at his apartment - he was actually going to take her home but Elide wanted to spend more time with him - and they’re up half the night getting to know one another
The next morning she walks into the kitchen in leggings and the same top from the night before, one of Lorcan’s red flannels over it, and Lorcan feels like he can’t breathe when he sees her
She’s half awake and stumbling slightly as she walks in, her ankle a little sore from all the dancing the night before, but she’s awake enough to notice the way his eyes get wide when he sees her
“I hope it’s okay that I borrowed you flannel - I was cold and it was hanging on your desk chair and-”
He cuts her off with a gentle kiss to her forehead as he pulls her into a hug with a muttered “it’s fine love, do you want some coffee?”
Elide just sort of nods and hold out her hands for a mug because internally, she’s basically squealing
Lorcan just called her love and she’s trying not to hyperventilate because it’s Lorcan fucking Salveterre, he’s six feet of solid muscle and the man is fucking gorgeous
He hands her a mug and is like “Cream? Sugar?”
And she sort of just arches a brow at him and takes a giant sip of black coffee, and he just stares at her for a couple seconds because flannel and black coffee????? Sign me up 
And he falls for her even more when she finishes her coffee and just sort of goes “right, well, hope you didn’t want the shower, because I’m using it” and pushes her way around him, winking over her shoulder as his laugh booms through the room before he says “guess it’s a good thing I showered already”
Elide comes out of the bathroom to the sight of Lorcan in skinny jeans and a tight-fitting black t-shirt, fingers plucking out a simple melody on his guitar
When he catches sight of her - black leggings and a black spaghetti strap crop top - he physically has to fight to keep his jaw from dropping, especially when he realizes she has his flannel wrapped around her shoulders again
They’re both chilling on his couch, Lorcan still working on a melody on the guitar, when someone knocks twice on the door before letting themselves in
It’s Vaughan, because apparently he and Lorcan are in charge of sorting out a new song Gavriel wrote
Elide offers to leave so they can work, but Lorcan says it’s fine if she stays - so she grabs a book off his shelf (which is packed full of murder mysteries) and curls up in the armchair while Lorcan relocates himself behind his drum kit 
Elide’s lost in her book when she hears them start complaining about the fact that neither of them can sing half as well as Rowan, so they have no way of knowing what the vocals sound like with the music 
And Vaughan just kind of jokingly goes “Elide, can you sing?”
And she’s caught off guard but she’s just like “uh, yeah, I guess”
So they hand her the lyrics and they’re like “just listen and pick up the melody and sing along with us”
So they play the song for her once, and she figures out when she’s supposed to sing, and so they play it again
And she starts singing
Lorcan stops drumming for a solid five seconds
Vaughan literally plays the wrong chord 
Because Elide is good
Like really good
But they recover and finish the song, and both of them are staring at Elide because holy shit she can really sing 
Elide just gives them a look that’s warning them not to comment, so they don’t, despite the fact that they want to
Eventually Vaughan leaves, and Lorcan and Elide are just chilling
And it becomes standard practice for her to hang out at his place whenever they’re both free
And she’s always singing while she’s doing random stuff, like heating up food for for them or doing her math homework or when she’s in the shower
And Lorcan starts to refer to her as his siren, because he hears her voice in his dreams
But what he doesn’t tell her is that he’s also come to think of her as his muse, because he’s been working on a new song that’s all about her
And he doesn’t do relationships but he’s falling for Elide, and hard
Whenever the band has practice sessions with the crew, they keep hinting they have a new song, but they refuse to play it for everyone, claiming it’s a secret
Eventually they have another show, and everyone’s there, because everyone needs to hear the new song 
Elide, of course, is there, but she went the extra mile - she’s still in a crop top (this time a blood red corset) - but she paired it with a black leather miniskirt and combat boots
Lorcan, who looks for her the minute he comes on stage, is practically drooling at the sight of her legs that look like they go on for miles 
They close their set with the new song, and Fenrys, who’s known for being a shit, says “our drummer wrote this song about his muse, someone he’s come to see as his very own manic pixie dream girl” into his microphone
The song is apparently called “Manic Pixie,” and Elide isn’t entirely sure, but she thinks it’s about her
She definitely knows it’s about her when the chorus refers to the mystery girl as his “siren”
They walk off the stage, and before anyone can even think of congratulating them, Elide is taking Lorcan by the hand and pulling him outside the club
She just whispers “did you write that about me?”
Lorcan can barely meet her eyes, but he nods, worried that she won’t feel the same way and he’s been reading the whole situation wrong
He doesn’t have to worry for long though, because he’s barely done nodding before Elide is wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him hard 
She rocks against him, trying to get closer to him, and Lorcan just hooks his hands under her thighs and lifts her up, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist
Carrying her across the parking lot, Lorcan slides one hand under her ass to hold her up, using the other to open the back door to his truck
As soon as he sets her on the seat, Elide slides back until there’s enough room for Lorcan to climb in as well
He does exactly that, settling himself on top of her and hooking both of her legs around his waist again
Elide has both hands tangled in his hair, her legs acting as an anchor to help grind his hips down into hers as they make out, and Lorcan’s shirt is somewhere on the floor of his truck, one hand running over the exposed skin of her stomach and the other gripping her thigh when their friends finally find them
“Gross, you guys,” Manon quips. “You didn’t even close the door”
Lorcan just grumbles and buries his face in her neck, but Elide can’t help but chuckle, her heart bursting at the feeling of Lorcan on top of her 
Eventually their friends corral them back inside, and there’s a lot of teasing they have to endure the rest of the night, but Elide’s giddy with happiness and Lorcan is practically beaming
Elide’s night gets even better when, as she dancing with Lorcan’s chest pressed to her back, he leans down and asks her to be his girlfriend in her ear
And Lorcan’s gets even better when she wraps one hand up around his neck and turns to look at him, the word “yes” slipping from her lips as she pulls him down to kiss her
They enjoy the night with their friends, but both of them cannot wait to get home
And once they finally get back to Lorcan’s, they’re quick to pick up where they left off in the truck, not happy until they’re pressed together, skin on skin
After, when they’re both trying to catch their breath, Elide’s head on Lorcan’s chest, his fingers running through her hair, they both can’t believe how lucky they both are
Bonus: Lorcan adores the sight of Elide in his flannels, but he LOVES when she wears his long sleeve tees from when he played football for several reasons
They have his last name on the back, so he sees his name one her and it makes him happy
They dwarf her, but she adores them
She sleeps in them because Lorcan keeps his apartment cold, but she only wears underwear under them, so he loves that
Whenever she wants to tease him, she wears nothing under them and will just like casually bend over in front of him so he can see that she’s naked (and you can guarantee that he ends up bending her over the nearest piece of furniture and taking her like that) or she’ll sit down and let her legs splay open - when she does that he practically rips his jeans he gets so hard (and 0.2 seconds later he’s on his knees in front of her with his face buried in her folds)
Okay, I hope you all liked it, and I would love if you let me know what you think!
Tags: @highqueenofelfhame @musicmaam @city-of-fae @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty @tacmc @tangledraysofsunshine @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars
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