#loosing someone is not easy
camelspit · 11 months
sorry but i think the funniest thing shannon could do is have keefe not actually be responsible for the great gulon incident. like what if the short story came out and it was like "fitz actually did it but everyone assumed it was keefe so he covered for him"
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mushroominaforest · 7 days
Can I get some Human anatomy tips ? I'd Google it but I like hearing from fellow cartoony artists. If you have no tips or anything u can just ignore me :)
All you gotta do to achieve good humans with accurate anatomy in your art is to only draw Canadians in the winter
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Jokes aside, honestly just practice. There’s no quick and easy trick to do good anatomy, you have to put in the time. Study references, do billions of figure drawings, look at skeletons, bone structures, muscle and fat formations etc.
Dont just practice drawing people standing in the pick your character/sims stance. Draw ‘em walking, playing an instrument, playing a sport, (yoga is a good one for more complex pose practice).
Bear in mind this is coming from an art major, so I probably have snobbish opinions about the « right » way to draw lmao.
And if all else fails, just draw Canadians in winter.
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salovie · 6 months
answers like pebbles,
countless worn by the stream—
pick up a wisdom
when you’re native to silence
your soul listens best
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rosicheeks · 5 months
What about someone who wakes up, opens snap to look at all the pretty pictures of you and then lays in bed stroking gently to them 🤭 wonder who could be doing that and has a lot of pretty pictures of you princess? 🤭
- 🦊
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gingerwerk · 1 year
Elora leaving for college in the truck her dad offered to sell to her :’)
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Favourite personal weapon?
(you CANNOT say battleaxe!)
probably scythe. like i know it's not really good at all for like. combat. but like look at that shit. pretty dope blade while i hold the stick. sooo cool.
#ask#anon#im not sure anything else really compares. i dont honestly think about real life weapons that much really that said.#not without being like. shotgun. or double barreled shotgun. atleast if were restricted to melee combat here.#most games i tend to play shotgun a lot#except tf2 recently where ive been shooting pee darts and donking folks with cannon balls#granted. i range from class to class with no real like... goal? whatever fits the situation and that im confident in.#like i like playing soda popper milk fan o war scout a lot. i like playing pee sniper w/ shahanshah.#for demo i tend to always go loose cannon scottish resistance scottish handshake#scottish resistance cause i like coating a battlefield with stickies and just doing my best to detonate them when i think its important to#fucking hate sticky spamming btw. valve had the right idea nerfing that shit when they did. yknow. before they reverted it.#those things should be doing 60 damage when spammed... and like can do 144 after like a second or two or whatever#that way it punishes spamming and rewards using them as traps#but then the people who have sticky stranges would get mad or whatever. idk. its weird to me that valve reverted the nerf somewhat#it does a lot of damage and you dont gotta even hit the enemy directly with the projectile. so its an easy weapon.#idk.#for heavy i dont have a real loadout im happy with. i tend to go brass beast family business and eviction notice#ik tomislav is like the best overall minigun but. idk.#eviction notice really sucks but once someones pestering me up close i really like to chase them down while punching them#since most of the 9 classes cant get out of range. ive managed to do it a bunch despite how much i dont like the weapon.#like. i wish it didnt have the max health drain. id prefer if like. i couldnt be overhealed if i had them equipped.#the slight speed increase is. okay. paired with the increase in speed when hitting a player.#though if it was simplified. id add those two stats together for the on hit attribute.#so like... less damage. faster swing speed. faster movement when hitting an enemy for a second. and no overheal when equipped.#instead of it just being a weirder worse gru.#that way its just about punishing players who get too close. and makes you weaker if youve got a medic. since you cant be overhealed.#soldier... i just use rocket launcher/black box panic attack and whip. nothing really unique about my playstyle with him.#engineer. panic attack pistol gunslinger or jag.#im no good with the widowmaker and i like having 6 shots so id rather not use the frontier justice.#anyway im at the tag limit. thank you for the ask anon!!!
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pondscummy · 5 months
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the "also sick" comment isn't like "btw I'm SICK, how dare you not know" it's me saying I'm sick like how 2/3 of my roommates are
but like I'm so;;;; it feels so rich that L is like wtf do you want from me about me not replying for 45 minutes when I had to beg his gf over hours and hours of texts every so often to not force me to sit in unwiped shit after my surgery bc she had openly told me she just didn't rly feel like setting up the attachable bidet after telling me for weeks she would, and I never ever got a reply from her or L ever acknowledging that they were wide awake hanging out and laughing while I was like stuck in bed barely able to move begging for follow through on a commitment they made in advance and i eventually had to spend over $100 to hire someone to come out the next day and do it for me and I had to hold my shit for hours lmfao
like L is sooooo great at couching things in flawless tumblr wellness speak but only to talk about how valid they are for not showing up for you and how fucked up it is that you MIGHT ever have a moment where you can't be 100% there w them. like idk what to tell you I've been laying in bed with a sore throat and cough and fever passing out and waking up to roll over in buckets of sweat like the rest of the house. I do genuinely get being annoyed by a lack of response but it's also right back to this whole thing about Always assuming I'm mad at them which is legit one of the only things that actually makes me mad fjdkddhk like bro I do not THINK about you when you're not acting like I'm a bomb about to blow (also, as an aside -- we all take turns buying TP and it's usually me who does it like it's not out of pocket for me to say hey you are the One person who is out of the house already rn, can you get this on your way bc None of the bathrooms have back up rolls and one is totally out and I had to text our sickest roommate telling her to use the bidet and drip dry like.... "am I the first person you asked" yes bc you are the person who makes the most sense dumbfuck. I'm not being "overly needy" toward you or whatever jfc)
they literally told me at one point that the reason they're so scared of me is that my face is "triggering" for them when I'm angry or not feeling good and puts them "back in a really bad place" they have seen my face angry literally 3 times and each time it was on my way back to my room to decompress and each time I said nothing to them other than that I was in a bad mood and I was going to go to my room. I didn't yell either I just said it normal. like I genuinely feel gaslit here like I'm this horrifying monster of a man when it's like dude sometimes people are mad I don't know what YOU want from ME!! I do all my venting here where they can't ever see it even tho we've blocked each other, I censor their name like anyone even knows who they are, I isolate to chill out and it's literally been less than a handful of times like should I fling myself from the roof??????? would that fix it???
I literally know it's bc I'm a man too. none of this was like this until my facial hair came in more and it got crazy worse after I got top surgery and they're so so vocal about how much they despise men and think men should all fuck off and die and there's only a handful of acceptable men that they've personally vetted. despite them pretty clearly having a trans woman fetish bc they only date or look at porn of trans women and they do the whole step on me mommy thing about it even tho their gf has complained like. lmfao you're just a baby te//rf even tho you ID as trans masc yourself. like that's all this even is. I'm a big (5'3") scary (spent the whole weekend w my coworkers asking if I was 12) man who's obviously going to snap and kill you all bc sometimes I *checks writing on hand* get frustrated and go lay down about it
#pond.txt#and again i'm not EVEN mad rn (well. obviously i am *now*) i was SLEEPING like fhekdjdkddjl bro let me live i'm SORRY#should i whip myself should i kiss your feet my lord and savior jc. should i fall upon my sword for you.#is my t dick too big and scary to live together does it cast shadows in the hallways that frighten you HDKSDHKDDHDK#all the time i wish wish wish there was some way for me to move out early without me fucking myself financially#but i'd be on the hook for $11.400 and i do NOT have that to drop dhskddhhfj and i would need to pay that PLUS buy a car#it was so night and day the difference in my mood when i was on my work trip tho. even when i had moments of like feeling down on that trip#it was so fleeting and so like. well I'll do what i need to so i can care for myself#whether that was staying in my room and getting some sleep or rallying and being like hey @ self you're making shit up about no one liking#with no proof so let's get back downstairs and hang out w someone new and prove ourselves wrong.#life felt so bright and happy and it was so easy to talk to strangers and laugh and just let loose and like myself#even on a 13 hr travel day i was like taking notes on mental health things in my journal and reflecting and feeling so positive about makin#changes like not letting excuses stop me from going out and living my life even in this interim period between moves#and then i got back home and was like oh right. this place that makes me miserable with people who openly dislike me. great lmao#my plan is still to try to not let myself get in my own way of living life bc if i can get out & meet people it'll keep me away from here.#ANYWAY!!! *eats cough drops like candy*
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sanstropfremir · 8 months
✨🎥! Forgot to say, I have a wedding in April but no dress/suit/clothes. I’m desperately looking but every single day I’m more disappointed in the quality of the fashion industry. Even the most basic thing is shit quality and cost 5 times what it should. So yeah, if anyone has recommendations on clothes (not necessarily for weddings or events, but in general) that are good quality, let me know
i know how you feel, affordable decent clothing is fucking impossible right now. honestly my best advice is thrifting/secondhand. idk what the situation for that is like in spain so maybe it's not possible, but it's always worth a shot, especially if you've already been looking for a while. it does obvs take more time than shopping new bc you have to sift through racks, but you're more likely to get a good find of better quality for a more reasonable price. my general thrifting advice (honestly this applies to any clothes shopping also) is first look for the colour and shape that you like, and then look at the material content. this is very important. do not look at brand that means nothing. always always always check the material content on the tags. ideally you want to be looking for garments that have 100% natural fibres; wool, cotton, silk, linen, rayon/viscose (yes it is natural despite the name). if you can't find 100% than something with an 80/20 ratio or more (to the natural side) can also be a safer bet, but my rule of thumb is the more polyester is in a garment, the worse it is in every way.
my general advice for wedding attire is unless you need black tie, don't worry about trying to find a full suit or a really fancy dress you're only gonna wear once. get a good pair of dark formal trousers (black/grey/navy), wear a dress shirt or a formal blouse, and throw on a nice tailored jacket that's in the same colour family. is it technically only semi-formal? yes, but who does true formal weddings and actually cares about sartorial rules. in this economy? psh. some visual aids:
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it's a great combo for any 'events you have to look nice at' because you only have to buy individual pieces, you don't have to buy them all at the same time, and they can be reused for other events. just find out what the colour theme of the event is and get yourself a shirt or tie/pocket square/scarf/other accessory in that colour and you're good to go. also do not forget a good pair of shoes. this is also very important; always have a good pair of shoes.
hopefully this helps! i'm sorry i don't have better recommendations on where to actually go to buy stuff/what to buy, but i haven't shopped new in......quite a long time. but at least having some tips to go by should help. and tbh sometimes you do gotta cough up the money.....BUT only ever cough up the money for something that is 100% natural fibre and is a piece that will get use outside of a single event. otherwise you just gotta be patient and keep looking; if you are patient things have a way of coming to you.
#diligence and perseverance are so key to any kind of shopping but especially thrifting#tbh these are fundamental tips for building a wardrobe in general so if that's a thing anyone's been thinking about:#always start with good trousers and good shoes#all these photos are from the sartorialist's blog btw if you want more fashion inspo check it out#fashion tips#answers#text#✨🎥 anon#also i know that most people's level of sewing skills are not good but dont be afraid to get something thats not quite perfect#minor things like sleeves too long you dont like the buttons etc. rolling up sleeves is an easy fix and will give you a bit of character#and sewing on new buttons is a very very easy to learn skill and is very useful to have when one inevitably comes loose.#plus its way cheaper to buy/find new buttons and you can play around with styles#trouser hems as well if theyre too long you can neatly roll them up and give them a good press and no one will know#if you happen to have access to a sewing machine or are just a determined hand stitcher#there's an easy way to take in the fit of a formal trouser waistband#but thats a bit long to put in tags so if someone wants to know ill do a separate post#also for thrifting if you know the demographics of the areas you're shopping in look for secondhand stores where a lot of older folks live#you're much more likely to find good quality bc older garments are better made#also if you have large enough feet to wear men's sizing or are on the verge (40/41/42) you can often find very nice dress shoes so so cheap#that can also be another post if ppl want i will talk about shoes for literally ever
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remyfire · 1 year
In old roleplaying circles, I used to have people get really angry at me because they found a lot of catharsis in taking their characters those agonizing angst without necessarily giving them an end point of healing whereas my characters would always try to prompt that moment of healing—would be an end point they could come to whenever they were ready, would love them through the pain instead of drive it higher—and I don't think I've really changed at all in that regard, and I hope that ends up being all right.
#this is a complicated way to say that i'm having my chai and meditating on some of the more popular headcanons i saw#when i first got here and part of it was just the circle of blogs i saw initially when i created mine#because they all had a similar sense of characterization for the blorbos and were reluctant to let anything else in#and i totally get that btw because i LOVE seeing varied interpretations and i will happily play in every sandbox#but i'm thinking specifically about the fanon about beej HAVING to leave his home after everything because he tries to fit back in the box#and he can't#and the agony and misery therein like having built an entire life on a literal lie and choosing to jettison it for his own good#and how i have inadvertently built a home life for him that he will return to incredibly changed but will be welcomed into nonetheless#i think about how loose and utterly queer he becomes in korea down to his gestures his clothes his grooming choices#and how yes he DOES remove all of those when he gets home#(my gnc hawk doing much the same i should say)#but replacing the agony of having to leave what no longer serves you with the joy of someone saying 'then let's change together'#and the knowledge that it won't be easy and you need SO much therapy#but that the old and the new can come together in a very intentional and loving and wonderful way#so the mustache comes back and the colors and the loose limbs and the lighter speaking cadence and he feels so fucking good again#and he's loved so thoroughly by all three of the most important aspects of his life for CHOOSING to be authentic#(just like hawk)#and i know a lot of this is me needing to write it because i almost lost my marriage because my wife was so scared of how she changed#that she was projecting onto me all of these thoughts of how she was SURE i'd react and she tried to cut and run early#and how when i wrapped her up in all that love and desire to come along on this new journey and see what happens#that she was overcome and truly didn't believe it was real#but also i do get sad at the tendency to be like 'everyone changed and they can never go back'#when i want to be like 'yes but they can always go forward and they don't have to lose everything they loved to do it'#and i just hope people wanna come on that journey with me#my ramblings
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thornsent · 10 months
the tags on that post make me feel like I'm living in a different world. "the queer community helped me sooooo much when I was homeless" yeah my local queer community attempted to coerce me into signing contracts and tried to evict me from a room I was renting under the table and told my abuser I was trying to leave and laughed at me for begging for help and I could literally go on for a long, long time but I'll stop there.
I have never really felt accepted or comfortable in my own community. I don't fit in with gay men because I'm trans and thus not man enough. I don't fit in with trans men because I'm effeminate and don't really identify as a trans man anyway. I'm too masculine to be around queer women, who I make uncomfortable by virtue of existing. I don't trust other queers, because especially where I live, they use the same knives to cut bread for you as they do to slit your throat.
They pretend to be so friendly, so inclusive, so nice and Good Progressives. They send the right memes to the group chat, they post on social media all about how much of an activist they are, but when it comes to real life people who are messy and struggling? They politely pretend to look the other way, because they don't want to actually have to *do* anything. They'll performatively boost donations posts by trans poc but don't actually have any friends that aren't white!! It's all so two-faced and fake.
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I will say informing that the next tress shipment won’t even come to dragonsteel before the 20th and then immediately cutting to an ad outro on how “tress is now available to non backers, get your premium hardcover copy at dragonsteel.com” is not the most diplomatic move
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@bxtsence said: Romance headcanons: 5, 25, 32
(romance headcanons - open)
what is your muse's ideal first date?
i'd say this depends on the person tbh. sal doesn't necessarily have a single ideal first date, and ultimately it depends a lot on the psrson in question.
however, sal would *love* to take someone on a drive out of the city limits and into the countryside, as far from the light pollution as they can get, and just look up into the stars. let sal tell you space facts while stargazing with him ✨️
does love and romance mean a lot to your muse? do they seek it constantly or let it come when it does?
so i think romance does mean a lot to salvatore, but not in the sense that he *needs* it for the sake of romance itself. what's really important to salvatore is having people he can depend on and who depend on him in turn.
sal is grey-aro, meaning he doesn't often experience romantic attraction. however, he isn't romance-repulsed necessarily--it's just not something that he seeks out often or desires above all else.
sal's definitely the type to let romance come as it does, but he *does* to some extent seek out the kind of trust that would be required for romance to form down the line. sal just wants someone he can trust, really.
does your muse have an ideal "type"?
lol i was actually thinking about this earlier- so my general answer here is no. sal doesn't have an ideal type for romantic partner--because really it's less about the person themself and more about what kind of bond they'd have with him. however, i can definitely list some traits that are common threads in the kinds of people he's into.
sal likes people who are strong willed, who have a sharp tongue and don't let the world walk all over them. at the same time, however, he greatly admires gentleness--people who've been through hell and came out *kind* are mystifying to him. and someone who's both of those things can very quickly earn his respect and admiration.
he also likes people he can tease and who tease him back, who he can bounce off of and joke with.
most of all, however, sal's type is someone he can relax around, who he can feel safe with and trust to have his back as much as he'd have theirs. he's a loyal motherfucker, and he *needs* a partner he can expect that same level of loyalty from.
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i really want to be one of those beautiful girls who always have impeccable hair and natural-looking makeup but the truth is most days i truly don’t have the desire to put anything more than the bare minimum into my appearances
#i’m pretty simple tbh#i have great fashion taste (and am willing to admit it hehe) and i like to look good so i put care into choosing what clothes to wear#but i never really cared at all about makeup besides lipstick and eyeliner#(my best friend who is one of the most beautiful people i know would always wear black eyeliner and mascara and i just loved the look)#on a good day i accept myself the way i am but other times it’s hard to feel beautiful#i don’t know why but the thought of having to set aside time to do my makeup every day make me cringe a little bit inside#and then i see my little sister and my cousin and so many other girls and i’m like ‘belle you gotta step it up for people to start seeing yo#you differently and as more attractive.’#i remember when i was Little enough for my mom to do my hair every morning (and i had long hair) she would do all these fancy braids with it#and after a while i’d just… had enough of the fancy hairstyles. no more sitting still while someone braids my hair for me#so i got a shoulder-length haircut and never looked back and i’m FINE with just wearing my hair loose and natural every day now#but it’s quite think & dry & curly so it’s not always that easy#anyway traditional beauty standards SUCK#it shouldn’t be like that but it is. and i think a lot about the notion of ‘femininity’ and especially feminine beauty standards that are pl#placed on hispanic women and wonder just how much of that was passed down to me through my mother#i swear i will get a pixie cut and/or keep my hair short even if it is partially out of spite#belle speaks#this post is sponsored by tiktok LMAO
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eevyerndracaneon · 2 years
Wait a goddamn second Winnie the Pooh is public domain
That means
I can take Tigger and do whatever I want with him
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certifyedwhore · 3 months
want to get so drunk I pass out leaving myself totally exposed and vulnerable to anyone who finds me and wants to use me
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aria0fgold · 4 months
I just realized that I won't even be able to use my room right now cuz the fan I'm using has something wrong with it that my mom forgot to check up on so I'm gonna be stranded in the living room until she wakes up and replaces it cuz I don't know where the other spare fans are stored... 😔
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