mushroominaforest · 3 days
Can I get some Human anatomy tips ? I'd Google it but I like hearing from fellow cartoony artists. If you have no tips or anything u can just ignore me :)
All you gotta do to achieve good humans with accurate anatomy in your art is to only draw Canadians in the winter
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Jokes aside, honestly just practice. There’s no quick and easy trick to do good anatomy, you have to put in the time. Study references, do billions of figure drawings, look at skeletons, bone structures, muscle and fat formations etc.
Dont just practice drawing people standing in the pick your character/sims stance. Draw ‘em walking, playing an instrument, playing a sport, (yoga is a good one for more complex pose practice).
Bear in mind this is coming from an art major, so I probably have snobbish opinions about the « right » way to draw lmao.
And if all else fails, just draw Canadians in winter.
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