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ducktracy · 2 years ago
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
CARTOONS!!!!!! …i think!
i don’t have a 100% accurate answer to this, because i’ve been drawing ever since i could hold a pencil! i genuinely don’t remember a time in my life where i wasn’t drawing in some way or form. it helps that i have a lot of artists in my family as well!
i would say cartoons are the biggest influence, since i grew up watching them ALL THE TIME! SpongeBob especially. i remember every time this commercial would come on, i’d run to the printer, grab some paper and a pen, and try to draw along with him (and i distinctly remember putting water on the paper during the segment where he cries because i wanted to see what would happen.) i think that’s when i began to realize that there were real people making these cartoons, and you could get paid to draw cartoon characters, and i just KNEW that was something i had to do.
i do know i was very interested in becoming a children’s book illustrator when i was in elementary school! books like A Bad Case of the Stripes or Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (this was before there was a movie of it!) were some of my absolute favorites that i’d consistently and obsessively check out at the school library. i really loved how creative and off the wall they were—you mean you can draw a girl with rainbow stripes??? you can draw giant pancakes hovering over a city? you can DO THAT?? it really blew my mind
cartoons were definitely my biggest influence though (and my mom concedes she possibly let me watch too much TV as a kid… but it worked since i work in TV animation now and draw for those same kids in my shoes!) and have only grown since! i’m lucky to have grown up in a creative environment and had adults foster my creativity. my kindergarten art teacher had recommended i join a county wide art contest when i was in 2nd grade, and i got second place! so i think that especially helped me realize that this was something important to me and something i could do. there were a lot of things i wasn’t particularly good at, but i always had drawing to rely on! now my entire life revolves around art in every way and i couldn’t be happier
here is baby me “finishing” my incredibly talented uncle’s much more competent drawing
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ssstupid-sssnake · 8 months ago
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@looniecartooni it's drinking his sorrows away 😔
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ur-local-moon-bunny · 1 year ago
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Saw @looniecartooni ship and I had to draw it,,,
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barnabybrainrot · 1 year ago
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@looniecartooni i feel like your definition of “a lot of murder” is VERY different from barnaby’s definition
barnaby can have a little Murder. as a treat
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dividedsingularity · 2 years ago
Hi Loonie! Thanks for taking those tags seriously and writing in X'] Hope you're doing well, and congratulations on the recent raffle win = D
Here's a little Lero doodle I made just for you (and to celebrate getting an ask for the first time in forever), hope you like it –' ]
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mephileswhisper · 3 years ago
Weird asks #2: Chocolate bars or Lollypops?
weird asks that say a lot. / accepting!
Oh, goodness. While I would PROBABLY have a preference for lollypops, I don’t really remember the last time I had one tbh. Really used to like the sour ones though. Chocolate is kind of odd for me because I have to be in a mood for it, which could be anywhere between 2 weeks or 6 months. YEAH... sweet stuff is a wild card for me. Probably chocolate in regards to this ask though.
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moodyvoid · 11 months ago
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@future-dregs thanks for the tag!! ☺️
Had to go heavy with the hand/gaming imagery for my boy Tomura. The rest is me being a tired ass gremlin
Tag: @mettywiththenotes @transhawks @helga-grinduil @haleigh-sloth @looniecartooni and anyone else who would like to do this! 💕
Saw @disasterbipippin do this fun tag (also, I've been reading your name as disasterbippin this whole time), and thought I'd get in on it (use this Picrew to make a personification of your blog)
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SUPER fun, and I had a great time doing it ^_^
I tag @biromantic-nerd @radellama @nitghowl1600 @mossterious @moodyvoid @professional-gay-hermit @liveandletrain @grelleswife and a free tag to anyone else who would like to do it. Have fun, you're it!
🐾 (boop)
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ducktracy · 2 years ago
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i am a week late at responding to my own BIRTHDAY MESSAGES!! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER AM I!! THAAAAAANK YOUUUUU SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL THE KIND WORDS AND WELL WISHES!! you guys continue to spoil me through your constant support!! i had a very good birthday and it was thanks to lovely folks such as yourself that could make it even better!
(tagging aforementioned lovely folks so you know i got the messages and am not some heartless ghoul ignoring you!! thank you to @pkmatrix @lesbiantiana @ollifree @doctorbluesmanreturns @mollypondfromouterspacepart2 @looniecartooni @randomnessoffiction @galactictides52 @aoi-watarimono @fragglesesamemuppetz2 @discourseyearround, anonymouseseseses, everyone who i did answer before this, and so on!!)
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ssstupid-sssnake · 1 year ago
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@looniecartooni high five !
coincidentally five people were injured in the making of thisss artwork !!!
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mananea · 4 years ago
How'd you get into DGM? And who are your favorite and least favorite characters?
I hope you start feeling better Zepp (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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Hello yes thank you both so much ;w;
How I got into DGM? I’ll be honest and say I have no clue. It’s been 11-12 years now. I just remember being in 5th grade drawing DGM OCs with fox ears next to Keroro Gunsou and Fullmetal Alchemist. (I still have the sketchbook. Don’t look at it) Surely since I was into FMA, it came up as related on YouTube and I saw AMVs. Because that’s how I got into a lot of things at the time. I didn’t know how to Google things and barely knew how to use YouTube.
Favs and least favs? Deadass I can’t give you a “least favorite” because I kind of love deplorable evil characters. (Cough cough Cosimov) Fills me with evil serotonin. As for favs. I mean my blog @ should give you an idea :) and the fact that I don’t draw anything else. Literally nothing else. They’re all having sex on my kitchen counter and I pretend to not notice.
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kabochako · 4 years ago
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Merry Christmas, @looniecartooni ! 
♥ kabochako
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venusaria · 5 years ago
Marie and Miranda. They seem to have something going
4 = I could see why others like it, kinda cute I suppose.
Personally I’m not a huge fan of the ship, I do think it’s cute, and I can easily see why people would ship it.
I think that Miranda and Marie are great together, but I see them as close best friends (close like brother and sister kind), kinda like how i see her with Krory, but if Marie x Miranda becomes cannon, I wouldn’t have any issue.
When it comes to Miranda and Marie, they defently have some form of a bond. Miranda is shy and easily scared, Marie knows how to help people like that. Because of it, they are great reammates together since Marie is never seen rude or harsh towards her. In my eyes, I see them seeing eachother as close siblings, but I agree, the ship is rather cute.
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afusionoffandoms · 5 years ago
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@looniecartooni replied to your post: I have so many questions about Sheril’s powers....
Let’s hope he can’t control brainwaves or hormones/emotions. He’s kind of got a dirty, sadistic mind
Oh I’m counting on it.
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wackyworldcomics · 9 months ago
There will be colored character sheets coming soon and there will be a pilot coming out hopefully soon. It may be featured against 2 other pilots to see which is the more fan favorite series for Wacky World to start a funding campaign for first (depending on my energy levels and time). Expect more to start coming later in the summer or so. There is a lot to do and the one person currently behind it all is way behind on everything! So keep your eyes peeled for updates, ads, and incoming pilots and sketches on @wackyworldcomics and @looniecartooni on tumblr and l.cartooni on Instagram. A website will try to be under construction after a funding campaign so that people can read these stories. So keep your eyes peeled!
Oh Shoot- I forgot to introduce the Main Characters for Henchmen For Hire (name still up for change)
Henchmen for Hire (which may get its name changed) follows the story of two kooky best friends who are a bit unusual and feel kind of stuck in their job as henchmen.
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Claire B. Ellody is a former magician's assistant that is quite timid and afraid of getting hurt. In a world full of beings with magic powers, she has the power to not actually avoid any attacks or unfortunes that may come upon her. Why is she so afraid of getting hurt then? Well- that's a long... LONG story.
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Atka Boid is the travelling companion/ best friend of Claire who is a bit more... outgoing than his partner in crime. He appears to be some sort of ancient being with some seriously incredible powers such as the ability to terraform rocks to his will, even lifting them out of the earth and rearranging them to however he sees fit!!! But mostly he just likes to create stalagmites to STAB at people (don't worry- he won't actually stab you. He actually hates the sight of blood- long story).
These two are best friends that really don't like being Henchmen. But being low on cash with a limited amount of job experience, you kind of have to take what you can get. So follow them on their missions around their cavern filled world, completing jobs for the richest people that live upon it. And as elements of the past slowly creep upon them and prove to our zany duo that one can't undo the past or run from the consequences of their actions.
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dividedsingularity · 4 years ago
looniecartooni replied to your post:
Poor Te Ka... no one gets his name right
Ah… well, it's not that hard to get his "normal" name right, that's why he uses that one more often! To actually call him by name though you'd probably have to carry a bunch of rocks, a hunk of metal and some water with you at all times. Unless you're also a pickaxe.
who knows maybe that's part of why he's so grumpy all the time
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cardinailed0 · 2 years ago
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second raffle prize for @looniecartooni :] a very fancy scarecrow here, enjoying the wind
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