#looking at YOU cancer risk and stroke risk patients!
ava-dreel-thinks · 6 months
Biting growling hissing spitting kicking snapping banging my head against tHE WALL
I AM SO SICK OF PEOPLE IN MY REAL LIFE AND ONLINE SAYING SHIT LIKE “oh, I just can’t eat when I’m on my period or I get so nauseous I throw up for days and days tee hee!” “I have mood swings so bad my friends and family avoid me until it’s over just girly things!” “I miss school for days on end because I can’t move welcome to womanhood <3”
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stormscience · 5 days
Radiant Healing Is OP and Also Terrifying
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Ok so buckle up because I have opinions and concerns.
Look, Radiant healing is just far, far too powerful. There are no obvious limitations outside of the injury/illness being fairly new, availability of Stormlight, the patient still being alive (unless you're Lift), and having tissue to work with (and since whole limbs can regenerate like they're salamanders, even this is dubious).
So first, narrative wise this is just not great because the stakes are so much lower when most anything can be healed. I'm pretty sure anti-stormlight was invented to overcome this somewhat, but the reality is that injuries feel far less consequential when Radiants can heal themselves so fast and two orders can heal others as well. Pain, injury, disability, and death are all risks that make for compelling storytelling, and being able to just recover from penetrating head injuries makes fights seem less significant and intimidating.
But this isn't my big gripe. Oh no, my nerdy friends. See, I have questions that fall into two categories: 1) knowledge, and 2) illness.
Knowledge: ok, so if you're closing, say, a stab wound to the thigh, it seems like Radiants can just touch a patient and the wound heals. Which is absurd because even relatively straightforward cuts that go through multiple layers of tissue require expertise. You can't just hold two sides of a wound together and call it good. You need to make sure everything lines up properly. That the blood vessels go to the right places and don't leak. That muscles can move properly. That tendons are repaired. I am down for healing, especially field medicine healing, but for it to be believable you can't just have someone with no knowledge of anatomy and physiology touch someone and fix a complex gut wound or a deep laceration to muscles. They need to know what they are doing so they don't connect the wrong stuff.
Illness: can Radiant healing fix diabetes? Stroke? Liver cancer? We know it can fix visual impairments, can it fix other organ dysfunction? If it can fix chronic diseases of the body, why can't it fix mental illness, or at least the neurochemical aspects? If it can restore someone's spinal cord, can it fix epilepsy? If it can regrow limbs can it restore blood after major bleeds?
Limits would make the narrative more compelling. Plus, we need more representation of disability in fantasy! Not everything needs to be "fixed", and once you look at cultures around disability, saying a Radiant could make a deaf person hear when they are culturally Deaf feels off. Plus the internal, subtle journeys are far more interesting than the simple external "fixes".
Plus now you have to take your private medical concerns to Lift, who would handle intimate problems with all the subtlety of parrot on cocaine. You get to go to people like Renarin while having a difficult labor and delivery, because having someone who cannot bear to say the name of the parts in question makes treatment easy. You get the Stump for fertility concerns.
Surgeons are needed. Training is needed. Limits are needed. This is a recipe for chaos.
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riverofrainbows · 10 days
Why are people so batshit off in dream land of no critical thinking or even basic logic or even a shred of scientific methods when it comes to weight.
I'm seriously questioning the reputability of every health care professional who doesn't question this shit.
It's fucking bananas to talk to someone who is otherwise a thorough thinker and capable of processing new information, and able to recognise biases in other topics, and then watch them turn off their brain in real time to say the most fucking stupid ass out of whack things you can think of. Whenever it comes to weight and diet culture and fatphobia.
Tw: Body descriptions, weight talk, talk about food. Don't proceed if you aren't up for that!
Why do i have to read that the official recommendation for pregnant people is that they eat low fat and carbs? You know, consuming energy and essential body building blocks, the things you might want to do to grow a whole baby.
Why does my endocrinologist, who is an actual good doctor on most other stuff, telling me, a skinny person who is just recently getting out of underweight territory, not to gain too much weight? Because i am "close to an overweight bmi". And insist on that, even when i remind her that muscles weigh weight too, and while looking right at me (i still have trouble fitting adult size wrist watches).
Bmi as a whole.
Why do i have to read an otherwise properly researched and well done article insist that being underweight is notably less risky health wise than being slightly overweight? And not even overweight at all, it specified 'slightly overweight'. Like that is fucking ludicrous. In the same article, they described the unique and dangerous health risks of being underweight. But that couldn't possibly affect their foregone conclusion (that being fat is the worst thing).
Why do i have to listen to a presentation by a person who rates weight gain as a worse side effect of medication than seizures and strokes???????? They built that part up in a way that i thought it would be risk of developing cancer or something, but then they said it will lead to weight gain of on average 2 to 5 kilos. In a population that might even struggle with being underweight due to the underlying condition this medication is prescribed for. Weight gain. And on average just a couple kilos.
Like how am i supposed to take these people propagating that seriously? As people, but more relevant also as professionals?
How could you, how are you, supposed to trust someone with your healthcare, and possibly even your life, after they demonstrate that where dogma comes into play, they shut off the critical thinking part of their brain and are willing to endanger your life because you might be less fuckable afterwards?
How are you supposed to trust the professional opinion of someone, and specifically also their ability to evaluate and apply medical research and other sources, after they demonstrate that they can't? Or, more accurately, that they apply these skills selectively.
It makes them spineless principle-less bad scientists, and it's fucking scary to witness.
Because these people hold power. They're gate keepers of people's means to bodily autonomy. And they're not acting trustworthy or qualified.
If you're a medical professional reading this: please evaluate your biases around weight and nutrition. Unless you're already aware of medical fatphobia, you can do better and your patients will thank you.
Try applying critical thinking to what you're told and what you're reading on these topics, and try to see where people start with unquestioned foregone conclusions and don't actually apply the data and information at hand.
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tieflingkisser · 9 months
Horrors in a hospital
The situation at Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, is horrifying. I work as a doctor here and have never seen anything like it. None of us has. When patients arrive at the emergency room, we have to treat them on the floor. These include people injured in Israeli attacks, as well as those requiring urgent attention for other reasons. It is unimaginable that we have to treat people on the floor. But there simply isn’t the space to do otherwise. Before the war, we had 12 beds available in the intensive care unit (ICU). After the war was declared, we increased that number to 40. Even so, they have quickly been filled with surgical cases. There is no space for medical patients with more regular conditions. Many people are now dying of treatable medical concerns – sepsis, cardiac arrests and strokes – because we simply don’t have sufficient capacity. Basic hygiene is a real concern and its absence is contributing to infection and the spread of disease. ICU surgical patients are also dying. The intensity of what we are seeing means we have to discharge ICU patients before they get the full treatment they need. If you survive, you are among the lucky ones. Other medical conditions – like acute gastroenteritis, upper respiratory tract infections and scabies – are exploding around us. Children and older patients with severe diseases are at risk of severe discomfort, pain and even death due to the lack of medication and the frequent delays in medical intervention. Older patients with conditions such as cancer, diabetes and hypertension are unable to take daily medication due to a shortage of basic drugs. They can arrive in the hospital with severe complications. Many have died, even though their cases were under control before 7 October.
Israel is shooting fish in an increasingly small barrel as much of the world wrings its hands and looks away. Or – in the case of the US – prepares to send Israel more weapons.
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enby-nyc · 2 years
Tips for Finding the Best FTM Testosterone Doctor Near You
Finding a knowledgeable and experienced doctor administering FTM testosterone treatments can be overwhelming. With the wide variety of healthcare professionals available, knowing what qualities to look for when choosing a physician for your hormone therapy needs is essential.
In this article, we will provide tips on how to find the best FTM testosterone doctor near you. We will discuss factors such as qualifications and experience, cost of treatment, availability, location, and other considerations before choosing a provider. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are receiving high-quality care from a qualified professional who understands your unique needs.
What Is An FTM Testosterone Doctor?
An FTM testosterone doctor is a highly specialized physician who specializes in the well-being of individuals who identify as female to male (FTM). This type of doctor is dedicated to providing transgender people with the best possible care when it comes to hormone replacement therapy. They are knowledgeable on the impacts and risks that come with transitioning, as well as various other healthcare needs associated with gender transition.
FTM testosterone doctors understand that transgender patients' needs are unique and they strive to be sensitive, respectful, and reassuring of their individual needs. During the consultation, they must be able to draw from a variety of expertise areas to guide the patient to the best possible health care choice.
Such expanded services may include listening skills, counseling, and educational resources such as advice on how to counteract negative life changes or cope with dysphoria. Ultimately, FTM testosterone doctors want to provide the gender expansive population with access to safe and effective healthcare treatments so they can continue living fulfilling lives.
Services And Therapies Offered By FTM Testosterone Doctors
FTM testosterone doctors typically offer a variety of services and therapies to help their patients transition. These can include hormone replacement therapy (HRT), feminizing procedures, body contouring, psychological counseling, laser hair removal, and voice training.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy is the most common therapy offered by FTM testosterone doctors. HRT involves taking medications such as testosterone to help reduce female sex characteristics, promote the development of male characteristics and improve sexual functioning. HRT is usually taken in conjunction with other therapies, such as counseling and lifestyle changes, to achieve desired results.
Side Effects Of Hormone Treatment
Hormone therapy is a common treatment for various medical conditions, but it can have some side effects. Common side effects of hormone therapy may include nausea, headache, dizziness, menstrual changes, and hot flashes.
Male pattern baldness can also be attributed to hormone therapy, as some treatments can cause an imbalance in hormone levels which can lead to hair loss. Body hair growth and voice changes can also be side effects of hormone therapy, depending on the type of treatment used.
Other possible side effects include weight gain or loss, joint pain, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Long-term use of hormone therapy can also increase the risk of cancer in breast tissue. Additionally, hormone therapy can put you at risk of developing blood clots or stroke. It is important to discuss any risks with your doctor before starting any type of hormone therapy. Your doctor may be able to suggest alternative treatments or ways to reduce the chance of side effects.
It’s important to discuss any changes in your health that you experience while on hormone therapy so your doctor can adjust your treatment accordingly. With careful monitoring and the right precautions, it is possible to safely use hormone therapy to treat various medical conditions.
Feminizing Procedures
Feminizing procedures are also offered by gender affirming doctors. These can include surgeries such as facial feminization surgery and breast augmentation, as well as hormone therapy. Feminizing procedures can help create a more feminine physical appearance, while also potentially increasing self-esteem and confidence.
Body Contouring
Body contouring is another service that doctors may offer. Body contouring is a process of reshaping the body to make it look more masculine. This can include procedures such as chest reconstruction and liposuction.
Psychological Counseling
Psychological counseling is an important part of transitioning for some patients, and your gender affirming doctor may provide this service as well. Counseling can help patients work through various issues that they may be facing during their transition. Ultimately, it can help provide emotional support, guidance, and understanding as patients discover their true gender identity.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a procedure that can help reduce hair growth in areas such as the face, back, and chest, allowing a more masculine appearance. This could also be an option when consulting with your doctor.
Voice Training
Voice training is one final service that may be available from gender affirming doctors. Voice training can help patients learn how to use their voices in a more masculine way by teaching them vocal exercises and tips.
Overall, doctors offer a wide range of services and therapies to help patients transition successfully. Patients need to talk with their doctor about all of the options available so that they can make an informed decision about transgender health and well-being.
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How to Find the Best FTM Testosterone Doctor Near You
Finding the right doctor can be a daunting task. While there are many qualified and experienced professionals available, it's important to choose someone who understands your specific health needs and goals. Follow these tips to select a qualified medical professional who can administer testosterone replacement therapy:
Check Your Insurance Coverage and Cost of Treatment
The first step in choosing a gender affirming doctor is to check your insurance coverage and the cost of treatment. Access to healthcare for transgender people may vary depending on where you reside. Make sure you understand what your plan covers before beginning a search for a doctor so that you can budget accordingly.
Look for Qualifications and Experience
When researching different doctors, it's important to look for qualifications and experience in treatment. Ask if the doctor is board certified in endocrinology or has any specific training in gender affirming care. Additionally, check to see how long they have been providing this type of care, as some doctors may only be starting to offer it.
Find Out About Their Approach
In addition to qualifications and experience, it's important to find out about the doctor's approach to the treatment you are looking for. Ask if they have a specialty or focus in this area, as well as what kind of advice and support they typically provide for their patients. It's also helpful to get an idea of their views on hormone therapy and any specific protocols or policies they may have in place.
Consider Location, Availability, and Accessibility
When selecting a doctor, it's also worth considering the location and availability of their practice. Find out how far away they are from your home or workplace and if they offer flexible appointment times that fit in with your schedule. Additionally, check to see if they have a virtual appointment option available for those who may not be able to travel. Lastly, make sure the doctor is accessible to you – do they provide phone or email support outside of appointments? All of these factors can help ensure that you get the best care possible.
Talk to Other Patients
Finally, it's a good idea to talk to other patients who have already worked with the doctor you're considering. Ask them about their experiences and if they would recommend the doctor. You can often find this information on online forums or social media groups dedicated to discussing the type of treatment you are interested in.
By doing your research and carefully considering all your options, you can find the best doctor for you. A successful shift is more likely if you take your time and gather all the information you need before making a choice. Good luck!
What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor?
When visiting your doctor, it is important to ask questions. Be sure to bring a list of all the medications you are taking and any relevant medical history. It's also crucial that you fully grasp the explanations your doctor provides. Here are some common questions that can help you learn more about your diagnosis, treatment plan, and overall health:
What surgeries and treatments do you offer? It is important to know what type of procedures the doctor is qualified to perform, as well as any non-surgical treatments they may be able to provide.
What is your experience with gender-affirming surgeries and treatments? Make sure you are comfortable with the doctor’s level of expertise.
What follow-up care do you provide after surgery or treatment? Ask about any post-operative appointments to ensure your recovery goes smoothly.
How often should I come in for check-ups? Establish a clear plan for follow-up visits or blood tests your doctor may recommend.
Are there any risks or side effects associated with the surgeries and treatments you provide? Make sure to understand any potential risks before making decisions about treatment.
How do I cope with challenges throughout my transition journey? Seek advice from your doctor on how to manage any difficult emotions or issues that may arise during the transition process.
Do you have any resources for me to learn more about gender-affirming care? Ask about books, support groups, blogs, or other helpful resources for learning more about gender affirming care.
What kind of support can I expect from your office? Make sure you understand any assistance or services your doctor’s practice may offer throughout the transition process.
These are just a few questions you should consider asking your gender affirming doctor in order to make an informed decision about care. It is important to feel comfortable and confident that the doctor is qualified.
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Additional Resources For Finding An FTM Testosterone Doctor
Several online directories can help you find qualified healthcare providers. Here are some of the best:
The Professional Association of Transgender Health (PATH) Directory: This directory provides an extensive list of physicians and clinics around the world that provide transgender health services, including hormone therapy for FTMs.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Directory: WPATH also provides a comprehensive list of providers who specialize in transgender health care, including FTM hormone therapy.
The American Medical Association (AMA) Directory: This directory contains information on all medical professionals that are certified to practice medicine in the United States, and it can be sorted by specialty to find doctors who specialize in FTM hormone therapy.
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC) Directory: The LGBTRC offers a directory of practitioners who provide transgender health services, including FTM hormone therapy.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Should I Begin Hormone Therapy For FTM?
The ideal time to start hormone therapy for FTM depends on individual circumstances. Generally, the earlier you begin hormone therapy the better, as it can help you transition more quickly and with fewer risks. However, testosterone injections should not be started until certain blood tests have been completed to ensure that your body is ready for hormone therapy.
Should I Get Gender-Affirming Surgery After Hormone Therapy?
The decision to begin hormone therapy should be discussed with your doctor or healthcare provider. They can analyze your health and determine if hormone treatment is good for you.
Your doctor may also suggest that you take certain steps before starting hormones, such as having a physical exam, psychological evaluation, or blood tests. Depending on your circumstances, hormone therapy may begin immediately or after a period of preparation. Whether to undergo gender-affirming surgery following hormone therapy is a personal decision and should be discussed with your doctor.
Can Masculinizing Hormone Therapy Cause Cervical Cancer?
No. Masculinizing hormone therapy cannot cause cervical cancer, as it does not involve any changes to the cervix or other reproductive organs. However, since hormone therapy can alter your body’s natural hormones, it is important to get regular pap smears to detect any potential signs of cervical cancer.
What To Do While Taking Testosterone?
The most important thing to do while taking testosterone is to make sure that you are following your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully. This includes getting regular blood tests and physical exams, as well as monitoring any side effects or changes in your body. To keep healthy while taking testosterone, eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.
Final Thoughts
Finding the best gender affirming doctor near you can be a difficult process, but it is an important step in your transition. With the help of online directories like PATH and WPATH, as well as resources from organizations like AMA and LGBTRC, you can find qualified healthcare providers who specialize in gender affirming care. Before beginning hormone therapy for FTM, make sure to have a physical exam and psychological evaluation performed by your doctor or healthcare provider.
Additionally, take proactive steps towards keeping healthy while taking testosterone such as eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and undergoing regular pap smears to detect any potential signs of cervical cancer. With proper preparation and guidance from professionals experienced with transgender health services, you will be able to begin this journey feeling comfortable knowing that you are making informed decisions about your own body.
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drdameh · 14 days
Can Weight Loss Treatment Be the Solution You’re Looking For?
Weight loss is a topic that continues to spark global conversations, with many individuals seeking effective and sustainable ways to shed excess pounds. For those struggling with conventional methods, weight loss treatment may be the answer to achieving a healthier lifestyle. But how do you know if this treatment is right for you? In this article, we will explore the different facets of weight loss treatments, what they offer, and how they can assist in your journey to a healthier life.
What is Weight Loss Treatment?
Weight loss treatment refers to a variety of medical and non-medical approaches designed to help individuals lose weight. These treatments can include a mix of dietary plans, exercise regimens, medications, and even surgery, depending on the severity of the weight issue and the individual’s health condition. The primary goal of these treatments is to help reduce excess body fat, lower the risk of obesity-related health problems, and enhance overall well-being.
Types of Weight Loss Treatments Available
1. Non-Invasive Treatments
Non-invasive weight loss treatments typically include lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and physical activities, which are the first line of defense in the fight against excess weight. Here are some commonly recommended methods:
Dietary Plans: Working with a nutritionist or a dietician to develop a personalized eating plan can yield effective results.
Exercise Programs: Regular physical activity is a crucial component of any weight loss journey, helping to burn calories and improve metabolism.
Behavioral Therapy: Understanding and changing eating habits and lifestyle behaviors play a crucial role in sustainable weight loss.
2. Medications
In some cases, doctors may prescribe medications to aid in weight loss. These drugs usually work by suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism, or preventing the absorption of fat. While effective, they are often prescribed only for individuals with a significant body mass index (BMI) or obesity-related health risks.
3. Surgical Interventions
For individuals who struggle with extreme obesity, surgical procedures may be a viable option. Weight loss surgeries like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric banding can provide significant long-term results by reducing the size of the stomach or altering the digestive system. It is important to note that surgery is often considered a last resort after other methods have failed.
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Who Should Consider Weight Loss Treatment?
Not everyone requires medical intervention for weight loss. However, certain factors may indicate that weight loss treatment is necessary, such as:
A BMI of 30 or higher: Obesity is often classified based on BMI, and individuals with a BMI over 30 may benefit from treatment options.
Health conditions linked to obesity: If weight gain is causing or worsening conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea, seeking treatment becomes crucial.
Failed attempts with conventional methods: If diet and exercise haven’t led to significant results after several months, medical treatments may be worth considering.
Risks and Benefits of Weight Loss Treatments
Improved overall health: Losing weight can reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers.
Increased mobility and physical activity: Many patients report feeling more energetic and able to engage in activities they previously found challenging.
Boost in self-confidence: Achieving weight loss goals often leads to increased self-esteem and mental well-being.
Side effects of medication: Prescription medications may have side effects such as nausea, constipation, or increased heart rate.
Surgical complications: As with any surgery, weight loss procedures come with risks, including infections or long-term nutritional deficiencies.
Unsustainable results without lifestyle changes: Some treatments, especially surgical ones, require lifelong commitment to dietary and lifestyle changes to maintain weight loss.
How to Choose the Right Treatment for You
The best weight loss treatment for you will depend on several factors, including your overall health, weight loss goals, and personal preferences. Here are some tips to consider when choosing a treatment:
Consult with a healthcare provider: Speak with a doctor who specializes in weight management to get personalized advice.
Assess your long-term goals: Consider whether you are looking for quick results or a slow, steady weight loss journey.
Understand the commitment: Some treatments, like surgery, require a lifelong dedication to maintaining results through diet and exercise.
Weight loss treatments offer a range of options for individuals struggling to shed excess pounds through traditional methods. Whether you're looking for a non-invasive solution, medication, or surgical intervention, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional to find the right approach. While there are risks involved, the potential benefits of improved health and well-being make weight loss treatment a worthy consideration for many. Achieving lasting results requires commitment and, in many cases, a significant lifestyle change, but with the right guidance, sustainable weight loss is within reach.
If you’re considering starting your weight loss treatment journey, we’re here to help! Reach out to our expert team for a personalized consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. Contact us today to learn more about the options available to you and how we can assist you in making the right choice for your weight loss goals.
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steroidmart · 28 days
Nolvadex in the UK: Dosage, Side Effects, and Where to Buy
Nolvadex, also known by its generic name Tamoxifen, is a medication widely used in the UK for its role in treating breast cancer and for its effectiveness in post-cycle therapy (PCT) among steroid users. This article provides a detailed overview of Nolvadex, including its recommended dosages, potential side effects, and where you can buy it in the UK.
What is Nolvadex?
Nolvadex is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It works by binding to estrogen receptors, blocking the hormone estrogen from promoting the growth of cancer cells. This mechanism makes Nolvadex particularly effective in treating hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, where cancer cells rely on estrogen to grow. Beyond its primary medical use, Nolvadex has found a significant following in the fitness community, where it is used to counteract the side effects of anabolic steroids and support hormonal recovery during post-cycle therapy.
Dosage of Nolvadex in the UK
The dosage of Nolvadex can vary depending on the purpose of its use. Here’s a breakdown of typical dosages:
For Breast Cancer Treatment:
Standard Dosage: For treating breast cancer, Nolvadex is generally prescribed at 20 to 40 mg per day. This dosage can be taken in one or two doses throughout the day, with or without food. For preventive measures in high-risk patients, the dosage is typically 20 mg daily, often taken for five years. The exact dosage and duration depend on individual health factors and treatment goals.
For Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):
Typical Dosage: In the context of post-cycle therapy, Nolvadex is used to help restore natural testosterone production and prevent estrogen-related side effects after a steroid cycle. A common dosage for PCT is 20-40 mg per day, usually taken for 4 to 6 weeks. This helps to mitigate side effects like gynecomastia (breast tissue development in men) and support the body’s recovery process.
It’s crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided by a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable coach to ensure safety and effectiveness. Adjusting the dosage without professional advice can lead to ineffective treatment or increased risk of side effects.
Potential Side Effects of Nolvadex
While Nolvadex is generally well-tolerated, it can cause side effects. Common side effects include:
Hot Flashes: Users may experience sudden feelings of warmth, which can be accompanied by sweating.
Nausea: Some individuals may feel nauseous or have stomach discomfort.
Fatigue: Tiredness or weakness is a common side effect, particularly when starting the medication.
Menstrual Changes: Women might notice alterations in their menstrual cycle while on Nolvadex.
Leg Cramps: Muscle cramps or discomfort in the legs can occur.
More severe side effects, though rare, can include blood clots, stroke, and endometrial cancer. If you experience severe symptoms such as chest pain, sudden shortness of breath, vision changes, or signs of a stroke, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately.
Where to Buy Nolvadex in the UK
Nolvadex is available through various channels in the UK. Here’s where you can purchase it:
Pharmacies: The most reliable and secure way to buy Nolvadex is through a licensed pharmacy. A prescription from a healthcare provider is required to purchase Nolvadex legally. Pharmacies ensure that you receive a genuine product that meets safety standards.
Online Stores: Nolvadex can also be purchased from reputable online pharmacies. When buying online, it’s important to select a trusted seller to avoid counterfeit products. Look for websites with positive reviews and a history of reliable service. Ensure the website requires a prescription, which indicates a more legitimate operation.
Specialist Clinics: Some clinics specializing in hormone therapy or sports medicine offer Nolvadex. These clinics can provide tailored advice and support regarding its use, especially in the context of PCT.
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hbotlucknow · 1 month
Why Choose HBOT in Patna? Exploring the Benefits and Applications
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has become a widely recognized treatment for a variety of medical conditions. The therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, allowing for increased oxygen absorption by the body's tissues. This method is known to accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. In recent years, HBOT has gained popularity in Patna, where residents are increasingly turning to this advanced therapy for its numerous benefits.
The Rising Popularity of HBOT in Patna
Patna, the capital city of Bihar, has seen significant advancements in healthcare infrastructure. As the city continues to grow, so does the demand for innovative and effective medical treatments. HBOT has emerged as a preferred choice for many due to its non-invasive nature and the variety of conditions it can address.
Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or looking to enhance your overall wellness, HBOT in Patna offers a promising solution. Here’s a closer look at why you should consider this therapy and how it can benefit you.
What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves placing a patient in a special chamber where the air pressure is increased to three times higher than normal atmospheric pressure. In this environment, the lungs can take in more oxygen than would be possible under standard conditions. This enriched oxygen supply is then carried throughout the body, aiding in the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues.
Benefits of HBOT in Patna
1. Accelerated Wound Healing
One of the primary applications of HBOT is in promoting wound healing. The increased oxygen levels in the blood can significantly speed up the healing process, making it particularly beneficial for those with diabetic foot ulcers, radiation injuries, and other chronic wounds.
2. Enhanced Recovery from Surgery
For patients recovering from surgery, HBOT can reduce the risk of complications and enhance recovery times. The therapy helps reduce inflammation and swelling, which are common post-surgical issues. Many residents of Patna are opting for HBOT as part of their post-operative care regimen.
3. Treatment of Decompression Sickness
Divers and those involved in high-altitude activities may experience decompression sickness, a condition caused by a rapid decrease in pressure. HBOT is a well-established treatment for this condition, helping to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
4. Support for Cancer Treatment
HBOT is increasingly being used as an adjunct therapy in cancer treatment. It has been shown to enhance the effectiveness of radiation therapy by increasing oxygen supply to the tumor site. Additionally, it helps reduce radiation-induced damage to healthy tissues, making it a valuable option for cancer patients in Patna.
5. Improvement in Neurological Conditions
Patients with neurological conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and cerebral palsy can benefit from HBOT. The therapy helps in restoring brain function by increasing oxygen supply to the affected areas, promoting recovery, and improving cognitive function.
6. Anti-Aging and Wellness
Beyond medical applications, HBOT is also being embraced for its anti-aging and wellness benefits. The therapy can rejuvenate the skin, boost the immune system, and improve overall vitality. For those in Patna looking to enhance their quality of life, HBOT offers a natural and effective solution.
Why Choose HBOT in Patna?
1. Advanced Healthcare Facilities
Patna has rapidly developed its healthcare infrastructure, with state-of-the-art HBOT centers equipped with the latest technology. These facilities are staffed by trained professionals who ensure that patients receive the highest standard of care.
2. Accessibility and Affordability
The availability of HBOT in Patna means that residents do not have to travel to other cities for treatment. Additionally, the cost of HBOT in Patna is relatively affordable compared to other metropolitan areas, making it accessible to a broader population.
3. Comprehensive Treatment Options
HBOT centers in Patna offer a wide range of treatment options tailored to meet individual needs. Whether you’re seeking therapy for a specific medical condition or looking to improve your overall health, you can find a solution that fits your requirements.
4. Expert Care
The HBOT centers in Patna are staffed by experienced medical professionals who specialize in this therapy. Their expertise ensures that patients receive personalized care and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Applications of HBOT in Patna
HBOT is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:
Chronic Wounds: Diabetic foot ulcers, pressure sores, and other non-healing wounds.
Radiation Injuries: Tissue damage caused by radiation therapy.
Infections: Particularly those that are resistant to antibiotics.
Neurological Disorders: Stroke, cerebral palsy, and traumatic brain injuries.
Decompression Sickness: Commonly seen in divers and pilots.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: HBOT is the primary treatment for severe cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.
FAQs about HBOT in Patna
Q1: What conditions can be treated with HBOT in Patna?
HBOT in Patna is used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic wounds, radiation injuries, neurological disorders, decompression sickness, carbon monoxide poisoning, and more.
Q2: Is HBOT safe?
Yes, HBOT is a safe and non-invasive therapy. However, it is important to undergo treatment under the supervision of trained medical professionals to ensure the best results and minimize any potential risks.
Q3: How long does an HBOT session last?
A typical HBOT session lasts between 60 to 90 minutes. The duration of treatment depends on the condition being treated and the individual patient’s needs.
Q4: How many HBOT sessions are required?
The number of sessions required varies based on the condition being treated. Some patients may need as few as 5 sessions, while others may require 30 or more. Your healthcare provider in Patna will create a personalized treatment plan for you.
Q5: Are there any side effects of HBOT?
Side effects of HBOT are rare but may include ear pain, sinus discomfort, or temporary vision changes. These effects are usually mild and resolve on their own after the session.
HBOT in Patna is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those seeking effective and non-invasive treatment options. Whether you’re dealing with a medical condition or looking to improve your overall wellness, HBOT offers a range of benefits that make it a worthwhile consideration. With advanced facilities, expert care, and a growing body of evidence supporting its efficacy, HBOT in Patna is set to play a significant role in the city’s healthcare landscape.
Source Link: https://readwritetips.com/why-choose-hbot-in-patna-exploring-the-benefits-and-applications/
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indianhealthadviser · 3 months
How to monitor health during a crisis! Let India’s top health advisor for wellness
Health care domain is rapidly evolving in rural and urban space; the rising need for medical emergencies could not be meet in such areas where the demand of treatment is really crucial for patients with financial difficulties. We are at Indian Health Advisor, the leading healthcare facilitator in India provides full-fledged medical services to overseas citizens looking for treatment in India with a variety of serious illness, medical visa, medical screening and admission for lung cancer, brain cancer, dental implants, cosmetic surgery, cataract surgery, bone marrow transplant in India. 
There are certain countries where there is no professional surgeon, hospital facilities to get dialysis, trauma support for patient chemotherapy or other clinical symptoms where intensive support is compulsory to protect the life of each human being. As a top medical facilitator in India we empower citizens with fast -track medical solutions across a wide range of clinical testing, treatment of patients for serious diseases in India. Here are the main significance of consulting a professional team for these underlying medical supervision and analysis of patients. 
Donor list of patients
When someone has a serious illness like heart, lung or kidney related where the need of a healthy heart or kidney is must to give a new life to the deceased. The Indian Health Adviser team is always given the optimum solution for your transplant surgery in India.
Clinical diagnosis support
If you have been prescribing medicine and looking for an advanced way to cure faster as per your conventional approach to get immediate relief of stroke, neuron diseases, and cerebral cortex issues, let us see the world class medical support and services.
Emergency medical support
Sometimes patients need medical support for faster recovery from heart burn disease, lung, liver, eye related concern for medical research and clinical diagnosis.
Tele consultation for medical health checkup
Nowadays telemedicine is a buzz word in the medical domain, because in a fraction of time remote patients get the solution from an expert medical team for various diseases.
Overseas medical visa settlement
Are you concerned about a medical visa to travel to foreign countries for treatment? We can help you settle your medical visa with our team of certified health advisers in India. Our assurance is guaranteed to give you all the necessary steps to make the job simpler.
Linguistic translator for support
If you are a patient staying in African countries, but have a plan in future to meet doctors to solve the year -long lung damaged liver transplant and preventive medication for rapid treatment in India.
Financial help during serious illness
The burden to medical care is finance, if you have been challenged with such cases, we can help you monitor your financial doubt with an expert medical team of talents.
Moral and emotional well being
We’ll help you improve your lifestyle and well-being by practicing the latest medical therapy, research for your concern from top medical facilitators in India.
Medical travel companion 
Are you worried about how to travel to India for medical operation and the cost for medical surgery, transplant? Talk to a specialist team of medical advisers for every aspect about medical survey, treatment, top network hospital for medical claim, cashless settlement.
World class hospital, treatment and amenities
World class hospitality means where patients get end to end supervision, multi specialty treatment from X-ray, CTscan, Mammography to radiology treatment with high tech DNA labs for analysis samples.
Specialized laboratory for research 
To understand the disease pattern, a specialized research lab helps to minimize the risk, preserve samples for research and other medical inspection requirements.
Come find us online if you are interested to discuss with top health advisers in India about a particular disease such as heart transplant, cancer surgery, kidney stone recovery, tumor, laparoscopy, endoscopy related questions.
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ridgetopdentalint · 4 months
Achieving Optimal Oral Health: Discover Best Dental Hospital in Bangalore
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Are you looking for the best dental hospital in Bangalore to achieve optimal oral health? Maintaining good dental hygiene is crucial for your overall well-being, helping prevent various oral health issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. At Ridgetop Dental International, our dedicated team provides top-quality dental care tailored to exceed your expectations.
We offer comprehensive dental services from preventive check-ups to advanced treatments, ensuring you receive outstanding care. Book a consultation with our dentists at Ridgetop Dental International, the best dental hospital in Bangalore, and take the first step towards achieving a healthy, confident smile.
Understanding Oral Health
Importance of Oral Hygiene
Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for your overall well-being. Poor oral health can lead to various dental problems and even increase your risk of developing serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. Here are some key benefits of having great oral hygiene:
Prevention of Cavities and Gum Disease: Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily can help eliminate plaque buildup, preventing common dental issues like cavities and gingivitis (gum inflammation).
Better Overall Health: Studies have shown that the bacteria causing gum disease can enter your bloodstream and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and uncontrolled blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.
Reduced Risk of Dementia: Poor oral health has been linked to a higher risk of developing dementia by up to a third.
Common Dental Problems
If you neglect your oral hygiene, you may encounter various dental problems. Here are some common issues:
Bad Breath (Halitosis): Persistent bad breath can be a sign of gum disease, cavities, oral cancer, or bacteria on your tongue, even after brushing and using mouthwash.
Tooth Decay (Cavities): When plaque combines with sugars and foods, it attacks the tooth enamel, leading to cavities. This can happen to both children and adults.
Gum Disease (Gingivitis/Periodontitis): An infection in the gums caused by plaque buildup, gum disease can lead to red, swollen, and bleeding gums, as well as painful chewing and eventual tooth loss.
Mouth Sores: Persistent mouth sores lasting more than two weeks may require medical attention.
Tooth Sensitivity: Pain or discomfort when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods can indicate a cracked tooth, weakened enamel, or an underlying dental issue.
Toothaches: Caused by a broken or cracked tooth, an abscessed tooth, or advanced tooth decay, toothaches can often be avoided through regular dental check-ups.
Early Signs and Symptoms
Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of dental problems can help you seek timely treatment and prevent further complications. Here are some early indicators to watch out for:
Bad Breath: Even after brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, persistent bad breath can be a sign of underlying dental issues.
Tooth Discoloration: Grey, brown, or black spots on your teeth may indicate the presence of tooth decay.
Tooth Sensitivity: If you experience pain or discomfort when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages, it could be a sign of weakened enamel or a cracked tooth.
Gum Inflammation: Red, swollen, or bleeding gums can be an early sign of gingivitis or gum disease.
Mouth Sores: Sores or lesions in your mouth that don't heal within two weeks may require professional attention.
Remember, regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene habits are crucial for preventing and detecting dental problems early on. If you notice any persistent issues, don't hesitate to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Advanced Technologies
We leverage cutting-edge technologies like digital imaging and sleep dentistry to enhance your treatment experience and outcomes:
Digital Imaging: Our digital imaging systems provide superior-quality images, streamline workflows, and reduce radiation exposure by up to 80% compared to traditional film-based systems.
Sleep Dentistry: We offer sleep dentistry (conscious sedation) to help you stay relaxed and comfortable during lengthy or complex dental procedures.
Preventive Dental Care
Regular Check-ups
Regular dental check-ups at Best dental hospital in Bangalore are essential for maintaining optimal oral health. These visits facilitate the prevention and early detection of dental problems, allowing timely intervention to prevent them from escalating into more severe conditions. During these appointments, your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and overall oral condition.
Moreover, professional dental cleanings effectively remove stubborn plaque and tartar buildup. By reducing plaque and tartar, you can prevent tooth decay and also lower the chances of developing gum disease and bad breath. Regularly visiting the dentist and maintaining proper oral hygiene can minimize these risks and boost your overall well-being.
Proper Brushing and Flossing Techniques
Implementing the right technique for brushing your teeth is an excellent start to proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, using a soft-bristled brush to remove plaque and food debris effectively. An electric toothbrush can be a good option for those with difficulty brushing or limited manual dexterity.
Flossing is equally important as it helps remove plaque from the interdental regions (between the teeth). Flossing is an especially important tool for preventing periodontal disease and limiting the depth of the gum pockets. Make sure to floss daily, using a gentle technique to avoid damaging your gums.
Dietary Recommendations
Your diet plays a crucial role in preventing dental caries (cavities) and maintaining good oral health. Here are some dietary recommendations to consider:
Increase your fiber intake, as it can help diminish the absorption of sugars from other foods.
Consume diets with a higher ratio of amides to sugars, as they have been associated with lower levels of caries.
Incorporate cheese, milk, and wholemeal foods into your diet, as they have protective properties and can stimulate saliva production.
Limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can erode tooth enamel and contribute to tooth decay.
Drink fluoridated water and use fluoride toothpaste, as fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.
By following these preventive measures, including regular dental check-ups, proper brushing and flossing techniques, and a balanced diet, you can maintain optimal oral health and prevent various dental problems.
By following a comprehensive routine of regular dental check-ups, proper brushing and flossing techniques, and a balanced diet, you can prevent a wide range of dental problems and enjoy a healthy, confident smile. Get outstanding dental care at Ridgetop Dental International, the Best dental hospital in Bangalore. Our committed team is dedicated to meeting and surpassing your expectations for top-quality dental treatment.
To achieve optimal dental health, book a consultation with us at Best dental hospital in bangalore, Ridgetop Dental International without delay. Our experienced professionals, advanced technologies, and comprehensive range of services are designed to ensure you receive personalized, state-of-the-art dental care tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step towards a lifetime of great oral health and a beautiful smile.
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periodicexaminations · 4 months
Urban Smiles Dental Clinic in Melbourne: A Haven for Your Smile
The dental clinic in Melbourne often treats a certain age range, which is disclosed in their profiles, whether they are practising in Australia or anywhere else in the world. To take care of everyone in the family's dental needs, it is frequently necessary to take them to the closest dental clinics and, more often than not, to spend a significant amount of time locating the best dental facilities in Melbourne.
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When it comes to the dental care of children, the dental services at Seaford handle everything with extra care. It's also important to remember that not every age group in the family may receive dental care from a general dentist in Melbourne.
Understanding How Does Porcelain Veneers Appear?
When creating cosmetic veneers, the experts evaluate not just your teeth but also your entire face, your speech pattern, and your smile to provide you with the greatest smile makeover that is both symmetrical and organically distinctive to each patient. A great deal of effort and consideration goes into creating a new smile that is tailored just for you. Ultimately, our grin is the first physical feature we display.
According to research, visiting an emergency dental clinic might lower your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. The gorgeous, durable ceramic used to create porcelain veneers is incredibly thin, allowing it to permanently cover the front layer of your natural teeth. It feels silky and cosy and has a shiny, lovely appearance.
Frequent Dental Cleaning Lowers Heart Disease Risk
You will receive preventative and diagnostic care during a dental cleaning. In addition to being educated to look for indications of viral infections, eating disorders, heart disease, diabetes, and many other ailments that might affect the mouth, dental practitioners frequently do oral cancer screenings. They can lessen the microorganisms that irritate by cleaning and scaling regularly.
Our body's natural inflammation has been connected to several illnesses, most notably heart disease. Frequent dental examinations by your dentist can detect oral cancer far earlier and have the potential to save lives. To make sure your oral tissues are healthy and you don't have any malignant tissues that could need biopsies, routine checkups involve tissue and gum exams.
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rayanabee · 7 months
Back To School: Why Physicals Are So Important
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As the new school year approaches, it's important to remember the impact that maintaining good health can have on academic success. Physical exams are a crucial part of staying healthy and ensuring that students are ready to tackle the challenges of the school year ahead. Unfortunately, many families neglect to schedule these essential appointments, putting their children's health at risk. Whether you're a parent or a student, this information will help you understand the vital role that regular check-ups can play in achieving academic and physical success.
At UrgentWay, our providers offer compassionate and personalized care to patients of all ages to ensure your brain and body are functioning at the highest possible level to keep you and you healthy and on track. 
Here is why physicals are so important.
You Can Address Any Concerns
Routine physical exams are an essential tool for maintaining good health and identifying any potential medical problems. One of the most significant benefits of physicals is that they allow healthcare providers to monitor changes in your body over time, providing an early warning system for any concerning developments. By tracking vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate, doctors can detect early signs of hypertension, heart disease, and other conditions.
They can also perform simple tests to check for signs of illness, such as listening to your lungs for abnormal sounds or palpating your abdomen for any unusual lumps or masses. In addition to this basic screening, physical exams can also be tailored to address specific concerns or risk factors. For example, if you have a family history of breast cancer, your doctor may recommend additional testing or imaging to check for early signs of the disease. Similarly, if you have a history of high cholesterol or diabetes, your doctor can use physical exams to track your progress and ensure that your treatment plan is working effectively.
Overall, a routine physical examination is an essential part of maintaining good health, providing a reliable way to catch problems early and ensure that you're getting the care you need to stay healthy.
They Keep You Updated on Vaccines
Physical exams are crucial for ensuring that you stay up-to-date with your vaccinations. During your physical exam, your healthcare provider will review your immunization history and recommend any updates that may be necessary based on your individual health status and risk factors. Keeping your vaccines current is essential for protecting yourself and those around you from dangerous and preventable diseases.
This is especially important during times of outbreaks or pandemics, as it can help stop the spread of infectious diseases and protect vulnerable populations such as young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. Vaccines remain one of the most effective tools we have for preventing disease and promoting public health.
By staying on top of your recommended vaccines and getting regular physical exams, you can play an active role in protecting yourself and your community from illness and helping to maintain a healthy population.
They Can Screen for Diseases
A routine physical exam is an essential part of healthcare and can play a critical role in screening for various diseases. By performing a comprehensive assessment of your body, including vital signs, organ function, and overall health status, your healthcare provider can identify any warning signs of potential health problems.
For example, during a physical exam, your doctor may perform a skin check to look for signs of skin cancer, such as unusual moles or lesions. They may also perform blood tests to screen for conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or liver disease. In addition, physical exams can help detect early signs of chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke, or kidney disease.
Catching these conditions early on can improve outcomes and allow for earlier intervention and treatment. Overall, an annual physical provides a valuable opportunity to screen for a range of diseases and conditions and can help you take proactive steps to maintain your health and well-being.
You Can Discuss Mental Health Struggles
Physical exams are not just limited to the assessment of physical health, but they can also be used as an opportunity for healthcare providers to discuss mental health struggles with their patients. Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress can have a significant impact on an individual's overall well-being and can even contribute to physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, or muscle tension.
During a school physical exam, doctors can ask about a person's mental health status and screen for common mental health conditions. They can also provide resources and referrals to mental health professionals who can offer additional support and treatment. Moreover, by opening up a conversation about mental health, healthcare providers can reduce stigma, increase awareness, and encourage patients to seek help when needed.
This can be especially important for individuals who may not otherwise feel comfortable discussing their mental health openly. Physical exams provide an excellent opportunity to address both physical and mental health concerns, promoting holistic well-being and helping individuals get the care and support they need to thrive.
They Can Ensure The Body Is Properly Growing
During physical exams, doctors can assess a person's height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) to determine if they are within a healthy range for their age and gender. They can also evaluate bone density, muscle mass, and body fat percentage to identify any potential concerns related to growth and development.
By tracking growth over time, healthcare providers can detect any abnormalities or delays in growth, which can be indicative of underlying health conditions. For children and adolescents, regular physical exams can help monitor growth milestones such as puberty onset and ensure that they are developing appropriately.
In addition, during physical exams, healthcare providers can screen for conditions that may impact growth and development, such as thyroid problems or growth hormone deficiencies. Overall, physical examinations play a crucial role in monitoring growth and development as well as medical history and can help ensure that individuals of all ages are on track for optimal health and well-being.
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projectarchitecture · 8 months
Health and wellbeing in Buildings
Part 1 - The situation Indoors
There is a huge problem with where the construction industry is headed and, personally as an architectural engineering student, want to be a part of a change in this bare minimum design movement that is ruining the experience of being in the indoor and even the outdoor space. The decline in architectural development (for the better at least) has halted, especially when it comes to the average persons home, which mean that unless you can afford to spend you time in costly buildings, you’ll have a very unfulfilling experience being in your own home. This also applies to the other places that we tend to spend the most time in, our offices, classrooms, even our hospitals are unhealthily miserable, which is a danger to every patient. In every crucial, commonly used space, not only is there minimal access to greenery and nature and light, there are also hideous buildings, built only to accommodate their function and not to be enjoyable or good for you in any way. While researching the topic of health and wellbeing in built environments, I was surprised to learn about the estimation that an entire 68% of the developed world will be urbanised by 2050. Imagine that ugly scenery with the architecture of today (function over quality, aesthetics and all of the above). A world of concrete, bricks and plaster would cause such a detachment from the natural world, which is already bad enough in today’s day and age. The pandemic of 2020 has also caused an increase in the time spent indoors, especially for the youth, which was again, bad enough before. As of today we spend 62% of our waking time just at home, where the air quality is extremely damaging to our health and wellbeing. Air pollution is actually the number one environmental threat to human health causing approximately seven million deaths each year. That’s over 11% of the yearly deaths in the world! Exposure to polluted air increases risks of a stroke, heart disease, pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and respiratory infections. Indoor air pollution, which affects 90% of people, is primarily caused by solid fuel combustion, gas appliances, and the release of harmful gases and chemicals from materials. These pollutants can cause respiratory conditions like asthma and lead to respiratory issues like nausea, headaches, and allergies. Biological contaminants, such as mould and fungi growth, can also cause indoor air pollution. Outdoor air pollution, caused by transport, agriculture, and waste, is a significant health risk for people within buildings. Causes of ambient air pollution related to the built environment include the use of highly polluting brick kilns, which contribute to up to 20% of global black carbon emissions, and the concentration of 90% of global brick production in central Asia. Addressing these sources is crucial to protect human health and wellbeing. The ventilation and windows do not make up for this lack of fresh air and light, hence the regulations around health and wellbeing getting stricter and stricter every year. But these minuscule restriction hardly make any difference to improve our lives and our time inside. We, of course do not even put in effort to help our own case - we don’t leave the house enough, look away from our screens enough, low our eduction and jobs to take place anywhere but enclosed in the unhealthy space that is indoors. There are very few of us that spend the amount of time we should be spending outside and it is honestly getting more difficult and, unfortunately rare. The whole world restricted by nursery, school, college,university, their daily responsibilities, and there is no clear answer as to how to achieve the ability to restore our connection with nature. There is no possible change to our lifestyles that could be significant enough to give us the result we need for our health. The answer lies within the four walls that stand between us and nature.
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 9 months
Why the development of medicines and pharmaceutical drugs should not rely on animal testing
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By Dr Pandora Pound, Fellow Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics     The other day I flicked through the NHS website, looking at a range of different diseases. If you try this, you’ll come across a menu of Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment for each disease. I was shocked to see how frequently, when clicking on ‘Treatment’, some form of the following words appear: ‘There's currently no cure for such and such disease, but medication is available that can (temporarily) control / reduce/ relieve the symptoms ….’.  Alzheimer’s Disease, which – along with dementia – is the UK’s leading cause of death, is a case in point. My father had Alzheimer’s. As a journalist and editor he’d worked with words all his life and had always been impeccably correct about his grammar. But soon after he retired we noticed that he began to lose and jumble his words. After he died at the age of 77, we found notebooks in which he’d tried time and again to spell words correctly. On a scrap of paper, he’d practised my mother’s name and a birthday greeting. He must have been aware that the words slipping away, at least in the beginning.   There was no cure for Alzheimer’s then and there is no cure for Alzheimer’s now. Similarly, apart from surgery, there was nothing effective to offer my younger brother who died with a brain tumour at the age of 33. Twenty years after his death, the same treatments are being offered to people with his type of tumour: surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, all of which may delay the inevitable, but at a cost. I’m not unusual; most people know or love someone who suffers from a common disease for which there is no cure. In fact, compared with most people, I’ve probably got off lightly so far.    What makes a drug a success?  There was great fanfare recently for a new Alzheimer’s drug, lecanemab (brand name Leqembi), which was shown in a trial to reduce the rate of cognitive decline in people with mild impairment. The drug was hailed as ‘momentous’ and ‘historic’, but it is expensive, has to be administered via fortnightly intravenous infusions and requires multiple MRI scans due to the risk of potentially fatal bleeding in the brain. Moreover, it’s not even clear whether patients and their families will notice any benefit from the treatment, and there are serious questions about its value for women (a problem given that women are twice as likely as men to develop Alzheimer’s).1 Can this really be regarded as a success?  Set against the backdrop of the awe-inspiring technological advances that we hear about on an almost daily basis, I can’t help feeling shocked that we have so little to offer people with strokes, dementia, most cancers, brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, osteoarthritis, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease … the list goes on. Why has there been so little progress in medicine? After all, these failures come on top of decades and decades of research into these diseases. Why has it been so unproductive?    Animal research  Unfortunately, most of the research into these diseases has been conducted on animals. In this sort of research, scientists try to reproduce the disease in animals and then test new drugs on these animals. Although we’re used to hearing about new medical breakthroughs as a result of animal research, the sorry fact is that when these apparent breakthroughs are followed up years later, most of them come to nothing.2     As I explain in my book Rat Trap, new scientific evidence shows that animal research doesn’t actually translate to humans as well as we thought, so we can’t extrapolate what is found in animals to humans with any degree of certainty.3 This uncertainty is due to species differences; even very small differences between animals and humans can lead to significant changes in outcome, which is obviously problematic when it comes to developing drugs.   When pharmacologist, Dr Bob Coleman, began his career with the pharmaceutical giant, Glaxo, his arrival coincided with the discovery of some well-known drugs such as the bronchodilator salbutamol (marketed as Ventolin) and beclomethasone (Becotide). Much of the research into these drugs was conducted on animals, yet Coleman describes these successes as ‘lucky’, because other research programmes underway at the same time within the company came to nothing. The reason for this, he writes, ‘is simply that experimental animals have always been unreliable in their predictive power for human efficacy and safety, providing useful information on some drug candidates, but not on others’.4 This goes some way to explaining why over 90% of drugs that have been tested for safety and efficacy in animals go on to fail when tested in humans.5    Reliability of animal testing   Even the few drugs that go on to be licensed for use in the general population can have unexpected and serious adverse effects once they are prescribed in large numbers. The arthritis drug rofecoxib (Vioxx) passed tests in several different animal species yet it caused tens of thousands of excess cases of serious coronary heart disease in the US before it was removed from the market.6   Likewise, troglitazone (Rezulin), approved in the US in 1997 for the treatment of diabetes, was withdrawn in 2000 after reports of death and severe liver failure requiring transplantation. Animal studies had not predicted troglitazone’s potential to cause serious adverse effects in humans, yet tests on human cells and tissues strongly indicate its effect on the liver. Had they been used instead of the animal studies, these tests would have given clear warning signs.7    Human biology-based research  At Safer Medicines Trust, we believe that using human biology-based research is the best way to develop safe and effective treatments for patients. Such research has advanced in leaps and bounds over the last couple of decades and generates findings that are directly relevant to humans, making medical research much more reliable by cutting out the ‘middle mouse’. When you think about it, it makes no sense to investigate diseases in animals and then try to apply the findings to humans. It is much more sensible to study humans directly.   Scientists can now draw upon a range of innovative technologies that use human cells. Perhaps the most exciting of these is the ‘organ-on-a-chip’ – a chip the size of a computer memory stick which contains microscopic hollow channels that can be lined with living human cells taken from an organ and through which blood, air and nutrients can be pumped. Organ chips closely mimic the dynamic microenvironment that cells are exposed to within the human body and have been used to great effect.   In 2022, for example, a team led by Lorna Ewart from biotech company Emulate, used 870 liver-chips to test 27 drugs that had been judged safe for human use based on animal study evidence, but which had gone on to cause serious adverse reactions in humans, including liver failure and death. The liver chips were able to detect toxicity in almost seven out of every eight drugs that were toxic to the human liver, far outperforming tests in animals.8 How much harm might be averted if organ chips were used more widely in drug development and testing?   Computer modelling and artificial intelligence are also beginning to transform drug testing. An in silico software programme, DILIsym®, predicted that two migraine drugs (telcagepant and MK3207) would be toxic to the human liver, a prediction that led to their development being terminated even though animal studies had failed to raise any significant safety concerns. Had only animal studies been used, telcagepant and MK3207 may well have gone on to harm humans. Furthermore, DILIsym® predicted that a related drug, ubrogepant, would be relatively safe for the liver. This was confirmed in human trials and the drug was subsequently approved by the FDA.9 Such findings provide a glimpse of a much brighter future.    Studies of the human genome  As well as these awe-inspiring new technologies, we are now also able to draw on insights generated by studies of the human genome and microbiome, as well as tried and tested ways of gaining human data such as clinical trials. These approaches generate information and insights about us, not animals; they can be used to directly understand and treat human disease and have the potential to reduce adverse drug reactions and bring medicines to market more quickly and cheaply. But transitioning away from a reliance on animal research also means that we can start to think differently and ask different questions. Most animal experiments try to ‘model’ human disease at its advanced stages. By then the disease has already got its claws into us: most people die from cancer because the diagnosis comes too late, when the cancer is already too far advanced. But imagine if we could detect disease at its very earliest stages and intervene then, when treatment is likely to be considerably less invasive and much more successful.   The NHS is currently running a large, randomised screening trial in which people without a cancer diagnosis are given a blood test that aims to detect the very earliest signs of many different types of cancer. This blood test was developed on the basis of research on human tissues and cells and if successful, could be a complete game changer, especially for cancers that cannot usually be diagnosed until it is too late.10   Likewise, in America, some individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease are being closely monitored with regular blood tests, wearable technologies and investigations of their microbiome, in research that aims to allow scientists to detect the very first signs of a transition to Alzheimer’s disease. This creates the possibility of intervening early on with tailor-made programmes consisting of exercise, dietary changes, drugs, supplements, removal of toxins and lifestyle changes. Excitingly, evidence is beginning to emerge that such programmes can maintain and even improve cognitive functioning.11,12   These remarkable new approaches have come too late for my father and brother, but they might benefit you and me, and perhaps our friends and relatives. This is modern medicine, and it’s based on human biology.   Photo by Daniil Zameshaev on Unsplash    ABOUT THE AUTHOR  Dr Pandora Pound is a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, an independent centre pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication. The Centre comprises more than 100 academic Fellows worldwide.    Web: www.oxfordanimalethics.com/home    Instagram: @oxfordanimalethics   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@oxfordanimalethics        References  - Rubin R. Who Should—and Can—Get Lecanemab, the New Alzheimer Disease Drug? JAMA. Published online September 27, 2023. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.14443 - Bailey J, Balls M. Clinical impact of high-profile animal-based research reported in the UK national press. BMJ Open Sci. 2020;4(1):e100039. doi:10.1136/bmjos-2019-100039 - Pound P. Rat Trap: The Capture of Medicine by Animal Research - and How to Break Free. Troubador Publishing; 2023. - Coleman RA. Drug discovery and development tomorrow - Changing the mindset. ATLA Altern to Lab Anim. 2009;37(SUPPL. 1):1-4. doi:10.1177/026119290903701s02 - Thomas D, Burns J, Audette J, Caroll A, Dow-Hygelund C, Hay M. Clinical Development Success Rates 2006-2015.; 2016. https://www.bio.org/sites/default/files/legacy/bioorg/docs/Clinical Development Success Rates 2006-2015 - BIO, Biomedtracker, Amplion 2016.pdf - Graham DJ, Campen D, Hui R, et al. Risk of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death in patients treated with cyclo-oxygenase 2 selective and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: nested case-control study. Lancet. 2005;365(9458):475-481. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)17864-7 - Dirven H, Vist GE, Bandhakavi S, et al. Performance of preclinical models in predicting drug-induced liver injury in humans: a systematic review. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):6403. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-85708-2 - Ewart L, Apostolou A, Briggs SA, et al. Performance assessment and economic analysis of a human Liver-Chip for predictive toxicology. Commun Med. 2022;2(154):1-16. doi:10.1038/s43856-022-00209-1 - Watkins PB. DILIsym: Quantitative systems toxicology impacting drug development. Curr Opin Toxicol. 2020;23-24:67-73. doi:10.1016/j.cotox.2020.06.003 - Raza A. The First Cell and the Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last. Basic Books; 2019. - Rosenberg A, Ngandu T, Rusanen M, et al. Multidomain lifestyle intervention benefits a large elderly population at risk for cognitive decline and dementia regardless of baseline characteristics: The FINGER trial. Alzheimer’s Dement. 2018;14(3):263-270. doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2017.09.006 - Toups K, Hathaway A, Gordon D, et al. Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease: Successful Pilot Project. J Alzheimer’s Dis. 2022;88(4):1411-1421. doi:10.3233/JAD-215707     Read the full article
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bhagwatiayurved · 11 months
Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna
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Know About the Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes
The diabetic disease has plagued people for eons. Our old Ayurvedic books refer to this persistent illness, so we know this to be true. While Diabetes mellitus is the accepted medical term, the Ayurvedic term Madhumeha is more commonly used. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, Madhava Nidana, Yoga Ratnakara, etc., explain the illness at length in their respective ancient treatises. They also help the Ayurvedic doctor know how to treat them most successfully.
Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna When treating a patient, Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna looks for and treats the underlying causes of their symptoms. Diabetes treatment in Ayurveda is based on similar principles.
Ayurvedic Medicines That Work Best for Diabetes
The top Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes are as follows.
It is common practice to use giloy as a Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna due to the herb's capacity to both reduce blood sugar and stimulate insulin production. The powdered form of giloy, as well as the leaves and bark of the herb, can be infused in water and consumed first thing in the morning.
Haritaki, Alma, and Bibhitaki are all part of this powdered mix. This powder was first used around 1500 B.C. Constipation is relieved, digestive health is enhanced, and blood sugar levels are normalized. It has a high concentration of antioxidants. People with diabetes and those predisposed to the disease may benefit from Triphala because it inhibits glycation enzymes. High blood glucose levels harm the body because of glycation, in which sugar molecules destroy protein molecules, potentially leading to vision loss and nerve damage. You should also know about Herpes Simplex Virus in Patna.
Turmeric is effective against allergies, cancer, inflammation, and even diabetes. It cleans the blood and boosts insulin sensitivity by making it easier for glucose to enter the cells. Turmeric and aloe vera are a great combination. Curcumin, a component of turmeric, shows promise as a potential aid in controlling diabetes. Several studies have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing weight gain, reducing blood sugar levels, and increasing insulin sensitivity.
Tulsi, a plant native to India, has been used as an effective Medicine of Diabetes in Patna due to its exceptional healing powers. It helps with a wide range of malignancies and bacterial infections, too. Tulsi can also be helpful if you suffer from a cold, cough, or sore throat. In Ayurvedic medicine, it plays a crucial role. You can eat it or take it as a supplement, and it's now widely cultivated over the globe. Every part of this plant, from the leaves and stems to the seeds and oil, has medicinal use. Blood sugar levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics have been proven to improve with its use. Consistently high cholesterol levels increase the risk of diabetes-related complications like vascular disease and stroke in people with diabetes. Holy basil has been shown to mitigate this danger. Tulsi enhances pancreatic beta-cell activity, improving muscle cell glucose uptake.
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes
Patients undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for sugar dependency are closely monitored and guided through the process. In the early stages of diabetes and certain chronic instances, Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna has been reported.
Regarding Ayurvedic therapy for diabetes throughout India, Bhagwati Ayurved is among the best. We have some of India's top Ayurvedic experts treating diabetes at our clinics.Bhagwati Ayurved is committed to the implementation of each client's holistic health. If you want to avoid future health issues, please get in touch with us right away.
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michaelbranch · 1 year
A Brief Summary of Ideas: Outlive
*These summaries are kept intentionally very brief, just hitting what I consider some of the important/interesting takeaways, most word-for-word or paraphrased. My goal is also to stick to ideas/principals that might guide others (or my future self) in deciding the value of a read (or re-reading). T = takeaway, Q = Question
Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity
Author(s): Peter Attia, MD with Bill Gifford
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“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” – Bishop Desmond Tutu
Longevity has 2 components: How long you live (lifespan), and how well you live (healthspan).
Risk is not something to be avoided at all costs; rather, it’s something we need to understand, analyze, and work with.
Hyperbolic discounting: natural tendency for people to choose immediate gratification over potential future gains.
Healthspan deterioration categories:
Cognitive decline.
Decline and eventual loss of function of our physical body.
Emotional health.
Horsemen diseases
Cardiovascular disease
-Heart disease and stroke, lumped as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, represent the leading cause of death.
-Many potential pharmacologic interventions to reduce blood lipids
-Perhaps the most important tool in our anticancer arsenal is early, aggressive screening.
Alzheimer’s disease
-Broadly strategy should include vascular health, metabolic health, early prevention, and exercise.
Metabolic syndrome (meet 3 or more)
-High BP (>130/85)
-High triglycerides (>150mg/Dl)
-Low HDL cholsesterol (<40 mg/dL in men or <50 mg/dL in women)
-Central adiposity (waist circumference > 40” in men or 35” in women)
-Elevated fasting glucose (>110 mg/Dl)
-Canary in the coalmine of metabolic disorder is elevated insulin.
-Fat storage capacity varies widely among individuals.
Medicine 3.0
Places a far greater emphasis on prevention than treatment.
Considers the patient as a unique individual.
Our starting point is the honest assessment, and acceptance, of risk—including the risk of doing nothing.
Pays far more attention to maintaining healthspan.
You are always participating, never passive.
Tactics of Medicine 3.0:
Exercise: data demonstrating the effectiveness of exercise on lifespan are as close to irrefutable as one can find in all of biology.
-Strength. Build up solid base (lose it quickly as you age). Structure around grip strength, concentric and eccentric loading, pulling, and hip hinging.
-Stability. Cultivating safe, ideal movement patterns. First rule of fitness: do thyself NO harm. Subconscious ability to harness, decelerate, or stop force.
-Aerobic efficiency. Zone 2 cardio, appx. 3 hours/week.
-Peak aerobic capacity. VO2 max training, 1 or 2 per week.
Nutrition/nutritional biochemistry. Figure out what works for your body and your goals. What you can stick to. Don’t eat too many calories, or too few; consume sufficient protein and essenteial fats, obtain the vitamins and minerals you need; and avoid pathogens.
Sleep. Dark, cool (mid 60’s), avoid napping if it will reduce sleep pressure, sauna/warm shower before bed, limit food within 3 hours of bed.
Emotional Health
-“Every man is a bridge, spanning the legacy he inherited and the legacy he passes on.” -Terrence Real
-The most important thing about childhood trauma is not the event itself but the way the child adapts to it.
-“When nothing seems to help, I go back and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”-Jacob Riis
-When we are suffering it is rarely because of some direct cause. -More likely we are thinking about some painful event in the past or worrying about something bad that may occur in the future.
-Changing behavior can change the mood. You don’t need to wait for your mood to change.
Exogenous Molecules
Longevity is meaningless if your life sucks.
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