#look. imogen is very very gay. and probably still in shock. it’s been like 3 days
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darthluffy · 2 years ago
I have decided that Imogen is too gay to know what to do with her girlfriend. She’s the dog that caught the car and now doesn’t know what to do next
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Mattie & Lulu & Dolly (mostly)
PlanityPlan: Okay, so we wanna get down what Mattie, Lulu and Dolly are like, that’s the main point
PlanityPlan: but then we wanna pinpoint the time of this reunion for their storyline together, so we can then say what Jay is up to, Beckett not really ‘cos he’s a child but we could also say what we wanna do with you eventually here because we are planning to use him but yes, kind of unrelated but not
PlanityPlan: So it’s like, individual story, what they’re like, the lives they’re living, and then the storyline we’ll do with them together
PlanityPlan: OKAY so Mattie doing an accelerated 2-year Maths and Computer Science degree at Greenwich (57, 58) and then her PGCE which takes a year and in this year you do 2 school placements, 2nd placement at the girl's new school after gay teacher drama in Surval, so this 2nd meeting after first failed attempt at contact, in 59
PlanityPlan: Basically, energy being, making contact before starting Uni and the twins are like nah and then we show up at their new school (accidentally) and the twins relationship has suffered so now we have an in
PlanityPlan: OKAY OKAY so Mattie reaches out Summer 57, she's about to start Uni, the twins are 14 and just finished year 10, 58 teacher stuff to happen and come out year 11, 59 we move to new school year 12, Mattie starts placement too
Junie B Jones: The school I found for the twins is called Surval Montreux in Montreux Switzerland and they’d have been going there from age 12 (and leaving at 19) it’s obviously an international school but there’s a heavy focus on French in lessons as obviously because English is usually a 2nd language, but don’t even worry ladies cos there is only a maximum of 10 girls (cos it’s only gals) in your classes and 60 in the entire school
Junie B Jones: worth noting the finishing school bit from 17-19 cos your mother would love that for you and you can share a room no problem as it’s usually 2 or 3 anyways
PlanityPlan: So, do we be evil and say they have to share with another poor gal?
PlanityPlan: ‘cos we could run with that
Junie B Jones: that poor girl requesting a transfer cos they are so odd hahaha but yeah I say there’s potential there even if it was only for a while like maybe it’s lowkey a version of how they put me and Trace in separate classes cos the teachers are like UM
PlanityPlan: I see that, forcing you to stay involved, ‘cos with 60 people you’d have to be all up in each other’s business, like you’re for sure meant to see the teachers as friends/fam too
Junie B Jones: the website was very culty and that energy
PlanityPlan: which brings me to my first idea ‘cos I think it works on many levels beyond being a cliche
PlanityPlan: Okay so, I thought it’d be interesting to have a secret between them ‘cos how hard it’d be to keep
PlanityPlan: and then I thought that it’d be hilarious karma if Dolly had an affair with a female teacher but we actually let it go there
PlanityPlan: ‘cos it’d be a massive scandal even your parents can’t ignore and the girl gives off some gay vibes and it’d be like, a thing they can’t share in if Lulu isn’t gay like we share a boyfriend but we’re not sharing this teacher moment
PlanityPlan: and it’d probably get you both kicked out so we can time it when we want it and Chloe would be fuming about this lesbianism lmao
PlanityPlan: so with the whole culty school like this would be NEWS ‘cos they’re tight with the teachers clearly so it’s like ARE THEY ALL BEING GROOMED lmao
Junie B Jones: Lulu gives off the straightest vibes EVER so I am down & also the vibe that she would love that culty school
PlanityPlan: right so not only have you kept a love affair and gay from me, you’ve also ruined our school moment, it’d really shake them and their weird twin energy to it’s core, which is the fun of it all obvs
Junie B Jones: I see now why you agreed to share a boyfriend hun, also the potential for her to have a gay awakening with the roommate so hitting all those cliches
PlanityPlan: right, I’m not being gross but it’s true that all-girls school girls experiment together, facts, like Lulu probably joined it with it too but it’s like oh you actually like girls for real
PlanityPlan: but if Dolly isn’t just then living her best gay life and is trying to get shit back to how it was, I think it makes it different
Junie B Jones: the tea and also it seems like the kind of school where a teacher would go there, especially if it’s a younger/artsy one like that film Cracks that Imogen Poots was in, soz Nancy but most teachers won’t
PlanityPlan: it’s a cliche with posh schools for a reason, the bond is closer by the fact there’s not 30 kids in a classroom, there’s more opportunity for it to happen because you have actual relationships with all your teachers, whereas in normal schools they barely know your name lol
Junie B Jones: gross but necessary question being how long do you see the relationship spanning in secret before the big reveal
PlanityPlan: it should probably be somewhere between enough that it’s an actual thing that happened and not like, it happened once, like the teacher probably thinks they’re gonna be together if she doesn’t go to jail lol, but not so long that it is like, how’d you not know
PlanityPlan: it’ll be fun to like, play out, see how long we feasibly could
PlanityPlan: and if Lulu finds out before EVERYONE finds out, then she has to decide what to do with this info for a bit too, which would also be good
Junie B Jones: I love that because the twin vibe is very much like oh we can read each other’s minds haha bitch you thought
Junie B Jones: totally can picture Lulu snitching on you ngl gal
PlanityPlan: accidentally fucking yourself over when they kick the lot of yas out, a mood
PlanityPlan: maybe Lulu does care more about school in general, but also specifically that school and being one of the girls forever
PlanityPlan: ‘cos then it’s gonna be hard to win her back when you end up in another school, with boys dundundun
Junie B Jones: she very much comes across like that to me, not only because she’s clearly the clingy controlling twin here but I think she clearly likes how small and family like this school is trying to be cos of how chaotic and lacking their home life is, she’s definitely scared of boys & navigating socialising with them without making a tit of herself because of how little dealings she’s had so it’s gonna be a SHOCK
Junie B Jones: dobbing her sister in because 1. You think the teacher will get sacked and it’ll be over 2. You think you can score some points back and stay in the school’s good books
PlanityPlan: It’s honestly sad how much sense it makes, like you really buy all in with the family vibes and then ya twin fucks it all up, rude
Junie B Jones: okay idk how plausible this is but remember in Wild Child aka the greatest film of all time that boy is like the headteacher’s son, what if the boyfriend (Danny Griffin is his IRL name but I’ll give you a french af one in character boy) they share is like the son of someone who works at the school (obvs he doesn’t go there but like he’d have to live nearby and generally loiter) which is part of the reason Lulu picks him cos all the girls would want to but also she could tell him something about this and he’s like UM you have to dob her in
PlanityPlan: I see that, they can’t all be spinsters like this is an enid, they’d have families and stuff, I can vibe it because again, a thing if there’s any male in the vicinity we all lose our minds lol
Junie B Jones: and like obvs that’s why she got with him but there’s potential for an actual relationship to form with this boy on some level if we want
PlanityPlan: Yes, maybe you actually like him, because clearly Dolly doesn’t, have him to yourself hun, but also then you’ll have to move so rude
PlanityPlan: Another reason to be fuming when you were the clingy twin before, role reversal
Junie B Jones: and another reason to not want to leave because I can’t imagine that your parents will move you to another school in Switzerland because it’s tiny and the scandal so literally in a different country
PlanityPlan: yeah, we’d probably move you to the uk like we’re going to be more involved like doubt that lads but you know
Junie B Jones: my thoughts exactly
PlanityPlan: so the question is do we want to do this before Mattie gets in contact or after
PlanityPlan: I’m leaning towards before so then 1. You’ve got a chance of getting in but 2. You can also help or not help them get on better terms, whatever we vibe
Junie B Jones: maybe when she first gets in contact it’s a secret still so we get the best of the both worlds, cos like you’re gonna get stonewalled then hun but when it all pops off you can be there
Junie B Jones: just cos I’m thinking if it’s all happened by the time they’re 16 that’s slightly drama but then again we’ve done worse lol
PlanityPlan: That’s a good idea, it makes the most of it for sure
PlanityPlan: I’m not sure what the age of consent is but that might affect how in deep shit this teacher gets
Junie B Jones: it’d be a way to show how their dynamic and relationship changes from a POV that isn’t just their own
PlanityPlan: for sure and then we can have the outcome be not just down to their new school and their parentals
Junie B Jones: poor Mattie getting way more drama than she expected
Junie B Jones: are you having her go to a UK uni because obviously relevant because this isn’t getting resolved in a summer hol
PlanityPlan: I’m kind of vibing no uni, honestly
PlanityPlan: because a lot of gen 4 do go and it isn’t the only option
Junie B Jones: love that for her tbh
PlanityPlan: So yeah, you’ll be around for sure
Junie B Jones: do you have a job/career in mind yet?
PlanityPlan: not really, like I see you being a bit lost in that sense, which is fine because you’ve got a lot in other respects and you’re looked after, but it’s definitely a vibe of not knowing what you want to do, but not just doing uni ‘cos as most people in that situ do, so you probably have lots of random jobs
Junie B Jones: that’s legit cos loads of people don’t know what they wanna do but don’t have the luxury of taking time to figure it out but she does & lowkey it doesn’t matter if she never does cos like you said she’s fine in a lot of other ways
PlanityPlan: like I won’t let you be insufferable with it and not work and just bum about but you’re just striking me as work-driven, which a lot of characters are again, so I’m not mad
Junie B Jones: I like it
PlanityPlan: So it’s just working out what your actual main motivation is, which I think could be tied into getting in contact with this fam
PlanityPlan: as we’re saying Jay doesn’t really want to, so it’s a difference there
PlanityPlan: and it’ll be good to have it not a total failure if you do make something with the twins but we know you won’t with Chloe so there’s the struggle with that
Junie B Jones: it pleases me because the obvious and cliche thing to do would be to have Jay be the one trying to do this as she actually has memories of and issues with Chlo whereas Mattie is basically Ava’s child
PlanityPlan: and I don’t think it resembles like, Edie’s feelings about Drew and Caleb etc either, it’s not like I NEED you to be my mum because you biologically are
PlanityPlan: it’s just lowkey a curiosity like, people can’t just vanish from our lives like that, like what are they doing, ‘cos you know their main house is still in London too, like it’s just like, why shouldn’t I look into this
Junie B Jones: agreed, it’s not coming from a place of having a deficit, she’s happy and has everything she needs in that sense, so it makes sense for her to only gain from it
PlanityPlan: and it is naive but that is how I vibe her being in a not really annoying way lol, not a jaded character though
PlanityPlan: and it will be shit when Chloe is Chloe but it won’t destroy her or anything it’s just like oh god, what is wrong with her though
Junie B Jones: and that’ll strengthen her relationship with Jay because she doesn’t wanna talk about all of that and you’ll get why in a way that you can’t unless you experience the crazy that is Chloe for yourself
PlanityPlan: exactly, like that can be a source of strain between you when you’re first deciding to do this
PlanityPlan: and you’d give Chloe a few chances ‘cos like I said you aren’t looking for a mum so you’d be trying to lowkey work it out and being empathetic so she’d probably actually love that ‘cos she’s a narcissist so it’d be a bit dicey
PlanityPlan: suddenly wants to tell you every drama in her life like poor me
Junie B Jones: how real
PlanityPlan: ‘cos you can think you’re like objective and just putting the mystery together but you’re gonna get dragged in, clearly
PlanityPlan: especially combine this with the twin drama which you do genuinely care about
Junie B Jones: mhmm, Lulu is gonna drag you in gal, not like she can bring these emotions and drama to her new school when it’s a scandal and this is supposed to be a fresh start
PlanityPlan: which is what you were warned about/one of the reasons we left it ‘til you were grown but you’ll have to work this all out, which will be good
PlanityPlan: ‘cos you can’t be dealing with your younger sister’s drama instead of living your own life but clearly at a point here we are ‘cos bit lost
Junie B Jones: you’re so clever boo, this is such a good idea that flows
PlanityPlan: heheh, I think it makes sense if you’ve had such a chill upbringing and the twins have not that this chaos can take over your life and drag you in
PlanityPlan: I’d like to think we all get to a healthy place gals but we’ll see tbh
PlanityPlan: as for who Dolly is… I think she never bought into the school as hard, like it’s probably better than home, not that we’d know, but we’re not like omg this is IT
PlanityPlan: same with the boyfriend clearly, none of it is as real but the twin bond is so like may as well until the gay drama comes along
PlanityPlan: but then that’s lowkey over before it’s begun so then we go into overdrive of trying to win her back
Junie B Jones: which Lulu is not having sis
PlanityPlan: like in reality we should accept our truth and start working on separate personalities but we’re like no no
Junie B Jones: potential for how far aka too far she can try and take winning her back, like that creepy book energy
PlanityPlan: deffo, like we’ll have to think of ways but if we’re going all-in on this, there isn’t reason not to
PlanityPlan: ‘cos we don’t care about school or whatever mum and dad are saying or doing
Junie B Jones: not gonna kill you off gal but oh the possibilities for danger cos lbr your grandparents can’t stop you either clearly
PlanityPlan: bless them they’re alright people but obvs a bit useless for all this to happen lmao
Junie B Jones: hence I vibe that Lulu totally walks all over/ has them wrapped around her little finger like Chloe did but more subtly because she has no nuance
PlanityPlan: deffo, oh lads
Junie B Jones: which is a shame when they could literally give you the family energy you want without need for a creepy cult school but hey, you’ve been taught to treat them like that
PlanityPlan: exactly
PlanityPlan: they should’ve lowkey took you in but we’re too posh for that and you’ll probably be fine right lmao
Junie B Jones: at least Dolly can stay with them when her parents are literally hate criming her
PlanityPlan: sad that you won’t ‘cos getting back in that closet so hard like will you forgive me if I’m straight and we’re still the same
Junie B Jones: it’s really sad like this isn’t sustainable huns and shouldn’t have been allowed to be a thing for this long
PlanityPlan: at least Mattie does have fresh enough eyes to be like, respectfully, maybe let’s not do this
Junie B Jones: just like Lulu don’t haze your sister thank you
PlanityPlan: right, I think this gives us energy to go on for all y’all
PlanityPlan: *** so the energy now is she can get more drawn in because she's literally there living at the school too, and after the placement, she's getting a permanent position at the school, so we can actually work through this together and have relationships etc etc
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