#look im trying to spread my dustin/will agenda
miraculousmultifan · 1 year
tangled in our blanket fort
this is written for the September 3rd STWG daily prompt: getting ready for an event together
aka. my attempt at spreading my dustin/will agenda. (dustin gets his flirting skills from steve and eddie)
When Dustin blinked his sleep-crusted eyes awake, he found himself pressed against Will’s side in the blanket fort they had made in the Byers’ living room. The last dredges of sleep were slipping through his fingers, so with a sigh, Dustin detached himself from Will’s arms and moved to the kitchen.
He glanced up at the clock on the wall and winced. 12:53. Mrs. Byers had let them sleep in much longer than Dustin had anticipated. Everyone was supposed to arrive for their biweekly movie night in three hours, and they hadn’t even started cleaning up the living room yet. 
A quick scan of the kitchen confirmed that Mrs. Byers had taken it upon herself to provide healthy snacks, but Dustin still wanted to bike to town to get chips and other junk that they could stuff their faces with. If he woke Will up now, they would still have enough time to bike to town and back before they had to clean up the mess their sleepover created.
Sliding across the wooden floor in his socks, Dustin belly-flopped onto the mattress next to Will and beamed wide when Will snuffled further into the blankets with his hair sticking up in every direction. Then Will raised his head sleepily to blink at Dustin and wipe lingering drool from the corners of his mouth.
“You okay, Dusty?” Will mumbled, his forehead creasing as he squinted up at him.
Dustin laid back on the mattress nonchalantly. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. We just have three hours before everyone gets here, and you’ve only just woken up.” Sure, he didn’t mention that he woke up only a few minutes prior, but Will didn’t need to know that.
Will processed the information slowly before his eyes widened and he scrambled off the mattress. “Three hours? We don’t even have any snacks!”
“Well, you better get ready, then, huh Byers? Can’t have you making us late for the movie night that we’re hosting!”
Rolling his eyes, Will pushed Dustin’s shoulder, the light blush dusting his cheeks softening the blow. “You’re one to talk. You’re not even dressed yet.”
With a mischievous grin, Dustin started running toward Will’s room in pursuit of the clothes in his closet, giggling when Will tried to knock him out of the way.
By the time everyone arrived, the blanket fort was still strewn about the living room, and begrudgingly, Steve had needed to order a pizza when it became clear that the trip to get snacks had not happened.
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