#look i've been awake for a very long time and i may have had an emotional breakdown lite today so
hubris 3
hello dearest heretics/ it’s been so long since i’ve seen you/
collected en masse/ i’ve had the company of a mean few/
but not in such numbers/ that this heat might see last/
the summer sticks to my skin/ in the manner of years past/
for it’s June once again/ for it’s pride month my friends/
there is cheer and discomfort in the passage of time/
of clear understanding/ in hindsight/ alone/
violent skies air the grievance/ of hearts worn o’er cruel mouths/
carrying silently threats/ of unspeakable crime/
nails barbed through the seat/ of that seen as a throne/
it has been a tense year/ for you queers made of stardust/
dense of fury and fear/ for those of mud/ and of rain/
and though with blood in my fingernails/ that does not belong to me/
i have seen harsher ruin/ fall to those under god’s trust/
and i would shoulder the weight/ of those smiling through pain/
there is no shortage of horror for those willed into search/
no shortage for those/ who will receive without call/
no pride will restore those who have been taken/
in a year filled of mercy/ on loan from the church/
no joy will find purchase in that slaughter/ at all/
i have taken heart in hand/ the only way i know how/
painted art cross my chest/ to force embalming fluid out/
sculpted meat to machine that bleeds from bone rivets/
i have lined scars in ice/ and put blades to my brow/
and stood snarling up to maggots/ singing songs of devout/
so with a pen in my hand/ and my skin coating teeth/
with kindness and anger cooling blood-brown on dirt/
i’d raise a toast to the peaceful/ the hurt/ the bloodthirsty/
those grieving in wounds long tucked underneath/
of a skin shaped like theirs/ practiced ease to assert/
i’d beg a moment of your time/ if you’d let me/
never stop screaming/ for a past laid in anguish/
never stop screaming/ as the future unfolds/
never stop screaming/ from support left to languish/
never stop screaming/ should good morals behold/
love that cries rivers/ and leaves banks underfoot/
sex that bites all but bared teeth/
bodies that curl outwards in wordless expression/
life that screams anger/ and joy/ and safe dreams/
there is euphoria to be found/ in cloth and new faces/
there is loss that resounds/ in wounds left forgot/
there are sins sat awaiting/ the grasp of their wielders/
there is hatred to snarl wild at/ begged servants to rot/
in short/ it is Pride Month/
in short/ we’re alive/
it is time to shed pretense/
it is time to connive/
we are messy/ and human/ and trying our best/
we are lovely/ and broken/ and free/
we are vicious/ and kinked/ and far more than the letters/
that should offer family/ and hope/ 
over spotless decree/
i greet all/ still are with me/
with borrowed strength and wide eyes/
i have known peace/ in found labels/
and the pain it supplies/
queerness is fire/ desperate and cruel/
it could bring nations to a halt/ bring poetry to a funeral/
it is spite and euphoria and frantic/ frenetic proof that we were alive/
we were/
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Monster Mayhem: Siren's Song
Gender Neutral Reader x Vil Schoenheit Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: What do you call a deaf pirate? Not 'Siren Food' apparently, which is really sort of hilarious when you've been kidnapped by a hungry Siren. Not for the Siren though—he's definitely not having a good time.
A/N: *rushes in at the 11th hour* Happy Mer-May!! I've been back and forth with clinical rotations and also working on some commission things and Leona's Part 4, but like, it's a fanfiction holiday. I couldn't miss out. And for one of my favorite tropes nonetheless. So here we are.
[PART 1] [PART 1.5] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
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There was a legend that floated throughout the Sage Island Seas of the Pirate With No Ears. Which was ridiculous—half because such a tall tale managing to survive so long and so wildly really showed just how pathetic the rest of the gossip around here was, and half because you still had ears. They just didn’t work very well was all.
Some said you’d been deafened by a prowling sea sorcerer who had tricked you into trading away your once keen sense for some mortal foible or other. Others whispered about how you’d been trapped in an ice cavern, surrounded by electric eels and sharks, and that the only way you’d been able to weasel your way out was by cutting off your own ears so that you’d have enough wiggle room to escape from your bindings. Which made absolutely zero sense at all.
In reality, all you’d done was stand far too close to a canon for far too long when you were far, far too little, and ever since all you could hear was the dull ringing of post-battle silence. Sometimes it was a bit sad. When the waves crashed against the shore, or when the gulls flew overhead—you were sure all those things sounded very lovely. You remembered music and laughter and sometimes they echoed in your head at a distance—a memory not quite forgotten but certainly fading at the edges. But other times, like now, where your fellow crewmates were bawling into their ales and wailing about lord knew what… well, it was always nice to find a silver lining in these sorts of things.
One of the tipsy lads tottering around the deck of The Rose Queen tripped and landed against the wood with something that looked like it’d be a very loud smack. Your brain helpfully filled the silence with some nonsense noises and park-play-style laughter instead. You watched Cater stumble by out of the corner of your eye. He patted your head and said something that twisted his mouth into a gaping ‘uuuuu-eeeee-oooo’ before he puttered away to leech off First Mate Clover instead. Ace threw a drunken arm around your shoulder and burbled something against your cheek that popped with the scent of stale booze, and you decided to pretend that you were as alone at sea as your muted senses would like to think.
The party raged on long into the evening and you stared down at the rabble contentedly from your perch in the crow’s nest. They were a good bunch—dullards though they may be. You’d heard (hardee har har) that they were planning to raid the Port o'Bliss, and something must have gone terribly right. You only really hung around to scrub barnacles off the paneling and keep an eye on the tides well enough that Deuce wouldn’t run the lot of you ashore, so you weren’t really sure how the whole ‘pirating’ business actually went about. But clearly they were doing a pretty good job of it.
You rested your chin on your crossed arms and sighed into the salty breeze. The night was warm and pleasant, and before you knew it, you were nodding off against the rough fabric of your sleeves. You weren’t quite sure how long you spent dozing there tangled in the ropes of mast, but it was long enough that by the time you snorted back awake the festive lights had dimmed to embers and most of the crew had sidled away below deck to either keep drinking themselves blind or collapse in a pool of their own colorful vomit.
There was a lone figure swerving towards the bow—precariously close to the railing for someone so clearly unsteady on their own legs, if you did say so yourself. You squinted suspiciously at his mused lavender hair, not entirely sure you recognized the head bobbing around below you. But perhaps The Rose Queen had picked up some fresh recruits at the Port, or maybe the crew had gotten a bit too booze happy with some dye. Purple Hair leaned up against the rails and tipped forward on his toes like he was thinking about diving in, or maybe barfing. Either or, you sighed and shimmied your way down to stop him from tumbling into a watery grave.
“Oi!” you called, the shout vibrating up and out of your throat, and the kid jumped half a foot in the air. “What do you think you’re doing? Get away from there. Riddle’ll have your head if we have to send out the rescue rafts this late at—”
The kid turned to face you with wide, wide, glowing eyes. Your own went round as dinner plates as you watched his too-dark pupils pulse like drumbeat. They were so bright, practically illuminating the whole of his delicate face, but there was no light to them. Matte and sleek like a shark’s eyes.
He shouted something at you so whip fast that you couldn’t even begin to make sense of, and then he was glancing nervously back and forth between the roiling waves at his back and the encroaching deckhand at his front—making all sorts of nonsense gestures that had you sighing behind gritted teeth.
“Look,” you said, interrupting whatever indiscernible gibberish he was spouting, “I don’t know who you think you are. But you’ve picked the wrong ship to try and—I don’t know—seize? Pirate? You can’t pirate a pirate ship! But either way, you—”
Then the kid opened his mouth like he was screaming, and you frowned again. There was strange prickle along your arms that had goosebumps crawling up your skin and the hair raising at the back of your neck, but you shook it off and moved forward with another weary sigh. You pulled a length of rope from the belt slung around your hips and held the limp bundle of salt-soaked mesh up like a threat.
“I will throw you overboard. And hogtie you first,” you promised cheerily. “So you actually sink.”
Purple Hair just looked like he was trying to scream louder, and you were sourly tempted to stick your fucking tongue out at him and make petulant ‘nyeh nyeh nice try’ noises at him, but then there was a heaviness behind you. A creak in the wood that you could feel if not hear. You rolled out of habit—tumbling across the deck just in time to avoid a nasty swipe along your back. And oh no. The thing crawling up over the railing was worse than any lavender would-be ship thief. The black tipped claws and flared fins were telling enough, but the sharp-toothed grin was somehow more so. It tilted its unnaturally lovely head at you and spoke politely—clearly and very, painfully, slowly.
“What’s—this—perhaps—” you were able to vaguely make out. Maybe. The dark and your panic were both a terrible hindrance to putting shapes to sound. His lips curled into something wicked before parting far more smoothly than the younger man’s had. Singing. It was singing, not screaming. Hauntingly green eyes glowed bright and you felt the tunk tunk tunk beneath your feet of the rest of the crew starting to move around beneath you. Around you.
Then there were more of them—crawling up over the railings, trilling into the night air. All far too lovely and far too sharp to be anything but predators. The moonlight illuminated their fangs and scales in a ghostly white glow. There were shivers running along your spine, but otherwise nothing but silence echoed through your head. Small mercies. You watched several of your fellow crewmates rush out of the cabins only to double over with their hands clasped over their ears. Others stuttered and tumbled forward towards the railings as if they were being dragged along like puppets on a string. You cursed and ducked between them—looping your rope around their legs as you went and tugging them to their knees like a line of falling dominoes.
You let your hapless comrades collapse to the deck and curled the last throws of rope around your fists. You were decent enough with a knife when it came to dueling an unmoving, completely unaware foe—like a barnacle or some rusted over door hinges. But real people? Sirens?Fucking literal blade-tipped-merfolk straight out of every sailor’s nightmare? No thank you. So the teeny blade stayed sheathed at your hip and you dove into the fray to find something rope-wrangle-able.
At the other end of the bow, you watched Purple Boy straighten from a crouch. There were new, silvery blue scales crawling up his neck and forearms. He was still tottering around on legs that he clearly wasn’t all too used to, and you watched as the little guppy started to make a furious beeline for Captain Rosehearts. Which—no. Absolutely not. You were never one of those pirates who was like ‘oh, Captain, my Captain~’ but Riddle was good. He was tough, and taciturn, and could throw a tantrum that could bring down an entire harbor. But he’d written out all of his ridiculous six hundred rules by hand so that you could have them. And the teeny furrow in his brow as he staunchly taught himself hand sign after hand sign so that he could yell at you in earnest was so endearing that you’d protect that little firecracker for as long as you breathed.
So you went after Lavender Head, and then of course Lavender Head turned and tried to shout at you all over again. When that continued to not work at all, the Siren began to backpedal in earnest. He turned his head and squawked at whoever was around to listen, but in the chaos of the attack there didn’t seem to be many of his pod free to lend him a hand.
You descended on the little snake, rope at the ready and perfectly happy to make sushi out of the fucker, when something big overshadowed the both of you. Another Siren crested over the side of the ship, larger and clearly more impressive than the rest of its kin. Which matched your stupidly terrible luck just fine. Ah, yes, Mister Big Bad. Please. Go for the deckhand rather than the literal trained mercenaries less than ten feet away. Brilliant. The Siren bared its fangs like some great, terrible, beast and tore into the paneling with its curved claws as it attempted to drag you down to your watery grave. You cursed, and kicked, and yelped in a panic when the thing managed to get one of those cold, pale hands around your ankle.
Despite the fact that all of it surely happened in less than a few seconds, your descent seemed to progress in steps. First, the Siren tugged you over the side. Second, you smartly flipped the loops of your rope up to try and lasso yourself a handhold. Thirdly, you outright missed the ship and instead tangled the spools of thin rope all around your Murderer To Be. Said Murderer’s eyes widened in shock as your unintentional trap wrapped the both of you up like a mess of bugs in a spider web. And finally, the pair of you crashed towards the churning ocean in a knotted-up heap and slowly sank beneath the waves.
You rubbed the grit and salt from your eyes and sat up with a groan. Where were you? Not too far out at sea, hopefully. Washing up ashore had been nothing short of a miracle, and you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth if it meant you got to avoid becoming chum for another day. The sand beneath your fingers was soft and white, and it slipped beneath your palm like water. You moved to push yourself to your feet and froze—a blur of amethyst swiping out and knocking you back onto your ass with a splash.
You spluttered and spat, and had just barely managed to flip yourself over like a turtle who’d been upended on its back when you caught sight of the absolute last creature in the world that you’d ever wanted to see again.
The big Siren had washed up nearby.
Because of course it had.
The creature narrowed his eyes at you and immediately set about lashing his rope-twisted tail against the sand like a rattlesnake. He bared his pointed teeth in a hiss and you were dowsed in a barrage of saltwater ammunition.
“Stop! Stop!” you begged, spitting out wayward chunks of seaweed, and shells, and gods knew what else. “I get it! I won’t come near you, jeesh! I wasn’t planning on it to begin with!”
The Siren curled his lips unpleasantly, putting that wonderful row of dagger-like pearly whites on display. He spat something completely indiscernible—the line of his mouth so harsh and flat that you couldn’t have even begun to pick up the shape of things if you tried—and you scooted as far back as you could without toppling yourself over again.
He dug his clawed hands into the sand and said something else, just as clipped and tight. You assumed it was an accusation. You were very used to recognizing the glare that accompanied those. When you didn’t respond, his brow tugged down low and he snapped something else—this time jabbing those pointed, black, nails in your direction. Ah, so definitely a complaint then.
You cocked your head at him out of habit and that griping turned into a snarl so ferocious that you could feel it racing up your skin like static. Which was definitely pretty trippy.
“I don’t know what you’re saying,” you told him honestly. Which just made the spiked fins flatten all along the side of his head and another wave of those zippy sneers dance up your arms. “Literally,” you tried. “I—”
The Siren opened his mouth and that sparky static from earlier amplified into something near painful. It was strong, and prickly, and left the imprints of invisible shackles all along your already aching joints. You could feel his voice carrying on the breeze—brushing against your cheeks and playing with hair. Thin, icy, fingers digging their way into your brain and yanking. But there was something missing from all that ethereal hypnotism. Something pleasant and sweet to complete the circle of temptation. A voice, you’d guess. There had to be a call after all, or else it hardly mattered how deep and all encompassing the need was to answer.  
When you didn’t immediately, like, fall to your knees in subjugation or drown yourself in the inch and a half of tepid water pooling at your hips, the Siren’s eyes dimmed with something that almost looked like hesitance. His brow pinched tight and he parted his red lips wider. A seagull dropped from the sky. Three different crabs crawled out of the sand to bow down.
“I can’t hear you!” you tried again, loud enough to have your teeth aching. His mouth went wider, and an entire ass tuna beached itself to flop pathetically near your ankles. “It’s not a challenge!” you wailed. “My ears literally, actually, do not work, you fucking overgrown anchovy!”
The static disappeared all at once, and the Siren’s lips slipped into a small, surprised sort of ‘o.’ He blinked his too-long lashes at you and stared you down like you were some sort of escaped alchemical experiment.
“There,” you huffed. “Finally.” And then went quiet and a bit concerned. Because apparent Song Immunity or otherwise, the thing was still hugely impressive and scary looking. His claws definitely wouldn’t have any problem picking the leftover bits of you out of his teeth, and you knew well enough that if he dragged you into the depths with that powerful tail of his, there would be no resurfacing.
The Siren too was using this time to glare at you like you were somehow a threat to be taken seriously. Which was half flattering, half pretty funny.
“Well…” you said after a long moment. “I should get going, I suppose.”
You made your way to your feet in the mucky sandbar and started heading off to see where you’d been stranded. You could feel the Siren’s heavy gaze on you the whole while, and decided he was probably trying to figure out if you’d taste better paired with seaweed or a nice jellyfish spread.
The pair of you had been stranded on a small, crescent, islet that couldn’t even rightly call itself an island. You were able to walk from its curling east to west coasts in just under fifteen minutes, and that was at a meandering pace where you stopped to peer into all kinds of little grottos and rocky formations. There was some vegetation at the heart of it—short palm trees and tufts of grassy knolls—and thankfully a few deep divots that had collected some still rainwater, but otherwise it was entirely boring and stupid. Not even any weird tortoises or anything meandering about to make friends with.
By the time you circled back around to your original stranding point, you had fully expected the Siren to have flipped you the metaphorical bird and fucked off back into the ocean, never to be seen again. Instead, he was still stretched out in the shallows of the bay, carefully fanning his long tail out in the seafoam and picking through the mess of it with his pointy claws.
He reminded you of a beta fish—with wide, flowing, fins that looked far more like silk than skin or scales. The tips were a deep, plum purple that gently faded from near black to violet and finally a vivid sort of lilac at their junction. The bulk of his tail looked like it could be made from literal gemstones with the way it shimmered in the morning light (gems that had perhaps been a bit dinged and/or literally torn out in chunks from where he may or may not have been smashed into the rocky shore curtesy of your terrible hogtie, but who’s to say).
There were jagged cuts lining the right half of his pale torso. They oozed a strange sort of silver ichor that was probably some kind of mystical merman blood, but you absolutely refused to get close enough to try and find out. The fins framing his pelvis were tangled and thin looking, and the sweeping ones that trailed all the way down to the tip of his tail were battered and torn. Clearly pulled to bits by your handy, dandy lasso skills. Which… was still tied up at the base of them. Huh. You’d assumed he’d be able to slice through all that knotwork without issue. But maybe…
You approached the Siren cautiously. You caught the exact moment he must have realized you’d returned because the fins along the sides of his head flattened like the ears on a pissy cat and he turned on you with a very dramatic snarl that probably sounded all sorts of menacing.
“Hello,” you greeted, and the merman spat something that you assumed was probably a very polite ‘fuck right off.’
You nodded because, well, fair enough. And then pointed to his injured fins and the waterlogged ropes still twisted up around the heart of them.
“I can get that off if you promise not to eat me.”
He shouted something no doubt very indignant and then was back to hissing at you. Which definitely didn’t sound like an agreement not to immediately murder you on the spot.
“Alright,” you shrugged. “Your loss, I suppose.”
Well, your loss, really. Keeping a wounded Siren around was just asking for trouble. Their pods were viciously protective for one thing, and that wasn’t even taking into account the poachers and rivals who’d be more than keen to come sniffing after the fresh trail of blood in the water. Maybe you could find a big stick or something and just, I don’t know, push him back into the ocean and be done with it.
The thought must have shown on your face, because suddenly he was smacking his tail against the sandbar and spitting something that you very much assumed was a demand along the lines of ‘you are going to take accountability for this.’
Which absolutely no way in Hell. He’d kidnapped you sort of, so that made you his problem, thank you very much.
You felt your stomach gurgle, and it must have been pretty loud going off the stink eye he sent your way. You turned your nose up at him and went about collecting the various critters that had been washed ashore in his tenor’s tantrum.
“Thanks for the food!” you chirped petulantly as you worked on scaling the tuna with the knife from your belt—making long, pointed, eye contact as you did so.
The Siren sneered at you and went back to grooming the shredded ends of his fins.
The rest of the afternoon became a sort of pissing contest between the two of you to see who could earn the title of Bitchiest Beach Bitch. You thought you were definitely winning with the whole ‘eating something that could have been his long-lost cousin’ thing, but then he went and swamped the entirety of the small fire you built (and all of said ‘cousin’ being cooked over it) with one sweep of his tail, so now you were at the very least tied. You set up a nice little shaded hutch out of driftwood and ferns to escape the sun, he called down seagulls to shit all over it and pick it to pieces. He tried to roll around to reach some of the tighter fibers tangled in his pectoral fins, and you chucked rocks at him until he reared on you with a scream that had all the hairs on your arms standing on end. Y’know. Perfectly mature things like that.
That night you curled up beside a tall, jagged rock just at the outskirt of the bay—determined to get some shut eye but to also keep within range of your newest pest in case he decided to try and pull something sneaky. But every time you’d just about settled in to sleep, the shallow tide would lap against your toes in harsh shush shush shushes that had you furrowing you brow until you finally had enough and sat up to see what all the hubbub was about.
The Siren was tossing around in the shallows like a fish in a net—throwing his long body against the bindings and flailing like his life depended on it. And as much as he’d definitely deserved to get caught up in your unintentional hogtie, watching something as large and no doubt powerful as he was wriggling around like a worm on a hook was… Well. Something soured a bit in your gut as you watched him give one, final, great buck against his bindings before collapsing back into the shallows in a circle of seafoam. He panted against the surface of the water, the tips of his pale hair dripping down in a curtain around his haggard face, and you could see a fine tremor running along his shoulder blades.
You turned back to your rock and ground the heels of your palms into your eyes, fighting the absolute batshit insane urge to feel bad for a monster who had literally tried to drag you to your death less than twenty-four hours ago.
The water was calm and still for the rest of the night.
The next morning, you picked up a few of the crabs who had crawled up to shore and went about getting them clean and fit for eating. You glanced at the Siren, who was busy preening over his janky fins and fussing over his hair. It was entirely unfair that you probably looked like a half-drowned rat, and yet this creature that wasn’t even meant to exist on the surface was somehow managing to put himself together well enough to rival the courtesans you’d seen meandering around some of the wealthier coastal towns.
You stared at the crabs. There were three of them. It wasn’t really sharing if it was meant to be a bribe to keep him from eating you whole. Or at least, that’s what you reassured yourself as you cautiously tiptoed back to the water’s edge.
The Siren swiveled on you with a snap of something that looked sort of like a ‘What?!’ and you held up one of the gutted crabs in offering.
“I don’t know if you all eat fish or whatever, but…” You waved the limp crab awkwardly.
The Siren rolled its purple eyes and said something fast and sharp that you couldn’t really parse. Something, something, not, something, something, are crust—Something, something, are you that stupid? (you recognized the impressions of those words well enough to mouth them even in your sleep).
“Look, do you want it or not?” you interrupted, and he bristled—all those delicate, violet, fins flaring up like a porcupine’s spikes.
The Siren crossed his arms stiffly and pointedly turned in the other direction with a mutter of something you had no hopes of catching.
“Whatever,” you snapped and went to bite into your meal. Only to immediately forget that these pointy little fuckers still had their shells on them. You reeled back with a yelp as you stabbed a million, tiny, carapace-shaped holes in your tongue.
The fucking Siren had the gall to turn back around so that you could see him laughing at you.
That night he was back to flipping around in the shallows like a miniature hurricane.
You counted out the waves sloshing against your heels, telling yourself you’d intervene in his self-destructive tsunami once it hit one hundred. And then it became two, then three. You shifted hesitantly to peek over the rock’s edge and watched him curl into himself like some terribly wounded creature before shaking himself out of the fog of pain that had clearly settling over his nerves, and then continued with his nonsense.
You hurled a big, pink seashell at his head and he whipped on you like a rabid dog, practically foaming at the mouth and raring for a fight. When he lunged forward with the waves—seething with hatred, and blame, and nearly crashing onto his already shredded front in the process, something angry in your snapped.
“Look, fish face! You were the one who attacked me! You!” you demanded, stomping perhaps a bit closer than would be rational. “So stop acting like I’m some scheming shithead who was planning to trap you like this from the start!”
The Siren roared something back and slapped his tail in the surf. Static zipped along your cheeks and you grit your teeth. He glared at you bitterly and then began to repeat one word over and over—slow and angry.
‘Eeeeehhh-Pppe-llllll’ said his lips. Strong and harsh with the shape of it.
And then he was back to spewing all kinds of rapid-fire vitriol that you wouldn’t have bothered to keep track of even if you could. Something in his expression shifted almost quicker than you could notice and he lifted his massive tail out of the water. He smacked the fins in your direction and pointedly jabbed a clawed finger at the creases of them—where delicate, silky, tendrils met strong, gem toned, muscle. Where the purple was light and clean. A pale, shiny, lavender. Almost just like—
“That kid?” you frowned. “You attacked me because of Purple Head?!”
He sneered again and pointedly sent a splash of seawater into your face.
“You—” you grit your teeth. “He was still attacking us first! He was going after my friend!” you snapped, kicking your own wave back. For all the good it would do. “You don’t get to act all noble and protective, and like any of that makes any difference when you all were going to eat us!”
The Siren’s face twisted up like you’d force fed him soured milk, and he looped back around with a dramatic fwoosh of water to dive into the shallows. It was maybe two or three feet deep at best, and he was barely submerged. Not to mention how utterly ridiculous it looked to see a creature that was no doubt usually the peak of grace and athleticism reduced to flopping belly first into the waves with his proverbial legs tied up behind him. But you recognized a door slamming in your face when you saw it, no matter the species. Fine. Let him be a petty bastard. He could rot away in the sandbar for all you cared.
The next day you woke up with goosebumps crawling up and down your limbs.
There were all sorts of gulls crash-landed in the sand around you and more sad, little, sea creatures gasping on the beach than you dared to count. You shoved a particularly chubby octopus back into a tidepool as you passed and wondered just what sort of nonsense your co-strandee was getting up to now.
The Siren was circling the bay with his head held high above the low waves—lips parted and clearly caterwauling like a dying porpoise. The surface of the water trembled with whatever was making its way out of his mouth, and he looped and looped around the shores. It reminded you of the time you’d seen a whale calf separated from its pod. It had gotten trapped in a shallow inlet when the tides had changed, and your ship had been anchored just off the same coast. You’d watched it circle and circle, lifting its heavy snout to snort sharp jets of water into the air. Deuce had passed you a scribbled note when you’d asked him what it sounded like.
‘It’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.’
There was a moment where the Siren paused in his paces and tilted his head. The fins there flared out to the side, like he was listening for something. But after a long moment the spines drooped back against his damp hair and he went back to his singing an aria to no one.
‘It’s looking for its family,‘ Riddle had signed to you when you’d asked him why the calf didn’t simply leave once the tides had turned in its favor. ‘This is where they last saw it, so this is where it will stay.’
“Maybe they forgot about him already,” you mused petulantly, turning back towards the center of the islet to try and scavenge up something to eat from all the poor creatures who had collapsed beneath your nemesis’s wailing.  
The bitter thought wasn’t nearly as satisfying as it ought to be.
That night, the waters were still.
You squinted suspiciously at the merman curled in the shallows of the bay. He’d pulled himself half-out of the water, resting his more human looking bulk in the soft sand as gentle waves lapped at his tail. He slept on his front with his arms crossed beneath his pointed chin—his unbound fins sticking up behind him in a way that deliriously reminded you of bedhead. You watched him carefully for nearly an hour, searching for any tightness in his muscles or change in his breathing that might indicate he was faking it. But as the evening stretched on and he never lurched awake to try and gauge your eyes out, you assumed he might actually be properly resting.
He'd been swimming in circles all day—the aborted, stuttering, beats of his bound tail looking painful even by your non-tail-having standards. Eventually the tremors along the ocean had grown stuttered and strange, like perhaps his voice was giving out on him. And once that had happened, he’d curled up exactly where he was now. And hadn’t moved since.
You stared at the Siren hesitantly. He was certainly in enough of a state that you could probably pull off that whole ‘shoving him into the depths with a stick’ thing. He’d probably just let you do it—sink to the bottom in a mess of shredded fins and tangled twine and never rise again.
You gnawed at your lip, feeling something unpleasantly hot and sticky twist up your stomach.
The knife glinted between your fingers and you thought of crying whales and of the crew that you already missed so much that it felt like a gnawing chasm had opened in your chest.
You huffed out a miserable sigh and lamented for not the first time in your life that you really were just so fucking stupid sometimes. And then you were cautiously making your way down towards the waterline and the sleeping Siren sprawled out in the sand. Slowly—so very, very slowly—you tiptoed towards the mer and tried to get a quick glance at what amounted to the worst of the damage.
The rope had been thin and long, and the more he’d struggled, the more he’d dug the twine into his fins. You reached forward at half speed and slipped the blade into one of the too-tight creases beneath the bindings. You winced a bit in sympathy at the raw, pink skin beneath. No wonder he hadn’t been able to just rip the fibers away. He’d probably just ended up tugging them over and over against the oozing wounds beneath.
The first strand broke beneath your fingers with something that almost felt like a pop. Like seams ripping on a shirt. You glanced quickly at the sleeping Siren to confirm he was still lost to the world and not gearing up to bite your fingers off at the knuckle, and then continued making your way through the worst of it. It reminded you a bit of the time Ace had accidentally snared a sea turtle in one of his fishing nets and the lot of you had spent the better part of an hour slowly working the thing free of the seemingly endless tangles. You delicately worked the tightest edges away from the harsh indentations they’d left against his scales and peeled back the muckier bits with enough gentleness to avoid mangling anymore of his already battered fins.
The last of the rope finally came away with a satisfying, wet weight and you let it fall to the sand beside you with a pleased nod. Now you could let Mister Merman swim away in the morning with no unpleasantly gross sense of moral obligation weighing down your consciousness. Maybe he’d even be thankful enough to look at you with something other than a venomous glare for once. Certainly nothing like the one leveled at you right now. And—
You didn’t even have time to properly gasp before you were being flipped and pinned into the wet sand. The Siren loomed over you, digging his black claws into your shoulder until you could feel the first pricks of blood breaking the surface. He snarled in your face, the curtain of his pale blonde hair shadowing his eyes in something so dark it was nearly black. The brilliant purple cast off his glowing irises were like little spots of stars in an otherwise empty night sky.
He leaned forward, teeth bared, and then some sort of tight expression flickered over his face. He paused, brow tugging together steep and angry. He hunched down once more, fangs at the ready, and then ducked back out. He shook his head, like he was trying to clear fog from his brain, and then he was snapping his canines at you all over again.
The Siren reared back with a booming snarl that sent ripples through the soft tide lapping at your ankles. He turned with one, final, icy glower and dove back into the shallows, disappearing beneath the surface in a flash of amethyst scales. He flicked his tail sharply as he went, and one of the tattered fins snapped against your nose with enough of a crack to make you yelp.
You sat up in disbelief, rubbing at your aching skin and watching in outright consternation as the great predator of the oceans swam tight laps beneath the warm waters of your little lagoon—fins occasionally cresting over the surface to smack pointed fistfuls of water into your gaping face.
Deliriously, one of The Rose Queen’s hundreds of nonsensical rules bounced about your head. Happy to fill the otherwise entirely empty space behind your eyes.
‘Never save a Sea Serpent on a Sunday,’ Riddle had demanded, hands at his hips. ‘No Serpents, or Sea Horses, or Sirens to speak of.’
‘Man,’ you thought wildly, brain high on adrenaline and static as you watched one of the aforementioned Sirens swan about like he hadn’t probably just been a half second away from gnawing on your literal bones. ‘If I get out of this alive, Captain’s definitely gonna collar me this time.’
@marvelous-maxi, @ilikefanfics4, @jackalope08, @crocwork-clockodile, @cosmicobubisi, @buttplugs-stuff, @pomefleur, @decemebercircus, @ailynyan, @genzombie, @meliade-ot, @sunlightocean, @theofficialantitherapist, @hermiona18, @sailorenthusiast, @fantasy-dating-sim-trash, @thefiasco-onyourblock, @insideous-beez, @its-clockwork-princess
@novaloptr, @imlost-sendhelp, @matcha-berry @preciosayorgullosa @whoretaglia, @kookygirlwholikescookiesandcoke, @nanauedorian, @trixeraptops, @voxnipop, @starkling25, @thedum1, @horcrux-alchemist, @sleepykitty21, @apathicace, @instantregret101, @nekanecorvus, @looney-mori, @re-ducing, @my2phetaliaheadcanons, @naughtybodypillow, @rendy-a, @carmen-404, @candy284, @thealiennamedterry, @their-name-is-fake, @huetolog, @glacticrose, @seraphinariddle, @rabioa, @sn00zl4x, @dreasimping, @jeidoreech, @ai-dev, @galaxyshine24-7, @fatally-incorrect, @juulranch, @camrastuff, @nocteetdie, @stargaryengirl,
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veryhopefulromantic · 7 months
a sleepover with johnny cade: hcs☆ fem!reader
☆hii! so fair warning this is my first time posting something i've written- and i usually just write for me but i figured someone else might enjoy it too this timeƪ(˘⌣ ˘)ʃ hope someone reading this does!☆
genre: fluff
age range/context: teenagers, your parents are mentioned a lot, and it's implied you've got smth smth goin on, but not explicitly stated so you could just be real close besties(〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)
warnings: one mention of cigarettes, one mention of bad parents, really very mild it's fluffy
"Johnny?" You whisper into the dark, the only illumination of the room being a blue tone from the moon. it seeps in from the window.
"Mmh?" He replied from the couch beside you. He was sleeping over in your house tonight for the first time, your parents were happy to have him after you explained his parents didn't really want him home.
so you two were allowed to share a room, as long as you each had a couch and there was, quote from your mom "no monkey business involved".
Of course at this you rolled your eyes and assured her that was ridiculous, but deep down of course you may have been hoping to start some…
"I'm cold" You turn over to face him and pout. "Wouldja come over and help me warm up?"
"y/n.." He looks at you with those big brown eyes of his. "your dad'll kill me.."
You giggle at this. "He wouldn't dare. 's a peaceful man. Plus, for what? sittin with me?" You pat the space next to you, and maybe bat your eyelashes a little extra.
He sighs and chuckles softly before pushing himself to a sitting position with his hands, and swinging his legs so his feet hit the floor.
You notice how awfully cute he looks with his hair ruffled, sitting in his oversized tshirt and red and black pajama pants.
"You're lucky you're cute" he mumbles, moving to lay next to you. He faces you and wraps his arms around your shoulders, rubbing circles to try and create some friction to warm you up.
You reach out and wrap your arms around his middle too, pulling yourself closer to tuck your face into his chest. His shirt smells slightly of cigarette smoke, but it's relaxing in a way.
He tightens his hold on you when you come closer, and places a kiss on the top of your head.
It's all just so sweet and you're both so sleepy
In his arms is the only place you'd want to be.
The next morning~
You two fall asleep like that, and stay wrapped up in each other until in the morning you startle awake to footsteps approaching
You tap his shoulder rapidly but gently, trying to wake him up and he groans, his eyes fluttering.
"People are wakin up Johnny" You whisper
He responds to this, by (half asleep and a bit disoriented) going to sit up, and ending up rolling off the couch and thumping on the floor.
You look down concerned and yelp but he's just rubbing his eyes.
Your mom comes out a little later and is just like "you guys sleep well?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" all giggly
She definitely saw you two.
But she'll never bring it up.
Just be very giggly and keep bringing Johnny up asking when he'll come over againnn if he wants dinner-
All considered it was a wonderful sleepover
if you enjoyed pls leave a like so i know!(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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zoeythegoodgirl · 5 months
New Pet
TW: drugging, kidnapping
It's been a long week, so you decide that this weekend you're going to treat yourself. You find your sluttiest dress, hoping to show off as much cleavage as possible. Satisfied with this choice, you look through your accessories and pick out matching bag and shoes, as well as a fur stole to give yourself a little air of elegance. You do your makeup in the mirror before setting off. You say goodbye to your roommate and make your way to the bar. "You're definitely getting laid tonight," you think to yourself.
You get to the bar and order yourself a nice drink. You were never much of a drinker, so you sip at it slowly and take in the atmosphere. It's not particularly busy right now. Some local band is playing a cover of some song you've never heard of from some band you never cared about. The lead singer isn't great, but overall they're still enjoyable. You relax for a little while before you're approached by someone.
You look behind you to see the most gorgeous woman in the entire bar. She towers over you by at least a foot, having to look up to avoid staring directly into her tits. Her arms are slender, but muscular. She could easily throw you around, something that makes your knees go weak underneath you. "H-hi," you stammer out weakly. Your thoughts are far from pure. She giggles in response to your meek greeting. Somehow you hold back the moan that tries to escape your lips.
The two of you hit it off very well. You seem to share a lot of interests, which makes conversation quite easy after the initial hiccup. After a little bit, she excuses herself, but says she'll be right back. Indeed, only a couple of minutes later, she comes back with two drinks. She sets one down in front of you. "It's a Slippery Nipple," she says in response to your inquiry. You hope that's an indicator of her intentions with you later that night. You take a few sips of it, noting that it doesn't taste like anything you've had before.
You wake up in an unfamiliar environment. Groggy, you reach out and feel what seem to be the bars of a dog kennel. No matter what direction you reach out in, you feel the coolness of metal, and realize that you're inside the kennel. The last thing you remember is being at the bar with this beautiful woman, and wonder what could have happened that led to this. Your thoughts stop when you hear a familiar voice. "Good morning, sweetie," says the woman from the bar. "I'm glad to see you're awake."
Your eyes widen as you realize what happened: the drink she'd brought you was laced, and you've been kidnapped. "You know, I've never rescued a puppy quite like you before. You never mentioned you had such a pretty cock under that dress of yours." You look down at yourself, just now taking in that you're completely naked. You turn your attention back to her, intending to say something angry, before you get cut off. "Now, I know it seems like what I did was extreme. But once you get the full context of your situation, you'll find it's not so bad." She claps twice, and three other girls, all seemingly around your age, appear, crawling on their hands and knees. Each of them is naked except for a collar around their necks.
"You see, I pick up lonely puppies like you, and give them a loving home. As you can see, you'll have plenty of other pups to play with." Her head turns in their direction, and she barks out a simple command: "Sit." They all sit back on their ankles, lifting their arms off the floor for the first time. Their owner turns her attention back to you. "All I ask is that you play with me from time to time. It may be a little rough, but I know how to keep it within limits." You turn to look at the other girls. They look healthy, with one having some hickeys but otherwise completely unmarked. There's no sign of fear coming from any of them. You look back at their owner, confused as to why they would choose to be there.
"In return, I take care of you. I'll make sure you eat well, and get you all the toys you could want. You'll be one of my spoiled pets. Isn't that right, pups?" They each bark enthusiastically. It's clear they're enjoying this. "No job...no responsibilities...," you think to yourself, "and I get to have sex with the hottest woman imaginable?" Things are starting to look appealing. You turn to look at your new owner, and whine softly.
"Awww, what an eager pup! Do you want out?" You bark a couple of times in affirmation. She unlocks the door to the cage, and points at the floor in front of her. Obediently, you crawl out of the cage and sit on the floor in front of her. You present your neck to her without prompt, on which a collar is placed. She ruffles your hair gently and gives you lots of gentle praises. Suddenly, she turns towards one of the other puppygirls still sitting there and makes some kind of motion with her hands. The other two leave, while the one she looked at bends back over and presents herself in your direction.
"Just to get yourself acquainted. Go ahead and play. Mommy needs to go to work, but I'll be home later. They'll show you where your food and water bowls are." As she leaves, you turn back towards the other girl, and see she's wagging her but at you like she would a tail. "You were trying to get laid," you think to yourself before crawling over to her and mounting her.
Before you're completely lost in the haze of being puppy, the last thought you'll ever have goes through your mind: "How did she know I needed this?"
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nanamiswidow · 10 months
a little nanami x reader smut for funsies.
an: i've never posted my writing on tumblr sooo a lil nervous about this. & its been so long since ive written smut, v rusty. i was also testing myself in the beginning to try and not use dialogue bc i feel like i use it too much so the beginning may be extra garbo. if this doesn't do well, pretend it didn't happen. boarder credit as well <3 the purple stars & the mdni
word count: 1,497
cw: (sleepy in the first half) unprotected sex (p in v), singular gendered term (kento calls reader 'sweet girl'), hair pulling, dirty talk, creampie, garbo smut (?) idk (if i missed any pls lemme know)
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It was 1am by the time he finally stepped foot into the shared apartment. Nanami knew he wasn’t going to be greeted by you, but there were a few things out of place that let him know you had tried your hardest to stay up. The living room tv still displayed a quieted movie, a few lights still lit, and the person of the hour snoozing peacefully on the couch albeit looking a bit uncomfortable in their position.
He loosened his yellow tie as he wandered through the apartment, switching off the rest of the lights, and eventually making his way back towards the living room. He reached over, his fingers brushing your hair out of your face as he turned off the screen. You stirred just enough to catch a glimpse of the man before you which forced you out of your sleep almost entirely. You graced him with a sleepy smile which he was quick to return. You mumbled something about trying your hardest to stay awake until he came back, but he shook his head, his fingers finding your hair again to successfully move it completely from your face.
Nanami coaxed you up, finally wrapping his arms around you, pulling you flush against him. Despite having just woken up, you didn’t hesitate to find his tie, your face turning to concentration, a very sleepy version of it, as you undid it completely. It brought a sigh to him once your fingers moved to the first few buttons of his blue dress shirt. There was a comment about how tired he looked and he showed no effort to fight the accusations, leaning forward to press his face into your neck which was confirmation enough for you. There was a deep inhale from his end, taking in the scent that was just completely you. He could tell you had taken a shower before you had laid in wait for him. It brought him immediate comfort. You exhaled a laugh, your fingers burying themselves into his hair as you returned the physical affection. 
Relocating to the bedroom didn’t take any kind of effort. You reluctantly allowed him to disappear into the bathroom, he promised you a quick shower as you climbed into bed. He kept his promise, reappearing ten minutes later, completely ready for bed. If his attire hadn’t said so, the look on his face definitely did. 
Now, Nanami was ready to climb into bed himself. Sleep was not far off and he was looking forward to getting some shut eye. The second he got comfortable, he reached over and you didn’t waste any time snuggling up to him. You were met with the smell of his own conditioner and soap, smells that just instantly reminded you of him. You hummed in pure bliss with your nose pressed up against his cheek. 
Nanami was unphased by the closeness and, in fact, you weren’t close enough. One large hand dipped beneath the covers, his fingers finding your thigh to bring your one leg over his waist as he brought you flush against him once again. His hand lingered, fingertips pressing into the soft skin, and his thumb began to lazily caress your thigh. It was such an innocent thing, maybe even mindless, trying to coax the both of you into sleep faster, but it was doing the opposite.
Eventually, you sat up, straddling his waist now. He let out a huff, he didn’t want to deny you anything, but he made the argument of how late it was and how tired you looked. You scoffed, if anything, he was the one with the dark bags under his eyes, but you reassured him. Leaning down and pulling him into a kiss finally for the first time that night. The way Nanami held onto your waist was definitely contradicting his earlier statements. The kiss was innocent at first until you licked your way into his mouth which caused his grip on you to tighten. Soon enough, he was forcing you to rock your hips into him. The movements were slow, far too concentrated on the way the other tasted, until his grip on you was borderline painful.
Nanami leaned his head back as you pressed kisses into his cheek and down to his neck. Your fingers reached between the two of you as your fingers felt for the waistband of his pants, he assured you it wasn’t necessary, even apologizing for starting something he probably couldn’t finish. You shushed him, reassuring him with a few gentle kisses, watching his head dip back once again as your fingers wrapped around his cock. 
“Let me take care of you…” You whispered against him before pulling him into another kiss as you lifted your hips up. Discarding your panties before your hand wrapped around his cock again, running the tip through your slick folds a few times, whimpers spilling out of you as you did so. Nanami watched as you teased the both of you, his fingers running up your thighs before grasping onto your shirt, bunching it up so as to not block his view. He wanted to watch you sit on his cock. Wanted to watch the way you took him in and to watch your face contort with pleasure.
And you didn’t disappoint. You lowered yourself down onto him, the both of you gasping as your bodies connected and Nanami watched your eyebrows furrow and watched you bite down onto your lower lip. And you wasted no time, almost immediately beginning to move up and down on his length with ease. You were so warm… so wet. Just for him. 
A breathy moan escaped your lips as you leaned forward, burying your face into Nanami’s neck, your hips keeping a slow pace. One of Nanami’s arms wrapped around your upper body while the other held onto your hip, coaxing you to continue your slow movements. He buried his own face into your neck, breath hot against your ear, and inhaling your familiar scent.
“Missed you…” Nanami whispered into your ear, his hold on you tightening to better emphasize it.
You felt yourself melt further into him at the sound of his voice. The two of you had only been apart for a few hours, but you had missed him just as much and he could feel it in the way your body clung to him. Those few hours were usually spent worrying about him and it was always a sigh of relief seeing him come home in one piece.
“Just like that…” His voice breathy now as his hand tightened on your hip. “Feels so good…”
He felt your inner walls clench around his cock, making the both of you moan and causing your hips to falter in their lazy movements. Nanami continued his whispered praises into your ear in between shaky breaths and sighs of his own until your body tensed up, feeling that all too familiar warmth in the pit of your stomach, as you came around him.
The man beneath you didn’t give you any time to recover. His broad arms wrapped around your body tighter as he planted his feet on the bed and fucked up into you, spurred on by the feeling of your orgasm, the feeling of your pussy wrapped so tightly around him. His pace was brutal, the tiredness he felt just a few moments ago completely gone, replaced with the need to have you, his fingers digging into your sides. The overstimulation of it all was overwhelming, but intoxicating at the same time. 
“That’s my sweet girl… Always take me so well…” Nanami whispered out against you, one of his hands coming up to grab locks of your hair, pulling your face out from being hidden against him. “Tell me how badly you want my cum…” He continued, feeling his own orgasm building up. The sounds you were making, the creamy ring around the base of his cock, and the sound of skin against skin was becoming all too much. 
“I know you can do it, baby…” Nanami encouraged, emphasizing his words with a small tug of your hair. He could see the words just on the tip of your tongue.
“Need you to fill me up… want every drop…” You finally managed. He was utterly satisfied with your answer, proud even. He let your head drop back down to his neck as he wrapped his arms around you again, tighter, to finish fucking you properly. 
It didn’t take long for his thrusts to falter, a few curses escaping his lips under his breath as he filled you with his milky seed. The feeling of him filling you never seemed to get old. Once you both caught your breath, you lifted your head up, giving him a sleepy smile, one he didn’t hesitate to mirror. One of his hands reached up to caress your cheek before pulling you into a soft kiss that had you melting into him all over again.
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Reader gets kidnapped by a psycho unsub, while being on the field, it has Spencer completely crushed. He hasn’t slept, showered, ate..etc since reader has been gone. He’s been up for countless hours trying to find reader. Morgan recommends Spencer to go home and rest, & he would contact him when they got a new lead on reader. Spencer refuses and it causes the two men to argue… let it have a happy ending!! Pure fluff in the end!!
A/n: I absolutely love this request, sorry for making you submit it again lol. This is the first fanfic I've done in 4-5 years so it might be a little shit.
English isn't my first language, so be nice ppl
It had been nearly 48 hours since you were taken, and the chance of the team finding you alive were almost none. Still, Spencer was trying everything he could to find you, and he was exhausted. He refused to eat, sleep and he hadn't even showered since the team had arrived.
Though you and Spencer weren't together, everyone could see the tension between the two of you. And now that you were gone, Spencer was going crazy. He needed you, your smile, the way you could calm him no matter what. He had to get you back.
To make everything worse, it was his fault. Well, it really wasn't, but he blamed himself. He shouldn't have let you go alone, it wasn't safe.
"Hey kid," Derek's voice shook Spencer from his thoughts. "Why don't you go back to the hotel for a bit, take a shower, maybe get something to eat?" Spencer shook his head, eyes darting back to the board he had be staring at for hours.
"C'mon, you need to get some rest, we'll never find her if-" Spencer quickly cut him off, "If what? I don't see you trying to find her, at least I'm trying. What are you doing? Huh!?"
"We wouldn't even be looking for her if you hadn't let her go off on her own. And now you can barely stay awake. You need to go, I will let you know if we have any leads but right now your head isn't in the game." Derek didn't intend on being so harsh but it seemed to be the only way to get through to him.
Just as Spencer was about to leave Derek got a call. It was Garcia.
"Her phone is back online, I sent the address to your phones, it looks to be an old wearhouse."
*lil bit of a time skip because I'm not really good at transitional scenes sometimes but like only the duration of the car ride*
Spencer was out of his seat before the car had evn stopped, rushing inside without any plan. As he turned the corner of a long corridor he saw you, and the unsub on the floor with a bullet between his eyes. He was quick to run to you and wrap his arms around you.
"God, I thought you might have died o-or I don't know," Spencer could barely even form a proper sentence. Before you could respond he placed his hand on the back of your head and pulled you into a kiss. As he pulled away he continued rambling on about how worried he was and that he was sorry,
"Spencer, it's okay. I'm okay, he didn't hurt me like he did the others. I think my leg might be broken, I'll have to get someone to take care of me while that heals,"
"I can do that, I'll take care of you, if-" he paused for a moment, "if you'd like me yo." You giggle at how flustered he was, wrapping your arms around his neck as he picked you up.
"I wouldn't want anyone but you Spencer"
A/n: I know it's not very good and maybe I'll rewrite it in the future but I hope this is what you wanted. Please give me some tips on anything if you think something is wrong. Once again, I know the grammar may not be so good but I'm working on that ❤️
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/22/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been a long day huh? I wanna apologize ahead of time, whatever sickness my kiddo had last week finally got me so I'm not feeling terribly well. I'm gonna do my best to articulate todays events for ya!
===Renew As A Crew====
So the very first thing I want to touch on today is updates from @renewasacrew. As you may have heard, they were going to be changing leadership as the shift in priorities changed from renewing to saving OFMD. That being said, the leadership change happened over this weekend with some hiccups (I don't know what the hiccups were entirely and I'm not going to speculate, if you wanna delve down that twitter hole you can, but having been in it for today I'd recommend against it for your mental health, and we don't want to be drawing a bunch of media attention to it) there's a lot of confusing information, and as we know things can get conflated fast if we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle-- let's not speculate and wait for the to come out with more info.
So what I'm focusing on today is @renewasacrew's message to please give them some time and practice some patience while they get back up and running. This also includes anyone you happen to know on twitter working with them, for example: @TheCozyPirate. Let's give them some grace, they've been steering us well so far.
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The good news is, several folks, on tumblr: @iamadequate1, @quirkysubject, @asgardian--angels, On twitter: @havethisonelife @yougotoofast @Lcmwriter100, we have all we need to keep going for a few days while things get ironed out. (If I forgot someone please let me know, sorry I am half awake tonight)-- see the HOW CAN YOU HELP section below.
One thing I will mention-- we are moving so very fast right now. It's only been 13 days since the announcement that OFMD wasn't renewed, and we've accomplished SO MUCH. So when there's a lull, it's going to feel like things are standing still and maybe something is going wrong. Don't fall into despair, that's just how things go with negotiations. Take a break, take a breath, and just keep on Polite Menacing until we hear more from the leadership team.
===How can you help?===
**Go to visit the DAILY RENEWAL TASK LIST there's lots of ideas and ways you can help! Have more? Shoot me a dm! I'm happy to add stuff!**
*Note: To our international fans, I promise I'm working on a write up for you as well I've just been sick today and have been able to finish!*
Something new today-- a lot of you have expressed your desire to help in the @renewasacrew efforts. Well if you did-- and still want to, now you can volunteer! Many thanks to @redshiftsinger for getting this up so quick!
Please visit their survey: Volunteer Intake form and fill out how you may be able to help!
=== Cast and Crew Sightings ===
As if on cue, Chaos dad reached out to everyone on twitter today to express some encouragement!
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He also saw we were at 77K and posted his astonishment!
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Some folks have been a bit weary about his vagueness today, but as we know, Daddy Jenkins is the king of vague-- and he has to be! If there are contracts in the works, he can't be hinting at things. Don't lose hope!
===Samson Kayo ===
Our beloved Oluwande updated his IG with some pictures and a message. If you have IG I'm sure he'd appreciate some love!
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Next up was our favorite Captain, Rhys Darby, promoting a fellow comic @jamesroguecomedy over on IG!
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And our pirate queen Ruibo Qian was making posts about saving ofmd and fanart about Zheng! Featuring folks you probably know around tumblr: @mistysblueboxstuff and @tsutsu_ya over on twitter
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=REMINDER: Cross Fandom Watch Party! on 01/23/2024 1 PM PT, 4PM ET=
Looks like there's gonna be some cross fandom watch parties on twitter you're welcome to tune in for Jan 23-26 on twitter. They'll be watching good omens in an effort to try and get engagement up with PrimeVideo. It sounds like it'll be similar to the LubeAsACrew but with Good Omens fans! Thank you to @Dandeebakes on Twitter for getting these organised!
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Hashtags to use: #PirateOmens #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD, and helps to @PrimeVideo
New article, but take it with a grain of salt, see @TheCozyPirate's message:
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Our Flag Means Death's marketing was concerned about the shock of violence in the show
Alright lovelies. Here we are again, I told you it'd be quick. Today was very very very busy. Take a break and get some sleep ya? Lean on your crew, we are here to support each other. I'll end with a quote from Tolkien (it being all of us in your crew):
"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."
Tonight picture features Taika and his "I love you eyes" at Rhys. Thats me, I'm Taika, I love you all.
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PS: Idk why this isnt showing up in my recaps repository but ill figure it out in the morning.
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therealvalkyrie · 1 year
the morning, the evening
Pairing/setting: Farmer!Ushijima Wakatoshi x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.6k Warnings: very fluffy, implied sex, reader wants a baby AN: I've been working on this sporadically for *checks watch* 2.5 years so I hope y'all fucking like it lmao. I really struggled with tying up the ending, so if it feels abrupt that's why! also was too intimidated to try and write baby-making smut, so feel free to imagine those particular shenanigans in your own huge and wrinkly brainsicle. love you all! ~valkyrie
It’s on mornings like this that you feel most unlike yourself. When you slip out of bed before your husband and tug on one of his huge flannels, the sun just peeking into your window. It’s too early. Too early to think, too early for food, too early to do anything but slip out onto the porch in bare feet and curl up on the porch swing. The birds are just waking up with you -- chickadees singing a greeting and the chickens clucking softly in reply. The dewy air sends goosebumps up your bare legs and settles in your lungs as mist clings to the ground. It makes you feel a little lost, a little out of place; mornings have never been meant for you.
When your husband wakes up with the rooster, he joins you on the porch swing, the screen door creaking shut behind him, and hands you a cup of coffee. You lean into his sturdy side and clutch your third favorite mug with both hands (the handle broke last year when you dropped it on the kitchen tile). He doesn’t say anything, just presses his lips to your temple and looks out to the mountains with you. He knows you’ve never been meant for mornings.
When his yellow mug is empty, he rubs your bent knee with a huge hand and leaves you to start farm chores. You may be entitled to a slow start, but the horses expect breakfast before 7 or they’ll be ornery all day.
The sun burns enough dew away for the farmhand’s truck to kick up dust as he drives up your long driveway -- your cue to go put on pants. Back in the bedroom, the stained glass ornaments hanging in the windows are casting shifting rainbows on the wall. This is what lifts your lips for the first time today and prompts the first sip of tepid coffee. You sprawl out on your unmade bed, stretching like a cat in a sunspot made just for you.
By the time you pad downstairs in jeans and an airy blouse, the morning has begrudgingly made a space for you in between its sense of purpose and quiet watchfulness. You set about making breakfast and more coffee, nudging the kitchen awake. You say good morning to the toaster and the butter bell and the kettle on the stove and purposely ignore the dishwasher, which has been giving attitude since the weekend.
You’re murmuring quietly to a pancake when Wakatoshi clomps back in, hanging his hat on the hook by the door.
“Good morning,” you greet, offering up your cheek, which he kisses along with a heavy hand on your hip.
“Does the pancake ever talk back?” he wonders aloud, looking over your shoulder into your cast iron pan.
“Not yet,” you reach for your spatula and grin up at him, “which is what makes it such a good listener.”
He hums thoughtfully and squeezes your waist with his big hand before turning away to reach for plates from the cupboard.
Breakfast passes in conversation about the farrier visiting in the afternoon -- some horses are due for new shoes -- between bites of food. Toshi disappears out the back door to start the rest of his day and you load dishes into the dishwasher. It grumbles to life after a swift kick to the bottom left corner. You’ll have to call the plumber before the weekend.
You’re feeling halfway back to yourself again when you settle into your creaky wooden office chair. It’s nearly the end of the month, which means today is for paying bills and making calls. It’s not nearly as much of a task as it was when you first took over the business side of the farm. Then, you’d had to wade through fifty years of an unintelligible filing system and re-negotiate deals that Wakatoshi’s grandparents had made just as long ago. You’ve always had a way with numbers and a sense for business; it’s the local politics that gave you trouble. People this far into farming country simply don’t trust outsiders, no matter if they’re married to the local golden boy.
Wakatoshi says it had been the same for his father, coming in as an outsider and marrying the beloved daughter of a beloved family. That’s why he’d left, when Toshi was just a kid, never having managed to really feel at home in the community or on the farm.
“But he didn’t have the advantage of your smile,” he’d joked, poking the corner of your mouth gently as you lay in bed late one night a couple of weeks after your wedding.
You’d giggled, swatting his hand away and burying your face into his broad chest. “Do you really think they’ll like me?” you asked in a small voice after a quiet moment.
“They’ll love you. Just like I do.”
You wouldn’t quite say they love you, but the town has at least grown to tolerate you after you’d asserted yourself into their daily lives. Miss Betty at the feed store still doesn’t give you a discount on grain like she had your mother-in-law, and Mary Fletcher still calls you a gold digger behind your back. But at least you’ve made good enough friends with her cousin Amber, who boards her horse in your stables and comes by almost every weekend, to hear about it.
You begin to sweat as the summer announces that it’s still here in the late morning and turn on the rotating fan in an effort to stay cool. The dial of the old rotary phone whirs under your fingertips as you call up the bank, one bare foot bouncing in the air where your leg dangles over the armrest of your chair and receiver cradled to your ear.
It’s a tedious conversation with Laurie, the one and only bank teller, whose daughter is going off to college in just a couple of weeks, that carries you over into lunchtime. You eventually manage to steer her in the direction of the purpose of your call, learning, amidst tidbits about her daughter’s roommate and her son’s soccer tryouts, that your check to the vet had bounced because of an error on the bank’s end. Thank God.
“Shit, that woman can talk,” you breathe when the receiver is safely in its cradle, and Laurie won’t threaten to wash out your mouth with soap for using foul language.
With a deep exhale, you allow your head to fall onto the back of the chair, languishing in the buzzing heat. For the millionth time this summer, you think back to your tiny city apartment, with its shitty water pressure and shitty commute and heavenly air conditioning. What you wouldn’t give….
Well, you wouldn’t give up Wakatoshi, for one.
And you’d had that, with him. You fit him into your tiny shower, washing each other’s bodies and then fucking on the bathroom counter when he couldn’t figure out how to finagle his limbs to fit. He kissed you every morning before work, pressing a packed lunch into your hands.
He proposed under your favorite oak tree in the park at peak foliage, asking you to marry him and move back to his home. You said yes.
You meant it.
But, God. This heat.
The afternoon drags you down, oppressive and lingering, and you find yourself incapable of thinking anymore.
You pass Wakatoshi on your way across the driveway and give him a brief wave, your ring of keys hanging off your middle finger.
“I’ll be back for dinner,” you call as he takes off his hat and runs his fingers through his sweaty hair.
He watches the way your legs propel you up into the elevated cab of his truck, loaded with some buzzing anxiety to move, even through this thick air.
“Okay,” he says.
The first summer you knew Wakatoshi, he invited you to visit home with him for a week. You weren’t together yet, still dancing on the periphery of a relationship with that youthful arrogance of those barely touching adulthood. Halfway through the six-hour drive from the city, he pulled over at a farmstand and bought peaches and lemonade. You ate them in the bed of his truck parked under a maple tree, boughs flush with green and peach juice slipping down your chin.
These grocery store peaches aren’t quite as tender --  you’re just too far North to get them really fresh -- but they’ll do. Still, you worry they’ll bruise as you set the paper grocery bag on the passenger seat next to the bakery box already there. You stand there for a second dumbly, trying to think of a better way to pack them in among your other groceries so they won’t bump around, until the afternoon sun has sunk into the top of your head so it feels like your brain is melting to the inside of your skull. Feeling a little foolish, but otherwise at a loss, you buckle the grocery bag and the box into the seat.
That makes you grin to yourself and snort a giggle as you slam the passenger door and circle around to the other side of the truck. The engine turns and complains for a second before giving in.
Sometimes this is all you need to put yourself back in your body. This little ritual of grocery shopping by yourself -- driving with the music turned up, reading ingredient labels, watching the deli counter guy slice half a pound of provolone. That mundanity, that routine of an adult woman who buys her own groceries, puts everything else in perspective.
You’re here because you want to be. Because you chose to be.
You come to a decision.
Wakatoshi doesn’t pick up the phone when you call on your way out of town, but that’s to be expected. This time of day, he’s most likely out with the horses, and cell reception gives out only a quarter-mile into the pastures. The call goes to voicemail, and you smile to yourself as his recorded voice instructs you to please leave a message. The tone beeps.
“Hey, I’m headed home now. I’ll be there in, uh, about fifteen? Anyway, meet me down at the pond for dinner. Maybe… six-thirty? I thought we’d do something a little special. Okay, I love you!”
The pond is at the East edge of the property, fed by a brook that bubbles out of the foothills. On the side opposite of where the horse pastures end, there is a willow tree that stretches and drapes down to trace the surface of the water. It is under that willow tree that you unpack your picnic basket, pouring white wine into thermos mugs as the low sun streaks through branches.
The heat of the day is finally breaking, giving way to a cacophony of peeper frogs that you can normally only hear distantly in the house. Here, it fills your mind and allows you to think of nothing else but watching the distant silhouette of your husband crossing the pasture towards you. He’s backlit, long shadow reaching across the fence long before he does. You watch him walk in an easy, rolling gait through long grass, watch him hop the fence like he was born for it.
And he was, you remind yourself. He was born for these wide spaces and nature smells. Where you must find space for yourself in the uninhabited corners of the farm (the office, the Eastern edge, the kitchen), he fills the rest as naturally as water fills the pond.
He says your name at the edge of the willow tree, ducking under a bough.
“Hello, love,” you say and smile and pat the blanket next to where you’re sitting.
Your husband sits, folding his legs under him like a little kid. It makes your heart feel a little tender as you tuck yourself into his side and explain your meal: sandwiches and fruit, cherry pie and wine for dessert. He thanks you simply, bending down to kiss you in that slow way that caught you like honey in a trap that first night in front of your apartment building, all those years ago. He tastes like vanilla chapstick.
You eat. Wakatoshi tells you about his day. About the farrier's visit and fixing a leak in the chicken coop’s roof.
“Wakatoshi,” you say, leaning forward to pick at the grass as he works the stone out of a peach with his pocket knife. He hums, deft in his work but listening. “What would you say about having a baby?”
He makes a sharp noise of pain and you look over, wide-eyed, to see he’s sliced clean through the peach and into his own palm. The blood wells before your eyes, mixing with peach juice as you gasp and lunge for the paper napkins in the basket.
“You have to be more careful! What if you seriously--” “Yes,” he cuts you off as you’re taking his hand in both of yours, setting the fruit and knife aside, and wadding up the napkins to stop the bleeding.
“I’d say yes to having a baby.” He’s looking right at you with those hazel eyes, the expression in them so close to reverence it stuns you.
“Oh,” you breathe, staring straight back.
At that exact moment, the setting sun glows orange at the top of the pasture hill, streaking Wakatoshi’s cheek with gold through the willow branches. All the breath is gone from you, your head gone light from having this question you’ve mulled over for weeks answered so simply.
His uninjured hand finds your cheek, tucks stray hair away from your face.
“Are you asking? Do you want to have a baby?”
“I-- Yes. I’m asking.”
He smiles, soft as the cattails that sway at the opposite edge of the pond, and leans in to meet your lips with his. You let yourself sink into it for a moment, unable to stop smiling against his mouth, but pull away to further inspect the slice across his palm. He lets you, his fingers curled gently inward while you dab away blood and rub a gentle thumb on his wrist, but his gaze never wavers from your face. It’s intense-- almost like how it was when you first knew him, but with an undercurrent of affection that makes your chest warm.
“It doesn’t look too deep,” you conclude, folding up some clean napkins and pressing them to the wound. “But we should clean it--”
“It can wait.”
“But it could still get infected, what if--”
“It can wait,” he interrupts again, insisting with gentle obstinance. The next words are low in his chest. “I can’t.”
You don’t get back to the house until late, August constellations suspended thickly overhead. It’s like you’re kids again and the barn cat is your mother, watching disapprovingly from her perch on the porch railing as you sneak in after curfew, wine-tipsy and elated. Your husband crowds in the door after you, handsy even after you’ve done nothing but touch each other all evening. You pull him into the kitchen and make him wash his wound thoroughly, your thumbs rubbing into the meat of his palm.
“I hope our daughter has your eyes,” he says. He’s close, his own eyes finding yours in the almost-dark.
“A daughter, huh?”
“A daughter. She’ll be just like you.”
“And what am I like?” you ask, coy, looking up at him through your lashes in the starlight streaming in the window.
Wakatoshi leans forward gently, resting his brow on yours. “You are,” he swallows thickly, eyes fluttering closed, “you are the world.”
Your day ends nothing like it began. Your day ends with utter surety of your place in this house, in this town, in Wakatoshi’s arms. The day ends and you feel completely yourself again, cradled in the gently rolling hills of the life you’ve chosen.
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The Party
Jacinth Masterlist
Remember this post? Welp, I wrote it! At first I was going to use generic characters, but then I realized how well this scenario fits for Jacinth, so I quickly made the change!
Also, thank you to @lilywolfgray for helping me figure out the simile that pops up!
this one is a bit long, so I've put it under the cut!
The sound of Jacinth’s footsteps made Y/N stiffen in bed nervously.
“Wake up my little human,” Jacinth’s silvery voice cooed, “you’ve been napping long enough.”
Jacinth pulled the curtain of his and Y/N’s shared room aside, practically floating over to her. Y/N slowly sat up, her hands twisting the comforter draped over her.
“Have I told you what today is, hm?”
Y/N shook her head.
“It’s the Festival of Winter’s End,” Jacinth said with a gleaming smile, “and I’d like to bring you to the celebration. But first, I have to get you ready.”
Jacinth produced a small flower in his hand, its petals trembling from how much nectar it was filled with. Y/N knew exactly what that deceptively sweet liquid would do to her if she drank it. She looked at Jacinth with a pleading expression.
“Don’t give me that look,” Jacinth said, “drink this, won’t you? It tastes wonderful~”
When Y/N still didn’t drink, Jacinth took hold of her chin and tilted it up.
“Drink, Y/N,” he commanded gently.
As soon as Jacinth had said her name, Y/N felt her lips falling apart so the fae could pour the nectar into her mouth. Y/N swallowed, feeling the sweet, sticky liquid coat her mouth and throat.
“Very good,” Jacinth praised, “such an obedient human.”
Jacinth took Y/N’s hand and gently pulled her out of bed. He led her through the rooms of his abode to a little series of pools surrounded by soft moss. He sat her down next to one of them and positioned himself behind her. He took a small stone bowl and filled it with water from the pool. He poured the contents over her head, letting it soak into her hair. He picked up a vial and opened it, letting the fragrant contents cover her scalp. He started to work it into her hair, until a bubbly lather had formed. Once it was fully worked in, he rinsed it out with more water. All through the process, Y/N could feel her eyes getting heavy and her body going limp.
Jacinth went to remove Y/N’s dress next. When he had first taken her, he had gotten rid of those unsightly human clothes and replaced them with nicer, more appealing garments. He had barely gotten to the strap of the dress when Y/N attempted to shuffle away from him, her cheeks decorated with a red flush.
“Now now,” Jacinth said, “I have to wash you. Don’t be difficult.”
Y/N shook her head, screwing her eyes shut. Jacinth sighed.
“I forgot how sensitive you humans are,” he said, “I suppose we’ll just spot-clean.”
Y/N opened her mouth to argue, but only a bit of slurred nonsense came out. Jacinth chuckled, then grabbed another vial. He poured the liquid inside onto a small wad of moss. He started to scrub Y/N’s skin until it was soft and clean. Y/N blinked slowly; the world started to tilt until she realized she had fallen against Jacinth’s chest.
“Aw,” Jacinth cooed, kissing her on her head, “how sweet.”
Y/N wasn’t sure how much time had passed. All she knew was one minute, Jacinth was holding her amongst the mossy pools, then the next, she was blinking up at a series of lanterns hung along the trees. She heard the sound of chatter and music. She tried to sit up, but her body felt too heavy. Jacinth’s soft laughter rumbled behind her, and his face came into view.
“Finally awake, hm?” he mused, “I suppose I could’ve just asked you to sleep instead of feeding you the nectar… ah well.”
Another face came into view. It was another fae, with pointy ears, pink skin and deep, red eyes.
“Jacinth, is this your human?” she asked in awe.
“Indeed she is,” Jacinth replied with a smile.
“May we hold her?” a green fae asked.
Jacinth’s grip on Y/N tightened ever so slightly.
“She isn’t used to other fae yet,” he said, “but you can feed her if you’d like.”
The pink fae giggled with delight, then allowed a raspberry to grow in her palm. She brought it to Y/N’s lips. Y/N, who was still quite out of it, opened her mouth to let the fae feed her. It tasted much sweeter than the fruit at home, and a little bit of the juice dribbled down her chin, which made the pink fae chuckle and coo. Jacinth wiped the juice away with the pad of his thumb.
A green fae came up next, holding a honeycomb in his hand. He offered it to Y/N, and she drank the honey inside.
“She is so precious,” the green fae said, “how I wish I had a human of my own.”
“She’s very special to me,” Jacinth replied, “she is like the soothing touch of a fresh spring breeze.”
“Quite so,” the green fae agreed.
As the night went on, several more fae came up to see Y/N. Any time one of them tried to touch her, Jacinth would pull her closer to himself and make some excuse for why they couldn’t. The music playing was otherworldly, and Y/N often caught herself swaying to it.
Y/N yawned and felt her eyelids drooping shut. She felt Jacinth lift her up in a bridal carry. He made his excuses to the other fae and started to carry her home.
“Did you have a good time, pet?” Jacinth asked.
Y/N only murmured in response, eliciting a fond chuckle from him.
“Sleep now, Y/N,” Jacinth whispered.
Y/N drifted off just as the sun began to peek out over the horizon. Spring was on the way.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @21fandom-shipper21 @the-introverted-writer-for-life @shroombun @littlespacecastle
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hi, hope u have a good day. Can you write hcs about studying and school with SMT boys + Kino? (Sorry if it spams there's a problem with my box)
Studying/School/Class w Sakamakis [hcs]
click here for M & T bros post
Hi Love,
Thanks, and you too, so I have to split this into two pieces because it was literally too long. Hope you all like it, this is literally why I haven't done much of anything else because I've put basically all the free time I've had into here. It's finally done though. :)
Requests are open
*certain words have been/may be censored for Tumblr guidelines.
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⤵︎School with him:
📓As his gf you are the one who must get him out of bed.
📓And he makes you late sometimes. Most of the time even.
📓“Shu, c’mon we're going to be late.”
📓Rather than getting up, he pulls you in bed and makes you late for school.
📓This causes you two to walk there instead and you scold him about it.
📓“You make us late all the time!”
📓“Next time carry me then.”
📓“Whatta I look like to you? An Ox?” Knowing he’d give a smart answer to that, you quickly added, “Don’t answer that!”
📓He’d just laugh before k!ssing you on the cheek.
📓If it’s winter and you’re cold with tights and a thin skirt/shirt he puts his blazer over you.
📓And if you’re lucky sometimes he gives you his cardigan.
📓But it almost never happens, you dreaming that bitch would take it off.
📓Sometimes he tells you to ditch school so you two can go to a cafe to get food and go to the bookstore in the corner of town. Especially when it snows because he knows you like days like that.
📓He likes to go there and get coffee with you and talk about things that will make you laugh.
📓Although on the days you don’t ditch school with him he likes to race you to the school.
📓 “Loser carries the winner back home after school!” He’d yell dashing off getting a head start.
📓 “Shu! Wait!” You’d laugh trying to catch up to him.
📓You end up losing of course (mostly bc he uses his vampire speed) and lets just say even tho you lost, he just ends up carrying you.
📓I know he seems pretty lively with you but I mean he’s with the woman he loves. He becomes very active with her because she gives him something to look forward to.
📓Plus, vampires are about living in the moment so he’d never waste a moment with you considering you make him happy.
📓Anyways when you two get on campus you are usually hitting him cause he cheated and he’s just laughing.
📓if you’re not a third-year or you just don’t have the same classes as him, he departs after you get your stuff out of your locker.
📓When switching periods he usually is listening to music and you just like to watch him relax.
📓Although typically he notices you first and tries to talk to you even if it's just five minutes. Cause he can’t stay the hell away
📓You constantly remind him to go to class.
📓“Go, I’ll see you after.” You’d smile between a laugh.
📓“Maybe I’ll just speed up the clocks.” He’d grin.
📓He leaves his stuff in your locker sometimes.
📓Has makeout sessions sometimes with you instead of getting to class.
📓If his stupid brothers try to get you into trouble or if you two do something stupid, he makes sure the triplets get the blame.
📓Keeps you away from Reiji and makes sure you rarely see him tho. Mostly cause he might give you hard time.
📓Although he does like showing you off to him sometimes.
📓Sometimes you sit on the bench before the limo arrives and he sleeps on your shoulder.
📓In the limo you sit next to him and usually it's pretty quiet and he usually falls asleep on you there too and you just play with his hair.
📓If he’s awake (or looks like he’s asleep) his hand is on your thigh.
📓Leaves you notes in your locker sometimes.
📓If you are jealous that girls leave him a lot of love letters he finds it funny.
📓There are probably some girls who have tried to bully you and he protects you from it.
📓Gets away with sucking your b⸸ood.
⤵︎Class with him:
📓He only attends the class because you force him to, only some tho since you can’t convince him to go to all of them.
📓Is always present in the classes you are in with him and he thinks that’s enough effort. It’s really just to have the excuse to see you.
📓He likes to sit next to you because he tea$es all he wants.
📓Plus he doesn’t want to be partners with someone else.
📓And he thinks you’d cover for him if he dozed off.
📓Which you probably won't.
📓If the teacher calls on you and you don’t know the answer he’ll laugh afterward and you scowl at him.
📓Whispers lewd things into your ear as the teacher is explaining.
📓Shares a pencil with you instead of having his own.
📓He doesn’t study and you do.
📓Doesn’t get caught for anything. Like he listens to music in class and no one will know.
📓Will sm!rk if he catches you staring at him.
📓If you two are in music class and you mess up while playing an instrument, he’ll laugh before helping you.
📓He teaches you a lot of secrets about the violin and will k!ss you when the teacher is too busy to look.
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓He is actually pretty smart so if you can’t figure it out, he gives you the answers and you get mad at him.
📓Laughs when you get shit wrong.
📓If you ask him if you’re right he’ll tell you are and then wait till you figure out that he’s lying.
📓He knows how to read stuff in Latin so if you want to know something you’ll ask him but he just tells you perverted sh!t.
📓Like sometimes you’ll catch on and you’ll be mad.
📓”Shu! That’s not even what I’m asking you.”
📓”But it’s what you want to ask me.”
📓”Shut up!”
📓If you two are sitting next to each other his hand is on your thigh, always.
📓Sometimes if you’re doing mental math he’ll just tell you the answer while his eyes are liked closed and he’s relaxing.
📓”X equals 36.”
📓”Shu! I’m trying to figure this out, I don’t want the answer.”
📓If you reach over to grab something on the other side of the table, he will casually lift up the hem of your skirt.
📓“Chill out. I was just checking if you were wearing the matching set today.” He’d say closing his eyes to relax in the chair.
📓“Seriously, someone could see.”
📓“Aww, I thought you liked scandal.”
📓“Yeah the romantic kind, this is perverted!”
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⤵︎School with him:
📓You’ll never be late, he makes sure you’re up and ready.
📓Even if you two have sex he’s able to schedule how much time you’ll have.
📓Like he calculates the damn time and doesn’t care if you didn’t climax within that time.
📓“We mustn’t waste too much time. We will have seven minutes.”
📓“But Reiji, can’t we just not look at the time?”
📓“Nonsense, with the data I have collected I have enough to precisely predict your body’s reactions.”
📓“You’ve done what?”
📓“Now, I have laid out this time for us, given that, you should be pleasured enough to release in that amount of time. If you fail to do so you will wait until we have arrived from school.”
📓“But seven is—Ahh!” He wouldn’t give you much time before throwing you on the bed and getting to work.
📓He’ll be very satisfied if he made you cum in like seven mins.
📓And even if he didn’t, it was purposely done to have you wait and ache all day! 
📓He’ll totally give you a drug if you didn’t then to make it easier for later.
📓Although he doesn’t always have sex before school that’s only when he’s up really early and has everything ready. And plus it's only if he’s carefully calculated this many, many times and he knows he’ll have time.
📓He checks your uniform all the time to see if you're presenting yourself neatly. 
📓Typically points something out just to touch you and adjust it, even if it looked right.
📓If you injure yourself he calls you a clumsy girl and an idiot.
📓One time you actually sprained your ankle after school and kept limping as you two were walking home.
📓Of course you were trying to hide it and not tell Reiji you were injured bc you knew he’d be mad at you.
📓Although he noticed pretty quickly and ended up carrying you home bridal style.
📓And he gets a kick out of it if it’s embarrassing to you.
📓“Reiji, put me down.”
📓There are times when after school he likes to take walks with you at night.
📓Even tho you forget things he always makes sure you have them. Most times.
📓Like if you forget your jacket, a water bottle, umbrella, hairclip, pencil, or a book.
📓There was one time when it was raining during one of your walks after school and he was mad at you for forgetting your umbrella.
📓“What a bother you are, forgetting everything as if you are a child. I told you it would rain, did I not?”
📓“Yes, but I was distracted.” You huffed confessing you forgot, you turned to look at him with your arms crossed, “Still, I’m not a child, Reiji.”
📓He’d grin pulling you closer to him, “Yes, evidently so you are no child. You’re a very . . . irresponsible girl.”
📓You’d scoff hearing this, “And here I was thinking you’d say something worth hearing.” You rolled your eyes about to walk away from him.
📓Before you could walk away he just pulled you in, teasingly asking you, “Did you want me to affectionately tell you what you are to me?”
📓“We’ll it would be nice to hear every once in while.” You snapped back.
📓 “Now why would I tell you something that you are already well aware of? Obviously, if I say so much about you there is an even deeper reason as to why I notice, correct?” He sm!rked, waiting for you to look at him again in the pouring rain and smile.
📓“You can be so complex sometimes.”
📓“Oh, my dear, it’s only for you. Now come here, I do not want my lady cold and drenched because she is simply incompetent.” He smirked, making you scoff as you now approached him to smack his arm playfully.
📓“Reiji!” You’d smile whilst averting your eyes as he laughed at your reaction.
📓Overall, he ends up using his umbrella to cover you both, and you can best bet he’d get his shoulder wet for you.
📓He’s even given you one of his jackets when it was cold outside. Cause you forgot again.
📓Tho he may act mad that you forget things he actually really likes it.
📓Plus I mean in his mind you’re the only one who can be a little stupid and get away with it. It’s kinda like the whole thing of “You can be so dumb, yet for you, I’ll make an exception.” But she’s not dumb she’s just a little carefree which is something he’s not.
📓But he kinda cares less with her, in fact, he’s kinda lively around you. At least when his brothers aren’t present.
📓Sometimes you rush to get ready and he stops you when you reach the front door bc your appearance can be off so he has to do a “thorough check”.
📓He will scold you for getting up late if it happens.
📓You have asked him to ditch school but he takes to much pride in going so he tells you that he promises to leave early that day with you and go on a date instead.
📓But has to fucking attend!
📓When you two are parting and leaving for your next classes, you tend to pull Reiji in by his blazer and give him a goodbye kiss.
📓Then after that he honestly doesn’t want to part.
📓He does sometimes smile at you and pat your head before leaving.
📓And if our bae rei really wants to get soft he'll even kiss your forehead or the side of your temple.
📓If you’re mad at him for the day tho he will put flowers and box of chocolates in your locker as an apology.
📓One very sweet and cute thing about Rei is that he will make his girlfriend cute bento boxes and his brothers are jealous.
⤵︎Class with him:
📓 He is usually paying attention and wants you to do the same.
📓Although he finds himself distracted with you sometimes.
📓Sometimes it’s your focused face that gets him. Or even just when you cross your legs.
📓If he’s sitting next to you he may break the rules of listening to the teacher and lean in to whisper something in your ear.
📓He likes it if you two are partners because that way he can teach you.
📓Especially if it’s science. He will especially love it if you mess up so then he can fix it and help you.
📓When you two are pared up he tends to put one hand on your thigh while the other he has on the paper he is showing you.
📓He will even rub your thigh up and down as long as no one is noticing.
📓Reiji is distracted in class because of you for a good amount of the time.
📓Like he notices so much about you and he literally, practically never takes his eyes off you.
📓But it’s fine because he already knows everything the teacher is saying he doesn’t need to relearn since he has a such good memory as a vampire.
📓So yes you can best bet he’s focused on the girl with the pretty ribbon in her and nothing else.
📓But if he sees you losing focus he finds a way to call you out.
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓He always insists that you study in his lab so he can privately tutor you.
📓Although sometimes you two study in the school's library.
📓But overall as much as Reiji is trying to study and teach you he gets very playful with you.
📓He always makes you guys tea but occasionally the tea he serves is special.
📓I've said this before but orgasm tea is something he created just for you. 
📓He slipped it in once and you couldn’t stop yourself and begged him to stop.
📓This @sshole documented how many times you came.
📓Maybe he’d measure the amount honestly.
📓He likes watching you cross your legs to stop it.
📓You were begging him to give you a drug that would stop the feeling but he simply told you he had no cure and that it would wear off in 48 hours.
📓“Reiji, please, just give me the damn cure for this already. Or something.”
📓“Oh, are you not having fun?” He smirked looking up from his lab book.
📓“Seriously, how much longer—a-are you g-going to—ngh! Oh god! Not again!”
📓“I’m only giving you what you asked for dear—pleasure.”
📓“This is anything but pleasure, it’s torture!”
📓He likes it when you’re his test subject and he preferably likes it when you’re naked.
📓“Remove your skirt.” He'd mummer behind your ear.
📓He makes potions for sexual arousal all the time and tests them on you.
📓You’ll be sitting on the counter and he’s in between both of your legs as he gives you something to test.
📓It’s supposed to make you feel sensations at a much more heightened level. He waited a few minutes for it to take effect and then started to run his hands up your skirt until reaching a specific area only to have you act on it quite quickly.
📓“I see it responds quite well.” he'd smirk feeling your underwear get damp.
📓“Reiji!” You'd shriek when being pinned down on his lab table with your arms above your head.
📓Apart from the fact you’re supposed to study he uses you as a test subject as well this way you can help him.
📓Although usually, you find that these lab experiments are anything but related to school, they are mostly just for Rei’s amusement.
📓Has turned you into different animals and you have complained.
📓You’ve even turned him into an animal and it’s been an adventure.
📓He was once a parakeet, who was extremely bratty at times but very fluffy.
📓And ever since then you've begged him to go back into his parakeet form.
📓"Please, just one more time."
📓"Absolutely not." 
📓"But you were so cute and fluffy." You’d pout.
📓I have a parakeet who acts just like Reiji so I named him after him and his brother Shu is such a lazy birb its just funny how much DL revolves around my life.
📓So when he’s lecturing and trying to explain something important about your homework you sometimes don’t pay attention so he will hit the desk with the ruler to have you wake up.
📓It's mostly because he enjoys your shocked expression.
📓But if he really wants to get playful he uses his ruler or his whip if you don't listen or get the answer right.
📓I've headcanonded this with @mikalara-dracula that Rei smacks your @ss with the ruler if you get the answer wrong.
📓"So then the answer would be no solution."
📓"What on earth are you talking about?"
📓"Oh, it's not right?"
📓"No, it isn't." He'd say pushing up his glasses as he grabbed his ruler.
📓He'd sigh before approaching you closer, "Stand up."
📓"Do not face me." He'd whisper in your ear with his hands on the back of your shoulders before using his ruler.
📓He does like it if you complain about the pain.
📓Even if you just space out he'll do it.
📓"Pay attention!"
📓Oh gosh, if you end up moaning from the pain or make a sound that sounds suggestive he can't control himself.
📓One time you two were studying at a table, sitting in the two armchairs. You turned to get up and grab a book and when you bent down to get it he saw the opportunity to use his ruler.
📓He always wants you to use your brain so as you can expect that for a break you play chess.
📓But not just any kind, strip chess.
📓It’s just plain embarrassing. You lose every time.
📓“But I’m no good at this game you win all the time.”
📓“It is to exercise your brain, Y/n. Now please make the effort.”
📓“No, Reiji, it exercises your brain, but it leaves me naked and exhausted.”
📓“If you end up being exposed all the time it is simply because you haven’t learned yet. You know I cannot rest when you haven’t learned something I’ve taught you yet.”
📓“I think the only thing I’ve learned from this is that I’m more flexible than I think.” You’d mumble turning red.
📓“Yes, that has been a remarkable study. Of course, it never hurts to test such a theory again.” He’d smirk whilst you avert your eyes.
📓“Now, try to apply what I’ve taught you.”
📓“Okay, your move now.” You’d say, feeling confident about what you did.
📓You only managed to get rid of his blazer and tie.
📓Once it was his turn he’d sigh before winning again and taking another pawn of yours. Seeing this you sighed and were about to unzip your skirt but he stopped you.
📓“Come here.” He’d grin, putting his hands on your hips as he slid your skirt off.
📓While studying he presses his body against yours when teaching you how to use something.
📓Or even when correcting you with your pencil.
📓In this moment he will even put his hand on the back of your thigh and trail up your skirt and hook his fingers in your panties.
📓He’ll even use this as an opportunity to suck your blood.
📓In fact when he does or when you’re reading, he usually creeps on your shoulder and planting a kiss before biting you but tells you to continue reading anyway.
📓He sometimes makes the excuse that your collar is messed up in the back so he will have you turn around only to kiss your neck, making you surprised and even call him out.
📓Sex in his lab.
📓It’s not all the time but when provoked enough he will.
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⤵︎School with him:
📓 sex before, during, and after school.
📓He really likes it if you wear a leg garter to school with your outfit.
📓Or if your blouse is really open.
📓He really likes it if you don’t wear any underwear for the day.
📓It will bother him all day at school.
📓He lets you wear his fur jacket to school so everyone knows you're his.
📓Plus it’s also cause he worries about you getting cold.
📓You usually take a bath before getting ready and so he likes seeing you relax while he gets ready. 
📓In fact he’ll usually sit next to you by the tub and talk to you. And he’d kiss your forehead before helping you in a towel.
📓I know he’s very sexual but if he’s your bf there are times when he’s less sexual.
📓But you’ll easily get him to be sexual if you take his hat away and wear it on the way to school.
📓Buys you macarons and you eat them at school together.
📓Will sometimes skip school and have you tag along so you two can go on dates.
📓He likes to be on the rooftop and talk to you about a lot of things.
📓 It's also where the two of you make out and have a lot of fun.
📓Keeps explicit pictures of you two in his locker.
📓But would be mad if someone saw them.
📓During the limo ride, he likes to put his hand up your skirt.
📓And this is where Subaru tells him to knock it off.
📓Sometimes plays the piano at school and you like to lean on his shoulder.
⤵︎Class with him:
📓Gosh, he teases so much.
📓He winks at you from afar in class.
📓Wishes you’d sit on his lap during class but you’ve gotten into trouble for it.
📓“It doesn’t matter what the teacher wants. We’re in love.”
📓Speaking of which you two were kicked out of class when making out during lecture.
📓And Rei was so embarrassed and very upset.
📓“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
📓“But Reiji we’re in love. It’s only natural, you know that.”
📓When you two are about to go your separate ways for classes he can be quite petty, saying he only wants to go to the classes that you're in.
📓So you make sure to have him wait in anticipation the next time he sees you.
📓If you sit next to him in class he whispers dirty things in your ear.
📓Would be so turned on if you put your hand on his thigh and whisper things into his ear.
📓Honestly, wouldn't mind having sex at school.
📓"Ohh are you going to play teacher? And I will be the naughty student."
📓Of course his dream would be short-lived as he only got to unbutton his shirt because one of his brothers came in.
📓He likes watching you during P.E. its to the point where he will end up tripping.
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓He likes brain teasers so he sometimes has you do crossword puzzles with him while you sit on his lap.
📓“Y’know baby, I think I need some help with this crossword. Would you mind instructing me?”
📓“Instruct you?” You’d deviously smile. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”
📓I don’t think there is a particular subject he likes but he may like English because he will try to have you read erotic novels.
📓Or even if it is something like science he will tell you to use him as an example for anatomy.
📓Especailly when you’re talking about the reproductive system.
📓If you’re confused about a body part he’d use a pointer to direct you to where its located on your body.
📓From the way this is all going it sorta ends up with him pinning you to the floor and having his hand on your chest.
📓Will have his arms wrapped around you and tries to take your skirt off.
📓Might even try to finger you if you’re in his lap.
📓Instead of studying, Laito will begin to procrastinate by putting salsa or tango music and beginning to dance with you in the living room
📓And if you don’t know how to dance either of those, he’s more than happy to instruct you.
📓He blasts the music so loud that it ends up with Reiji coming into the living room and scolding the both of you.
📓And if it’s not Reiji, it’s Subaru and he ends up dissing and telling Laito to turn it down.
📓In fact, Subaru will just break the radio.
📓Sometimes you like to study on your bed and you’ll just be reading your textbook and Laito feels the need to look down at your slightly unbuttoned blouse.
📓And you can definitely bet that you two have gotten kicked out of the library too.
📓He has some weird fetish of having sex in there and getting caught.
📓You once were in there after hours and he tried to initiate that.
📓“Laito we’ll get in trouble.”
📓“Aww, but where’s your spirit, baby? If we stop here I can’t control myself on the ride home. You wouldn’t keep me waiting would you?”
📓“Hmmm, now that you mention it. I’m so tempted to leave you hanging.”
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⤵︎School with him:
📓He is usually the one to wake up his princess. He doesn't like it if you get up first.
📓But you two usually don’t get out of bed super fast because of all of the lazy kisses he keeps planting on your shoulders.
📓And from how much he plays with you in bed it's difficult to just get ready in general.
📓Kanato does help you get ready and makes sure you look pretty too.
📓So he tells you to take a bath and relax and all that but afterwards he’s doing your hair and make-up. 
📓And he’s pretty gentle with all of this.
📓While he’s doing your make-up he sometimes steals a kiss, at least when putting on soft pink eyeshadow since your eyes are closed.
📓Once he’s done giving you soft curls he will place a kiss on your cheek to say he’s finished.
📓I swear he'd put a bow in your hair.
📓In the limo ride you usually rest your head on his shoulder and if you don't he gently puts a hand around your head and has you rest on his shoulder.
📓So either way your head rests on his shoulder.
📓Likes to play with your hand and nails as he holds your hand in the limo ride.
📓However if one of his brothers points out that he's being sweet he will get upset.
📓“My, my, aren’t you sweet Kanato. Your care for her is adorable.” Laito would tease only for Kanato to get upset.
📓“And my patience for you is thin, screw off.” 
📓He likes to kiss you on the cheek as you two are walking to class, or just before you head into a class you don’t have with him.
📓Holds your backpack and usually puts a gift in there or a letter for you to read.
📓Though, he sometimes likes to tease and keep your backpack from you.
📓“Hey, give it.” You’d smile, as he kept keeping it from you.
📓“Follow me then.” He’d smirk.
📓So you may have to run after him for your backpack.
📓“Kanato, give it back. We have to go to class.”
📓Kisses you in the hallway and doesn’t care if it blocks a line.
📓He buys sweets from the cafeteria but tends to eat yours but will share it with you, mouth to mouth of course.
📓Would love it if you made him a lunch box cake.
📓As much as it seems that he’d like you to feed him, he loves to feed you even more.
📓Mostly because he gets the excuse to have you in his lap and be in his arms so he can feed you.
📓He especially loves it if he can get you to blush about the situation and even shy away.
📓No one should dare to hit on you tho. He will give them the biggest death glare while pulling you close to him.
📓Cause we all know how paranoid he is about cheating.
⤵︎Class with him:
📓He likes it when you sit next to him but doesn’t mind if you sit from far because that way he can admire you.
📓However if you set next to him he has a lot more fun.
📓He likes to put his hand on your thigh and rubs it.
📓He even trails up your skirt to have his hand in between your legs which causes you to give him a look.
📓When this happens he usually just whispers things into your ear.
📓“I’ll have you begging later.”
📓He would try to suck your blood in class between you and remind you that he can’t do that. And he gets a little annoyed.
📓If someone is staring at you in class he won’t hesitate to call them out.
📓He is like your bodyguard.
📓He sometimes messes with your hair since you two sit in the back row of class.
📓Especially if you have ribbons in your hair he likes to pull on them.
📓He also likes to put things in your backpack, usually notes about how you look pretty.
📓He really just observes you and gets lost in doing it.
📓If he is sitting next to you and the teacher is busy, he steals a kiss from you.
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓He literally might make you study in a cemetery.
📓Wants raspberry pudding or he cannot concentrate. Period.
📓He’s not that great with grades so you probably help him.
📓Although when it comes to a language like Italian or some other romance languages, he can be helpful.
📓Since he had a spell in Italian I’m now thinking he might know the language soooo….
📓Yeah, this would be his strong suit and he’d be helpful but also teasing.
📓“You know, one phrase people use is ‘dammi un bacio.’ Go on, try it say it now.” He’d say, acting sincere.
📓“. . . uh . . . dammi un bacio?”
📓“You’re a really needy girl, Y/n. Well, if that’s what you want then.” He’d smirk.
📓”“Huh? wait--” You cupping your face with his hands and pulling you in for a kiss.
📓You’d push him off in shock and utter embarrassment, “You tricked me!” You’d pout, making him laugh.
📓He’d push strands of hair away from your face as you’re reading and then kiss you.
📓If he gets really in the mood he will bite your lips.
📓And you’ll get him going if you have your hands on his chest or shoulder.
📓He can be very distracting, he sometimes licks your ear.
📓May try to initiate sex if you two are somewhere peaceful and he wants to do something.
📓Seriously this gremlin has sex a lot and it’s just so surprising.
📓He usually isn’t able to concentrate but if you can he loves to disrupt your focus by telling you what you’re like in bed.
📓I know this seems out of character but after he had sex with Yui, he was talking to her about what she was like and what she did. So I think he’d use this to his own advantage.
📓I could see him shamelessly saying this stuff to you.
📓“You always make such soft sounds.”
📓“Stop! I’m trying to study.”
📓“Stop studying and do something with me.”
📓“I can’t!”
📓A few minutes later he’d just try again, “Your expressions were so cute last time--”
📓“Quit it! It’s gross.”
📓“You know when you try to lie it's cute.”
📓“I’m not.”
📓While studying he sometimes gives you gifts. He once gifted you a small teddy bear keychain.
📓When he reads he has reading glasses so you will witness a rare sight with this.
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⤵︎School with him:
📓Gosh you two are always late to school.
📓You sometimes miss school too because he ditches and wants you to tag along.
📓He has tried to make you tie his shoe but you tell him he can do it himself.
📓You’ve offered to help him tie his tie, but he says he likes the way he keeps it.
📓If you can’t open your locker and he can, he feels like such a man.
📓But would be butt hurt if you ended up learning how because he doesn’t have an excuse to tease you about how to use a lock.
📓You’re probably a cheerleader for the school and he brags about you all the time.
📓He always wants you to come to his practice tho.
📓And he loves watching you cheer. 
📓It literally distracts him from the game, and sometimes his own teammates yell at him in the middle of a game.
📓And it’s just really funny, he’d probably even run into a pole because he’s so distracted.
📓He sometimes tells you to wait until everyone is done in the locker room so you two can make out.
📓He is very shameless about PDA and holds your hand when you two are walking in the hall.
📓He literally plays tag with you during track.
📓He also likes watching you stretch before running.
📓Ties your shoes.
📓Likes watching you do sports.
📓Ayato gets in fights at school and you do get mad at him.
📓He will teach you how to play basketball if you don’t know how and loves messing around.
📓Ayato will put his hands on your waist when he’s trying to teach you how to shoot the ball.
📓Has made you win sometimes.
📓He occasionally stares at you and doesn't even realize it.
⤵︎Class with him:
📓Pretty obnoxious, especially with his friends.
📓Insists that you’re his partner and would tell the teacher he wants it to be changed if you two are not partners for a certain project.
📓In cooking class he has you do everything.
📓All he does is eat.
📓He depends on you for answers to any quiz, test, exam or homework assignment. 
📓“Psst, what’s the answer?” He’d whisper.
📓“Ayato, figure it out.” You’d say hushing him to not cheat.
📓Will ask a teacher if another teacher is chill.
📓He is very loud and tries to troll the teacher in class, especially if he can derail them and homework ends up getting canceled.
📓He embarrasses you by being so obnoxious so you sometimes pretend you don’t know him.
📓Is competitive with you in p.e..
📓Tells other guys that they can’t sit next to you cause the seat is taken.
📓He makes you get into detention.
📓He eats candy in class and tries to offer you some but you tell him to put it away.
📓Will laugh if you fall asleep in class or in study hall.
📓And with this, he will even poke your face or possibly draw on your face.
📓And then you will be so mad.
📓He has a secret handshake with you it looks like this. 
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓It’s just so chaotic.
📓He brings snacks and gets food on the homework.
📓He plays with your hair.
📓And with your bra strap if it’s showing.
📓He will poke your boob if you’re stretching and you get so upset with him.
📓Because he is taller he tries to look down your shirt and see your boobs if he can.
📓When you get really focused he likes to poke your face.
📓And always leans back in his chair.
📓Just be aware he is really dumb and so you will be tutoring him.
📓Oh gosh and if you wear glasses he takes them away and you have to chase him to get them back.
📓Or worse, he teases you about looking like his brother Reiji if you wear glasses.
📓”That’s insulting!” You’d say.
📓He sometimes calls Reiji for help because he doesn’t know what to do.
📓However most times he tries to figure things out with you.
📓He makes the excuse to go on break all the time.
📓Is usually bugging you to spending time with him and ditch studying or to give him your blood.
📓“C’mon, do something for Ore-samma at least.” He’d whine.
📓“No oreo, I’m busy.” You’d answer, trying to read still.
📓“Fine, I’m taking the book away then.” He’d say snatching you textbook from you.
📓“Ayato, stop! I need that.”
📓“Then come chase me for it.” He’d grin.
📓“Ayato I’m not chasing you for a textbook.” You’d cross your arms, glaring at him.
📓“Aww too bad then.”
📓“Fine, then no kisses for you.” You’d state.
📓“Whatever.” He’d brush it off, thinking it wasn’t the worst.
📓“And no boob grab.” You’d say, finally getting him to lower his guard down with the book in his hand.
📓“Hey, hold on a sec--” 
📓“Hah! I got it.” You’d shout, snatching the book away.
📓“Wha--hey, c’mere you little-” He’d grin, tackling you to the floor just to tickle you.
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⤵︎School with him:
📓You constantly tell him you have school and he tells you five more minutes each time.
📓At some point he even tells you to go on your own.
📓You of course try to pull him out of his coffin but he is so heavy.
📓This gives him the excuse to pull you in instead.
📓“C’mon Subaru, we have to go to sch---Ahh!” You’d shriek by his hand pulling you into his coffin.
📓“Shut up, and forget school.”
📓It’s usually pretty awkward considering how your body is pushed up against his.
📓So this always gives him the excuse to grab your ass.
📓Sometimes he gets up on his own but it’s pretty rare.
📓Usually you’ll have try to get him out of bed.
📓You’ve thrown water on him before and he’s gotten mad.
📓It’s rare but sometimes you tell him you’re going to shower and for some reason he has the energy to get up because he wants to join you.
📓Tries to be in the room when you change.
📓And will hide your skirt from you.
📓”Subaru I can’t find my skirt.” You’d say, looking around the room.
📓He’d shrug with a grin on his face, “Guess you’re gonna have to go without it.”
📓Being fed up with him, you’d say, “Find. Then give me your pants.”
📓He holds your skirt up high from you so you’re unable to reach it.
📓“Give it back, I have to get dressed.” You’d explain being in only your blouse and underwear.
📓“Then take it.” He’d grin, holding it out to you only to take it back.
📓You’d roll your eyes at him only for him to add, “Wait. First, turn around.” He’d smirk.
📓“No! I need to go to school.”
📓“Alright then, good luck getting this back.”
📓“Ugh fine,” you’d say turning around as he approached the back of you, “Now give it back.”
📓“Okay, here.” He’d grin playing with the seam of your underwear that rests on your ass only to pull it back and have it slap against your skin.
📓You two usually take the limo and are pretty quiet but he sometimes listens to music and gives you the other earbud.
📓He tries to make excuses to have you sit in his lap.
📓When you get up from a seat he has a habit of pulling your skirt.
📓One time he ripped your skirt, he says it was on accident but you can’t believe him.
📓You were so mad at him that day.
📓And he just took advantage of that by teasing you.
📓“Heh, bet you were hoping I’d rip it more.” He’d smirk.
📓“Shut up!” You’d shout.
📓“I could just rip your shirt and make it even.” He’d add.
📓“Quit it!”
📓He sometimes carries your bag for you but makes fun of the charms you have on it.
📓“Tch, thought only kids had these.”
📓“Shows how old you are.” You’d tease.
📓“Watch it.”
📓If you did your hair, he’s going to mess it up. Like if you put a ribbon in it, he’s going to pull it out.
📓He walks with you at school but never really hand in hand. 
📓He prefers you walk beside him but you sometimes hug one of his arms.
📓Just to annoy him.
📓But he also likes to walk with his arm around your waist or with a hand on your ass.
📓His locker is far away from yours but he comes by and will make fun of your locker if it looks cute or has girly things in it.
📓It would secretly warm his heart/get him cocky if you have a photo of you two in your locker.
📓Likes towering over you and corning you against the lockers.
📓Literally blocks your way to class in the hall cause he’s that annoying.
📓Will fight a guy if he’s hitting on you.
📓He sometimes walks home and doesn’t wait for you.
📓Subaru walks so fast it’s unfair.
📓Literally makes fun of you for being slow and says he’ll suck your blood if you’re too slow.
📓“Not my fault you can’t keep up.”
📓“You have long legs, asshole.”
📓”Heh, and yours are easily opened.”
📓”Shut up!” You’d say playfully hitting him, leaving him to laugh.
📓While walking home, he might even try to ditch you and sneak up behind and give you a scare just to piss you off.
📓If on the way back home there’s a shopping square and you wanna stop by for a while, he’s a little annoyed but doesn’t mind it too much.
📓You make him carry the bags lmao and he can’t help but complain.
📓“I thought we were going home.”
📓“Well yeah, but you’re also gonna play bellhop along the way.”
⤵︎Class with him:
📓He likes to kick your seat and tug at your hair just to annoy you.
📓He stares at you from behind.
📓Subaru is the kind of guy who will stare at you in class but then will look away when you look.
📓He’s literally so annoying he “accidentally” drops his pencil and knows you’ll pick it up.
📓This is all just for him to get a view of your ass
📓In P.E. he watches you stretch or practice dance.
📓And if he’s your partner he makes a lot of comments while he’s helping you stretch.
📓“You know this position makes you look really vulnerable.”
📓”Shut up!”
📓Sometimes during P.E. he likes to mess around and pick you up.
📓“Stop put me down!”
📓He’d literally drop you or act like he would but then he’d stop you from getting hurt.
📓He won’t admit it but he likes giving you a piggyback ride when you walk back home.
📓And he’ll tell you you’re heavy just to make you upset.
📓Calls you pipsqueak if you’re a lot shorter than him and you argue with him.
📓Honestly whenever your mad at him he loves calling you that.
📓He’ll even say it in the hall with other people around, “C’mon pipsqueak, I didn’t mean it.”
📓“Don’t call me that.” You’d frown, walking to your other class.
📓Sometimes he tries to ditch you to make you upset but you usually just find it as a way to do some girl stuff you haven’t been able to do.
📓He passes you notes in class and it usually annoys you or makes you blush.
📓They say things like, “nice ass” or “what color is your bra?”
📓Likes it when the teacher calls you out because after class he can say that you were being a bad girl.
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓Hides your textbook or pencil to keep you from studying.
📓He tells you the only way you’ll get it is through staying over for the night.
📓Always tries to sneak a hand up your skirt and rub your thigh.
📓He especially likes it if you bend down or if you're trying to get a book from a high shelf because he can lift your skirt up.
📓If you’re wearing a low-cut top and you stretch across the table to get something he will just admire the view.
📓He’d literally try to aim his eraser in between your boobs.
📓When you’re reading he likes to come behind you and grope your boobs just to catch you off guard.
📓When you’re trying to write stuff on your paper he likes to pepper your face and neck with kisses, especially if you're ticklish.
📓Literally loves it if you’re ticklish and will poke your sides all the time when you’re trying to figure something out.
📓He will fake yawn when you’re explaining just to get you to glare at him.
📓You doodle on your page and he makes fun of you.
📓“Aww, are you drawing me?” He’d tease.
📓If you are working on the whiteboard or blackboard he can be so annoying so you sometimes write things on the board as a response to him.
📓Hence the photo in the mood board.
📓And he just laughs.
📓When he knows the answer and you don’t he tries to confuse you.
📓You two don’t really get to study.
📓If you bring or make snacks he just steals them from you.
📓He copies your answers since he doesn’t really care.
Tumblr media
⤵︎School with him:
📓You two are late more than half of the time.
📓And he will blame you and you just glare at him.
📓He wants you to make him lunch and you sometimes do.
But if he makes you mad, you end up making it inedible. Just depends on how mad you are and what he did.
📓Although it is pretty rare you usually tell him to order some from the cafeteria.
📓Ties your shoes, he likes doing it for some reason.
📓Likes listening to some albums with you in the car.
📓And he’ll definitely change the song that you like on purpose.
📓You take his blazer sometimes when you’re cold.
📓He likes to skateboard to school and so you are either learning how to skateboard or you already know how.
📓Would laugh so hard if you fell though. Like, he’d be a total ass about it.
📓And if by chance he caught it on film, he’s fuckin’ posting it.
📓Oh no, dude. He sucks.
📓Because he’s on his smartphone a lot he likes to take videos during your walks and so you’re on his vlogs a lot.
📓“Hey babe, say hi to everyone.”
📓You’d just roll your eyes at him and being fed up with his bs.
📓Likes to ditch school and pressures you to go with him to the skate park or arcade in town.
📓He is always on his phone though and he definitely likes to take photos of the two of you.
📓If you’re mad at him and you walk by him in the hall he will randomly smack your ass to get your attention.
📓“You know I’m still mad at you!”
📓“What? I thought you were over it.”
📓Tries to grab your ass when you two are sitting on a bench.
📓Complains that he hasn’t seen then you in a while but it’s only been an hour since last period.
📓“I haven’t seen you in a while.” He’d whine, giving you a kiss.
📓“Kino, I saw you an hour ago.”
📓Follows you around, even in the girl’s bathroom.
📓“Uh ladies' room, Kino.”
📓He makes out with you to make you late to class.
📓Being his girlfriend means you will be in the principal’s office often.
📓And you usually have to bail him out, but sometimes he gets you in trouble.
📓He takes the blame but he sometimes blames it on you.
📓Like one time the principal caught you two making out in the hall when class was in session and Kino just blamed you.
📓“Sir, it’s all her fault. She was all over me, I couldn’t stop her. I didn’t think it was right to put my hands on a girl either.”
📓You’re honestly so embarrassed you can’t even look at him when he was the one who started it. In fact, you're upset but the principal knows that this is just Kino being an idiot and you’re innocent.
📓In the cafeteria if you guys have some food that he doesn’t like he will rub it on your cheek or nose.
📓Only shares his guava juice with you.
📓Would fling your tray across the room if he saw that the cafeteria was serving sausages.
📓“Kino, that was my food.”
📓“It doesn’t matter, just have my bread.”
📓Gets into food fights with Ayato and they get you involved which is one of the reasons why you get into trouble.
📓If Ayato doesn’t have a girlfriend, Kino likes to piss him off by kissing you in front of him.
⤵︎Class with him:
📓Always gets you in trouble.
📓Makes sure you both get into detention.
📓Plays with your hair.
📓“Stop it.” You’d turn around to slap his hand away.
📓when the teacher hands back tests and he gets a higher score he is very annoying about it.
📓I mean he gets so in your face about it that if you have food nearby you’ll throw it at him.
📓If he’s sitting next to you in class and the desks keep you two very close he tries to touch your ass.
📓While you are focused in class he will carefully untie your shoelaces and have you trip once you get up.
📓This way he has the excuse to catch you and say, “See? What would you do without me?”
📓Other times he’ll have you fall and then help you up.
📓If you’re in class and he’s not there he approaches the window and makes funny faces to try to get you to laugh.
📓He will sometimes mouth perverted things and you flip him off.
📓And it's all fun and games till the teacher asks what’s going on.
📓The teacher does separate you two often because Kino is so annoying that you get distracted and he will continue to pester you even if you’re far away, he will just text you in that case.
📓He literally spams and sexts you too much.
📓If the teacher catches on he makes the excuse that he can’t think without you.
📓“But you don’t understand, I can’t focus without her.”
📓And this just causes you to bury your face in embarrassment.
📓 Afterwards you won’t talk to him when you get out of class.
📓If you have extra curricular activities he will be there to embarrass you.
⤵︎Studying with him:
📓Super obnoxious, rather than studying he’s making vines or scrolling through TikTok.
📓And he tries to include you in them.
📓“Babe, come over here and try this dance with me.”
📓“Kino, seriously?”
📓“C’mon it’ll be fun.” He’d say, hoping to convince you.
📓The only way to get him to study is through putting consequences if he gets the answer wrong.
📓And they have to be sexual to have him get interested.
📓“Ah man, this stuff is lame.”
📓“Yeah, well what if I told you that for every right answer you can do whatever you want?”
📓“So you’re like applying a game to it? Alright, that’s kinda sick, so whenever you make a mistake I get to punish you.”
📓“I didn’t say it was sexual.”
📓“It is now.”
📓He sometimes reads porn magzines instead of studying and you are so annoyed.
📓“Man, I didn’t know you could do this. Hey, take look a this.” He’d say, handing the book to you.
📓“No!” You’d argue, pushing the it away.
📓“What? It’s interesting. C’mon you should really take a look at this.”
📓“No Kino. Gosh, I regret telling you to study. Just play a game.”
📓“But I wanna play with you.”
📓 “Kino!”
📓He honestly can never be silent either, he always wants to talk.
📓Overall, you really can’t study with him.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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c-ptsdrecovery · 10 months
I've been meaning to make this post for months, but I'm lazy :P
This year, I got diagnosed with bipolar 2, and going on mood stabilizers has been LIFE-CHANGING. (In the way they always told me going on antidepressants would be, only it wasn't.) I have discovered that I had a lot of (common) misconceptions about what bipolar disorder was like, which was why I struggled for at least 15 years with it and didn't get diagnosed until now. So I wanted to share a little bit about what I've learned about what bipolar disorder is REALLY like, in the hopes that other people in the same boat as me might recognize their own symptoms.
Disclaimers: I am not a mental health professional or an expert in bipolar disorder, and this is drawn from my personal experiences, which may be different from what another person with bipolar experiences.
--There are different levels of depression and of mania. Low mania, for instance, is called hypomania. While people with Bipolar 1 experience a range of emotions from mania to depression, people with Bipolar 2 experience mostly depression with occasional hypomania.
--People have a very extreme and stereotyped idea of what mania looks like, so it can be harder to recognize hypomania in particular. Things that mania/hypomania can look like:
constant fidgeting
huge excitement or joy
intense creativity
intense sensory experience (colors are brighter, handsoap smells AMAZING, etc)
less inhibited behavior
more spending
more risky behavior
feeling like you're finally yourself for the first time in years
--You will notice in that list that manic doesn't just mean happy. Mania is a high-energy state. That can mean high-energy happiness, high-energy anger, high-energy anxiety, etc. Depression is the low-energy side of the equation.
--You don't have to be JUST manic or JUST depressed. It's very common to have "mixed episodes" where you are both at one time. I was diagnosed years ago with "anxiety and depression"--and it turns out that that was probably actually a bipolar mixed state. A lot of people with classic depression talk about having no energy, having trouble getting out of bed, etc, but I always had the kind of depression where I felt despairing but also high-energy. I was restless and anxious--and sometimes had bursts of happiness and enjoyment in the middle and then went back to being depressed again.
--Bipolar can feel like mood swings. Your moods are intense and they can change quickly. I have had a psychiatrist tell me that you know it's bipolar when your mood changes for no reason. This may be true for some people, but for me, I could almost always attribute my mood change to SOMETHING. "I feel bad because of that thing somebody said to me" or "I feel bad because I'm lonely" or "I feel anxious because my stomach is upset". So that wasn't a helpful indicator for me, but the presence of the mood swings was. Some people also try to say that you have to be in a manic or depressive state for a certain number of days in order to qualify as bipolar--but if you're having mixed episodes like I was, all bets are off as to how long a mood is going to last.
--It's very common for people with bipolar disorder to have sleep problems: sleeping too much, sleeping too little, or both. I go right to sleep at bedtime, but then I wake up in the middle of the night, lie awake for an hour, and then go back to sleep. I have done this regularly for literally 15 years.
--A really good sign of having bipolar disorder is if trying a new antidepressant makes you manic/hypomanic. This doesn't always happen to people with bipolar disorder trying an antidepressant, but it certainly can.
My experience with antidepressants is that sometimes they seemed to work a bit for awhile, but in the long run, they really didn't work. One antidepressant that I tried made me FURIOUSLY ANGRY, so much so that it scared me and I had to get off the med after a week (the rage was a hypomanic state). One antidepressant that I tried made me so unbearably anxious that I took it ONCE and never again (that anxiety was also a hypomanic state). I took an antidepressant once that worked PERFECTLY for two months, and then suddenly stopped, and never worked again (happy hypomania, mood-swinging back to depressed again). What finally tipped us off that my problem was bipolar disorder was when I tried a new antidepressant and it made me feel AMAZING and then it wore off and I got super-depressed again... and then we raised the dose and I felt AMAZING and then it wore off, and... Meanwhile, I was happier than I had ever been before, I started a new hobby of collecting bonkers earrings, I started dressing in eye-burning rainbow colors, I was far more confident than I had ever been, I spent more (not way too much, but more) than usual... That is the kind of hypomanic/manic state that most people recognize as such, which is how I finally got diagnosed.
I will add on tomorrow or so with some stories about episodes that I recognize in retrospect were from my bipolar disorder, but I don't want to make this post longer than it already is! I will just add: If any of this sounds like you, I strongly encourage you to talk to a doctor about trying mood stabilizers. Maybe they won't do anything for you--but then at least you'll KNOW. I have a sneaking suspicion that just like C-PTSD is wildly underdiagnosed, bipolar disorder probably is, too.
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cyb-rdva · 11 months
A Night To Remember
A. Karma × Eepy! Reader
╰┈➤ You and Karma hangs out in his place to game until you suddenly felt a bit Eepy, and so you both went to bed [His bed]. It was supposed to just be simple sleep-over, that was, until he realized something after you clung onto him.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : A Night To Remember — beabadoobee ft. Laufey
╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗
“Underneath the sheets, You Enchanted Me”
╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝
It was already past 11 p.m.
Attempting to be sleepless in a school night wasn't very much of an ideal plan, unfortunately the peaceful night still left them sleepless, for karma that is.
He was pretty much falling aswell when he felt something warm wrap in his upper abdomen, it shook him awake, he looked around the room to see what was clinging onto him, much to his surprise, it was you who had wrapped your limb on his torso.
A seemingly innocent movement such as this had left him flustered, very flustered if I may add.
You've done this before countless of times considering how clingy you get unconsciously, but this was the first time he's been flustered by this act of yours.
Thank god you were asleep, or else he wouldn't be able to hide his reddened face
It doesn't help that when he looked at you, you suddenly looked so pretty [Gender-Neutral wise], like what the heck? When did you look like that?
— Damian and Anya Moment —
As the night went on he slowly gets used to the feeling of your warmth, but it seemed that the sleeping version of you likes to fluster him so badly, you tossed and turned on your sleep until your head finds its way to his chest, pressing your forehead in it for warmth and your arms compressed in your chest
"Since when did you get this clingy when asleep?" he asks in a whisper, he stopped resisting himself and wrapped his arms around you to shield you, and you pressed forward.
His mind was full of thoughts as he simply stared at the blank space in his wall, oh boy, he isn't gonna be sleeping anytime soon.
And ooh boy, it was definitely gonna be a night for him to remember because it was the night tha he finally realizes how much you've enchanted him.
The sunlight shook you awake, around 7 a.m. in the morning
You didn't have any blanket on yet it was warm, really warm, like comfortably warm.
You looked attempt to feel at the wall that you were pressed onto which you received a groan as a response, you looked up and in surprise, you were met by a sleeping face of the redhead
He looked much more calmer and more cuter, more skrunkly, more silly.
You stare.
That's it, you just stare.
"if you like staring at my face so much, might aswell take a picture."
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Next Song
╰┈➤ ×××?
A Letter From the Author
— Dear Reader,
How have you been? It has been a while since I've last posted something and I decided that I shouldn't desert you for a long time and so I've finally rose from the dead.
There's been a few cobwebs here and there, the well's been all dry and mossy, hope you'd hang around while I clean up and polish the place up :>
Anyways, did you like my present? It's not much but it's all I could manage to make, hope it wasn't too shabby for your liking.
Sincerely Yours,
Check out Beabadoobee and Laufey's Collab Song!
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junipernight · 22 days
I'm really curious about the "Yangchen fanfic I'd like to see" :) may all your WIPs eventually come to fruition to your liking! 🩵💛
That's my general brainstorm document! There are lots of little snippets that might become their own stories, but I think most of them are coalescing into two bigger stories. One of the stories exists to fill in the gaps in LoY—it's about the things that must have happened at some point, off-page—while the other takes place immediately after the books and is a sea-faring, secret-sharing, found-family-forming voyage called Accompaniment.
I've already shared an excerpt from Accompaniment, so here's an excerpt from Untitled Gap-Filling Story: _________________________________________________________
It wasn’t necessary to cover their tracks; she had no real connection to the apothecary they’d used for their plan, it had simply been conveniently closed for the week.
Yangchen was tired, and Kavik was limping. They walked only as far as the nearest thoroughfare before hailing the first cab that passed.
The cab driver looked weary of picking up the two teenagers—one covered in dust and dirt, and the other in blood—but his ostrich horses took a keen interest in Yangchen, nuzzling their beaks into Yangchen’s hair. The two clambered into the seat before the driver could get away.
When she got back to her official lodgings in the mansion, Yangchen briefly debated taking a long, hot bath, but in the end, her exhaustion outweighed all else. She pulled off her outer robes, washed her face and hands in the wash basin in the corner of the room, and was about to climb into the bed when she noticed that Kavik was still in the room with her. 
She sighed. She would deal with this one final thing, whatever it was, and then she could sleep. 
“What is it?”
“Is it alright if I keep watch tonight?” He asked.
“Do you think Kalyaan would give up his chance to escape to safety with his family?”
Kavik winced at her phrasing, but answered without hesitation.
“No, I don’t think he would. But that doesn’t mean someone else from Chaisee’s association won’t try something.”
Yangchen shrugged. “If it makes you feel better,” she said through a yawn.
“It would.”
“Okay then. Good night.” She crawled into bed, and was asleep before her head hit the pillows.


Yangchen awoke to early morning sunlight streaming over her face. The light was dappled, broken up by the latticework screen that shielded the bed from the rest of the room, offering privacy from any watchful eyes that might wait in the room beyond. She turned her head away from the offending light, and nuzzled into the pillows.
Suddenly she leapt out of bed. “Flying hog monkeys, I forgot to heal you!!!” she cried.
Kavik was still sitting at the desk where he’d spent their first night in Taku, and he was still very much awake.
“Good morning to you too,” Kavik grunted in pain. Or possibly amusement. He was wearing his usual cocky smirk, although today it looked more like a grimace.
“Lie on the bed,” she ordered.
“Wow, are you this forward with all of your pretend lovers?” He joked, but he must have been genuinely suffering, because he did as he was told and gingerly got on the mattress. Then he sat there, and stared at her expectantly.
Yangchen cleared her throat. “You’re going to have to take off your tunic,” she said.
“Yeah, I know, but I wasn’t going to until you said something.” 
“It’d be weird! Do you mind turning around?”
Yangchen made an exasperated sound, and turned away. Behind her she heard the soft rustling of clothes, and then a tiny gasp of pain.
She turned around in time to catch him as he struggled to lay down on his own.
Her experienced healer's eyes took in the bruises(minor), the ribs (all in their correct places), and the stab wound in his side (previously and inexpertly treated, but in need of a fresh bandage).
She drew clean water out of a pitcher on the nightstand and held it suspended overhead with one hand while she undid the gauze wrappings.
Kavik sucked in a breath when the cold water touched his skin. Yangchen’s hands remained steady, passing back and forth as she ran through the diagnostic tests. The puncture wound was neat; Jujinta had managed to create a wound that looked bad, but avoided all organs and arteries. He was that good with a blade. She preferred not to think about how he must have acquired the skill.
Kavik relaxed once the water began to glow. She pushed and pulled the water in and around him, redirecting energy pathways, unblocking qi, weaving tissue back together.
“The knife cut through your abdominal muscles,” she said. “I won’t be able to heal you in one sitting. You should avoid lifting anything heavy for a while.”
They were both quiet for a while. The only sound was the swish of water bending, and Kavik’s labored breathing.
“Bandages,” Yangchen muttered to herself. “I need fresh bandages.”
“There’s some in my kuspuk,” said Kavik. “I grabbed extra from the apothecary.”
Yangchen transferred the bloody water back into the pitcher, and went to rummage through the pocket of his kuspuk. Her hands brushed past a few coins, a pocket knife, and a pencil, before closing around a roll of cloth.
That’s when someone knocked at the door.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
would there be any way the staff!reader could stay overnight in the gallery safely? without being turned into an art piece so everyone doesnt have to worry about losing them? maybe this reader, somehow hired to take care of and maintain everyone in the gallery, doesn't really have anywhere to go home to...?
honestly? i'd feel very protected if i had to sleep in an art gallery full of art + director that love and cherish me. after i get used to them being alive first–
BTW i hope you are safe, happy, stress-free, are eating well and drinking lots of water! have an amazing day whether you choose to answer this or not!! :D
Well, as long as you manage to make it clear that you'll never leave them, the gallery won't have to resort to turning you into a painting. I imagine living there would be the best way to do so actually. The topic will most likely come up again as you age or if you get seriously injured, but for the time they would be content with the arrangement and (somehow) work together to make sure you're given the same care that you've given them.
"Is Y/n comfortable?"
The question's accompanied by light snickering as the hands at work complete their mission. You wrestle against your binds, but their softness and the persisting presence of hands pinning to the mat as well as combing through your hair makes you still. You accept defeat physically - but you're not down for the count yet.
"Scavenger, I really appreciate your effort, but I need to check on the other floors before I get some rest."
The Scavenger only laughs more, yet there's a notable difference to its tone. While clocking out for the night and tending to the rest of your duties off-shift, you were ambushed by the painting and dragged back to the storage closet you slept in. Your own bedding had already been laid out; added onto by the various blankets, foods, and other comforts they had stolen for you. The Scavenger used said blankets to swaddle you in and has been trying for the past half hour to get you to fall asleep. It hushes you with a finger to your lips.
"Shhhh. Quiet. There are new rules to follow. New rules to keep Y/n safe. Once their shift is over, it's our turn to take care of them. Might get sick otherwise."
The Scavenger runs its blackened fingers across the dark circles under your eyes to prove their point. As you prepare your rebuttal, the storage room door opens. Your stomach drops seeing who walks in.
The Lady in White. Red clings to the tails of her dress like haunts of her crimes and a knife welt in her hand. Crimson decorates the blade, but it's not blood. On further investigation, its revealed to the remaining skin of the item resting on the plate in her opposite hand. Her face scrunches up in disgust as she looks at all the processed foods around you.
"Please, stop feeding my darling garbage. I've left them in your company because I believe its for the best for us all, but I am not afraid to cut you all down if I must."
She places a plate of apple slices on the floor. "The Rose has been growing these for you. It's not much, but its food. If I had the right ingredients, I'm sure I can make a proper dish with them. Use this to buy them for me, and whatever else you may need."
She sets a wallet beside the plate. At least she tried to scrape off the blood the time. As soon as she takes her leave, another member of the gallery enters the room. Two in fact. The Painter, and a newer addition to the team, Soleil. The living clock had a habit of leaving its parts about for you to find, but seemed to be in working condition as it cocks its head at you quizzically. Its companion stares down the halls with a worried expression; shocked when they look over at you.
"Oh, dear. You're still awake, Poppy? That's no good- no good at all. I came all the way from my workshop to capture your-... I mean, check on you before the Angel stopped by to play guard."
"I told you they'd be up. They're always up at this hour no matter how often I tell them the time."
"Quiet, you overgrown alarm clock. We need to let them get their rest."
Then wh..y aren't you?
Soleil jumps at the new voice, while The Painter merely slacks their shoulders. No hope in getting that perfect picture now. The Faceless Angel stands behind the duo. They have gotten better with speech since they first lost their face. Slurred, their deep and raspy voice is much clearer now with only the smallest hiccups when they speak for long. Singing and talk to you while you winded down for the night help their progress immensely. In their hands, they hold a bright pink rose which yips in excitement the closer it gets to you. The angel puts it next to your bed and takes a seat; acting as your guardian angel for now, and as long as you will allow.
With your alarm clock, guardian, and two slightly bothersome, but still caring paintings - your eyes start to grow heavy. You don't remember when you start to dose off, or how long you actually slept, but the time on Soleil's open chest reads 4am when you're woken by a gentle shake.
"Hey, Y/n. Sorry for waking you, but I lost my house keys. Can I sleep next to you?"
You mumble a reply your coworker takes as a yes. Anri snuggles up beside you, careful not to touch you aside from placing a hand over your arm. You'd save wondering how they got their hands on a new uniform in the morning.
With the gallery's residents returned back to place, the director shuts the storage room door with a prayer of pleasant dreams. It feels so good to know that you're home.
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
Donnie and Leo are streaming together, but Leo is playing the game. Their masks with lightly glowing stars, models are in matching starry hoodies, black legging shorts that showed off their leg marking, and leg wraps/socks.
Leo is replaying Skyrim w/DLC,(not the new update) but without any mods. Because there was an issue with something in their modded game, and Donnie couldn't tell if it was a mod, or a base game w/DLC. They bought a version of the game that had the DLC pre installed into the game, and they already know base game is held together with ductape and the Will of the Devine Beings.
Leo was messing with the character customization, "All these options, but the only thing I can make Blue is my Eyes! I miss the Terrapin mod already. Well can't do much more, now what do I name my Argonian?" Leo rambles on engaging with chat while Donnie is looking over the active running code in real time with his laptop.
"Let's Go, Lord Scaly Butt! On through the tutorials, then the place we keep crashing!" Leo shouts almost knocking Donnie over with his enthusiasm.
~~~~A bit of relearning the basics and 1 dead dragon later~~~~
Once they finished with the beginning quests, bought the Whiterun house to drop off the dragon parts, and returned the Golden Claw, Leo started to mess with simple tasks that quickly raise your levels.
"Alright Dee, what requirements are needed to replicate this crash scenario? Also this took over an hour! Did the game always take this long in the beginning?" Leo is once again rambling, looking back and forth between chat and Donnie.
This is causing the audience to wonder what kind of energy drinks or something he had, or what might've been added to his tea/coffee today.
Donnie in the mean time is reading over a list, ignoring his twin while scrolling, "The build according to your last save, you had the light dragon armor, not enchanted, you had finished this list of quest," they lean over to show Leo the list, "and as you can see, a long list of negligible variables that I have already tested out of possible crach sources. And while this may take a long time, I will try to keep you on track."
Leo's eyes go wide at the list as he reads it over, "How long have I been playing on that save! How long is this going to take!?!" He says slowly getting loader.
Donnie just leans away, "Give me a moment, I forgot to cull the quests that are not important to this process." They show the new list, "It might take a few dozen hours, it might not. You will need to fast travel occasionally to the crash point to help narrow down the possible source."
Leo stares at Donnie for a moment thinking over what he just said.
"But wouldn't that also mess up the results, since it might've been a combo of more things, not less?"
Donnie pauses, turns to Leo, then back at his laptop.
"Dee, how long have you been awake?" Leo asks with a look of disappointment.
Donnie was about to make their argument, but then let out a loud, long yawn. They shake their head before looking a bit panicked, "Wait, I'm fine, I've stayed up for longer, plus don't you want to replay Skyrim? And explore, fight dragons, try to complete those glitched quests?!" Donnie rambles, trying to justify his tiredness.
Leo still looked at him with suspicion, but goes back to the game. He is very much not convinced. He just knows is he fights Donnie on this, he might get bit.
The audience is making some jokes about Leo stealing Donnies energy, some are trying to justify Donnies argument, and some kinda want to see Leo force Donnie to go take a nap.
Leo continues to play, chatting with the audience, meanwhile Donnie at some point passed out, and started to let out snores, chuurs, a hiss or two, and some slight growls.
Either way the audience was enjoying themselves.
This was originally just an them replaying without mods, then I remembered how Stupidly Long the beginning of Skyrim is, then I remembered that the Skyrim background music makes me sleepy, thus we end up with the above.
I could not stick to my original plan since I was also replaying the beginning of Skyrim.
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i love your writing SO much <3 i've read EVERYTHING you've written, and every time i see another snippet by you come up on my dash it brightens my day instantly! if you're still open for requests, can i ask for one where the hero decides to keep the villain imprisoned to prrotect the public, but ends up developing feelings for them? tysm!!!
Oh wow this makes me so happy! Thank you for the prompt request :)
“Hey there, bootlicker,” the villain said, their eyes closed.
“How’s it going, criminal?” The hero settled onto the chair just outside the villain’s cell.
On the other side of the glass, the villain laid on their cot perpendicular to the hero. The hero tried not to focus on the sharp outline of their profile.
The villain’s dark hair had gotten long and scraggly, and their clothes were wrinkled. Yet they somehow didn’t come off as messy. Rather, they looked artistic. Misunderstood. Revolutionary.
The paintings the villain had done in captivity helped the image. Canvases awash in vibrant colors were littered all over the floor.
“Do you need more paint?” the hero asked.
“I wouldn’t mind some gouache,” the villain said. “I’ve been thinking I should experiment with a different style.”
The villain’s head rested on their pillow in such a way that their long neck was fully exposed. It looked scandalous. Like they were in an old film about vampires.
The hero was most certainly not thinking about what they’d do if their mouth was on that neck.
“I’ll see what I can do,” the hero said. “Sorry I can’t get you more supplies.”
It hadn’t always been like this. Back when the villain was out there taking hostages and destroying buildings, it had been easy to hate them. And when the hero had first started visiting the villain’s cell, it had mainly been just to check that the city’s greatest menace was still securely confined.
But then the villain had been friendly. They had no one else to talk to, after all. And when they were friendly, they were so very . . .
The villain cracked open an eye and smiled. “Ah, don’t worry about it. The more often I’m missing something, the more often you visit me.”
The hero fought the urge to fidget. Yeah, they were so very that.
“There’s some topside news, again,” the hero said, after clearing their throat. “[Supervillain] and [Vigilante] are dating.”
The villain’s grin widened, and they turned their head a bit to glance at the hero. “Well that’s nice. They deserve – ”
“What is that?”
The villain turned fully to the wall, but not before the hero saw their eyes widen.
The hero stood from their chair. “[Villain], what was that on your face?”
Up until that point, half the villain’s face had been hidden. But before the villain had turned, the hero had thought they’d caught a glimpse of . . .
“[Villain], show me right now.”
The villain chuckled a bit. “I always underestimate you, don’t I darling?”
“[Villain], now. Or I’m coming in there.”
With a beleaguered sigh, the villain rose from their cot and turned around. They stood before the hero with their arms crossed.
An angry cut. A split lip. A sickening purple bruise that snaked all the way from the villain’s jaw to their eyebrow.
“Who did this to you?”
“Consider for a moment that I may have had a reason for not wanting you to know – ”
A surprised expression dashed across the villain’s face, before being suppressed by a smirk. “What, do you love me or something?”
“That wasn’t an answer to my question.”
The villain’s smirk grew. “No, but the look on your face is certainly an answer to mine.”
The hero’s cheeks went hot. “I swear to god, if you – ”
“Don’t you want to know if I reciprocate?”
The villain stalked closer. They grinned. “Don’t you want to know whether or not I stay awake at night thinking about you?”
The hero swallowed. The villain was teasing them. They had to be.
The villain’s grin widened. “Promise to drop this business about my face, and I’ll tell you everything.”
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