#look at the way carlos is saying it. pls. his face. he knows the memes.
leclercskiesahead · 10 months
They made a sequel to their Vai de Shell V Power
from Shell Brasil
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Season 3 Episode 6 Thoughts
WOW this episode was as Ricky put it “heart wrenching”
Like I know he’s been feeling it all season but I’ve been so well fed with the content. This episode I genuinely felt what Ricky felt. That was hard
But before we get too into rina I’ll make some other notes first
Ashlyn feeling the fireworks and pw not??? Oh sorry pw you’re bones but that was so sweet for Ashlyn
I have really enjoyed watching her discover herself and her sexuality this season. I remember season one thinking she was not super straight and so it’s cool really seeing her find her full identity this season (something she stated she had a hard time with). Which is an interesting insight to who she is at EH because she always has loads of clubs she’s in and stuff right? It’s like she could never settle on being one thing because maybe she actually didn’t totally know herself but now she does.
I also appreciate the Maddox and Jet storyline. I was team blue but very happy yellow won. It seemed like a really sweet victory for them and it was nice watching Jet try to restore that relationship
I kind of expected that storyline to resolve this episode so it was interesting seeing that Maddox still doesn’t feel totally resolved. I wonder what else will happen
I’m SO excited for Sebby to come back for prom 🥹 I miss him so much and I’m sure Carlos does too ❤️
The scene of Miss Jenn teaching EJ her directing tips 😭😭 pls it was so funny. When she talked about angrily shoving the papers in the binder. I NEED someone to gif Ej doing that so I can use it as a reaction meme lmao
I also LOVED her referring to herself as mommy or that they were her children, her son, etc. anyone else it is kinda weird but idk it works for her?
Although it didn’t work for Miss Jenn last season when Ricky got mad at her 😶 but I didn’t say that
I also wonder what the Miss Jenn and Mike agenda is? This cruise feels kind of out of left field for their relationship? It doesn’t seem like they were together that long for her to just hop on a boat with someone? But also what happened to Mozzarella Stick? Tbh I’m indifferent as of right now to both couples. I would be happy with her with either guy… I’m just confused because S2 left her relationships sooo up in the air so I’m curious to see if that gets more resolved S4
It was SO healing for my childhood to see Corbin perform again. I am actually sad he didn’t do the wildcats cheer too. It was a nice rina moment that came from it but I’m like 🥺
I also appreciate the implications of Corbin reliving his Disney games days. And then mixing dancing and basketball together after Chad made such a big deal about dance and baseball/basketball not mixing. Just loads of nostalgia 🥲
Carlos kept mentioning something about wanting a dressing room?? And they showed miss Jenn giving a little face that seemed like she was up to something with that? I wonder what that was about? What if she made him his own little dressing room before the rehearsal? 😭 she showed ashlyn how important her part is and she might do the same for Carlos 😭😭 oh that’s cute
Also miss Jenn finding the licorice at some random store was a shout out to the “big summer blowout” in frozen. I love 🥰
I made a separate post about this on my page but I think the pw canoe scene was very on the nose to The Little Mermaid? I kind of think it might be a hint at next seasons musical
I’ve been so-so about the jetney agenda but watching him cheer her on and the parallels of them having stuffed animals + some of the looks have been cute I’m ngl
I kinda got annoyed at Val this episode. She was very… pushy? Like pushy with Kourt, pushy with Ashlyn understanding “who she is”… idk something about this episode rubbed me the wrong way with her
Ok now for the best part RINA
MY SWEET BABIES I MISSED YOU (lmao am I miss Jenn coded??)
The HUG AND HAVING ONE EVERY EPISODE 6. So now they have massive parallels for each 5th and 6th episode of the seasons? Tim you better keep this up for future seasons
But really the hug was so sweet and watching Gina go to him first because she was proud of herself 🥲
ALSO the troyella basketball parallels??? Hello?????? That was so cute. I wanted to see him go behind her and help her shoot.
Also I wanted ricky to be the only one who helped her up after she fell but we can’t always win 😭
Isn’t it interesting that EJ ONCE AGAIN points out to Ricky something he can’t figure out as ginas boyfriend? (Why she hasn’t laughed at his jokes but is laughing at Ricky’s) oof the jealousy is strong in this one
But also Ricky made gina laugh 🥹
Also watching Ricky’s crying was HARD. He hasn’t cried that hard for anything else, including his break up with Nini. (I pointed this out in another post). Like this REALLY affected him
Ngl I was a teeny bit disappointed with that scene in the cabin. I thought that we would get the flashback or even a little more around why Ricky was so upset but jet made things about him then Ricky had an idea and the scene was over. I just feel like the dialogue got cut really short and there could have been even a couple more sentences to make the scene feel a little more whole. I would have LOVED the flashback here too but we can’t always win
I will say though, I’ve had this theory that the characters that the kids are playing not on stage is Ricky being Kristoff and jet being Sven and this scene amplified that. Remember how annoyed in frozen Kristoff got at Sven when he tried to make Kristoff go back to Anna or keep going through the woods with her? Kristoff got snappy. Me thinks Mr Bowen is portraying that same quality
I loved watching Ricky cheer Gina on in all the events 🥹 you can even hear him in the scene where she is rock climbing. It’s just such supportive boyfriend material unlike SOMEONE 🫥👀
Also did you notice when Ej was telling gina all the reasons he needed the show to go perfect she was the LAST reason? It was like he was explaining all of his anxieties and stress and then it was like “oh yeah and you too so I don’t have to stress over that either”. It was just.. yikes
(I still really would love a Kourtney and Ej scene where they talk to each other about the anxieties they’ve been facing)
I would love to see some sort of parallel where Gina feels or hears the words or something about the fireworks when she’s with Ricky. It’s interesting how miss Jenn pointed that out and we clearly saw them with Ashlyn and we also clearly saw how pw waited and waited for them to show. It was very in your face that they wanted these fireworks to happen so badly and they were never going to come. Instead of showing pw watching the fireworks to show they came we just got Ricky crying to the rina cue. I think having some sort of parallel to the fireworks with rina is going to be our way of knowing rina are finally on the same page. Ricky knows his feelings and whatever feelings gina has swallowed or push to the side have resurfaced and she acknowledges them too. Their love will feel like fireworks 🎆
ALSO (someone on Twitter pointed this out can’t remember who so if you know pls comment so they get credit) the scene where ricky takes Ej to gina parallels the scene heavily where Kristoff takes gina to hans. It’s not what he wants but it’s putting the other person first which shows you love someone. (Which I pointed out was a direct quote from frozen)
And sorry not sorry I’m gonna say it: I don’t think Ricky is just crushing on Gina or just likes her. He even made this a point “on accident” last episode. Ricky is IN LOVE with Gina. His feelings are so much deeper than he or others may be willing to admit
Ok friends I’m sure I have more thoughts but it’s 3am so my brain is VERY tired. I will post more throughout the week because it’s going to be tough waiting to get to episode 7 😅
Please send asks talking to me about theories, questions, etc through the week. I would love them! I have one in my inbox right now I’ll get to tomorrow but I’d love to discuss more with ya’ll :)
Ok have a good night! ❤️ rina endgame
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
Character dynamics - Jal, 3, 4, and/or 9 pls
Ps. you're amazing :)
@eileeny Aww, thank you so much, hun! You're very sweet! 🥰💖💖💖
3. What quirks/mannerisms do they consider characteristic of each other?
Jay likes to text Mal random photos of pugs and pekingese and other flat-faced little dogs with the caption "you." She scrunches her nose up at him so much, he just likes to tease her it'll get stuck that way.
Mal's vengeance is in mocking Jay's flirtatious poses. She'll do it behind his back sometimes so he thinks he's successfully made his target giggle only to realize they're looking over his shoulder at Mal, who's waggling her eyebrows and flexing her arms like a demigod.
("Noodle arms," Jay will mutter later, earning a punch to his bicep.)
4. How do they know the other is in a bad mood before they say anything?
Mal knows because Jay will get quiet and serious, no longer smiling or taking shots at her when she teases him. In the worst cases, he'll actually agree with her if she says something like, "You're an idiot."
Back on the Isle, she would have shoved his shoulder and rolled her eyes at his "sulking," telling him he was no fun and she'd see him later when he remembered how to have a good time. (Truth is, she wasn't unaffected by his moods even back then. She'd just go and take it out on the first person who stepped in her path on her way back home.)
In Auradon, it's different. She's learning... not to care, because that's something she's always done, in her own way, but to care openly—
That's new.
So, she'll take Jay's hand and pull him somewhere private, ask him what's wrong, if he wants to talk about it, and who she should kill (that usually gets at least a smile from him, since he knows she's serious; she'd do anything for him, and it's... good he remembers).
9. How do they react to the other not realizing danger (ex: oncoming traffic)?
Mal's long relied on Jay to have her back, but that doesn't mean she doesn't keep an eye on him, in turn. Her senses are beyond that of an ordinary human, so there are things she's bound to notice before him.
Take one night in Auradon when Carlos and Evie are away on a field trip with their science club and it's just Jay and Mal curled up in his bed in the boys' room because they still hate to sleep alone—
Mal sits up suddenly, feeling something in the air that makes the hair on the back of her neck prickle. She feels Jay stir at her movement, but he doesn't wake until she shakes his arm and hisses his name.
"What?" he asks groggily, blinking up into Mal's frown.
"Something's wrong," she mutters.
The rest happens fast.
There's a crack like lightning and a sound like popcorn—only much, much louder—and then the ceiling is open and the walls are caving and two windows have shattered, spraying glass across the bed—
The bed they'll never sleep in again because of the tree that has just come down atop of it like the fist of a giant, quick to make wreckage.
Jay's not sure he's awake, but Mal sure as hell is. She's vibrating with adrenaline as voices start to rise in the hall and someone hits the fire alarm. She looks down at Jay, who she has pinned to the floor. She'd yanked him out of bed and they'd gone stumbling and rolling and...
Evil, it's a blur. Doesn't really matter, anyway. What matters is him.
He's safe, so it's okay, and she'll stop shaking any second now.
Character Dynamics Ask Meme
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