#look at nezuko worried and reaching out for tanjiro but he just tells her not to worry about him and help the others :'D
kuramirocket · 2 years
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pinejayy · 1 year
Hello :) please could I request a oneshot of kyojuro bringing his crush (a hashira and eldest kamado sibling) to meet his family and is surprised to see them getting along so well. Please could it be really fluffy 💙💙
sure thing! I love this idea it’s very cute!!
Sunflower (Kyojuro Rengoku x Raeder)
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“Hey are you okay? You don’t have to go if you’re feeling uncomfortable Sunflower.” Your boyfriend Kyojuro told you, as you were in your room getting ready to meet his family. Rengoku really wanted you to meet his father and younger brother. Since you guys have been seeing each other for a few months, and honestly dating the flame hashira was wonderful, he was sweet towards and he was always so gentle towards you.
"Hey I want to go, you've met my younger brother and sister, so it's only fair." You say, you were the eldest sibling of Tanjiro and Nezuko. "And besides I want to meet you family as well, yes I'm nervous but I have you by my side to help me relax." You say smiling at him, Rengoku was very kind towards you brother and sister, and considering that your younger sister is a demon he still treats her as if she was a human.
"Very well the Sunflower, we must be get going!" He said, in a loud cheerful voice making you giggle. Placing a kiss on his cheek. "Let's go my Sunshine."
And with that Rengoku took you by the hand, placing a small gentle kiss on you hand. "I'll lead the way~."
Soon after you guys made it to a house, he looked at you and smiled. "Are you ready?" He said softly, making you just nod and whisper out a "yes" and with that he opened the door for you. Walking in and with him behind you.
"We are here!" He yelled out. And you saw a little boy come out and he ran towards the both of you, hugging your boyfriend. Kyojuro picked him up and hugged him tightly. "Big Brother! I miss you so much!" He said, looking at you he smiled. "Is this Y/N? They are much pettier in person!"
Making your cheeks turn a light red, smiling. Bowing your head to him. "Yes, and you must be Kyojuro's younger brother. It's very nice to meet you."
Kyojuro put his brother down and the little brother smiled at you. "It's very nice to meet you, I'm Senjuro Rengoku!"
You couldn't but feel a tingle inside of you his brother was very adorable, it was like looking at a mini version of your boyfriend. And as you were about to speak up again you heard a loud voice boom throughout the room. Causing you to jump slightly.
"Oh that must be father.." Senjuro said softly, looking down. And you saw an older looking male. He looked so much like Kyojuro, he walke into the room and laid his eyes on the three of you, as he walked towards you guys and standing in front of the three of you.
"Hello father! Sorry about being late." Kyojuro said, as he smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Father this is Y/N, the person I've been telling you about."
You reached out your hand "It's nice to meet you sir! I'm Y/N." Smiling at his as you held your hand for him.
He just looked at your hand and scoffed. "Food is getting cold, let's eat." He said turning around and walking off to a other room. Leaving you there stunned, putting your hand down you wanted to cry.
"Don't worry about father, he's like that.." Senjuro said softly. "But we should get going." And he walked off leaving you and Kyojuro alone. He looked at you and sighed. His smiled dropped.
"I'm sorry about him Sunflower. But I assure you, he's a very kind man." Grabbing your hand, kissing is gently. "But let's get going, I am very hungry." And you just smile and nod.
As you guys were eating in the kitchen, you really loved the food. It was delicious! As you were eating his father spoke up.
"So how long have you guys been together?"
Making you look up and swallow the food you had in your mouth. Then speaking up "A few months sir, around 4 months." Making him nod and grunt in response
"Hm. And what do you do as a living?" He asked you, making you sigh. Kyojuro placed a hand on your shoulder, you look at him and smile at him. Then looking back at his father.
"Oh I'm in the Demon Slayer corps. You see my family were killed by the Demon King himself and the only people who survived were one of my younger brother's and sister. So it's only the three of us." You began to say and take a deep breath, before speaking up again. "And unfortunately my sister got turned into a demon and my brother and I are doing everything to change her back."
Making his father raise and eyebrow at you. Giving you a look. "A demon? Huh and that thing hasn't tried killing you guys?" He said a bit harshly, making you whimper and Kyojuro took notice in this, grabbing your hand and holding it.
"Yes she is a Demon father, but not like any other Demon. She is different from any other Demon. She's kind and heroic! And she is always willing to help out their love ones out. She's truly a member of the Demon Slayer corps!" Kyojuro said, looking proud.
Making his father laugh. "A Demon as a Demon Slayer! Oh please that's hilarious! That thing is going to kill you guys."
Now normally you were a kind and sweet person but his comment made you snap. "She's NOT! Nezuko is a sweet girl! She would never hurt anyone!" You say, standing up and slamming your hands on the table. You stood there for a few seconds before you realize what happen and immediately you bowed your head down. "I'm truly sorry Sir, I didn't mean it."
You sat down quickly and the three of them looked at you and then his father spoke up. "Huh? You got some guts to speak to me like that, I like that." He said. "If you and my son say she's a good person then I believe you guys."
Making you look at him and smile. "Thank you sir, but again I apologize!"
"Don't. I just hope you get what you want in the end." He said. Giving you a smile.
Making you nod. "I hope so too sir."
And after awhile, the four of you ate peacefully. Kyojuro's father excused himself and that left you, your boyfriend and his brother.
"Wow Father smiled at you! That means he likes you Y/N!" Senjuro smile, making you smile slightly. "And he never smiles at anyone!
"He is right Y/N!" Kyojuro said with a smile. Kissing your cheek slightly. Making you sigh in relief. And after awhile you spent time talking with his brother and he was sweet little boy, it was ashamed that you and your your boyfriend had to leave.
"Are you going to visit us again Y/N?" Senjuro said, looking down. Feeling a little sad that you had to leave. Making you smile, you got into his level and smile. "Of course I'll visit you guys again." You say patting his head, and he smiled and gave you a big hug.
After saying your goodbyes. You and your boyfriend walked out of walked in silence back home and once you guys got there you look at him. "I'm sorry for snapping at your father...I don't know what came over me.."
He cut you off by kissing you on the lips. Pulling away smiling at you. "Don't apologize my little Sunflower." He said, placing a hand on your cheek rubbing it. "My father is a cold man, but I assure you that he likes you."
Making you just nod. "If you say so Sunshine."
He gave you a tight hug and picked you up. Making you gasp out and laugh out loudly. "Come on Sunflower I think it's time for us." He said and began to carry you off to the bedroom.
"I love you Sunshine," You say softly.
And he smiled and as he carried you still he spoke up. "I love you too my Sunflower."
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ironwoman18 · 2 months
What If... Nezuko wasn't a Demon? - Part 1
Disclaimer: Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) and its characters don't belong to me. I just use them to manage my boredom. 
Chapter 1: A cruel world... With a twist
Nezuko had been having a bad feeling since she woke up that day and she doesn't understand this uneasy feeling but something tells her something bad is going to happen.
She was helping her mother dry the clothes close to the fire since there was snow outside and it could freeze their clothes. Meanwhile Tanjiro and her other brother were looking for logs for the fire. Her mother left a couple of minutes ago to finish their lunch so Nezuko was left alone with her thoughts.
After she finished their lunch was ready so the five kids and their mother walked in to eat. The feeling remains even when nothing happens all day. Then Tanjiro spoke “Mom, I will go to the town to sell coal”
“No, please...” she whispered softly and all of them looked at her.
“Nezuko... are you alright?” asked her mother, reaching to touch her older daughter looking so some fever or something physical that explains what was happening with her.
“I...I just have a bad feeling... mom...” her mother smiled kindly at her.
“Tanjiro, do you want her to go with you? I’m sure if she goes she will help you and she will feel better, right darling” Nezuko nodded softly and Tanjiro smiled.
“Of course mom” he said and stood up then pat his sister’s head “let’s go Nezuko”
 Takeo said “Aww... I can’t ever go with my big brother and Nezuko will go first?” he pouted looking at his mother.
“Maybe next time Takeo, ok?” said their mother with her usual kind and sweet voice, the young boy nodded still pouting.
When they were ready, both Kamado siblings left their house and went down the mountain. They were talking and laughing at Takeo, fighting to go with them.
When they arrived to the village, people started to approach Tanjiro asking for his help as usual. Smell this, smell that, help me find something or let my mom clear I didn’t stole her homemade cookies.
Nezuko also helped with some other stuff while her brother was busy, then their usual clients bought them coal until they ran out of it. Tanjiro promised to return tomorrow with more.
The couple of siblings headed back to their home, it was late afternoon so the sun was setting already. Tanjiro and Nezuko passed by a house at the beginning of the mountain.
“Oh Tanjiro, Nezuko. Are you going back home?” They nodded with a kind smile on their faces “I would like to recommend you to not travel by night. It's quite dangerous, there are demons at night”
Tanjiro looked confused and rubbed his head “we will be ok sir”
“Please, I'm begging you...” Said the old man, his eyes seemed to be filled with tears.
Tanjiro looked at Nezuko and she nodded softly then she looked at him “sure, we will stay” the man's face lighted up and let them walk in.
He made them food, prepared two futon beds for them and kept the fire up.
They ate and talked about their day, the man asked about their mother and siblings. They told him about their earlier fight with their other brother and he laughed.
Then they went to sleep. This time Nezuko had a nightmare. She was arriving home the next morning, there was blood around their dining room and her siblings room. Their mother lying on the floor, dead like her other siblings, Tanjiro was next to her crying and looking around with an ax. He kept looking for a bear or a pack of wolves, but there was nothing to be found.
She woke up sweating and screaming. Tanjiro was by her side “oh... Thank God... You weren't waking up and I was getting worried” he hugged her tightly with some tears.
“Tanjiro, we should go back home... I... I want to make sure... Everything is ok...” He nodded. They had a light breakfast because the old man forced them to and left that house.
Nezuko was walking quicker than Tanjiro. He was getting worried but he kept her rhythm. They arrived in record time but the scenes before them weren't the one they were expecting.
Like in her nightmare, her mother was dead on the floor, their siblings were in their room, dead. Blood everywhere and none of them were alive. Tanjiro was desperately looking for an animal but there wasn't any, not even a blood tray to look for.
Nezuko started to cry out loud, making Tanjiro run back with her and hugged her. They were crying when a young man in his nineteens arrived. He was wearing black clothes covered by a two-sided haori, one half was dark red and the other had a green and yellow pattern of triangles.
He walked to them, placed his knees on the snow and his cold eyes softened at them “hey... I'm Giyuu Tomioka. I...I'm a demon slayer...” He said a little hesitating about that last part “I got a report from this location... About a demon close by... I...I guess I wasn't quick enough” Tanjiro looked at him, he could tell by his smell that he was telling the truth and he could notice the guilt in his words.
Even when he understood he was hurt “yeah... You are... My... My mom and siblings are gone...” His red eyes full of tears, Giyuu's heart skips a beat, he couldn't get there in time, he couldn't save someone again.
“I'm sorry...” He said feeling sick with his own weakness.
Tanjiro and Nezuko realized he was dealing with a huge guilt so the girl said “we weren't here either, we couldn't help them either...” Her pink eyes were full of tears.
“We should go inside. It's cold here” they nodded.
Giyuu helped the Kamado siblings clean the house and buried their family. They prayed for them and got in the house. They drank tea in silence.
“Do you want revenge?” He asked them. Both kids nodded “then join the demon slayers corp. I will train you to wield a sword and to fight demons” he said looking at them. His blue eyes seemed lifeless but when he asked them to let him train them, they seemed alive again.
Tanjiro and Nezuko nodded after a full minute of thinking.
“Perfect. Let's go to my house. From now on, you are my students” and with that the Kamado siblings left their home and headed to Giyuu's to become demon slayers and avenge their family.
I wrote this after I watched a video about this what if. Let me know if you liked it and want me to continue it.
Hope you liked it.
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kny-stardust · 1 year
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Chapter 14 — First Assignment
Word Count: 3014
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Summary: You finally learned the name of the one responsible for the tragedy of your family. The feelings it evokes on you are... indescribable. None the less, you leave your family once more, to take on the role you worked so hard to reach. On northwest, a tragic family meets another.
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You were traveling to the northwest town, closely following (C/N), that was flying right ahead of you to show you the path. You could hear your siblings' peaceful snores on the box you were carrying on your back. Thanks to your training, and lifestyle of carrying charcoal up and down the mountain you all grew up in, they felt as if they weight nothing. However, your thoughts weren't on the mission right ahead of you, nor on your siblings, that you have "been away" for two years. It was on your uncle's words when you left his house.
Your siblings made a line up in front of the house for them to tell the three of you goodbye. Takeo and Shigeru were more understanding and Hanako complained about being the only girl left and feeling lonely, but knew what needed to be done. Rokuta broke your heart the most, begging you, Nezuko and Tanjiro to not leave, rivers of tears running down his eyes. You were barely present in his life for the last two years, and he had grown used to your presence in the last couple of weeks; you leaving now, for God knows how long? He couldn't accept it. You had to put him to sleep before handing him to your other siblings.
Finally, it was your uncle's turn. He didn't say nothing at first, just fixing your uniform and the straps that held the box to your back. His dark eyes looked at your red ones for a short while before he hug you. At first, you thought he was showing off his care and worry for you, until he whispered to your ear.
“There's one more thing I need to tell you.” He said, being careful to not be heard by your siblings. “Aizetsu told me that on the night your family was attacked and you two met, he was with somebody, that recognized the oni that attacked your family. The oni your looking for is the one who fathered the whole demon race: Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the Demon King.” You felt chills run down your spine as you heard that name. Your uncle and Aizetsu had told you about the Demon King and his elite of demons, but you never expected to be so closely related to any of them. “I know that you also want to avenge your mother, but I beg you: don't be reckless. You have your siblings to cure and others waiting to have the three of you back in their lives. Even if you, by any chance, come across him, don't fight him. You won't be able to do nothing against him on your own, and your life is far more precious than some stupid revenge. Run if you have to; just don't throw your life away.”
His words still echoed in your mind as you walked a long road to your destiny. For some reason, the name of the Demon King was cried out loud in your head ever since you left your uncle's house.
Something about it made you disgusted.
Something about it made your blood boil.
Something about it... made you want to run the whole of Japan until you found him and kill him with your bare hands.
You didn't know what this feeling was. You had never felt something like this, not when you learned your auntie killed her children, who you considered your friends, and not when you decided to find the demon that attacked your family before you learned of his name.
You couldn't explain why you felt this way, or why this feeling felt older than time itself. You just knew what it felt like.
Only the worried gaze of your uncle and siblings seemed to contain this burning feeling on your just. But only a little bit.
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You reach the northwest town before sunset. You look around, seeing people lead their lives. At a first sight, it would seem like a peaceful town, but your instincts are saying the opposite. With a closer look, it's possible to see people walking in groups. The women and girls are looking fearful while the men carry a very badly hidden anger in their eyes, as if they could kill anyone and anything. Knowing the true culprit behind the disappearances, you know that they could barely do anything to it even if they caught it red-handed. A newly transformed demon is not to take lightly for someone without training and one that has eaten as many people as the one from this town is something only a slayer like you can deal with.
You walk around a bit more before you see a group of three young men with long hair. They seemed beat down, in more than one sense. The bruises on their arms is evident even under their sleeves, but it's the dark circles under their lifeless eyes that tell you that something was up with them.
“What's up with those three?” You heard a voice nearby. “They aren't running around causing trouble today.” You look and see a group of grown ups talking among themselves.
“Don't you know? Their younger sister disappeared last night.” A second one said.
“What? Really?” The first one asked.
“I'm surprised you don't know.” A third one said. “They were knocking every door this night, asking if anyone saw their sister. It seems like they were bringing her home when she vanished.” They chuckled. “Honestly, it was a really ridiculous sight.”
“The three of them were with her and it still happened to her?!” The first one exclaimed.
“Shhhhh! They are right beside us, you idiot!” The second one said, looking at the trio that had dark expressions on their faces.
“Honestly, I think that's karma.” The third one said, turning their eyes to them. “Those three have been nothing but throuble since them moved to our town. Now they're getting what they deserve.”
“Maybe, the culprit was their victim and targeted their sister to teach them a lesson.” The first one said with an evil grin on his lips.
“It's such a shame, though. Their sister was such a sweetheart. But, none of the girls that disappeared was seen again. They might as well be dead.” The second one said before sighing. “I feel bad for her.”
“I don't.” The third one said. “She was still young, but I don't doubt that she would turn exactly like those three. Or even worse. It's only expected, coming from such a family.”
You couldn't help the disgust that emerged from you as you heard those words, but you couldn't do nothing as a person passed by you, pushing you to the side and walked towards them. It was one of the three brothers. He grabbed them by them clothes and lifted them.
“Listen to me, you bastard!” He screamed at them, making the person shriek. “I don't give two fucks about what you say about us! But one more word about our sister, and you're fucked! You hear me?!”
“Hey! You two! Stop!” You cry out loud, pushing both away from one another. “And you!” You point at one of the other people there. “Put that away, or I'll make you do so!” You glare at them, which prompts them to drop a knife they had hidden. “Don't you have no shame? You insult their family and when they get angry, you go and try to kill them?” They can't face your gaze and look away. “If you're such aware of the circumstances, then at the very least apologize for what you've said.”
The three of them looked at each other before apologizing and quickly running off. You sigh in relief that the situation was solved.
“Hey.” You heard someone talking at your side, and you saw the three brothers in front of you. Now that you could see them together, you could tell that they were identical, triplets. They were back to their down selves, but were silently sharing looks before they talked again. “We... Huh... We would like to... properly thank you for... helping us. What's your name?”
“It's (Y/N) Kamado, but you don't need to thank me.” You tell them.
“But Hatsue said we should always thank when helped, so...” One of them said.
“Is Hatsue your sister?” You asked them. They flinch at it, and you can only sigh. “I came here to help, so if you could take me to where you saw your sister last, I could try to find her.”
“For real?!” Two of them exclaimed, but the third one didn't say anything, just showing surprise.
“Yes. I won't say it's certain, but there's still a chance we can save her. So please, tell me what you know.” You plead.
The three brothers exchanged one more look before turning to you and nodding.
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The day had ended before you could notice it.
You were guided by the triples to the place they had last saw their sister, where she disappeared. The eldest, Ichiro, did most of the talking, explaining that they were going back home after spending her birthday playing by the river when she disappeared. The middle one, Jiro, told you that he was holding her hand, but that in the moment he let go of her, she was gone within a second. The youngest, Saburo, had yet to say a word, just staying in silence the whole time. They seemed uncomfortable telling you what had happened to them, as it sounded absurd and no one had believed them. You don't blame them, nor the people who didn't believe them. Had you not had a previous experience with onis, you wouldn't have believed them either.
“I believe you. I'll help you find your sister and the culprit.” Your words seemed to calm them, at least in the beginning.
As hours passed, you walked around the town. You stopped by a couple of places around the place, with people looking at you ⁰ as you stopped to check on something that seemed invisible to all but you, or to sniff around. You felt the glare of the brothers on your back, but you said nothing, just walking around the town, finding trails of the oni. By their scent, you could tell that it truly had quite the number on his list. Maybe it was too late to save her, but you couldn't let go of the chance even of it was this small. Besides, you had to kill the oni, so no more victims were made.
“Aren't you tired?” Ichiro asked you. “It's late. We should continue searching tomorrow.”
Turning to him, you could see his expression turned into one of worry, but you just shook your head, with serious eyes.
“If we rest now, someone else will be targeted by the one responsible for these disappearances. It might even become too late to save your sister.” You tell them, making their eyes go wide. “Besides, they're only active at night, so this is the only time we have to find and get rid of them.”
“Do you even have any idea of who they are actually, woman?” Jiro asked, clearly annoyed if his tone was any indication.
“I wouldn't be here if I didn't know what they are.” You tell them, your tone colder than the night's air.
You continue looking, paying no mind to them, until you sniff the air again. Your body freezes and your heart beats faster as the scent felt much more stronger than before. It acted. Your body reacta instantly, jumping to a nearby wall and then to a roof of a house. From the higher ground you have a better view from the city, already asleep except for a couple of residents. You sniff the air again, closing your eyes and heightening your senses. You feel their scent, just a couple streets over.
Without wasting anytime, you rush towards the origin, leaving behind the triplets that cry out to you, calling you, asking questions, but a second of hesitation is all that's needed for a life to be lost, and you have none to spare. You dash through the roofs and the top of the walls, until you see it: a weird shadow rushing through the walls, yet with no body to cast it. The scent is strong and there's no doubt: that's a demon and with a special ability of their own. You jump down to the street, unsheathing your swords in the process and adjusting in your hands.
“Concentrate. Stardust breathing.” You breathe in deeply, analyzing the shadow. It had a weird shape. You couldn't imagine a person with that shape, but as you saw with your auntie, demons can deform when they've eaten plenty of people, so it wasn't impossible to imagine a deformed demon like that. However, there's another possibility: that the demon was carrying someone. That and the mixed scents you felt gave you a clearer picture of what you were dealing with, and where and how to hit. “Fourth Form: Morning Star!”
You thrust your sword into the shadow, where you picture it to be the neck of the oni. The shadow stopped moving and you heard something that was a mix of a gasp and a groan. Then, you finish the job slicing the "neck". The shadows undo themselves, revealing a pale figure with a limp body on their grasp. A girl! You reach out to her clothing and pull her away from them, who falls to the ground with their hands holding their neck.
“Hurts! It hurts!” They scream, quickly crawling away from you.
Your sword is pointed at them, as a mean to be sure it won't attack you as your eyes scan the girl's body. She's unconscious, but doesn't seem like she was hurt anywhere. You too don't feel any scent of blood, so that's a relief.
“(Y/N)!” You hear the voice of one of the triplets. You look behind to see them rushing towards you, but they stop once their eyes find the fallen demon.
“What the fuck is that...” Jiro asks, with his hands shaking.
“You... BASTARDS!” The oni cried before they touch the wall and turn into shadows again. You try to hit him, but with an unconscious girl on your arms and your sword, despite long, having no strength behind it, you end up just hitting the air.
“It disappeared!” Ichiro cries in surprise.
“Not exactly!” You tell them, before standing up, with the girl in your arms and rushing to them. Your eyes are focused on the shadow of the clone, that quickly moves around, and smash the nearby lamp posts, diving the street in the darkness of the night and merging their shadow with it. The only light that that's left is coming from one of the brothers, Saburo, who's holding a portable lantern. “Here.” You tell one of them, you can't see which and you don't have time to identify them either. “Hold her and stay close to me. As long as you do that, I promise to protect you.”
“O-Okay.” You hear them replying.
You focus around. With their presence, the lantern can barely light them, casting your shadows on the floor and the wall, where the oni was hidden somewhere.
“You better not run. You won't make it.” You warn the oni, but you know they're not trying to run, since their scent hadn't moved at all, but you wanted to make them appear, so you were trying to taunt them. “I have a couple questions for you, and you'll answer them.”
“Arrogant... Too arrogant...” You heard the oni's voice and you immediately knew where it was coming from.
Wielding your long sword, you rush around the three brothers, to slashing the darkness behind one of them. You feel your blade stop momentarily before moving more slowly, followed by a cry of pain. The brothers react to your actions and their movement allows the light to be cast over the oni, who had their shoulder slashed up to the middle of their chest.
“I said I would protect them. Don't turn me into a liar, demon.” You warn them as they groan, adjusting your sword in hand. “Now, tell me: where are all the girls that you kidnapped?” Your hand holds tighter to the weapon, in response for your anxiousness, which only heightens once the oni gives you a crooked smile.
“You know where they are, girl.” They tell you. “You know what happens when a oni hunts a human. Why waste time, when that will only let them spoil?” They say, before pointing at the brothers, or more specifically, at the girl with them. “Give me that girl, now! She'll spoil soon enough, and I want to make sure I savored her before then!”
No other word is needed.
The fate of those girls, including the triplets' sister, was clear to you now.
The temptation of killing them was high, but a hand was placed on your heart calming you down. You still had other two questions for them. After that, you didn't need to hesitate any longer.
“You'll have to get past me to touch any of them.” You tell them, breathing in deeply, prepared to react.
“Then, I shall savor you first, girl.” They replied, melting back into the shadows.
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yanderegremlin · 2 years
Yandere Demon Slayer  Episode One Part One ~The End of Everything
Warning: Yandere, Blood, Death
“There you are Tanjiro! I have been looking everywhere for you.” you stepped out of the warmth of your childhood home and into the cold of the outside world. “Are you sure you want to go down into the village alone? I don’t want you to get hurt with no one is around.” Tanjiro gave you a bright smile.
“I will be alright big sis, I have done this several times. Besides, I think Ma will need you more than I do.” Tanjiro chuckled, looking behind you. 
Turning around to where he was looking, you see most of your siblings play fighting with Mama Kie cleaning nearby giggling to herself watching the chaos. You couldn’t help the warm smile that wormed its way onto your face. You let out a playful sigh, “I guess, I’ve got no choice but to stay home and make sure those munchkins don’t break anything or hurt themselves. But next time I will take the coal down the mountain, ‘kay?” 
Tanjiro let out a nervous chuckle, he couldn’t lie to save his life. He couldn’t tell you yes because his family and him have no intention of letting you take one step off of this mountain. He could tell you no but that could result in you being upset at him and he couldn’t handle that. So intend he left your question unanswered, luckily Nezuko wasn’t too far behind and came over. 
“Ah! There you are Sis, I was looking for you all over the place. I need help with capping the wood and looking after the little ones, you don’t mind if I take her do you Tanjiro?” Nezuko approached holding the youngest member of the family, who smiled brightly at you as soon as he saw you, reaching out to you. Of course, you picked him out of Nezuko’s arms without a second thought and Nezuko let you.
“Oh, yeah, you can if need Nezuko, it looks like Rokuta wants you to stay too.” Rokuta let out a big giggle as he grabbed your face giving your cheeks a big pinch. In return, you let out a playful “ow!” as you started to tickle him. Laughter filled the air as your small group let out a joyous sound. 
When the noise dies down you let out a sigh. “Okay, I will but next time can I go with you? It’s been a while since I've been in the village and it would be nice to see everyone.” don’t get it wrong, you loved it here with your family, it’s just nice to see the outside world every once in a while. Nezuko and Tanjiro nodded as Rokuta spoke up, saying he wanted to come with, which led the other children to overhear your conversation. 
Luckily for you, Mama Kie wasn’t too far behind kiddos to reel them back in, saying that they all could go down as a family for the New Year. You all agreed, excited for the new year. Little did you know that little wish will never happen. 
You paced back and forth worried sick about Tanjiro, the other kiddos are in bed asleep Nezuko and Mama Kie tried their best to calm you down but you are still worried about him. His never been this out this late before, if you don’t have the other two who were practically holding you down you would be out there looking for Tanjiro this minute. 
A knocking broke you out of your train of thought, but before you could get to the door Nezuko haled you back as Mama Kie opened it. Let out a gasp she yelled for you two to heat up the tea again for the man. The man in question walked in, looking a little too pale a sickly shade, dark blood-red eyes, and pitch-black wavy hair. He must be cold in that suit and hat of his. 
“Thank you for your hospitality but I don't think that would be necessary” you let out a bone-chilling scream as you saw the strange man punch a hole through Mama Kie's chest ripping out her heart. Your and Nezuko’s shouts have woken up the other children, you could hear them running towards the front room. 
“Nezuko get the little one out here, NOW!” you shouted as you picked up the small metal fire pit in the table for cooking and brewing tea, pick it up with your left hand throwing it at the face of the monster. With adrenaline and fear running through her veins she scooped up the two youngest as the rest ran with her out of the house. You as well about to bolt out of the place you call home when that thing who tore the heart of your mother out, grabbed you and throw you against the wall.
A scream ripped out of you as you felt a sharp pain from your left shoulder to the rest of your body. You felt your head spin, tears coming down like a waterfall and pain filled your body. It was hard to hear what that thing was saying to you, the only word you catch was “Marechi” before it departed from your sight. Hearing the horrifying screams of your younger siblings outside made your insides turn. 
You have no idea what that thing was but whatever it was seems to be gone now, the silence seems to wrap around you as the cold wind starts blowing the snow inside. There are only two options for you right now, stay and die or figure a way out and save at least some of your family. Unfortunately, thanks to that thing you can’t move, because it has broken a piece off of the table and stabbed you to the wall. A piece of wood is too thick to break with your bare hands and sliding off the piece would make you bleed out faster. Fortunately, you didn't have to sit too long with your own thoughts as you heard rapid footsteps in the snow coming towards you. 
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empressofthesunwriter · 10 months
Maiden of the Moon
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What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
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I made some Yua family members, as we will see in this chapter with a Rinmaru Medieval Avatar.
Please take a look on my DeviantArt
Chapter 11: Home of the Moon
After being sent off in the early morning by their friends Yua and Tanjiro with Nezuko in her box made the journey to the Moon Mansion, the home of Yua family, the Mochizuki.
They were making a good tiSlayersey even met a nice man with his carriage and he drove them in the direction of the Mochizuki Estate.
The two Demon Slayers passed their time with talking and singing. They couldn’t slack off in Tanjiro’s Total Concentration Training, now could they?
Yua quite enjoyed the journey to her home with company. This was the first time she brought a friend over.
She felt a bit like a normal 17-year-old. It was a nice feeling.
“Your family will be okay with Nezuko?”, asked her Tanjiro right now.
His worry wasn’t without reason.
They would enter a home full of Demon Slayers.
Tanjiro knew how hostile the Hashira’s had reacted to Nezuko before Oyakata-Sama told them that he recognised Nezuko as Demon Slayer so she wasn’t to be killed.
Entering a home full of people who could kill his sister in one instant, made him nervous.
“Don’t worry, I wrote about your situation to my father.”, reassured Yua with a small smile. “He promised my family wouldn’t go against Oyakata-Sama orders. Nezuko is safe. Also, I would help you protect her from them if they attacked her.”
The boy stared at her in disbelief.
“You really would go against your own family for me and Nezuko?”
As an answer, Yua reached out and petted his shoulder.
“I love Nezuko like she is my own sister and I’m fond of you too. For me, you guys are family too.”
Her confession made Tanjiro feel all tingle and happy. He felt the blush rising in his cheeks, how his heart beat faster and the butterflies in his stomach flying wildly.
His crush on Yua just got bigger.
Shyly he squeezed the hand on his shoulder.
“You are for us family too.”, he told her.
For a second he imaged Yua as his bride, didn’t need to know nobody or how it filled his heart with happiness.
Yua gave him a thankful smile. She was also happy that the Kamado siblings loved her as a sibling. She would ignore this vision of herself as a bride with Tanjiro as her groom on her side.
Nope, not thinking about it all or what it meant.
Soon they entered a little forest of Wisteria trees.
It reminded Tanjiro of the forest on Mount Fujikasane where Final Selection was held. Just as pretty and mysterious.
They passed under a Torii with a half moon on it, following the way up a little hill.
After a few minutes, Tanjiro could see an old, traditional house which had also a half moon and the Kanji for Mochizuki over the entrance door. Around it grow beautiful flowers of any kind. You could tell that the garden was tended with love.
Before the house stood a tall man. He was wearing the Demons Slayer uniform with a green Haori with swirls on it. The man had long midnight blue hair in a ponytail and grey eyes.
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That must be Yua’s father.
They looked alike.
“Otou-San!”, called Yua and raced up to her father.
He smiled happily and twirled his daughter around as they hugged each other tight.
Tanjiro was touched by the loving scene and had to fight his tears. This made him miss his father.
“Oh moon bunny, it’s so good to see you. Did you grow a bit?”, asked Yua's father, petting her head.
“I don’t know, maybe.”, answered Yua, then turned to Tanjiro and waved him over. “Otou-San this is my friend I told you about. Kamado Tanjiro, following swordsman of the corps and in the box is his little sister Nezuko. Tanjiro this is my father Mochizuki Haruto.”
Tanjiro bowed before the man.
“It’s an honour to meet you Mochizuki-San.”
“Ah, young Tanjiro it’s okay to call me Haruto. I’m happy that Yua found some friends. Any friend of hers is welcome here.”
“Alright, Haruto-San.”
Then Haruto got all sober as he told his daughter: “Your grandfather is expecting you in the Tea Room, moon bunny.”
Of course, Yua got scarred. She had stayed away from home for months and was only raised to Kinoto.
Her Grandfather would give it to her.
“Yua, are you okay-”
“It’s alright Tanjiro.”, she interrupted him. “Just go with my father, I’m sure one of my aunts is currently making lunch.”
With that, she stepped into the house and made haste to the Tea Room.
“I’m back, Grandfather.”, she announced as she entered the Tea Room.
Like she was taught she made a deep bow, waiting till her grandfather gave her permission to raise and sit before him.
It was eerie quiet.
Yua felt the sweat dripping down from her forehead.
Thanks to her Aura-Sensing she knew her Grandfather was not happy.
He was pissed off.
What hurtful words would he hurl at her?
“Ah, the lost daughter has returned.”, he spat, not even letting her rise from her bow. “You stayed away a long time from home.”
“I’m sorry, Grandfather.”
“Did I give you the permission to speak, girl?!”, he growled.
The girl started to shake in fright, she felt all clammy and like throwing up. She never had seen her grandfather like that.
She knew she had to tread carefully, but she couldn't help but ask, "May I know what I have done wrong, Grandfather?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Mochizuki Makoto let out a deep sigh and finally gestured for her to rise and take a seat. She did so hesitantly, trying not to make any sudden movements.
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"You dare to stay away from home for months," he said sternly. "Then you have the gall to send a letter asking about the Hinokami Kagura Dance, not even telling us what Rank you are now."
Yua felt a pang of guilt in her chest.
He was right -when she was healing from her wounds, she actively avoided sending letters home. She was scared of telling her she was only a Kinoto now and what would happen as punishment. Then when she finally wrote them, again she didn’t tell her Rank because of this fear and asked for something.
"I apologize, Grandfather," she said sincerely with a deep bow, her forehead touching the Tatami mats. "I was in the wrong, I will do better."
He nodded slowly, still eyeing her critically.
"You better," he warned. "The future of our family depends on it. Now your Rank."
The midnight blue-haired girl stayed in her position, not daring to raise. Maybe if she stayed demure, her Grandfather wouldn’t verbally hit her.
Yeah, right.
She was just scarred looking into his cold grey eyes and saying hatred in them.
It was still for a long time, Yua started to feel pain in her body because she had stayed in the bow so long, till her grandfather shouted: “Kinoto! KINOTO?! You dare to show your stupid face into this house after months, daring to ask about the Hinokami Kagura Dance and you are only a Kinoto?! You are a disappointment! A waste of space! Oh, why are you the only one who can use Moon-Breathing? Why have the gods punished me with a talentless granddaughter like you? You are not worth it to be a Moon Breathing User!”
Yua felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
She knew her grandfather was harsh, however, this was a new kind of harshness.
"I understand, Grandfather," she said softly, still not daring to look up at him. "I will work harder and strive to become better."
Mochizuki Makoto let out a snort of disgust.
"You better," he said coldly. "Because if you don't, you will bring shame upon our family."
She nodded silently, feeling the weight of his words on her shoulders. She knew she had a lot of work to do if she wanted to prove herself worthy of being a Moon Breathing User.
But no matter how hard it would be, she was determined to make her grandfather proud and show him that she was not a waste of space after all.
What else was there in life for her?
She was born to become a Hashira and make her family a respected Demon Slayer in the Corps.
This was her only right to existence.
Suddenly both inhabits of the Tea Room nearly jumped into the air as the door opened.
“I’m sorry to disturb you!”, it was Tanjiro.
In disbelief, Yua turned to him.
Tanjiro fixed her Grandfather with such an angry look, that Yua wasn’t even sure if this was really the Tanjiro she knew.
This was a completely new side of him.
“Who are you boy?”, hissed her Grandfather angrily. “You dare to disturb me and my granddaughter talking.”
“With all due respect sir, you didn’t talk to your granddaughter you insulted her! And I will not stand around hearing you insult Yua. Yua is my friend and one of the strongest people I know! You are in the wrong about her!”
Makoto narrowed his eyes at Tanjiro, clearly not pleased with the interruption. Yua watched in shock as her friend stood up to her grandfather, defending her honour. She had never seen anyone do that before!
"How dare you speak to me like that," her grandfather growled. "You are just a mere Demon Slayer. Probably not higher than Kanoe."
Tanjiro didn't back down, his expression was unwavering. "I may be a lesser Rank, but I know a good person when I see one. And Yua is one of the best."
The room fell silent as the two men stared each other down. Yua held her breath, unsure of what would happen next.
Then her grandfather gasped and pointed at Tanjiro Hanafuda-Earings.
“You have the earrings?! Of course, this red hair, red eyes and the scar on your forehead...you are a Sun Breathing User.”
Both teenagers were more than confused.
“That’s why you asked about the Hinokami Kagura Dance.”, mumbled Grandfather rubbing his chin. “Now it makes sense.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, sir, but apologize to your granddaughter.”, growled Tanjiro angry, his red eyes ablaze like the sun. “She doesn’t deserve your harsh and unnecessary words.”
This only made Makoto laugh nasty.
“You may be a chosen one of the Sun, but you have no authority here, boy. This is the realm of the Moon and I’m the clanhead. I can do as I wish.”
To show Tanjiro he meant it, Makoto suddenly grasped Yua by one of her hair buns. The 17-year-old shouted in pain, tears streaming down her face.
Tanjiro could only stare in shock. He never saw how the family treated each other this way.
“She is merely an extension of my will.”, told Makoto. “She was only born to be a Hashira. She doesn’t have any other reason for existing: I can do with my Granddaughter as I wish!”
Things happened fast then.
From one moment to another, Yua felt like her grandfather would rip her hair out, then suddenly his hand got slack and a terrible crunch was heard.
Tanjiro had headbutted her grandfather.
Yua's mouth met the floor, while her Grandfather was knocked down by Tanjiro's headbutt.
The room fell into stunned silence as Yua's grandfather lay on the ground, clutching his nose. Tanjiro stood over him, his fists clenched at his sides. Yua couldn't believe what had just happened. She had never seen anyone stand up to her grandfather like that before.
"You can't treat people like that," Tanjiro growled, glaring down at the older man. "Especially not your own family."
Makoto looked up at him, his eyes filled with anger and disbelief.
"You dare to strike me?" he spat out, wiping blood from his nose.
"You deserved it," Tanjiro said firmly. "No one deserves to be treated like that. You are a bitter old man who bullies his own family to his enjoyment because he couldn’t become a Hashira. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Instead of seeing what great progress Yua made, you are obsessed with her becoming a Hashira. Even dirt is better than you! I met demons who showed more humanity than you...you piece of shit!"
With that, Tanjiro helped Yua to her feet.
Yua felt a rush of gratitude towards her friend. She had been so scared and alone at that moment, but Tanjiro had come to her rescue without a second thought. She knew she could always count on him to have her back.
As they left the Tea Room together, Yua felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew there would be consequences for what had happened today, but she didn't care anymore. For the first time in a long time, she felt free - free from the weight of her grandfather's expectations and free from the fear that had held her back for so long. With Tanjiro by her side, she knew she could face anything that came her way and come out stronger for it in the end.
Maybe that’s why she did what she did next.
No one has ever defeated her honour quite like that.
She must show him her thanks.
Softly she called out Tanjiro's name, he turned to her, opening his mouth, probably to ask her if she was okay, however, Yua leaned down, wrapping her arms around his neck and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
Tanjiro was shocked by Yua's sudden gesture, but he didn't pull away.
Instead, he wrapped his arms around her curvy waist and deepened the kiss.
Yua felt a warmth spread through her body as she kissed him, grateful for his unwavering support and protection.
As they finally broke apart, Yua looked down at Tanjiro with tears in her eyes, both of them breathing heavily.
It was madness that she had done it, love had no place in her life, but...how could she not love Tanjiro after he faced her, her biggest fear?
Maybe she could love him and be a Demon Slayer.
She only knew she always wanted to be on his side.
This was the only sure thing in her life.
Softly she smiled and Tanjiro returned her smile and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.
Yua nodded, feeling a surge of love for him in her heart. "I'm more than okay," she whispered back, leaning in for another kiss.
This time she slipped her tongue in his mouth.
They continued to kiss passionately, lost in their own world.
Yua couldn't believe how natural it felt to be with Tanjiro like they were meant to be together.
Like two pieces of a puzzle.
Like Yin and Yang.
Like the Sun and Moon!
As they finally pulled away from each other, Tanjiro looked up at Yua with a deep sense of love and admiration.
"I don't know what the future holds for us," he said softly, "but I do know that I want to spend it with you."
Yua's heart swelled with happiness as she heard these words.
"Me too, Tanjiro," she whispered softly. "Thank you. For everything."
Tanjiro smiled up at her, his eyes filled with affection and admiration.
"I'll always be here for you," he promised.
And with those words, Yua knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead of them, they would face them together - as equals and as lovers.
“Wow, that was some hot, sappy shit.”, called a female voice, which Yua know really well, while Tanjiro nearly jumped to the roof.
It was Sayako, Yua's younger black-haired cousin with pretty green eyes.
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Deadpanning Yua looked over Tanjiro's head to her younger cousin.
“Hello you pain in my butt, you have splendid timing as always.”
While Tanjiro resembled a tomato, Sayako giggled with a shit-eating grin.
“I’m a lesbian, but even I got hot seeing you both making out with each other. Leave something for tonight.”
“You are so weird, Yako, also don’t you mean wedding night?”
“Oh please, you gonna deflower the little redhead the first chance you get YuYu.”
What did Sayako think, that she had no self-control? Tanjiro was still two years younger than her, she wouldn’t overwhelm him with that!
Poor Tanjiro resembled a teakettle with the sounds he made and how red in the face he was.
Kissing his temple, Yua took his hand to calm him down.
“Ignore my stupid cousin, Tanjiro, Sayako likes to rile people up.”
“I’m here, you know.”
Huffing Sayako walked up to them and made a little bow.
“Whatever, it’s nice meeting you Tanjiro-Kun. I’m as Yua said Sayako, her cousin, 15 years old and Kakushi of the corps.”
Seems like Tanjiro calmed down enough to greet Sayako back with a bow and a smile.
“Ah you are a cutie.”, cooed Sayako, petting his head. “Take good care of my cousin, please?”
“I will, I promise!”, he shouted.
“Also did you break our shit grandpa's nose or something, everyone heard a loud crunch?”
“He did.”, confirmed Yua proud of her love. “Grandfather is licking his wounds, I don’t think he will come out of the Tea Room.”
“Then we will have a nice lunch. Come you two, food is ready.”
So they followed Sayako to the dining room where the rest of the Mochizuki was already waiting in excitement.
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So Tanjiro and Yua kissed and are kind of together, aww.
Wouldn’t it be terrible if all would go to shit after they leave the Mochizuki? *whistles innocent*
But what I’m saying, all is good. ;D
0 notes
simplysimpingsimp · 3 years
hi can i get sanemi, rengoku, tengen and the kamaboko boys, meeting and developing a relationship with a fem reader who is like mirko from bnha? like has her abilities, personality and appearance(or at least some of her appearance because i’m not sure how it would make sense for her to have rabbit features in the kny universe) but if you do this request could you also include how they would go about asking her out and some nsfw?
Hi hi anon !! Thank you so much for requesting <3 Personally, I haven’t seen much of BNHA so I don’t know Mirko yet >.< But ! That won’t stop me from trying :D I’m so very sorry for an ooc-ness of in regards to Mirko’s personality and abilities,, I promise I read lots of wikis, looked through the manga to see her in action, and even consulted with my friends who love her :,D As always, I’m very very sorry for any mistakes! I’ll gladly go back and fix them !! And I’m also so very very very very sorry for taking super long to get this one out!! I promise I didn’t forget about it TT I really hope the content makes up for it — I’m sorry for not so good NSFW writing (,:. Also please let me know if the post is laggy! I will gladly spilt it into two separate posts for a more enjoyable read, thanks :D
🌼𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚁𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚛
🌼𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚅𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
🌼 𝚏𝚝. 𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚘 𝚂𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍, 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚗 𝚄𝚣𝚞𝚒, 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚘𝚔𝚞 𝙺𝚢𝚘𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚘, 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚒 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚣𝚞𝚐𝚊𝚠𝚊
🌼 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛
𝚃𝚆: 𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚎
𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 , 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 !
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
Starts off a little bit intimidated by her, as she was a bit brash and one to go by herself despite being assigned with them as group
He finds himself blushing a lot around her she’s just so beautiful with her stunning and extraordinary white hair and ruby like eyes
Y/n would often tease him as her own blush formed when she would catch him staring
Often impressed by her technique as she wasn’t a sword user and in fact used special made metal toed boots and a dagger in combat as she was a hand to hand combat type person
He would often compliment her, making her blush “Of course I am that good!” She would say before walking away embarrassed
Tanjiro would worry for her as she was one to dance with death yet she seemed so elegant in how she would fight
They got closer together as friends and essentially become the Mom/Dad figures of the group
Tanjiro has had this crush for a while but was always hesitant to act on it and much of his focus was dedicated to defeating demons to save Nezuko
One day while talking with Nezuko about what he should, she encouraged him with headpats and approving hums
He approached her lounging form on the wooden deck with a hand dipped into the clear water of a pond
“What brings you here Tanjiro?” Her voice was soft, knowing that it was him right behind her
It always caught him off guard when she knew it was his steps approaching her
An embarrassed blush appeared on his cheeks as he approached the empty spot beside her, sitting next to her
“Are you alright? Do you feel sick?” She questioned concerned seeing his reddened face before sitting up
He waved his hands in front of her, “No no I'm okay! But I just feel like I need to tell you something,” he spoke before taking a deep breath, “Ireallylikeyoualotandijustwantedyoutoknow.”
She giggled as she saw his face reach the deepest red she had ever seen, holding her hand out to meet his which he gladly accepted
“I really like you too Tanjiro” a light blush on her cheeks as she looked into his eyes
A relief filled smile on his lips as he gently kissed her forehead
He was always gentle when they would get intimate and his touch was always warm emitting a sort of safeness
Definitely into a lot of foreplay like massages and kissing
He’s always so nervous but willing try new things with her
Not very vocal with moans, mostly so that he could hear her
Puts her pleasure above his
He would have the awkward curiosity of sniffing her panties, with a blushing face she would hand them to him
He’d have an innocent look on his face when she would ask where her underwear went but she knew
Don’t worry he makes sure to have all her clothes back nice and clean before she runs out
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
terrified of her especially because of how she would yell at him to stop crying and fight
She would huff and lightly bonk his head, in attempts to encourage him
“How could such a gentle looking woman be so scary,” Zenitsu would cry out the moment she would leave to take care of demons
Zenitsu would blush whenever he would hear her praises for getting up and fighting
He would watch the way she would fight by herself, entranced by her bravery but also how she could easily kick the head off a demon
“N/n~ please teach me how to fight!” He would say and cling to her despite the protests from her
She would sigh and give in, giving him advice on flexibility and more techniques to learn
“Good job!” She would cheer for him proudly as he learned the techniques making him quite literally fall for her when she would slap his back as a pat of support
He was watching her from afar with a light blush on his cheeks as he daydreamed a life with her
Zenitsu would realize he was genuinely in love with her when he would find himself recalling her words of encouragement
“What would she do in this situation?” He asked himself before asking (crying to) Tanjiro
“WAAAHHH WHAT IF SHE DOESNT LIKE ME BACK” he would cry to Tanjiro would give him pats of support
“Well at least she’ll know how you feel and you can move forward” Tanjiro would say before pushing him off into her direction
He approached her sitting form under the same tree she would meditate at
“What’s up Zeni,” she would say through closed eyes before exiting her moment of meditation
Zenitsu quickly dove at her, pulling her into a hug before crying out, “I REALLY LIKE YOU N/N NOT JUST LIKE AS A FRIEND BUT LIKE LIKE PLEASE DON'T REJECT ME” he was loud as he nuzzled his cheek into her shoulder while tears streamed down his reddened cheeks
She could only laugh before gently kissing the top of his head which practically sent him floating away
“I like you too Zeni,” Y/n smiled at him
likes to be dominated by her , it’s the best time for him when he gets handled by her
“N/n~” he would coo whenever he was getting touched, his own hands lovingly caressing her toned body
Though when he doms, get ready for multiple rounds
He’s loud, there is no silencing this man but he sounds so cute
It’s when he does that sort of switch to his confidence, when his voice goes low — the sexy stare of honey toned eyes
Might accidentally overstimulate but Zenitsu would profusely apologize with tears in his eyes
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
instantly in love or at least what he thought was love
There was nothing like watching her dive into a fight the same way he would
Her taunting of the demons and the way she would fight as though she feared nothing made his heart feel giddy
He would often challenge her to fights, they’re currently on a 43-19 tally with her winning
“You’re not so bad but not as great as Lord Inosuke,” Inosuke would smirk whenever he had them pinned down
Get closer as they essentially become sparring and training partners
He would blush around her whenever she would instigate the challenge and she pinned him beneath her, “You’re slacking today?~” she’d tease and easily shoot down any of his attempts to win
Inosuke had had enough of her constant winning, deviously he made up a plan on how he could win
Just as he was about to sneak up behind her, she turned around and did a whole German suplex on him
He genuinely screamed upon the impact of his back against the ground, the sight of her smirk sending chills up his spine
She laid down beside his collapsed form, looking at him with a light blush “So what’s up?” Y/n would ask cooly with a grin
Inosuke grins putting his second plan into action of pinning her down — her one weakness of him looking into her eyes
He would practically yell in her face as his face flushed with a gentle pink hue, “YOU MAKE ME FEEL REALLY GIDDY AND I WANT MORE OF IT IN OTHER WORDS I REALLY LIKE YOU.”
Y/n had a deeper blush on her cheeks, “I really like you too! I guess we can count this as a win for both of us in the tally.”
does not have any concept of what sex is
Until he gets his first hand and blow job from her
Inosuke would not admit to enjoying it even though that adorable blush on his face and growl like moans say otherwise
Once he begins to understand, inosuke becomes the one true Dom
His moans are more like growls and low sounding though he does get loud
He would take her from behind most often
His hands gripping tightly on her hips as he was usually rough
Gives her the cutest nickname of ‘bunny’
Her moans in his ears made him feel giddy and her touch made him practically bust
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
Was in awe when he first saw her, an adorable blush on his cheeks
“Are you okay?” She questioned while waving a hand in front of his dazed expression before she lightly flicked his forehead
“I’m talking to you, bub” Y/n’s voice was a bit annoyed but she would have a gentle blush on her cheeks from feeling his stare on her
Genya would be really awkward around her, often stumbling on his words as he thought about what to say
She was often the one to start conversations with him and teasing him when he would blush
Would talk about fighting techniques most times and she would give him advice on close combat as he was not a breath user
She loved that he was a challenge whenever they would spar, though it was always really funny whenever he’d practically pass out from embarrassment due to all the physical contact
One day while sitting around and watching her do her training routine, he realized he was in love with her
His face reddened as he watched her wave at him
Genya returned the wave before leaving
Would come back with a bundle of wild flowers
He approached her with the flowers behind his back
“Whatcha got there?” She questioned, stopping everything she was doing
He shoved the flowers in front of her with a deep red face
“I really like you” his face was so red that he looked like he was about to pass out, visibly shaking
She giggled as she took a hold of the bushel of flowers, her hands reached up to gently stroke her cheeks “I like you too.”
he’s so soft and sweet about it
Always has a red blushing face no matter how many times they may have sex
Despite wanting to go wild, he puts her comfort above his own wants
He’s so loving with his touch and focuses on her pleasure
Until he gets the go ahead from her moaning voice
His grip is hard on her hips leaving small red marks
Would lean in for a lot of messy kisses and was obsessed with the way her arms would circle around his neck, fingers gently tugging on his hair
My boy just wants love TT and he gets so much of it it’s intoxicating
Always ends with him having red marks on his back
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
Kyojuro would watch her mesmerized by her fighting form and bravery in diving in to face demons
Actually clapped after watching her for the first time as he hadn’t ever seen anyone duel a demon hand to hand and survive
Though she had a blush of embarrassment, she wore a smirk on her face, “You wanna go next?”
He beat her in a blink of an eye, sitting on her back to hold her down, “Gotcha~” he would tease.
Offers to take her in as a tsugoku but she politely declines as she believes that position would better go to someone else
Regardless he trained her with some sword techniques that she could apply to her dagger further increasing her agility
A lot of sparring results in him making her blush from embarrassment and he would capitalize on those instances to win
“You cheated!” She would pout whenever he would beat her using his playful tactics
He would laugh as he would pat her head, that charming smile on his face that made her heart melt, “There there, one day you’ll win.”
Kyojuro would be smiling ear to ear when he realized that he was genuinely in love with her
He had planned a super elaborate and creative way to confess to her but homie was too excited to ask TT
“Hey Y/n I really like you” he just spoke out of the blue as he sat across from her while they had tea
She almost spat out her tea as she heard those words with a furious blush of embarrassment on her cheeks
That cheeky smile on his face with an adorable blush on his cheeks as he gently held her hand
“I really like you too” the blush on her cheeks deepening
oh my god, just oh my god
He would literally treat her like a goddess
Kyojuro would leave no spot unkissed, gives every part of her as much love as possible
Compliments every part of her — scars? He lovingly caresses and gives the most attention
He’s so sweet and caring TT and just emits so much feeling of safety and love
Makes her heart flutter from the sheer feeling of being with him, red face and everything
Kyojuro would prefer positions where he could see her face, mostly for the sake of kisses and just to see how much pleasure he was giving her
Thigh man, he loves her thick thighs and would caress them lovingly with kisses
Most of his grip goes on her thighs and would be the part of her that he peppers with kisses the most
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
“How flamboyant!” He’d say with a laugh when he first saw her decapitate a demon with just a kick
Overconfidence from him sent a chilling shiver down her spine as she felt his stare
A deep blush formed on her face when she first saw that beautiful bastard that broke her concentration
He wore that annoying smirk that she just wanted to slap off his face yet there was something so charming about it
Would tease her for her height, there was no escaping nicknames regarding her height
Until he realized that her vertical jump height was enough to reach his face and snatch the headband he wore before she took off running
That little smirk she wore was enough to make his heart flutter
“You know, even though you’re really hotheaded, you’d make a really good wife,” he would tease as he put his arm around her shoulder pulling her close to his body
Her face reddened, “You’re so weird” she huffed
He had a soft pink tinged on his cheeks, “But I mean it, I really like you Y/n.”
A faint smirk on his face as witnessed the way she practically became tomato at hearing those words
“I really like you too,” she would look up at him with a smile
He bear hugged her tightly and when I say that I mean he lifted her off the ground and everything
be prepared to not walk for a day
He would be the one doing a strip tease, it’s the cutest and hottest thing
Dirty talking, no doubt when he would cage her in between his arms and when he held her close to his body
Would also treat her like a goddess but he would definitely tease her a lot for the sake of making her blush
The grip on her hips when he would go down on her was enough to have her shaking
Would often be the dom but didn’t mind letting her dom every once in a while
He thought it was cute to see the way she would bounce herself on his length
Loved the way she would caress his face when they got intimate, it would send chills down his spine
When they would finish the long night, it would just be a long day of cuddling the day after
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𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
Would call her a dumbass and yell at her for diving into a fight that he was assigned to
She would stick her tongue out at him as she defeated demons left and right
Though she did admire that sort of lone wolf method of going about his missions especially against more powerful demons
Sanemi would roughly grab her by the shoulder to tell her off but he quickly shut up at the sight of her beautiful face and ruby red eyes
“You got something to say?” She smirked with a blush on her cheeks resulting in a scoff from Sanemi as he walked away from her
“Just stay out of my way” he would yell before fully being away from her
Whenever they would encounter, she would call him “Nemi” because it made him angry and she would giggle whenever he would chase her around
Just when she thought she escaped, he would tackle her and tell her off with a blushing face for being annoying
“So why are you blushing then?” she would tease causing Sanemi to storm off
They grew close as a sort of cat and mouse relationship where she would be the one to tease him but it would always end with him caressing her head and playfully calling her funny names
Sanemi had been quiet throughout all the day, it was actually concerning to her
“Sanemi, are you good?” She questioned concerned as she witnessed a light blush form on his cheeks
His pale purple eyes watching her as she gently placed a hand on his forehead and cheek to feel his temperature
He caught her hand in his and gently caressed the soft skin
“You might be annoying but I think I like you,” his voice quiet and low, “Yeah, I do like you,” he looked at her with a soft smile
Her face warmed as she watched him smile, “I like you too.”
“You’re the only one allowed to call me Nemi,” his smile becoming a light smirk
Also be prepared to not walk for a day, this man will reck
She would make it her goal to tease him
When she succeeded the “punishment” was always amazing
Nemi would tie her up on occasion, his voice low when he would talk dirty
“Look at you, all spread out just for me” that smirk on his face enough to make her squirm in pleasure
Would intentionally overstimulate but would stop if he saw that she wasn’t liking it or was really uncomfortable
He was always rough but it wasn’t ever painful or anything, genuinely would care for her well being and would put that before anything
After they were finished, he would pepper her face in kissed and cuddle into her with his arm wrapped around her tightly
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛɪɴɢ <3 ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs/ɪᴅᴇᴀs/ᴀsᴋs/ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ! sᴇᴇ ʏᴀʟʟ sᴏᴏɴ <3
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs: 5
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shinobusupremecy · 3 years
Shinobu x f!reader
A/N: God I'm so pissed, I accidently uploaded it too early, forgot to screenshot the request and just ughh I'm so fricking mad! Thank you anon for the request and sorry for my mistake!
Basically the request was about the trio and you going to mountain natagumo in season 1. Instead of Shinobu saving Zenitsu she saved you instead (you two are gfs) so Shinobu teased you about you turning into a spider.
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“Can you all just hold up for a second!?” You all paused to look at Zenitsu with questioning looks. “I’m scared! Now that we’re finally here on our destination I’m quaking in my boots!” Zenitsu continued to shake and cry while Inouske looked down on him. 
You, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke had finally reached Natagumo mountain. The vibes you got from it was overflowing with death and bad vibes. You shivered a bit while Inosuke seemed way too eager to go to the mountains.
“Why the hell is his ass on the ground? Hella creepy” Zenitsu became quick to defend himself.
“Who are you to talk, Pig Face!? Don’t tell me you’re not getting weird vibes from that mountain!” You sighed. 
“Guys, I really think we need to get going. Who knows what lives could be lost while we’re out here talking?” You spoke up with a worried look etched on your face. 
“I must say I agree with Y/N. What good will it do if you just sit down on the ground Zenitsu?” Tanjiro said while closing his eyes and slightly shaking his head.
“Told you he’s creepy” You lightly slapped Inosukes head giving him a disapproving look. “What? He is creepy” You glared at him and Inosuke turned his head away from you all while huffing. 
Tanjiro soon began to stiffen up before running away. Inosuke and you following in suit. Zenitsu whined to wait for him. 
You all saw a demon slayer laying on the ground crying while blood ran down his face.
“H-help me!” Before you guys could do anything his back rose up and he flew backwards straight into the forest. He screamed as he disappeared and you felt a shiver run down your spine. 
Tanjiro and Inosuke didn’t say much and went into the mountains leaving you and Zenitsu behind. 
“T-they left us” Zenitsu stuttered out.
“Well, their reasons are justified. The people in there need us, they can’t wait for us any longer. Come on Zenitsu, let’s get going” Zenitsu shook his head still quivering. You let out a hum thinking deeply on how to approach the situation before your face lit up. 
You crouched down to Zenitsu patting his back. 
“You knooww~ Tanjiro has Nezuko. If you wanna reach her then you should get going” Zenitsu looked at you surprised before grabbing your wrist and he started to run. 
“WHY WOULD HE BRING NEZUKO-CHAN IN THIS DANGEROUS FOREST! IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!” He screeched. You tried your best to keep up with his speed. 
You panted and coughed. 
“You sure run a lot when it comes to Nezuko” You wheezed out. 
“W-where are you Tanjiro and Inosuke!? Don’t leave me and Y/N-chan all by ourselves!” Zenitsu shouted. 
Sounds of tree ruffling reached your ears and Zenitsu began to scream. You ran to him and covered his mouth with your hand. 
“Zenitsu please! It’s just some crows flying away. If you scream so much we will attract attention and will not be able to move smoothly to the others!” Zenitsu nodded and you smiled at him, trying to comfort him by patting him on the back. 
You and Zenitsu continued to walk down a random path, you trying your best to be on the lookout for the others while comforting a scared Zenitsu. Soon enough you two reached a clearing and the sight you saw shocked you both.
A house was floating above. Wait. No, threads were holding it up. People were hanging down and some were in worse condition than others. Some looked bald and had bruises all over with short limbs. Least to say you were disgusted with the sight. But the smell was enough to kill all fragile flies in a 50 meter radius.
Zenitsu plucked his noce already looking a bit dizzy and you couldn’t blame him. The smell really was enough to make you vomit on the spot. 
You suddenly heard creaks coming from the house and there you saw a giant spider with a human head. Your eyes widened and Zenitsu finally yelled. 
“AHHH WHAT IS THAT!?” The spider began to cackle before he got to utter a word Zenitsu cut him off. “Y’know what!? I refuse to talk with someone like you!” Zenitsu yelled and began to run away, once again grabbing your hand. 
“There’s no reason to run away! You’re already loosing” The spider said as he looked at you. 
“The hell are you blabbering about!? I don’t wanna talk to you, capiche!?” Zenitsu yelled as he continued to run.
“It seems like you don’t know what’s happening right now. You see, you there my friend is in a very dire situation!” He pointed one of his hairy legs at you. You stopped running, making Zenitsu almost fall on you. You looked at your hands and saw it was purple, veins popping out everywhere and a big gross circle blister. 
“It’s venom! A spider must’ve bitten you. The venom will make you turn into a spider. Give it thrity minutes and you’ll turn into my spider slave, crawling around doing whatever I say!” The big spider began to cackle loudly. You began to shake, fear and anger the only emotions you’re expressing. 
The spider brought out a clock showing when you will begin to feel immense pain and when your limbs will begin to shrink. You had enough of hearing this bringing out your swords.
“Hmmm? You still wanna fight?” The spider laughed at you. You narrowed your eyes at him, your brows furrowing together. 
Zenitsu tried to once again grab your hand and run away but you slapped his hand away.
“Go find the others! I’ll be fine!” Zenitsu shook his head. A spiderderling suddenly came from behind and tried to bite Zenitsu. You kicked the spider away. 
“I said go! I’m not gonna let you become a spider like me now go!” You yelled. Zenitsu hugged you before running away. 
Dozens of spiderlings began to attack you and you started to run away, quickly climbing up a tree and jumping from branch to branch. You moved your hand through your hair as an attempt to calm yourself. You suddenly felt your hair fall off with ease, hair strands on your hand. 
The spider began to laugh more and more.  
You jumped straight to him, he spit some sort of purple liquid at you which you dodged mid-air. He hissed in slight frustration.
“Hey! What are you waiting for? Attack her!” The spiderlings jumped after you and you avoided them, all with fair ease, some you kicked away. Knowing they were technically human you cannot slice them. 
The big spider once again tried to hit you with that purple liquid which you jumped away from. 
‘Alright, focus’ You closed your eyes, taking your stance. The spider spit his purple liquid at you again. Your hands began to shake uncontrollably. 
‘I have to finish this quickly’ The spiderlings attempted to pounce on you once again but you quickly jumped and rolled away from them. You tried to prepare your breathing technique but was interrupted with you coughing out blood. All the spiders took their chance and jumped on you, covering your body entirely. 
‘Finally’ You thought and sended all the spiders flying away from you. You quickly moved from tree to tree finally meeting face to face with the big spider. His horrified shocked face will forever be one to remember. Your blade satisfyingly separated his head from his body and you fell on the house with a large thud. 
Your adrenaline faded away and the pain began to increase and increase. You felt hot wet sensation run down your nose.
‘Ah, nosebleed’ You sighed out and quickly came to regret it with the shock of pain you got from that one move alone. 
You heard cawing and looked to your right to see your crow with tears in her eyes. 
“Hi...please call...for help” Your crow let her tears fall before flying away. 
You began thinking of your life. Your childhood, when you became a demon slayer and Shinobu.
You closed your eyes, in your head you saw you and Shinobu's moments together like a movie. You smiled with tears in your eyes. You opened your eyes to see the moon when you saw something flutter in the corner of your eyes. It looked like a butterfly. 
‘Ah, Shinobu, you came. This is so embarrassing. I’ll never hear the end of this” You thought bitterly. 
Shinobu tapped down from the sky beside you and her mouth formed an “o” before smiling.
“Moshi moshi~ Good evening Y/N! You must’ve really gotten into trouble this time” Your eyes snapped to her, you wanted to say something but couldn’t, Shinobu watched with pity as you tried to speak. 
“I...saw...you and...me” You finally manage to croak out. Shinobu looked down at you, processing your words before it clicked in her head. 
“Wow, it seems like you were near death! Since you saw life flash before your eyes it means that you’re trying to avoid death by looking through your memories! I myself have never experienced that before so don’t take my word for it” You smiled at her words, her voice doing a great job to soothe you despite the current state you’re in. 
Shinobu then placed her finger on your head. 
“Great! You did a great job on slowing down the poison with your breathing. Of course you did great, I was the one who taught you that!” Shinobu looked at your limbs seeing them still shrinking. “My my, it seems like you’re gonna turn into a spiderling soon! Such a shame, my girlfriend turning into a disgusting looking spiderling or maybe you’ll manage to hold your beauty in tact even as a spiderling. That would be something for me to remember! Now, do you wanna try that?” 
“What? I can’t hear you” You frowned at her words knowing full well she heard you.
“My my Y/n we have spoken about this. You really do need to speak up. If you waste so much time you’ll turn into a spiderling!” 
Even at your weak state you managed to muster up a glare at Shinobu.
“Alright, I’m sorry. I’ll turn you back now, I’ll be shunned by the other hashiras if they find out you turned into a spiderling because of me” Shinobu let out a light chuckle before taking your short arm, easily puncturing a needle through your skin and reaching a vein. You smiled at Shinobu before closing your eyes letting sleep engulf you whole.  
Your eyes slowly fluttered open, you began to instantly feel unwelcoming pain and you groaned. 
“Ah, finally you’re awake! I’ve been waiting to kiss your face for hours now!” Shinobu quickly placed kisses all over your face before kissing your lips.
“Thanks Shinobu. I was welcomed with immense pain but seeing you makes me feel much better” Shinobu cupped your cheek. 
“Aww, corny as usual” You scoffed, very offended by Shinobu's comment as you were about to hit her lightly on her arm you soon realized that your short baby arms didn’t even come near Shinobu.
“Hmmm? Can’t hit me now can you?” Shinobu quickly teased.
“Just you wait!” You said as you gritted your teeth.
“Your revenge plan has to wait for now. Until then, I’ll brace myself for your wrath” Shinobu giggled and poked your nose.
“Now drink this medicine” Shinobu helped you get up before letting you drink the whole medicine. 
Your eyes widened when you were hit with a shocking disgusting taste that came with the medicine. You were about to spit it out but Shinbou quickly covered your mouth with her hand, lifting your head up forcing you to swallow it. 
“Ew! What the hell did you feed me!? I thought you teasing me long enough for me to almost turn into a spiderling was enough, now you had to poison me too!?” You yelled, raising your baby arms in frustration. The sight of you raising your baby arms with a pout on your face was so adorable to Shinobu! She swore she was gonna remember this moment forever. 
“I’m sorry darling but it’s the only medicine that will make your limbs grow to normal. You’ll have to hold on for a little longer” Shinobu kissed your lips which you happily returned. 
“Love you, now I gotta go and treat the other patients” You nodded.
Shinobu was about to leave your room before she paused. 
“Oh and you have to drink that medicine three times a day” 
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silverynight · 3 years
Can we have more Tanjiro with long hair, please? The pillars rushed to the Butterfly Mansion after hearing the news that Tanjiro had returned from the mission injured (it's only a minor scratch, though). But when they stepped inside, they were very surprised by the figure of Tanjiro sweeping the yard while surrounded by flowers and butterflies (no, it was just their imagination). Tanjiro looks beautiful with his hair tied in a low ponytail, a small smile graces his face as he hums a song softly
Aoi watches Kocho smiling softly at the sight before her; the girls and her spent a couple of minutes cleaning and bandaging Tanjirou's scratches, but it seems the three little (mischievous) girls managed to convince the boy to wear one of the butterfly hair clips.
It's been a while since Tanjirou decided to grow his hair and now he has the habit of tying it up in a very long ponytail. Honestly, his hair looks amazing and he looks breathtaking like that.
And that's kind of the problem because all the hashira love Tanjirou and always go crazy over his beautiful hair.
"They're coming," Kocho tells her and Aoi has the temptation of closing her eyes or running away for a moment.
But she doesn't. The three little girls (Naho, Sumi and Kiyo) are talking with Tanjirou about his latest mission and they absolutely notice when the Pillars walk in.
"You mentioned a song you used to calm Nezuko down, can you sing it for us?" Sumi asks almost shyly; Aoi knows better though and she's sure they have a plan in mind.
Tanjirou looks ethereal; his hair is still a little bit wet because he just took a bath, but it's tied up in a ponytail and with the beautiful hair clip on it.
His arm is bandaged but he looks content, almost at peace, so relaxed that he doesn't notice he has an audience now, holding their breaths as the young demon slayer's cheeks turn just slightly pink.
"Or just hum it?" Naho pleads, managing to finally persuade him.
He nods and his long hair moves a little bit with him.
"This was a song our mother used to sing for us before going to sleep," he mumbles as he closes his eyes, lost in the memory for a couple of seconds.
Then he starts humming and the light from the sunlight comes from the entrance to touch his head like a red golden halo.
Aoi watches the hashira carefully and is afraid for a moment they'll pass out if they don't breathe soon.
Kanroji starts silently sobbing, but Aoi realizes they're happy tears. Shinazugawa is frozen in place and it's the first time someone in the butterfly estate has seen him like that; vulnerable, out of place, like he's afraid to move.
When Himejima starts praying again, in a whisper, something that sounds almost like a poem; Aoi realizes the Pillars have been hit with many emotions at once: they're mesmerized by the sight before them, but also relieved to see he's fine; they were told Tanjirou was injured and she's sure they almost lost their minds because of it.
Iguro hugs Kanroji close to him as he looks at Tanjirou quietly. Tomioka is staring like he wants to absorb the view of Tanjirou humming softly (eyes closed, surrounded by warmth and happiness) and keep it in his mind as an eternal memory.
For once, Uzui is speechless and Tokito has never been so focused on anything before.
Seeing too much emotion displayed before her, makes Aoi feel scared for a moment; it's true, she cares more about Kocho than any other hashira, but she knows everything they do for everyone, how much they have risked and worked in order to keep people safe; they deserve this, they deserve these little moments of happiness.
Tanjirou stops, eyes blinking open as he turns around to look at the Pillars; there's genuine surprise in his big, dark red eyes.
"Oh, hi!" He bows at them respectfully before smiling sincerely at all of them. "I didn't see you there! Do you have a meeting today?"
Aoi rolls her eyes; isn't it obvious that they're just there for him? No, apparently not to Tanjirou, even if Rengoku is right at his side in the blink of an eye and holding him against him like he doesn't want to let go.
They don't want to let him go, Aoi realizes as they gather around him, smiles already curling up the corners of their lips.
"The hair clip was an excellent idea," purrs Uzui, finally being able to speak again. "Was it you Shinobu?"
"No," she smiles, looking down at Naho, Sumi and Kiyo. "It was their idea."
"Yes, I don't know if it suits me, but they insisted so much..." Tanjirou blushes, looking shy.
"You look perfect," Tokito mumbles and he sounds so sincere, the young demon slayer beams at him in return.
"I'll bring you many sweets from my next mission just for that," Uzui promises to the little girls.
"I've missed you, Tanjirou," Tomioka confesses and everyone else looks like he's speaking for all the hashira at once.
"Are you tired or hungry, my boy?" Rengoku asks, pouting when Shinazugawa manages to pull Tanjirou away from him.
"Who did that to you?" The wind hashira sounds almost aggressive, but Aoi knows he's just worried.
"A demon," Tanjirou says, not looking even a little bit afraid of the Pillar. "But I already took care of everything."
"That probably means you gave them a peaceful death," Shinazugawa says, trying to make it look like he's scolding Tanjirou, but he looks almost proud as he keeps talking. "Which they probably didn't deserve."
"I'm glad you're alright, my boy," Rengoku says, as his eyes soften in a way that makes it painfully obvious everything he feels for Tanjirou.
After assuring them he's fine and thanking them for worrying about him, the boy beams.
"Come with me!" Tanjirou says suddenly, lips quirking up into a huge smile. "I'll take you to Nezuko, she probably wants to see you too!"
Tanjirou walks ahead of them, his hair and the butterfly clip makes him look out of reach for a moment, like he's a painting coming to life.
And the Pillars follow him, because in a way it's like they don't have any other choice.
They'll follow until the very end.
Going back to her tasks, Aoi wishes them all the luck in the world so the next time Tanjirou looks back at them he finally sees what's really going on.
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bossmansayu · 2 years
Tanjiro x Reader oneshot
Wc: 1,203
Warnings: none
You’re a nurse at the butterfly mansion and you get news that Tanjiro has just got back from his mission
Pre established relationship
gn! reader
a/n : yay! This is my first oneshot posted! I hope you enjoy, I tried my best to proof read but I just wanted to get this out. 💗
It had only been a few days since Tanjiro and Nezuko had left for a mission, it was always stressful when he got long or drawn out missions, especially when communication was scarce or unavailable.
But you knew Tanjiro was strong and he had Nezuko literally strapped to his back. But still, every time he would leave you couldn’t wait for the moment he would return, it was like a small voice in the back of your head telling you,
“he’s already dead you know”
“He’s probably bleeding out hurt and you cant do anything about it”
They were cruel words but for some reason you couldn’t shake those feelings.
To stop the dark thoughts of consuming you, you decided to go on a walk, it was around 9:00pm at the butterfly mansion, it was summer so the sun was still out as it would be for another hour. you wore a light purple Andon Bakama and a white kimono, it wasn’t to hot but you still wore it a bit loose around your shoulders, you weren’t expecting to see anyone on your walk so you weren’t worried about giving off the wrong idea.
Sliding open the back doors to your room, you were meet with a cold breeze that felt refreshing in the summer heat. You decided it would be best if you just walked through Miss Kocho’s garden behind the mansion. Since your room was facing towards the back it was only about a 15 minute walk to the garden, and it was a path you took regularly, Miss Kocho’s garden was like a safe haven for you. It was covered in bight purple pink and blue flowers and was infested with colorful butterflys that were there almost year round.
It always calmed you even if you were just thinking about the garden so as you walk you were expecting the feeling of dread to go away, but you still couldn’t get it out of your stomach. Deciding to continue walking hoping it would dissipate eventually. Making it to the garden after a few minutes you headed to the middle of the flower field but before you could move into the garden a loud caw of your name stoped you in your tracks.
You looked behind you to see Kanao’s Crow flying at you, you realized after a second that it was flying awfully fast, too fast, you were sure that at that speed the crow would end up hurting itself if it crashed. But to your surprise the crow landed on the ground with little to no visible difficulties,
You weren’t the top nurse at the butterfly mansion but you were probably in the top 5 recommended nurses for bigger injuries, like amputated limbs, deadly gashes, and the more gory scenes that they younger butterfly children wouldn’t be able to handle. So whatever had happened to this patient must’ve been bad, bad enough that the other nurses couldn’t take care of them.
Tightening your Kimono, you began to run towards the destination Kanao’s crow was leading you, out of all the days you decided to go to that farthest side of the butterfly mansion another reminder why you weren’t a demon slayer.
Reaching your destination, you turned the corner to see Kanao and Nezuko, both the girls turned to look at you Kanao with a upset expression on her face and Nezuko with glossy eyes with tears that threatened to flow over. Nezuko quickly ran towards you and hugged you around your legs, “Whats the issue?”
You said as you pickup Nezuko’s smaller form holding her like a baby as she clung to your chest. It was very unusual for you to be called at this late as most demon slayers would start working when the sun set.
“Its um…”
Kanao was looking down at her feet playing with her fingers obviously uncomfortable with what she was about to say , you walked towards her still holding Nezuko as you put a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes, “Its okay Kanao, just tell me what’s wrong”
Kanao looked up at you a soft smile on your face, it was probably her favorite thing about you, your ability to make her anxiety basically go away with only a few movements. To her it was like magic, she took a deep breath in and got out the words that she was to tell you,
“Its… Tanjiro, he just got back from a mission- well he got back a few hours ago but he’s been knocked out since he got back, he was badly injured so I dong blame him. Im… sorry for not telling you earlier, I wanted to but I decided against it.”
Tanjiro usually ally got hurt from the missions he was put on but Kanao always told you whenever he would get back and how hurt he was, the one other time she didn’t tell you was when he was at a near death condition.
That thought crossed your head and instant worry froze you. What happened? Was it that bad that Kanao was so hesitant to tell you? You swiftly set down Nezuko and ran as fast as you could to Tanjiro’s room.
You got to his closed door, and took a deep breath in imagining the worst outcome and then opened the door.
The room was quiet the orange color of the sunset filtered through the windows laying a spot light directly onto to Tanjiro’s bed. His head was facing away from the door and looking out the window, despite his outer condition he was sitting straight up in his bed. You knew he knew you were there, standing in the doorway staring at his bandaged back, he didn’t dare move though, you took a step forward as of you were testing the temperature of a hot spring.
“Im sorry”
It was quiet, like a whisper almost, and it came from Tanjiro’s mouth. You took more steps until you were at the edge of his bed, Tanjiro turned his head to look up at you, he looked like a sad puppy. You quickly hugged him and he immediately hugged back, you both stayed there for a while not moving just happy that their lover was safe in their arms. “Why do you do this”
You and Tanjiro both knew that the sunrise was never guaranteed for a slayer, in fact it was the first conversation you both had with each other her when your relationship became official, but it was never a easy thought to stomach.
Tanjiro didn’t reply he just hugged back harder, you weren’t mad at him you never were, its just things like this scared you.
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blue-bird-kny · 3 years
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This took way to many days to write for absolutely no reason, but I liked it in the end so please, enjoy~Amanda
Warnings: N/a
Words: 2.4k+
↳{Fluffy first baths together are nothing short of what you’d expect with Inosuke}
The gentle pitter-patter of water droplets drizzling down bamboo shoots and swaying green leaves filled the otherwise quiet space. The welcoming scent of dew and greenery danced through the night air as you overlooked the outdoor bathing area, “absolutely perfect” you thought as your muscles cried in despair. You, along with your team of idiots and sweet Nezuko, had walked miles in search of a home bearing the Wisteria crest, everyone in desperate need of some rest, repair, and (hopefully) lots of delicious food. “Come in, young child, as weary as you may be, your body needs food to begin the healing process” a grainy voice beckoned. An elderly woman, just barely 5 feet wrapped in purple with shimmering silver hair, waited patiently beside the open door, “I think my husband was too excited to greet you all because he got carried away and made far too much food” she continued. “Oh don’t worry, my boys are very capable of eating you out of house and home, especially my boyfriend” you giggled while climbing the wooden steps to meet her.
You walked side by side to the dining room, the smell of beef stew and rice already reaching you, “Thanks again, to you and your husband, we’ve spent weeks running around and I know we desperately needed the break” she chuckled, “No need child, my husband misses the thrill of battle even in his old age, so we are thrilled to have you.” your eyes widened slightly but before you could ask the shorter woman of her husband's past, a loud crash could be heard behind the thin sliding door. Behind its papery protection was a scene that couldn’t be anymore hilarious; wrestling on the floor was an older man, thick and burley with round rims sliding down the bump of his nose, hovering over a wailing Zenitsu whose body was being forced into a backbend with his head held tightly in a choke-hold by the man’s hairy arms. Tanjiro stood beside the duo desperately trying to pull his friend out from under the other, trying to talk over the hefty laughter and screaming, while Inosuke stood cheering the man on as if this were some sort of cage fight.
You could feel the twitch in your eye act up, ready to pull them apart but before you could open your mouth the elderly woman cleared her throat, causing the wild bunch to freeze. Her husband's eyes slowly fell on hers as fear overcame them and as for the other three, they couldn’t help but shiver at the dead set look on yours. “What’s going on here?” the women commanded, her steel set tone sending the group scrambling into seated positions as she prowled into the room- you followed slowly behind her. Tanjiro croaked first, “W-well Mr.Shimura was telling us about his days in the force and he just wanted to show us some of his, uh, moves'' Tanjiro's voice wavered a bit at the end, not sure if ‘moves’ was the right way to describe assault. “Y/n! Please don’t let this man torture me anymore, he’s crazy!” the blonde rushed to your side with teary eyes and a tight grip on your arm. The women pulled her large husband up by his ear, “Don’t worry, you children enjoy your food, my husband,” she tugged on the lobe for emphasis, “and I will be off to bed” she turned to you, “I assume you’ll be able to find the bathing area and your room?” “Of course” you assured. The moment the couple became shadows behind the door, you could hear the wife’s grumbling- you couldn’t help but chuckle. 
Unsettled by the silence, you turned to find all eyes on you, waiting for a reprimand you had no intention of delivering, “Oh ease up, eat before the food gets cold'' a collective sigh could be heard around the table, your hand gentle releasing the part of Zenitsu that was still clinging your clothes. The spot open next to Inosuke was as inviting as the mouth-watering scent of a hot meal that had been calling your name since further down the hallways. Your fingers faintly fell on the tuft of your boyfriend's hair, ruffling them a bit, before diving into your own bowl of rice and soup. While Inosuke felt your small act of affection and craved it a bit more, he only offered a messy smile as he shoveled spoonfuls into his mouth. 
Ceramic dishes once filled with hand-cooked deliciousness were now cleaned empty, stacked into small towers all across the wooden table in some sort of toppling city. The room was almost empty too, Zenitsu and Tanjiro both eager to wash the wear away and to finally allow themselves to be consumed by uninterrupted dreams, had already taken off for the night. “I’m going to die,” the bloated heap on the floor cried, his duo-toned hair sprawled out around him and his robe strewn on the ground. You laughed, “No, Inosuke, you aren’t going to die” you laid on the carpet beside him, propped up by one elbow. As the man heaved and sighed as if he were going into labor, your nose caught a whiff of something salty and musty and earthy and gross, “I swear if you don’t go shower right now, my eyes are going to melt from my skull” you complained nasally as you pinched your nostrils shut; You were met with only louder moaning and heaving. “C’mon everyone else already-” you stopped yourself short, an idea too good to pass up crossing your mind. “Since everyone else is already tucked away, why don’t we bath together?” before you could even finish the question, Inosuke sat up faster than light, his eyes challenging yours as if saying “Are you playing me?”. “We never get to do anything just us so if you're up for it, I’m down” you concluded slightly smug as he clung to each word you uttered like a puppy waiting for a treat. You stood to leave, crouching down once more to balance your fingers below his chin, forcing him to face you, “But, no funny business”. 
You didn’t even have to look to see Inosuke was following, his second set of steps echoing yours as if they were the thunder that follows lighting; two things equally as powerful, yet relied on the other for strength. Again, you were greeted by the soft flow of water streaming into the natural spring, the brilliant moonlight above lighting the large basin carved from polished rock that sat in the middle of the space. “Turn around” you asked, to which Inosuke surprisingly compiled too with only a tiny grumble. You slid your filthy clothes off layer by layer, the black garments piled together as you tip-toed into the warm water, the steam instantly feeling irresistible on your skin. “I-I’ll close my eyes so you can get in, too” you stuttered, the heavy realization of the intimacy that was to come next, an intimacy that had never been shared before. “Whatever you want, we’ll be naked anyways in the water” Insouke pointed out as he too discarded his smaller pile onto yours, however, you didn’t dare peek before you heard the breaking of water as he climbed in, didn’t dare breathe as he groaned in relief. Slowly, you uncovered your eyes, trained steadily past the demon slayer's face; awkwardly and in unusual silence, you two sat five feet apart, waiting to see who dared to move first.
Well of course it was Inosuke who shuffled through the water first towards you, “You can look at me, ya know” he said with a sort of want in his voice, as if your gaze offered an approval he sought from only you. Whether the pink that painted his skin was from the temperature or the heat of the moment, you couldn’t tell, but you didn’t dwell on it for long because other things piqued your interest. While the number of times you’ve seen Inosuke wear a shirt was almost non-existent, the steam rising from the water altered his scarred chest into something else; it was more chiseled, more tanned, each dip and mark was more perfect, the reflection below somehow glowed in a way that was more than you had every painted Inosuke to be and it took your breath away. “What are ya looking at?” he asked defensively, fidgeting in an almost timid way; it reminded you that you shouldn’t be nervous around him, “You, ya dummy”. He scoffed at your bluntness, grateful to hear the normal bite in your tongue instead of the disgust he feared you’d feel towards him. His stunning pair of green orbs watched as you leaned closer to him, arms stretched as you grew even closer, “What the hel-” he panicked slightly only to be fooled as you grabbed something that was behind him; two bottles waved in front of his face as you teased, “What? Afraid of some soap, piglet?”. He muttered a string of complaints, ‘tease’ and ‘mean’ being the only two you could work out.
You squeezed the white shampoo into your open palm, setting it down somewhere on the edge of the bath, “May I?” you asked, hovering your hands beside his head. He sucked on his teeth before mumbling a raspy “fine”, easing himself between your awaiting limbs. You worked the suds into his scalp, gently massaging his dark roots with the pads of your thumbs before working your way down to bunch his falling strands, lathering them in the floral-scented soap. As you worked to cover every last inch of his scalp in bubbles, Inosuke struggled to keep quiet; his half-lidded eyes fluttered with every circular rub, his mouth slightly agape as he relished in your touch and had to work at suppressing the purrs that threatened to escape his chest like a cat.
“Bend down a little, will ya” you pushed against his head till he was close enough to the water that when he tipped back, his long tresses would be covered. You rinsed his hair gently, taking your time to enjoy this rare chance  with your loved one (along with the funny faces you knew he was making). Inosuke wanted to say something, anything would do really, but he just couldn’t put syllables together as if with every trail your fingers followed, you sucked away his ability to think. You had already rid his scalp from the soap, however, you weren’t ready to let go just yet; you ushered him out of the water so you could use your nails to push the soaked strands back, twirling them into a loose bun at the back of his head. Inosuke was so close, he was sure he’d make it out of this without any weird noises but the subtle scratching against his skin was too much for any man. A low rumble emerged from his throat followed by a relieved sigh, “If I knew all it took to tame this wild boar was a few head scratches, I’d have started a long time ago” you giggled, sliding your palms down the length of his neck to rest on his shoulders, “all done”. His brows furrowed at the weight behind his head and the lack thereof on his back, “It’s a bun” you explained, “Yea, well I feel bald” “Don’t knock just yet, it helps keep your hair from your face when you’re fighting, plus I think you look hot with it” you tightened your hold on him for a second as a blush crept its way onto his skin.
“It's getting late, you can get out if you want, I’m going to wash up” you reached for the same bottle of shampoo, tipping it over to collect its contents, but before the suds could touch your skin, Inosuke’s grip caught your wrist. “I’ll do it” he stated firmly, “You don’t have to-” “I’ll do it” he repeated, already taking the bottle. A glop of shampoo slapped against his palm as he rushed to spread it between his two hands. You closed your eyes, ready to be serenaded by his sweet touch when you were quickly reminded of who you were dealing with here- the furthest thing from sweet. Water splashed haphazardly as Inosuke drilled into your skull, roughly kneading your scalp. “Ouch! Stop it! Is that what it felt like to you?! Any harder and I’ll be the bald one!” you yelled, moving away from his hands still hanging above the water. Inosuke shrunk a little, visibly upset as he looked to his right at nothing specific. Instantly regretting your reaction, you acted to fix the situation, “Here” you gently placed his thick fingers against your scalp once again this time placing yours above his, easing them into a gentle, rhythmic massage. “See,” you sighed, “not everything in life is a race.”
Inosuke looked at the way your face fell at the feel of his fingers gently working against you, he almost had to double-take to make sure it was his touch that was providing you so much pleasure- in fact, it sort of inflated his already bulging ego. Although he spent less time washing and rinsing your hair as you had hoped (you could have sat there for hours) the water was growing cooler and time was nipping at both your ankles, reminding you of the sleep you oh so needed. Washed and feeling refreshed, you reached for his shoulders, using them to glide through the water until your chest was pressed against his, becoming more familiar with the feel of his warmth against yours. Your arms dangled over his shoulders with your head buried in his neck, while his large palms found themselves holding your waist, “this was fun” you whispered into his skin. Inosuke grunted, exhaustion creeping up on him too. “Let go to bed” you yawned ready to detach yourself reluctantly from the strong man when you were suddenly carried above the water, exposed and shivering you wrapped your legs instinctively around him. “What are you doing?” you asked embarrassed and flushed red. A wide grin overtook his face as he held you tighter, “Figured you’d be too weak to walk after I almost put you to bed with my magical fingers” he replied as he trudged through the water and out the bath, two towels already waiting to dry your skin.
Later that night as you both lay covered in cotton robes and silk sheets surrounded by the gentle buzz of the others snoring around the room, together on one futon with eyelids as heavy as stones, something occurred to you. “Hey babe?” you whispered, getting a half grunt in response, “you never took that bun out, did you?” the arm that was holding you securely to his side flicked you gently, “hush women” he breathed. You chuckled low, snuggling closer into Inosuke's warmth, falling effortlessly into a peaceful sleep.
Thank you~
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umai-town · 3 years
~Flames of the Heart~
~A Rengoku Tribute in honor of The KNY: Mugen Train Movie~
🔥 ~Flames of the Heart~ 🔥
[Kyoujurou Rengoku x Fem! Slayer Reader]
Warnings – Alt-Reality! Fluffy-ish, Not 100% Canon, Contains small SPOILS! [for the movie], Story Alterations, tear-jerking, sensitive topics maybe? read at your own risk!
Prompt of alt- You are Rengoku’s known Girlfriend! BUT, if you have yet to watch the movie or read the manga this may not be for you! So please read at your own risk!
This also takes place after the movie, the alter is instead of the known /Ending Fight/ it is replaced with all of them coming home. Yes, the fight happens but it ends with all being injured instead of death and so on. Meaning no one dies. But the aftermath has been heavily altered to fit the contact of this Fan-story.
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You were sitting there at the train station waiting. “Where are they?... he should be here by now!” you began to panic because the train he was on had yet to come into the station, it was now late by half an hour. You were trying your hardest to just sit there and wait, it was killing you not knowing if he was ok or not alone with the other slayers who joined him in his mission. You close your eyes and begin a small prayer for their safety, one you learned from the Stone Pillar Gyomei. It was at this moment you hear a familiar cawing sound. You finish your prayer and look up to see your trusty Raven flying down to you.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” She spoke as she flew down. She landed down on your shoulder, lucky for you she was rather small compared to others. “Shh! Momani, you can’t speak out here! There are regulars around!” [Regulars- Non slayers, civilians] With that she leaned in with a soft caw. “Kyoujurou Rengoku! Along with 3 other slayers and the Demon Nezuko have been spotted!” Your eyes widen, you feel that awful tension in your gut go away knowing they are still alive.
“They have defeated the Lower rank Demon Enmu! The Train is no longer running! Your attendance is needed at the Butterfly estate! All known Slayers are injured and headed there now! Go (Y/N)! The Butterfly estate! ” She cawed flying off of your shoulder into the sky ready to lead you to your next location. You get up and dust off, heading to the butterfly estate. You were excited to finally see your beloved Sunshine after he had been gone for so long.
[Time skips because your journey was long]
You had finally made it to the Butterfly estate you walk up to the entrance and you were greeted by the small girl with pigtails, Aoi. She looked a bit worried when she saw it was you and before you could get any words out, she grabbed your hand and dragged you to wherever she was going. “H-Hey Aoi! Where are we going!?” She looked back at you “you will understand when we get there, Miss (Y/N) as of right now you are needed really badly! Not to mention you were late on arrival today as usual!” You rolled your eyes; you were not late! If anything, you were early, she always has a reason to be this way to you.
You were finally let go of once you had reached one of the infirmary rooms. You look down at her a bit confused, she looked up at you with worry fiddling her fingers a bit. “So, Miss (Y/N) you do understand why you are here right?” She spoke. “Yes of course I do! Rengoku and the other slayers who went with him are here because of their injuries right. I was told to come to help right?” She looked down, “why what is with that face Aoi? Just tell me.” She looked at you with that stern little face she always had on
“You’re here because Rengoku Injuries are Sever! He Got into a fight with an Upper Rank Demon…” Your eyes shot open, A upper rank demon, one of the twelve Kizuki? No way.
You went to open the door and see him, but she grabbed your hand holding it there, you shoot a glare at her. “Listen! Tanjiro said he won but the demon got away… has hurt really bad but he asked you be here… so please don’t freak out…” you were on the verge of tears, but you sucked it up and nodded to her. She let you go and you slowly slid the door open.
You saw many empty beds, and the room was only lit by the sunlight coming in from outside. But you finally saw him. He was sitting up in his bed looking outside he had the same soft smile as he always did but… He was covered in bandages his chest and stomach were fully rapped up; His right eye was also rapped up. You gasped lightly at this; how could he have done something so reckless. With that he slowly turned to see you, he gave you his big cheesy grin like he always did, “Hello (Y/N)! It sure has been a moment!” He spoke with his loud sweet tone; it was a bit harsh sounding, but you didn’t mind. You walked up to him taking in his new image, all he did was watch your movements with his smile plastered on his face.
You get to him finally and he grabs your hand, and you sit next to him on his bed. You were about to cry, You were sad and happy all at once. He was alive but hurt so bad… “why are you tearing up my sunshine? ~” He said as he wiped your tears softly with his other hand. You sniffle a bit “I am right here am I not?” You nod. “then why be sad when I am here by your side! Smile for me~ “You lean into his hand giggling lightly giving him a soft smile. “That’s it! Come on now! ~ I have not seen your beautiful smile in days! Give me your best!!” You couldn’t help but laugh at this. Despite all his injuries, his raspy voice, the pain he must be feeling he was worried about you and a simple smile. That’s your Rengoku alright.
“There it is~…that sweet smile so bright and radiant as ever~…” you softly lean in hugging him ever so softly and he hugged you back. You felt him jump a bit in pain yet when you tried to pull away, he only pulled you in closer, hugging you tightly.
“My sunshine~… I am so glad I get to see you again… I could have ended it all but…” he let you go and as you faced him, he placed a hand on your cheek. “I wanted to come home to you once more~”
You smiled to him as he leaned in and gave you a soft passion filled kiss. “I’m just so glad you’re ok and safe~” he laughed aloud “I am merely glad I am in one piece! I was almost split into two halves! Could you image two of me walking around (Y/N)?” You both laugh on together.
He was safe and sound with you by his side. You could feel your spirits lift each time you saw him. You stayed at the Butterfly estate for as long as he was there. You helped around and talked to Tanjiro and them about their mission. Rengoku would tell you stories of the mission and Tanjiro and the others was so excited because Rengoku told them he would train them all. You were so happy to see him smile and glow like he did. You couldn’t ask for more from the world than what you had with Rengoku. He was your Sunshine like you was his, he lit up a room and all the people he looked at. He was the reason you kept moving forward, he was the fuzzy feeling in your tummy, he was so much more than words could express.
He was the Fire Burning in your heart, never going out only getting brighter as each day passed.
~~~ End Chapter ~~~
🔥🔥 I hope you all enjoyed it! follow for more content, make sure to like and share!~ 🔥🔥
There is now an extended version of the story! UMAI
🧡✨ As always Thank you for your love and Support! ✨🧡
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ironwoman18 · 4 days
Chapter 4: Muzan Kibutzuyi and the Blue Spider Lily
Tanjiro and Nezuko arrived at the place of their first mission and decided to go have lunch and look for information.
While Tanjiro ordered their lunch Nezuko asked some people.
“Excuse me... I was wondering if you know anything about the disappearance of young girls?”
“Oh yes... There had been some disappearances this past couple of days. Last night a young girl disappeared but we believe it was her fiance’s fault” said an old man to Nezuko.
“You should be careful young lady. Is he your brother?” A woman asked, pointing at Tanjiro.
“Yes, he is my big brother” she said “and thank you for your concern” she smiled kindly.
“Anyway... Look for Tanaka. He's the fiance of the last girl who disappeared” she nodded and walked to Tanjiro. 
She told him what they said to her and he nodded as she did.
“I will see if I can find him by the smell of his guilt” he said looking at her.
They ate their ramen and some tea a lady gave them as a present. Then the siblings left the restaurant and started to look around.
Tanjiro looked for the smell of the boy while Nezuko was asking other people around town.
Then the siblings met and shared the information they gathered and headed where Tanjiro found the smell of a demon and on their way there they met Tanaka.
“Excuse me... Are you Tanaka?” Asked Nezuko kindly the young man nodded “I'm Nezuko and this is Tanjiro... We heard about what happened to your fiance”
The man had tears in his eyes “no...nobody believes me... S...she just disappeared... We were heading to her house after dinner and... I turned and she was gone” his voice was shaking as he explained to the Kamado siblings. They looked at each other.
“Where were you when this happened?” Asked Tanjiro with a kind voice.
He led them there and Tanjiro picked the smell of the demon. It was already the night so the smell was mixed with the smell of a woman.
Tanjiro followed it while Nezuko was next to Tanaka trying to protect him as they followed her brother.
They reached a house and by the smell of blood Tanjiro hit the ground with his katana and a dark hole opened and he pulled a girl out of it as a demon jumped out of the hole.
He handed the girl to Tanaka “keep her safe!” Then Nezuko and Tanjiro stood in front of them as the demon grinded his teeth making a horrible sound.
Then another started to scream angry because the girl is getting older by the minute and she will taste bad, a third body appeared and he was able to speak more fluently. 
Tanjiro and Nezuko started to fight the three demons as they were blocking attacks from them. Their movements were synchronized, when Tanjiro used a water form, Nezuko did one that had good synergy with his.
They kept their ground against the three demons, one of them jumped in the black hole on the ground so Tanjiro told Nezuko “I will follow him, can you protect them?” she nodded and he jumped in the hole. I was filled with a disgusting liquid like water but muddy.
Tanjiro found the demon and found a piece of leather with ribbons and hair bands inside, he grabbed it and put it in his pocket then used a water technique perfect to perform under water; a whirlpool formed and ripped the demon’s body, then Tanjiro swam out of the hole.
“Tanjiro, are you ok?” asked Nezuko.
“Yeah, don’t worry” he said as he looked at the remaining demon, Nezuko already killed the other.
Both siblings charged toward the demon and cut his limbs “Who is Muzan Kitbutsuji?” asked Nezuko.
“Where is he?” asked Tanjiro with his sword against his neck.
The demon shook his head and both of them noticed the panic in his eyes “No no... I can’t tell you...” he could see the shadow of Muzan telling him to keep his mouth shut.
Tanjiro sighed, realizing he wouldn't tell them anything so he cut his head, pulling him out of his misery. Then the sibling headed to the boy holding the unconscious girl.
“Tanaka... take this... your fiance’s ribbon should be here” he handed him the piece of leather “try to move on, it might be hard but you can do it”
He took it and realized she is gone for real “H...how dare you kid?! I lost someone really important to me... you are just a kid!!” he said with tears in his eyes and full of anger then he watched Tanjiro’s and Nezuko’s hands, their hands weren’t the hands of two kids and their eyes showed their hidden pain, he realized they suffered more than him “I...”
“It 's ok... we know it’s hard but you can do it, just think what she would want you to do” said Nezuko with a kind smile and Tanaka just cried and nodded “Now please make sure she gets home safe” he nodded again.
Then her crow landed on her shoulder “Head north! head north... there’s a demon killing people!!” her voice was softer than Tanjiro’s crow.
He noticed his crow fuming because she reached them first. Then they left the town heading north.
On their way they noticed the crows fighting, making the siblings laugh, then they chatted about the places they saw while heading to the next city. When they reached it, they were in awe as they looked around. It was full of light and people. 
They were used to their little town and never saw a big city like this one, even where Giyuu lived wasn’t as crowded as this one.
The older Kamado brother hasn't smelled anything yet so they stopped by a street cart and ordered dinner. When the food arrived, Nezuko had a bad feeling and her heart was pounding while Tanjiro looked to his right as a disgusting smell hit him.
“I can smell him... The demon that attacked our home!” He stood up and ran after that while Nezuko followed him.
The Kamado siblings arrived at the center of the town and Tanjiro followed the smell to a man. He touched his shoulder and the man turned around, he had red eyes and was wearing a black suit and a white hat that looked foreign.
Tanjiro and Nezuko were ready to unsheathe their swords when a girls voice interrupted them.
Tanjiro was paralyzed when he saw this “daddy, who are those kids?”
“I don't know sweetheart. Maybe they confused me with someone else”
“Or maybe they are lost,” said a woman next to him.
Muzan looked at them and he felt his stomach twisted as he saw those earrings Tanjiro was wearing and looked at him with a mix of hatred and disgust.
“This man... Is the one who killed my family but... Does he have a family? Do they know he's a murderer?”
“We better keep going darling, I hope you find your parents' kids” he said and his hand moved at an incredible speed and scratched a man’s neck making him start a riot stopping the siblings to say anything to expose him.
Tanjiro jumped on the man using his sword to stop the man from killing his wife, some veins popped on his forehead and screamed “Muzan!! I will kill you!!! You won't keep hurting others!! I swear it!!” Muzan made a huge effort to control his anger. How dare that little brat say such things? He's a natural force, he should be thankful for keeping his precious life.
Tanjiro was trying to control the man as the police tried to see what was going on, when  a sweet smell stopped everyone and formed a circle around them. Tanjiro realized it was one of the special techniques Giyuu told him.
“Tanjiro, Nezuko some demons, stronger ones, can use their blood to create a technique. They called Blood Demon Art and they can go from creating things to intoxicated humans in order to kill them” 
“Y...you are a demon...” Said Tanjiro looking at a woman in her late thirties.
“Yes, but I'm here to help you, can you trust me?” He nodded and the boy next to her hit the man to get him unconscious then she added “I will meet you at my house. Yuichiro will take you there” Tanjiro nodded. And the blood demon art stopped and every one went back to normal then they went back to the cart and the man was angry at them leaving.
Tanjiro as an apology ordered two more dishes and they hate it then Yuichiro walked towards them and lead them to his house, acting really hostile towards them and dared to call Nezuko ugly which set the big brother on fire and started to fight him and Nezuko tried to calm him.
They walked in range of his blood demon art and a big house was in front of them. They walked in and the boy demon led them to the woman’s meeting room.
“Thank you for trusting me and come here” she said as she gestured to them to take a seat “Yuichiro, please can you bring boiled water for a nice cup of tea” he nodded and walked to the kitchen to get it.
“Are you really a demon?” She smiled kindly and nodded “why are you helping that man?”
“Well... I'm a doctor as well and I can find a solution for that man” both kids were shocked to learn she was a doctor and, as if she could read their mind, she said “my name is Tamayo and I don't eat humans like normal demons, just like Yuichiro. We buy blood bags from hospitals and consume just the right amount to survive” she explained.
“Why are you explaining this to these stupid kids?” Yuichiro asked, annoyed by the guests.
“Yuichiro don't be rude with them” she said with a dead serious tone.
“I'M SORRY!!!” He said blushing and taking a bow as an apology.
Tanjiro and Nezuko looked at him with a hint of amusement in their eyes and Tamayo noticed it and smiled.
“Tanjiro, Nezuko... I brought you here to ask for your help” she said, adding sugar to her tea and Tanjiro and Nezuko did the same with their teas “Did you try to talk to a demon?” they nodded “and you noticed they looked like they were scared” they nodded again “I bet you wonder why” she earned another nod and smiled also earning Yuichiro’s loving eyes “well I will explain it. Whenever Muzan turns anyone into a demon, he shares his thoughts and memories with them, he can access their brains and make sure they don't remember his face or how to find him and if they try to say something, he will kill them”
They remembered how the demon looked like he was really scared when they asked about Muzan and couldn't speak.
“They won't betray him so don't try to ask them and the twelve most powerful demons don't have this problem because they are too faithful to him that they won't tell anyone”
“And how are you telling us this?” he asked and before Yuichiro could say anything she lifted her arm to stop him.
“I was under Muzan’s control more than four hundred years ago but a man, wearing earrings like yours, Tanjiro, fought against him and he weakened him, which led him to lose control over me. I left his side and he never gained control over me ever again. I turned Yuichiro into a demon and he's also out of his control” they nodded “now I brought you here to ask for a favor... Before that control was broken, I remember Muzan had something in his mind and that something was a flower. According to him, this flower turned him into a demon and he believes he can defeat the sun if he consume more”
“A flower? How can a flower do such a thing?” Asked Nezuko in shock.
“The flower is called the blue spider lily. According to Buddhism the red spider lily is a flower to pay tribute to the dead but the blue spider lily stops you from dying so it's the enemy of the dead” she said looking at them “I believe that, if you can help me find it and... If you can find me samples of the 12 demonic moons... I can create a way to defeat Muzan and his demons” 
Before Tanjiro could ask something else. They received an attack destroying their place. Tanjiro and Nezuko moved away in time and there were two demons.
One with closed eyes and with arrows on his hands and a girl with balls.
The fight was hard and they worked as a team to make sure they were as synchronized as they were fighting the other demon but they realized that they had to fight separately in order to prevent their coordinated attacks.
Yuichiro gave them one of his eyes to see the arrows and that way they ended up winning against them, cutting their heads.
Tanjiro and Nezuko agreed to help Tamayo and find both things, the blue spider lily and the blood from the twelve stronger demons.
They left the house but before that. Yuichiro called Nezuko pretty and also called her awesome which made her blush and Tanjiro smiled proudly.
I finally got a solution for Nezuko not being a demon. They will have to find the blue spider lily.
I looked up on Google about the red spider lily then read this amazing theory that the mangaka used the same flower with a different color to symbolize that the red one means tribute to the dead and the blue one to prevent someone from dying.
I hope you liked this. Next chapter will be about them meeting Zenitsu and Inosuke.
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17wishbones · 3 years
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Here is the FINAL part (3) of Chapter VII: War’s End! So glad that you made it all to the end. A rather bittersweet sort of sensation but, it was fun writing this to the very end. I so wanted a happy ending, but I still sort of followed Rengoku’s path and cried my eyes out again but it was worth it. Again, this one I know I could write better so I’m going to work on it. Thank you all for reading through this and sticking with me. This was just so fun to do!
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                                      Chapter VII: War’s End
“Everyone ready to go?” Tanjiro asked his ‘lively’ crew.
Zenitsu was sitting with Nezuko who was comfortably set in her box. “Yep, yep! Me and Nezuko-chan are as ready as we’ll ever be.”
“Finally! I can get out and stretch my legs!” Inosuke shouted with glee as he grabbed his two blades.
“Hope you have room for one more.”
“Oh, sure, we do-- _____, is that. . . is that really you?”
“In the flesh.” You stepped through the doorway in just the uniform. Over the weeks, you garnered a leveled bob cut of your locs, an eyepatch over your left eye, and scars littering your arms and around your face. “I’ve missed you all so much.”
“COOOOOOK!!!” Inosuke bum-rushed you into a hug, sniffling loudly beneath his boar’s head. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?”
Zenitsu joined him, well, more like pushed him out of the way as he hugged you next. “____, WE WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER!!”
“I’m so sorry for up and leaving just like that. There was a lot to process after the Mugen Train incident, and I didn’t want to muddle your healthy minds with my emotions. I wanted to be mentally strong for you guys.” 
‘Her scent is still sad. Of course, she has a reason to be. She lost Rengoku-san, and has had to cope with that loss on her own. I know how tough that can be, but I have Nezuko with me still. She doesn’t have any kin or home to return to. Demon slaying is all she has. . . and us.’ Tanjiro’s eyes lit up. “That’s right! You have us.”
“Hmm? What was that, Tanjiro?” You asked.
“We’re a family, isn’t that right, _____?”
His words surprised you, and it made your heart jump with joy. You looked at all four of them as a part of your family. There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them. “You’re absolutely right. That’s why I want to come with you. Besides, as a Hashira, it is but my civic duty to protect Kyōjurō’s juniors.” Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you spoke fondly of him. “He was so ecstatic to have more apprentices under his belt. Therefore, I must follow in his footsteps and watch over you.”
“YEEEESS!! Having Cook with us will make traveling even better.”
Zenitsu frowned at him. ‘As if traveling with you has been anything pleasant.’
“Now, before we go. I want to see Senjuro. Did you relay the message to him already, Tanjiro?”
“Mhm. As soon as we got back, and when I was able to move. Do you want us to come with you? We’re heading through that direction anyway.”
“Perfect! Let’s be off then.”
You all travelled down to the Rengoku Estate, seeing Senjuro sweeping out of his home. He was caught off guard when you embraced him.
For a moment, there was silence as he held you back tightly, his eyes swelling with tears. Seeing him reminded you of all the times you spent together. The three of you were a team when you and Rengoku were training for the Final Selection. Senjuro, sweet and kind, had a quiet fire burning in him. He was going to be something amazing, just like his brother.
“Senjuro, how have you been? Are you alright?” You inspected him from his ember-tipped hair down to his sandals.
“I’m better now, after seeing you. You left in such a hurry, I was worried that you weren’t going to come back.”
“You’re stronger than I, Senjuro, and I wanted to be that for you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, _____. Are you leaving with Tanjiro and the others now?”
“Yes. I want to follow in your brother’s footsteps and protect those that I love and those that can’t protect themselves.” You knelt down, looking into his big, soft eyes. “I really wanted us to be together.” You said this, not knowing when death would knock at your doorstep. “I love you, Senjuro. I know you’ll be a great man in the future.”
“Mmm, I think I will be, too.” He hugged you one more time. “I love you, too, _____!”
You returned the favor before you both let go. You reached for your belt, pulling out a small box of goodies. “For you. Hope you like them. Take care, Senjuro.”
Your days, though filled with amazing memories, came to a close as you fell protecting the children. More than anything, you wanted them to succeed. Sacrificing yourself was the only way to win. It was a swift pain, a slow burn, and then darkness bled into your vision as your soul lifted towards the light and your warm, wavering aura vanished from your body.
You were sorry that you couldn’t stay as you walked halfway across the red bridge, spotting flame-tipped hair just over yonder. He peered over his shoulder, a proud smile spread on his handsome features as he held his hand out to you.
Over the red bridge did you both cross, fading into the distance.                                                          
                                       ( B O N U S - E N D I N G)
Summer had come and college was out! Most couldn’t wait to spend it goofing off on a beach, traveling across the States, or going right back into school a couple weeks later for summer courses. Many people had many things to look forward to, but you? You had woken up at the ass crack of dawn, taking in the morning air as you raced down the steps with your suitcase fully packed.
“Mom! Dad! Come on! We have to get the airport now! I can’t be late.” Your parents were so slow sometimes and that made you anxious. You could leave them here and catch a ride there or make it on your own but they were not having any of that.
“We’re coming, _____, we’re coming!” Your dad said with a mouthful of foaming toothpaste.
“You usually don’t wake up this early with this much energy.” Your mom added. 
“It’s not everyday you get to study abroad in the land of the Rising Sun! I have a day’s worth of traveling to do so I can always sleep later.” Yeah, you didn’t get any kind of sleep last night as you’d be spending most of it in the air.
You hurried them up and sped to the busy airport to meet with the group of classmates you were leaving with. You said your goodbyes to your parents, boarded the plane, and wished for a safe trip. 
As soon as service was offered, you grabbed a couple drinks, ate whatever they served in the trays, and knocked out until landing - save for the few bathroom trips -. 
Your horizon suddenly expanded the moment you walked out of Japan’s airport, looking around you in amazement. You had to keep murmuring to yourself, “Do not weeb out. I repeat, do not weeb out.” You loved anime, you loved Japanese culture, and you loved their idea of cuisine. Japan felt like the place for you.
“Okay everyone, please come together,” spoke your sweet, endearing Japanese princess of a teacher, Mayamoto-sensei. “We’ll be heading two hours out by bus to Kimetsu Daigaku (Kimetsu University). Rest up and be ready for a little surprise set up by a few students who were interested in meeting you guys soon after arrival.”
You internally squealed with glee. You weren’t dressed up for the occasion but who was going to tell you that you couldn’t wear a pair of sweats on the ride there. With your short locs retwisted and your good outfits packed, you were set to go!
So set that you were the first off the bus and getting your things out. “This is going to be a great experience, I know it!” 
“Nn! I agree!” 
“Oh my god!” You jumped, scared by the booming voice beside you. “Oh… oh my god.” You had laid eyes on one of the most unique men you had ever had the pleasure of gazing upon. He was different, what with his flame highlighted tips, dazzling eyes, and charming smile. 
“Yes. . .?” He slowly stood, his eyes never leaving yours once locked. This man, a vocal and expressive man, was left speechless. He ogled you for much longer than he’s ever done, going over your brown skin, your brown eyes, your short locs, everything! He immediately bowed before you, introducing himself. “Konnichiwa! Rengoku Kyōjurō to moushimasu! Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu!” (Formal: (Hello!) I’m called Rengoku Kyōjurō! Nice to meet you!)
Your eyes bugged out of your face. ‘Shit! Wasn’t he speaking English a minute ago? Okay, okay, what did he say?’ You looked back to see your sensei and the students watching the two of you interact. This was not how you kept yourself out of weeb trouble. Hell, you were still trying to figure out what his fine ass said so fast.
“Onamae wa, nan desu ka?” (Polite: What’s your name?)
You sighed, being able to understand that. “Watashi no namae wa… _____ _____ desu. Doozo yoroshiku.” (Casual: My name is _____. Nice to meet you.)
‘_____?’ He eyed you for a second longer before he placed his hands on his hips, smiling wide from ear to ear. “Very good, _____! I’m Rengoku Kyōjurō, and I am with a few classmates to meet you all. Welcome to Kimetsu University!”
“Woooow, his English is so good.” You thought. Aloud.
“Thank you! I have been learning since elementary! Your pronunciation is good, but your flow is slow. However, I am sure you will improve after being here for a month!” 
‘Oh, thanks for putting me out there!’ You smiled nervously. This handsome, wild man was nothing like you had expected. “That’s what I’m hoping for as I’d like to work, live, and travel here in the future.”
“Is that so?” He faced you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Be my student!” Your mouth, along with the others, dropped at his proposal. You looked to your sensei for help, and she encouraged it with an approving nod and smile. “Great, then it’s settled! You’ll be fluent in Japanese in no time!” He looked off to the distance, laughing loud as you smiled in confusion.
(Modern AU Sequel coming SOON!) - - - - - - - - - Chapters: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII (Part 1) / (Part 2) / (Part 3)
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cherishedkids · 4 years
how the others react when they find out muichiro and giyuu has a secret s/o!
A/N: i’d like to thank @akaasemitodoroki (i cant tag you as well :((.) for requesting this! i took a lot of liberties since it was a bit vague but i very much had fun writing this! i also did my best in writing a gender neutral s/o since they never said what the pronouns were, so i hope that’s okay. thank you again!
tokito muichiro
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tokito muichiro is a person who only thinks of himself.
there is no place for emotion in his heart.
anything that involved the word ‘feelings’ would be set aside, as there were more important things to do.
if you could describe him in one word, logic would be the first thing you’d think.
the boy has lived his whole life ruled by it.
at least, that was what the others thought of him.
imagine their surprise when they find out he has been involved in his own romantic endeavours.
nakahara sumi almost drops her bowl of water when she sees muichiro sitting on a chair, running a damp cloth over your forehead.
maybe she goes over her thoughts, thinking logically.
were the two of you best friends?
was he just extra worried about you?
but the distance between the two of you seemed awfully… nonexistent.
terauchi kiyo sees sumi ogling at something through the crack from the sliding door. 
she’s curious.
as she goes to see what exactly she’s so shocked about, her eyes go wide. 
then comes takada naho and kanzaki aoi.
aoi does not hold herself back.
“tokito-dono, what are you doing!?”
the three other girls curse and thank her for her tactlessness.
you lay there, gingerly raising your hand up to wave at them.
he only stares blankly at them.
the warmth that he gave you was gone as he stared at the four other girls.
“i was just tending to ___… is it wrong?” he had an irritated tone present in his voice.
“did you need something?” you ask, shushing muichiro’s objections.
aoi starts to sweat. “n-no… carry on!” 
“yes, please leave us alone.” muichiro says coldly, as he dips the cloth back into water to put on your forehead again.
the four of them scatter away.
soon, a rumour starts to float around.
the hashiras and demon slayers hear of this, and start to watch his every move.
some, going as far as spying on him whenever the two of you were alone.
it seems like it has become a mystery if the cold muichiro has found someone to warm his heart.
they start to make bets, whether or not the two of you were together.
even shinobu kocho had her ears peeled whenever muichiro or you visited the butterfly estate.
she’d listen to the gossip of the workers who helped either of you.
she was one of the first people who knew, just from the frequent visits the both of you gave to each other.
kanroji mitsuri starts to give him love advice, for no reason at all.
“you see, muichiro, the key to a person’s heart is their stomach! give them as much food as you want and they’ll love you forever!”
he’d just nod at this, seemingly not listening.
a few days passed, and they saw muichiro and you visiting a ramen shop.
according to the witnesses, it seemed like muichiro was berating you for not eating much.
the next time muichiro saw mitsuri, he gave her the cold shoulder.
“muichiro, are you mad at me?”
he nods.
“why?” mitsuri’s face contorts to one of sadness.
he stays quiet for a moment. 
then, he speaks lowly. 
“your love advice didn’t work… they only got angry at me for telling them to eat…”
this confirms it for mitsuri.
the very next day, tengen uzui pats him on the back.
muichiro looks at him in confusion.
“congratulations, muichiro. soon, you’ll have as many wives as me!” 
“what do you mean?”
he only winks at him. 
obanai iguro’s interest was only ever lit because of mitsuri’s constant gushing over them.
iguro sees muichiro in the same position as him.
“make sure you take care of them.”
muichiro is offended at that.
“___ can take care of themself.”
when iguro shares this exchange with mitsuri, she explodes. 
you get barraged with questions the moment the news breaks.
you were resting in the butterfly estate when aoi rushes in.
“are you and muichiro really together together?”
you are taken aback, but honestly, it’s been a struggle watching the girl contain herself from asking the question.
“what do you mean by that?”
the moment you reply, the three other girls enter the room and explain the situation.
even tsuyuri kanao visits your room to see what the commotion was.
kamado tanjiro, who happened to be passing by, was elated at gossip.
“muichiro and you?! that boy has really grown!”
shinobu enters, as the noise was too much for her to work in.
as she starts to scold the people who were inside the room, muichiro slides the door open.
all eyes are on him as he holds a box.
but he doesn’t look fazed.
“why is everyone here?”
they all sheepishly smile, and shinobu glares at them to get going.
they all rush to get out, but secretly hang by the door to watch the interaction.
“i don’t know why they’re all so obsessed,” he wonders, as he opens the box for you.
“aw, let them be! it’s been fun watching them speculate,”
“they won’t speculate for long after i give this to you,”
they see him present something to you and you audibly gasp. 
a necklace comes out of the box.
when you hug and kiss him on the cheek, they all squeal outside.
they break the sliding door and you and muichiro untangle yourselves from each other.
“congratulations, muichiro!” tanjiro exclaims, and nezuko gives the both of you a thumbs up.
“god, the butterfly estate is so loud today.”
it really was.
but it was really a wonder as to how the stoic tokito muichiro found love.
the answer was simple.
he made space for you.
he just didn’t understand why they all started screaming and blushing when he kissed you in front of them.
maybe he wasn’t that logic driven after all?
tomioka giyuu 
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it was no secret to the hashiras just how much of a prick tomioka giyuu was. 
he was certainly withdrawn from the rest of them.
he kept his serious face when insulted them.
the worst thing about that was when he didn’t know he was even insulting them.
all the other hashiras had in common with him was the respect they held for ubuyashiki kagaya. 
he was quiet during hashira meetings, and they were thankful for that.
they didn’t know if they could endure the wisecrack if he started talking more.
but when ubuyashiki kagaya says the words “giyuu, i trust that you and your fiancé can handle this district,”
their ears perk up at this.
suddenly, they wanted him to speak up more.
“yes, i have trust that they alone can handle the demon alone.”
ubuyashiki smiles. “... of course, i respect your trust in them.”
kocho shinobu is the first one to ask him about this. 
after they are dismissed by ubuyashiki, she immediately confronts him about the news. 
“tomioka, can i ask you a question?”
he looks at her, face indifferent.
“you have a fiancé, and you didn’t tell us?”
her face still has the ghost of a smile.
“i didn’t think it was necessary for any of you people to know,”
she closes her eyes in disagreement, but forces out a smile.
“plus my fiancé would be turned off by your personalities,”
“this is exactly the shitty reason why none of us like you.” shinazugawa sanemi butts in.
kanroji mitsuri smiles at him.
“i think it’s his private business! i just wish he didn’t keep it a secret,”
obanai iguro agrees with kanroji. 
still, no one really believes this.
there must have been a mix up!
but ubuyashiki never made a mistake when it came to his hashiras.
he gave great care in knowing his subordinates.
still, they would not believe it until they actually saw you.
naturally, the news of tomioka giyuu having a fianće spread among the demon slayer corps. 
one of the most serious and respected hashira—actually has someone he loved for real!
kamado tanjiro hears this, and the next time he sees giyuu, he beams at him.
“congratulations, tomioka! i heard the news,”
giyuu is concerned at how the hashiras decided to spread the fact that he had a partner.
but he wasn’t phased by it.
numerous times, they had just blabbered off, expecting someone to keep a secret.
but he guessed secrets were hard to keep among his colleagues.
“ah, yes, thank you, tanjiro,” 
he replies stiffly, unable to hide his unease.
“giyuu, who’s this?” 
your soft voice asks from behind him, and he can already hear the gossip that will be coming out of this.
tanjiro might be hard-headed, but he connected the dots.
“___, this is tanjiro, the kid i’ve been telling you about,”
“yes, i’m kamado tanjiro, chief! nice meeting you!” 
he then looks at giyuu, a determined look on his face.
tanjiro then makes a shushing gesture and it seemed like he was promising not to tell anyone.
but giyuu knows it won’t be long until the spread of your name reaches the hashiras.
the next day, giyuu receives a letter from a crow. 
it kept cursing him as it handed him the paper.
it was a note from urokodaki sakonji.
it was far too long and full of explicit words.
the basic gist of it was urokodaki’s disappointment that his own student did not share this news to him and he had to find out through tanjiro.
that brat.
he started to receive gifts through crows from his fellow hashiras.
some were thoughtful, like mitsuri and iguro’s letter of congratulations with fruits sent along with it.
he was kind of worried for the crow who had to carry the heavy load.
some were useful, like himejima gyomei’s sharpening stone wrapped in red cloth, apparently for good luck.
one was outright insulting, like shinobu’s gift to you, specifically.
he almost threw the book she sent.
it read, ‘how to deal with an annoying husband’.
the others didn’t care, and he was more thankful to the people who didn’t make a huge deal about it.
however, it made missions a bother since some lower-ranked demon slayers decided it was their duty to protect him so he would be able to marry you.
he wasn’t a child who needed protection.
but he couldn’t do anything about those who took it upon themselves to save him.
he just wished the attention was directed to you instead.
in the end, even though tomioka giyuu had a lot of secrets, his soon-to-be fianće wasn’t. 
he was alright with it, as he considered you someone he should be proud of knowing.
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straykidsnerd255 · 3 years
I will protect you; Always
I will protect you; Always: Rengoku x Gender Neutral Reader
I decided that I would write a little something for @sakurazoe urazoe because he has written a bunch of my stuff and I just thought it would be far to write one for him. I hope that you enjoy it!<3
Song: Middle Finger- Bohnes
Genre: FLUFF/ little bit of angst but not that much
Pairing: Kyojuro Rengoku x GN Reader
Kyojuro waved happily when he saw your face in the crowd. “Y/n! Thank you so much for coming!” He called out hugging you tightly. You returned the hug and smiled brightly at your best friend. “It's been a while since I last saw you Kyojuro. How have you been?” You asked. Kyojuro shrugged his shoulders. “I became the flame pillar. OH! That’s right. I need to introduce you to the young demon slayers that are accompanying me on this mission.” He said, grabbing your hand and walking onto the train. You laughed at how happy he was. ‘I miss this.’ You thought. “Tanjiro! I have a friend that I want you and the others to meet.” Kyojuro called out. 
A boy with red hair, and eyes walked out of the room that Kyojuro was standing next to. His eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face. “It’s nice to meet you! My name is Tanjiro Kamado.” He said holding his hand out. You smiled and shook his hand. “Y/n.” You replied. You shifted your twin blades on your back and sat down. You watched as three other people appeared. They each said their names and when it came time for the girl to say her name, she shied away and hid behind Tanjiro. “This is my little sister Nezuko. She was changed into a demon by Muzan and I want to find a way to get her back to being a human again.” He said.
Y/n smiled at how gentle the boy was with his sister. “I will gladly help you find a way Tanjiro. I want to find that way as well.” You said. Tanjiro beamed up at you. He hugged you tightly to which you hugged him back with a smile on your face. “Also, I have been meaning to ask, why do you dress that way? Aren’t you a demon slayer too?” Zenitsu asked. You smiled and shook your head. “I am my own independent demon slayer. I don’t work with Kyojuro as a demon slayer. It may sound weird but I have my reason why.” You said. “Can I ask what your breathing technique is?” Tanjiro asked. You smiled and nodded your head. 
“I am a blue fire breather. I’m similar to Kyojuro but my flames burn a little hotter. Another name for it actually is called Hell Fire. I don’t have to cut the demons head off if I don’t feel like it. I can just burn them alive with my fire.” You said. You wrapped the black cloak around your body as a sudden chill shot up your back. Kyojuro saw this and immediately wrapped you in a hug. His body was warm against your always cold form. You sighed in content and leaned closer to his chest. You had always had feelings for the male but you couldn’t ever bring yourself to tell him because you didn’t know if he felt the same way.
You groaned when the lower moon one demon managed to slam his foot into your side. You raised your sword and sliced through his leg causing him to fall and scream in pain. “Y/n, we can take care of the rest. Please go help Rengoku-San!” Tanjiro’s voice held panic in it as he spoke. You  turned your head just in time to see Kyojuro raise his sword to strike the demon down. However, you could also see the demon duck down and throw his fist towards his chest. Your eyes widened in sheer rage as you raced forward. 
You swords connected with the upper moon’s fist, cutting it from the arm. The demon stumbled back as you stood in front of the hashira. Your eyes burned with rage as you glared the male down. You ripped your cloak from your body showing the world what you really looked like. You held one of her swords out towards the demon and snarled. “I dare you. Try that stunt again and watch your head sail off your body.” You hissed. You were known as the endless sun by the demons that you faced. Her fire may be blue, but she would shine as brightly as the sun every time she used her fire. 
The upper moon glared you down and stood up. He knew what your fire would do to demons and he just laughed. He raised his other hand and slammed it against his burning arm. You watched with utter rage as the burning appendage turned to ash but he was still there. “I’m not as dumb as the other demons are. I know that your fire can burn a demon just like the sun can. Muzan told us about you long before you knew about us.” He said. “Akaza…” Your voice had dangerously lowered and your body language spoke rage. Your face was hidden by the shadows and your hair. Akaza just laughed at you. Taunted you, and called you  names. 
He stopped however when you lifted your head up fast. Your eyes were wide but held so much rage and anger in them. You pulled your lips back into a snarl and bent your body down. Your swords on either of your sides before you launched towards the upper moon. You swung your swords around as the blue flames swirled around. Akaza wasn’t able to keep up with your fast movements and could feel his body getting hit and not being able to stop the burning and the fire from killing him. He threw his fist towards your face only to watch you disappear from his sight. He froze but soon felt your presence behind him. He turned but was too late. Your swords ripped through his neck. The sound of his head being cleanly cut off was enough to stop the other demon in his tracks. Tanjiro cleanly cut the demon's head off. 
You dropped to your knees when your adrenaline wore off. You took deep breaths as your body did everything to recover from the fighting and blocking. You had over used your fire and your were going to feel the effects of that tomorrow when you woke up. Kyojuro knelt down in front of you and took your hands in his. “You were amazing Y/n. I didn’t know you had that much power stored up.” He said. You smiled softly in your weak state before your body gave out and you fell against his chest. Kyojuro smiled softly before picking you up in his arms. He motioned for the other and jumped from the train. The others followed suit and jumped from the train as well. 
Kyojuro held Y/n in his arms as they waited for the sun to start rising. Tanjiro and his friends were tired and they dropped to the ground taking deep breaths. Kyojuro smiled at each of them before whistling to his crow. “Let the master know that the job is finished and that we are coming back home. Let him know to tell Shinobu to set up a few beds and get some medicine ready.” He said. The crow nodded its head before taking off and heading back towards HQ. Kyojuro turned to the three slayers sitting on the ground. 
“We are almost done. Lets head back to HQ so we can get some medicine and relax before the next mission requires us again.” He said. He carried Y/n all the way back to HQ with a smile present on his face. He was happy to be home again and planned on visiting his family with you when you woke back up. He also planned to tell you how he felt too. He laid in the bed prepared for them at the Butterfly Estate and found himself staring at the ceiling. His eyes were growing heavy the longer he laid there. ‘It wouldn't hurt to take a small nap.’ He thought. He closed his eyes and within seconds, the male was fast asleep. Aoi would check up on them a few times a day to make sure they were still at least breathing before she left them alone for the day. Shinobu would also make it her job as well to check up on them. 
A few days had passed when you were finally able to leave the butterfly estate. The training you had to go through to build your stamina and strength back up were brutal. You rubbed your back and winced when the pain was still there. “Ah! Y/n you’re awake!” Kyojuro’s voice called out. You turned and faced the said male and a bright smile appeared on your face. You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. “I’m so happy that you are ok! I thought I was going to lose you on that train!” You cried out. Kyojuro smiled softly and wrapped his arms around your waist. He buried his face in your neck and sighed.  
“No, you saved me and the other four. I’m just happy that you are awake now. You were asleep for a long time and I was worried.” He admitted. His face heating up in a blush. You smiled and tightened your hug. “Well, we made that promise to each other when we were younger. Do you remember that?” You said. Kyojuro smiled and took your hand in his. They started walking towards his home to visit his family. “Yeah. I remember that promise.” He said smiling at the memory. 
“Kyo! You and I have to make a promise now that I won’t be able to play with you anymore!”  a small y/n called out. Kyojuro turned and smiled brightly. He lifted his pinky to your pinky. 
“I promise to always protect you.” They both said hooking their pinkies together. Both families watched the two with smiles on their faces. Kyojuro and Y/n grinned widely at each other. 
“You can’t break that promise Kyojuro. I will know if you did.” Y/n said. Kyojuro gave you his award winning smile and pulled you into a hug making their parents gush over the two 5 year old's.
“I promise Y/n. I won’t ever leave you.” He said. Y/n smiled and giggled before the two returned to playing around the yard.
Memory End:
Kyojuro tugged on your  sleeve making you stop. “Is something wrong?” You asked, turning to face the male. Before you knew it, Kyojuro leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. His hand reached up to hold the side of your face in a gentle manner. You felt your eyes slowly close and you pressed your lips back against his. Your hand reached up to press against his hand that held your face. When oxygen was needed, the two pulled apart and stared at each other. 
A small blush present on the Flame Pillar’s face making him turn his head to the side as he tried to call the raging blush. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” he said. You smiled and took his face in your hands. You stood on her tippy toes and pressed your lips against his lips in a chaste kiss. “Don’t be sorry. I liked it.” You whispered. Kyojuro smiled and pulled you into a hug. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him back. “I’m just glad to have your back in my arms again Y/n.” He whispered as they released each other from the hug. He took your hand as you both began walking down the street again. 
You smiled and intertwined his and your fingers together. “Me too. It's been so long since we last saw each other. The letter’s were great and all but I wanted to see you in person.” You said looking up at the male. You leaned your head on his shoulder before they reached his home. Senjuro, his younger brother was sweeping up some fallen leaves when he saw the two walking towards him. He dropped the broom when he saw Y/n. He smiled and raced towards the two throwing himself at them and hugging the two. 
Y/n and Kyojuro caught the boy with ease and started laughing. Kyojuro’s father heard the commotion and walked outside. He was getting ready to yell at Senjuro for not finishing his chores but stopped when he caught sight Kyojuro and Y/n. He smiled. He remembered the last time his sons had played with you. They were so precious. He walked over to them and pulled all three of them into a hug. Kyojuro looked to his dad only to see tears forming in his eyes. “I was so worried that I wouldn’t see you again Kyojuro.” He whispered. Kyojuro smiled and hugged his father. 
His dad may have been harsh to him and his younger brother, but he could see that he was just worried and scared that the two would end up going the way that he had gone. Y/n smiled. “It’s great to see you again Rengoku-San. How is everyone?” You asked. Kyojuro’s father looked down. “My wife died a long time ago. And as for your family, I kept in touch with them but one day their letters stopped coming. I received word that a demon attacked in your hometown and I wanted to make sure that everyone was alright but…” He stopped talking. Y/n looked down. You had lost your family in that demon attack. Tears welled up in your eyes before you whipped them away.
“It’s alright. They lived a good life. Now, I want to hang out with you guys and also tell you that me and Kyojuro are going to start dating.” You said changing the subject real fast. “Y/n, why did you tell them that. Now my dad is going to…” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence as his dad's shoe flew past his and your face. Their eyes widened and Kyojuro took off in a dead sprint as his dad chased after him screaming. You couldn't help but laugh before you felt Senjuro hug your side again. 
“You and Nii-san kept the promise you both made didn't you?” He asked. You were surprised that he knew about the promise but then smiled. “Kyojuro told you about that promise didn’t he?” You asked. Senjuro nodded his head. “He did. He told me that it was the best promise that he had ever made.” He said. Y/n smiled. “It was an amazing promise. We both kept it to this point. That means we never wanted to go back on each other's promise to each other. I’m just happy he contacted me before he had to leave on the mission.” You said. You and Senjuro watched as Kyojuro begged  his dad not to kill him and laughed. This was going to be a great new life for you. You were the happiest you had ever been. 
Kyojuro looked back over at you and a soft smile appeared on his lips. He held his arms out and motioned for you. You smiled brightly and raced into his open arms. “Damn, I love you so much.” You whispered. Kyojuro smiled and pressed his lips against your forehead. “And I love you too.” He whispered back before pressing his lips against your in the best kiss you had ever experienced. You could get use to kissing this man everyday. 
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