#look at my spooky stamps
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Hey remember when i bound the first half of from the archives? well i've finally done the rest! and honestly i am so proud of it. i tried some new things with the binding, and i am almost completely happy with how it turned out! the only improvement for next time would probably be actually measuring things.
thank you @sixteenth-days for writing something so good i needed to physically bite it.
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moonbeesstuff · 4 months
agent scully we have decided to assign you to the weird shit department to debunk some weird shit are you familiar with an agent by the name of spooky mcpooky nobody down here but the fbi's most unwnted were you sent to spy on me look at my projector slides that i definitely didn't spend all morning working on hhhhow's youur CHEMISTRY radio goes beep boop what if we made intense eye contact in the middle of exhuming a body steven spielberg sure hope this gray metallic implant doesn't come back to haunt me later BILLY MILES hmmm weird dirt and freckle tramp stamps...must be aliens WE LOST NINE MINUTES oregon mosquitos be built different would you like to hear about my childhood trauma what if we made intense eye contact while i rant about government conspiracies you gotta love this place everyday's like halloween BILLY MILES the vegetable??? please stop talking crazy at 5 am in the rain or im gonna fall in love with you hahaha summoned by some alien impulse it's definitely normal behavior to call your coworker of 1 week past 11 pm and tell her you can't sleep oops i think you accidentally became the center of my universe see you tomorrow
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
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Ch. 3: Aemond Sees A Ghost
main masterlist || series masterlist || previous chapter || next chapter
summary ~ Aemond tells you everything.
word count: 4.0k
warnings: NSFW/MDNI ~ dubcon (possession), kissing, grinding, spooky stuff, thunderstorms, mentions of death, themes of loss
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note: I'd say we're halfway through our spooky adventure! smh I can't believe it! I hope you enjoy loves!
banner made by the fantastic @ewanmitchellcrumbs, ilysm ange!
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“I want to know everything.”
The kettle whistles noisily before you remove it from the burner. Aemond sits in his usual spot clad in checkered pajama pants and a gray cotton t-shirt. You wonder how he isn’t cold, your bare arms are covered in goosebumps and you wish you’d grabbed a sweatshirt before leading him down to the kitchen. 
There’s a constant unearthly chill in this house. You set the tea in front of him, his fingers brushing against yours as you sit beside him. 
“Harrenhal,” he says softly, as a floorboard creaks overhead. You both glance up at the ceiling, watching as the chandelier trembles, the crystals reflecting the dim kitchen light. 
You’ve seen it happen before when people walk upstairs; when little Jaehaera runs down the hall, when workers are moving down the hallways. The hour is late now, the workers have gone home, and little Jaehaera is tucked safely in her bed. 
The floorboards above creak, regardless of the truth. 
“We’re not the only ones here,” you slowly begin, eyes falling back to Aemond’s face, “We’re not the only ones in Harrenhal. Are we?”
Aemond is silent for a moment.
“No,” he says softly, “We aren’t.”
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Tea turns to coffee as the sky lightens. 
And Aemond tells you everything. 
“Ghosts,” you breathe, “But…that’s not possible.”
“It is,” Aemond insists, “There is something here. Some energy….the locals are right when they call this place cursed. Tragedy befalls anyone who holds it.”
Your skill prickles with goosebumps. Aemond holds it. What tragedy will befall him? You think of Alys, of the sudden death of his wife. 
Perhaps his tragedy has already unfolded. 
“It was Harren, last night,” Aemond tells you, “And his sons, I presume. The original manor was burnt to the bare bones after they created it. With him and his sons inside of it. A terrible fire.”
A chill runs through you at the memory.
“I’ve encountered them before. They’re rather harmless,” Aemond continues, “Simply walking the halls throughout the night. Others are not as pleasant, but…harmless. For the most part.” He pauses, glancing up at you.
The hair on the back of your neck stands at attention.
“What others?” you ask, though you’re unsure if you want the answer. 
“The ones I’ve encountered throughout my time here,” Aemond sighs, rubbing his eyes. The ring on his hand catches your eye; stamped with the Targaryen crest.
You’d see another just like it. Daemon’s face flashes across your mind.
“Your uncle was here,” you tell him, watching as his spine straightens, his shoulders tense, “He knows about them too I presume? He said some things---I’m sorry….it was when you were away, I nearly forgot-”
“What did he want?” Aemond interrupts, staring at you with a renewed fire in his eye.
“He just wanted to speak with you,” you tell him.
“Did he bother you? Was he inappropriate?”
“He was a bit flirtatious, that’s all,” you assure him, cheeks warming at the memory. 
Aemond bristles at that, his hand clenching into a fist. Your stomach flips with embarrassment, the burning sensation on your cheeks spreading down your neck.
“I apologize for that,” he says cooly, “He’s a vile creature.”
You place your hand on top of his fist, “It’s alright.”
Aemond’s gaze softens, and he places his opposite hand on top of yours. You lose yourself in the sensation of his hand on yours for a moment, a pleasant swooping sensation in your lower stomach. You hold his gaze, desire burning hot in your belly. It’s you who looks away first, feeling embarrassed about the intense longing you feel for your employer. You shouldn’t be thinking like this.
“Who was screaming?” you ask, bringing the conversation back to the ghosts.
You can almost hear it still, the sound of screaming echoing in your mind. You’re not sure if you’ll ever be able to forget, even when Harrenhal is simply a memory. Aemond only stares.
“I don’t know,” he says finally, “I’m not…sure.”
You don’t know which answer you’d hoped for but find that the one Aemond gives brings you no comfort. 
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Jaehaera hates thunderstorms. 
This is mostly due to the fact that the nursery has a balcony with French doors overlooking the God’s Eye and backyard. When it is sunny, warm rays light the room making it appear bathed in gold. But when it rains, water is hurled violently against the glass echoing throughout the room.
The nursery also has a closet on the opposite side of the room; the doors are made of mirrors. The room was once used as a dance studio, you could tell the moment you’d stepped inside. The wood floors are scuffed from years of use. You can’t help but wonder who danced there.  
This is exactly why Jaehaera insisted on a sleepover in the main living room that night. She suggested it during dinner when thunderclouds were just starting to roll in and turn the sky an eerie gray color. 
“I like it,” Helaena spoke, surprising you, “Let’s have a proper campout.”
So you found yourselves dragging blankets and pillows down the stairs into the living room, assembling a blanket fort with Aemond’s help, and sitting inside of it. The small space was rather cramped with the three of you inside; baby Maelor was already sound asleep in his bassinet.
Helaena was quiet the majority of the time, besides when she was quietly humming to herself. She seemed happy though from what you could tell. As happy as Helaena could be. She always had an air of melancholia around her. 
“I have a story,” Helaena says. 
It is the first time she’s spoken that evening. Jaehaera stands behind Aemond braiding his hair as she often does. She glances at her mother, giving her a toothy grin. 
“A long time ago,” Helaena begins, her eyes looking somewhere far off, “There was a girl dressed in green locked away in a castle.”
“I like castles,” Jaehaera comments, continuing to braid Aemond’s hair.
“She was young and beautiful, and very, very sad,” Helaena continued, “She wed the king, and became a queen. It was everything a girl should want. But she didn’t want it at all.”
You watch Helaena as she taps her nails against the cup of tea she holds. They’re painted silver; Jaehaera’s doing. The paint is chipped around her thumbs already. A nervous habit you’d noticed. 
“Why not?” Jaehaera asks, her nose scrunched as she pouts, “I’d like to be a queen.”
“She was in love with the princess, you see, and never wanted the old king. But he took her anyway because that is what men in power do. They take pretty little girls and keep them locked away.”
“Did she have children?” Jaehaera asks.
“She did. Many. She loved them all dearly. Beautiful children they were, and they were all taken from her. She outlived them all,” Helaena continues, “Mad with grief, the queen locked herself away this time.”
Helaena sips from her cup, a smile twitching on her lips.
“I never understood Daisy before having a child,” she muses, switching away from her story, “Before having a girl. I hope she’ll be a fool.”
A shiver rolls down your spine as Helaena locks eyes with you.
“That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world. A beautiful little fool,” she says softly, eyes flickering toward her brother, “Mũna said the same thing once, didn’t she Aem?”
Aemond holds his sister’s gaze, “I don’t remember.”
“I’m sure of it,” she says, mouth stretching open into a yawn, “You’d read aloud and Mũna would stroke your hair. You always liked that book.”
“I like a lot of books,” Aemond says, the top of his cheeks turning pink as he reaches behind him and lifts a giggling Jaehaera into the air as he stands, “It’s late, zaldrīzītsos. Time for bed.”
“I’m not tired,” Jaehaera insists, though she echoes her mother’s yawn.  
You all exit the fort, Helaena retiring to the couch. She lays on her back, stretching like a cat. 
“Mhmm,” Aemond says, depositing her into Helaena’s arms on the couch.
He tucks them both in, turning the remainder of the lights off before joining you on the makeshift mattresses on the floor. You can only see the outline of him in the darkness; the curve of his nose, the twinkling of his eye. 
“Is Helaena alright?” you whisper, and he presses a finger to your lips.
“Yes,” he breathes, thumb tracing your lower lip, “Thank you, for doing this.”
“Of course,” you whisper, barely breathing as his finger traces down your chin, “Are you tired?”
“No,” he says softly, his hand sliding down the curve of your neck, “I’m a bit of an insomniac.”
Your breathing becomes labored as his thumb strokes your collarbone. You wish you’d worn something else, not the ratty old band t-shirt you’d chosen paired with some sleep shorts.
“Oh,” you say, unsure of how else to answer him. 
Your thoughts scramble when he touches you, as though his touch short circuits the wiring in your brain. He says your name then, so softly you almost miss it. He’s close enough to kiss, all you need to do is lean forward and his nose will bump against your own.
His hand falls from you. Eyes adjusted to the dark, you watch as his tongue darts out wetting his lower lip. 
“Aemond,” you say softly, and he reaches for you again, this time lacing his fingers through yours, “Will we be alright down here?”
His eye flickers around your face, his fingers tightening in your grip.
“I won’t let anything happen,” he assures, “To any of us.”
You choose to believe him. He sounds so certain, he truly believes it. There’s not a doubt in your mind that he wouldn’t do everything in his power to protect Helaena. Jaehaera. Maelor.
You rub your thumb against the smooth skin of the back of his hand and soon your eyes grow heavy as sleep overtakes you. 
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You wake in the middle of the night, closer to morning than to midnight. The sky is still black as ink, the sounds of rain splattering against the many windows. There is no room for stars, the entire night sky is blacked out by rain clouds. 
Jaehara snores contentedly next to you, wrapped up in her mother’s embrace. Helaena’s sleeping form curls into her daughter, holding her in a cocoon of warmth. Mother and daughter look incredibly alike; both share the same nose and soft pout, their fair brows relaxed in sleep. The bassinet next to them holds a sleeping Maelor, his tiny nose scrunched as he dreams. 
You sit up from your spot on the floor, looking around the dark room. It’s hard to see anything before the room is illuminated by a flash of lightning. Aemond is no longer beside you. The room descends into darkness once more, and goosebumps rise on your arms as a chill enters the room. Helaena stirs in her sleep, pulling Jaehaera closer. A mother’s unconscious need to keep her daughter close.
Lightning flashes and the room is lit once more, a shadow dancing near the stairs. 
“Aemond?” you half whisper, as thunder booms through the sky.
The thunder is not as loud as it was earlier that night; the storm must be moving out. You rise from the floor, letting the blankets fall to a pile at your feet. It’s cold, much colder now that you’re in your sleep shorts and T-shirt. You move toward the staircase, around the corner, and down toward the kitchen. Perhaps he’s making tea.
When you enter the kitchen, it’s empty. No kettle whistling, no lamp, and no Aemond. A noise behind you causes you to turn.
There’s that shadow again.
“Aemond?” you call, louder this time. A small smile appears on your face.
Could he be playing a trick on you? Nervousness stirs in your belly, and you decide to follow, exiting the kitchen. You walk up the stairs, watching as the shadow dips down the left hallway, towards his study. 
Warmth floods through you, desire lodging in your stomach. It spreads through your limbs thick like honey, like you’re floating down the hall instead of walking. Your head buzzes, thoughts fuzzy as you reach for the handle of the door, opening it. 
Aemond looks up from his papers, a surprised look on his face as you close the door, pressing your back up against it. You’ve never been here before. The room is cozy. Warm. How can it be so warm when the rest of the house is so cold?
“You were gone,” you tell him, though it's phrased more like a question.
“I told you, I’m an insomniac,” he says, the corner of his lips quirking into a smile, “Did you miss me?”
“I always miss you when you’re away,” you tell him, surprised at the words that leave your mouth, the raw honesty behind them.
Aemond’s lips part, and his lashes flutter at your confession. You walk deeper into the room, letting your hand trail across the spine of the many books that decorate his shelves. 
“You’re always away,” you tell him, tingling with anticipation, “I never see you anymore.”
“What do you mean?” he asks, as you turn to face him.
“This room,” you muse, “It’s like the heart of the house. Warm…tucked away.”
His cheeks are flushed, eyes focused on your face rather than the generous amount of thigh you’re showing. You glance down at your chest, watching your breasts rise and fall as you breathe then bring your eyes back to him. 
You walk towards him, still tracing the spines of the books that line his shelves. Your hand drops as you round the corner of his desk. Aemond has pushed himself from behind his desk, still seated in the large leather chair, his legs spread wide. His lips are parted, watching you in awe. 
“I just want you close,” you admit, stepping forward between his legs.
Aemond tenses as you place your knees on either side of his waist and straddle his lap. He groans as you sit, resting your weight against him.
“Y/N….” Aemond says, holding his hands up in surrender; he won’t meet your eyes.
You wrap your hands around the back of his neck, lacing your fingers together. 
“Don’t you want me?” you whisper, tendrils of your hair tickling his sharp cheekbones. 
Aemond looks up then, eyes meeting yours and you watch his resolve crumble. He lowers his hands to your waist, before letting them rest at the junction of your hip and thighs. The air between you is heavy, your ears are ringing as you connect his mouth to yours. 
Fire burns brightly in your chest, warming your whole body as he kisses you. He tastes just like you’d dreamed he would; spearmint and tea, and something else that is entirely him. Rolling your hips against him you grind against the hardness forming between his legs. Gods he feels big.
You moan into his mouth, your mind happily buzzing as he squeezes the swell of your ass. His kiss is like a drug, like pure heaven racing through your veins. Your limbs are heavy, thoughts scattered and hazy. 
That’s it. “Fuck me,” you whisper, nails digging into his scalp, nipping at his lower lip before sucking it between your own. 
It’s bold, it’s lewd.
It’s not you.
Aemond groans, lifting you from his lap as he stands, and places you on his desk. You continue to kiss him, to tear at his button-down like a marionette on a string. Something is wrong. Nothing is wrong, just like that.
“Gods, you’re incredible,” he breathes, and you want to scream, to tell him to wait, not like this.
Not when it's not you. Not when your body is here, but your mind is not. It feels good though, yes? The puppetmaster continues plucking your strings, making you smile coyly at him.
“My Aemond,” you whisper, hands dipping below the waistline of his pants. 
Aemond freezes, pulling back from you. You tilt your head to the side as he cups your cheeks, looking deeply into your eyes. His eyes are searching, no longer clouded with lust. Your nails scrape against the smooth flesh of his lower abdomen, legs still locked behind his waist. 
“Why’d you stop?” your lips form the words, but it’s not you. 
Aemond’s face hardens, and he wets his lips as he releases your face. He brings his hands to your calves, unlocking them from around his waist. Gently, he places his hands on your wrists, removing them from his pants. 
“Alys, we’ve talked about this,” he says softly, taking a step back.
Suddenly, the feelings of sleep are greater, and your eyelids are heavy yet they remain open. You’re aware you’re still talking, still moving, but someone else is controlling it. It’s as though you’re hearing the conversation from a different room like you’ve stepped out of yourself for a moment. 
Alys. Shhhh. Alys Rivers. It’s alright. Aemond’s….Aemond’s Alys.
“But she’s perfect, Aemond,” your voice says, “And you like her, I know you do. I see the way you look at her. Touch her.”
“Let her go,” he says, voice almost a whisper, “Alys….please.”
She reaches for him, using your arms. It’s like you’re moving through molasses, though you can sense her desperation, her need for him. 
“We can have a baby now,” she insists, your voice breaking as she speaks, “One of our very own.”
“You have little Jaehaera-”
“I want my own, Aemond, you promised me!”
“That was before, Alys. Now you’re…” he lets the sentence trail off, “Things are different now.”
She brings your hand to cup your breast, and you watch Aemond’s eye flicker toward the movement.
“She’s perfect,” she tells him, “And she’s so sweet, so wet for you, my love. You should feel how much she wants you.”
“Stop,” Aemond says, clenching his hands into fists.
“She aches for you. Not just physically,” Alys insists, “I can feel it all, here in her head.”
“I said enough!” Aemond yells, followed by a clap of thunder. 
Alys doesn’t flinch, you can feel her unyielding strength inside of you. She tilts your chin higher, hand dropping from your breast. 
“She’s different than the other one,” Alys insists, “You didn’t even like that girl-”
“You’d no right to do that to Floris,” Aemond says, running a hand through his hair, “She was a sweet girl--”
“Sweet,” Alys scoffs, “Weak. You’ve gone soft, haven’t you?” She cocks your head to the side. “Do you not love me anymore?” she asks, her voice cold as ice.
“You know that isn’t true--”
“I don’t mind sharing--”
“You’re dead, Alys.”
She’s silent then, and your chest tightens with the agony she feels at his words. Aemond’s gaze is pained, his seeing-eye glassy with tears. 
“Release her-”
“I miss you,” she says, reaching for him, “That’s all. Is that so hard to believe?” She chuckles bitterly. “I just want our baby.”
“It’s not how it is supposed to be, Alys,” he says, taking the hand she offers, “I’m so sorry.”
“You’re always sorry,” she says, her voice trembling, “Just give me what I want.”
“I can’t do that,” Aemond says, “Let her go.”
Alys holds his hand a moment more. You feel a tear roll down your cheek leaving a hot stream behind. Then your limbs go rigid before all the tension in your body releases. Your head drops forward, limbs sagging into Aemond’s arms.
“It’s alright,” he says, lifting you into his arms bridal style, “I’ve got you.”
The feeling of sleep is different now; you’re groggy as though you’d just woken from a nap. Leaning into his chest, you press your face against his shoulder. Spearmint, aftershave, and tea. He smells so good. Your eyelids are heavy as he walks down the hallway. You can’t hear the rain anymore. Has it stopped?
“Shh don’t speak,” he says, placing you in bed. 
You’re in your room. Here already? That was fast.
“What happened?” you ask, throat raw, mouth dry.
“It’s alright,” he tells you, laying his hand against your forehead. 
You welcome the heat. You’re so cold.
“The heart….” you murmur.
“The heart of the house,” you mumble, “It’s cold…”
Aemond pulls your blankets around you, tucking you in tightly sitting beside you on the bed. 
“What was that?” you ask, as Aemond’s hand strokes your cheek.
“It was just Alys,” he assures you.
You sit up then, the sleepiness leaving your body rather quickly as though someone had poured ice water down your back. The sheets fall around your waist and Aemond sighs disapprovingly as your eyebrows knit together. His hand falls from your cheek, resting on your bent leg. 
“Alys,” you repeat, “Your wife.”
“She made me….” your cheeks warm, “Did…did we…?”
“No,” Aemond assures, shaking his head, “No we only kissed.”
You can feel him still, the ache returning between your thighs. His violet eye watches you closely as does the sightless milky one. He’s reading every microexpression on your face like the pages of a book. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Whatever are you sorry for, dōna hāedar?” he says, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.
“That we…that when we kissed…” you murmur, looking down, cheeks blazing with embarrassment, “That it….that it wasn’t me.”
Aemond rubs circles on your knee, watching the movement. The room is silent for a moment apart from your steady breathing. There is an ache between your eyes, deep in your skull that you’ll no doubt need to sleep off. 
“We should rectify that,” Aemond says softly, “If you’d like.”
Your lips part as you meet his eyes again. He’s watching you so carefully, as though you may run from the grounds at any moment never to be seen again. 
But you’d made your choice. And you intended to stick to it.
“Yes,” you breathe, leaning forward, “I’d like to.”
“Then it’s settled,” he murmurs, leaning forward. Your eyes flutter shut as his nose bumps against yours causing you to gasp softly, lips parting even more, “It’s only right.”
You can feel his lips against yours as he speaks; just brushing slightly.
“I agree,” you say breathlessly, and he closes the gap, pressing his lips firmly against yours, his hand cupping the back of your neck. 
Your hand fists his shirt as you kiss him, his mouth hot and greedy against yours. His lips, his perfect lips fit against yours so perfectly, and he turns his head slipping his tongue into your waiting mouth. 
Gods you want him. You want him so badly you’re trembling with need. Aemond leans forward then, pressing you back against the bed, kissing you all the while. Your hands claw at him until his hands lace through yours, pressing them back against the mattress. He murmurs your name, lips trailing down the side of your throat. Yes, yes, yes. 
“Aemond!” you gasp, pushing at him suddenly. 
He tears his lips from yours, standing immediately as you gasp for breath. The pair of you stare at each other wide-eyed, trying to catch your bearings. 
“She’s here,” Aemond says, voice hoarse.
“I don’t know,” you tell him honestly, “It felt like she may…come back.”
“Fuck,” Aemond growls, “Fuck!”
You wet your lips, wanting nothing more than to hold him. Aemond leans against the bedpost, lost in thought.
“We have to be careful,” he says, “On the grounds. She’ll try…she doesn’t know what she’s doing.” You can hear the love he holds for her in his voice, even now. “She just wanted a baby.”
“It’s alright,” you tell him, “We’ll be careful. We won’t….” your sentence trails off. 
“Yes,” Aemond agrees, “Not long now. The house will go quickly once it’s on the market. Summerhal house is waiting for us.”
You force a small smile.
“No ghosts?” you ask. 
Aemond’s returning smile mirrors your own.
“No promises,” he says softly, “Get some sleep.”
“What about Helaena? And the children…”
“I’ll go to them,” he says, walking forward, placing a kiss on your forehead, “You rest.”
“Goodnight Aemond,” you call as he exits your room.
“Goodnight,” he says softly, the door clicking shut behind him.
You lay on the bed, your body trembling. The rain begins once more, the sound of thunder returning. It may be the rain, you’re not sure, but as you drift off to sleep you swear you hear the soft sounds of a woman crying somewhere in Harrenhal.
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note: hope you enjoyed this chapter! as always, comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but never expected (though you will receive a forehead kiss from me if you do any of them).
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
orrr maybe earlier in the relationship with Janitor Eddie, they go through a haunted maze/haunted house together
falling |janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader|
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prompt: a "haunted house" looks a little different at hawkins elementary's fall festival. apart of my spooky stories series <3
“Are you scared?” Eddie muttered, hands rubbing down your arms sweetly. 
“Terrified.” You grin, turning to look back at him. “Think I should use the bathroom now? Might pee on myself, I’ll get so scared.” 
A laugh bubbled up out of Eddie’s chest, dimples deepening with a stretched smile. “Yeah? Jeez, babe, now you’ve got me worried.” Eddie looked at the entrance of the small gym door- the old gym, from years and years before. The school still kept the building, used it for parties and storage- for the Haunted House during the Hawkins Elementary Fall Festival. 
“Didn’t know your kids were this scary.” Eddie hummed, stepping up slowly as the line moved. 
“Terrifying. You didn’t know?” You teased, eyes sparkling the way they always did when you joked with him. It made Eddie swoon. “Steve’s a lot braver than me. Offering to work it this year. He’s a Saint for that.” 
“Yeah, he is…” Eddie muttered, hands balling in his leather jacket pocket. He definitely did it out of the goodness in his heart, and not the thirty dollar bribe Eddie gave him so he could spend the night with you. 
“I’m excited to see it though.” You chirped. “They’ve been working so hard in art. We had to cut bats out the other day- do you know how hard it is to cut a bat with kiddie scissors?” 
“Never tried, but I can imagine.” Eddie smiled. “I don’t know how your fingers even fit in those. My hands cramp thinking about it.” 
“Years of practice.” You bump your hip playfully with his. “Pretty much an entire semester in college. I swear, all we did was cut construction paper and make arts and crafts for different projects. It was the best and the worst class. My hands were sticky for a semester.” 
“That’s… wow, actually now that you say that, I do remember Steve taking that class.” Eddie laughed, curls bouncing with every soft shake of his head. “He was always covered in glitter. Just unexplainably glittery.” 
You laughed, that crystal, beautiful laugh that had Eddie’s knees wobbling. “Yeah, that sounds about right.” 
It was your turn next, stepping up to the small box where a student and chaperone sat. Amanda, from your class. “There’s just two of us.” You grin at her. 
Her eyes flitted back from you and Eddie, grinning with her own excitement. “That’s two tickets.” She held her hand out, taking the tickets eagerly. The chaperone handed her the stamp, a scaredy cat outline in purple ink. She hesitated on Eddie’s hand, stamping it on his un-tattooed knuckles. 
You waved goodbye, arm snaking around Eddie’s, pushing the streamers to the side. “Guess the secret’s out.” You mutter, the stamp glowing in the black light of the dark room. 
“Guess so.” You could feel Eddie tense slightly, a shaky breath. “You-You’re cool with it?” 
You rolled your eyes lightly. “Eddie, I don’t care what my fourth graders think about my love life.” You shake your head. “We’re gonna be a hot topic at recess, that’s all.” 
“Yeah? Kinda boosts my ego.” Eddie puffed his chest out playfully. 
“I can tell.” You giggle. “Head’s getting bigger already.” 
“Could be my hair.” Eddie ran a hand down his curls. “Kinda hot in here. Think my curls are starting to frizz.” 
“I think they look good.” You hum, smoothing a sweet hand down the curly locks, still soft and clean from the shower he took earlier. His hair was damp when he picked you up, from a rushed shower and too impatient to let it dry all the way; too excited to see you. 
“Enter if you dare,” The dramatic, scary tone of Steve Harrington- in his Dracula ensamble- floated down the hallway. “And don’t touch, ok? Hands to yourself. Have a good time.” Steve nodded, letting the kids down the hallways, dark with animated, age appropriate scary sounds courtesy of the Halloween Screams CD playing on a loop. 
“Hey, you’ve been in here three times, and you only have one stamp. You sneaking in here or just not leaving?” Steve frowned, stopping the boy in the Donatello costume. 
You laughed, pulling Steve’s attention to you. He rolled his eyes. “Just- Last time or get in line like everyone else, alright?” Steve nodded towards the Ninja Turtle. 
“What? You’re not doing the voice for us?” Eddie grinned, brows raised in amusement. 
“Shut up, Munson.” Steve muttered, pulling the plastic fangs out of his mouth. “Shoulda charged you more.” 
Eddie glared at him, eyes cutting to you. You were too busy looking at the decorations, waving to your own excited students. “Wow, Harrington. This is very scary.” 
“Yeah? You jealous? Want to switch with me?” Steve snorted lightly. 
“Oh, no.” You shook your head. “I would never want to deprive you of this. You’re really in your element.” 
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up you two. You’re doing the Christmas party. You think candy is bad? Wait until it’s candy, and hot chocolate, and winter break. See who’s laughing then.” Steve quipped, an eye roll that had both you and Eddie laughing, leaning in to each other. 
“Alright, go in. Don’t touch anything. These decorations are barely hanging on.” Steve pulled the curtain. 
You clung to Eddie’s arm- for your students, you told him, so they would think you were scared. Eddie didn’t mind, of course. He was more than happy to have you on his arm. Watching your exaggerated expressions, the kids' dramatic scares and giggles that followed when they saw it was you. For once, whispers following when he passed down the hallways didn’t bother him. They were different from the ones from years before, when he was in Hawkins Elementary as a student, a lanky, skinny boy with holes in his clothes; who never had a Halloween costume unless he made one, and then the kids made fun of him. 
He would have killed for a teacher like you. Someone who would’ve been kind to him. You brought in extra costumes, bought from the Salvation Army, put them in your treasure chest for the kids like him, who didn’t have a costume. You picked up shifts at Melvald’s to pay for extra things around the holidays, working on weekends and nights when you could for some extra money. Gave up your own time so your kids could be happy; it made Eddie’s head spin in the best way. 
You sat across from Eddie on the wooden picnic table, cradling the plastic tray of cut apples and caramel sauce. “So what’s your fall snack?” You ask, head tilting gently towards him. 
“My what?” Eddie blinked. 
“Your fall snack?” You grin, wiping your hands on the thin napkins. “Y’know, like when fall comes, what’s the one thing you crave? Like caramel apples or pumpkin bread…” 
Eddie smiled, he could feel himself blushing. He didn’t even know why he was blushing, yet the heat still rose from his chest and crept up his collarbones. He hoped you couldn’t see how flushed he was under the streetlights. 
“Uh, I don’t really… Oh, wait.” Eddie grinned. “Fried apple pie with vanilla ice cream.” 
“Fried apple pie?” You lifted a brow. 
“With vanilla ice cream.” Eddie nodded. “You ever had one?” You shook your head. 
“Oh, baby, I gotta take you. When I was little, Wayne would take me to this Amish grocery store out past the quarry. He always got a pie there for Thanksgiving, and he’d get me a fried apple pie and vanilla ice cream. I don’t even like vanilla, but with that? Life changing, baby.” Eddie grinned, sighing. It was heavy but not sad… nostalgic. 
“That sounds amazing.” You grin. “I love vanilla ice cream.” 
“I know.” Eddie smiled. He had remembered that. This summer, after a movie date, he’d taken you to an ice cream parlor. You’d sat in the booth, giggling over melting cones- your vanilla, his chocolate. 
“I’ll, uh, I’ll have to take you sometime.” Eddie nodded, eyes cutting to you carefully. “If you want to.” 
“Yeah,” You smile, nodding. “We should go sometime. Bring Wayne back a pie.”
“God, he’d love that.” Eddie laughed. He’d love you even more than he already does, Eddie mused. The old man was already egging Eddie on, better buy her a ring, boy, she’s a keeper. Eddie knew you were. He’d started saving for rings after your second date, but he’d never tell you that. 
“Thanks for coming with me tonight.” You hum, your own smile small, a little shy. “I know this isn’t like a great date or anything, but my kids like to see me. I like to see them.” 
“No, it’s… I had fun- I’m having fun.” Eddie stuttered, a little nervous. Did he look like he wasn’t having fun? Fuck, he was, he really was. Maybe he should have played it up with the kids, he just didn’t want to take away from you. They were your kids and he’d never want to step in front of you, steal your moment. 
“Yeah?” You ask, tilting your head to the side. Eddie nods, brown eyes wide, curls bobbing. “I’m having fun with you too.” Eddie thought he might pass out. 
“They were so cute, all their little costumes.” You smile, chin resting on your palm. “They get to dress up two times so I know they’re just over the moon.” 
“Yeah, that’s right. Halloween party is Tuesday, right?” Eddie asked. He knew when it was, he was going to have to clean overtime for all the Halloween parties. 
You nodded. “I can’t wait for you to see my costume.” You grin, brows bouncing playfully at him. 
“I can’t either.” Your smile is contagious to Eddie, leaving him grinning and swooning. “You gonna go all in?” 
“No,” You shook your head. “Just a costume. Nothing fancy. The kids like it, so…” You trail off. “It’s not new or anything, I wear it every year, but you’ve never seen it so new to you.” 
“I can’t wait.” Eddie smiled, knee bouncing under the table. 
“Are you going to dress up?” You asked, lashes fluttering towards him sweetly. 
“No,” Eddie scoffed lightly. “I mean, I wasn’t going to. Don’t really have anything. Guess I could wear my Michael Myers mask with my coveralls?” 
You laugh. “Yeah, think you’d really scare the kids.” 
“That’s the point, right? What you’re supposed to do, right? Scare the shit out of them.” Eddie smirked. 
“Might get fired, but worth it, right?” You jest back. 
“Definitely worth it.” Eddie nodded. “Maybe I’ll wear the old coveralls in there. Say I’m dressing up as Sal.” 
You laugh. “That would be really funny, actually.” Your eyes shone under the lights, bright and dazzling back at Eddie. 
“Yeah? Alright, I’ll do it then.” Eddie nodded. “Sorry it’s not a surprise.” 
“That’s ok. Mine will be more than worth it.” You smile confidently at him. 
“I know it will be.” Eddie said quickly, eyes widening. Fuck, had he said that outloud? His eyes widened slightly, watching you carefully- bracing himself for the inward cringe, the snarl, things he was used to in the past. Not from you. No, all that came was a shy smile, chin ducking down to hide your flushing face. 
“You want one?” You ask, breaking the silence with the slide of your tray towards him. 
“I’m ok.” Eddie shook his head politely. 
“C’mon, I know you want one.” You press lightly. “You paid for them.” 
“Yeah, for you.” Eddie countered, giving you a pointed look. “But if you insist.” He hummed, grabbing a green apple, scooping a glob of caramel on it. 
“Would never want to deprive you.” You wink, and Eddie nearly chokes on the chewed apple he’s swallowing. 
One of your kids passes by, waving goodbye, holding their tired mom’s hand. You wave back politely to both of them. 
“Hey, uh,” Eddie starts, sweaty palms rubbing down his jeans. He knows it’s the end of the night. You don’t have any plans further, not yet anyways. “Do you- You like scary movies?” 
“Depends.” You hum, tossing the empty plastic away in the trash bin. “How scary are we talking?” 
“Not crazy.” Eddie slides in beside you, arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. The rides and music are dying down, the Hawkins’ PTA lingering behind with large trash bags, loading station wagons. “Pumpkinhead?” 
“Never seen it.” You shrug lightly. Eddie’s shoulders deflate, heart racing- should’ve said Carrie, he fuckin’ knew it. 
“But I’ll watch it with you, if that’s what you’re asking.” Your eyes meet his, grip tightening around your shoulders. 
“Are you sure?” Eddie falters. “I mean, I was just- we don’t have to.” 
“No, I think that sounds nice. Very on theme for the night.” You smile, leaning into his side, your steps in sync. “One condition, though.” 
Anything. “Yeah, what’s that?” Eddie swallowed, trying to fight back his smile. 
“I get to put M&Ms in the popcorn.” You point at him playfully. “Non-negotiable, Munson.” 
“Done.” Eddie shrugs, fishing for his keys. “M&Ms in popcorn, huh? You’re that typa girl?” Unlocking your door, pulling it open for you. 
“You know I am.” You quip, sliding under his open arm, tossing him a wink before he shut the door. 
Eddie was buzzing with excitement, a dopey smile on his face, too lovestruck to even care. An hour later, you were pressed into his side, head on his shoulder, a bowl of hot popcorn with M&M's scattered inside between the two of you. Eddie hoped you couldn’t feel how he got hard when your hands brushed in the bowl.
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evilminji · 1 year
The House of Mysteries is Arguably Sentient Right?
(O.O ) I sit here... contemplating the... WEIRD Ghosts Danny might come across. The true Haunted Houses. Planets. Theaters. Boxes bigger on the inside. Living ships and A.I.s, Etc.
All things can die. If the house of mysteries is someday utterly destroyed? Is that not death? If the Planet and Green Lantern Mogo is broken to pieces like non-sentient Krypton was, has he not perished?
Do they not stand equal chance of become Ghosts?
Are.... Are Haunts even created? Or are they a symbiotic ghost relationship? The dual fulfilling of Obsession. A house, properly haunted and taking care of someone. And a Ghost, watching TV or organizing stamps or living out the fantasy of their Perfect Life.
All behind purple doors.
Houses are demolished all the time. Or lost to war or disaster. An old enough house? Enough people living and dying in it? Could arguably start to accumulate ectoplasm. Become, not sentient, but a touch more. And in dying? Like any animal, leave behind that Idea of who they were. That ALMOST and Instinct.
Certain places though? That are alive? That have seen far too much death? They seem to carry over. Castles and long burned libraries, coliseums, and frozen hills. The places life was lost, over and over or all at once.
Floating islands from long dead planets.
I bet we could find Kryptonian flora on some of them. If we looked in the right area. It must be a strange mix. Down right bizarre. Facing just about anything and wondering if it's sentient.
With Ectoplasm? It could be.
But at the same time? Imagine the RELIEF? Of, after the stress and fear of dying, waking up CHANGED, somewhere new and alone... searching desperately for something, anything, to ground your self? The relief you'd feel... when a door seems to drift right into out of nowhere. Just? Gentle bonk.
And yeah, it's purple. Looks like every generic door that's ever been. But? It has this VIBE. Like you're staring at the door to your first shit apartment, but it's YOURS and YOU paid for it and you're... you're home now. You open it.
And it's like some crammed every inspo board you ever had and all the parts of every room you ever loved, together. Familiar, new, and best of all? NOT a vast swirling green void. You drift inside.
If you're like so many ghosts? Probably never leave. Why would you? It's spooky and loud and crazy out there. Everyone's nuts. In HERE it's nice. No fights, art and food the way you like it, time feels muted and far away...
You only really snap OUT of your happy Vibe Sesh with your House Haunt when someone intrudes.
There us probably a whole flip side of the Zone that we never really see. Haunt politics. Competition for the really GOOD Ghosts. Haunts that don't want a ghost because they are waiting for somebody who may or may not come.
Other fuckin MOGO'S. Seriously. Sentient planet. That may be rare, may even be the sole example IN THEIR UNIVERSE, but the Zone is Multiversal. Literally Infinite.
Which means there ARE at least a handful or more of SENTIENT PLANET GHOSTS. How do you?? Cope? "Oh this is my buddy, the PLANET EARTH." But possibly BIGGER.
Fuck that's a lot of Ectoplasm. Thank Zone their Obsession's are usually "Be Prosperous Planet" and "orbit and protect this Star, which is sentient and my frient".
Oh? They forgot to mention the SENTIENT FUCKING STAR? As in giant ball of fire and death? Whoops! :T
Don't worry! THEIR Obsession is their planets! It's a full circle thing. Just leave that little system alone and they won't annihilate you and everything you've ever loved! Easy.
Lookin a little pale there, your Majesty. You need to lay down?
(And to think, all this... because Pariah's Castle got into a literal land war with other castles over who gets the New King.)
(Accusations of being a Greedy Bitch were thrown. Suggestions to Get Good and stop being A Loser Crybaby were offered. Somehow, there were cannons? Danny is still unclear but has been told under NO circumstances is he to step foot in ANY ghost building until mediators can be brought in. It could be seen as declaring a preference.)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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songforeddiemunson · 1 year
Hi I hope it isn't to much but can you make a Eddie X reader who are best friends and they both have feelings for eachother but when Eddie makes a move it all comes crashing down and they start dating
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write this for you, @iloveyou987123! I hope you enjoy it!
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Eddie Munson x Reader (description vague for inclusivity)
Summary: Eddie surprises reader during a nasty thunderstorm, which takes a serious turn.
Warnings: language, a wee bit of angst, but mainly FLUFF! A little steam but no smut, just heckin' cute fluff. Mild TW for spooky weather and an excerpt from a spooky book.
AN: Tornadoes are definitely a thing in Indiana, so reader's concerns are warranted, just FYI.
Word Count: 2308
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You turned the page of the book clutched in your hands, heart pounding at a near anaerobic pace, completely on the edge of your seat. You were so engrossed in your new copy of Stephen King’s IT, that you barely could register the fact that the world around you even existed, let alone affected you in any way. This book was insane, and you were already over a quarter of the way in, even though you had just sat down to read it a couple hours ago. At over a thousand pages, that was saying something.
You were sat hunched over your little kitchen table, oblivious to everything outside of a three foot radius. A thunder storm was brewing outside; the wind was picking up and rain pelted the side of your trailer, but you barely noticed. You hadn’t an inkling of what was happening outside, because you weren’t really in your kitchen in Hawkins, Indiana. You were actually creeping around the basement of a house on Neibolt Street in Derry Maine, on a warm June day in 1958.
…they moved toward the coalpit first, Bill slightly in the lead, the gun in his hand, Richie close behind him, trying to look everywhere at once… 
You read at a furious pace with your heart in your throat, your adrenaline dialed up to eleven.
…and then the door at the head of the cellar stairs crashed open against the wall with a violent BANG, spilling thin white daylight down the stairs. Both boys screamed….
At that moment, the window right next to the table at which you were sitting was rattled by a loud BANG, making you nearly jump out of your skin and scream out loud. The book flew out of your hands, and you leaped to your feet. You pulled back the curtain to reveal the face of your best friend peering in the window with a shit-eating grin on his face. His hair was sopping wet and plastered to the side of his head, he looked ridiculous, and for a moment you wanted nothing more than to murder him, Pennywise style.
“What the FUCK Eddie?!” you screamed.  The window was closed to keep out the deluges of wind and rain, but he probably heard your muffled yell anyway, and he definitely noticed your expression. His grin faltered, and his eyebrows creased with confusion.  You pointed in the general direction of your front door, and stormed off without waiting for confirmation.
You walked over to your door and opened it, seeing nothing but darkness and sideways rain, which was suddenly illuminated by a bright flash of lightning. A few seconds later there was a loud clap of thunder; the storm was close now. You had been so focused on your novel that you hadn’t even noticed how crazy the storm was getting, and you were momentarily taken aback. Then suddenly Eddie materialized from stage right, shaking out his hair and looking a little more sheepish than before. 
“Eddie,” you said, softening a bit at his expression. “You scared the shit out of me. WHAT were you doing at my window?”
You stepped aside to let him in, letting in a swirl of wind and a mist of rain with him. You wrapped your arms around yourself to ward off the chill from the spray of water.
“Sorry,” he said with a chuckle, stamping his feet to dislodge the water from his shoes. “When you didn’t pick up the phone after the three times I called, I knew you were sitting at your table buried in some book. So I threw a ball of mud at your window.”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile at your idiot friend, whom you absolutely adored. You punched him lightly on the arm.
“You couldn’t just knock on the door like a normal person?”
“Where’s the fun in that? And who said I’m normal?”
“Fair enough, but I’m making you wash my window, asshole.” you conceded, laughing. “Eddie, you are definitely borrowing this book when I’m done, holy shit.”
“That good, huh?”
“You have no idea. It’s the new Stephen King book about the clown.”
“Oh shit, yeah, I’ve heard good things about that one.”
You looked at him, and he was such a chaotic ray of sunshine with his goofy grin and his adorable dimples, that there was no way you could stay mad at him. In fact, as the years passed and you grew into young adults, your fondness was beginning to grow into something…more. But there was no way you could ever tell him about the way your heart sped up whenever he touched you, or that your breathing quickened when he turned that million-dollar smile of his in your direction. You were just pals, after all.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you and all, but why are you here?” You asked him.
Eddie shrugged. “I was bored, just sitting around, and I figured, why not go jump-scare my best friend?”
“You walked over here in the rain? You– “  Your retort was interrupted by a particularly loud clap of thunder, visibly startling you. The wind was starting to blow so hard you could feel the trailer shake slightly.
“Whoa,” Eddie said, his eyes widening, his growing excitement evident. “This is getting pretty crazy.”
“Do you think there could be a tornado?” you asked, your voice wavering slightly. You wanted to sound cool and collected but failed, and Eddie noticed.
“I dunno, could be,” he said. “Hey, don’t worry, we’re going to be alright.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed Eddie, but we’re in a trailer. Not exactly prime shelter during a tornado.”
More lightning flashed, followed by another ominous crack of thunder. You were starting to get pretty pretty scared, and you wrung your hands together anxiously. Eddie’s expression softened. He stepped forward and rubbed your arms soothingly, his ringed fingers sliding along your bare flesh, causing you to break out into gooseflesh despite your growing distress.
“Hey, hey, shhh,” he cooed, and as you looked up into his beautiful brown eyes, you felt the fear subside a little. In fact, you felt like you could stand there forever, with Eddie so close. You saw his eyes flick down to your lips, then up again, quickly. He took a step back.
“Uh,” he said, running a hand through his wet locks. “Do you have a towel I can use? I feel like a wet dog here.” He broke out into a lopsided and slightly bashful smile.
“Sure, hang on,” you said, and walked over to the bathroom to grab him a clean towel.  “Take your jacket off,” you said as you returned. 
Eddie slid his leather jacket off his shoulders and draped it across the back of a kitchen chair before turning his full attention to you. You threw the towel over his head, completely obscuring his head and face, which made you giggle.
The next clap of thunder, despite signaling the storm's true arrival, somehow seemed less ominous as you reached up and began toweling off Eddie’s locks. The smile that was revealed as the towel lifted off his face was impish, there was a gleam to his eye as he patiently waited for you to finish your task. When you’d squeezed out as much water as you could, you tossed the damp towel in the general direction of your laundry hamper, not even looking to see if you’d made the shot.
“There, all better,” you said with a smile, stepping back to give Eddie space.
You noticed that in some barely perceptible way, Eddie’s expression had changed. You couldn’t quite put your finger on how, other than the fact that his trademarked smirk had gone. He looked softer, somehow, and his eyes were brighter. You simply looked at him, your breaths shallow. Without his jacket, you saw the gentle slope of his clavicle disappear beneath the collar of his t-shirt, and let your eyes wander over his chest, his abdomen, his arms… both of you silent as you watched the slight rise of his shoulders as he breathed, transfixed. Spellbound. Was he doing the same to you?
Eddie took a tiny step forward. “Hey–” he began. A bright flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder happened at once. The trailer shuddered, and was plunged into darkness.
You froze, brain scrambling to comprehend what had happened. You were seeing your friend in a very new and different way, and then suddenly he was gone from your sight and everything went dark. What the hell?
“Eddie–” you said, your voice sounding strangled, and you squeaked in alarm when you felt him envelop you, his arms wrapping protectively around yours and pulling you flush against his body.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just a power outage,” he said soothingly.
“I’m scared, Eddie,” you said with a small voice, and he squeezed you tighter, sending butterflies alight to war with your fears. “What if there’s a tornado barreling down on us as we speak? We’ll be sitting ducks…”
“Okay, come here,” Eddie said, taking you by the hand and guiding you over to the bathroom door by feeling along the wall. “They say that you should take shelter in a doorway, right? When you have nowhere else to go. It’s supposed to be the most structurally sound, right?”
You chuckled without humor. “A structurally sound spot in a trailer is like saying: ‘wow, that’s a really strong sword made of cardboard.’ “
Eddie laughed. “Funny, but this is the best we’ve got. Come here.”
“Wait,” you said, and turned to fumble in the junk drawer in your kitchen, coming up with a flashlight. You clicked it on. “That’s better,” you said. You could see nothing outside of the windows, only torrential rain and wind.
Eddie braced his back against the doorframe and slid down to the ground, crossing his legs. You could barely make out his shape in the darkness, so you turned the flashlight toward him, accidentally shining it right into his eyes. 
“Ow jesus, you don’t need to blind me,” he laughed, covering his eyes with his forearm. 
“Sorry,” you said, turning the beam away, embarrassed.
“Just come here,” Eddie repeated with mock annoyance. 
“What– am I supposed to sit in your lap?”
“Yes, so I can comfort you and keep you from flying away.”
You snorted. “If a tornado hits us, we’re both flying away, dingus.”
“Don’t harass me with your logic, just come sit already!”
“Fine,” you said, maneuvering yourself so that you were sat on Eddie’s lap with your back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you protectively. You had to admit, it did feel nice. It was only an illusion of safety, of course, but you were comforted by the solidness of him. You felt his chest move with his breaths, could smell old spice and rainwater, the faint scent of cigarette smoke, and something underneath it all that was just Eddie.
It made you feel some kind of way. A kind of way about your best friend. And you didn’t know what to do about that.
“Bet you wish you weren’t reading a scary book just before this,” Eddie whispered, his breath tickling your ear.
You laughed softly. “This is prime Pennywise territory. Couple of young, vulnerable youths, all primed and tasty…”
“Wait…does the clown eat people?” Eddie hissed excitedly. “Ugh I want to know everything but don’t spoil the story…”
“My lips are sealed, my friend. You’ll have to read it if we survive this storm.”
“Don’t be hyperbolic,” Eddie said, but you could feel him gently shaking with suppressed laughter. “We are NOT going to die!”
“Famous last words…” you replied. “Uttered just before a tornado comes along, and blammo…”
“Will you shut the fuck up?” He was laughing in earnest now.
“No. Do you think we’ll be flung into the sky, or just obliterated into hamburger meat when…”
“Oh my god stop it!” Eddie shouted while tickling you in the ribs.
“No!” You shrieked. “You know I’m ticklish! Oh my god!” You thrashed wildly, twisting your body around, and before you realized it, your face was centimeters from Eddie’s.
Your giggles dissolved into soft breaths, and you looked at Eddie’s plump lips.
“Fuck it,” he breathed, and kissed you.
Stunned, you allowed him to press his lips to yours for a moment before pulling away.
“Eddie,” you breathed. “What…”
“So…” he interrupted, and chuckled softly. “I like you. More than a friend, and…if you don’t feel the same way I totally understand, but….”
“Eddie?” you said.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” 
You smiled and kissed him, leaning forward and placing your palms against his chest.  He cupped the back of your head and changed the angle to deepen the kiss. 
“Mmm,” you breathed against his lips. “So it wasn’t just me then.”
“You too?” you felt him smile against your lips. “How long?”
“I…I don’t know exactly. A while. How about you?”
“Hmm,” he paused, thinking. “I think maybe always.”
You pulled away to see if he was serious, but you saw nothing but conviction in those lovely brown eyes of his. A wave of affection washed over you that was so strong you thought you might cry.
“Oh Eddie. I had no idea.”
“S’okay. You know now,” he said softly, and kissed you again, and again, and again.
You kissed the storm away, and you weren’t afraid anymore. The trailer could have blown right off its foundation and you probably wouldn’t care, because Eddie was kissing you and holding you tightly, and as long as that was happening, you knew that everything would be alright.
Even though he never returned your copy of IT after he borrowed it from you. 
He would make it up to you….in other ways.
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Thank you for reading! As always, likes, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of all fic writers. Please show us some love! :)
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restlesschilled · 8 months
Tmag 6 thoughts
Note: Im a backer so this was done on Tuesday the 13th and set to post on Thursday the 15
omg thats the sweetest thing im gonna cry
Pre "statemen
[insert caffine patch gag from meet the robbinsons]
as some one who worked overnights YES SAM GET THE BLACK OUT CURTAINS
"the sun is the enemy" Alice dark avatar confirmed? /hj
new guy??
turn over rate is also high in general for overnight jobs because its hell
also i know this is overnight in the script because spooky and also jonny and alex worked a job like this and thats hoe they met but WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD A JOB LIKE THIS BE OVERNIGHT?(fear and paranoia obviously)
can someone get Sam some vitamin D as well hes got melanin hes gonna absorb it slower
sleepy man
(fun fact that's Giaus Octavius from Cry Havic!)
also looked at the cast (dont do it till you finish and HOLY FUCKING SHIT)
his name iss needles guys
Freaking out
porcupine man
post statement
lol he was enjoying it
headcanon sam loves r/nosleep
also we've been called out
also her last name is after Alex and Hannahs Dog which i love
super weird interview
"and im both, the system work!"
love celia cant trust her but love her
"four weirdos in a basement reading scary stories" AFHGHLGSDALGELKRG
freaking out
freaking the fuck out
shes already been to the break room?
hes got a crush on her
“Would you like tea Celia? Coffee perchance? My heart carved from my chest and arranged on a little doily? Please, Celia, cut out my tongue so I can always be there to lick your stamps for you!”
the date on the statement is 3 days before the date it was accessed by Sam
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
I wrote a little something for @lesservillain Strange and Spooky stories. 🐈‍⬛🧡
Prompt: Black Cat - When a bunch of kids were chasing around a black cat, your muse decides to save the day…by bringing it home. WK: 1.2k
Warnings: Implied sexual content but no actual smut annnnd that’s it, just Eddie being cute n sweet to a lil kitty in need.😉🧡
Eddie was sitting on the front steps of his trailer enjoying a smoke when he heard high pitched laughter and the sound of feet on gravel. He figured it was the kids that lived a row over rough housing so he brushed it off.
But then he heard it getting closer and when he looked to his left he saw a little black cat running straight towards him with a gang of kids in tow. The cat looked panicked as the kids ran after it squealing.
The ball of black fur kept running until it was directly under the step he was sitting on, looking up at him. Its bright green eyes were nearly consumed by the black of its pupils, Eddie couldn’t help but think they looked almost human.
“Hey! Give us that cat!” One of the boys yelled as they approached.
“Is this your cat?” Eddie questioned the boy with a raised eyebrow.
“We found it first! Finders keepers!” The girl next to him stomped her foot, a slight lisp in her voice due to her two missing front teeth.
“Well, I think you guys might be scaring it. You always want to approach cats slowly and quietly if you want them to like you. Why don’t you try calling it over, calmly.” Eddie gave the kids a reassuring smile, he knew they didn’t mean any harm, they were just excited.
The smaller boy who hadn’t spoken up yet crouches down so he could see the cat hiding under the step.
“Here kitty, come here kitty.” He pats his small hand against his leg in an attempt to lure the cat out.
“You aren’t doing it right!! Do it like this!” The little girl walks closer until she’s just a few feet from the steps and crouches down with her head tipped to the side.
“Hey cat! Come out of there! I wanna pet you!” She smacks her hand against the ground and the cat hisses, burrowing itself further into the shadows of the stairs.
“I don’t think it’s going to come out you guys, maybe come back later and try again? It might calm down a bit.” He just wants these kids to leave him and this poor cat alone at this point.
“Whatever, my mom says you’re weird and I shouldn’t talk to you anyway, that cat is probably weird because it likes you.” The older boy sticks his tongue out before turning on his heel with his companions in tow.
Eddie rolls his eyes and scoffs, even the kids in this town give him shit. Ridiculous.
“Hello there.” Eddie perked up, tilting his head to try and get a better look at his new furry friend. “I’m sorry those kids were bugging you, guess they ended up bugging both of us.”
He chuckles, almost feeling ridiculous for talking to this cat like it would understand him.
But something about the way the cat was looking at him almost made him feel like it did.
“Well, I’m gonna head inside now kitty. You can hide there as long as you want.”
He got up, stamping out his cigarette under his sneaker before brushing his hands on his jeans. But before he could walk up the steps the cat walked cautiously out from under them. Looking back and forth like it was checking that the cost was clear.
“You’re all good, those kids are gone. For now at least.” He smiled at the cat, crouching down and offering his hand for it to sniff.
The cat approached him slowly, holding eye contact with him the entire time until it was right in front of him cautiously sniffing his hand. After a second it seemed to have deemed him safe and rubbed its head against his hand, allowing him to scratch behind its ears.
Eddie felt around for a collar that might indicate that the cat belonged to someone but he found nothing.
“Hmmm… you don’t seem to belong to anyone, what're you doing here, huh? You got a name? I’m Eddie.”
It was giving him that look again, and the way that it’s head shook up and down against his hand almost felt like it nodded at him.
“Are you a girl kitty? You kinda seem like a girl.” He raised his eyebrow as he continued running his hands through the soft black fur.
Again the cat's head seemed to almost nod.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Well, what am I gonna do with you? It’s kinda cold out here… I don’t know what I have that you would wanna eat but you could come inside and get warm?”
He wanted to laugh at himself for talking to this cat like she understood him, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that she did.
She purred, meowing again before jumping up the stairs to stand in front of the door, looking at him expectantly. He chuckled at the cat's odd behavior as he walked up to the door, pulling it open for her.
She scurried inside, immediately jumping up on the couch to sit on her hind legs. She stared at him, cocking her head to the side almost like she was studying him.
“Well… I’ll uh, see if I can find you something to eat, want some water?”
He brought his hand up to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck, not sure what to do now that the cat was inside just staring at him like that. This time there was no questioning if she nodded her head or not, it was plain as day, humanlike.
Eddie shook his head as he walked into the kitchen, maybe the cat didn’t nod, a cat with human eyes? He’s being ridiculous, that shit Rick gave him really was strong. He turned on the sink to fill a small bowl with water and just as he started to fill it he saw purple smoke billowing in from the other room.
“What the-!?”
He ran through the smoke into the living room, not even thinking about if it could be some kind of toxin but his steps came to a halt when the couch came into view.
Sitting where the cat just had been was single handedly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and she was fucking naked.
“Hello Eddie, I am a girl, and I do have a name by the way.” She told him her name, and it was beautiful, just like her voice, just like the rest of her.
His jaw dropped and he stuttered, trying to find the words to respond but his brain was going a mile a minute and he couldn’t settle on a single thought.
“Thank you for helping me by the way, I really appreciate it. Let me return the favor.”
She approached him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, giving him that look that he now knows is human, at least to some extent. There was no way he wasn’t dreaming right now.
But when she dropped to her knees in front of him, when he devoured her, and ravaged her, the way their bodies touched to some extent until the sun came up and he couldn’t stay awake anymore. There was no way it wasn’t real, and if it wasn’t, he didn’t want to know.
When he woke to the late morning sun beaming in on his face, he was alone, his bed empty. He would’ve believed it was a dream after all if it wasn’t for the scratch marks on his chest and the little silver bell sitting on the pillow next to him.
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muldermuse · 2 years
Halloween Party: Fox Mulder X Reader
A/N: Implied smut??????? IDK, it’s the wrong time of year to post this but I have had the most boring Sunday ever and wanted to share
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You sighed as you adjusted your wig again, looking into the mirror you examined every bit of make up that covered your face and let out an exasperated sigh. You slammed your hands onto your cluttered bathroom counter and felt a pang of anger hit your brain.
“If you’re sighing to get my attention, it’s definitely not working” Fox called from the other room. He was laid on the bed, stuffing popcorn into his mouth whilst watching Halloween. “I’ve already told you, you don’t have to go! Just get undressed and get in bed with me” You could hear him smirking from the last comment and despite your anger, you could feel a smile creeping onto your face.
It was your work Halloween party and things had been tough recently. You spent weeks planning and creating a couple’s costume for you and Fox. Hours and hours spent fitting the costumes, urgently searching around thrift stores and having petty arguments that always ended with a kiss. Then, suddenly, the party was downsized meaning that partners could not come. Every one at work was annoyed and no one wanted to go. You knew deep down that Fox was secretly relieved but he never showed it, he never did well with mingling and knew that behind his back your colleagues referred to him as the ’spooky’ one. You were planning on handing your notice in in the new year but you wanted your final Halloween party to go well. So, at the last minute, you decided to be a witch and you hated the idea. So, whilst Fox was watching your favourite horror films, drinking beer and eating popcorn- you would be awkwardly smiling at the rest of your colleagues, having the worst halloween ever.
You felt a presence behind you, there he was, wearing an old Vancouver t shirt you had bought him years ago as a joke and some grey boxers. “You’re the most downcast looking witch I’ve ever seen” he said with a exaggerated frown, he wrapped his arms around you from behind and nuzzled his face into your neck. You felt his stubble gently itch your neck and you instinctively moved your head away. “I don’t want to go” you whined with a small stamp of your heeled boot.
“Just don’t” he murmured as he gently laid kisses on your neck. You felt a small moan escape your lips as Fox softly bit the space where your neck connects with your collarbone. His lips felt hot as goosebumps scattered across your neck, “I’ve only met a few witches in my time, you know,” you turned your head to give him more room as he whispered against your skin.
“They’re fascinating, strong, captivating and the opportunity to study one up close…well…” He moved his hands down to your hips and slowly guided you to face him, he gently lifted you and placed you on the counter. “I could not miss that opportunity”. Your hands held his face as you tenderly pressed your lips to his, his grip on your hips tightened as he languidly slipped his tongue into your mouth. The taste of buttery popcorn making you smile into his touch.
You moaned his name into his mouth as your nails raked though his thick hair, breathlessly, you pulled away “I need to call Julia to let her know I’m sick and I’m going to have to stay in bed all night”. You halfheartedly coughed as Fox rolled his eyes with a laugh, he held your hand as you slipped off the counter. You felt his eyes burn into you as you walked over to the bed, he quickly followed and sat on the mattress, holding the phone in his hands. Without words, you stripped off until you were in just your underwear. It was black and lacy, you’d worn it before but it always received the same response from Fox. A giddy smile crossed his face as he positioned you to sit on his knees, he laid open mouthed kisses along your shoulder as he passed the receiver to you, “make the call so I can spend tonight taking care of of you”.
You stifled a moan as you typed Julia’s number, Fox unrelenting in his kisses as the phone dialled. You closed your eyes, trying desperately to ignore Fox’s touch as Julia answered.
“Hi Julia, it’s me…not too good actually, yeah, I don’t know where it’s come from but I really don’t feel well”. You kept your eyes shut as you spoke to your colleague. Fox smiled against your skin as he gently nipped your shoulders, leaving small red marks across you as he gripped his nails into your hips, slowing moving himself against you.
“It is weird but something has been going around the office…just a matter of time until I got ill I suppose”. Your free hand reached behind you to grab Fox’s hair and pull it closer to your neck. You smiled into the receiver as he pressed hard kisses against your neck, the movement of his hips unrelenting and making you feel breathless.
“I’m so upset I can’t make it…how’s Fox? Oh, he’s fine. I think he’s just going to spend tonight looking after me.” Fox quietly groaned into your ear and you could feel your chest growing hot at the thought of what was to come tonight. “Anyway, send my love to everybody and sorry again that I can’t make it…I’ll see you all on Monday”.
You rushed to put the receiver down, as soon as the plastic left your hand, Fox pinned you against the bed. His eyes were glassy as he smiled down at you, “I’m going to take such good care of you tonight”.
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t4t-apexeclipse · 10 months
scene sides (or at least an attempt at scene culture)
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in order:
Logan Monroe - 28 - she/they
transfem hacker!!!!! also a major gamer (fnaf, minecraft, and fortnite are her favs). they’re a bit new to the scene… scene lmao, but her joyfriend virgil has helped a great deal with their confidence in expressing herself this way. they’re also in a relationship with roman, but their relationship is unlabeled because they don’t really need a label, they just know they love each other in a way that doesn’t need explaining <3 really loves dinosaurs
Roman/Prince Mordecai - 31 - he/they/crown/fae
name hoarder!!!! also every gender except the feminine ones. casually dating patton, in a relationship with logan, and in a QPR with virgil. his favorite color is the rainbow <3 they make EDM and crown’s really good at it (look up The Royal Dream Machine on spotify /j). and fae’re a therian! foxkin <3
Patton Harlow - 34 - he/she/any “lovecore” neos
gender is a game and patton is playing for keeps. if cute gives you kandi jewelry or hair accessories he must really care about you. she loves clowns and sky blue (and romans music <3). has the most piercings of the group, but also the most tattoos because heart has literally one. and no one else has any not even remus jahdjdjf (it’s one of those gothic heart tattoos as a tramp stamp because why not). really loves domo
Virgil Tyler - 29 - they/it/she
she wears a mask for fashion but also to hide its face in public (there’s no pandemic in this au). they love sanrio, especially hello kitty, kuromi, and my melody. also loves invader zim, which it watches with remus a lot. purple is love, purple is life. extremely into scene music, especially 6barelyhuman, black veil brides, sleeping with sirens, and avril lavigne
Janus Young - 32 - they/he
remus’s caregiver and bestie <3 they kin rainbow dash and pikachu. he loves doing makeup and they’re always down to do his friends’ makeup if they ask. collects all things mlp and pokemon. also furbys
Remus Mordecai - 31 - as many pronouns as you can fit in one sentence
talks the least out of the group as he is semi verbal! and when she regresses xe’s nonverbal. it’s special interest is homestuck and fox is a nepeta kinnie. also kit basically always has a pacifier in zir mouth, even in public. ey live with janus, who they may have a slight codependent relationship with (or whatever you’d call the kind of relationship where one person is wayyyyyy more reliant than the other? remus is very attached to and reliant on janus)
so that’s them :3 i love them all, i just wish i knew what to do with this au lmao
@spooky-sanders-fan you asked to be tagged so here it is 👀
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sanstropfremir · 5 months
ok nana unsubtly kicked me in the ass about this and i realized they were mostly done anyways so here we go! only four months late!
best stylings 2023 - first half
runners' up
rising - triples
there are two good stages with funky athletic wear, but it wasn't enough to bump it up to the overall category. mcountdown 230216, the show 230221
abyss - woodz
didn't promote it which is a shame, but the variety in the costuming for the different versions of himself is well done and it's a beautifully shot bottle mv.
moody - superkind
you got a fake member you gotta make it spooky!!! he's not real that's inherently spooky!!! anyways this is what i wanted them to do right off the bat some i'm glad they finally got my psychic memo.
golden hour - mark
absolutely fucking crazy. fantastic imagery. i think i talked about it earlier in the year but it's such a stupid and hilarious idea to make a whole diss track mv about a several year old meme and then actually make it strange and weird art. obsessed with it still.
sos - kang daniel
i'm also including the wasteland music sequence here because holy shit when this dropped i lost my mind. i'm always surprised by what kang daniel does bc i can never predict it, which over the last few years i'm coming to enjoy. and i absolutely did not expect him to produce basically an entire wild west mad max movie with equal the production value???? literally how did he do this. how. and then everyone paid it dirt??? it's an amazing mv and one of my faves of the year, the only reason it's not bumped up categories is bc although the styling was actually one of the only times tactical gear has been thematically relevant to a cb, its been so overused that it has no punch anymore, which makes me sad bc the tactical gear was good! and a good choice! and i feel bad saying it has no punch bc it should have!
small talk - kim sungkyu
we love when sungkyu acknowledges that he's annoying and a loser. all these outfits were so losercore. i loved this deviation from form for him; he's normally king wailer supreme, but he does smooth upbeat rock very well and it's a nice contrast with the capital y yearning that's in the bsides. it's only here bc he didn't promote much and i'm mad at him for putting dancing in the mv and then not dancing in any of the stages. mcountdown 230629, music core 230708, inkigayo 230709
ay-yo - nct 127
this is just here for taeyong's urchin outfit. well i'm a bit of liar it is actually a really fun early 00s inspired mv, but we all know the urchin outfit stole the show.
stamp on it - got the beat
i will hear NO slander against got the beat in this house, this was a great mv i love hot women planning a heist.
tricky house - xikers
FANTASTIC debut. does a really great job of establishing a character for them as a group and it's got such unique flavour. kq has made great use of their ateez money and also the lessons that they learned with ateez. i'm excited to see where xikers goes in the future, and since i'm writing this section from the future i can say that i do like where they've gone with full confidence. the only reason it didn't make the top list is bc the styling is kinda average for this era of kpop.
best overall
rose blossom - h1 key
i was aware of h1key before this but they hadn't really grabbed me, but damn this cb was so good. the mv is a nice mix of story and dance sections. plus a surreal section in the middle! and by virtue of being like the first cb of the year, they got the jump on this alt girl look that would be the dominating look for ggs this year. and i do think first did it best in this case, all the looks are smart with good group synergy and and a lot of creativity; when you do this type of alt-y punky style it's important that there's a diy element to it, which a lot of groups fail to grasp bc stylists are obsessed with luxury branding. h1key manages to avoid that mostly by being flops, but i'd like to believe its also bc their creative team cared about capturing the true spirit of the style.
stages: music bank 230106, mcountdown 230202, music bank 230203, mcountdown 230119, inkigayo 230108
tic tac - 8turn
honestly i was kinda ready to not like these guys since mnh shat the bed with chungha, but then i remembered that the mnh creative team is very good at their jobs, so here we are. this is one of the few debuts/cbs this year where every single stage was a hit and it was very hard to narrow down to just a few for here; lots of good emphasis on shape and colour and accent pieces with repeated motifs, which was a big part of the fashion in the 00s that they are remixing here. very strong debut especially for so early in the year and i'm looking forward to more.
stages: show champion 230208, mcountdown 230202, music bank 230203, show champion 230222, music core 230211, mcountdown 230223, music core 230225, inkigayo 230226
bonus: this absolutely hysterical 4minute cover (they even got the name bucket hats! not in the stage, but they had them in photos)
sweet juice - purple kiss
i'm not normally a fan of wes anderson or wes anderson inspired aesthetics because i find them too twee and perfect, but this wasn't too direct in it's inspirations and definitely had the spooky purki flavour. i really liked the uniformity of the costuming, both literally using uniform motifs and using the same fabrics; i really do miss the days when kpop costumes were design to actually be costumes with the group image in mind.
stages: mcountdown 230216, inkigayo 230219, music core 230225, music bank 230224, inkigayo 230226, music core 230304, inkigayo 230305
sour & sweet - bambam
bambam again proving that he's one of the few idols that knows his shit in terms of interesting styling. also if anyone knows where he filmed the mv/performance vid please tell me i need to know bc its so beautiful.
stages: mcountdown 230330, music bank 230331, inkigayo 230402, music bank 230407, music core 230408, inkigayo 230409,
bsides: music bank 230331, inkigayo 230409,
macarena - blitzers
i'm so so so glad blitzers got a bit more attention this year bc they deserve it and macarena was so good. perfect culmination of their goofy ass talents and the unusual creativity of their performance + creative directors. i'm even linking the mv teaser here bc its so goofy and offbeat and different. honestly i'd recommend watching as many of the stages as you can find bc they do different intros every time and it's very funny, but unfortunately tumblr has a link limit so i can't link them all.
stages: show champion 230426, music bank 230428, music core 230429, inkigayo 230430, inkigayo 230514, music core 230527
bouncy - ateez
yea yea yea nobody is surprised so sue me. this was a crazy followup to halazia and proved that ateez can deftly switch between serious dramatic performance and comedic but no less dramatic. i'm very happy to see how much work has been going into the main ateez mvs in the last year because it has very clear and striking direction that fits both their performance style and their creative ambition, as well as their growth as a group. also yea i'm not immune to neon cowboy shit.
stages: inkigayo 230618, music bank 230616, the show 230620, mcountdown 230622, music bank 230623, mcountdown 230629, music core 230701, inkigayo 230702
kick it 4 now - tnx
tnx had an absolutely banging 2023 and although kick it 4 now is has superior and more comprehensive production, love or die is also a very good cb, and both of them together have shown that they have a really good grasp on the genre of teen listlessness, from two different directions. kick it 4 now has been i think the most successful cb to actually capture the feel of first gen, and the creative team did a lot of extra work in order to pull that off. from all the graphic design to the goofy lil 90s style music show promos, to the styling, they had a clear goal and achieved it. i think it will be quite difficult for any other group to pull it off this thoroughly.
stages: music bank 230609 (the giant lyrics!!!), music core 230610, show champion 230614 (more giant lyrics!!), music core 230617, mcountdown 230622
shooting star + left right - xg
we all already know that left right was my most listened song this year, but the fact that the mv was b movie sci fi star trek themed? it's like simon made everything about this specifically for me thank you. xg blew everyone out of the water this year on every front; music, styling, choreography, you name it. i said i wanted groups to commit to their bits and i got it. they were completely unafraid to actually commit to the y2k nostalgia AND to harajuku styling; a lot of groups have weakly pawed at it but always back away due to the fact that harajuku and y2k are not actually 'pretty' fashion trends, which leaves their attempts half assed with no real understanding of why and how those trends happened. xg came saw and conquered the current trend in a way that only a japanese gg can do. my only annoyance is that they tone down the stylings when they promote on music shows, and i know why they do it, so it's not an annoyance at them, it's an annoyance at everyone else.
stages: shooting star - mcountdown 230202, con-tour 230217, the show 230221, inkigayo 230212, inkigayo 230205, con-tour 230224
left right - the show 230228, show champion 230222
circle - onew
absolute masterpiece. album of the year in every way. it's a profoundly beautiful unpacking of grief and the sadness that comes with acknowledging that things change, and the way that in that change life and humanity and story is eternal. a circle. the theatre imagery combined with the 60s style children's tv show use their similar but contrasting forms to illustrate the same point: something can be eternal and fleeting at the same time, and that heightens its value rather than diminishing it. the promo campaign was so thought out as well, i love the integration of the theatre imagery into the highlight medley and i highly recommend you watch it if you haven't. one of the best cbs from a solo artist in years.
stages: mcountdown 230309, music core 230311, music bank 230317, inkigayo 230319
ignore the fact this was almost five months late even though i started writing in like. november. i'm busy ok. it's planting season and i have to send so much post. the choreos post is the next most finished so that will probably be out before the styling second half one.
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crownmemes · 1 year
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The X-Files Sentences, Vol. 1
(Sentences from The X-Files (1993-2002, 2016-2018). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"It's happening again, isn't it?"
"Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted."
"So, who did you tick off to get stuck with this?"
"I was under the impression that you were sent to spy on me."
"Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?"
"You just think you can come up here and do whatever you damn please, don't you?"
"You're saying that time disappeared? Time can't just disappear!"
"There's classified government information I've been trying to access, but someone has been blocking my attempts to get at it."
"I see no evidence that justifies the legitimacy of these investigations."
"Let's just say that I'm in a position to know quite a lot of things."
"You know, the government is not above the law."
"What would be the chances of someone like me seeing a UFO?"
"It can't be aircraft. Aircraft can't manoeuvre like that."
"Just because I can't explain it, doesn't mean I'm going to believe they were UFOs."
"The brain doesn't work like that. You can't just go in there and erase certain files."
"I can provide you with information, but only so long as it's in my best interest to do so."
"Each victim was found with their liver ripped out."
"Why would I make them so uncomfortable?"
"Reputation? I have a reputation?"
"Do you think I'm spooky?"
"If you explain to me what you're talking about, maybe I can help you out."
"What was she doing right before she died? Was she pleading for her life?"
"Come with me or don't come with me, but until they find a body, I'm not giving up on that girl."
"Fact is, we've got a cannibalised body. Someone - or something - out there is hungry."
"On the contrary, I think I've been exceedingly polite."
"So, can I ask about the case you're on, or can't you say?"
"Look, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."
"I have to admit, that fulfilled one of my boyhood fantasies."
"I have my orders, and the license to execute them as I see fit."
"How can I disprove lies that are stamped with an official seal?"
"No government agency has jurisdiction over the truth."
"Are you at all familiar with the phenomenon of cattle mutilations?"
"You know, some mistakes are quite worth making twice."
"There's something else I haven't told you about myself..."
"Some killers are products of society. Some act out of past abuses. Some kill because they like it."
"I thought you'd be pleased that I'd opened myself to extreme possibilities!"
"How come you don't believe me?"
"Our best lead is gone. Someone stole it before the lab had a chance to look at it."
"Remember the day you first walked into my office? You pissed me off just looking at you, but then I saw how your mind worked - how you're always three jumps again."
"A lot of people are saying you've become an embarrassment - a liability."
"The government can't control a deficit or manage crime. What makes you think they can plan and execute such an elaborate conspiracy?"
"That's why I like you! Your ideas are weirder than mine!"
"I think it's remotely plausible that someone might think you're hot."
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Day 6: Chase
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𝖑𝖊𝖊: Jeongin
𝖑𝖊𝖗: Hyunjin
𝖙𝖜: none
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @dandyboyseungmo @leeknowstan33 @vale-143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ☽◯☾⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ☽◯☾
“Jeohongin! Stahp you’re gonna ruin it!” Hyunjin whined, fingers shaking as he tried not to wiggle the paintbrush.
Jeongin smiled into the back of Hyunjin’s neck as he removed his fingers, currently pressed into Hyunjin’s sides. 
“ahaha it tihihickles!” Hyunjin giggled brightly as Innie’s fingers wiggled lightly over his stomach next, and the older moved his brush away from the painting in order to save it from his shaking hands. 
“Innie STAHP it!” Hyune snapped when a well-placed jab to his ribs had him keeling over. 
“It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish…” The maknae commented, rolling his eyes.
“Oh you’re so in for it now-” Hyune retorted as he suddenly stood up. 
“You have 5 seconds to run.” Hyuna threatened, wiping his hands to free them paint stains.
Jeongin certainly didn’t waste time, bolting out of the room, the door flying shut behind him. 
The maknae screamed loudly when he heard thundering footsteps chasing him down. 
He turned corners and ran as fast as his feet would take him, breath leaving him in gasps. 
“AH!” Innie yelled when a hand grabbed at his shoulder. 
Shaking the hand off, Jeongin felt that same arm wrap around his waist. He was so toast (lol)
The chase was finally over as the maknae was pinned against the wall by an angry ferret. 
“NO! nonono please! HEAR ME OUT!” Jeongin yelled out as the fingers hovering over his stomach paused. 
“What do you want little lee~?” Hyune cooed as Innie blushed underneath him, arms outstretched completely. 
"OKAY! I'm really really sorry for almost ruining. your painting, and for t-tickling you. I was just thinking that maybe you don't have to get like this and-"
"Oh it's okay Innie. I forgave you a long time ago. BUT! I'm still gonna wreck you to prove that you’re more ticklish than me." Hyunjin said matter of factly. 
“HUH?! I'm not more ticklish than you! Wait, wait!" IN screeched when Hyune's fingers walked up his torso. 
The dancer’s fingers rested on the youngers ribcage, tapping lightly as Jeongin sealed his lips to avoid giggling.
When Hyunjin's hand suddenly darted down and scribbled his belly, Innie strained hard against the older's hold, an unwanted smile already displayed against his cherry red face.
“Seee look! You're already smiling! It won't take long ~" The dancer cooed as Innie thrashed harder, foot stamping into the ground.
"HYUN- hyunjihihin HYUNG!" Jeongin yelled as giggles bubbled out of his throat. 
"Yes, maknae bread?" Hyunjin replied cheekily, using all the the nickname commonly used by members.
"ihihit tihickles!" Innie giggled sweetly as the older's fingers continued dancing over his stomach.
"Of course it does, silly!" Hyune replied, fondness growing in his chest at the sweet maknae.
However, the dancer couldn't let Innie off so easily. He still needed revenge.
So his fingers suddenly moved upwards, digging into the vocalist's ribs with vigor.
“NOAHAHA NOHOT THEHERE! YAHAHA!" Innie choked out as he tugged on his wrists.
He shook his head back and forth, the sensations building up and leaving the maknae a cackling mess.
"Now for the grand finale!" Hyune announced, lifting up the vocalist’s arms and scribbling over his armpits.
Innie let out a loud scream, and his stamina wore down as he was plunged into silent laughter.
Hyunjin let up and ruffled Jeongin’s hair. 
“Don’t tease, ‘kay?”
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ☽◯☾⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ☽◯☾
i hope you enjoyed this fic! have a spooky october! ✨🎃
i’m so sorry the ending is so rushed everything’s falling apart lately i promise to fix my entire messy damn blog tomorrow i just need some damn sleep-
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canyonkingdom · 8 months
you're all going to hell two
(chapter 2, part 1)
tw: mentions of $u|c|d3, murder, invasion of privacy,
"Mickey's dead?"
Lifty's innocent voice shriveled up.
"...Yes." Terry said blankly.
The port was dead silent.
"As if you guys actually cared about that man." Camp commented negatively, polishing his newly furnished caterpillar house. "He was so forgettable-"
"Yeah, but he didn't deserve to die." Lifty lamented. "I mean, die in that way."
"It's possible he killed himself?" Terry questioned as he kept loading Lifty's forklift with boxes. "It's his cement mixer after all."
"He's an asshole. What kind of asshole would want to commit suicide if they're so full of themselves?" Camp retorted back.
"Then someone killed him..." Lifty eloped.
"Of course someone killed him, idiot!" Camp shouted back in shock of the utter stupidity. "I just don't know who..."
"You can't make a response yet." Terry said. "There's barely any evidence to work with-"
"It's not a suicide." Camp reassured.
"I don't want to believe the your word, Camp," Terry followed after, grief stricken in his voice. "It's just... shocking."
Lifty's eyes glowed. "We could investigate the case more! We could ask more questions to Spooky-"
"It's not the right time, Lifty. The man's traumatized as fuck." Camp stated almost immediately, making Lifty's happiness die down. "He already played his part, and we're not specialists at this type of case!"
"But I heard that-"
"Let;s just get back to work." Terry quipped, a smile on his face. "Lifty, bring them to the trailer."
Lifty pouted, but he followed orders. He kept the forklift going.
Camp put the towel down, looking at the orange sky.
"It's not a suicide." he repeated.
It was silent.
"The funeral service is at Tuesday morning." Max unhappily said.
The construction crew was filled with sadness and dread and everyone was a mourning mess.
expet Poke and Bruner.
They blankly stared at Mickey's dead, grayish, cemented body under the glass of the casket.
"You shouldn't have followed us, bitch." Bruner forced a laugh, but it ended in pity.
Poke glanced at the other man with sad eyes. He tapped Bruner's shoulder.
"We need to talk."
Bruner hissed, eyeing the coffin. The two solemnly went outside. They glanced upon the faces locoed with despair and sadness.
"We should tell them." Poke gestured.
Bruner didn't answer. A pang of survivor's guilt hit the two like a shockwave, but Bruner was still shaken uo from the events.
"Oh, there you guys are!" Mr. Builder's raspy voice was easy to recognize. Both people looked up to see their boss. "Gonna leave now?"
"...No." Bruner said straighforward. "We're just looking for... a breath of fresh air."
Mr. Builder's smile was of sadness. "It hits hard, y'know? One day you're having the time of your life, the next day we're doing with funeral preparations." He let out a depressed sigh.
Bruner wanted to say sorry so bad.
Camp atayed awake most nights, but this was for an unusual reason.
"Lifty," he whispered, shaking the young worker from his premature sleep. "Lifty!" he repeated.
Lifty opened his eyes groggily. "Eugh... why?" he asked.
"My trailer's down, can I please use your forklift?"
Lifty blinked the sleepiness in his system. "But why? Can't you... just use Terry's?"
Camp sighed. "Do you really think I would walk a mile to his house?"
"Yes?" Lifty fathomed, rubbing his eyes before yawning. "You're fit and healthy. I live off of food stamps and coke-"
"Just let me borrow the forklift." Camp jeered, "Please."
"O- ok." Lifty finally answered. "But you could've just called me-"
"I don't have your number." Camp immediately said as the smile in his face grew. "Thanks." he highlighted as he left the room, leaving Lifty basking in the dark.
It was incredibly weird driving a forklift at night, but Camp didn't care. He only cared for the truth.
He stopped at Spooky's house, the array of tires was enough for him to recognize it. He jumped down the forklift and scanned the area.
"Hello?" he sing-songed.
The door creaked open.
Camp smiled underneath his pain. "Oh, hi! Can I talk to you?"
Spooky hesistated, his hands clutching the door. "About- about what?"
Camp was on thin ice. "Mickey's death."
Spooky felt his stomach drop. "Why?" he asked.
"I need an explanation."
Spooky sighed, pulling the door open. "Come in." he said, his mouth dry. He left Camp oggling for information.
Camp took his time, admiring the vintage, yet incredible aesthetic of the mud staining his walls. He grimaced at the sight of dirty stools, but he sat anyways. His meter for gossip was up the roof.
"So?" Camp started.
Spooky quivered. "It was scary, man."
Half of Camp's being regretted the invasion of privacy, but deep inside he knows he can solve this.
"I could- I could hear him screaming under all that cement." his voice shaked terribly.
Camp pressed his lips in a thin line. "Did you notice anything?"
"Red lights."
Camp's ears perked up.
"I saw read lights." Spooky said, "I told Poli about them but... but he just brushed it off." Camp raised an eyebrow.
"Why?" he was as confused as Spooky.
Spooky shivered. "Please stop talking about it."
Camp's lips pressed into a thin line. A pang of guilt engulfed him, yet he still wanted to continue asking questions.
"I'm-" Camp eloped. "I'll stop."
Bitterness fumed in his mind.
When he left Spooky's house, he still wanted answers. His palms were sweating as he thought of the red lights Spooky talked about, how the rescue team dismissed their existence, not even thinking about it further.
Yet one thing he can say is that it wasn't a suicide.
He felt tearing up as he returned the forklift to Lifty's apartment.
part 2 releasing shortly after, maybe, maybe...
camp's a fucking idiot and we all know it but he's gonna be alive for a VERY long time
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ahorseofeverycolor · 2 years
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It’s My Little Monday! With...G3 The Pony Project Good Night Sweet Dream! The Pony Project was that not-too-well-documented Give Kids The World Village Charity event where artists were given a huge size G3 pony to customize. In this case, the artist JJ Ryu has turned it into a ghostly carousel horse...complete with little ghost girl to ride it! The pony the artists received was a plain white one many times larger than the usual G3, but it had brushable mane and tail, and the eye was stamped on normally. To create this custom, the pony was re posed (cutting the limbs off and then re positioning them), had the hair replaced with sculpted details, and mounted on a metal rod/stand for a real carousel look. This has been the first one (so far, at least, there is a mystery number of these) where there’s a rider on there. And what better to ride the spooky carousel than a ghost?  The shiny details for the saddle, harness and halter are great, and the re pose really adds action to the design. Keeping the pony theme going while adding spooky fun really works here. It is a fitting art piece for the project. The photos are probably also by the artist as well.  This one was in the gallery (a short, weekend pop up show before all the pieces were sold to raise money for the charity) but it’s always on the edge of some other photo, so it is good to finally see the whole thing up close. You can see other entries on this tumblr by using the tag below because it doesn’t seem that well documented anywhere else. This is an ongoing attempt to show all.
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
hmmmm gonna go to an antique market tomorrow dressed in all my spooky edwardian looking finery, probably won't buy anything since it's all furniture and coins and stamps and watches and such, but I just wanna have a look around <3
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