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thebritishdragon · 1 year ago
fur as white as the clouds
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And here we have the dragon king Longwang! Which literally means dragon king- I’ve looked for information about this dude and apparently he was sorta violent until Buddha mellowed him out. Black dragons in Chinese mythology are usually seen as vengeful creatures. While white dragons are seen as pure and a sign of rebirth.
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welcome-to-fernweh · 2 years ago
I like to think of the present dragon gods of Eleturn are, like, chill with weird mortal stuff as long as it isn’t a serious threat to them. So like, yeah, anonymously gift them short FanFics of them and they’ll be like, “Eyup, same shit as always.”
Zhí Míng
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Jiān Bīng
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Mèng Zhāng
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Líng Guāng
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I’m sorry milord, but the peasants are nailing erotic artwork of you and your court jester to the church doors again
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welcometoteyvat · 29 days ago
if genshin ever releases the liyue bow that has lore of azhdaha POV (unlikely, pretty sure it's been sent to the abyss), I will pull for it
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"in his sweet dream the dragon king saw again the little comrades it once followed" "—Why did he say such things? He had loved the land where he had shared fond memories with that person."
you can't just say that I'm in shambles now. his little comrades T_T. and his fond memories of morax contrasted with morax's cold eyes and retuo's heartrending agony. in other news, zhongli bow user alt when, he literally wears that archery thumb ring
anyways, this has also got me thinking about a rezhong animatic to water melody/但愿人长久, mostly because the "palace on the moon" stuff and the angst of them separating bc erosion reminds me of it. poem + annotations below
When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the clear sky. // zhongli POV, perhaps? visiting the tree at nantianmen with a flask of rice wine, on lantern rite or on midautumn In the heavens on this night, I wonder what season it would be? // azhdaha POV, half awakened from his underground dream, thinking about (more like hazily, instinctively recalling) the past, and the adepti gathering on mt aocang. "the heavens", the adepti in the mountains and the prosperous harbor, contrasted with the dim crystal cavern he's sealed in
I'd like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. // insert the line from the bow "If we ride on your back and cross these mountains, we can reach the palace on the moon, right?". btw the "crystal and jade mansions" in the poem is referring to the Moon Palace Dancing with my moonlit shadow, It does not seem like the human world. // cut to azhdaha's sealing away, zhongli's cold eyes. the warmth in his gaze is gone and he's unrecognizable, like a stranger, and all the memories of their past become warped and distorted in retuo's failing eyesight
The moon rounds the red mansion, Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless, // cut to the battle between morax/adepti and azhdaha in the chasm amidst the red cliffs. idk not much to say Bearing no grudge, Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? // erosion. bearing no grudge is giving zhongli sealing azhdaha away because of his duty to liyue, as part of their contract. probably insert an image of azhdaha (or the zhongli in retuo's memories) slowly being erased, bit by bit and piece by piece, as retuo's eyes close underneath nantianmen. gratuitous use of a flurry of ginkgo leaves floating in front of the viewer as screen fades to white
People experience sorrow, joy, separation and reunion, The moon may be dim or bright, round or crescent shaped, This imperfection has been going on since the beginning of time. May we all be blessed with longevity, Though thousands of miles apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together. // straight angst lol. "May we all be blessed with longevity" makes me think of erosion, but also "When you reach the end of time, those people, those past and future relationships predetermined by fate… they will be waiting for you" said by kun jun/azhdaha in no mere stone. when zhongli goes to meet them, he'll be waiting too
a fic set to the song/poem would also fuck. i simply think that more retuo content is neat!!! hes literally a blind rock given vision, a rock that can sing and dream, and zhongli is retuo's tiny god with a heart of stone, a heart nonetheless. arent they so interesting can we have another azhdaha mention in game soon
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wes-laye · 8 months ago
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[Angst and sad times warning]
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qwq14 · 28 days ago
"girls don't need flowers" you're right!! They need a man who can make stupid plushies of genshin dragons
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alien-star88 · 2 months ago
I have more Mushu art
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I feel like Mushu and Roxxie would get along cuz Mushu LOVES musical theater , like Cabaret , and Phantom of the opera .
He also calls her Kù āyí (the cool auntie)
Roxxie belongs to : @deprived-apathii
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Mushu trying to find the Sheet of music he wrote for a project ... It's in his hand .. he just doesn't realize it.
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Nick and Mushu, I feel like they would get along cuz Mushu's dad owns a bakery down the road , and he (Mushu) would share some of the treats with her as well as some recipes.
Nicknack belongs to: @runrabitrunrunrun
(Idk why it won't let me tag them.)
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And Professorr puzzles getting the fright of his life . Poor dude saw his whole life flash by in a millisecond
Mushu can phase threw walls , but it makes his hair float a bit. SMG3 threw Mushu's squishy at Professor Puzzles, and now his trying to get it back .
The character, Professor Puzzles, and the AU belongs to : @jovialoddity
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And then Mushu's older brother and much older sister. Alexander and Mulan (they were born many years before the movie "Mulan" came out.)
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gaydragontournament · 11 months ago
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Propaganda under cut
Azhdaha/Retuo Longwang (Genshin Impact)
● An ancient dragon that swore loyalty to and made a contract with a god after he granted him sight. When over-mining in his territory caused erosion (a condition that eventually effects all immortals in game) to settle in faster than it should have, his god sealed him underground to protect humanity. It's implied that Azhdaha had a moment of lucidity and allowed himself to be sealed. In any case, when in his right mind he agrees with the decision, though, when not, he feels betrayed and angry. In game he possesses a young man in order to prevent himself from being unsealed and makes his deep devotion to his god very clear, insisting there was no one he trusted more. The two share a bittersweet goodbye at the end of the quest. Something about being willing to trap himself forever because he believes in the judgment of another man is pretty gay.
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel)
● Okay so from what I've listened to he's not called a dragon but he is a four-armed, two-legged reptilian man who is born/created to be the guardian and caretaker of an ancient massive magical plant house called The Keep. So, magic lizard guarding magic castle sounds like a dragon to me.
He falls in love with a male human knight and a female human scientist. Bi and poly rights! We have enemies to lovers, homoerotically charged duels, and desperate acts of kidnapping to save the only thing he loves that leads to him finding more people to love (and also saves the only thing he loved).
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astrugglingacademic · 1 year ago
Honestly surprised that there was never an animatic of Zhongli sealing away Azhdaha to the all time classic: The Apology Song
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fuckyeahchinesefashion · 25 days ago
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Ao Bing's father and aunty. His father is Ao Guang敖广, Longwang of the East Sea, and his aunty is Ao Run敖闰, Longwang of the West Sea. (lóngwang龙王 means sovereign of lóng龙)
Scholars used to use the word loong but its pronunciation is significantly different from the Chinese character "龙". Long is better but still not the same. The aunthentic pronunciation is more like [lɔ:ueng] and it's pinyin is lóng.
Translators use the word dragon merely to facilitate better understanding, but the Chinese "龙" and the Western "dragon" are vastly different, fundamentally distinct, much like two creatures that aren't in the same dimension.
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The Chinese 龙lóng is a sacred mythical creature; they are considered holy beings, existing in a dimension above that of mortals. They hold the responsibility of controlling the wind, lightning, thunder, clouds and rain, regulating the weather, and blessing the abundance of crops. The copulation of 龙lóng with nine other creatures gave birth to various divine beasts, each bearing some characteristics of the 龙lóng, but the true 龙lóng is regarded as the purest and most noble of all.
In China, many people claim to have seen lóng, with plenty of folk records both before and after the founding of the People's Republic. In the internet era, there are also many videos of lóng. One of the most famous is footage taken by a college student on her dormitory balcony on a cloudy day, where a lóng appears in the thunderclouds and then turn its head to gaze the girl. Another notable incident is the CCTV live broadcast of the Gaoyou Lake lóng water spout event (interestingly, CCTV later edited the live footage, changing the scene of a real lóng spiraling and disappearing in a flash to show three ridiculous birds that didn’t follow the rules of perspective). These videos can be found on Bilibili if you want to check them out. I think the dormitory and Gaoyou Lake videos are real like they're truely lóng (the dorm one is especially striking because it looks exactly like the watery ink long on ancient Chinese paintings, with an extraordinary and otherworldly vibe, exuding an overwhelming sense of oppression). Other real videos show that lóng can fly at incredibly high speeds, like lightning. Folk culture says lóng can switch between physical and ethereal forms at will, which is why they can move so fast. There are also many fake videos to get clicks online, so one gets to use their own judgment. It’s widely believed that lóng appeared as early as the creation of the world, and they made a pact with the ancestors of Chinese people and have been protecting the 'Celestial Realm and Divine Land of Huaxia'华夏神州 ever since. In the unique Chinese twelve shengxiao生肖 culture, lóng is the only mythical creature—the other eleven are common animals. Some scholars think that when shengxiao was created, many people had actually seen lóng and accepted that they're real, which is why it became one of the twelve shengxiao.
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thecollectibles · 2 years ago
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Longwang Temple Part 1 by Guodong Zhao
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months ago
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oh, alright </3
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wes-laye · 11 months ago
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uhoh23 · 6 months ago
Person A - I think he's a Wanderer
Person B - DEMON
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NGL I was originally leaning more towards the demon theory bc there's a lot of evidence for it, but the problem that I have with the demon theory is that it now feels TOO obvious, like the devs are trolling like how they joked about him being a vampire. All three main theories make sense tho - demon, wanderer, or dragon.
There's so many demon implications - 1. The N109 zone being a lawless place that apparently has little sunlight, hence why there doesn't seem to be many plants, making it sound like the underworld bc the underworld probably wouldn't have much life in it, its another version of Hell. 2. Sylus' flower is the Datura, sometimes known as the "Devil's Trumpet." 3. Demons love deals. They trick humans and according to Christian lore, hate humanity. Sylus enjoys using people, even with the good in him. He's always trying to get something.
Point is, it kinda seems TOO on the nose...but the dragon theory is less obvious for me. I would have NEVER thought he was one until I did my research on Chinese mythology 🤣 AND BOY DID I FIND some INTERESTING things. Let's start with the most IMPORTANT point - In Eastern mythology, dragons can shapeshift between human and dragon. There's TWO dragons in particular that stood out to me - Fuzanglong and Longwang.
Fuzanglong - Dragons of hidden treasure. They live underground and hide gemstones, golden nuggets, their most prized possession a magic pearl. Has horns, demonic looking eyes, and dark red is associated with them. Sometimes known as "Keeper of the Underworld." They can cause volcanic eruptions when awoken or when they leave the underground. Elusive to humans.
Sylus and the color red go hand in hand. Couple that with the "treasure" talk that reminds me of Nightplumes due to Sylus saying "A man's heart goes to where his treasure is." Just like a dragon protecting his treasure. Sylus also enjoys gifting MC gems as a gift 🥺 There's also that scene where it looks like MC is underground, blood on her hands, and lava seeping through the ground. This ties to the volcano aspect and the underground aspect of this particular dragon.
The Dragon King - IT GETS WILDER. A guy named Longwang could shapeshift from dragon to human at will. He was the source of rain. His human form had red eyes and his dragon form typically had red scales, but some artists would opt for other colors. Longwang was the king of all dragons, immortal, and eventually he became a God in the story of the Lotus Sutra. His dragon form had wings, claws, and horns. He had four dragon brothers who could also shapeshift, lived in a luxurious palace in the sea, and he ate gems. Longwang was benevolent usually, but he was known to have a bad temper and be intimidating. He also apparently had thousands of kids 🤣
Sylus - has red eyes, he's intimidating to most, gets annoyed easily with most, can't die (or so he claims), the gems thing again, and he's rich. He very well could be a God with his crazy healing abilities and apparent immortality. The Lost Oasis card specifically brings up God's and Longwang played a significant role in a Chinese literature piece called Investiture of God's.
Last, but not least, Sylus' zodiac sign...I find it FUNNY how COINCIDENTALLY this man is an Aries in the Western zodiac, yet in the Chinese zodiac the Aries equivalent? IS A DRAGON. Just search up "Aries in the Chinese zodiac" 💀🫣 The devs did their zodiac homework bc Sylus has MANY of the Aries traits, so who's to say they didn't purposely choose Aries due to it's ties with the Dragon zodiac?
Aries Traits - love the chase in romance and they view crushes as a conquest to conquer, domineering, competitive and hate losing, adventurous, natural leaders, very straightforward, dominant. Dragon Zodiac - natural leaders, adventurous, very straightforward, competitive, can be arrogant, impatient, impulsive 👀🤣 Granted, maybe none of this proves he's a dragon, but I think this stuff is super interesting nonetheless 🖤
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alien-star88 · 2 months ago
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Yes he has horns. He can make them disappear just like his mom and sister. I'm trying to post the art dump bit by bit .
The Au that Mushu is in , belongs to @jovialoddity
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gaydragontournament · 1 year ago
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Propaganda under cut
Uncle Iroh
● The sheer bisexual energy this old man exudes is off the charts. Also he's the Dragon of the West bc of his special firebending technique
Azhdaha/Retuo Longwang
● An ancient dragon that swore loyalty to and made a contract with a god after he granted him sight. When over-mining in his territory caused erosion (a condition that eventually effects all immortals in game) to settle in faster than it should have, his god sealed him underground to protect humanity. It's implied that Azhdaha had a moment of lucidity and allowed himself to be sealed. In any case, when in his right mind he agrees with the decision, though, when not, he feels betrayed and angry. In game he possesses a young man in order to prevent himself from being unsealed and makes his deep devotion to his god very clear, insisting there was no one he trusted more. The two share a bittersweet goodbye at the end of the quest. Something about being willing to trap himself forever because he believes in the judgment of another man is pretty gay.
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astrugglingacademic · 1 year ago
Zhongli gave Azhdaha eyes and sight, right? I'd love to see Azhdaha gently taking care of/coaching a newly blinded Zhongli.
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