#longines masters
watchilove · 9 months
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neueuhren · 9 months
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reitsportportal · 2 years
Heimsieg für Julien Epaillard im LONGINES FEI Jumping World Cup™ Lyon 2022
Heimsieg für Julien Epaillard im LONGINES FEI Jumping World Cup™ Lyon 2022
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hxney-lemcn · 9 months
Dream a Little Dream of Me
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summery: reader ponders their feelings.
tw: angst.
a/n: okay so...this is my first time writing a generic fic, in which I mean you can imagine whatever character you want. So uh...I hope I did this right. Also, listen to 'Dream a Little Dream of Me' by Karen Fukuhara. It's *chefs kiss*
wc: 0.4k
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“Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper, I love you Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees Dream a little dream of me”
Rain drizzled, gently pattering against the windows. I watched as the clear drops raced down. My brain was racing yet it was blank all the same. That growing pit in my chest ached as I listened to that familiar bittersweet tune. I loved to listen to it, yet it always brought me into a somber trance. The gloomy weather only seemed to add to my mood.
“Say nighty-night and kiss me Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me While I’m alone and blue as can be Dream a little dream of me”
I frowned. I understood that longing feeling. Being alone and wishing for someone to love you. Although the singer is singing about their lover, my mind wandered to who I was crushing on. The thought of him kissing me, the thought of him holding me and asking me to stay with him, it loosened that hollow feeling just a little. 
I had been pining over him for so long, it was starting to hurt. The pattering of my heart when he smiled at me so handsomely, started to ache. The warm flush that I used to bask in that he’d always manage to cause, started to grow cold. The usual happiness I felt when I’d look at him turned bitter. Yet no matter how much it hurt, I still found myself falling for his charms. The bitterness would leave, if only for a little while in his presence, only for it to come crashing down when he was gone.
“Stars fading but I linger on dear Still craving your kiss Now I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear Just saying this”
There was no one to blame but myself. I had spent so long dwelling on my feelings, on pretending like they weren’t there, that it started to warp. I was by his side for so long, that it felt like he overlooked me, that if I were to disappear from his life, that he wouldn’t even notice. 
The answer to my problems seemed easy on surface level. Just confess, get these feelings off my chest and be done with the whole deal. Yet, after this long, he hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t noticed how my gestures ran deeper than just friendly. How I dropped everything to make sure he was okay. Not only that, but he hadn’t hinted at liking me back. We were just friends, and even if it hurts, I don’t want to lose that. Because I care for him as a person, and if he’s happy, then that’s all I could ask for.
“Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dream whatever they be Dream a little dream of me Dream a little dream of me”
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nyeigneous · 2 years
Garth Igneous 加什·伊格尼斯
Age:45 年龄:四十五岁
Birth: 20/05/1893 生日:一八九三年五月二十日
Height:188cm 身高:一百八十八厘米
Build:Emaciation 体型:消瘦
Sexuality:Homosexuality 性取向:同性恋
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He has short blond hair, light blue eyes, and an aggressive pointed nose.
There is a huge scar on the right forehead. A tattoo on the inside of his left forearm but is damaged by a scar. Both forearms were covered with scars made by knife. In addition, there are countless scars on his body, some of which are left by knife, some of which are left by wolves.
Garth is a neurotic, selfish, arrogant, and cunning man. His good family background and rich knowledge make him have the arrogance to master everything, so once the development of things is not expected, he will lose his temper like a child.
His mind is not complicated, but it is this straightforward way of thinking that makes it easier for him to do impulsive and reckless things.
He often overreacts to others.
Because of bipolar disorder, almost all his shortcomings are magnified, making him a completely uncontrollable madman.
Weapons and skills:
Shotgun, hunting knife, poison bait; Good at tracking, anti-reconnaissance, setting traps, and piss his partner off.
Important people: Andre Berekov Precious things: Longines hunter's watch (Andre gave it to him)
Fear: aurora; riding
吸烟很多;Smoking a lot;
情绪激动时会过度呼吸;Excessive breathing when excited;
酒量很差;Poor drinking capacity;
画画很好;Good at painting;
写日记;Keeping a diary;
喜欢用口哨吹肖邦的降E大调夜曲九号第二首;He likes to whistle Chopin nocturnes op.9. no2;
小时候被父母逼迫学过钢琴,虽然很痛恨钢琴,但是弹得不错;When he was a child, he was forced by my parents to learn the piano. Although he hates the piano, he plays it well
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北方口音Northern accent
加什的父母是是来自伯明翰的地质学家和生物学家,他们是典型的守旧并且固执的知识分子。 受到父母的影响,加什有着丰富的博物学知识,以及英格兰北方口音。 
Garth's parents are geologists and biologists from Birmingham, UK, they are typically old-fashioned and stubborn intellectuals. Influenced by his parents, Garth has rich natural knowledge and a northern English accent.
During the gold rush around 1900, Mr. Igneous and his wife come to Alaska with their 18-year-old son Hull, 16-year-old daughter Liz and 10-year-old Garth for research. Along with them is Jason Stamford, 26, a tutor for the children. The young Garth is in need of his parents, but the couple's work is very busy, they entrust Jason with the task of taking care of Garth and teaching him to read and write.
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温柔的人 A mild person
Jason is a talented young man with a major in paleontology. He was once a student of Garth's father. Because of polio, his left leg muscles atrophy and he can only walk with a walking stick. Various complications lead to his weakness and emaciation. But this does not kill his tenderness and love of life. These beautiful virtues also deeply influenced Garth.
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As a sickly child, Garth does not like the outdoors, so he spends a lot of time with Jason in addition to attending classes. The two talk like father and son, read books and learn the piano, and their bond grows.
When Garth turns 18, he boldly confesses his hot, confused admiration to Jason. Jason also likes the studious and enthusiastic boy, but the work ethic makes him turn him down. Jason, who is also gay, does not criticize Garth's unusual sexuality, but encourages him to be himself and not go against his will.
But Garth's parents see all this, and they fire Jason. Garth has a big fight with his parents.
Jason returns home to Manchester in poor health, but keeps up a close correspondence with Garth, offering gentle advice on the young man's troubles and doubts. Jensen died three years later, when Garth is 22.
逃婚 To escape a marriage
In 1919, when Garth is 25 years old, he has a very heated argument with his parents about his professional planning. His parents have arranged work and marriage for him in detail and ask him to marry the daughter of a local investor in order to obtain academic financial support. Garth impulsively tells them his sexual orientation and desire for freedom. His parents are very angry, abuse Jason for instilling bad illusion into his son. In a rage, Garth packs up and leaves home.
Half of year ago, Garth's parents meet Anderson Hastings (27) from the south of the US. This handsome and wealthy young man is looking for the assistance of experts in geology and biology for his career. He is gorgeous in clothes and spokes appropriately and is soon recognized by the Ignoneus family. The two young people meet and become intimate.
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Garth runs away from home and goes to Anderson. Anderson soon takes Garth on a cruise ship to the Soviet Union for a business trip.
Anderson never hides his sexual orientation and introduces Garth as his boyfriend which makes Garth feel safe. But what Garth doesn't expect is that Anderson just takes him as a property could show off.
In addition, Anderson is a control freak playboy. He believes that love is only a trade. He provides his boyfriends with luxurious living conditions, and the only thing the boys need to do is following his arrangement. He thinks that Garth's idea of finding a spiritual partner is very boring and meaningless.
白月光Bright moonlight
In that time, the phenomenon of money-laundering through academic research projects becoming popular among the rich. Most of the people Anderson takes Garth to see are such dandies. The days on the cruise ship are extravagant and chaotic. Garth feels helpless and disgusted at the atmosphere. Andrei Berekov (23) appears during this time.
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Andrei is the quietest member of the group of Soviet scholars. While everyone drinks and socialize, he would sit in a quiet corner and write alone. Garth finds out that Andre, like himself, is also the one who has false expectations for this so-called academic trip. Moreover, Garth is shocked by his knowledge of botany (although Andre's accent makes it difficult for them to communicate).
Contrary to Anderson, the gentle Andre can always see the flash in Garth's soul. He respects every inspiration and idea of Garth and can turn every chat into a friendly and meaningful academic discussion. This is the kind of relationship state that Garth has been pursuing.
At the same time, the relationship between Garth and Anderson is disintegrating. Anderson arranges cocktail party bender to introduce Garth to celebrities in the academic circle. He buys ways for Garth to publish his unfinished paper and plans everything for him without authorization. The only thing Garth needs to do is being a good boy to flatter Anderson. All this violates Garth's principles. They row again and again and break up.
Then Andre and Garth fall in love. He introduces Garth to his family and live together in his hometown in Belarus for some time. Later, the two decide to go to the University of Edinburgh for master's degree in plant taxonomy.
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A year and a half later, they graduate. Andre proposes to Garth at the graduation ceremony. After secretly exchanging rings, the two men embark on a trip to the Arctic Circle.
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极光中的骑行 Riding under the aurora
In 1923, the two men come to Yukon, Canada, and have a dispute with another group of fur hunters and they are maliciously retaliated. Andre is beaten to death. After being cut off his genitals, his body is hung in a tree and displayed with an "I'm a sodomite" sign around his neck. Garth is imprisoned and forced to watch his lover's body being eaten by crows in the aurora of the polar night. A few days later, with his last breath, he escapes, rides all the way south, and is finally saved.
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育空疯狗The mad dog of Yukon
This nightmare experience is a great blow to him, and the cruel torture leaves a huge ugly scar on his right scalp and countless scars on his body. He suffers from serious bipolar disorder, self-mutilation, and suicidal tendencies. He used to be a very gentle and humorous man, but now he has become an infamous one and gets the nickname of Yukon mad dog.
It is rumored that Garth finds the hunting team that hurt him years ago and retaliated against them with extremely cruel methods, but, the police let him stay in prison for only a short time because of his mental problems.
 It's just a rumor. No one knows what Garth does to them. People just never see those people again in the Yukon.
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危险游戏 Dangerous game
Although Garth's mental problems are very serious and his behavior is very uncontrollable, it is indisputable that he is the most outstanding wolf hunting expert in this area. In 1932, he is invited to join a hunting team. They plan to go south to hunt large prey for fur.
In early winter, Garth meets Hart, a forest ranger. Hart's merciless attack drives the team out of the forest, while the gloomy and fierce ranger attracts Garth's attention. He thinks it is all good to kill him or be killed by him.
Garth soon finds that although the ranger's attack is fierce and threatening, he doesn't seem to really want to kill them. Garth leaves the team, returns to the cabin alone, and begins to test Hart's patience by taking the initiative to attack. Hart responds to his attack almost immediately.
As Garth thought, Hart does not intend to kill him - each shot wipes his cheek and flies over, only a few centimeters away.
Garth almost immediately indulges in this dangerous game.
Hart's reaction satisfies him - his counterattack would not only really pose a threat to himself, but also could excite Garth. Although Garth himself knows that this morbid emotion originates from the psychological shadow leaves in his heart when he faces death, which makes him afraid, manic, want to cry, want to laugh, it is the only time that he could feel alive.
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怪人组合Freak couple
However, this absurd and dangerous duel does not end with the death of one party. On a snowy day, Hart forces Garth to a dead end, but he doesn't pull the trigger, just askes him why he does it. Garth cries and laughs, says he wants to die.
Hart turns and leaves.
Garth couldn't figure out why Hart has so many chances to kill him but doesn't do it. Hatred and fear have been burning in his heart for too long, burning the grassland of his inner world to black. However, from that day on, he could feel that a beam of light comes in through the black smoke, and something is slowly sprouting again.
The process of rebuilding trust is very long.
They do not have any detailed communication and exchange and do not mention the inexplicable gun battle. The two freaks just share a bonfire, say a few words, and then naturally act together.
Garth knows that nature also has many strange partners, such as raven and jackal, Greater Honeyguide and honey badger. Some partners can even act together all their lives. Even if one party dies, the other will not find a new one. Maybe they are such animals, too.
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Only a few examples are known of this extraordinarily rare work of military horological history. Commissioned by the U.S. Army Air Corps, designed by Longines Watch Company of Switzerland, the A-9 was the precursor of the modern Master Navigational Chronometer. Circa 1940
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the1weepinqguitar · 8 months
Went to an antiques store and found these gems
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Some honorable mentions:
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Was very intrigued by the Elvis one. Wasn't there a TMBG thing referencing it?
Also, I thought the View-Master was super cool.
And, I spotted a Longines Symphonette record!
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ask-de-writer · 2 years
SEE STORY (Part 5 of 5) A tale from the World of Sea
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See Story
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat​
14372 words
copyright 2023
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may   reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge   for their images.
All sorts of Fan Activity, fiction, art, cosplay, music or anything else is ACTIVELY encouraged!
Sea is a colony assumed lost somewhat over a thousand years before this tale opens.  They were sent on a one way trip, not knowing that there was no land at all on the whole world of Sea.  Thus, aside from humans, NO CREATURE OF SEA IS IN ANY WAY ITS NAMESAKE.  They were simply named for a superficial resemblance to some Earthly creature by the early colonists.
New to SEE STORY?  Read from the beginning HERE.
“Oh, look!  She has Strong Skins and Wing Rays and Orcas!  Buy me one, please Daddy!”
“Look, Kara, this girl has a model of a fishing smack, just like the one Mother uses.  Would you like it?”
It was not long before every one was sold.
A few sailors of the Grandalor wandered by, speaking loudly, “Make lots of toys, Longin!  They’re all that you’ll have next Gathering.  We pulled your best waters right out from under you in the Council Meeting.  Didn’t give squat for ‘em either.”  They linked arms and walked away, laughing.
Kurin came running up to Cat, in tears.  “Did they really take away our waters, Cat?”
Cat gathered the child into her arms and held her.  “Calm yourself, Little Fish … That’s it.”  She petted Kurin’s hair gently. “They think that they got our waters, Kurin.  That is not the same as getting our waters.  Where was the crab reef?”
Kurin wrinkled her brow in thought.  “We sailed south for most of the night with a good wind and all sail …” Her eyes lit up.  “It was in the buffer space between the Gula’s fishing waters and the Dolthin’s … They didn’t get it at all!”  She clapped her hands in glee.
“I know that you,” here Cat, smiling, gently touched Kurin’s nose, “can keep a secret, so I will tell you. We tricked them out of a whole fishing water of better reefs.  This is the most important thing to remember, though.  If they had not tried to cheat us we could not have turned the tables on them.  Always deal honestly, but never stupidly.”
The bazaar continued for days.  Everyone chaffered and bargained for the best deals that they could get.  
A small knot of sailors and officers had gathered a little way from the Longin’s booth, as they had for the last several days.  The people changed, but the group remained.  They were all there for the same reason.  The Longin’s Lady Luck could most often be seen there, though this Gathering, there was no telling where she might turn up.  Many were simply curious.  Others were thinking of courting her.
“See her, there back of the Longin booth?” pointed Mara, the new First Mate of the Fauline. “That’s her with the white hair, like fresh foam.”
“She’s the Longin’s Luck?  What a beauty!” said Torinsin, of the Gula’s rope walk.  “I heard that she’s blind and helpless, though … Dragons! Look, she just dragged that whole tub of lobsters up front by herself.  Don’t look helpless to me.”
“Lots of us been watching her.  She don’t act blind.  I wonder what the Grandalor’s up to this time.  Spreading lies like that?” speculated Morin, of the Grython, stroking his chin.  “Our Captain said that she would be welcome aboard.”
“Maybe they want to get her for themselves!” Mara put in.  “Maybe I should ask some of the Fauline’s crew to meet her.  Seems from what I’ve seen she’d be an asset to any crew.”
“I did hear that she’s marrying, gonna leave the Longin this year,” said Morin.
“That’s what’s up, for sure, then,” said old Ganther, the Dolthin’ Master Boatwright. “Grandalor is trying to grab the Longin’s Luck for themselves, and cut us all out.  Just like them.”
“Is she still available?  We have some good young men on the Gula that might do,” said Torinsin, eagerly.
“We all do!  I talked to Captain Mord already.  She’s bespoke,” said the Captain of the Grinna.
“What! What ship’s got her?  Who’s the lucky guy?” asked Torinsin, only slightly downcast, but still eager for gossip.
“They’re keeping it under their watch-caps until the night of the full moons,” said Forin, Grinna’s First Mate, stroking her hair and smiling a little at Torinsin’s expression.
“Has anybody thought to ask her direct?” asked Ganther, cutting to the heart of the matter.  “She’s easy to find, now.  First time in nineteen - twenty Gatherings that anybody’s seen her much.  Now, she’s all over the place.”
“I am, aren’t I?” said a cheerful voice, like splashing, flowing water.
The whole group jumped as if shocked by a Jolting Ray, and turned to see Cat, only a few feet away.
“So, tell us, who is it to be? What ship’s getting you?” asked Torinsin, eagerly.
“You all could have come to the Longin and courted me.  Nobody did.  I’m afraid that she’s right,” said Cat cheerfully, pointing to Forin.  “Come and see on the Weddings Night.”
“Did anybody ever tell you that you are cruel?” said Torinsin with a cheerful grin.
“One or two … hundred … so far,” replied Cat.  Then singling out Forin, she added,  “Come, take me to your booth.  You have some truly beautiful cloth that I would like to get.  What do you call those woven-in pictures? ”
“I believe that you mean our brocade …”  The two wandered off in the direction of the Grinna’s booth, chatting cheerfully.
The Longin finally ran out of shellfish.  By the night of the Full Moons, the Longin had sold everything that they had brought and were preparing to strike their booth.  Sold out or not, the other booths were being struck, too. The Gathering market was over and the space was needed.
As they were packing away empty tubs and lace spools, fabric bolt cores, and their awning, Cat noticed that Kurin was crying quietly.  Packing could wait a few minutes.
“Little Fish, why do you weep?”
“‘Cause tonight you’re going to marry somebody from off of the Longin, and I won’t see you anymore.”
“Kurin, Kurin Behar, come here,” and she wrapped her strong arms about the child.  “Come with us to the Weddings tonight and see my husband and love.  If you do, I will give you a present that you will always have to remember me by.  Besides, you may indeed see me from time to time.”
Kurin seized on that last.  “You mean it?  I’ll see you again, sometimes?  Promise?”
The Captains of the many ships of the Gathering Fleet were now escorting their young men and women of marriageable age to the rafts that had been the marketplace.  Most of those were going to meet people that they had been courting for at least several Gatherings.  Some were friends from childhood.  Only a few ships arranged marriages for advantage, without concern for the feelings of their young women and men.
Grandalor was such a ship, and as their marriage gigs rowed past the Longin on their way to the wedding barges, some of their women were openly sad.  There were a few among them, however, who rejoiced that they were leaving so oppressive a Captain as Barad.  Few of the young men looked happy at all.  Their marriages were bringing, not happiness for themselves, but skilled women for the Grandalor; cooks, weavers, ropers, sail-lofters, and all those other skills needed to maintain life on the Sea.
The Longin’s young folk felt sorry for the Grandalor’s, but they climbed cheerfully into their own gigs, going to meet those folk that they had chosen, and who had chosen them as well.   Cat was among their number, pulling an oar with a will.  Those who wished to watch the marriages followed in other boats, Kurin among them.
Everyone on the Wedding rafts were divided into four groups, to the north the brides, to the south the grooms, to the east, the Captains and officers and to the west those who came to watch and wish well.  That last group was by far the largest.  
There was little room left on the rafts.  A cheerful buzz of conversation drowned almost all else. Everyone knew that the Lady of the Longin’s Luck was due to marry, but to whom?  What ship would be lucky enough to have her?  It was clear that the Grandalor’s lies about Cat had been dispelled by all that people had seen her doing during the market.
The order of the ships was called.  This was the order in which the ships would bring forth their grooms to meet their brides.  The Longin was to be the last, by her own choice.  Many felt that the suspense was deliberate.
Night had fallen to star filled darkness and the Wedding Rafts were lit with lanterns.  Shortly after full dark, the eastern horizon began to glow.  Soon the limb of large Wohan appeared over the horizon.  Carsis followed and a few minutes later, little Dorac.  All three continued to rise together until, for a moment, all three moons sat, just touching the horizon.  Their light raced across water gone flat as glass, like three shafts of brilliance, converging on the Wedding Rafts.
There was a quiet that fell on all the watchers.  A woman could be heard telling her children quietly, “Remember this moment.  It will not happen again in your lifetime.  The Dragon’s Moons only rise once in a thousand Gatherings.”
The ceremonies began.  Sarfin, Captain of the Dorton called forth the Dorton’s grooms.  Their brides were called and, rejoicing, went to their loves.  When the roll was complete, the Dorton’s Ceremony of Marriage was spoken and the brides signed the Ship’s Articles as new crew-members.  Each ship had its own version of the ceremony.  Each Marriage from each ship took another bite of time.  It was growing late.
Finally, Mord of the Longin called the last of the grooms forth, and besides the brides for them, there was one more, still uncalled.  Cat would be left standing alone when the last of the Longin’s grooms had his wife.  Everyone could count, and the raft was absolutely buzzing as people figured this out.
The last bride went to the last groom, and Cat stood alone, dressed in a lovely brocade of white with black leaping Orcas.  Captain Mord came to her and said quietly, “Where is your groom?”
“He is here.  Marry my friends, and then you will see.”
Shrugging, Captain Mord went back to the grooms and new brides of the Longin and began the Ceremonies of Marriage.  Cat went to the spectators.
“Kurin!  Kurin!  Oh, there you are, Little Fish.   I promised you a present on my wedding night, and you shall have it.  Come with me.”
Trustingly, Kurin put her hand into Cat’s and followed her across the raft.  The Longin’s Ceremony was just done.  Captain Barad brayed, “I don’t see your groom!”  His voice was cut off by the flat smack of open hand to cheek.
Mord withdrew his stinging hand and said poisonously, “MECAT, my sister in all but blood, has said that he is here.  I believe her.” Turning to Cat, he said, “All of the marriages of this night but one are done.  What do you want me to do?”
“State for all my name, ship and crew.  My husband will make himself known.”
Turning to all the watchers, Captain Mord called out, “Cat, my sister in all but blood  … Her name in full, dictated by Custom and Law is Mecat  …  Of the Longin her whole life, Our Gift from the Sea … Of no crew because of the Dragon’s name you bear … Who have you chosen and who has chosen you?”
All about the raft, a dozen huge fifteen-ton Orca whales jumped at once, rising clear out of the water and falling back with a huge report and splashing of sea water.
“Stand just here, little one,” Cat whispered to Kurin.  “I will be back in a moment with your gift.  Trust me, you will come to no harm.”
Raising her arms, Cat cried out in a voice like storm waves toppled by the wind, “Iren! Dark Iren! Come forth and claim your bride!”  The ocean in front of her boiled and rushed aside as a huge Sea Dragon reared his head high in front of her.  
The creature was covered with large black scales the size of a man’s hand.  Spines ran down his back and frills adorned his head.  There were large tendrils about the fanged mouth.  Big dark, intelligent eyes gleamed from deep set sockets.  Orcas rose with him to the surface.
Cat dove joyfully into the water and was gone.  A minute passed and then two.  A well-meaning woman, one of the Longin’s new brides, tried to lead Kurin away.
“Come, Dear.  She is gone.  As long as she has been under, she must be drowned.”
Kurin confidently shook off the kindly hand.  “She told me to wait.  This is a short dive for Cat. I’ve seen her do five minutes before.”  Mystified by Kurin’s response, the woman waited with her.
The water swirled, and a second Sea Dragon rose up.   This Dragon was pale, like new sea-foam, but scaled spined and frilled like the other.  It had eight foot jaws, with two-foot fangs and eyes that were completely blank.  It was blind. The monster head thrust toward Kurin, who refused to run.  The woman fled in terror.  Powerful tendrils about the Dragon’s mouth grabbed Kurin, and hugged her.  Kurin, with a squeal of delight, tried to hug the massive snout.
“Oh, Cat!  You’re back, just like you said.”
Blind Mecat, the Great Sea Dragon gently put the child down.  “I have your gift, Kurin.  Just stand for a moment.”  The enormous jaws opened and a breath like fog came out and enveloped the child.  As the breeze blew it away, everyone looked in amazement.  Kurin’s hair, once dark, was now the color of new sea-foam.
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Longines Han
I missed this fig when it was first sold, but had been keeping my eye out for it for a long time. As far as I can tell, this fig maker only sold this one figure. I'd been waiting for her to sell any remainders (holding out hope that she had some), but when I saw this little guy on Xianyu I had to grab him!
This inspiration for this fig is this picture from Zhehan's appearance on January 4, 2018 for the opening ceremony of the 8th Longines Beijing International Equestrian Masters.
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You may recognize this outfit, as it is a much beloved outfit by the fans!
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Zhehan looks tall, sleek, and elegant in his riding wear.
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I think everyone that follows me knows that I am Team Long Hair for Zhehan, but I admit that he looks amazing no matter how long or short his hair is!
Here's a video of this event. The videographer on this has pretty singular focus, it's true!
The seller I bought this figure from just sold it as is, already stuck to a stand, without the box or any of the cards or anything with it. That's not my favorite, but this fig doesn't come up very often, so I took what I could get. Can't afford to be too picky!
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Luckily, he arrived safe and sound. I had the warehouse wrap him in some bubble wrap packaging, and it turned out he was only attached to his standee stand with fig stickers, so it was easy to pull him off. One soapy bath later, all the travel had been washed off of him and he was fresh and clean!
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Longines, if you did not know, is a luxury Swiss watch brand. I did not know that (I had mixed it up with Longchamps, the French purse brand). But, this is why he's modeling the watch!
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I love his long boots - the fig proportions are so small that even tall boots look tiny (and adorable)!
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The fig maker made sure that fig Zhehan filled out his riding breeches just as well as the real Zhehan.
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This fig maker is a Junzhe fan, so we have a cute looking Samoyed on the back of Zhehan's jacket!
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The short buzz cut is so pebbly looking here! It makes me giggle, it's very cute. It's a smart way to render it - you get all the texture but none of the difficulties (and breakage concerns) of spikes.
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As you can see, this fig stands perfectly. The boots may help, but they're not particularly large or anything. It's just a well modeled fig.
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Speaking of good modeling, the pose is beautifully done!
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The fig maker also did a great job on the shape of the eyes, not to mention the hearts in them. This is really a great fig all the way around.
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This is a particularly cute angle of his smiling mouth!
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I'm glad to have finally gotten this fig. I wish the fig maker had made more, since she did such a nice job on this one!
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One last shot of our short-haired cutie.
And that's all - again, sorry for no box cards or any special bonuses, but happy to have him at all. Actually, I do have a bonus, of a different kind! I'll leave you with this extra picture - of Zhehan for Longines in this gorgeous suit. I love it - he's still looking so tall and slim and elegant, just with a gorgeous velvet blazer and some very cool matching shoes.
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Material: Resin
Fig Count: 516
Scene Count: 36
Rating: Dashing!
[link to the Master Post Index]
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999longines · 1 year
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Longines Master Collection: The Art of Elegance and Heritage The Longines Master Collection embodies the art of elegance and a rich heritage. Meticulously crafted with a blend of materials like stainless steel and rose gold, the Master Collection watches feature intricate...
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kristianhaagen · 2 years
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One thing is seeing the @longines Master Collection 190th Anniversary “on paper”. Another thing is spotting it on the wrist of a good friend and having it in front of my camera. This 40 mm novelty is a stunner IRL! The dial especially pops with the delicately engraved Arabic indices and blued feuille hands and the automatic movement with a silicon balance-spring is visible through the sapphire glass caseback. What do you think about this new watch? https://www.instagram.com/p/CjXIdbxsuUr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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horseweb-de · 13 days
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reitsportportal · 2 years
EQUITA MASTERS presented by HERMES SELLIER ... und wieder Julien Epaillard
EQUITA MASTERS presented by HERMES SELLIER … und wieder Julien Epaillard
Julien Epaillard und Donatello d’Auge (Foto: Thomas Reiner) Julien Epaillard siegt bei den EQUITA MASTERS presented by HERMES SELLIER Es scheint in diesem Jahr “sein” Turnier zu sein. Nach seinem Erfolg im Longines Grand Prix von Lyon war  Julien Epaillard auch bei den Equita Masters nicht zu schlagen. Mit Donatello d’Auge siegte er vor Jur Vrieling (NED) und Penelope Leprevost. Julien Epaillard…
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houseofcravenart · 29 days
The ultimate guide to selling your watch for cash
At House of Craven, we extend an invitation to you to uncover the real worth of your fine watches at our esteemed auctions, where remarkable watches are honored and made into historical landmarks. Our auctions provide a distinguished platform for selling your watches, offering an unparalleled opportunity to connect with passionate collectors and enthusiasts worldwide.
Our knowledgeable specialists are always available to assist with professional watch appraisals. Whether you wish to sell your watch for cash or want to understand its market value, our experts provide personalized consultations to guide you through the entire process. We take pride in delivering accurate appraisals based on the latest market trends and extensive research, ensuring you receive the best possible value for your watch. With our team by your side, you can confidently navigate the intricate world of luxury watches and make informed decisions.
The important jewelry category at House of Craven showcases an exquisite array of watches and timepieces by some of the most celebrated names in the industry. From the Antique to Modern eras, our auctions feature masterful creations from legendary makers like Patek Philippe, Rolex, Vacheron Constantin, Chopard, Piaget, Hamilton, Longines, Breitling, Audemars Piguet, and Tiffany & Co. Each brand represents the highest standards of craftsmanship, innovation, and artistry, making every watch a true collector’s item.
Selling your watch through House of Craven means more than just a transaction. It is an opportunity to present your timepiece to a global audience of discerning buyers who appreciate the unique story behind each piece. Whether it’s a rare vintage model or a contemporary icon, our auctions are designed to highlight the exceptional qualities of your watch, maximizing its appeal and value. Join House of Craven today and let us help you unlock the full potential of your luxury watch, turning it into a treasured legacy.
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The masterful House of Longines, the only venerable watchmaker never to have left their hometown,  still manufacturing wrist art in St-Imier, Switzerland.
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joylinda-hawks · 3 months
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Doesn't ZZH look great in an outfit that suits horse riding? You have to agree that he looks phenomenal in it. In 2021, ZZH became an ambassador for the Swiss brand Longines. As a result, his duties included not only recording advertising sessions, but ZZH also took part in events related to this brand. And since the Longines brand supports equestrianism, during promotional events, ZZH as an ambassador was dressed in a classic horse riding outfit. We know that ZZH mastered horse riding so well for the needs of historical series that he does not need help when riding a horse. Maybe his riding technique is not perfect, but it is enough to easily present himself on a horse in the series. ZZH really looks majestic sitting on a horse. But back to the photo. The set that ZZH is wearing is quite tight. This is especially visible on the white breeches. Black high riding boots emphasize ZZH's shapely calves. The combination of breeches and boots makes ZZH's legs look impressively long. The whole is completed by a dark blue shirt with a white collar and a fitted jacket also in dark blue with silver buttons. This fitted outfit slims ZZH significantly. The dark blue color shows once again that it perfectly suits ZZH's beauty. Besides, ZZH himself probably feels good in clothes in such colors. ZZH has very short hair here - a typical buzz cut emphasizes his regular skull shape and gives ZZH such a strongly masculine charm. It sharpens his facial features, his large eyes are perfectly visible under thick eyebrows, and delicately pink lips invite you to plant a kiss on them. ZZH's face is illuminated as if by an inner glow. ZZH here stands in front of a low wall advertising the company, and on his left wrist is presented one of the watches. A simple photo but delightful in its message and the person ZZH himself.
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