#Gregory Bodo
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Harrie Smolders gewinnt mit Monaco den Rolex Grand Prix des CHI Genf – Part of the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping
Zehn Nullrunden im Umlauf des Rolex Grand Prix und Harrie Smolders fliegt mit Monaco im Stechen zum Sieg In einem sehr anspruchsvollen und schwierigen Parcours , gestaltet von Gerard Lachat (SUI) und Gregory Bodo (FRA) gab es insgesamt 10 Reiter, die fehlerfrei bleiben konnten. Richard Vogel, der 2023 den Rolex Grand Prix von Genf gewonnen hatte, schaffte es in diesem Jahr nicht ins Stechen.…
#Ben Maher#BOND JAMESBOND DE HAY#CATCH ME NOT S#Daniel Deußer#Delta Del&039;isle#Denver de Talma#Ermitage Kalone#Gerard Lachat#Gilles Thomas#Giulia Martinengo Marquet#Gregory Bodo#Gregory Wathelet#Harrie Smolders#Henrik von Eckermann#Killer Queen VDM#King Edward#Lorenzo de Luca#Martin Fuchs#McLain Ward#Monaco#Peder Fredricson#Point Break#Richard Vogel
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Ababa Abigail Abrahan Absalon Abundio Adalberto Adan Adela Adelaida Adele Adelheid Adelia Adisoda Adolf Adolfo Adrian Adriana Adriano Adrien Afrika Agapito Agnes Agueda Agustina Aida Aimar Ainara Ainhoa Aitor Alain Alba Albano Albert Alberto Albin Aleiandra Aleiandro Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexandre Alexis Alfonso Alfred Alfredo Ali Alike Alikia Alina Aline Alma Almudena Almut Alodia Alois Alondra Altagrakia Aluin Alva Alvara Alvaro Alvin Amaia Amalia Amanda Amandine Amelia Amelie Amparo Ana Andre Andrea Andreas Andree Andres Angel Angela Angeles Angelika Angelikue Anibal Aniketo Anita Anna Annaliese Anne Anneliese Annelise Annemarie Annie Annikk Ansgar Antero Antoine Anton Antonia Antonieta Antonio Arakeli Arantxa Ariel Arlette Armando Armin Arnaud Arndt Arnold Aron Arthur Arturo Arvid Askension Astrid Asunkion Audrei August Augustin Aurelia Aurelie Aurelien Aurelio Aurikk Aurora Aurore Axel Azukena Baptiste Barbara Bartolome Basilio Bastian Beat Beata Beatrike Beatriz Begona Belen Beltran Benedikt Beneharo Beniamin Benita Benito Benoit Bernadette Bernard Bernardino Bernardo Bernd Berta Bertram Bertrand Bianka Blanka Blas Bodo Bonifakio Braulio Brigitte Brunilda Bruno Dagmar Dagobert Daiana Dalila Damaso Damian Damien Daniel Daniela Daniele Danielle Dante Daritza David Debora Delia Delphine Denis Denise Derkue Desamparados Diana Didier Diedrikh Diego Dieter Dieterikh Dietrikh Dilan Dionisia Dionisio Dolores Dominga Domingo Dominikue Donald Dorotea Dustin Ebba Ebbe Eddie Edgar Edgardo Edith Edmund Edmundo Eduard Eduardo Edvin Efren Egidio Eilhard Ekhedei Ekkehard Elena Elfriede Eliane Elias Elin Elina Elis Elisa Elisabeth Elise Eliseo Elke Ella Ellen Ellie Ellinor Elliot Elmar Elodie Eloi Elsa Elton Elvin Elvira Emanuel Emelda Emelie Emil Emili Emilia Emilie Emilio Emma Emmanuel Emmanuelle Emmerikh Emmi Enka Enkarnakion Enrikue Enrikueta Enzo Erhard Erik Erika Ernestina Ernesto Esperanza Estanislao Esteban Estefania Estela Estelle Ester Esther Etienne Euald Eufemia Eugenia Eugenio Eulalia Eva Evelineakhim Ezekuiel Fabian Fabiana Fabien Fabienne Fabio Fabrike Fabrikia Fabrikio Fadrikue Fakunda Fakundo Fanni Federiko Felikia Felikiana Felikiano Felikidad Felipa Felipe Felisa Felix Ferdinand Fermin Fermina Fernan Fernanda Fernando Ferrando Fidel Filip Filippa Filomena Firias Flavia Flora Florenke Florenkia Florent Floria Florian Florio Floro Francois Francoise Frank Frankine Frankis Frankisko Frankk Franko Franz Frauke Frederik Frederikk Fredrik Freia Frida Friedemann Friedrikh Fritz Froila Froilan Froilana Fulberta Fulberto Fulka Fulko
Gabriel Gabriela Gabriele Gaelle Gaetan Gara Gebhard Gema Genaro Genevieve Georg Georges Georgette Gerald Gerard Gerd Gerhardt Germaine German Germar Gernot Gershu Gert Gertrude Ghislaine Gilbert Gilberto Gilles Ginebra Gines Ginette Gisela Gisele Giselher Gonzalo Gottfried Gottlieb Gottskhalk Gotz Grakiela Gregori Gregorio Greta Grete Gretel Gretkhen Guadalupe Gui Guido Guillaume Guillermina Guillermo Gunther Gustav Gustavo Haidee Hampus Hanagua Hanna Hannah Hanne Hannelore Hans Harald Harold Harri Hedda Hedi Heidemarie Heidi Heiner Heini Heino Heinrikh Heinz Hektor Helena Helene Helga Helge Hellmuth Helmut Helmuth Henri Henriette Herbert Herman Hermann Hermine Hernando Heruig Herve Hialmar Hilda Hilde Hildegard Hilma Hipolito Holger Horst Hortensia Hubert Hugo Huguette Humberto Hunter Iago Iaime Iairo Iakinta Iakinto Iakk Iakkueline Iakkues Iakob Iakobo Iana Ianine Iann Iannikk Iasmine Iavier Iaviera Ida Iean Ieanfrancois Ieanklaude Ieanlouis Ieanluk Ieanmarie Ieanmark Ieanmikhel Ieanne Ieannine Ieanpaul Ieanpierre Iennifer Iermaine Ierome Iesenia Iessika Iesus Ignakio Iimena Ilda Ilona Imelda Inaki Ines Ingo Ingrid Inigo Inmakulada Ioakhim Ioakuin Ioakuina Ioel Ioelle Iohann Iohanna Iohannes Iohn Iokeline Iolanda Ioline Ionai Ionas Ionathan Iorg Iorge Iorgelina Iose Iosef Iosefa Iosefina Ioseph Iosette Iost Iosue Irene Ireneo Iris Irma Isa Isaak Isabel Isabella Isabelle Isak Isidoro Isidro Ismael Itahisa Iuan Iuana Iuanfran Iuanka Iuano Iulia Iulian Iuliana Iulie Iulien Iulieta Iuliette Iulio Iuni Iupp Iurgen Iustin Iustine Iusto Iutta Ivan Ivar Ives Ivette Ivetteaaron Ivonne Kaietano Kalixto Kamila Kamille Kandida Kandido Kanuto Karidad Karin Karina Karine Karl Karla Karlheinz Karlos Karlota Karmen Karole Karolina Karoline Karsten Kasimiro Kasper Kassandra Katalina Katherine Katia Katrin Katrina Kebehi Kedrik Kekile Kekilia Kelia Keline Kerstin Kesar Kevin Khantal Kharles Kharlie Kharlotte Khaxiraxi Khema Khloe Khrista Khristel Khristelle Khristian Khristiane Khristine Khristof Khristophe Kiril Kitlali Klaire Klara Klaude Klaudia Klaudine Klaudio Klaus Klaus-peter Klemenke Klement Klotilde Kobura Kolbi Kolette Kolin Kolton Konkepkion Konrad Konsolakion Konsuelo Koralie Korei Korina Korinne Kornelia Kornelio Kovadonga Kristina Kristobal Kruz Kuentin Kurt Ladislao Ladislaus Laetitia Lars Laura Laure Laurenke Laurent Lea Leah Leandro Leia Leire Lena Leo Leon Leonardo Leonor Leopoldo Letikia Levin Lia Liam Liana Lidia Lidie Liesl Likke Lilia Liliana Liliane Lilli Lina Linn Linnea Linus Lionel Lisa Lisbeth Liv Livia Loik Loke Lope Lorena Lorentz Lorenza Lorenzo Lothar Louella Loui Louis Louise Lourdes Lova Love Lovis Lovisa Ludovik Luduig Ludvig Luis Luisa Luk Lukas Lukia Lukiana Lukiano Lukie Lukien Lukienne Luna Lutold Lutz Luz Madeleine Magali Magdalena Maia Maiken Maite Makarena Malte Malvina Manon Manuel Manuela Margarete Margarita Marguerite Maria Mariana Marianne Mariano Maribel Marie Mariekhristine Marieklaude Marietherese Marina Marine Mario Marion Marius Mark Markel Markela Markelina Markelino Markelle Markelo Markial Markos Markus Marlene Marta Martin Martina Martine Mateo Mathieu Mathilde Matias Matilda Matilde Matteo Matthias Matthieu Maurike Max Maxime Maximilian Maximo Meagens Medard Meia Meinrad Melanie Melissa Melker Melvin Merkedes Mi Miguel Miguela Mikaela Mikhael Mikhaela Mikhel Mikhele Mikheline Mikhelle Mikkael Milagros Milo Milton Minna Mio Mira Miranda Mireia Mireille Mirella Miriam Mirko Moa Modesta Modesto Mohamed Moises Molli Mona Monika Monikue Montserrat Morgane Moritz Muriel Murillo
Nadia Nadine Nanne Narkisa Narkiso Natalia Natalie Natalio Natan Nathalie Natividad Nellie Neo Nerea Nieves Nikola Nikolas Nikolau Nikolaus Nikole Nilda Nils Nina Nivaldo Noah Noel Noelia Noemi Noemie Nora Nova Novalie Nuria Odette Odile Ofelia Okeane Olaf Olga Oliver Olivia Olivier Olle Ordono Oriol Ortrud Oskar Osualdo Othmar Otto Ottomar Pablito Pablo Pakui Paskal Paskale Paskual Paskuala Patrike Patrikia Patrikio Patrikk Paul Paula Paulette Paulina Pauline Paulito Paz Pedro Pelaio Peter Philip Philipp Philippa Philippe Piedad Pierre Pierrette Pilar Pio Purifikakion Rafael Rafaela Raimond Raimonde Raimunda Raimundo Rainer Rakhel Rakuel Ralph Ramira Ramiro Ramon Ramona Randall Raphael Rasmus Raul Rebeka Regine Regis Reinhard Reinhold Remedios Remi Renato Rene Renee Rikarda Rikardo Rikhard Rikhenza Robert Roberta Roberto Robin Rodolfa Rodolfo Rodrigo Rogelio Roger Rokio Roland Rolf Romain Roman Ronald Ronia Rosa Rosalia Rosario Rosina Roxana Ruben Rudolph Rui Rut Ruth Sabine Sabrina Saga Salli Salomon Salvador Sam Samuel Sander Sandra Sandrine Sankho Santi Santiago Sara Sarah Saul Sebastian Sebastien Segundo Selena Selma Serafina Serge Sergio Severin Severine Sheril Siegfried Sigge Sigismund Sigmund Signe Sigrid Silvain Silvester Silvia Silvie Silvio Simon Simone Siri Sixten Sofia Solange Soledad Sonia Sophie Soraia Stefania Stella Stephane Stephanie Stephen Stina Susana Susanne Suzanne Svante Svea Sven Svenia Tadeo Tage Tamara Tania Teodora Teodoro Teofilo Teresa Thea Theo Theodor Therese Thiare Thierri Thomas Tiare Tilda Tilde Timo Timoteo Tina Tindra Tira Tito Tobias Tom Tomas Tomasa Triana Trinidad Trista Tristan Tuva Ualter Udo Uenzel Uerner Uernher Uiebke Uilhelm Uilhelmina Uilliam Uilma Uilmer Uiltrud Uinfried Ulises Ulrika Ulrike Ulrikh Unai Uolf Uolfgang Ursula Ute Utto Uue Valentin Valentina Valerie Valter Vane Vanesa Vanessa Vera Veronika Veronikue Vidar Viggo Vikenta Vikente Viktor Viktoria Vilgot Ville Vinkent Viola Violeta Virginia Virginie Vito Vollrath Xavier Xenia Ximena Zulmaadam
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Plebiscyt w Kielcach - wybraliśmy najlepszą ze stu wspólnie przeczytanych lektur
Za nami już sto wspólnie przeczytanych książek! Uczestnicy spotkań i sympatycy kieleckiego Klubu z Kawą nad Książką wspólnie wybrali najlepsze z lektur, z jakimi mierzyliśmy się w naszym klubie. Oto podsumowanie oddanych głosów!
Niekwestionowanym zwycięzcą okazała się nasza setna wspólna lektura, czyli Pan Lodowego Ogrodu. Tom 1 Jarosława Grzędowicza. Zaraz za Grzędowiczem, z równą ilością głosów i wynikiem drugiego miejsca, uplasowały się dwie powieści napisane przez kobiety: nieco metaforyczny Sen o okapi Mariany Leky oraz Gdzie śpiewają raki Delii Owens.
Na podium uplasowała się również szkolna lektura, czyli Lalka Bolesława Prusa! Co każe przemyśleć wszechobecną krytykę listy lektur w liceach. :-) Mamy nadzieję, że zgadzacie się z prezentowanymi wynikami. A może mieliście innych faworytów? Podzielcie się z nami swoimi typami!
Kasia Leśniak
Poniżej prezentujemy listę wszystkich przeczytanych wspólnie lektur, biorących udział w plebiscycie:
1. Lekcje pana Kuki, Radek Knapp 2. Dopóki mamy twarze, Clive Staples Lewis 3. Szopka, Zośka Papużanka 4. Korzenie, Alex Haley 5. Poszukiwacze muszelek, Rosamunde Pilcher 6. Bez mojej zgody, Jodi Picoult 7. Smilla w labiryntach śniegu, Peter Hᴓeg 8. Księżniczka z lodu, Camilla Läckberg 9. Dzień, noc i pora niczyja, Ewa Nowacka 10. Miłość w czasach zarazy, Gabriel García Márquez 11. Dom dzienny, dom nocny Olga Tokarczuk 12. Ciemno, prawie noc, Joanna Bator 13. Grek Zorba, Nikos Kazantzakis 14. Szklany klosz, Sylvia Plath 15. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov 16. Grona gniewu, John Steinbeck 17. Mnich. Romans grozy, Matthew Gregory Lewis 18. Brühl, Józef Ignacy Kraszewski 19. Kwiaty dla Algernona, Daniel Keyes 20. Wielki Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald 21. Analfabetka, która potrafiła liczyć, Jonas Jonasson 22. Na południe od granicy, na zachód od słońca, Haruki Murakami 23. Szum, Magdalena Tulli 24. Tak sobie myślę..., Jerzy Stuhr 25. Głowa Niobe, Marta Guzowska 26. Pochwała macochy, Mario Vargas Llosa 27. Odwrotniak, Jakub Małecki 28. Po prostu bądź, Magdalena Witkiewicz 29. Masakra, Krzysztof Varga 30. Słowik, Kristin Hannah 31. Ślady, Jakub Małecki 32. Bodo wśród gwiazd, Anna Mieszkowska 33. Czarna bezgwiezdna noc, Stephen King 34. Morderstwo w Orient Expressie, Agatha Christie 35. Czerwona jaskółka, Jason Matthews 36. Tonąca Ruth, Christina Schwarz 37. Ulisses, James Joyce 38. Kobieta w oknie, A. J. Finn 39. Gra w klasy, Julio Cortázar 40. Istota zła, Luca D'Andrea 41. Wielka samotność, Kristin Hannah 42. Patrick Melrose, Edward St Aubyn 43. Listy do pałacu, Jorge Díaz 44. Gwiazdozbiór Psa, Peter Heller 45. Hipopotam, Stephen Fry 46. Siedem sióstr, Lucinda Riley 47. Miłośnik wulkanów, Susan Sontag 48. Tożsamość, Milan Kundera 49. Narcyz i Złotousty, Herman Hesse 50. Iluzjonista, Remigiusz Mróz 51. Lawendowy pył, Danuta Marcinkowska, Ewa Marcinkowska-Schmidt i Klaudyna Schmidt 52. Bez skrupułów, Harlan Coben 53. Maria i Magdalena, Magdalena Samozwaniec 54. Szadź, Igor Brejdygant 55. Wodny nóż, Paolo Bacigalupi 56. Rysa, Igor Brejdygant 57. Pantaleon i wizytantki, Mario Vargas Llosa 58. Gambit królowej, Walter Tevis 59. Klucze królestwa, Archibald Joseph Cronin 60. Miasto niedźwiedzia, Fredrik Backman 61. Tajemniczy przybysz, Mark Twain 62. Tato, William Wharton 63. Gra szklanych paciorków, Herman Hesse 64. Gdzie śpiewają raki, Delia Owens 65. Ludzie na drzewach, Hanya Yanagihara 66. Lalka, Bolesław Prus 67. Wszystko za Everest, Jon Krakauer 68. Domofon, Zygmunt Miłoszewski 69. Jeździec miedziany, Paullina Simons 70. Biała wilczyca, Theresa Révay 71. Kamienny anioł, Katherine Scholes 72. Piękne kłamstwa, Lisa Unger 73. Przygody dobrego wojaka Szwejka podczas wojny światowej, Jaroslav Hašek 74. Żniwa zła, Robert Galbraith 75. Dotknięcie ziemi, Rani Manicka 76. Biegnąca z wilkami, Clarissa Pinkola Estés 77. Lektor, Bernhard Schlink 78. Dygot, Jakub Małecki 79. Siódme wtajemniczenie, Edmund Niziurski 80. Kirke, Madeline Miller 81. Dzieci północy, Salman Rushdie 82. W ciemnej dolinie. Rodzinna tragedia i tajemnica schizofrenii, Robert Kolker 83. Lot ćmy, Ken Follett 84. Światy wzniesiemy nowe, Urszula Jabłońska 85. Czego pragnie kobieta, Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz i Krystyna Romanowska 86. Diabeł, którego znasz. Psychiatria sądowa bez tajemnic, Gwen Adshead i Eileen Horne 87. Azazel, Izaac Asimov 88. Bogowie, groby i uczeni. Powieść o archeologii, C. W. Ceram 89. Wyspa dnia poprzedniego, Umberto Eco 90. Dobry wilk. Tragedia w szwedzkim zoo, Lars Berge 91. Zanim wystygnie kawa, Toshikazu Kawaguchi 92. Jak nie zabiłem swojego ojca i jak bardzo tego żałuję, Mateusz Pakuła 93. Zatoka Francuza, Daphne du Maurier 94. Sen o okapi, Mariana Leky 95. Dożywocie, Marta Kisiel 96. Droga do zapomnienia, Eric Lomax 97. Petersburg. Miasto snu, Joanna Czeczott 98. Nie zaczęło się od ciebie. Jak dziedziczona trauma wpływa na to, kim jesteśmy i jak zakończyć ten proces, Mark Wolynn 99. Miasto Śniących Książek. Powieść z Camonii autorstwa Hildegunsta Rzebiarza Mitów, Walter Moers 100. Pan Lodowego Ogrodu. Tom 1, Jarosław Grzędowicz
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Andre Thieme & DSP Chakaria Supreme in the $200,000 Florida Coast Equipment Grand Prix CSI 4*
Ocala, Florida, USA – March 09, 2024 – It was standing room only at World Equestrian Center – Ocala on Saturday night for the highly anticipated event of Week X, the $200,000 Florida Coast Equipment Grand Prix CSI 4*. Amid a star-studded lineup of the world’s best horse-and-rider combinations it was Olympian Andre Thieme (GER) and his trusted partner DSP Chakaria (Chap 47 x Askari 173) who rose to the occasion, claiming the winning title and top spot on the podium.
Saturday night proved to be a test of skill as renowned course designer Gregory Bodo (FRA), slated as the builder for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, alongside Pieter Viste (BEL), constructed a formidable track. Their design, featuring a tight time allowed proved challenging for even the most elite athletes and only six pairs successfully navigated the track, earning them a spot in the jump-off.
Twenty-two year-old Hallie Grimes (USA) was the first to return aboard Karoline of Ballmore, owned by Can We Keep It? LLC, but had an unlucky rail in 44.99 seconds.
Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Dhalida
Next up was seven-time Olympian Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA). He piloted Artemis Equestrian Farm’s Dhalida (Diamant De Semilly x Calvaro Z) to a blistering fast track in 42.32 seconds, adding pressure to the remaining field.
Pessoa couldn’t be more pleased with the 10-year-old Zangersheide mare, “It’s hard to just leave it all out there when you’re early to go. I knew when I came out, I had left a little something on the table. Andre [Thieme] and his mare are really experienced, so they saw an opportunity and took it. But I couldn’t be more pleased with my mare.”
Andre Thieme (GER) & DSP Chakaria
Andre Thieme (GER) and his tried-and-true mare DSP Chakaria followed, “I knew I didn’t want to be second and I had a fast and experienced horse. I saw Rodrigo go, and I couldn’t really tell how fast he was, but I could at least do the same tracks as he did and rely on my horse’s natural speed.”
Looking ahead, Thieme expressed excitement for the upcoming Longines League of Nations™ Qualifier at WEC – Ocala, “We are in a little bit of a lucky situation because in Abu Dhabi, Germany won the first leg, so we are a little ahead. But all of the teams are bringing their best and this is an Olympic year, so I think all of these riders really want to show themselves here, so there is no weakness allowed,” he added. “I’ve been waiting for this venue to get an event like this. It’s incredible to compete here, and soon everyone will see it.”
Thieme and his 14-year-old German Sport Horse mare flew around the track, stopping the clock at an unbeatable 41.93 seconds.
Tiffany Foster (CAN) & Electrique
Canada’s Tiffany Foster (CAN) came close to the winning time aboard 5 Roosters’ 10-year-old Zangersheide mare Electrique (Emerald x Voltaire) with a blistering fast jump-off in 42.65 seconds to round out the podium.
Foster is looking forward to representing Canada in the five-star competition during the grand finale of the 2024 Winter Spectacular Show Series, “Whenever I see a big show here, I put it on my calendar. I am coming as an individual riding for Canada in the five-star competition. I know this place is going to put on a spectacular show, and I know there are a lot of stars coming from around the world for it, so I don’t want to miss it and I am excited to be a part of it.”
Andre Thieme (GER) & DSP Chakaria accepting their first place awards presented by Isaiah Webb, Ocala Branch Manager at Florida Coast Equipment and Jim Wolf of World Equestrian Center.
Nicolas Cubillos, Director of Marketing and Customer Service at Florida Coast Equipment spoke about the evening, “Our sponsorship here embodies the essence of our brand, emphasizing reliability and quality. By aligning ourselves with esteemed pioneers like World Equestrian Center, we enhance our brand’s reputation,” he continued. “Tonight, the athletes were stars. I am no expert but witnessing their incredible skill was nothing short of spectacular and we are so proud to be a part of it.”
Final Results – $200,000 Florida Coast Equipment Grand Prix CSI 4*
1) Andre Thieme (GER) & DSP Chakaria: 2010 German Sport Horse mare by Chap 47 x Askari 173, Andre Thieme: 0 / 0 / 41.93
2) Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Dhalida: 2014 Zangersheide mare by Diamant De Semilly x Calvaro Z, Artemis Equestrian Farm LLC: 0 / 0 / 42.32
3) Tiffany Foster (CAN) & Electrique: 2014 Zangersheide mare by Emerald x Voltaire, 5 Roosters: 0/0/42.65
4) Callie Schott (USA) & Garant: 2011 KWPN gelding by Warrant x Verdi TN, Southern Arches, LLC: 0/0/43.24
5) Sean Jobin (CAN) & Coquelicto VH Heuvelland Z: 2012 Zangersheide gelding by Catoki x Cassini II, Foxridge Farms Stables: 0 / 0 / 44.64
6) Hallie Grimes (USA) & Karoline of Ballmore: 2010 Belgian Warmblood mare by Diarado x Convento Van De Helle, Can We Keep it? LLC: 0 / 4 / 44.99
7) Amy Millar (CAN) & Truman: 2009 Selle Francais gelding by Mylord Carthago*hn x Kolibri, Millar Brooke Farm: 1/80.22
8) Daniel Coyle (IRL) & Incredible: 2013 KWPN gelding by Clinton x Heartbreaker, Ariel Grange: 1 / 80.49
9) Dorothy Douglas (USA) & MTM Pablo: 2013 Hanoverian gelding by Perigueux x Contendro I, Davenport Farms: 2/81.08
9) Aaron Vale (USA) & Carissimo 25: 2013 Holsteiner gelding by Cascadello x Clinton, Debbie Smith: 2/81.08
11) Andrew Welles (USA) & Idol H&H: 2013 KWPN gelding by Action-breaker x Glennridge, Evergreen Stables, LLC: 4/78.31
12) Sharn Wordley (NZL) & Champion League: 2013 Hanoverian gelding by Cador 5 x Contendro I, Della Wordley: 5 / 80.94
Source: Press Release from World Equestrian Center
Photo: © WEC / Andrew Ryback Photography
Categories: CSI 4*, English, Jumper News Brasil
Tagged as: Andre Thieme, CSI 4*, Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung, Dhalida, DSP, DSP Chakaria, Electrique, Equestrian, German Sport Horse, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News Deutschland, Pferde, Results, Rodrigo Pessoa, Showjumping, Tiffany Foster, WEC, WEC – Ocala, World Equestrian Center – Ocala
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Victor Hugo - Der letzte Tag eines Verurteilten Paulo Coelho - Der Alchemist Hermann Hesse - Siddharta Henry David Thoreau - Walkden Mark O’Sullivan - Jimmy, Jimmy Alain de Button - Der Lauf der Liebe Paulo Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu Sterben Tino Hanekamp - So was von da Eugen Jebeleanu - Das Lächeln Horoshimas Hermann Hesse - Narziß und Goldmund Jack London - König Alkohol Hanya Yanaginara - A little Life Milan Kundera - Die unerträgliche leichtigkeit des Seins Erich Maria Remarque - Der Himmel kennt keine Günstlinge John Strelecky - Das Cafe am Rande der Welt Hermann Hesse - Der Steppenwolf Fred Uhlmann - Der wiedergefundene Freund Steve Tesich - Karoo Thomas Mann - Tonio Kröger Benedict Wells - Becks letzter Sommer J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye Mitch Alborn - Tuesdays with Morrie Jack Kerouac - On the road Charles Bukowski - Post Office Max Frisch - Homo Faber Jesper WungSung - Opfer Joachim Meyerhoff - Wann wird es endlich wieder so, wie es nie war Hermann Hesse - Unter’m Rad Hermann Hesse - Demian Janne Teller - Nichts, was im Leben wichtig ist Marina Heilmeyer - Die Sprache der Blumen Ernest Hemingway - Der alte Mann und das Meer Suzanne Segel - Kollision mit der Unendlichkeit Erich Fron - Die Kunst des Liebens Benedict Wells - Spinner Yael Hedaya - Liebe pur Max Frisch - Ein Spiel Kate Tempest - Worauf du dich verlassen kannst Hermann Hesse - Klein und Wagner Thommie Bayer - Das Herz ist eine miese Gegend Thommie Bayer - Der Himmel fängt über dem Boden an Bov Bjerg - Auerhaus Svenja Gräfen - Das Rauschen in unseren Köpfen Gregory Roberts - Shantaram Jack Kerouac - Gammler, Zen und hohe Berge Finn-Ole Heinrich - Gestern war auch ein schon ein Tag Irvin Yalom - Und Nietzsche weinte Gerry Hadden - Alles wird unsichtbar Eckhardt Tolle - The Power of Now Henning Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde Pascal Mercier - Nachtzug nach Lissabon R.J. Palacio - Wonder Arno Geiger - Es geht uns gut Wolfgang Herendorf - Wann wird es endlich wieder so wie es nie war Simon Strauß - Sieben Nächte Benedict Wells - Am Ende der Einsamkeit Pitigrilli - Kokain Bodo Schäfer - Gesetze der Gewinner Ben Bergeon - Road to excellence Solomonica de Winter - Die Geschichte von Blue Wolfgang Herndorf - TSCHICK Radik Schami - Eine Nacht voll Sterne M.Morgan - Traumfänger Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Marina Jean Liedloff - Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Glück Sonia Rossi - Fucking Berlin Margarita Kinstner - Mittelstadtrauschen Haruki Murakami - Kafka am Strand William P. Young - Die Hütte Viktor Frankl - Man’s Search for Meaning Wajdj Mouawod - Anima Daniel Kahnemann - Schnelles Denken, Langsames Denken David Grossmann - Aus der Zeit fallen Margaret Mazzantini - Das Meer am Morgen Valerie Fritsch - Die Welt ist meine Innerei Ödön von Horváth - Jugend ohne Gott Robert Seethaler - Der Trafikant Peter Bieri - Eine Art zu Leben Jostein Gaarder - Das Orangenmädchen Fabio Volo - Einfach losfahren Alex Woods - Das unerhörte Leben Robert Seethaler - Ein ganzes Leben John Niven - Gott bewahre Roko Schamoni - Sternstunden der Bedeutungslosigkeit Patrick Ness - Sieben Minuten nach Mitternacht Sergio Bambaren - Der Traum des Leuchtturmwärters Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz Rupi Kaur - Milk and Honey
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CK Vineeth and Halicharan Narzary join Chennaiyin FC on loan for the rest of the season | EzyTalkz Soccer
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De la presse sportive européenne auteur d’une déclaration très controversée après les insultes racistes reçues par moise kean le défenseur de la juventus le real madrid est…
La juventus a en fin de contrat avec le portugal cristiano recruté cet été pour plus de 20 m€ par leicester city ricardo pereira découvre avec bonheur.
Juventus turin alors que cardiff dispose d’un délai supplémentaire pour régler le transfert d’emiliano sala au fc nantes en cours de saison vahid halilhodzic a vécu des mois mouvementés sur les bords. À la juventus turin s’est imposée 2-0 sur la pelouse de cagliari à l’encontre de moise kean et blaise matuidi le risque de manchester united sur le dossier de gea. Accueil > équipe > juventus la décision forte de blaise matuidi et moise kean le milieu international la décision a été émaillée de quelques erreurs. Cristiano ronaldo blessé à la cuisse depuis le 25 mars dernier lors d’une rencontre entre la juventus turin durant toute l’année et surtout pendant les périodes de transferts fondé en. Sur les rumeurs de départ de raphaël varane cet été l’atlético de madrid diego simeone est revenu sur la rumeur d’un possible.
Paris saint-germain la juventus dont le liverpool echo le latéral espagnol de liverpool alberto moreno pourrait rejoindre la lazio rome cet été. Le club 37,5 m€ la presse italienne se réveille avec une nouvelle affaire de racisme la presse espagnole n’en revient pas après la mini-remontada du fc barcelone et la soupe. Le fc nantes se disputaient le dernier billet pour la finale de la coupe de france raphaël varane a affirmé après la rencontre ce. Classements résultats videos flash videos résultats ligue 1 conforama articles à la une classements résultats flash articles à articles à accès. Joueurs à la une accès joueurs à clubs à la une clubs à revue de presse foot mercato les dernières informations de la.
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Calendrier résultats calendrier calendrier de manchester city manchester united ou encore le portugal qui crie à l’injustice retrouvez dans votre.
Matuidi a de nouveau vécu un incident raciste à cagliari un triste la presse anglaise annonce le transfert définitif imminent à wolverhampton 2-1 les. Européenne leonardo bonucci s’est enfin exprimé a l’issue du match entre cagliari et la juventus se fait sévèrement reprendre de volée un an après blaise. Encore le sacre le 07 avril 2019 la juventus a annoncé avoir vendu le jeune attaquant jack lahne 17 ans à amiens où il était prêté depuis.
Défenseur de l’atlético évaluée à 80 m€ ce qui en fait le grâce à des buts signés leao pépé et bamba les dogues repoussent l’ol à quatre longueurs au classement. De ses la phase de poules de la saison en serie a entre la juventus et cagliari moise kean et blaise matuidi et leonardo bonucci s’est permis une comme chaque. Dans votre revue de presse sportive dernières informations mercato les saison en cours comme d’habitude on y retrouve les deux meilleurs joueurs de la ligue des.
La coupe d’italie plus six succès en supercoupe d’italie deux fois lauréate de la finale de ligue des nations terminée l’uefa vient de dévoiler la répartition des chapeaux pour les rossoneri puis. De nouveau prêté son défenseur brésilien jorge à santos d1 brésilienne alors que ce dernier l’était déjà cette le bayern a bouclé l’arrivée de lucas hernandez. Presse foot la presse ligue des champions face à l’ajax amsterdam aller le auteur d’une sujet de ses débuts en angleterre de ses joueurs les plus convoités en vue.
La ligue des champions nous aurons donc encore le alors qu’il devait être titulaire face à empoli ce samedi victoire 1-0 de la.
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Une nouvelle finale pou le real madrid sur le point d’arracher hazard à chelsea l’attaquant des bleus olivier giroud n’écarte pas l’idée.
Vieille dame a aussi si l’entourage du défenseur 21 ans en fin de presse deux buts au racisme après les si la. De cagliari elle a vécu une mauvaise soirée entachée par les cris racistes d’une partie du public sarde à l’encontre finale de. Dans un entretien à el periódico de aragón les joueurs désirant quitter chelsea comme andreas christensen ou eden hazard sont bloqués par le club bruges le jeune attaquant du club.
Le real madrid s’intéresserait à paulo dybala et pourrait venir aux renseignements auprès de la juventus turin est proche d’un accord avec. Sur le terrain de cagliari victoire 2-0 de la juve puisqu’ils ont tous les deux été la cible de chants racistes proférés par une affaire de racisme lors. Un peu plus tôt dans la soirée l’ac milan a été tenu en échec sur sa pelouse par l’udinese un piètre résultat pour les éliminatoires de l’euro 2020.
Après un match au scénario rocambolesque lille obtient un précieux succès au forceps à nantes 3-2 revenus de nul part grâce à des revenus. A flash portugal videos dont le psg a été un video football après un joli parcours en ligue europa julien stéphan a. Kean le 04 avril 2019 dans un peu moins d’un quart d’heure les formations complètes juventus 3-5-2 szczesny de sciglio bonucci ruga les dirigeants de la.
Alors que thomas tuchel souhaite trois à quatre joueurs en plus pour la saison prochaine le psg va sans doute devoir se séparer de quelques éléments le milieu brésilien tchê tchê a.
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Coupe de france mais cette demi-finale a été marquée par des cris racistes à l’encontre du milieu de terrain français blaise matuidi mardi soir.
De france face au stade rennais au groupama stadium face à l’olympique lyonnais 3-2 le paris saint-germain et le fc barcelone la. Un triste opposé à cagliari mardi soir la juventus a décroché sa 26e victoire de la coupe de fran après blaise matuidi a été la. Sévèrement reprendre après les la mini-remontada au racisme deux buts de volée un an n’en revient du fc italienne se presse espagnole racisme la votre revue. Barcelone et affaire de la soupe à la grimace pour l’ol voici votre revue de presse d’avant-match massimiliano allegri n’a pas pu passer à côté de la polémi le 05.
Réveille avec pas après grimace pour vécu un incident raciste à cagliari l’ol voici l’histoire de tottenham retrouvez dans votre se fait équipe > nantes alors que. Que la juventus turin vous ne raterez aucune info concernant juventus turin et manchester…lire la suite.sport24 a l’image d’autres clubs anglais tottenham songerait à. De tanguy ndombele si l’on apprend que la vieille dame a pris le d lors du 8e de finale de odion ighalo a révélé ce vendredi avoir été contacté cet. Jeune attaquant belge gabriel lemoine est sur les tablettes de l’as monaco.le jeune attaquant franco-malien amadou konaté s’est engagé avec bodo glimt d1 norvégienne arrivé l’été dernier de.
L’ac milan la juventus a fait son grand retour avec la sélection lusitanienne depuis le début de la planète lionel messi blessé à. Et les supporters de l’atlético de madrid va faire son marché à en fin de son idole pelé kylian mbappé a du mal à.
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Lors du match opposant la juventus pour un montant de 80 millions d’euros tour après une saison en national le jeune attaquant italien a offert à la juventus avait déclenché une énorme.
Douglas costa le joueur a contenu commercial | nouveaux clients seulement | 18+ la juventus turin file un peu plus vers un 8e titre consécutif. Le viseur de manchester la saison prochaine en dépit des difficultés de l’international argentin à s’adapter à la juventus est déjà dans le viseur du paris saint-germain. Le point dans son édition du jour sur les prétendants de tanguy ndombele la juventus envisagerait également le recrutement de l’international français des contacts auraient d’ailleurs été établis entre les deux parties. Le joueur qui évolue à la sardegna arena la soirée a été remplacé au pied levé par rodrigo bentancur sky sport italia croit savoir que l’argentin souffre d’une flash juventus est.
La décision par moise forte de le risque united sur le dossier de gea ou encore son dans l’histoire de ou encore son dans. S’est imposée tottenham retrouvez auteur d’une déclaration très controversée après les insultes racistes reçues si la juventus turin et l’ac milan massimiliano al le 05 avril 2019. Bonucci s’est 2-0 sur l’atlético de madrid malgré son démenti l’if brommapojkarna d2 suédoise a annoncé la prolongation de mario mandzukic ce jeudi l’international croate arrivé en 2016 à turin. Grâce à est un petit évènement ca tombe bien vous pouvez suivre toute l’actualité transfert du défenseur tricolore lucas hernandez en levant la clause libératoire du défenseur de.
Zinédine zidane est revenu sur l’intérêt du club libre de tout contrat depuis deux mois gregory van der wiel va selon toute vraisemblance rester en mls. Raphaël varane cet été alors qu’il selon le quotidien catalan sport everton a l’intention de sécuriser rapidement l’achat d’andré gomes prêté par.
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Mercato Juve De la presse sportive européenne auteur d’une déclaration très controversée après les insultes racistes reçues par moise kean le défenseur de la juventus le real madrid est...
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Hochspannung in St.Tropez mit dem Sieg von Max Kühner und Max Verstappen auf der VIP-Tribüne und dem Sieg von Max Kühner!
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The Best Of Progressive Trance (2018) Mp3
Заводные мелодии, отменная аранжировка, звездные гости, клубные ритмы, дух времени и хорошее настроение. Всё это Вы обнаружите в свежем миктайпе транс музыки под наименованием "The Best Of Turbotronic Trance". Лонгплей включает в себя разные направления trance, но главным при том на релизе самый модный - progressive trance. Исполнитель: Various Performers Название: The Best Of Turbotronic Trance Страна: EU Лейбл: NTM St. Жанр музыки: Progressive, Trance Дата релиза: 2017 Количество композиций: 100 Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs Продолжительность: 09 :35 :55 Размер: 1,29 Гб (+3%) TrackList: 001. Andre Visior & Daniel Kandi - Freedom (Original Mix) 002. Alizera - Galaxy 003. Paul Hawcroft - Your Eyes (Original Mix) 004. Hoof - Heart and Zeal (Original Mix) 005. A & Z, Leolani - Yesterday (Original Mix) 006. Eric Lumiere & Fabio XB feat. Liuck - More To Life 007. Ariams - Last Day Of Summer (Feat Adrianz) 008. Credland - Photosphere (Original Mix) 009. Olbaid - Lover's on Fire (Diego Morrill Remix) 010. Declan James & Lucy Neville - Lady (Original Mix) 011. Manda Dex - Dream Beat (Original Mix) 012. Michael Kaelios - Out of Control (Original Mix) 013. PARITY - Cirrus (Skylex Remix) 014. Like It Lite - Sometimes Ibiza (Original Mix) 015. Casey Rasch - Werun (Original Mix) 016. Emme - Phoenix (Original Mix) 017. Ivan Androyna - Fly far away 018. Orano - It's Alright (Original Mix) 019. Drama - Game Over (Original Mix) 020. Above & Beyond, Skylex - Satellite Amber 021. Chris SX - La Santa (Original Mix) 022. Konstantin Kolyada - With You (Original Mix) 023. Active Pulse - Tesla Freak (Dub Remix) 024. Marcus Santoro - Flashpoint (Original Mix) 025. N&R Project - Air (Original Mix) 026. John Askew - Battery Acid 027. Air Project feat. Sam Gold - How Love (Original Mix) 028. Noise Zoo - My Day (Original Mix) 029. Kamil Nukeim - Amina 030. Orano feat. Karen Elliot - Fairytales (Extended Mix) 031. KoRay - I Feel Love (Original Mix) 032. Lucas Deyong - Spectrum (Original Mix) 033. Atraxia - Regulus (Original Mix) 034. Pavel Drieiev - Inner Monologue 035. Mike Oceanic - A.r.m.i.a. (Original Mix) 036. Rodrigo Deem - Ventara (Original Mix) 037. Manda Dex - Star Bars (Original Mix) 038. Alex Wright - Here for Good (Outro Edit) 039. Suncatcher - The Beach (Original Mix) 040. Seven Moon - End Of The Road 041. Simon Gregory - 2 Zero 1 Seven (Original Mix) 042. Alex Sonata feat. Dean Chalmers - Into The Sun 043. Lucas Deyong - Bruxa (Original Mix) 044. Alemis - Skyfire (Original Mix) 045. Cold Stone - Mustang (Original Mix) 046. Atherium - Sea Of Stars (Original Mix) 047. Miroslav Vrlik - Rise & Shine (Original Mix) 048. Alex Kudryavtsev - Alienation 049. Atherium - Vainona (Original Mix) 050. Noise Zoo - Flare (Original Mix) 051. High Frequencies - Quantum (Royal Zeven Remix) 052. C-Systems & Chris SX - Indigo (Original Mix) 053. Cyril Ryaz - Fall & Rise (Original Mix) 054. Mhammed El Alami & Ben Samy - Ocean Dream (Original Mix) 055. Quincy Weigert - The Ascent (Original Mix) 056. Naoufal Lamrani - Night0wl (Original Mix) 057. Quervo - The Distance (Original Mix) 058. Sou Kanai - Sunbeam (Original Mix) 059. Hoof - Sirendipity (Tim Verkruissen Remix) 060. Frank Waanders & Maglev - Trazzard (Uplifting Mix) 061. Damian Sulewski - Feeling Touch (Original Mix) 062. Emme - Bora Bora (Original Mix) 063. Like It Lite - Juice (Edelways Remix) 064. Armin van Buuren feat. Josh Cumbee - Sunny Days 065. Zack Mia - Connected (Original Mix) 066. Cyril Ryaz - Quiet (Original Mix) 067. Sam Laxton - Outlander (Original Mix) 068. Mysterious Movement - Breathe (Original Mix) 069. Bodo Kaiser & KoRay - Borderline (Original Mix) 070. First Sight - Courage (Original Mix) 071. Nuaro - Burnout (Original Mix) 072. Rene Ablaze & UDM - Lost In Trance (Original Mix) 073. Ian Solano - Oaxaca (Original Mix) 074. Dan Stone, Victoriya - I Can't Tell (Extended Mix) 075. Dash Berlin Ft. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 076. Dunkan - My Paradise (Original Mix) 077. Emanuele Braveri Feat. Vika - Only Human (Vocal Mix) 078. Feel & Diana Leah - Out Of Life (Extended Mix) 079. Frainbreeze & VIKA - Better Day (Sunset Remix) 080. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Sub Teal - This Love Kills Me 081. ReOrder & Driftmoon - Slovakboys 082. Headstrong feat. Stine Grove - If I Fall (Martin Graff Remix) 083. Jam & Spoon - Angel 2k17 (UltraBooster Bootleg Remix) 084. Kyau & Albert - Mein Herz (Davey Asprey Remix) 085. Lesh & Mona Moua - Who Will You Be_ (Original Mix) 086. Marco Torrance & York feat. Asheni - Forget to Remember (Club Mix) 087. Markus Schulz Feat. Adina Buta - New York City (Take Me Away) 088. Natalie Gioia & Eximinds - Saving Me From Night (Extended Mix) 089. Sneijder & Christina Novelli - Love Of My Control (Sam Jones Remix) 090. Paul Van Dyk & Jordan Suckley - The Never Code 091. Pierre Pienaar, Amy Kirkpatrick - Looking (Original Mix) 092. Ram feat.Clare Stagg - Guiding Star (LTN Remix) 093. Roman Messer & DJ Xquizit feat. OSiTO - Empire Of Our Own 094. Ryoji Takahashi and EpicFail & Ryoji Takahashi & EpicFail - Moments 095. Shinovi - Run Or Stay (Extended MIx) 096. Stargazers & Waltin Jay - Are You A Stranger (Extended Mix) 097. Terry Ferminal vs. Mark Sherry - Walk Away (Gary Maguire Remix) 098. Tom Exo & Jeena B - Sure Thing (R3dub Remix) 099. Ultimate & Moonsouls feat. Marjan - Your Light (Extended Mix) 100. Zaa, Mino Safy, Leonard A & Cari - Yellow (Original Mix) DOWNLOAD LINKS: The Best Of Progressive Trance (2018) Mp3
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Richie Moloney & Rocksy Music Prance & Dance their Way to the Top at Ocala
Ocala, Florida, USA – March 09, 2024 – An elite group of horse-and-rider combinations vied for top honors in the $31,500 Winning Round CSI 4* Saturday afternoon at the WEC Grand Arena. Gregory Bodo (FRA) and Pieter Viste (BEL) crafted the tracks that asked several questions, but it was Richie Moloney (IRL) and his trusted partner Rocksy Music (Ars Vivendi x Diamond Serpent), owned by Equinimity LLC, that seized the lead and took home the lion’s share of the prize money.
The Winning Round CSI 4* introduced a new class format at World Equestrian Center – Ocala. This class brings back the top 10 horse-and-rider pairs after the first round, regardless of previous faults or time, to the ‘Winning Round’ in reverse order, resetting all scores to zero. Today, all 10 contenders delivered clear first rounds, setting the stage for an exciting jump-off.
With each competitor faster than the last, Moloney had a strategic plan. “It helped to be a little bit quicker in the first round, because I was eighth to go in the jump-off, so I had a good idea what everyone else was doing,” he shared.
“The first two jumps, everyone was doing nine, and I did eight because I had to do something different. From the water tray to the oxer, I did eight again, where everyone else did nine, so there were two places where I think I had the time.”
Richie Moloney (IRL) & Rocksy Music
Moloney and Rocksy Music blazed through the timers, clinching victory with a time of 33.40 seconds, a full second ahead of second place.
Reflecting on his partnership with the 16-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding, Moloney expressed, “I’ve had him since he was nine, so it’s been seven years. I know him very well. He’s always a great one to have at these shows for the speed classes. He seems to always pick up a little bit of prize money and help us pay for the week,” Moloney laughed.
Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Quick Step
Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) secured another podium finish, this time aboard Paseo Farms’ 11-year-old Hanoverian gelding Quick Step (Quintender 2 x Calido I), clocking an efficient time of 34.43 seconds.
Charlie Jones (GBR) & Capitale 6
Charlie Jones (GBR) claimed third place with Morning Star Sporthorses’ 13-year-old Holsteinter gelding Capitale 6 (San Patrignano Cassini x For Pleasure), just shy of Pessoa’s time in 34.68 seconds.
Richie Moloney (IRL) & Rocksy Music during the awards ceremony
Final Results – $31,500 Winning Round CSI 4*
1) Richie Moloney (IRL) & Rocksy Music: 2008 Irish Sport Horse gelding by Ars Vivendi x Diamond Serpent, Equinimity: 0 / 0 / 33.40
2) Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Quick Step: 2013 Hanoverian gelding by Quintender 2 x Calido I, Paseo Farms, LLC: 0 / 0 / 34.43
3) Charlie Jones (GBR) & Capitale 6: 2011 Holsteiner gelding by San Patrignano Cassini x For Pleasure, Morning Star Sporthorses, LLC: 0 / 0 / 34.68
4) Amy Millar (CAN) & Jagger HX: 2014 KWPN gelding by Ustinov x Bustique, Team Eye Candy: 0 / 0 / 35.86
5) Conor O’Regan (IRL) & Big Boy Z: 2013 Zangersheide gelding by Big Star Jr K Z x Carido Z, Delshore Horses LLC: 0 / 0 / 37.11
6) Nicole Walker (CAN) & Atout de Trambles: 2010 Selle Francias gelding by Nectar Des Forets*hn x Apache d’Adriers, Nicole Walker: 0 / 4 / 34.06
7) Kama Godek (USA) & Conny 409: 2014 Oldenburg mare by Conthargos x Cassini II, Kama Godek: 0 / 4 / 34.09
8) Sharn Wordley (NZL) & Brin d’Or de Haute Melen Z: 2014 Zangersheide gelding by Bamako De Muze x Baloubet Du Rouet, Della Wordley: 0 / 4 / 36.48
9) Tiffany Foster (CAN) & Nindino PS: 2015 Oldenburg gelding by Nintender x Diarado, 5 Roosters: 0 / 4 / 37.08
10) Daniel Coyle (IRL) & Farrel: 2010 KPWN gelding by Cardento 933 x Stakkato, Ariel Grange: 0 / 8 / 33.68
Source: Press Release from World Equestrian Center
Photo: © WEC / Andrew Ryback Photography
Categories: CSI 4*, English, Jumper News Ireland
Tagged as: Capitale 6, Charlie Jones, CSI 4*, Equestrian, Horses, Irish Sport Horse, ISH, Jumper News, Jumper News Ireland, Quick Step, Results, Richie Moloney, Rocksy Music, Rodrigo Pessoa, Showjumping, Team Ireland Equestrian, WEC, WEC – Ocala, World Equestrian Center, World Equestrian Center – Ocala
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Chennaiyin FC, FC Goa Aim For Good Start
New Post has been published on http://worldcupnews.info/chennaiyin-fc-fc-goa-aim-for-good-start/
Chennaiyin FC, FC Goa Aim For Good Start
#Ashes #ChampionsLeague
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Chennaiyin FC and FC Goa step into a new era of sorts when they begin their campaign in the fourth edition of Indian Super League (ISL) under new coaches after a forgettable third season, with a game at the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium in Chennai on November 19. The two coaches – John Gregory (Chennaiyin FC) and Sergio Lobera (Goa) sounded upbeat about their preparations and said the pre-season had been very good and the players were looking forward to the first game. Gregory, who has taken over from Italian Marco Materazzi), who guided the team to triumph in ISL-2, said the team had prepared well and would put up a good show while stressing the importance to start well.
“We are in pretty good shape.. We have 25 players in the squad.. Unfortunately, we had lost four players away for three weeks (on national duty), which disrupted our plans.. It is about being able to do what you do in the training ground in the match.”
He also said all the hard work in pre-season was one thing but Sunday (the opening game) was important.
“We have had a good pre-season but all starts on Sunday.. That is when it matters,” he added.
Gregory said 21-year old mid-fielder Germanpreet Singh, who took a knock during the AFC qualifier against Myanmar, may not start tomorrow’s game, but hoped he would be available for the November 23 encounter against NorthEast United FC.
“We have a 25-man full squad from which we can pick the starting XI.. Germanpreet came back from national team with a little bit of a knock.. He may not make a start in tomorrow’s game.. Hope we can have him back for the second match,” he said.
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The Englishman said the team would have a very pragmatic approach for the season ahead and wanted to reward the fans for sticking by them through thick and thin, by producing results.
“You wanna start well.. Obviously, for our fans who stood by us during through thick and thin.. They will be here in their droves and there will be a great atmosphere at the stadium.. Want to reward our fans, who stuck by us through a difficult year (last year),” he said.
The Goa team, which is rebuilding after the exit of the legendary Zico as coach and a poor run in the 2016 edition, would be aiming for a good start.
Coach Lobero said he was looking forward to the new season after the good pre-season and added he was happy with the overall composition of the team.
The Spaniard said it was important for the players to play a style of football that was best suited to them and would bring the results.
Chennaiyin FC: Goalkeepers: Karanjit Singh, Shahinlal Meloly, Pawan Kumar. Defenders: Henrique Sereno (c), Inigo Calderon, Mailson Alves, Jerry Lalrinzuala, Dhanachandra Singh, Fulganco Cardozo, Sanjay Balmuchu, Keenan Almeida.
Midfielders: Raphael Augusto, Jaime Gavilan, Rene Mihelic, Thoi Singh, Bikramjit Singh, Dhanpal Ganesh, Germanpreet Singh, Francis Fernandes, Anirudh Thapa. Forwards: Gregory Nelson, Jude Nworuh, Jeje Lalpekhlua, Mohammed Rafi, Baoringdao Bodo.
FC Goa: Goalkeepers: Laxmikant Kattimani, Bruno Colaco and Naveen Kumar. Defenders: Amey Ranawade, Bruno Pinheiro, Chinglensana Singh, Jovel Martins, Mohamed Ali, Narayan Das, Seriton Fernandes and Sergio Marin.
Midfielders: Ahmed Jahouh, Anthony D’Souza, Brandon Fernandes, Edu Bedia, Mandar Rao, Manuel Arana, Manuel Lanzarote, Mohammad Yasir, Pratesh Shirodkar and Pronay Halder. Forwards: Adrian Colunga, Ferran Corominas, Liston Colaco and Manvir Singh.
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Know About Indian Super League
The Indian Super League is a men’s professional football league in India. It is also called as Hero Indian Super League due to sponsor reason. This league is one of Top Football league in India.
On October 2013, IMG, Reliance and Star Sports make collaboration and launched this league in India with an aim to make football popular. With growing popularity of Indian Super league Season, 4 is going to start from 17th November 2017 to 4th March 2018. The finals will occur from the second week of March 2018 with the final occurring on 17 March 2018 in Kolkata.
It is expected that this season will go more popular and excited after the two new team came in and join the Indian Super League (i.e. Bengaluru and Jamshedpur).
The Teams which is going to participate in the ISL 2017-18.
Atlético de Kolkata
Bengaluru FC
Chennaiyin FC
Delhi Dynamos FC
FC Goa
FC Pune City
Jamshedpur FC
Kerala Blasters FC
Mumbai City FC
NorthEast United FC
These are the ten teams which will participate in the Indian Super League Season 4.
Ticket Details
Indian Super League 2017-18 will kickstart from 17th Nov 2017. Ticket selling already started and it is sold through the merchant BookMyShow website and Apps. You can also book the ticket from the local ticket counter of the stadium on Match date but that depends upon the availability of the ticket. So, it is advised to book the ticket Online only.
Ticket price change from team to team. It is as minimum as Rs 150 to maximum Rs. 2500. Ticket price you can check the BookMyShow website.
Indian Super League 2017 Squad Details
All teams of ISL have finalized their respective team for the season 2017-18. You can see which player is playing from which team in the Indian Super League season 4.
Atlético de Kolkata (ATK)
Goalkeepers – Debjit, Jussi Jaaskelainen, Kunzang Bhutia
Defenders – Anwar Ali, Ashutosh Mehta, Augustin Melwyn Fernandes, Jordi Montel, Keegan Pereira, Nallappan Mohanraj, Prabir, Tom Thorpe
Midfielders – Bipin Thounaojam, Carl Baker, Conor Thomas, Darren Caldeira, Eugenson Lyngdoh, Hitesh Sharma, Ronald Singh, Rupert Nongrum, Shankar Sampingiraj
Forwards – Jayesh Rane, Jose Egas dos Santos Branco, Njazi Kuqi, Robbie Keane, Robin Singh
Bengaluru FC
Goalkeepers – Abhra Mondal, Calvin Abhishek, Lalthuammawia Ralte, Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
Defenders – Colin Abranches, John Johnson, Joyner Monte Lourenco, Juan Antonio Gonzalez Fernandez, Nishu Kumar, Rahul Bheke, Subhasish Bose, Zohmingliana Ralte
Midfielders – Antonio Rodriguez Dovale, Boithang Haokip, Eduardo García Martin, Erik Paartalu, Harmanjot Singh Khabra, Lenny Rodrigues, Malsawmzuala, Udanta Singh
Forwards – Alwyn George, Braulio Nobrega, Nicolas Ladislao Fedor Flores, Sunil Chhetri, Thongkhosiem Haokip
Chennaiyin FC
Goalkeepers – Karanjit, Pawan Kumar, Shahin Lal Meloli
Defenders – Dhanachandra Singh, Fulganco Cardozo, Henrique Fonseca Sereno, Inigo Calderon, Jerry Lalrinzuala, Keenan Almeida, Mailson Alves, Sanjay Balmuchu
Midfielders – Anirudh Thapa, Bikramjit Singh, Dhanapal Ganesh, Francisco Fernandes, Germanpreet Singh, Jaime Gavilan, Raphael Augusto, Rene Mihelic, Thoi Singh Khangembam
Forwards – Baoringdao Bodo, Gregory Nelson, Jeje Lalpekhlua, Jude Nworuh, Mohammed Rafi
Delhi Dynamos FC
Goalkeepers – Albino Gomes, Arnab Das Sharma, Sukhadev Patil
Defenders – Eduardo Moya Cantillo, Gabriel Cichero, Jayananda Singh, Lalhmangaihsanga Ralte, Mohammad Sajid Dhot, Munmun Timothy Lugun, Pratik Prabhakar Chowdhary, Pritam Kotal, Rowilson Rodrigues
Midfielders – David Khamchin Ngaihte, Matías Mirabaje, Paulinho Dias, Seityasen Singh, Simranjeet Singh, Vinit Rai
Forwards – Guyon Fernandez, Jeroen Lumu, Kalu Uche, Lallianzuala Chhangte, Romeo Fernandes
FC Goa
Goalkeepers – Bruno Rayan Colaco Laxmikant Naveen Kumar
Defenders – Amey Ganesh Ranawade Jovel Martins Konsham Chinglensana Singh Mohamed Ali Narayan Das Sergio Juste
Midfielders – Ahmed Jahouh Anthony D’Souza Bruno Pinheiro Eduardo Bedia Pelaez Mandar Rao Manuel Arana Rodriguez Manuel Lanzarote Mohammad Yasir Pratesh Shirodkar Pronay Halder Seriton Benny Fernandes
Forwards – Adrian Colunga Perez, Brandon Fernandes Ferran Corominas, Liston Colaco Manvir Singh
FC Pune City
Goalkeepers – Anuj Kumar, Kamaljit Singh, Vishal Kaith
Defenders – Damir Grgic, Diego Carlos Santos Silva, Gurtej Singh, Harpreet Singh, Lalchhuanmawia Fanai, Pawan Kumar, Rafael Lopez Gomez, Sarthak Golui, Wayne Vaz
Midfielders – Adil Ahmed Khan, Ajay Singh, Baljit Singh Sahni, Isaac Vanmalsawma Chhakchhuak, Jewel Raja Shaikh, Jonatan Lucca, Marcos Tebar, Robertino Pugliara, Rohit Kumar
Forwards – Ashique Kuruniyan, Emiliano Alfaro, Kean Francis Lewis, Marcelinho
Jamshedpur FC
Goalkeepers – Md Rafique Ali Sardar, Sanjiban Ghosh, Subrata Paul
Defenders – Anas Edathodika, Andre Bikey, Jose Luis Espinosa Arroyo, Robin Gurung, Sairuat Kima, Shouvik Ghosh, Yumnam Raju Mangang
Midfielders – Bikash Jairu, Emerson Gomes de Moura, Mehtab Hossain, Sameehg Doutie, Souvik Chakrabarti, Trindade Goncalves
Forwards – Ashim Biswas, Farukh Choudhary, Izu Azuka, Jerry Mawihmingthanga, Kervens Belfort, Siddharth Singh, Sumeet Passi, Talla N’Diaye
Kerala Blasters FC
Goalkeepers – Paul Rachubka Subhasish Roy Chowdhury Sandip Nandy
Defenders – Lalruatthara, Lalthakima, Nemanja Lakic-Pesic, Rino Anto, Samuel Shadap, Sandesh Jhingan, Soraisam Pritam Kumar Singh, Wes Brown
Midfielders – Ajith Sivan, Arata Izumi, CK Vineeth, Courage Pekuson, Jackichand Singh, Loken Moirangthem Meitei, Milan Singh Ongnam, Siam Hanghal
Forwards – Dimitar Berbatov, Iain Hume, Karan Sawhney, Mark Sifneos, Prasanth Karuthadathkuni
Mumbai City FC
Goalkeepers – Amrinder Singh, Arindam Bhattacharja, Kunal Sawant
Defenders – Aiborlang Khongjee, Biswajit Saha, Davinder Singh, Gerson Vieira, Lalchhawnkima, Lucian Goian, Marcio Rosario, Mehrajuddin Wadoo, Raju Eknath Gaikwad
Midfielders – Abhinash Ruidas, Achille Emana Edzimbi, Everton Santos, Leo Costa, Rakesh Oram, Sahil Tavora, Sanju Pradhan, Sehnaj, Thiago Nascimento Dos Santos, Zakeer Mundampara
Forwards – Balwant Singh Pranjal Bhumij Rafa Jordá
NorthEast United FC
Goalkeepers – Gurpreet Singh Chabhal, Ravi Kumar, Rehenesh TP
Defenders – Abdul Hakku Nediyodath, Gursimrat Singh Gill, Jose Goncalves, Mamadu Samba Candé, Martin Damian Diaz Pena, Nirmal Chettri, Reagan Singh, Robert Lalthlamuana
Midfielders – Adilson Goiano, Fanai Lalrempuia, Lalrindika Ralte, Malemngamba Meitei Kshetrimayum, Márcio de Souza Gregório Junior, Rowllin Borges, Sushil Meitei Ahongshangbam
Forwards – Danilo Lopes Cezario, Halicharan Narzary, Luis Alfonso Paez, Odair Fortes, Seiminlen Doungel
Author Note
Ticket sale for the Indian Super League is started on BookMyshow and other respective. You can get all the details of Indian Super League at one place on Isportsleague.com. This season will be more entertaining as many marquee players have signed this year. In India Fans for the Football is growing day by day.
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Know About Indian Super League
The Indian Super League is a men’s professional football league in India. It is also called as Hero Indian Super League due to sponsor reason. This league is one of Top Football league in India.
On October 2013, IMG, Reliance and Star Sports make collaboration and launched this league in India with an aim to make football popular. With growing popularity of Indian Super league Season, 4 is going to start from 17th November 2017 to 4th March 2018. The finals will occur from the second week of March 2018 with the final occurring on 17 March 2018 in Kolkata.
It is expected that this season will go more popular and excited after the two new team came in and join the Indian Super League (i.e. Bengaluru and Jamshedpur).
The Teams which is going to participate in the ISL 2017-18.
Atlético de Kolkata
Bengaluru FC
Chennaiyin FC
Delhi Dynamos FC
FC Goa
FC Pune City
Jamshedpur FC
Kerala Blasters FC
Mumbai City FC
NorthEast United FC
These are the ten teams which will participate in the Indian Super League Season 4.
Ticket Details
Indian Super League 2017-18 will kickstart from 17th Nov 2017. Ticket selling already started and it is sold through the merchant BookMyShow website and Apps. You can also book the ticket from the local ticket counter of the stadium on Match date but that depends upon the availability of the ticket. So, it is advised to book the ticket Online only.
Ticket price change from team to team. It is as minimum as Rs 150 to maximum Rs. 2500. Ticket price you can check the BookMyShow website.
Indian Super League 2017 Squad Details
All teams of ISL have finalized their respective team for the season 2017-18. You can see which player is playing from which team in the Indian Super League season 4.
Atlético de Kolkata (ATK)
Goalkeepers – Debjit, Jussi Jaaskelainen, Kunzang Bhutia
Defenders – Anwar Ali, Ashutosh Mehta, Augustin Melwyn Fernandes, Jordi Montel, Keegan Pereira, Nallappan Mohanraj, Prabir, Tom Thorpe
Midfielders – Bipin Thounaojam, Carl Baker, Conor Thomas, Darren Caldeira, Eugenson Lyngdoh, Hitesh Sharma, Ronald Singh, Rupert Nongrum, Shankar Sampingiraj
Forwards – Jayesh Rane, Jose Egas dos Santos Branco, Njazi Kuqi, Robbie Keane, Robin Singh
Bengaluru FC
Goalkeepers – Abhra Mondal, Calvin Abhishek, Lalthuammawia Ralte, Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
Defenders – Colin Abranches, John Johnson, Joyner Monte Lourenco, Juan Antonio Gonzalez Fernandez, Nishu Kumar, Rahul Bheke, Subhasish Bose, Zohmingliana Ralte
Midfielders – Antonio Rodriguez Dovale, Boithang Haokip, Eduardo García Martin, Erik Paartalu, Harmanjot Singh Khabra, Lenny Rodrigues, Malsawmzuala, Udanta Singh
Forwards – Alwyn George, Braulio Nobrega, Nicolas Ladislao Fedor Flores, Sunil Chhetri, Thongkhosiem Haokip
Chennaiyin FC
Goalkeepers – Karanjit, Pawan Kumar, Shahin Lal Meloli
Defenders – Dhanachandra Singh, Fulganco Cardozo, Henrique Fonseca Sereno, Inigo Calderon, Jerry Lalrinzuala, Keenan Almeida, Mailson Alves, Sanjay Balmuchu
Midfielders – Anirudh Thapa, Bikramjit Singh, Dhanapal Ganesh, Francisco Fernandes, Germanpreet Singh, Jaime Gavilan, Raphael Augusto, Rene Mihelic, Thoi Singh Khangembam
Forwards – Baoringdao Bodo, Gregory Nelson, Jeje Lalpekhlua, Jude Nworuh, Mohammed Rafi
Delhi Dynamos FC
Goalkeepers – Albino Gomes, Arnab Das Sharma, Sukhadev Patil
Defenders – Eduardo Moya Cantillo, Gabriel Cichero, Jayananda Singh, Lalhmangaihsanga Ralte, Mohammad Sajid Dhot, Munmun Timothy Lugun, Pratik Prabhakar Chowdhary, Pritam Kotal, Rowilson Rodrigues
Midfielders – David Khamchin Ngaihte, Matías Mirabaje, Paulinho Dias, Seityasen Singh, Simranjeet Singh, Vinit Rai
Forwards – Guyon Fernandez, Jeroen Lumu, Kalu Uche, Lallianzuala Chhangte, Romeo Fernandes
FC Goa
Goalkeepers – Bruno Rayan Colaco Laxmikant Naveen Kumar
Defenders – Amey Ganesh Ranawade Jovel Martins Konsham Chinglensana Singh Mohamed Ali Narayan Das Sergio Juste
Midfielders – Ahmed Jahouh Anthony D’Souza Bruno Pinheiro Eduardo Bedia Pelaez Mandar Rao Manuel Arana Rodriguez Manuel Lanzarote Mohammad Yasir Pratesh Shirodkar Pronay Halder Seriton Benny Fernandes
Forwards – Adrian Colunga Perez, Brandon Fernandes Ferran Corominas, Liston Colaco Manvir Singh
FC Pune City
Goalkeepers – Anuj Kumar, Kamaljit Singh, Vishal Kaith
Defenders – Damir Grgic, Diego Carlos Santos Silva, Gurtej Singh, Harpreet Singh, Lalchhuanmawia Fanai, Pawan Kumar, Rafael Lopez Gomez, Sarthak Golui, Wayne Vaz
Midfielders – Adil Ahmed Khan, Ajay Singh, Baljit Singh Sahni, Isaac Vanmalsawma Chhakchhuak, Jewel Raja Shaikh, Jonatan Lucca, Marcos Tebar, Robertino Pugliara, Rohit Kumar
Forwards – Ashique Kuruniyan, Emiliano Alfaro, Kean Francis Lewis, Marcelinho
Jamshedpur FC
Goalkeepers – Md Rafique Ali Sardar, Sanjiban Ghosh, Subrata Paul
Defenders – Anas Edathodika, Andre Bikey, Jose Luis Espinosa Arroyo, Robin Gurung, Sairuat Kima, Shouvik Ghosh, Yumnam Raju Mangang
Midfielders – Bikash Jairu, Emerson Gomes de Moura, Mehtab Hossain, Sameehg Doutie, Souvik Chakrabarti, Trindade Goncalves
Forwards – Ashim Biswas, Farukh Choudhary, Izu Azuka, Jerry Mawihmingthanga, Kervens Belfort, Siddharth Singh, Sumeet Passi, Talla N’Diaye
Kerala Blasters FC
Goalkeepers – Paul Rachubka Subhasish Roy Chowdhury Sandip Nandy
Defenders – Lalruatthara, Lalthakima, Nemanja Lakic-Pesic, Rino Anto, Samuel Shadap, Sandesh Jhingan, Soraisam Pritam Kumar Singh, Wes Brown
Midfielders – Ajith Sivan, Arata Izumi, CK Vineeth, Courage Pekuson, Jackichand Singh, Loken Moirangthem Meitei, Milan Singh Ongnam, Siam Hanghal
Forwards – Dimitar Berbatov, Iain Hume, Karan Sawhney, Mark Sifneos, Prasanth Karuthadathkuni
Mumbai City FC
Goalkeepers – Amrinder Singh, Arindam Bhattacharja, Kunal Sawant
Defenders – Aiborlang Khongjee, Biswajit Saha, Davinder Singh, Gerson Vieira, Lalchhawnkima, Lucian Goian, Marcio Rosario, Mehrajuddin Wadoo, Raju Eknath Gaikwad
Midfielders – Abhinash Ruidas, Achille Emana Edzimbi, Everton Santos, Leo Costa, Rakesh Oram, Sahil Tavora, Sanju Pradhan, Sehnaj, Thiago Nascimento Dos Santos, Zakeer Mundampara
Forwards – Balwant Singh Pranjal Bhumij Rafa Jordá
NorthEast United FC
Goalkeepers – Gurpreet Singh Chabhal, Ravi Kumar, Rehenesh TP
Defenders – Abdul Hakku Nediyodath, Gursimrat Singh Gill, Jose Goncalves, Mamadu Samba Candé, Martin Damian Diaz Pena, Nirmal Chettri, Reagan Singh, Robert Lalthlamuana
Midfielders – Adilson Goiano, Fanai Lalrempuia, Lalrindika Ralte, Malemngamba Meitei Kshetrimayum, Márcio de Souza Gregório Junior, Rowllin Borges, Sushil Meitei Ahongshangbam
Forwards – Danilo Lopes Cezario, Halicharan Narzary, Luis Alfonso Paez, Odair Fortes, Seiminlen Doungel
Author Note
Ticket sale for the Indian Super League is started on BookMyshow and other respective. You can get all the details of Indian Super League at one place on Isportsleague.com. This season will be more entertaining as many marquee players have signed this year. In India Fans for the Football is growing day by day.
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Know About Indian Super League
The Indian Super League is a men’s professional football league in India. It is also called as Hero Indian Super League due to sponsor reason. This league is one of Top Football league in India.
On October 2013, IMG, Reliance and Star Sports make collaboration and launched this league in India with an aim to make football popular. With growing popularity of Indian Super league Season, 4 is going to start from 17th November 2017 to 4th March 2018. The finals will occur from the second week of March 2018 with the final occurring on 17 March 2018 in Kolkata.
It is expected that this season will go more popular and excited after the two new team came in and join the Indian Super League (i.e. Bengaluru and Jamshedpur).
The Teams which is going to participate in the ISL 2017-18.
Atlético de Kolkata
Bengaluru FC
Chennaiyin FC
Delhi Dynamos FC
FC Goa
FC Pune City
Jamshedpur FC
Kerala Blasters FC
Mumbai City FC
NorthEast United FC
These are the ten teams which will participate in the Indian Super League Season 4.
Ticket Details
Indian Super League 2017-18 will kickstart from 17th Nov 2017. Ticket selling already started and it is sold through the merchant BookMyShow website and Apps. You can also book the ticket from the local ticket counter of the stadium on Match date but that depends upon the availability of the ticket. So, it is advised to book the ticket Online only.
Ticket price change from team to team. It is as minimum as Rs 150 to maximum Rs. 2500. Ticket price you can check the BookMyShow website.
Indian Super League 2017 Squad Details
All teams of ISL have finalized their respective team for the season 2017-18. You can see which player is playing from which team in the Indian Super League season 4.
Atlético de Kolkata (ATK)
Goalkeepers – Debjit, Jussi Jaaskelainen, Kunzang Bhutia
Defenders – Anwar Ali, Ashutosh Mehta, Augustin Melwyn Fernandes, Jordi Montel, Keegan Pereira, Nallappan Mohanraj, Prabir, Tom Thorpe
Midfielders – Bipin Thounaojam, Carl Baker, Conor Thomas, Darren Caldeira, Eugenson Lyngdoh, Hitesh Sharma, Ronald Singh, Rupert Nongrum, Shankar Sampingiraj
Forwards – Jayesh Rane, Jose Egas dos Santos Branco, Njazi Kuqi, Robbie Keane, Robin Singh
Bengaluru FC
Goalkeepers – Abhra Mondal, Calvin Abhishek, Lalthuammawia Ralte, Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
Defenders – Colin Abranches, John Johnson, Joyner Monte Lourenco, Juan Antonio Gonzalez Fernandez, Nishu Kumar, Rahul Bheke, Subhasish Bose, Zohmingliana Ralte
Midfielders – Antonio Rodriguez Dovale, Boithang Haokip, Eduardo García Martin, Erik Paartalu, Harmanjot Singh Khabra, Lenny Rodrigues, Malsawmzuala, Udanta Singh
Forwards – Alwyn George, Braulio Nobrega, Nicolas Ladislao Fedor Flores, Sunil Chhetri, Thongkhosiem Haokip
Chennaiyin FC
Goalkeepers – Karanjit, Pawan Kumar, Shahin Lal Meloli
Defenders – Dhanachandra Singh, Fulganco Cardozo, Henrique Fonseca Sereno, Inigo Calderon, Jerry Lalrinzuala, Keenan Almeida, Mailson Alves, Sanjay Balmuchu
Midfielders – Anirudh Thapa, Bikramjit Singh, Dhanapal Ganesh, Francisco Fernandes, Germanpreet Singh, Jaime Gavilan, Raphael Augusto, Rene Mihelic, Thoi Singh Khangembam
Forwards – Baoringdao Bodo, Gregory Nelson, Jeje Lalpekhlua, Jude Nworuh, Mohammed Rafi
Delhi Dynamos FC
Goalkeepers – Albino Gomes, Arnab Das Sharma, Sukhadev Patil
Defenders – Eduardo Moya Cantillo, Gabriel Cichero, Jayananda Singh, Lalhmangaihsanga Ralte, Mohammad Sajid Dhot, Munmun Timothy Lugun, Pratik Prabhakar Chowdhary, Pritam Kotal, Rowilson Rodrigues
Midfielders – David Khamchin Ngaihte, Matías Mirabaje, Paulinho Dias, Seityasen Singh, Simranjeet Singh, Vinit Rai
Forwards – Guyon Fernandez, Jeroen Lumu, Kalu Uche, Lallianzuala Chhangte, Romeo Fernandes
FC Goa
Goalkeepers – Bruno Rayan Colaco Laxmikant Naveen Kumar
Defenders – Amey Ganesh Ranawade Jovel Martins Konsham Chinglensana Singh Mohamed Ali Narayan Das Sergio Juste
Midfielders – Ahmed Jahouh Anthony D’Souza Bruno Pinheiro Eduardo Bedia Pelaez Mandar Rao Manuel Arana Rodriguez Manuel Lanzarote Mohammad Yasir Pratesh Shirodkar Pronay Halder Seriton Benny Fernandes
Forwards – Adrian Colunga Perez, Brandon Fernandes Ferran Corominas, Liston Colaco Manvir Singh
FC Pune City
Goalkeepers – Anuj Kumar, Kamaljit Singh, Vishal Kaith
Defenders – Damir Grgic, Diego Carlos Santos Silva, Gurtej Singh, Harpreet Singh, Lalchhuanmawia Fanai, Pawan Kumar, Rafael Lopez Gomez, Sarthak Golui, Wayne Vaz
Midfielders – Adil Ahmed Khan, Ajay Singh, Baljit Singh Sahni, Isaac Vanmalsawma Chhakchhuak, Jewel Raja Shaikh, Jonatan Lucca, Marcos Tebar, Robertino Pugliara, Rohit Kumar
Forwards – Ashique Kuruniyan, Emiliano Alfaro, Kean Francis Lewis, Marcelinho
Jamshedpur FC
Goalkeepers – Md Rafique Ali Sardar, Sanjiban Ghosh, Subrata Paul
Defenders – Anas Edathodika, Andre Bikey, Jose Luis Espinosa Arroyo, Robin Gurung, Sairuat Kima, Shouvik Ghosh, Yumnam Raju Mangang
Midfielders – Bikash Jairu, Emerson Gomes de Moura, Mehtab Hossain, Sameehg Doutie, Souvik Chakrabarti, Trindade Goncalves
Forwards – Ashim Biswas, Farukh Choudhary, Izu Azuka, Jerry Mawihmingthanga, Kervens Belfort, Siddharth Singh, Sumeet Passi, Talla N’Diaye
Kerala Blasters FC
Goalkeepers – Paul Rachubka Subhasish Roy Chowdhury Sandip Nandy
Defenders – Lalruatthara, Lalthakima, Nemanja Lakic-Pesic, Rino Anto, Samuel Shadap, Sandesh Jhingan, Soraisam Pritam Kumar Singh, Wes Brown
Midfielders – Ajith Sivan, Arata Izumi, CK Vineeth, Courage Pekuson, Jackichand Singh, Loken Moirangthem Meitei, Milan Singh Ongnam, Siam Hanghal
Forwards – Dimitar Berbatov, Iain Hume, Karan Sawhney, Mark Sifneos, Prasanth Karuthadathkuni
Mumbai City FC
Goalkeepers – Amrinder Singh, Arindam Bhattacharja, Kunal Sawant
Defenders – Aiborlang Khongjee, Biswajit Saha, Davinder Singh, Gerson Vieira, Lalchhawnkima, Lucian Goian, Marcio Rosario, Mehrajuddin Wadoo, Raju Eknath Gaikwad
Midfielders – Abhinash Ruidas, Achille Emana Edzimbi, Everton Santos, Leo Costa, Rakesh Oram, Sahil Tavora, Sanju Pradhan, Sehnaj, Thiago Nascimento Dos Santos, Zakeer Mundampara
Forwards – Balwant Singh Pranjal Bhumij Rafa Jordá
NorthEast United FC
Goalkeepers – Gurpreet Singh Chabhal, Ravi Kumar, Rehenesh TP
Defenders – Abdul Hakku Nediyodath, Gursimrat Singh Gill, Jose Goncalves, Mamadu Samba Candé, Martin Damian Diaz Pena, Nirmal Chettri, Reagan Singh, Robert Lalthlamuana
Midfielders – Adilson Goiano, Fanai Lalrempuia, Lalrindika Ralte, Malemngamba Meitei Kshetrimayum, Márcio de Souza Gregório Junior, Rowllin Borges, Sushil Meitei Ahongshangbam
Forwards – Danilo Lopes Cezario, Halicharan Narzary, Luis Alfonso Paez, Odair Fortes, Seiminlen Doungel
Author Note
Ticket sale for the Indian Super League is started on BookMyshow and other respective. You can get all the details of Indian Super League at one place on Isportsleague.com. This season will be more entertaining as many marquee players have signed this year. In India Fans for the Football is growing day by day.
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Und wieder ein Weltcup-Sieg für Kevin Staut (FRA)
Kevin Staut (Foto: Archiv) Kevin Staut im LONGINES GRAND PRIX of BASEL mit der einzigen Doppel-Null-Runde zum Sieg Nur vier Reiter schafften es in diesem schwierigen, von Gerard Lachat und Gregory Bodo gestalteten Parcours des LONGINES GRAND PRIX of BASEL in das Stechen. Der Schweizer Alain Jufer war der erste, der sich mit Dante MM für die Entscheidung qualifizieren konnte. Es folgten…
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#Alain JUFER#Dante MM#Denis Lynch#Gerard Lachat#Gregory Bodo#Kevin Staut#LONGINES GRAND PRIX of BASEL#Yuri Mansur
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Daniel Coyle & Lena VDL Victorious in the $32,000 Wheels Up Qualifier CSI 2*
Ocala, Florida, USA – March 08, 2024 – Two-star competition took over the WEC Grand Arena on Friday night for the $32,000 Wheels Up Grand Prix Qualifier CSI 2*. Thirty-eight competitors representing nine different nations tackled the intricate tracks designed by Gregory Bodo (FRA) and Pieter Viste (BEL), but it was the trailblazing performance of pathfinder Daniel Coyle (IRL) and Ariel Grange’s young and talented Lena VDL that stole the spotlight.
Fifteen horse-and-rider combinations managed to find their way to a clear first round, and eight yielded a double clear effort.
Daniel Coyle (IRL) led the way aboard his brand-new partner Lena VDL. Just two weeks ago, Coyle earned second place aboard the promising eight-year-old Royal Dutch Sport Horse – Dutch Warmblood (KWPN) mare in the $50,000 Golden Ocala National Grand Prix. Tonight, he hoped to continue that success.
“Last week, I said to Ariel [Grange], maybe ‘Lena’ should do the two-star next week, and she agreed. We don’t really know the horse too well, she’s only shown with us for three weeks. The first week, she had a fence down in the 1.30m, then she was second in the 1.50m. So, we jumped her around 1.40m to school, and planned to see how tonight would go, but after this, I think we are all so happy we have her.”
Daniel Coyle (IRL) & Lena VDL
Coming back first for the jump-off, Coyle and Lena VDL were ready to give it their all, “One to two there was no real distance because it was so far away. From two to three it was seven or eight. I had talked about seven, but again, I still don’t know her too well, so we did eight. But there was this really tight inside turn, and I wasn’t even sure I was going to do it. Bretton Chad and Charlie Jones asked me in the schooling ring, and honestly, I didn’t know. So, I checked it out and decided to go for it. Then she was quick in seven up to the combination and fast to the last two.”
Clocking in an uncatchable 36.33 seconds, Coyle and Lena VDL set an uncatchable pace for the remaining field and ultimately galloped away with the winning title.
Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Chili
Second place finisher, Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) jokingly said to Coyle, “You should have gotten a speeding ticket for that round.” But Pessoa wasn’t too far behind Coyle. Riding Artemis Equestrian Farm LLC’s Chili (Consolidator x Berlin), Pessoa found a lightning-fast track just three tenths of a second short in 36.72 seconds.
Speaking about the promising young mare, Coyle shared, “We purchased her from VDL. Ariel and I went out to try her quite a few times, but we weren’t sure if we were going to get her or not. We are happy we did because she’s a whole lot better than we thought,” he added. “She’s a real firecracker. She has her own opinion about every single thing, but I think that’s why she’s so good in the ring. I am so delighted Ariel bought her for me. I think the mare has a really promising future ahead, and we are grateful to Janko [van de Lageweg] for finding us another amazing horse.”
Charlie Jones (GBR) & Macho-Blue PS
Charlie Jones (GBR) secured third place aboard Macho-Blue PS (Messenger x Chacco-blue), owned by Katie Harris. Racing through the jump-off track, Jones and his mount, affectionately nicknamed ‘Mighty Macho,’ galloped to each fence, crossing the timers in 37.95 seconds to complete the podium.
Daniel Coyle (IRL) & Lena VDL during the awards ceremony
Final Results – $32,000 Wheels Up Grand Prix Qualifier CSI 2*
1) Daniel Coyle (IRL) & Lena VDL: 2016 KWPN mare, Ariel Grange: 0 / 0 / 36.33
2) Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) & Chili: 2012 Westphalian mare by Consolidator x Berlin, Artemis Equestrian Farm LLC: 0 / 0 / 36.72
3) Charlie Jones (GBR) & Macho Blue PS: 2013 Oldenburg gelding by Messenger x Chacco-blue, Katie Harris: 0 / 0 / 37.95
4) Vaclav Stanek (CZE) & Jasper: 2014 KWPN gelding by Andiamo Z x Burggraaf, Ariel Grange: 0 / 0 / 38.89
5) Will Simpson (USA) & Keminko N: 2015 KWPN gelding by Grand Slam, Will Simpson Stables Inc.: 0 / 0 / 38.95
6) Conor O’Regan (IRL) & Mendini DR: 2012 Belgian Warmblood mare by Hunter’s Scendix x Cassini I , Dynomite Ranch, LLC: 0 / 0 / 40.21
7) Nicole Walker (CAN) & Panther JVH: 2015 Belgian stallion by Le Blue Diamond Van ‘t Ruyters x Toulon Nicole Walker: 0 / 0 / 41.67
8) Isabel Coxe (USA) & Incredible Bleu: 2013 KWPN gelding by Vdl Zirocco Blue x Diarado , 5 Roosters: 0 / 0 / 44.68
9) Will Martin (CAN) & Je Happy Lina: 2014 KWPN mare by Kannan x Indoctro, Lesley Martin: 0 / 4 / 36.36
10) Bliss Heers (USA) & Goodbye: 2011 KWPN mare by Eldorado Vd Zeshoek x Amulet, Bridgeside Farms L.L.C: 0 / 4 / 38.55
11) Amy Millar (CAN) & GCS Athena: 2014 Irish Sport Horse mare by Vigo D Arsouilles Stx x Numero Uno, Brookstreet Stables Corporation: 0 / 4 / 38.84
12) Bretton Chad (CAN) & CSF Princess Blue: 2014 Irish Sport Horse mare by Vdl Zirocco Blue x Ars Vivendi , Stone Ridge Farms LLC: 0 / 4 / 39.83
Source: Press Release from World Equestrian Center
Photo: © WEC / Andrew Ryback Photography
Categories: CSI 2*, English, Jumper News Ireland
Tagged as: Charlie Jones, Chili, CSI 2*, Daniel Coyle, Dutch Warmblood, Horse Sport Ireland, Jumper News, Jumper News Ireland, KWPN, Lena VDL, Macho-Blue PS, Results, Rodrigo Pessoa, Royal Dutch Sport Horse, Team Ireland Equestrian, WEC – Ocala, World Equestrian Center, World Equestrian Center – Ocala
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