#long live Giran
thotsforvillainrights · 11 months
I don't mean to put anyone on the spot, but I'm trailing through my asks 10 minutes before midnight and one (or a few) of you have planted the seeds for a Giran garden up in here
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whirlybirbs · 27 days
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— BURNER CELL ; 2 ; DABI ; 荼毗
summary: after a week of silence, you finally text dabi. pairing: dabi / f!reader ; quirkless word count: 1.3k tag: humor, maladjusted dabi meets normal adult woman, flirting, canon-based world building, cancer mention, texting as a plot device, slight au, univeristy student!reader a/n: this stole all my concentration. siri play emo boy by ayesha erotica ← previous | the tag
It's the kind of week where, aside from class, human interaction isn't really on life's setlist. 
It's also the kind of week where you rediscover making a meal of raw cookie dough straight from the package. Your econ textbook might have a stranglehold on you, but you make enough time to scarf down a few globs between chapters — after all, who needs protein or fiber when you're sure this five-year master's program will kill you first?
Your head hurts.
You slump against the counter, refilling your water bottle. 
It's late now — and you can feel the quiet woes beginning to wane as you blink at the clock. By now, your friends are probably on their second or third drinks. You turned the invite down when they asked yesterday. Nuri tugged on your sweater sleeve and pouted the best pout she could manage, but you didn't budge. 
I've gotta finish this paper, I'm sorry, Nur'. 
You roll your jaw as you shut the faucet off, wandering to your freezer to wrangle some cubes from the tray. You bend it slowly, deep in thought. A few pop out, and you idly drop them into your water bottle with a twang. 
You're staring at your phone. It's by your computer on the counter. 
...You never did text Dabi. 
You told yourself it was for the best — after all, you weren't looking for a catastrophic derailment of your life at the moment. Things are good. You're two semesters away from finishing University, your family's bakery back in Kyoto is doing well, and Dad's chemotherapy seems to be working. Things are good! It's almost fall, you've managed to stick to your monthly budget, and Mizu settled in happily to your new apartment. 
No four-day poop strike like the last time you moved.
The large tuxedo cat in question ambles through the kitchen — brushing against your leg and letting out a long, low mrrooow. 
Things are great! 
You shouldn't text Dabi.
But... even if you did, it's not like it'd be the end of the world, right?
Wait, could he figure out where you lived from your number...?
You could use one of those anonymous texting services. Then, it wouldn't even be your number. Just some fake string of digits that allow you to satiate the bizarre curiosity that's been swirling in your head for the last week. 
You're sure the novelty will wear off. 
He's probably not even going to respond. 
You're telling yourself this is stupid as you begin to set up an account with the service — the app boasts privacy, andunlimited calls and texts... You can't help but feel a little strange as you finalize your account. 
It's done.
You import his contact with two taps and stare at the blank screen. 
...Now what?
Are you really going to do this? I mean — he's a wanted criminal. He's a member of the League of Villains. If anyone ever found out you were in contact with him, you'd be toast. You'd have All Might kicking your door in and demanding to look through your phone and that mental image is enough to make you cringe. Say goodbye to your degree, goodbye toyour future as Sakura Flour's owner, and goodbye to freedom. You're sure the Safety Commission would place you on some watch list for the rest of your life, and frankly, your tweets are already questionable. You don't need more scrutiny. 
...So, there are two options. 
Delete his number and move on... or don't get caught. 
You shouldn't text Dabi.
...But, you do.
Truth be told, he isn't shocked to see that cute Nuri girl hanging on Giran's arm again. The Broker seems pretty into her — the guy even mentioned something about taking her to a nice dinner during the week as a congrats on passing some big test. Dabi can't blame him. She's cute. Looks good in red. Not his type, but he can appreciate it from time to time.
However, Dabi is a little shocked that you're not a part of the group cheering in Giran's VIP section. There's bottle service being ordered, laughter, dancing, and a gaggle of pretty, five college girls — and none of them are you. 
His lips twist into a scowl. 
He decides he's leaving; his piss-poor drink is tossed back, and he dumps a bill down for the bartender before tugging his hood up and sucking his teeth. 
He never liked this club anyway.
He's crossing the threshold of the back door, stepping into the damp and dark alley, when the phone in his back pocket buzzes. Someone's smoking a Marlboro by the dumpster. The familiar smell makes Dabi's fingers twitch. 
He's tryna quit.
He tugs the phone from his pocket, no longer bothered by the splintered glass screen. His battery is at 13%. This fuckin' thing barely holds a charge anymore. 
The number on the screen isn't one he knows.
Dabi's passcode is unnecessarily long. His phone clicks open as he narrows his eyes and shambles towards the opening in the alley. He doesn't know this number. He has everyone's cell memorized that he needs. Shigaraki, Toga, Spinner, Jin, Compress, even Giran. He doesn't keep contacts. Doesn't work when he's ditching phones all the time. He's got his noggin. That's good enough.
The text is one word:
Dabi's squinting at the text when another buzzes through. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:48pm sorry, this is bar girl
→ dabi ; 11:46pm thought u were never gonna txt me ur girlie nuri is here where r u
There's no way.
Your phone buzzes three times from its far place where it sits face down on the counter — you just walked away from it, hellbent on distracting yourself while you waited out the potential reply. You go rigid in your kitchen. 
Did he seriously text you back immediately?
You purse your lips, then slink towards the phone. It buzzes again.
→ dabi ; 11:47pm c'mon don't leave me hangin pretty
Your eyes are wide as you stare at the string of replies. He has read receipts turned on like the psychopath he is. 
You lean back against the counter, chewing your cuticle as you let out a ragged sigh. Nuri is with him? Or... No, they said they were going to that club you hate. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:4pam oh, are they at the bar?‎
Dabi's fingers move fast.
→ dabi ; 11:49pm nah in downtown club tropical or whatever the fuck it's called
You snort a little.
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:49pm i hate that place. their drinks suck.
Dabi has started making his way back to their hideout — back to the shit box apartments they're renting above Kurogiri's bar. He's slow, idly texting as he weaves through the crowds of nightlife in Kamino Ward. 
→ dabi ; 11:50pm a girl after my own heart where r u ur dodging my question u on a date or smthng????
He's insistent, you'll give him that. You cross your legs as you lean back against the laminate counter and chew the inside of your lip.
He's typing. It starts, then stops, then starts again. 
When you start typing, the bubble disappears. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:50pm nah, got a huge paper to finish uni student, remember? sorry to disappoint 
→ dabi ; 11:51pm ur missin out giran got bottle service  him and nuri looked cozy
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:51pm not shocked she thinks she can fix him
→ dabi ; 11:51pm ooooo love when that happens poor girl
→ dabi ; 11:51pm u think u can fix me? :p
The emoji makes your face break into a smile — it's so... not what you expected. 
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:52pm nah i'm not stupid
→ dabi ; 11:52pm just busy.... really lame of u tbh coulda been fun
← 909.999.3399 ;  11:52pm wasting cash on mid drinks is the opposite of fun
→ dabi ; 11:52pm i meant seeing me
Oh, what the fuck.
Why does that text make your face feel hot? Why does that text make you feel like you're not texting the League of Villain's #1 Arsonist, but some cute boy from class? He's not a cute boy from class. He's a danger to society. 
You're glad you don't have the opportunity to reply. Your phone is buzzing in your hands, the haptic feedback lighting the neurons in your brain on fire.  
→ dabi ; 11:53pm gtg phone is gonna die have fun with ur paper u loser hope u get a good grade or whatever i'll txt u later
You shouldn't have texted Dabi.
But you did. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Hey! I hope you’re doing good in ur exams!!
Can I request a Tomura x Male reader?
Before the whole war…please, I’m grieving a lot for way too many reasons. ☹️
Tomura Shigaraki x male reader
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Big sucker for gamer Shigaraki, why did people stop writing it. So im basing this off earlier season Shiggy, but you can imagine him how you want.
Reader has a quirk vaguely based off Yaga from JJK, cuz I love JJK, and I love Yaga.
Dating Shigaraki was an… experience to say the least. He could be quite bratty or childish at times, but you couldn’t really blame him, especially after hearing about his relationship with that sensei of his.
You weren’t a villain. But you just… didn’t respect the system and thought the hero system was corrupt beyond redemption. You didn’t think Shigaraki’s Sensei had the right idea either. But you had been ignored more than once by the so-called heroes meant to save you.
You had what most would call a “villain” quirk, having the ability to make something akin to dolls or golems, some even being so complex they could think and feel on their own. You had even created more than one that didn’t know it was a doll.
Being raised by golems was an experience, as your parents had been so offput by your quirk and interest in how everything and everyone worked. They’d fed you and clothed you, but that was it. and when your younger siblings developed more “appropriate” quirks, the gap became massive.
It had led to you leaving home as a teen, having finished and graduated online school earlier than most.
You had left a small unnoticeable golem in your home, just to see how long it took your family to realize you were gone. The answer was three months, and it was only because your rich grandpa who had a string quirk, who had always supported your love for puppets, came back from abroad to visit.
The gratification of hearing and seeing your loving but serious grandpa rip your family apart verbally, and then take away all the monetary support he had been given them, was almost enough to cover up the pain of your empty stomach and warm you where you were huddled in an alley.
Meeting Shigaraki had been an accident in the beginning. Your golems had only gotten more and more complex, meaning you suddenly had an income that was more than enough to get your own place, with one of the golems as the “owner” of course.
After that you started selling information and different kinds of “defense” work. That meaning, you helped people hide from the hero commission, and get information other people couldn’t. what was better for that situation other than an army of people that just didn’t exist.
You were picked up by Giran, who had taken notice of your large net of people, whom he didn’t know were your puppets and golems. He, or rather All for one, paid much more than you really needed. But all these years had taught you more than most knew about the inner workings of hero society, so you didn’t turn it away.
You did have a slight feeling that All for one wanted to eat you after he learned about your quirk. But the whole having to build the skill and mental capacity seemed to stop him, for now, since he apparently didn’t have time to perfect it in time for what he had planned.
You were the first outsider in the league of villains, way before anybody else joined, which was how you and Shigaraki started spending time together.
In the beginning hed been his dry snappy bratty self, and he just reminded you of the dirty street cats that you used to feed when you still lived in alleyways. They’d hiss and spit, trying to puff up and look tough, but they always just looked so frail and vulnerable.
Neither of you could tell when your relationship became more than just coworkers. Maybe it was when Shigaraki had Kurogiri warp him to your penthouse since your tv “was bigger and better” than the one he had in his room.
Or when you started bringing him designer clothes that would fit him better than the rags he wore, or had your golems break into different shops to get him some ointment that would help with his scratching.
You even caught yourself once or twice trying to play his games, but you figured out your usual strategic and put together mind lost all its footing playing LOL. Never before had your age quit, and you were too shamed to try again after that.
Shigaraki would admit later that he had tried to get into your hobbies too, with a big blush on his face and a sour expression, like he didn’t want to admit that he had feelings. He couldn’t really get into the art that was doll and golem making, and just how detailed it got for you had his head spinning.
Neither of you ever outright asked the other to date, it just kinda progressed to that point. Shigaraki spent more time at your place than at the “villain hideout”, even after the rest of the league joined.
You started going on dates, which were you booking an entire arcade or restaurant, and having your golems serve you. Or letting Shigaraki lean against you playing his handheld as you planned stocks or different businesses you had your fingers in.
In front of others, you two just seemed like allies, maybe friends on a good day. And it only came out after Magne and Toga had been teasing Shigaraki about having no experience, where he snapped at them that he had a boyfriend, you.
The rest of the league were shocked to say the least, since you two didn’t act anything like a couple around them. But both you and Shigaraki just raise a brow going “why would we be all lovey at work”.
It didn’t surprise you that Shigaraki was touch starved and loved to cuddle. In the beginning he would almost act like it pained him to be touched and cradled. but so many years with no normal human contact always had that effect.
You weren’t used to it yourself, having gone so long with only the touch and comfort of your dolls and golems, but none of it was the same as when it was another person.
The two of you were pretty much dating in your shared opinion, before you ever really got physical. And by that, I mean, you started out by just sitting close or you wrapping your arms around Shigaraki.
Your lover was understandably scared of touching you with his hands, even when he wore gloves to stop his quirk from working. So, it was a major breakthrough when he did return the hugs, or would hold your hand.
But when the floodgates for affection opened, Shigaraki would always find himself clinging to you like a cat searching for warmth. It was pretty damn cute in your eyes, and whenever he would shuffle into the room, you just life an arm and let him melt into your side.
Most days you could keep working, answering the phone, checking your laptop, and what else. But there were also days where Shigaraki would grumble about dusting your stuff if you didn’t cuddle him right.
Part of you had a feeling it was Shigaraki wanting you to take a break, and the other part was sure it was just cuz he liked to be squeezed tight and snuggled. But who were you to complain.
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daughterofruins · 6 months
Alright, here's another pov, and I'm not saying I'm great at this or something, but c'mon guys thoda acha toh mai bhi likhti hun:))
POV: Manwa Lage
I never learnt classical dancing, but man did I love it, and that love made me participate in all these dance competitions in intra school level even if I was sure I ended up looking like a cow vibing to nursery rhymes.
With my jhumka set in place, I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. This was it. My first onstage performance after two years of no dancing.
Relax, breathe in and out. You've done this before. Remember, grace.
As soon as I stepped out of the greenroom and into the wings, waiting for my introduction, I knew something was wrong. There were far more people at the back of the hall then required, and I could see a dash of red and grey in the usual pool of white and blue skirts. Before I could give the commotion anymore thoughts, I could hear my name being called.
Right. Grace. Lets go!
As the music started wafting in the air, I allowed my body to softly move from side to side.
Ras bondiyan nayan piya ras rache
Dil dhad dhad dhake shor mache
As I tured around, all I could see was him. Him with his signature stupid smirk, except right now, when his lips were morphed into a smile, with surprise and admiration dripping from his honey brown eyes.
Yun dekh sekh sa lag jaaye
Mai jal jaun bas pyaar bache e e e e.
His eyes were following my movements with a certain...hunger in them, a deep longing embedded in them.
All logic failed me. My eyes were stuck on his. I couldn't, for the live of me, smile at my friends who had made it their personal mission to scream at every move and start a series of applause or my teachers who were as shocked as him, because me and dancing had been as faraway as fire and ice for the last two years.
Aise dore dale, kala jaadu naina kale
Tere mai havale aaja seene se lagale, o mai teraa
I knew I was messing up. Expression was a major criteria in the marking, and currently my eyes were set on certain honeybrown ones that refused to let go of the eye contact.
Oo dono dheeme dheeme chalein
Aaja dono aise milen
There. His smirk was back, his lips falling out of the smile as if it had never been there. Only the dimples still prominent, as though refusing to vanish without my closure. He cockily raised an eyebrow at me.
Zamin pe lage na tere na mere paanv reeeee
I snapped back into reality. This was it. I knew I was not going to win, but man I didnot want to lose because I was distracted, by him, nonetheless.
Manva lage, manva lage,
Lage re saanvre, lage re saanvre
Le tera hua jiya ka jiya ka jiya ka yeh ghav re.
As I did a final twirl, I could feel the push falling out. My left jhumka went for a toss, and landed somehwere with the audience and I was forced to exit the stage. I decided I would come back to look for my jhumka later. Other important concerns were bothering me.
As I exited the stage without looking back to check who was applauding and who wasn't, I was told to go back down to the hall and sit with the other contestants, except, I wasn't told that he would be sitting there.
Exiting the greenroom, I was about to enter the hall when a hand pulled me into the tiny corner adjacent to the hall, used for storing old practical files.
"Aakhir apne jhumke toh sambhal lo, is school ki responsibility baade mein sambhal lena"
There he stood in all his glory, his hand covering my lips in order to prevent me from screaming.
His hands reached for my clammy palms and softly, he dropped the jhumka in my hands. His touch was fleeting and gentle unlike his hands which were big and rough. I couldn't decide which of the two he thought were more fragile, the jhumka or my hand.
"Jhumka girane ka mujhe koi shauk nahi hai. Pata hota tumpe giregi toh mai ghumti hi nahi-"
Cutting me off he leaned closer and whispered,
"Aksar aise mauko pe log thank you bolte hai, lekin aapka pyara jatane ka tareka kuch alag hai, aur us hisab se mujhe thank you se kuch bohot zyada mila chuka hai. So thank you"
And he walked off, winking at me, leaving me with his lingering touch in my hands, and the ghost of his lips on my ears, stupidly making me wonder how they would feel on my neck, or worse, on my lips.
Tagging: @alhad-si-simran @om-is-ok @hawa-hawaiii @deesi-academia @hectorfrombritain @khwabedaa @indiansapphic @bandarrrrr @oh-munda-kukkad-kamaal-da @kajra-re and anyone else really. Lmk if you want to be tagged. Comments are more than welcome<3
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quirkwizard · 3 months
There isn't any real reasoning for why I made this. Maybe because I already did something like this with 1-A? I just thought it'd be a fun scenario to imagine where these characters would be if they had real jobs. Instead of ending up in various levels of dead or damaged. I will ignore characters that I think are simply too evil to have any real chances, like Moonfish, or others I just don't think are interesting, like Mange. That and most MLA because they already have real jobs. Them being redeemed would just be them going back to work with ankle bracelets on.
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Mustard-Fumigator: If his gas can knock out and poison people that quickly, I imagine that it can kill bugs just as well. And if he comes across any particularly bad bugs, he always has his gun.
Giran-Salesman: I mean, it'd be basically be what he was doing before. Now instead of seeing illegal weaponry, he'll be selling used cars so expensive it should be illegal.
Spinner-Streamer: He can still play games and not leave his house, but now he will hopefully have a more healthy outlet for everything he is going through. He doesn't even need a VTuber set up. He is the goofy model.
Tomura-Waste Management: This allows Tomura to let out his destructive tendencies and can help get rid of a lot of debris and trash that is just laying around. Now instead of leaving a destroy wasted, he can clean up the destroyed waste.
Mr. Compress-Street Mage: Probably the most obvious pick out of everyone on this list. Between his power, his gimmick, and his natural showmanship, it all fits right into this kind of job. He doesn't even need to change his outfit to make it work.
Muscular-Coach: Since he can't be trust in any fighting based sport. I'm not sure if this would be as a gym coach or personal couch, but either way, he is going to take all that sadisms and ideas of conflict and channeling that aggression for other people's benefit.
Kurogiri-Travel Agent: As much as hero may be on the table, I think there would be some optics issues with that. Still he could send people where ever they want to go on vacation with a fraction of the rates. Just as long as they give a way to send them back home.
Dabi-Lead Singer: Specifically something in the metal or rock genre. He's got that perfect mix of voice, look, and angst to fit right into that kind of culture. And considering how many songs are written for people who don't like their dads, he'd have plenty of material for songs.
Toga-Photographer: Toga was the hardest out of all of them. I just went with something that could express herself more healthy, maybe even being a crime scene photographer, and being in a job where stalking someone is considered worthwhile experience for the job.
Twice-Odd Jobs: As much as I want to say tailor for his sick measuring skills, he doesn't really have any definable skills. So having him be around and help people with his dozens of clones seems fitting. That and there is so much comedic potential in them doing odd jobs week to week.
Gigantomachia-Tourist Barge: Instead of demolishing cities, Gigantomachia can use his tough body to show people around normally hazardous areas like oceans or mountains. He can even use the cheers of the people he's carrying as encouragement to boost his power.
Geten-Ice Cream Man: I prefer to think that Geten's abilities would cover ice cream as well. As such, it is only a natural conclusion that he would become an ice cream man. And knowing him, he will fight and train to be the best ice cream man on the planet.
Kuin-Beekeeper: Considering how bad of a spot bees are in, Kuin could do a real service to the community be helping to spread out pollen with her power. And hey, leading a bunch of bees would come naturally to her as a living insect.
Number 6-Motivation Speaker: Forget the amount of social manipulation he did in his own story, I say this job fits because of the amount of spite Number 6 has. It's that spite that allowed him to get going and fulfil his dreams. Now that's inspiring.
Overhaul-Doctor: I've already gone over how useful "Overhaul" would be in medical work and he already has plenty of experience with medicine. Heck, we can even have the other yakuza guys around as nurses and other kinds of assistants. Beside manner may need work.
Stain-Bounty Hunter: I wanted Stain to end up somewhere where he could technically good, like a detective, but a bounty hunter fits way more within his skill set. Plus, there is a lot of comedy potential. Imagine a poster him in the bond office say "Pay your bond or else!"
Gentle and La Brava-Social Media Stars: Basically what they were doing before. Now with hopefully less crime in between videos. Gentle could even spin his whole redemption for more views, telling his sad story in prison and his time trying to rehabilitate himself. Take that as genuinely or facetiously as you want.
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
Ask Game: Mr.Compress and Midoriya meet before canon, Mr. Compress takes them under his wing to complete the heist of 2 centuries, stealing All for One. (Interaction with Midoriya also stops most of Compress' clownery) (Also, Midoriya's "stage" identity is "Miss Direction". It definitely does not become a gender thing. (it does).
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The news breaks about a massive security leak that outed a bunch of the faculty at Aldera as being sympathetic to Destro's movement, earning the interest of Mr. Compress. After all, the leak wasn't some digital hack, but the physical theft of various files. He has to see who's living up to his ancestor's legacy.
It is, of course, Midoriya. And unfortunately, his first caper was not exactly the cleanest. Luckily, Compress got there first and disposed of the incriminating evidence pointing to Midoriya and then introduced himself properly, offering to mentor him. While most people would be alarmed at a strange criminal tracking you down to teach you to crime better, Midoriya is rather short on positive relationships and accepts easily.
Compress is approached by Giran about being part of the League of Villain's upcoming raid on UA (Note: this is still a few years before the USJ attack would happen; AFO was recruiting in advance). Compress turns this down to focus on Midoriya's growth. While discussing this with Midoriya and the possibility of AFO's involvement, Midoriya suddenly realizes there is in fact a guy out there who has Quirks that Midoriya can take for himself so he won't be Quirkless anymore. Compress likes his audacity.
Over the next year, the two of them get into so many Villain/Vigilante hijinks while preparing for the AFO Heist. This is when Midoriya debuts his Miss Direction persona, which is definitely solely to protect his secret identity and not at all because he's always wanted to wear a dress and be pretty. It is during this time that the two of them start forming those connections with the various future UA students.
All this work pays off and earns them the attention of All For One and Garaki, who offer Miss Direction to undergo the All For One Copy implanting procedure instead of Nine, who will presumably die of clowning too hard but who cares. Unlike Nine, Midoriya's previously Quirkless body handles the copied Quirk perfectly, resulting in him not having the same Quirk limit that Nine canonically had.
+1. Thanks to Miss Direction being a secret identity, nobody in UA knows that she and Midoriya are the same person, leaving Midoriya extremely embarrassed whenever their classmates gush about her. Especially because Toga is openly crushing on Miss Direction.
+2. Midoriya doesn't figure out why she likes being Miss Direction so much for a long time, misunderstanding the euphoria as coming from basically being in a Hero Costume with a Hero Persona. Yes, even after she starts using a shapeshifting Quirk to really 'get into character.'
+3. Midoriya's attempts to cover for their secret identity leaves everyone convinced that Miss Direction has a crush on them.
For Fem!Midoriya, I'm going with the name Kumiko (久美子). That first kanji, 久, is the same as the one in Izuku (出久), which wasn't strictly necessary, but that's the kanji that happens to be the pun on the Japanese word for Nine and if Horikoshi is going all in on these shitty puns then so am I. Of course, since this pun is a homophone, any Ku sound would work.
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danthepest · 1 month
Videl's inclusion and integration into the Dragon Team is such a missed opportunity for fun interpersonal dynamics and interactions, what with Toriyama seemingly unable to decide where he wanted the story to go until Boo and Majin Vegeta basically derailed the entire thing.
One moment I keep imagining and can't get out of my head is everyone telling her stories of their adventures, how they met, how they were all kind of awful people when they were young and so on. Yet everyone has more than one moment where they displayed immense courage, loyalty, friendship, honor, selflessness etc.
But then they get to Vegeta. Everyone's kind of used to him now but once they try to think of any positives for the guy, they stop dead in their tracks. Pretend Boo and Majin Vegeta don't happen in this scenario yet. Or at all. Whatever floats your boat.
So they try to downplay how much of a scumbag he was or how he never really earned his place with the group or worked off his bad karma like the others did.
So they try to spin a "he helped when needed" tale more for Bulma's sake than anyone else's.
Piccolo ends up being the only one who tells her like it is and forces Gohan and Krilling to tell her the whole truth regarding Vegeta and what he was/is like.
So the three of them tell her everything. All the horrible stuff he did even when fighting on their side. Videl looks horrified at Bulma and Gohan, asking her how she could boink him and how Gohan can tolerate him after what he put him through.
"Eh, he's alright." he says.
Videl goes home and lays awake in bed in a state of a semi mental breakdown and existential crisis, wondering just what kind of insane group of people she's dealing with.
Bandits, would-be assassins, space pirates, alien demons, shapeshifting animals, fearsome castle lords, cyborgs made by a cooky old geezer from a long gone terrorist army, CEO of Capsule Corp who at 16 shot a 12 your old monkey boy in the head with a pistol with no hesitation, bizarre cat deities that live with lazy fat ronin and perverted martial arts hermits who taught math to his students as part of their training.
On top of learning that there was a literal space Hitler zipping around the galaxy, wiping out entire solar systems and was this close to wiping out Earth if not for a time traveling half alien, half human hybrid.
It's a lot to process and she can't even talk to her dad about it because he's still in denial over what he saw in the old tournaments and during the Cell Games.
Then she learns that the Tournament Announcer is a bit in-the-know and goes to him for information only to find that all he knows is what he witnessed at the tournaments and his knowledge of old martial artists. Then he gives her a history lesson on martial artists like King Chappa, Namu, Giran, Bacterian, the Wolf Man and so on. He helps her deal with all the weird and bizarre shit of the world that she was frighteningly ignorant of.
But will forever have a hard time feeling safe with Vegeta around
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itsallgrianhere · 5 months
Giran is grian's long lost brother when he was still living on evo smp
Grain is a spatial anomaly that sometimes occur when the hermatrix glitches out
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lynnscove · 9 hours
100 Cruel!Dabi facts
‼️Reminder that none of these are meant to be canon!! AU=Alternate Universe! Nothing is the same!
A bunch of these are repeated from past posts, not new stuff.
Also! This is the very first cruel!Dabi post that's "canon" to this AU, and not just a list silly things he might do. These are things he has done, his habits, his thrills, etc.‼️
Cruel!Dabi left home at 8 years old, was in a coma for 2 years, and lived on the street from 10-17.
Cruel!Dabi can't read or write properly because of his lack of education,, he denies this.
Cruel!Dabi is 24 years old. He dies at 32.
Cruel!Dabi has drank his own piss and cum at the same time.
Cruel!Dabi was tipped off by Giran about the whereabouts of the abandoned apartment building, that's where he's lived for the last 7 years. He cleaned the entire building alone.
Cruel!Dabi is a necrophiliac.
Cruel!Dabi loves butt plugs for his partner.
Cruel!Dabi dislikes people who are overweight, but adores people who are underweight no matter how unhealthy it is.
Cruel!Dabi prefers inverted or flat nipples.
Cruel!Dabi doesn't have quirk preferences, but if he was forced to choose he'd want a dog quirk or a doll quirk.
Cruel!Dabi killed Hawks, Mirko and Endeavor before his death. (Aswell as many smaller heroes)
Cruel!Dabi has sexual trauma of his own.
Cruel!Dabi is not an official member of the league, he comes and goes. He only goes on missions that he deems interesting.
Cruel!Dabi ate a lot of wet dog food while on the street, and still keeps some under the sink for whenever he's craving it.
Cruel!Dabi has gashes in his cheeks that show his teeth, food often falls out of them when he chews.
Cruel!Dabi avoids eating around reader, unless he's actively starving them.
Cruel!Dabi has stretched lobes.
Cruel!Dabi has multiple genital piercings.
Cruel!Dabi forces reader to eat any pieces of burnt skin that fall off of him.
Cruel!Dabi often takes liquid away from reader, and only offers them glasses of his own piss.
Cruel!Dabi takes "mental health walks."
Cruel!Dabi hates vomit.
Cruel!Dabi hates politicians, judges, police, and anyone else in that occupational genre.
Cruel!Dabi tried to kill trumpet after the PLF formed.
Cruel!Dabi listens to a lot of Fleetwood Mac.
Cruel!Dabi often thinks of himself as a kind and merciful person, because he's not as bad as he could be.
Cruel!Dabi duct tapes his cheeks so that he doesn't drool during his sleep.
Cruel!Dabi runs hot, but has cold hands.
Cruel!Dabi dislikes piercings, tattoos, and body mods on his partner.
Cruel!Dabi prefers to date someone who's a virgin, but he'll be with someone who isn't, as long as they've never been in love (romantically) before.
Cruel!Dabi goes through episodes where he doesn't comprehend anything, and stays in place for hours on end without any sign of life.
Cruel!Dabi uses sewing pins to keep the faces in the hall stretched appropriately and to his liking
Cruel!Dabi is willing to take down everything in the hall, if reader isn't showing signs of defiance or running away.
Cruel!Dabi likes music with stalker-ish vibes. (Ex. every breath you take.)
Cruel!Dabi will staple chunks of his own skin over any self inflicted scars on readers body. He hates any scars left by someone who isn't him.
Cruel!Dabi practiced dancing with corpses while living on the street, and made a name for himself as a local urban legend.
Cruel!Dabi DIYs most of his own clothes, and has multiple outfits made partially of human body parts.
Cruel!Dabi is turned on by cannibalism.
Cruel!Dabi generally dislikes the league members, especially Shigaraki and Magne.
Cruel!Dabi hates Re-Destro.
Cruel!Dabi finds lingerie tacky.
Cruel!Dabi wants to visit Serbia. (I'll give you a cookie if you can guess why)
Cruel!Dabi prefers helicopter rides to plane rides, but hates both.
Cruel!Dabi has never actually used a deceased persons genitals to get himself off, but used to regularly use organs and pieces of skin.
Cruel!Dabi hates when people try to teach him things unprompted.
Cruel!Dabi swears often, but expects reader to use modest language when speaking to him.
Cruel!Dabi bought a cup after being punched in the dick on a mission.
Cruel!Dabis bedsheets are a dark shade of grey, and he washes them frequently because he hates the feeling of his dead skin on the sheets. He does not clean readers bed, ever.
Cruel!Dabi hates cheesecake.
Cruel!Dabi doesn't like rock or metal music, but sometimes listens to it if the he likes the lyrics enough.
Cruel!Dabi calls himself an artist, referring to his work with corpses.
Cruel!Dabi has a God complex.
Cruel!Dabi deemed Skeptic useless after the reveal, and wanted to kill him, but was stopped by a lesser known PLF member.
Cruel!Dabi set up his big reveal entirely different than in canon.
Cruel!Dabi hates Stain.
Cruel!Dabi doesn't kill spiders.
Cruel!Dabi burns churches. He says they're worshipping a false and cruel God.
Cruel!Dabi is a hypocrite, who hates hypocrites.
Cruel!Dabi talks a lot in battle, but not because his firepower runs out and he needs to stall. He just thinks tormenting people is fun.
Cruel!Dabi typically wakes up around 8:30, and goes to bed at 12:00. (Midnight)
Cruel!Dabi has a mild fear of heights.
Cruel!Dabi likes lips and tongues more than the rest of the body.
Cruel!Dabi has a female preference in his partners.
Cruel!Dabi eats a lot of cheese, and usually cuts it up into cubes so he can eat it off tooth picks to feel fancy.
Cruel!Dabi likes girls between 5'0 and 5'5, but likes boys between 5'3 and 5'6.
Cruel!Dabi never gets bored of submission.
Cruel!Dabi kills anyone in his way but avoids seriously harming children under 16.
Cruel!Dabi likes oviposition a lil bit.
Cruel!Dabi likes a partner with a small bladder.
Cruel!Dabi, with a submissive and sweet partner would essentially treat them like a child. (Ex. Only lets them watch kids shows, only takes them outside to go to parks, buys them coloring books and stuffies.) as long as they didn't show fear of him.
Cruel!Dabi gets angry when reader is afraid, but loves the thrill of it. He has a hard time accepting that them being unafraid isn't a sign of defiance.
Cruel!Dabi never wants kids.
Cruel!Dabi hasn't lost a fight since he was 15.
Cruel!Dabi wants reader to love him, but hate his actions.
Cruel!Dabi mourns Touya as if he were a seperate person.
Cruel!Dabi once told Geten and Re-Destro that they seemed gay for eachother.
Cruel!Dabi would probably hate tumblr. Everyone is too nice here.
Cruel!Dabi is based off of multiple other characters mashed together (ask me who, if you want!)
Cruel!Dabi doesn't care about mold on food, and eats it anyways.
Cruel!Dabi would brand his initials onto reader, but also brand theirs onto him.
Cruel!Dabi is a bit insecure about his scars, especially the holes around his mouth.
Cruel!Dabi hates sex workers, and targets them.
Cruel!Dabi refuses to watch porn that isn't of him or reader (or both).
Cruel!Dabi doesn't like mickey mouse.
Cruel!Dabi loves anal.
Cruel!Dabi claims he can't feel physical pain, or pleasure, but he's lying.
Cruel!Dabi likes to give forehead kisses and cheek bites.
Cruel!Dabi thinks that Shigaraki is ugly.
Cruel!Dabi would be deemed attractive if he didn't have his scars.
Cruel!Dabi owns multiple Endeavor hate accounts.
Cruel!Dabi hates fractions.
Cruel!Dabi likes greco more than other pizza place. (Loves their garlic fingers)
Cruel!Dabi claims that ferret is the worst tasting animal.
Cruel!Dabi hates tomatoes and peppers.
Cruel!Dabi may, or may not have an affinity for anarchists.
Cruel!Dabi was shot by a police officer once, and the bullet was never removed.
Cruel!Dabi thinks that biting reader is romantic.
Cruel!Dabi hates rats.
Cruel!Dabi spent a week or two in the orphanage instead of leaving right away.
Cruel!Dabi loves reader more than anything else.
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just-getaway · 1 month
OC INFO || Getaway 🏁
Basic Rules Post
Art by @tokkiyuni (aka me!!)
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Name: Minori (未乘) Sawatari (佐渡)
Alias: “Getaway”
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: Villain, transport
Quirk: “Pedal to the Metal”
- Allows her to make a vehicle appear with a snap of her finger, her main choice being a limousine. She could make the vehicle appear wherever she wants, whether it’s a place she’s been before or where she’s currently looking at in her surroundings.
- Her vehicle limit is 4, though she would prefer using 1 or 2. She could control the summoned vehicles, even if she isn’t in them.
- She could visualize the surroundings of the vehicles, and would know if they’re taking damage or not (she would feel the impact, which is painful, but I’m gonna make her have high tolerance to pain)
- A few examples of what vehicles she could do is a motorcycle, an SUV, or a whole ass war tank. What ever vehicle exists, she could make said-vehicle appear right in front of you- or above you, if she wants to crush you to your death. The bigger the machine, the more energy she uses up.
- Unlike normal vehicles, Getaway’s vehicle could pack a punch, depending on her condition. If she was hurt/sick/etc, her vehicle would be more vulnerable than usual.
- Minori was sold off to a lab by her parents at a young age of 4, due to them living in poverty (well not anymore after yk they sold off their daughter). She would be experimented on constantly, being poked and probed in unneeded procedures for days on end. It was a long cycle of torture for her.
- This lasted for years until she eventually snapped, killing most of the doctors that worked in the lab before escaping. She left one doctor alive, that being Dr. Garaki himself, AFO’s trusted ally.
- She was on her own for a while. All the torture she’s gone through resulted in her resentment towards society, unable to connect with others. Her mindset was ‘all humans are garbage’
- One day, she unknowingly bumped into someone, who you may know as Giran, at a bar. The two never batted an eye to each other until a brawl began to break loose behind them. The commotion agitating her, and with no hesitation whatsoever, she rammed a van right through the bar, the only things that stayed in tact was the bar table, Giran, and the bartender himself.
- Giran saw how unfazed she was, making him raise a brow in curiosity:
“Did you do that?”
“May I ask why you did it?”
“…Loud. They were being too loud.”
- Giran took interest in her quirk, and offered her a job to work beside him, and maybe for a certain villain group that could use her help with getaways. Giran then asked her, “What do you go by?”
She stood silent for a moment before scoffing, “Nobody..”
He smiled and chuckled, offering her a cigarette, “Right.. How does ’Getaway’ sound?”
She remained quiet once more, but took the cigarette from his hand. She ended up working with him after all.
- Getaway uses support gear, aka her main weapons of defense since she cannot always rely on her quirk. The gauntlets would come from the metal devices that are hidden under the ends of her sleeves, wrapped around her upper forearms below where the elbows bend.
Age when she was brought to the lab: 4 yrs old
Age when escaped lab: 18 yrs old
Age when meeting Giran: 33 yrs old
Current age: 38 yrs old
- What got her fixated into racing-related things were the toy race cars Dr. Garaki would get after her procedures, and racing footage to keep her occupied. The room she was kept in had a mini TV that only play VHS tapes; Dr. Garaki lended her one VHS tape that played a compilation of car races. She found somewhat of a comfort in racing, like an escape from all the bad she's been put through
- Car crashes did occur in the tape, though she was unfazed and.. intrigued by them. Sometimes she would be seen replaying the crashes by Dr. Garaki, he thought nothing of it- but the real intentions of why she was playing those parts were that she was plotting on how to escape the facility, but she watched mostly because she felt some sort of satisfaction of cars colliding with each other
- After meeting Giran and getting the job, she wanted to try out racing, just like in the tape. She enjoyed it, it felt more thrilling than she could imagine (she would get paid for each race she won). Unfortunately, she fell victim in an accident in one of her races. Her legs were unrepairable and they had to be amputated. Giran designed her prosthetics and was given permission to spend her racing money for the parts. Once she got used to her new legs, she was back on the road
- Before Giran, she was quiet and resented literally anyone. After Giran- not much changed- buut she could be around people without feeling plagued with complete resentment. Yes she still hates people, but she learned that there are some that don't have it easy, just like her
- She definitely doesn't trust anyone she meets (Giran being one of the only exceptions). She has mixed feelings about the LoV, though I suppose she doesn't hate them. They're a unique group of individuals that she tries to keep distant with- But since Giran works as their broker, that means she technically works with them too
- She jokes around here and there, she may be cold but she's not that heartless. Her humor could be dark, strange, or mean- but she means well
- She has a bit of a short temper; sometimes when she’s had enough, she grabs the nearest vehicle or object (depending on if she’s inside or out) and throws it, or destroys it by hand, with or without her gauntlets. Her superhuman strength was a result of being experimented on back when she was still stuck in the lab facility
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orobivrse · 3 months
or something ♡ (shigadabi)
wc: 3.8k
pairings: shigaraki x dabi (bnha)
genre: fluff, suggestive
cw: there's a lot of talk about sex but no actual written sex scenes (minors dni), friends to fwb to lovers, they're not villains in this au just outcasted, communication issues, bisexual dabi, gay tomura
Dabi had never let the loneliness he'd been forced into bother him. Dabi sits on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. His lungs are on their last legs but he lights up the cigarette in his mouth anyways. It burns a little on the inhale but breathing has always felt like that for him. He watches the smoke swirl around the empty room as he tries everything he can to shut down the memories of ‘Touya Todoroki”. Dabi wants, for even just a second, to be free of his past. He pretends the smoke eases him and relaxes against the leather seating. He hadn't done much today, a rare quiet day among his friends. He didn't know where everyone else was, nor did he care.
After a seemingly endless twenty minutes of vacant staring, Dabi extinguishes his cigarette. He's not ‘lonely’, per se, but the silence grates on him. He's accustomed to the bustling atmosphere of a full house, and while he doesn't yearn for the tumultuous arguments of his parents, he does find himself longing for the playful banter of his siblings. He imagines his friend Tomura, probably awake at this hour, engrossed in his video games and pestering his ‘uncles’ who took him in after the incident that left him homeless. Dabi’s not sure if what he has with Tomura is friendship; the pair is closer than most, and while they are not physically affectionate, they’ve shared many deep romantic talks. Though he'd never admit it, Tomura is the only one Dabi feels he can talk to for real. Dabi enjoys Tomura's company, not because of the need to speak but because of the way the clicking and soft music of his video games fill the quiet that unsettles him.
As if on cue, Dabi hears his phone ping and checks his phone to see his best friend's name pop up on his screen. It's Tomura asking him to come over. He asks who else is coming and, even though he does have some love for the rest of his friends, he's pleased to see that it'll be just the two of them. He drags himself up, remembering to pocket his cigarettes, and shrugs on his jacket. The walk to Tomura's house doesn't take more than 10 minutes and Dabi, who's always sensitive to the cold, is thankful for that. He passes two of his little brother's friends while he's out, and despite his history, they greet him with a wave. When he arrives at the rundown bar his friend lives in. He opens the door to see Kurogiri standing behind the bar.
“Here to see Tomura? He's upstairs. We’re going soon, so you’ve got the house to yourself.”
Dabi nods and heads up to Tomura's bedroom. He doesn't know what compels him to do so, but he stops outside the door to listen for a second. He hears Lebanon Hanover playing behind the clicking of controller buttons. It's familiar to him and he feels immediately safe. He swings open the door, inviting himself in and sits on Tomura's bed. Tomura is sitting on a bean bag chair next to the bed and only looks away from the screen once to give Dabi a nod of acknowledgement. They sit quietly until Tomura finishes his round.
“So, where have you been?” asks Tomura, crawling up to the bed to sit next to Dabi.
“Found some empty house a few streets away. It's cold, but it's a decent size.”
“Sounds gross,” says Tomura as he changes the song on his playlist.
“It's cleaner than your room,” Dabi retorts. Tomura immediately launches himself at Dabi, and he enjoys how easy it is to rile him up. Dabi easily pushes Tomura down so that he can lie against the pillows with his legs over Dabi's lap.
“Whatever. I don't get why you won't stay with us. Kurogiri and Giran wouldn't care” Dabi had been kicked out by his father. He still sees his siblings occasionally but has no contact with his parents. He's an adult in college, but without daddy's money, his student loan barely covers tuition. He can't pay rent, so he's either couch-surfing around his friends' houses or sleeping in abandoned housing in the poorer parts of town.
“Because you listen to shitty music like this, try listening to something with heavy guitars and I’ll consider.” Dabi jokes, but the real reason Dabi won't stay with him is because of the feeling that stirs in his stomach whenever he's around his friend for too long. Dabi puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it with his quirk. Tomura allows Dabi to smoke in his room so long as he stands by the window. Dabi gets up and opens the window as wide as it will go. When the window's like this, Dabi can comfortably lean out the window while he smokes. He's quickly joined by Tomura, who breathes the cold air outside his window.
“It's nice, isn't it? The city looks a lot less judgmental from here,” he sighs, looking out at all the lights. Their whole friend group is formed by people with unfortunate quirks and rough pasts full of resentment from those around them. Dabi shrugs, exhaling smoke. “I wonder what the others are doing,” Dabi shrugs again. Tomura leans his head against Dabi, who doesn't move. The touch initially flusters him, but he covers it smoothly with another drag of his cigarette.
“Are you good?” he asks Tomura, who nods against his arm.
“Do you think if I wear my gloves all the time and get my degree, people will stop treating me weirdly?” Tomura asks, holding out his hand and showing off his two-finger glove. Dabi and Tomura have dealt with their tumultuous pasts differently; Tomura desires to please people and be accepted by those who rejected him, while Dabi just wants to move on by himself and be rid of his father.
“Maybe,” says Dabi. Tomura nods. Dabi puts out his cigarette, and they walk over to the bed. They sit back down and watch the TV quietly for ten minutes. Dabi can feel Tomura's eyes on him. Tomura asks another question. Dabi fights the urge to groan aloud when his friend speaks up. He'd always been the quieter of the two, but Tomura’s never been this chatty.
“Did you know your hair looks nice white?” Tomura asks, pointing at the white roots that are starting to show in his hair. Touya’s hands instinctively fly to his hair to play with a strand before realising Tomura had complimented him.
“Do you wanna make out with me or something?” he jokes, but Tomura quickly swings a leg over Dabis so he straddles him. This isn't the first time he has jokingly flirted with his best friend, and it's not even the first time they’ve been this close, but something felt different about this closeness.
“or something”, he mumbles, leaning in to capture Dabi's lips in a kiss. It takes a moment to settle in before Dabi starts to kiss back. The kiss doesn't set off fireworks or alter his perception of the universe like in those awful movies Himiko is obsessed with; it's comfortable and natural. Tomura has always been touchy with him; Dabi supposes it’s because he’s one of the first people not to be scared of Tomura’s quirk. Dabi rolls them so he’s hovering over Tomura and leans down to press kisses down his neck. “Fucking finally,” Tomura huffs as he reaches his hands between them to grab at Dabis's belt. “I've been waiting for this.”
Hearing Tomura's admission has Dabi’s mind reeling. He pulls back from Tomura’s neck and takes a second to stare at his face. It takes him a second to realise that Tomura is waiting for a response, but he’s been rendered speechless, so he gives it in the form of a roll of his hips. The soft gasp from Tomura has him eager to keep going. He leans in as close as possible to Tomura and finally speaks.
“Can I stay over tonight?”
The next day, as Dabi walks down the cold street to a nearby diner, he reflects on the night before. He recalls how Tomura had tasted and how Tomura had felt around him, but there was still an odd feeling lingering in Dabi’s stomach. They hadn’t actually talked about their feelings or how this would change their friendship. Tomura had fallen asleep in Dabi’s arms five minutes after the second round, and Dabi had left early in the morning, leaving a text telling Tomura that he’d gone out. Dabi figures that when Tomura had said he’d ‘been waiting for this’, he just meant that he was horny. He feels a little resentful at the Idea that Tomura just wants sex and knows it’s a bad idea to let himself get into a friends-with-benefits type relationship when he already feels a certain way about Tomura. He wants to talk to Tomura. He knows it's probably the smart thing to do, but he doesn't know if he can handle the rejection. He kicks a bin in frustration as he passes.
When he gets to the Diner, he sees his brother sitting at one of the booths. Despite vibrant shades of hair being commonplace due to quirks, the stark white of his little brother's hair stands out among the crowd.
“Hey, Natsu,” he says, grunting as he plops himself down against the cushioned booth seat.
“You look like shit” is all Natsuo offers him as a greeting causing him to roll his eyes. Natsuo pushes a cup of coffee towards his big brother, and Dabi takes it with a nod. They meet biweekly at a quiet, run-down diner for a greasy breakfast and catch-up. “Seriously though, what’s wrong?” asks Natsuo.
“It's complicated; don't worry about it.”
“Well, now I'm worried, so you have to tell me.”
Dabi groans at his brother’s stubbornness, which they inherited from their father. They make eye contact, a silent competition in which Natsuo almost immediately wins as Dabi gives in.
“I slept with Tomura,” he says, and Natsuo almost chokes on the egg and rice he’s shovelling into his mouth. And then I slept over and left before he woke up,” he nods, clearly thinking as he chews his food. Natsuo swallows harshly before looking up at Dabi like he's crazy.
“So you had a one-night stand with your friend. This isn't the first time. Didn't you lose your virginity to Magne?” Natsuo says, reminding Dabi of the night he’d spent with the older woman. She wasn't much older than Dabi, but she was more experienced than him and was one of the only people he was comfortable with touching him. She’d been so gentle in guiding him through his nerves, and she didn't once laugh at him as he clumsily followed her instructions. He had a great time with Magne, but it felt different with her than with Tomura, and he knew exactly why.
“It's different,” he mumbles, gulping his coffee. Natsuo doesn’t respond, and Dabi can’t make eye contact with him. He diverts his eyes to the menu board, pretending to read today's breakfast specials. His attention is brought back to the man in front of him when Natsuo suddenly bursts into laughter, drawing other customers' attention. In embarrassment, Dabi kicks his brother under the table, who stops laughing to hiss at the sting. Dabi didn't kick him hard; Natsuo is just a wuss. “What’s so funny?” he asks angrily, already knowing exactly what Natsuo was laughing at.
“You’re in love with your best friend and slept with him without telling him how you feel? You’re such a fucking idiot, dude,” he says. Dabi immediately protests the idea that he’s in love with Tomura, but Natsuo gives him an unamused expression that immediately shuts him up.
“That’s mostly correct -” Dabi starts, emphasising the word mostly.
“I’m entirely correct. So what now? You friends with benefits?” Asks Natsuo. Dabi doesn't have a response to that question. Dabi and Tomura didn't establish anything at all. All they did was fuck and sleep. Dabi shrugs, and Natsuo smacks his forehead in frustration and disappointment. “You’re a mess”
“Well, there wasn't really much talking going on,” he says defensively. Ignoring Natsuo’s fake gagging noises. “I think it was just a one-time thing, but I don’t know.” Dabi feels his annoyance growing as he discusses this topic. He’d often broken up fights between his brothers, so he’s good at problem-solving for others, but for himself? He's useless.
“Why don’t you just ask him like a well-adjusted adult?” He says. Dabi pushes down the urge to launch himself across the table at his brother’s logical and sound advice. If he had wanted genuine help, he would’ve asked their sister, Fuyumi.
“Does anything about me look well-adjusted?” Dabi retorts instead of acknowledging the advice.
“Look, Touya -” Dabi cringes at the name. Natsuo and Fuyumi still have trouble calling him anything other than his birth name. Natsuo immediately catches it and apologises, fixing his mistake. “Sorry, Dabi. Suppose you don't talk to him about your feelings. In that case, your only options are to ignore that it ever happened and continue suppressing your feelings, or become friends with benefits and be in a relationship dynamic you are unsatisfied with.” He says, finishing his bowl of food. Dabi leans forward, slumping onto the table and smacks his head against the surface a few times, trying to clear it of all his turbulent thoughts. When he sits up straight, Natsuo looks at him inquisitively, and Dabi just puts enough change to cover his coffee on the table and stands. “Where are you going?”
“Tomura’s house”
When Dabi arrives at the bar, he says hi to Kurogiri and Giran before storming into Tomura’s bedroom to see his friend still asleep. He was going to storm in, confess his feelings, and leave. He stops, taken aback by how soft Tomura looks curled up in his sheets. His chest squeezes, and suddenly, he's filled with fear that he squashes into indifference. Tomura opens his eyes as if he can feel Dabii staring at him.
“Why are you out of bed?” he asks, voice hoarse with sleep.
“I went to meet up with my brother”, Dabi explains.
“Ok…get back in bed then”, Tomura says, reaching out to grab Dab’s hand and pull him back to bed.
“After a cig, I will,” he says. He leans out the window, lights up a cigarette and exhales the smoke as he thinks deeply about what to do next. All his confidence shattered the moment he saw Tomura; there was no way he would be able to confess now. Dabi hears Tomura shuffle around but doesn’t turn to look at him. He feels Tomura tug at his jacket, pulling it from his body and throwing it on a nearby chair. Tomura’s arms wrap around his waist and Tomura’s forehead presses against his back.
“Come back to bed,” whines Tomura, fingers ghosting over Dabi’s belt buckle. “I can give you something better to put in your mouth.”
Dabi shakes his head in disbelief. That answers the question of whether or not the sex would be a one-time thing. He wordlessly puts out his cigarette, turns around and lifts Tomura into his arms. Tomura wraps his legs around Dabi’s waist and lets himself be carried over to the bed, where Dabi unceremoniously dumps him onto his back. Dabi stands above Tomura, who looks up at him with a satisfied grin as he removes his shirt.
“You really think you can be quiet this time? We’re not alone today” he says. The last thing he’d want is to be walked in.
“Just lock the door and come fuck me,” says Tomura, rolling his eyes. Dabi is all too happy to oblige. The feelings talk could wait for another time.
A week later, they still haven't spoken about it. They’ve slept together a few times since, and Dabi accepts that Tomura doesn’t want to label anything and their ‘new relationship’ consists of no strings attached sex. His feelings haven’t quelled, and he grows increasingly frustrated every time he sees Tomura. He knows he should sit Tomura down and have a proper talk, but he’s convinced himself he’s ok with having Tomura in any capacity.
He's sitting at a booth in a bar surrounded by his friend group. He’s squished between the girls. Himiko aggressively explains to Jin and Shuichi why her crush giving her a pen in class counts as flirting. Magne sits on his other side, and he notices she’s been watching over him all night. She decided to be the designated driver tonight so the others could drink. After several more minutes of silence, she leans in and talks lowly in his ear.
“You ok, sweetheart?” she asks, tone soft as usual. She's always been the group's mother, eager to care for all of them. Dabi nods, not wanting to worry her, though if he were going to open up about his problem to anyone, it would be her. She looks unconvinced but sits back and engages Atsuhiro in a conversation about theatre. The two of them like to watch local productions and give reviews. Atsuhiro runs several social media accounts reviewing the performances. Dabi doesn’t read the reviews, but he makes sure to like his friends' posts when they pop up on his feed. Tomura is sitting across from him, and with everyone else engaged in conversation, the only place he can look is at the man who is causing all his inner turmoil. He realises that Tomura hasn't been drinking at all. His glass is still full, which is shocking because, aside from Dabi himself, Tomura is usually the most drunk at these group get-togethers. He waits for Tomura to meet his eyes, then tilts his head towards the other man's drink in a silent question. Tomura picks up his phone, and Dabi is immediately confused about why Tomura hasn’t answered his question verbally. A second later, a notification comes through his phone, and he picks it up to see that Tomura has texted him a response instead. He tries to switch his phone off in time so that no one else can see the message reading ‘can’t fuck you if I'm drunk’, but he’s not quick enough for Magne’s nosey reflexes, and she lets out a shriek of horror. Tomura doesn't look embarrassed, but Dabi feels as if his skin is on fire. Magne immediately quiets down when she realises that this must have something to do with Dabi’s souring mood. She makes up that she’d seen him sending flirty messages to an unknown when the table enquires about her outbursts. Dabi is grateful Magne doesn't tell the group about him and Tomura.
Tomura’s message, however, was the final straw for Dabi, who stood up. He intends to go home rather than endure teasing from his friends, as well as pointed looks and more provocative texts from Tomura. He figures if there's any right time to talk properly; it should be now while the adrenaline is flowing. Magne and Atsuhiro move aside to let Dabi pass, and he rounds the table, grabbing Tomura's arm and pulling him up and out of the booth.
“We're going to go. Tomura isn’t feeling well,” he says, dragging Tomura out of the bar with him after waving goodbye to the group. He doesn’t turn around to see the group's reactions, but he knows they’ve probably figured out that the random person Magne had been talking about was actually Tomura. Tomura doesn’t say anything until Dabi calls a taxi.
“Where are we going?” Asks Tomura, leaning up against him in the back of the vehicle.
“The house I’ve been staying in. We won’t be interrupted,” Dabi says. Tomura tries to press kisses to his neck, but Dabi stops him. “Behave until we get to my place.” Tomura obediently agrees and settles into Dabi’s side. Dabi’s mind is working overtime trying to keep up the motivation.
When they arrive back at the house, he guides Tomura into the house and to the sofa. The place is usually cold and empty, but it does feel a little homier with Tomura in it. Dabi takes a seat on the sofa, and Tomura all but pounces on him immediately. Tomura pulls Dabi into a kiss that almost distracts him from his mission.
“We need to talk”, Dabi says between kisses. Tomura mumbles out ‘later’ and goes to reattach his lips to Dabi’s. Dabi puts his hands on Tomura’s shoulders, stopping him from coming any closer. “No, we need to talk now,” says Dabi, and Tomura deflates slightly. Tomura stays where he is, straddling Dabi’s lap as he places his hands on Dabis shoulders for stability.
“What could there possibly be to talk about right now?” asks Tomura
“Us? What about us?”
Dabi sighs and shifts beneath Tomura. He hadn’t expected to get this far, and now he doesn't know what to say. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
“I don’t think I can do this with you anymore. I -” He begins his explanation, though it doesn’t matter as he immediately gets interrupted by Tomura. Who freezes above him.
“I'm so sorry. Did I do something wrong?” asks Tomura, who begins to move off of Dabi’s lap. Dabi realises how poorly worded his first sentence was and immediately grips Tomura's thigh, forcing him back onto Dabi’s lap. “Do you not want to sleep with me anymore? Are you not having fun?” Dabi stops Tomura’s ranting by grabbing his face and making eye contact.
“Can you let me finish? It's not that I don't wanna fuck you. I just don't think I can sleep with you knowing how I feel about you.” he says, releasing Tomuras face and looking up at the ceiling in preparation for rejection.
“And how do you feel about me?” he asks. Dabi realises that this is it. He can’t pussyfoot around an honest answer; he has to say how he feels. He still can’t bring himself to make eye contact with Tomura, so he keeps his eyes trained on the plaster above him.
“I like you. I've wanted to be exclusive this entire time. I can’t do no strings attached. I’ve never felt like this before, and it's pissing me off, but the thought of you with someone else makes me feel sick. I want you so bad.” The words tumble clumsily from his mouth, and, as cathartic as it is to say it finally, his stomach turns slightly. He can hear the vulnerability in his shaky voice and hates it.
“Exclusive like ‘boyfriends’ type of exclusive?” asks Tomura, tilting Dabi’s head forward to look into his eyes. Dabi sees Tomura’s smile and soft expression, and the rotted feeling in his stomach fades. Dabi nods, scared to say anything else and embarrass himself further. “I’m not going to lie. I thought we were boyfriends this entire time,” He says confidently.
“Yeah, oh. I’m sorry for not communicating properly. Will you forgive me, baby?” asks Tomura. The pet name has Dabi’s heart squeezing in his chest and he leans forward to kiss Tomura.
“I'll forgive you if you be my boyfriend.”
“Of course. Now take me to bed.”
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pocketramblr · 5 months
What would've happened if the affair got discovered?
Well that'd be bad, but I guess it depends on when it was discovered. I'm also assuming you mean like, specifically by Enji, not Natsuo or a random nurse or whoever
Before Shoto was burned? Rei would either have to beg apology and never speak to Giran again, with this held over her head any time she tried to disagree about anything regarding their children or marriage, or, she'd be suddenly unable to live at her own home or see any of her own children, and as a woman with no job or college experience she'd end up very reliant on Giran's connections instead, which, yeah bad
After? Well a lot can be swept under the umbrella of "oh of course Rei did, she's Not In Her Right Mind", and Giran would quickly not be allowed in the hospital or to contact Rei at all. Shoto wouldn't be allowed to but he kinda wasn't anyway, maybe the other kids not either but he doesn't pay attention to them for too long so they do anyway. Rei'd be doing worse though
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sleazysquid · 2 years
hii for the giran request i was thinking: giran who makes his darling use a dildo that’s basically a mold of his dick for whenever he’s not home.
and if they chose not to comply and be pliant and ready for him when he gets home, he does something messed up to them and erases ther memory right after. so reader would get the feeling that something bad happened to them but they also get anxiety because they’ll never remember what
i’m sorry if this is too long also i love ur writing it’s so dark and juicy😮‍💨
I’ll do you one better anon, it won’t just be a dildo in the likeness of his cock, but a special attachment to a bluetooth fucking machine. ;)
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The Machine- Giran x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags/Warnings: female reader, noncon, basement wife once again, yandere Giran, mind-erasing/mind-fucking, sex machine usage, Giran calls himself “daddy” once
You’re not sure how you ended up here, in this hellhole. You don’t remember anything else besides Giran. Whatever you did before your mind was erased must have been pretty horrible to end up in a situation like you are now. Maybe it’s punishment, a reward, something. It physically ails you to keep grasping at dusty memories that don’t hold a candle to what you know now. All you know, all you live for, is Giran. A sleazy chain smoking bastard that supplies cheaply made black market support items at a ridiculously inflated cost. A man who’s got intimate knowledge of every dangerous villain in Japan. A man, who— you don’t remember how you got here, why are you even trying to jog that wretched memory? You just know who he is, what he does, and most importantly, what he does to you.
His schedule is sporadic, but he always makes sure no matter what time it is that he comes home just to play with you, take care of you, to fuck you until your body limps over. Your name is Darling, though it doesn’t seem to fit you, it doesn’t feel like that was the name you had before he invaded your life. But you’ve grown fond of that name, the way his eyes light up when he sees you naked, lounging and watching dvd reruns of whatever he has in his collection. It’s too dangerous to let you watch the news, you might get the idea that there’s people looking for you, that a hero will save you. By now you’ve got the chaotic routine down to a T. The door unlocks, you’re to get up and greet him at the door, his favorite beer in hand. Clothes are prohibited even if he has guests over. You follow him like the little puppy you are, and as he sits comfortably in his special chair, he’ll either pat his lap to gesture you over, or you sit at his feet and give him a massage, followed by a hand job that signifies the task of draining his balls all night long.
Ask about his day, act like you missed him, act like you really do care about him, or you might face the wrath of that horrible machine he keeps in the corner of your hideout. Every time you’re hooked up to that thing— You’re not sure what it does, just the feeling of dread, your heart races even just looking at it. Every day, it gets harder and harder to remember your daily tasks, which upsets Giran. You take the small liberty of putting a blanket over the machine when he’s not home, and pull it off just before he unlocks the door and walks down the stairs.
It’s been a good day today, You saw the sun shine through your one basement window, Giran came home with your favorite fast food, and let you pick out a movie to watch together. It’s been… maybe a couple days? Weeks? Since the last incident, you think? You warm up to him, the anxiety of his presence is diminished, even if it’s short lived. 
“I have a surprise for you, Darling.”
“O-Oh really? What is it?” your scattered mind races. Will you be free? Will he kill you? These both sound like such wonderful options.
“It’s quite heavy, my little angel, so I’m having a few of my guys bring it downstairs. Be patient!” A genuine, real smile flashes across his face. You smile back, crushed on the inside that you’re never getting out of here. What’s he even bringing that’s so heavy? He never lifts a damn thing on his own, you think. 
You’re kept away from this present until it’s completely put together. It’s a boring hour that you try to pass the time with by offering another hand job to your captor. Mindlessly stroking his cock while your eyes are glued to the action movie he’s watching. Your mind is drifting, drifting off into oblivion… thinking the hero of this action movie will come save you… drifting….
“Hey boss, it’s all set up now!” An aggravating voice disrupts your daydream. Your head snaps in the man’s direction with an angry glare.
Giran pats your back gently, encouraging you to walk over towards your new surprise. There’s a blanket that hangs over the present, ironically the blanket you use to cover that dreadful machine. 
Giran encourages you to pull off the blanket, slowly revealing a quite large machine looking object with a long neck that sticks straight out. Anxiety melts into your throat, whatever machine is introduced ends up harming you, you just know it. This one will probably do the same. You slowly back away, shaking your head. You thought you were being good, you haven’t forgotten anything he likes, you have little notes everywhere to help you out, this doesn’t make sense..
He presents a neat little suitcase filled with phallic objects designed to be screwed into the neck of the machine. Some are a hot pink with squishy round tips, but one in particular, looks too familiar. The pigments in the exact perfect shade, prominent veins in the right spots all the way down to the girth and length. It was an exact replica of your captor’s cock. You glide your fingers across the shaft of the dildo, Giran’s smug look intensifying as he actively watches your brain put two and two together. 
“It’s you, isn’t it?”
“I figured you’d get withdrawals during my time away, this will help the both of us out. Whenever I’m gone, I’ll still be able to fuck you as much as I want, baby.”
A pause of silence fills the room momentarily, your thumb rubs against the frenulum of the replica. Giran’s gaze softens, studying your body language.
“Do you like it?” His breath hitches, almost like he’s worried about your opinion for once instead of forcing you into any situation kicking and screaming. 
You purse your lips and swipe your tongue across your top lip. “I think…” you cock your head to the side, letting all the empty thoughts come to fruition, “… I’m willing to try it.. But I’d want to go slow at first if that’s okay.”
“Yes, yes, course my love.” A sigh of relief is heard, “Daddy will make sure you’re very comfortable.” He pulls you in and kisses the top of your head.
Fast forward to today, it’s been about a month since he’s used the other machine on you to cause what you can only assume is bodily harm. Life is by default easier to coast through now that Giran’s workdays have suddenly become longer, he shows up at later times, mostly in the groggy hours of the dawn when you’re already fast asleep. Now all you have to do for the most part when he’s not there, is strap yourself to his fucking machine and record for him. A burner phone is placed to capture every moment outside of your recordings for his later usage. Since this machine is bluetooth powered, he controls all of the settings from the thrust power to whether or not he wants the toy to vibrate. When he’s particularly frustrated from work, he’ll ask for specific positions or which hole he prefers, but for the most part, you have some semblance of control in where his fake cock goes and which position suits best. 
“Does my Darling miss me?” He’ll text with a heart emoji.
“Darling misses you very much.” You reply with a video attachment.
It’s theatric in a sense, you’re putting on the best show you can without actively being in your captor’s presence. You do such a good job, in fact, that he ends up coming home earlier than expected, opting to give you a ten minute heads up before arriving to fuck you through the night. 
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CW: Lots of mentions to death, mentions of getting shot, death, like this whole thing is about death so many goddamn references
Name: AJ (Avery Johnson) Quin
Quirk: Unyielding Post-Mortem
His Quirk gives his body the innate ability to come back to life after death, The most amount of time it takes for him to resurrect is 30 minutes, his body may have the ability to come back to life but it is not without injures, injures will keep even after resurrection, though they will heal over time just slowly, the longest it can take is upwards of a month depending on the severity (like regrowing multiple limbs), his quirk comes with some drawbacks, the most notable being constant nightmares, every time he goes to sleep he’s subjected to nightmares of each time he’s died, along with nightmares he experiences almost pain from area’s where he revived a fatal blow, if he has to regrow a limb or anything very big it practically sidelines him the whole recovery process.
Nicknames/Aliases: Shorty (hates the nickname), coffee boy, (maybe more need to think of some)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday: April 3rd
Height: 5 foot 3 (5 foot 5 with platform boots)
Looks: Has black hair, the tips of the hair on the right side dyed red, the right side of his hair covers his right eye, his eye color is a red- almost maroon, Has an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow, ear piercings on both ears, and a nose piercing on his left nostril, A black choker rests around his neck, He wears a grey sweater that is perfectly fit for him(his mom made it but you didn’t hear that), he wears a pair of black jeans, small rips being around the thighs and knee area of the jeans, Fingerless gloves adorn his hands, a simple pair of white socks under his boots, protecting his feet is a pair of platform boots, adding around two inches of height to his small stature, Puppy-Liner is applied on his eyes, black lipstick covering his lips
Occupation: Cafe Worker (Side Job, Cafe is called “LUKES Cafe”) , his “main job” is him renting his uses out to the highest payer, willing to put morals aside for a bit of money
Backstory: Was born April 3rd to a nice family, his condition has always been decently well off, living with his parents until he turned eighteen, where his mom gave him the ultimatum of pay rent or move out, he chose to move out, he had packed only the essentials with him, enough food and water to last a few days, his phone, and obviously a bag itself, the first few nights were tough on him, he had met some bad people and got in with the wrong crowds, he met a man named “giran” at one of the bars he frequented for warmth, giran had set him up with a job to use his unique quirk, having to “play dead” and infiltrate an area, now it wasn’t pretend though and he was instead just shot in the head and delivered to the area, when he awoken he was confused before remembering the job, he got what he needed to and headed back to giran, he was paid quite well for such a simple job in his opinion, enough to rent out a small apartment for at least a month or two, not long after he picked up a job at a local cafe for some extra money on the side.
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
Would it be ok to ask if you could write something with little Hitoshi and cg dabi like somehow dabi came across a smoll toshi? /Genq
♡ Sure! However, I only see this matchup truly working in something of an AU, so hold on tight! >:3 ♡ I got pretty attached to this concept too, so I may write more for it!
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♡ Shinsou didn't really have a plan for if he failed both of UA's entrance exams.
♡ He had figured that even if he failed the practical exam, he could at least make it in on the written one–or even just get into one of the general courses! But, he didn't.
♡ Two points. Hitoshi had missed the qualification cut off for the general course by two points. That was devastating on its own, but hearing that several of his middle school classmates had been accepted into places like Ketsubutsu or Shiketsu–even one or two got into UA!–that... That hurt worse. He told himself it didn't have to be UA! He.. He could apply to another school.
♡ So he did. Again, and again, and again. He'd been rejected by Shiketsu, Isamu, and even Seijin High before it finally sank in.
♡ Everyone was right about him. His quirk... It was more befitting of a villain than a hero if even a nobody school like Seijin High didn't even want him.
♡ So, sitting in the guest bedroom of his current foster home while looking at applications for average high schools, he decided that he didn't need to be a hero... But, he wouldn't just fall through the cracks and become a victim to save.
♡ If society wanted him to be a villain, then that's what he'd become.
♡ He ran away not long after and set himself up as something of an information broker, using his quirk to get documents, pictures, texts, emails, weapons- Anything he could pass on to the highest bidder.
♡ Hitoshi makes a name for himself by going after pro-heroes specifically, digging into their hidden agendas and selling anything worth knowing. This catches the eye of a fellow underground broker, Giran.
♡ Sure he's seen kids do bad things to survive, but this one? He was good at it. Making a name and reputation for himself as the guy that can get you the clothes off a hero's back with a few good words.
♡ But, Giran also knows that strays like this one don't show up unharmed... He has another kid he's been watching out for in some rough shape already, so he extends a hand. Says a kid shouldn't have to rough this lifestyle on his own.
♡ Shinsou accepts the offer to bunk up with Giran since it's better than crashing on benches or at the local boy's shelter. And if Giran tried to betray him, Shinsou was certain he could take him down. After all, what did one old man have on him?
♡ The answer was the old man had a very burned up cohort that crashed on his couch now and again.
♡ Hitoshi had been warned about the guy–Dabi was allegedly his name–but he made a point to stay out of his way. When not swinging manic he usually looked... Pretty lost? Maybe even lonely. It wasn't Hitoshi's place to stick his nose into another runaway's business, so they had an unspoken agreement to keep their distance.
♡ Until they didn't.
♡ Being a foster child, Hitoshi was very good at slipping into new routines–whether he wanted to or not. And this included finding gaps in these routines where he could indulge in one of his favorite pass times: Tiny Time. Sure, he knew what regression was called now that he had a real phone and unrestricted access to the internet, but Tiny Time got him through the thick and thin of his foster life, so he isn't going to start calling it something else.
♡ Still, he knew what the best times to have his little time in the living room were! Friday nights and Saturdays were usually the best stretches of time he could get without Giran poking his nose into his business all, "You okay there, kiddo?" and "Tell me if you need anything."
♡ Hitoshi did as he always would when Giran left for the night, which was get dressed up in his calico onesie and drag out his blanket with the toys he'd be accompanied by for the night to drop on the couch, followed by gathering his bottle and pacifier of the evening. He deposited his bottle in the kitchen like usual and got down to business... Picking out one of the DVDs Giran got him on clearance.
♡ Everything is going great for awhile! He's got Aristocats on for the third week in a row, Miss Spooky and Grimalkin are reconciling their differences from last week's harrowing play session, and the window is sliding open-
♡ Hold up. Hitoshi bristles at the unlocked window steadily slides up until it's certain not to drop on the intruder. A bundle of black and purple tumbles in with all the grace of a rock through glass and Dabi picks himself up off the floor like it's nothing, turning to close the window and lock it.
♡ Usually, Hitoshi would know better. He'd know that it's just Dabi coming to crash on Giran's couch or raid his fridge or whatever other Dabisms follow him, but this isn't usually. This is Hitoshi's time to be small, vulnerable, and safe.
♡ Dabi looms in front of him with that unreadable expression and a curious tilt to his head, smelling like cigarettes and looking like a demon to the poor baby... He doesn't know what to do other than back up, crying and floundering in panic when Dabi's boots pursue and stop to crouch in front of him.
♡ To Dabi though? This is a grossly familiar sight.
♡ A frightened child, huddled into himself in hopes of being small enough to ignore, but this time the sight doesn't bring out old vices of anger and other emotions he's stomped into embers. It brings out something else, something softer and sadder. So he crouches as low as his aching body allows and holds up his hands where the kid can see them. "Hey," His voice is gravely but not harsh, "Look at me."
♡ Hitoshi does so without a fight, but with eyes as wide as saucers. Not comforting to see that even in such a small state, Hitoshi has obedience nailed deep into the recesses of his mind, but Dabi isn't what most call the picture of mental health. So he does what he can for now. "See? Got my guard down for you here, so there's no need to be all coiled up like that. Making my back hurt looking at you," Dabi continues, hoping to get Shinsou to at least unfurl. Thankfully, Shinsou only regards him with a bit more suspicion before untucking from his protective hunch. Dabi still stays put until Hitoshi slowly crawls up onto the couch after determining that he isn't a threat.
♡ Now Dabi can go about his night as he'd planned: Raiding Giran's medicine cabinet for something to kill the pinching and burning in his muscles, and seeing what food the old man's got that looks palatable.
♡ With painkillers and water he drank straight from the sink in his system, Dabi slinks through the living room like an alley cat. Of course he sees Hitoshi watching him from over the back of the couch with these wide, innocent eyes that speak less of terror and more of childlike curiosity. A monotone "Boo" has the kid tucking back into his blanket like a startled kitten.
♡ The kitchen is pretty easy to raid now that Giran is feeding a hungry teenager and a full box of Cosmic brownies turn into Dabi's dinner when the empty bottle on the counter registers. Thinking about the kid being alone all night makes his mouth go sour so he curses under his breath, snatches the offending item up and fills it with the vanilla milk Giran started picking up because it was like currency with Shinsou.
♡ Wondering when he started to go all soft, Dabi also makes good use of the toaster oven to heat up leftover pizza so at least he can shake the creeping feeling that Hitoshi hasn't really eaten in awhile. After a moment of debate... The bottle of milk goes in the microwave for a bit too.
♡ It's just this one time he tells himself. He just feels guilty for scaring him. It's just because he's a kid, that's it- Using any and every excuse he can tell himself while dropping the reheated pizza and warmed milk on the coffee table. "Here. Don't let it get cold," He mutters and drops his body into a recliner with a dull thump.
♡ Hitoshi looks out from under the hood of his onesie at the offering with those impossibly round eyes, then at Dabi like the guy had just hung the stars in the sky rather than just heating up some food for him. He scoots to the floor and tugs his pacifier out so he can eat, looking less tense the longer he's in Dabi's presence.
♡ And so what if Dabi doesn't mind the warm feeling in his chest? Hitoshi is just a kid that needs more than just a roof over his head and food on his plate just like he was once.
♡ It's just one time, he'd insist to himself. He'd just start the cat movie over for him because Shinsou pointed at the screen and blinked up at him until he did it. He'd just pull the kid's blanket off the couch because it had gotten tucked into the cushions. He'd just let him lean against his leg because he knows he's warm. He'd just pull the little tyke and his bottle up in his lap so he doesn't drop it and make a mess. He'd just do these things because they were convenient and right there, not because he wanted to.
♡ And yet... When Shinsou falls asleep on him he doesn't move him, no matter how convenient it would be. Even when his arm falls asleep and Hitoshi starts to curl up like he's been freezing for his entire life until now. Hitoshi needed it... Maybe Dabi did too.
♡ And maybe, just maybe, it doesn't have to be just one time.
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
For the ask game:
Kaina stays on the run after evading her initial capture. She’s still at large by the time the main plot rolls around and accidentally becomes Midoriya’s sort-of-vigilante teacher for UA.
Kaina managed to escape the Commission Headquarters but the manhunt for her was brutal. Top Heroes across the country were sent after her. In the end, she only escaped because she was lucky enough that All Might had been preoccupied by the AFO investigation. She faked her death with a bomb and some meat products.
While she knows about the HPSC's crimes, she has no evidence so there's not really a lot that she can do about any of it. She's content to simply live a simple life where she doesn't have to commit any murders. That lasted for a few years before he long-buried sense of justice resulted in her going vigilante. Of course, using her Quirk would be a dead giveaway, so she had Giran or someone similar get her a separate rifle/ammunition. Due to Japan's gun control, she ends up with more of a blaster-type Support weapon.
What Kaina did not count on was Midoriya Izuku. In this AU, it wasn't All Might that Midoriya looked up to as an inspiration, but Lady Nagant, because her Quirk was, as noted, replicable and thus something he could do. This is a Midoriya who got interested in Support Tech early so he could make his own blaster gun thing. And when Kaina ran around with her blaster doing Vigilante work, she accidentally become his inspiration a second time.
Kaina stumbles across Midoriya testing his prototype at Takoba Beach and is impressed. It's still something of a shoddy build, being a prototype made from the materials he can get his hands on, but it's not bad. She steps in once his test is done and inquires about it, helping set up a proper shooting range for him. Long story short that's three times that Midoriya has looked up to her.
With her knowledge and expertise, plus her connections through Giran, Midoriya is able to make a pretty good blaster for the UA entrance exams. He enrolls as a dual-course Support Hero Hybrid student so that he can improve his own gear while also learning to use them for Hero things.
+1. No, Midoriya still hasn't realized that Kaina, Nagant, and the Vigilante are all the same person.
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