#long enough for ignis to do his [villain] monologue
dbphantom · 2 years
i know i said i was going to sleep but ignis was such a funny bitch for getting ardyn to make these expressions in verse 2
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"well... fuck. there goes that plan. i knew i should've taken the chocobo kid..."
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jczala · 6 years
Shh, AI, Blue, Villain, and Character for the Vrains meme?
Yay! Thanks for asking! Now let’s begin. ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Shh- Unpopular opinion you have
Ryoken is the reincarnation of Stardust Dragon //gets shotXD
So far, I have this gut feeling that Lightning actually cares for Jin. Well, since Jin is his Origin, he puts Jin in higher regard than any other human. Yes, yes, I know there’s the whole ‘putting humans under control’ thing going on, but there’s obviously a deeper reason behind Lightning’s motives for keeping Jin. Whether if it’s for personal gain or not, I won’t besurprised if part of Lightning’s reason for his vendetta was because of Jin’s welfare.
But, hey, that’s just an opinion. (─‿‿─)
AI- Favorite Ignis
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Gotta say that it’s Ai. He’s such a little adorable shit that you just gotta love him. Interesting how he’s based on the super-serious and cool Yusaku and yet he’s so carefree and fun-loving. Though he comes off as childish, he cares a lot about his friends and he’s clever enough to dodge enemies for how many years before he landed in Yusaku’s care. I also like the idea of him being the first to develop instincts, because he served as the catalyst for the other Ignis to develop their own personalities and traits (and I know that his instincts had something to do with Ryoken encouraging Yusaku during the incident haha XD) Plus, I have a soft spot for Dark Attribute beings, and Ai does always keep me entertained whenever he’s onscreen.
Lightning comes in close second, which I’ll explain below.XD
Blue- Favorite Persona of Aoi Zaizen
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If I have to be honest, her IRL persona got me more interested in her rather than her VR forms. The reason why I relate to Aoi and Yusaku to a certain level is because they’re both introverts, detached, quiet,and reserved like me. Aoi reminds me of how I used to be as a teenager (minus the brother-complex). I didn’t know how to make friends and I often told myself before that I didn’t need any of that.
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If had to choose a VR persona, well, I have to go with Blue Girl. I’m aware that it’s like acopy-paste of Ghost Girl’s Design (And I LOVE GG’s design very much actually), but its overall aesthetic just appealed to me. The short hair, the cool look, the practicality of it all—made me wanna cosplay her actually. I wasn’t really fond of Idol-looks so Blue Angel’s design was just okay for me, and Blue Maiden’s design and it’s sudden insert-here into the series was kinda meh for me.
Villain- Favorite Antagonist
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When I think of my favourite characters, the one who I enjoy watching, identifying with and just find the most interesting, there are few who hold a candle to Ryoken/Revolver. Well, you see, if it isn’t obvious enough, Ryoken is a brilliant young man with a strategic mind, gifted aptitude for dueling and hacking, and impeccable leadership qualities. He leads the Knights of Hanoi to bring down the Ignis, and he can be ruthless when it comes to the pursuit of his goals. He didn’t become an antagonist out of selfishness or evil, but out of justified feelings for his father who believes they have to save humanity from the Ignis. In his VR form, he makes an imposing presence, but in reality he’s just a troubled kid plagued by guilt and regret. A huge whopping case of guilt. His life is full of constant ups and downs, because of the choices he made.
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And I love how he transitioned from villain to more of an Anti-hero now. (I could go on and on, but gotta stop right there)
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Now, as for the current season, I have to mention Lightning too. He’s my second favourite Ignis and currently my favourite antagonist. Presently, he’s working on grand plans against humanity. He’s a quintessential sort of monologuing villain, wanting to explain why his actions are right. He wants a fight, invites a fight, but his actions court chaos—so that he can justify his actions as self-defence. And it’s because of his megalomania complex in addition to his intelligence that he views humanity like insects. At the sametime, he’s not blind towards his own ambitions. He’s rather focused and his animosity is channelled towards accomplishing his goals. Combined with his highly-developed processing skills, he is a force that is difficult to oppose.
Character- Favorite Character Design
White hair naturally soft with streaks of lilac; framing eyes blue like crystals. His features sharp and chiselled as if from marble, handsome in its coldness. The epitome of tall, dark and gorgeous.
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Easily Ryoken Kogami.
Truth be known, I’ve had this insane crush on Yusei Fudo for a long time to the point I ran a deck that centered around Stardust Dragon for years. It’s no surprise that Stardust Dragon is my favourite Synchro Monster and probably my most favourite card in all of Duel Monsters. So, when I first saw Ryoken’s face-reveal, I went crazy. I was like ‘Oh gawd, he’s HOT! But wait…Why the hell does he look like Stardust Dragon???!!!’ And it seems like I wasn’t the only one who thought so. I’ve always found Stardust Dragon to be aesthetically pleasing, and same can be said about Ryoken. It doesn’t help that Ryoken is sinfully beautiful too.
His eyes were as green as the spring grass, and sparkling like dew in the morning sun. A quiet, cold beauty with hair in shades of blue and pink, blooming like a rare wisteria in a garden of thistles.
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Another favourite design of mine is none other than Yusaku Fujiki, the protagonist himself. One main reason? Serena (Arc V). My first impression of Yusaku was literally, ‘So, he’s like Link’s Dimension’s Bracelet Girl?’ because he looks like Serena so much. I almost thought she and Yuri got it on and had a child that got lost XD. Jokes aside, I really love Yusaku’s appearance that matches with his personality. It also serves as a deep contrast to his VRform.
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johnnycranes · 8 years
I have so much to say about ff xv after finishing the main story so this is a rant for anyone who cares, but I just really need to write it out
But then the opening sequence (thanks Florence + The Machine) got me excited to go on this bro trip that was sure to be filled with happiness and heartache.
My main problem with the game is the main story, and the somewhat lack of emotional attachment I had for the characters in the game.
FFXV repeats the mistake of FFXIII by throwing you into a linear direction of playing the game, giving you little to no warning that you are reaching the “point of no return” in the game and you are forced to finish it before going back a save file and completing any side quests you left to do later on, (you can go “back in time” to do the side quests, but at that point you just want to get it over with, expecting the linear direction to be finished.
(We don’t talk about how unnecessarily long Chapter 13 of the game is either)
To talk about the ending, is to talk about the characters.
First, Lunafreya,
What little we see of her in the game is through flashbacks and the occasional moments where she is being an absolute saint to her people, as the radios and NPCS in the world constantly say. Noctis loved her, the people loved her, but I couldn’t bring myself to. She is relevant, yes, but because we see so little of her, not enough to feel attached to her, her death (by the hand of the antagonist no less and right in front of Noctis) was not sad for me, as the player. It didn’t drive me to hate the antagonist and I felt more sorry for the Regalia than I did for her, tbh.
Then we have Ardyn, who we first see at the start of the game before Noctis’ life spirals down. the game doesn’t tell you yet that he’s the big bad (but come on, it’s obvious, he’s the only other NPC wearing black and he smirks, a lot.) People have been saying that “the FFXV villain is a worse person than Sephiroth and Kefka” For those of you who don’t know, these two are considered two of the top villains in FF history. So to claim that Ardyn surpasses them, is saying quite a lot.
Spoiler alert, he doesn’t.
So why did people compare him to Sephiroth and Kefka? Ardyn kills the saint of a woman who loves Noctis (Sephiroth killing Aerith in FFVII) And he also has a hand in the death of the Emperor he served. (Kefka killing Emperor Gestahl in FFVI)
He doesn’t surpass them. He just copies them.
He’s the big bad, but because we, as players, weren’t able to actually feel as attached to the characters he’s killed, he’s just a regular take over the world kind of guy. The game even tries to justify his character by making us feel sorry for him through means of his backstory, but a simple monologue at the end of the worst chapter of the game just isn’t going to cut it.
Then there’s Ignis. Honestly I was heartbroken to see what happened to him. His condition got to me the most. Because you knew his character, you were with him all throughout the game, you know what that sacrifice of his meant, and it hits hard. You felt for him because you knew who he was.
Then there’s that whole subplot with Prompto. I feel for him, I do, but don’t just throw in a subplot like that for him if you’re not going to commit.
And so we reach the end game.
First of all, 10 year time skip, are we bros not going to talk about all that’s happened over the years before jumping right into the final battle? No? Ok then.
Yes we get that scene with the final campsite and Noctis’ great words to his friends that solidifies how much they mean to him, and how much they mean to us players. But it’s been ten. years.
Cue the epic return to Crown City, the city you leave at the beginning of the game, and return to it only at the end. It’s time for the final showdown, me and my bros, the people I love the most, who were with me from the very beginning and are now here to- wait? What? I’m fighting the boss alone? But I fought alone enough in chapter 13. Nooooooooo.
We have a kingdom hearts-esque battle with Ardyn that, trust me, isn’t as hard as most other ff story boss battles AND Kingdom heart battles. A few command prompts later, we finally beat him and it’s time for Noctis to fulfill the prophecy and sacrifice himself to save the world.
Basically Noctis reunites with his love in the afterlife, and we have no idea what has become of his friends, who we last see walking off to battle the demons that remain in the city, demons that disappeared when Noctis sacrificed himself.
Cue the game’s credits, with the theme song playing, and the photos you saved throughout your journey flashing on screen, admittedly, emotional enough to make you cry.
Before bringing you back to the main screen where you can load a save, call umbra and go back in time to finish any quests, sort of how FFXIII is, adding more stuff into it like new weapons. Or you could dive into new game plus.
FFXV was a phenomenon that could’ve done more with its story and characters. There was too much left unanswered (Aranea where are you girl) and even boss battles could’ve been more emotionally driving (Im looking at you Ravus). It was a good game, I just wish they did something more with the story.
But to Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto, it was a helluva journey, and as Noctis said, you guys are the best.
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