#long ass post but who cares zzz
imkiannah · 2 years
holy shit
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took me a lil bit because the worms it drops are annoying but overall it was a fairly easy boss with the gear i had.
I got heavily recommended to use the pumpler since it "carried through the entirety of preHM" but it either got severely nerfed or i just don't know how to use it, i never liked that weapon, i kinda got stuck with my Molten Fury and called it quits, lol.
and i kinda prolonged the boss a little since i wanted to farm the blood moon to have a large collection of blood orbs and whatnot.
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here's a fragment of how that blood moon ended out, lol. a fun blood moon :P
I think now the hardest part of this is to get ammunition for the gale bow and the eviscerator, but it's gonna be whateveerrrr, gonna spend the entire day tmr just nonstop grinding until i defeat the wall :DD gonna be fun as fuck :P
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as always, i look fucking cooooooooooooooooooool
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yumesthings · 2 years
clue me in | modern college!au
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synopsis: modern college!au heizou criminology major
characters: Shinkakoin Heizou & his best friend (gn reader) in psychology major
cw: slight mention of alcohol and “drugs”(he’s at a party) cursing i guess??
>> Words Count: dunno, first time i do this kind of post!!
>> a/n: it’s a bit inspired from @prodtrouver “i’m looking for you”, i got the idea of this drabble while reading their work so i’m tagging them here ( ^ω^ )
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☀︎ heizou criminology major who arrives late in class because he passed by a bakery on his way to school and couldn’t help himself from buying some sweets for the two of you
☀︎ heizou criminology major who always wants to resolve “cases”, like “who stole my copybook” or “does anyone know where did my laptop disappeared?”. heizou always rushes to take charge of the problem -whatever it is- and most of the time, finds a-the-solution
☀︎ heizou criminology major who always puts on a ridiculous little show after those “investigations”, how the greatest detective he is, that makes you die of laugh and embarrassment because everyone is laughing of him. but he doesn’t care if he looks like an idiot as long as he makes you laugh and smile
☀︎ heizou criminology major, your roommate who is actually a smart ass and serious student, so he studies very late in the night, until you have to get him off his chair to his bed before he falls asleep on his notes
☀︎ heizou criminology major who “boo!” at you in every hallway corner and makes you shit yourself before he has to dodge your hand on her way to his cheeks
☀︎ heizou criminology major who has a music band, “5wirl”, with four others friends and who plays the lead guitare bass, which is bright red with stickers on it
☀︎ heizou criminology major who always wears that black zipper sweatshirt with 5wirl brand on the back that he lends you whenever you’re cold, he couldn’t let their roommate get sick
☀︎ heizou criminology major who takes at least three cup of black coffee at breakfast to be sure to stay awake all the day and follow his classes
☀︎ heizou criminology major who ends up being to excited because of the caffeine and become a real stick of dynamite on legs
☀︎ heizou criminology major who has planned to go at the university library at the end of the day, either to study more, to read some book about last century’s assassinations or to just chill out with Xiao, Venti, Kazuha and Aether before their band practice
☀︎ heizou criminology major who enjoys to tease you when he just ate the last peace of brownie you made the day before for some random reason, just because you wanted cake
☀︎ heizou criminology major who calls you at 3pm when he’s at a party, asks you, whining, to bring him back to dorms because he can’t do it himself, he’s too drunk for that and the boys are in the same pitiful state
☀︎ heizou criminology major that you find laughing is ass off on the porch party house’s, all dizzy and wobbly, a cup of only God knows what in his hand, Kazuha giggling at his side, eyes all red. you take him on your back and harshly bring him in the car
y/n pleeeeease, lemme stay a bit more, pretty pleeease
in your dreams you drunk ass, you called me to come take you, i won’t waist t for you to get drunker than you’re already are
☀︎ heizou criminology major that you finally lies on his bed, taking his shoes and jacket off, trying to make him as comfy as possible, pulling the sheets over him to let the boy rests
☀︎ heizou criminology major who in his sleep takes your hand and squeezes it gently, his heavy breath slowly raising his chest up and down, strings of hair in the face
zzz-t-thank you for ………coming to t-take me zzzz there…..y/n…
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thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
The ABC’s of Peter Pevensie (Smut Edition)
Hi I jus wanted to say that I LOVE your writing and I was hoping if you could write a Peter Pevensie alphabet kinda kinky, smut edition or fluff is alright too I guess, pls consider it!
I’ve never done an alphabet post before so I am winging it as I go.  I did look up similar posts on Tumblr just to get an idea of what to do and I saw that they all followed a pretty similar format that I’ve adopted for this post.  I did make some alterations just to fit what I wanted to write.  I hope you all enjoy it!
warning: entire post contains smut and mentions of smut
A - aftercare
Peter loves to whisper sweet nothings into your ear right after both of you have finished.  Once you two have calmed down enough, he’ll draw both of you a bath and carry you to the tub before helping you wash up.
B -  body part
Whenever you want to drive Peter crazy, you know to wear your hair up to leave your neck exposed.  He just can’t control himself and will litter your neck with kisses and lovebites.  
Peter doesn’t spend much time fretting over his appearance but he would be lying if he denied that he chooses to wear shirts that are a bit tight on him to show off his biceps.  He likes how it shows everyone he is no longer the scared 13-year-old who wanted to protect his loved ones but didn’t know how to.  Now, he’s strong and won’t let anyone or anything hurt the people he loves.
C - cum
Peter loves to watch you cum, pure bliss taking over your face as you cling to him for dear life.  He especially loves it when you cum on his cock so he can feel your pussy collapse around him, squeezing and enticing him to cum as well.  
D - dirty secret
Although he would never admit it, he secretly hopes that people walking by his bedroom can hear you guys while you do it, especially when you’re moaning his name.  He wants everyone to remember that he’s the one who is making you feel as good as you do.
E - experience
Peter hadn’t been with anyone else before meeting you.  He had always been too worried about taking care of both his siblings and an entire nation.  So when you two started seeing each other, he had almost no experience but that didn’t hinder him as he seemed to be a natural.  He knew the right places to touch and the perfect pace that would leave you a moaning mess.  This was because he was an expert at reading people, something that he had learned for diplomatic meetings and fights on the battlefield but was also handy in the bedroom.
F - favorite position
He’s a bit old fashioned and prefers to do it missionary.  He loves to see the pleasure build on your face as you get closer to your climax as well as the feeling of you raking your nails down his back.
G - good girl
When I tell you this man loves to praise you, I mean it.  In the bedroom, he loves to remind you what a good girl you are.  He’s constantly encouraging you and telling you how good you’re making him feel.  Even outside the bedroom, he likes to praise you.  Partially because he wants to remind you how proud he is, but also partly because he loves the look you give him when he does so.
H - hand-holding
Peter loves to hold your hands while he pins them in place above your head.  He also likes to play with your hands afterwards, sometimes doing it absentmindedly while you two are cuddling in bed.  
I - intimacy
Being romantic is in Peter’s nature so it isn’t much of a surprise that he is super romantic in bed.  Before going any further, he always makes sure it’s alright with you and he never pushes you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.  To him, sex is much more than feeling good.  It’s another way that he can worship you and he makes sure you know it.  He kisses every inch of you, reminding you how beautiful you are.  He holds you in his arms, making sure you understand just how loved you are.
J - jealousy
Although he hates to admit it, any time he sees you conversing with someone else who may show just the smallest hint of romantic interest, he gets insanely jealous.  This jealousy usually leads to long nights in his bed chambers.
K - kinks
While Peter may not have any prominent kinks, he does enjoy having you call him ‘my king’.  He also likes to be the dominant one in the bedroom but is always happy to have you take over once in a while.  
L - location
Peter likes to do it in the comfort of his bed where you two can go for as many rounds as you can without the risk of being caught or walked in on.  His second favorite place to do it is in his study.  The sight of you sprawled on the desk, open and ready for him, is enough to make him rock hard.
M - masturbation
Peter doesn’t masturbate that much since he has you, but when you aren’t available and his pants start to get a bit tight, he’ll go for a quick round in his bedroom, imagining you were there with him.
N - no
Peter would never do a threesome as he would get too jealous seeing another person touching you.
O - oral
Peter most certainly prefers giving it to you rather than receiving it.  While you are able to make him feel wonderful everytime you give him head, you are his goddess and he wants to be the one to worship you, including with his tongue.  He especially loves it when you start to get closer to your release and grind against his face.
P - pace
Peter loves to give it rough with the occasional slap of the ass and binding your hands.  He loves hearing the bed creak underneath you two and the sound of your desperate moans as he fucks you into the mattress.  He tries to go slow at first but he’s quick to lose control with you right underneath him.
Q -  quickes
Peter doesn’t mind having a quickie, especially if jealousy is coursing through his blood.  Usually when he does quickies, it’s when you two aren’t in his bedroom and are instead somewhere more public like his office or the library.
R - risk
Peter loves risks.  He thinks the added adrenaline makes it all the more hot.  He’s willing to do it in a public place where anyone can see.  He loves experimenting as well, whether it’s trying a new position or experimenting with foreplay.  Anything that might heighten the experience for you two is worth trying.
S - stamina
Due to his rigorous training for battles, Peter has insane stamina.  He could go all night if you let him although you two usually stop after two or three rounds.  Peter always makes an effort to not finish until you do, as you are always his top priority and he wants you to enjoy the experience entirely and fully.  This can be hard though when you are also doing your best to make him finish first but he usually has the willpower to hold out until you cum.
T - tease
Peter loves to tease you, whether that be saying an offhand comment that makes you heart race or kissing you everywhere except where his touch is needed most.  
On the other hand, he hates being teased.  You had decided to tease him once, tight clothes, sexual comments, and all.  This only led to him pinning you against the wall within an hour and him making you climax more times than you thought possible within the span of half an hour as punishment.
U - undergarments
Peter has a habit of ripping off your undergarments while in the heat of the moment.  This had led to your maids having a stash of undergarments ready at a moment’s notice.
V - volume
Peter isn’t the loudest in bed but he does let out the occasional moan or grunt.  The sounds he usually makes are praises, reminding you just how good you’re doing.
W - when
Peter likes to wait a while in a relationship before taking it to the next level.  It wasn’t until a few months into the relationship that you guys did it for the first time.  But after that, you two could barely keep your hands off of eachother.
X - x-ray
Peter is average when it comes to his length, but you don’t mind due to his girth.  Every time you guys do it, he fills you up perfectly.
Y - yearning
Peter would fuck you 24/7 if he could.  You never would have imagined the high king would have such a high sex drive, but you aren’t complaining.  It’s hard to hold back when the sex is just so damn good.
Z - zzz
Peter makes an effort to not fall asleep until he knows that you are.  He likes to brush the hair out of your face and plant gentle kisses on your forehead as you sleep soundly in his arms.  There had only been a few times where he was too tired afterwards and had passed out before you did.
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barzzal · 3 years
between halls and thin walls → part four
summary: friends who fool around almost never works. almost.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: idiots, that’s all <3
↳ genre: fluff, angst, smut, roommates au, best friend’s best friend, friends with benefits, 18+
↳ length: series; part one, part two, part three, part four (6.7k), part five, part six
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: my favorite part by mac miller, addicted by jorja smith, someone to spend time with by los retros
note: finally got myself to update this fic oml zzz quick psa tho, this will now be a six-part series! hope that’s okay and yenno as always, would love to hear what you think about this (validate me in the tags pls im lonely) happy reading babes! <3
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“Yo, grandma. Haven’t you had too much tea to drink?” his voice echoes in the room as soon as he walks into it. You carefully set the cup down on the dining table and looked at him exasperatedly. 
“Haven’t you had too much care to give?” you snark back, earning yourself a disappointed look from him. 
“Really, y/n? That’s the best you’ve got?” he shakes his head at your appalling retort.  What a shame.
You were good at pissing him off to be fair. You just weren’t in the mood to throw teases back and forth especially now that you’re feeling particularly vulnerable.
The week has been far too dreadful for you and you know that you’re willing to grovel your way into the weekend to finally have the time to slack off, not worry about taking a bath, and just go crazy with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
However, just like always, Mathew seems to never run out of ways to get on your nerves. 
He carelessly puts his stuff on the table, causing a fairly loud thud on the surface. 
You let out a deep breath, massaging your temple. 
“Somebody’s cranky.” he grins. Not necessarily the kind you’d want to see from him. 
You try to ignore him for a few minutes but you can’t help noticing how his build easily took over much of the space you’ve already been occupying. You irkingly look up at him, closing the book you were reading. You meet Mat’s eyes who just innocently looked back into yours. Waiting. Possibly plotting on yet another sophisticated way to toy with you.
“You’re a child.” you roll your eyes and return to your reading. He says nothing and instead rests his chin atop his enclasped hands, continuing to bother you with his ridiculously beguiling eyes. He presses his lips together before sighing dramatically. 
“What?” you snap, finally shutting your book down as you look at him. 
“I wanna go out.” he looks up at you in an effort to make his huge physique smaller than it really was. 
“Then go out. You’re a big boy.” you breathe. 
“You just said that I’m a child.” he coos, mimicking a five-year-old’s voice. 
“Stop that.” you glare at him. Mat props himself back and laughs, “Come on. I’m bored.” 
You open your book again just as you reply in a tone that Mat’s getting used to hearing. “Boredom doesn’t give you the right to pester me, Barzal.” 
And as an exchange, he speaks in the same tone rather mockingly, “And so is that attitude, Y/L/N.” 
“Come on, y/n. Let’s go out.” he now pleads, looking up at you with what seems to be his worst impression of a ‘puppy eye’.
“Fine.” you finally concede and you see Mat’s beaming smile instantly. 
“Where’d you want to go?” you ask as you take your reading glasses off.
“Dunno.” He shrugs, obviously teasing. 
On the edge of being irritated, you say, “Are you kidding me?”
“Grandma.” he mumbles before saying, “Do you have anything you want to do? And please don’t say book hunt.”
You suppress a smile and maintain your composure. “I’m craving for pancakes right now but I also wanna drink. Go to a bar or something.”
He nods in agreement. Already stitching his game plan.
“We can do both.”  he bobs his all too fine brows.
He didn’t have a hard time getting you on board with his spontaneity. You actually haven’t gone out in a while and the thought of a possible night out doesn’t seem to be so bad of an idea.
You’ve been with Mat to parties and while the two of you don’t mingle as much as the other guys did, he does know his way around the club. The dance floor, however, he tries. He really does.
For about an hour Mathew waited patiently in the living room as he scrolled endlessly on instagram liking a few photos and laughing at posts the fans tag him occasionally. His eyes were peeled away from the screen when he heard the door to your room click. His irises trail onto your body even if he didn’t plan to originally. 
Mathew, albeit dressed simply in his black turtleneck sweater and a beige overcoat exudes just about the right ‘swag’ (as per how he puts it) to stop you in your stupor. Although what you didn’t know was how you weren’t any different in his eyes. You were dressed quite nicely in a black lace bodysuit with a pair of blackpants accentuated by the black boots you usually wear on a night out. Your coat was slung on your forearm whilst you held your clutch purse in your hand so you could close the door with the other. 
“What?” you blink just as you look down to eye yourself. Feeling a tad self-conscious under his gaze.
Mat immediately breaks it off. He clears his throat, pretending to wipe off the non-existent dust on the accent table. 
“What?” he mirrors with an arched brow.
You shrug off his demeanor, snatching your keys from the accent table before putting it in your purse. 
“Have you called a lyft already?” he nods, absentmindedly scratching his temple. 
“You ready? You look— decent.” He says, trying to act casual and distant when he gives you the compliment.
Not noticing the unfamiliar look his eyes had, you return the compliment and say,  “And so do you. Good job for not looking like you came straight out of an H&M catalogue.” you wink at him with a grin. A thing which was then reciprocated by a deadpan look on his end. 
Before he could even come up with yet another clever way to come at you, you start walking towards the door, looking at him once as you motion the way by curling your finger.
“Haul ass, buddy.”
10:15 PM 
Mat decided to bring you to the usual place he goes to when he wants to be alone and just enjoy a couple of beers while he chats with River, the bartender he eventually befriends after years spent drinking in solitude. 
The bar had a rustic feel filled with wine barrels in the corner of the room. The seats were leather (mind you, it wasn’t the kind that gets easily worn out through time) and everything looked new to you regardless of all the vintage stuff displayed articulately on the brick wall. A turntable was set on the table stacked with vinyl records, most of which were from the 70s to 80s underneath.
It was obvious that it wasn’t the kind people would know about. Aside from it being located at such a secluded street leading to the suburbs, it wasn’t the type of bar kids would want to hang out in. It only had a few customers and most of them wore suits and came with company. No one really gave a hoot when you walked in with Mathew, aka, the face of the New York Islanders. Which is basically the reason why Mat kept coming back to the place. He felt comfortable and at peace. Almost in retrospect to being at home hanging with his father. 
“I can’t believe this place exists.” you say, mouthing your thanks to River as he hands you both of your drinks. The man that’s definitely aged like fine wine smiles, nodding his head over to Mat who was doing the same before he headed back to mix another set of drinks. 
“Me neither.” he grins, reminiscing about the time he’s found the small pub by accident. 
“This place looks expensive though.” you whisper, making Mathew laugh. 
“Well, it kinda is.” he sheepishly chuckles. “River’s filthy rich.”
“Is he really?” your mouth falls and you look back over the build of the old man. The way his salt and pepper hair was neatly slicked back makes quite a compelling case for what Mat had just said. 
Mat eventually explains who he was. Apparently, he was just another bored fancy man who happened to love making people drop dead and drunk with his over the top mixes. His dark deep set brown eyes are quite of a crowd favourite too. Case in point, the group of ladies seated from across you and Mathew.
“Hey.” you absentmindedly call on Mat who had just sipped on his drink. “I know what we should do.”
“All right.” he puts the glass down, “Lay it on me.”
“Let’s fix you up with one of the girls over there.” you suggest, leaning towards his body so you could get a better view upfront. Mat does not move and instead follows your finger subtly pointing at the other end of the room.
“What’s with the sudden fixation of getting me bagged tonight, huh?” he smirks, shaking his head at the idea of having to go home with some random girl. You give him a side eye as you move away from him. 
“Fixation is an overstatement. We’ll be here long enough for us to get sick of each other.” you explicitly told him. 
Mat eyes you intently. Searching if there was even the slightest doubt in your eyes. 
Long enough to get sick of each other. 
He clears his throat instead and looks across the room. “Which one?”
A gleeful cheer erupts from you just before you look over the girls in question. “What’s your type?” you ask him, not sparing a glance.
Mat looks down on you underneath the bar lights accentuating your features. Your eyes had a certain glint in them that Mat still can’t get a grasp on. Something that was just enough to spark something inside him. He didn’t want to overthink it nonetheless. It must have been just the lights. 
Once Mat sensed that you were about to look at him he immediately turned his gaze forward, squinting his eyes a little pretending to check out the women you’ve been eyeing for the last minute. 
“I don’t really have a type.” he shrugs, casually taking the fragile glass to his mouth. 
You dismiss what he said at once, “Do I look like a child to you? Just answer it.”
Mat shakes his head, “I told you. I don’t have one. If we vibe then we vibe. Simple as that.” 
You did not believe him but you decide to drop it off. Instead, you look back and return to your new found mission. Across the bar, seated were three girls busy talking to each other. 
“Got it.” you tell Mat, nodding your head towards the clueless girl sitting right across from where Mathew was. “The one in the center.” you add. “The one wearing a white bodycon.”
“She’s pretty.” he nods, validating your taste as his potential wingman. “Nice smile.”
Your hand met a firm slap on the table as you went on cheering for him. “Well? Go then!” you give him a nudge, taking it back quickly when you feel a slight hesitation on his part, “Don’t tell me you need me to introduce you?”
He takes the remainder of his glass and shaked off the kick it had in his throat. “You just sit and watch, babe.”
You do as you’re told and lean towards the bar, your elbow carrying all your weight whilst you sip on your half-full martini. 
Mathew’s stance and the way he carries himself immediately caused the girls to notice him coming. Of course, you weren’t really surprised. You watch him approach her,– reading along the words leaving his mouth. There was an exchange of proper ‘hello’s’ as Mat introduced himself to the girls. He reaches out his hand and the curly noirette in the center gives him a firm shake. 
Mat’s eyes momentarily locked with yours just as you see their hands linger in the air— tangled long enough for him to make a quick segway. He winks your way as he sees you grin from your seat, shaking your head just after you felt the need to take a deep breath. A thing you assumed to be because of the drink. So, while Mat leads the girl to one of the empty booths and sits across from her, you call on River and ask for another drink. 
Mathew must have lost track of time by the second drink he shared with Zoe. He learns that she’s from upstate and was just on the island to visit her friends. She’s still working on her major at NYU; coincidentally in the same field as Lianna so that was one of the things they’ve talked about first hand. She wasn’t really into sports so Mat steered clear of his job because he didn’t want to bore her. 
“So…” Zoe smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. “What’s the deal with you and the girl you’re with?” 
By the time she asked about you, only then did Mat remember who he was originally with. 
“Oh! She’s—” he looks over to where you’re seated only to find you laughing— no giggling with a man that was obviously a few years older than you. He’s wearing a neat black suit and a button down shirt with a couple of its first buttons opened. Zoe sees him frown, evidently losing his train of thought. 
She calls him with her sweet voice, “Mat?” 
“Yeah?” he absentmindedly answers, not wanting to take his eyes off of your hand that was now gently pushing the man’s arm whilst the two of you continue to burst into laughter. 
“Are you okay?” she asks.
What’s so funny? 
Finally, Mat hears Zoe’s distant voice that eventually took him back to his seat.
“Oh. Y-Yeah.” he apologetically smiles. “Sorry. What were you saying again?” 
She hesitates to ask about you after taking a quick glance your way upon seeing the way Mathew looked at you. Nevertheless, she decides to go for it.
“Aren’t you two together? I don’t want to come off strong here or anything. It’s just that I don’t want to get in between something if there ever is.” 
Mat looks at you one more time and as if you’ve felt his eyes all along you turn your way and meet his gaze. You shoot him a quiet smile, eyeing the guy sitting beside you, mouthing what he assumes to be an exaggerated “So hot!” on your end. He reciprocates your smile and gives you an approving nod.
Once you looked away, that’s the only time Mat finally answered the woman waiting patiently for his attention. 
“What?” Mat shakes his head wildly, blowing out air off his lips defensively. “No no no. We’re just friends. She’s my roommate actually.” he shrugs you off his mind and instead tries to put his entire focus on her. 
The remaining hours were spent with you and Mat getting along with your respective potential hook-ups. Not that it wasn’t the endgame either of you were hoping for at the back of your minds. 
He’s got to admit that Zoe was the kind of girl he’d be interested in. Another fact he’s kept a mental tab not to mention to you because he knows you’ll just get cocky. 
She was sweet and obviously eloquent. He knows she’s way smarter than he’ll ever be. But out of all those qualities, she was just as passionate at her craft as someone he likes to think he knows well enough. And that alone made a small smile creep on his lips. 
Nonetheless, despite all the aforementioned, Mathew found himself a bit more reserved than he usually is whenever he gets to meet and talk to his potential ‘lady friends’ as how you’ve put it countless times. He just wasn’t his exact self.  And he was beginning to question it. 
There were no fancy hockey plays thrown subtly into the conversation. Neither mentions of golfing nor over the top league events.  No butchered french pet names swiftly tucked in his sentences. And no endless questions that would eventually lead to something along the lines of ‘Do you want to get out of here?’
Well, not until Zoe’s friends got up their seats and she told him herself. 
“Hey. The girls and I are meeting up with some friends in Brooklyn. D’ya wanna come?” 
Mat’s eyes trail down to her hand now gently caressing his. He raises both his brows thinking of a possible ‘out’ because he wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to leave you alone with a stranger. 
He hums, “Sure.” 
Zoe shows him a delighted smile before eventually sliding out of the booth to walk towards the bar she and her friends were formally seated. 
“I gotta use the restroom first. Please excuse me.” she gives him a nod before going back to chatting with her friends. 
You, on the other hand, see Mat leave the table aiming for an archway you presume to be where the loo was. 
“Hey,” you call the man whose name you’ve already forgotten. Your pause was long enough for him to acknowledge the chances that you actually did forget who he was. Obviously.
“Chris.” The man in his early 30s answers with a submitting grin. 
You shyly laugh, squeezing his forearm as you try to apologize for forgetting. 
“Would you mind if I use the restroom?” you politely ask. 
“No, not at all.” he replies and immediately stands to help you get on your feet. Gentleman. 
Once you are in front of the men’s room, you anxiously wait for your wingman. You hug your purse close to your chest. Not a whole minute after, the door finally opens and you meet Mat’s irises with quite a gleeful look. 
A look he wasn’t a fan of for he knew what’s about to come next. 
“Are you taking off?” you eagerly ask, almost hopping on your feet. 
Mat eyes you from head to toe, looking for signs that would stink from a drunk y/n. When he sees none, that’s when he decides to say that he was. 
“Mkay good. I’ll be on my way too. Chris is taking me to New Jersey.” you tell him, briefly looking through the archway to see if there were people listening.
Once you know you’re clear, you lean towards Mat, your lips dangerously close to the sensitive skin of his ear. Mat feels your heated breath sending a familiar tingle up his spine. “I’ll get to ride a yacht tonight.” you bite your lower lip and giddily smile as if you were a cheeky 16 year-old usually depicted in a coming of age movie. 
“Who’s Chris?” Mat, in spite of taking rounds observing you all night, finds the need to ask. “And why are you coming with him to NJ?” he further questions. 
“Uh– okay, dad.” you step back for a second. You let out a scoff, checking if he was being serious about it. “I thought we’re supposed to go get laid tonight? Weren’t you about to take off with that girl yourself?” 
Mat averts your gaze and starts to scratch the corner of his brow. “Well yeah. It’s just that— he looks sketchy.” he pauses, “plus… isn’t he a little too old for you?” 
You roll your eyes as you’ve already expected to hear the words from him. 
“He’s 31. He’s not that old.” you say rather defensively so you turn the ball back on his court. “And what if he was?  Didn’t you ask one of the moms out??”
Mat’s eyes widens and you try to bite back a laugh. He whispers with a biting tone, trying to save himself. “She didn’t look like one! I’m gonna kill Beau I swear to god.”
“Come on Barz. Don’t be such a killjoy. Text me if you need anything, okay? Wrap things up while you’re at it.” you say at once. Mat doesn’t get the chance to talk you out of such a stupid idea because before he even could, you’ve already planted a kiss on his cheek and started walking away. 
Mat waited for the sound of the heavy doors of the bar, signaling that you and your friend have gone, before stepping back to where Zoe was. She waves him near the coat closet. 
“Hi.” Mat greets her friends before eventually turning his attention on the unsuspecting lass. She meets her with a smile (just like what she’s been doing all night). The same smile, however, drops the second Mat opens his mouth. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” 
Zoe nods and willfully abides, letting Mat take her gently by the arm. 
“What’s up?” she innocently asks. 
“Something came up.” he says a little too fast than what he’d originally intended. He was going to let her down either way might as well get it over with and rip up the asshole band-aid. 
“Oh.” she says in a tone Mat knew that she completely understood. 
“No worries.” she looks at him with a knowing look in her eyes. “I’ll see you around then.” 
He gives her a kind smile and nods. “Take care.” 
Mathew walks towards the bar, catching River’s teasing grin whilst he cleans up after the bottles left on the center of the counter. 
“What?” Mat reacts defensively, taking a seat in front of the lone bartender. River faintly shakes his head to leave just enough curiosity in Mathew’s mind. 
“You’re such a tool, old man.” the kid says aiming for the cold beer River has put away for himself. River did not mind because he’s grown fond of the star player for the past years he’s spent going on late night drinks at his bar. Years that even justifies a proper amount of time for him to know the in’s and out’s of one Mathew Barzal. 
“I haven’t said a thing.” he shrugs amidst the already wide grin on his face. 
There’s wisdom in his eyes that Mathew has always admired. He wasn’t the guy who’d want to talk about what’s going on inside his head but with how River’s pub seems to be just the right place, he eventually concedes and takes a shot to pick on the old man’s brain.
“Come on, spill it out. I know you’re going to anyway.” Mat gives in, running his thumb on the moist label of the bottle. 
River wipes his hands before resting it atop the counter. “Well, it’s just that– I ain’t used to seeing you turn down ladies like that too often. And you’re definitely not one to stick around watching me clean up.”
Mat stays silent for a moment, as if to gather the exact reason as to why he chose to stay. He still has a long way to go before figuring that one out. He wasn’t exactly as sharp as he was on the ice.
“I don’t know, man.” he chuckles tirelessly, “I guess I wasn’t in the mood. That’s all.”
“You?” River shots a brow and dismisses him, shaking his head. When Mat doesn’t answer, he carefully picks on his choice of words and lays it down carefully for him. After all, Mathew should have known that River was old enough to not know what’s going on.
“Though I gotta be honest with you, hijo. Never imagined you’d bring someone here.” he starts. 
What must have been a shot in the dark for the old man was just enough to tear Mathew’s eyes away from staring at the water beads on the bottle.
“The girl, Barz.” he says, banging on the head of the bottle to knock the cap off. “She a friend?” 
“What? Y/N?” Mat quirks his brows trailing off where River was exactly headed, “What about her?— Oh, her? Yeah, no. She’s just a friend.”
“She pretty.” he speaks in a sound accent, not wanting to let Mat know he’s growing to like catching the young lad off guard. Mathew nods casually despite the continuous blabbering. “She’s y/n. But yeah— I guess, she is pretty.” 
“Then what are you doing being just friends with a pretty girl?” River inquires, taking a sip of his beer. When he sees him trying to register what he’d just said he then adds, “Why not be with her? Date her?”
“Psh. What? Date y/n? That’s crazy.” Mat shakes his head furiously, “You’re crazy.” 
“What’s so crazy about that?” River takes offense, laughing at the child’s naivete. 
“I can’t date her. I mean— I won’t date her.” he takes the bottle to his mouth, taking a large gulp before continuing, “We’re in this weird relationship thing. A setup, actually, and it’s— it’s crazier than dating her. I swear, you of all people won’t get it.” 
“What makes you think I can’t?” he smirks, “I’ve had my fair share of crazy.” River points out despite the hesitation in Mat’s eyes. “I got all night, kid.” he adds, letting him have the floor to himself. 
“You really want in on this?” he second guesses, not wanting to bore the man with his personal life.
River leans against the brass counter just below the lit rack of vintage scotch displayed on the bar. He then gestures him to give a piece of his mind and Mat finally submits to his offer.
“We’ve been in a few… prior engagements,” he starts trying to find the appropriate word. “Well, sort of.”
River hums, not necessarily getting on the same page as him so he decides to be upfront about it.
“We’ve… slept together.” he confesses.
“So you used to date her?” the old man asks. 
“No.” he answers, “I told you we’re just friends.” 
With furrowed brows, River takes a minute. And once Mat hears an all too familiar “Oh.” he sees him break a chuckle, shaking his head at the thought of what Mat had just told him. “You kids have way too much fun these days.”
Mathew shrugs, “Hey, I warned you. Told you you wouldn’t get it.”
“Okay, make me understand something here. You two sleep together, fool around, do all that shit.” he says, “and you swear you’re not in a relationship?”
“Nope.” Mat answers with pride, popping out the word with a hard ‘p’.
“Huh.” River clicks his tongue, “How long have you two been… engaged?” 
He rolls his eyes when River uses his word, “About two months.” he answers shortly.
“Is she seeing anyone since you two started this thing? You know, casual dates, the ones I presume she’s been getting before you got her into this mess?” he asks him in a tone that only fathers would ever dare to use.
Mat thinks for a moment, trying to recall the last time he’s seen a guy pick you up for dinner besides the old man you’ve successfully bagged for the night. He firmly shakes his head no and simply says, “At least not in my recollection.”
River willfully nods, walking Mat right into the trap. “Well have you been seeing anyone lately?” he asks again, this time slipping a hint of assertion. He hears a crystal clear ‘no’ from the forward and that’s when he broke a goading grin. 
“And you’re telling me you two aren’t together?” he asks yet again, getting on Mat's nerves as he continues to flood him with biting queries, building up the final point he was about to break on Mathew.
“Rivs, for the hundredth time, no. We are not.” he clarifies. 
Mat watches River pour himself a glass of scotch, still wearing a smug grin. “Imma give you a piece of advice, yeah?” he smiles rather teasingly and doesn’t wait for Mat to rebut, “I’m a happily married man so I don’t know a single squat about dating nowadays, but if you’re telling me that you kids aren’t sleeping with anyone else but yourselves? Looks like a damn relationship to me.”
With his brows all quirked in confusion (and denial in the very least), Mathew gathers all his might just so he could refute whatever madness River was trying to inflict on him and screw him up in the head. But before he could even open his mouth, the sound of the heavy doors was all it took to tear up both River’s and Mat’s attention.
“Hi.” you say the moment you were welcomed by unsuspecting men talking by the bar. River acknowledges you by raising his drink, his gaze landing on Mat the moment yours did. 
“Hi.” Mathew mirrors you in an attempt to drown his already racing heart. A smile impending to break loose at any moment but he manages to suppress it. Instead of dealing with his adrenaline, he gestures for you to take a seat beside him. 
“Where’s the sugar daddy?” he laughs the moment you drag yourself from across the room, mocking every word he said. 
“His wife called when I got into his car.” you cringe.
“Oof. Lovely.” Mat makes the distinct expression on his face just before the two of you share a laugh.
“He’s not very smooth with adultery. He needs more practice.” you casually state sarcastically, clicking your tongue. 
As you find the narrative funny, you take a sip on Mathew’s beer. “How are you not drunk? You’ve been drinking way too much the entire night.”
“Well. I’ve got some things to think about—” he cuts himself off upon seeing your mouth ajar, “And no, you’re not allowed to ask because none of it concerns you.” 
“I wasn’t going to.” you dismiss him, excusing yourself to River which he gladly took as his cue to leave.
When he disappeared into the kitchen, you turned your gaze on your friend wearing another one of your mischievous grins, “Hey, wanna get pancakes?” 
“Y/N, it’s almost 3 AM.” Mat sighs, the tiring night starting to creep up to him. 
“So?” you question, swatting his hand away when you catch him checking on his watch. 
“Come on. Stop drinking that.” you insist and take the bottle from his hand before putting it over to the side. 
The two of you said your goodbyes to the lone bartender who was just starting to clean up again. River gives the two of you a nod of acknowledgement before landing a knowing look on Mathew. One that he’s thankful enough not to be discerned by you. 
As you walk alongside Mathew, he unconsciously places a hand on the small of your back— feeling it graze on the fabric of your coat as if to guide you towards the door in an almost romantic type of way. Perhaps, a way someone would behave if they were actually in a relationship. 
Mat notices your body tense but he doesn’t move an inch. Instead, his hand travels to the curve of your waist just as he leads you through the brass doors.
Once you’re out on the streets, he lets go.
After almost half an hour of fighting over which diner is better to eat and get sober at, you and Mat decide to just try the new diner three blocks from your apartment. Being that it was an ungodly hour, the diner was good as closed when you got in. There were a few people inside and besides the student studying alone in the corner booth, the people lounging in the vacant seats were mostly just staff. Too bad they had to work the grave shift.
Mathew, who was rather preoccupied digging in his breakfast platter, gets interrupted when you call his attention. 
“So tell me,” you ask as you take a forkful of syrupy pancake into your mouth. Finally satisfying your cravings. You put the food modestly in the insides of your cheeks when you ask him a question, “What are you like on dates?” 
Mat disgustingly looks at you. You easily get what such a look meant and you immediately roll your eyes. You let your hand fall in mid-air amidst still holding a fork in it to prove a point. “I’m not trying to ask you out, dumbass. Don’t be so delusional.”
He puts his silverware down and wipes his mouth with a napkin. “Why the sudden interest?” 
“Just curious.” you simply say.
He hums, thinking about how he pulls off a first date. He then clears his throat as he takes you down that road. “First, I’m not bringing her to a 24/7 Diner.” you nearly gag. “She deserves a formal one just in case there won’t be a second date.” he explains. 
You sit there, nodding your head every now and then as he further goes on the details of how he’s like on a date. “Of course, I’d put my best foot forward all the time. Talk about her stuff more than mine and make sure she has a good time.” 
“Have you ever had a bad first date?” you curiously ask. To which he only answers with a stubborn look on his face, the one only Mat Barzal could pull off. “What? me? I don’t do bad first dates.”
“Oh, fuck off.” you flick his forehead as you laugh. The sound of his laughter echoing in your ears, drowning all the existing noise inside the lone diner.
But as the laughter dies down, Mat catches your eyes as soon as it falls on his. And just like that, there it was again, the exact same glint it had back in the bar. This time, illuminated by the pink shaded light lining up the wall accents of the diner. 
When he realizes that he’s been staring for too long, he settles on turning the tables on you. 
“How about you?” he props in his seat, “What are you like on dates?”
“You know, apart from the fact that you’re obviously into old men.” he snickers and you throw a curly fry on his forehead.
“Excuse me, I don’t.” you say sticking up for yourself.
Mat takes the curly fry that has fallen on his plate and proceeds to eat it. “Sure you do.” 
You roll your eyes, finding it hard to suppress the fact that you might actually do. “There’s a reason why women like old men, chico.”
He leans back and answers with a level headed and quite teasing reply, “And why’s that?”
“Because they’re men.” you look at him with a jerky grin as you continue, “And men, especially of River’s kind, definitely knows how to eat his french fry.”
Mat’s mouth falls wide in disbelief, appalled that you’ve actually found a way to pick up a stone and throw it straight to his face just to rub more salt on the fact that you had to teach a 23-year-old grown man how to eat cunt.
 “You’re an ass.” he says, rolling his eyes. You let out a laugh and shake your head. You were proud of yourself, sure; but showing just that is far too much for a boy’s already hurting ego. Who would have known humbling this man was such a task. 
“I’m playing! You know how to now.” you tell him, “Thanks to me, of course.”
He scoffs and takes a bite off his pancakes, “Cocky.”
“But you still haven’t answered my question.” he reminds you whilst he wipes off his lips with a napkin. 
“There’s not much to tell. You know I’m not high maintenance.” you tell him, ignoring the fact that you haven’t been on an actual date for so long you’re almost sure you’ve forgotten how to be in one. 
“I know it’s cheesy and corny but I do think it’s still in the littlest things, you know?” you sigh. Trying to remember the last relationship (date even) you had wherein those little things, the ones that are merely the bare minimum, were actually given to you. 
“You know, it’s not much, really. Maybe just a good talk without having to watch him watch me talk all night when he’s really thinking about how I’d look naked, you know what I mean?” you laugh it off, “I know, it’s stupid.”
The arrogant man sitting before you was silent for once, profusely wanting to wash the pool of melancholy he sees in your eyes. There must have been a shit ton of guys who overlooked how great of a woman you actually are just because they couldn’t stop thinking with the head in between their legs even just for a second. 
Mathew knows. And he hates that he’s been ‘that’ guy at some point. Probably until now considering him thinking with his balls on was the very thing that got the two of you here in the first place.
You take a deep breath, smiling. “Anyway, that’s better than almost getting with a married man. Right?”
“Right.” Mat laughs, his gray eyes bright under all the lights as he plays with his silverware,— devoid of how much he looked like as if he was utterly and undeniably in awe of not just the energy of the woman sitting in front of him alone nor the fact that she was by far the most unbelievable woman he’s known, but most importantly, he’s yet to realize how much in deep he’s beginning to be for the woman she actually were. 
Just as she is. 
You left the diner a good hour before the sunrise and what must have been a quick five minute drive if you had only taken a cab, became a twenty minute foot race between you and Mathew.
You knew that walking was a bad idea but somehow, Mat’s charm and persuasive antics had a better hold than you thought you had on your very capable cognition. 
As you drag your feet into the confines of the elevator in your complex, you hear Mathew chuckling behind you with a firm hand securely placed on your waist supporting your balance. 
“You know— and not just ‘cause I’m an athlete, can I just say that you’re in a very bad shape?” he says almost a whisper in your ear, his voice low and deep.
You roll your eyes, leaning on the steel cold mirror once he pulls away, “You do it in heels then tell me who’s in a bad shape.” 
“Fair point.” he chuckles yet again, shying away. He presses the number for your floor before resting across from you. As Mat watches you catch your breath, he jokes in the hopes of breaking the ice between the two of you. 
“So…” he clicks his tongue, playful eyes looking at you, “Wanna tap?”
Disgusted to your very core, you let out a scoff just as you shake your head. “You’re fucking sick.” you laugh upon meeting his dumb grinning face. Seconds into laughter, Mat’s silence kills off the humor. The two of you exchange glances, the smiles on your faces receding into quietude. 
Mathew didn’t want to end the night letting you in the apartment not knowing what he’s been feeling the moment you’ve let him drag you out for an impromptu night out. And stupid as it was, the only thing he could think of was to slide his foot across the enclosed space embracing the two of you, nudging on your boot. You on the one hand were rather puzzled as to what caused such language. You send him a mental query by arching a brow. He lets his head fall back on the cold metal surrounding the elevator finally deciding to speak his truth.
 “I’m glad we get to hang out now. You know, just like friends do.” he genuinely says. 
“Me too.” you say, smiling. “I really had fun tonight. Thank you.”
As you meet his eyes, you see a glimmer of softness in his gaze. 
“Good thing I got bored, eh?” he says with a smirk. 
“Good thing I came back for you.” you reply.
A quiet smile parts from his lips.
“Yeah. I’m glad you did.”
It was a few seconds when you and Barzy parted from your respective walls to meet the sliding doors as it opened on your designated floor. You were pulling him closer by the tie of his coat whilst his hand was instinctively placed on your hips letting him press his body on you. Your faces were inches from each other’s, evident of not wanting to prolong the totally unplanned foreplay that’s about to go down in a communal lift. 
But just like every film you’ve watched your whole life, the inevitable cliché befalls the two of you when the next words that filled the enclosed walls you’re currently caged in came from the man who has yet to miss a morning jog. 
“What the hell is going on here?”
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet w/ James Patrick March
Requested by @frankenkyleluvr
Fasten your seat belts, my horny friends. This'll be a wild ride.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He probably doesn't care about any sort of aftercare to be honest.
Would probably just fall asleep with you.
Maybe shower with you after.
Nothing fancy.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
JPM is definitely narcissistic so his face is his favorite part of his body.
I just know he enjoys looking in the mirror at himself.
Maybe his chest/abs.
He has a very nice body.
He likes your ass.
Definitely an ass guy.
Likes to slap it and spank it during sex.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves cumming on your face or tits.
Would probably take some of the cum off your chest and open your mouth to have you suck his fingers clean.
He's a kinky bitch.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This is kinda weird but I have a feeling he gets turned on by imagining killing you.
He'd never do it, but he'd think about it.
Uses his omnipotence to spy on you all the time. (Post-death of course)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Super experienced.
Could get you shaking within minutes.
He knew how to use his fingers like a fucking god.
And he knows he's good, too.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Likes that position where he holds you and pushes you against the wall so he can fuck into you. (Idk what it's called)
The one where your legs are on his shoulders.
Really likes bending you over tables and his desk and fucking you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Super serious.
Puts all his energy into making it feel good for you.
Never jokes about it.
This man takes sex very seriously.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Dark and limited is all I'll say.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Eh it depends.
On one hand, he could be sweet and caring.
Soft touches and sweet praises.
On the other, he could be fucking you into the goddamn mattress.
Taking any sort of anger out on you.
And you'd let him.
Cus he's hot.
Pretty privilege bitch.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jerks off while spying on you.
This man has no idea or concept of boundaries.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dominating you.
Knife/gun play
Fear play
Power imbalance (having you tied up)
Blood kink
Humiliating you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Over his desk
Anywhere in the hotel.
Literally anywere.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you bite your lip.
Wearing revealing clothing.
Addressing him as "Mr. March"
When you get needy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There is absolutely nothing James wont do
As long as the power dynamic stays in shape, it's fine.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Face fucking face fucking face fucking face fucking.
Lives for the face fucking.
Holds you against the wall as he brutally fucks your mouth.
Likes the look on your face while he does it.
But he's also very good at eating you out.
It's his specialty.
Besides his fingers good lord
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough 90% of the time.
Like I said, a very aggressive person.
But he does it so good, can you really complain?
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his favorite but they're fine.
Unless he cums in you and makes you keep it in you as you go about your day.
Especially if you were going to go down to have drinks with Liz.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He makes risks his bitch.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The best stamina ever.
Can go really long and then once he cums, it's easy for him to continue.
Not a pussy when it comes to prolonged sex.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Prefers no toys but will always use rope.
Ties you to the headboard with rough rope so it leaves marks that'll remain there for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Very very very much unfair.
He'll graze his touch all over your body, watching the goosebumps on your skin break out and watching how your shiver.
Says the most taunting things ever.
"There's my good girl,"
"Is that any way to treat the man who touches you?"
"If you're quiet, I'll give you a reward,"
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Literally just deep groans and profanities.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He has a god complex.
You cannot tell me otherwise.
Loves making you scream.
Like, the scream that'd have hotel guests suspicous.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ungodly high.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I have the odd feeling he's an insomniac.
I don't know why but I just get that feeling, ya know?
Never sleeps unless absolutely fucking drained.
Is awake when you fall asleep and awake when you wake up in the morning.
183 notes · View notes
speirstookmysoul · 3 years
Lewis Nixon NSFW Alphabet
Hello beautiful! How are we doing today? I’m waiting for my books to arrive still. Will they ever come? I don’t know, I’ll be up on my balcony like I’m waiting for my imaginary husband to return from time at sea.
We’ve got our dearest Nix this time on the SIN Alphabets. His ABC’s are finally done! And omg, his were actually posted before Lieb’s or Martin’s! Those are coming soon, I promise babes.
Content Warning: 18+ Content below the cut. Minors please do no interact.
All depictions are based on the actors’ portrayals as shown in the 2001 HBO miniseries. No disrespect is meant to the real people who served during World War II that these portrayals are based upon.
These men (and women) are truly the greatest heroes ever known. I thank each and every one of them for their service and their bravery.
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A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Don’t expect much from Nix if it’s a one night stand. It’s wham-bam-he’s out the door.
With a long-term partner, he’s having a drink, a smoke and falling asleep. He’ll cling to his partner in his sleep though, so if they want to cuddle, that’s how to do it. 
Nine times out of ten, he’s falling asleep on his partner’s chest so good luck moving.
B = Body part (what is their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner?)
Lewis comes off to me as an ass man on both himself and his partner, and I will not be convinced otherwise. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
Messy. Blowjobs. 
That is all.
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to have a threesome. Specifically, a threesome with Dick. 
He’d love to share his partner with Dick. Whether it’s just Dick watching, Dick fucking Nix’s partner, whatever. He wants a threesome with Dick. 
It’s his darkest and dirtiest secret. Nix would have to be blackout drunk to admit it and if he’s confronted about it when he’s sober, he’ll deny it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lew has experience and he knows what he is doing. 
F = Favourite Position
His lap is a saddle and he is the ride. Hop on.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment or humorous?) 
He’s not as humorous as Luz is, but he’s a close second. Nix has a quip for everything. (“Fuck you.” “I am fucking you.” “Oh jesus.” “That’s not my name.”)
Sometimes, his quips get his partner laughing in the heat of the moment which gets Nix laughing, and a break is required to calm down so the sex can resume. Until Nix gets his partner laughing again. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
Nix either keeps it near-clean shaven or it’s jungle down there. No in-between. 
He prefers if his partners are clean shaven.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)  
Nix isn’t intimate when it comes to a one-night stand. That’s about getting off, and he’s gone. 
With a long-time partner, Nix is flexing that romantic muscle of his. No, I’m not talking about the one that dangles between his legs.
I’m talking about rose petals on the bed, candles, some fine wine or liquor. 
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon.)
Sometimes you just need some stress relief and have to rub one out, and it’s no different with Nix. He prefers to take his time, so he can tease himself. 
Also, likes mutual masturbation. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks.)
Nix will joke about having a degradation kink but he’s lying. The man has a praise kink, please praise him. He likes to be praised.
Nylons. As written about here by @spotofimagines​, I am 10000% on board with this. Nix loves the feeling on nylons on his partner. Male or female, it doesn’t matter. He loves it. 
He comes across to me as an exhibitionist. He likes being watched, so long as it’s all consensual between the parties involved. If it isn’t and he finds out about it, he gets mad on his partner’s behalf. 
He also comes across as a voyeur. 
Hair pull kink. Hair pull kink. Hair. Pull. Kink. Pull his hair, he’ll pull yours.
Any thing his partner is into, 9 times out of 10, Nix is into it as well or is interested.
L = Location (where are their favourite places to do the do?)
Anywhere. I mean, ANY WHERE. He doesn’t care. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on and gets them going?)
A lot of things can turn Nix on and get him going. Literally all his partner has to say is “Hey, you want to have sex?” and Nix is down. 
Pull his hair, and find out what happens. 
N = NO (is there something they wouldn’t do? what are their turn-offs?)
There really isn’t something that is a hard stop for Nix. If it comes up, he’ll make sure it is known to his partner. 
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
How skilled Nix is depends on how much he’s been drinking. The more he’s been drinking, the more sloppy he’ll be. 
Nix is fond of giving, but he’ll never say no to receiving, especially if him receiving is tapping into his exhibition streak. 
Duck under a desk or table or blow him in a closet. That’s what I’m saying.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?)
Depends on what his partner wants. Want to get dicked down within a inch of your life? Something that leaves you a crying and shaky mess overwhelmed by feelings for him? He’s got you.
Q = Quickie (what is their opinion on quickies over proper sex? how often do they have quickies?)
Nix likes quickies almost as much as he likes actual sex. He will pull his partner into an empty room or a closet for a quickie in the middle of the day. 
With quickies, it’s more about his partner than Nix himself. He’s either shoving his hand down his partner’s pants or giving them oral. 
R = Risk (are they willing to experiment? do they take risks?)
Nix is open to experimenting, and he is usually the one suggesting things. He’ll stop if his partner is uncomfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Nix can do a maximum of two rounds. He needs about fifteen minutes to get ready again. 
A round with Nix is a long haul. He will drag it out for as long as he can. Anywhere between twenty five minutes to forty five minutes is normal. 
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As is becoming a theme amongst the boys, Nix does not have any toys. If his partner does, Nix is using them on his partner or on himself. 
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He likes to tease and be teased. 
He rubs at his partner underneath tables when out and about. Whispers dirty things in their. 
Do the same to him. 
V = Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?)
Nix is vocal, and he is always letting his partner know how sex is making him feel.
W = Wild Card (a random nsfw headcanon.)
Nix gets whiskey dick from time to time. It has nothing to do with his partner. The solution around this is for sex to happen while Nix is sober. 
X = X-Ray (what’s going on in those pants?)
He’s thicker towards the base and his balls, and tapers off slimmer towards his head. Nix has a pretty dick. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Nix has pretty have high sex drive. If he’s having sex more than twice a week, he’s a happy man. 
Z = ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
About an hour after sex, Nix is asleep on his partner’s chest. Again, good luck moving. He’s curled around you like an octopus. If you have to use the bathroom, you’ll probably need to shove him off the bed. 
He’ll squawk like a bird if you do that and he will pull you off the bed with him.
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neo-ct23 · 3 years
WayV’s perpetually tired single father Qian Kun for the fluff alphabet, please ❤️
Kun x Fluff Alphabet
PSA: I’m obsessed with Kun in glasses.
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Affection: Their love language & how affectionate they are.
Shy about affection in public, but in private oh boy does he get affectionate. Kisses all over your face, hand holding, etc. Cuddles galore!!!
Behavior: How their behavior is when it’s just the two of you vs with their other members around.
Oh my god he’d be so embarrassed to behave the way he does in front of the other wayv members. Keeps things strictly G rated when the others are around.
Cuddles: HC about cuddling with them.
Wraps his hand around yours. That’s his favorite way to hold hands with you, so of course he does it while cuddling. Makes him feel like he’s comforting for you. Feels very fulfilled by the feeling of providing for his s/o.
Dates: First date & their favorite thing to do on dates as well.
First date was probably just a movie. Afterwards he’d sit down with you and just chat. He’d want to hear your thoughts on the movie. Such a good listener. His favorite dates are when you do something that either of you is passionate about. He loves listening to you talk about your passions and he loves the way you listen to him talk about his.
Effort: The ways they put effort into their relationships. How they to the extra mile.
Mostly does it through affection and care. Also will buy or cook you food. Shows you how responsible he is and how he can provide for you. I know that’s a traditional way of thinking but I do think he’s fairly traditional.
Future: How often they think of the future, their plans, etc.
Probably plans out your future together while getting ready for your first date. Gets ahead of himself thinking about marriage and kids. Thinks about it all the time.
Gifts: What they like to both give and get for gifts.
Doesn’t necessarily give you stuff but instead will do something sweet for you. Cooks you breakfast or dinner, cleans your whole apartment, etc. Will also buy you flowers.
Habits: Any habits, good or bad, that they may have.
I don’t think this man has a single bad habit. He’s clean, a great leader, responsible, all around the perfect guy. I’m so close to biasing this man but I’m trying to stay ot7 😫
Insecurity: Their main insecurity and how to comfort them about it.
Doesn’t get insecure a lot, but when he does it’s probably about something his songwriting skills. Will make some songs and then delete them because he doubts his own abilities.
Junior: What they were probably like as a kid.
The most polite and quiet boy ever. Sooooo cute.
Kisses: Your first kiss story and their favorite type of kiss
First kiss was probably an accident. He really likes you and asks you out. A couple days before your first date he’d “accidentally” kiss you and then he’d be like •o• and be so embarrassed & flustered. His favorite kisses are just simple tender lip kisses. Loves make outs.
Liquor: How well they handle it/how much they can handle.
Doesn’t drink often. When he does he can handle it really well and it would be so hot. Usually the designated driver for wayv. Used to having to stay sober to make sure the others get to bed safely.
Mature: How mature or immature they are and the ways they show it.
Probably the most mature member in all of nct. Mature king.
No: A dealbreaker for them. Something they couldn’t deal with in a relationship.
Couldn’t deal with someone who is improper or behaves recklessly. It would stress him out all the time.
Online: How public your relationship would be. Whether or not they’d post about you online.
Basically hides you from the public. Probably comes up with a code word that means “I love you” so when he posts the word Pumpernickel on his Instagram story you know it means he’s telling the world he loves you.
Protective: How protective and jealous they get.
Would be so protective. Not the jealous type. Wants to beat anyone’s ass who tries to hurt you in any way.
Quarrel: What fights would be like with them, what they’d be about, etc. Might get a lil angsty.
Might get annoyed about minor things, but he’s easy to brush it off. Not sure what fights would be about. Serious ones wouldn’t happen much, though. I could see small bickering turning into a more serious fight, but rarely.
Room: What their room is like, living habits, etc.
Idk about Yangyang and Xiaojun but Kun’s side of the room is CLEAN i mean talk about CLEAN. Cleans when he’s stressed, which is a good habit.
Social: Their favorite way to communicate with their s/o when they’re not around, how social they are, etc.
Calls you when he knows you can’t pick up. Does this so that he can send you the sweetest voicemails. Sings to you, tells you he loves you, and asks about what you want for dinner.
Travel: Where they want to go & what they want to do.
Wants more than anything to take you to his hometown and to take you to meet his family. Other than that, he probably doesn’t want to leave Asia. Might check out South America but apart from that he’d try to keep things in Southeast Asia in particular.
Unwind: What helps them relax after a long day.
Reading. Just picks up a book and could instantly be relaxed. Maybe cooks & eats something.
Vulnerable: What makes them vulnerable & why.
Probably when it comes to his masculinity. Doesn’t feel like he can protect you if you get harmed. In reality I definitely think he could (he would be so fierce and protective over you), he probably just doubts himself.
Wedding: whether or not they want to get married, if/how they would want to do it, etc.
Wants to get married. ULTIMATE husband material. Doesn’t want anything too flashy but definitely wants his family there and something formal. Jokes that he doesn’t want wayv to attend but of course they’d be groomsmen. Imagine how cute he’d be in his tux 🥺
X: an AU that comes to mind.
I mean this is an obvious one but a single dad one, or WAIT hear me out a CEO AU.
You: Their absolute favorite thing about you & why.
Your sense of humor. Kun finds a lot of fun times in his job but he also gets stressed and your humor and making him laugh would help him de-stress.
Zzz: Cute sleeping HC.
Probably sleeps with two pillows but uses one as a pillow and hugs the other one. If you bought him a plushie he’d cuddle that at night instead. Helps him feel secure.
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kuwurapikaaa · 4 years
Kite NSFW Alphabet
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Note: This is my first post in this blog aaaa I'm so happy and giggly today !!! Also editing on tumblr mobile is a fucking nightmare aaaaa - Admin Meiqi
Kite is a precious bean.
He's very stoic and finds it quite difficult to show that he genuinely cares for his partner.
If he’s taking the girl’s virginity, he will try (keyword “try”) to be more caring.
It’s not that he doesn’t give a single fuck, he genuinely does, but he just finds it so hard to be soft and caring.
Maybe he loosens up when he gets more close with his partner.
Body part
Kite's favorite part on his partner would be boobs
I mean most men like boobs, but since Kite is skinny, he would like a more full-figured partner.
On himself, he would love his legs. 
They're very long and skinny. It makes him look so big.
Kite's cum is a bit thin (although not as thin as Kurapika's)
Unlike Kurapika, his cum has a bit more sperm in it. 
More chances to knock you out lol
He prefers cumming in a condom, but if it’s not an option, I think he’d love to cum on your mouth or boobs.
Dirty secret
He refuses to make anyone know that he watches hentai
Or that he’s addicted to them
He just feels so ashamed that he watches porn
But he’s too shy to express that vocally to his sex partner.
He's not that experienced.
But enough experience to suffice.
Kite has enough experience to be aware of what his partner wanted
He probably had around two sexual partners
Fave position
For the most part, Kite is just a basic man
He likes doggy style and missionary the most
Although the butterfly position is also good as well.
He would love to stimulate his partner while hitting them.
So positions like those can give him enough space to also rub his partner’s clit too.
I think he is very serious about sex, for the most part
Shy boy Kite
When something funny happens, he might shyly chuckle and still continue
He doesn’t want it to happen, but if it did happen, it’s not a turn off for him.
I can proudly say this, Kite is a shaved man.
Well, on most days. I can’t say the same if he’s gone for an expedition.
If he can’t shave his pubes or his body hair in general, he will keep it well maintained though
His hair would be short and it would obviously be white. 
Even if he doesn’t keep it, it would still not be seen that much because it’s a light color.
Kite, like said in goof, I think he is very intimate during these times.
He would often keep a loving gaze on his partner
He might still have a hard time instilling affection to his partner, but he would adore it to kiss them.
He’d kiss his partner on the forehead most of the time, he might also do short pecks in the lips
He’s not really a fan of french kisses, but he will participate willingly if his partner initiated it.
Jack off
Like Kurapika, I don't see Kite having a lot of opportunities to get it on.
He can go on without sex, but he will have to jack off one point.
Since he is always in the forest, he would be quiet.
He’d just find a tree and remove his pants (sometimes his shirt, if he is really horny) and jerk off there (on a typical set up)
If he’s not at the forest, he would secretly watch porn (preferably hentai of some sort)
But after that he’d feel so ashamed of himself when he jerks himself off.
For the most part, I think he can go without it for two weeks.
Since he prefers that his partner would be the one satisfying him.
I think Kite would like a size difference.
With him being so tall, gosh that is so cute
He’d also like bondage. (don’t @ kurapika)
He is also a polite dominant (i stole it from someone)
(Is it considered a kink ???) He would also like tit fucking
He’d be happy to just move his cock back and forth in your tits. (i’m not tryna shadow shit here, but i am)
Like said in dirty secret
Like Ging, Kite likes to have sex in the forest
Like maybe inside a tent (he's too shy to have sex outside)
Just to keep close with nature
Another favorite place would be the lake.
I don't see him as someone who would settle with a bed.
Due to his lack of experience a lot of things can he turn on from
I think, just like Ging, lingerie can really turn him on
Think of the simple silk nightgowns. 
He’s not Ging who gets turned on by trashy ass lingerie (i’m sorry ging ;-;)
That is something he really likes, because it doesn’t show that much skin, but he will go crazy because of it.
To his lack of experience, he doesn't have a lot of things to say no to.
Although I think cuckolding is already a no-no
Participating in a threesome is okay, but him just watching you getting fucked by someone else is a no-no to him
Come on, Kite needs to be pleasured too lol
Kite is fairly good at it.
He would love it when his partner sits on his face and he’d eat her out
Although he would love to recieve, he is mostly a giver.
Depends on his mood and his partners' moods.
If he's stressed and frustrated, he'd probably go at a much more rough pace.
If he’s happy or feeling a bit more sentimental, he’d gladly go at a slower pace, just to keep the intimacy.
His partner can order him up to get it faster or slower, he’d oblige.
He can be fast and sensual at the same time.
He does it, since he is indeed a busy man.
In an opportunity that he and his partner are alone for a few minutes, when others come back, they know that Kite and his partner prolly did it.
He’d probably do it when he’s already attached to his partner.
Although he's more satisfied if he was fucked the right way.
Longer sex makes him form longer and satisfying connections yieee
He's in the middle
Not too out there, not too conservative as well.
He wouldn’t risk his partner getting knocked out by him outside of marriage (cough cough Ging)
Since he's a well trained nen user, I think he could last a couple of rounds doing it. (Not as much as Ging, though)
But also with how much he is starved from it, he would really last long.
Around 2-4 rounds at best.
As said in cum, his orgasm is a bit calm and not really violent.
Unlike the adult trio, he doesn't own a lot of those.
Because he did (obviously from porn he watches… where else?)
Of course, he’d be happy to use them on his partner
His innocence and curiosity are at an all time high when it comes to things like this
Not necessarily he hasn’t seen things like that
Kite is not really a tease, necessarily.
He'd love to stimulate his partner and get them to their release as fast as possible.
He’d groan if you tease him
Since he is really stoic, I think he’d try to compensate for that with his actions.
I.e. giving his partner the release they deserve (he’s not Ging goddammit)
Just like him in general, when it comes to sex, Kite is pretty quiet. 
He isn’t that loud when it comes to those things.
He would growl, whisper, and pant, but not moan.
Kite loves to have a more experienced girl
Or boy yieeee
Someone to guide him in the intriguing world of sex. (Not that a virgin would turn him off, but it would be more awkward)
Since he feels so ashamed with his hentai collection, he would hire a prostitute instead of him whipping out his hentai collection.
Skinny boy, big diCK - My sister 2020
Kite is well endowed. He definitely has a big cock.
He'd be a grower. Seven inches fully erect.
His cock would be longer and would be veiny. His tip is a bit purple-ish.
From aftercare and dirty secrets, I think he’d find it hard to express to his partner that he wants to get it on.
His partner would probably be the one asking/expressing that they want to have sex.
He’d happily oblige for his partner though.
If he’s tired, then that is the only time he might say no.
Unlike Kurapika, Kite can go long periods without having sex of some sort
But, if he does come home to his s/o, that is the first thing he’d think about.
Kite is someone that would wait for his partner to sleep soundly before he can sleep himself.
He would want to observe them, look in their eyes and see the stars.
When you talk, he’d just love to listen to you.
He might even add in and of course join in the conversation.
Just like Ging, he’d believe in the old adage “the eyes are the windows to our souls”, so like in the intimacy page, he’d believe in it too.
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet ~ Shouto Todoroki
Word Count: 1.7k
Key: ☆,♤
Sum: Lil bit of NSFW fluff for ya, Todoroki x Fem!Reader
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Aftercare ~ What he’s like after sex.
➯ Todoroki is the sweetest thing after sex.
➯ He will use a towel, damp with warm water to clean you up.
➯ He will ask you if you need anything and if you do he is sure to get it for you, even if it means a late-night drive to the corner store to pick up some Aspirin or Plan B.
➯ Afterward, he will probably cuddle you while you fall asleep, and he’ll fall asleep soon after.
Body part ~ His favorite body part of his and also his partner's.
➯ Todoroki’s favorite body part of his own are his arms. He loves holding you in his arms. It feels perfect, like he found the missing puzzle piece that completes the picture.
➯ His favorite thing about you are your eyes. Yeah, you have a bangin’ body but there is just something about your eyes that draws him to you.
Cum ~ Anything to do with cum.
➯ At first, his cum is thick and white but the more he cums the more watery and clear it becomes.
➯ His seamen always taste sweet, not overly sweet like candy but sweet enough for you to notice, every now and then there is a metallic twinge to the taste.
➯ Todo also has a thing for creampies, the sight of his seed spilling out of your cunt is truly beautiful to him.
Dirty secret ~ Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of his.
➯ Todoroki is really into the idea of cock warming.
➯ After a night of vigorous lovemaking, he likes to stay close to you.
➯ The idea of him falling asleep with his penis hard inside of you is just so intimate to Todo. 
➯ Though he might have trouble avoiding the urge to recreate the events that happened not too soon before.
Experience ~ How experienced is he? Does he know what he’s doing?
➯ Ha!
➯ This poor boy has never truly experienced what it is like to love or to be loved.
➯ You are his first everything.
➯ He has no idea what he’s doing at all. 
➯ He's really just winging it, and he is constantly afraid of messing everything up.
➯ Please, please, please remember to tell him just how much he means to you.
Favorite position ~ This goes without saying.
➯ Since sex is such an intimate thing for Todoroki his favorite positions include poses where his partner is in close reach.
➯ He likes to have easy access to your lip, so he can kiss you until your lips become raw.
➯ So he enjoys positions like missionary, cradle, lotus or the occasional cowgirl.
Goofy ~ Is he more serious during the moment? Is he humorous?
➯ Todoroki doesn't believe that jokes belong in the bedroom. It would ruin the romance for him.
 ➯ Though if you get a couple drinks in him he might think differently.
Hair ~ How well-groomed is he? Does the carpet match the drapes?
➯ Todoroki never felt the need to ‘manscape’ until he met you since then every other week he takes a pair of scissors and touches things up.
➯ And yes the carpets do indeed match the drapes, crimson hair on the left and white on the right.
Intimacy ~ How is he during the moment? The romantic aspect of it all.
➯ Todoroki is ridiculously intimate, not just during sex but with everything. 
➯ Every kiss is filled to the brim with passion and intensity, with every hug he holds you as close as humanly possible emanating feelings of protection and endearment, every thrust jammed packed with love and euphoria.
➯ He is most likely the one to set up romantic dinners dates for the both of you,
Jack off ~ Masturbation headcanon!
➯ Todoroki doesn’t feel the need to masturbate, especially when he has you- someone he can go to when he is feeling particularly horny.
➯ But in times where you’re not around and he feels the need to ‘jack it’ he likes to keep things slow. 
➯ As he slowly fucks his fist he has an image of you in his head the whole time. He imagines your hands in place of his.
➯ Every now and again he lets your name ever so quietly slip past his lips.
Kink ~ One or more of his kinks.
➯ Todoroki has a thing for hickeys.
➯ He is careful about where he leaves them, so they are easy for you to cover up.
➯ Though every now and then he slips up and leaves hickey in a place where people could see as clear as day.
➯ While it might be a pain for you, he enjoys looking at the marker that he left on you, allowing anyone who sees it to know that you are taken -by him.
Location ~ Favorite places to do the do.
➯ Honestly, Todoroki would fuck you anywhere if he could. 
➯ Especially if you're wearing a pair of shorts that are a little too short or a shirt that hugs your torso in all the right places.
➯ That being said, his favorite place to have you is in his bedroom. It is where he feels the most comfortable, it’s a sanctuary made just for the two of you.
Motivation ~ What turns them on, gets them going.
➯ You. You are his motivation, everything about you turns him on -from the shape of your boobs to the curve in your ass. He loves you and every time you and he do the deed he wants to show just how much.
➯ It’s obvious that Todoroki is not good with words so when you and Todo are in bed together it is his chance to make you feel how you make him feel every second of every day.
➯ But if you really want to drive him absolutely insane, throw on some lingerie. Nothing too showy, something simple- lacey black undies with an almost see-through lace bra. 
No ~ Something he wouldn’t do, turn-offs.
➯ Todoroki is completely opposed to anything that could cause you harm.
➯ As a hero and more promptly as your boyfriend, Todoroki wants to do everything he can to prevent you from feeling any type of pain- pleasurable or not. 
Oral ~ Preference in giving or receiving.
➯ He always prefers giving over receiving.
➯ Todoroki loves being the one responsible for your undoing.
➯  He is rather skilled with his tongue and he works miracles when he adds a finger or two.
➯ The sounds you make when he is working his magic are purely pornographic and are always sure to make him lose control.
Pace ~ Is he fast and rough? Slow and sensual?
➯ Todoroki believes that sex is a show of intimacy between two people.
➯ He likes to keep things slow and sensual to ensure intimacy and maximize the pleasure between you and him.
➯ Although if Todoroki’s day was more strenuous than usual and he felt the need to blow off some steam expect things to be completely different from the norm.
➯ It will seem as though he is a completely different person, expect his thrusts to be hard and fast- like lightning-fast and crazy hard, look forward to holding on to him for dear life as you experience one of the highest highs in your life.
Quickie ~ His opinions on quickies, how often.
➯ Todoroki isn’t too fond of quickies.
➯ Like I said before I think that Todo believes that sex is an act of intimacy, and quickies simply don’t have the level of intimacy that he is looking for.
Risk ~ Is he game to experiment? Does he take risks?
➯ It really depends on what you're asking.
➯He is game for anything as long as you are safe and comfortable.
Stamina ~ How many rounds can he go for? How long does he last?
➯ With all the training that he has done Todoroki has built up an unreal amount of stamina.
➯ He can go for as long as you need to without faltering in the quality of each thrust.
Toys ~ Does he own toys? Does he use them? On a partner or themselves?
➯ Todoroki does not own toys. He doesn’t feel the need to have any. He wants every ounce of pleasure that you feel to come from him.
➯ However, if you were to ask, you could probably convince him to spice things up every once in a while.
Unfair ~ How much he likes to tease.
➯ Todoroki doesn’t like to tease you. He wants to give you everything you want and more.
➯ So as soon as he hears you ask for something he is sure to give it to you.
Volume ~ How loud is he, what sounds do he make
➯ Todoroki isn’t too vocal when he is in bed. The most you probably hear are a couple of low grunts and moans and the occasional profanity.
➯ With that being said Todo is sure to shower you with praise, never missing a moment to tell you how much he loves you or tell you how perfect you look.
Wild card ~ A random headcanon for the character.
➯ Todoroki has always been more of an ass man rather than a boob man. 
➯ It’s often that his hands will somehow end up cupped around your butt and honestly you have no problem with it.
X-ray ~ Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes!
➯ It’s pretty obvious that Todo is ripped. You notice just how toned his arms are when he picks you to carry off to the bedroom.
➯ When you ride him,  you can’t help but run your hands all over his torso as you bounce up and down on his cock.
Yearning ~ How high is his sex drive?
➯ Todoroki isn’t one to just spring random boners out of nowhere. He never really feels the need to engage in sexual activities.
➯ That is until his eyes meet yours. You truly drive this man wild, everything about you seems so perfect to him.
Zzz ~ How quickly he falls asleep afterward.
➯ He may have hella endurance, but afterward, he's pretty tired.
➯ After he makes sure that you're all good he’ll cuddle you and make some pillow talk until you drift away to the land of dreams and not too soon after he’ll be following suit.
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A/N: First official post on this account! I found this NSFW Alphabet template and thought I could do something special with it.
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kylosupremeimagines · 4 years
Charlie Barber NSFW A-Z
(Special thanks to @driversmutbucket​ for lending me a helping hand with this! I think that the things we did with this turned out great, especially what they wrote!) 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) Charlie loves to bask in post-orgasm bliss with you. Just laying together silently, drawing soft patterns on your skin. If it isn’t in the bedroom/home (which sometimes it certainly isn’t), a post-shag cigarette (a social smoker only since Henry was born) or drink at a bar where he can hold your hand and whisper sweet sentiments in your ear. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Charlie is a breast man. He loves grazing his fingers over your clothed breasts discreetly in public. He loves coming up behind you at home and creeping his hands up your top and just cupping them. When you sleep he will spoon you and cradle your tit. When you have sex his mouth and hands are all over them, kneading, sucking, squeezing and flicking your nipples. He will run his cock over them and between them - almost cumming on the spot if you let him titty fuck you. Charlie doesn’t look in the mirror often, he isn’t egotistical about his looks. His favorite body parts of his own are his hands, how big they look against yours, how one splayed covers a lot of your stomach or your ass. How much of your breast he can fit into his grasp. He is very visual, after all. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) Charlie prefers his cum inside you, your mouth, your pussy, your ass, he doesn’t care. But he prefers not to cum on you, or on himself. A neat and tidy person by nature, this extends to his bedroom preferences, having to clean up cum ruins the post-orgasmic bliss. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He would love to have another woman join you in the bedroom but doesn’t know how to ask, just yet. It’s a matter of time before you come across his pornhub history and figure it out. Maybe he will just leave it up purposely for you to find... E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) As much as any typical guy in their mid-30s. He certainly gained experience when he studied performing arts, before meeting his ex-wife. He knows what he is doing, his confidence growing when you give him feedback. F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) Any position where he can get his hands, or mouth on your breasts. Particularly fond of any variation of cowgirl, on the bed, sofa, chair, floor… G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) It can go either way with Charlie, sometimes you’ll laugh and giggle like teenagers, especially if fooling around in a public or semi-public place. Other times Charlie can be very serious, whispering sweet declarations of love and affection.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Trimmed, neat and tidy, no fro’s to be found here. I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) For the latter years of his marriage, he felt as if his sex life was lacking, and since then he didn’t get much action as he prefers not to have one night stands with people he doesn’t know. But when he gets to know you enough and grows close to you, as soon as you get involved with one another, he’s going to treat you as perfectly as he can. Charlie will fulfill your every sexual need and desire, making sure that you’re as pleased as can be. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) Charlie had to rely on masturbation for a while, seeing as how Nicole barely - if at all - satisfied him for about a year before the divorce started. And as soon as it did, he couldn’t really rely on others doing it for him. Thus he resorted to masturbation. He’d mostly do it when Henry isn’t with him at his apartment, and will get really into it. Why not treat yourself right? He’d do everything to get into the mood, such as turn down the lights and put on some of his favorite porn. As he’s actually doing it, it’ll pretty much be what you expect. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Charlie isn’t heavily into any kinks in particular but is partial to switching, age play, light BDSM and breeding kink. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) Not that he’s too mum of a traditionalist, but Charlie prefers to have sex in his bed, or somewhere around the house when Henry isn’t around. It allows for privacy so that you can get as wild as you want, and there’s no risk of anyone walking in on you. M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) You caring for and nurturing his son, Henry, does things for him. Parenting is important to Charlie because his own parents were absent and problematic. When you treat Henry like your own, it makes Charlie want to rip your clothes off and show you how much he appreciates you. Not to mention knock you up with your own baby.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) He would despise someone who is too self centered and mostly cares about their own sexual needs, and not his own as well. He thinks it’s only fair to be concerned with what you both want. With that being said, he also doesn’t like when his partner is too demanding of him. Of course he wouldn’t mind if you get a bit dominant, but if you don’t let  him have any say from time to time, that’s when he’s going to be turned off. O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Oh boy, Charlie loves receiving oral,especially with its unexpected and you suddenly are on your knees and pulling at the waistband of his trousers. He also loves eating you out, how his whole mouth can fit over your vulva and your reactions to his tongue. He is skilled at oral sex, especially once he learns what you like. P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) It all really depends on the mood. Sometimes he will be on the slower side when he just wants to show his love for you. He will cherish every second, being more romantic than usual. Other times when you both really just need it, he will be fast and rough enough to leave you sore in the morning. However, most of the time it will be a good mixture of both. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) Sometimes you’ve just got to settle with a quickie. When it’s needed while either of you are in a rush, then he’s more than happy to do one with you. Even if it’s just quick, he’s still going to be doing wonders to you that will have you wanting more. R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) After spending the majority of the few years before meeting you in a rocky, mostly sexless marriage, Charlie was making up for it now. Role playing, different fetishes - he would try it, if it wasn’t for you, you would usually fall in a pile in raptures of laughter (like the time you tried to play teacher/student and you couldn’t keep a straight face when you forgot basic times tables). S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) If Charlie is really into it, then he could go on for a while, no matter how many rounds you want to go for. His desire to satisfy you is more than enough to keep him going in bed. T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) Charlie doesn’t really like to use toys on himself, because he can handle good old masturbation when it’s just him. However, when it comes to you, if you have any toys of your own, then he’s more than happy to use them on you. If it’s something common like a dildo or vibrator, he probably would know how to use it. If it’s something a little less common, then he may need you to explain how you like it to be used on you. But no worries, in no time he would be able to get the hang of it! U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) He’s teased his son for years to entertain him when things got boring or he wanted to make him laugh, but he can translate that into sexual teasing for you. He won’t ever become too overbearing with it to the point it turns you off. While out in public, he may whisper things to get you in the mood for sex later back at him. Or he’ll teasingly make you wait for intimacy to see how long it takes for you to cave in for it. V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) When Henry is home, of course he’s going to try to be quiet as to not lead the boy to figure out what’s going on. But when it’s just you two in the apartment, he isn't’t going to hold back. Charlie will moan with every little pleasure, signifying that he’s enjoying what’s happening. He’ll also grunt while he’s the one pumping in and out of you. He’ll also say things such as “you like that?” in a low voice, just barely loud enough for you to hear. W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) At first, he was worried that he would not be good enough in bed since nicole was the last one that he was intimate with, and it wasn’t the best in his last year of marriage. He was self conscious at first but after the beginning of your sexual relationship, he got right back into it and was more than confident with pleasuring you beyond belief. X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) He is l o n g. Uncircumcised. To be honest he has a really pretty dick, never had you found a penis so blimmin’ appealing. He is the first person you have slept with who has been able to hit that sweet spot. You tell him that all the time, usually in between moans. Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Especially after the time he had been without much sex during the last year of his marraige as well as until he got together with you, he’s going to havea pretty high sex drive for a while. He won’t get too crazy and demand it, but you’ll be having sex at least a few times a week if you can manage it; and boy would it be so worth it to be intimate with him.Z =
ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) After Charlie has satisfied you enough, he will want to hold you close and take in the soft moment after having gone full in with sex. Content himself, he will end up falling asleep as long as you’re in bed together, knowing how well things went.
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ladymiseria · 4 years
Smut Alphabet - Belphie
Finally, I’m posting Belphie’s entry in this little series.  I could’ve elaborated more on some points, but then I would never shut up so.  I’m also kicking my own ass because I’ve thought of additional things I could have included in Levi and Satan’s but now it feels dumb to go back and edit them.  Oh well.  Hit up my ask if you’re really curious about what I left out and I’d be happy to talk to your ear off lol
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
-Lots of cuddles and kissing and just overall closeness.  He doesn’t like to be left alone even if he’s just going to fall asleep right afterward: he feels better if you’re still there with him, especially if it was a particularly intense session.  He wants to be reassured that you still want him and want to be with him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-He loves basically everything of yours from chest to thighs: that’s the best place to sleep on another person, after all.  But he also loves it because it’s so soft and warm and comforting.  He loves listening to your heartbeat while his head is on your chest or falling asleep in your lap while you play with his hair.
Belphie is very fond of his demon form, probably the most so out of all the brothers.  He loves when his tail and/or horns are incorporated in your sexual encounters, and even gets excited when you pay attention to his cow spots.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
-He always wants to come inside, but if he’s in a submissive mood, he’s really into you making him come all over himself.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-He would never admit it to anyone but you but he yearns for punishment.  Belphie is a switch and, whenever he’s submissive to you, he loves to be punished, especially physically.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
-Fairly experienced, and probably the most so when it comes to being intimate with humans given his past affinity for visiting the human world.  This makes him an exceptional partner for a human like you, though.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
-Anything that lets him lay back and be close to you, so side-by-side or you on top.  Basically the most intimate position(s) possible.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
-Fairly serious, but he still loves to tease (and be teased) during the actual act, and making you smile feels like a victory to him.  He’s quite capable of levity, despite what his brothers may think.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
-Belphie doesn’t pay much mind to his body hair situation, but he does clean himself up a bit for you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
-Intimacy is very important to Belphie.  He loves spending one-on-one time with you, and you’re one of the few people who can actually get him out of the house.  He likes to do little things for you that may seem insignificant from the outside, but you appreciate the hell out of them.
It was mentioned before, but he loves any position that’s particularly intimate and allows him to touch as much of you as he can.  He likes feeling wanted and trusted.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
-Belphie masturbates fairly frequently, mostly because it’s easier than engaging with another being in hopes of sexual satisfaction, and he can do it from the comfort of his own bed.  He’s cut back since you got together, but it’s still a simple indulgence for him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
-Breathplay/choking is at the top, but he was very nervous about bringing it up to you after, well, that whole incident.  Belphie also loves PDA of any kind, dom/sub (he’s a switch so he finds pleasure in both roles), impact play, orgasm denial (for either of you), and consensual somnophilia (again, for either of you).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
-It’s Belphie so his bed or your bed, obviously.  Anywhere soft and comfy is fair game for him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
-The teasing really gets to him, hence why the two of you keep up a constant stream of it.  Also, making out!  He could kiss you for hours and it’s the quickest way to get him excited.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-He’s not into sharing you with anyone (though he’s not opposed to getting Beel involved).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
-He very much enjoys both giving and receiving, and he’s quite good at the former.  His favorite is when you play with his horns while he’s going down on you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
-Avatar of Sloth so...slow, generally lol That doesn’t mean that he can’t pick up the pace when the situation demands it, though.  He has bursts of stamina as opposed to a consistent speed.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
-Not really into them since he generally likes to take his time and go at his own pace (which is slow obviously), so quickies kind of go directly against this.  They’re not a hard no for him, though.  The two of you tease each other enough that sometimes he simply gets too riled up and needs you right then and there.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
-Yes, very much.  He loves pushing your boundaries and seeing how far you’re willing to go with him.  Pushing your limits plays into his more demonic tendencies, but it’s also because he wants to see how deep your love goes for him (and what he should avoid if he wants to keep you all to himself).
As mentioned before, he’s also very into PDA of all kinds so he has no problem fooling around in places where you might get caught.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
-Quite long, though probably the shortest of all the brothers given, you know, the whole sloth thing.  That said, still significantly longer than any human.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
-He honestly never cared all that much, but he’s now been converted.  Using them on you means he can still pleasure you even if his mantle is working against him in the moment.  And he’s down for almost any toy used on him if it’s for punishment purposes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-Belphie loves to tease more than anything.  He’s a snarky little trickster so teasing is all part of the sexual game for him.  Touches, whispers, suggestive texts, you name it and he’s probably used it to get you into his bed.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
-Belphie’s not very loud; he prefers for any noises he makes to be just for you.  Little groans and whispers and growls are the most common for him.  On the flip side, though, he loves when you get loud.  He loves your voice and the thought of his brothers (or anyone, for that matter) knowing exactly what the two of you are doing together.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
-He’s a little bit of a brat, but an even bigger brat tamer.  He’s never fully admitted it, but he loooves when you push back against him when he’s domming you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-Belphie’s cow spots cover a lot more of his body than just his neck/shoulders; they’re also on his dick.  He’s bigger than most humans and it’s highly textured.  He also has a piercing on the underside.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-Pretty high, but he’s lazy.  You’ve learned how to properly motivate him, though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-Almost instantly: it’s Belphegor, after all.  Sex is a big energy expenditure so he’s passing out almost as soon as his head hits the pillow.  Not before making sure you’re right there with him, though.
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Idk if you’ve done this already but swap pap nsfw alphabet..?🙇
((ahhhhh, our rapey boiiii T_T Well, hope you enjoy this~))
((Warning: There are a lot of mentions of rape here, and I do not condone it. It’s just how I write this character. If this is something you are uncomfortable with, please do not read further. If anyone feels offended or triggered, please tell me and I’ll take this post off.))
A = Aftercare
Stretch, of course, is satisfied either way. But depending on how the act happened, he either would get the hell away as fast as possible, or he would cuddle you, giving you kisses and telling you that you were wonderful. 
B = Body part
Well, Stretch would need to say that his favorite part of your body would be your ass. Not only is it soft and nice to hold, but it gives easier access for anal sex, which is his favorite. 
C = Cum
Chances are that Stretch will always cum inside, and when you are topping, he’ll ask you to cum inside too. Seeing as you both are doing anal, he shouldn’t worry about anything. 
D = Dirty Secret
At least once he had thought of raping everyone that he knows, especially people who are nice to him. Of course, he can control himself, and that’s mostly just a fantasy, but he isn’t beyond that if you anger him.
E = Experience
Well, Stretch isn’t the most experienced in receiving, seeing as he only ever played with toys and no one ever topped him, but he had been on the giving side a few times, so, well, maybe he’s experienced? Not by much though.
F = Favourite Position
Scoop me up. Of course, this is only when he is with his partner. This allows him to feel more skin on bone action. It also makes him feel the breathing of his lover and their heart’s beat. He loves feeling this close to his lover. 
G = Goofy
Stretch usually doesn’t think much while in the moment. All that he cares about is that you are there with him, and you both are having the time of your lives. And he doesn’t want this moment to end.
I = Intimacy
Stretch usually never talks or does anything, but if you would ever kiss him or hug him, he would probably melt into your arms, wanting more and more affection, and being very cuddly after the act. 
J = Jack Off
Stretch usually gets off while using his toys (Usually dildos and such), and filming himself. Chances are that he probably filmed you two fucking too. He’s not going to show anyone, of course. Your naked body is for his eyes only to see. 
K = Kink
~  Rape - No, not consensual nonconsent, but actual rape. Of course, he will only do that when you anger him, but honestly, the fact that he even considers that is bad. Of course, he loves the idea of being raped too, that’s why he never locks his doors and is pretty loud whenever he is getting busy with himself. 
~  Somnophilia -  Chances are that he will take advantage of your sleeping form. He might even drug you so you would sleep longer if you two live together. 
~  Anal sex - Honestly, he will rarely do vaginal sex. That’s why anal is just something that he enjoys much more. 
L = Location
Your room. What’s better than having sex with you? Being covered all around by your scent, of course!
M = Motivation
Honestly, you just showing interest or being friendly with him would be enough for him to be ready to go.
N = NO
Talks about his brother. That’s one way to anger him and make him do the unthinkable. 
O = Oral
I think that giving. Be it him forcing himself on you or it being completely consensual, he loves, absolutely adores pleasuring you.
P = Pace
Stretch is pretty fast and frantic, especially if he needs to get out soon, but outside of that, he is pretty slow, wanting to enjoy the moment as long as possible. 
Q = Quickie
Of course! He is game for any sort of sex as long as it involves him too. He loves it. 
R = Risk
Well, he hadn’t tried many things before, but if you know your way around it and you are his lover, he is willing to try it out. 
S = Stamina
Two, at best. Stretch isn’t the most gifted in stamina, let me tell you that much. Chances are that he won’t probably last two rounds even.
T = Toy
Oh, for sure. He isn’t exactly the most desirable, and he has a high sex drive. That’s why he does pleasure himself with toys, but mostly, just training himself on how to act when in a receiving position.
U = Unfair
Stretch doesn’t make it a habit to tease people, but he is a sucker for being teased. But be ready to do something with him, or he will make sure that you do something with him.
V = Volume
Stretch is loud and he loves loud lovers. He wants you to be as loud as him, maybe even louder. He wants everyone to know that you both are together and you love one another. 
W = Wild Card
Stretch will become extremely loyal the moment he believes that you like him, even if only as a friend, and he will always only want to be with you. 
X = X-Ray
Stretch has male genitals in his pants. They are about 7 inches long and 3 inches wide. It’s not too much, but it’s good enough, in my opinion.
Y = Yearning
Oh, pretty high if you ask me. If he can’t do it with someone else, he will mostly play with himself almost every day. 
Stretch falls asleep quickly if what he’s doing is okay. He holds you in his arms and only falls asleep if he knows that you aren’t going anywhere.  
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staruplatinum · 5 years
here it is! I’m finally posting the Jotaro/Star Platinum nsfw alphabet . I know I’ve promised to post this forever and I’m so sorry it’s late! Please enjoy ✨💜
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A = Aftercare
Jotaro isn’t a cuddler. He’s not someone who likes physical affection, and sex itself is a chore to him. He doesn’t understand why you’d need to be hugged or cuddled after sex. He isn’t a complete asshole though, if you talk with him before hand about after care - he can be a lot sweeter with it and really try to soothe/comfort you after sex, though he does find it to be a bit of an annoyance. In any case, that’s why he’s grateful to have star Platinum, as he always tends to your needs! He will kiss you, massage you, hold you - whatever you need after sex - he will do it for you.
B = Body Part
Jotaro doesn’t have much of a preference for a partner, but both him AND star platinum are attracted to smaller/petit forms. They prefer this because ...it’s aesthetic & they have this need to protect their s/o.
On himself, Jotaro really likes his eyes and chest, and Star likes his fists ✨
C = Cum
Again, Jotaro doesn’t really have a preference of where he likes to cum on/in his s/o, but, he can’t deny that seeing your mouth filled (and dripping!) with his seed really turns him on. He’s pretty versatile and will cum almost anywhere his s/o wants him to. His cum has a faint metallic taste, but overall it isn’t unpleasant to swallow. When he does cum, it’s projectile and goes almost everywhere in big spurts.
D = Dirty secret
It’s not so much of a secret since he’s done it with you multiple times, but when he first started dating you, he imagined both him and Star Platinum stretching you out and fucking you hard. He ended up jerking off to this scenario and getting cum everywhere. He was sooo embarrassed about it.
E = Expierence
Well, he has Jolyne, so obviously he’s expierienced. Before he met his wife, he only had sex with 2 other people. Needless to say, he does know what he’s doing (the basics anyways)
F = Favourite position
Jotaro absolutely loves doggy style. It allows him to hold onto your hips and it gives him a HUGE dominance rush. Seeing your form bent over and taking all his length like that... it drives him insane!
Star Platinum, on the other hand, really likes missionary. He likes to be close to you, and make YOU feel good.
G = Goofy
Both Jotaro and Stat Platinum are serious when it comes to sex. Neither of them will laugh or make jokes. The most you’ll get is a small smirk from Jotaro and a confused gaze from Star.
H = Hair
Jotaro doesn’t like to be fully shaved, unless his s/o prefers it. Otherwise, he keeps everything trimmed to 1/4 of an inch down there. (So, it’s basically like stubble). Star Platinum does, however, have a small black bush that’s a little wild looking - but it’s cute nonetheless.
I = Intimacy
Jotaro can only be intimate if he’s been gone for a while and missed his s/o, OR, if him and his s/o were trying for a baby. Orherwise, he’s never really intimate when it comes to sex. If him and star Platinum are both fucking his s/o, he does tend to be a bit gentler, and often times, Star will leave little kisses up your neck and face.
J = Jerk Off
He doesn’t have a high sex drive so he’ll only ever do it if something really got him horny. And, if he was away from his s/o. He tends to be a bit rough with himself too. He basically jerks himself off really hard and fast, as he wants to cum ASAP and then carry on with whatever he was doing. Sometimes, he’ll even use star Platinum to jerk him off.
K = Kink
Jotaro only has a few!
Choking/ Breathplay - loves using his big hands to stop your airflow and watch as you struggle to take his cock AND breathe.
Size kink - he loves being bigger than you, and he really enjoys seeing his big cock bulge in your stomach.
Gaping - well, his dick is pretty big, so it’s bound to leave a gaped hole (in either your pussy or ass.)
Rough sex - pretty self explanatory, he just likes the sex to be rough.
Blowjobs - he enjoys them more than sex, especially if his s/o can deepthroat
Degrading - he will make sure you know how filthy/slutty you’re being. He’ll also tell you to shut the fuck up.
L = Location
He’d never risk anything like fucking in a public place, unless it was a really clean washroom somewhere. Otherwise, sex only ever happens in his office or bedroom.
M = Motivation
Jotaro likes receiving nudes from you or seeing you waiting for him on his bed in some nice lingerie.
N = No
Jotaro will not ever share you with anyone - except for star Platinum. He also doesn’t like anything involving water sports, scat or vore. There’s more “no’s” for him in sex than: Yes’
O = Oral
He acts like he doesn’t care and wouldn’t give good head but Jotaro is actually amazing at it! No matter what sex his partner is, he knows how to tease them and edge them, while simultaneously make them nearly cry from the pleasure. His thick/long fingers are great for that, and he definitely knows how to use his tongue. On himself, as mentioned earlier, he really enjoys blowjobs! Star Platinum is a little clueless when it comes to oral, but he likes when you suck him off too.
P = Pace
Jotaro likes it fast and rough. Star Platinum likes it slow and deep.
Q = Quickie?
Jotaro is fine with it, if it means he doesn’t have to worry about his s/o orgasming. But, he doesn’t like doing that because in the end, he always feels guilty. So he’d rather wait until you’re home so he can properly take care of you.
R = Risk
The only risk he’ll really take is fucking you in his office (where anyone, even Jolyne could walk in!) and not using protection. There have been times you’ve felt so good around his cock that he nearly forgot to pull out. (Which, is only a Risk if his s/o is female.)
S = Stamina
He can go for a while during one round, but after he cums he has a long refractory period.
T = tease / U = unfair
Jotaro can be unfair, but really, if he wants to cum, he doesn’t really care to tease you. He just wants you both to finish, since he considers sex to be more of a chore than anything!
V = Volume
Quiet as a mouse. Will not make a sound besides an occasional grunt and of course, degrading you. “Look at you, moaning for my cock like you need it to survive. Disgusting. “
W = wild card
Jotaro knows he’s not the best boyfriend. He wants so badly to rent a yacht for you two one weekend, go out into the ocean, watch the sunset and fuck inside the yacht all night. He’d also use star Platinum to try his very best and make things sweet for you.
X = x Ray
Jotaro is hung. He’s 9”, thick, uncircumcised and Veiny. Star Platinum is more or less the same, but his dick has a big upward curve.
Y= Yearning
Jotaro doesn’t have a high sex drive. He’ll have sex, but sometimes it takes him a while to get him horny. Other times he just honestly won’t want it.
Z = Zzz Sleep
Depending on what work he has to do, he can either pass out right away, or have insomnia and stay up. There’s no inbetween. If he has to work at his desk, he’ll leave Star Platinum out to cuddle you to sleep 💜
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solies-scripts · 4 years
Tanaka Ryuunosuke SFW Alphabet
Sorry this took so long for me to post. This will be the only one I post today as I have a really bad migraine and I just want to chill out for a while 💕
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Ryuu is super affectionate with you all the time. Everyone knows that you’re dating because he isn’t afraid of pda; he always has an arm around your waist, hand on your back, booty and is constantly pressing kisses somewhere or your face
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
It all starts with you and Tanaka getting close and becoming really good friends then he starts to realise how much he actually likes you. He’ll then slowly start dropping hints that he likes you and will become your simp which eventually leads to you asking him out because he was too nervous
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He wants to cuddle you all the damn time. Loves laying down with you on top of him or laying on your sides with your face pressed into his chest. He enjoys feeling like he is protecting you when cuddling you so he will rarely let you be the big spoon but sometimes you can convince him
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
100% wants to settle down with you, it’s something he talks about pretty often while the two of you are cuddling most nights.
Tanaka can be pretty messy but he will try and clean up after himself as he doesn’t want you picking up after him. 
While he can cook simple meals he cannot cook anything that has more than a few ingredients. He gets confused and ends up burning everything
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into the relationship?)
He puts all his effort into the relationship because he wants to show you how much he adores you every moment of every day. You can always expect him to be putting his all into everything he does and this includes you and your relationship
F = Fear) (What do they do if you’re scared? How would they comfort you? How would they wanna be comforted if they were scared?)
When you’re scared he will snuggle you up in a blanket and try to make you laugh in hopes to take your mind off of what has scared you. If it was a person who scared you then you can bet he will be wanting to kick their ass
Tanaka would just want to bury his face in your chest and just hold you when he is scared. He will talk to you during this but it will be a bit difficult to hear him seeing as his face is in your chest
G = Gifts (Do they like giving you gifts? Do they like receiving them?)
Loves giving you gifts because he wants you to have the best of everything. It makes him happy when he sees the smile that forms on your face when you get a gift from him
He also loves receiving gifts from you because it means that you were thinking of him when you bought it. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive or flashy for him to be happy, he actually enjoys getting silly little gifts
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
This man loves hugging you and will be hugging you 80% of the time you two are together. His hugs are warm and will always make you feel safe, having his arms around you is his way of showing that he will always be there for you
I = Intimacy (Do they have any problems with intimacy? How romantic are they?)
There are no problems with intimacy here, he knows that he loves you and that you love him so he doesn’t struggle at all. Ryuu is a cliche romantic as he gets most of his romance advice from crappy romance movies, he will always try to be romantic and he does enjoy being romantic but sometimes it can come of a bit cringy you love it though
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Tanaka is a very jealous person but he never gets angry with you for it as it isn’t your fault. He will never let someone disrespect you or make you uncomfortable. When he gets jealous he will scare the other person off then latch himself onto you and kiss all over your face
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves kissing you. His kisses are usually rough but sweet and they always show an amazing amount of emotion
He thinks there is nothing better than kissing your lips, they’re so sweet and inviting that he just can’t help himself. Tanaka will melt if you kiss him on the cheek, he thinks it’s so adorable when you give him a little peck before you go off to do something
L = Love (Who says it first? How fast is it said?)
He would say it first and fairly early on in the relationship. Ryuu fell fast and hard for you so he isn’t too afraid about telling you that
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of wedding would it be?)
He cannot wait to marry you one day, he wants you to be a part of his life forever so marrying you is one of his biggest goals in the relationship. It would be a pretty small wedding with just your family and friends but it would be so lively
N = Night Out (What’s a typical date night for them? How often do they go out?)
He enjoys more energetic dates that will make memories rather than going to movies or anything like that. He is all down for more chilled out dates of course, especially if it’s something you want to do.
Tanaka aims to take you out at least once a week but when he doesn’t manage that he will make the next date you go on is extra special to make up for it
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Ryuu is pretty open with you from the beginning as he hasn’t really got much to hide. He will open up about more personal things pretty quickly as he trusts you so much that he doesn’t feel the need to wait too long
P = Playful (How playful are they?)
He is so goddamn playful with you that there is never a dull moment with him. He is always cracking jokes or doing some stupid shit that never fails to bring a smile to your face
Q = Questions (Do they ask for your opinion on things? Will they share theirs?)
He will always be asking your opinion on things because he values everything you have to say. Your opinion is super important to him.
When giving his opinion he will always make sure that you want it beforehand so he doesn’t upset you or anything. He wants to give his opinion but only if you want it 
R = Random (How spontaneous are they? Do they do things on the spot or do they have to plan ahead?)
Very spontaneous all the time. He is always doing something stupid and he will try to drag you into it every time which you let him of course. He will sometimes try to plan things ahead but you always end up changing the plans as you go so there isn’t much point to it
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ryuu is very protective of you and will always make sure that you’re safe. He knows that you can take care of yourself but he enjoys taking care of you as well so he will do that
He will think it’s super sweet if you try to be protective of him as well and he will let you do it unless he feels like you’re going to get hurt, then he will step in and calm you down
T = Trust (How much do they trust you?)
He trusts you with all his heart. From the moment he fell in love with you he knew he could trust you and every day he is proved correct
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
His crazy amount of crackhead energy. He is crazy and he knows it 
V = Vent (Do they let you vent to them after a hard day? Will they vent to you?)
Tanaka insists that you vent to him because he doesn’t want you bottling your emotions up. He is a great listener too and if you need to cry then he will hold you close until you’re finished
He will vent to you when he needs to because he knows that you will listen to him for as long as he needs. He just wants you to sit with him as he gets what he needs off his chest, maybe even give him a hug if he starts getting emotional
W = Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
Tanaka is the most supportive boyfriends out there so whatever you’re interested in he will try and learn the basics of it so he can be a little closer to you. If you play any sports or compete in anything then he will be there to cheer you on as your number one fan
X = X-ray (What would they do if you got injured?)
He would freak out if you got injured. After the initial panic he will make sure you’re okay and do whatever you need him to. He will become your own personal nurse while you recover
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Ryuu wouldn’t want someone who is mean to other people or him. Even though he is an intimidating person he is very sweet and he hates anyone who is mean without any reason
Z = Zzz (What’re some sleeping habits of theirs?)
He doesn’t move much in his sleep but he snores so loud. When the two f you first share a bed you will probably have issues falling asleep with how loud he snores
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SFW Alphabet: Adam Ruzek
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Originally I was gonna do an NSFW alphabet, but when I came  across this template the sappy romantic in me jumped out. Also, I seem to get great reactions when I post for Adam so he’s the one I wanted to do first!
I found this template on @anonymous-sideblog .
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Adam is really, really affectionate. As long as you’re good with PDA, then there’s no keeping him away from you. Even at work, he’s gotta have an arm around your waist or a guiding hand on your back. At Molly’s, he’ll pull you into his lap and spend the entire evening cuddling into you. And then at home.....it’s like having a baby koala. To two of you have to be in arm’s reach at all times. It’s a rule.
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Adam probably confessed his feelings to you after getting lashed at Molly’s (he needed a little liquid courage to get it out). The night ended with you letting him crash at your place, and the two of you actually talking things out over coffee and Advil the next morning.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Adam. Loves. Cuddling. It’s gotten to the point where he actually can’t sleep unless you’re beside him, because it makes him worry that he can’t protect you. Normally he’s the big spoon because he like to make you feel safe but if it’s been a bad night then he’s got no qualms with curling up in bed with you holding him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s definitely gotten much more domestic since he’s been with you. He’s gone from ordering takeout every night to being able to actually cook dinner for the two of you. If you’ve had a long day he’ll do his absolute best to make sure that you come home to a clean house with a nice dinner.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Adam would probably sit you down and just tell it to you straight. He wouldn’t appoint or alleviate blame, he’d just get it over with and tell you that even though things aren’t working out, the time he’d spent with you had been the best time of his life.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Adam’s been engaged three times before, so it’s safe to say that both of you are hesitant. You’re not too concerned about what’s going to happen, you’re more focused on the present.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Two words: gentle giant. You know what Adam does in the job, what he has to do in the line of work. He tries his utmost to not bring work home, but sometimes it just slips. He’s learnt not to slam doors and shout during arguments (sometimes the hard way, I’m afraid),
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Bear hugs, side hugs, sleepy hugs, drunk hugs, sad hugs, tight hugs, lift-you-off-the-ground-and-swing-you-around-when-you’re-least-expecting-it hugs. The man has got range.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I’d say Adam says it fairly quick. He’d never make you feel pressured to say it back, and whenever you’re ready he’ll gladly reciprocate.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He finds great pleasure in in striding over to you and locking lips with you in front of whoever’s ballsy enough to flirt with you. If it’s at work, he’s gonna do the exact same. End of story.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cheek kisses if you’re at work, nose kisses to make you smile, neck kisses when he’s teasing, forehead kisses when he’s being protective. Adam likes to be kissed anywhere and everywhere, but he’ll never really tell you his favourite.
But I sure as hell will. It’s when you cup his face in your hands and plant little kisses all over his face until you finally give him a proper kiss. He blushes like crazy afterwards and everyone calls him whipped but it’s worth it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s awesome with kids. One time you and him babysat your nieces and nephews and you still think that they like him more than they like you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Adam is by no means an early bird. Most of your mornings spent with him consist of lazy cuddling, sleepy kisses and having to drag him out of the bed.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You’re both generally quite tired after work, so your time together mainly consists of food, hanky panky and sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Adam’s pretty open. He doesn’t want any personal secrets between the two of you. The only thing he refuses to share about is work (that’s if you’re not a cop/in Intelligence). He doesn’t want to drag you down with him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s got a bit of a short temper, but not when it comes to you. He’s learned that you have no tolerance for raised voices and slammed doors, so he’s learned to not bring the anger work gives him home.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Adam prides himself on being a good boyfriend. He remembers everything: the date of the day you first went out, your favorite colour, your birthday, your childhood pets’ names, anything you’ve ever told him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It’s the first night you stayed over. You were so shy and nervous, which he thought was adorable. You went to sleep on opposite sides of the bed facing away from each other. But when he woke up the next morning, he had both arms around you and you were curled up on his chest. After a few minutes spent looking down at you with a smile, he tried to pull away but you threw an arm around him and pulled him in tighter. He’d never been happier than in that moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s protective to the point of overbearingness. Whenever possible he protects you physically (stepping in front of you, holding you close, covering your body with his). He needs to have you with him so he knows he can keep you safe.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Though he fairs well in all the other departments, Adam is terrible at romance. His idea of a romantic date night is takeout and a basketball game. It’s generally falls on you to bring the romance to the table.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Like I said, he’s overprotective to the point of being overbearing. It pisses you off because sometimes it seems like he doesn’t trust you enough to be responsible.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Adam likes to make sure that he’s well kept. And as for your looks? He really couldn’t care less. As long as you look after yourself, your personality is all that really matters.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, absolutely. You are, quite literally, the light of his life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He love sit when you take care of him when he’s hurt. He pretends to hate it and tried to swat your hand away, but he loves it when you go over his wounds again and again and treat him like he’s fragile.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t like someone who’s cocky or arrogant (I know, the pot calling the kettle black). He’s a little egotistical, so he definetly needs someone to balance him out.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Sleeps like a freight train. He takes over the entire bed, meaning you can either sleep in the tiny gap left or cuddle up to him (he acts like it’s an accident, but it’s really not). He finds it difficult to sleep without you, because he’s gotten so used to having you in the bed beside him.
Not to be a twat, but it’s taken me over three and a half hours over four days to write this. Please, please, please leave some feedback. This is the longest thing I’ve ever written, and it was a genuine pain in the goddamn ass to finish.
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