#long as there's no daddy or adoption papers
sergeantbarnessdoll · 8 hours
Everything Is As It Should Be » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Husband/Dad!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mom/Pregnant!Reader with daughter Jamie and Alpine
Summary: Everything is as it should be with you, Bucky, and Jamie.
Warnings: Fluff, language, kissing, nicknames/pet names
A/N: This is part 2 to The Truth Is Out. This part isn’t as long as the first part. It’s going to be brief. Enjoy!
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator.
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Shortly after Bucky found out Jamie is his daughter, they developed a strong father daughter relationship. You and Bucky picked up where you two left off a few years ago. You two are now married, have the most beautiful daughter, you’re almost 7 months pregnant with a baby boy, and you guys adopted a cute white cat named Alpine. Jamie is now 6 years old and just started first grade. Everything is as it should be now.
As of right now, you’re watching TV and giving Alpine lovings while waiting for Bucky to come home from picking Jamie up from school. A moment later, the door opened and you heard familiar footsteps enter the house. Jamie instantly ran to the living room to greet you and Alpine. She dropped her backpack on the floor and got up onto the couch to give you hugs and kisses.
“Hi, mommy!” Jamie says happily.
“Hi, sweetie!” You smiled. “Did you have a good day at school today?” You asked her.
“Yes!” She answers.
“Tell me about it.” You say.
“We got to play on the playground at recess and we painted…” Jamie continued to tell you everything about her day.
Bucky walks in the living room and sat down on the couch next to you. He kissed the side of your head and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He listened to Jamie tell you about her day at school, even though she told him about it in the car on the way home.
“Oh! I made a new friend today!” Jamie exclaims happily.
“You did?” You smiled, happy that your daughter made a new friend. “What’s her name?” You asked.
“Stephanie. She just moved here from Ohio.” She tells you.
“That’s great, Jamie. You two are going to be great friends.” You say.
“Just like daddy and uncle Stevie?” She asks, looking from you to her daddy.
“Just like me and uncle Stevie.” Bucky confirms, smiling at his daughter.
Jamie opened her mouth to say something else, but the baby kicked, which cause her attention.
“The baby did that thingy!” Jamie exclaims, pointing at your baby bump.
“That means he likes hearing you talk.” You tell her, putting a hand on your baby bump.
“No way!” She says like she just heard the most interesting thing ever.
“Yes way!” You confirmed.
“I would tell him about my math homework, but I think he’ll find that boring.” She says.
“Probably.” You say, making her giggle.
Jamie carefully slid off of the couch and picked up her backpack, going to her bedroom to do her homework. Alpine jumped off the couch and followed her to her room. You turned your head toward your husband and gave him a kiss on his lips.
“We have the happiest daughter ever.” Bucky says softly.
“We do.” You mused.
Bucky put his right hand on your baby bump, just in time for the baby to kick. He smiles widely at the feeling of it against his hand.
“Hey there, little soldier.” He says softly, smiling down at your baby bump.
You smiled and put your hand over his. You snuggled yourself against his side.
“Everything is as it should be.” He said. “Me, you, Jamie, and our little soldier.” He says with happily.
“Don’t forget about Alpine!” You say with a playful pout.
“I could never forget about her.” He says, kissing you.
You and Bucky pulled away when you two heard Jamie’s footsteps entering the living room. She had a piece of paper in her hands.
“I thought you were doing your homework, little missy.” Bucky says, using his dad voice.
“I was, but I almost forgot to show you and mommy something.” Jamie says.
Jamie climbed up onto the couch, seating herself in between the two of you, making you and Bucky scoot over so she had some room on the couch.
“I drew this at school during our 5 minute break.” She showed you two a stick figure picture. “This is mommy, daddy, Pine Pine, me, and bubba.” She explains, pointing at each stick figure in the picture.
Jamie calls Alpine Pine Pine for short and her soon to be baby brother bubba. She knows you and Bucky are going to be naming the baby James Buchanan Barnes Jr, but she just calls him bubba for now.
“This is amazing, sweetie.” You say with a smile.
“Looks like we have a little artist on our hands.” Bucky says, smiling.
“I’m going to draw more after I do my homework.” She says.
Jamie carefully slid off of the couch and put the drawing on the coffee table so you two can look at it again before going back to her bedroom to do her homework.
“I love you so much, doll.” Bucky says with his hand on your belly, kissing you sweetly.
“I love you too, Bucky Bear.” You say, smiling against his lips.
“I love you guys too!” Jamie shouts from her bedroom, making you two smile.
“We love you too, sweetie.” You two shout back with smiles on your faces.
-Bucky’s Doll
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Do you think young Athena just wandered into the Space Centre one day and Metis decided to adopt her like a stray cat on-the-spot?
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt. 7
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
“I’m having a child.”
Danny stared at Batman.
“…Uh, congrats?”
Batman whips out a stack of paper and a pen. “It’s you. Sign here and initial the highlighted spots.”
Danny instinctively, from years of dealing with Vlad, whacked the stack right out of Batman’s hands and into the bay. He doesn’t even feel bad about littering this time because, “Begone, fruitloop!”
Wait, no, that’s not what he meant.
“I mean- I have parents!”
“Not for long.” Batman muttered and then did a double take. “You have parents? How?”
Danny gasped, placing a hand on his chest to clutch his metaphorical pearls. He ignored Batman’s mutters. Everyone knows the vigilante has an adoption problem. At least, everyone who lived in Gotham did, as everyone who didn’t was somehow convinced that he “worked alone” or some bullshit like that. “Are you naturally this insensitive or were you dropped on your head as a baby? Obviously I had to come from somewhere.”
“They’re still… alive?”
“And kicking,” Danny said, inching away from yet another rich weird guy trying to adopt him. “Mostly the kicking part, though.” He said, remembering the sparring sessions. His mom could kick his as six ways to Sunday with nothing but jiu-jitsu and still have time to work in the lab.
“I see.”
“I’m charging you extra for the emotional upheaval. I have trauma regarding rich people trying to adopt me.”
Batman sullenly handed over a thousand.
“Sweet. There’s a group of shades down here asking if you could find their murderer. Apparently the serial killer is still at large.” Danny pointed.
“Of course. Tell me everything.”
The adoption papers disappeared as Batman went into detective mode.
Danny shoved the cash into his glowing chest and breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to make rent this month so it was a windfall running into Batman.
“Hey, Tim?”
Tim woke up from his Power Nap. “Huh?”
“Phantom’s complaining that Batman kept trying to adopt him.”
Tim blinked. “Uh.. what does that have to do with me?”
Danny stared at him, a patiently amused smile on his face. “Just in case the rumor about the Wayne’s sugar-daddy-into the Bats was a thing. Other than that, we might have to confront Batman to get him off of Phantom’s back. ”
“You… want to confront Batman.”
“Hey, man, Phantom’s a friend and it’s ride or die.” Danny snickered. It was literally die, with his Phantom side of things. He held two fists up, and wound them, like Popeye right after eating spinach or something. “And if Batman bothers Phantom, we ride at dawn.”
“Batman doesn’t come out unless it’s dark, though? Or for the Justice League.” Tim grinned. He mentally classified Danny under his “to go to” list. That’s where Bart, Bernard, Cassie, Kon, and Garfield were. If he starts shit, he could count on them to have his back and cause even more shit. Danny, wanting to fistfight Bruce over the man making Phantom uncomfortable? He absolutely is making that list.
“Then we ride at, like, dusk. Or uh, like 10PM. I gotta get my beauty sleep.”
“You’ll definitely need it,” Tim inconspicuously texted the group chat, which quickly blew up.
“Shut up,” Danny playfully shoved Tim. “Wait, can Batman even legally adopt? Isn’t being a vigilante illegal? And how can he adopt someone dead?”
Tim dramatically flailed and splayed over Danny’s carpeted living room. “Dunno about his identity,” he lied to Danny, like a liar. “But Gotham has a bunch of laws for the undead/restored to life people so there’s probably enough gray space there.”
Danny spluttered. “You guys have undead friendly laws?”
“Yeah, geht do you think Grundy just chills out? Plus, we have like a minor resurrection event every few years. It usually doesn’t stick but sometimes it does. Bruce pushed for those laws when Jason came back to life, except he doesn’t actually want people to know he’s like, alive.”
“Jason died?” Danny blinked. Well, that would explain the vibes. “Huh. So what’s up with his rank vibes then?”
“Rank vibes?” Tim pressed record on his phone.
Danny nodded. “Yeah, you know how Phantom’s got like a really chill green vibe?” Inwardly, Danny snickered at his pun. Chill. Yeah, he meant that very literally. “Jason’s got kind of a rank green vibe. He’s kind of stinky? Definitely never introduce him to Phantom.” Danny’s senses got worse in his ghost form.
“Jason regularly showers, though?!”
“Not smell! Like, a spiritual smell?”
“You can smell souls?!” Tim sat up. “Bro, you’re a meta?!”
“Uh.” Danny hesitated. “Yeah. I can smell souls. It’s a thing. Everyone from my town can do it.”
“What?!” Tim paused. “Wait, can Phantom smell souls?”
“Yeah. We’re, uh, from the same town.”
“Danny, what the fuck?”
“Hey, don’t look at me like that, you’re the one with a soul-sick brother! Not to mention, you’re kinda stinky too!”
“Soul-stinky nerd man!”
“I stink?!” Jason spluttered out, extremely offended.
“The Lazarus pits. He’s most likely smelling traces of Lazarus pit on you, you imbecile.”
“We need to speak to Phantom. This instant.”
“I dunno, B. Danny sounded like he was gonna break your face if you bothered Phantom anymore.” Dick snickered.
“Yeah,” Tim chimed in, from his seat in front of the Bat-computer. “He was pretty serious.”
“Are we just gonna glaze over the fact that they’re from the same town?!” Stephanie exclaimed, practicing her moves on a training dummy.
“How does that even work? What does that mean? I thought Phantom was an immortal?” Duke asked.
“We also can’t rule out time-travel.” Barbara slammed her baton into a training dummy, twisting her wheelchair in an agile maneuver that left the dummy on the floor.
“No bothering Phantom.” Cass proclaimed.
“That’s quite right. You all have a warm dinner sitting above your cave and should it remain uneaten, I assure you that sherbet Sunday and crêpe Tuesday shall be canceled.” Alfred stepped in. The Bats, threatened, scrambled to ditch their gear and go upstairs.
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redheadjustin · 1 year
could u do batfam x toddler male reader who is rlly shy but someone tries to like kidnap him at a gala and the fam just has to figure out what to do
Ah yes, the infamous bat family. And the family that proves blood isn’t everything. Bruce, the infamous Batman, had adopted all of his children. With the notable exception of Stephaine and Duke. Steaphaine was still living with her mom, when she wasn’t in rehab. And at this point Burce was only fostering Duke though everyone but Duke knew adoption papers were imminent.
Which brings us to you. You were adopted by Bruce the second you were born. Though that's because both of your parents weren't in a good place to raise you. So, one night your parents approached Batman after a fight. And you were a member of the bat family ever since.
Dick was the best oldest brother. You could ask for. He always made time for you. And always took you to the circus. And he instilled the same love for elephants he had.
Jason was not as lovey dovey as Dick. but he always has time for you and a nerf battle. He also takes you to the safe part of crime alley.
Tim loves to teach you technology. He's also the one to keep watch over you during your naps since he never sleeps. 
Damian is in charge of your exercise and physical development. He also is as caring to you as his pets. And he almost never insults you. He also trains with you in the bat cave when Bruce is busy. 
Duke is the one who exposes you to Gotham culture and other things like music and art. He knows how easy it is to become spoiled and out of touch. He doesn’t want that for you. Plus your parents are from the streets like him. He wants you to know full well what background you come from. 
Bruce is the best Father you could ever ask for. He loves to take you to meet other heroes. He knows Batman will be your favorite hero till you die. He also brings you gifts often after a mission. And he is there most nights to tuck you in. He genuinely cares and has done his best to scale back his Batman activities. He cares about his newest son.
But during a gala Riddler kidnapped you. It was all hands on deck for the Bat family. They called all reserve membersing Batwoman, Batgirl, Spoiler, Orphan, Batwing, Huntress and The Question. Bruce wasn’t taking any chances. 
Riddler was driving when the Bat family found you. You were in the backseat scared, confused, lonely. Your young mind couldn’t figure out why you were taken. You didn’t know that your family’s wealth would put a target on your back. 
What neither you or your captor noticed was the batmobile gaining on the car. Or the batcycles riding next to the car. You looked out the right window and saw Robin(Damian) on a batcycle. Damian smiled seeing you unharmed. The current Robin winked at you and pointed backwards. Curious, you turned your head to look out the back window and you saw the batmobile. Your eyes went wide with happiness and you whispered to yourself. “Daddy came.” 
It was then the car hit spikes in the road that Batwoman and Question set up. The car’s skidd was controlled and you were left unharmed. Then the windshield was broken as a fist reached in and pulled Riddler out of the care. That’s when you saw Red Hood. jason was pissed as hell but you didn’t have time to think about that for long as the door opened and a pair of black gloves reached in to pick you up. You knew instantly it was Your Daddy. Batman. And as soon as you could you curled in to Batman’s chest.
“Shhh, its okay baby bat. We’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Bruce says to his youngest son, he is determined to never let this happen again. “I’ve got you.”
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Could you do Platonic Yanderes Endeavor (reformed), Aizawa, Present Mic, with a child darling who wears a mask and basically said screw hero life and became a vigilante + them finding out there a kid under the mask
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Child Vigilante Reader | Yandere Boku No Hero Academia
They recognized that you were short and the words you’d say sounded funny in your deep voice modulator. But it still came as a surprise when they pulled that mask off your face to reveal the lightly battered face of a young child:
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Aizawa Shota
Just by your height and general instinct as a hero he’s always putting a protective arm in front of you
And he figures your young with your insistent yells that ‘you’re not a kid’ 
Only to pick up your injured body taking off your mask to check if your okay
Only to be filled with an overwhelming urge to protect you as he registered how little you are
You’re his kid now 
No questions asked
He takes you to his home, having had you checked up by the doctors
He’ll do his research find out what you’re homelife is like
when you don’t show up and a fuss isn’t raise he takes it upon himself to officially adopt you
“You’re not my dad!”
“Your papers don’t say so!”
“Then give ‘em to me I’ll burn it now!”
He’s used to dealing with rowdy kids
And he’s willing to deal with your now unpowered fits
And most animosity is cleared up when he gives you some food
You’ll try to run away but he catches you everytime
And eventually you’ll fall into a cycle
Where you join him as you fight crime 
Then you go home and live the domestic life with Aizawa
He doesn’t stop you until he feels like its too dangerous and when you’re lured into a false sense of security
“Sorry kid, I can’t have you getting hurt. Trust me this is an act of love.”
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Hizashi Yamada
He probably quietly follows you at the end of a long day
Doing the thing he’s never doing around you: Being Quiet
Usually he doesn’t mind working with you 
After a couple attempts to bring you in he doesn’t anymore
And instead just works in harmony with you 
Usually joking and bantering with you to turn down all his jokes
But he’s horrified to know that your a kid
Young enough to be his kid is so nonreactive to his animated actions
What made you so serious!?
He does the same as Aizawa 
Finds out your homelife and legally takes control
“Whazzup kiddo! Guess who’s your new daddy!?”
“A bumbling frat boy idiot-hero?”
“Ack! H-how do you even know to insult me like that!?”
He’s not the best at catching you if you try to run away 
But you’re so lucid you’ll end up willingly moving in with him
because child services
He tries 
He really does
But you’re such a little adult you end up teaching him how to properly take care of you
He doesn’t really restrict you because you seem like you’re so smart
You usually outsmart him enough to keep doing your vigilante work
But the one time he outsmarts you, he might get some help you’re stuck
At least for this major battle you were prepared to die defeating
“Sorry baby bird, but I can’t have you getting hurt. That’s for your papa to deal with!” 
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Todoroki Enji (Reformed)
“And you’ll be going away for a loong time.”
“Yes…thank you for your help with this one.”
“Of course! Always happy to help!” 
“...Now reveal yourself to me!” 
“Hey!? Let me go!”
He’s suspected you were young from the beginning 
And it infuriates him now
That some idiot father of yours would let you run around like this
They’re probably as bad as he was 
And he can’t let that be
So he’ll go to your family’s home
And tear them a new one 
Practically bullying them into signing adoption papers or at the very least making you meet up with him weekly daily
He’s such an old man
Lecturing you about how you dress 
Scolding you when he finds you fighting villains
He’ll force a bunch of tracking devices and bugs in your room 
So that he can keep you safe
And when it gets real he doesn’t mind locking you wherever he decides is best
“I’ve done…a lot of horrible things. I’ve hurt my family. I’ve hurt my fans. And you’ll probably hate me but you need me to protect you, to guide you. So trust me, this is for your own good.”
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
Mollie I’m sitting on my knees with my hands out begging for the young veteran au HC’s with Gale and John’s adopted daughter 🤲🏻
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(modern) young vets au - josie cleven-egan’s version™️
they talk about it once not long after they get back to the states- but that conversation ultimately comes down to deciding to revisit it when bucky’s ptsd is more under control.
and if it just isn’t something that works out for them- or bucky doesn’t feel ready ever then that’s okay too.
but bucky wants it. which takes some work, and time and tears and gale wanting to fire every single person at the sheridan VA office.
he gets there though, and gale is so damn proud of his husband.
when they revisit the kids thing they consider going to the infant adoption route but ultimately decide to go through an agency that places waiting kids in the foster system whose parental rights have already been terminated. surrogacy isn't something either of them really bring up except to bypass it.
it’s a smidge because bucky is intimidated by literal babies. just a smidge. 
they eventually get a call about a four year old little girl named josie and the information the social worker sends over about her breaks their sweet hearts. 
they both have their own shit from the war, but they’re grown men and trying to wrap their minds around a four year old having trauma that almost rivals their own makes them sick. 
damn taking a few days to call back like her social worker offers, they call back by the end of the night to ask when they need to be ready. 
sweet little josie shows up with a hello kitty suitcase at 8pm on a tuesday. gale and bucky love her instantly in a way that they struggle to really articulate. 
it just makes sense, her little face looking up at them when she’s sitting on the floor pulling her shoes off. she’s home. 
she clicks with bucky immediately, who takes to calling her jojo which she rolls with happily. but gale freaks himself out about suddenly actually being a parent and takes a little longer to find his footing. 
which makes him a little insecure when she seems more hesitant around him than she does bucky. it doesn’t necessarily help that bucky is the one home all day- and the one time he has to leave for an evening and isn’t there for bedtime poor josie absolutely flips out. 
her and gale both end up in tears by the time she’s actually clonking out, bless their hearts. 
she tuckers herself out and falls asleep in his arms. but man does poor gale feel like he’s absolutely useless having spent the past couple hours listen to her scream for daddy to come home like he’s just some babysitter. 
it hurts bucky’s heart when he’s home and gale is venting about it. he knows that man was born to be a dad and that their baby loves him, they just maybe need a little more one on one time. and gale needs to get out of his head about becoming his own father because, as bucky puts it- he’s nothing like that sack of shit and never will be. 
they spend more one and one time together, gale bringing her to the school he substitute teaches at when he’s just going in to plan over the weekend. she’s content to color on printer paper while he works, parking herself on his knees. it’s the first time she does that, and bucky beams at the photo he texts him. 
my buddy, at last! 👍🏼
the first time she calls gale daddy as opposed to “um, mis-ter cle’n” he cries. bucky cries. everyone cries. 
then raises the issue of figuring out how to differentiate between the two of them. they land on gale being daddy and bucky being papa. 
bucky jokes that it makes him feel he’s on little house on the prairie, but it’s fine. he’d let his darling jojo call him anything she damn well pleased. 
the day they make it official at the courthouse, as many of the guys as are free fly in to be there and celebrate with them. crosby brings his herd of kids and watching them run around with the newest little cleven-egan makes him emotional. 
“you cryin’ croz?”
“thinkin’ about when we were overseas. didn’t know if we’d be alive by the end of the week. but now look at our lives,” he says, swiping at his eyes. bucky smiles and rubs his shoulder, feeling choked up for about the fifth time that day. 
“it all worked out, huh?”
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byunpum · 2 years
The family's clothing
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Pairing: Lo'ak x human reader
Neytiri x human reader ??
Tags: crushes,fluff, Neytiri being a sweetheart, cultural differences.
Warning: None, the characters have 20's
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You had a date with loak, well it wasn't a date… it was a hang out. You two used to go out every weekend alone. It could be somewhere, or just going to a place to talk. So you were getting ready. You had your hair down with some braids, which were adorned with beads that Loak had prepared for you. They matched his own.
And today you decided to wear the nice garment, that Neytiri had prepared for your birthday. It was a gift you didn't expect, because the dress style between humans and navis was very different, but when neytiri told you to go with her to 'create' something for kiri, she took your sizes and went to work in secret. So when she gave you this gift, you were very excited. First, it was something you had wanted for a long time. Secondly, seeing neytiri accept you more into her family circle made you very excited.
So you were getting ready, you paired the garment with a pair of short leggings. You felt so good, and you were so excited to show neytiri how good the top looked on you, and to see loak's reaction. So you left your room, going to the exit by the lab. There was your adoptive father norm. After the first events with the RDA, your parents died and norm stayed with you. You never knew your parents, you had no idea who they were. So for you your father was always norm.
You walked into the lab. "Dad…I'm going out with loak. See you," you say, grabbing your oxygen mask. Which, by the way, was a new model. It was a clear plastic tube that went in through your nose, where more oxygen went directly into your respiratory system. These tubes were small, so they didn't bother your nose, and they were comfortable when you put them in your ears. At the end they were connected to the oxygen box. The amount of oxygen that they released was just enough to allow the little air that came in through your mouth not to affect your breathing. Norm was a genius, your father was a genius.
"Ok honey, but be very careful…you know loak and spider get very adventurous" norm is talking but doesn't take his eyes off the computer. "Don't worry, it's just me and loak" you speak, you are about to walk out the door. When norm looks up and sees your outfit. "Wait…you're going out like that?" norm asks. "Yes, what's wrong with it?" you ask innocently. " Love…that's very revealing…. well at least for us" norm says walking up to you. "Excuse me… dad this is a traditional navi clothing. Neytiri prepared it exclusively for me" you say, you are upset you couldn't believe norm was saying this. "I know…but what if the other scientists see you?" says Norm, he was worried. "Well have them pull their eyes out" you raise your voice. Norm gets up from his seat, you might be of adult age, but you were still his little girl.
"Go change and put on something that covers you" norm speaks seriously. You remain silent, you couldn't believe he was asking you to change your clothes, just because his coworkers don't know how to control their hormones. "But daddy…this is a very precious gift for me" you feel your eyes fill with tears. "Just go and change. Then you can go" norm speaks, taking some papers and leaving in annoyance to another room in the lab. You walk to your room and change your clothes. You took off your nice garment, and put on a big shirt. Very ugly. You left the lab and headed for the sully family hut.
When you arrived at the hut, neytiri and loak were there. The boy had decided to wait for you there, and you had told him that you wanted to show him and his mother something. When they saw your figure peeking out of the doorway, they could see how sad you looked. "Hey what happened?" loak stood up to approach you. Stroking your hair. " Nothing…just, take neytiri" you speak, showing your hands, where you were holding the garment she had prepared for you. Neytiri opened her eyes in surprise, you didn't like it? Or was there a problem with the size? Because she could have adjusted it without any problem. "Come here dear" Neytiri makes a movement with her hands, so that you come closer to her.
You walk over to the woman, who is sitting on the floor preparing some things. "What's the problem? You didn't like it?" she looks at you, and sees your eyes fill with tears. "No, I loved it… I even had it on. But dad says it's not appropriate for me to wear it" you sob, loak is behind you. He had already sat down to hug you. "And what's wrong with that man?…I prepared this just for you. With unique pieces from this family, unique pieces that loak wears in his clothing. Like this is not appropriate" neytiri sounds furious. And she had every right to be.
She didn't understand how her clothing, the clothing of her people was inappropriate. And even more so when she had made everything by hand. Loak had approached her, mentioning that your birth date was near and he wanted to give you something special. Neytiri had grown very close to you over the past two years. You were a strong, kind and loving woman to her whole family. Compared to spider, you perfectly fulfilled the requirements to be a good match for her son. So she began to accept you into her family. And when loak asked her to help him make something special, she didn't miss the opportunity to make something that would represent her family, something that everyone would see and say "that girl is part of the sully's". She took loak beads, this would signify that you are her chosen mate. She also took feathers and beads from all the family members. These would signify that they accept and protect you. It was not just an outfit, it was symbolic.
"I know… and I want to use it. But I don't want daddy to be mad at me" you speak, you had your head down. Neytiri wasn't going to stand like that and do nothing. "Come… let's put it on. You will wear it" she says firmly. "But…" you start to speak, as you feel Neytiri grab your arm and lift you off the ground. So that you are right in front of her. "But nothing… if your father wants to say something, let him come here and tell me in person" she starts to remove your shirt. You knew norm wasn't going to confront neytiri, no one did. In fact, getting this close to her was something very special. And so far you were the only human who had this closeness with her.
Loak saw what was happening and moved to turn his back. The boy was excited, seeing how his mother defended you filled his heart with joy. He had chosen you as his mate, and although the two of you had not yet said anything to anyone. Everyone knew what was going on between the two of you. The connection you two had was very pure, and blessed by eywa. Mo'at confirmed this to neytiri, when at first the woman had her doubts. Her mother told her, that you were destined to stay together.
The large shirt ended up somewhere on the floor of the hut, while neytiri was adjusting your top, she adjusted some straps on the sides, adjusting your breasts. And fixing some beads. "There you are… you look beautiful" neytiri caresses your face. She sees your expressions light up again. "Then… I'll make a bottom for you" she said, while analyzing your shorts. "Can I look now?" asks loak, turning around to see how you had turned out. When he saw you, you saw how his eyes widened and a smile drew on his lips. "It looks so good on you… and look it has my beads on it" loak gives his mother a look, she looks at the scene in front of her.
Loak was sitting on the floor, you were in front of him talking and joking. While you were taking some braids from his hair and fiddling with them in your fingers. Showing and comparing the similarity they had, with your outfit. Loak had his hands on your hips. It wasn't maliciously, but as a show of affection. "Well…you two weren't going out" neytiri interrupts your conversation with loak. "That's right…come on. I want to show you something" loak gets up taking your hand, dragging you with him. Before leaving, you run to neytiri and give her a hug. "thank you!!!" you say, as the woman hugs you back. "You're welcome my child, go and have fun" neytiri watches as you run to where loak is and they leave the hut.
It doesn't take long before Jake walks in. " darling how are you?" says jake giving his partner a kiss and sitting down next to her to help her. "Jake we need to talk" says Neytiri, Jake knew she was mad. "Y/N came here crying, because norm wouldn't let her wear the outfit I had made for her. He said it wasn't appropriate" neytiri speaks, while cutting some fruits. "Love you know that the culture of humans and navi is different" said jake, trying to sound calm and neutral in the situation. "Yes, I know we are different… but she and your son are mutually interested in each other. And she has to adapt to our culture. And it bothers me that he keeps her from being part of our family" neytiri yells a little. "I know… and you know that Y/N is prepared to adapt and do whatever it takes to fulfill those requirements. How about I go and talk to norm?" jake is trying to work things out. After all, both parents were worried about their children.
Meanwhile, you and loak had already arrived at this beautiful meadow. there were beautiful flowers, which you had never seen before, you could see some passive animals walking and eating grass. It was a beautiful place. You and loak were sitting there enjoying each other. "How did you find this place?" you ask him, playing with the fingers of his hand, you liked that it was the same as yours. " I was flying in the ikran with spider, and I saw this place. The first thing that popped into my head was you" loak speaks, as you tangle his fingers with yours. You laugh a little, bringing his hand to your lips and giving him a kiss on the knuckles.
"thank you for thinking of me" you say as you look up. "I always do…always" loak, he just sits there waiting for your response. You get up and hug him around the neck. He crosses his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body. Feel how your lips collide with his, to give him a soft kiss. The kiss was slow, you wanted to enjoy the feeling of being so close. You broke away for a moment and gave him a kiss on the nose. " I already told you how much I love you" he sees your smile and copies your movement kissing the tip of your nose too. "Yes about a thousand times" loak hugs you to breathe your scent on your neck.
He had been through so much, since the second arrival of people from heaven pandora. Going to new lands with his family, trying to fit in. Having more war, knowing you were here alone in the forest with these people so close and him so far away from you and not being able to protect you. To then go back to the jungle with his family and think the worst had happened to you. So having you here…now with him in his arms. It was the best feeling in life.
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chuuyrr · 1 year
HII! How are you?
I wanted to request (If I can) so may I request a scarlet witch reader who gets these cute little hello kitty stickers from gojo so she then goes to the ADA and starts putting stickers on Dazai’s face and bandages as well as Chuuya’s hats and his face as well?
(Is this too long? I’m sorry!)
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scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader putting stickers on them
bungo stray dogs x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): fluff/comfort, possible bsd spoilers
╰➤ PAIRING(s): bungo stray dogs x child! reader (platonic) featuring dazai, chuuya, and the armed detective agency
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which you put hello kitty stickers on them
before you read: hi, in case you're new, you're megumi's younger half-sibling, and while you don't have cursed energy, you do have scarlet witch's powers and abilities! aside from that, as a special scarlet witch variant, you also have the ability to travel across the multiverse. how chaotic! furthermore, like your half-brother megumi, you are being cared for by gojo satoru, who also serves as your adoptive father. for more info, please see the masterlist.
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aside from stuffies and sweets like mochi, another item you particularly adored was stickers. your adoptive father, gojo satoru, would buy you cute hello kitty stickers.
you liked placing those stickers on your notebooks, bedroom walls, and closet, as well as people's faces and arms; you basically put them anywhere and everywhere!
and your beloved family-figures in the world of gifted detectives and mafias weren't an exception
now being in the bsd universe, i doubt they have things like hello kitty, so when you bring those cute little hello kitty stickers of yours with you, they are quite in awe
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"dazai-nii! dazai-nii!"
when dazai osamu heard your little voice and the pitter patter of your sneakers, he knew you'd come to see him and everyone. as he turned to see you running up to him after greeting everyone else in the detective agency, dazai extended his arms to you.
"well, well. if it isn't my sweet little bella! hello!" exclaimed dazai as he lifted you up, sat you on his lap, and gave you a soft head pat then he realized you had something with you today, "oh, what is that, [name]-chan?"
"hello kitty!" you happily told dazai with a giggle, showing him the packet of cute little hello stickers you got from your universe's papa gojo.
"hello kitty?" dazai asked, evidently unfamiliar, tilting his head and looking down at you and your stickers, "oh, how cute! stickers... of a cat?"
"mhm, that's right! hello kitty is her name," you explained to dazai with a smile, "daddy bought them for me because hello kitty is my favorite and also because i like stickers!"
"ah, i see. well, that's very nice of your papa, [name]-chan!" dazai chuckled softly, continuing to touch your head before ruffling your hair, already liking of your interests.
you were already giggling as you opened the packet of your cute little hello kitty stickers and started peeling them, with fazai helping you out because your small fingers were having difficulty peeling most of them.
"dazai, how many times do i have to tell you to do your repor—?!"
a very angry kunikida was carrying a stack of paper with atsushi trailing behind him when he found you sitting on dazai's lap, giggling joyfully while dazai sat there on his seat, his face and bandages covered with the cute little hello kitty stickers you brought.
the detective agency members had to take a second look at dazai when atsushi shouted out in surprise, "DAZAI-SAN?!"
"goodness, dazai. what happened to you?" yosano chuckled softly.
"well, [name]-chan happened to be," dazai chuckled softly, drawing you deeper into his hug and ruffling your hair before questioning, "is it... that many? just how many stickers did you put on me, [name]-chan?"
as you gazed up at him, you couldn't stop yourself from giggling, "i don't know, but a lot,"
"i'm pretty sure that's way more than a lot, [name]-chan," atsushi said, looking at the number of hello kitty stickers on dazai's face and bandages.
"say, what's the stickers for, [name]-chan?" dazai asked, his fingers now pinching your cheek but his other arm still holding you as you sat on his lap, "why my face and... my arms?"
"because i like putting hello kitty everywhere and anywhere," you stated with a proud smile now as you folded your arms, "but also because i think dazai-nii could use some hello kitty stickers, but also because i think hello kitty would look nice on your arms!"
"is that so, [name]-chan?" dazai's gaze softened as he peered down at you, his hand now gently cupping your cheek with his thumb stroking it, "you think hello kitty looks nice on me?"
it was as if you drew stars on his scars.
"mhm!" you nodded with a hum to dazai before turning to face the other members of the armed detective agency, a mischievous smile building on your face as you proceeded to take out additional hello kitty stickers, "now, who else?"
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and just like that, everyone at the armed detective agency had their hello kitty stickers covered up, including fukuzawa himself and his sword.
apart from dazai's desk, you even put hello kitty stickers on ranpo's hat, yosano's big ass dagger, and kyouka's blade.
kunikida refused to let you put stickers on his notebook, so you cried, and everyone became enraged, even fukuzawa was. so as a compromise, he allowed two pages of his notebook to be filled with your treasured hello kitty stickers, which made you stop crying and happy again.
moving on from the armed detective agency, there was the port mafia, but you only loved one member there, a wine-loving executive who rivaled dazai's love for you, and he, like them, was a victim of your cute and precious hello kitty stickers.
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chuuya was absolutely baffled.
he was in an executive meeting, and even mori ougai was there, when knocks rounded at the door, and there you were, running inside all happy and giddy like the sweet little child you were as you ran up to chuuya, not even caring that you had just entered a room full of wanted criminals from an underground organization.
before ace, one of the crappy executives of the mafia, could say anything, koyo had shut him up, as had mori, who really didn't mind your presence at all given your familiarity with his subordinates and being elise's friend and playmate, but he also knows about your special ability, your chaos magic, and he knows to himself that keeping a good relationship with you would be important for later schemes.
"c-chibi, what are you doing here? how did you even get here?!" yelled chuuya, who lost his composure the instant you approached him and held to his pant leg.
"i made the guards stick to the ceiling!" you exclaimed as if it was no big at all, to which everyone was perplexed, as you giggled.
mori had to stand up along with koyo to check outside and actually saw their subordinates sticking to the ceiling, glowing red with their faces and suits covered in hello kitty stickers.
"my goodness.. that child is a force to be reckoned with.." koyo chuckled softly.
"agreed, that child really is," mori sighed and smiled before turning to face chuuya, who was now picking you up in his arms as you clung to him, already apologizing for your presence.
mori called off the executives meeting early that day because of you, and chuuya still had paperwork, so he couldn't really offer you that much attention as you sat on his lap. he worked on his reports in his office, occasionally giving you a head pat and a tiny hum while you started peeling the stickers you got with you.
when chuuya finished his papers, he let out a groan and leaned back in his seat, now looking down at you as you giggled even more as he drew you to his chest.
"oi, what's so funny, chibi?" chuuya lifted a brow at you, a smile pulling on the corner of his lips before his gaze fell upon the plastic packet of hello kitty stickers you were holding, only now realizing why you were giggling and looking at him so fondly.
"you put stickers on my face, didn't you?" chuuya said, sweat dropping as you broke out laughing and nodded your head.
"tch, such a cute rascal you are," chuuya sighed, shaking his head at you, before bringing out a mirror from his desk drawer.
chuuya's face immediately turned red as he let out a short gasp and rolled out his r's in a scream of embarrassment when he noticed that not only was his face covered in your lovely hello kitty stickers, but you had also decorated his precious hat with them.
"c-chibi!" he exclaimed, looking at you with shock, disbelief, and other emotions mixed in.
"do you like it? i made you all look pretty with hello kitty! and your hat too!" you cried out happily to him, your face bright and delighted.
chuuya was about to get angry, but seeing you giggling and so happy when you put stickers on his hat was just too much for him. you were too precious for him to get mad, and despite his demeanor as a mafioso, he always had a soft spot for children, even way back then as the king of the sheep in his teenage years.
chuuya sighed in defeat as he smiled and patted your head before pulling you closer for a hug, "yes, i do. thanks for the stickers kiddo.."
to make matters worse, a knock rang at his door, and his colleagues came inside to fetch his reports for him, only to find chuuya's face and hat covered in hello kitty stickers. he immediately returned to his charisma and demeanor as a port mafia executive, or tried to.
"d-do not speak a word of this! just get the fucking papers and leave my goddamn office at once!" chuuya yelled at his subordinates, who instantly froze and nodded vigorously at his words, too afraid to laugh or even utter a single thing while you giggled naively in his arms.
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[ author's notes ! hi there <3 thank you so much for requesting this. sorry if it took a while to be done but this was really cute to write. also, i'm doing okay !! i'm currently working on a kitsune! dazai ai bot and i also have our graduation ball and ceremony coming up this week, which is why i'm busy-ish, but mostly it's because of character ai ... ]
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[ join my taglist, perhaps ? @anonymousewrites @magpiemissy @anqelically @96jnie @lovesick-fairy @soleelia @irethepotato @nianre @xingqiusliegee @lenasvoid @bloobewy @achlysyo @youdidntseemehere21 ]
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sheepfulsheepyard · 8 months
the thing about stark is that he is thee most adoptable son around. any father figure within a five mile radius comes SPRINTING out of the woods with adoptions papers in hand, signed, and notarized. so far stark’s Dads That Have Tried To Adopt Me count is at one (1) dwarven warrior, two (2) random nobles with dead sons (bonus points for the son who stark inexplicably is twinning with), and at least two (2) townies who drop everything to get a solid long weekend in of mentoring stark. kudos to stark’s brother (rip in peace king 😔✌️) for stepping up to the dadly plate. i mean stark may have daddy issues but he is CATNIP to dads with son issues.
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tuxebo · 7 months
What do you think of John marston?
he's hot, that's about it (pretending i didn't just write this whole thing abt him.) while i've read that he gets better over time, i'm yet to see it so i have mixed feelings on him. he's not a good father, not a good friend, not a good husband. let's be real here, he wouldn't make a good partner unless he fell in love before joining the gang.
john marston who wasn't completely alone before dutch saved his tail from getting hung. there was this poor baker and his wife, they had a kid, you. you weren't wealthy folk, no, but you always brought john dinner or shared yours. it wasn't large portions, but enough to keep him from dying of hunger.
you first met him when you caught him trying to steal from the bakery, rather than telling your parents you just handed him to bread. you had a mini picnic on the bakery's front porch, you talking his ears off was more than enough payment for the food.
you brought him food a couple more times, talking about yourself while he ate in silence, eventually he opened up and started engaging in the conversations you started. he never told you much about himself, other than the orphanage you could find him at. he showed you which window was his and that you only need to toss a pebble at it to get his attention.
as time passed, john became more and more of a no b.s. little boys. the kind of little boy that got himself killed or in a gang, as your daddy said. he didn't put up with anyone messing with you, in that respect he got more aggressive with your bullies, but never with you. you taught him things you learned from your mother as she was your teacher, some of it didn't stick but you tried.
inevitably, john disappeared. he was either dead in a ditch or in a gang, your dad didn't mention a third possibility but you liked to believe he'd been adopted by a nice family and that you'd see him again. you were only about 11 years old and he was 12, it wasn't shocking for you to have such enthusiasm.
life continued as usual for about three decades. you never married, business was going well after your parents died and suddenly you had one too many responsibilities on your plate for any of that. the world was becoming more and more industrialized by the day, you wouldn't even recognize it to what it once was when you were a kid. the only place that felt like home was your bakery, which is part of the reason it was doing so well, the nostalgia.
having had been in the business for so long, you were no stranger to thieves ─ you even caught one before you were double digits. one a particularly slow morning, the grey clouds settling in as you prepared for rain, a quiet hum caught your attention.
stepping out from the back, you caught a young man staring down your trays of different breads. he wasn't quiet at all, practically begging to be caught. you smiled, planning on just giving some to him anyway, but the look he gave you rendered you speechless from deja vu. same type of bread, same guilty smile, same brown eyes, same thinking hum.
"aw c'mon, son ─ jus' had to be this one of all the damn shops on the block," a man swore, the same way your dad did when he read about some young-ins doing stupid stuff in the paper. the voice was familiar, deeper as it had been many years now, but before you was john marston and another younger john marston.
since leaving the gang and his son's mother, john marston was a changed man. finally able to pay you back for all the bread and the bread his boy tried to steal. this time he gave you a proper picnic, in the large yard on his property. he set up under on of his sycamore trees, just like you had described three decades ago.
john marston may not have been adopted by some nice family nor was he always a nice man, but he was ready to become one for his son and you.
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ordinaryschmuck · 17 days
Full Family AU Part 15
Camila sat at her computer, rocking back and forth in her rickity, swirly chair that's probably older than her at this point. She had her hands over her eyes, letting out a long dragged out groan, frustrated to no end by the torment that is doing her own research.
"Daddy's home!" Manny announced as he stepped into the computer room. "I brought home pizza and, good news, Vee loves it. I gave her one slice and she gobbled it down in seconds. Bad news, her puppy dog eyes are as irresistible as Luz's, so she had to have three slices. Hopefully that's fine."
Camila said nothing. She just grunted, not changing her position in the chair. She barely even acknowledged Manny putting a plate with her slice of pizza next to the computer.
"Take a break," he told her. "Your brain is fried, so enjoy some pepperoni, my Pepperoni."
Camila removed her hands from her face and gave Manny a quizzical look. "Your Pepperoni? What does that even mean?"
"...It means I was trying something."
Camila groaned some more as she took her pizza. "I've hit a wall, Manny. I've hit a major wall..."
"What are you even researching?"
"Well, after that...heartbreakingly tragic backstory Vee told us, we agreed, we have to let her stay here. Because, I mean, where else would she go, right?"
"Right, I know. I was there."
"Well, I figured that if she stayed with us, people would ask her who she was. I can't say Luz's cousin because what if family visit? What do I tell them? So the only logical thing I could think of is daughter."
"Makes sense."
"But..." Camila paused to take a bite of her pizza. "Mm, that is good. But I would have to prove she's our daughter. Because then people will ask, 'Why isn't she in school?' And I can't send her to school without papers or stuff like that. And I'm not her birth mom, so I don't have her birth certificate or whatever. So I thought, 'Oh, maybe we could adopt her.'"
"I mean, I'm not opposed to that," Manny said. "We always talked about having a second kid and Vee...needs a home."
"Of course she needs a home, I want to give her a home, but unfortunately I can't give her a home!" Camila takes a bigger, frustrated bite of this pizza. "MAN, this is good! Did you go far from town to get this?"
"There's actually a place by--Actually, let's circle back to that," Manny said with a shake to his head. "What do you mean we can't give her a home?"
"Because to adopt a child you need adoption papers," Camila explained, sounding exasperated between her bites of pizza. "And to get those, you need to go to the county clerk's office, petition for adoption, get that in the system, go to the judge, and let the judge approve your adoption and--GAH!"
She leans further back in her chair, munching the rest of her pizza.
"Can you get me another slice?" Camila asked Manny. "Mami needs more stress food..."
"I think Mami needs a breather," Manny suggested. He then went behind Camila and started giving her his signature shoulder rub, Camila responding with a light hum because of how nice it felt. "You're overworking your brain, trying to figure things out as soon as possible. We don't need an immediate solution. Just gotta take things step by step."
"I know," Camila sighed. "But you heard what Vee said. All those horrible things that happened to her. She needs us, Manny. She needs to...be apart of something that shows her what love really is. And I want to give that to her. But...all those fictional stories that just show a child that had no home to begin with being adopted into a family tends to leave out all the paperwork necessary to make that process legitimate."
"Of course," Manny said. "All that stuff is boring."
"Manny..." Camila whined.
"But we'll get through it. Focus on stuff we can solve right now instead of things that we'll have to consider in the future."
"Of course we'll have to consider that future stuff. We can't just ignore the other steps."
"I'm not saying we ignore the rest. Just...look at what we have to do and focus on what we can do right now."
Camila hummed in thought. "I guess...I guess one thing we can do is make sure Vee can change into other outfits. That sundress is adorable, but she can't just wear the same thing everyday. This isn't a cartoon."
"And we can easily figure something out." Manny gave the top of Camila's head a kiss. "Until then, how about I get you that second slice of pizza."
"That'd be nice...Where'd you leave the rest?"
"On the kitchen table."
"You...didn't make it easy for the other kids to get to, did you? Especially the one kid who apparently loves pizza."
Manny was silent. Loudly silent. Next thing Camila knew he ran out of the room, quick as a flash.
"That's a no." She chuckled, shutting off the computer for now.
That's enough research for tonight.
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
Bane in my Bones
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Pair: Toji x Reader x Nanami
Warning: Spice is nice. Toxic Drama. Toxic Family Issues. Fluff at the end. Smut included.
A/N: Sorry for not writing this series. I should’ve have done it sooner, but there are times when I feel like I don’t want to do anything at all, and yet I feel guilty about not writing the series that I promised here on my blog MONTHS AGO. I should’ve been better, and that I wish for my love writing will return, but I was afraid my love of writing will never come back, at all. Even if I do wish it, even if I do write, I’m still afraid it won’t return, or that I’ll be forever guilty about this whole ordeal. And I’m so happy that I get to see animated version of Toji Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen!!! Thanks to the animated Toji, I now have the inspiration. Here’s chapter 2–the moment for Toji’s fangirls all been waiting for. And there’s a special guest in this series—so I decided to make as a love triangle. Hope you enjoy.
Toji hadn't been doing well with his current money on his bank account. Despite having the normalcy of a stable job, he desired for a quicker earnings. His life was at stake, low budget, low upgrade and low treatment from the great Zenin family. Nothing has ever come good from a Zenin clan. Everyone thought they're prestigiously intelligent and exuded with grace and wisdom. If only Toji could see how they truly are.
In the midday, he was making another bet for boat racing, he bet on boat 7, which is his favorite number. Anyone who chose number 4 is stupid. 4 is considered related to the word 'death' and bad luck. No hotels or apartments are contained with the numbers 4.
Duration of the boat race, Toji watched until he grew bored and ordered some salty snacks to eat up his boredom. Nothing was enough. But his wallet is empty, and his credit card has been declined.
Nothing was easy anymore. Especially the economy has struck disaster.
This morning, he had found a random woman sleeping in his bed, which made him pissed off at the last night's activities and kicked her out with no mercy. He hates being called as "Daddy". It's already grating enough for him for his memories to randomly conjure up in his head whenever he's busy.
Daddy this, Daddy that. He's not their father, and doesn't have a son.
Not that he's debating if he had one or not.
Boat number 7 broke down in the middle of the race and sank along the racer. Frustrated, Toji crumpled the paper and tossed it carelessly onto the ground.
"Betting on something stupid is stupid," a voice said behind Toji.
The man in a black suit and clean haircut, blew a smoke from a cigarette, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Shui Kong," Toji said, groaning. "What do you want?'
"Got bored with teaching students? I'm surprised you survived that college life for so long. I thought you'd bail out on the first day."
"Fuck off, I'm trying to watch the boat race," Toji grunted.
"The race is over, though," Shui said, smirking at Toji's displeased face. "Anyway, it's not the only reason why I'm here."
"Oh, do tell, but first buy me a box of yakisoba," Toji said, disinterested.
"It's regarding to your family," his companion informed.
"The great Zenin family, yada, yada, yada," Toji's hand waved. "I don't care about what they say. Their words always came from their shitty asses. Go buy the yakisoba; I'll pay you back later."
"With what money? You spent the last of the money on boat racing and a snack."
"Tch," Toji disgruntled. "Go, say whatever you say."
Shui cleared his throat. "It's rather urgent. Your father wants to see you."
"Again, I know what he's going to say. He's going to say that I'm the most disappointing son ever existed in his eyes. Thank god I'm adopted."
"This is about your son, Megumi," Shui mentioned. "He'll be taking over the clan in the near future. Your adopted father will kick you out the moment Megumi reach his potential on becoming an heir to his fortune."
"He never shared a slight of money," Toji groaned.
"He doesn't, which is why I'll be making a proposition--without letting them know, of course. This might be involve with hefty sum of fortune."
Toji's eyes snapped wide open. "I mean," Shui resumed, "if you still want to mope about the Zenin family, chances are your future is going to be bleak. Though I will say that rumor has it your not-so blood brother, is taking over the company in the future. Meaning, your last role to fill is not to become an obedient man, but becoming a family man in your adopted father's stead."
"Toji's teeth gritted. "That fucking bastard." Meeting Shui's twinkled eyes, Toji leaned back at his seat. "So, what kind of deal you want me to do? It better be worth it."
Reaching to your sanctuary, the weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Spotting you son asleep on his bed, clutching the sketcbook in hand and a pencil on the floor.
You tucked your son in with a blanket sheet, recently washed from laundry--contained in endless stacks of one clothing after another, then there's the bed sheets and pillow cases. None of which are helping you to get started since your college days have been nothing but torture.
Endless studies and notes in your major courses has been hell for your body and mind. This is the only time you'll be able to recharge is when coming home seeing your precious son, spritely and benign, something that you've never gifted with since born. Anything your son does, you support is fully needed, and needed badly. Not children should face their struggles and dreams alone without a proper kindness and support.
He has made drawings, already at a young age, he's curious and experiment with colors and art brushes and pencils alike. Each day, he drew something on a little piece of a sketchbook you bought. But since he wants his creativity to be expanded, you gathered a big sketchbook and a coloring book for him to fill with joy. The days of him occupying his thoughts, whether on painting or sketching, his mind has kept in occupying thoughts, a happy distraction. One day, he decided to fill an empty page of you and him, and despite the family picture is lacking, your son drew a picture what considered to be a tall man beside him.
Your heart race each time your son asks you about the whereabouts of his unknown father. Truth be told, it's better left unsaid.
Tucking his sketchbook aside on a desk lamp, you turned off the lights after you gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead.
Stepping out from the room, you prepare to make a cup of green tea and heat a frozen bread pizza in the microwave, then set it on the oven, ticking as the toaster heats up. You sat back down at the dining chair, not bothering to do the assignments to hand in for decent grade.
If only you could drop out from Professor Fushiguro's class. He has been nothing but a condescending soul seeping to you as the girls are there to kiss his ass. They didn't bother to consider that Professor Toj could possibly be married or have a girlfriend. He must have hidden it for a reason, however, you felt as if Toji would ever commit to a person that make themselves appear as a burden to him, maybe that's why he didn't mind girls throwing themselves at him.
Both parties are pathetic.
Thank God you reached home where are no typical noises of squealing that you can't stand. As you head lulled back down on the dining table, forehead pressing against the cold surface, you wonder if it's all worth it. It maybe all worth for your son's sake, your son's future, but, at the very moment, you felt stupid to choose a course that is somehow difficult for you to catch up due to your boredom and the ability to misunderstand the lecture--taking the wrong notes or missing the important ones, and somehow your grades went downhill.
At this moment, you wanted nothing more but to sleep.
"Forget to turn off the toaster," a voice said.
As you didn't open your eyes, lulling to deep sleep, the alarm went off. Not the toaster, your phone.
You woke up with fright, shutting the alarm off. You decided to take a day off from your early reminders.
"Miss (y/n)," a sornous voice called.
You said nothing.
"Miss (y/n)," a man voice's became louder and bolder.
Thinking it was Professor Toji, you sat up straight with wakeful eyes, but it turns out to be a dream.
The doorbell rang.
And with that, you set of running to unlock the doors without peeping through the peep hole, revealing a tall man with cheekbones is as fine as a blade.
"Nanami," you greeted, hugging him.
His hug returned quite awkwardly. Knowing he's not a people-person, you still managed to greet him with a friendly smile.
Beckoning to enter, the smell of pizza has caught Nanami's attention. He rushed into the kitchen and coughed.
Your pizza is over burnt. So he turned on the vents to blow the burning smell away as he opened the kitchen window.
Nanami, who turned your pizza bread off from the toaster.
"Thank god my kitchen isn't on fire," you said in relief, your back slouching, your arm propped over the chair frame.
"I take it that you aren't okay with anything's happening right now?' Nanami poured himself a cup of fresh tea
You sighed. "Yeah, it's been a real bother. I don't even want to go tomorrow. Ever since I attend college, I thought it would be good for the sake of my son, but it turns I've been pathetic. I can't even do anything right."
"You'll get the hang of it," Nanami said calmly, sipping.
"It's not office work," you said, exhausted. "I just want a good life. That' why I took upon educating myself, but this one..."
Nanami stopped lifting his cup halfway. "This one?"
You shook your head. "Nothing. Everyone has been a real bother. Everyone is easily distracted, which makes me easily distracted and overwhelmed."
"Why not take online classes?'
"Online classes is another thing. I just don't trust internet that much. Besides, I don't want to coop myself up in one room. I have to get out to meet new people, maybe something to take my mind off of. I just don't want to do another mistake. So what have you been up to?"
Nanami drank his tea. "Nothing much. Just work, and more co-workers being dumbasses as ever."
"You mean like Gojo?'
"Not that kind of dumbass," he answered.
"Is the co-worker loud and obnoxious?"
"Guess you could say that," he said, tossing your burnt pizza out in the trash bin.
"You and me both."
Then silence prevailed. No exchanged looks, no sudden drop of noise. Nothing. Just the AC rumbling.
"I hope you're doing okay," you began. "I mean, I've seen you of not having a decent sleep. Your eyes says it all."
"I'm doing fine," he denied.
You scoffed. "Liar. Come sit down, I'll prepare something for you. You know, Daichi would be happy to see you if he's awake."
"Where is he now?'
"Sleeping. He kept busy with his drawings! He's my little Michelangelo! Ah, if you could see how far he has gotten with drawings. Everything is perfect. My little Daichi is gifted. I bought more sketchbooks and coloring pencils for him to try if he's up for a challenge, but he settled his experimentations on color pencils sooner than I thought."
Nanami chortled. "You really love your son, don't you?'
"Why not? A mother's love should NEVER suffocates a child with their selfish and hypocritical ideals that make the child hates the mother. My mom does a terrible job of being one. She said to me, "When you have a child, you should control EVERYTHING at what your child says and does, and how the child feels and opinions. She's such a fucking annoyance."
“You didn’t stay,” he concluded.
"I didn't," you said, sipping a second refill. "That's why I got up and left from that household. There's nothing for me there. And I don't want Daichi to be in their life. I just want them to be out of Daichi's sight. He'll cry if he meets them, but I made sure I won't let it happen. Same thing goes with my dad and my relatives, and even my “saintly” sister who's way better at everything than me. I mean, who the hell do they think they are?"
"A mother's love cannot be bested by someone's boasting in accomplishments," Nanami said. "Nor does the ignorance of a family tradition."
"I don't want to become like them," you said, reminding yourself. "Or end up saying the hurtful words to Daichi the way my so-called family did. What they did to me was at its worst, and I feel as if I'm not doing good enough. They thought of me as a threat...just because I think and feel different from the rest of them. Even if they didn't accept me, why can't they just leave me alone, instead of interfere at every personal choices I make for myself? They could've just ignore me, pretend I don't exist so that I could leave without them remembering me. Even now, my family wants me to reconnect with them, but I refused. I didn't want to be open to them, I didn't want to give the closure they wanted. I changed my phone number, my address, my surname, everything. I just hope that they...they don't..."
Tears fell down, your sobs grew louder. You couldn't help it.
Large hands placed on your back, massaging your shoulder blades, circling them. When you're at your worst, nobody was there for you. Your dad mocked your cries, calling your voice 'ugly', then your mom's denial of claiming rude words against you, and your sister's cold-heartedness whenever you see her, she doesn't want to look up to see your "disgusting" face. That's why she moved out with her friends.
There is one point where you wanted to become deaf, so that they couldn't hear what they say and how they said it, with their actions as a contradiction.
You couldn't handle it anymore. You just wanted to start a new life with newfound family.
"(y/n)," Nanami cooed, his mouth leaning towards at the back of your ear shell. "The pain will be over soon. You've done well as a young mother."
Your heart jumped.
What you didn't expect was the subtle kiss he placed on your ear shell.
"Nanami--" The hot tea spilled onto his uniform. Nanami sighed with alert.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry, Nanami. I'll go get some ice!"
Nanami reached for your wrist as you tried to run past him in the kitchen to fetch the ice from the freezer.
He said nothing but darting his unreadable eyes onto yours. With your stilled body, your dry throat scrunched up more, bobbing with anxiety. The AC resumed on making the thrumming noise from the roof.
"It'll leave a scar if you don't heal the burns hurry," you reminded, though whispered.
Heart pounded against your rib cage. Your hands coated in sweat. This has never happened to you before. Before Daichi, you suggested and insisted the idea of romance comes from books, but since Daichi is born in your stomach, reality hits too hard for you to handle. Not even your family's unnecessary commentary of how you become heavy and zombie-like, more stale looking and less bless with glow. In nine months, your dear family predetermine for you to be as a punching bag at every chance they get as their way of outlet of their horrible life.
Thank god your dearest friend, your most trusted friend, Nanami, bailed you out of the situation.
But what you felt for him, is he really a friend to begin with?
"What is it, Nanami?" Your face reddened, your quiet voice squeaked with concern.
Without given a warning, Nanami grasped your other arm before he pulled you in for an enticing kiss. Slipping his tongue to your opening, his arms encircled around your dainty body, pulling you closer even when the gap space is closed. Your hands suddenly have a mind of its own; slithered and ran down on Nanami's back, the boiling touch of his dousing office shirt entangled to yours
"(y/n)," he moaned, suddenly shoving you apart for him to discard his office suit off. However, his pants are intact, leaving your hands seizing and undo the belt. Nanami stopped you, plucking your neckline, trailing down on your engorged nipple with his nibbling kisses on the thin straps of your pastel pink tank top.
"I don't mind being as Daichi's Father," Nanami said, chuckling. "But," he said, inching his face closer to yours. "I don't mind you calling me. Wherever you go, whenever you need help, I'll always be there at your side, especially when I’m busy.”
Your sobs are about to appear again. You tried not to show it again, afraid of getting sick and tired by him.
"Nanami..." is all you could utter.
"Say "Yes, Daddy," he murmured.
Your heart bounced.
His fingers hooked your chin and lifted up to meet his commanding look in his cryptic gaze. "Say, "Yes, Daddy."
Nanami stayed quiet, eyes coaxing you.
"Yes, Daddy," you whimpered.
With a slight smirk on his face, his face plunged in for another kiss. His hands roamed freely on your body, flowing with soft cotton nightgown. He took off his working glasses before implying a passionate kiss for the third time. Tucking his left hand in your night gown's skirt, his fingers hooked the lined fabric of your panties and slipped the undergarment downwards to your thighs, then your knees. Knowing what he was implying, your pussy is smothered in heat. By the time your pants came undone, he caught the material, stopping.
His phone had ring.
Groaning in frustration, Nanami took the call, but didn't let you go with the other hand.
"Nanami speaking. What is it this time?"
With a ragged breath, your head leaned in against his right breast, your hand pressed against the center of his chest, his heart pounding loudly as it can. It seems like you aren't the only one who's dealing with excitement.
"Fine, I'll be there. Just give a moment or two...It doesn't where I am. I'll be there." Then clicked his phone shut, his other hand attached to your waist again, his forehead pressed against yours.
"Work?' you uttered.
Nanami hummed.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to," you suggested, rubbing his back. "I'll make the futon in my bedroom."
Nanami shook his head, leaning his head back to give a longing gaze at you. "If I didn't leave, how will I be able to give Daichi's future career in art and your dreams of gaining a life you deserve away from your family, by becoming as a truest moment of your happiest self?"
"I'll find a job. That's why I'm here, to start over."
Nanami's hand tucked into your long hair. "It doesn't have to be that way. I can help you, just like I've always been. You don't have to worry about your life anymore."
Your brows scrunched. "What are you saying?'
"Once I get back, please let me know of your answer."
Nanami wore his doused suit and fetched his things before approaching the entrance door. Chasing after him by the grab on his forearm, Nanami turned and gave you a longing kiss. "Will you please be my wife?"
He gave a peck on your cheek, then your eyelids, and his lips finally landing onto your mouth. "Daddy's going to take care of you better than before. Wait for me, my sweet (y/n)," he said, then left, disappear from your sight, leaving you breathless at the previous events unfolded.
Taglist: @galactict3a @colored-tr-panels
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blueiight · 9 months
IWTV E4 “A Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child’s Demanding.” Claudia discussing how it feels to escape poverty to being adopted into wealth, struggling in her existence without peers even during her second childhood and how she does not even care to have the veneer of mortal manners around Louis’s family, what Charlie as her last peer meant to her, and her mortal upbringing prior to Lestat + Louis.
And I realized, what I thought was Heaven was just some nice room. And what I thought were angels were really hell demons.
Uncle Les and Daddy Louis were rich. They had nice clothes and a nice auto carriage and a funny way of being nice to each other.
I gotta go to bed when the rest of the world wakes up, so there's less kids to play with...
Daddy Lou said I had been away from people too long. I didn't know how to behave right anymore. But Uncle Les said, I behaved just fine.
Diary, his name is Charlie. He's got veins like rivers. They flow right down his arms. …Charlie's death ushered in one of the darkest eras in our lives. The oh-so-delicate balance of our oh-so-delicate household was shattered. For Claudia, all humans died with Charlie.
And, diary, you'd think a girl whose mama died in childbirth... whose daddy gave her away to a mean old auntie who beat her 'cause no one said she couldn't, who died in a fire but came back by the blood magic of two demons, well, you'd think that girl wouldn't know what funny was. But you'd be wrong, diary. And if I told you, dumb diary, that that same girl was being raised to kill like her demon parents did, to take two souls a day so she could stay in the same flat-chested, hairless-crotched 14-year-old baby doll body as her mind and spirit turn 19, 20, 25, 63, 358, you dumb, dumb diary, I bet you'd say to anyone who'd listen, "Fun? Fun? How does she even get up in the morning?" Well, let me tell you something, you stuck-up, flower-covered, three-dollar fancy fսcking paper diary, I'm doin' just fine. (diary pages read aloud as Claudia self harms at the end of e4)
IWTV E5 “A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart”. Claudia discussing her life/reckoning with the fate of her premature existence.
"Dear Diary, am I gonna be a virgin every single time I do it? Won't my skin down there grow back like my hair does when I cut it?"
Who am I supposed to love? You two have each other. Who's my Lestat? Who's my Louis? I’m not human. What human would want me? Perverts? Like the uncle at the roomin' house who used to watch me pee? Or little boys? And 40 years from now... still little boys? How are you gonna fix it, huh?… (turns to Louis) [Lestat] treats us like shit and you just take it! And you, [turns to Lestat] cruel as the devil ever made, to deny me one love when you’ve got two.
[Talking to Louis in her room after the confrontation at the dinner table] I remember the night I was made, the fire chokin' me, you carryin' me out through the flame and the smokes. But then why'd you take me home? Why not a hospital? …. But I was breathin'! Maybe I'd have a handsome husband by now. Or maybe he'd be plain but with a good disposition. That'd be fine, too. I'd be sweepin' floors, makin' dinners, nursin' babies. Maybe I'd go to church. You think on that some.
How does Claudia react after her rape? She exhibits textbook behaviors.
I spend time following Louis and Lestat now that I am my own woman... with no obvious sense of why I follow them, other than meaning slowly disintegrates without them...My companions in immortality.
but wait.. u might ask: doesn’t this contradict what she said years earlier in this same episode about wanting ‘her own Lestat and Louis’? is this Louis or Armand somehow forging Claudia’s diary? or is this a rape victim shortly after the actual experience struggling with her emotional+ mental state and in that frame of mind going back to the immortal family she finds to be a more familiar sort of ‘evil’ than the unknown vampire that raped her, especially after witnessing Louis weep over the grave Grace made of him? to Claudia here, being Louis’s ‘sister’ is balm put onto a bleeding wound.
Hypervigilance over her wider situation ad an Enmeshment with Louis, as they both have endured incredibly traumatizing events (with Claudia being raped + shortly after, witnessing Louis being beaten) and are without Lestat for six years following the end of E5 picking up the pieces. it is Claudia who tends to Louis in his most vulnerable here, and Louis struggles with that, wanting to be ‘her knight in vengeful black’ in return.
She's grown very protective of me. That's what this is. It's why it's hard. She came back altered when she left us. There's a darkness in her that wasn't there before. Give her a little time. [Louis is trying to appease Lestat here in their ‘compromise’, but there is a key bit of truth in his observations here.]
Claudia learned very early on, as early as E4 when Louis asked her mentally about Charlie, how to block her mind off from Louis. and with her traumatic experiences, its all but said that hypervigilance protects her mind further (as shown in the S2 trailer when Armand comments on it). When Lestat steals her from off the train, he also threatens her:
Because if you try this again, Claudia, I won't snap your leg, defile your pocket, and zoom off on a motorbike. I'll turn your bones to dust.
Is it any wonder Claudia draws the comparison to Bruce when she talks to Louis, especially when Louis in the season finale plays the role of a honey trap to the very same lover who almost ‘killed Louis’, as Claudia [and Daniel alike] frame the ending of E5 as abuse + attempted murder, as Claudia seethes , is ‘done enduring?’ and just before she creates her own murder plan:
Or did you kill him, like you did Antoinette, and how you tried to do with Louis?
I have to wonder why, over a year from airing, blogs and reviews claiming to be dedicated to the series rehash the most juvenile questions that the episodes themselves directly answer? How can S2 spec or complex discussion occur, if callout PSAs shutting down any sort of canon-compliant discussion is the way to go? If people constantly exhibit their refusal to meet the show where its at and engage the material for what it is, where can we go from here? AMC IWTV is very didactic. ‘The absence of metaphor is striking’. Yet for all the waxing about loving ‘fucked-up gothic romance’, there is a willful ignorance in understanding where & what makes the situation fucked up to begin with. Or even an interest in understanding the basics of the setting!
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
I have a Matt Casey request for you.
What if Casey was together with Kelly severide’s little sister who also is the PIC for ambo 61 and her partner on ambo is Gabby Dawson.
Y/n and Casey have decided that they want to adopt Louie and they are trying to do this, but it is hard when they are basically just dating and they aren’t married or even engaged.
After the celebration of 100 years anniversary at Molly’s, Casey and y/n decides to get married at the courthouse and of course everyone from the firehouse are at the courthouse to see everything and even Benny Severide is there to see his daughter getting married.
A few moments between y/n, Severide and Louie.
Moment between y/n, Severide and Benny.
Moments between Louie and Casey.
And moments between Casey, y/n and louie.
Something that’s based on season 5 episode 8
Matt Casey- Courthouse
Tumblr media
How are we at Mollys celebrating 100 years of Mollys, well the bar. I hold my boyfriend, Matt, hand while standing next to my older brother Kelly. He's the reason I became a PIC for ambo 61 and the reason I met Matt. That's was a few years ago. I'm also holding on to the little boy I saved on my hip named Louis. We've both fallen in love with this little chap and so are currently fostering him, with the intent to adopt but it's looking to be a challenge because Matt and I aren't married or even engaged. I would be seen as a single mom.
"Ok" Herrmann grabs all of our attention as he stands on a chair "everybody, uh listen. 100 of anything is impressive but uh, 100 years for a bar that is down right magical. Back then there was no television, radio..."
"Well if we want to be specific radios we're actually invented in 1895 making them over a hundred years old"
"Who invited the history nerd" Hermann points at me making us all laugh
"Sorry. Continue" I tell him
"There was just neighbourhood with hard working people who needed a place filled with family"
"As long as Capone wasn't around" Mouch comments
"That's what this building is about" Herrmann continues "this place was built on Chicago soil and the original soil was rough and bloody, but Mollys, Mollys foundation is built on love" I can already feel tears starting the threaten "I don't care if that's corny. But it's built on love and you can feel it every time you walk in here. So heres to the next 100"
"Let's get married"
"What?" I frown looking at Matt
"Let's get married. Right now"
"Let's go" I smile feeling giddy
"Come here bud" Matt takes Louis from my arms and kisses his forehead
"Where are you guys going?" Herrmann stops us before we leave
"We're going to get married" Matt replies
"What? Guys they're finally getting married!" Herrmann shouts at the top of his lungs
"Not without us" Sylvie
When we all arrive at the courthouse I see mine and Kelly's dad and also our half sister Kate. I frown looking at Kelly confused
"What's dad doing here?" I ask
"I called him and Kate. Thought he'd want to see at least one of his kids get married" Kelly says "and well I know you and Kate talk all the time so"
"Thank you Kell"
"Let's do this!" dad yells clapping his hands. Kelly picks Louis up
"Hey little man. Ready to watch mommy and daddy get married?" he asks Louis who claps nodding his head. I take our dads arm while Kelly stands at the front with Matt
"We don't really need to do this do we? It's not like it's a proper wedding"
"Hey this is a proper wedding. It's your wedding" dad says. He walks me to Matt who takes my hands in his "you look after her"
"I will don't worry"
"Because if he doesn't he'll have me to deal with" Kelly says making all of us laugh.
The minister does his thing, we say our I do's and then we're pronounced husband and wife. We all head back to Mollys to celebrate. I watch as Louis is dancing with Matt
"So, that's going to be my grandson then?"
"Yeah" I give dad a smile "well as long as the adoption papers go through. We're doing them first thing in the morning"
"They'll got through promise" Kelly gives me a nudge "how couldn't they. Louis is so loved and safe with you and Matt. Hell Louis has the whole of the firehouse, PD and Med that will look after him"
"I'm proud of you YN. Both of you" wow dad actually is being super nice. Maybe weddings really do bring people together
"Mommy, dance" Louis says holding his hands out to me. I get up from my seat and join him and Matt dancing together
"You know we love you Louis, we both love you so much" Matt says hugging both of us.
The next day Matt and I walk into the firehouse with Louis holding both our hands
"You two going on a honeymoon?"
"No they are not. We all know what happened on a honeymoon" Kelly responds to mouch
"Shut up" I roll my eyes at my brother "Louis let's go and get some breakfast" I pick him up and take him to the kitchen, sitting him down on a chair
"Cheerios again?" Kelly walks in ruffling Louis hair
"He loves them"
"So when do you find out if you've got Louis?"
"In a week or so" I place the cereal in front of Louis and sit next to him. Kelly sits the other side
"You are going to be one loved and luckily boy" Kelly says to Louis "I've always got yours, your moms and dads back. That's a promise"
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ghostismybbygorl · 2 years
My bunny
Summary: simon meets his daughter
Warnings: gore, death, violence, angst
A/n: this is a au that i have where simon has a daughter. Im deff gonna make this a series. Also its not proof read so if grammar and spellings off sorry not sorry lol
The day simon met Sammy it was love at first sight
His cold heart melted and the walls he had built from the years of truama and horror crumpled into dust.
Tears pricked his eyes as he was standing in a building he had just cleared holding the crying infant in his arms. She had a small gold bracelet with the date 3/2/16 she was one years old and it was her 1st birthday. Her bright blue eyes closed tight in a screaming sob. Wailing jn the sorrow of loosing her family.
" you're like me bunny. All Alone and no where to go" he croaked tears now streaming down his face. He cradled the baby to his chest holding her tight
"Its alright love, ive got you know." He sighed
"Daddys got you" he whispered
He vowed that day that he will take this child in and call her his own flesh and blood.
Sam was found being held by her mother tightly. The mother was shot fatally by the enemy. The last thing in her mind before the bullet hit her was to protect her precious sleeping daughter. Simon got to her on her last breaths her passing thw child to simon
"Please.....take care..... of...sam.." the mother ghasped out taking in her last breath as she handed her to him. The look of horror hidden behind his mask tears prickling the corners of his eyes.
Flash backs of his past hitting him like a train. The sight of the newly deceased family holding each other in fear as the enemy executed them one by one. If it wasnt for him to step in at the right time he'd would've not met the meaning to his life the will for him to keep fighting knowing that theres someone waiting for him to come home.
Simon rushed to the safe house holding the baby like his life depended on it. When he arrived he instantly collapsed on the couch hunching over the baby quietly sobbing. He sat there for hours not wanting to let go of his child.
When evac came they sought out for the baby telling simon that she needs to be searched for any wounds. Simon followed them not leaving her side. when she was done with the evaluation the doctor came telling him everything
"She's a very healthy girl and we will make sure she will be put in a nice house-"
"NO" simon yelled " she's staying with me"
The doctor was shocked by the quick answer
"Luttenant she needs to be in a safe household away from danger and quite frankly-"
" i dont care what it takes. If it costs me everything. She's going to be my daughter"
The doctor looked at him in defeat
"Very well but you will have to talk to the higher ups about this. A child is a life long commitment"
"Like i fuckin know that doc i said what i said now let me see her"
He followed the doctor to the examination room where the nurses where trying to calm her down but where failing to. Simon rushed over to her
Sams crying settled down when simon picked her up cradling her head.
"Its alright im here, im here" he said softly
"Well congratulations mr.riley you're officially the father of Samantha!" The adoption agent said handing him back the adoption papers
For the first time in years simon had a smile on his face tears pricked his eyes as he glanced down at the new adoption papers
"Samantha josephine riley" he said softly looking at his new daughter in her car seat carrier. She slept peacefully
"You like that dont you bunny?" He said tickling her tummy causing her to let out a light giggle
This was his happiest day of his life
7 years later
"DADDY! " sam yelled running up to him engulfing him in a hug
Laswell let out a chuckled handing simon her bag
"Hey bunny! where you good for auntie kate"
"Yeah!! She said giving him a kiss on his skull mask with a loud "MWAH"
Ghost took his mask off and blew a raspberry on her cheek causing a fit of giggles
" thank you for taking care of her while im away" simon said to kate
" any time" she said blowing sam a kiss " bye sammy" she said
Sam gave her a toothless smile
" well you look at that! Did you loose a tooth while i was gone?" Simon asked
" yeah! I was playing tag with annabeth (laswells daughter) and i hit a tree! Then my tooth fell out! And i got five bucks from the tooth fairy look daddy!!" She handed him a 5 dollar bill "i must have been really good for her to give me $5!" She said with a toothless smile
"I bet you where bunny" he said giving her a eskimo kiss.
Simon and sammy said their goodbyes to laswell and her family and drove to their house in manchester
Kate had a small loft with her wife in liverpool just 40 minutes away from simons house. She would often visit the place when she was off duty or on vacation. This was alway convenient to him since price was 3 hours away all the way in herefordshire. The drive home was full of stories. Sammy told her tooth story, how she got to make a fort in aunties house and how she got to have breakfast for dinner. Simon was always amused by her stories. They where always innocent and cute a lot better than the horror stories he'd have to supress until sammy was older to understand his line of work.
"Daddy! How was your work trip?!" Sam asked in the back seat looking at the rear view mirror. "Did you save more people from the bad guys?" Simon smiled oh the pure innocences of his daught is what he enjoyed
"I did bunny and guess what?"
"You remember my buddy soap?"
Simon laughed at her eagerness
"Bugger got a tooth knocked out like you"
Sammy started laughing "uncle johnny's missing a tooth too?"
"Yeah, was fighting the bad guy and got his tooth knocked out by the butt of a rifle"
"Did the tooth fairy visit him?" She asked
"Yes she did brought him a bar of soap for being too smelly"
Sammy starting laughing in a fit of giggles "stinky johnny! stinky johnny!" she sang
Simon chuckled at her tune
If only he can press pause on times like these and relive them over and over he would.
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Hi, I loved the Eddie x single mother reader, if you do any other chapters with them, I think it would be really sweet if little hazel accidentally calms joe “daddy” and reader is terrified he’s gonna freak out and she panics at how to handle the situation but joe secretly loves it and he’s so proud that she thinks he’s her daddy as he adores her and sees her as his daughter already. And/OR reader finds out she pregnant and joes so excited and decides he also wants to adopt hazel as his own 💕💕💕 (I just love daddy joe 😍😍😍)
i got youuuuuuuu (thanks for the request!) Wordcount: 1.7K
Right here
“Oh no,” Joe said as he took a coloured pencil from Hazel’s little hands that she held out to him. It needed to be sharpened. Hazel found out when she had rubbed the wood of it against the paper of her colouring book and hadn’t seen any purple transferred onto the squirrel on the page. She babbled something to Joe, which clearly meant: go sharpen this. now.
Hazel sat in her tiny toddler chair by the coffee table, and Joe sat next to her on the rug, his long legs criss cross applesauce under the table. They were both colouring and the sight of them was adorable. Hazel had taken out several colouring books and had tried to reach for the set of coloured pencils you kept on a higher shelf. Hazel couldn’t fully ask for what she wanted yet, but context clues were easy, and Joe had handed her whatever she wanted.
“Is there a sharpener in here somewhere?” Joe had gotten up and had investigated the cabinet where you held all of Hazel’s toys; things like memory games, wooden puzzles, kinetic sand, play-doh and when Joe looked closer: a sharpener too for Hazel’s coloured pencils. “Found it!”
He’d been quick to locate it. You hadn’t even had time to tell him where to look. You were in the kitchen, tidying away everything you’d taken out for breakfast that morning and giving the counters a wipe down. You marveled at how quick you were able to do this without Hazel on your hip or her body wrapped around your leg demanding your attention and silently thanked Joe for entertaining her in the living room.
Joe joined you in the kitchen, opening the bin with his toes on the paddle and he started sharpening the purple pencil. An important job, because obviously squirrels were purple, and Hazel wasn’t exactly a child of patience. You heard her cry out for you, but you knew the second Joe would join her again, you wouldn’t be needed. “I’m going to go get dressed,” you snuck Joe a quick kiss on his cheek before walking out. Hazel saw you and called for her mum, but you repeated to her what you’d said to Joe. “Mum’s quickly going to go get dressed, I’ll be right back,” and as you stepped into the hallway, only a fraction of a second out of Hazel’s sight, you heard it. It halted you completely, and you were quick to snap your head around to see if Joe had heard it too.
Hazel had called out for Dada. Daddy? Definitely Dad. But more babbly. Dada. It wasn’t even close to Joe – a name she had used before, and in games of “where is” where you made Hazel point at all sorts of things, she’d pointed at Joe every time you had asked here where he was. From your spot you could see Joe in the opening to the kitchen, purple pencil in hand, and as if Hazel had referred to him as her father a thousand times before, he just went, “Got it, got it!” as he jogged back over to the coffee table. Your heartbeat was loud and you could feel it high up in your chest. What the fuck.
You stepped back a little to see him sit back down on the rug, handing Hazel the pencil that she immediately put to use, and Joe cheered when this time the colour did transfer onto the paper.
Maybe Joe hadn’t heard it. Or maybe you had heard it wrong. You turned back and got dressed, thoughts going.
If Hazel was going to be calling Joe dada, that meant something for the two of you. You weren’t stupid – the second Joe had laid eyes on Hazel, you knew that it’d be different. Involving a child in a relationship (was it even really a relationship then?) suddenly meant the stakes were so much higher. But you’d convinced yourself Hazel was still so young when Joe first met her. She could get to know him as just a friend of your little family. And then, if things were to break off and Joe was to step out of your life, it would be sad, but it wouldn’t be like she’d lose a parent. She’d already lost one before she was even born, you didn’t want to inflict any more trauma onto her. Or onto you. If Hazel was going to be calling Joe dada, it kind of roped Joe in for the long haul. The longest of hauls – even if not your haul, at least Hazel’s haul. You thought that being a father figure now kind of meant he’d have to be one to her forever. You weren't willing to settle for anything less for Hazel, and you weren’t sure if Joe agreed with being placed into that position. It felt unfair to subject Joe to anything he didn’t want, and this was a big ask.
Stepping back into the living room, now dressed, the sight of them hadn’t changed. Joe’s tongue was stuck to his upper lip in concentration as he was drawing something, copying an image he had open on his phone. And you could cry when you saw that Hazel had copied him; her little tongue also stuck up to her upper lip as she used way too much force to fully colour in the page.
“That looks so good, baby,” Joe cooed as he checked her work. “Deserves a spot of honour on the fridge, don’t you think?”
You made your way over and sat down on the other side of Hazel, facing Joe, your knees touching as you crossed yours under the table as well.
“Look at these artists at work! Can I join in?” Hazel was quick to pass you the orange pencil and she pointed at another colouring book on the table. You obliged, took it, and turned to a page that only had a few discarded scribbles on from another time Hazel had used it.
There was a silence where none of you spoke, the only sound that filled the room being pencils on paper and it felt a little therapeutic.
“I’m not going to pretend you didn’t hear that,” Joe suddenly said, prompting you to look up at him. He had his head still down, pencil on his paper still, but he was looking at you.
“She probably copied it from hearing someone at daycare… you know, that’s just what male adults are called,” you tried to explain it as much to yourself as you were to Joe. Diving deep into this conversation was scary, so you tried to keep it nice and shallow, even though you knew that didn't suit the situation at all.
“Probably.” Joe nodded slowly. “She’s done it about…. maybe 5 times now?” Joe said, and your jaw dropped. You’d never heard her say it before. When had she started doing this? Had you caught it earlier, you might have been able to correct her.
“Don’t worry!” Joe was quick to soothe. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Joe,” you started, shoulders slumped, and head cocked to the side. “It is to me,” you looked at Hazel and used your hand to flatten and push back some of her fly aways.
“Nah, it’s just Hazel putting together puzzle pieces.” And you had a mental image of Hazel carefully placing the wooden pieces of her farm puzzle together, having to twist and turn each piece until she found the right places. But this felt like Hazel had just placed the piece of cow onto its slot, but upside down. Sure, it was in the right spot, but it didn’t fully fit properly.
“They’re pretty permanent puzzle pieces, though,” you spoke softly, your tone as happy as you could bear it to not unnecessarily worry Hazel. Obviously, she was listening to the two of you talk, and you were aware that kids really pick up on anything you say, but that didn’t mean that it had to affect her mood. “I don’t want to burden you with-”
“Burden?” Joe interrupted you, entirely confused by your choice of words.
“Hazel can call you whatever she wants, can’t you baby? But if it’s going to be dad, that’s… that’s asking a lot from you, and I don’t want to force you into a position you don’t want to be in.” Joe let you finish but was bewildered by what he was hearing. Both his hands found your knees under the table for a reassuring squeeze.
“Isn’t mummy being so silly?” he asked Hazel, who looked up from her colouring to make a silly face at you. “Do you think she knows how much I love you, Hazel?” Joe’s hands left you and he gestured the longest distance his arms could manage. Hazel copied him. “That’s right! The most much!” Joe took advantage of the fact that Hazel had her arms spread out to tickle her sides, making her squeal and giggle before pulling her in for hugs and kisses to her cheeks.
You took a moment to just look at the two of them. Maybe Joe was right, and he’d known all along that being with you meant more than just being with you. And the fact that he was still around meant that he’d also chosen to be with Hazel. For the long haul.
“Hey Hazel, where’s mummy?” Joe asked her, her little face pressed up against his in their hug and Hazel smiled before looking at you and pointing. “There.” she said.
The two of them looked at you, and Joe gave you a nod. It was as if Joe had taken that wooden puzzle piece of the cow and had twisted it around himself, making it fit exactly where it needed to be and superglueing it into place. You knew what he wanted you to ask your daughter.
“And... where’s daddy?” you asked, your voice careful because of the new territory you’d decided you were going to step into. There kind of wasn’t a way back now anyway, and Joe had just let you know the water was warm and inviting, so you dared to ease yourself in. And Hazel then used her little finger to point it at Joe before closing in both her arms tighter around his neck. It made you and Joe both pout at how cute it was.
“That’s right baby, daddy’s right here,” Joe said, and it honestly could’ve made you cry right there and then.
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