#lomg cat
c0mputer-s1lly · 1 year
So 2 days ago I did a whiteboard party with a few Twitter moots
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Other Moots:
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remy · 1 year
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Pictures of Oscar looking like he's about to burst into tears
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niceandbluept2 · 1 year
AWFUL news guys mittens the foster cat is gone bc someone else adopted her before us :((
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tesla-rip · 2 years
we should hold flick like long cat
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tord doodle plz 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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he n ringo do not get along...
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cronchcake · 1 year
I'm a catboy in the sense that I roleplay one in d&d and I'm a catgirl in the sense that they always snuggle up to me when I am sleeping over in a place with cats
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captaiinobvious · 2 years
cats will listen 2 u if they arent sufficiently motivated not 2 as lomg as u use lamguage they can understand and a kind voice. if i ask really politely cass will leave the room unless shes scared or angry or has another reason not 2. which is nice cuz i cabt really get up 2 shoo her out and i do lots of art and other stuff that makes somewhat unhealthy fumes 4 me that would b worse 4 kitties. if i cant shut her out (doors broken she can get in no matter how hard i try 2 block her) and cant shoo her away its real good 2 b able 2 say "can u go out? go out?" a few times and she just turns right around and lets herself out otherwise i would have to just stop until she leaves
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wembleygoodboy · 5 months
Wembley, may I ask where you got your name? Were you named after the puppet?
itis actuolly kindof a Lomg Storey, so iwill let dadmom tellit! 😊👍 (it also doubols as My Orogin Storey!)
[story time! this is gonna be a long one, so strap in, ahaha
so, i went to college for music (education and performance; flute performance, specifically. i can wipe my ass w that degree now tho lol), so i was in a couple different ensembles at any given time. in 2013, we were playing a multi-movement piece called "3 Ayres from Gloucester" by Hugh Stuart. the 3rd movement is called "The Fiefs of Wembley." you can listen to a performance of it here. wembley is apparently a location within london. think "wembley stadium!"
i always joked with my fellow flutist friend (we'll call her M) who i shared a stand with that Wembley sounded like the name of a mischievous cat. "wembley get off the counter!!!" "UGH NO why always on the carpet, wembley?!" etc. it helped that the tune itself totally sounds like the theme song of a somewhat skittish yet naughty little cat, parading around causing chaos until he's spotted, then darting away.
on october 3rd, 2013, i came into rehearsal and find M looking pretty distraught. i ask whats up, and shes like "i think i saw a kitten in the middle of the club lawn, it was just laying there, maybe its hurt, idk what to do!" im like okay lets check it out together, and our conductor (huge sweetheart) gives us the okay to go investigate.
sure enough, theres a tiny black blob just laying there in the middle of the lawn; not hidden away in the bushes where a mama cat wouldve left him. as we approached, the blob got up and awkwardly darted away towards the lil decorative pine shrubs dividing the lawn from a small parking lot. we followed it, and there he was: a small black kitten, crouched in terror, hiding in the shelter of the shrubbery.
i dont remember when exactly it happened, but it suddenly dawned on me. i turned to my friend. "M... its WEMBLEY..."
we tried to coax him out to no avail- not even food would persuade him, and he looked very thin- and he was a bit too close to the road for our comfort, so i asked my roommate to keep an eye on the lil guy while M and i went back to rehearsal. after it ended, we recruited a small gaggle of band geeks to capture the kitten. it was the bassoon player who finally caught him, plucking him out of a miniature shrub he'd tried to climb.
i swaddled wembley up in a black bandana i kept in my back pocket (for the Fashion™️), hopped into my roommate's car with my stuff, and headed back with my roommate to our little on-campus apartment. as i stood in the living room, waiting for him to bring our stuff from the car, wembley began to purr in my arms :,)
(to be fair, cats may purr to self-soothe when theyre stressed; its not exclusively an indicator of pleasure. but. Still, lol.)
turns out lil wembley was only a month old: just old enough for solid food, thankfully, but much younger than the age at which kittens are generally separated from their mothers for adoption, which generally occurs after 3 months. he also had a sprained leg, which made walking very difficult and painful for him. the leg was likely the reason he was abandoned by his feral mother, as if he couldnt keep up, she couldnt afford to stop for him when she likely had a whole litter to care for. understandable, but her loss was my (and wembley's!) gain. 💚
i had to tame him, as he was feral, and EXTREMELY fearful of humans, but i spent hours that night sitting on the opposite side of the bathroom, slowly earning his trust until, little by little, i was able to scoot close enough to him to pet him. he'd obviously never been petted before; the look on his little face was pure magic. he completely opened up to me after that moment.
i totally had myself fooled, thinking id find a home for him once his leg was all healed up (my vet major pal showed me how to make him a splint), but... then he started sleeping with me and... well..... yeah. nope. he was my son, and i was his dadmom.
and i always will be. 💚
the first picture i ever took of Wembley (thats the bottom of a red solo cup i sewed fabric around so he could drink water from it without risking him getting cut on the plastic):
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baby's first petting 💚:
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he relaxed a lot after discovering the joy of Petting :)
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settling down for his first night with us, too sleepy for this world 💚:
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days later, with his lil foot in a splint, sitting in his temporary makeshift litterbox. the Poopie Prince!
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...TL;DR, its the name of a part of london, and i chose it because of an instrumental piece of music. coulda just said that, i suppose, but I'll ALWAYS jump at the chance to tell wembley's Origin Story and share baby pics, ahaha 💚
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dollking081 · 3 months
. ^____^ | - w - | <| |> | | | | | | | | | | |_____|/ v v lomg cat
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mugzymiik · 5 months
some Warriors story concepts i came up with a long lomg while ago
some of this info is outdated😭like how a lot of cats have turned their back on HopeClan now (which COULD potentially be symbolism for losing hope if u think of it that way,,, :3c)
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^im still working on the info for StormClan and CreekClan😔
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its called The Song of Ruin btw :3
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percephilous · 4 months
Blue moon moment non rejuvenation content I figured I should show off this guy considering he's fucking awesome
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My favorite fucked up cat son Jherrip. He's very lomg
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electracraft · 2 years
He used to have lomg hair past his houlders.
He face timed George with that hair but he doesnt have any pics
Georges reaction will be in the vlog
Meetup vlog definitely before next monday
He didnt cry when George told hom about the visa but he did cry a few day after when everything had set in
We heard Patches meow and chirp
Dream was being a cat dad
Patches has her own room
Dream left as he was about to get in the shower.
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sylvaridreams · 11 months
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He's existed in game for less than 24 hours and I've got his back story mostly sketched out already <:) ( SotO spoilers below cut...)
This is Síraz! He's a sylvari who heeded Mordremoth’s call but deeply resented the dragon and the other mordrem sylvari and maintained his sense of self. He saw Mordremoth as a parasite to the mind, and his fellow corrupted as a feeble hivemind.
This was especially clear to him when Mordremoth was slain and Auruim took full control of the army as Champion; Síraz had long hated him and saw that he excelled at leading the weak because he himself was so weak. He knew he wanted to leave before the Pact reached the dragon's domain; Mordremoth’s death was not so much a catalyst for his desertion as it was the final drop in the bucket to make him go.
Not bothering to wait long, Síraz killed his fellow guards and abandoned his post, heading north and west into the Horn of Maguuma. He established a home there as he recovered from the changes he'd undergone at blighting-- not many, overall. His foliage had rotted out and come back as hard branches, and his skin had thickened, growing rough and jagged. His foliage would soon regrow, and scars fade.
But his mind had remained his own all along; his thoughts were simply more crisp and clear now, away from the dragon's domain and the thrumming hive of mordrem still scuttling about there. He had never changed mentally, though he'd felt dull, dampened near the other mordrem.
He spent several years in the Horn of Maguuma, living a life of his own. He survived primarily by hunting and foraging and spent most of his waking hours building and maintaining his home and territory. He had no problem hunting explorers out of his turf, maiming them when they refused to pull up camp and leave. He became something of a legend among travelers of the Maguuma region, known as a monster to be avoided at all costs if you wanted to keep your life.
Three years after the dragon's defeat, and after he'd left the mordrem army and their land, he came to realize that something was in his domain: moving around in his territory unseen, setting off his traps and leaving them useless. At first he attributed it to someone passing through and clumsily failing to hide their tracks, but quickly realized that something was toying with him. This set off a month's long, one-sided arms race in which Síraz zealously laid out more and more elaborate traps, steadily figuring out his enemy's nature and weaknesses through trial and error. Everything seemingly indicated that this thing or person taunting him in his own home had some physiological weakness to jade, and so he'd painstakingly collected parts of disabled jade constructs to trap it and finally kill it.
When his trap was sprung, Síraz moved in for the kill to put an end to their cat and mouse game. What he found was that he'd been played again; the jade constructs demolished, the trap empty, the unseen prey he'd spent months foaming at the mouth over missing. Enraged at his defeat, he destroyed what remained of the trap and went home, where he found a Mursaat waiting for him. Face to face with his lomg-sought prize, Síraz realized that he had never been the hunter in this game. He was himself the hunted, at the whims of the being looming before him.
The Mursaat introduced himself as Mabon, explaining that he'd taken an interest in Síraz and his presence in the area after hearing reports of a vicious monster roaming the Horn. Mabon spoke for a while, giving Síraz time to realize he hadn't had a conversation with another living person in almost four years, and that he was nearly desperate for the contact.
The Mursaat went on to say that he'd enjoyed the time he'd spent testing the ex-mordrem's traps for himself, and praised him for cleverly figuring out the "weakness to jade" Mabon had led him to think he had-- but that he had other things to attend to, and would take his leave now.
Síraz, without thinking, in a voice that creaked and rasped from years without use, asked when he would be back. He had further questions.
Over the coming months Mabon would return regularly to meet with Síraz, steadily revealing information about himself, then slowly letting the ex-mordrem in on details about the Astral Ward and the Wizards once they were closer. Síraz found himself eagerly awaiting Mabon's visits, but couldn't accept the offer to join him in the city he now knew existed somewhere above the clouds. He had been away from society and people for far too long; he felt he couldn't venture out of the wilderness. Not now, maybe never.
Over the coming years Mabon would visit him regularly, and within two years would convince Síraz to travel with him to the Tower and Amnytas, if only in disguise to blend in amongst the others.
By the time SotO began, they were close friends, dear confidantes, occasionally lovers. Síraz could tell something was changing in Mabon but could not seem to coax from him what that change was. When Mabon's visits suddenly stopped, he became nervous. After weeks without contact he panicked. He had no way of reaching Amnytas or the Tower on his own; he'd only ever had a sigil that allowed him to communicate with Mabon, never anything to make the journey himself or contact anyone else. By the second month, he'd fallen into a deep depression that was unshakeable; he could not bring himself to check his traps or eat, barely leaving his dark home, and then only when he strictly had to. In the third month, another of the Wizards entered his home. Zojja informed him that she'd found some of Mabon's journals which mentioned him extensively, and had pieced together clues to find him. Mabon was dead. He would have wanted Síraz to have access to the city above, if he so desired. It was devastating news, but not unexpected.
It'll be several more months before he emerges from his depression fog, during which time Zojja brings him food regularly, or sends someone to do so, and makes sure he's still alive. She feels that they have some bond in both having been close to Mabon and wants to know him as a person, not just a figure in Mabon's journals, but Síraz evades conversation most of the time.
At the point of the story we're at now, currently my plans for him are overall:
Síraz eventually drags himself out of bed and goes to Amnytas to try to process his grief and move forward; eventually once Auruim is less comatose, more recovered, they can cross paths and have a potentially very violent and cold reunion as fellow ex-mordrem ✌️ 😁 ✌️
In terms of personality and all, he's very blunt, intelligent but can quickly become obsessive and get tunnel vision on a single goal; he's diligent and thorough. Calculating and generally cool and level headed. His anger is cold.
Enjoyed reading before being blighted, and whenever travelers make the mistake of entering his territory, he often steals whatever texts they may be carrying to read later (and scoff and shake his head at their written descriptions of him, naturally.) His guilty pleasure is reading Snargle Goldclaw books, though he's only got his hands on two and a half of them since settling in years ago. He enjoys preparing food, could have been a chef if he'd wanted to. Physically he's tall and well built, broad chested and maintains his form with stretches and regular cardio. He's a Soulbeast, but tends not to bond emotionally with animals and doesnt use them in battle, i.e. no pets. He does have a smokescale that he felt sorry for and freed from one of his traps; the beast lost its hind leg but is otherwise fine, and it comes and goes as it wants to now, like a half tamed dog. Sometimes he feeds it scraps. He uses hammer and sword/axe when he fights.
That's all I got for now! Yippee!
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rat---king · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 🔥
Oh I have no clue how lomg this has been sitting in my askbox, I am so sorry.
Things that make me happy
My pets. I have one rabbit, three rats, plus my family has a cat and a handful of dogs. I love them, idk what I would do without them
I've recently been DMing for my sister and her friends (all tweens/early teens) and that's been a lot of work, but very fun. I love seeing how creative they all are. They dance-battled a beholder.
Music. Any music. If I don't have my headphones for more than a day I get sad because I start missing whatever music I'm listening to at the moment. Rn I'm back on a Hozier kick, so Francesca has been on a loop.
I used to be on a cross country team in high school, and now years later I really miss running. It's finally light out when I'm leaving work, so hopefully I'll be able to start up running again, either with my housemates' dog or with a friend.
I am fully planning on "disappear into the desert" as a back-up career option. Honestly maybe my first option for a career, or at least a preferred second option (velociraptor breeder at Jurassic Park is my ultimate career goal). Anyway, I've been camping out in the desert a lot this past year.
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electrosair · 1 year
Helloeleoeleo i wanna join the request thing too!!! >:D
I like to listen to music and play video games in my free time :) if i have any exam or tests coming up i usually study for it around 3 weeks before so my music and video game time is cut short for the time being! After my exam/test tho i'll probably sleep in my free time to get back the ammpunt of sleep i sacrificed studying (i'll play games and listen to music too just not as much) my favorite genre of music is rnb and scenecore! (Very odd yes but it depends on my mood)
About myself and my personality.. HMMM In terms of looks i have almost long hair and average height- not too tall and not too short (still probably shorter than all the tall genshin guys tho) for persoanlity, im very clingy and can get extremely childish when i get comfortable with someone! Clingy to the point where i'd hold onto their arm and follow them- pretty much not letting them go unless if they need to hehe but before i get comfy i probably wont say more than 20 words HEBSHSHS Im very shy at first but after i get comfy im the complete opposite 😭😭
Im also very femeinine/girly girl and yes im a girl :D i like shopping makeup dressing up and all that :p i like going out with pretty clothes and pretty makeup and walking around the mall or a city :)) i talk alot whenver one of my interests gets brought up + i have adhd :>
Im also weak for guys that call me petnames like angel and pretty girl 😞 if someome ever called me that i'd malfunction tbh i also like guys that can cook and tallee than me! (For reference im around 163cm i think?)
My favorute nation is inazuma and my favorite element is hydro! It might change soon after i explore fontaine but for now inazuma is my favorite <3 i love tue scenery and music there <3<3<3
Fum fact about myself (idk if this is a fun fact tbh) i attract cats and children! But thing is im very bad with children :,) i dont know what to do or say half the time so i just stand there like 🧍‍♀️ and give a small smile to them HWDIEHID (babies sometimes scare me since they stare at me... not a lot ofc just whwnver they do i get intimidated) oh and i love cats!
(Honestly i feel like this is way too lomg and i think i made so many typos HAHAHA im so sorry 😭)
omg i have so many thoughts like i wanna match you up with 3 people but i can only choose one aaaaaaa
i love reading this requests so no worries if you think maybe it is too long, i just like knowing all of you 💔and don't worry about the typos either, i always end up checking things on the translator because i'm terrible writing in english
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I guess that you are a very calm person and that is something that would appeal to Diluc almost immediately, and considering that on first impressions you are shy, that can only add points.
With your style of preparation with exams, and I guess other important things in your life, he would perhaps feel identified since he likes to have everything related to the vineyard business very controlled.
After you get to know each other better, I'm sure that if you grab his arm to go for a walk or take a longer walk than usual, his heart would race just to talk, the first few times he would never expect it.
I can totally see him giving you makeup or clothes that you see while on a date and you stare at them for more than 3 seconds, yes, that's enough to make him want to buy it from you. At first he would be a little more embarrassed, but then he would put it together with short letters, maybe thanking you for something or just spoiling you with sweet words.
He definitely chuckles quietly when he sees a child stare at you and your only reaction is to smile awkwardly at the kid, but let's not fool ourselves, he would probably do the exact same thing if he doesn't know the child, it would be rare for him to even smile back.
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pisachio · 9 months
this pos is for my olb friem Framk , we were friem a lomg time ago omce
well , i domt know if You will ever see this but i hope may be some how you can . well , i jus wamt to tell you i miss you myBuddy . so i know you go away a lomg time ago , but i kimd of never coulb for get you , you were a awe some friem . and i still keep that specal star lamp you gave me , Me and dada use that every nigh at bed time . and well , i hope you are doimg well myBuddy . and mary too , and that that silly cat fred too with the he has One eye . and i hope you are takimg lot of advemture on your boat and rember to have mary wear a life jacket , that is realy importan to be safe . well , i thimk that is the emd of my messag to you , myBuddy framk . well , i miss you . i Love you
love , your friem , winnie
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