lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
Character(s): Pietro Maximoff Word Count: 660 Warnings: none :0 A/N: im BACK !! part four of my pietro x reader series !! make sure you read the other parts before reading this one !
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She knocked on the twin’s door once, twice. Nothing. Y/N knew he was in there; Wanda told her so. Wanda also told her that it was unlikely Pietro actually responded to her, but that was one of the reasons she was trying to get ahold of him in the first place. In the first few weeks the twins have been training with her and John, Pietro had proven to be the more difficult of the two. He seldom followed rules properly, or took the things he should have been taking seriously, seriously.  Wanda was constantly apologizing for his behavior, she was constantly scolding him when she thought neither Y/N nor John were listening. They always were.
But Y/N had enough, and she was determined to get to the bottom of this.
“I know you’re there, Maximoff, your sister ratted you out. Now, c’mon. Let me in. I’m not going away any time soon.”
She had a training session, technically, but she had a good idea of how this could’ve gone down, so she asked John to cover her, just this once. Couple that with Y/N’s natural stubbornness, and she really was going to stick to her word. Huffing, Y/N knocked again.
It wasn’t until a few more seconds of her incessant knocking that the door finally slid open, revealing a half-naked Pietro; torso bare and sweatpants hanging low on his hips. Honestly, it was an undeniably delicious sight, but Y/N managed to push through and remember her reason for her being there. The scowl on his face when she met his eyes definitely helped.
Before Pietro could ask, or even actually invite her in, Y/N was already pushing past Pietro and walking into his room. She turned around when he slammed the door, and sighed when she noticed how irritated he looked.
“I apologize for just barging in here without your permission.” And she was being sincere. Her hands clasped in front of her, and she let her shoulders slouch just slightly. Make yourself look less intimidating, less commanding. Maybe then he’ll talk to you. “But you have to understand; at this point, I’m real fuckin’ desperate.”
She took a deep breath before continuing, taking notice of how his features changed from irritation to something akin to mild confusion. “I don’t know what I did. I really, really don’t. Did I offend you? Did I say something? Did I come off as rude? Was I--- Was I ever insensitive? Offensive? Because I seriously can’t remember being any of the previously mentioned, Pietro, but I also can’t think of anything else that might’ve made you hate me.”
The silence that followed her last words was louder than anything Y/N’s ever suffered through. The glare Pietro was giving her was genuinely making her uncomfortable; something that rarely ever happened. Her hands were starting to get sweaty and she couldn’t stop shifting her weight from foot to foot. Y/N knew this was going to be tough, but this was a lot harder than she initially imagined.
“Get out.”
He was by the door in the blink of an eye, hand slamming against a button, and the door slid back open. His glare hardened, and Y/N found herself frozen. She initially thought it was hate--- but he looked almost confused, hurt, among other negative feelings. Angry, upset. But it wasn’t hate. “Leave. Now.”
His voice was harsh enough to bring her attention back to his words, and Y/N forced her legs to move, dragging herself out of his room. She spun around to face him, to ask him one more time, why he hated her, but by the time she was facing the door, it had already been shut.
With a frustrated huff, Y/N stormed down the hall, cheeks reddening with hot anger and exasperation. Unbeknownst to her, Pietro was trying to manage with his own frustrations moments after she had stormed off, successfully punching a gaping hole in his wall.
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
hello !! i am back and writing the next chapter for the pietro fic !! im thinking about writing something jurassic world related, since im in a dino mood
any ideas/requests ??
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
I’m not dead !!
hello friends !!
sorry for the lack of writing on here, i’m working on the next installment, i promise !!
but i haven’t finished with school yet and i’m a little bit behind so it might take me a while unu priorities and the like
i’ll be posting a liam dunbar request i got a while ago before the 4th pietro maximoff chapter, btw. i’ve been owing that one for a while :0
but yeah, that’s all !! feel free to send in requests !!
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
I love your writing! Especially the pietro fic, really hope you continue writing it 😊
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
Character: Scott McCall Word Count: 1186 Warnings: Death B) A/N: pbhbhbh reposting bc i accidentally deleted the story bye
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"Scott? Scott!"
Y/N twisted around, looking around with wide, desperate eyes. Her heart raced inside her chest, her hands wouldn't stop shaking. Somehow she ended up in the middle of a forest; a forest she could only vaguely recognize. Her head was swimming, her eyes were burning. She didn't know what was going on, how she'd gotten where she was, and it scared her. Her side was burning, it was burning a lot. She pressed a hand against the area that burned and her breath got caught in her throat. Her hand was now damp and she was petrified, too scared to look down and see. She knew what it was, but she thought that maybe, just maybe, if she ignored it, it'd get better. Y/N was imagining things, right?
"Scott! Scott! Scott, where are you?" She yelled, the longer time passed, the more panicked she became. Y/N wouldn't give up. No, Scott would hear her. She knew he would. He always did, always. He promised her, he swore to her, all she had to was whisper his name, and he'd be there. Scott McCall always kept his word. Her lungs were burning, her body ached, she was getting tired, but she wouldn't give up on him. Not yet, he could still get to her. He could, he would, she knew he would.
"Scott! Scott, please! Oh, god, I don't want to die. Scott! Scott!" Her knees bent and gave out under her, making her collapse. Y/N coughed loudly, wheezing and trying to get as much oxygen into her lungs as possible. Would he really not get here in time? Was she going to die? No, no. Y/N couldn't think that. She had to believe in him, she had to. It was the only thing keeping her alive. Scott was the only one making her cling to life.
Y/N squeezed her eyes closed, trying to focus on anything else but the pain. How had she gotten there anyways? She remembered being at her house, another study date with Scott. He seemed on edge from what she could remember, like something was bothering him. It made her worried, and she brought it up several times, but he'd always dismiss her. It wasn't until there was a knock on her door and Y/N hopped onto her feet, that Scott seemed to snap. She remembered how serious he was, it was almost scary. He kept telling her not to answer the door, but she just wouldn't listen. If he wouldn't talk, she'd find out about it herself.
After that it was blurry. Y/N remembered opening the door just a crack to see who it was, but afterwards it all went dark. She heard Scott yelling behind her, she could hear him struggling, before she blacked out. She kept waking up after that. She remembered being changed, she remembered trying to ask for help, but nothing ever came out. Y/N remembered the sounds of footsteps on a hard floor, but it was all so far away. Everything she heard was too far away, and she kept feeling dizzy. It made her head spin when she thought about it again. Remembering was starting to hurt her. She was starting to get too tired to focus. She realized how comfortable the ground actually was; it was cold, soft, covered in leaves. It smelled nice, too. Dying in the forest wouldn't be so bad, right? It was just a shame-- she'd die alone. She made Scott promise once, this she would remember effortlessly, that if she had to die young, she'd die close to him. But life was cruel; it wouldn't grant her even that.
"Scott.." She called out, but this time it was weak. Her voice was small, too soft, she wouldn't have thought it had come from herself. Y/N was usually so loud, so outspoken. Not even when she was upset she'd ever speak so softly. That was probably what scared her the most; how she couldn't even recognize herself. "Scott." She called again, this time letting her eyes close. She couldn't feel anything anymore, but that didn't scare her. She accepted her fate already; there wasn't any saving her.
Y/N took this time to remember all of the nice things. She remembered how nice Scott always smelled. She remembered how warm his hugs always felt. She remembered the first time they ever had sex and how unbelievably sweet he was about the whole situation. She remembered every time they cuddled and told each other silly stories from their childhood. She remembered all of the pictures they took, and how they all took the majority of the space in her phone. She remembered the first time she met with Melissa and they all had dinner together. She remembered every kiss, every 'I love you', and at the thought of them, a happy smile made it's way onto her cracked, bloody lips. Y/N swore she heard footsteps in the distance, they got louder, but sounded so far away. Too far away. She heard Scott's voice, she felt his arms around her, but it was so, so distant. Too distant. Her mind was fooling her, but she didn't mind it. If she couldn't die with the real boy keeping her company, she'd die with her imagination's version of him.
It was too late. Scott got there too late.
Even worse, he heard her.
Scott heard every call of his name. He heard every cry, every hitched breath. He heard her, but he took too long. He didn't get out it in time, he wasn't able to save her. No matter how fast he ran, or how loud he screamed her name, screamed for her to stay strong, he'd be there so soon. By the time he had gotten to the forest, he'd already stopped hearing her beating heart, but he refused to accept it. She wasn't dead, she couldn't be. Y/N couldn't die so soon. They had their lives planned out, they had their goals and desires. They were supposed to make it through, he was supposed to get the chance to put a ring on her finger and call her forever his.
But life was cruel, and she died without him.
Scott collapsed next to Y/N's body, sobbing, begging her to come back. He brought her body, limp and empty, onto his lap, gently smoothing her hair out of her face. Even in death, he thought oh-so-bitterly, she looked like the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his hands on. "Y/N," Scott breathed, holding her close to his chest. "Y/N don't leave me. Please, please. I can't do this without you, you know that." He knew his begging was futile, his beautiful girlfriend, the light he lived to see every day, was gone. She was burnt out. Scott's blood boiled under his skin, his grip on Y/N tightened. His eyes were hard. Gone was the softness she loved to see every day. Gone was forgiveness. Gone was mercy.
Scott McCall was out for revenge.
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
Forgive and Forget ( Just Not Yet )
Character: Spencer Reid Word Count: 1409 Warnings: None A/N: argh reposting bc i accidentally deleted the story
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Sometimes having a boyfriend could be difficult.
For her, in particular. Her boyfriend was an FBI agent; he didn't work nine-to-five. Sometimes he had to leave on the spot, sometimes he had a little bit of time to see her, but she didn't mind. She understood, she knew what getting in a relationship with him would mean.
Sometimes having a girlfriend could be difficult.
For him, in particular. His girlfriend was a hardworking chemist; she didn't work nine-to-five. Sometimes she had to clock in at five in the morning, sometimes she had to clock out at five in the morning the next day, but he didn't mind. He understood, he knew what getting in a relationship with her would mean.
Sometimes, with their line of work, they got too tired. They failed to remember little things; buy more milk, separate the whites from the colors, the light in the hall is out. That was okay, it happened, but sometimes they failed to remember a bit bigger things; the water bill was supposed to be paid today, the car needs a part changed, you were supposed to call if you were going to leave again. But that was okay, it happened. They'd forgive each other, they always did.
Today, that fact would resurface and prove itself once again. Yesterday, April 3rd, 2015, was the three year anniversary of their relationship. Y/N took the day off from work. She prepared a meal, wore her nicest dress, she even set up their table with candles and a mantel and beautiful china and silverware. Y/N was happy; another year with her wonderful boyfriend. Spencer landed in the morning and spent the day in the office, writing his reports. By the time he left and headed home, he was far, far too tired. He didn't remember what he had eaten that morning, nevermind the fact that today was his anniversary. He came in quietly, unannounced. He made a comment of how good the kitchen smelled, how nice the table looked, gave his girlfriend a kiss, and went straight to bed.
By far, one of the most heartbreaking moments Y/N had ever experienced.
She woke up the morning sour to the core. Y/N got dressed, made herself a piece of toast and decided she'd get her coffee on her way to work. When Spencer got up, he was confused. His girlfriend was gone, but she never woke him up for a good morning/good bye kiss. He checked the kitchen, the tables, the dresser for the usual 'I gotta go in early, sorry!' notes he'd get in place of kisses, but there was none. For a moment, he panicked, until he saw the toaster and the opened bag of bread. The situation was still odd-- Spencer went to work mildly worried.
It wasn't until J.J. asked him a specific question, that the genius realized how badly he fucked up.
"Oh my god," he breathed, one hand going up to push through his long hair. "I forgot--- I can't believe this, I forgot our anniversary!" He was going to lose his mind. His chest was heavy with guilt; he really couldn't believe himself at the moment. "I remember every single word I've ever read, but I didn't remember our anniversary! Oh, god, she's going to dump me isn't she? I finally did it. I finally ruined my relationship." It took several minutes, one Penelope Garcia, one Jennifer Jareau, and one Derek Morgan to finally calm Spencer enough to get him to come up with a way to talk about yesterday. She wouldn't confront him, he knew her enough to know that, he'd have to confront her instead. The entire day, Spencer spent it panicking. Worried about the consequences that he would inevitably face.
When he got home, she was already there. She was sat on the couch, eating and watching an episode of a cartoon she really liked--- Steven Universe? She tended to watch it when she was particularly upset. Spencer expected nothing less.
"Hey, Y/N."
Nothing but silence.
"... Y/N?"
Oh, no.
No, no, no. Not the silent treatment. God, Spencer hated the silent treatment. Y/N was so good-- to good-- at it. He preferred it if she blew up at him, make her feelings known. But when she was giving a silent treatment, she'd stay true to it until she felt like she was good for talking. Spencer walked over to the couch, dropping his bag and sitting down on the nearest chair. He wanted to sit next to her on the couch, but the second he approached her, she outstretched her legs on the cushions.
"Y/N, please don't do this. You know how much I hate it."
That she did. Y/N how much Spencer hated being ignored, that's why she rarely ever did it. This occasion, she thought, called for it.
"---Y/N. Please, please, just talk to me. It's better when we talk to each other!"
But she couldn't. She couldn't talk to him. Her heart hurt too much. And, don't get her wrong, she understood he was tired. He had his days, she was normally very understanding, but this was their anniversary. This was so important! She had to be mad, she had to be upset. Even if it was juts for a little while.
Y/N stood up, empty plate in hand, and walked to the kitchen. Spencer followed at her heel, refusing to give up on getting her to talk.
"Y/N, I know I screwed up." She didn't give him any attention, she just started doing the dishes, but he kept talking. "I know yesterday was our anniversary, I know. I know I should've eaten with you, I know I should've gathered enough energy to celebrate. I was tired and I--- it completely slipped my mind, I'm so sorry, but please-- Please, just talk to me. Say anything. Say-- Say you hate me. Say you never want to see me again. Really, anything, but just-- talk. Please."
There was a pause and a part of Spencer nearly gave up, but she spoke up.
"I hate you. I have to. Just for a little bit longer."
Spencer's chest tightened so painfully he thought his ribs were bruised. That was harsh to hear, as one would imagine. Luckily, his eidetic memory served only for reading, not for hearing.
"I want to say that's fine, but it's not. I'm not fine with-- I'm not fine with you hating me. Not even for a quarter of a second. You can yell at me, you can be mad at me, but you can't-- you can't hate me. Not that."
"Yeah, well, lucky for you, then, because I can't!" The way his voice quieted and broke pushed her. She pointed an accusing finger at him, pressing it against his chest. "I can't hate you, Spencer! I am so mad at you! I am so, so, so mad, but for the life of me, I can't hate you! I want to, Spencer, I want to hate you right now so bad. But I can't. I can't hate you a little, not even a quarter of a second, and that pisses me off. I should hate you! We've been together /three years/, Spencer, and you forgot. Out of all things, you forgot our anniversary. You--- You forgot it. That hurt, Spencer." The way her eyes glazed over made Spencer's already shattered heart burst into flames. "I'm usually understanding, you know that, but this one--- this one hurt."
Spencer let out a shaky sigh. Hesitantly, making sure Y/N had any room to back out, the doctor wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. He held her tight to him, pressing his lips against the crown of her head. "I'm a terrible boyfriend." He could feel her head rest against his chest as she let out a soft sigh of her own. "Only sometimes. Very few times. But that's what makes this real. I love you, even in you gross bad-boyfriend moments." Spencer couldn't help the short chuckle. "Oh, well, I love you in yours. I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am for doing this to you."
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed and the corners of her lips dipped to a frown. "I love you, but I'm still mad at you."
"What if I read Harry Potter to you?"
"---I'll consider that a start."
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
Lunch Time
Character(s): Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff Word Count: 1075 Warnings: none :0 A/N: part three of the pietro x reader series !! please read parts one and two before reading this one, or else you might not really get some of the stuff in it. so, this one was more for getting to know the powers of the reader and john, and also, wanda trying to get pietro to realize that they’re aight people. hope you guys enjoy!! 
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Pietro was incredibly upset with his sister.
Why would Wanda want to eat lunch with people they’ve only just met? It wasn’t like her. He decided the only plausible reason, was that Wanda knew something he didn’t. The older twin was determined to figure whatever that was out.
Noticing her brother’s negative attitude, Wanda elbowed his side. They were nice people, good people. People that could understand them. Wanda understood that Pietro had no genuine reason, like she did, for trusting their new trainers, but she had hoped her obvious comfort around them was enough to make him comfortable around them as well. Her hope was in vain, unfortunately.
While the twins were silent, the room in general was not. Y/N and John quickly caught on with the tension that radiated from the twins, and decided to play it off. Nothing was more uncomfortable than tense and awkward silence. So, they talked. They made dumb jokes, commented on the food, and even complimented the twins on their training. Wanda, in part, was enjoying their attempts. Pietro wasn’t.
He didn’t understand why he didn’t want to peel his eyes off of Y/N. He didn’t understand why her voice, albeit boisterous and loud and hard to ignore, made him feel like it was okay to be there. He didn’t get why her smirking made him his stomach twist and her laugh made his chest tighten. He didn’t get any of it, and it made him angry. Irrationally angry, maybe, but angry.
“Alright, so, we’ve been talkin’ your ears off.” John cut in, voice breathy as he came down from a particularly long round of laughter. “Do you guys have any questions for us? I mean, they kinda just threw you in there with two strangers, and by your reactions, we’re both assuming they just about told you jack shit about us.”
The twins shared a look, and for a moment, Y/N and John thought they were just going to stay quiet for the rest of the lunch. Pietro didn’t want to ask anything, he didn’t want to get to know these people. They were just their trainers, they weren’t supposed to be their friends. Wanda, however, had other ideas, and before he could stop her, she was already asking.
“Are you two brother and sister? You seem very close, and like you said, they did not tell us much about either of you.”
Pietro shot his sister a pointed look. Did it matter if they were siblings or not? Wouldn’t Wanda figure that out the second she got into their heads? Pietro guessed this was her way and showing him her reasons for trusting them; or maybe she was simply just confirming the reasons for herself.
“We get that question a lot.”
The fact that they answered in unison didn’t help.
“We’re not siblings by blood,” Y/N began to explain. “but we consider ourselves siblings. Everyone does, actually. We practically are. We grew up together, went through everything together. I guess the whole same-powers thing also kind of makes people question that. But we’ve gotten tested for it.” Her shrug at the end signaled to the twins that they really have been asked that before. If it was true what she said, then, people had a good reason to.
“Basically,” John twirled the fork between his fingers. “we’re siblings, but we’re not siblings.” Simple as that. “Anything else?”
“Your powers--- what-… what are they, exactly? V’e saw you create fire out of your hands, out of thin air. And you,” Wanda looked over at Y/N. “you made ice out of nothing. Very strong ice. You even turned into ice! I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“It’d suck if you have. One of the best parts of our powers is that no one’s ever seen them, so it’s always such a big surprise. Big bit of fun, watching people’s reactions.” Y/N snorted before taking a sip of her drink and answering Wanda’s question. “See, we kind of--- we basically manipulate the elements. Water, air, earth, fire, those elements. Then there’s, y’know, the sub-elements I guess you could say? Ice, metal, lightning. We can, in a sense, turn into a few of them the way I turned into ice. It’s hard, though, and very tiring. Usually we just stick to projecting them, but I thought I’d need the extra protection earlier during the training. Clearly, I thought correctly.” She shot Wanda a grin and a wink that made a knot form in Pietro’s throat. He was in on that plan too!
“Again, I apologize. Hey-- did you not say you had to go to the infirmary? Something about bruised ribs?” Wanda looked worried again, eyes widening and lips slightly parted. If Pietro rolled his eyes any harder, they would’ve popped out of his skull.
“Ah, don’t worry about it.” Y/N waved her hand dismissively. “S’not a big deal. I’ll go later. Bruised ribs aren’t so worrisome.”
“You should’ve seen that shit, Y/N.” John mused, unintentionally changing the subject. “I saw it from the sidelines. I seriously thought--- God, when you smashed through that ice. I thought they, like, broke you in two. A few bruised ribs are a scratch compared to what I thought you had. They’re not going to be happy, y’know, the doctors. You weren’t supposed to take that much force. Or did you forget you were speared a few months ago?”
“You v’eren’t supposed to fight!?”
“Way to go, John.”
“V’e thought—v’e thought since you had offered--- V’e v’ould’ve picked John!”
Pietro felt his stomach drop. She did mention that she had seen him once before, back in the intensive-medic ward, when she had been allegedly speared three times. He should’ve taken that into consideration. What if he sent her progress backwards? What if she was more injured than she thought she was? No! He chastised himself in his head. You do not care about her. She is not your friend, she is not your responsibility. She gave you the option, and you simply took it.
He didn’t know Wanda was in his head. He didn’t know Wanda heard everything he had to say. She hadn’t meant to; she just wanted to know what he thought of them, if he was warming up to them. The twin forced back a smile, keeping the look of worry, for her brother’s sake.
Hopefully, it wouldn’t be long until he realized; they were given people that could understand.
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
hello !!
i just wanted to give credit to the blog/person that inspired my pietro x reader series;
thatonerecruit !!
if you haven’t read their stuff, you seriously should. it is. AMAZING. 
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
hey i love your pietro x reader fanfic! the way you introduced your reader is so refreshing; i live the way you write her!! can't wait for part three :D
part three will be coming up soon enough !!
0 notes
lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
I really like training session! Do you plan on adding to it? I would love to keep reading! Lots of thumbs up~
hello !!
holy shit am i super glad to hear this like you have no idea ok wow
training session is actually the second piece of a pietro x reader series i’m writing !! so, yes, there will absolutely be more to read soon enough !!
in case you were wondering, Introduction is part numero uno uwu !!
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
how are you guys liking the pietro x reader series so far?? 
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
Training Session #1
Character(s): Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton Word Count: 1830 ( sweet jesus ) Warnings: none, i don’t think :00 A/N: ayeee part two of the pietro x reader series !! any opinions, requests, and critiques are definitely appreciated !!
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“Listen, I’m all for training and makin’ new friends, but are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Yeah, I mean, John’s right. I don’t think shovin’ ‘em in with two people they don’t know is a smart thing to do. Shouldn’t Natasha train them? Steve? At least they know them. They didn’t even know we had powers.”
“We can’t let them not meet other people. It’ll be good for them. Just—take things easy for a little bit, alright? Let them get to know you guys. Besides; you all have powers. You can bond that way, right?”
“I highly doubt that’s how it works with them. It’s been just them for a while, right? Their world just kind of—changed. Really suddenly. We can’t keep adding new things, it’s not healthy. It’s not good. Let Natasha—“
“Nope, it’s gonna be you two.”
“But Clint---“
“You two.”
John, Y/N, and Clint chatted away, huddled close together to prevent the twins from overhearing. Pietro tapped his foot repeatedly, impatience rushing through his veins. Why did they have to talk about them like that? Like they were fragile? They weren’t fragile! Neither he, nor his sister, were pieces of glass. Whatever the Avengers threw at them, they could handle.
Pietro, Wanda’s voice flooded his thoughts. I do not think they believe we cannot handle it. I have been in their minds. They’re only worried about us. They want us to be comfortable.
I am not here for comfort, I am here to train.
Pietro cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the trio a few feet away from him. Wanda shot him a look--- why couldn’t he just leave it be?
“I v’ould prefer if you not talk about us like v’e are not in the room.”
Clint, John, and Y/N exchanged an odd look, and Pietro gave an exasperated sigh. Wanda felt like apologizing; her brother could be a little bit hard sometimes.
Clint gave both Y/N and John a pat to the shoulder before leaving, a smirk playing at his lips. John smiled over at the twins, running a hand through his dark hair. “Ah, we’re sorry. That was a bit rude of us, but, um—Let’s start training, yeah? We’ll let you guys pick which of us you want to fight.”
“Us against one of you?”
“Yeah. We’ll start you off a bit easy; try to see how well you work together. It’ll help us understand your powers too. So, take your pick.”
Silence fell as the twins decided between themselves who they’d take on.
I want to fight the girl.
Why her?
Take it easy on her, Pietro. She wants what’s best for us.
“Y/N. V’e v’ould like to fight Y/N.”
John and Y/N looked at each other, having their own silent conversation. Wanda was determined not to pry into their minds; they seemed like good people. She saw enough the first time she got into their heads; they would understand her and her brother the best. She wanted to befriend them, she wanted—she wanted more people to talk to. People that could understand her; or come close to.
“Alrighty. John’s gonna time us. Everything in here is valid, but try to use your powers more than anything else.” John walked over to a corner, a stopwatch in hand, and leaned against the wall. Y/N rolled her neck and stretched her fingers, a smirk twisting her lips up.
“Show me what’cha got.”
And just like that, all hell broke loose.
Y/N suddenly turned into ice—pure ice. Pillars of ice shot up from the ground, surrounding her in a wall of ice. Wanda’s hand shot out, red smoke surrounding several metal boxes. She flung the boxes against the wall of ice, only to have them bounce back, leaving her shocked. Pietro scoffed and ran circles around the wall of ice, checking for any chinks. Eventually, he settled for literally ramming himself against the wall at impossible speeds.
“How are v’e supposed to show you are powers if you hide from us?”
“Nobody’s gonna take it easy on you, Maximoff. It’s not impossible, c’mon. I know you two can do it.”
Wanda took the whole situation a lot better than Pietro; she stayed fairly calm, she assessed the situation. Her brother, on the other hand, took a more brute course of action. He charged at the wall with anything that had a pointy-end to it, the ran at it at lightning speed, only to growl when nothing would make the wall budge.
Suddenly, like a lightbulb lighting up over her head, Wanda got an idea.
Get on one of the boxes, Pietro.
Trust me.
In milliseconds, Pietro sat himself on of the large metal boxes Wanda had used before. John watched curiously--- what where they doing?
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed when she stopped hearing any noise. Had they given up? That didn’t seem very likely. Neither twin seemed like the type of person to just give up on a challenge. The thick walls of ice didn’t offer much of a view, and the silence was starting to get mildly unnerving. Y/N opened her mouth to say something, call them out, but before she could say anything, she felt a large, unbelievably heavy object smash into her.
The girl wheezed as the impact knocked any wind from her lungs. She stumbled back, collecting herself as best as she could. “That’s--- That’s pretty smart, Wan--- Oh.” She cut herself off when she noticed; someone else was now inside the icy walls. Electric blue eyes shone with pride, a smirk playing at his lips to match. Pietro grabbed two corners of the cube, and Y/N’s eyebrows shot up.
“It is a shame that I must hurt a pretty v’oman. No hard feelings, yes?”
“No hard feelings, pal.”
He gave a smug chuckle, before darting over to Y/N, pushing the box. He slammed into her, driving her back into one of the walls. The sheer force of it all sent the icy columns shattering into a thousand little pieces. John watched, eyes wide in mild horror as he watched Y/N slide across the floor. He nearly ran to her aid, but forced himself to stay put. This was the whole point, right?
For a moment, after noticing John’s reaction, Wanda worried they might’ve taken it a little bit too far. The girl was literally made of ice ( very strong ice, she noticed, but ice nonetheless ). What if she broke? Would that kill her? Wanda sped off towards the other of end of the training room, skidding to a halt next to Pietro. They stood in front of Y/N, watching. Waiting. All Wanda could get from her was an unbelievable amount of pain.
“Is she--- Is she hurt?” Wanda turned her head towards John, who looked almost as distressed as she did. The distressed look didn’t last long, and Wanda’s eyebrows knit together as she saw his face change into a more amused look.
Suddenly, Wanda noticed that her feet were freezing.
Looking down, both of the twins came to the very shocking realization that their feet were covered in ice.
“I can’t move!”
“That’s the whole point, Speedy Gonzalez.”
The twins stared ( Wanda’s was a more incredulous look, while Pietro’s was more of a glare ) at Y/N, who was now propped up on her shoulders, looking up at them with glassy, blue-ish white eyes. Her lips were pulled up into a lop-sided smirk that made Pietro’s chest tighten.
He hated the feeling.
“That was a very good move, you two. I’m pretty fuckin’ impressed.” She admitted with a chuckle, heaving herself up. “Really painful. John, remind me to go to the infirmary after we’re done. I’m pretty sure I got a few bruised ribs.”
Wanda was horrified. “Bruised ribs?” She repeated, eyes wide. “I—I apologize! That v’as--- I didn’t mean to---“ Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as she heaved herself onto her feet, trying her best not to wince at the sensation. “Wanda,” She grinned,” don’t worry about it. That’s the whole point. I’m—pretty damn impressed.”
“Time!” John piped up, holding up his watch. “It’s been ten minutes. It took them seven to team up. Now, I’m starving, so hurry up and unfreeze their feet, Y/L/N.”
“V’ait—ten minutes? That is all?” Pietro asked, eyes narrowing as he switched his gaze between Y/N and John. They stared at each other for a moment, before looking back at the twins. “Eh, it is for today.” Y/N shrugged before snapping her fingers. Almost immediately, Pietro could feel his toes again, and both twins wriggled and shifted their feet to get used to them again.
“We just wanted to see how long it’d take you to team up. That’s the whole idea behind the wall instead of face-to-face confrontation. Next time, it won’t be so easy.” Y/N tossed them a wink, and Pietro swore something in his stomach twisted. He found himself glaring at her, watching as the ice suddenly started disappearing. The twins watched, curiosity evident by their looks, as Y/N’s body of ice turned back to her normal body. This time, she wasn’t red.
She was purple.
“Agh, damn it.” She cursed under her breath as she looked at her hands. “John---“ but John was already jogging towards her. What the hell was going on? What did purple mean? The twins couldn’t stop staring as John placed his hands on Y/N’s shoulders, fingertips growing red. The purple tint slowly began fading, and Y/N noticed how the twins were staring.
“---- My body’s too cold.” She explained, looking at them with a sheepish look. “Y’know how our skin was really red when you came in? S’cause our body temperature was extremely hot. Normally, we don’t get purple just out of using ice, but, y’know, since I actually turned myself into ice---- my body didn’t really like that.”
Wanda let out a soft ‘Oh’ and nodded her head. Their powers were--- strange, to say the least. Intriguing, but strange. Soon enough, Y/N’s body returned to its normal state, and John let go of her shoulders. “Well, that’s it for today, we’re going to go to lunch. We’ll see you guys tomorrow?”
Wanda and Pietro nodded, earning wide grins from both John and Y/N. Wanda watched as the pair walked away, chattering between themselves, towels slung over their shoulders. She turned to Pietro, holding one finger up for him to wait for her, and bolted after their new trainers.
“V’ait!” She called out, stomping to a stop when they turned around. They simultaneously tilted their head to the right, something Wanda found extremely comical. “Uh, do you mind if--- if me and my brother join you for lunch?”
Wanda couldn’t help but smile as she watched their faces light up with remarkable happiness. “We don’t mind at all.” Y/N smiled, nodding to the direction they were previously walking in.
“C’mon, then. John’s ordering Indian.”
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
Character(s): Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton Word Count: 812 Warnings: swearing??? A/N: so!!! this is part one of a reader x pietro maximoff series i’m starting! opinions and critiques are hella appreciated, and i’m open to answering any questions! requests pertaining to this series are open and completely alright B)
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“They’re good people, I promise. Bit loud, sometimes a tiny bit terrifying, but they’re good people. Maybe a bit reckless, but aren’t we all?”
The weary looks were enough to shut Clint up until they arrived at the doors to one of the training stations. The idea of having to train with two people that they didn’t personally know was making both of the Maximoff twins anxious. The twins trusted Clint’s word ( and Natasha’s, and Steve’s, and basically every single one of the Avengers and their friends ), they did, but it was still nerve-wracking. Nobody would go into detail about anything, insisting that it was better they found it all out themselves. Apparently, in the case of those specific strangers, the twins would understand pretty quickly.
One of Clint’s hands wrapped around the door handles, the other holding onto what seemed to be metal thermoses, and he inhaled, preparing himself for whatever situation could be behind the door. The twins noticed this and exchanged a mildly-distressed glance. Who were these people?
The second those doors opened, they’re all met with an interesting scene.
“What the fuck? I had it, you ass!” A woman scoffed; both of the twins’ jaws dropped. Not only was she wearing the most form-fitting exercising pants, the only other thing she was wearing was a sports bra. Her body was well-built, sculpted beautifully with perfect curves. There were indents and marks all over her body, scars that didn’t take away from how attractive she was.
Oh, and her skin was red.
“You weren’t going to get it in time!” The twins turn their attention to a man, and their jaws weren’t going anywhere. He wore form-fitting exercising pants, but that was it. Everything else was left to show; an equally as attractive body, sculpted and formed to perfection. He had many scars as well, but it didn’t take away from any of it. The man was, as the woman was, incredibly stunning.
Oh, and his skin was red too.
“Kiss. My. Perfectly-shaped. Ass, John.”  With every pause, the girl would shove one or both of her arms out, balls of flame shooting out from her fingertips. Every time the girl would outstretch her arms, the boy would move his in front of him, like he was blocking genuine punches. And as soon as he did so, walls of fire would shoot up from the ( fire-less ) floor, one after one.
The chain of events caused Wanda to gasp, and Pietro’s eyes widen, while Clint simply waited for it to finish. The gasp brought them out of their own little world, and the red pair noticed the trio by the door.
“Aww, we were bein’ watched? We could’ve done something way flashier!” The man scoffed, tossing a towel to the girl as they walked towards Clint and the twins. The red tint was slowly fading, until it was simply a soft pink.
As they were getting closer, the girl gasped.
“Is that iced water? Clint, you beautiful mother bird, have I ever said I love you?”
Clint just chuckled, shaking his head as he gave each pink-skinned being their flask. They all stood in silence, nobody truly knowing what to say as the pair practically inhaled the water. As they drank, the pink tint began fading, until they were both normally-colored. Half way into her water, the girl seemed to finally register the twins.
“Oh! I know you!” She pointed a finger at Pietro, earning an odd look from everyone. “Yeah! You’re never going to remember me, though. We were in the intensive-medic ward together, but you were in a coma. You got shot a fuck ton of times, right? I had something similar! I got speared three times.”
The girl was talking, but Pietro barely took in a word she said. He was too focused on her eyes, beautiful (e/c) hues that shone with such positive emotions when she spoke, it was almost mesmerizing. Her (h/c) hair was tied into a loose, rather messy ponytail. Her curves--- Jesus, her body--- she was a goddess, Pietro was almost sure of it. It wasn’t until he felt Wanda’s elbow press against his side, did he realize that he still hadn’t responded to the girl.
“Ah, yes. I was the one who got shot---- ‘a fuck ton’ of times.” Pietro subconsciously stepped in front of Wanda, eyeing the girl down. She was undoubtedly one of the most attractive women Pietro had ever met, but as he noticed the second they stepped into the training area, she was also one of the most dangerous. “I am Pietro Maximoff. This is my sister, ‘V’anda.”
The girl’s lips pulled upwards into a wide smile, and Pietro swore all oxygen just completely vanished from his lungs.
“Niice. I'm Y/N, and this is John. You two are going to love training with us.”
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lvlaximoff ¡ 9 years
New blog!!
NICE i made the blog !!
hopefully now it’ll be a bit easier for me B)
the askbox is open! and i’m currently working on an imagine for liam dunbar, and the first one out of (hopefully) a series for pietro maximoff !!
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