#loljk i speak too much
andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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LA TIMES - 2017
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carinacassiopeiae · 4 years
Headcanon for Kise's Love Language
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okay, so i've been talking to my friend about kise
then i shared a headcanon post about it
and it wasn't really among the "official" love languages per se
it's more of kise adapting to your quirks
i know it's cute
i'm melting
but i think that if we were to pick, it'd be words of affirmation
because he always expresses his respect and admiration towards other people
and you're one of his favourite people
so obviously, he'd express it a thousand times more
plus quality time
cause of his popularity, he really values this, no?
plus he has his games
so he really makes time for you
because you're his priority, too
not just an option if he has spare time
he values you that much
i feel like he's also very sentimental
which is why time and words fit, right???
because he values genuine people who truly care about him
not being blinded by his fame
so i think he might not be into the material stuff that much
unless it's coupled with sentimentality
like, this-reminded-me-of-you sort of thing
and speaking of that,
he's gonna be very affectionate and expressive about his feelings towards you
he'd almost always tell you he loves you
you say good morning to him?
he'd reply with: my day's definitely going to be good because of you y/n-cchi! i love you! (or something along those lines)
and it would warm him if you'd tell it back to him
and be affectionate towards him
he's such a baby, honestly
wanting your attention and all that
he wants you to always assure him that you love him
to feel validated...loljk....maybe?? :>
but underneath the asshole/mean/cold kise
he's basically just a huge marshmallow
writing this intensified me wanting a ryota kise in real life
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Lemon's Misadventures in Dating, Chapter 6  (Lemon x Everyone) - Mermelada
A/N: Hi everyone! Here’s chapter 6, as seen on Ao3! I found out that Lemon’s irl mum is Scottish, so naturally, I had to include her as a character and base her on my own! More is coming soon, so watch this space! :D I love you all!!
[07:24] HEY GIRL!
[07:24] I’m so sorry but I ate your sister for breakfast
[07:24] She was a grapefruit lololololol
[07:24] I’m sorry please don’t hate me
[07:24] But she was delicious
[07:25] So what’s the tea on Little Miss Lemon? I want to know everything! What’s your favourite type of pasta?
Lemon read the messages again as she sat at the kitchen island, sipping her coffee. She couldn’t help but smile. That was not what she was expecting at all from Priyanka, she looked so poised and regal in all her photos, yet in reality she was coming across as a complete goofball. Although it had been three hours now, and she was still awaiting a reply.
[09:58] Umm how fucking dare you?
[09:58] Don’t even expect me to respond to that until I get a full apology, you murderer.
Was the joke not obvious? Fuck, what if she thinks I’m serious? But then she started it…
“What’s got you smiling, princess?”
She jumped with shock as her mum walked through the door, placing her handbag on the counter and opening the fridge door. She knew her mum only worked a half-day on Thursdays, but her sudden appearance was a surprise nonetheless. Lemon felt like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t be.
“Oh, nothing,” she sang, quickly locking her phone and putting it back in her pocket, away from prying eyes, “how was work?”
“Well you’re not acting like it was nothing,” teased her mum, moving around the kitchen in a blur as she prepared her lunch. “Is it a girl?”
Lemon failed to hide the blush rising on her face, she knew her mum meant no harm, but she was not prepared to get into a conversation about dating and hookups with her so early in the day, and with so little alcohol to hand. “Muuuuuuuuum” she groaned, hoping that the coolness of her hands would remove the redness as she placed her chin in her palms.
“I’m just glad you’re happy, darling, you deserve it after the summer you’ve had!” Lemon couldn’t deny that her mum had been an absolute angel these last few months. She listened to Lemon way back when she had first admitted that things weren’t working like they should be, and never once offered any judgement or tried to convince her to stay. She had even helped Lemon move her things out of her old apartment as quickly as was humanly possible for the pair of them, while she was at work. “Are you up to date with your tetanus shots though, because you’ll need one if she’s doing that to you!”
Just when Lemon felt she couldn’t get any redder, her mum’s finger was poking the mottled bruise peeking out from under the loose collar of her t-shirt, her whole body burning as her mind flashed back to the moment it had been placed there… the body above her trembling, grabbing a handful of platinum hair as they grinded against each other’s thighs, the muffled cries in French… “Oh my god, mum, please stop!”
“What?! You can’t just disappear for two nights in a row and not expect me to be curious! What’s her name?”
She audibly groaned at her mother’s prying tone, laying her head on the cold marble countertop. “Mum, I love you, but I am not having this conversation with you right now!”
Fucking Rita, I’m sure she’ll find this funny at least, Lemon made a mental note to text the other woman later, wondering if she’s had any similar happenings with her work colleagues, or if she had enough experience - and common sense - to hide the evidence of her Tinder trysts better. At least she had put on leggings after waking up today, as shorts would have only showcased an even more incriminating patchwork of colourful marks across her inner thighs.
Her mum simply smiled and wrapped an arm around her from behind the high kitchen chair, planting an affectionate kiss on her daughter’s temple. “Well, you know what I always say, pumpkin, as long as you’re happy and safe, go out there and have fun! Are dental dams still a thing? Do you need some?”
Lemon could only muster a grunt in response, her head making an audible bang as she threw it onto the counter, deeply wishing that the conversation was over. Right on cue, she felt the phone in her pocket buzz with a new notification. She practically leapt off her seat, ready to run to the safety of her bedroom. “Well, on that note, I’m going to remove myself from this deeply uncomfortable situation. Thank you, mother!” 
“Ooh is that her texting you? When are you seeing her next?” The enthusiastic questions fell - as her mum expected - on deaf ears, Lemon gulping down the remainder of her cold coffee and placing the empty mug in the sink.
When she finally reached her safe haven, she pushed the door closed and jumped back on the bed. Despite knowing her parents wouldn’t mind at all, she still wasn’t ready to admit she was trying to move on, let alone with an assortment of random ladies from the Greater Toronto Area. She grabbed at her phone excitedly, her eyes lighting up when she saw that Priyanka had finally answered.
[13:35] My dearest Lemon, I must beg for your forgiveness, for I have sinned gravely. Upon awakening from my slumber and entering my cooking chamber, my stomach began to sing a dreadful tune. In the search for something to quell its anger, I encountered a grapefruit, as cute as your face and as juicy as your ass probably is. With no other option, I slaughtered it, dressed it with some sugar, and devoured its flesh. Would you please accept my most sincere apology in the form of a drink sometime?
This crazy bitch. No other interaction on the app had left Lemon feeling so giddy, her heart had sped up and her stomach was doing somersaults. Yes yes yes yes oh my god of course! Luckily her common sense kicked in, and she realised she should probably act a bit less… desperate.
[13:40] Let me think about it
[13:41] Loljk of course!
[13:41] Any day/time work best for you? I’m afraid I’m fully booked this weekend
[13:41] Mourning my sister and all
[13:41] (I mean the grapefruit btw sorry that could have been weird)
Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long for a response. 
[13:42] LOL I’m glad it didn’t turn dark
[13:42] Any night that’s not a school day is best for me!
[13:43] Speaking of which I better get back and entertain some little people, ttyl xo
[13:43] KIDS, btw, just in case xx
Lemon shook her head as she smiled, Priyanka was certainly something else. Cute, funny, sexy… hopefully she didn’t ruin it by having bad breath or murderous tendencies. She couldn’t explain it, she already felt something special about the girl, something she hadn’t felt since- no. Let’s not ruin a good thing by thinking about her. But the more she looked at Priyanka’s profile, the more memories of Juice kept flooding her mind. Taking a moment, she sat on the floor, stretching her legs out in front of her and breathing deeply and rhythmically, a makeshift meditation to nip any panic in the bud.
Is it still too soon? Maybe I’m not ready to be moving on if I still think about her so much, and if I still get so emotional doing so. Images of the former couple danced around her head; walking hand in hand, snuggling on the couch under blankets, even just helping each other cook, or drinking coffee in bed on a rainy morning. I thought it was what I wanted, but maybe I was wrong. She sat silently for a few minutes, trying her best to think of nothing but a dark sky filled with distant, twinkling stars, but even that took her mind back to the nights they’d spend wandering around their neighbourhood, talking about their hopes and dreams, where they’d live once they got married, how many cats and dogs it was acceptable to have. It seemed like the natural course for them, but not everything can work out the way people want it to. 
She didn’t know whether it was the buzz of her phone on the bed behind her, or Gus’s gentle panting as he pushed through the door which awoke her from her semi-trance, but she took the opportunity to stand up and shake the stiffness out of her body. It was a natural impulse to bring her hands to her eyes to wipe away her tears, but she was pleasantly surprised to not find any there today. Maybe things were getting better after all. 
She and Gus both slid onto her bed, the dog circling three times before plopping himself down in the crook of Lemon’s elbow, which she rewarded with a firm scratch under his chin. Picking up her phone, it buzzed again in her hand with messages from Rita.
Dr Rita <3 [14:02] shared a link
Dr Rita <3 [14:05] Bonjour! How are you today, mon citron? I had a nap after work and I am now ready for the gym :-O Last night a colleague told me about this dance school where his daughters go, a teacher is pregnant and will need someone to cover the classes when she is off. I thought of you :-) I hope you slept better than a baby! X
Dr Rita <3 [14:06] Also I found a bruise on my ass yesterday, I was in pain every time I was sitting down, thank you very much…
Lemon had always believed in fate to some degree, and upon seeing the link Rita had sent, she had no doubt that destiny had been on her side during the events of the last few days. She stared at the familiar tan bricks of her old dance school, the smiling face of her old principal teacher finally giving her the push she needed to get back in the saddle. She threw on a pair of jeans and a woolen cardigan, replying to Rita with one hand as she pulled on her ankle boots with the other.
[14:10] Merci merci, I’ll check it out!! Have fun at the gym, you crazy pomme! How was sexy kidney lady? 
[14:11] And de rien 😘 my mum saw the one on my neck today, she thinks I’m being bullied 😞
Jumping down the stairs two at a time and shouting a quick goodbye to her mum - closing the door before she could hear the inevitable embarrassing reply - she walked as quickly as her legs could possibly take her to the dance school, a path she had already walked hundreds of times throughout her childhood. Even if they said no, she would sign up to classes or find some auditions, how could this not be a sign from the universe to start dancing again? As she reached the heavy iron door, she checked her phone one last time.
Dr Rita <3 [14:14] Courage, ma belle! They would be idiots to not want you! Well, she made me my favourite tea and told me she liked my lipstick, so I think we are married now?
Dr Rita <3 [14:16] And I am so sorry! :-( Do you have arnica cream? I hope your mother knows it was at your request? ;-)
She had really lucked out with Rita, she needed a good friend like her in her corner right now. And as she stepped inside, navigating the bright corridors to the principal’s office, she was really glad she’d downloaded Tinder.
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thedinanshiral · 4 years
Magic, mages and more
If you’ve played the Dragon Age series you’ve probably noticed some differences here and there. Origins was heavy on tactics, something Inquisition lacks considerably, and Dragon Age 2 allowed for blood magic, which Origins had little of and Inquisition barely mentions. All lore aside, we can experience magic in Thedas more closely through our mage companions in each game ( or your character if you chose the mage class).
First, i’ll discuss briefly how magic spells have changed throughout the games, then i’ll analyse a mage pattern and how it broke. And finally i’ll entertain some future over the top possibilities.  
Origins and DA2 were designed primarily to be played on PC, and we see this more clearly on Origins through its tactics-heavy gameplay. Spells in Origins are more suitable to a carefully planned combat strategy, with passive and status-inducing spells presented in a variety that didn’t survive into the following games. DA2 also allows for tactics but the combat system is more dynamic, it’s not necessary to pause/unpause 5 times per second, one can do battles in real time and as a result spells were considerably reduced, prioritizing active/offensive spells, and almost entirely eliminating status-inducing and supportive spells.
Unlike its predecessors, Inquisition was way more console-friendly and all but eliminated the tactics system from Origins; now combat was fast, direct, with a tactical screen capable of basic commands and overall limited, and spell trees were reduced to the bare minimum, with elemental attacks, and very few defensive spells, having completely eliminated healing.
So, in short, summonings disappeared after Origins, as did most of the Creation, Spirit and Entropy trees. By Inquisition, none of the glyphs or hexes survived. Some spells icons from DA2 reappear in Inquisition, but most from Origins never made it past it, and some spells changed name or spell tree between games. There’s a gradual simplification of spell trees from one game to the next, adjusting combat to a more straightforward style, with less support or status-inducing spells and an increasing concentration of active spells with enhancing passive ones. On the other hand, Healing all but disappeared from Inquisition spells, “spirit healer” not even surviving as a specialization, with the only healing spell available being Revival which as the name implies you can only use on an already fallen party member. Surprisingly, Dispel made it through all three games staying in the same spell tree, Spirit, and elemental spells remained the same across all games, with minor changes.
Now let’s take a look at all our main mage companions.
In Origins we have Morrigan (apostate, shapeshifter), and Wynne (circle mage, spirit healer, vessel for spirit of Faith). In DA2 we have Merrill (dalish, blood mage), and Anders (former circle mage turned apostate, healer, vessel for spirit of Justice/Vengeance). In inquisition however we get three mages: Dorian (Tevinter pariah, pyromancer, necromancer), Vivienne (circle loyalist, icemancer, knight-enchanter) and Solas (apostate, electromancer,rift mage).
Just in case the pattern isn’t clear enough..In both games we get an apostate and formally educated and trained mage, a mage who lived in the wild and a mage who lived in cities, a mage who dwells in obscure or forbidden magic used for offense and a mage dedicated primarily to healing and support, a mage who deals in dangerous magic but remains their own and a mage who despite dealing in safer magic harbours a spirit within (by Chantry dogma, an abomination).
This pattern is broken in Inquisition; while we still get an apostate and a circle mage, we also get a mage that while not from the circle still isn’s technically an apostate (Dorian), we also get no healer but we do get a mage that specializes in obscure magic (necromancy), and we don’t really get a mage that has lived in the wild but one who’s lived outside of Thedosian society (Solas, being who he is and having recently woken up from the longest nap ever). And instead of getting a mage sharing their body with a spirit of the Fade, we get an ancient elf who secretely is an elvhen god and the creator of the Veil. Solas breaks the pattern (as well as everything else, apparently).  
I’ll focus on Inquisition from now on and leave Solas for last. 
Auto-level evidences the default element of choice of each mage. Solas is an electromancer, Dorian is a pyromancer, and Vivienne is an icemancer. Dorian preferring fire makes sense as a Tevinter who constantly complains the South is cold, implying his homeland has a warmer weather he sorely misses. Vivienne choosing cold spells goes perfectly with her personality, presenting herself as an ice queen.
Here is where it begins to get a bit tricky: Specializations.
Dorian’s is Necromancy, which would make a lot of sense...if he was Nevarran. Being a Tevinter it’d make more sense for him to be a Blood Mage. But Origins and particularly DA2 already exposed blood magic, painted it in all its evil colours, made it pretty clear it’s the wrong kind of magic to use for all the dangers it entails. By the time we get Inquisition, we face an actual Magister Siderial and Tevinter is painted as this degenerate empire full of evil blood mages, so getting a blood mage specialization was out of the table. Therefore our Tevinter ally got the next most questionable line of magic, necromancy. Because nothing says “almost evil” as raising up the death to fight for you and draining lifeforce from your enemies.
Next we have Vivienne who specialises as a Knight-Enchanter (KE). She’s a Circle mage, a Loyalist at that, and KE is a path reserved for Circle mages allowed to engage in combat when requested. But we learn from Solas that the powers used by Knight-Enchanters have their origin in the Arcane Warriors of the ancient elves. Vivienne has no known connection to anything elven, so her being able to become a KE is just another example of the cultural appropriation of elven elements and knowledge done by humans and the Chantry. 
None of the specializations are entirely new, as already stated KE takes from Arcane Warriors, much of the Necromancer tree comes from the previous games’ Entropy trees, and the Primal and Force trees lend some spells to the supposedly brand new Rift tree. 
Then there’s Solas, who is the default Rift Mage once specializations become available. The Rift spell tree is a post-Breach occurrence, as it was developed by mages studying the Breach and resulting rifts that appeared all over Thedas. It should have unique spells yet it recycles old ones: Stonefist no longer deals physical damage as it did in Origins and DA2 when it was in the Primal tree and meant hurling rocks at the enemy, but spirit damage as it now involves summoning a boulder directly from the Fade. Similarly, DA2’s Force spell Fist of the Maker and subsequent upgrades, Maker’s Hammer and Maker’s Fury, described as “slamming enemies into the ground” with some invisible force became Veilstrike in the Rift tree of Inquisition, there described as “smashing nearby foes to the ground” by “recreating your own fist from from the essence of the Fade”.
Knowing what we know about Solas, his specialization makes sense, he’s responsible for the Veil’s existence so of course he’d know how to manipulate its properties. He’s Fen’Harel, after all. 
Still with me? Good, because this ride is about to get bumpy.
As the default Rift mage he can use Veilstrike, recreating his “own fist from the essence of the Fade”,  but Veilstrike is actually a rename of Fist of the Maker…So what Solas is really doing whenever he casts Veilstrike is casting the Fist of the Maker. By recreating his own fist..It’s all in the name. Fist of the Maker pre-dates Rift magic, but its rebranding as Veilstrike is post-Breach and named after the Veil and not the Maker, possibly because the one who introduces us to this particular spell now is not Andrastian but the ancient elvhen god and creator of the Veil.  Technically speaking  we could say Solas, having created the Veil ages ago and therefore being the one responsible for the present reality of Thedas, is then, in a way, its maker. It’s a wild idea, I know, and there are some bits of lore scattered around that could support it, but i’m not jumping into that abyss yet-
In addition, let’s go back to his auto-leveled spells. At first sight there’s no basis for Solas being an electromancer. But like his Rift specialization, his magic preferences are lore/plot oriented. To consider:
Solas prefers the Storm tree. Skyhold is, by its very name, the place from where the Veil was installed. Some codices found at Skyhold mention electricity being used in unknown rituals at Skyhold’s location. Solas was responsible for creating the Veil.
With this in mind it can be concluded that Solas has always been an electromancer, and even used his electric powers in some way to help put up the Veil in the past.
tl;dr Solas was originally an electromancer and is a Rift Mage because he created the Veil and knows it better than anyone else. Also, he may be the Maker. (loljk or am i)
Now what would you say if I told you Solas possibly also does blood magic? Too much of a stretch? Maaaybe..Except maybe not. He’s not against it, thinks of it as simply a means to an end, and doesn’t disapprove of it unless it’s done in excess for all the wrong reasons (as they do in Tevinter) or is used to limit freedom like when used to bind unwilling spirits or control people’s minds. It’s just an idea, but there must be an explanation why blood magic and lyrium (titan blood, so, still blood magic) can be used to tear the Veil open. The Magisters did it before, and a second time when Corypheus sacrificed Divine Justinia in a ritual that also involved...Solas’ Foci. That is, Fen’ Harel’s Foci.
From Tevinter Nights we learn Solas is after the red lyrium idol (again, titan blood) which he claims belongs to him and is a necessary element for the ritual he must perform to take down the Veil. A ritual for which he’s willing to destroy Thedas as we know it, regrettably causing the dead of thousands. For all we know, those deaths are a necessary sacrifice because they are part of a massive blood magic ritual, Solas’ own death may also be part of it. If the blood of a Divine could be used to open the Breach, what could the blood of Fen’Harel be used for?? Solas’ new powers as Fen’Harel are, frankly, terrifying*, and he’s decided to do whatever it takes to see his mission through, sadly.
And all this leads me to future possibilities..we can imagine with Solas actively trying to take down the Veil there will be places where the Veil gets super thin or begins to disappear. Pockets of space where reality no longer respects natural laws of physics or logic. The Fade is fluid, ever changing, with the right power it can be reshaped at will and i imagine some of that may begin to leak into the physical world, so we may get mage (or spirit! )companions with skills capable of taking advantage of that. 
Lastly, i may add, right now and as far as we can see, Solas is OP as fuck*. He can kill you in your sleep from within your dreams. He can turn you into stone with just thinking of it, which means in a way he can bend the laws of nature of the physical world like he can do in the Fade, If in the future we get close to him,if we get our hands on artifacts or intel.. it won’t because we gathered the right people and resources, it won’t be because of clever tactics and espionage, it won’t be at all because we did anything right. It’ll be because he allows it, because he let us get that far. 
If we stop him at all it’ll be because he wants to be stopped.   
(Apologies in advance if some of this is poorly written, i revised it so many times words no longer look like words. Also half of this is just wild speculation on my part and nobody has to agree with me, after 5 years i may be connecting imaginary dots but hey, it’s fun! If you read this far...i am so sorry, thanks)
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cxgan · 6 years
Kinktober 2018 Day 2: Begging & Watersports
SHIP: Cegan [Carl Grimes/Negan]
SUMMARY: FILTH. PURE UNADULTERATED FILTH. Companion to my fic Nicotine [modern!au, Carl and Negan in the kink community if you haven’t read it]. Set two years into their relationship. Carl is nasty and likes nasty things done to him and Negan is always happy to oblige.
WARNINGS: watersports (if you don’t know what that is please urban dictionary it and then proceed with caution), age gap (both over 18 tho)
W/C: 1743
A/N: @God I’m so sorry I have strayed so far from your light. loljk I’m not. I originally wasn’t going to put this in the cegan tag because I don’t want y’all to think I’m gross but then I decided ah fuck it. So just deal with my filth and if you don’t like it don’t read it.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
"Beg for it," Negan's voice echoed off the walls of the bathroom similar to the way it bounced between the spaces of Carl's ribs and filled up his lungs, suffocating him.
The Dominant had always had the ability to make Carl blush - it was something he was really quite proud of much to the boy's dismay... But it had been awhile since he had been able to reduce him to this much of a humiliated mess and the submissive could just tell that the older male was eating it right up. His ever present smug as hell grin was enough evidence of that. He supposed the older male had the right to be a little cocky in that moment - two years together had made it so Carl was very difficult to embarrass after hearing almost every piece of dirty talk Negan had in the book. He still flushed bright red at times and stammered when he didn't know what to say back, but this time... this time he truly was embarrassed instead of just putting on a cute show. Because this was different. This was dirty. And he wanted it.
And god damn it Negan was going to make him beg for it.
"Daddy, please, please don't make me say it," he grit out in a whine, ripping his gaze away from the other man when he couldn't handle looking into that arrogant expression anymore. He was too ashamed at the entire situation. "I already said I wanted to do it," he damn near whispered out. "Why do I have to beg?" The fact that he was naked, on his knees in the shower, bright red and achingly hard for what was to come was horrible enough.
"'Cause maybe I like hearin' that pretty little voice say all the nasty, filthy shit that I know goes on in that noggin'a yours." To emphasize his point, he leaned down and literally knocked on the top of Carl's head which made the boy shoot a daring glare up at him. "Oh boy, wouldn't look at me like that if I were you. Not in your position. I'll fuckin' make ya drink it if ya piss me off enough. Heh. Get it. Piss me off?" Carl would have shot him another glare for the stupid pun but was a little more scared of the ramifications so he kept his expressions to himself, opting to count the lines in the stone beneath his knees as a more solid distraction. "Now do what I fuckin' said."
"Please," Carl started, voice raw and wavering just a little bit. For a moment he almost considered pleading with the man again to not say it but he knew he had to if he was going to get what he wanted. He stared at the thick leather boots before him and gnawed at the inside of his bottom lip. "Give me..." he continued, nails digging into his flesh where his hands rested on his thighs. "Your... p-piss..." the last word was stuttered out, his voice barely above a whisper as he clenched his eyes shut. This was so humiliating. Wrong on so many levels. So why was his dick harder than ever where it rested flush up against his belly? He had been humiliated a lot over the last few years in the older male's company, but this... this was on a whole new level.
"Sorry, what? Couldn't quite hear ya there, sugar. You're gonna hafta speak up. And fuckin' look at me when you're talkin' - you know damn well I hate that shit."
Carl whined in frustration - a low, pathetic sound that forced it's way up his throat without warning. He steadied his breathing and tried to focus his vocal cords into properly working this time. He cleared his throat and finally opened his eyes to look up at his Dominant, trying his best not to glare at the smirk he was met with. "Please piss on me, Daddy," he said softly. It was louder this time, a little more sure of himself but no less embarrassed by what he wanted.
If it was possible for Negan's grin to grow it definitely did. Carl tried to hold back his whimper at the sound of the older man undoing his belt and jeans. "See, was that so hard, baby doll? All ya had to do was admit how much of a dirty fuckin slut you are and Daddy'll give ya what ya need." He tugged his half hard cock out of his underwear and the boy instinctively licked his lips, wiggling his ass in anticipation. Negan chuckled, stroking himself a few times just to tease the kid. "Gonna be a lot. I've been savin' it for ya." And if it was possible for Carl to turn a darker shade of red, he did.
"Here it comes," Negan grunted, positioning himself over the boy. The hot, yellowed stream of piss fell from the man's cock head like a god damn waterfall, and Carl whimpered when it struck his chest. It streamed down his torso, coating him in the wet warmth and his hand twitched against his thigh. Negan seemed to notice, though, and grunted out a quick, "Go on and touch it, boy." And almost immediately he wrapped said hand around his aching (and now dripping) cock.
Negan had been right, there was... a lot. So much that Carl was surprised it was still coming (not that he was complaining). It was so wrong. So dirty and horrible on so many levels but that just turned Carl on more. He pumped himself eagerly as the stream continued to splash against his chest and trickle downward, covering his hand and cock in the process before dripping off of him and sliding down the drain.
The humiliation of it all was overwhelming. He had never felt more filthy in his entire life than he did in that moment, jerking off like a fucking teenager while his Dominant relieved himself all over him. "Yeah, you love this shit, don'tcha, kid? Fuckin' nasty. My dirty little slut, playin' with his teeny cock while Daddy pisses all over him." Carl moaned at his words, and without much thought or warning his head fell forward and the stream was directed toward the top of his head, soaking into his hair and dripping down his face when he finally looked back up. "Oh, Jesus Christ!" Negan exclaimed, clearly shocked that the boy had gone so far. Carl was a bit shocked he did it himself but as the liquid hit him in the face (his eyes now closed, of course) and the scent and feeling took over him he almost came and had to rip his hand away from his dick to stop it. He bucked his hips up and whined at the loss of contact. "You really are a fuckin' dirty whore, god damn, baby. You're fuckin' disgusting - hard as hell and moaning like a little bitch cause I'm pissin' on your face - fuck." The stream faltered for a second and Negan grunted, causing the boy to open his eyes and look up at him curiously. "I ain't done. Open your mouth."
Carl gave him a sharp look followed by one of hesitancy. Yeah, he was gross, but he didn't know if he was that gross. Negan chuckled. "You ain't gotta swallow it - not yet at least - but c'mon, you just made me piss on your face. Ya can't tell me you don't wanna taste it." Maybe it was curiosity that had him slowly opening his mouth, maybe it was the fact he just trusted the man above him with everything he was. Regardless of what compelled him to do it, he closed off his throat and braced himself for what was to come.
The stream that started up was slower than before, and the moment his mouth was filled up he spat it out rather harshly, coughing and gagging. He didn't know if it was the taste or the action that he thought was more vile but whatever the case he spit it out as soon as he could. Negan, the useless prick, laughed above him. "Aw, c'mon, sugar, it ain’t that bad." Carl glared at him and wiped his mouth off. "You'll get used to it." He was met with a sultry wink that had his stomach flip flopping at the prospect.
The older man finished himself off on Carl's chest and the boy resumed his furious pumping of his own cock. Exhaling in relief, Negan tucked himself back in his jeans and Carl was a bit disappointed he didn't have his dick to look at anymore. "Can I...?" Carl managed to get out, slumping to the side and pressing his head into the stone wall of the shower. He was literally dripping with urine, that fact both making him a little nauseous and spurring him on even more.
Negan ignored him and walked in place a few times, his boots squelching. "Fuck, this is disgusting." He bent over and with practiced hands undid his boots in under a minute, stepping out of them and out of the shower itself to protect his socked feet. "Cum on those," he gestured toward the boots he left next to the boy. "And then clean the fuck out of them. First with your mouth, then with whatever. I don't give a fuck. If you do a good enough job there might be a reward. And then take a fuckin' shower." Carl was nodding along like a damn robot, less focused on what he was instructed to do and more on the fact he had been given permission to cum. On Negan's boots, nonetheless. And then lick them clean. Was he in heaven? Probably.
"Be a good boy, and then come find me when you're done. Alright?"
He was a bit sad the man wasn't staying for the show but at this point he wanted him to leave so he could get on with it. "Yes, Daddy," he grit out, grip tightening around his cock.
The shower door slowly closed but it opened one last time last minute. "And Carl?" The boy looked up, eyes glossy and biting his bottom lip. "I always knew you were secretly a piss slut." And with that he shut the door, leaving the boy to almost immediately start cumming and yelping when he almost missed his target.
TAGGING: NO ONE OMFG I am not subjecting my readership to this filth if they do not want to read it. k thx.
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jaroslavlewis · 7 years
Random DCMK Things: If Gosho Boys Were a Boy Band- Heiji’s Profile
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Photo grabbed from Pinterest.
Heiji would be the lead rapper as well as the dancing machine of the Gosho Boys. IDK if it’s just me but whenever I think of Heiji, the first thing that comes to my mind is SWAG. He’s so full of that in the series so I think if Heiji were in a boy band, lead rapper and dancing machine would really fit him well. <3 
With this being said, I think Heiji would be like the guy version of 2ne1′s Queen CL.
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I mean like, damn. <3 - <3
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And I swear it’s seriously not just because of the cap, guys. 
Which reminds me, Heiji could be kind of like Big Bang’s G-Dragon. Coz for most Kpop fans and YG stans out there, Big Bang’s GD= 2ne1′s CL. So, if Heiji would be a guy version of CL, then he’d definitely be a GD, right? hahaha
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Look at this guy.
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And this guy (GD). Again, It’s not just about the cap. SEE? HEIJI = GD. (Except GD is white.)
I also think that Heiji would have that tinge of TVXQ’S Jung “Uknow” Yunho in him. LOL ‘coz Yunho is TVXQ’s lead rapper and dancing machine and he has a lot of swag too.
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For the third time, I promise it’s not just about the cap.
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So, maybe it kind of is.
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IDK why but I can imagine Heiji doing this whole cap dance thingy. If you guys want to see Yunho’s performance on this, here’s the link.
So other than this cap dance thingy, I honestly think that Heiji could be a Yunho because of his voice. Because Heiji, in the anime (well his seiyuu, Ryo Horikawa) has that deep sexy baritone voice which kind of reminds me of Yunho’s voice. Hihihi Here’a link of Yunho singing his Japanese single. (Fact for those who are not kpop fans, as I have mentioned in my previous post-Kaito’s Profile, Yunho’s group, TVXQ is also known as Tohoshinki in Japan.)
Also, since Heiji is born and raised in Osaka and speaks Kansai-ben this kind of reminds me of how Yunho’s born and raised in Gwangju and speaks Jeollado. I know Jeollado and Kansai-ben are not the same, but I really admire that both Heiji and Yunho are very proud of their culture and origins. This kind of makes them more parallel on these terms.
I also noticed that Heiji has that “tough Osakan attitude” (IDK if you guys have noticed in the series but he and Kazuha are both very headstrong than most DC Tokyo characters. They’re both pretty aggressive, which I think they adapted from their culture in Osaka.) Which makes me think of how Yunho is tough as a Jeolla person. He even admitted that in an interview when he first came to Seoul, he said that he had a fight with a random Seoulite and he threatened, “Pshhh. You think you can handle me? I’m from Gwangju.” (Most Koreans perceive Jeolla people as tough. So, yeah.) Anyway, this reminds me of Heiji’s “Osaka is better than Tokyo” attitude. LOL IDK if you guys get this.
Other than that, Yunho’s favorite color is green. And we DCMK fans know how much green is so closely associated with Heiji. Hahaha
Also, both Yunho and Heiji are skilled in martial arts. While Heiji knows Kendo, Yunho studied Hapkido and Tae Kwon Do as a kid.
Heiji would be oozing with swag and sexiness on stage whenever he’s performing, but off stage and during interviews, he’d be as much of a dork as Shinichi is.
Heiji would be fairly okay with skinships and fan service, just not as all out as Kaito would be. XD
Heiji would rarely make mistakes on stage, but when he does, it would be really cute and funny. There would be a time when he’d be his all so swaggy and sexy self on stage and in the middle of his rap, he forgets to breathe/forgets his lyrics and misses one line. Shinichi who would be beside him would laugh in his face during the performance and Heiji would just shrug it off with an adorable smile. Allowing his dorky self to show in a performance. Kind of like how Big Bang’s T.O.P forgot his rap part and GD laughed at his face. Here’s the link. 
Heiji would sometimes write his rap lyrics on his hand before the performance. Because “Just in case.” hahaha
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Like this! (This is Yunho by the way.) Hahaha This wouldn’t go unnoticed by the fans, of course. 
Heiji would be okay with showing some skin unlike Shinichi and Hakuba. 
While Kaito is a kisser, Heiji is an ultimate hugger. LOL coz “Oi, Kudo, I love ya’ man, but I wouldn’t go THAT far.” hahahaha
When Gosho Boys wins a music award, Heiji would immediately hug Shinichi first. (Yes, I’m a HeiShin trash.)
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Kind of like this. This is TVXQ’s Yunho and Jaejoong by the way.
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Here’s a closer look.
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Again. Hahhaa This ultimately makes HeiShin the YunJae of the Gosho Boys. Now, I’ve mentioned in my previous blog that Kaito is the Jaejoong of the Gosho Boy’s but on these shipping terms, Heiji would be Yunho and Shinichi would be Jaejoong. (TBH, just thinking and writing about this makes my HeiShin heart melt.)
Heiji would be a little more competitive on music shows, especially against other groups.
Sometimes he would also be competitive around fellow members, especially with Shinichi coz, a little friendly competition wouldn’t hurt. Heiji would ultimately be performing on stage, rapping his heart out to make Shinichi step up his game more.This would however be misunderstood by Kaito as Heiji’s way of trying to outshine Gosho Boy’s main visual and lead vocal. hahaha
This would cause a little competition on KaiHei. This allows fangirls to see another ship coming. (Both Heiji and Kaito are not so pleased about this. Well, Kaito’s pretty fine with it, ‘coz hey, It’s all for show. Ugh. Kaito’s such a manwhore. LOLJK.)
Sometimes, Heiji would get competitive with Kaito over the shipping wars especially when it came to them being shipped with Shinichi. (Again, Leader Hakuba is not pleased. I mean, imagine the chaos and stress this brings to the leader. hahaha)
Heiji would be the most protective member of all of Gosho Boys especially when bashers try to get into his fellow members’ nerves.
Heiji would mostly be protective about Shinichi because while Shinichi has a lot of fangirls, he apparently also has a lot of bashers messaging him on social media accounts like: “You’re the most useless Gosho Boy. Just quit. You don’t even know how to sing.” Heiji would respond to them at times to make them shut up. hahaha
Heiji would most likely be the first have a solo debut. 
He would often have collabs with Gosho Girls, mostly with Kazuha.(Okay, I’ve been thinking about Gosho Girls being a girl group and I’m gonna make a profile about them too, maybe after I finish all the Gosho Boys. Just a preview, Kazuha would be the main vocal. *winks*) 
He would be rumored to be dating Gosho Girls’ Toyama Kazuha countless times and he would confirm it by announcing it live in one of Gosho Boy’s concerts. (I’m KazuHei trash too. hahaha) 
He and Kazuha would be in an on and off relationship, coz he’s pretty complicated. It kinda stresses out the fans. hahaha XD 
This profile is dedicated to my fellow DCMK and Kpop fan who anonymously requested  me to do Heiji’s here on tumblr. I hope you like this one! ^_^
Okay, so far this profile is my most favorite Gosho Boys profile ever. IDK. I just see a lot of possibilities with Heiji. I think he has that star quality, probably because of that sass that he’s got. Honestly, I think if Gosho Boys were a legit boyband, Heiji would be my bias. I’ve also been fancying Heiji a lot lately. I loved him so much in “Crimson Love Letter.” <3
I’ll be doing Hakuba’s profile next. 
If you haven’t viewed the other profiles I made, here are the links:
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choiced · 7 years
8,9,20,35,39! 😊 PS, I love your edits! Especially since you used Gal Gadot, bless you child
ahh thank you so much, you’re sweet ;u; and that makes me so happy to hear lmao, gal gadot is A+
8. What turns you on?if i’m being 100% honest, i actually don’t really know? maybe… um. this might be weird but you know that kind of half-whisper voice people do when they’re so physically close that speaking in a regular volume would be too loud?? lol, yeah. that.
9. What turns you off?um, also not sure on this one. bad hygiene? a bad attitude? i’m starting to think this ask meme thing was a bad idea lmao i’m like the most boring person to ask questions about.
20. What’s your favorite item of clothing?ok i have this dress that is… very very cute and i wear it too much?? it’s a dark teal colour with black, kind of like a flannel shirt but in dress form? it’s got three-quarter length sleeves, and it stops at the knee. i wear it with tights and ankle boots and i always feel pretty badass when i do LOL
35. What do you do at parties?this question assumes i get invited to any parties. loljk i’m not that socially awkward; i’m usually hanging out with the circle of people i know, i guess. unfortunately i’m still awkward enough to trail behind familiar faces and actively avoid strangers bc i’m shy af.
39. What’s your signature scent?i’ve been told my shampoo has a fairly distinctive scent, and it’s a waterlily/apple combo so i guess that would be my signature?
thanks a lot for asking
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pujpujaa · 7 years
I was tagged by my birthday twin @as-sane-as-she-is. Dhanyavaad ;) favourite ice cream flavours ? Chocolate what is one assumption people keep making about you ? That I speak Hindi tell me one habit you have that some people think is weird ? Uh...tbh idk—wait! It's that I eat hot chocolate powder with sugar and yogurt a song that speaks to you? In 7th grade, I wrote a song for an art project for my history class. It's called alone and I posted it here last year, tagged "alone" and "my songs" tell me one unpopular opinion of yours. I only like pizza when it's topless what book made you feel very happy after reading it ? I've read othello a couple times. I like how almost everyone's an asshole and almost everyone dies at the end. Ironically, I like happy endings, albeit not perfect ones that leave nothing to be imagination (hate those). But I like Othello what is something you really want to learn to do ? Play guitar give me 5 words that describe you. I can't do this in five words I need some time to think there is no way this is gonna happen haha I joke smart funny pretty awesome unique loljk ok here goes...creative, passionate, confused, friendly, sweet what do you wish people would ask you but they don’t / something you always want to ask other people but don’t? I would like to be able to see a person's stats at will (height, personality), an ability I think Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles has. Not too much tho, just enough so that I can be satisfied, but not quickly bored one guilty pleasure . Don't have any, i don't think latest celebrity crush ? It's been sometime so I don't remember. Sorry, bro 😐
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thebottomoftheapple · 5 years
Hello Again
Yes, it’s been over a year again.
I’m not going to stress myself but I do really want to write more. I feel like when I wrote more consistently, I was happier, overall. Or maybe I’m just really sad right now and have been for a while but it’s all just coming out now. I haven’t really cried like this honestly since maybe when I graduated, which I didn’t think was that bad. A few months earlier I think I cried even more when my “London Boyfriend” broke up with me (IDR if i ever mentioned him before but it’s too irrelevant at this point so). ANYWAY yes there’s a new boy involved too but I’m not sad because of him...I think..but i do think he brought out all of this.. or maybe he’s just the last person I wad with and everything’s finally catching up to me (We’ll talk about him later).
So I’m finally going to Atlanta. But let’s recap the last year first.
(I haven’t read my last post bc I cannot rn) Last year I was still freelancing at NowThis and was planning on leaving to ATL in the spring/summer... but then they offered me a full time job and I took it. I wouldn’t say I regret it because I did learn a lot and saved a good amount of money. But i would say it attributed to this stagnant discontent-ness that I’ve been masking by going on vacations, getting drinks and going out with friends, and talking to Milton. I haven’t fully felt like myself in a while and it sucks because I feel like I’ve personally regressed. Like being abroad, my summer in ATL and I suppose graduating were great high points for me. I was excited, eager, and for the most part fulfilled. Obviously, life wasn’t perfect back then but ever since being back home I feel like I’ve been pretending to be all those things I used to be.. with distractions. But now I’m FINALLY changing things up and doing what I think is best for me.. and I’m scared. It’s not just the fact that I’m leaving all my friends and family behind (which is much bigger than I thought it was), it’s also the fear of failure, of making the wrong choice, of making a good choice for right now but maybe not for the long term. I’m scared. Of being alone, of making mistakes. But I’m also excited (lol 😭) to just go. The sadness really hits when I’m up alone all night, like I literally feel helpless cause I’ve been doing this for too long. But hopefully this will go away once I get down there and I pray they’ll have work for me much sooner rather than later once I’m there. But because I have some family there it shouldn’t be too bad, right? I think I am really excited though, eager to start - yeah it’s the uncertainty too that’s wearing down on me. Once I start that first gig, I know everything will be sweet. I just have to be patient *sigh* but also fill up my time somehow. 🙄
Sooooo I guess I can go into Milton now... yes, that Milton 😂. It’s really crazy because I’m still unsure on how I exactly I feel, but I know I do really care about him. So it started when I went up to cuse for Mayfest weekend. Basically he invited me over to smoke and I was off the molly lmao so I was chattin’ about everything and anything when I was with him. He subtly tried to make moves but I was dismissing them because it’s Milton... and what happened early... But then he kissed me and I liked it and the rest is history... LOLJK but we’ve been talking since (I’ve concluded I only like to guys who don’t live near me bc......). In the beginning it was fun, good sex, and someone nice to talk to and if I’m being honest I never really saw him as someone I’d want to be with seriously, partially for shallow reasons but also we spent like a whole week together and by the end of it I felt like we were an old married couple, like we loved each other but didn’t like each other. And i thought I shouldn’t feel like this with someone I’m not even in a relationship with... but this weekend kinda felt like that again. Like I was cleaning up like I was his wife and he was just watching tv. But this time it felt a little more right, normal? Maybe I keep getting these inklings because they’re tapping into the future? or past? In another dimension?I don’t know, it’s weird. But he really opened up to me more than he has before (which has been a lot!) And I just tried to console him you know, but then I started crying in the middle of the night..... and after he left, I cried when he facetimed me, and I cried some more after I hung up. And I’m tearing up thinking about it now (UGH). But yeah now I really don’t know how to feel about him, since I’m leaving. It’ll probably be like how it was with every other boy, sad for a bit but then I’ll meet someone knew and pretty much forget about them. Or maybe we’ll get married in 10 years, who knows. I want to get a tarot card reading done (lmao that’s a random sidetrack). No but he’s actually really great like from all the boys I’ve talked to, he’s been the most genuine and that’s something I’ve always wanted and whether it’s with me or not, I truly do wish him the best in the future.
And so speaking of this weekend, I had my goodbye party 😂It wasn’t what I pictured it to be like but I still think it was successful. The whole thing went by super quick for me because I was too busy making sure everything was going right: with the decorations, and the food, and DJ, and pictures, and money and wristbands, and just making sure everyone was having a good time. I was def overwhelmed but I think everyone had a good time. I got lit and had fun so that’s all I could ask for (except for it being cheaper ughhhhh but whatever it’s over now, I’m never doing that again until I’m big ballin’ then YES). Turnout could’ve been a little better toooo lol but I think that sums up how many and who really fucks with me so it’s fitting 😌My squadrin got me an amazingggg care package with polaroids, snacks, other things I love, and handwritten letters 😢, which I haven brought myself to read yet. But they are so amazing, literally the best people ever, all things considered, they are the best! And then I spent the next couple nights with Milton, where he gave me a super sweet gift as well! A gopro type of camera, ugh he’s so sweet. 
And now the party and party planning is over and there’s nothing left but to leave (and Max & Nat’s Bday party). So I’m here, home alone, sad lmao and i hit my fucked up nail again and now it’s hanging on for dear life and IDK what to do, I’m so upsetttttt lmaooo this would happen to me, Karen put this omen on me smh. ANYWAY I’m glad I decided to write again. I do feel better, just like I did before. I want to continue writing, maybe monthly. And to help me do this I’m going to set monthly goal(s). For January I’ll be lite:
Throw my going away party (done lol)
Drive down to Tio Edwin’s house
Work on my first of many projects in ATL
I’ll let you know how everything goes next month! (or sooner 😉)
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