#lol truth and dare gone right
heavenlyvision · 3 months
Why are you sorry?
This is a second part to Truth or Dare with Kung Lao, read that part ˗ˏˋhereˎˊ˗
Word count: 12.8k
Pairing: Raiden x F!Reader
A/N: It is done! It's a bit longer than I had planned for it to be but not by much <3 hopefully you all enjoy :) if it's not quite comprehensive, it's because I am listening to Hozier's new ep while editing and I maybe was not paying as much attention as I should have been :3
Summary: Things in the house are tense when Raiden finds out about your night with Kung Lao but even more than that, you are confused on how you're feeling about both your roommates.
Warning: 18+ only, smut, praise kink, fingering, minor handjob, spit as lube, p in v sex, multiple orgasms, squirting, big dick raiden lol, no use of y/n !!
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Not much at all has changed since what happened between you and Kung Lao, he’s been more affectionate? You guess, or more openly touchy but he doesn’t cross any lines and you haven’t even kissed since that day. You’re a little bit confused on what you’re meant to do now, should you ask him what you mean to each other or are you reading into things too much? Was it just a one-time thing? But then why did he say to only sleep with him?
Being casual is not something you’ve ever done before and you aren’t even sure if that’s what you are doing. You’ve been too scared to ask because you don’t even know what you want from him… you’re just worried about your friendship. Things have been mostly the same though, as in, it’s not awkward, you’ve both just gone back to how things were.
It’s the weekend and you’re playing a game of cards, ‘bullshit’ to be precise, you wanted to play scrabble – naturally – but both Raiden and Kung Lao outright refused to play with you. It was mean, this is the only time they ever gang up on you, well this and your wellbeing. Whatever, you’re more upset about being denied a scrabble game, Kung Lao played one game with you after you deleted the shy strangers phone number and cancelled your date with him but he hasn’t agreed to a game since and you feel slighted.
Pushing your thoughts to the side you glare at Raiden; he’s glaring back at you over the top of his cards. Moving slowly, he places two on the pile in the middle, “Two… queens,” he raises a brow at you.
You can’t tell if he’s lying or not but you’re too scared to call him either way, considering you currently hold a hefty amount of the deck in your hands, sighing you place three cards down, “Three kings,” both Raiden and Kung Lao share a look but ultimately don’t call you on it.
Kung Lao’s smile twitches slightly, “Three aces,” he boldly claims, placing his last three cards onto the table.
You squint at him and then laugh slightly, “Bullshit!”
“Wha– how did you know?” He exclaims
Raiden shakes his head at his stupidity, lightly snorting at the scene.
You fully laugh at him now, “I have all four aces, dunce, pick up the damn deck!”
Kung Lao groans dramatically, “Ugh, this is no fair when you have… every card ever,” he complains, picking up the cards on the table.
“Use your brain some more and you could’ve ended the game,” you smile at him.
“Whatever,” he rolls his eyes, “Raiden, carry on,” he huffs.
Raiden eyes his hand for a sec before placing two, “Two threes.”
The game continues around for a bit, mostly it’s just you and Kung Lao stopping Raiden from winning, he tries to bullshit but since both of you have a large chunk of the deck it’s proving to be a little difficult. This game is better played with a few more people. Both your hands start dwindling though and it’s all becoming muddled as the deck is split more and more. You’re losing track of what you’ve lied about at this point but you’ve somehow gotten yourself down to two cards and they’re a pair, they’re just not the pair you need right now.
Luckily for you, Kung Lao calls Raiden on his two fours, a risky move, considering the pile on the table has grown very large, “Bullshit.”
Raiden smiles at Kung Lao, “Have a look.”
Kung Lao is already groaning in annoyance as he flips the cards over to see, he was in fact, not bullshitting, “How are you good at like, every game we play, this sucks,” he grumbles to himself as he picks up the cards on the table.
It’s your turn now and you place both your cards down, “Two fives, I win,” you smile victoriously.
“Uh uh, not so fast, I call bullshit,” Kung Lao points at you.
You raise a brow at him, lips quirked up in a very self-satisfied way, “Check?” He squints at you and flips the cards, the cards that are in fact, a pair of fives. Kung Lao’s head falls to the table in defeat and Raiden starts laughing, hard. “Should’ve trusted me,” you shrug simply.
“This is crap,” Kung Lao laments, head still planted on the table.
You elbow his ribs, “Bullshit even?”
“You have too many trust issues, Kung Lao,” Raiden chastises him.
Kung Lao ignores him and continues wallowing in his shameful loss, “Just a few rounds ago… I was going to win…”
“…But you didn’t, because you suck,” you snicker at him.
He turns his head to the side to look at you, “That is just plain mean.”
The pair of you look at each other for a bit, apparently in a suspicious way because it prompts Raiden to state, “Something has happened between you two, something has changed.”
“What?” You question, taken aback.
Kung Lao denies, “Nothing has changed.”
“That wasn’t a question, I was stating. Something has changed, what was it?” Raiden scrutinises the both of you, looking back and forth between you.
You feel shy under his eyes and look away, you’d prefer he didn’t know that you slept with Kung Lao, you aren’t sure why but it hurts. You don’t regret sleeping with Kung Lao but you also feel like… you don’t want Raiden to know about it.
Kung Lao doesn’t shy away from Raiden, in fact, he looks proud of whatever he may or may not have done.
Raiden takes a moment to assess you both closely and then concludes, “You slept together.”
You go to deny, “No!”
“Yes,” Kung Lao confirms, and you pinch his side, “Ow, what was that for, he already figured it out.”
Raiden pinches the bridge of his nose, “When… when was it?”
“Couple weeks ago,” Kung Lao shrugs easily, no guilt at all, or if there is, he’s hiding it well.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Raiden asks, “Is it going to happen again?”
You answer, “I… don’t know–”
“–Probably,” is Kung Lao’s answer.
You shoot him a look from the corner of your eye and he looks blasé, not really understanding why you’re so uncomfortable or guilt ridden.
Kung Lao leans back in his chair and stretches, “Is it such a big deal?”
“I cannot say I am overjoyed at the news,” Raiden closes his eyes, thinking for a moment.
“Raiden… we’re sorry,” you try apologising.
“Speak for yourself, I am sorry for nothing, best lay of my life,” Kung Lao interjects.
Smacking him you say, “Ew, don’t be crass.”
Kung Lao adds smugly, “You didn’t seem to mind when–”
“–I am going to my room,” Raiden sighs, moving away from the table and heading back to his bedroom.
You feel… so bad for Raiden, sighing you look at Kung Lao, “What the hell? Can’t you see he’s obviously upset at us?”
“Yeah and I don’t get why, it was just sex,” he shrugs back.
“Just sex?” you clarify.
His brows pull together inquisitively, “…Really good sex?”
“You’re a dick,” you shake your head solemnly, angrily packing the cards away before heading back to your room too.
Kung Lao sits at the table, confused as to what the hell just happened.
When you wake up in the morning, you can hear Kung Lao and Raiden thumping around in the kitchen. Their voices are muffled but you can tell they are not happy with each other, their voices are raised but hushed, the walls between your room and the kitchen also dilute the sound. Getting out of bed, you walk towards them, catching the tail end of their argument.
Kung Lao groans, “Ugh, Raiden! It was just sex, why are you so annoyed at us?”
Hearing him say that again, makes your heart pang and your footsteps slow, taking your time in getting to the kitchen.
Raiden is silent for a moment, assumedly glaring at him, “Would you be so nonchalant if she and I had slept together?”
Kung Lao stands there idly, his expression showing that, no, he would not be so relaxed about it.
“Exactly,” Raiden sighs, turning back to the sink, scrubbing at the dishes.
Something clicks for Kung Lao in that moment though and he frowns as he has his silent realisation about Raiden, watching him impatiently and trying to think of something to say.
Moving closer to the kitchen, you lean against the archway and ask, “Why are you both arguing so early in the morning?”
“It is nothing, do not worry about it,” Raiden dismisses, his focus on the dish he’s cleaning.
Kung Lao shakes his head before gesturing to you, “No, well let’s see, would you be upset if you were in his position?”
“Would I be upset if you two slept together?” You snicker at him.
He frowns and looks at you straight on, “Come on, you know what I meant.”
“Sorry, sorry,” you wave a hand at him and walk into the kitchen, sitting on one of the counters, “But yeah, I probably might be, we’re not just all friends, we’re also roommates, it makes the situation a bit uncomfortable, no?” sighing, you roll your neck and add, “I told you at the time… it might end up being a bad idea.”
Kung Lao also sighs, knowing you’re right, he turns back to Raiden, “I do not know what you want us to do to make this better.”
Raiden ignores him, seemingly done with talking.
You go to lighten the mood, offering, “Well… I could always sleep with Raiden and make it even.”
“What? No! That is not what I–” Kung Lao’s words are frantic.
Raiden turns to face the pair of you, “–Well, why not? She slept with you and I thought it was ‘just sex’,” he throws Kung Lao’s words back in his face and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t bring you a little sense of joy.
It’s silent for a moment, both of you looking at Kung Lao, who is scratching at the back of his head and thinking really hard, he hesitates momentarily, “I guess… she can sleep with whoever she wants…”
It hurts again, hearing that, especially since those weren’t his sentiments those few weeks ago but now you’re wondering if that’s just something he said and didn’t actually mean. Did he mean any of it? Or was he just really horny? Raiden eyes you carefully, catching something that you thought you were hiding well. You shy away from his gaze, how he always manages to read your feelings gets annoying when you’re specifically trying to hide something that you can’t even identify yourself.  
Raiden wipes his hands off on a towel, “I am… not annoyed with you both…” Kung Lao and you give him a look and he breathes out an annoyed but amused sound, “Alright, I cannot say I am overjoyed but I am not… angry, you can do whatever you want.”
It’s fairly obvious that Raiden is still… upset but you’re also inclined to believe him, you think he’s trying fairly hard to not be upset about Kung Lao and you sleeping together. At least, you think he’s trying to not be angry at you both but you can tell he’s feeling some type of way about what happened.
It’s silent again in the kitchen as Raiden puts the clean dishes away, only the clanking of porcelain remains. The three of you not really sure what to say, the atmosphere tense, this is something you were worried about happening but you have no idea what to say to make this situation better and your heart continues to ache because of it.
Breaking the quiet, you suddenly ask, “Do you mean it, Kung Lao? I can sleep with whoever I want?”
Raiden stands stock still, feeling like he’s intruding in on a conversation he should not be privy to.
Kung Lao looks at you, his eyes slightly widened in shock, put on the spot suddenly, “I mean, yeah… we are not… exclusive and you have your own autonomy, do as you like.”
“Right,” you force yourself to sound agreeable, not wanting to show your souring mood, “I am going back to bed, you two need to start getting along again or I am going to do something drastic,” you point at both of them, your tone full of mirth, back to teasing them.
Before they can say anymore to you, you’re heading back to your room and crawling into bed. You don’t sleep, even though you try, you just lay there for a bit, numb. This awkwardness, this uncomfortableness and the weird feelings, is exactly why you said sleeping together was a bad idea. You wish you’d had more will power to stick to your guns but you let your judgement be clouded by emotions and feelings you aren’t even completely able to explain.
The time ticks by while you lay flat on your back in bed, staring up at the ceiling, motionless. You can hear the guys stomping around the house, their footsteps tracking back and forth as they go about their days, you know you’ll have to get up soon and be productive but you don’t know if you really feel like it. Everything feels like effort right now and you don’t have a good reason as to why.
Soft taps on your door force you to sit up, calling out as you do, “What?”
“Are you going to come out of your room at all today?” It’s Raiden’s voice, he’s clearly concerned but it also feels like you’re being scolded by a parent rather than being checked in on by a worried friend.
He’s quiet for a moment before speaking again, “…Kung Lao has gone out… if that changes your answer at all.” You grunt out at him in acknowledgement and he asks, “Do you… want to hang out?”
You consider him for a moment before smiling to yourself, “Can I braid your hair?” you’ve asked him multiple times before and he always says no, you’re hoping he acquiesces this time.
He asks though the door, “Is anything else going to make you leave your room?”
“Not even scrabble?” He challenges.
You feel yourself perk up a bit at that but ultimately decide, “No, not even scrabble.”
A soft sigh leaves him as he gives in, “Fine.”
You giggle as you pull yourself out of bed quickly and race over to the door, pulling it open to reveal Raiden in front of you, already looking regretful at agreeing to this, “Amazing, let me get my stuff and I’ll be right out.”
He hums at you, “Take your time,” he says as he walks away to the living area.
It takes you no time at all to collect your brush and hair ties, not wanting to give him the chance to change his mind. Your footsteps are rushed as you shuffle out of your room and into the lounge with Raiden, he’s sat on the couch waiting patiently for you, half wishing you changed your mind and want to play scrabble instead. When he sees the stupid, giddy smile on your face though, he finds himself not really minding that he’s agreed to this.
“Okay, sit on the floor,” you direct, moving to sit on the couch yourself.
He supresses his smile at your happiness and moves to the floor, “How long are you going to drag this out for?”
“Only until you look really pretty,” you snicker.
You spread your legs, him sat between them on the floor, his frame is larger than you have ever taken notice of. It’s hard to ignore Kung Lao’s stature, he’s frequently shirtless and showing off… but Raiden is just as built and you find yourself forgetting that a lot. You’re careful as you undo his hair, not wanting to pull too harshly and hurt him.
His hands come up to yours, placing them over top and stopping your movements, “You could pull harder, I will not break,” he half laughs, “But I got it.” He tugs his hair free of the bun.
Your skin heats slightly as his touch feels like it lingers on your skin, even as he’s moved them back to his lap, he was so gentle, his hands so large. Shaking your head slightly, you bring your attention back to the task at hand, you run your hands through his hair a bit, it’s soft, softer than you were expecting.
“You have soft hair,” you mention mindlessly.
Raiden scoffs, “Were you expecting otherwise?”
You grab the brush and start gently untangling his hair, “A little… yes.”
He mumbles out, “Rude.”
Your tone is full of mirth, “Hey! You’re the farm boy, what else was I supposed to expect?”
“I am clean! Thank you very much,” he’s pretending to be offended.
“Hmmm, I am not convinced,” you prod further.
He drops his head back onto the couch between your legs, looking up at you, “I can leave? If I am so unclean?”
“No, I am sure you’re so clean, the cleanest even,” you smile innocently.
He smiles back at you but rolls his eyes at the same time and then raises his head again, letting you continue to brush it.
“Where has Kung Lao gone?” You ask him.
He hums at you, “It is his turn to run errands… but he will probably get distracted, knowing him.”
Your laugh is airy as you recount, “It’s sweet though, he plays with the kids, he can’t help but get roped into their games.”
“It is nice until you actually need whatever it is he went out for,” he grumbles slightly.
You continue brushing his hair, “Remember when he didn’t come home until sundown?”
Raiden’s face scrunches at the memory, “Yes… I remember, all I wanted was tea and had to wait hours for it.”
“What about the time you had to go looking for him,” you remind.
He scoffs, “It was getting so late, for all I knew he could have fallen in a hole and gotten stuck.”
You laugh a lot at that, Kung Lao has a bad habit of getting really involved in whatever game the kids are playing, sometimes he even lets them win… if he’s feeling benevolent, that is. There are a lot of memories that both you and Raiden share of having to wait on him longer than expected because he was trying to win a game of hide and seek or something similar. It can get annoying but for the most part, it’s just endearing.
Mindlessly, you continue to untangle Raiden’s hair, though it’s mostly untangled now, it wasn’t even that bad to begin with, you’re just caught up in thinking of all the times Kung Lao did something kind or stupid, stuff that makes you laugh at how dumb he’s being.
“Are you okay?” Raiden asks suddenly.
You drop the brush onto the couch, coming back to yourself, “I’m fine.”
The scepticism in his tone is hard to miss, “And that is why you spent all morning in bed… because you are fine?”
His hand wraps around your ankle, the only part of you he can reach without moving too much, “You do not have to talk about it if you do not want to… but I can tell something is bothering you.”
You rub at your eyes, thinking, “It’s not and I am fine, I am just… confused.”
He pushes, “About?”
“Kung Lao has just… said some conflicting things… whatever, it doesn’t matter,” your hands drop back to your lap.
Raiden thinks for a moment before asking you a question you don’t have a concrete answer to, “Do you want to be with him?”
You don’t know what you want from him, so you answer honestly, “I don’t… I don’t know, like I said, I’m confused.” You fiddle with your fingers, “I am sorry though… I mean, I don’t regret sleeping with him but I am sorry… for upsetting you.”
“I am not upset at you, and you have nothing to apologise for,” he’s taken aback by your apology to him, not expecting it.
“Good.” You smile to yourself, “I’m gonna start braiding your hair now then.”
He slumps a bit, “Go for it.”
Moving your hands, your fingers delicately brush his hair away from his forehead, pulling it back, you’re careful as you collect the hairs by his temples. Grabbing three strands, you start the braid, collecting more as you go. Raiden holds still for you, letting you quietly do your thing. Aside from your small humming the house is silent, he doesn’t mind it though, he’s not even sure you’re aware that you’re doing it. He doesn’t want to bring your attention to it though, he doesn’t want you to stop.
It tickles him when your hands gently brush against his neck, gathering stray hairs. You’re being so gentle with him, soft brushes of your fingers against his skin, light tugs of his hair when it’s uncooperative, it’s overwhelming him. Your legs either side of his body close in on his sides, he’d started moving unconsciously and you’re attempting to keep him still.
“Hold still, please,” you murmur, still focusing on his hair, wanting it to look nice. He involuntarily moves again and it causes you to tug at his hair, it jolts him and he has to bite his lip to stop himself from whimpering aloud, “Shit, sorry, Rai,” you apologise to him guiltily.
“No, that was my fault,” he’s quick to reply, not wanting you to feel bad.
He’s feeling uncomfortable, particularly in the lower region, your touch and proximity is setting him on edge and he can’t help the way he grows pitifully hard at just your hands in his hair and legs hugging his sides. You don’t notice anything though, still braiding his hair, humming to yourself again. Somehow, even the sound of your soft, singsong tone, has his erection throbbing in his pants. This is part of the reason why he always said no to you doing his hair, he doesn’t trust his reactions to you.
The pressure of your legs holding him still is filling his head with images that are more… graphic in nature, the context completely shifting in his mind. Instead, imagining your legs hugging his waist as he–
You lean down beside him and speak next to his ear, “I am done!”
His train of thought is cut short but the effects of it remain, he’s flush in the face and fully erect. Feeling beyond embarrassed right now and wanting to leave the room without it being suspicious, he’s actively thinking of ways to remove himself from this situation.
“Great… thanks, I am sure it looks great,” he rushes out quickly, trying to appear normal but failing miserably.
You shuffle to the side more, trying to see his face as you ask, “Are you okay, Rai?”
He turns to look at you, his skin heating at how close you are, “I am.”
Your brows pull together, “Are you sure? You look a little flush… do you feel sick?”
He feels like there’s a lump in his throat, “I feel fine, honest.”
You hum at him in thought before leaning into him and pressing your forehead to his, your hand coming up to rest your knuckles against his cheek, “You feel a little warm.”
Raiden feels like he may pass out, any chance he had of redirecting his thoughts and calming down are gone. You’re so close and you smell so nice and your hand is so soft against his skin and your lips are right there.
As you pull back slightly, he takes a shaky breath, your hand comes away slowly, as if to give him time to stop you. You both look back at each other silently for what feels like too long but is only probably a few seconds, ultimately you’re interrupted by Kung Lao walking through the front door and into the house.
“…Hey guys,” Kung Lao greets, a little confused by the scene in front of him.
You pull away from Raiden completely and sit back on the couch, your legs coming away from his sides as you pull them up onto the cushions, “Hey,” your tone comes across as slightly dismissive but you smile politely at him.
Raiden clears his throat, “What took you so long?”
“Before we discuss that, we have to talk about your hair,” he replies, voice full of mirth.
“No! Don’t mock him! I did that for him and I think it looks very nice,” the last thing you want is for Raiden to get mocked so severely by Kung Lao that he doesn’t let you do his hair ever again.
Kung Lao raises his occupied hands in defence, “Sorry, sorry! I love it so much, it does look… very nice,” he’s holding back a laugh, you can tell by the way his face is scrunching up and his mouth twitches.
“You’re next,” you squint, pointing a finger at him, feeling slighted on Raiden’s behalf.
Raiden interrupts before Kung Lao can attest, “I do not think he deserves such an honour!”
“You know what, you’re right, my hair braiding skills are too good for him,” you raise your head up and away from Kung Lao, playing up your offence.
Kung Lao squints at Raiden who looks back at him with an incredibly smug look on his face, clearly proud of keeping this act between the two of you. Happy that he’s convinced you to deprive Kung Lao of an intimate moment like the one you had just shared. Maybe he’s being petty but also… maybe he doesn’t care.
You glance back at them and laugh at their battle, unaware of the very real and very tense underlying emotions between them, “Anyways, what took you so long? Fall in a hole?”
Kung Lao looks back to you and his gaze softens but still contains a teasing edge, “No… I just got really involved in a game.”
Raiden scoffs and you hum a small laugh, “Yeah, we had assumed as much, at least you came back without us having to come and get you.”
Kung Lao groans and rolls his neck before walking into the kitchen, calling back, “Come on, you have only had to come and get me a handful of times.”
Raiden sighs, “Two handfuls, maybe.”
You’re thoroughly amused and you giggle softly but take the lull in the conversation as an opportunity to leave the room. Choosing to hide yourself back in your room before either of them can question you on what you’re doing or where you’re going. It felt normal, the conversation between the three of you, for the most part anyways but you still can’t help but be upset at Kung Lao and that frustrates you more because you don’t feel like you have a good reason to be upset with him. You’re friends, not lovers, you don’t even know if… you don’t even know if you like him like that.
The only thing you wish had changed… was that he didn’t say the things he did only to contradict himself later. If he hadn’t done that, you think… maybe, you wouldn’t be this upset… or at least not this confused.
It’s unintentional but you ended up drifting to sleep too early in the evening and now you’re awake at some ungodly hour in the morning, it’s too dark in your room to read the clock on your wall. All you know, is that it has to be late and you’ve just had the kind of nap that takes you a few seconds to readjust to real life after waking up. You’re confused momentarily on where you even are before settling and then you’re just really thirsty.
Peeling yourself off the mattress, you stumble your way through the dark house and head towards the kitchen, your eyes slowly adjusting to the dark as you go. You knock your knee on the corner of a wall and hiss slightly, stopping to silently lament your clumsiness, how long have you lived here for? You’d think you could navigate the house in the dark without hurting yourself.
Sighing and in a slightly worse mood than before, you hobble the rest of your way into the kitchen. As you enter the room, you jump at the shadowy figure already lurking in the dark, the surprise making you gasp and clasp a hand over your beating heart.
When the initial shock wears off, you can immediately tell who it is, “Rai, geez, give a girl some warning.”
He mumble at you, voice thick with sleep, “Sorry, thought you saw me.”
The deepness of his voice pricks at your skin in a… not unpleasant way, ignoring it you ask, “Does that mean… you heard me knock into the wall?”
He tries to hide it but you can hear the quiet laugh he lets out as he admits, “Yes.”
“…Great,” you sulk.
“Just wake up?” He asks, changing the topic.
“I didn’t even realise I’d fallen asleep,” you sigh, moving for the cups, “Why are you up?”
He rests against the bench, “Having trouble staying asleep, was in here for some water.”
“Mmm yeah, I need some too, I woke up and felt like I’d been eating sand in my sleep or something,” you grumble, filling a glass with water.
He laughs as he watches you chug the whole glass before refilling it, “You were not kidding.”
“I never kid,” you say seriously, moving to lean against the bench next to him.
“That is the biggest lie I have heard to date,” he says deadpan.
You shrug, smirking into the lip of your cup, “You are entitled to your incorrect opinion.”
“Well, thank you so much for allowing me at least that much,” he breathes out a small laugh.
“You are most welcome,” you tease, lightly bumping his shoulder with yours.
It goes quiet after that, neither of you having much to say right now, slowly, you finish your second glass of water and place the cup in the sink. Continuing to linger in the kitchen, not wanting to leave but not having a reason to stay.
When you can’t find a good enough reason to stay any longer, you push off the counter, “Good night, Rai,” you pat his shoulder before walking back to your room. 
You’re careful not to knock yourself against another wall on your way back and successfully make it to your room injury free. Just as you go to close your door, Raiden presses a hand on it and opens it again, letting himself into your room.
Before you can ask him what he’s doing he instead asks you, “Why are you sorry?”
You don’t know what he means, “What?”
He barely lets you get the word out before he’s asking again with more words, “Earlier today, you said you do not regret sleeping with Kung Lao but you are sorry to me… why are you sorry?”
You stammer, not really sure how to answer because you aren’t even really sure of the reason yourself. It doesn’t help that he’s walked closer to you, it’s making you feel like he’s in your space, he’s moved so close to you, looking at you so intently, waiting to see what you have to say.
When you can’t manage to produce anything, he sighs softly but puts his hands on either side of your face, his thumbs gently stroking the highest parts of your cheekbones. He seems like he’s considering something, weighing the pros and cons of his next actions. After a few moments of consideration and holding you like this, he pulls you to him and kisses you.
Initially, you’re taken by surprise but when you register his soft lips on yours, your hands grasp his shirt and you kiss him back. It’s electric, he kisses you in a gentle but consuming manner, like he’s being careful but reckless all at the same time. His lips are insistent but hesitant at the same time, knowing what he wants to take but worried about taking it. He’s making you lightheaded either way, a small sound escapes you when he kisses you a bit more forcefully.
He stops the kiss before it progresses any further, pulling his face away from yours but still holding you. You’re lost at his sudden absence, you were enjoying the kiss, you… don’t want to stop kissing him.
You’re slightly out of breath when you ask, “Why did you do that?”
“I wanted to see,” is all he says, scanning your face.
You frown up at him, “See what?”
His gaze lingers on your lips, “If you would kiss me back.”
You’re shocked by his answer and also still dazed from his kiss, what the hell does he mean ‘he wanted to see’?. You’re still frowning up at him and he presses his thumb into the crease between your brows encouraging you to relax. He smiles at you, it’s kind and also somehow, a bit smug, a quiet kind of smugness that he has shown only a handful of times in the past.
You pout, “That’s it?”
He seems a little nervous now, “Why? Do… do you want me to kiss you again?”
“No– I mean, I wouldn’t mind– that’s not what I was asking!” He smiles softly at the way you fumble and you have to gather yourself before asking clearly, “I mean… Is that the only reason you kissed me? To see if I would kiss you back?”
He removes his hands from you completely, “No.”
He nods, “No.”
You place your hands on your hips, “Are you going to give me any more than that?”
He offers, “I will give you more… if you can tell me why you kissed me back.”
You’re annoyed at how well he reads you, especially right now because you don’t have an answer.  You kissed him back because you wanted to…
He smiles at you wistfully, “When you have worked out your answer, find me and I will have an answer to your question.” He pats your shoulder and then leaves your room.
What the hell just happened? You don’t even know how to react, he just… what are you… why was this so attractive? Collapsing into bed, all you can do is think about how much you enjoyed kissing Raiden and what that means for you. Going back to sleep seems like an impossible task now.
In the morning, when it’s a more appropriate hour to be awake, you spend your time avoiding both of the guys. It’s a little difficult but you think to yourself, you only have to do this until your afternoon shift at the tea house and then you’ll be at work and it’ll be so much easier to avoid them.
You time your exits from your room carefully all morning, to dodge possible run ins with them. It feels silly but you crack open the door and peek out to see where they are adjacent to you, straining your ears, listening for them when you can’t see them. It’s all a bit childish but you don’t want to talk to Kung Lao because you’re still feeling upset over how he’s been acting after your night together and you don’t want to talk to Raiden after last night, you will talk to him though… when you have that answer.
Thankfully, you make it the whole morning without seeing either of them on your trips to and from your room. They also don’t come looking for you and leave you alone, probably assuming you’re sleeping in. The only time you see them both is in passing as you leave the house.
“I’ll be back later this afternoon, bye!” You call out as you rush out the front door, not stopping to give them the chance to reply properly.
You feel just the slightest bit bad but also not really, you’re allowed time to collect yourself and your thoughts, it’s not your fault they’re the cause of your confusion. On your walk to work, you consider what it all means, how you’ve been feeling, why Kung Lao’s blasé attitude upset you, why you liked kissing Raiden back and there’s only really one, glaringly obvious answer to both of those situations. How annoying, you cannot have this realisation right now, you have work.
Ignoring the answers you had been searching for, you get to work and waste no time in distracting yourself. It’s ironic really, you’d been trying so hard to think and have this realisation and now you’re pissed at yourself for figuring it out now and trying to ignore it. You don’t even have time to process how this makes you feel, well… you do and you could, you’re just choosing not to.
Focusing all you attention on your job kind of works as a replacement for thinking, you’re forced to put all your energy into other things but your thoughts tug at the back of your head and you know you’re going to have to confront this if you want it to stop. Just… not right now.
The shift itself is actually pretty good, there aren’t many people here today and the people that are here and that you interact with are incredibly kind. Some regulars come in and you get roped into polite chatter with them but you don’t mind, it’s welcome today.
It’s getting to be towards the end of your shift and though you’re happy to be almost finished with work, you also feel nervous about going home. Those nerves aren’t eased when you see both Raiden and Kung Lao walk into your place of work together. They do leave you alone to finish your shift, though Raiden stands by the exit, waiting for you to be done for the day. You don’t know where Kung Lao is, you’ve lost sight of him. Disregarding their presence, you tidy up and do some other things for Madam Bo before realising your shift is over and you’ve also managed to stay back a little by helping out with things that really weren’t urgent.
Feeling bad for making them wait, you head over to where you saw Raiden, still unsure on where Kung Lao has gone, “If you were waiting for me… I’m sorry, I was just helping out with some stuff.”
Raiden straightens up when he sees you, “I was but it is fine, I would have waited longer… if you needed extra time.”
“No, no I’m good to leave now,” you smile at him.
He smiles back but nods down at you, “Are you sure?”
You look down at yourself and realise you had kept an apron on, sheepishly, you rub the back of your neck and laugh, “Right… sorry, I will be right back.”
Raiden laughs lightly at your embarrassment as you jog away to the back area of the tea house. Quickly, you tug off the apron and put it away, taking a second to calm down and try to look like less of a mess and then you walk back out to where Raiden is still standing and still waiting for you.
“All better?” You ask, spinning around in a circle for him.
He confirms for you, “All better.”
You look around the tea house, trying to spot Kung Lao, “I thought I saw you come in with Kung Lao earlier…”
“Ah, so you did see us,” he jabs at you for avoiding them, seemingly, you are not as slick as you like to pretend you are, “He… uh… he has a date? Kind of? He’s meeting someone here… now.”
That makes you stop, you try not to but you can’t help but feel dejected, “Oh.”
“Hey…” Raiden reaches his hand up and places it on your shoulder, “I do not think he actually wanted to go… it was set up a bit ago by one of the ladies who is friends with Madam Bo… he is doing it more of a favour to her.”
Shaking your head, you say, “I don’t mind, he can do as he likes, or who he likes, for that matter…” trailing off you add, “He always does…”
You say that but you still feel hurt, he made you get rid of that guys number after you slept with him but he’s going on a date after saying he’d never want anyone else… Whatever, you’re ignoring this… this whole thought process has been added to the huge ignore pile you have created in your brain.
Raiden squeezes your shoulder and recaptures your attention, “You ready to head home?”
“Beyond ready,” your smile is tired when you look at him and he pats your shoulder, the pair of you turning to walk out of the tea house together.
The walk back starts off quiet, a peaceful and unhurried pace is shared between you, he breaks it though, asking, “Are we okay? I… did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable last night–”
“–I have an answer,” you look down to your feet, feeling his eyes on you, your steps slow slightly, “I wanted to.”
He stops completely, “You wanted to?”
You also stop but you can’t look at him, feeling embarrassed and instead choosing to look off in the distance where the house is waiting, “…I kissed you back… because I wanted to kiss you.”
“…Then conversely, I kissed you because I wanted to,” he sounds nervous as well but he’s hiding it better than you. You still won’t look at him and he sighs from beside you, “Because I like you.”
It feels like cold water has been dumped on you and you look to him with a shocked expression on your face, “I– I can’t, I don’t–” taking a deep breath you try to verbalise your response better, “I think… I– I am confused, Rai.”
He smiles softly at you, “I know,” he reaches out to your arm and touches along it before taking your hand in his, “I will wait… until you figure it out.”
You look to him and your eyes feel wet, it’s like… he already knows how you’re feeling, he’s steps ahead of you and just waiting patiently for you to catch up to him, “I’m not asking you to do that.”
“No… but I will,” he squeezes your hand and starts walking again, leading you back home.
You follow with him silently, not having much else to say, you think for now, everything that needs to be said and that you can manage to say has been. If he’s willing to wait just a little longer, until you can sort yourself out, until things can start making sense, that would make you ridiculously happy. He’s so… kind to you… and he always has been, you’re being overwhelmed by feelings for him.
When you’re back in the house, he lets you through first but as soon as he closes the door, you turn around and face him, stopping him from moving into the house any further, “I would like… I would like it if you would kiss me again… please?”
His eyes grow wider, surprised by your sudden question, “Right now?”
You’re feeling foolish now, “Only if you want to… you don’t have to.”
“I want to… I always want to,” he murmurs, moving closer to you, one of his hands reaching up to your face, “Are you sure?”
It feels like you soften for him all at once, “Yes.”
Leaning down, he presses a lingering kiss to your lips before pulling back enough to ask, “Is this alright?”
“No. I want more,” you mumble, looping your arms around his neck and pulling yourself to him, kissing him firmly.
His hands move to your hips, holding you close, his mouth moving against yours enthusiastically. He grips the fat of your hips harshly and pushes you back towards the wall, crowding you in, you gasp when you make contact with it. He takes the chance to deepen the kiss, his lips are insistent, eager, it’s making you dizzy. He moves his leg between yours, pinning you to the wall, the movement against your core shocks you and you let a small noise slip from the back of your throat.
Raiden pulls back at the sound, his forehead falls to your shoulder, breathlessly he apologises, “Sorry… I– I am getting worked up… I can stop–”
“–No… that’s not… I don’t want you to stop,” your voice feels small, you feel shy but you don’t want him to stop… you want him to go further, you want him worked up. Moving your lips to his ear, you say softly, “I want you.”
A shiver runs down his spine and you think if your hearing was slightly better you would have caught the small whine he made at the sound of your voice. He doesn’t move though, holding completely still, trying to reboot. Taking initiative, you grab one of his hands off your hips and lead him down the hall to his bedroom. He dutifully follows behind you, letting you take him wherever you want, he thinks he’d follow you into hell like this.
Once you’re in his room, you turn around to face him, you got him in here but now you’re feeling unsure, your confidence short lived, “Rai, I’m not good at… this.”
He’s a little dazed as he looks down at you, gaze busy watching you, “I think you were doing fine,” he hums. You go to complain to him, bothered by his response but he’s reaching out to you, grabbing at your waist, his lips close to yours, “You still want me?” He checks.
Breathlessly, you answer, “Yes.”
He smiles at you before leaning in and kissing you again, this time letting himself be unrestrained, his tongue in your mouth immediately. His hands roam more freely, groping at you. Your arms loop around him again, pulling yourself to him, you moan into the kiss and it drives him crazy.
He walks you back towards his bed and you let him but as you reach the edge of the frame, you part from him, you have something to say but you’re huffing, trying to catch your breath. His hand holds your face and his thumb wipes your bottom lip, cleaning you of the messy and rushed kiss you shared.
His eyes linger on your lips before asking, “Is something wrong?”
You feel like an idiot as you awkwardly get out, “No… I– I just… wanted… you to sit… first? maybe?...”
He looks confused for a moment before clarifying, “You want to sit on my lap?”
It’s said in a way where he’s only asking to be sure but it makes your skin feel hot and now you’re embarrassed, “…Only if you’re okay with it.”
He smirks at you in a way you’ve not seen before and it makes your heart skip a beat, “You are welcome to sit anywhere you like.”
You make a shocked expression at him, not expecting him to say something so suggestive. He kisses you again, not removing the stupefied look on your face, only changing the reason for it and then he removes himself from you to sit on his bed, waiting for you, he even pats his lap lightly with a small and welcoming smile on his face.
It feels silly as you crawl over to him, especially since he watches you so closely, he’s always watching you closely and it makes you lightheaded. You sit in his lap and his hands stroke your thighs, up your sides, caressing your body tenderly.
He goes to lean into you but you stop him, “Wait–” you crawl off him and he sighs in disappointment but watches to see what you’re doing. You shuffle out of your pants before crawling back and sitting on him again, he groans when your covered pussy makes contact with his cock, “Sorry… I thought this would save time.”
He intakes a deep breath, “I think you may kill me,” he mutters, his hand drawing towards your cunt, thumb swiping over the front of your underwear.
His cock is hard underneath you and he feels… “Rai?”
He hums at you in response, he’s distracted, his fingers pulling at your panties without actually moving them, waiting for your okay. When he realises you’re waiting for his full attention, he moves his hands to your inner thighs and rubs them, fingers digging in a tiny bit, it has you wiggling down into him, the pressure flipping your tummy.
He looks into your eyes, “Yes?”
You falter a bit, “Are… are you… fully hard?...”
“Pretty much… yeah,” his brows crease, confused at your question, “…Why?”
“You just…” your hands grip onto his shoulders and you drag your clothed cunt along the length of his cock, he chokes and grips you harder, shocked. You bite your lip to supress your sounds, you’re just trying to see something. When you stop grinding into him, he lets out a sad sound, his hands pulling at you, wanting you to keep going, “Rai, you’re huge.”
“What?” He looks genuinely confused, “I am not, I am average.”
You shake your head at him, “Rai, you might not…” You frown and look away, feeling flustered.
He understands what you’re worried about though, “Oh, I will,” he assures. The way he says it makes your heart skip a beat, he’s so certain, you’re so… not. “Can I?” He asks, nodding towards your panties.
“You have to take something off first,” he cannot see your pussy while also still being fully clothed.
He easily takes off his shirt and chucks it down onto the floor, “Now?”
You nod at him and he eagerly pulls your panties to the side, his index and middle finger slide through your wet folds and he grumbles lowly to himself at how slick you are. You grip his shoulders for purchase, needing the stability. He plays with your cunt, fingers making a mess of you, gently touching your clit every now and again just to see the way you jolt and get an increasingly more desperate look in your eyes.
You gasp out to him, “Rai… you’re being cruel.”
He smiles to himself, “Sorry,” he replies, although, he doesn’t really seem all that sorry.
Thankfully, he does actually move his finger towards your entrance, his middle finger slowly pushes forwards, careful not to hurt you. Your pussy swallows the digit and he moans at the way you grip him. Your thighs shake and little noises you aren’t quite aware of slip past your bitten lips.
Raiden has to control himself, wanting to finger fuck you until you’re blind but not wanting to hurt you or go too fast. He focuses on opening you up on his one finger, cock twitching in his pants at how you make little whimpered sounds for him.
Your eyes are low and wet, looking to him and asking, “More, please.”
You look dazed, eyes sparkling with how malleable he’s making you. He might melt into a puddle for you right here, “Mmm, you look really pretty,” he comments. The compliment goes to your core and your cunt throbs on his finger, “Oh… you like being told how pretty you are?”
“Rai don’t,” he’s embarrassing you.
“Why not? Do you not want to hear how beautiful you are to me while I stuff my fingers inside you?” He singsongs, another finger moving to join the one already inside you.
You go to speak but he fucks them up into you and crooks them, rubbing them against your inner wall just right and the only thing that comes out it an incredibly pitiful whine. A sound that Raiden delights in, if his smile and bright eyes are anything to by.
“Make cute noises, too,” he utters to you, his other hand leaving your waist and holding the side of your neck, “Wonder how you will sound when you cum, though I think I know…” you look at him with wide eyes and he looks back to you, his eye contact intense, “You seem to forget that you have roommates.”
You try to look away from him but he moves his hand up to your cheek, forcing you to look at him. How are you meant to reply to that? You’re feeling really embarrassed and exposed, especially since his fingers are knuckle deep inside your cunt, reaching places you can’t touch when you’re doing this by yourself.
“I can’t– I don’t– If I’m so loud… why do you –ngh– never say anything?” It’s a struggle to get the question out, you’re trying to refrain yourself from grinding down into his fingers.
His smile is saccharine as he replies, “If I did that… you would probably stop.”
You gasp at him and he begins thrusting his fingers into you again, not caring to hear your protests to his answer. The sounds in the room are embarrassing to say the least, your skin feels hot and you can’t tell if that’s because of him or your humiliation at how wet you are. His eyes flick between your pussy and your face, lingering on your face for a few moments and pulling your lip down with his thumb before focusing his attention back on where his fingers are devastating you.
“Could you take another?” He asks gently, glancing up at you and waiting for your response.
You nod enthusiastically, “I can.”
“That is good, you are doing so good,” he practically purrs, it makes your pussy spasm and his smile grows, he’s going to use this against you a lot and that makes you nervous… and aroused, something he definitely knows.
He scissors his fingers, trying to open you up for a third, you squirm and look down, his hand is so large and… slick. Glistening with how you spill down his fingers and into his palm. It’s an obscene sight that makes your heart flutter, you moan as your hips wriggle down, silently begging for friction, for more.
It’s slow, when he first adds a third, it’s a lot more to take but you’re getting impatient and the sounds you make convey as much, Raiden tuts at you, “Just stay still for me, please.”
You clench down on him but hold as still as you can manage, noises you didn’t think yourself capable of getting stuck in your throat as his thumb rubs at your clit. He eases his third finger inside and your own fingers grip at his shoulder, gasped and stuttered breaths leaving you as you try to take it.
Raiden holds a moan in his chest, getting off on how you look right now, his cock painfully hard. He’s trying to be so patient, trying his very best to not lose it at how well you’re doing for him, how compliant you’re being. He’s not asked much of you at all and you’re so completely willing, eager even, it feels like electricity is running through his veins.
Your voice is pitched high when you plead with him to move, “Rai– please~”
He looks to you, his smile kind but his aura smug, “More?”
“More,” you confirm. You’re getting close to finishing, your stomach tightening, pulling taut, your pussy throbbing around his fingers. All you need if for him to move, “I am –hah– I am getting close–”
“–I know,” is what he replies with, apparently perfectly aware of how close you’re getting but still taking his time anyways.
Once you relax more, he retracts his fingers and begins thrusting them in and out of you, the sounds that result make even him blush. His eyes dazed and lustful, his ego growing with just how wet you are for him. His free hand moves to grip your hip, holding you still, preventing you from bucking into him. Something he’s glad he did because when it begins to feel like too much you try to pull back and he doesn’t want you going anywhere.
“Is too –ngh– much,” you whimper to him, the feeling overwhelming you.
His eyes stay on your cunt, not looking away from what he’s doing, “You can take it, you have been doing so good.”
The moan that his praise pulls from you is damning evidence of how much his encouraging words effect you and he huffs a small sound of amusement at how much he’s effecting you just by telling you how good you’re doing. You’d snap at him if he weren’t so close to making you cum, you don’t want to risk this slipping from you. Your thighs shake and your tummy flips, your hands pull and grasp at his skin and you all but hold your breath as you cum on his fingers.
Unable to stay upright, you fall into his chest, your head on his shoulder, your moans being muffled into his skin. Your eyes shut tight as you jolt against him, your orgasm wracking over your body. Raiden groans at how your pussy trembles around his fingers, a shiver running down his spine.
You can’t speak, not yet, you’re shaking still and you just need a moment to collect yourself. Raiden retracts his fingers to let you collapse into him completely, your weight sat comfortably on top of him, his cock jerking underneath you from the friction and heat of your bare cunt.
He moves his head slightly to the side, his nose brushing against your cheek, “Are you okay?”
“More than, I just wasn’t… expecting all that,” it comes out mumbled, you’re even drooling onto his skin slightly.
He counters, “You are the one worried about taking me.”
You harrumph against him, pouting slightly, “For good reason!”
“We do not have to, if you are worried,” he strokes the back of your head, his touch delicate.
Pulling back to look at him properly, you assert, “I want to.”
He pulls you into him, kissing you deeply, his lips tender despite the depraved manner in which he’s kissing you. His lust clouding his head as he kisses you deeply, hands searching your body, groping and pulling at you, on your hips, your ass, your waist, your breasts, anywhere he can get to. All you can do is hold onto him and let him kiss you into oblivion, that’s not a complaint though, you think you’d let him kiss you for as long as he wants to.
His hands slip under your shirt, resting against your bare skin, revelling in the feel of your soft skin against his rough palms. His arms move to wrap around you completely, tugging you to his body, your front pressed against his as he kisses you stupid. You need air, you’re being deprived, slipping your hands into his hair, you tug, signalling to him that you need to breathe. The action pulls a moan from him, shared in the kiss, he understands your ask though and rests his forehead against yours. He’s huffing harshly, apparently needing air too and just refusing to pull away from you.
You go to ask him if he’s okay but he beats you to it, instead asking you, “Can you take this off?” He tugs at your shirt.
“Hmm?” It takes your dazed mind a second to catch on, “Oh! Yeah, okay,” you giggle softly at your stupidity and it makes Raiden smile goofy and big.
He slips his hands under your shirt and tugs it up and over your head, exposing yourself to him. He chucks it to the floor before his hands hesitate at touching you, grabbing one of his hands you place it on your body, encouraging him to touch you, that it’s okay. He’s more comfortable after that, both of his hands on your body, he holds your breasts in his large hands, pawing at them.
Leaning down, you kiss him again, he welcomes it but doesn’t take his hands away from your tits. Reaching for his pants, you begin tugging at the layers of clothes between the two of you, you’re struggling though, lost in his kiss and his warm hands. You let out a shocked moan when he pinches at your nipples, rolling them, your moan disconnects the kiss and your head falls to his shoulder.
He softly chuckles at your reaction, removing his hands from you and down to his pants, “…Sorry.”
“I don’t think you are,” you grumble against him.
He presses a kiss to your shoulder, “You are right, I am not.”
He hisses as he pulls himself out of his pants and you lean back to look down at him, his cock is slightly larger than you were expecting, average your ass. The tip is angry and red, leaking precum profusely. Clearly, he’s unbelievably worked up, his dick twitching as he holds the base of it. Your hand moves towards him, hesitating just as he did before, he lets go of his grasp and pulls your hand to him, mirroring your previous action, showing you it’s okay.
When you take him in your hand he holds back a moan, resulting in a small, hummed noise instead. It makes you smile to yourself, the noises he makes are cute… you want to hear more. You pick a languid pace and jerk him off, his chest stutters and his cock jumps, your thumb rubs at the tip of his dick, collecting the precum there and working it up and down his cock, making him slick.
His hips rise and stutter, wanting you to go faster but you don’t want to make him cum, you just want to tease him a little bit. You wonder how much you could tease him before he can’t take it anymore and just takes what he needs from you, the idea of seeing Raiden break and be little bit mean to you excites you more than you care to admit… but it’s a lot.
You’re still worried about taking him, he’s not slick enough and you need it slick if you’re going to sit on all of him, which you are determined to do. Gathering the saliva in your mouth you spit down onto the tip of his cock and he groans at the sight, fighting the urge to tip his head back, wanting to watch what you’re doing instead. You use your spit to lube his cock, your hand glides up and down his shaft easier like this. Raiden stutters out a sharp breath, he’s beyond horny, he’s getting twitchy, needy.
He huffs out, “Can I –hah–”
“Hmm?” You can’t tell exactly what he was going to ask, though you probably could guess.
“Can you just–” He sighs, exasperated, “Sit on it,” he waits a moment before adding “Please?”
His phrasing makes your pussy jump, you weren’t expecting that kind of directness from him, it is welcomed though. You bite back a smile at his increasing impatience, which he doesn’t miss, his eyes narrowing at you but before he can even think of something to say, you grip him tightly and sit up on your knees, drawing closer to him. His focus is suddenly back on your cunt, waiting for you to sink down on him.
You get frustrated at your underwear though, wanting them off before taking him, you let go of his dick and he grunts, “Hold on, I want to take off–”
Raiden looks mildly annoyed in front of you, his hands stop you from going anywhere and in an entirely bored manner, he tears your panties off of you. The material ripped from you and chucked across the room, a pathetic noise leaves you at it and he sits back, waiting on you again.
He looks up at you, “Better?”
You gape at him, “That was… impressive.”
He blushes a little but is serious as he says, “I can be so much more impressive, if you would just sit down, please.”
You squint at him but take his cock back in your hand, hovering over it again, you feel nervous to take him and you falter slightly. Just as you’re about to follow through, Raiden’s hands are on your hips, stopping you.
He looks concerned, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I am still a little worried about how large you are,” you’re genuinely fine, you are determined to take him.  
He strokes your thighs, “You do not have to–”
“–I am fine, I can take it, I will take it,” you cut him off, you can do this.
He shudders at your assertion, “Fine, just… take what you can, do not force it.”
“Mhm,” you mumble out dismissively, already looking down again.
His hand moves to your face and makes you look at him, “I mean it, do not force it.”
“Okay,” you answer him properly this time, knowing full well… you probably, might, definitely force it… just a bit.
He squints at you, inspecting you for a moment before letting your face go and allowing you to carry on. You notch the tip of his cock at your entrance, breathing deeply as you begin sinking down on him. Raiden grips your thighs, his breath faltering in his chest, all of his focus put into not slamming you down onto him. It’s slow going and the stretch aches, you bite your lip as to not make any noises, not wanting to sound completely pitiful.
Once you get the tip of him inside you, your hands move to hold onto his shoulders, keeping yourself stabilised. You need to wait a moment before you can continue, you need to adjust. Maybe gaslighting yourself will help, you can take him, he’s not even that big. Looking down to where his cock is sitting, you realise gaslighting did not help, a small whimper leaves you at the sight of his dick not even close to being fully inside you.
He strains himself to say, “Take it easy.”
Raiden rests his head back against the headboard, his eyes shut tight, pleasure crawls up his spine and he’s having the hardest time not fucking up into you right now. His stomach pulls taut, he could probably cum just like this, which embarrasses him beyond belief. What kind of grown man cums from this much? Oh, but he’s so on edge and you’re so warm and tight and wet and he could die now and be happy.
Almost out of spite, you drop down onto him more, forcing it only slightly, still not quite halfway but significantly more than before. The shock of it causes Raiden to moan loudly and raise his head to look at you, his hands gripping you, not allowing you to do that again. His eyes are angry and wet, he’s in disbelief at you.
He’s a bit breathless now because of you, “I just said to take it easy.”
“I know,” you mutter, looking down, eyes looking at how he’s stuffed inside you.
You’re distracted, he might be saying more but you raise yourself back up before sliding down on him again, fucking yourself on what you’ve managed to take. He chokes and whimpers at the feeling, his eyes also watching where his cock is gliding in and out of you, his hips want to chase you, he wants so much more. He settles for gripping your skin and watching how you leak onto his dick.
He lets you take your time; you take what you can, fucking yourself open on him, his heart beats hard in his chest at the scene in front of him, his eyes all glazed over. Looking at you, you’re doing no better, you’re all fucked out with the cutest, dumbest look on your face, eyes gooey and mind far away. The noises that leave him make his skin flush but he can’t stop, not with how you devotedly ride not even half of him, he’s genuinely worried you’re going to kill him.
Eventually, after working yourself up and down his cock for a bit, you manage to take half of him. You slip down and whine at the feeling of him being so deep in you, “I don’t –ngh– know if I can take it all.”
“Does not matter– just– do not stop,” his words are rushed and borderline begged, pleading with you to keep going.
You do keep going, continuing to take what you can. Raiden leans forward, his face resting between your breasts, his hands gripping you higher on your back, still refraining himself from thrusting up into you.
“You feel so good… so good, such a pretty girl, doing so well,” he’s mumbling mindlessly into your skin, “Taking me so nicely, make sweet little noises, love listening to you.”
He’s going to make you cum if he keeps complimenting you like that but based on the way he doesn’t stop, you think that may be his intent. Compliments and sugar-coated words leave his lips as you try to keep the pace you’ve set, you’re throbbing around him, you’re so unbelievably close and if it didn’t feel so good you might be a bit more ashamed over how much his words effect you.
“Mmm, gripping me so tight, so perfect, have such good reactions –hah– I know you are close,” he’s still speaking into your skin, one of his hands moves to your cunt, his thumb rubbing circles into your clit, “I want it,” he groans.
You gasp, nails clawing at his skin, he shocks an orgasm out of you, it takes you by surprise, you knew you were close but not that close. You want to grind into him, you need more, and in your hazy, needy fog, you take more of him, dropping down as far as you can go. The sudden, extremely full feeling has you moaning loudly, your orgasm shuddering up and down your spine. You rock down onto him, at this point, forcing yourself to take him all, the pain only adding to the extreme pleasure you’re experiencing.  
Raiden is holding you close, still not fucking up into you but whining under you, the pleasure he’s feeling taking over his mind. He can’t believe you did that; he can’t believe you forced yourself the whole way down his cock while cumming on him, he’s going to pass out. His dick is twitching, his teeth bared as he holds off on finishing.
Your limbs relax and you slump into him, your body trembling with the post orgasm shocks that run through you. Raiden pulls his head back to allow you the room to rest on him properly, his hands run up and down your back, soothing you, giving you time.
Being fully sat on him now is driving you mental, you’ve just cum on him and you’re greedy for more, he fills you so nicely, you feel so fucking full and it makes your head spin, “I can go again,” you promise, your hips grinding down into him.
He moans, surprised, “Take a break.”
You shake your head no at him, continuing to grind down onto him, it’s lazy and needy, basically only serving to try and pull another orgasm from you. It’s frustrating Raiden, he wants to go easy on you but you’re not letting him, you’re making his skin itch, he’s so fucking desperate for you and is still trying to be a gentleman, something you’re not appreciating. You’re being a brat but oh, it feels so good while you do, your walls hug him so firmly. His dick fully sheathed inside you is going to have him going insane.
He can’t take it anymore, the way you ardently rut down into him, eager for more, it pushes him over the edge. His hands grip your thighs and he readjusts his footing on the bed, giving himself leverage.
He speaks through gritted teeth, “Take a break, sit there and let me do it properly.”
You whimper at him and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, memorising the sound you just made at him. He uses his new position to fuck up into you how he likes, how he needs, this is all he’s wanted. He just wanted to drag his thick cock through your tight walls how he liked and now that he can, it’s making him release strangled moans and whimpers.
All you can do is take what he’s giving you, his thrusts harsh and targeted, he knows exactly where to hit and it has you moaning and drooling onto his skin, your head tucked into his neck. You take the opportunity to suck a hickey into his skin, a particularly hard thrust from him makes you bite his skin lightly. He whines at the feeling, his dick jerking at the way you’ve dug your teeth into his skin.
You need him to know, “Rai –ngh– feel really –mmph– good–”
A shiver runs through him at your compliment, he turns his head to the side slightly and speaks lowly to you, “If I feel so good… cum again.”
You gasp at him, your mind reeling, he says the most shocking things, not even all the obscene, just completely shocking to you.
“So desperate for it,” he mumbles, mostly to himself, before directing to you, “Taking my whole cock so nicely, taking it all just like you said you would,” and then he adds something that devastates you, “Such a good girl.”
He’s done that on purpose, you know it, “Rai– I can’t– it feels–” It feels different, your orgasm is tightening all your limbs, your stomach flipping, your mind going foggy.
You try to move away from him, pulling back but he keeps fucking you how he likes, “It is fine, let it happen.”
He’s so sure that it’s fine and it convinces you that it is, you let it happen, you let your orgasm wash over you. It has you almost thrashing, your hands digging into his skin and your feet kicking against the bed as you silently scream, panted gasps leaving you as you squirt all over his lap. Raiden relishes in the way your eyes roll back and your body shakes, your cunt clutching and spasming around him so tightly he can barely fuck you through it.
One of your hands move to his hair and tugs him harshly, his head moving back with it, he moans loudly and his balls tighten. He doesn’t fight it this time, he lets himself cum, filling your pussy with his thick load, finishing so much that it leaks out around where he’s stuffed you full. His moans trail off into small whines until he takes a deep breath and calms down, his eyes watch how you leak your shared releases down into his lap.
Your eyes are bleary, wet with unshed tears, you’re not capable of cohesive thought and it feels like electricity thrums through your veins, jerking you every now and again. You feel like you might collapse backwards at any moment, it makes you grateful for Raiden’s hands on your hips, giving you some stability, enough to keep you upright anyways.
You look to Raiden and he smiles at you, “You look beautiful.”
You make a distressed sound at him as your cunt jumps but that just makes him wear an even larger smile, it reaches his eyes.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Mhm… I didn’t think– I didn’t think I could do that,” you slur, shocked at how he’s managed to do that to you.
“No one has ever made you squirt?” He says it so earnestly and it makes you feel shy.
You look away from him, “I hadn’t even cum from anyone else before Lao.”
“And how many times did he make you cum?”
You glare back at him, “Why?”
He smiles politely, “Why else? Want to compare.”
You frown at him, “This is not an analytical essay, we are not comparing and contrasting.”
He continues smiling at you, waiting patiently for the answer he knows you’re going to give him.
And you do, you concede to him and reveal, “Twice.”
You can feel the way he’s proud of himself for not only having you finish three times but also making you squirt. He changes the topic though, not pushing you, “I hope you know; this was not just sex to me.”
“…It wasn’t to me, either,” you look away from him.
You can’t bring yourself to tell him what you had realised earlier, you’re painfully aware of how much you feel for him, of how much you feel for both of them but you aren’t quite ready to have that conversation yet.
His hand guides your face back to look at him, “Hey, it is okay, I told you before, I would wait. If it is you… I can wait.”
You lean forward to hug him and he holds you back, he’ll hold you for as long as you need and you know that. He makes you feel so cared for, you won’t make him wait, even though you know he will, you won’t do that to him because he may be able to wait… but you can’t.
Thank you for reading !!! I hope it was good and silly and that you had fun reading <3 if you have any thoughts, feeling, questions, don't hesitate to reach out !! have a beautiful day/night :3
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jeonverselol · 2 years
go ahead and cry (m) (pt 1) - jjk
a/n: this is purely a fic based on the song ‘daddy issues’ by the neighbourhood - probably great to listen to it first
summary: jungkook has commitment issues when it came to love and you are always ready to fall in love. you two want to be loved, and you’re ready to attach yourself but that’s what scares jungkook and he finally confronts all his fears.
genre: smut, angst | friends to lovers au | fratboy!kook x reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: daddy issues lol, unprotected sex (don’t ever do that pls), cunnilingus, unhealthy coping mechanisms, squirting, overstimulation, fingering, public sex (sort of), exhibitionist kink (if you squint), praising, desperate kook, needy kook, jealousy, insecurities, crying scenes, emotional outbursts
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take you like a drug, i taste you on my tongue, you ask me what i'm thinking about, i tell you that i'm thinking about
“fuck, that feels so good,” you moaned out loud when jungkook’s tongue flicks your bud. he has been eating you out for an hour since he came over. his earlier text to you was a bit vague, just a “can i come over, need to talk.” you didn’t think much about it before replying a curt ‘sure’ and about half an hour later he pulled up, dressed up black jeans and a t-shirt inside and a jacket over it - he probably was out somewhere; and his face tells you he’s been drinking.
when you opened the door, he did not try to hide the fact that he was undressing you with his eyes the moment he saw you in your tank top and shorts, the breeze filled the silence of the night, hardening your nipples in an instant, buds peeking through the cotton fabric. “what did you wanna talk ab-“ your sentence was cut off with him lunging towards you and picking you up, foot closing the door before pinning you against it.
“need you first,” there was a sense of plea in his voice, something you can’t quite place. it wasn’t unusual for jungkook to come over to yours whenever he wanted. you wouldn’t call yourself fuck buddies, and friends with benefits might be the closest label but then again you two had never hooked up that much to reap much benefits to call it so. it all happened spontaneously, like right now.
it started about 8 months ago, with a drunken kiss. you and jungkook had always been friends since the start of university, hanging out with the same group of friends but probably not extremely close to be called best friends, but close friends, nonetheless. it was during a truth or dare game in a frat party that jungkook admitted you were the hottest person in the party, and during a little tour in his room your lips met his and never felt like leaving. fast forward a month later he had you alone in his room again, attempts of a movie right gone futile when a full-blown fucking session occurred the whole night. after that incident, the two of you never made the attempt to establish anything but have repeated the incident a handful of times, no explanation, just spontaneously.
which is what led you to your thighs spread out hanging on his shoulders right now. “oh my god, that feels so fucking good,” your eyes rolled back as he started to insert his tongue into your folds. you must have came about four times already because you were extra sensitive. “could eat this pussy all day.” he drove in like starved man, tongue darting in and out of your walls. he was still fully clothed and you were stark naked, something about it made you feel timid yet you loved the power play that ensued. he started to suck your clit and your whimpers became screams as you buck your hips to his face. “come on give me what i want baby, cum on my tongue again.” he was groaning at this point. he seemed angry for some reason, but also desperate.
“yes yes yes like that kook,” your palms went to your bare breasts to tug your nipples, adding to the stimulation and the waves your shock your lower half is going to get. he inserted two fingers into your sensitive folds, curling his fingertips upwards in a come-hither motion. this got you spreading your legs wider than before and his free hand came to hold your thigh down. “pussy so fucking good i could cum just by having a meal here.” he never failed to hide how desperate he was for you whenever you two had these encounters. he was shamelessly grinding on the floor, seemed to be eagerly chasing his release as well. “fuck i’m cumming!” you let out a high pitched moan before coming undone on his fingers and tongue for the fifth time tonight. “mm baby doll if you keep making those sounds i’m gonna cum in my pants.”
“cum inside me baby, just slip inside,” you were sensitive but you didn’t wanna leave him hanging. “fuck you’re desperate aren’t you baby girl, i’ll give it to you, i’ll give you what you want,” he stood up and discarded every piece of clothing he had. his hard cock sprang free from his boxers and the tip was red and angry. he stroked himself a few times before aligning his tip against your entrance.
whatever you're thinking about, tell me something that i'll forget, and you might have to tell me again, it's crazy what you'll do for a friend
“you need me don’t you baby, tell me how much you need me, tell me and i’ll give it to you,” his commands were domineering but laced with desperation. jungkook needed you to constantly tell him that you needed him. “fuck me kook, fuck me hard.” you spread your legs for him, folds glistening with your essence and his saliva. you two moaned in unison as jungkook pushed himself into you. “that’s right baby, whose pussy is this hm? tell me who gives it to you good.” he was fucking into you hard and relentlessly. “yours! fuck, only you fuck me good!”
“don’t need anyone else don’t you, always so fucking good to me, the best pussy in the world,” his thumb came down and rubbed your puffy clit harsh, sending you into jolts of sensation. “so fucking good jungkook!” he lifted your leg and folded it to your chest while the other occupied itself on your clit. his dick was hitting new angles and with how sensitive you were, it was getting too much. “fuck, too sens- too sensitive,” you were writhing in his hold, tears escaping the brim of your eyes.
go ahead and cry, little girl, nobody does it like you do. i know how much it matters to you. i know that you got daddy issues
“shh, don’t cry little girl, i’m gonna make you feel so good… shh,” his thumb came up to wipe your tear away before continuing his assault on your clit. “that’s right baby, give it to me, i’ll make you feel so good, don’t move away, don’t move away from me,” he pounded into you harder and you feel your orgasm slowly building up again, this time you knew you were gonna cum harder than before. “don’t… don’t stop kook, keep going.” you relaxed in his hold once again, a sight jungkook was thriving on. “told you baby girl, shh, just trust me, i’ll give you everything, i won’t disappoint you you know me right? i won’t hurt you,” at this point you’re not sure if his words were a reflection of his desperation for you or something else but you were not going to question it. 
a hard thrust from jungkook caused you to scream in ecstasy and as he pulled himself completely out you as you were gushing onto him. “that’s right! fuck yeah you’re a sin baby, my angel baby,” jungkook was always an oxymoron, he loved things that were bad for him and when something good happens he thinks something might be wrong – exhibit A right now.
and if you were my little girl, i'd do whatever i could do, i'd run away and hide with you, i know that you got daddy issues, and i do too
he pushed himself back in and with a few thrusts, you felt spurts of hot liquid coating your walls and his face rested on the crook of your neck. after seconds, he slowly pulled out of you and before you could open your mouth, he went towards the pile of his clothes. you were about to be disappointed, thinking he was going to leave but he fished out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. he brought one to his lips before lighting it up, taking a long drag. he put on his boxers and darted to the balcony of your room, sitting on the rattan chair you just bought a few days ago. silence ensued the room.
i tried to write your name in the rain, but the rain never came, so i made with the sun, the shade
you were used to jungkook being like this. he was always unreadable but then it was very obvious if something was bothering him. you opted to put his shirt on and head out to see him, hoping to get some words from him. as you came out, jungkook’s eyes darted towards you, mouth agape as he sees you in his shirt, a soft smile etched to his lips and you mirror this. 
he tugs your arm and you sit on his lap. his smile fades as he takes his next drag, before sending you into a coughing fit. he hears this and immediately presses the bud on the floor. “sorry i’ll clean that later. and i’m sorry, i know you hate the smell of it.” he soothes your arms and brings you closer to him.
always comes at the worst time, you ask me what i'm thinking about, i tell you that i'm thinking about
“it’s okay. what are you thinking about?” you ask him, and he knows you’re seeking for a proper answer. he sighs. “just about everything, you know how it is.” at this point he was trying to divert the issue, forgetting that he came here to talk about it in the first place.
“you can tell me anything, you know that right?” you gave him a kiss in the cheek for reassurance. you knew something’s bothering him, in fact something had always been bothering him since the first time you two met. he was a hard book to read, but easy person to help. even though you knew you and jungkook were friends – more than friends less than lovers, you could see through him. it took you some time to realise his love language was words of affirmation.
“you’re gonna tell me what’s bothering you baby,” he darts his eyes to you, you never called him endearing names outside of bed. your eyes were telling him something, and he thinks he’s read you enough to know that you’re not gonna leave him in times of despair. “i’ll be here to help you get through it.” he looks to the front, his arms circling your waist to bring you closer to his chest. “i don’t know y/n, is there something wrong with me? i’m constantly afraid.” he didn’t even need to spell it out for you, you knew where this was going.
whatever you're thinking about, tell me something that i'll forget, and you might have to tell me again, it's crazy what you'll do for a friend
there was no denying that jungkook had a reputation, one that probably would not sit well with parents who would want to protect their daughters from harm’s way. while jungkook isn’t necessarily harm’s way, he isn’t the best person to be with either. he’s tried out relationships but it’s never worked out. he’d chicken out and either ghost the poor girl or just let himself engross in the life of no strings attached, when he clearly wants his strings attached. he’s stuck in a limbo, knowing that he has issues of commitment yet desperately wants to pour out his all for only one person. his biggest fear is that they would leave him, considering he’s made a mess of himself and his life, and he is not even sure whether he’s going to feel content with anyone. he wants stability but is afraid to give it. he wants eternal love but is scared of commitment. he wants to give someone his all but is afraid of them taking it and leaving halfway because he’s too much to handle. you knew where his fear stemmed from, and it’s no denying that it was hard to get him to overcome it. in recent times, he’s began to embrace that he has strong feelings for you but kept building this invisible wall inside him.
“you just know how it is baby,” his voice was timid, and you felt the urge to tell him it’s okay, it’s alright, it’s not going to happen to you – what came out was just a sigh from you, and you hugged him, fully enveloping your arms around him, planting a kiss on his head.
go ahead and cry, little girl, nobody does it like you do, i know how much it matters to you, i know that you got daddy issues
“you need to know that nothing’s gonna happen to you once you open your heart up kook,” your voice was soft. you traced your finger around his tattooed arm and his biceps flexed. “i want to,” his statement sounded like a plea, almost saying i want to give you the world, but don’t hurt me. ironically, his reputation of a fuckboy was the unhealthiest coping mechanism of his fear of monogamy, to hide his fear of loving and not loved back in the same magnitude. but you were not going to feed that into his thoughts anymore. “you know i love you don’t you kook?” you stated, whispering into the crown of his head. it was as clear as day that the two of you had feelings for one another, feelings that go beyond the bedroom but you knew that he was never gonna let his guard down.
“i love you, so much, y/n.” this time, you could feel him tearing up but you didn’t budge. you let him. “i want to give you everything, i want to always protect you; i will do everything i can to make you happy,” his voiced strained, almost as if he had been choking in his words for some time. “i’ll give you my all, i want to just… fuck, i’ll do everything you want me to, just…” this time he looked up at you, and your heart clenched at the sight of his tearful eyes. you felt yourself tear up too.
he knew you wanted him; he knew you wanted stability. the moment he saw you crying one night after getting dumped by your ex, you poured your heart out to him, detailing how you only wanted to be cared for, but your ex felt that you were ‘high maintenance’ and that you were demanding. all you wanted was to be loved. you overworked yourself most of the time, you had a family to care for, you were mentally exhausted all the time and your only escape was hoping that someone would love you the way you loved everyone and sacrificed yourself for everyone. you were the type to seek solace in your significant other, that was your coping mechanism and possible happy place, and jungkook knew that. he wanted to give you that.
and if you were my little girl, i'd do whatever i could do, i'd run away and hide with you, i know that you got daddy issues
his love for you soon grew into desperation. there were many times that he wanted to tell you that he would be on his knees for you if you wanted him to. he was yours for a long time, but to get you to be his, he was fearful. fearful that he would disappoint you, and that would mean a lifelong of regret for him. he wanted to give you the life you wanted, but he hated the anxiety within him. he was just as fearful as you.
he tried forgetting you, forgoing the idea of pursuing anything romantic with you but you were like a drug to him. you became the air he breathed in, the warmth of your body became his home, the sound of your voice became his sound of comfort.
i keep on trying to let you go, i'm dying to let you know, how i'm getting on, i didn't cry when you left at first, but now that you're dead it hurts
he tried distancing himself, ghosted you for two weeks. he thought he made progress but he couldn’t handle the sight of other men around you. he just knew that they were not able to love you as much as he loved you. you needed to know that you needed him and him only, forget everyone else. and who was he to deny the fact that he needed you? he was down bad. in a drunken fit at one of the frat parties, he remembered lunging across the living room floor just to yank you away from this guy who seemed to be new, because everyone knew you were off limits – even though you weren’t his girlfriend. he was toxic like that. the poor boy was trying his luck for sure but to no avail. at least he didn’t get punched in the face by jungkook just like another guy did two months ago.
“get your hands off of my girl,” he hissed at the guy before dragging you away, heading upwards to his room. you tried to pry your hands off of him but his grip was strong, jaw clenched and you knew he was seething. “what the fuck jungkook?”
it wasn’t the first time jungkook displayed his jealousy and became territorial in public. deep down he was insecure, afraid you might find what you wanted in someone else because he wasn’t able to give it to you at that moment. he told himself in due time he would let his insecurities go but time seemed to be ticking and his insides were tumbling with fear every time anyone attempted to hit on you. he couldn’t do it yet - commitment; but one thing for sure was he needed you. if he couldn’t convince you about that yet, the least he could do is scare everyone else away. he knew it was selfish of him, an unhealthy obsession if you will. but he was too scared to love you, and he was even more scared that you will never measure up to his love for you. he needed love, so badly.
he slammed the door shut before throwing you on the bed and climbing onto you. his breath reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. he held your jaw tightly before inching is face closer to yours. “i don’t like you being near other men.” his eyes were dark and raging, but if you looked longer, it falters into sadness and pure pain.
“you’re not my boyfriend,” that was the first time you said it and he felt a pang in his heart. it was a sensitive topic for both of you and you knew it but it had to be said. “i’ll show you who i am to you by the end of the night,” he dived straight into your lips and that was the first time he made love to you, and needless to say, you knew who he was to you. he was yours, and you were his.
this time i gotta know, where did my daddy go? i'm not entirely here, half of me has disappeared
fast forward to the current situation, the two of you met each other’s tearful gazes and he can’t help but inch forward to kiss you.
“please let me be yours,” he pleaded in between kisses. “you always have been, kook,” the kisses became fiercer, and your bodies moulded together as you melt into each other.
“i love you so fucking much, i don’t want it to be like this anymore.” he was determined this time to show you he was going to commit. you knew it was hard for him, considering he grew up idolising his dad and the love his dad showed his mother, until one day he came home and saw her crying for the first time – his dad no where to be seen, just a single ‘i’m sorry’ carved into a torn up paper, held down by a paperweight made from several books. that was the last memory he had of him.
that was the first time jungkook felt what heartbreak was and he never recovered from it. that was the first time he feared loving someone and being loved. he never wanted to feel what his mother felt, and feared the ability to hurt someone like how his dad did.
go ahead and cry, little boy, you know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through, you gotta let it out soon, just let it out
“show me how much you love me jungkook, right here,” the balcony was dark, the view in front of you only showed the city street lights. there was barely  anyone at this hour, not to mention you lived in the 10th floor. “i’ll show you baby, fuck i’ll show you everything.” his fingers grazed down to your uncovered folds, which was already dripping in essence. the two of you were insatiable when the chance arose and this time was no exception.
he played with your clit, rubbing in slow and fast motions. you instinctively spread out your legs and he inserted two fingers in, lips still attached to yours. “fuck, so fucking good,” you moaned and his boxers started to feel tight.
“sit on me baby,” he lowered his boxers a little, spread his thighs further on your rattan armchair and took out his hard cock. you faced him this time, eagerly sliding into him with ease, and started to bounce on him. “that’s right baby girl, show everyone who you belong to, who’s the only one that makes you feel this good.”
you stifled your moans by hiding your face in the crook of his neck, your arms wrapped out him as you continued to bounce on him. he left wet kisses on your shoulders before he started to piston his hips upwards, fucking you just as much you were fucking him. he brought his thumb over to your clit and you felt your orgasm building up. “gonna cum baby,” you whined and jungkook increased his pace. moments later, your walls started to contract from the stimulation as your orgasm washes over you. jungkook unloads into you before kissing your neck.
“i love you so much.” he looks into your eyes. “i want this, please,” his tears pooling in his eyes again, his brown irises shaking behind the liquid barrier. “i want this so much, forever,” the fear slowly escaped his eyes in the form of tear droplets. “forever, always, don’t leave me.” 
go ahead and cry, little girl, nobody does it like you do, i know how much it matters to you, i know that you got daddy issues
“i love you too, so much,” you nodded and mirrored his expressions. “forever and always, together,” and for the first time ever, he felt that spark of reassurance that what you said was true, and he finally let you in. and you found solace in the place you craved for, his heart.
and if you were my little girl, i'd do whatever i could do, i'd run away and hide with you, i know that you got daddy issues, and i do too
if you were my little girl, i'd do whatever i could do, i'd run away and hide with you, i know that you got daddy issues, and i do too
a/n: okay this was sad but good to write
read the sequel right here: part 2 !
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jinhyun · 1 year
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—drunk words.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, college au, dance major hyunjin, art major reader, it's complicated kinda relationship
word count: 8.8k (my apologies once again)
summary: there is a saying about drunk words being sober thoughts. tonight, you really wish that applies to hyunjin.
warnings: drinkingggg (alcohol lol), cursing, one mention of throwing up (no one actually throws up), sexual comments as usual, MINORS DNI!!!!
a/n: so... i can't write anything short for shit when it comes to watercolor apparently 💀 but i've been away for a good while so let me just be self indulgent for my return lmao. anywayyy, this is part 46 of watercolor, i hope you guys enjoy and please, please, pleaaaaase let me know your thoughts and come gossip with me about it, i've missed doing that :')
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Hyunjin was not happy.
Although his eyes had lightened up at the sight of you the moment he spotted you in between the crowd, it did not take a genius to notice he was not his happiest right then.
And how could he? You had been gone for nearly two hours now with no other than the guy you used to have a friends with benefits dynamics going on with. Granted, Changbin was one of his best friends and he trusted him, but that did not mean he would jump up and down with excitement every time the two of you made plans together, much less if said plans involved the two of you alone, without him.
So, it was fair to say, seeing the two of you arrive together at the bar, although he had seen it coming, did only add fuel to the fire that had been growing inside him that night.
"What took you two so long?" Chan asked, and Hyunjin could only internally thank him for saving him from having to ask you that question himself.
"We just got a bit caught up" Changbin admitted, taking a seat on the empty spot in between Lix and Minho.
"Doing what?" Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from bitterly asking, eyes focused on the drink he was currently swirling in his hand.
"Talking" you answered the obvious, catching his attention as you sat beside him on the booth.
And maybe, just maybe, the way you had leaned slightly in against his body and your arm had wrapped around his bicep, the next second taking it one step further by intertwining your fingers with his very receptive ones, was enough to make him feel at ease.
"So?" your eyes moved back to your friends, not without first having given Hyunjin's hand a reassuring squeeze. "What did we miss?"
"Not much," Minho shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. "Just lots of drinking".
"That's it?" you laughed.
"Yeah, we played truth or dare for a while, so you guys missed out on some pretty spicy stuff" Han filled you in with a playful smirk.
"Oh, and Felix hyung got a girl's number" Jeongin informed with a proud yet teasing smile.
"No way!" you excitedly covered your mouth with your free hand.
"Yah, don't make it sound like an impossible occurrence now" Felix whined, earning laughs from all of you. "She just came up to me and, well…"
"Are you calling her?" Bin moved his eyebrows up and down in a teasing manner.
Felix shrugged, a small smile curving up his mouth as he stared into his cup. "Maybe…"
You and Chaeryeong squealed in excitement, not missing another second to start talking Felix into it and managing to get everyone else involved in the conversation, as everyone seemed to have a say on whether Lix should hit the stranger up or not.
Everyone but Hyunjin, you couldn't help but realise.
While all your friends went on and on about their different points, he remained quiet next to you, only listening to what they all had to say, if even that, since he looked more spaced out than anything — his mouth opening every now and then only to take a sip of his drink, as words seemed to be something he refused to let out of it.
"I'm sorry I took too long with Changbin…" you apologised when you guessed what must've been going through his head, speaking low enough for only Hyunjin to hear.
He shrugged, not finding it in him to look up at you. "You wouldn't answer my texts".
A small sigh escaped your lips. "My phone was in my bag, I wasn't paying attention to it. I should've known you'd try to contact me and keep it next to me, I'm sorry".
Hyunjin nodded, yet as expected said nothing.
Biting on your bottom lip, you reached your hand up to cup his cheek and make him look at you. When he didn't protest and his face was now only a couple of centimeters from yours, you pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose.
"I'm really sorry, Jinnie" you apologised once more, this time looking into his already softening eyes. "I promise nothing happened, we were just talking while having dinner and got a bit too caught up in the conversation. It won't happen again, hm?"
You could tell he was not entirely convinced yet, but the small nod and the weak smile he gave you was enough for you to start smothering him with kisses all over his face.
You managed to get a giggle out of him right as your eager lips had been pressed under his chin and reached down to his neck, being stopped by his hand cupping your cheek and guiding you back up, right onto his lips.
It didn't take you long to react and wrap an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss by simply touching his bottom lip with your tongue — that being all he needed to gently pull at your hair and have you tilt your head back, so he could slide his tongue into your mouth and softly meet yours.
"You guys go get a room" Seungmin's disgusted voice had you two faintly pulling away.
"Leave them, they're cute" Cherry pouted.
He shrugged, nonchalantly bringing his cup up to his lips. "We're cuter".
"Ew, and you have the audacity to tease us?" Hyunjin called him out, smoothly resting his arm around your shoulders and letting his hand fall loosely over your chest.
"At least they're not sucking faces right in front of us" Han joined in.
"Not today, maybe" Lix mumbled, earning a glare from Seungmin.
"In Y/N's defense, she hardly ever makes out with Hyunjin hyung in public" Jeongin took your side.
"Oh no, I've seen them" Minho shut his argument down immediately.
"Can we all just agree that both couples are disgusting?" Chan proposed, getting instant affirmation from everyone but the couples in question.
"You guys are just mad that you don't get smooched every day" Chaeryeong childishly stuck her tongue out.
"Then can Y/N go smooch Hwang somewhere else since they get to do it everyday anyway?" Minho asked with a cynical smile.
"Nope," you mirrored his feigned cheerfulness, leaning into Hyunjin's chest as your hand went up to intertwine with his. "I'm asking for forgiveness here".
"Go ask for your boyfriend's forgiveness in his bedroom then" Changbin taunted.
Hearing everyone laugh, you played off the burning feeling in your cheeks with a roll of eyes. "He's not my boyfriend".
The whole table erupted in laughter once more, as they called you out on not believing shit of what had just came out of your mouth.
Everyone knew you were joking, for the lack of label in your relationship did not make any difference when it came to the way the two of you acted around each other — and that was, like an actual, established couple.
But although everyone laughed, not everyone was amused.
So you knew the moment Hyunjin's hold on your hand loosened up and his body tensed up against yours.
You weren't sure why, but suddenly it felt like you had just managed to beat an obstacle only to stumble with another one.
A part of you wanted to believe you were overthinking. The part of you that would always overthink everything and come up with scenarios that would only make you anxious wanted to believe you were doing just that now. The sight of Hyunjin right next to you, however, told you otherwise.
You had physically felt his mood drop the moment you said he was not your boyfriend. You had felt his hand loosen up its hold on yours.
He had carried on with the conversation all of you were having like nothing had happened, laughing and joking around just like he would always do, but you could feel him distant from you. And now that some of them were at the bar and some others at the dance floor, leaving the two of you oh-so-conveniently alone at the table, not a word had been spoken.
He was avoiding eye contact. He was avoiding your touch. Playing the lack of them off by drinking and staring into the dance floor like it was the most interesting sight ever.
You were not making all of that up, you were sure.
What you couldn't fully grasp your mind around was the reason for the sudden drop in his mood. You were not lying. In fact, you were sure you two had joked around like that before and everything had been just fine. Or maybe you had been too blind to realise it had bothered him all along.
Whatever it was about your remark that had managed to touch a nerve of his this time around, you needed to find out so you could make it better.
"Are you mad at me?" you asked, leaning closer to him so you could be soft-spoken and still be heard.
"Why would I be mad?" he answered dryly as ever, no eye contact at all.
You felt your heart sink.
"Was it something I said?" you carefully asked once more.
His unamused eyes —finally— fixed on you. "You know what you said".
"I don't get why you're mad about it, though?" you mumbled, unable to find the right words. "We're not official yet…"
"I know that, Y/N," he snapped. "Trust me, I know we're not official, it's not that I'm mad about".
"Then?" you pushed it.
"Why did you have to go and remind Changbin hyung about it?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. "I wasn't reminding him… if anything, he knows already".
"Yes, but it's just," he sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair out of frustration. "It's the entire situation, Y/N. Like, you went to our place and stayed there with him alone—"
"I went to see you and you weren't there" you corrected him.
"But you decided to stay there with him when I asked you to come here and even offered to go get you. And then you went out to eat with him, wouldn't reply to my texts, got here way later than expected, and then proceeded to tell him I'm not your boyfriend?" he recriminated, and it finally hit you how wrong it had looked in his eyes and how upsetting the whole thing was.
Your heart sunk once more, this time over knowing you had hurt the person you loved the most, even if you had not meant it.
"Can you try and understand how fucking shitty that felt?"
"I know, and I'm s—"
"Like, how would you feel if I told Yerim you're not my girlfriend right in front of you".
You stayed still, that name alone being enough to feel like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over you.
"What does she have to do with this?"
"Nothing, it's just an example".
"Why is she the first example to come to mind, then?"
"She just is," he blurted out, growing more frustrated by the second.
"So you still think about her?"
"No! That's not—it's just the closest to your situationship with Changbin".
"There is no 'situationship' between me and Changbin" you made it clear. "We're friends".
"With benefits" he bitterly remarked.
"We were friends with benefits" you corrected. "That ended as soon as you kissed me. We're friends now. Just friends. And he's one of your best friends too, we would never deliberately do anything to hurt you. It's very different to you and Yerim".
"Right, it is very different" he agreed. "Because I never actually got to fuck her".
"And you regret not doing it?" both your words and the venom they held caught him off guard.
"The way you said it made it sound like you would've liked to actually get to fuck her" you couldn't help the small crack in your voice and the annoying gloss in your eyes. "Because if that's the case then be my guest".
"No," Hyunjin shook his head accusingly. "No, you don't get to turn this around and get all defensive and jealous, this isn't about her".
"Well, you just made it about her, Hyunjin" you backed slightly away. "And I do get to be jealous of the girl you wanted to get with so bad that you didn't want her to see you with me".
"It was once, Y/N" he pointed out. "I pushed you away once because of her and then I chose you over her every single time".
You remained quiet, staring at the table as you were unable to look him in the eye right then and let him see the tears that you were hardly holding back.
"Baby," he called you, leaning in to try and make you look at him but with no success whatsoever. "I don't regret not getting with her. Anything I ever wanted with her was gone the moment I kissed you, too. I don't want her, I only want you…"
You said nothing.
"Y/N…" he softly called you once more.
You nodded in response, still not looking up at him.
Hyunjin sighed, feeling his chest tighten painfully at the beaten up sight of you. Suddenly, you felt distant, as if you had built an invisible wall in between the two of you and he could not get through it to save his life.
"It was just an example…"
"And you brought your point across. I would feel very shitty if you ever told Yerim I'm not your girlfriend, whether you said it right in front of me or not. Happy?"
"Baby, that's not—"
"I had already realised I was at fault and was about to apologise, though, because I really do hate that I put you through that with Changbin today and I am really, really sorry about it" your eyes went up to meet his, and although they showed how genuine you were being about being sorry, they also showed just how hurt you were, all because of him. "But oh well, thank you for the eye opening scenario, I guess".
"Everything okay?" Cherry's careful voice snapped both of you out of it, bringing your eyes up to be met not only with her worried expression, but Seungmin's right next to her.
You were fast to nod, sneakily wiping a tear that was about to fall, which did not go unnoticed by Hyunjin. Not sparing him another glance, you stood up to go to Cherry, snatching your hand away from his grasp the second he tried to hold it and make you stay.
"I'm getting a drink, come with me?" you asked Chaeryeong.
She nodded immediately, helping you out of the booth. "Of course, let's go".
On the other hand, Seungmin stood there, eyes scanning the heartbroken expression on his friend's face as he watched you leave towards the bar.
"Do I wanna know?" he asked.
Hyunjin shook his head no in frustration, leaning his head back against the seat and shutting his eyes close as he tried to contain the tears that had just started forming in them.
"Okay, you need to stop drinking" Seungmin stated, placing his hand on top of Hyunjin's glass before taking it away.
Hyunjin glared at him, but ultimately said nothing. Instead, he focused on you from afar.
It must've been a little over thirty minutes since you and Chaeryeong had been sitting down by the bar. He could only see your back from where he was sitting, but he felt at ease when he watched you throw your head back and let out what he could tell was a throaty laugh of yours — one of those genuine ones he loved hearing so much, even more when he was the reason for it.
At least your friend had succeeded at making you feel better after your previous argument.
He, on the other hand, had been sulking next to Seungmin for the past half an hour. Drinking his feelings away had seemed to be the way to go, and although Seungmin had initially decided to just let it slide and keep him company during his self-destructive ways, he could tell when enough was enough.
"Why don't you just go talk to her?" he questioned.
Hyunjin shrugged, leaning back against his seat. "I don't think she wants to hear me out right now".
Seungmin sighed. "What even happened for it to get that bad so fast?"
"I brought Yerim up".
Seungmin blinked in disbelief, feeling astounded to say the least. "What could possibly have happened for you to bring her of all people up".
"I'm an idiot," Hyunjin lamented, reaching for the drink Min had previously taken from him and downing it in one go. "That's what happened".
"And all of this because she got here later than she said she would?"
"No, it's not…" a heavy sigh escaped his lips. "It's much more than that. Mainly about her and Changbin hyung".
"They're just friends, Hyunjin".
"Now they are," he nodded, not being able to let go of their past together. "I just hated that they were alone for so long tonight, and that she felt the need to make it clear I'm not her boyfriend to him".
"So that's what this is about," Seungmin sighed, finally understanding the core of your argument. "You do realise she was just joking, right? Like, we all laughed because it was just that obvious".
"Was it?"
"Come on, man" he nudged him. "Even if you guys are not official, you two are exclusive. Do labels really matter when you both know you're together and serious about each other?"
Hyunjin stayed silent for a moment, trying to process his friend's words.
"We never established we're exclusive…"
"It's Y/N we're talking about" Seungmin reminded him. "She was faithful as hell to you even before you even made a move on her, why would it be any different now that you actually are head over heels for her? And you haven't even looked at someone else all this time, so…" he shrugged. "Some things are just unspoken, it doesn't mean they aren't there".
"I just… got insecure".
"More like jealous" Seungmin mumbled.
Hyunjin smiled weakly. "Insecure, genuinely. Sure, I tend to always get jealous, and I admit there was a bit of jealousy in there, too, but… I just got so fucking insecure when she corrected him, because yeah, she was faithful to me before and whatnot but Changbin hyung was the one exemption to it, and at the end of the day she's the one who gets to make the call and she can realise she'd rather be with someone else and choose Bin hyung over me any time".
"What do you mean?"
"I mean exactly that" he shrugged. "I'm in this kind of trial, trying to prove to her that I'm serious about my feelings for her, and I… if it were up to me we would already be official as hell, but she's the one who gets to decide that, and until then I'm just… hand tied".
"I don't think you are, though?" Seungmin's words got Hyunjin tilting his head in confusion. "I mean… you guys are an actual couple by now, you're pretty much only missing the labels, and I'm sure Y/N would say yes in a heartbeat if you asked her to be your girlfriend".
Hyunjin sighed, nervously biting his lip as he looked in your direction once again.
Maybe you would've before. After your argument, however, he was not so sure anymore.
He just kept fucking up over and over when it came to you, and he was scared all the progress the two of you had made so far, all the proof he had given you when it came to showing you he was serious about you this time, would come crashing down just because of this one slip up of his.
He should've kept quiet. Fuck, he should've shut his mouth the moment you had open yours to apologise. Everything would be so much different now if he learned to just not say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about it first.
Then again, he had never been good at expressing himself, that you knew very well. Especially when it came to this kind of moments when he felt put on the spot.
He wished he could just turn back time and shut his fucking mouth.
Seeing Seungmin take the bottle of soju away from the corner of his eye, he gave up on both talking and drinking altogether, folding his arms over the table and resting his head on them, as he could feel all the alcohol he had drunk finally begin to hit.
Hyunjin didn't know how long it had been. Maybe twenty minutes, maybe ten. Maybe an hour, or even five minutes? All he knew was that he had passed out for a bit.
He didn't even know if his friends were around anymore or if Seungmin was still by his side, as he could not hear anyone near him. Well, anyone he knew, for the various unknown voices chatting —if not yelling— over the loud music around the bar were already invading his ears from all over.
Stretching out over the table after a good minute and almost knocking down a glass of soju, he finally sat back up. Much to his surprise, nearly all your friends were back at the table. Everyone but Cherry, as she kept chatting with you by the bar.
"Good morning there" Chan greeted with a teasing smile, having the rest join in in a second.
God, he knew he would never hear the end of it now.
"Good morning," he joined them, cynically. "How long was I out for?"
"Like fifteen minutes?" Han answered. "I don't know, I just got here like five minutes ago but I saw you sleeping from the dance floor".
"Yeah, fifteen minutes is a good guess," Minho laughed under his breath. He was probably the one enjoying this the most. "Right, Seungmin?"
All eyes on Min, they were met with his rather distraught expression staring intently at the bar.
"Seungmin?" Minho pushed it.
"Huh?" he snapped out of it.
"How long was Hwang out for? You were with him the entire time".
"Like two bottles" he answered incoherently as his eyes travelled back to the bar.
Chan snorted. "That's not what we were asking but holy fuck, Hyunjin".
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, later focusing them on Seungmin by his side. "You okay, man?"
"Yeah, I just…" his eyes squinted. "Who are…"
As if on cue, everyone followed his stare. And suddenly, Hyunjin knew exactly why his friend felt so distraught.
You and Cherry seemed to have company, and not precisely the kind of it he was okay with. Two guys around your age he had never seen before in his life, who were getting way too close to you, were most definitely not the kind of company he ever wanted for you. Especially not the one dude who was coming awfully near your ear to try and properly speak to you.
"Aw, just like the old days" Minho pretended to wipe a nostalgic tear, earning himself a snort from Han and a small shove from Jeongin next to him.
"Hell no" Seungmin mumbled under his breath, not letting another second go by before rushing towards Chaeryeong.
That was what Hyunjin wanted. To be able to just go up there, grab you and make sure that any other guy knew you were his. For every single person in the world to know you were with him.
Instead, he sat there — watching from afar how Seungmin reached Cherry's side and pulled her to him, glaring at the stranger that had tried to hit on her and telling him something Hyunjin could not quite decipher yet could perfectly guess what it was. Something along the lines of 'she's taken', of course.
Exactly what he wanted to be able to do with you.
He could've sworn Seungmin had told the guy who was trying to hit on you off, too, and although it was not quite enough to make him feel at ease, he did feel thankful to his friend.
Boyfriend or not, there was only so much he could take, however. So, when the very same guy who had invaded your personal space did not seem to care about Seungmin's words nor about your polite rejection —as he could tell by the way you had taken a step back from him and awkwardly motioned with your hands for him to take a hint—, Hyunjin found himself standing up from his spot and sprinting towards you.
"What's going on here?" he asked, towering over you the moment he reached your side.
"Um, n-nothing," your words sounded just as nervous as you looked, eyeing Hyunjin up before you focused on the stranger in front. "This is—"
"I really don't care who he is" Hyunjin shut you down, eyes glaring at the guy. "Back off".
"Now why would I do that?" the man —whose name you had learned to be Junghee a minute ago when he tried to buy you a drink—, replied rather smugly.
"Hyunjin…" you grabbed his hand, stopping him right as you felt him move forward.
"She's clearly not interested, leave her alone".
"Why don't you let her speak for herself then?"
Hyunjin turned around to look at you, silently demanding for an answer, yet simultaneously begging you with his eyes alone not to challenge him this time around — not to do anything that would hurt him any further.
He should know better by now, though. Because although you looked taken aback and anxious even, your eyes were on him. Only him. Not once during all those seconds the two of them had been expecting an answer from you had you merely even glanced anywhere but him.
And that was enough to let him know what you wanted, if not who you wanted.
"She's taken," Hyunjin spat after having turned back around. "Back off".
"That's what that other dude said, but—"
"Dude, I'm her boyfriend. Now go".
Raising both arms in defeat, not without first eyeing you up and down in a way that could easily have earned a punch from Hyunjin, he backed away for once and for all.
Hyunjin shook his head in both disbelief and annoyance, making sure the dickhead actually left before turning around to lock eyes with your cold ones.
"You're not my boyf—" you fell quiet the moment he cornered you against the bar and firmly placed his hand on your nape.
"To some random dude who's trying to make a move on you, yes I am".
You didn't have time to protest, for his mouth on yours had prevented you from doing so before you even had the chance.
Not like you wanted to protest to begin with, as his lips trapping your bottom one in them and sucking on it the way you loved it was all you had needed that night after your fight.
For him to reassure you once again that he was serious about you was everything you needed and more.
You grabbed him by the collar at the same time you wrapped one arm around his neck, feeling like you would die if you didn't have him the closest you could right then. Thankfully, Hyunjin seemed to get the memo, bringing his hands dangerously down to the lowest of your back so he could pull you to him and get rid of every possible centimeter that was left between your bodies.
Somehow backing you up harder against the bar and making sure your bodies wouldn't lose the closeness he had put in between them, he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, smiling into the kiss after you had massaged his tongue with yours.
"You don't get to let other guys hit on you just because of a stupid argument we had" he mumbled against your lips, getting a soft hum out of you when he pulled at your bottom one.
"I wasn't…" you whispered.
"No?" he pulled away for a second. "Is that why you were about to introduce me to him like it was nothing?"
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. "I panicked, I didn't know what to say".
"Mhm… that better be it" he trapped your lip in his once more. "Because you're mine".
"I'm n—"
"Shhh…" he hushed you with a kiss, making you smile against his mouth. "You are".
"You're an idiot," you chuckled, endearingly looking up at him and gently cupping his cheek. "And you're drunk".
"M—not," he whined, more cutely to your ears than he had intended.
"You sure?" you teased, holding his face now with both hands as he rested his forehead on yours. "You do taste quite drunk to me".
He laughed under his breath, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he leaned down to rest his forehead on your shoulder — arms wrapping tightly around you as he tiredly nuzzled the crook of your neck.
"I may or may not have drunk my feelings away" he admitted.
"And the alcohol is finally starting to hit?"
He nodded, a quite heavy sigh of his tickling your neck.
"You wanna leave?" you asked, gently running a hand up and down his back.
Another silent nod was his answer. "Yeah, just wanna be with you right now…"
You smiled blissfully, planting a small kiss on his temple before your hand held his. "Okay then, let's go tell the rest we're dipping".
One look at your table was all it took for you to realise the two of you had been the main attraction back there. You didn't even notice the moment Chae and Seungmin had left your side and gone back to sit down with the rest, yet there they were, shamelessly gossipping together as they watched you walk towards the table.
The closer you got, the clearer you saw their teasing smiles — and the more you wanted to just turn around and get out of there with Hyunjin already.
"Glad to see you guys are on good terms again" Han teased as soon as you reached the table, motioning with his head towards your intertwined fingers.
"Didn't really appreciate the sight of you two exchanging saliva again, though" Minho pointed out.
"No one told you to look" Hyunjin shrugged.
Minho scoffed. "You were all up in our business, how could we not?"
"As if you weren't shoving your tongue down that one girl's throat minutes ago" you bit back, getting nothing but a proud smirk from him. "Anyway, we're leaving now, so…"
"Are you guys going to Hyunjin's dorm?" Jeongin asked.
"Mhm…" you nodded.
"You're staying there?" Cherry wondered.
You shook your head no. "I'm just d—"
"You're not?" Hyunjin asked in a pout.
You laughed under your breath. "I mean…"
"You guys can always figure that out later, but can I leave with you?" Innie drew your attention. "I'm tired and my dorm is on the way, we could split a taxi".
"That sounds great" you agreed. "Let's go then".
"If that's the case, I'm going with you guys, too" Changbin stood up as well, walking up to you right as Jeongin did.
"Why?" Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed.
"Because you will probably pass out in the car and there is no way Y/N will be able to drag your drunk ass all the way up to our floor alone".
Hyunjin shrugged, pulling you closer to him by the waist. "Whatever, but Jeongin is sitting with us in the backseat".
Rolling his eyes in amusement, Changbin agreed to his friend's conditions. Maybe you had already been forgiven, but he was clearly not on the clear just yet for having kept you from him earlier that night.
The ride home had been easier than you had initially thought, mainly because Hyunjin passed out on your shoulder the second you got in the taxi, and just like that he was no longer able to glare at Changbin like he had done right before getting in the car, even though his wishes of having Jeongin join the two of you on the backseat had been complied with.
He had also been able to walk up the stairs just fine — a bit slow, but just fine. Although he did trip once when there was only one floor left to theirs, and if it weren't for Changbin, who was walking behind the two of you just to make sure, then probably the story would've been very different.
All in all, it had not been that bad. Hyunjin wasn't wasted, to be fair, but all the alcohol he had drunk during that one moment of sulkiness had hit the hardest in the span of his confrontation with the pushy guy at the bar and the ride home.
By the time the three of you reached his room, he didn't think twice before letting go of your grasp around his waist and slumping down face first on his bed — a muffled whine reaching your ears and earning a smile from you that had Changbin shaking his head in disbelief over how head over heels you were for his friend.
"Well, seems like my job here is done, so…"
Reluctantly taking your eyes away from your passed out beloved on his bed, you turned around to look at Bin. "Thanks for coming with us," you smiled. "The trip up the stairs could've been hell if you weren't here".
He chuckled, taking a step towards you. "Yeah, to be honest he wasn't that bad tonight. There have been times when Seungmin and I have feared for our lives trying to drag him up those stairs".
You rolled your eyes in amusement. "I've heard the same kind of stories but with you being the one that has to be dragged upstairs".
"Now who was the snitch" he playfully squared up.
"You guys literally all snitch on each other" you laughed.
Hyunjin unconsciously tossed in bed, making both your heads snap in his direction, and as if on cue, both your stares turned softer — the mood suddenly dropping.
"He was really upset tonight…" Changbin was the first one to bring the topic up.
"Yeah…" you mumbled, intently staring at Hyunjin sleeping. "Maybe we shouldn't…"
"Hang out alone anymore?" he finished with an obvious tone.
You nodded, slowly. "At least until things are more clear between us and he feels okay with it".
"You mean until you guys put a label to what very clearly already is an official relationship" he smirked.
"Stop…" you lowered your head to try and hide the shy smile that had just curved up your lips. "Things are still a bit messy between us… and I hated knowing that I hurt him today and I would hate to hurt him again" a small sigh abandoned your mouth as you looked up to him. "I really love him, Binnie".
"I know you do," he smiled, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Let's just hang out while the others are around from now on".
"Yeah, let's do that" you agreed with a smile.
"Does this count as hanging out alone when Hyunjin is passed out in front of us?"
You couldn't help a throaty laugh from escaping your mouth, finding yourself having to cover it with one hand not to risk waking Hyunjin up, which seemed to be highly unlikely yet never impossible.
"You're staying the night?" he changed the topic, still not being able to erase the smile that had formed on his face over your laughter.
You shook your head no. "I'm just staying with him for a bit".
He snorted. "That's just calling to fall asleep on the floor next to him".
"I just want to make sure he stays sleeping on his side in case he throws up".
"Ew, I knew you were in love as hell but not to the point of being willing to clean his puke up".
"Shut up," you squinted your eyes at him, causing him to hold both hands up as he backed towards the door.
"Okay, I'll leave you to it now. I believe his pyjamas are in the second drawer," he motioned. "Although I guess he could sleep in his underwear alone, I don't know".
"You're changing him, aren't you?" Changbin raised a questioning eyebrow.
"No, you change him".
He scoffed. "You're the one dating him, that's your problem now".
"But you're a boy..."
"What are we, twelve?" he laughed. "Don't act like you've never seen him naked before".
"Okay first, you don't know that" you pointed an accusing finger at him. "And second, he's drunk".
"I don't want to overstep…"
"Trust me, he won't be mad that you changed him to sleep" he smirked.
"Changbinnnn," you begged in a whine.
"Ugh, okay" he gave in, realising there was no changing your mind. "Just go wait outside. And when he gets mad at me for changing his clothes, I'm throwing you under the bus".
"I'll take the risk" you laughed.
Pulling down the white oversized t-shirt of Hyunjin's that Changbin had given you after having successfully convinced you to spend the night before he could leave to his room for once and for all, you couldn't help but feel all giddy. You hadn't worn them many times, maybe one or two, but still, you could never grow used to wearing Hyunjin's clothes. And a part of you couldn't help but not feel like ever giving it back.
The way it had his particular scent you loved so much all over, the way it was long enough to cover just a little under your thighs, the way it felt almost like being in his arms, the way it was his.
Snapping out of it when you heard a heavy sigh coming from the bed, you were met with the cutest sight of Hyunjin tucked into it. Changbin had gone through the trouble, since he knew for a fact you would have a hard time trying to tuck him in if not.
The sheets were pulled up to his chin, in a way you could only see his uncovered face as he laid on his back and how the covers moved slowly up and down with each breath he took.
His eyes remained closed and his breathing calm. You couldn't help but feel bad for the hangover you knew he was waking up with the next morning, although that itself wasn't enough to erase the smile from off your face as you stared at him.
It was ridiculous how soft you were for him, not to say weak. You were so mad earlier that night, so hurt that he had brought up the one girl you were insecure about when it came to his past, that you thought the two of you would go your different ways that night and take a couple of days to make up.
But then there he was, telling a random guy who was trying to hit on you to back off and calling himself your boyfriend, kissing you like you were the only people in the bar, and that was all it took for you to feel at ease again — for you to know you would be alright regardless of the pending conversation you still needed to have.
Physically shaking your head as you were unable to mentally shake off his voice repeating the word 'boyfriend' over and over, causing your heart to soar with every memory of it, you went up to his drawer by the bed.
You took out the face wipes you knew he kept in there and went to the mirror next to it so you could take off your makeup. This wasn't your ideal night routine, but it would have to do for tonight.
"Mm…" Hyunjin's tired voice had your head snapping in his direction, only to be met with his visibly heavy eyes staring at you. "Sexy".
You snorted, feeling your face burn yet refusing to show how flustered you were over his sudden comment. Instead, you shook your head in amusement and threw the wipe into the small trash bin under his desk before you took a clean one out of the package.
"You're awake" you pointed out the obvious, sitting down by the edge of the bed.
"Yeah…" he sighed, eyes unconsciously closing for a moment there. "You looked too good for me not to wake up".
"That makes absolutely no sense" you laughed, leaning in to pull the covers slightly down to his chest.
"Yes, it does" he fought back, grimacing when the cold wipe came in contact with his face yet not protesting as you gently cleaned him up. "You should wear my clothes more often".
"I will take you up on that offer" you smiled, pressing a brief kiss to his forehead before going to throw the used wipe in the bin, too. "I'm borrowing a pair of sweatpants to sleep in".
"Noo, come here," he protested, stretching his arms out of the covers for you to go over there. "I meant you should wear my t-shirts with nothing else more often".
"Oh? You like the sight, Hwang Hyunjin?"
"You know I do" his eyes squinted accusingly.
"And what if I wanna go to the bathroom or the kitchen?" you taunted, folding your arms over your chest.
"If the guys are here then you put a pair of sweatpants on before leaving my room" his dead serious semblance got you grinning. "If we're alone, then it doesn't matter".
"Gatekeeping, I see" you came closer to the bed, enough for him to reach his hand out and grab your wrist.
"Of course," he proudly stated, pulling you down onto the bed with him — his hand resting against your back to pull you closer, later travelling down to the back of your thigh and guiding it over his waistline. "Only I get to see your pretty thighs like this".
This time, you could not hide the prominent heat in your cheeks, having to look down for a second to try and collect yourself, only to be met with his fingers holding your chin up and his lips pressing softly on yours.
Although it had begun tenderly, almost innocently, it was only a matter of seconds before Hyunjin's tongue was opening its way into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine as your hand went to his nape and your fingers were entangled in his brown locks.
It wasn't until his fingertips traced their way up from your thigh to your hip and his hand dug inside the t-shirt of his you were wearing, reaching dangerously close to the curve of your breasts, that you pulled away.
"So you're a horny drunk…" you smirked, almost as if having found his weakness. "Should've seen it coming".
"I always wanna touch you" he pouted.
"Something tells me it's different this time" you let out a breathy laugh, holding his wrist and gently removing it from underneath your top. "So I'm stopping you before we get too caught up".
"But I need you…" he whined, burying his face in your chest.
"You're literally half asleep, what would you be able to do anyway?"
"Don't underestimate me, baby girl".
You felt him smile against your chest in response to the small laugh that had just escaped your throat at his threatening words.
Considering your little banter to be done with after his last statement, Hyunjin's arms snaked around your waist and pulled you somewhat closer to him — as close as the covers in between the two of you allowed him to.
"You okay?" you whispered when you felt him take a heavy breath, tenderly running your fingers through his hair.
"Everything's spinning" he managed to let out as he exhaled.
You chuckled, pressing your lips down on the crown of his head. "That's what happens when you down two bottles of soju in half an hour".
He pouted. "I was… feeling very shitty…"
Your heart hurt at his words, and you were met with his heavy-looking chocolate eyes after he had pulled slightly away from your chest.
Silence filled the room for a minute, words somehow not being needed as you quietly looked at each other.
Wetting his lips, he reached a hand up to cup your cheek, drawing small circles on it with his thumb and smiling when your hand reached up to do the same with his wrist.
"I'm sorry about what I said," he apologised. "I shouldn't have brought Y—"
"I really don't wanna talk about her anymore" you softly cut him off.
He nodded, tenderly grabbing your hand in his and caressing the back of it with his thumb. "I'm really sorry, baby… I never wanted to hurt you".
"Hey, it's okay" you hushed him. "I never wanted to hurt you either. I'm sorry too, Jinnie".
He smiled, tiredly yet ever so blissfully — eyes closing once again right as he brought your hand up to his mouth and pressed a sweet kiss to it.
"I only want you. All to myself. No one else".
"You don't want me with anyone else or you don't want anyone else but me?" you couldn't help but tease.
"Both," his confident tone got a giggle out of you. "But you're the one who gets to decide whether you want to be with me for real now and I just keep fucking up an—"
"Baby…" you called him softly as ever, lovingly running your thumb over his bottom lip and managing to make him open his eyes once more. "You haven't even fucked up".
"I just did tonight, though…"
"Not in a way that will stop me from wanting to be with you" you reassured him with a smile.
"You promise?" he whispered.
You nodded, answering his question by briefly pressing your lips against his. "Remember what I told you the morning after we got together?"
"You told me many things that morning" he smirked, causing you to roll your eyes in amusement.
"About not feeling like you have to watch your every move around me" you reminded him. "I said that as long as y—"
"I don't go to someone else or start feeling trapped again we would be alright…" he completed for you.
"And you haven't done any of those, have you?"
"No, of course not" he sounded almost offended by that question. "If anything you might start feeling trapped with how clingy I got".
A throaty laugh escaped your mouth at that, snuggling closer to him and feeling your heart melt when his hand was naturally placed on the curve of your waist.
Fuck, you loved him.
"What are you saying, I love clingy" you admitted. "And since you haven't done any of those two things I don't really consider that you've fucked up… couples argue here and there, it's okay".
"Are you saying we're a couple now?" he smiled.
You bit your bottom lip, looking away from his eyes as you were at a loss of words and felt your face burn under his stare.
"Go to sleep, Jinnie".
"You haven't answered my question".
"You're drunk" you pointed out. "We'll talk about this some other time".
Hyunjin pouted, but ultimately decided to let it go. "You're staying the night?"
You nodded. "How else am I supposed to take care of your drunken ass tonight?"
"That is very girlfriend of you" he smirked.
You couldn't help the giggle that had just ran past your lips, just like you couldn't help the backflip your heart had just done. "You're going to regret this so much in the morning".
"I won't" he stood his ground.
"We'll see about that tomorrow" you chuckled. "Now go to sleep".
"At least get in here with me," he tugged at the covers for you to get inside. "You're practically naked, don't want my baby to catch a cold".
"Shut up," you laughed under your breath, embarrassed, yet complied with his wishes.
Helping him pull the sheets up, you got inside them with him, who wasted no time to tuck you in with him and tightly engulf you in his arms.
You sighed contentedly when your face rested on his chest, throwing a leg over his waist.
"Better?" he asked.
"Mhm…" your body snuggled closer to him. "This was very boyfriend of you" you couldn't help but tease.
Feeling him smile against the crown of your head, you were greatly surprised by his long fingers pushing your chin up to be met with his plump lips.
"That's what you should've told that one idiot that was hitting on you".
"And who says I didn't?"
He pulled back from your mouth, staring at you with wide eyes as he tried to process the words that had just come out of it. "Y-You did?"
You nodded, quite amusedly.
"You told him I was your boyfriend?"
"Well, I told him I had a boyfriend. He didn't know who you were, so…" you laughed at his cute expression right then.
"And even then he still wouldn't back off?" he scoffed. "God, I should've punched him".
An amused giggle escaped your mouth. "It's fine, I was actually about to just walk away when you got there" you confessed, tenderly running your thumb up and down the corner of his mouth. "You really underestimate how bad I don't want to be hit on by anyone but you, Hwang Hyunjin".
The smile that had just curved up his lips right then could easily be one of your favourites he'd ever given you. There was something about his crescent moon eyes and his dimples that had your heart soaring.
You didn't get to stare at it for long, though, for those same lips that were holding the most beautiful smile you had ever seen were soon to be pressed on yours, somehow managing to show you everything he felt for you yet did not have the right words to express.
Feeling his hot breath tickle your wet lips after the lack of oxygen had broken you apart, you found yourself smiling against his mouth, pecking it ever so lightly and having him do the same the next second.
"Be my girlfriend?" he whispered against your mouth.
Your eyes opened wide, and you were sure they looked elated as ever — for you were elated as ever.
You could scream. You could cry. You could laugh. Everything at once as you were hit by the one question you had at some point believed Hyunjin would never let himself ask you.
You could do so many things right then as you stared into his tired yet genuine eyes, and your heart screamed for you to answer with the 'yes' that had gotten stuck at the back of your throat the second his question reached your ears.
At last, though, you let the rational part of you win for once.
Leaning in to steal a soft, lingering kiss from his cloudlike lips, you looked up at him with a small smile. "Ask me again when you're sober".
Letting out a breathy, defeated laugh, he rested his forehead on yours as he closed his eyes. "Will you say yes?"
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. "Go to sleep, baby".
Although not entirely satisfied with your answer, he gave it up for once and for all, pulling you back to his chest as he closed his eyes and found comfort in the way your limbs were loosely wrapped around him. You were lucky the alcohol kept dragging him into a slumber, otherwise you would not have heard the end of it until you gave him a proper answer.
In less than a minute, he was fast asleep all over again.
You, on the other hand, were left wide awake while almost inaudible snores abandoned his lips every few seconds — unable to conceal your sleep as everything that happened that night kept replaying in your mind over and over. More precisely, images of your last conversation right before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
With your heart pumping hard against your chest to the point you were scared it would wake him up, you could only wish he would not change his mind once he woke up. That if he even remembered everything that had left his mouth that night.
Wide awake, you were left thinking of every possible outcome following this night.
Whatever happened, though, drunk words were sober thoughts, and although conflicted over the circumstances they had been spoken on, you could not help the overwhelming happiness taking over your mind and body now that you knew Hwang Hyunjin wanted to make things official with you.
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tag list: @blaaiissee @hyuneytoast @staysuki @tardiscompanion @princehyun-jin @hyuka-luvbot @halesandy @nattisbored @qnjayn @hibuki-chan @purenjuniverse @seungly @suhnnyskiess @midsoulz @kwanisms @esme-ordaz @perriwiinkle @firnze @soobin-chois @moon-320 @multifandomizer @elviransworld @valewoos @ktttwwn @hazzaloveschopsuey @hannahdinse8 @zoe8stay @leechanniee @phenomenalgirl9 @aeminju @threevracha @laryisthinking @wolfietara @iam2out @kingggjaay @cosmic-railwayxo @straykidsficsrecsbaby @marsophilia @choibeomgogi @ddaengpotate @oceanyocean @rinsdesires @jhslmhbtsskz @lixlovesworld @keenlampponyclam @yerimselgi @mal-lunar-28 @littlestarhyun @mingiholic @euphroseia
986 notes · View notes
satocidal · 10 months
𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ʿ𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ Unfortunately, Yours
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader
Episode 1:-
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Synopsis: It is when the birth right is snatched from your hands that your eyes truly ever open—especially when it’s always been there, right in your grasp. The Throne was yours, that was the truth promised and yet- yet your fate lay sealed with a certain Gojo. With an arranged marriage set in plan, alongs sets the plan of murder—within a wife who wants the throne and a husband who wants nothing but power, but suffers with them the present and the future of other two—especially when the lies of the past start surfacing.
— Word count: 3.9k
— A/n: ahhhh I have so many nerves lmao because this is the first chapter and I don’t wanna ruin it at all lol. And I wanna keep everything so subtle yk? But hope you guys like this!
— Warnings: Asshole Satoru; Asshole reader; mentions of adultery; slight objectification(?); Fem Bodied! Reader; usage of feminine terms; author thinks she can write💀 ps: I’ve never seen Christian weddings (or whatever I’ve written idk lol) so bare with me; typos
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Hands that were trained, calloused once with bruises, prepared to be painted with blood now sat idle—a diamond ring in the finger.
Fate- the red string- two ends.
About 8 billion people walked the surface of earth—it was said, heard, stated, passed—The Greek god Zeus split each one of us into halves, punished to roam the earth and find our other half—the soulmate. Fatalism stated that everything was predestined- so it must be true, the concept of it.
Marriage—sacred, pure.
The day was clear as ever in your eyes—your father had entered the room, a solemn look on his face, a ring in hand; the entire month you had watched as the Gojos became a usual Tomorrow; you had watched as your sisters giggled at the premonition of your marriage; you had watched as the tables shifted and you had watched, and watched and watched.
Eyes numb, heart aching and mind a mess, you watched for that was all you could do now.
It was rushed, the whole process of it—a month ago your wedding planned and a month later you were gone. You didn’t want the wedding, you were sure Satoru Gojo didn’t either—“He’s so in love with you,” from your cousins deluded you—“I’m so lucky to have you,” from his mother.
Mind filled with thoughts of a man you’d only meet at the night of your wedding.
No amount of convincing could’ve been for you to utter a yes—but a definitive “You will do it,” from your father did wonders.
“You’ll be alright,” a whisper—your mother’s, soft, harsh.
“You have to be alright,” a demand—your father’s, careful, adamant.
“Promise me you’ll be alright,” a thought—your sister’s, empty, or so you dared to think.
And that was true, in a lonesome bind, you thought a lot.
You thought when your sister braided your hair, pretty, elegant—nothing you’d ever found yourself to be defined as.
You thought while your mother and grandmother, aunts and maids—they giggled, old wives’ tales falling off chastised lips like honey.
You thought when you found your father’s eyes hiding—nervous, you’d noted but you only thought.
And you thought still when the morning arrived, you sister kneeling beside you—eyes focused, narrowed, fingers working fast to smoothen the white.
Perfect the white.
Perfect your impure white—the dirty kind.
And finally, alone with your sister, you spoke.
“You must be glad,”
A silence met you, heavy.
“Don’t be shy about it, not anymore,”
A sigh— she got up slow, eyes focused still on your white gown—“you look gorgeous,” a mumble you heard.
You found yourself staring at her curls—when did she curl those you wondered, but then she’d answer that you didn’t care and perhaps, you didn’t.
Not usually.
“We’re sisters Aki,” you pestered, “you can tell me ya know?” You winked—a smirk, a tease—all to prove your point.
“The wedding is to begin in an hour now then, be prepared,”
“Don’t change topics. Tell me you’re happy about it, about all this,”
Another sigh—a glare and a huff, “Has father stuffed lies so deep your throat that you’re begging to hear them now?”
Again, silence.
Your eye twitched—nose puffed and eyes flared at your form in the mirror—you did you look gorgeous, or at least, different. A good different, arguably.
“Alright,” she mumbled quietly then, “c’mere—” her hands beckoned you close, her own navy blue contrasting to your pure white—ironic, you mused.
“What,” face scrunched, you let out—causing your sister to chuckle, “At least smile at your own wedding y/n,”
A scoff—“I’ll cry if I damn want to—and no, not for the dramatics,” a chuckle, this time, mutual.
“I’ll miss you,” you heard her whisper against you, entrapped in an embrace you stood, stiff—your eyes lay blank.
“Was it…my—”
“It’s not to chastise you,”
“It’s no less than that,”
“Endure it,”
A tear, quick, rolled down your cheek—wiped off all too quickly by your own sister—for you were to look perfect tonight.
Perfect for your perfect husband.
“Find your happiness there,” she whispered against your shoulder—you sobbed, “Why is he sending me away?”
Cruel. Cruel. Cruel.
“He sent us all away- even mother,” her hands patted your back- the touch felt foreign—“Not me,” your voice rasped, “I was different, I was better, I was the best he had,” her hands tensed around you—“I don’t know,” she confessed, “but promise me, you’ll be happy there,”
You nodded- empty.
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“He’s going to be a fool in love,” her voice adorned, his mother- sharp- “So fortunate to get someone like you in my house, such a sweet pretty thing you are,” you smiled in accordance- hands clenched.
It was for her sake, you believed, the Gojo family worked in her shadow— a finger lifted meant everyone had to stand, a finger pressed and silence—in some way or the other, she stood to be your admiration. To hold power was to be nothing however to call power, now that, you admired.
It was in the way she was subtle but oh so glorified—Kana Gojo, perhaps the only woman or human you’d dared to look upto.
You smiled as she’d walked you around—parading shops through shops, looking for what she deemed the perfect dress—perfect, she wanted it to be—perfect not for her son but perfect in every sense of it.
A gift placed in your hand- bribe—“Aren’t you the sweetest Hm?” A smile, vaunted- his father, a careful spendthrift in every sense of the word.
You smiled, nodded and chuckled—“only learned from the best,” your eyes zoom over to your mother—never learned anything from her, you didn’t, and yet—formalities and a certain charm, you graced them evidently.
The head of the house, at least on paper—he didn’t hold much prowess with the profits but then, Gojos barely needed any more profit for the empire was built well and well enough to not crash. He did, however, hold his hands high and wide—welcoming, warm; everything his wife was not.
Not yin to her yang but the epitomised silver to her gold — Ginji Gojo, perhaps the only man to accustom himself to his wife, the only man you never truly could understand, along his son, of course.
You grinned as he lead you, hand held in his own—eyes searching for the perfect diamond to adorn not your finger but your marriage.
Shy glances and shyer hello-s he muttered, it was cute—you supposed, in the way a letter found is way in your hands—“Read it when you’re alone please,”—his cousin brother, innocent.
‘Hello,’ it began—cut off—‘Dear Y/n,’—cut off—‘assume I said something cool,’ you chuckled, the rest, a memory nestled deep in your mind.
He was young, 9–someone you hoped to inspire—Megumi—he didn’t know much, or anything at all, a subtle age of nine after all. But he knew enough.
Not enough to strike competition but smart enough to be called his successor; he was a smart kid you’d mused, a polite greet everytime you two met, a sweeter letter handed everytime.
Twice he cut off the beginning every time and deliberate you’d found it be—cuter still. And he lead you still, hand holding onto yours as he helped you decide on the flavour of the cake.
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The girl, you watched from the corner of your eyes, chuckled, a hand reaching out to slap her father’s hand away—he chuckled, smiled, conversed—something and everything you never had.
A tear rolled down your cheek, salty—“Crying already?” The voice was gruff, your father’s.
“Father,” you muttered, hands reaching upto wipe the tear away quick—“Don’t,” he muttered, “Tears are useful.”
You could only nod.
The man stood beside you, taller by a decent inch or two—hands stuffed in his pocket and a bow tie tight around his neck; the man was slender— a ghost of the figure he used to be, could’ve been. A potential wasted, he called himself—a potential wasted, you too.
You watched him as he moved around you, hefty eyes felt heavy, scanning your form—“You look fine,” a compliment he’d deem it—perhaps it was, “Didn’t know white was your colour.”
It wasn’t.
Did he know anything about you? At all? No.
“Suppose it is, today onwards,” he smiled, you frowned, “That’s my girl.”
Another tear rolled quick, then another and they kept rolling, you stood blank.
“No,” you scowled defiantly—his hands working quick—scowl, mirroring yours as he wiped the tears—“When I said tears, I didn’t mean these many. You cannot possibly be this dramatic.”
An empty grin.
“Dramatic?” Voice pitched, brows raised, heart shattering you stared at him—“I am being dramatic?” Loud enough you were to have people raise the awareness that the bride was moody- or so they’d gossip and so you’d let them.
His eyes narrowed—a sign, quite usually telling you to quieten down—not today, “Why are you doing this?” You finally asked, shoulders relieved, heart heavier still—afraid the answer might me the truth you’ve fed yourself.
“Is this some- some-” you paused, a breath caught, eyes cast down—“punishment? Did I do something wrong?”
And in that moment, perhaps you were nothing more than a little girl—perhaps in that moment you wanted nothing more than your father��s reassurance—perhaps things could’ve been better.
But they weren’t—glory of fate itself.
“Don’t create a fucking scene,”
Had hearts really been made of glass, your father would’ve heard yours break—not once but a million times in that second. Again and again and again.
A noise—static.
“Yes sir,” you muttered, eyes dancing along his hands—you shuddered—he twisted his own.
His hands were soft as they held yours, he lead you slow, your father did.
The white veil that you’d spent hours to decide upon, the one you would never care about—it swept beside you, gasps escaping the lips of many as you walked out.
And there, there your eyes met his.
Poised he stood, white hair slicked back—nothing like those superficial memories his mother had told about, nothing like the tabloids you’d seen. This man, the one on your altar—that was Satoru Gojo.
Not the Toru’ you’d heard of, not the Heir of Gojos you’d kept your eyes upon, not the stubborn and hardheaded Satoru-san his maids had warned you about, not anything you’d known.
This was Satoru Gojo, your husband to be.
You hadn’t assumed your wedding to be a fairytale—in all honesty, you hadn’t assumed anything at all.
A prison you’d deemed it on the first day and perhaps that was all it was—but something, just something in you cried all too much when Satoru didn’t slip so much as a smile towards you.
Don’t get me wrong, he’d grinned and smirked all night- teased by his friends—congratulated by everyone—he did show joy, in some meaning of the word.
Not to you- but I suppose a win that was too—after all, a marriage is built on the truths right?
Eyes moist, a tear he did let go off—superficial it was, you knew it, but a hero Satoru Gojo would be deemed the next day in the magazines his family would pay good money to.
Yours was never meant to be that perfect wedding, not at the core of it—you knew that from day one of the sequenced wedding but then—just something, someone in you cried a little too. Just someone broke inside when you realised it wouldn’t be your husband who cried the moment he set his eyes on his bride—it wouldn’t be you telling those cute stories about your wedding day.
It wouldn’t be you—it was normal you’d heard, for grooms to be overwhelmed in there weddings- the thought of spending a forever with his bride, the supposed memories flooding their mind—but it wouldn’t be for you. He stood there with hands behind him, eyes awaiting you presence still.
A smile he held—empty as you joined him—eyes were very telling you r father had preached, never once had you found him to be wrong.
His hands felt cold as you held them—cold like your father’s, colder still somehow was his presence. And your realised, heart — to what you had thought to be a void — breaking as you realised that the marriage was a cage to him as much as you. Neither happy—he wasn’t happy with your presence.
Pathetic. But again, did it truly matter?
The wedding had begun— officiated, soon your “I do”s would slip, the wedding couldn’t be stopped now, not ever.
And in that moment your eyes flickered to your own mother—she stood regal.
Embroidery she’d fought into you, cooking and baking, sewing a skill she’d made you own too—pity she couldn’t teach you controlling your emotions—pity your father was your influence.
Your eyes managed to flicker onto him—saintly, your brain mused—your heart couldn’t help but agree. And those saintly features held an ugly heart you told yourself, solace to a lonesome mind.
“Satoru, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect Y/N, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?”
When he took a moment to answer with a blank gaze, you could feel tiny pricks being sent straight to your heart. Just a mere glance at his stolid mien was enough for you to believe that he was going to call off the wedding and run away—mayhaps you wanted that, mayhaps, you didn’t.
What else could you expect?
He clearly didn’t want this, understandable was the fact. It wouldn’t surprise you if he took a step back and announced that he couldn’t go on in making an oath to offer the rest of his life with you. That he would rather get out of this hell hole and be somewhere else than to proclaim a love that was being forced out of him.
“I do,” he professed, despite the inner turmoil that plagued his head.
You sighed—soft.
“Y/n, do you promise to love, honour and cherish and protect Satoru, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?”
Your eyes were quick—a glance here and there and everywhere—the pause was heavy; you watched your father’s nod of encouragement—your mother’s sharp eyes—his mother’s smile, fake- his father’s sip of champagne—your sister’s eyes’ were hazy; his best friend tipsy.
You couldn’t say no—“I do,”
“Bride and Groom, you have heard the words of love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings. It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the officiant declared, “you may now kiss the bride.”
Your eyes widened behind your veil- your first- the breath hitched as Satoru removed your veil—crystal seemed his eyes, crystal clear was his distaste. He was tall—comical in fact—you tip toed slight, he leaned in a bit—the kiss was warm, chill, foreign. His hand rested upon your cheek, a stroke—a pull, brief.
Your eyes watched as he pulled away, a new smile on his lips—an actor he could’ve proven to be.
A million thoughts clouded you and him—known to only the two of you—marriage worked quick in that sense you supposed, mother and you sister weer perhaps right. But when all was said and done—the marriage was officiated.
And your eyes met then—a thought passed between you and your husband—stuck together—Unfortunately, Yours.
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Hair slicked, ivory, elegant.
For a man who was yours even when he wasn’t—you supposed he was good.
Gojo Satoru swept across the room—a smile on his face, gentle; gentler was the rhythm he walked at. Here and there, he conversed, after all, a man of his charm he was- taking after none but his father.
Idle gossip danced along his ears while he giggled with women—politics fell off his lips as he sipped on the champagne—he teased and played with children too, laughing and joking with them—Gojo Satoru smiled to all but his wife-to-be. She sat there, quiet, unmoving, unrelenting—she lay still.
“It’s the fifth time you’ve stared at her in the last 3 minutes,” a glass in hand—a black suit adorned, Suguru waltzed beside him—a sly grin on his face, “I know you’re married but that’s really desperate, even for you,”
“Shut up,” Satoru muttered, grinning wide at the new set of guests—hand motioning the waiters to attended to it.
Suguru chuckled again, “Your dad really didn’t help out today either huh?”
“Old geezer’s getting drunk,” voice, plain—monotonous, hands clenched at his sides —begging to run through his hair—to ruin it all.
“How was she?”
Suguru’s eyes zoomed on to the specific waitress—limping—he sighed, “Your mother was worried sick and you’re having affairs already?,” he began, hands reaching up to fix the shirt, “And today is your wedding today—have some etiquette,”
Eyes rolled—the same dialogue slipped off his mouth—“You’re becoming my mother—and she isn’t random; as is I’ll get her fired now,” he grinned this time around, “but not anymore, I’ve already got another woman to fuck around with,” a hand—sharp—landed on his head.
“Respect her,” the raven haired boy muttered, eyes focused and cast down, “She’s your wife today onwards—not just some woman you can fuck whenever you want,”
Satoru scowled, hands rubbing the back of his head, the spot where Suguru struck, “That’s all she means,”
“Don’t tempt me to make her a widow before she’s even married Satoru,” a grin, a huge one Suguru masked—words deadly balanced.
“Treat her well Satoru,”
“You marry her then,”
“Suck it up and smile,”
“Fuck you,”
“I will,”—a grin, a chuckle and that was that. A hand patted Satoru on the back—“Treat her well,” Suguru muttered again, both their eyes cast onto you—where a smile rested on both their lips, only one was genuine. Your eyes found tracing their oath to their spot too, black and white—they seemed a beautiful set—your eyes cast to your own gown and your sister’s. White and navy blue—all the same.
A couple and another, a pair of four.
Suguru let his eyes cast down to his watch—about time for the dance—“Satoru,” his voice was smooth, “it’s time for your dance,”
He hummed—“Her father, or I suppose mine too now—he wanted her first dance,” Suguru raised his brows, “and you let him? What happened ‘I don’t share’” A small smirk played on the younger male’s lips.
“I don’t share what’s mine—not all that-” another strike, harder.
Inhale, exhale- again.
You hands shook, and ears ringed—you were married. The statement related in your mind for the 5th time since.
Married. Tied down.
“Entertain me with the first dance m’lady?” Your eyes narrowed—sharp—“Father?”
Beside you stood you father indeed, an aura different—an aura that had become his past.
He smiled, kind—your confusion only grew—“It’s time sweetheart,” Your teeth clenched; sweetheart?
You nodded still—be his good girl—his hand held yours; yours, his.
The music was slow- none that you recognised, you needn’t, you’d want to forget the moment already. The applause for you was blurry, everything around you was too. Eyes didn’t bother running off to your mother, nor your husband—they never did around your father.
And in the moment, you could’ve sworn to the vain memory you held—your father seemed like the man you once knew; seemed like the one who had abandoned you. Rage seized a decent part of your mind—desperation to hold onto him took charge of the other.
He held you close- an embrace not felt in forever, “You’ll be fine baby,” he mumbled into your ear—“don’t say that,” you were quick to add.
“Don’t be like this,” you added next, his heart broke, yours already was.
He knew however, what you meant- not a single objection he raised, guilt all too evident on the face that held its own wisdom. Evident however, only to those who knew him and pity lay such, he never let you.
“Just entertain me here,” you finally spoke—a minute left of your song—“why did you agree to this? We’re not- we’re not in need of money, we’ve the perfect military- you’ve raised me enough for me to take over at any given instance then why—why them?”
His gaze should’ve hardened—you expected it; it softened.
“I apologise.”
You nodded yet again- an answer unkempt.
Satoru’s hand felt the same it had the altar, soft, scented- something you perhaps wanted to hated.
He spun you around—a man of honour your mother would call him, you beckoned yourself to him—a lady of grace his mother would call you.
People danced all around you, your eyes found their way onto your sister, smiling and giggling—suitors all around her, you smiled.
Eyes couldn’t help but falter at Suguru Geto- Satoru’s best friend, you’d learned—his presence too. In a shy corner he stood- girls around him, you wouldn’t blame them—he sought that attention after all, evident.
“You like this song?” Your eyes snapped onto Satoru—“Pardon?”
“This song, do you like it?” Your eyes gazed everyone—all the while, his, you.
“I’ve…never heard it before—”
“—well I particularly hate it,” your brows raised—“Oh alright,” you nodded, “I’ll make sure to not add it to the playlist ‘Wedding 2.0’,”
Smiles you both held- not for each other, formal entirely—“Hilarious,” he muttered, “Makes two of us,” you snapped back.
A momentary silence fell and you couldn’t yourself—“Don’t try to play the husband here, you don’t accept me and I don’t accept you which is all but fine by me but I don’t need you to make idle conversations.” Voice sharp- eyes more so.
He grinned—“Feisty Hm?” Your nose flared—“alright I’ll entertain you with the non-idle kind,” eyes looked down at you condescension, was it?
“Daddy raised you as his war general yeah?” Your jaw clenched, “what did they call you? His right arm? His best gem?”
“Domestic abuse,” you began slow, “is a very real concept Satoru,” you smiled dangerously sweet—“Pray tell, the way you speak may make you victim soon,”
He chuckled quietly, nothing humorous, “Daddy also taught you weaponry?”
“Don’t speak of him like that-respect him,” you warned, teeth gritted—both of yours eyes zooming onto him—Satoru smiled.
“Of course, nothing against my father-in-law,” another grin, “But I can say whatever to you right baby?”
You hated him.
Your eyes scanned his, his- yours.
A frown, a grin.
A cough sounded beside you just then—the man just as tall as your husband, just as, if not more so, elegant.
Your eyes met his—a pit, yours and his.
“M’lady,” he smiled smoothly- bending just enough to kiss your hand—eyes cast quick onto Satoru, “One dance with the lady of the night please?”
Never a question, only a statement.
“Yes please,” Satoru muttered all too quick- a sharp glance, yours and Suguru’s.
Before you knew it you were swept right away, Suguru danced faster—a style which complimented yours, Satoru? Quiet the very same as yours, clashing.
You smiled as he picked the momentum with you, a chuckle his too—“You look stunning tonight,”
A nervous smile you passed-“All the very same to you sir,” his eyes crept onto your skin quick—“Why, seems like it’s just the two War Generals appreciating each other,” he laughed.
You laughed along- your eyes pausing to scan the hilt of his dagger in the suit—“Talent sees talent, eh?”
Another laugh- empty. What had swept you off was pleasant, what danced with you was hollow.
“The wedding,” Suguru added—your ears perked.
“Yes?” You reflected instantly—“You helped in the management right?” He smiled—your eyes narrowed.
Bastard, you both mused.
You nodded politely, “Well a good wife has to take care of things yeah?”
He grinned, “Oh you’re all too good m’lady,” voice a whisper, “Seems to me you’ll give me a run for my life,”
You grinned back, “Bless my heart Suguru—never to my family.”
Eyes hollow, minds ran fast—‘Interesting’ you both wondered as Suguru handed you back to his best friend and your husband.
‘Interesting indeed’.
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— Taglist: @rizzmin @4sat0ruu @lavendervogh @yooiimiya @gojoismybitch
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kwanisms · 1 year
Kinkuary 04 Hwa & Joong — double penetration // anal
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➥ dom!Seonghwa × bratty!Reader × dom!Hongjoong summary: After a few drinks and a slip of the tongue, Y/N and her boyfriend, Seonghwa, invite their friend Hongjoong back to their hotel room. wc: 6.7k (sorry. she's wordy lol) warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, established relationship (Seonghwa), alcohol consumption, sexual content (minors dni!): threesome, protected sex (both Hwa & Joong wear condoms), oral (f receiving, m receiving), anal (f receiving), double penetration, biting, dom!Hwa, dom!Joong, bratty!Reader, Hwa is a little rough with his hands, pet names (baby, angel, etc), I think I got everything lol Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @rdiamond2727 Ateez taglist: @2hodefender @babyhailey819 @foxylilbitch MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
a/n: I've had so many dreams about threesomes with these two so I got a lot of content in my head lol I hope you enjoy this piece for Kinkuary! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
“I can’t believe he didn’t know his toupee was lopsided!” You giggled, setting your glass down as your boyfriend, Seonghwa, reached over, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, smiling as he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand.
“It was so funny!” Hongjoong said, grabbing the half empty bottle of soju and began pouring more shots. You grabbed your full shot glass and waited for the two men to do the same, clinking the glass together before downing your shot quickly.
Hongjoong let out a whoop, causing Seonghwa to kick him under the table. “Shut up, you idiot,” Seonghwa chuckled, looking at his best friend. You joined in his laughter, giggling behind your hand at your boyfriend’s best friend.
“Sorry,” Hongjoong said with a grimace. “It’s been a while since I’ve drank like this,” he added, shaking his head and grabbing the bottle to pour more shots.
“I think the last time I drank like this,” you said, raising to press your finger to your lips in mock thinking. “Was that party at Wooyoung’s,” you concluded. Seonghwa groaned, rolling his eyes. “The party where he insisted we play strip truth or dare?”
Hongjoong nearly choked on his water, having grabbed the bottle to take a sip.
“He made you what?” He asked incredulously, making you giggle again as the alcohol mixed in your system.
Seonghwa shook his head, giving you a fond smile before looking at his best friend.
“It’s so dumb. He just wanted an excuse to take his clothes off,” Seonghwa replied as you settled into the cushions beside him.
He’d chosen this restaurant because it was attached to the hotel you and he were staying in but also because they had these private balconies for rent. The table was low, almost like a coffee table, with two black cushioned loveseats on either side and matching armchairs on the ends. The balcony had two square pyramid shaped outdoor heaters, powered by propane with a glass tube up the center that held the flame.
The food, which had been excellent, was mostly gone and several empty bottles of soju sat on the table top.
“I think Woo just wanted everyone naked, to be honest,” you added, snuggled up against Seonghwa as one of your hands reached up to play with the hair at the base of his neck. Seonghwa nodded, shrugging as he looked up at you.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” he said, smiling as you erupted into more drunken giggles.
Across the table, Hongjoong watched the exchange with a fond smile on his face. After all, it was he who introduced you and Seonghwa in the first place, wanting two of his closest friends to meet and was pleasantly surprised when the two of you hit it off so well you started dating.
You caught sight of him grinning at the two of you like an idiot. “What are you smiling at?” You asked, tilting your head and drawing Seonghwa’s attention back to Hongjoong. The younger man shook his head, looking down at his shot glass with a smile. “I just never imagined that things would work out so well for you two,” he said softly.
You exchanged glances with Seonghwa. “Are you… jealous?” Seonghwa asked, proceeding with caution.
Hongjoong laughed, shaking his head again. “The opposite,” he answered, looking up. “I couldn’t be happier for you two,” he answered before holding his shot glass up. “Here’s to you two lovebirds,” he said before throwing back the shot, you and Seonghwa following suit.
The conversation shifted quickly.
“So tell me more about this strip truth or dare game,” Hongjoong said, reaching to grab a leftover piece of sushi and popped it in his mouth.
“Oh god,” Seonghwa groaned again while you laughed.
“It was so funny,” you answered as you started to explain the mechanics of the game, reiterating how Wooyoung totally made up the rules on the spot. “So it gets to me,” you said as Seonghwa grabbed his non-alcoholic drink and took a sip. “This little shit,” Seonghwa scoffed as you playfully hit his chest.
“You can’t tell me he wasn’t saving that question specifically for you,” Seonghwa said as he set the glass down.
Hongjoong watched you two, waiting for the next part.
“He asks me to pick truth or dare and I had already done a dare the previous round, so naturally, I chose truth,” you explained as Seonghwa placed his arm on the back of the loveseat behind you.
“Naturally, of course,” Hongjoong said with a smirk. He knew you well enough that you hated playing truth or dare in any setting because it always ended up turning into a game of I dare you to kiss so-and-so. Hongjoong couldn't deny he hated that growing up. No one had any imagination as teenagers.
“So he asks me-,” you started but Seonghwa interrupted you. “Technically, he asked us,” he said.
“He asks me,” you said again, ignoring your boyfriend. “If I’ve ever had a threesome,” you finally manage to get out.
Hongjoong’s eyes widened, his eyebrows shooting up at the sheer audacity of Wooyoung to ask a question like that, especially in front of Seonghwa.
“Uh, no,” Seonghwa interrupted again. “He specifically asked you if you’ve had a threesome with me and him,” he corrects, nodding towards Hongjoong.
You scrunched up your face and looked at Seonghwa. "Wait. Did he specifically ask if it was with you and Joongie?" you asked. "I don't remember that." Seonghwa shook his head, leaning forward to grab his drink and held the glass out to you.
"Here, babe," he said before explaining further.
"You were a lot more drunk than I was that night," he started. "Wooyoung specifically asked if we'd ever had a three way with Joong," he continued as you took a long sip of the drink your boyfriend handed you.
Hongjoong’s heart was pounding in his chest as he processed what was being said. If Wooyoung really asked that in a room full of people, he had to have thought it actually happened at some point and since he mentioned it in front of other people, they had to think the same thing now.
"You told him no, of course," he finally said, relaxing into the loveseat across from his two closest friends. You nodded, handing the glass back to Seonghwa who took a sip of his own.
Seonghwa set the glass back down and shook his head. "No you didn't," he countered, causing both you and Hongjoong to look at him, mirroring the same confused expressions.
"Yes I did!" you retorted indignantly. Seonghwa shook his head again. "No sweetheart, what you actually said was 'not yet.'"
Seonghwa’s words hit Hongjoong like a truck and he suddenly felt his pants growing tighter. 'Not yet? What does that even mean?' he wondered as you and Seonghwa bickered back and forth.
Finally, you conceded, assuming Seonghwa was correct because he has been much more sober than you at the party.
"My bad," you said with a shrug as you settled back against the sofa, one of your hands resting on your boyfriend’s thigh. Hongjoong couldn't help but imagine your hand on his thigh and --
'Stop it!' he scolded himself mentally. The last thing he needed was images of you on your knees in front of him as your mouth--
'Yah! What are you doing!'
Hongjoong shook his head, realizing he'd zoned out of whatever conversation you and Seonghwa currently were having. He leaned forward and snatched his bottle of water.
He was too busy downing his water to notice the way Seonghwa's attention shifted to him, albeit very briefly. He noticed the change in Hongjoong's body language almost instantly.
Best friends were usually pretty perceptive about one another.
Hongjoong replaced the cap of his almost empty bottle of water and set it back on the table, trying to force his brain to focus on anything other than you on top of him with Seonghwa behind you, hands gripping your —
'Stop thinking about your best friends like that!' Hongjoong mentally admonished himself. 'What is wrong with you?!'
Hongjoong would be a liar if he said he hadn't fantasized about you before but that was ages ago, when you were teens and before you even met Seonghwa. It wasn't like he wanted to date you or bring those fantasies alive, he was just a horny teenage boy then.
But if he was just a horny teenage boy then, what was he now? Sitting across from his best friend and his best friend's girl, fantasizing about her touching him.
Seonghwa could tell Hongjoong was having some sort of internal struggle and he could only guess it had something to do with your accidental admission that you may or may not want a three way to happen. Ever since they'd brought it up, Hongjoong had shifted uncomfortably in his seat, tried to relax, and drink some water.
Clearly, the thought was affecting him and Seonghwa could only guess what was going on in that imaginative brain of his best friend.
He decided to try something; something that might give him an idea of just how far he could take this.
He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to whisper in your ear, not missing the way Hongjoong watched you.
"If you want that little fantasy of yours to come true, do what I say."
It was well known to Seonghwa that you were more than willing to have a threesome. He knew it early on when you started becoming intimate. Seonghwa had never given the idea much thought, mainly because he didn't want to share you with another man, nor did he want to try to focus on two women.
It had never crossed his mind, until the night of the party, that Hongjoong could enter the equation and Seonghwa found himself not hating the idea.
If he was going to share you with another man, might as well be one he trusted fully and who did he trust more than his best friend?
Only you.
Hongjoong watched with wide eyes as Seonghwa's free hand moved, gliding up your leg, past your knee and up the side of your thigh and pulled, his fingers digging into your skin as he pulled you leg up over his lap, almost so you were straddling him but not quite.
'What the fuck?' he wondered.
"S-so you mentioned you'd done a dare at the party?" Hongjoong stammered, mentally cursing when he heard his own voice break slightly. You didn't react to it but Seonghwa certainly did and the smirk the older man gave had Hongjoong’s blood boiling but not in anger. No, definitely not in anger.
"Oh," you said with a nod. "Yeah, the dare was to show everyone the last racy photo I sent Seonghwa," you said, cheeks burning under the heated gaze of your boyfriend and now your best friend.
Seonghwa glanced up at Hongjoong in time to see the darkened gaze he sent your way. It gave him an idea.
"You want to see it?" he asked, drawing both yours and Hongjoong’s attention. "W-what?" Hongjoong asked, causing Seonghwa’s smirk to grow.
He looked at you, the hand on your thigh giving your skin a light squeeze. "Show him the picture, baby," he said, his voice laced with amusement.
You hesitated for a moment before remembering what Seonghwa had said only moments ago. 'If you want that little fantasy of yours to come true, do what I say.'
You leaned forward and grabbed your clutch that lay on the table, pulling out your phone and unlocking the screen before started to scroll through your camera roll.
Hongjoong's eyes flickered from you as you searched through your phone and Seonghwa, who leaned forward to grab the bottle of soju and poured three shots. As Seonghwa grabbed his shot glass, he leaned back and you murmured something about finding 'it.'
Heart pounding, Hongjoong waited until you got up from the sofa and moved around the table to sit on the arm of the loveseat he sat on. You held out your phone and Hongjoong looked up at you before carefully taking the device from you, as if it would explode.
Hongjoong glanced at Seonghwa one last time who nodded towards the phone as if to say go on. Finally, he allowed his eyes to look down at the screen and felt his breath catch in his throat, his heart pounding even harder as his pants tightened even more.
On the screen was a picture you'd clearly taken in the mirror. It was dimly lit in the room you'd taken the picture in, no doubt your bedroom as he could see a bed, the edge of a computer desk, and the million plushies that adorned your bed.
And there you sat, kneeling with your ass resting on your heels as you faced away from the mirror. Your back was arched, giving off a perfect view of your ass.
Hongjoong could see you peeking over your shoulder but your phone was covering your face as you had snapped the photo.
You were scantily clad in a cropped white tee but the focus of the photo was quite clearly your perfect ass, a black lace thong dipping between your cheeks.
Heat rose to his cheeks as he studied the photo. His eyes were so focused on the screen that he didn't see the way Seonghwa watched him with a curious expression.
He saw the way you bit into your bottom lip as you watched Hongjoong.
He wondered what was going through your mind at that very moment. He could almost see the wheels turning.
Seonghwa cleared his throat, drawing your attention but Hongjoong’s stayed on the screen. “Can you do something for me, angel?” Seonghwa asked, knowing that specific nickname had a particular effect on you.
You nodded slowly, eyes meeting Seonghwa’s heated gaze and prompting him to smile at you sweetly.
“Take the phone from him,” he said, nodding towards Hongjoong. You reached over, lightly snatching the phone from Hongjoong and breaking the trance he seemed to be in. Seonghwa held his hand out for your phone. You stood up and walked over to hand it to him wondering what he was planning.
Seonghwa took the phone in one hand before taking your hand and pulling you down to whisper in your ear.
Hongjoong watched the way your eyes widened and you pulled back to look at your boyfriend with a shocked expression. “Are you sure?” He heard you whisper to which Seonghwa nodded, the same smile on his face as he let go of your hand and leaned back against the cushions.
Hongjoong’s eyes followed you as you walked around the table and took a seat beside him. He turned his gaze to look across the table at Seonghwa who sat back, arms resting on the back of the couch as he watched the two of you with dark eyes.
“What’s going on?” Hongjoong finally managed to ask, trying to ignore the heat of your body next to his.
The alcohol was having more of an effect on him and it made him extremely perceptive of your close proximity.
Seonghwa’s eyes turned to you quickly and nodded, seemingly encouraging you. Hongjoong tore his gaze from his friend to look at you as you leaned in, one of your hands lightly grazing his thigh as you leaned forward, lips inches from his.
“What are you doing?” He whispered, frozen under your simple touch. “It’s okay,” you simply answered. Hongjoong looked from you to Seonghwa who made no effort to move, only watched from his seat. And then it hit Hongjoong. Seonghwa had whispered something to you earlier before he told you to show the picture.
And then again just now, he’d whispered something Hongjoong couldn’t hear.
His head turned back to gaze at your face inches from his. His eyes dipped to look at your lips before looking back up to meet your eyes. “Okay,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his heartbeat thundering in his ears.
The next moment, your lips were on his and it was like a switch flipped. Hongjoong’s hands grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. He barely had time to register what he was doing before he pulled back from your kiss and immediately started apologizing. You silenced him with another kiss, your lips moving against his as your hands moved up his chest, one stopping at his shoulder while the other moved up into his hair.
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured against his lips. “I know you want this,” you added, rolling your hips and grinding against his prominent erection. Seonghwa had noticed early on but you hadn’t seen it until you were studying him while his focus was on your phone. Your boyfriend was clearly much more perceptive than you.
“What about—” Hongjoong muttered but his words were cut off by your lips back on his before you pulled back slightly. “He’s the one who suggested this,” you answered. Your lips moved against his cheek, down the side of his face as you kissed down towards his neck, stopping to nip at his skin.
Hongjoong let out a sigh, tilting his head as you teased him. His eyes landed on Seonghwa who was merely watching, a smirk on his face as he saw the effect you had on his best friend.
“You can touch her, you know,” Seonghwa said, nodding towards you. Hongjoong hesitantly let his hands move, sliding them down your waist to your hips, stilling for a moment before running his hands over your backside, gripping and pulling your hips against his, letting out a soft groan at the feeling.
Watching you grind yourself against his best friend was something Seonghwa had never even given a thought to but now that he was watching it, he was realizing how much he enjoyed watching you get worked up.
Your lips met Hongjoong’s again in a heated kiss, lips parting as your tongue entered his mouth, exploring and finding his tongue. It was messy, rushed, and very different from the way Seonghwa kissed you.
Everything your boyfriend did was precise, calculated, and measured but with Hongjoong, it was chaotic, hasty, and erratic. His hands were everywhere, lips moving against yours and tongue fighting for dominance.
It made your heart pound but it also made your panties stick to you as your arousal grew with each grind and pass of Hongjoong’s tongue over yours.
You heard Seonghwa clear his throat from behind you and broke apart from Hongjoong, turning to glance back at your boyfriend.
He was leaning forward, downing the rest of his drink and got to his feet. "I'm gonna go settle the bill," he said, walking around the table as you slid off Hongjoong's lap. Seonghwa stopped beside you, leaning down to kiss the top of your head before looking at Hongjoong.
"Finish your drinks and meet me at the elevator," he added before moving to the door, pulling it open and stepping back into the restaurant.
Hongjoong's eyes returned to your form as you giggled, fingers covering your lips as you sat there. "What the hell just happened?" Hongjoong breathed, feeling many things all at once.
"Did he really tell you to do that?" he asked, to which you nodded. "He did," you answered, scooting to the edge of the couch, grabbing a piece of sushi before getting to your feet and grabbing your clutch.
"Come on," you said thickly, covering your mouth as you swallowed the food. "He's waiting for us."
Hongjoong downed his water and got up, following you as you led the way through the restaurant, bidding goodnight to the hostesses and managed to make it out into the lobby where he could see Seonghwa waiting by the elevators.
As the two of you approached, Hongjoong felt as if this is where the fun would end but he was surprised, yet again when Seonghwa wrapped an arm around your shoulders and looked him in the eye.
“I think we should take this upstairs,” he said softly, glancing at you. Hongjoong watched as you nodded and then as both of his friends looked at him.
“Joong?” You asked sweetly, holding out your hand. “Will you join us?”
Hongjoong hesitated. They were giving him the choice to join them upstairs or leave.
The answer was obvious.
Hongjoong stepped forward, taking your outstretched hand. “I’d love to join you two,” he said with a smile.
Had Hongjoong been told he’d end up in bed with two of his best friends, he would have told the person who said it they were insane and that would never happen.
And how wrong he would have been.
As soon as the three of them left the elevator, you were on Hongjoong, lips against his, pulling at his jacket as Seonghwa unlocked the door to their hotel suite and led the way inside.
Once inside, things moved faster than Hongjoong could process.
You had him stripped of his jacket and shirt, pushed onto the bed and on top of him before Seonghwa had managed to turn on the dim hotel lamps.
“Take it easy, baby,” Seonghwa said from somewhere else in the room. Hongjoong couldn’t find him as he was too busy focusing on the way you were grinding against him. “This is all new to Joong.”
It was only a moment later that you had Hongjoong stripped, his cock in your hand as you stroked him slowly. “Shit,” he groaned, falling back on the mattress as he felt your tongue drag up the bottom of his cock, taking the head into your mouth.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, eyes fluttering shut.
He had fantasized about this, sure, but the reality was much better than his imagination.
“She’s good at that, isn’t she?” Seonghwa asked, finally sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the way you took Hongjoong into your mouth, bobbing your head and letting the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, filling the room with lewd sounds.
“Yeah,” Hongjoong answered. “S-so good.”
Seonghwa’s smirk grew, drawing his eyes from his best friend to look towards you, reaching out to affectionately stroke your hair. “Such a good little slut,” he purred, hand stopping on the back of your head.
“I know you can take more in that pretty little mouth, though,” he added, firmly pushing your head down, forcing more of Hongjoong’s cock in your mouth.
“Breathe through your nose, baby,” he ordered as you sank down. “That’s it.”
Hongjoong let out a choked moan as his cock slid deeper, the head extending down into your throat. “Fuck!” He grunted as you gagged, throat constricting around him.
“She’s very good at taking cock,” Seonghwa praised as he held your head in place for a few seconds before letting go, allowing you to pull back and breathe in a full breath.
“I can tell,” Hongjoong said in a shaky breath.
Seonghwa stood up, moving behind you and pushing the fabric of your skirt up, revealing your lace thong. His hands smoothed over your ass before delivering a harsh smack to your left cheek, causing you to moan and your body to jolt.
“Keep going,” Seonghwa ordered. “I didn’t say you could stop.”
You let out a small giggle, pushing back against Seonghwa’s touch and earning another spank. “Don’t be a brat in front of our guest, baby,” Seonghwa said sternly.
“Or what?” You asked, challenging him. Seonghwa let out a growl and Hongjoong heard the sound of material ripping and you gasping as you tried to sit up.
Seonghwa pushed you back down. “Did I say you could get up?” He barked, causing you to whine in protest. “Do as I say or you won’t get to cum tonight.”
You whined again but obeyed, knowing full well Seonghwa would follow through with his threats.
Hongjoong let out another groan as you took him back into your mouth, tongue swirling around the tip before letting your jaw relax and sinking down on him, taking the full length into your mouth.
“Good girl,” Seonghwa whispered, his fingers toying with your cunt before pushing two inside you at once causing you to moan around Hongjoong’s cock.
“Feel free to be as rough with her as you want, Joong,” Seonghwa said as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of your wet heat, his thumb rubbing circles against your clit in time with his fingers.
“Fuck her mouth if you have to. She can be a real brat some time,” he added.
Hongjoong’s fingers combed through your hair, his hand moving to the back of your head and pushing down slightly. “Come on,” he urged. “We both know you can do better than that,” he added, his more dominant side slipping out.
You let out another moan as Seonghwa’s fingers moved faster, thrusting into you. Hongjoong forced your head down further, pushing the tip of his cock back into your throat again. “Right there,” he groaned. “Just hold it for a second for me, baby,” he added.
Seonghwa chose to ignore the use of the pet name. He’d deal with it later.
He reached up, unzipping the back of your dress and quickly undressed you.
“Scoot back,” Seonghwa ordered, looking over you to Hongjoong. “I need space behind her.”
Hongjoong moved quickly, pulling you off him and scooting back before pulling you forward carefully and guiding your head back to his cock.
Seonghwa climbed onto the bed behind you, kneeling and grabbing your hips.
“She might lose some focus but I’d rather her be fully prepared.”
Before you had a chance to reply,” Hongjoong had forced his cock back into your mouth. “Keep going,” he said in a low tone. You would have to remind yourself to get him back for his attitude later.
Seonghwa’s hands held your hips in place pressing light kisses to the backs of your thighs, biting at the skin before his tongue pressed against your clit, teasing it with light licks and flicks.
You moaned around Hongjoong’s cock as Seonghwa ate you out from behind, his tongue lapping at you, pushing into your entrance.
He could feel your thighs shake under his grip and pulled away, ignoring the way your arousal covered his lips and chin.
Wordlessly, Seonghwa got up from the bed and moved to a small bag on the desk.
Hongjoong glanced over as Seonghwa dug through the bag and returned moments later. He tossed something to Hongjoong. “You’ll need that,” he said as Hongjoong picked up the foil packet.
“Keep her busy,” Seonghwa added as he returned to his spot behind you. In his hands he held a bottle of lubricant and a…
“Is that a butt plug?”
Seonghwa glanced up at his friend before looking back to the toy in his hand with a nod. “It is,” he answered simply.
He popped the top on the bottle and dribbled a good amount of the lube onto the tip of the toy.
Snapping the bottle lid closed, he tossed it onto the bed and took one side of your hips in his hand, moving the toy to spread the lubricant against your asshole.
“Talk her through this,” Seonghwa ordered. “And you might want to take your cock out of her mouth,” he added.
Hongjoong pulled your mouth off him, pulling you up level with his face. “Just look at me,” he said, combing through your hair.
You felt Seonghwa’s hand on your hip give you a gentle squeeze.
“Relax, baby,” he said softly, waiting until he saw your muscles unclench before he started to slowly push the tip of the toy into your tight hole.
You let out a gasp at the intrusion. “Shhh, that’s it,” Seonghwa said as he stilled, waiting for you to relax again. “Keep talking to her,” he said to the younger man.
Hongjoong took your face in his hands. “You’re doing so well,” he said in a low tone, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Just relax, Y/N.”
You nodded, biting into your bottom lip as you forced your body to relax under both their touch.
Seonghwa continued pushing the toy into you until it slipped in, leaving only the flared base sticking out. He leaned over, pressing a kiss to your lower back. “Good girl,” he murmured again.
“Put that on,” Seonghwa said, nodding towards the condom he’d thrown Hongjoong earlier.
While Hongjoong fumbled with the foil packet, Seonghwa undressed, removing his shirt and pants and leaving his underwear on. He leaned over your back, his lips inches from your ear.
“You okay, angel?” He asked quietly. You nodded, turning your head to smile at him. “I’m okay, Hwa,” you said, your voice a little hoarse. Seonghwa cringed internally, but pulled you into a sweet and gentle kiss.
“You’re doing so well, baby girl,” he whispered against your lips. “Hold on for just a little while longer,” he added, making you nod again.
Seonghwa pressed another kiss to your lips. “Now get on his cock.”
You moved as quickly as you could, straddling Hongjoong’s lap and reaching down to line the head of his cock with your entrance. “She likes to be on top,” Seonghwa said, dragging his fingers up your sides and back down to hold your hips. “But don’t let her do all the work,” he added. “She likes to tease.”
With that, Seonghwa pushed you down, forcing you to take all of Hongjoong’s cock quickly and making both of you gasp out, Hongjoong from the sudden sensation of having your walls gripping him tightly and you from feeling fuller than you’ve ever felt with Hongjoong’s length buried inside your cunt and the toy in your ass.
“How does she feel, Joong?” Seonghwa asked, resting his head on your shoulder.
“So fucking good,” Hongjoong replied, moving his hands to your hips, urging you to move.
Seonghwa smirked, turning his head to whisper in your ear.
“Does it feel good, baby?” He asked, moving one hand around to your stomach. “Do you feel full?” He asked, pressing down on your stomach and causing you to moan out. “Go on,” he said softly. “Fuck yourself on his cock.”
He pulled back to watch as you rested your hands on Hongjoong’s shoulders and lifted yourself slowly, sinking back down on him. “Holy shit,” Hongjoong breathed out as you continued to move.
Seonghwa watched, keeping his eyes on where yours and Hongjoong’s bodies met, one of his hands moving to palm himself over his boxers.
"Keep going, baby," Seonghwa said, encouraging you as you moved, rolling your hips and sinking back on to Hongjoong.
Seonghwa just needed a couple more minutes before he could take the toy out of you. Just a few more.
Giving you some more time to adjust, Seonghwa took the time to remove his underwear and open the second condom, rolling it on carefully before he cautiously grabbed your hips, slowing your movements.
"Relax, baby, I'm gonna take this out now," he said softly, grabbing the base of the toy firmly and slowly easing it out. "That's a good girl," he cooed, setting the plug aside and gently rubbing his hand over the small of your back.
“Keep still,” Seonghwa said softly, kneeling behind you. Hongjoong held your hips in place, reminding you to relax and keep breathing.
“Tell me if it hurts,” Seonghwa added in a whisper, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he guided the tip of his cock to the hole that wasn’t currently being filled.
You took a deep breath as Seonghwa pushed the head of his cock into you, causing you to gasp at the sudden sharp sting. “Are you okay, Y/N?” Seonghwa asked, stilling immediately.
You nodded vigorously. “Just shocked more than anything,” you answered, the stinging being replaced with a dull pain. Anal play wasn’t new to you and Seonghwa but you’d never had his cock in your ass, just a finger or a slim toy.
“Holy shit,” Seonghwa hissed, sliding further into you and nearly groaning at how good your walls felt gripping him so tightly.
It was much different than what you were both used to.
“How are you doing, baby?” Seonghwa asked, keeping one hand firmly on your waist, the other moving around your front to gently grab your throat and pull you back against Seonghwa’s chest. “You doing alright?” he whispered in your ear, to which you nodded.
“‘M so full, Hwa,” you whined.
Your boyfriend chuckled softly, gently pushing you over onto Hongjoong who still had a firm grip on your hips.
Seonghwa tapped his friend's hands lightly. “Move them to her waist, keep her in place.”
Hongjoong did as Seonghwa instructed, taking hold of your waist, switching his hands placement with the older man who now had a tight grip on your hips.
Without another word, Seonghwa pulled out slowly only to push back in just as slowly.
He gave you a few shallow and slow thrusts, testing your limits before picking up the pace when you urged him to move faster.
As he set a steady rhythm, you let out a gasp, moaning loudly at the feeling of being so full.
You’d never felt like anything like it before. It was incredible.
With Seonghwa’s hips meeting your ass, you started to push back against his thrusts, forcing Hongjoong’s cock further into your cunt.
Hongjoong cursed under his breath, eyes fluttering shut as your walls squeezed around him but it was paired with the odd sensation of Seonghwa’s cock moving inside you from a different angle and entrance.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped, fingers digging into the sheets as Seonghwa thrust into you faster, hips hitting your ass and filling the room with the sound of skin against skin.
“You gonna cum already, baby?” Seonghwa asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“You seem to have forgotten your manners in front of our guest,” he added.
Hongjoong caught onto what Seonghwa was hinting at.
“That’s right,” he said, adding onto the older man’s thought. “Isn’t it guests first?”
“I believe you’re right,” Seonghwa said, not giving you a chance to answer, not that you could form a coherent thought anyway with both their cocks filling your holes.
“Feel free to cum any time, Joong,” Seonghwa added, slowing his hips to a roll, burying his cock inside you as far as he could. “Wait,” you panted, pushing yourself up onto your hands but Seonghwa was quick to force you back down.
“Uh-uh, angel,” he said, his hand on your back between your shoulder blades and keeping you bent over. “Let our guest finish.”
You had no time to form a sentence before you felt Hongjoong start to thrust up into you, cutting off your words with a yelp as he chased his own orgasm.
“S-shit,” you stammered, grabbing fistfuls of the bed linens. “Ah! Joong!” you whimpered, thighs shaking from the intensity of his thrusts as it drove you further and further towards your own orgasm.
“You gonna cum, Y/N?” he asked, hands gripping your waist tightly, his painted nails pressing into your skin. You nodded with another whimper, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock?”
Seonghwa wasn’t one to normally get jealous but the way Hongjoong was speaking to you stirred something inside him but he pushed it down. He’d deal with his feelings later.
Tightening his grip on your hips, Seonghwa started moving again, thrust into you from behind, purposely offset from Hongjoong’s thrusts.
Your grip on the sheets tightened, moans leaving your lips with each calculated thrust from both men.
You weren’t going to last much longer but you knew Seonghwa would punish you if you came before Hongjoong so you held on as long as you needed.
Luck was on your side as Hongjoong’s hips stuttered. “Fuck. ‘M gonna cum,” he groaned, giving you a few more thrusts before he came with a low moan, filling the condom. His hands fell to the mattress as he rode out his high, eyes shut as he basked in the feeling.
You were next to stumble over the edge, coming with a whine and taking Seonghwa with you as your walls convulsed around both cocks inside you. Seonghwa’s lips were right next to your ear, urging you to cum before his own hips slowed to a stop, coming into his condom, sinking his teeth into your shoulder and making you cry out.
To keep you from collapsing onto Hongjoong, Seonghwa held you up, pulling out of you and lifting you off Hongjoong, laying you on your side before slumping onto the mattress on the other side of you, opposite Hongjoong.
The room was silent save for the sound of the three of you trying to catch your breaths.
Hongjoong was the first to move, getting up from the bed and heading into the bathroom. He returned a moment later, stooping to grab his underwear and pants and pulling them on before he knelt down to grab Seonghwa’s underwear and hand it to the older man who thanked him.
Hongjoong walked over to the mini fridge and opened it, thankful there were bottles of water. He grabbed two and turned to find Seonghwa half dressed and carefully helping you up. “I know you’re tired, baby,” he said softly. “But you need to go to the bathroom,” he said, helping support your weight.
Hongjoong held up one of the bottles, silently communicating with Seonghwa who nodded at the side table. Hongjoong set the bottle down and opened the other, taking a large gulp of the cool liquid.
While you were preoccupied, he grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on, buttoning it up.
He was looking for his socks when you emerged from the bathroom with Seonghwa. Hongjoong tried not to smirk as you walked over to the bed on shaky legs.
Seonghwa walked over to his suitcase and returned to your side with one of his shirts, helping you put it on and then tucking you into the bed, leaning over to kiss your temple.
Hongjoong managed to find his socks and was pulling his shoes on when he heard you whine something he couldn’t make out. “There’s not enough room on the bed for all three of us to sleep baby,” Seonghwa murmured, making Hongjoong’s cheeks burn. You wanted him to stay?
“But Hwaaa~” you whined. “It’s okay,” Hongjoong interjected, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
“I got a nice big bed waiting for me back home, Y/N. I’ll be fine,” he added with a smile.
“Promise me you’ll text when you get home?” you asked, trying and failing to mask a yawn.
Hongjoong’s smile widened. “Of course.”
Seonghwa picked up his phone from the side table and tapped away on the screen.
Hongjoong leaned over your sleeping form, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “Get some sleep Y/N,” he said softly, pulling back and standing up. He knew his welcome was wearing out and it was time to go.
“I’ve ordered you a cab. We had a lot to drink earlier,” Seonghwa said as they walked to the door.
Hongjoong glanced back at your now sleeping figure. “She’ll be okay, right?” Hongjoong asked, eyes shifting to look up as his best friend who offered a genuine smile.
“Yeah. She just needs to sleep,” he replied. Hongjoong turned to open the door but hesitated. He turned back around to face Seonghwa.
“We’re cool, right?” he asked, looking up at Seonghwa. For a brief moment, Seonghwa’s facial expression was unreadable, almost as if he was thinking, before it morphed into understanding. “Yeah,” he said with another genuine smile. “We’re cool.”
Hongjoong nodded in understanding, feeling a weight lift off his chest.
“But don’t think I’ve forgotten you calling my girl ‘baby,’” Seonghwa said suddenly, narrowing his eyes at the younger man who simply smirked at his best friend.
“What, are you jealous?” Hongjoong asked, noticing the way Seonghwa’s lip twitched as if he was fighting the urge to smile before the older man spoke.
“It’s not jealousy if she’s already mine.”
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honeeslust · 9 months
Shigaraki | greedy
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This is a little rushed but I rewatched that last fight of Mha and well… you know how I do lol
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You hopped off of Shigaraki’s bike, panting as your heart raced like a motor in your chest. You bent over putting hands on your knees while you tried to catch your breath. You couldn’t believe that you had just gotten away with him.
As you sucked in a deep breath of air, Shigaraki was at your side. You ok, Angel?
I’m fine, you stood and smiled at the ground instead of him and he noticed.
Why do you always do that?
Do what you sighed, looking off to the side. still coming down from the pure adrenaline rush you had just experienced. He lifted your face so that you could look up at him. The gesture put even more on edge than you already were. Being so close to him made you feel vulnerable, like there was nothing you could ever hide from him. Nor would you have to.
You always look away, afraid I might actually see you?
You couldn’t say anything. The truth was that you did this because you couldn’t handle the way he looked at you, it was like he was looking into you.
You don’t have to hide from me.
This was bad. He was wearing you down and he knew it. Shigaraki had always wanted you for himself, and now, you considered whether it would be so bad to let him.
He wasn’t who you were supposed to like. He was intimidating but exciting. He was dangerous, but somehow you always felt safe with him. And in a way, he always seemed to be daring you. To do what? That part you couldn't quite figure out. So maybe that's why this time you didn't pull away from him when he planted himself firmly in your space.
All you had ever known was how to people please. So when he came along and showed you how good it could feel to be selfish, you rushed toward the fire like a moth.
You stood there questioning everything, how would this even work? what would he think of you after?
The longer you looked into his eyes the more he sensed your hesitation. That's when he leaned in and brushed his gloved finger over your bottom lip.
Do you remember what I told you? He said looking at you with those scorching red eyes. If you want something, you take it.
After the way life had gone for you, you could appreciate how simple he made things. Why shouldn't you get to do what makes you feel good?
You touched his arm as he held your face. What if — it’s someone I want.
Finally speaking the words had your panicked heart hammering your chest. Never could you see yourself being so bold. But the rush you felt was because of him. He was daring you to be free.
You shouldn't think so much. He said removing his mask and revealing the countless striatic like scars across his face. You reached up and trailed your fingers along the linear markings. This time, you weren't going to turn away.
You're right. I shouldn't
You felt every lingering moment as you stared into his crimson eyes. You felt his hand skim down the side of your face, your arm, your hip—
And then you kissed him, deeply. The taste if his lips as he gladly drew your body to his had you ready to give him that taste he’d always wanted to desperately. You liked the way his tongue swirled around yours as he tilted his head into the kiss. You could feel how badly and how long he had needed you from the way he grabbed you tight and held you close.
You bite down hard on his lip, making him grab you by the throat and groan. Ow, he smirked, wiping the blood from his lip. He forced you to the wall behind, pinning you as he began to sucking all over your neck and chest leaving hickies everywhere.
As he happily marked your soft skin, you felt how much his roughness had excited you. A pool of warmth grew between your legs making you push your hips toward him inviting him in with your body.
Fuck me. You half moaned, hooking your leg around him.
Shigaraki pulled away and looked into your desperate eyes, surprised to actually here you say it. His wide eyes stared back at you, awaiting your invitation. You panted heavily, so hopped up on adrenaline and lust and nodded to him.
He couldn’t believe that you were finally giving in. He slipped his hand down between your legs and pushed them right against the slick area in your panties.
So wet from a kiss. Shigaraki teased rubbing his fingers along your clothed slit. He worked them back and forth making you moan. Fuck you’re so sensitive, he grinned toying with you some more.
You moved your hips toward him silently begging him for more of his touch. You wanted him to fuck you but this— no other man that had ever touched you had made it feel like this. You felt yourself growing wetter as he worked his fingers in fast tight circles. Every little stroke made you arch and writhe until you were coming hard and soaking your panties even more.
His mouth captured your moans as he let up some of the pressure. Your eyes shot open wild and burning from how good it felt to come on the same fingers that could so easily kill you if he chose. Before you could even stop spasming he was at your clit again, teasing that button, and automatically your thighs tried to squeeze shut.
Your poor underserved kitty was too sensitive to take anymore. But he leaned in and sucked on your neck again. Don't hide from me, keep these legs open for me.
You tensed ready to detonate again when he whispered, be greedy Angel,he spoke low and slow working your pussy with such skilled hands need you to come for me.
The tightening in your core made your eyes roll back and you wept as the drool slipped past your trembling lip. Your body went limp and he held your weight as you shook from head to toe.
Shigaraki laughed, making you blush.
When your breath finally settled, you stood and straightened your dress. You shoved past him and walked back over to his bike. When you stopped and looked over your shoulder, it was your turn to laugh at him as he stood there completely confused.
You smiled and tapped the seat of the bike.
Let’s go. I asked you to fuck me, and as good as that was, I’m gunna need more than that.”
From the sblood room 🩸
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ticklishraspberries · 10 months
Ren Faire (Eddie/Steve)
Summary: Steve, Eddie, and Robin go to a Renaissance Fair and see some interesting demonstrations. (This fic is for my lovely friend @gigglyrambles!! I literally just pulled this whole plot out of my ass and wrote it in one sitting, so I really hope you like it, LOL. Also, shoutout to @wordstrings because I know she has written something similar for Our Flag Means Death, I hope you don't mind me taking inspiration!!)
Steve isn’t sure how he ended up being dragged along to a Renaissance Fair with none other than Robin and Eddie, but he found it hard to say no to either of their puppy dog eyes and incessant begging.
His outfit is simple, consisting of a white, long-sleeved shirt with laces at the neckline, tight brown pants, and brown boots. He feels only a little bit ridiculous, but after seeing what his friends are wearing, he supposes he isn’t the weirdest looking one.
Eddie is decked out in black, an intricately detailed top with ruffles and buttons. A fake sword sits in a holder on his waist. Robin has gone for a more masculine look, a cloak over her shoulders and a bow and arrow in her hand.
“Screw historical accuracy,” she’d said.
“The fact that you’re a girl isn’t the problem, it’s that you couldn’t hit a moving target with an arrow to save your life,” Eddie had teased, and Robin had elbowed him in the ribs, making Steve laugh.
Now that they’ve arrived, Steve has relaxed a bit. He used to feel out of place whenever he attended events that he wouldn’t have been caught dead at in high school. Corroded Coffin concerts, DnD campaigns, and that one time he drove Eddie and Robin to the nearest gay bar in Indiana. It had definitely been more awkward sober, and before he realized that he’s bisexual, and could have totally had more fun if he’d been aware of and okay with that information at the time.
He’s sort of glad he wasn’t, though, because kissing Eddie Munson during a childish game of truth or dare was a much funnier way to have your queer awakening, and dating Eddie Munson is way more fun than hooking up with random guys in a bar.
“They have really good beer here,” Eddie comments, to which Steve holds up his car keys and jingles them. No medieval mead is going to keep him from being the designated driver.
“I can drive us home,” Robin says, absolutely joking, but Steve still gives her a horrified look and makes a show of sliding his keys back into his pocket, patting the denim for safe keeping. She sticks her tongue out at him, and he flicks her cheek.
Eddie does end up getting some beer, and Steve allows himself a few sips. They’ll be here for at least a few hours, he’ll surely sober up by then. He also samples the gigantic turkey leg that Eddie gets, and Robin wrinkles her nose in disgust at the messy nature of the food.
As they walk around, Steve finds himself getting into the spirit more than he had expected. They eat, watch musical performances, and shop at the little stalls set up by various vendors. Eddie buys a few rings for himself, and buys a handmade mug for Uncle Wayne. Robin indulges in candles and soaps, and even dares to see a fortune teller.
“She said that I’ll meet my future husband soon,” she says, giggling. “Clearly she’s a fraud, or she’d know I’m not interested.”
When Robin runs off to find a bathroom, somehow, Eddie and Steve end up standing around a demonstration about medieval punishments and torture, which Steve expects to be gruesome, and quickly finds he would rather hear gritty, gorey details than stand her and watch this happen.
A pretty girl, probably around their age, is locked into a pair of wooden stocks, and—
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Steve mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
Eddie looks absolutely delighted as he leans in close. “What’s wrong, Stevie? The demonstration isn’t bothering you, is it?” he asks. His cheeks are flushed, too. A few months ago, Eddie would probably be the one stuttering and staring at the ground right now, but ever since he introduced this little world to Steve, he’s gained a confidence about it that only comes out when he gets to tease Steve into oblivion.
“Shut up.”
“You shut up, I’m trying to watch. Maybe I can get some pointers from these guys.”
‘These guys’ refers to the two men who have started tickling the girl’s trapped feet, and frantic giggles fill the air and make Steve’s stomach flip.
“Oh, she’s handling this better than you would,” Eddie continues to tease. “I’d already be called every insult under the sun if you couldn’t kick me instead.”
“I will kick you right now,” Steve threatens. It’s a complete lie. He’s frozen to the spot on the grass, torn between watching and focusing on the grass. Everyone else in the crowd is behaving like this is so normal, no big deal, just a silly show.
One of the men has moved behind the girl to tickle her ribs, her arms secured above her head. Steve crosses his arms over his chest, subconsciously protecting his own sensitive spots, like just watching her could tickle him, too.
“You love that spot,” Eddie coos. “You make the cutest sounds when I tickle you there.”
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you,” Steve grits out.
“Sure you will, sweetheart. Can it wait ‘til after I’ve made you cry real pretty for me?”
Just then, Robin appears at his side. “This looks like my worst nightmare,” she says. “I hope this girl is getting paid well.”
Steve makes a noise of agreement, but can’t bring himself to look over. Eddie Munson is going to be the fucking death of him. Thankfully, Robin is immediately bored of the display and drags them off to explore. Eddie subtly gives Steve’s side a quick pinch as he walks past him, and Steve suddenly can’t wait to go home.
“You are a fucking menace,” Steve accuses the moment they’ve made it through the door.
His parents aren’t home, Robin was dropped off back at her house, and now, Steve is alone with Eddie for the first time all day, and he refuses to voice how excited he is for whatever Eddie’s got planned.
But Eddie just grins, tugging off the more elaborate pieces of his costume, leaving himself in socks, boxers, and a white t-shirt. He makes his way to the kitchen, comes back with two cans of beer, sits on the couch like he isn’t ignoring the clear tension in the room.
Steve gapes at him for a minute before joining him on the couch, kicking off his boots and taking a beer as well. Maybe Eddie’s changed his mind…Maybe he just isn’t the mood, and Steve isn’t going to pressure him into anything.
But…Well, he has a sneaking suspicion that isn’t the case at all.
“If you’re waiting for me to ask, it’s not gonna happen,” he says.
“Ask for what?” Eddie tilts his head curiously, but there’s a glint in his eye that proves Steve’s theory.
“Nothing,” Steve replies, playing along. “All that talk back there just made me think you had a plan for when we got home. But if you’re not interested, that’s fine too.”
“Did you want me to have a plan?”
Steve huffs. “Maybe. But if you don’t, then let’s forget about it.”
“Oh, c’mon baby,” Eddie says, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulders and pulling him close. “All you’ve gotta do is ask if you want it so bad.”
His cheeks burn. Stubborn as ever, he shakes his head.
Eddie sighs with exaggerated disappointment. “If you insist. I guess I’ll just keep my hands to myself tonight…”
“Good,” Steve says, and turns the television on.
It takes two beers and a stupid scene in a film to break him. It’s a quick, barely there tickle, but the character’s laugh makes Steve perk up like a dog hearing a doorbell ring.
“Fine,” he says.
“What’s fine?” Eddie asks.
“Just fucking tickle me, you dick.”
Eddie grins and wastes no time, lunging across the couch and pinning Steve to the cushions.
“I knew you’d crack eventually, sweetheart,” he teases. “Sorry we don’t have quite the same set up, but I’ll hold you down real nice, okay?”
Steve is already grinning. He can’t help it, he’s so lovestruck by his boyfriend and desperate to laugh his head off. And laugh he does when Eddie goes straight for his ribs, scratching at the dips between each little bone.
“There’s that pretty sound,” he says, pressing a kiss to Steve’s jaw that is both sweet and ticklish under the current circumstance.
The stupid shirt with the laces is pulled over his head and discarded on the floor, and Eddie pins Steve’s wrists and tells him to stay still before exploring each ticklish spot on his torso, making him shriek and cackle and snort like a fool.
He doesn’t stay still for very long, arms shooting down to his sides when Eddie attacks his belly with blunt fingernails, and Eddie scolds him but doesn’t stop.
As he squirms on the couch, giggling like mad, he wonders if they sell some of those bondage contraptions there. He thinks that they should go back to the Ren Faire sometime. 
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hanrinz · 2 years
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⚘ includes — dabi, hawks & shigaraki (the holy trinity lmao)
⚘ content warning — fluff and more fluff
notes: writer's block is such a bitch and i'm trying to write a fic but the words aren't just wording itself so i settled for this :') this is very short lol. not proofread
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₊˚✩ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈
oh you think he's good at getting groceries?well, you're wrong. he is that type of guy that would buy groceries and get all the types of brand, because he doesn't remember which kind you like, yeah he's that guy. please accompany him while going to the mall :((
maybe he does remember some of the things you buy for yourself, chocolate of your favorite brand? he bought at least 5 of those. oh, you ran out of chips you like so much? yeah, he bought a stock that could last months — not because he cares or anything, he just remembers, definitely.
yeah, right. remembers what kind of pads you use and remembers which kind of drink you like to drink. mhm, he just sort of remembers. had a fight with one of the costumers once or maybe twice for trying to steal from him the last product on the shelf. how dare that person get the last brand of food you like? (yeah! how dare they) mf had the audacity to act like a tsundere, when he loves you so much ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
you scolded him for buying so much, well atleast he got the meat the right kind, but the next time you buy groceries with him you had to teach him which ones were the brands you use.
the first time you tasked him to buy groceries was a disaster, but no worries. it doesn't affect his card for a little bit and besides you didn't really specify in the list which kind of groceries you like. probably bought a lot of things y'all didn't need.
he bought a matching apron once because he thinks it was cute and he really likes cooking with you<33 (even if all he does is stir the pot and cut vegetables), but please wear the matching apron.
probably got so immersed in shopping and took him hours there, he just wants to buy you everything that reminds him of you, it's not like he was lost in their or anything. it's just that his fans were surrounding him and asking for pictures and autographs — he loves them really, but sometimes he wishes that he could just go out like any normal person.
please join him in shopping for groceries and hug him, kiss him, be by his side just to show people that this time he was yours and he can't be bothered with his alone time with his s/o
so, the next one you accompany him he was looking at all the products you buy. taking note of how you always get the milk at the back instead of the front. telling him that it would last longer than the ones in the front. also how you would avoid the ones who are not on sale, mans is loaded please use the money /hj
y'all got complimented by the cashier of how much of a cute couple you are, the lady speaks the truth. the both of you decided that grocery errands are for the weekends, taking the time of the day to just do these menial tasks. but, hey at least he got to spend time with you !
never have gone to groceries with you, if you beg enough and maybe bribe him, he would. he's beside you all the time, in his hoodie, hands inside the pockets. would wander on his own sometimes if he sees something he likes.
would glare at people who look at your way too long, suddenly he's glad he came with you. if you were being ogled at the mall this frequently he will be coming to the store with you as much as he can.
(he can't have a random npc looking at his beautiful s/o, like they think they can actually have you?)
oh, the store has an eraserhead merch? oh no, you don't see him getting it. who do you think he is? some fanboy? please-
you saw the eraserhead keychain hanging on his gaming computer.
he didn't actually buy it, kurogiri did.
you would buy groceries for the league too, can't have your dear villain boyfriend and his villain friends die because of hunger, that would be embarrassing. but anyways after y'all buy groceries you would stop by the game store, browsing for a new game to play with. would kiss your cheeks as a thank you<33
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Show me a garden (that's bursting into life)
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Natasha Romanoff x Reder
A/N: IT'S HERE! A day late, but hey! I made it before I dehydrated myself from crying, lol. I hope you like this one and are hooked on a possible continuation? I know I could've added more but I honestly don't know if I could resist any more feelings right now. I did not proofread since I'm running late for work, so all mistakes are mine.
CW: Heart transplant.
"Welcome back," Molly greeted as she checked her vitals.
Natasha couldn't help smiling as her vision became clearer and she realized what was happening.
The surgery has been a success, allowing her another chance at life.
Freeing the tear that had filled her eye, she smiled gratefully to whoever was kind enough to gift her with their life and silently vowed to cherish this new opportunity and live it as best she could.
"May I know their name?" Natasha asked hoarsely.
Fidgeting under the nurse's scrutiny, she hoped to be granted the knowledge to properly thank them.
"This goes against the rules. But just because it's you, I'll tell you." The blonde smiled softly. "Her name was Wanda,"
Closing her eyes, Natasha couldn't help the warm feeling overtaking her whole body. "Thank you, Wanda." She whispered heartfully with all she had in her for those words to reach her savior wherever she was, if that was even possible.
But as any hospital did, these four walls held different stories. And while Natasha was basking in this new chapter in her life, someone else was mourning their lover.
The pain taking over you was nothing like you'd ever felt before.
They say losing a loved one can be the hardest thing to go through, but with time that empty hole will heal.
But how is one supposed to go on when the person who held your heart took it away with hers way too soon? How is someone supposed to keep on living when you've been robbed of your other half?
The falls your eyes were had you sniffing every now and then as your soul rolled out of you with every tear you shed. Your hand hadn't stopped shaking since you signed those damned agreements. Because despite honoring Wanda's decision, knowing she'd be ripped from her organs meant she was gone. Having agreed with her meant that you'd never see those beautiful green eyes and you'd never hear that thick accent ever again.
Having honored her wishes only meant you'd been left alone to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart.
Chuckling sourly, you sat down in the waiting area outside the ICU, where your hospital tour would finish any moment now. And soon enough, a nurse came out through the sliding doors.
"Excuse me," you timidly walked towards the blonde lady. "I just wanted to know if the receiver of Wanda Maximoff's heart was okay," you did your best to keep your voice steady, gasping when the nurse's hand squeezed your shoulder.
"She is in observation, but everything seems to be going perfectly," she smiled warmly. "I know what it feels like, so I thank you for your gesture. Would you like to meet her?"
"No," you voiced weakly. "Thank you, though."
With the confirmation that the heart you once loved kept on living in someone else, you walked the cold tiles of Memorial Hospital, hoping you would never have to come back.
But what once seemed like a faraway possibility had become a reality in just a matter of just a few months.
And if anyone dared to ask how you could love so soon after Wanda, you'd tell them the truth.
Something in Natasha had captured your attention ever since the first time you saw her almost tripping over Puck, like a magnetic field that kept bringing you both together over and over until you decided to feed your curiosity and asked her for a date.
To say the rest was history was an understatement.
And while sometimes you missed Wanda, time and Natasha's love had started to heal your broken heart.
Maybe it was the way she stared at you like you were the only person in the world, or maybe it was the way her eyes wrinkled when she laughed heartily. Or perhaps it was the way she lived so freely like every second mattered.
"You're staring."
"Sue me," you clicked your tongue, earning a laugh.
"We have to get ready," she leaned down and you met her lips in the middle, taking advantage of her position to roll both of you over.
Muffling her gasp with a kiss, you parted away to look at her.
"Or we can just stay in." You wiggled your eyebrows playfully.
"How about no." She pecked your lips before pushing you away.
But before she could stand up, you grabbed her hand, intertwining your fingers together as your left hand caressed her cheek, brushing away a rebellious strand of blonde hair that had faded away to give way to her natural red color. "I love you," you vowed, receiving a soft kiss on your cheek in return, leaving you with a bitter feeling. But you didn't have it in you to dig in.
"C'mon, baby. They're waiting for us." Natasha kissed your forehead sweetly before walking to the closet.
Your worries from earlier that night dissipated as the night progressed, and the music combined with the alcohol only served to blur your thoughts.
Truth be told, it's been a while since you had the chance to go out with your friends since work occupied most of your time lately. So when the invitation arose, you were the first one to agree. Even more so when a certain redhead moved against you in a way that wasn't appropriate for young audiences.
Having your hands found their place at every side of Natasha's hips, you flushed her as close as you could, with your hips moving in sync with the sexy beat of the song.
"You're a sight for sore eyes," you murmured in the shell of her ear, feeling her body trembling even the slightest.
"What you gonna do about it?" Hearing the mischief in her tone was enough to get you into action.
Turning her in your arms, you crashed your lips against hers, blocking any word that would come, with a mission set in mind.
"We should go somewhere more private," her deep moan, as your thigh found her cunt, had you shivering from head to toe in the most pleasant way.
"Your place or mine?" You bit her lower lip before sucking on it.
"You choose." Natasha started walking you backward to the exit, ignoring the catcalls and "oohs" of your friends and who were you to deny her?
Unable to stop kissing Natasha, you clumsily stumbled through your front door, thankful that the Uber had a divisory window to keep your business between you and Natasha only.
But it wasn't until your fingers grazed the skin under her burgundy dress that you realized what you were doing.
Breaking from the heated kiss, you took Natasha's hands from your naked breast, linking your fingers together.
"If we continue I won't be able to stop," you leaned your forehead against hers. But instead of an apology or some sort of plea, you were met with her plump lips taking over yours and you had to fight extra hard to part away.
"I'm serious, Nat."
"I'm ready," she breathed and you searched into her forest green eyes for some trace of a lie, but what you found had your heart squeezing in the most exquisite way. The trust reflecting in those orbs had you closing the distance, kissing her tenderly as if asking for permission at every movement of your tongue exploring her mouth.
Locking your arms around Natasha's neck, you made sure to pour every single drop of love you held for her, making it impossible to fight the chaotic fire spreading through your body. The mix between arousal and gratitude had your fingers running through her creamy thighs, pressing a bit too hard as if intending to mark her.
Breaking the kiss, you smiled shortly as Natasha groaned only to sigh as your lips traced her jaw down to her neck nibbling at the soft skin, just to soothe it with your tongue after.
The needy moans coming from Natasha were a drug you didn't know you needed until now and you surely as fuck didn't want to stop hearing.
But all your determination in making this a night to remember went downward when you heard the lustful way in which your name rolled out of her.
With quick hands, you unfastened the zip on her back, dragging the tight-fitting dress down as your fingers caressed every single inch of soft skin they could reach within their path.
But contrary to your intentions, just as your lips grazed over the big, angry pinkish scar you just discovered, Natasha's moans turned into cries as her whole body spasmed.
"Baby," you shushed as your arms wrapped tightly around her shaking form, walking carefully the short distance to her side of the bed where you lay her down before quickly joining her, bringing her half on top of you, placing her ear atop your chest like she always liked to do when she was feeling down.
"No." Natasha sat back up with her back towards you, stabbing your heart.
"Would you at least tell me what's going on?"
You knew it wasn't the right time to question her. But you've been receiving different signals a few days till now and you were tired of her push-and-pull.
At her lack of answer and her body spams not subsiding, you stood up and rounded your bed, kneeling in front of her.
"Nat," you begged as you took her hands in yours, smiling briefly when she didn't take them back.
"The heart." She spoke after a few moments too long.
"What heart?" You mused softly, not understanding what she meant other than she's had heart surgery as you just had discovered.
"The heart I received. It's Wanda's."
Those two words had your soul frozen, making it impossible to breathe.
The well-known pain you've experiencied a year ago had your body giving up, plopping on the floor with your head tilting to the side as you stared at Natasha trying either to get a confirmation or an…
"Is this why you pursued me? Because you felt obligated?" You spit venomously.
"No." You stood up and tumbled towards the door. "I can't hear it." You walked out, leaving her behind.
All in you wanted to scream and burn and just… "Wanda," you cried softly, feeling your tears filling your eyes and your chest starting to close.
Was all this a lie? Had you been a charity case all these months?
Had you been played by the person who saved you from drowning in sadness?
The hole in your heart opened again, consuming all the happy memories you've had with Natasha as you wandered lost through the maze that was your emotions' realm.
The rattling thunder shaking the earth had you jumping back into reality, where you managed to finally deliver oxygen to your tired lungs, allowing every cell in your body to work a little easier.
Walking to the big window in your living room, you allowed your tears to reflect the raindrops as you formed more questions than answers.
But before you could dwell too much into them, Natasha's presence had you facing her. Your gaze settled on the duffel bag in her hand.
"You're not going anywhere. It's storming badly outside," you indicated.
All Natasha could do was nod curtly as she settled her bag on the floor before sitting on the couch, flinching when you did the same a few centimeters away.
The uncomfortable silence filled with unspoken questions and the hurt and judgment she could feel emanating from you had her skin itching in ways she's never experienced before.
Her vocal cords craved to speak her truth. She was dying to reassure you and to make you understand. But the cold demeanor you sported had her silently crying, regretting all her decisions.
"Why you lied to me?" You broke the silence, your words cutting through her soul.
"I didn't-"
"Hiding something is the same thing as lying." You refuted.
Swallowing hard, Natasha spoke honestly. "I didn't want you to think less of me."
"You do realize I'm thinking less of you now after I found out you hold my late girlfriend's heart. Right?" You turned your head and Natasha couldn't help choking at the cold she saw in your eyes. Those same eyes that used to look at her with a warmth that melted her even on the coldest day. "How could you keep something like that for so long?"
Unable to look back at you, Natasha inhaled sharply trying to gather the courage to tell you the truth.
She knew that if she wanted you to forgive her, she must come clean.
"When I found out her name, I wanted to find you to thank you. To show my gratitude to you and somehow to her, too." Natasha sniffled softly. "But when I saw you, something in me lighted up with curiosity. Something about you called me to connect with you," Natasha dared to look at you and her heart shattered in million pieces all over again at the tears running down your face, and even if her fingers itched to brush them away, she kept her hands on her lap. She had no right to comfort you after breaking you.
"I truly wanted to tell you, but I don't know why I decided to omit my intentions and just play it as a casualty. And I know I was wrong," she hurried to say. "But when I noticed your pretty smile appeared because of me, I wanted you to see me as… Me. Not as Wanda's new vessel."
Pausing to gather her thoughts, Natasha turned her body to face you and test her luck, smiling small when you didn't take back your hands from her grasp.
"All I did was because I felt it, not because I pitied you nor anything of that. Y/N, you gotta believe me. My love for you was never a joke." She spoke securely, yet fearful.
"I never ever felt obliged to be with you. Much less to win you. I promise, cross my heart, that I fell for you hard. And I wanted you to feel for me, not for Wanda nor because you thought you owed your life to her beating heart."
Of all the reactions she could imagine, this was never an option.
Closing the distance, your arms locked around her torso as you placed your head on her chest, your ear aligned perfectly atop her heart, and Natasha didn't know if the broken cry she released was because of happiness or sorrow.
"You think we can work this out?" Your broken voice had Natasha's hold on you tightening in relief.
"We will," she spoke strongly. "I believe in us." Natasha released a calming breath as the new possibility of you overcoming this together opened in front of her.
It might take time for you both to be back to where you were before tonight's revelations. But with work, patience, and love, your story with Natasha was far from being over.
Taglist: @summergeezburr @red1culous @wandabear @owloftheshadows
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sailorshadzter · 3 months
we'll call this a warm up piece, even if it did take me all day to write lol
“I said I was sorry, what more do you want?”
She eyes him from across the room, arms folded across her chest. “I want you to mean it,” she hisses, every inch the frozen Northern queen she should have been. Never him, it never should have been him.“Forget it,” she says next, turning away, but he cannot help but to reach for her then, to draw her in as he always should have done. As he’s always wished to do. “Jon…” His name is soft upon her lips, curving then with the slightest of frowns. 
“I never meant to hurt you,” he swears with a clutch of his hands, the warmth of her skin bleeding through the wool of her severe black gown. “I swear it, Sansa,” he  continues with a nod of his head, forehead tipping down to touch hers. They are so close now he wonders if she can hear the steady beating of his heart. She doesn’t say it, but she can, making her wonder if he in turn can hear hers. “I only did what I had to do… To protect the North, to protect you…” Finally, he says the words he’s kept inside all of this time. That everything he’s done has been for her, for their home, but in the end… It was always for her. Every move he made, every choice he decided upon, it all led back to her. “You are the one thing in this world that means anything to me, Sansa.” He could live without Winterfell, he could even live without the North, but he could never live without her. “I love you,” he says these words without hesitation, knowing he should have said them ages ago, but fear kept him from speaking them to anyone but the gods themselves. He knows it to be wrong, to love her as he does, but he cannot stop the feelings. And truthfully, he’s not certain he wants to. 
Her cheeks flood with color, but she does not pull away, not even when his hands tighten their grip upon her. This was the one person, the one man, she would so willingly allow to hold her, to touch her. “Jon…” She whispers his name, his confession running circles in her head, the meaning of his words sending chills down her spine. “You mean what you say?” She asks softly, daring to believe in him as she always has. Jon has never led her astray before, she supposes this time couldn’t be any different. In truth, she’s perhaps been too blinded by her own jealousy to see what was right there in front of her eyes. Despite the anger she once held so tightly to, she softens there in his arms, yielding to his touch, sinking into the warmth of it. He holds her as he’s never done before, the gesture speaking volumes; in his arms, she feels safer than she’s ever felt in all of her life. That realization strikes her and she comes to understand in that moment that it was not just in his arms that she felt so safe, it was simply the notion of being with him that made her feel such a way. To her, Jon was safety, Jon was hope, Jon was… Well, Jon was love. 
“I’ve gone to war for you once, I am to go again, what more can I do to prove myself to you?” He asks with a good natured chuckle and she finds herself to be smiling. “I love you, Sansa.” She was his reason to live, his reason to fight, his reason for happiness. It was that very smile that he fought for, the thing he longed to protect was her happiness, her safety. He would fight any battle, any war, any foe if it meant keeping her safe. 
“And I…” She begins softly, but he’s leaning in once more, so close now that she can feel the curve of his lips as he smiles. She cannot say the words, not yet, for she is so compelled to touch her lips to his- to kiss him as she’s never so willingly kissed any man before. He is warm and tastes of ale, the sweetened kind, bringing another smile to her face when she draws away a few moments later. “I love you, too, Jon,” she whispers and it’s his turn to lean in, to capture her mouth with a kiss of his own. There it was, the very truth she’s kept to herself all this time, since perhaps those earliest days at Castle Black. She knows it shouldn’t be, this thing between them, forbidden by the laws of the world, and yet… She must wonder how something so wonderful, so beautiful, could ever be wrong? Her hand traces the length of his jaw, his stubble rough against the pads of her fingers, yet gentle enough that she wonders how long it would take for his cheeks to rub hers red. “I am glad you’re home,” she murmurs, reminding him that he’s been home only one single night now, that there has been so much he’s missed, so much he’s been without. “You mustn't leave me again,” she adds and he laughs, tugging playfully on a stray lock of her long red hair. 
“Even the gods themselves could not make me part ways with you now,” he swears and she knows he speaks the truth. She sinks back into his embrace, ever intent to never again separate herself from him. 
This was where she was always meant to be. 
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hopefuloverfury · 7 months
Hi, is it ok if I request nsfw headcanons of Leah with top femreader? Also Happy Halloween!
Jesus christ, you literally sent this before halloween. I am so sorry. I desperately hope this was worth the wait. Anyway, hell yeah it’s okay! This gave me so many thoughts. None of them were appropriate or PG. Also I could’ve sworn I couldn’t imagine her as a bottom. Clearly this post is proof of otherwise. I have got to write a full blurb about this at some point, so let me know if you'd like to see that too, anon.
Nsfw, smutty as hell. Minors y'all know the drill. TopFem!Reader, Bottom!Leah is a bit of a brat, mentions of overstim, one(1) mention of drinking, aaaaaaand I think that's it. Lmk if I missed anything. Enjoy!
Leah already knows that you’re a top before y’all get into a relationship (in case you’re curious, she found out during a drunken game of truth or dare between you and the older marriage candidates)
So when she gets into a relationship with you, she’s thinking about it pretty frequently
Leah has never bottomed before—it’s not that she isn’t into it, it’s just that her hookups and relationships have never gone that way
Never mind that all of her past partners were incredibly self serving (FUCK YOU, KEL)
They never really cared about her pleasure all that much, and the ones that did weren’t too great at it
And sure, she knows you’re different from all of them
But that insecurity, that fear—it’s hard to get rid of without definitive proof
And god do you give her some
Bottoming gives her a new avenue to explore herself in a way, as well
Like, she could’ve sworn she wasn’t this bratty, but something about you telling her what to do makes her want to act out
Probably because she likes when you treat her firmly
But let’s make this clear now: she does not like painful punishments
Overstim is your best friend when she’s being a little shit
Also I know I’ve said “she’ll be at her loudest when all of the focus is on you” but let’s toss that in the fucking gutter right now okay?
Because while she enjoys topping for you, bottoming is. Oof. A new kind of drug
Absolutely loves it when you boss her around
Make her get herself off without touching her
Trust me.
Tell her to ride your thigh while you watch
And refuse to touch her until she makes herself come at least once
It’s embarrassing and she’s loving every fucking second of it
Praiiiiiisssseeeee kiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIINK
‘Nough said.
Compliment her. Tell her she’s doing a good job and that she’s pretty I'm serious she's insecure
And while she loves when you force her to get herself off, nothing compares to coming with your hands on her
Has a thing for your hands specifically
And being underneath you
Pin her to literally any surface—feeling your chests press together will always have her eyes rolling back
Lol sorry for yelling but! Yes!!
loves it when you play with her chest, bro
Pinch her nipples a little bit and she'll be whimpering in absolutely no time at all
also loves seeing you between her thighs, especially because she knows that’s when she’s really in for it
Has bruises littered across her inner thighs basically all the time now, and cannot—I repeat—cannot get enough of them
You catch her staring at them a lot
She wears shorts when it’s just the two of you on purpose
You know exactly what she’s playing at and yes, you do punish her a little bit because you know she’s trying to rile you up
She’ll play innocent but we all know the truth
She’ll do whatever it takes to get you on her again once she finds out how you like it
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ariesbilly · 11 months
10. i want to tell you this story without having to confess anything.
(I assume this is a harringrove follower since that’s all I have lol if not whoopsie)
It’s the third night this month Billy has shown up on his doorstep looking worse for wear. He’s lost track of how many times it’s been since they started being cordial to each other, before that made its way into something more serious, more all-consuming.
He’s seen black eyes and red cheeks and bruises. Right now Billy’s sporting a split lip, like it’s been gashed by someone’s ring.
They sit on the couch, living room dimly lit by the one lamp on the end table. Steve dabs a damp dish towel against the cut, has gotten the bleeding to stop, but the motion seems to comfort them both.
Billy never talks about it. Steve tried asking once, in the beginning. Had known Billy’s temper and his proclivity for fighting, but couldn’t figure out why he’d been getting into as many fights as he did. Hawkins is a small town, there’s only so many run-ins one person can have…
But Billy had gone icy and told him to drop it or else he’d find someplace else to go on nights like this. And that had scared Steve because there were no other places to go. And God only knew what kind of trouble Billy would get himself into.
But it’s been a year of the same old shtick, and Billy’s gone soft and pliant under his hand, exhaustion seeping through his pores, eyelids hanging heavy. And Steve thinks maybe he can try again…
“Are you ever gonna tell me what happens…” he murmurs softly, like a secret. Like he dares not disturb the air around them.
Truth is, he has his suspicions. Has had them for a while now. But he can’t do anything if no one says it out loud.
Billy doesn’t stiffen like he usually would. Just let’s his eyes flutter closed, breathing in deep as Steve’s fingers stop dabbing and instead hold his cheek. The warmth of his palm feels nice, grounding.
The truth is on the tip of his tongue, but he learned long ago help wasn’t coming for him. No point in getting other people worked up when there isn’t a damn thing they can do about it anyway.
It’s the closest he’s ever come to wanting to share the truth with somebody, which is why he can’t. It’ll ruin everything. Some things are just best kept in the dark.
He’ll be on his own one day. And this nightmare will be so far back in his rear view mirror that maybe he’ll be able to talk about it without bile rising up in his throat. Maybe Steve will hold out for that long. Maybe he won’t. Maybe that’ll be for the best.
“Not yet,” is all Billy says. Half expects Steve to huff at him and make it a whole thing. But he doesn’t.
Suddenly the hand on his cheek is gone, and he’s being wrapped up in Steve’s arms, pulling him down to Steve’s chest where his cheek is squished against a soft sweater. And Steve’s leaning back until he’s laying against the armrest, holding Billy tight as he lays between Steve’s legs, sprawled out on the couch.
Billy feels safe here, wrapped up in the other boy in this big empty house. He can pretend for a little bit, with long fingers raking through his curls, nails scratching at his scalp, Steve’s lips pressed to his forehead, telling him “It’s okay, I can be patient.”
He can forget what he has to go home to. Can build up his courage a little more. Can let himself breathe again.
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
BRAND NEW SOUNDS IN MY MIND [1.3k | feelings realization | first kiss] {ao3}
a/n: this is for @alex1424 who i said i would write a nick x jess inspired first kiss for like 9 months ago, and here we are finally lol. i hope it was worth the wait. also special shout out to @bumble-of-the-bee for beta reading and helping me find a title, which is from green light by lorde because i had to do that for this one. anyway, enjoy!
Buck never thought he would be here. He's cradling Eddie’s jaw, the other man’s hands carefully perched on his hips. mere inches from making everything make sense. it felt like they were on the edge of the universe.
The thing is, Buck hadn’t known he wanted this until it was happening.
The second thing is, if he had imagined it, dreamed it, he doesn’t think that the entirety of his family would be on the other side of the door.
But if that’s how it’s going to go. If this is the chance he has to taste a future he cannot hold on to, he’ll take it.
They're trapped in a warm bubble, just the two of them, the drowned out chants of wine drunk Karen and one too many shots of tequila Albert barely on their radar. Karen and Albert are out there, along with Claire. And he’s in here on the cusp of something with someone else. He’s been here before. But it doesn’t feel the same at all. And Eddie has James. James who is sweet and loving, on the brink of meeting Christopher, and who Eddie adores. And he has Claire. He can’t do this. Not again, he would never be able to forgive himself. But the churning in his stomach is starting to feel more like butterflies. Because this isn’t something he had fully known he had wanted. For years.
“It can’t. I- Not like this Eddie. Not like this.”
And the warmth is gone in an instant. Eddie freezes and looking at Buck like he’s betrayed him. And he can’t be here anymore.
“Guys, please, let us out. We-”
“You have to kiss!” Albert replies giggly, “Did you kiss?”
“No, okay, we didn't. But let us out, for the love of god, please let me out of here.” He didn’t mean to sound so desperate.
And he can feel how Eddie is looking at him without even turning back, the pleading in his voice stringing the tension tight.
He nearly falls out of the room as the door swings open.
And Eddie somehow pushes past him, face stoic and cold.
And hurt.
There’s hurt written all over the inch that Buck dares to look at without catching Eddie’s eyes.
“Baby what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” he hears in the distance, when the fuck did James get here?
“Everything’s fine, just ready to go to your place.”
Buck might puke right there. He never realized how much he hates this. Or why he hates it.
Claire stands in front of him as he stares after Eddie’s retreating figure.
He hates truth or dare. He should have just picked truth. Dares were stupid anyway, and it had ended with Eddie being hurt. That wasn’t supposed to happen either.
He can’t sleep.
He breaks up with Claire the next morning.
He’s gentle about it. And he’s honest.
They understand.
He’s over at Eddie’s because it’s Friday night. And that’s what they do. And Christopher is old enough now where half truths and broken promises are seen through.
They barely look at each other the entire night.
Somewhere between Chris making his way to bed and two beers and half a movie, Eddie says,
“I broke up with him. With James.”
Buck just hums.
He should've said more. But he would probably sound like the worst person on the entire planet if he did.
The credits rolled some time ago, and Buck changes into his sweatpants from his work bag and Eddie changes in his bedroom. They almost bump into each other in the hallway. It’s the closest they've been since that night.
It’s excruciating.
Because of that warmth. The warm bubble is back. And there is no more James. And there is no more Claire. And there are no more drunk family members chanting outside the door. Just their son sleeping soundly behind a closed door down the hall.
“What did you mean?” Eddie asks, “Not like what?” it's fragile, like glass, just sharp enough that it could have popped the bubble, but it doesn't.
“Not while- You seemed happy with him,” he replies softly, trying not to let the hurt paint the words too much.
“Oh,” Eddie keeps moving toward his room. And Buck can’t do it again. Can’t watch him go through another door. And he lets the butterflies flutter. And then they settle and he has never felt more sure of anything in that moment. And he grabs Eddie’s arm, spins him around, and kisses him.
Right there in the hallway.
Eddie makes a small noise in surprise and then starts kissing him back.
It’s warm, and feels like home, filled with years of unknown and unspoken want and hurt. It’s slow like molasses and over all too soon.
“I meant like that.” Buck says softly over heavy breath.
He then turns slowly and retreats back to the couch. Too scared to look back at Eddie, he doesn’t know what he would find if he did.
He doesn't sleep again.
“I kissed him, Maddie! What the hell am I supposed to do now? I snuck out of the house this morning. We were supposed to go to the Zoo! Oh god, I broke a promise to Christopher. Oh god.”
Maddie laughs over her cup of coffee.
“Do not laugh at my pain,” he glares at her playfully.
“I think you have to tell him. I really think you do,” she replies, schooling her features.
Buck just plants his face on the table and groans a little bit. He knows she's right. That's what older sisters are for.
“Now, go home, take a shower, dress up nice and go tell him you’ve been in love with him for years.”
“Ugh, fine.” he downs the last few sips of his coffee and heads out the door.
He’s staring at his closet. None of it seems right.
“I feel ridiculous, Maddie. All my clothes are terrible. I think I need a whole new wardrobe.”
“That’s how you know, remember how much I blathered on about my outfit before I went on my first date with Howie?” Her voice coming through the tinny speaker from his phone laying on his bed.
“Which time?”
“All of them Evan,” he can hear her eye roll “That's how you know. You ‘ll find something. Oooh what about that blue one that brings out your eyes? And those black jeans?”
“Maddie, you are a genius!”
“Yes I know, now go get him.”
“Love you!”
He hangs up the phone and gets dressed, styles his hair with a tiny amount of gel, leaving his curls mostly loose and soft.
He’s anxiously twirling his keys around his thumb in the elevator. It stops on the third floor and some movers with a large stack of boxes board the car. And everything moves so slow he almost bolts out of there to take the stairs just to escape the excruciating wait.
Finally the doors clang shut and it starts moving again.
And the process starts all over again when they reach the lobby.
He hears someone sigh, and he swears it sounds like Eddie. He finds it slightly ridiculous that he could identify his best friend that way, but that’s just how it is.
He shakes the thought from his head, but then the person speaks,
“Would you mind speeding up a little, I have to go tell my best friend that I’m in love with him.”
It’s definitely Eddie.
The mover finally fully exits the elevator and Buck looks up from where he’s been studying his white sneakers like they weren’t something he’s owned for a few years.
They stare at each other for a moment, smiles spreading slowly. And the doors start to close.
But Eddie slips in just in time.
“Hi,” he says, circling his fingers around one of Buck’s wrist.
“Hi,” is all he can muster in return, it’s weak and whispered but still full of reverence.
“I’m in love with you too by the way,” Buck is finally able to whisper.
“Good,” is all Eddie replies, cradling Buck’s jaw and pressing him into the elevator wall.
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axailslink · 2 years
I just realized I forgot to add the character lol
“There was love”- Alex Isley
And the character is riri
Is there still love?
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: a fanfic based on the song "There was love" by Alex Isley in which Riri and the reader have recently broken up and they're acting as if they don't know each other but it's really hard when Riri and the reader know just how much they loved each other.
As you're in bed all your mind can do is replay the events of last week the yelling, the pushing and the cursing it was one hell of an event. You remember it a bit too well you want to forget and just remember the good moments of eating ramen because that's all you could afford or dancing with her mom because you were the only girl she liked. You can't deal with this but you can't sulk either you have class in fifteen and you're still in your pajamas. Even as you shower and get dressed all you can think of is her and how you wish you could mend the relationship but it's been a week you're long past mending and healing. When you arrive at your lecture you don't even bother to look in her direction because why would you? It's over you both are better off this way heartbroken and wishing for what you had in the past.
The lecture seems as if it's half the day when it's finally finished you grab your things only to see Riri standing right behind you with the bracelet you bought for her "I'm not taking that" you grab your bag and she sighs "please I can't keep it it's a reminder of you" "Riri I'm not taking back the gift I gave you I want you to have it even if we aren't together." She sighs again but this one is shaky as she breathes out and you can tell she's on the verge of tears. "Take the fucking bracelet" she adverts her gaze to your hands and shoves it in them when she looks back up at you her eyes are glassy and you almost break right there. She doesn't give you enough time to have a reaction as she hurriedly walks away. She'd given you back everything your hoodies your gifts but this one hurt the most. She never took this bracelet off she loved this bracelet it meant so much to her and this was the end you knew this was the end. She wouldn't have given this bracelet up if it was the last thing that could save her life in an apocalypse.
You can't. You just can't let her block you out completely like she did everyone else you can't become a nobody in her eyes not when you've seen all of her and loved all of her you wouldn't dare go back to being a nobody. You grab your things and follow her to her dorm before she can close the door you push past and close it for her "no Riri hell no! Okay I fucked up I did I lied I admit that but you can't just forget me you can't lock those feelings away" you grab her hand and she glares at your hand but she doesn't move "I only asked one thing of you and it was to never lie to me and you did it anyways! You lied to me!" You grab both hands now "I lied for your safety I knew you'd hate me but I lied for your safety! People want you dead...People want Ironheart dead and honestly truth be told fuck Ironheart but I love my girlfriend more anything in this world and if she is Ironheart I damn sure wouldn't let the world know it. I'd lie millions of times for you." She gasps at these words "you know?" You shrug "do you think I'm stupid? I can recognize you from your choice of words Riri you stopped showing up at a certain time, you came to your dorm tired, you had bruises, when Ironheart was being spotted you were gone it wasn't that hard to put 2 and 2 together. I lied to you for you! So hate me so fucking be it but I lied I ruined us for your safety. So keep the damn bracelet because you will not forget me or the love we shared. I love you and I will never stop loving you." You let your hands embrace her face as you stare at her tear stricken face you know better but you can't help yourself as you plant a kiss on her lips she kisses back immediately missing your touch. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby I would never lie to you if I didn't have to" she nods "I know." When you both pull apart you both have tears in your eyes "I know there was love once but is there still love?" You let your hand gently keep her near you as it holds her securely close to you as it lays on her lower back. "I don't know." It's a heartbreak but you understand as you nod and pull away. "Don't leave me..." You nod "I would never" you sit on her bed and pat the empty space beside you. "I would never."
A/n: this got a bit sad 😭 sorry
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 years
Omg <3
Well I’d be obsessed with a fluffy Tyler x reader fic where they both are in jericho’s theater, and they both get the lead roles in a romance play. Through a bunch of rehearsals and stuff they eventually catch feelings 🥰 the play can be whatever you want btw, just preferably a show with a cute romance lol <3
I love this prompt. We're doing and musical of Anastasia.
Once Upon a December (soft!Tyler x Reader)
Pairing: Tyler Galpin x Reader
Warnings: high school au. everybody is in school together. dont worry about it.
Word Count: 1794
Status: Unedited
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Tyler hadn't wanted to audition but, part of the punishment for his acting out meant that he had to start participating in extra curriculars and being an extra in some musical didn't seem so bad. Everything was going to plan, he had auditioned, sang the little song, massively fucked up the dance on purpose, and then, somehow, everything had gone to shit and he had gotten the male lead: Dimitri. Tyler had no idea how it'd happened but now here he was, at the first reading.
The school wasn't a very big one so even if you weren't friends with someone, you still knew who they were. For example, Tyler had never said a word to the girl but when she entered the room and sat in the seat next to him which bore the name tag 'Anastasia' during the first read through of the script, he still knew her name was Y/n L/n.
Tyler had always viewed Y/n as someone a lot more on the reserved side. She was a music kid, always hanging around with the other tortured teenage artists like Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams. However, after only a few rehearsals, Tyler had begun to think that she was perfectly cast.
Anastasia as a character was headstrong, a little snotty, rude at times, and above all a know it all. So was Y/n. She always had to be right, correcting him when he forgot his blocking, whispering notes to him, even going so far as to grab his script right out of his hands and write things in it, muttering about how irritating he was all the while.
Tyler couldn't help but notice that he was the only one she acted this way towards. Sure, he was new to the mostly rotating group of theater kids the school was home to but he couldn't help himself wishing he was welcome to sit with Xavier, Bianca, and Y/n when they were given breaks or that he could even ask Y/n to go over lines with him.
The first time he'd performed his character Dimitri's solo song My Petersburg for the rest of the cast, he could feel her eyes drilling into him. Y/n, the perfectionist, even got yelled at when they were learning their duet In a Crowd of Thousands for not being able to get into character.
"You're supposed to be in love!" the music director had said, frustration evident in his every word, "act like it!"
After their first full run through of the whole show without scripts, the cast had held a party. It had been a Friday so of course there was loud music and too many drinks and even some drugs. Tyler was surprised he'd been invited at all, even more surprised still when Bianca who played the Countess Lily, dragged him off the front porch of whoever's house they were at and forced him to join a circle for truth or dare.
Everyone was drunk, doing stupid things and making too much noise. Ajax who was apparently part of the stage crew, was forced to drink a whole bottle of ketchup. Devina, the Dowager Empress, revealed she had a crush on one of the schools many football players. Xavier had to streak across the backyard. When Tyler got picked, he chose truth and had to admit why he even auditioned in the first place.
Now that it was his turn to ask questions, he turned his hazy gaze directly on Y/n who sat across from him, cheeks flushed and a mostly empty bottle in her hand.
"Y/n." he began, "Truth or dare?"
She turned away from Xavier who she'd been speaking to and looked lazily across at him.
"Truth." she stated after a moment, crossing her arms on the table and leaning forward, "ask me anything Galpin."
"Why do you hate me?" the words had slipped from his mouth before he could stop them.
Y/n looked incredibly taken aback and stayed silent for a moment before hiding her face in her arms.
"it's embarrassing!" she whined and Xavier patted her back as the rest of the cast and crew cheered her on.
"You gotta answer." Bianca laughed, elbowing Y/n who sat back up.
Her cheeks were somehow even redder then they had been before as she made eye contact with Tyler once more.
"I..." she looked away, "The truth is, I didn't audition for Anastasia. I wanted to play Dimitri. I auditioned for him and I didn’t get him but somehow you, who had never been in a single show before and were apparently being forced to be here, you who were trying to sabotage yourself and get ensemble, you Tyler got him. And I got Anastasia. I mean, I’m grateful, I love her character and I grew up watching the movie so it’s definitely cool to get to play her but….”
“why did you want to play Dimitri so badly?” Tyler asked and Y/n looked up at him.
“I answered your truth already Galpin.” she teased, her whole demeanor flipping in a matter of seconds, “my turn now.”
After that night, the pair seemed to have a little more space for one another. There were some kinder words shared and when they had to learn to do their kiss scenes, something the director had saved until the end, they even found a way to laugh about it.
Tyler thought they were just becoming friends at least, until they were all fitted for costumes.
Xavier and he were running lines while Y/n, Bianca, and Devina we’re getting fitted when they heard a shriek.
“do you think everything is okay?” asked Tyler, turning towards the direction the noise had come from.
“It’s just Y/n.” Xavier responded with a chuckle, “She loves getting costumes.”
There was the sound of rushed footsteps and fabric and suddenly, Y/n burst out from backstage. She was wearing a dress of sorts but Tyler couldn’t quite see it due to the way she was holding it up to run.
“guys!!” she squealed before dropping the skirt and spinning, “look what costuming did for me!! it’s an exact replica of her gold dress from the movie!! I don’t know how they swung this but like,, ahhh!! it’s so amazing!!”
It was then that Tyler realized he has never seen Y/n outside of her baggy jeans and tee shirts. He had never been to a show she was in, never seen her in a dress or something tight fitting before, never seen her so happy.
Xavier wolf whistled and Y/n laughed, walking over to them.
“you look great.” Tyler said and he meant it.
He’d never noticed how pretty she was before but here, eyes shining as she fawned over and explained all the detail in her dress, she was gorgeous.
At last it was their opening night. Tyler saw Y/n mouthing the lyrics to My Petersburg from off stage as he sang it. People applauded at the end of every scene. Before he even knew it, they were at their duet.
“I didn’t tell you that.” Tyler said as Dimitri and when Y/n turned to him to say her line:
“You didn’t have to, I remember!”
Tyler saw genuine joy behind her eyes. This was what she loved and having such a passion for something, Tyler realized, was an amazing thing, wasn’t it.
Everyone’s favorite scene and song had been quartet at the ballet.
Tyler had never really thought about the lyrics to that song before but as he sang them that night, something in them resonated with him.
someone holds her safe and warm
someone rescues her from the storm
simple things but ones things clear
it’s fate that brought us here
He and Xavier sang together and Tyler was glad for the stage directions saying he should be looking at Anastasia because he couldn’t take his eyes off Y/n.
They broke off into the four way harmony at the end and he could feel the power radiating off of Y/n as they all came together at the end for the songs final
find a way Anastasia
Tyler couldn’t seem to help it. As the play continued on, he couldn’t help but wish all of it was real. Y/n and he had become friends but that was only friends. Tyler was beginning to realize that maybe he wanted to be more than that.
i didn’t know she matter to me but now i can see she does
conman and princess get their wish and fairytale comes true
He sang, wishing the show to never end because somewhere in his head he knew the truth of it. Tyler knew the way she blushed on stage was just an act, the way she held him, the nervous glances. The kisses even, it was all an act and he knew that.
Three nights later and their final show was almost over. For a high school production of a broadway musical, they had done incredibly.
amazing set, wonderful costuming, stellar performances.
Y/n stood on stage, singing the shows third to final song with a passion Tyler had never heard from her before. It was amazing how much voice she could fit inside her body.
I should be glad I’m where I should be
but nothing is what it was
I didn’t know he mattered to me
but now I can see he does
As she sang, she made eye contact with Tyler from off stage. He thought he was imagining it but, maybe, just maybe, a little part of his brain though, maybe she was feeling the same things he was.
before he knew it Xavier was on stage and Y/n tore her gaze away from Tyler, fear taking over her frame and reminding Tyler once more that it was nothing but a show. He had to admit, she was an incredible actor.
After their final bows and the curtains fall, Tyler was surprised to find Y/n waiting for him backstage.
“hi.” she said nervously.
“hey, you did really well tonight.” Tyler responded.
“I was just wondering…” Y/n seemed so nervous.
Tyler had never seen her nervous before.
“Do you wanna go to the after party. With me I mean?” Tyler asked suddenly and Y/n looked up annoyed.
“Thats what I was gonna ask!” she whined, crossing her arms and looking away.
Tyler smiled.
“why don’t we get changed and head over then.” He said lightly.
“Fine,” Y/n groaned, “just one thing first.”
And she kissed him. It wasn’t for the audience, for rehearsal, for anything except herself and in that moment, Tyler knew: he was in big trouble.
A/N ngl I was really drunk when I wrote this, I am sorry. I will go back in and edit.
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crxssjae · 4 days
Hii mate
Just wanted to say that I'm so excited to hear that you're on the last scene of chapter one of Something About You 🙌🏾🙌🏾 can't wait
Alsoo Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍓🎲🍄🧸🦷❄️🏜️🦋🪲answer as many as you like
(as always no pressure to respond) 😊
Thank you for your support. I am sorry for responding this question so damn late, I'm giving you three koalas as an apology. Again. Here you go: 🐨🐨🐨
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I got into writing fanfiction when I saw Wattpad for the first time. I don't know how to use it and I just read fanfiction until I wanted to write on my own. So, yeah, it all started around 2018 and I've grown and learned a lot about fanfiction.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Watching videos of Honkai Star Rail walkthroughs, some speedpaint videos, and writing vlog videos. There are times, however, I get frustrated when I couldn't come up with a sentence.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
There's some I have but I'll pick one that will currently for now on living for my recent fic:
Jey watches Sami randomly doodle in the sketchbook, it keeps Sami's mind flowing for creativity. In some time around, Jey would take Sami's sketchbook, inking before coloring the doodles. Once he's done, he writes on a sticky note and places on the cover of the sketchbook. Sami sobs after opening the sketch, seeing the colors of his doodles, then thanking Jey while being a whole wreck.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Being nice, respecting people's opinions without a shouting match, reblogging and commenting on their fics and/or art. Plus, don't be an asshole.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Oof. Tough one. I think this personal wisdom is don't be down just because someone has better work than you. Be yourself, do whatever you want in your own style, like writing for example.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I'm on my wrestling spree side, so this:
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It's a Zowens (Sami and Kevin) one and the summary I haven't figured out as of right now. This one is inspired by two comfort games I played whenever I get bored called "Pocket Love" and "Adorable House".
Hopefully I don't mind tagging you, ma'am. @wrestlezaynia would pull it off the best.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
My favorite type of comment I received is the characters' chemistry and how I did a great job on it. Because to me, I thought I didn't do a good job while doing my best researching lol.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
I feel happy because I was given love and earned respect from yesterday and today. I guess it's luck, probably. 😅
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I've may gone over 50 words from one of them because I tried not to look at the word count while writing and not editing, so I can't. Sorry.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Whenever I see a warning (read warnings before reading) that made me feel uncomfortable. Commenting negatively how a fic made me uncomfortable would be a waste of time. 0/10 do not do this, readers and writers.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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